Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 23:41:01 -0700 (PDT) Monter Truck Madness General Tips by Lord Chaos the Seventeenth ( Sections 0. Stuff 1. Best tip of all 2. The Trucks 3. The on track items 4. Passwords (from Gamesages) Section 0 Ok, this is my first FAQ of any type, so if you don't like it, tough. Also please don't steal any of what little there is here, and if you must, ask me first. Section 1 The best tip of all: Don't go top speed! In most racing games holding the acceleration button down is good, not here. I tryed it the first time I played and, well you couldn't keep me on the road with super glue. Kepp the RPM meteer out of the red, except in two circumstances. Both of which are described below. Section 2: The Trucks Black Stallion Snake Bite Samson Rampage Overkill The Outsiders Nitemare Monster Patrol (My favorite in the looks department) Hollywood Hogan (Uh oh, it's the black hummer!) The Hitman Executioner Grave Digger (The Goldberg of monster trucks) Carolina Crusher Boogey Van Bigfoot Bear Foot Police Truck Wildfoot Stinger (looks kinda like a scorpion) Firestone Section 3: Items Bottle of Oil: Does what is expected, puts a puddle of oil on the track, make trucks spin. Usually stays on the track for the entire race. Missle Launcher: Gives you three truck seeking missles. One of the best items in my opinion. save these for when you're stcuk in the back. Atomic Bomb: This sucker will shirnk those trucks from monsters to mice in no time. I don't see any way to avoid this. Lightning Shield: This sucker's good when all the trucks are clumped together. It'll protect your truck from the others, and send those guys flying! Not very useful when your in front though. Helicopter: Stop! Hover time! This baby'll allow you to fly over nearly anything in your way. Just be careful when you use this, stay on the track, and try and stay low, or else you might tip. When I'm using this is one of the two times I'm holding the button down. Blue Diamond: This lil gem will cause your truck to become ghost-like. You can drive through almost anything with this. Pretty useful anytime. Nitro: Makes you go faster, duh! Well I rarely use this sucker. Use this thing only on a stariaght away, and a long one at that. This is the only other time I'm holding the accelerator. Section 4: Codes YRDR - Little tires (low rider mode) JMPNG - Puts a picture of a programmer or something all over, haven't tried it personally. Y-WNT-T - Unlimited missles, go wild man! (Haven't tested) Passwords: Beginer: Ruins GMFKLB04 Junk Yard JM<>7 The Heights M\/LQRR Voodoo Island PQ>T* *LTXGR Greenhill Pass SWOJK9H Wasteland V\/* Z00RZ3MNCL^7 Aztec Valley Y\/X23* 26PQF>D*9F Alpine Challenge --- Death Trap --- Medium: Ruins GBGJ5MTL Junk Yard JMJMQL7S The Heights MJMPT>XRN Voodoo Island PJPSWR0*89R Greenhill Pass SBSV2*3XBC^4 \/ Wasteland VBVY2X60\/FD7BM2 Aztec Valley YFY15093H Junk Yard JGJKLJP* The Heights MSMN>M7QW Voodoo Island PKPQRP^T793 Greenhill Pass SKST*SDW\/ C61R Wasteland VOVWXVGZDF9463R Aztec Valley YGY209YJ2G CV32KC Special thanks goes to: Jeremiah 'Digger' Sahlberg for talking me into renting this one.