KINGDOM MK - MORTAL KOMBAT 4 MINI MOVES LIST - NINTENDO 64 Updated: 7/9/98 - Note: If text goes off the screen during printing, either adjust your margins or decrease the font size. ************************************************************************** BASIC MOVES: Note: Stage Fatalities must be Pick Up Weapon/Rock/Head: D+RUN performed in the proper 3-D Movement: L Button (Default) stage and close to your 3-D Movement Downward: R Button (Default) opponent. Throw Weapon: Same as takeout move. * = Finishing Move Alternate Costumes: Distance Key: Hold Start and press any button # = Close % = Sweep while the character is highlighted. $ = Full Screen ************************************************************************** SCORPION ----------------------------- | SUB-ZERO -------------------------- Weapon: Jagged Edged Sword (F, F, HK) | Weapon: Freeze Staff (B, D, F, HK) Spear: B, B, LP | Ice Blast: B, D, F, LP Teleport: F, D, B, LP | Clone: F, D, B, LP (Also in Air) Fire Breathe: D, F, HP | Slide: B+LP+BLK+LK Air Throw: BLK (In Air) | * Fat. #1:(BLK+RUN)F, B, F,D,HP (#) * Fat. #1: B, F, F, B, BLK (%) | * Fat. #2: B, B, D, B+HP (%) * Fat. #2: BLK(B, F, D, U+HP) (#) | * Prison Stage: BLK(D, U, U, U, HK) * Goro's Lair Fatal: B, F, F, LK | * Goro's Lair Fatal: D, D, D, LK * Prison Stage Fatal: F, D, D, LK | JOHNNY CAGE ------------------------ REIKO -------------------------------- | Weapon: Flat Sword (F, D, F, LK) Weapon: Spiked Club (D, B, HP) | Shadow Kick: B, F, LK Teleport: D, U (BLK to throw) | Shadow Uppercut: B, D, B, HP Circular Teleport: D, B, F | Nut Punch: BLK+LK Shurikens: D, F, LP | Low Fireball: B, D, B, LP Flip Kick: B, D, F, HK | High Fireball: B, D, F, HP * Fat. #1: F, D, F, LP+BLK+HK+LK (%) | * Fat. #1: F, B, D, D, HK (#) * Fat. #2: B, B, D, D, HK (%) | * Fat. #2: D, D, F, D, BLK (#) * Goro's Lair Fatal: F, F, D, LK | * Goro's Lair Fatal: B, F, F, LK * Prison Stage Fatal: D, D, B, LP | * Prison Stage Fatal: D, D, F, F,HK | SONYA -------------------------- LIU KANG ----------------------------- | Weapon: Spinning Blades (F, F, LK) Weapon: Jagged Sword (B, F, LK) | Rings: B, D, F, LP High Fireball: F, F, HP (Also in Air) | Leg Throw: D+LP+BLK Low Fireball: F, F, LP | Square Wave Punch: F, B, HP Flying Kick: F, F, HK (Also in Air) | Air Throw: BLK (In Air) Bicycle Kick: Hold LK; Release | Cartwheel: B, D, F, LK * Fat. #1: F, F, F, D, BLK+LK+HK (%) | * Fat. #1: BLK(D, D, D, U, RUN) (%) * Fat. #2: BLK(F, D, D, U, HP) (#) | * Fat. #2: BLK(U, D, D, U, HK) (%) * Goro's Lair Fatal: F, F, B, HK | * Goro's Lair Fatal: F, D, F, HP * Prison Stage Fatal: F, F, B, LP | * Prison Stage Fatal: D, D, B, B,HK FUJIN -------------------------------- | KAI -------------------------- Weapon: Crossbow (B, B, LP) | Weapon: Bladed Staff (F, D, B, LP) Spin Throw: F, D, LP (Hold LP to Spin)| Hand Stand: BLK+LK Levitation: F, D, F, HP | - Leg Throw: LK - Slam: B, F, D, LK | - Hand Spin: Hold LP Dive Kick: D+LK (In Air) | Rising Fireball: F, F, HP Flying Knee: B, D, F, HK | Falling Fireball: B, B, LP * Fat. #1: RUN+BLK 4 Times (%) | Super Roundhouse: D, F, LK * Fat. #2: BLK(D, F, F, U) BLK (%) | * Fat. #1: BLK(U, F, U, B, HK) (#) * Goro's Lair Fatal: B, F, B, HP | * Fat. #2: BLK(U, U, U, D) BLK (%) * Prison Stage Fatal: D, D, D, HK | * Prison Stage Fatal: F, F, D, HK | * Goro's Lair Fatal: B, F, D, HK REPTILE ------------------------------ | RAIDEN -------------------------- Weapon: Axe (B, B, HK) | Weapon: Mallet (F, B, HP) Acid Spit: B, D, F, HP | Lightning Bolt: F, D, B, LP Invisibility: BLK+HK | Teleport: D, U Dash Punch: B, F, LP | Torpedo Dive: F, F, LK