-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MORTAL KOMBAT 4 VERSION 3.0 FAQ Originally Posted on 7/30/97. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 14.6a - Final Update Last Updated: 5/16/98 6:30PM http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/ ===================================================== I. WHAT'S NEW? Last Updated: 5/16/98 Changes since the previous revision of the FAQ. ===================================================== - v14.6a: Minor corrections to Shinnok's Impersonations and Stage Fatality. - v14.6: It's all over folks, the final 3 Fatalities, Sonya's, Liu Kang's, and Scorpion's, have all been discovered and added to the FAQ. This completes the move-finding for MK4, and this could possibly be the final update to the FAQ, after almost a year (June 30th, 1997 to April 22nd, 1998) of working. Thanks to MKX for the movements to the Fatalities. Enjoy! - v14.5: Raiden's 2nd Fatality added, thanks to Billy Pitt and Chris Harper from alt.games.mk for the movements. Reptile's 2nd Fatality glitch information added. - v14.4: Reptile's 2nd Fatality added, thanks to MKN for the movements. Corrections made to Reiko's 2nd Fatality description. - v14.3: Reiko's 2nd Fatality added, thanks to MKX for the movements. - v14.2: Fujin's Goro's Lair Fatality added. - v14.1: Shinnok's 2nd Fatality added, thanks to Dungeon Master. Small updates made to the STAGES section. - v14.0: Jax's 2nd Fatality added, thanks to MKX. Modifications to Jarek's 2nd Fatality description. Other small formatting and grammatical corrections. - v13.9: Jarek's and Quan Chi's 2nd Fatalities added, thanks to MKX. - v13.8: Shinnok's, Raiden's, Jax's, Kai's, and Johnny Cage's Goro's Lair Stage Fatality have been added. Only one Goro's Lair pit left to find, and thats for Fujin. Thanks once again to MKX and Dungeon Master for finding/confirming these. - v13.7: Scorpion's Goro's Lair Stage Fatality added. - v13.6a: Correction for Johnny Cage's 2nd Fatality movement. Spelling corrections and modifications to the Fatality descriptions have also been made. - v13.6: Johnny Cage's 2nd Fatality has been found by MKX. It has been added to the Character Moves section. - v13.5: Fujin's 2nd Fatality has been found by the Dungeon Master, and confirmed by MKX. Also, some fixes have been made to Tanya's Fatality description, and some more information on Meat in the "Secret Characters, Codes, and Tricks" section. - v13.4: Kai's second Fatality has been found. Thanks again to MKX for the movements. Some other revisions have also been made to the Weapons/Breakers section. Jarek's Goro's Lair Stage Fatality also added. - v13.3: A second Fatality for Sub-Zero and Tanya have been added. Remember, these are REVISION 3.0 Fatalities, which is the version that many people still don't have. To find out which version you're playing on, wait until you see the title screen during the attract mode (the one with the MK4 Logo), and you'll see a revision number on it. A big thanks goes out to the MKX for these movements. - v13.2: The CURRENT STATUS section has been updated with the latest on Revision 3.0. Also, the SECRET CHARACTERS, CODES, & TRICKS section has been updated with some tricks you can pull off in MK4. - v13.1: Minor formatting corrections and small additions/removals here and there. The CURRENT STATUS section has been updated with the latest news regarding Revision 3. - v13: This is it! This will hopefully be the final major revision of this FAQ, as long as there isn't another major revision of MK4 introduced in Chicago. Look around, a whole bunch of things have been changed/added. Every single section has gone under some revision. Three major sections have been added, SECRET CHARACTERS & CODES, WEAPON MOVES and CHARACTER ENDINGS. A big thanks goes out to the Lin Kuei Headquarters for use of their weapon movements and endings. Check out the LKHQ below: http://www.primenet.com/~srgalhad/mk/mk.htm - v10 through v12: These were updates for Version 1.0 of MK4. For more details on upgrades of MK4's ROM Boards, check out the REVISION HISTORY section of this FAQ. For a Revision 2.0 FAQ, check out the DISTRIBUTION section. - v1 through v10: These were updates for Version 1.0 of MK4. For more details on upgrades of MK4's ROM Boards, check out the REVISION HISTORY section of this FAQ. For a Revision 1.0 FAQ, check out the DISTRIBUTION section. ================================================================ II. DISTRIBUTION: Where can I find this FAQ and others like it on the Internet? Updated: January 22nd ================================================================ First off, if you've got any questions on this MK4 FAQ, feel free to e-mail me at mccorry@tir.com. If I decide to start up a mailing list, I'll let you know in this section. 1) The latest version of this MK4 FAQ can be found at: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/ 2) If all you want is a moves list to bring along to the arcade, check out the MK4 MINI MOVES LIST at: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/minifaq.txt 3) If for some reason you still have Version 1.0 in your arcade, (which is doubtful) here is an MK4 Version 1.0 FAQ: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/v1faq.txt 4) If for some reason you still have Version 2.0 in your arcade, here is an MK4 Version 2.0 FAQ: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/v2faq.txt 5) If you're looking for MK4 Combos, you're looking in the wrong place. This FAQ only contains the basic elements of MK4, including moves, fatalities, and character biographies/endings. For a whole bunch of MK4 Maximum Damage combos, refer to the URL below: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/combos.txt 6) If you're looking for MK4 Fatalities, you're looking in the wrong place. This FAQ only contains the basic elements of MK4, including moves, fatalities, and character biographies/endings. This FAQ is perfect for printing and taking with you to the arcade if you've already got the moves memorized, but still need to refer back to something to find the fatality movements. Go here for the FAQ: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/fatality.txt ================================================================ III. SECTIONS: This FAQ has been divided into Sections. Updated: January 13th ================================================================ - I: What's New? - II: Distribution - III: Sections - IV: Key - V: Current Status - VI: Revision History - VII: Basic Information - VIII: Stages - IX: Storyline - X: Basic Moves - XI: Weapon Moves - XII: Character Moves - XIII: Secret Characters, Codes, and Tricks A) Secret Characters B) Kombat Kodes - XIV: Character Endings - XV: Credits ================================================================ IV. KEY: What each of the button sequences means. Updated: January 13th ================================================================ U = Up HP = High Punch HK = High Kick F = Forward BLK = Block D = Down LP = Low Punch LK = Low Kick B = Back RUN = Run "," = then "+" = and "()" = Requirements for a move EXAMPLES: ------------------------------------------------------ * "B, B, HP+LP" means to do two back motions on the joystick, and then press High Punch and Low Punch at the same time. * "Hold HP (F, F, D, F+HK) Release" means to Hold the High Punch button while doing the motions Forward, Forward, Down on the controller, then pressing Forward and the High Kick button at the same time, before releasing everything. FATALITIES: ------------------------------------------------------ * "B, D, F, HP (Sweep)" means to do the motion Back, Down, Forward, then hit the button High Punch. This move must be done at "Sweep Distance", or one foot sweep away from your opponent. Other distances include but are not limited to: 1) "Close"........... Make sure you're standing as close to the opponent as possible. 2) "1 Step Away"..... Get as close to your opponent as possible, then tap the joystick back once to get one step away from him/her. 3) "Sweep Distance".. One full foot sweep away from your opponent. A good way to test this is to make your last move a Breaker move (F+LK). These moves will almost always put you in the perfect position. 4) "Half Screen"..... Make sure that 1/2 of the screen is between you and your opponent. "Just Outside Sweep" could also be considered "Half Screen". 5) "Full Screen"..... Make sure that you and your opponent are as far away from eachother as possible by backing up until the screen doesn't scroll anymore. ================================================================ V. CURRENT STATUS The Status on MK4's Completion Updated: January 26th ================================================================ - Update: 1/26/98 12:00AM Word has it that Revision 3.0 is now, finally, appearing in arcades across the nation. There hasn't been any confirmation as to why the shipment of the new upgrade was so slow, but that doesn't really matter now. What matters now is that we get back out there and look for those 15 remaining fatalities! - Update: 1/22/98 5:00PM Where is Revision 3.0? It was expected to make a nationwide release a week or 2 back, but the shipping of the new upgrade has supposedly lagged behind for some reason. I've called around to local arcades, and some weren't even aware of the new revision, and the ones who were aware of it said it may be arriving within the coming week. It's done, its just gotta get out there. :) - Update: 1/13/98 10:00PM Version 3.0 is now 100% complete, and the beta testing in Chicago has, for the most part, come to an end. This looks to be the last of the "developmental" stage of MK4, and now its time for the final search of fatalities before it just sits around and collects dust, and then we move on to the Home Versions. :) - Update: 12/28/97 5:00PM Version 3.0 is currently shipping nationwide. It has been testing in Chicago for the past few weeks, and has gone through some minor tweaking to fix bugs and glitches here and there. The major difference in this version is that there is now a 2nd fatality for every character, and there have also been some other minor additions. A new Stage Fatality has been added to Goro's Lair, which requires a different movement from the Prison Stage Fatality. Some weapons and breakers have been switched around and added, and spiked balls have been added to the floor of the purple stage for throwing. There was also a glitch in Version 2.92 (A beta of v3.0) where a bloody skeleton was playable! With the addition of a "Meat Lives!" comment on Ed Boon's MK4 page, the rumors are flowing about this possibly playable corpse, although nothing has been confirmed. Version 3 should arrive at most arcades sometime after the New Year, 1998. - Update: 10/20/97 9:30PM Version 2.0 has been released nationwide. Version 1.44 and 1.72 were beta tests for the final Version 2.0. Information on these versions is available in the REVISION HISTORY section. Among the many changes made to Version 2.0 are the addition Jax, Johnny Cage, and Reiko, a 3-D Movement Button, Interactive Backgrounds, a VS. Screen, and most, if not the rest of the character fatalities. - Update: 9/27/97 7:30PM Version 2.0 has arrived in Chicago for testing, however, this is only a BETA, and the final nationwide release of v2.0 should be sometime during the week of October 5th - 10th 1997. Check back here for the latest version information of MK4. - Update: 9/11/97 7:00PM Version 1.0 of MK4 has been released nationwide. Not much changes from the version 0.99, only now every character has a different button sequence for their weapon pull out move. Check your local arcade and see if MK4 has arrived yet! If there are any future upgrades to the software, it'll be here, so don't forget to check back. - Update: 9/8/97 10:30PM Version 0.99 is the current revision number at the MK4 Beta test sites in Chicago. A "Version 1.0" is scheduled to be released later this week in the windy city, which is the version that will be shipped to arcades across the country. We are just days away from MK4's release, a moment we've been waiting for over a year now! - Update: 9/2/97 11:30PM The new, and possibly the final MK4 Beta ROM Upgrade occurred tonight at Dennis's Place in Chicago. Some of the new additions were Jarek, a new character from Kano's Black Dragon Organization, a new move for Sonya, the cartwheel, and alot of weapon changes. There is also a new boss in the game, but not much is known about him yet. Check out the news page for the latest updates. So the question is now... "When will MK4 go national?" I guess we'll have to wait and see. - Update: 8/25/97 5:30PM Testing at Diversions Arcade in Chicago was halted about a week ago for