MK4 Glitches FAQ for Rev. 3 [Arcade] from BADRoCK e-mail: Updated: July 14, 1998 Invisable Player Glitch VS Human Or CPU: human Placement On Screen: corner Must Use: Sub Zero Against: any character * In order to make your character invisable, you need to play a game of 2 on 2. Have team #1 consisting of any characters you want, having the second character on the team the one you would like the be invisable. Have team #2 consist of Sub Zero and any other character you want. Now get the first character of team #1 in danger and in the corner, with team #2's Sub Zero standing right next to them. Have team #1's character jump straight up in the corner, and while they are at the peak of their jump, have team #2's Sub Zero do a up-forward hop kick with HK, immediatly followed by a Ice Clone. The hop kick will kill the character, and they will get frozen simutaniously with the explosion, making all the exploding body parts frozen as well. Now, the second team member is invisable! Better yet, this glitch turns off collisions, so he can only be damaged with throws and breaks. Be carefull, if the invisable character loses it will crash the game. Play around with this glitch..... some Fatalities can be done invisable as well. Reptile Vs. Scorpion Glitch VS Human Or CPU: both Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: Reptile Against: Scorpion * When you do Reptiles 2nd Fatality against Scorpion, it will freeze the game near the end of the animation, then force the machine to reset. This is by far the saddest glitch that has been uncovered so far. Tanya's Sticky Fingers Glitch VS Human Or CPU: human Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: Tanya Against: any character * Do the code 002 - 002 on any stage that has props (boulders, heads, etc.). This is the code that is supposed to make your character not lose their weapon, but Tanya can easily lose her by throwing it (LP) and then being in the air when it comes back. After you have lost your weapon, pick up the stage prop and Tanya will go through the animation of throwing it. After she is done with the animation, it will be stuck too her hand! You are now able to use it as a weapon, controlling it liked the spiked club.. Once your opponent hits you, weather you are blocking or not you will lose it, but you can pick it up at any time and repeat the glitch. Dead Man Attacks VS Human Or CPU: both Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: any character Against: any character * I have noticed that after the final hit of a match, the losing character can perform a move as they get up into the dizzy animation. The most recent occurance I have seen was with Johnny Cage uppercutting up, but I am assuming it can be done with everyone, and possibly with other moves than uppercuts. Floating Fatalities VS Human Or CPU: both Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: any character Against: any character * If you jump in the air, do the fatality motion very quickly and make the last button tap RIGHT before you hit the ground. Your character will freeze while he is in the air/jump animation, then proceed to go into the fatality animation while he is floating slightly above the ground. Fujin's Win Pose Overide VS Human Or CPU: both Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: Fujin Against: any character * During the "Fatality Time" at the end of a match, do Fujin's tornado move. When the fatality time runs out, your opponent will fall to the ground, and you will continue to do your tornado. You can move freely with the tornado, and you can pick up your oppoent after they fall to the ground, or you can release LP and you will go into the win pose. Fujin's Tornado Glitch VS Human Or CPU: both Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: Fujin Against: any character * Every now and then, usually immediatly after a combo, when you do Fujin's tornado, it will not have the wind around it. Happy Corner Hops VS Human Or CPU: both Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: any character Against: any character * When you have your opponent in the corner, make the final hit of the round a jump kick, then hold up-forward or up-back and tap a punch/kick button over and over. You will keep jump kicking instead of going into you win pose animation. Shinnok's Magic Slide VS Human Or CPU: computer Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: Sub Zero, or Shinnok impersinating Sub Zero Against: Shinnok * When you are playing as Sub Zero against CPU Shinnok, freeze Shinnok while he is running. Then, freeze Shinnok again for double freeze backfire. When you do this, Shinnok will slide accross the Screen with his armed cocked for an uppercut, and hit you when he gets close enough. If you do it from far away, he will miss the first uppercut, then get closer and do another uppercut that connects. Boulder Glitch VS Human Or CPU: computer Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: any character Against: any character * When you are playing against the computer on a level that has items (rocks, spiked balls, heads...), try to throw the computer player when they try to throw one at you. If your throw attempt triggers them to throw you, they will go through the throw animation with the object still in their hand. Usually, right after they throw you, they will throw the rock off of their hand, but I have seen the computer run accross the screen with it on their hand before they get rid of it. Frozen Shinnok Animation VS Human Or CPU: computer Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: Sub Zero, or Shinnok impersinating Sub Zero Against: Shinnok * When you are playing as Sub Zero against CPU Shinnok, there is a way to make him go through his death animation while he is still frozen blue. When you are in the last round before you win, and you have more damage than him, you need to let time run out while he is frozen. Basicly, avoid him the whole round and then freeze him when there is 3 seconds remaining. This will cause the game to zoom in on him while he is still frozen blue, and it will go through the whole ending scene with him blue. Scorpions Breaker Glitch VS Human Or CPU: human Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: Scorpion Against: any character * After you do a breaker with Scorpion, immediatly do the flame afterwards. If your opponent blocks the flame, it will warp them to right next to you. Goro's Lair Pit Glitch VS Human Or CPU: both Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: any character Against: any character * On occasion, you can do the pit fatality in Goro's Lair and the uppercut will miss completely, leaving your opponent in his dizzy animation while the camera pans up to show the spikes. I am still unsure if this can be done intentially or if it is strictly random... I will report more information about it if it becomes available. Combo Counter Glitch VS Human Or CPU: both Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: Sub Zero, or Shinnok impersinating Sub Zero Against: anyone * On some rare occasions, the combo counter will say the number of hits, than just a % damage without an actual percentage. Example: 4-hits % Damage All the times I have seen this happen have been with Sub Zero combos. I have found that combos that involve only Staff freezes and hits usually result in this. One sure way to get it is:with the weapon out... freeze, B+HP, B+LP, B+HP, B+LP Meat Glitch VS Human Or CPU: computer Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: Meat Against: any character * After you get meat playable, beat the game with meat and it will crash the machine. _________________________________________________________________ This page and all of it's content are ©1998 Patrick Hartman, Some names, logos, artwork, characters and screen shots are © Midway and all it's respective subsidaries.