Iceout's Kombat Zone - MK4 arcade Revision 3 Compact FAQ by Charles Grey Enter IKZ: Version 9.00 - 06.13.98 (FINAL UPDATE) Final version: * Added combos from N64 FAQ since they're both rev 3 * My corny descriptions of the rest of the weapon moves * Corrections PLAYING OPTIONS 2nd outfit: At the select screen, hold START and press the three buttons listed and the square will flip to a yin-yang. If both sides use the same character, only the 2nd player can have the 2nd outfit. 2-on-2 Kombat: Each side selects two fighters, the second one joining in when the first gets knocked out. Group Select(2-player game only): A shrunken select screen appears. You start with Kai on the top-left and move down each time you win. Random: Randomly selects your character. Hidden(2-player game only): Hides your select square. LEGEND Joystick Buttons UB U UF HP BL HK B * F LP RN LK DB D DF HP/LP/HK/LK: High/Low Punch/Kick BL: Block RN: Run * : can be done in air SECRETS MEAT - see last section after Sonya Hold D right after doing spikes fatality to have them slide down, BL for "Toasty!" Hold Start during Scorpions' BBQ fatality to hear "Toasty! 3-D" During "CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY" for 1-player games, tap START to rotate the towers and get a different opponent lineup. KOMBAT KODES In 2-player games, a "VS" screen appears before the match starts. Use BL,HK, and LK to change icons. Hold UP to go backwards. 111-111 Weapon falls from sky 222-222 Draw a DIFFERENT weapon 333-333 Randper Kombat 444-444 Wewapons already drawn 555-555 Room full of weapons 666-666 No music 123-123 One hit Kills! 100-100 Throws disabled 020-020 Red Rain (on outdoor stage) 050-050 Explosive Kombat 002-002 Can't drop weapons 012-012 "Noob Saibot Mode" 001-001 Unlimited Run 010-010 Max Damage Disabled 110-110 Throws and MAX disabled 011-011 Goro's Lair (stage fatality,rocks) 022-022 Scorpion's Stage (heads) 033-033 Faces Stage 044-044 Tomb 055-055 Outdoors 066-066 Reptile's Stage (spiked balls) 101-101 Temple 202-202 Living Forest 303-303 Fan Stage (stage fatality) COMBO SYSTEM Air starters : Jump+HP or U,HK/LK (follow with ground combo) Basic series : HP>HP>HK>(B+LK/B+HK) Ground series: HP>HP>HK>(HK/LK)>Draw Weapon(hits)/Special Pop-up series: HP>HP>HK>(D+HP/D+HK) Weapon series: HK>Any weapon attack except throw Midair series: Jump+HP,(LP/HK/LK) Doing Kai's Handstand(BL+LK) in a combo give you a free upper kick finisher. This works on Revision 3 only. If the combo reaches 40% or more, "MAXIMUM DAMAGE" appears and you get knocked back. Throws and Breakers will not count as hits in combos, though the damage will be added. BASIC MOVES