MK4 Gitches FAQ for N64 from BADRoCK e-mail: Updated: July 14, 1998 Kai's Knife Glitch VS Human Or CPU: both Placement On Screen: in the corner Must Use: Kai Against: any character * When you are in the corner with Kai's weapon (curved knife), jump in with a very late HK, then hop HK, then do a standing HP. That will cause your opponent to appear behind you when they go into their hit animation. The only reason I can think of for this glitch is that it happens because you are actually farther into the corner than your opponent, so it gets confused. Dead Man Attacks VS Human Or CPU: both Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: any character Against: any character * I have noticed that after the final hit of a match, the losing character can perform a move as they get up into the dizzy animation. The most recent occurance I have seen was with Johnny Cage uppercutting up, but I am assuming it can be done with everyone, and possibly with other moves than uppercuts. Floating Fatalities VS Human Or CPU: both Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: any character Against: any character * If you jump in the air, do the fatality motion very quickly and make the last button tap RIGHT before you hit the ground. Your character will freeze while he is in the air/jump animation, then proceed to go into the fatality animation while he is floating slightly above the ground. Happy Corner Hops VS Human Or CPU: both Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: any character Against: any character * When you have your opponent in the corner, make the final hit of the round a jump kick, then hold up-forward or up-back and tap a punch/kick button over and over. You will keep jump kicking instead of going into you win pose animation. Scorpions Breaker Glitch VS Human Or CPU: human Placement On Screen: anywhere Must Use: Scorpion Against: any character * After you do a breaker with Scorpion, immediatly do the flame afterwards. If your opponent blocks the flame, it will warp them to right next to you. _________________________________________________________________ This page and all of it's content are ©1998 Patrick Hartman, Some names, logos, artwork, characters and screen shots are © Midway and all it's respective subsidaries.