an unknown reason. Fortunately, there are still 3 to 4 more arcades in the Chicago area that are housing the MK4 Beta, like "Just for Fun" and "Dennis's Place". A new upgrade dated "August 24th" is now in the machines. This new revision includes 2 new stages, "The Prison" and "The Living Forest". Shinnok now has some of his "Impersonation" moves, and there are also new moves for Tanya and Quan Chi. More updates soon. - Update: 8/20/97 8:30PM Testing at Diversions in Chicago, IL. began a few days ago. There have been a whole bunch of glitches, crashes, lock-ups, ect. Midway is keeping track of all of the glitches, and making many small upgrades to the ROM board, fixing a few glitches at a time. So it looks like they're going to fix all of the current problems before they continue to develop the game. I'll keep you updated on further developments. ================================================================ VI. REVISION HISTORY: Chip Information, and a list of each upgrade made to MK4. Updated: January 13th ================================================================ - Beta Version #1 - Released: July 25th, 1997 Select Screen: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/beta1.jpg * The special "Road Tour" version of MK4. * 9 Playable Characters: Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Sonya, Liu Kang, Shinnok, Fujin, Rayden, Noob Saibot, and Quan Chi. * 6 empty spaces * Auto-Combo's are in the game. Usually some easy combination like 4 High Punches. * Timer was stuck at "99" the entire match. * No 1-player mode. 1-on-1 playing only. * Noob Saibot, Shinnok, and Quan Chi didn't have any moves or weapons in this version. * Sub-Zero's Ice Freeze and Clone effects not yet implemented. * Many glitches in gameplay and sounds/graphics. * The game crashed or reset itself every 10 minutes on average. * For some reason, the machine didn't like it when you play as the same character as your opponent. * Moves are extremely glitchy in the corner. - Beta Version #2 - Released: August 9th, 1997 Select Screen: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/beta2.gif * Kai and Reptile are now selectable. * "Hidden" and "Random" buttons on Select Screen now work. * You can now fight against eachother with the same character without the game locking up, however the corner glitches and camera problems continue. * The Game Counter now works. * The "Wins" Counter still doesn't work, however there is a "Top 20 Wins List". * Sub-Zero's freeze and clone effects now work correctly. * Kai's name isn't on his powerbar, and his name isn't announced. * Shinnok and Fujin get new select screen pictures. * Noob Saibot, Quan Chi, Reptile, and Shinnok still have no moves or weapons. * Kai has one move where he stands on his hands. * Still no 1-player mode. 1-on-1 fighting only. - Beta Version #2.1 - Released: August 10th, 1997 Select Screen: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/beta2.gif * A very small upgrade that simply fixed a few bugs in Beta Version #2. - Beta Version #3 - Released: August 18th, 1997 Select Screen: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/beta3.jpg * Tanya is now selectable. * Auto-Combos removed. * Shinnok's Impersonation moves added. * Shinnok get a bladed staff, Quan Chi gets a straight edged sword, Tanya gets Sonya's spinning bladed wheel. Reptile and Noob Saibot still don't have any weapons. * Quan Chi gets a new Green Skull move. * 1-Player mode now available. The "Choose Your Destiny" screen moves in full 3-D. * Reptile and Shinnok still don't have moves. * Tanya has one move, an air fireball. * Kai now has a leg spin along with the leg grab when he gets in his handstand stance. * A number of small revisions were made to this upgrade, fixing small bugs and glitches. * Select screen switched around. Kai and Reptile are on top, and bottom row is moved around. - Beta Version #4 - Released: August 22nd, 1997 Select Screen: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/beta3.jpg * Tanya gets her fireballs, Kai gets his fireballs, Quan Chi gets new moves, Shinnok's Impersonations added, Reptile gets new moves, Noob Saibot gets a teleport and slam, and a few other new moves for various characters. * "The Living Forest" and "The Prison" background stages added. * Many of the glitches from previous upgrades have been cleared up, however the camera glitches and lockups continue to be a problem. * Noob Saibot gets a spiked club. - Beta Version #5 (Version 0.99) - Released: September 2nd, 1997 Select Screen: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/v.99-1.jpg * Jarek replaces Noob Saibot on the Select Screen. * Jarek has 2 moves, a Cannonball and a Telekenitic Slam. * Lots and lots of weapon changes. Kai and Reptile both have Shinnok's staff, Jerek has Rayden's hammer, and Sub-Zero no longer has his ax. Instead, he has some type of sword. * No Boss, No Character Profiles, No Ending. * Prison Stage Fatality added. * Introduction Storyline with Raiden added, without speech. - Version 1.0 - Released: September 11th, 1997 Select Screen: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/v.99-1.jpg * First OFFICIAL Release of MK4. * Raiden's Introductory speech added. * Only 2 Fatalities in this Version: Sub-Zero's Spine Rip and Shinnok's Leg Rip, where he first must impersonate Sub-Zero, then do the same movement as Sub-Zero's Spine Rip. This may have been an error on the part of the Design Team. * An Error in the DIP switch settings, where switch one, labeled "Fatalities ON/OFF" needed to be OFF in order for Fatalities to be shown. * Prison Stage Fatality movements for most characters added. * Camera lock-ups and glitches continue to be a problem, this late into development. - Version 1.44 - Released: September 26th, 1997 Select Screen: None Available * 1st Beta Test of the next Official Release, Version 2.0 * Tested in Chicago only. * The 3 Question Marks in the middle of the screen are now taken by Johnny Cage, Jax, and Noob Saibot. * Interactive Background feature added: Scattered rocks in Goro's Lair and Decappitated Heads in the Furnace stages that the players can pick up and throw at eachother. * 3-D Sidestep added, which gives the player the ability to "sidestep" projectiles by pressing D+RUN * Computer AI increased * Sub-Zero has a "Freeze Wand" for a weapon, with which he can freeze you with. If your opponent picks it up, he can freeze you back. * "Danger" added (when you only have a sliver of life left) * Character Introduction Biographies added, however still no endings. * Shinnok is at the top of every tower, which denotes him as the final boss. * VS. Screen Added, Complete with VS. Screen Codes * Characters can now throw and drop their weapons. * Sub-Zero's Spine Rip from Version 1.0 doesn't seem to work in this version. - Version 1.72 - Released: October 13th, 1997 Select Screen: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/v1.72.jpg * 2nd Beta Test of the Official Release, Version 2.0 * Tested in Chicago only. * "Reiko" takes the place of Noob Saibot on the select screen. * Endings have been added for everyone but Reiko. * Raiden now has electricity flowing effects around him. It happens more often than it did in MK1. * Sub-Zero's Spine Rip has been enabled again. A red stripe has been added to his face, which denotes that he's the Sub-Zero from MK3/UMK3. * Sub-Zero can no longer freeze you with his freeze wand after a breaker move. * Scorpion has his "Fire Breath" move, where he takes off his mask, and breathes a stream of fire straight out. * Tanya has a boomerang for a weapon. * Jax and Johnny Cage both have fireballs now. * Jax has his Quad-Throw added. * Shinnok has a Reiko Impersonation. * Quan Chi gets a new select screen picture. * Jarek has a new fireball, different from his previous one. * Alot of things added to the Attract Mode, like an ad for MK Mythologies and a "Powered By: Zeus" ad. * The game uses a new font for everything but the power bars, just like it was in MK3/UMK3. * The MAXIMUM DAMAGE system added, which prevents you from doing any combo over 40% in damage. * The computer draws, uses, throws, and picks up weapons quite effectively now. * Alternate Color/Clothing system added, where you can do a certain button combination to change the color scheme of your character. Instead of the characters being direct palette (color) swaps as it was in MK3/UMK3, the characters now have small differences in their clothing. For example, Sub-Zero can either have his mask on or off, Liu Kang can either have his shirt on or off, ect. - Version 2.0 - Released: October 15th, 1997 Select Screen: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/v1.72.jpg * Second OFFICIAL release of MK4. * Reiko's Ending Finished, although all he seems to do is walk through a portal in Scorpion's fire stage, and that's it. * Many more Fatalities Added * Basically the same as Version 1.72. Just a few bug fixes here and there. - Version 2.1 - Released: October 17th, 1997 Select Screen: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/v1.72.jpg * Exactly the same as Version 2.0 * The only thing fixed was a nasty CPU bug which was making the computer extremely easy to beat, and even allowing someone to control the computer with the second controller. This was causing arcades to lose revenue, because the game was so easy that you could beat it within minutes to see the endings, then never play it again. - Version 3.0 - Released: January 20th, 1998 (Current Version) Select Screen: http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/moves/v1.72.jpg * Third and supposedly final OFFICIAL release of MK4. * Had been testing for about a month in Chicago before going national. * A 2nd Fatality for every character. * Stage Fatality added to Goro's Lair where you uppercut them into spikes on the ceiling. Requires a different movement than the Prison Stage Fatality. * Spiked balls added to the floors of the Purple Stage for throwing. * Most bugs have been fixed, however camera flaws still exist, especially in the Purple Stage. * More Kombat Kodes added. * New weapon for Johnny Cage. * Fatality "Demo" added at the beginning of the game. It shows fatalitys being performed, and just before any killing is done, it fades to black and the "Fatality" sign appears. * More breakers have been added and switched around. * Close Captions have been added to the endings for noisy arcades. * The Combo System has been modified, and Air Combos and linkers are now possible. * There was a glitch in Version 2.92 (A beta of Version 3.0) where if you chose the 2-on-2 Kombat, then each player chose either Sub-Zero or Scorpion as 1 of their 2 characters, when the match began, one of each player's characters would be a bloody corpse! The skeletons would fight eachother and everything. With the recent remark "Meat Lives" made on Ed Boon's MK4 Page, the rumors have been flowing on if this corpse is secretly playable in MK4. Meat IS in fact playable in this version. For more information, refer to the SECRET CHARACTERS & CODES section. ================================================================ VII. BASIC INFORMATION: Basic Information about the game and the characters. Updated: January 13th Index of Basic Information Section: 1) Characters 2) Starting Out 3) Select Screen 4) Choose Your Destiny ================================================================ -------------------------------------- 1) CHARACTERS -------------------------------------- Characters in Mortal Kombat 4: - Returning Characters: - New Characters: * Scorpion * Kai - Former Member of White Lotus * Raiden * Shinnok - Fallen Elder God * Sonya * Quan Chi - Evil Sorcerer * Liu Kang * Tanya - Edenian Ambassador * Reptile * Fujin - God of Wind * Jax * Jarek - Black Dragon Member * Johnny Cage * Meat - Bloody skeleton corpse (Secret) * Reiko - General of Shinnok's Army -------------------------------------- 2) STARTING OUT -------------------------------------- Once you have put your quarter(s) into the game, a screen similar to this will show up: _________________________________ | | | M O R T A L 4 K O M B A T | | Credits: 2 | | ____________ ___________ | || | | || || 1 on 1 | | 2 on 2 || || KOMBAT | | KOMBAT || || 2 Credits | | 6 Credits || ||____________| |___________|| |_________________________________| Depending on the amount of quarters you have entered, you will be able to select either 1-on-1, which is a normal game, or 2-on-2, which is a team game, in where 4 characters are selected all together. Each time you lose, that character explodes and your second choice jumps out. The order in which you choose the characters will be the order in which you play as them. Roles are switched every round, and the character who went