------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZEALITY Side Projects Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon Script © Konami Co. of Osaka, typed by ZeaLitY http://www.chronocompendium.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) Legal information 2.) Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon script 3.) Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon script (asterisks) 4.) Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) Legal information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an unofficial game script guide to Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, which is a product of Konami. I am creating this edited script by hand so that I may have a reference for writing the story section of this game's entry at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystical_Ninja_Starring_Goemon . Also, this game had some top-notch surrealist humor amplified by slightly bizarre English (the result of an average translation job of dialogue steeped in Japanese humor). I hope you enjoy it. There are two copies -- one without asterisks and one with. Asterisks represent emboldened or flashing dialogue. At present, it is not complete as it does not include the message for getting the Impact tournament mode special feature. I'm probably missing some minute inn / shop strings variations. 11/05/06 -Release http://www.chronocompendium.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.) Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon script ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Opening Song] Fight on... Fight on... Never giving up Let's start our journey as we whistle along Going now Well, look at the sky Peeping through the clouds You can see, just how big the sky really is Even if the harsh winds were to take you away live your life the way YOU want it, that is the destiny for many Fight on... Fight on... There is more than one dream, if we reach for it hard enough... TAKE A CHANCE! Fight on... Fight on... Never giving up Let's start our journey as we whistle along Going now [Oedo Town] Store Manager: What are you guys doing? Leave right now! Store Manager: Never come again, you punks! Goemon: Ebisumaru! Why, you've taken all your clothes off! Ebisumaru: I thought that I could negotiate a discount... with my hypnotic dance. Goemon: Discount?! We've been thrown out of the store because of your dance. Ebisumaru: He just couldn't understand the beauty in... me! Goemon: You worry me. Goemon: What, what's happening! Ebisumaru: Huh?! Goemon: What was that great big thing just now? Ebisumaru: Goemon! Isn't that the direction to Oedo Castle? Baron: I've arrived at my destination! Mystery Man: Hmm! Let's first attack this castle! Mystery Woman: O-o, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! Lord: Well, well, well. Isn't it so peaceful here. Princess Yuki: Wait! What's that commotion outside? Lord: WHAT'S GOING ON!! Mystery Man: If we just proceed with our cunning plans. Huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh! Goemon: Oh no, Oedo Castle. Ebisumaru: The Lord's place again? It's been really nightmare for them recently. Goemon: In any case, we can't just sit around here! Follow me, Ebisumaru! Ebisumaru: Wait for me, Goemon! I haven't changed yet! Give me a moment to go home and get changed into something decent. Goemon: Aw, heck. Well, hurry up. [Oedo Town] Goemon: I'm ready! Let's go! [Woman] When the UFO comes, there is a huge commotion all over the place... Someone new will be moving into the tenements. What? When's that? Sorry! Even I don't know that. [Girl] Just now, Oedo Castle was hit by a mysterious beam, turning it into European Castle. If that beam hit me... Would it turn me into a model EU citizen? [Boy] All right!! The aliens! The aliens! The aliens! The aliens! [Old Man] What? A UFO? What do you mean? I'm 85 years old you know! [Sign] [Goemon Tenements] [Man] Mokubei used to live next door to us... He was a pipe maker, but he moved to Mt. Fuji... That's why nobody lives next door. [Man] As I said, nobody lives next door! Mokubei, the pipe maker, has moved to the Mt. Fuji. [Man] My cousin lives two houses down, so don't pay any attention if you hear the same thing! [Old Woman] There seems to be some kind of commotion again... Does that mean your adventures are about to begin? A new start for "MYSTICAL NINJA"! [Young Woman] There seems to be some