_______ _______ _ _ _______ _______ |__ __| | ___ | | | | | | _____| |__ __| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____ | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____ | | | _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_| | | |___| | | |___| | _____| | | | |_____| |_______| |_______| |_______| |_| Copyright Atari 1983, 1987 Written By Brian P. Sulpher E-mail: briansulpher@hotmail.com Version 1.0 Dates Written: October 16th to October 17th, 2007 I dedicate this to the NES fans out there, as this one is part of the NES FAQ completion Project of 2004-2007, courtesy of the FAQ Contributor Board. We honour the most truly awesome and great system... the Nintendo Entertainment System! Never mind about Atari, Commodore 64, Colecovision, Sega Master System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Genesis, or any of the newer systems, we all know that the good old NES is where true gaming is at! Also, for Cougar. I miss you, and I hope you are living it up in the afterlife as you did in this world. You will always be in my memories, and you will never be forgotten. Also, In memory of Howler and Koonce. You two never had a good start in your lives, but you had a good time when you spent your time at my house. It was oh so unfortunate that you both had your already tragic lives cut short, but I can only hope that I helped make your life a more enjoyable experience. You too will be missed, but not forgotten. ----------- Version 1.0 ----------- -Submitted guide on October 17th, 2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Table Of Contents------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Controls 3) Rules 4) Pieces 5) Scoring 6) Strategies 7) Final Word ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Introduction---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Joust was an arcade game that never made too many waves in the throes of Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, and the other classic titles, but it remained a solid title that managed to secure arcade owners a lot of quarters. Flying on your ostrich mount, delicate flight paths must be used to out duel the opposition and their mounts, collecting the eggs that are dropped, lest they hatch begin to attack with renewed vigor. Add onto that a Lava Troll and a Pterodactyl, and you and your poor mount are going to have to scramble to keep safe in this dangerous world of lances and flung feathers! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Controls------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) This section will list all of the controls you will need to know to become master of the dueling skies! D-Pad : LEFT and RIGHT move the ostrich mount in the corresponding direction pressed. SELECT : No apparent use. START : Pauses/unpauses the game. B Button: When held down the Jouster's mount will flap his wings continually. A Button: Flaps the wings of the ostrich, but each flap must be pressed individually. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Rules------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) This section will review the rules of Joust. Although simplistic in design, it will take great practice to get proficient enough to dominate the game. o----------o | Jousting | o----------o i) Simply put, the higher jouster in elevation when contact is made will win the bout. This includes landing right on top of a foe, despite the lance not even being in position to make contact. ii) If the two jousters run into one another at exactly the same heights, then the two jousters will bounce off one another and change direction. The rebound will be at full speed since no force is exchanged between the two combatants. iii) When a jouster is defeated, an egg will drop to the ground, bounding to a stop. If the egg is not crushed by your ostrich, a new rider will hatch (one level higher on the difficulty scale than before), and a new mount will appear to help the rider start a new reign of terror in the skies. o-------------o | Pterodactyl | o-------------o i) The mighty Pterodactyl will appear on any wave when you are taking too long to clear out the enemy ranks or on specific waves where they are a regular foe. ii) Although they seem invincible, they are in fact killable. However, unlike with the enemy jousters, to defeat the Pterodactyl you must get a head on attack, lining up your lance with the mouth of the flying beast. Any other height or side of your body will result in an instant kill for the monster. o---------o | Running | o---------o Running occurs in four levels of speed, and they are as follows: i) One tap will cause the jouster to walk, and stopping the movement will result in an immediate stop. ii) Two taps will cause the jouster to trot, and stopping the movement will result in a small skidding stop. iii) Three taps will cause the jouster to run, and stopping the movement will result in a medium skidding stop. iv) Four taps will cause the jouster to sprint, and stopping the movement will result in a long skidding stop. This means that the faster you are running along the ground, the longer it takes to regain control of your mount. o---------------------o | Dueling Area Set-Up | o---------------------o i) The dueling area begins off with all of the ledges, and wooden bridges covering the lava pools. ii) After a couple more waves, the lava will rise enough to burn off the wooden bridges, bringing the Lava Troll into play. iii) At random intervals through out the game after "ii", some platforms will disappear and then reappear. iv) Every few waves, An Egg Wave will occur, meaning that all the jousters have to hatch, so grab as many eggs as you can before the riders can take flight. o-------------o | Extra Lives | o-------------o Every 20000 points collected, an extra life belongs to the jouster. As the waves progress, the points will quickly add up and it will take 1-2 waves to get each extra life. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Enemies------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) This section will look at each enemy and obstacle within the game. o----------o | Jousters | o----------o Name.....: Bounder Helmet...: Red Behaviour: Slow movers, they will wander around the map in lazy flying arcs, seeking out your mount to try and unseat you. Not a big challenge, just beware of the wrap around screen attack. Name.....: Hunter Colour...: White Behaviour: Faster than the Bounders, they are also more aggressive, changing their flight heights every now and then. They actively seek out your mount, but they can be confused by wrap around movements. Name.....: Shadow Lord Colour...: Blue Behaviour: Fast as streaks of lightning, these top jousters are able to fly around with ability to change flight heights at will. If they are able to get away from your mount, it is best to try and get to higher ground to attempt the takedown. o----------o | Monsters | o----------o Name.....: Lava Troll Behaviour: Found in the lava pools in the bottom two corners of the battle arena, they are not in play until the start of the third wave, when they burn off the wooden bridges in the rising lava. Once free, they will stick their hand up out of the lava, ensnaring any mount that draws too near, holding mounts in place (easy killings) and trying to drag the ensnared mount down into the lava (repeatedly flap to get away). Name.....: Pterodactyl Behaviour: Flying across the screen at a rapid rate, the Pterodactyl is simply seeking to decimate your mount in a hurry. They can change their flight height area, meaning they are always a threat, so be really wary of them when they appear. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Scoring------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) This section will look at the scoring rules within the game. o---------o | Enemies | o---------o Bounder....: 500 Hunter.....: 1000 Shadow.....: 1500 Pterodactyl: 1000 o----------------o | Egg Collection | o----------------o Egg Collection begins at 250, and adds another 250 per egg collected without dying on a wave, capping at 1000. When a new wave begins, the scoring reverts back to the base 250 mark and starts the cycle anew. If an egg is allowed to hatch, a new mount for the waiting rider will come on screen. However, if the waiting rider is stepped on before the new mount gets there, then the foes is defeated, and it counts in the egg cycle of points that you have going at that moment. o--------------------o | Egg Air Grab Bonus | o--------------------o If a foe is defeated and the egg is grabbed in the air, a bonus of 250 points will be awarded for the first egg, with 500 points for each additional egg grabbed before they touch the ground. This cycle of scoring begins anew with each new wave or after each death for your jouster. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Strategies---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) This section will look at great ways to run your score up, and to make your game play a little easier. i) The most important ability for any jouster is gaining complete and total control of your flapping mount. When you have full ability of flying, steering, and running, you can navigate past foes and get into advantageous positions to take out foes. ii) Pterodactyls are rather difficult to kill, so it is likely for the best to avoid them and kill the remaining jousters in a hurry, making the Pterodactyl disappear. iii) If you have to tangle with the Pterodactyl, try to stand on a platform and bait the Pterodactyl into diving down at your jouster, performing one flap to leap into the air ever so slightly, as the Pterodactyl will try to rise up a bit himself as he draws near, so this will allow you to defeat the beasts with some regularity. iv) Although it may be tempting to leave eggs lying on the ground and go after other riders before picking up said eggs, but this can lead to a brutal situation where the jousters will rejoin the fight, bringing their improved speed, aggression, and control to the party. Never make more than three eggs at a time, as collecting the spread out lovelies can prove to be too difficult otherwise. v) After being defeated, quickly scan each entry point for the jouster that has spawned, as the invincibility you enjoy does not last very long, meaning the foes will be able to kill you again in short order. vi) After reappearing, it is also advisable to not get greedy and go after a nearby foe immediately, as they will often rise faster than you can, resulting in another quick death for you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Final Word---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) As is the usual, this walkthrough is copyright property of Brian P. Sulpher, 2007. The only website, group, person, etc. to have access to post it is www.gamefaqs.com, www.ign.com, www.retronintendo.com, and www.honestgamers.com. You must ask for permission before posting this, as doing so without consent is a violation of international copyright law. If you liked it, hated it, have anything to add, then please E-mail me at briansulpher@hotmail.com. You can also contact me through MSN messenger through the same E-mail address.