first in the previous round goes second in the next round. ----------------------------------------- 3) SELECT SCREEN ----------------------------------------- After pressing start on the previous screen, you'll be confronted with a select screen of all of the characters in MK4. Simply highlight the character you would like to play as, and press any button to choose him. If you wait too long to select a character, the computer will select one for you. Here is an example of the layout of the select screen: S E L E C T Y O U R F I G H T E R ______________________________________________________ | | | | | | | Kai | Raiden | Shinnok | Liu | Reptile | | | | | Kang | | |__________|__________|__________|__________|__________| | | | | | | | Scorpion | Jax | Reiko | Johnny | Jarek | | | | | Cage | | |__________|__________|__________|__________|__________| | | | | | | | Tanya | Fujin | Sub-Zero | Quan | Sonya | | | | | Chi | | |__________|__________|__________|__________|__________| | RANDOM | GROUP | HIDDEN | |__________|__________|__________| A) Random, Group, and Hidden Buttons -------------------------------------- At the bottom of the screen are 3 new buttons. The Random, Group, and Hidden buttons. Here is a short explanation of what each of them can do. * RANDOM: Randomly selects a character. * HIDDEN: This button hides the flashing selector box around the character, so your opponent doesn't have a chance to see who you select, and neither do you if you don't pay attention. In this mode of selecting a character, the darkening of the selected box, and the saying of the selected character's names are disabled. So you have virtually no idea of who your opponent, or you for that matter, selected. If you wait too long to select a character while hidden, it will select one for you. * GROUP: This button only works in 2-on-2 Battle Mode. If you select it, you will play as the first person on the select screen (Kai). If you win the match with Kai, you'll play as Raiden. It will continue across the select screen grid like so until you lose. If you're able to defeat this mode and go through the select screen grid without losing, you get to play as the hidden character "Meat". For more information on "Meat", refer to the SECRET CHARACTERS & CODES section. B) Alternate Character Colors/Outfits ------------------------------------- In MK4, you have the option of playing as your character in a different outfit or color. Instead of direct palette (color) swaps as it was in MK3/UMK3, every character now has something different about them. For example, Liu Kang can either be wearing a shirt or not wearing a shirt. Sub-Zero can either wear a mask or not wear a mask, and so on. To do this, highlight your character on the select screen, hold the "Start" button, and hold down the following buttons, depending on which character you want to use: Kai: HP+BLK+LK Reiko: HP+LK+RUN Raiden: LP+BLK+HK Cage: LP+LK+RUN Shinnok: HP+BLK+LP Jarek: HK+HP+RUN Liu Kang: HK+BLK+LK Fujin: HP+LP+HK Reptile: LP+BLK+LK Quan Chi: HP+HK+RUN Scorpion: HP+BLK+HK Tanya: LP+HK+LK Jax: LP+BLK+RUN Sub-Zero: HP+BLK+RUN Sonya: HP+LK+RUN ---------------------------------------------- 4) CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY ---------------------------------------------- After selecting your characters in a 1-player game only, a screen will come up in which you are to choose which battle plan you'd like to take. As the towers get taller, they get harder and more experienced, and you fight more opponents. In order, the towers are: Novice (6 opponents), Beginner (7 opponents), Warrior (8 opponents), Master (8 opponents), and Master II (8 opponents). Here is a small representation of what the "Choose Your Destiny" screen looks like: __ __ __ __ |__| |__| |__| __ |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| | | | | | | | | |__| Novice Beginner Warrior Master Master II If you'd like, press the "Start" button to rotate the towers, altering the order of characters you will fight. This is useful if there's a character in a tower that you especially don't like to fight. Simply rotate the tower until you find a Battle Plan with that character not included in the order. Shinnok is at the top of every tower, as he is the boss of MK4. ================================================================ VIII. STAGES: The stages are extremely detailed, and are nothing short of spectacular. They are beautiful to look at, very inspiring, and help to set the tone of the game. All of the stages are just one large circle, with many, many details. Updated: March 12th ================================================================ - Goro's Lair: * 3D version of the classic MK1 stage. * Four Entrances into the fighting area. * Lit candles glowing in the background. * Yellow eyes of foreign creatures are found lurking in the shadows in the background. * Large boulders are scattered around the stage for throwing. * STAGE FATALITY: The Goro's Lair Stage Fatality is much like the Kombat Tomb Fatality in MK2. The character uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling. If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. - The Well: * Has an opening in the center with a large flame surrounded by windows with more fire. The camera "zooms" in before the fight begins before each match. * Ashes are all over the ground, flies up when stepped on, even more fly up when fallen on. * Decapitated heads are scattered around the stage for throwing. * Stone carvings on the walls sometimes show the heads of the MK4 Design Team. - The Rain Stage: * Its a large rock platform type structure that reaches sky-level. * Many mountains and other platforms surround the large platform. * Lightning flashes and thunder claps randomly appear in the sky, and it's raining. * A silhouette of a face appears in the sky every once and awhile during a lightning strike. - The Snake Stage: * Boasts a green look * In the distance is a green inner-lit skull with the silhouette of a person chained inside, struggling to escape. * In the center of the stage is a large convex circle with a slit, like a reptilian eye, with green light coming from the slit. * A large snake replica lines the room where the wall meets the floor. - The Elder Gods: * Boasts a blue look * A blue MK Dragon logo is carved into the wall. * On both sides opposite the Dragon logo are 2 more walls with stars carved into them. * There are two openings to the stage, both looking out into the sky, where there are two blue, moving, faces across from eachother. They have many facial expressions. They smile, and from time to time, boast an evil face, often during fatalities. - The Tomb: * Purple sky * A skull has been carved into the wall, and you can see the purple sky through its holes, with gray clouds scrolling by. * Body under the skull laying on a platform against the wall with a purple cloth over it. * Coffins are placed against the wall on opposite sides of the room. * Large spiked balls are scattered around the stage for throwing. * Large pots are in the 4 corners of the room, burning with fire. - The Dojo: * Developed by Josh Tsui * Originally created for MK Mythologies, but converted for MK4. * All kinds of banners & signs with Chinese and MK insignias. * Through the windows you see that its raining outside. * Represents a Shaolin Temple. - The Living Forest: * You're much more out in the open than in MK2. The characters are further from the trees. * It seems as though the stage is a little too bright, with bright green grass. * Not as gloomy as it was in MK2. * A couple of the faces on the trees were molded from Ed Boon's face, lead programmer in MK4. * The trees still open and close their mouths, and roar. No secret characters have been spotted peeking out from a tree... yet. :) - The Prison Stage: * Developed by Josh Tsui * Originally created for MK Mythologies, but converted for MK4. * A spotlight is constantly hovering over each character, providing for some shadow effects. * STAGE FATALITY: The character picks you up over his head, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. He/she begins to spin you around. The camera zooms in very close, showing a close up of you spinning your opponent, and then zooms back out. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Your opponent looks on. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the camera. * The ground, as well as most of the walls are made entirely of steel. * There are numerous air vents and a huge spinning ventilation fan. * The large ventilation fan in the background slowly picks up speed as the round progresses. ================================================================ IX. STORYLINE: MK4's Introduction Storyline, Spoken by Rayden. Updated: September 8th ================================================================ "Thousands of years ago in a battle with the fallen elder god known as Shinnok, I was responsible for the death of an entire civilization. To rid all realms of Shinnok's menace I waged a war that plunged the earth into centuries of darkness and banished Shinnok to a place called the Netherealm. Now after Shao Kahn's defeat at the hands of Earth's warriors, Shinnok has managed to escape his confines of the Netherealm. The war is now being fought once again, and this time it can be won by mortals." - Rayden ================================================================ X. BASIC MOVES: Moves that are universally the same for each character unless otherwise noted. Updated: January 13th Index of Basic Moves Section: 1) MK4's Basic Universal Moves 2) Breakers ================================================================ -------------------------------------- 1) BASIC MOVES -------------------------------------- These are the basic universal moves that will work with every character in Mortal Kombat 4, regardless of who it is. Face Punch: HP Body Punch: LP Low Kick : LK High Kick : HK Run: F+RUN Block: BLK Pick up Weapon/Rock/Head/Spike: D+RUN (Stand over the item) Take 3 steps backward on the Z Plane (3D Movement): D+RUN+RUN - This will cause your character to take 3 steps out of the stage, which is often useful for dodging moves and projectiles. Take 3 steps forward on the Z plane (3D Movement): RUN+RUN - This will cause your character to take 3 steps into the stage, which is often useful for dodging moves and projectiles. Sweep : B+LK Roundhouse : B+HK Uppercut : D+HP Kick Uppercut : D+HK Crouching Punch: D+LP Crouching Kick : D+LK Jump Kick : Jump Toward (F+U on Joystick) and HK or LK Jump Punch: Jump Toward (F+U on Joystick) and HP or LP Hop Kick : Jump Up (U on Joystick) and HK or LK Hop Punch : Jump Up (U on Joystick) and HP or LP -------------------------------------- 2) BREAKERS -------------------------------------- Another new feature in MK4 is the ability to break a body part on your opponent. Each character has a different breaker, and they all break a separate part of your body. Once the body part has been broken, it dangles there out of shape until the character reverts back to normal and hits it back into place. These moves can be performed by pressing F+LK while close to the opponent. Here is a description of each character's breaker: F+LK with: 1)Kai.......... He picks you up over his head, kneels down, and slams your backbone over his knee. 2)Raiden........ He grabs your head, bends you down, lifts his knee up, and slams your head on it. 3)Shinnok....... He slams you to the ground, then stomps on your head, then on your back. 4)Liu Kang...... He pushes you down to your knees, grabs both arms and twists them behind your back, then he kicks the middle of your back with his foot. 5)Reptile....... He forces you to your knees, grabs your head, and makes a full 180 degree twist. 6)Scorpion...... He holds your arm up, then uppercuts you in your rib cage. 8)Jarek......... He forces you to your knees, grabs your head, and makes a full 180 degree twist. 9)Tanya......... She jumps up and sits on your shoulders, then grabs your head with both arms and makes a full 180 degree twist. 10)Fujin........ He grabs your arm from behind, and pulls it over his shoulder, then lets go and you go rolling forward. 11)Sub-Zero..... He punches you in the leg, then grabs your foot and pulls up on it, bending it totally forward at the kneecap. 12)Quan Chi..... He forces you to your knees, grabs your arms, pulls back, and slams both of his feet into your back. 13)Sonya........ She jumps up and does a handstand on your shoulders, then grabs your head with both arms and makes a full 180 degree twist. 14)Jax.......... He kicks your kneecap inwards, hyperextending your leg. 15)Johnny Cage.. He grabs you by your arms, flips, and performs a delivers a powerful kick on the opponent's upper-torso. 