UNARMED PUNCH ATTACKS HP : High Jab LP : Middle Jab crouch+HP: Uppercut crouch+LP: Low Jab jump+HP : Jumping Jab jump+LP : Jumping Power Punch (knocks down) close HP : Face Punch close LP : Basic Throw Tap HP/LP: Repeated Punches KICK ATTACKS HK : Face Kick LK : Quick Kick B+HK : Roundhouse B+LK : Foot Sweep crouch+HK: Uppercut Kick crouch+LK: Ankle Kick UB/UF+HK : Jump Kick UB/UF+LK : Drop Kick U+HK/LK : Front Leg Kick close HK : Knee Strike close LK : Bone Breaker OTHER ATTACKS crouch+RN: Pick up and throw non-weapon object MOVEMENT RN,RN : Sidestep away from screen D,RN,RN : Sidestep into screen UB/UF : Jump back/forward U : Jump straight up D(hold) : Crouching F+hold RN: Run forward OTHER BL : Standing block crouch+BL: Crouching block (use for trips,sweeps and LK's low fireball) Hold B/DB: Throw protection WEAPON MOVES (draw move): draw weapon out/throw if in hand (Jump)+HP : Midair upper-swing (floats like jumping HK) (Jump)+LP : Midair down-swing (knocks straight down) D+RN : pick up weapon(when standing over) BROADSWORD HP : Quick Hit B+HP: Overhand LP : Weak Upper B+LP: Upper Slash D+LP: Sword Spin(hold D+LP DB/DF moves) CLUB HP : Side Swipe B+HP: Overhead Smash LP : Hit into screen B+LP: 2-hit upper SPEAR HP : Upper B+HP: Running Stab LP : Back Spin B+LP: Sweep ICE STAFF HP : Side Swipe B+HP: Uppercut Swing LP : Trip B+LP: Freeze Dash BOOMERANG HP : Short Slash B+HP: Spin Slash LP : Throw (returns later) B+LP: Upward Throw (returns later) HAMMER HP : Side Swipe B+HP: Overhead Smash LP : Hit into screen B+LP: Uppercut Swing MACE HP : Overhead Smash B+HP: Side Swipe LP : Hit into screen B+LP: Uppercut Swing CROSSBOW HP : Upward Shot LP : Straight Shot B+LP: Bouncing Shot BLADE WHEEL HP : Upper B+HP: Backhand Swipe LP : Downstrike B+LP: The "Carver" CURVED SWORD HP : Uppercut Swing B+HP: Backhand Swipe LP : Downstrike B+LP: Dash Slash JAGGED SWORD HP : Lawnmower Slash (tap rapidly for repeated slashes) B+HP: Running Stab LP : Upper B+LP: Knockdown AXE HP : Upper B+HP: Axe Spin (hold HP , B/F moves) LP : Downstrike B+LP: Backhand Swipe DAGGER HP : Upper B+HP: 360 Slash LP : Downstrike B+LP: same as B+HP PIRATE SWORD HP : Step Slash B+HP: Upper LP : Weak Upper B+LP: Knockdown - KAI 2nd Outfit : HP+BL+LK Draw Weapon: D,B,LP Upward Fire: F,F,LP* Down Fire : B,B,HP Zip Punch : D,F,HP Slide Kick : D,F+LK Handstand : BL+LK (HS position only) Spin Kicks : LP(hold) (B/F moves) Upper Kick : HK Lower Kick : LK Stand Up : BL (4) Up Kick,HK,HK,BL+LK(free hit)(32%) (5) Up Kick,HK,D+HP,Up Fire,Jump HK(32%) Body Rip : U,F,U,B,HK(close) Saw Blade : U,U,U,D,BL(outside sweep) Fan Stage : F,F,D,BL Goro Stage : B,F,D,HK - RAYDEN 2d