KINGDOM MK - MORTAL KOMBAT 4 - PLAY AS KITANA ON A GAMESHARK Updated: 7/28/98 - Note: If text goes off the screen during printing, either adjust your margins or decrease the font size. ************************************************************************** Many people don't know that Kitana was going to be a secret character in the arcade version of Mortal Kombat 4. Her 3-D model, textures, and even her moves, weapon, and fatalities were programmed into the main code of the early betas of Mortal Kombat 4. It is believed that Boon, noticing the lack of new and original characters in the game, disabled Kitana and converted her color palette from black to yellow, and changed her moves, thus creating Tanya. However, Kitana's information and textures were NEVER removed from MK4's code, mainly because her textures and 3-D model are still used in Liu Kang's ending. Because the PSX and N64 versions are straight ports of the arcade version, they use much of the same code. Therefore, the ability to play as Kitana is definately there, seeing that she has already been programmed in, she is simply dormant. Now, via a Gameshark, you can enable Kitana and play as her, with all of her moves, in the Nintendo 64 version of MK4. The PSX version will NOT play Kitana. If you force it to, the game freezes. Her moves, however are in the game and you can assign the moves to another character, provided Shinnok is your opponent. Why can't you play as Kitana in the PSX Version? Here's the reason why: In the N64 version of MK4, Kitana's textures and 3-D model are necessary for Liu Kang's real-time polygonal ending. Therefore, Eurocom programmers left that code, with her moves and all, in the game. However, the PSX version, unlike the arcade, uses full-motion video endings, therefore none of Kitana's textures and/or model are needed in the game, so the programmers of the PSX version deleted all of that code. For some reason, they still left her moves in the game, so that is why you can only use her moves in the PSX Version. Below are the codes to either play as Kitana (N64), or use her moves (PSX). *************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------ PLAY AS KITANA - NINTENDO 64 ONLY! ------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT NOTE: A Gameshark is necessary for this code to work! For more information on Gamesharks, ask your local video game retailer or visit 1) Enter this code: 800fe293 0010 2) Begin the game and start a match. 3) Select any character. It won't matter which character you select, he/she will automatically be replaced with Kitana. 4) Once the "Choose your Destiny" screen comes up, choose a tower, then IMMIDEATLY press all of the buttons so it doesn't zoom up on the tower. If it does this, the game will freeze and you will be forced to reset. 5) Kitana does not have a portrait file (select screen image). The N64 cart will read the memory file to prevent it from crashing. ------------------------------------------------- PLAY w/ KITANA'S MOVES - SONY PLAYSTATION ONLY! ------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE: A Gameshark is necessary for this code to work! For more information on Gamesharks, ask your local video game retailer or visit 1) Enter these three codes: 800aac24 0006 - P2 is Shinnok 800BFD6C 0010 - P1 uses Kitana's Moves 800BFE54 0010 - P2 uses Kitana's Moves 2) Begin the game and start a match. 3) Player 1 can select anyone. It doesn't matter who you select, Kitana's moves will automatically be given to him/her. Make sure that Player 2 is SHINNOK, otherwise Kitana's moves will not be used for Player 1. 4) As long as Player 2 is Shinnok, Player 1 will use Kitana's moves. If you do the weapon move (F,F,HK) a Bowie Knife will come out no matter who Player 1 is physically, even though it plays like Tanya's Boomerang. 5) You CAN use the "Play as Kitana" code (800fe293 0010), but during the game, the CD crashes when trying to load the portrait file, also known as the select screen image, which wasn't included on the PSX CD. ------------------------------------------------- KITANA'S MOVES AND FATALITIES - N64 AND PSX ------------------------------------------------- Weapon: F, F, HK (A fan in the N64 version; a Bowie Knife in the PSX version) Fireball: F, D, LP (Also in Air) Sqaure Wave Punch: F, B, HK Fatality #1 (Torso Rip): F, B, D, D, HK (Close) Fatility #2 (Split): U, D, D, U, HK Prison Stage: D, D, B, B, HK (Close) Goro's Lair: D, F, D, F, HK (Close) ---------------------------------------------------------- (c) 1998, Kingdom MK -