16)Reiko........ He gets behind you and grabs both of your arms, putting his hands near the bicep/tricep part of your arm. He then pushes up on both with alot of force, breaking both of them. ================================================================ XI. WEAPON MOVES: Weapon moves and tactics for each character in MK4. Updated: January 13th Index of Basic Moves Section: 1) Character Weapons 2) Weapon Moves ================================================================ A new feature in MK4 is the ability for all the characters to pull out and do battle with their own special weapon. Each weapon has its own secret moves associated with it and can be knocked out of your fighter's hands and picked up by his/her opponent. All of the weapon's special moves are then transferred to the other player. -------------------------------------- 1) CHARACTER WEAPONS -------------------------------------- Here is a list of each character's weapon in MK4: CHARACTER: WEAPON: TAKE OUT MOVE: ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Kai 1) Dagger 1) F, D, B, LP 2) Raiden 2) Mallet 2) F, B, HP 3) Shinnok 3) Bladed Staff 3) B, F, LP 4) Liu Kang 4) Flamberge 4) B, F, LK 5) Reptile 5) Battle Ax 5) B, B, LK 6) Scorpion 6) Large Sword 6) F, F, HK 7) Jarek 7) Scimitar 7) F, F, HP 8) Tanya 8) Boomerang 8) F, F, HK 9) Fujin 9) Crossbow 9) B, B, HP 10) Sub-Zero 10) Ice Staff 10) B, D, F, HK 11) Quan Chi 11) Wooden Spiked Club 11) F, D, B, HK 12) Sonya 12) Spinning Blade Wheel 12) F, F, LK 13) Jax 12) Spiked Club 13) D, F, HP 14) Johnny Cage 12) Broad Sword 14) F, D, F, LK 15) Reiko 12) Spiked Club 15) D, B, HP ------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: To throw the weapon at your opponent once its drawn, do the same movement as the character's take out move. -------------------------------------- 2) WEAPON MOVES -------------------------------------- The weapons in Mortal Kombat 4 are not just for looks, nor are they all exactly the same. In fact, they can differ in many ways and all have different moves. Each one takes time to get used to and use effectively. Below are moves for each character's weapon. Over the course of the game, the character can lose his/her weapon and subsequently use a different weapon, gaining it's moves and abilities. ******************************** KAI "Dagger" ******************************** Upward Slash : HP Downward Slash : LP Spinning Slash : B+LP or B+HP ******************************** SHINNOK "Bladed Staff" ******************************** Strike Overhead : HP Upward Swing : Low Punch Trip Opponent : B+LP Thrust : B+HP ******************************** RAIDEN "Mallet" ******************************** Swing to Right : HP Swing to Left : LP Overhead Smash : B+HP Swing Overhead : B+LP ******************************** LIU KANG "Flamberge" ******************************** Slash Downward : LP Quick Slashes : Tap HP repeatedly Thrust Stab : B+HP Spin Slash : B+LP ******************************** REPTILE "Battle Axe" ******************************** High Slash : HP Low Slash : LP Uppercut Slash : B+LP Spinning Slash : B+HP (Hold HP to keep spinning) ******************************** SCORPION "Straight Edged Sword" ******************************** High Slash : HP Low Slash : LP Spin Slash : D+LP Overhead Slash : B+HP Uppercut Slash : B+LP ******************************** JOHNNY CAGE "Broad Sword" ******************************** Slash Upward : HP Slash Downward : LP Thrust : B+HP Spin Slash : B+LP ******************************** JAX & REIKO "Spiked Club" ******************************** Swipe : HP Backhand : LP Overhead Swipe : B+HP Uppercut Swipe : B+LP Smack Screen : F+LP ******************************** JAREK "Scimitar" ******************************** Slash Upward : HP Slash Downward : LP Thrust : B+HP Spin Slash : B+LP ******************************** TANYA "Boomerang" ******************************** Downward Slash : HP Throw Boomerang : LP (It will return if not hit) Spin Slash : B+HP Throw Upward : B+LP ******************************** FUJIN "Crossbow" ******************************** Straight Shot : LP High Angled Shot: HP Low Angled Shot : B+LP ******************************** SUB-ZERO "Ice Staff" ******************************** Slash : HP Trip Opponent : LP Uppercut Swing : B+HP Freeze Opponent : B+LP ******************************** QUAN CHI "Wooden Spiked Club" ******************************** Swipe : HP Backhand : LP Overhead Swipe : B+HP Uppercut Swipe : B+LP Smack Screen : F+LP ******************************** SONYA "Blade Wheel" ******************************** Downward Slash : HP Upward Slash : LP Thrust Slice : B+LP Uppercut Slash : B+HP ================================================================ XII. CHARACTER MOVES: Moves and tactics for each character in MK4. Updated: April 22nd Whats New? - Sonya's, Scorpion's, and Liu Kang's 2nd Fatalities added. ================================================================ ******************************** - SCORPION ******************************** * Biography ---------------------------------------------------- In hopes of gaining Scorpion as a new ally in the war with the Elder Gods, QuanChi make the dead Ninja an offer he cannot refuse - Life, in exchange for his services as a warrior against the Elders. Scorpion accepts, but hides under ulterior motives. * Weapon: Large Jagged-Edged Sword * Pull Out Weapon : F, F, HK * Throw Weapon : F, F, HK (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (HP+BLK+HK) * Special Moves ------------------------------------------------ * Spear : B, B, LP * Teleport : F, D, B, HP * Air Throw : BLK in air * Flame Breath : D, F, LP * Finishing Moves ---------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: B, F, F, B, BLK (Outside Sweep Distance) [Description: Scorpion removes his mask revealing his skull for a head. He then shoots a blast of fire at his opponent, engulfing them in flames. The opponent goes running around on fire, helpless, with their arms swinging around, while Scorpion holds up his mask in victory.] * Fatality #2: Hold BLK (B, F, D, U+HP) (Close) [Description: Scorpion stands close, and throws something at the ground, which engulfs him in flames and morphs him into a huge, life-like Scorpion. The Scorpion grabs the opponent's legs with both of its claws, and stabs its stinger right into the torso of the opponent, and tears the upper portion of his/her body off. Blood shoots everywhere, as the torso of the victim remains stuck on the stinger of the Scorpion. The remains of the body fall to the ground, where a pool of blood forms.] * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: B, F, F, LK (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Scorpion uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: F, D, D, LK (Close; Prison Stage Only) [Description: Scorpion picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. He begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ******************************** - SUB-ZERO ******************************** * Biography ---------------------------------------------------- After Shao Khan's defeat at the hands of Earth's fighters, Sub-Zero's warriorclan known as the Lin Kuei is disbanded. But w/ the new threat brought on by Quan Chi, the ice warrior once again dons the familiar costume once worn by his brother the original Sub-Zero. He also holds secrets passed onto him from his sibling - secrets that could hold the key to stopping Shinnok. * Weapon: A Freeze Staff * Pull Out Weapon: B, D, F, HK * Throw Weapon : B, D, F, HK (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (HP+BLK+RUN) * Special Moves ------------------------------------------------ * Slide : B+LP+BLK+LK * Freeze : B, D, F, LP * Ice Clone : F, D, B, LP * Finishing Moves ---------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: Hold BLK+RUN F, B, F, D, HP (Close) [Description: Sub-Zero gets behind his opponent, and grabs the top of his/her head. He then proceeds to tug furiously, and after around 2 to 3 tugs, their head gets ripped right from their shoulders, spine still connected. Blood shoots everywhere. The character falls to their knees, blood still shooting out of his/her neck. The camera zooms out and circles around Sub-Zero as he holds up the decapitated head, while the character stumbles to the ground, a puddle of blood forming near his neck.] * Fatality #2: B, B, D, B+HP (Just Past Sweep) [Description: Sub-Zero raises his hands in a "Y" position. Snow and ice begin to fall from the sky and into his hands. After a few seconds, he takes his hands from the sky and points them at his opponent, shooting the ice at him/her, and deep freezing them like his Fatality in MK2. Then, the camera zooms way out and upwards towards the ceiling. Sub-Zero walks up to his opponent and uppercuts them, shattering them to pieces. Blood and chunks of ice go flying all over the screen.] * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: D, D, D, LK (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Sub-Zero uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: Hold BLK (D, U, U, U, HK) (Close; Prison Stage O nly) [Description: Sub-Zero picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. He begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ******************************* - SONYA ******************************* * Biography ---------------------------------------------------- After her journey into the Outworld and Shao Khan's near destruction of earth, Sonya becomes a member of Earth's own Outworld Investigation Agency. Her first mission leads her to join Liu Kang on his quest to aid the troubled thunder God, Raiden. She must survive long enough to warn her government of the new menace brought on by Quan Chi. * Weapon: A Spinning Bladed Wheel * Pull Out Weapon : F, F, LK * Throw Weapon : F, F, LK (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (HP+LK+RUN) * Special Moves ------------------------------------------------ * Leg Grab : D+LP+BLK * Square Wave Punch : F, B, HP * Bicycle Kick : B, B, D, HK * Energy Rings : B, D, F, LP * Air Throw : BLK in Air * Cartwheel Kick : B, D, F, HK * Finishing Moves ---------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: Hold BLK (D, D, D, U, RUN) (Sweep) [Description: Sonya holds her hand to her mouth and "blows" her opponent a kiss. A pink energy ball is emitted, and slowly starts to float towards her opponent. The ball hits her opponent at the mid-section, tearing his/her body in half, sending pink sparks and blood everywhere. The fatality is then shown from 2 different angles, with the last angle getting splatted with blood and body parts.] * Fatality #2: Hold BLK (U, D, D, U, HK) (Outside Sweep) [Description: Sonya does her leg grab move as normal, except this time, it is more powerful. After grabbing her opponent with her legs, she pulls back in one swift motion, pulling the upper half of the victim's body with her. Body parts go flying through the air and blood shoots out of the lower half of the carcass. The remains of the body fall to the ground where a pool of blood gathers.] * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: F, D, F, HP (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Sonya uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: D, D, B, B, HK (Close; Prison Stage Only) [Description: Sonya picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. She begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ******************************** - RAIDEN ******************************** * Biography -------------------------------------------------------- The God of Thunder returns to Earth after the defeat of Shao Khan - but finds a new threat when Shinnok's forces, led by Quan Chi attack the Elder Gods. With the heavens in disarray Raiden exists as one of the last Gods of Earth. He must come to the aid of his elders and put an end to his evil villainous reign of his ancient enemy. * Weapon: A Large Mallet * Pull Out Weapon : F, B, HP * Throw Weapon : F, B, HP (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (LP+BLK+HK) * Special Moves ---------------------------------------------------- * Torpedo : F, F, LK (Also in Air) * Lightning Blast : F, D, B, LP * Teleport : D, U * Finishing Moves -------------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: Hold BLK (F, B, U, U, HK) (Close) [Description: Raiden grabs his opponent and lifts him above his head. He then begins to shock him/her with his lightning powers. As Raiden is shocking his opponent, the camera slowly goes from a frontal view of the fatality to an overhead view. After around 5 seconds of shocking, the opponent explodes into pieces. The explosion is then shown