Outfit : LP+BL+HK Draw Weapon: F,B,HP Spark : D,B,LP Wall Smash : F,F,LK* Teleport : D,U Dynamo : F,B,U,U,HK(close) Electrocute: D,U,U,U,HP(close) Fan Stage : D,F,B,BL Goro Stage : F,F,D,LP - SHINNOK 2nd Outfit: HP+BL+LP Weapon : B,F,LP IMPERSONATIONS Kai : F,F,F,LK Rayden : D,F,F,HP Liu Kang : B,B,F,HK Reptile : B,B,F,BL Scorpion : F,B,LP Jax : F,D,F,HK Reiko : B,B,B,BL Cage : D,D,HP Jarek : B,B,B,LK Tanya : B,F,D,BL Fujin : F,F,B,HK Sub-Zero : D,B,LP Quan Chi : F,B,F,LK Sonya : F,D,F,HP (3) Up Kick,HK,B+HK(29%) (4) (any weapon) Up Kick,HK,D+HP,jump LP(28%) The Hand : D,B,F,D,RN(close) Goal! : D,U,U,D,BL(close) Fan Stage : D,D,F,HK Goro Stage: D,F,B,HP - LIU KANG 2nd Outfit : HP+BL+LK Draw Weapon : B,F,LK Fireball : F,F,HP* Low FireBall: F,F,LP Flying Kick : F,F,HK Bike Kick : Hold LK 3-5 seconds (4) HP,HP,HK,HK,Flying Kick(29%) Dragon Morph: F,F,F,D,HK+BL+LK(1/2 screen) Screen Shot : F,D,D,U,HP(close) Fan Stage : F,F,B,LP Goro Stage : F,F,B,HK - REPTILE 2nd Outfit : LP+BL+LK Draw Weapon : B,B,LK Acid Spray : D,F,HP Palm Strike : B,F,LP Inviso : BL+HK Super Crawl : B,F,LK (3) (axe) HK,LP,LP(23%) (3) (corner) Jump HK,Crawl,Uppercut(27%) Beauty Treatment: Hold HP+LP+HK+LK then U(close) 3-D Acid Loogie : U,D,D,D,HP(outside sweep) Fan Stage : D,F,F,LP Goro Stage : D,D,F,HK - SCORPION 2nd Outfit : HP+BL+HK Draw Weapon: F,F,HK Spear : B,B,LP Tele-Punch : D,B,HP* Fire Breath: D,F,LP Air Throw : BL when both in air (4) Spear,HK,HK,Weapon(31%) (7) Up Kick,HK,HK,Spear,HP,HK,Weapon(43%) B.B.Q. : B,F,F,B,BL(1/2 screen) Scorpion : B,F,D,U,HP(close) Fan Stage : F,D,D,LK Goro Stage : B,F,F,LK - JAX 2nd Outfit : RN+BL+LP Draw Weapon: D,F,HP Gun Shot : D,F,LP Slide Punch: D,B,LP Earthquake : F,F,D,LK Backbreaker: BL when both in air Multi Throw: Throw,then(hold)RN+BL+LK > HP+LP+LK > HP+BL+LK > HP+LP+HK+LK (3) (club) HK,B+LP(26%) (5) Up Kick,HK,HK,Weapon(41%) FATALITIES Arm Rip : Hold LK for before you win then F,F,D,F,release LK(close) Head Smash : B,F,F,D,BL(close) Fan Stage : F,F,B,LK Goro Stage : F,F,B,HP - REIKO 2nd Outfit : HP+LK+RN Draw Weapon : D,B,HP Vertical Teleport: D,U (during V.T. only) Air Throw : BL Air Punch : HP/LP Front Kick : HK/LK Horiz.Teleport : B,F,LK Flip Kick : B to D to F+HK Throwing Stars : D,F,LP (3) Flip Kick,HP,jump HK(20%) (6) Up Kick,HK,HK,Flip Kick,HP,jump LK(44%) Power Kick : F,D,F+HK+BL+LP+LK(close) Shuriken Massacre: B,B,D,D,HK(outside sweep) Fan Stage : D,D,B,LP Goro Stage : F,F,D,LK - JOHNNY CAGE 2nd Outfit : LP+LK+RN Draw Weapon : F,D,F,LK High Fire : D,B,LP Low FireBall: D,F,HP Groin Punch : BL+LP(dosen't work on Sonya or Tanya) Shadow Kick : B,F,LK Shadow Upper: B,D,B,HP (3) (pirate