commotion going on outside... I wonder what's going on! But I get frightened easily, so I'm afraid to go and see. Still, I can't help but take a look. [Young Man] I don't know if you saw a UFO or a bird, but it's nothing to make a big fuss over. HECK! Officer: Yes? What's the matter? I want to know the way to... Who are you? Where do you want to go? Which way to [Oedo Castle]? The way to [Mt. Fuji]? Where is the [checkpoint]? You can get to Oedo Castle by passing through this gate and over the Nihon Bashi Bridge. To get to Mt. Fuji, you must pass through the gate with the red pillars near the [Thunder Gate]... This will lead you to the fortune teller, where you must turn the corner and go straight. There you'll find the [Kai Highway], which will lead you directly to Mt. Fuji. To get to the checkpoint, go through the large gate in the shopping district. In order to defend the peace and justice of this town... I have altered my body to become... Your hero and supercop "Robo Officer"! [Traveler] Is this bridge the actual Nihon Bashi Bridge? I must say it is a beautiful bridge, fit for the honour of Oedo. [Young Woman] I was just there, but... The bridge that leads to Oedo Castle has been destroyed, so no one can get in! Now, what's going to happen! ...to be continued. [Sign] [Oedo Castle / Main Gate] [Sign] Emergency [Star Block] In Use. (You can get through by using the Chain Pipe) [Sign] Front of Castle / Police Box [Guard] It is impossible to enter Oedo Castle! However, there should be a "Star Block" set for emergency use... You should be able to move forward if you have the chain device used by Mokubei, the Pipe maker. [Young Man] Auggghhhhh! I can feel my "Blood" rushing! I want to totally master the art of swordmanship. [Boy] The officer's duty is to defend the peace of this town. By the way, I have no job! [Man] Mokubei the pipe maker, who moved to [Mt. Fuji], is a UFO maniac. But for a UFO to appear after he moved...? I should have taped it for him on a video camera. Officer: Anyone planning to cause trouble... will fall victom to my Atomic Stick! [Old Man] No matter what happens, I'll be sure to go to the Thunder Gate! That is the way of my life. [Man] That huge peach that just came flying... What in the world was that?! Who in the world is going to eat such a huge peach! [Messenger] Pant! Pant! This is a warning from the messenger! If you're going to save an Adventure Diary, go to the [Inn]. As long as you keep an Adventure Diary, you can keep save ofa ll your adventures up to now! Gotta go! [Girl] What's the fuss? Everyone's in a tizzy over some Flying Peach... You won't be able to steal my heart using just a Flying Peach! [Boy] Hee, hee, hee... In this world, there exist fortune dolls that bring you happiness. If you find one, take it, no matter what! [Woman] If you're going on an adventure, it would be wise to purchase an item at the general store. It will comein handy when certain emergencies arise. [Dog] Arf, arf! Help me! Arf, arf! I'd better hurry up and hide somewhere, or else they'll take me in their UFO... It scares me just to think about it. [Man] It's a UFO! It's a Flying Peach! This has got to be the Alien Invasion! I'll bet whoever's riding that UFO is speaking kinda peachy. [Woman] This is Oedo Town! It's where the real Edo people live! [Fat Man] Hey! So you're here to find out what I have to say! Listen, whenever you visit a town or a village... gather your information by listening to what the people have to say. That is important for you to complete this game! [System] [Coffee Shop / Viva! Oedo!] [Man] Omitsu is the cutest girl I've ever seen... When our eyes meet even for a brief moment... It's magic! [Old Man] I just can't settle down until I eat and eat and eat. So... I'll have some Kiwi Dumpling, Iced Tea, Custard Rice Cake, and some Cinnamon Rice Crackers. ... Woops, I forgot my wallet! Omitsu: What's going on out there? Goemon: A strange UFO has come to town! Omitsu: A UFO? Omitsu: You mean like a flying saucer? Omitsu: Does that mean the aliens have come? Omitsu: Will the aliens come to our coffee shop and try some of our dumplings? Omitsu: Good thing I studied the alien language, just for such an occasion. [Old Woman] How can I help you? I've come to see Omitsu... I've come to order pizza. I don't doubt it... Omitsu is the beauty of this town. We've got no such thing! [Man] This Coffee Shop says you have to drink your coffee while standing