from 2 different angles, the last angle being another overhead "birds-eye" view. The opponent's head flies up at the camera, then falls back down and hits the ground.] * Fatality #2: Hold BLK (D, U, U, U, HP) (Close) [Description: Raiden stands next to his opponent, gets out his large wooden staff, and stabs it right into the abdomen of his opponent. Raiden lifts him up off of the ground and into the air. He then charges lightning from his hands, up the staff, right into the opponent's stomach. The powerful electricity soon radiates throughout his/her entire body. Finally, after the opponent has died, Rayden swings the staff around, which causes the opponent to go flying off the end of it and slamming to the ground.] * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: F, F, D, LP (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Raiden uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: D, F, B, BLK (Close; Prison Stage Only) [Description: Raiden picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. He begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ******************************** - LIU KANG ******************************** * Biography -------------------------------------------------------- Still the immortal champion of Mortal Kombat, Liu Kang finds himself venturing into the realm of Edenia to rescue the princess Kitana from the vile clutches of Quan Chi. Unsuccessful in his mission Liu returns to Earth and mounts an effort to bring together Earth's greatest warriors. He does it this time not only to free Kitana's home world but also to assist his mentor and Earth's protector - Raiden. * Weapon: Flamberge * Pull Out Weapon : B, F, LK * Throw Weapon : B, F, LK (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (HK+BLK+LK) * Special Moves ---------------------------------------------------- * High Fireball : F, F, HP (Also in Air) * Low Fireball : F, F, LP * Air Fireball : F, F, HP (In Air) * Flying Kick : F, F, HK * Bicycle Kick : Charge LK for 3 Secs; Release * Finishing Moves -------------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: F, F, F, D, BLK+LK+HK (Sweep) [Description: Large green clouds begin to form around Liu Kang, and he is soon engulfed in the mist. The mist slowly dissipates before revealing a huge green dragon, ala MK2, in Liu Kang's place. The dragon chomps down on its helpless opponent, taking in his/her whole mid-section. It then swings it around a few times before slamming it back to the ground, a bloody mess.] * Fatality #2: Hold BLK (F, D, D, U, HP) (Close) [Description: Liu Kang grabs one arm and one leg of his opponent, and begins to swing them around, like he would for his Prison Stage Fatality. The camera zooms all the way out, and up towards the ceiling, giving us a "birds-eye" view of the stage. Then, he lets go of the victim, and they go flying straight for the camera. Before they are able to crash into the camera, Liu Kang shoots a fireball straight up at his opponent. The fireball hits the victim, causing him/her to explode into peices, shooting blood and body parts all over the screen.] * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: F, F, B, HK (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Liu Kang uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: D, F, B, BLK (Close; Prison Stage Only) [Description: Liu Kang picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. He begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ******************************** - FUJIN ******************************** * Biography -------------------------------------------------------- Better known as the God of Wind, Fujin joins Raiden as one of the last surviving Gods of Earth. Their counterparts were defeated in a war of the heavens between Shinnok's forces and the elder gods. He now prepares for the final battle between the forces of light and Shinnok's hell spawned warriors of darkness. * Weapon: Crossbow * Pull Out Weapon : B, B, HP * Throw Weapon : B, B, HP (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (HP+LP+HK) * Special Moves ---------------------------------------------------- * Levitation : F, D, F, HP (B, F, D, LK to Slam) * Whirlwind Spin : F, D, LP (Hold LP to keep spinning) * Air Dive Kick : D+HK (In Air) * Flying Knee : B, D, F, HK * Finishing Moves -------------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: Press BLK+RUN 4 times (Sweep) [Description: Fujin does his Whirlwind Spin just like normal, and the opponent goes helplessly flying into the air. However this time, he/she stays up there. Fujin takes out his crossbow, and the camera angle changes, and zooms in to just behind Fujin so we can get a good look at the fatality. He shoots one of his green fireballs straight for the tornado, and blood and body parts go flying everywhere as the opponent explodes. It is then shown from 2 different angles, the last getting splatted with blood.] * Fatality #2: Hold BLK (D, F, F, U, BLK) (Sweep) [Description: Fujin stands at sweep distance, and begins to generate a huge gust of wind. He then directs it towards his opponent. The skin and clothes come peeling off of his/her body chunk by chunk, and soon a bloody skeleton is all that is left. Fujin continues to blow wind at the skeleton, and it goes flying to the ground. The camera then pans upward towards the ceiling, and zooms in on the bloody corpse lying on the ground.] * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: B, F, B, HP (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Fujin uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: D, D, D, HK (Close; Prison Stage Only) [Description: Fujin picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. He begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ******************************** - SHINNOK ******************************** * Biography -------------------------------------------------------- Banished to the Netherealm for crimes committed against his once fellow Elder Gods, Shinnok is freed from his confines by Quan Chi. With the aid of a traitor he is then able to take the Realm of Edenia. From there he wages a war against the Elder Gods, and awaits a chance to enact revenge against the God who banished him there - Raiden. * Weapon: Bladed Staff * Pull Out Weapon : B, F, LP * Throw Weapon : B, F, LP (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (HP+BLK+LP) * Special Moves ---------------------------------------------------- * None. * Impersonations --------------------------------------------------- * Quan Chi : F, B, F, LK * Liu Kang : B, B, F, HK * Sub-Zero : D, B, LP * Kai : F, F, F, LK * Reptile : B, B, F, BLK * Scorpion : F, B, LP * Sonya : F, D, F, HP * Sub-Zero : D, B, LP * Jarek : B, B, B, LK * Tanya : B, F, D, BLK * Raiden : D, F, F, HP * Fujin : F, F, B, HK * Reiko : B, B, B, BLK * Jax : F, D, F, HK * Johnny Cage : D, D, HP * Finishing Moves -------------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: D, B, F, D, RUN (Close) [Description: Shinnok throws something at the floor, and is immediately engulfed in flames. He disappears, and a swirling portal opens up right next to the opponent. Suddenly, a huge skeletal hand comes out of the portal, and grabs in the direction of the opponent. It grabs him/her, and wraps its long bony fingers around its now tiny body. It begins to squeeze, and after a few squeezes, the head of the opponent pops off, and blood squirts everywhere. The hand slowly goes back into the portal and Shinnok re-appears.] * Fatality #2: Hold BLK (D, U, U, D) BLK (Close) [Description: Shinnok begins to levitate his opponent, and then dissappears into thin air, and a very large portal appears under the floating opponent. The camera zooms out, showing the entire portal, and in the center of the screen, the opponent, hanging lifelessly in the air. Suddenly, 2 huge skeleton hands come out of the portal. One hand goes to the left side of the opponent, and the other goes to the right side. Then, both hands clap, and come together at the same time, smashing the opponent between the 2 skeleton hands. Blood and body parts shoot all over, and the hands go back into the portal, before it closes and Shinnok re-appears.] * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: D, F, B, HP (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Shinnok uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: D, D, F, HK (Close; Prison Stage Only) [Description: Shinnok picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. He begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ******************************** - QUAN CHI ******************************** * Biography -------------------------------------------------------- A free roaming sorcerer powerful in the black arts, Quan Chi uses his abilities to free the now evil Elder God Shinnok from his confines in the Netherealm. In exchange for his services Shinnok has granted Quan Chi the position of arch-sorcerer of his now expanded Netherealm. * Weapon: Dagger * Pull Out Weapon : F, D, B, HK * Throw Weapon : F, D, B, HK (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (HP+HK+RUN) * Special Moves ---------------------------------------------------- * Green Skull Fireball : F, F, LP * Air Throw : BLK (In Air) * Teleport Stomp : F, D, LK * Weapon Steal : F, B, HP * Slide : F, F, HK * Finishing Moves -------------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: Hold LK for 5 Secs. (F, D, F) Release LK (Close) [Description: Quan Chi walks up to you, and grabs your leg. He lifts it up to his waist, and puts his left foot against your waist for balance. He then uses both hands to tug at your leg as hard as he can, while you're stumbling around on one foot. After a few tugs, the leg comes tearing off, with blood shooting out of your hip and the decapitated leg. Quan Chi then takes a swing at you with your leg, hitting you to the ground, still bleeding. He then beats you with it repeatedly. Each time the opponent makes an attempt to get up, he/she gets knocked back down by the leg. Without a doubt this is one of the most demented and hilarious fatalities in Mortal Kombat's history.] TIP: Due to the amount of necessary time needed to hold LK, you may need to begin holding LK toward the end of the final round. * Fatality #2: Hold BLK (U, U, D, D, LP) (Outside Sweep) [Description: Quan Chi mimics, or spoofs the 2nd Fatality of his opponent. For example, if he's playing against Fujin, and he wins, he'll perform Fujin's 2nd fatality, which is the Wind Skinner Fatality. If he happens to play against himself, he'll do his first fatality against himself, which is the Leg Rip & Beat.] * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: F, F, B, LK (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Quan Chi uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: F, F, D, HP (Close; Prison Stage Only) [Description: Quan Chi picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. He begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ******************************** - REIKO ******************************** * Biography -------------------------------------------------------- Once a general in Shinnok's armies, Reiko lead the forces of darkness into the battle against the Elder Gods. Once thought killed during that onslaught, he resurfaces and joins the battle against Earth's forces. * Weapon: Spiked Club * Pull Out Weapon : D, B, HP * Throw Weapon : D, B, HP (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (HP+LK+RN) * Special Moves ---------------------------------------------------- * Teleport : D, U (BLK to slam after Teleporting) * Circular Teleport : B, F, LK * Shurikens : D, F, LP * Flip Kick : B, D, F, HK * Finishing Moves -------------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: F, D, F, LP+BLK+HK+LK (Close) [Description: Reiko lifts his knee to his chest, and delivers a very powerful kick directly to the opponent's torso. The torso rips away from the rest of the body and falls to the ground, shooting blood everywhere. The head and the 2 arms remain suspended in the air for a split second, spinning, before they, too, fall to the ground.] * Fatality #2: B, B, D, D, HK (Outside Sweep) [Description: Reiko stands at sweep distance as the camera shifts from its normal position to behind Reiko. Then, Reiko shoots a whole bunch of Shurikens straight at his opponent. Each Shuriken sticks into his/her body, shooting blood all over the floor. The force of all of the Shurikens being shot causes the opponent's body to fly across the room, away from Reiko, and helplessly slam into the wall. Finally, Reiko holds one last Shuriken up to his eye and aims it at the dead opponent. He shoots it, and it sticks right between his/her