sword) HK,B+HP,Shadow Kick(27%) (5) Up Kick,HK,D+HP,jump HK,Shadow Kick(33%) Body Rip : F,B,D,D,HK(close) Head Punch : D,D,F,D,BL(close) Fan Stage : D,F,F,HK Goro Stage : B,F,F,LK - JAREK 2nd Outfit : HP+HK+RN Draw Weapon: F,F,HP Fwd. Roll : B,F,LK Upward Roll: F,D,F,HP Blade Toss : D,B,LP Earthquake : B,D,B,HK (3) (curved sword) HK,HP,LK(25%) Heart Pull : F,B,F,F,LK(close) Eye Beam : U,U,F,F,BL(outside sweep) Fan Stage : F,D,F,HK Goro Stage : B,F,F,LP - TANYA 2nd Outfit : HK+LP+LK Draw Weapon : F,F,HK Fire Ball : D,F,HP Air FireBall: D,B,LP in air Spin Kick : F,F,LK Spilts Kick : F to D to B+LK (3) (boomerang) Jump HK,Spin,LP(29%) (5) Up Kick,HK,HK,Spin,Splits(42%) (6) Jump+HP,HP,HK,HK,Spin,Spilts(33%) Explode Kiss: D,D,U,D,HP+BL(close) Neck Breaker: D,F,D,F,HK(close) Fan Stage : B,F,D,HP Goro Stage : F,F,F,LP - FUJIN 2nd Outfit : HP+LP+HK Draw Weapon : B,B,LP Dust Storm : F,D,F,HP Slam : B,F,D,LK from the dust storm Spin : F,D,LP(hold) Flying Knee : D,F,HK Diving Kick : D+LK at top of jump (3) Dust Storm,Slam,Uppercut(24%) (3) Dust Storm,jump HP,HK air chain(22%) (7) Up Kick,HK,HK,Weapon(38%) Turkey Shoot: Tap BL+RN rapidly(1/2 screen) Wind Blast : D,F,F,U,BL(outside sweep) Fan Stage : D,D,D,HK Goro Stage : B,F,B,HP - SUB-ZERO 2nd Outfit : HP+BL+RN Draw Weapon: D,F,HK Ice Ball : D,F,LP Ice Clone : D,B,LP* Slide : LP+BL+LK (5) Ice,Up Kick,HK,HK,Slide(21%) (8) Ice,Up Kick,HP,HP,HK,HK,Weapon,Slide(30%) 3-D Headrip: F,B,F,D,HP+BL+RN(close) Ice Smash : B,B,D,B,HP(outside sweep) Fan Stage : D,U,U,U,HK Goro Stage : D,D,D,LK - QUAN CHI 2nd outfit : HP+HK+RN Draw Weapon : D,B,HK Skull Fireball: F,F,LP Teleport Stomp: F,D,LK Steal Weapon : F,B,HP when their weapon is drawn Slide Kick : F,F,HK Air Throw : BL when both in air (3) (mace) HK,B+LP,jump LP Leg Rip : Hold LK before you win then F,D,F,release LK(close) Imperson-ality: U,U,D,D,LP(outside sweep) Fan Stage : F,F,D,HP Goro Stage : F,F,B,LK - SONYA BLADE 2nd Outfit : HP+LK+RN Draw Weapon : F,F,LK Purple FireBall: D,F,LP Bike Kick : B,B,D,HK Air Punch : F,B,HP Leg Grab : Hold D,BL+LP Fwd. Flipkick : B to D to F+LK Air Throw : BL when both in air (3) (corner) Flipkick,Uppercut(16%) (5) Jump+HP,HP,HK,HK,Weapon(30%) Kiss Blade : D,D,D,U,RN(outside sweep) Deadly Flipkick: U,D,D,U,HK(outside sweep) Fan Stage : D,B,B,HK Goro Stage : F,D,F,HP - MEAT CODE TO PLAY: Beat group mode with all 15 select screen characters. Then choose any character. Has all moves of that character chosen. CREDITS MK Extreme : Move confirmations TRMK : Moves Badrock : Combo Information : pointed out that Shin's Goro stage was wrong Tips&Tricks 5/98: Sonya/Kang/Scorpions 2nd Mortal Kombat 4 (c)1997-98 MIDWAY