Joust Mini-FAQ for NES >>>>>>>>>> ============================================================ mini-faq v0.50 for the NES from HAL licensed to Nintendo(c) ------------------------------------------------------------ the game - what is it? and how much ($8.99? at funcoland) joust is a translation of the williams arcade classic, it retains all the basic elements of the arcade game, and has two difficulty levels for 1 or 2 players, the animation is pretty decent and the sound effects are pretty good also, another good addition to the arcade classics collector ratings gameplay - 10/10 - intuitive, but challenging sounds - 9.5/10 - close enough,pterodactyl needs work graphics - 10/10 - animations are well done music - N/A - doesn't even matter overall 29.5 /30 or 9.8 / 10 verdict - if you liked joust, this is exactly what you want (until the jag version comes out w/defender 2000) anyway of course the mac version will blow this away, but for $8.99 you can't beat it. [there are versions for the pc (shareware ,uggh) atari 2600,5200, and 7800 i think along with the atari 400/800/1200/XL series which are better in some ways] important note - defender/joust is coming out for the gameboy/supergboy but JOUST is made into a scrolling game, since it would be too small to fit it all on the screen at once (this is from the demo i saw of it ) HOW DISSAPOINTING !!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU STILL READING THIS?!!!!! HURRY UP AND FIND IT AND BUY IT!!!!!!!!! THE TWO PLAYER MODE IS AWESOME !!! IF THIS ISN'T ONE OF THE BEST GAMES FOR THE NES, ALONG WITH DEFENDER 2 WHAT IS??!! anyway gameplay - 2 choices A and B, B is harder, A is easier 1 player or 2 player simultaneous compatibility - new mini nes controller - yes classic controller - yes nintendo joystick - yes gameplay - several stages ( i haven't gotten far enough to see if they repeat) - pterodactyls still in game (not sure if there are multiple ones) - you can't stay on a platform where the enemies come out, you get hit and die - you start with 5 lives , i don't know if you get any more - one control B, to flap, you can hold it down to flap continuously - the hand over the lava is still there, but i don't think you can trap the bounders (see enemies) and sit in the middle and kill pterodactyls all day - egg waves are still there - pterodactyls come out incredibly fast, you barely have time to clear the stages - left - left right - right on the controls - once you kill an enemy they leave an egg, it goes from red to silver to blue and it stays blue (i think?) enemies - bounders - the red guys that get picked up, and are easy to kill, fly straight in a predictable pattern hunters? - the silver guys that are slightly harder to kill, sometimes are a little more unpredictable shadow lords- the bad blue guys that are very hard to kill, fly right at you , and are very fast pterodactyl - very hard to kill, comes out if you take too long (lava beast)- a hand that grabs anything that comes out on both sides of the lava screen layout (not to scale) --base, ++enemies appear, // lava, ~~`ground ======================================================================= _/_ pterodactyl o eggs '\\ ` --------- ------------ ~~~```~~` ```~~~~~-~` -------+++--------- ~~~````===~```~~~` man waiting to be picked up ----+++------ o ------+++ ~~~~-`_~`~~~ '|` ````~~~-------- -------'-`----- ````--~~ ``~~~`~`~~~~` grabbing hand o (man and bird) flames / \ ` |' /~ \|/ --{}/_ ~|~\ / -------------------------+++--/\-------------- ~/`~ ////////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~`~`~``~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~~~\\\\\\\\\\\\\ differences - you cannot eat away at the pixels under the bases - no infinite pterodactyl trick - sound effects are different - no extra men(?) - don't know how many levels it goes to high scores - 157 300 (by me) [ 45 minutes?] arcade - 17 400 000+ (by me) credits - Nintedo - for the NES - for the license HAL - for the game WILLIAMS - for the original rg - work and research copy rights - everthings copyrighted by everybody, so what! if you're gonna be illegal, i'm not gonna stop you, and neither is this. -rg =============================================================