up?! But that's okay, because this is where Omitsu the most beautiful woman in town works! [Man] If it's what Omitsu wants, I'll drink my coffee standing up. I'll even drink it upside down, I don't care! Restaurant: Oh! Hello! What is it going to be today? Dumplings 15 Oden 25 Sushi 45 3 coloured dumplings, not too sweet. It's great for a desserts! Your Strength Gauge will increase to 2 points! Mmm, that's what I want! That's not what I want. The soup is well absorbed by the Oden! The traditional hot dish of Japan! Your Strength Gauge will increase by 3 points! The best Sushi in town! It's fresh Sushi from the Edo area! Your Strength Gauge will increase by 5 points! Thank you! Can I get you another one? Yes. I've had enough. Your Strength Gauge is completely full. Restaurant: So what will it be? Please come again! [Fat Man] I've stopped dieting just now! General Store: Welcome. Are you looking for something? Plain Rice Balls 50 Plum Rice Balls 120 This automatically recovers your strength to 4 points whenever it reaches 0. I want that. No thanks... This automatically recovers your strength to 10 points whenever it reaches 0. Sorry, but you don't have enough money. Excuse me, but you seem to already have that item. General Store: Are you looking for something else? Thank you very much! Are you still looking for something else? Yes. That will be all. Please come again. General Store: Welcome. Are you looking for something? Sombrero 50 Straw Raincot 80 Metal Armour 200 With this you could defend yourself by resisting 3 shots from the enemy. This will defend you against 3 attacks from the enemy. This will defend you against 5 attacks from the enemy. General Store: So what would you like? Thank you very much! Are you still looking for something? Inn: Welcome. What brings you here today? Spend the night Adventure Diary Nothing Your Strength Gauge is completely full. I will not spend the night. I still wish to spend the night! I see. Well, please come again. Which room would you like? Bronze Room 60 Silver Room 100 Gold Suite 200 It's old and battered, but what can I say, it's our cheapest room. That's where I'll stay! No, I've changed my mind. It's basically your average room, and at a very competitive rate. You're in for a night of your life. I'll show you to your room. I'm terribly sorry to point this out, but you do not have enough money. Good Morning. We look forward to seeing you again. Very well! Your game will now be saved in the Adventure Diary. Please press the [A Button] when you are ready. (the [B Button] will cancel) Your game has been saved in the Adventure Diary. Please come again. I see. Well, please come again. Gate keeper: Woo-oooooooow! The automatic closing device has been activated on the gate. It will no longer open! What the...! Something serious is taking place at Oedo Castle! Gate keeper: Well, the only way to pass this checkpoint... ...is to get the Super Pass from the Lord. [Old Man] I've come to climb Mt. Fuji... The officer told me I could get there from around the cornre by the fortune teller's. [Man] I worry, I worry so, I worry... When something worries you like this, the best thing to do is go see a fortune teller. With the Plasma Power, your worries will fade away. [Sign] Fortune teller ahead!! [Sign] Mt. Fuji to the west! Chuppy: Aw, I'm tired... I just want to hurry up and eat, and get to bed, arf! Chuppy: I'm so tired, arf! [Man] A UFO? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha... But, isn't our Chuppy such a good dog? [Plasma Man] PLASMA! Plasma Man: Howdy! Welcome to the Plasma Fortune Teller. I will solve your worries for 10 ryo, plasma! Ah, yes please. No, no thank you. Okay, well let's get started!! Hmmmm, abababa, hmmm, abababa, Hmmmm, abababa, hmmm, abababa, Hmmmm, abababa, hmmm, abababa, PLASMA! If you want to enter Oedo Castle... Enter on the left hand side when you face this fortune teller. That will take you to the [Kai Highway] which will lead you to Mt. Fuji, plasma! Go ahead then, worry for the rest of your life, plasma. [Kai Highway] [Kai Highway] [System] Received a [Silver Fortune Doll]! With three more, your Strength Gauge will increase by one! [Kai's Coffee Shop] [Kai's Coffee Shop] Travel Merchant: Hey you! You're a traveller! How would you like a map of Japan to assist you on your voyage? I'll sell it to you for a discount, how about it? Yes, I really want it! No way! Forget it. Awesome! I like the way