eyes. The camera zooms up on his/her bloody carcass, and a trail of blood leads from Reiko to the dead opponent.] * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: F, F, D, LK (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Reiko uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: D, D, B, LP (Close; Prison Stage Only) [Description: Reiko picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. He begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ******************************** - JAX ******************************** * Biography -------------------------------------------------------- When Sonya disappears while tracking the last living member of the Black Dragon, Major Jackson Briggs heads after her. He soon finds that Sonya's mission has led her into a battle with the forces of an evil Elder God. This is a battle they must win or their own world will crumble at the hands of Shinnok. * Weapon: Spiked Club * Pull Out Weapon : D, F, HP * Throw Weapon : D, F, HP (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (LP+BLK+RUN) * Special Moves ---------------------------------------------------- * Ground Wave : F, F, D, LK * Dashing Punch : F, D, B, LP * Backbreaker : BLK (In Air; Close) * Missile : D, B, LP * Quad Throw : 1) LP (Close range) 2) Hold Run+BL+HK 3) Hold HP+LP+LK 4) Hold HP+BL+LK 5) Hold HP+LP+HK+LK * Finishing Moves -------------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: Hold LK for 3 Secs. (F, F, D, F) Release LK (Close) [Description: Jax walks up and grabs both of his opponent's arms. He then puts his foot against his/her torso for balance, and begins to tug both of his/her arms. The opponent begins to bend over Jax's foot as he pulls harder and harder. Then, the right arm comes ripping off, then the left, shooting blood all over the place. Jax throws both arms to the ground, and the opponent stands there with blood shooting out of his/her arm sockets before falling to the ground.] TIP: Due to the amount of necessary time needed to hold LK, you may need to begin holding LK toward the end of the final round. * Fatality #2: B, F, F, D, BLK (Close) [Description: Both of Jax's fists begin to radiate a purple light. He continues to charge them up, and they begin to glow a brighter and brighter purple. Then, Jax takes both fists, and delievers a powerful slam to the opponent's head, crushing it to peices. The glowing fists explode into tiny purple particles and shoot in all directions upon impact. Blood shoots out of the opponents neck, as he/she falls to the ground.] * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: F, F, B, HP (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Jax uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: F, F, B, LK (Close; Prison Stage Only) [Description: Jax picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. He begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ******************************** - JOHNNY CAGE ******************************** * Biography -------------------------------------------------------- After Shao Kahn's defeat, Cage's soul is free to leave to a higher place. From the heavens, he observes his friends engaged in battle. With the heavens in disarray, he learns of the war waged against the Elder Gods by Shinnok. Cage seeks out Raiden to help him restore his deceased soul and join Liu Kang in his quest. Once again, Johnny Cage finds himself fighting alongside Earths greatest warriors. * Weapon: Broad Sword * Pull Out Weapon : F, D, F, LK * Throw Weapon : F, D, F, LK (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (LP+LK+RN) * Special Moves ---------------------------------------------------- * Shadow Kick : B, F, LK * Shadow Uppercut : B, D, B, HP * Nut Punch : BLK+LP (Male opponents Only) * Low Fireball : D, B, LP * High Fireball : D, F, HP * Finishing Moves -------------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: F, B, D, D, HK (Close) [Description: Johnny Cage grabs his opponent by the waist, and twists their upper torso 90 degrees, which breaks his/her spine. Then, he pulls up on the upper section of the opponents body forcefully, and it tears off, blood shooting everywhere. Cage holds it up while the camera makes a full 360 degree circle around the fatality. Finally, Cage throws it to the ground, where a puddle of blood forms.] * Fatality #2: D, D, F, D, BLK (Close) [Description: Johnny Cage stands close, and ducks right in front of his opponent. He then "charges" his fist, as it begins to glow with green shadows. After it is fully charged, he delivers a powerful uppercut to his/her opponent, with green shadows trailing behind. The opponent's head gets knocked right off of their neck. Blood shoots everywhere, and the head goes bouncing to the ground, while the body falls to it's knees, then to the ground, as well.] * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: B, F, F, LK (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Johnny Cage uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: D, D, F, F, HK (Close; Prison Stage Only) [Description: Johnny Cage picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. He begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ******************************** - JAREK ******************************** * Biography -------------------------------------------------------- Believed to be the last member of Kano's klan, the Black Dragon. Jarek is hunted down by Special Forces agent Sonya Blade for crimes against humanity. With the emergence of a much greater evil, Sonya focuses her strengths on the new menacing Quan Chi. Jarek now finds himself fighting alongside Sonya and Earth's warriors to help defeat the Evil Elder God, Shinnok. * Weapon: Scimitar * Pull Out Weapon : F, F, HP * Throw Weapon : F, F, HP (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (HP+HK+RN) * Special Moves ---------------------------------------------------- * Cannon Ball : B, F, LK * Upward Cannon Ball : F, D, F, HP * Telekenitic Slam : B, D, B, HK * Triple Blade : D, B, LP * Finishing Moves -------------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: F, B, F, F, LK (Close) [Description: Jarek delivers a strong punch to his opponent's torso, which punctures the flesh. Blood shoots out while Jarek moves his hand around inside the opponent's chest, trying to find the heart. Once he finds it, he pulls it out, and holds it up, still beating and dripping with blood.] * Fatality #2: Hold BLK (U, U, F, F) BLK (Outside Sweep) [Description: Lasers shoot out of both of Jarek's eyes. The large red beams stretch all the way across the screen. Jarek stands at sweep distance in front of his opponent, and looks up toward the ceiling. He slowly begins to look forward, bringing his head back down, which brings the deadly lasers closer and closer to his opponent. Suddenly, he swipes the lasers across the opponent's head, ripping it to peices. Then he takes another slash, this time aiming for the opponent's torso, which is also torn into peices by the lasers. Jarek performs his win stance with the lasers still emitting from both of his eyes.] * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: B, F, F, LP (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Jarek uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: F, D, F, HK (Close; Prison Stage Only) [Description: Jarek picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. He begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ******************************** - KAI ******************************** * Biography -------------------------------------------------------- A former member of the White Lotus Society, Kai learned his skills from the great masters throughout Asia. He journeyed to the Far East after meeting his friend and ally, Liu Kang in America. Now, they reunite to assist Raiden in the battle with Shinnok. * Weapon: Bladed Staff * Pull Out Weapon : F, D, B, LP * Throw Weapon : F, D, B, LP (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (HP+BL+LK) * Special Moves ---------------------------------------------------- * Rising Fireball : F, F, HP * Falling Fireball : B, B, LP * Hand Stand: BLK+LK 1) Leg Spin : LP 2) Kick : LK or HK 3) Stand Up : BLK * Turbo Air Fist : D, F, HP * Super Roundhouse : B, D, F, LK * Finishing Moves -------------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: Hold BLK (U, F, U, B, HK) (Close) [Description: Kai grabs one of your legs and arms, and holds you up over his head. The camera circles around Kai as he holds his opponent up, and the announcer chuckles. Kai begins to attempt to pull you apart at the waist. After a couple of tugs, you break in half at the mid-section, and blood shoots everywhere. Kai drops the remaining 2 halves of your body to the ground. The upper half twitches and moves around as though its still alive before laying lifeless.] * Fatality #2: Hold BLK (U, U, U, D) BLK (Outside Sweep) [Description: Kai begins to levitate and floats up into the air. The camera angle shifts and ends up just behind the opponent's left shoulder, looking upward at Kai. Then, he shoots a large fireball straight at the opponent, and it hits his/her head, exploding it to pieces. The camera angle shifts again, this time panning upward towards the ceiling, looking down at the decapitated opponent at a "birds-eye" view, now dead on the ground, with his/her bloody head sitting a couple of feet away.] * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: B, F, D, HK (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Kai uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: F, F, D, HK (Close; Prison Stage Only) [Description: Kai picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. He begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ******************************** - REPTILE ******************************** * Biography -------------------------------------------------------- A general in Shinnok's Army of Darkness, Reptile once belonged to an extinct race of reptilian creatures. He was banished to the Netherealm for committing genocide against several species. Responsible for the death of millions, Reptile is a dangerous ally to the forces of evil. * Weapon: Battle Ax * Pull Out Weapon : B, B, LK * Throw Weapon : B, B, LK (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (LP+BL+LK) * Special Moves ---------------------------------------------------- * Dash Punch : B, F, LP * Acid Spit : B, D, F, HP * Invisibility : BLK+HK * Super Krawl : B, F, LK * Finishing Moves -------------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: Hold HP+HK+LP+LK, U (Close) [Description: Reptile runs up and tackles his opponent, and wraps his legs around his/her waist. He grabs the opponent's head with both hands, and begins to viciously chew away all of the flesh on his/her face. Blood shoots everywhere as the camera spins in a full circle around Reptile. Then, Reptile lets go of his opponent and backs away. The opponent stumbles back, and falls to the ground. The camera zooms in, showing the characters face, now nothing more than a bunch of blood and muscles attached to a skull.] TIP: It is recommended that you perform a jump punch or jump kick as your last move of the final round, then immediately hold HP+HK+LP+LK, walk up to your opponent, and press U. This prevents from having to use the BLK button. * Fatality #2: Hold BLK (U, D, D, D, HP) (Outside Sweep) [Description: Reptile stands just outside of sweep distance as the camera shifts from its normal position to behind the dizzy opponent. From behind the opponent, we see Reptile beginning to levitate and float up into the air. Then, once he's made his way up, he vomits a whole bunch of acid spit straight down in the opponent's direction. The opponent screams in pain as the acid begins to burn away his/her flesh. Soon, all that's left is a bloody skeleton. Finally, Reptile comes back down to the ground, and the camera zooms in on what's left of the opponent.] NOTE: When this Fatality is performed on Scorpion, the game will lock up and reset during the falling animation. You will not get your game back if this happens, so you may not want to perform this move on Scorpion. * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: D, D, F, HK (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Reptile uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: D, F, F, LP (Close; Prison Stage Only) [Description: Reptile picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. He begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ******************************** - TANYA ******************************** * Biography -------------------------------------------------------- As the daughter of Edenia's ambassador to new