Super Krawl: B, F, LK | * Fat. #1: BLK(F, B, U, U, HK) (#) * Fat. #1: Hold HP+HK+LP+LK, U (#) | * Fat. #2: BLK(D, U, U, U, HP) (#) * Fat. #2: BLK(U, D, D, D, HP) (%) | * Goro's Lair Fatal: F, F, D, LP * Goro's Lair Fatal: D, D, F, HK | * Prison Stage Fatal: D, F, B, BLK * Prison Stage Fatal: D, F, F, LP | JAREK -------------------------- QUAN CHI ----------------------------- | Weapon: Large Sword (F, F, HP) Weapon: Scimitar (F, D, B, HK) | Cannonball: B, F, LK Air Throw: BLK (In Air) | Bodyslam Takedown: B, D, B, HK Green Skull: F, F, LP | Upwards Cannonball: F, D, F, HP Steal Weapon: F, B, HP | Blade Projectile: D, B, HP Slide: F, F, HK | * Fat. #1: F, B, F, F, LK (#) Slam: F, D, LK | * Fat. #2: BLK(U, U, F, F) BLK (%) * Fat. #1: Hold LK for 3 Secs | * Prison Stage Fatal: F, D, F, HK (F, D, F) Release; (#) | * Goro's Lair Fatal: B, F, F, LP * Fat. #2: U, U, D, D, LP (%) | JAX -------------------------- * Goro's Lair Fatal: F, F, B, LK | Weapon: Spiked Club (D, F, HP) * Prison Stage Fatal: F, F, D, HP | Dashing Punch: F, D, B, LP TANYA -------------------------------- | Ground Pound: F, F, D, LK Weapon: Boomerang (F, F, HK) | Backbreaker: BLK (In Air) Fireball: B, D, F, HP (Also in Air) | Missle: D, B, LP Splits Kick: F, D, B, LK | Quad Throw: LP(close), RN+BL+HK, Corkscrew Kick: F, F, LK | HP+LP+LK, HP+BL+LK, * Fat. #1: BLK(D, D, U, D) HP+BLK (#) | HP+LP+HK+LK * Fat. #2: D, F, D, F, HK (#) | * Fat. #1: Hold LK for 3 Secs * Prison Stage Fatal: B, F, D, HP | (F, F, D, F) Release; (#) * Goro's Lair Fatal: F, F, F, LP | * Fat. #2: B, F, F, D, BLK (#) NOOB SAIBOT -------------------------- | * Goro's Lair Fatal: F, F, B, HP (accessable by a hidden cheat code. | * Prison Stage Fatal: F, F, B, LK see below for details.) | GORO -------------------------- Weapon: Sickle (F, F, HK) | (accessable by a hidden cheat code. Fireball: D, F, LP (Also in Air) | see below for details.) Teleport: D, U (BLK to slam) | Weapon: None. * Fat. #1: | Fireball: F, B, HP * Fat. #2: | 2-Hand Smash: F, F, HP * Prison Stage Fatal: D, B, B, HK | Stomp: F, F, B, HK * Goro's Lair Fatal: F, D, F, HK | Ground Stomp: B, F, D, D, HK SHINNOK ------------------------------ | Fierce Kick #1: B, B, HK Weapon: Bladed Staff (B, F, LP) | Fierce Kick #2: D, D, HP Impersonations: | * Fat. #1: Kai: F, F, F, LK | * Fat. #2: Scorpion: F, B, LP | * Goro's Lair Fatal: Liu Kang: B, B, F, HK | * Prison Stage Fatal: Sonya: F, D, F, HP ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Jarek: B, B, B, LK Sub-Zero: D, B, LP Raiden: D, F, F, HP Quan Chi: F, B, F, LK Tanya: B, F, D, BLK Reptile: B, B, F, BLK Fujin: F, F, B, HK Jax: F, D, F, HK Reiko: B, B, B, BLK Johnny Cage: D, D, HP * Fat. #1: D, B, F, D, RUN (#) * Fat. #2: BLK(D, U, U, D) BLK (#) * Prison Stage Fatal: D, D, F, HK * Goro's Lair Fatal: BLK(U, D, B+HP) N64 MK4 HIDDEN CHEAT CODE: --------------------------- 1) Go to the "Options" Menu. 2) Highlight "Continue Options". 3) Hold BLK+RUN for around 10 seconds. You will hear Jarek's laugh, then a few seconds later, "Outstanding". A Cheat menu should appear. CHEAT OPTIONS: -------------------------- NOTE: You can ONLY enable 1 of the 4 options below at a time or else none of them will work. If all of them are enabled at once, FATALITY 1 will automatically be enabled. FATALITY 1 ON/OFF: Enabling this option gives you the ability to perform any character's 1st Fatality by uppercutting (D+HP) anywhere on the screen once the match has ended. FATALITY 2 ON/OFF: Enabling this option gives you the ability to perform any character's 2nd Fatality by uppercutting (D+HP) anywhere on the screen once the match