From: Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 21:43:01 EST Mario Party This is my Mario Party Mini Game Guide 2 vs. 2 Minigames Deep Sea Divers 1 person is in the boat and the other in the blue. The one in the water dives for the chest while the other moves the boat so the swim back is shorter leaving more time to grab more. Desert Dash What this game is, is cross contry skiing in the desert. You work togeth with you're teammate by moving your feet. Bombsketball All this minigame is is basketball. If you start with the bomb --er ball, allow your teammate to run interference while you shoot the easy jump shot. Handcar Havoc Tear down the track at top speed. When the car comes up on two wheels, push the control stick the opposite way so you don't fall into the lava. Bobsled Run Work together to be the first on the track for an advantage. To get ahead watch for the zip pads. 1 vs. 3 Minigames Bash n' Crash One player is in a Bowser suit and the others whack you with hammers to get coins. Be very fast on your feet to win. Tug o' War One player is dressed up like Bowser and is against the other three. Rotate your control stick quickly to pull on the rope. Bowl Over One player has the shell and the others are mixed in with the pins. Knock em' down and win. Piranha's Pursuit You run from a plant while the others feed it rain. Stupid to me, but fun. Coin Shower Flower You are on a flower on a pedistal while the others circle around it on a river. Coins rain down but to win them you must stay on the flower. Coin Block Blast You have a hammer and you use it to stop the others from breaking the boxes and getting coins. Pipe Maze You pick which pipe the coins will come from and the others set up. If you don't pick the right one just say Bye-Bye money. Paddle Battle Your on one side of a raft and the others are on the other. Paddle quickly or get bonked by Shy Guys and lose coins. Tight Rope Treachery You're on a tight rope. Get to the other side to get coins while the others try to knock you off with connonballs. 4-Player Minigames Face Lift Like at the beginning of Super Mario 64, change Bowser's face to look like the one in the middle of the screen. Skateboard Scamper While dashing to the other side you'll be jumping over blocks, watching for hanging coins, and not falling off. Whew! Crazy Cutter Use you're jackhammer to trace over the picture on the floor. Balloon Burst Blow up and pop Bowser's balloon first Hot Bob'omb Just like Hot Potato. Pass around the bomb and don't be the holding it. Box Mountain Mayhem There's a hill of boxes and you have to break the to try to find coins, but some will bounce you away from the hills. Platform Peril Climb up the stairs before the blocks fall out from under you and watch out for the sliding pyramids. Mushroom Mix-up Jump on the color mushroom when Toad says it befor the other one falls out from under you. Treasure Divers Find as many chest as you can while dodging the shark and jelly fish. Grab Bag You have a money bag, they have a money bag. Steal their money by watching yours Bumper Balls Bump your opponints off of the small platforms. Tipsy Tourney Move along the platform and uncover the hidden picture. Bombs Away Stay on the platform while dodging Shy Guy bombs. Mario Bandstand If you conduct, make up the notes. If not, play only when you're told to. Cast Aways Cast at three rows of coins and try to collects lot's of money. Hammer Drop Collect coins from the hammer brother while watching out for hammers flung down at you. Shy Guy Says Follow the Shy Guys flag signals by pressing the A and B buttons. Key-pa-Way Pass the key around and get to the lock while looking out for the baddies. Work Together! Buried Treasure Bury around the ground while uncovering underground signs looking for the treasure. Running Of The Bulb Pass around the bulb to plug it in so it scares away Big Boo. Hot Rope Jump Clear the fiery rope 20 times to win the coins. Slot Car Derby Win the race by going around the course three times. 1 Player Minigames Memory Match 9 squares, 4 matches. You have thirty seconds to find those matches. Knock Block Tower Knock out all of the wooden boxes while watching out for the Thwomps to get the coin chest. Limbo Dance Make it through the limbo dance to win the coins. Slot Machine Have fun at the casino! Petal Power Petal quick to start the light to scare off Big Boo. Whack-a-Plant Whack the Pirahna Plants to win coins Shell Game Should be called the Don't Blink Game, you find the shell with the chest under it. Too bad you only get one chance. Ghost Guess Guess which ghost is real by watching their shadows. Ground Pound Pound the poles. But, butterfleis cover them. So, you say, some are sharp poles that make you lose coins. Teetering Towers Jump across the ten towers to get the coins Chance Game Stomp underneath the block to get the faces to stop. This minigame could change every score of every player.