realms, Tanya invites a group of refugees fleeing their own world into the safety of Edenia. But soon after Queen Sindel allows them through the portal, she learns that one of the warriors is none other than the banished Elder God, Shinnok. The opened portal leads not into another world but into the pits of the Netherealm itself. The once free realm of Edenia is now at the mercy of Shinnok. * Weapon: Boomerang * Pull Out Weapon : F, F, HK * Throw Weapon : F, F, HK (Weapon must be drawn) * Alternate Costume: Hold Start (LP+HK+LK) * Special Moves ---------------------------------------------------- * Straight Fireball : D, F, HP (Also in Air) * Downward Air Fireball : D, B, LP (In Air) * Split Kick : F, D, B, LK * Corkscrew Kick : F, F, LK * Finishing Moves -------------------------------------------------- * Fatality #1: Hold BLK (D, D, U, D) HP+BLK (Close) [Description: Tanya walks up to her opponent, and kisses them on the cheek. She steps away as the opponent is looking embarrassed and puzzled. Suddenly, his/her arms bend in the wrong direction, then his/her legs, head, and torso all twist in the wrong direction. After a few seconds of being painfully suspended in the air, the helpless opponent explodes into pieces. Blood and body parts fly all over, and splatter on to the screen.] * Fatality #2: D, F, D, F, HK (Close) [Description: Tanya jumps up on top of your shoulders, just as if she was doing her breaker move. The camera pans upward, showing an "above the head" view of Tanya sitting on her opponent's shoulders, with his/her head between her legs. Then, she twists her legs counterclockwise, turning the opponents head with her. Only this time, instead of just hyperextending it out of place as it is in her breaker, the head dangles there, and bobbles around on the opponent's neck, making cracking and crunching noises.] * Goro's Lair Stage Fatality: F, F, F, LP (Close; Goro's Lair Only) [Description: Tanya uppercuts his opponent, and the camera angle changes revealing many sharp spikes on the ceiling. The opponent then goes flying straight for them before slamming into them and sticking on the ceiling.] TIP: If you hold DOWN on both joysticks while your opponent is impaled on the spikes, they'll slowly slide off before falling back to the ground, a bloody mess. * Prison Stage Fatality: B, F, D, HP (Close; Prison Stage Only) [Description: Tanya picks you up, with one hand grabbing your arm and the other grabbing your leg. She begins to spin you around. Once enough speed has been picked up, he/she lets go, and you go flying straight for the large ventilation fan in the background, before hitting it straight on, body parts and blood shooting all over the stage. Finally, the opponents decapitated head goes flying straight for the camera, before hitting it making a large blood splat on the screen.] ================================================================ XIII. SECRET CHARACTERS, CODES, and TRICKS All of the secrets in Mortal Kombat 4. Updated: February 14th Index of Secret Characters, Codes, and Tricks Section: 1) MK4's Secret Characters 2) MK4 Tips and Tricks 3) MK4 Kombat Kodes ================================================================ -------------------------------------- 1) MK4'S SECRET CHARACTERS -------------------------------------- There are supposedly 3 total hidden character currently in Mortal Kombat 4. If there are more or less, time will only tell, but you can bet that all of the hidden characters that are confirmed to be in the game will be listed in this section. 1) "Meat" ------------------------------------------------------- http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/mk4/news/meat.jpg HISTORY: Discovered on: December 21st, 1997 Meat was said to originally be a glitch in Version 2.72 of MK4, which only tested in Chicago. After Ed Boon posted "Meat Lives" on his website, the rumor mill picked up speed, and before you know it he is playable in Version 3 of MK4. Many people think he also came from a rumor in MK1 where you'd be able to play as or versus the skeleton hanging in Goro's Lair. FACTS: 1) Meat simply spoofs the moves of the character that you choose. So after you've beaten the GROUP MODE and you select Scorpion afterwards, Meat will be able to do all of Scorpion's moves and finishing moves. 2) Meat doesn't have an ending. Beating the game with him crashes the system. 3) Meat was originally the model for the "skeleton" during certain fatalities in which the opponent's skin would be ripped off, revealing the bloody skeleton that is now known as "Meat". No one knows why the MK4 Team decided to bring him to life. PRIMARY WAY TO PLAY AS MEAT: Here is a step-by-step way to play as "Meat" in MK4: 1) Choose the GROUP button at the bottom of the select screen during a 1-on-1 Kombat Mode. 2) Defeat the GROUP mode by defeating your opponent with every one of the players on the select screen grid. 3) Once the GROUP MODE has been beat, select any character, and when you play, you'll be Meat, with the moves of the character you chose. 4) If you don't continue a game or if you lose, you can no longer be Meat. ALTERNATE WAYS: There are no alternate ways of playing as "Meat" at this point in time. If alternate ways are discovered, they will be listed here. -------------------------------------- 2) MK4 TIPS and TRICKS -------------------------------------- As with past MK games, there are a number of small secrets in MK4. Some of them don't do much, and are just for entertainment, while some others can actually be quite useful and can effect the gameplay. Here's a list of the current tips and tricks in MK4. 1) Hold Start after doing the Goro's Lair Fatality with any character, and Dan Forden (MK4's Sound Programmer) will say his classic "Toasty!" 2) Hold Down on both joysticks after doing the Goro's Lair Fatality with any character, and the victim will slide off the spikes and fall back to the ground, a bloody mess. 3) Hold Start during Scorpion's "Breath of Death" fatality, and Dan Forden (MK4's Sound Programmer) will say "Toasty! 3D!" 4) If you wait for an extended amount of time at the "Select Method of Kombat" screen, the announcer will say "What are you waiting for!?" 5) Press Start at the "Choose your Destiny" screen to rotate the towers for an alternate line-up of opponents. 6) At the end of the credits, there is a message at the end that reads: "Mortal Kombat ha5 been brought to you by Midway." Many people consider this a teaser for the possible Mortal Kombat 5. Another teaser for MK5 involves the "The Greatest Warrior is..." screen. If you wait long enough, the initials on the screen are occasionally replaced with "MK5". It only shows it once, before returning back to the original initials. 7) If you enter an offensive word at the "Greatest Warrior is..." screen, such as "ASS" or "FUK", those initials will be replaced with MK co-creator Ed Boon's initials, "EJB". -------------------------------------- 3) KOMBAT KODES -------------------------------------- "Kombat Kodes" have been around since the introduction of the interactive Versus Screen in MK3. When playing in 1-on-1 Kombat Mode, after selecting your character, you'll be confronted with a screen with 6 small boxes at the bottom, and the 2 characters you selected, about to face off. _________________________ |P1 |P1 |P1 |P2 |P2 |P2 | |LP |BLK|LK |LP |BLK|LK | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ P1 = Player 1 P2 = Player 2 The Kombat Kodes are made up of 6 numbers, each representing a box on the VS. Screen. Player 1 controls the first 3 boxes by pressing LP for the first one, BLK for the second one, and LK for the third one. Player 2 controls the last 3 boxes by pressing LP for the fourth one, BLK for the fifth one, and LK for the sixth one. For example, if you had the code 423-665, Player 1 would press LP 4 times, BLK 2 times, and LK 3 times, while Player 2 would press LP 6 times, BLK 6 times, and LK 5 times. 123-123 - One Hit Wins: Both characters will begin the round on Danger, with only a sliver of life remaining. 020-020 - Red Rain: If done on the Rain Stage, it will rain Blood instead of water. 050-050 - Explosive Kombat: If done in 2-on-2 Kombat, when each of the first set of players loses, they'll explode. 002-002 - Invincible Weapons: Both players start the round with their weapon drawn, and it can't be knocked out of their hands. 100-100 - Disable throws: Neither of the players can throw. 111-111 - Free Weapon: Random Weapons fall from the sky for anyone to pick up. 222-222 - Random Weapon: Each character starts the round with a random weapon drawn. 333-333 - Randper Kombat: Each character randomly impersonates different characters throughout the rounds. 444-444 - Drawn Weapons: Each character starts with their own weapon already drawn. 555-555 - Many Weapons: Lots of various weapons are laying all over the ground for anyone to pick up. 666-666 - Silent Kombat: The same as in MK3, where no music plays during battle. 002-002 - Permanent Weapons: Both Characters have permanently drawn weapons that never drop to the ground. 012-012 - Noob Saibot Mode: Appears to do nothing at all at this point in time. 110 110 - Throwing & Maximum Damage Disabled: Throwing and the Maximum Damage system are both disabled. 011 011 - Goro's Lair: Fight in the Goro's Lair Stage. 022 022 - The Well: Fight in the The Well Stage. 033 033 - Elder God's: Fight in the Elder God's Stage. 044 044 - The Tomb Stage: Fight in the Tomb Stage. 055 055 - The Rain Stage: Fight in the Rain Stage. 066 066 - Snake Stage: Fight in the Snake Stage. 101 101 - The Dojo: Fight in the Dojo Stage. 202 202 - Living Forest: Fight in the Living Forest Stage. 303 303 - Prison Stage: Fight in the Prison Stage. ================================================================ XIV. CHARACTER ENDINGS Each of the Character's Endings in Mortal Kombat 4. I'd like to thank SirGalahad and the Lin Kuei Headquarters for the use of these MK4 Character Endings. Updated: January 13th ================================================================ ******************************** KAI ******************************** Kai is standing at the top of a grassy ledge of a mountain on a partly cloudy day. Raiden teleports in from behind him, and they begin to talk. You fought well, Kai. You are now a true Shaolin Warrior. Thanks, Raiden. But I am not interested in becoming a Shaolin Warrior anymore. I've got too many of my own problems to deal with. What will you do next? I don't know... Wander the earth, search for my soul. That kind of thing... [Raiden gives Kai his Lightning Staff.] Well, perhaps you could use this on your journey. Your Lightning Staff? It holds the power of Thunder and Lightning. Wield it wisely, for it can show you the way to immortality. Thank you, Raiden. I will not fail. ******************************** RAIDEN ******************************** Raiden floats up into the clouds and sees a light. It is the home of the Elder Gods. He sees some of the Gods appear before him, and they speak to him. Raiden, for many ages you have protected the Earth Realm from the forces of evil. You have earned your place among us. Before your dissension into the Patheon of elder Gods, you must choose your successor to protect your Earth. With the aid of Earth's mortals, I have once again managed to defeat Shinnok and his minions. I choose Fujin. He will guide the mortals of Earth as they move into the next millennium. ******************************** SHINNOK ******************************** Shinnok and Raiden are in The Tomb stage. Raiden is floating helplessly in the air under Shinnok's control. For millions of years, I suffered in the bowels of the Netherealm. You, Thunder God, are responsible for my suffering. Now the piteous mortals of Earth will pay for my grievance. You turned against your fellow Elder Gods. You betrayed your title. You deserve much worse. But it's too late, Raiden. I win! With the other Elder Gods out of the way, I will take my rightful place as ruler of all eternity. I can already feel the power surging from within! You're mad! Farewell, Thunder God! [Shinnok laughs and raises his hands. Lightning comes out and strikes Raiden. After a while, Raiden explodes into pieces.] ******************************** LIU KANG ******************************** Liu Kang is standing in the Dojo stage. Liu Kang: The war is over. I once again defended my title as Champion of Mortal Kombat, and defended the realm of earth. I have failed to save the realm of Edenia. In doing so, I have also lost Kitana forever. [Suddenly, a portal opens and Kitana walks through. She is a black palette swapped Tanya.] Kitana? Yes, Liu Kang. It is I. I thought you were gonna... [Kitana interrupts him.] With