has ended. LEVEL FATALITY ON/OFF: Enabling this option gives you the ability to perform a Goro's Lair Stage Fatality on any stage. With this option enabled, simply uppercut your opponent once you have defeated them. ENDING ON/OFF: Enabling this option gives you the ability to watch any character's ending after defeating only the first opponent in a 1-player game. HOW TO PLAY AS NOOB SAIBOT, GORO, AND MEAT: ---------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE: The HIDDEN CHEAT CODE listed above must be entered before you can play as Noob Saibot or Goro. TO PLAY AS GORO: 1) Make sure the HIDDEN CHEAT CODE has been entered. 2) On the select screen, highlight the HIDDEN button and press and hold down the RUN button. 3) Move up 3 spaces, and left 1 space to Shinnok's picture. Press and hold the BLK button. 4) Continue holding the BLK+RUN button until the CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY screen pops up. TO PLAY AS NOOB SAIBOT: 1) Make sure the HIDDEN CHEAT CODE has been entered. 2) On the select screen, highlight the HIDDEN button and press and hold down the RUN button. 3) Move up 2 spaces, and left 1 space to Reiko's picture. Press and hold the BLK button. 4) Continue holding the BLK+RUN button until the CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY screen pops up. TO PLAY AS MEAT: 1) Choose the GROUP button on the select screen. 2) Make your way through the GROUP mode, and defeat it. 3) Once the GROUP mode has been defeated, select any character. That character will automatically become Meat, with his/her moves. N64 MK4 KOMBAT KODES: -------------------------- 321-321: Big Head Mode 012-012: Noob Saibot Mode (Does Nothing) 123 123: One-Hit Win 020 020: Red Rain (Will take you to the Rain Stage) 050 050: Explosive Kombat 002 002: Invincible Weapons (Can't be knocked out) 100 100: Disable throws 010 010: Disable Max Damage 110 110: Disables Throws and Max Damage 111 111: Free Weapon (Random weapon falls) 222 222: Start With Random Weapon 333 333: Randper Kombat 444 444: Start With Weapons Drawn 555 555: Many Weapons (Lots of weapons fall) 666 666: Silent Kombat (No Music) 011 011: Goro's Lair (Spike Pit) 022 022: The Well (Scorpion's Stage) 033 033: Elder God's (Blue Face) 044 044: The Tomb Stage 055 055: The Rain Stage 066 066: Snake Stage 101 101: Shaolin Temple 202 202: Living Forest 303 303: Prison (Fan Stage) 313 313: Ice Pit ALTERNATE COSTUME SELECTION: ----------------------------- To flip anyone's icon, simply hold the START button and press any button. Here is a chart to see what costume you'll get depending on how many times you rotate the icon. FIGHTER: 1 ROTATION: 2 ROTATIONS: 3 ROTATIONS: Fujin Black & brown NORMAL SAME AS 1 Jarek Red & brown NORMAL SAME AS 1 Jax Black/purple pants All White Outfit SAME AS 1 Johnny Cage Black/red pants NORMAL Black Tuxedo Kai Green & black NORMAL Jacket & Jeans Liu Kang Black/blue pants All Black Outfit SAME AS 1 Quan Chi Black & red NORMAL SAME AS 1 Raiden White & red MK2 Costume SAME AS 1 Reiko Purple & black NORMAL SAME AS 1 Reptile Black & red Green Ninja Costume SAME AS 1 Scorpion Orange ninja outfit Grey Costume, No Mask SAME AS 1 Shinnok Yellow, red, & blue NORMAL SAME AS 1 Sonya Red & black NORMAL Pink, No Hat Sub-Zero No mask "Frozen" Costume SAME AS 1 Tanya Purple & black NORMAL Grey Dress Noob Saibot Black & grey NORMAL Black and White NOTE: If you do 2 and/or 3 rotations, you will get an alternate weapon in addition to the costume. This chart only shows the costume you'll get. ---------------------------------------------------------- (c) 1998, Kingdom MK -