Shinnok's destruction, you have not only saved the earth, but you have saved my own realm. For that, I can never repay you. Knowing you survived is all I need. As heir to the throne of my realm, I offer you the chance to rule at my side, as King of Edenia, forever. I cannot accept your offer. I belong here on earth as Champion of Mortal Kombat. Then, I wish you good luck, Liu Kang, on all your journeys. Goodbye, Princess Kitana. [Kitana walks back through the Portal, and it closes.] ******************************** REPTILE ******************************** Reptile and Quan Chi stand in the Snake Stage. Reptile bows to Quan Chi and gets down on one knee in servitude. As the conversation progresses the camera pans around the two in a circle. Quan Chi, I have served our Lord Shinnok well in the destruction of Earth warriors. Yes, you are most proficient in all your efforts. Now I wish to return in time to my home world before it was destroyed at the hands of Shao Kahn. As the new ruler supreme of all reality. Shinnok alone has the power to grant my request. You dare make such a perpetuous request of your lord and master? Is it a simple request for one of such great power. It is also not worth his attention. [Reptile stands up and yells at Quan Chi in defiance.] I demand it! If it were not for warriors such as myself his attack against Raiden's forces would have failed! Perhaps you should convey your feelings to Shinnok yourself! What? [Shinnok teleports in front of Reptile and grabs him by the throat, lifting him off the ground.] Infidel! You are in no position to demand anything! I could kill you with a mere thought! [choking] But, we had a deal! [The camera pans out and shows Shinnok choking Reptile.] A deal? I am not a God of my word, Reptile! All deals are off! [Shinnok releases a blast of energy. Reptile explodes into pieces.] ******************************** SCORPION ******************************** Scorpion and Sub-Zero are in Goro's Lair. Scorpion stands over Sub-Zero's body. I defeated you, Sub-Zero. I have avenged the death of my family and clan. Now my soul can finally rest. Your soul will never rest, Scorpion. The Lin Kuei may have been responsible for your murder, but your family's true killer still remains free. If you are not the murderer, then who is? [Quan Chi walks up behind Scorpion.] I am the one you seek. To defeat my nemesis, Sub-Zero, I needed the power of a specter. You've done my bidding well, Scorpion. But now I must return you to the Netherealm. [Quan Chi opens a portal into the Netherealm. A bright white light appears behind him.] NEVER! [Scorpion grabs Quan Chi and they both are engulfed in the portal. They are then taken to Scorpion's Lair in UMK3. Quan Chi looks around and then stares at the screen.] Quan Chi: NO!!! ******************************** JAX ******************************** Sonya and Jarek are standing at the top of a grassy ledge of a mountain on a partly cloudy day. It's over, Jarek. Shinnok is dead. The good guys's won. You're coming back with me. Never, Sonya! I agreed to help defeat Shinnok, not turn myself in to the Special Forces! The Black Dragon lives on! [Jarek begins walking toward Sonya, who in turn begins backing away from him. WIDE SHOT AND CRESENDO: They are atop a high cliff. Sonya has backed to the edge.] The Black Dragon died with Kano. You're the last one, Jarek. NEVER! [Jarek dives toward Sonya. Sonya backs out of the way and Jarek goes over the cliff. Sonya looks over, then turns away. She takes out her radio.] Come in, Major Briggs. This is Lieutenant Sonya Blade... [From the edge of the cliff, Jarek is seen climbing up. He grabs Sonya by the leg and tosses her over the cliff.] [Shot of the radio lying on the ground.] (From the radio) Sonya? This is Major Briggs! Come in. Sonya, this is Jax! Are you there? [Jarek's steps on the radio crushing it. Silence. Jarek laughs to himself and walks on.] Going somewhere, Jarek? [WIDE SHOT: Jarek has walked into Jax, who grabs Jarek by the neck.] JAX! But I thought you were.. Thought I was what? Dead? Like my partner you just dropped off the cliff? [Jax walks back to the edge and holds Jarek over it.] [OVERHEAD SHOT: Jax holding Jarek over the cliff.] I...I'm sorry, Jax! Wait! Don't drop me! Wait? I promise... Too late, Jarek! You can't drop me! You have to uphold the law! You have to arrest me! Wait! Wait! This is brutality! You can't do it! Wrong, Jarek. This is not a brutality. This is a fatality! [Jax releases Jarek. We see him falling as the scene fades out.] ******************************** REIKO ******************************** Reiko is standing in The Well stage. A portal opens up, and Reiko steps through it. Thats it. ******************************** JOHNNY CAGE ******************************** There is an awards ceremony going on. Johnny Cage walks up to a podium. The crowd cheers madly for him. Wow! I don't know what to say! I guess I should start by thanking all my fans out there! [More cheers.] But that's enough of the mushy stuff. I mean let's get real here, huh? When am I going to get some real competition? [Silence from the crowd.] Come on, don't get silent now. Where are all the cheers? [The audience begins to boo.] Hey wait a minute! I'm your number one guy! [Audience continues booing, but now have started to throw things at Cage.] [Various comments from the crowd, "Boo! Get off! You suck!"] I'm gonna remember this! Ow! Hey, Come on! Ow! I saw that Arnold! Hey cut it out! ******************************** JAREK ******************************** Sonya and Jarek are standing at the top of a grassy ledge of a mountain on a partly cloudy day. It's over, Jarek. Shinnok is dead. The good guys's won. You're coming back with me. Never, Sonya! I agreed to help defeat Shinnok, not turn myself in to the Special Forces! The Black Dragon lives on! [Jarek begins walking toward Sonya, who in turn begins backing away from him. WIDE SHOT AND CRESENDO: They are atop a high cliff. Sonya has backed to the edge.] The Black Dragon died with Kano. You're the last one, Jarek. NEVER! [Jarek dives toward Sonya. Sonya backs out of the way and Jarek goes over the cliff. Sonya looks over, then turns away. She takes out her radio.] Come in, Major Briggs. This is Lieutenant Sonya Blade... [From the edge of the cliff, Jarek is seen climbing up. He grabs Sonya by the leg and tosses her over the cliff.] [Shot of the radio lying on the ground.] (From the radio) Sonya? This is Major Briggs! Come in. Sonya, this is Jax! Are you there? [Jarek's steps on the radio crushing it. Silence. Jarek laughs to himself and walks on.] ******************************** TANYA ******************************** Tanya and Liu Kang are running through an underground passage, which looks like it could be something attached to The Well stage. Tanya is giving instructions to Liu Kang as they run. Follow me, Liu Kang. Raiden has asked that I lead you to him. What about the others? He has something special planned for them. Tanya, what's going on? [Tanya laughs.] I don't know what Kitana saw in you. Can't you see, Liu Kang? This is a trap! What?! [Liu Kang turns as a wall opens. We see Quan Chi and Shinnok in the room that opens. Shinnok is hovering in the air.] Welcome, Shaolin Warrior. Your thunder god is beaten, earth's warriors destroyed. We obliterated the forces of light. Do you wish to beg the mercy of your new master, the lord Shinnok? Never, sorcerer! [Liu Kang performs a flying kick toward Shinnok but is blown up by him in mid-air.] [Quan Chi laughs.] Fool. ******************************** FUJIN ******************************** Fujin is standing in the Elder God stage, and is talking to one of the large blue faces. Our forces of light have defeated Shinnok, now I must return to my duties as Earth's god of wind. You have served your elders well, Fujin. But we have a new mission for you. [Raiden teleports in behind Fujin.] Raiden? Our battle with Shinnok's forces is over. I must move on to my new position as an Elder God. And you, Fujin, you must take my former position as protector of Earth. Raiden, it will be my honor to succeed you. Take special care of the mortals of Earth, they are a great people but have the ability to self destruct. Be patient, and offer your wisdom as guidance. Farewell, Thunder God. I will not fail you. That is why I picked you. ******************************** SUB-ZERO ******************************** Sub-Zero and Scorpion are in The Well stage. Sub-Zero stands over Scorpion's body. The battle is finished! Your quest for vengeance is over Scorpion! You cannot kill a dead man! You have defeated my physical form but my soul is eternal! You will pay for the massacre of my clan and family! [Sub-Zero is attacked from behind by Quan Chi. He falls to the floor, and looks up at Quan Chi.] Welcome, Sub-Zero. Like your brother before you, you have serve my purposes well. I serve no one! Not the Lin Kuei, and not you! [Quan Chi stomps on Sub-Zero's Chest and looks down at him. The camera slowly pans from the back to the front of Quan Chi while he is talking.] Scorpion took my trust in exchange for freedom from the Netherealm. But true, I have no intention of fulfilling. By killing your brother it saved us the trouble. Both you and Scorpion were pawns for Shinnok. [When the panning stops we see Scorpion standing behind Quan Chi.] [Scorpion lifts Quan Chi in the air like Fujin's Wind Lift.] Scorpion!! [Scorpion shoots a green ball of energy at the helpless Quan Chi. He explodes. Scorpion and Sub-Zero face each other.] Our battle is finished. You are now free from my curse. Farewell, Lin Kuei warrior. ******************************** QUAN CHI ******************************** Quan Chi and Shinnok stand in The Well stage. Shinnok, victorious, is talking to Quan Chi. In payment for your loyal services, Quan Chi, I grant you the gift of your existence. My existence? Understand, sorcerer, I consume all energies, including the life forces of all that live, but I shall spare you. If it weren't for me, you will still be a tortured soul rotting in the pits of the Netherealm. You dare question me? I do more than question you, Shinnok. I challenge you! Then you shall die! [Shinnok mutters something as he throws a pink magic missile at Quan Chi. The magic missile touches Quan Chi but fizzles without harming him.] What! Your powers are useless against me. How can this be? [Quan Chi holds up Shinnok's amulet.] I am in possession of your royal sacred amulet. Years ago I delivered to you an exact duplicate, while I retained the original. I even fooled Raiden. Now, I am ruler supreme and you, Elder God, are finished! NO!!! [Quan Chi uses the amulet to shoot a green missile at Shinnok. It touches Shinnok and he explodes.] ******************************** SONYA ******************************** Sonya and Jarek are standing at the top of a grassy ledge of a mountain on a partly cloudy day. It's over, Jarek. Shinnok is dead. The good guys's won. You're coming back with me. Never, Sonya! I agreed to help defeat Shinnok, not turn myself in to the Special Forces! The Black Dragon lives on! [Jarek begins walking toward Sonya, who in turn begins backing away from him. WIDE SHOT AND CRESENDO: They are atop a high cliff. Sonya has backed to the edge.] The Black Dragon died with Kano. You're the last one, Jarek. NEVER! [Jarek dives toward Sonya. Sonya backs out of the way and Jarek goes over the cliff. Sonya looks over, then turns away. She takes out her radio.] Come in, Major Briggs. This is Lieutenant Sonya Blade, over. Sonya, glad to hear you're alive. You actually sound happy to hear from me, Jax. Things got boring? Not since you followed Liu Kang into the Netherealm. Well it's over now, I'm returning to base. 10-4, Jax. [The scene fades out.] ================================================================ XV. CREDITS: People who have helped me in creating this FAQ. ================================================================ The biggest thanks has to go to SirGalahad for the Character Endings, Weapon Moves, and alot of information for the REVISION HISTORY section. Check out the Lin Kuei Headquarters here: http://www.primenet.com/~srgalhad/mk/mk.htm OTHER CREDITS: - TRMK (http://mk.hotweird.com/) - Icemaster (http://www.icemaster.org) - The MK4 Extreme (http://mk4.home.ml.org) - G. Koletar (gkoletar@bellatlantic.net) - Scott Brewer (SBrewer@saharanet.com) - The MKCC () ================================================================ (c) 1997-98, Kingdom MK - http://fighters.simplenet.com/mk/ Mortal Kombat ha5 been brought to you by Midway, (c) 1997, All rights reserved. Mortal Kombat 4, the MK Dragon insignia, and all things related are property of Midway Manufacturing Company. THE END.