you said that, the enthusiasm! I like people like you, here, you can have it, no charge! All right! We'll call this a present to you. Receive [Map of Japan] free of charge! Step outside any building and press the START Button, you can switch to the map and back using the Z Button. What kind of way is that to talk to someone! Unbelievable! Travel Merchant: I hope this trip will be a very enjoyable one for you! [Man] Have you heard the least on the dancer called Impact?! Apparently he's now a big star in the U.S.! Next he's going to be in a movie! He's a model of the "American Dream"! [Woman] Recently, there have been mechanical robots appearing all over the place, attacking travellers in their path. You should be careful yourself. [Old Woman] How about some of our stamina dumplings? At 30ryo, this will get you motorin'! Sure, I'll try some! No thanks... There you go! Enjoy! Your Strength Gauge is already full. Are you sure? Well, come again when you're hungry. [Mt. Fuji] [System] The biggest mountain Mt. Fuji [System] Received a [Silver Fortune Doll]! With two more, your Strength Gauge will increase by one! [Mt. Fuji] Crater [Mt. Fuji] Summit Mokubei: Wow! I'm impressed that you made it this far! What do you want from me? What are you doing here? Do you have a good [Pipe]? Mokubei: I have come to the greatest mountain in Japan... so that I could train to become the greatest worker in Japan! Mokubei: Pipe? Let me think... well let's see... ...YES!! I know! Take this! I'm honoured to hand you my Pipe! It attaches to the block with the [Star Mark]! [System] Goemon receives the [Chain Pipe]! With this, it is now possible to attach this to the Star Mark and across large gaps! Mokubei: Train yourself well... until the girls cheer for you saying "Oh my! That Pipe of you have is so fashionable!" [Oedo Town] [System] Received a [Silver Fortune Doll]! With one more, your Strength Gauge will increase by one! [Sign] [Oedo Castle / Entrance] Do you wish to save the game in your Adventure Diary? Yes No [Oedo Castle] [Transformed Oedo Castle] [System] Without the [Silver Key] this door will not open... Received the [Silver Key]! Received [Mr. Elly Fant]! Now you have access to the map showing the inside of this castle! (Press the START Button, and switch tot he map with the Z Button) Received a [Silver Fortune Doll]! Your Strength Gauge is increased by [one]! Without the [Gold Key] this door will not open... Received the [Gold Key]! Received [Mr. Arrow]! Now, the location of the Boss will appear on the map! Baron: Soooooo! Baron: I was sure I heard something down there. Was it you guys?! Goemon: What the?! Well, who in the world are you! Baron: My name is Baron! Baron: I've come to make Oedo Castle a beautiful stage! Goemon: Stage? Goemon: What would we need a stage for?! Ebisumaru: Goemon, this smells like danger to me! Ebisumaru: Why don't we just grab this weirdo by the throat... Ebisumaru: And beat him up a bit. Baron: Who are you calling weirdo?! (laughs) Baron: Maybe I'll just have to beat you up! (laughs and applause) [System] The King Robot CONGO Received the [Miracle Moon], in the shape of the moon! Lord: We're safe now, thanks to you. Goemon: Lord, what has become of Oedo Castle? Lord: Suddenly, there was this bright light, and next thing I know, well, look around you. Ebisumaru: We saw it from the outside. Ebisumaru: The whole castle transformed when that Peach Beam hit. Princess Yuki: I remember, that strange man was yelling something like "Instant Stage Beam!" Ebisumaru: Instant...... What?! Ebisumaru: That's a strange name... (laughs) Goemon: By the way, where did that weirdo go?! Princess Yuki: He rushed off in an awful hurry. Lord: I've got a favour to ask of you. Lord: Could you catch the guys that did this to Oedo Castle for me? Lord: I beg you! You bet! We won't let you down! Give me a break... Lord: I've never heard anything so sad in my life... of all people... Goemon the hero... (laughs) Lord: I beg you once again... Pleeaase! Oh well, all right! I really don't want to... Lord: I've never heard anything so sad in my life... of all people... Goemon the hero... (awww) Goemon: We can't let anyone do something like this and get away with it. Lord: Good! I knew I could count on you! Lord: Oh, I almost forgot! Take this with you! Lord: As long as you've got this, you will be able to open the gate! [System] Goemon and Ebisumaru receive a [Super Pass] from the Lord! Lord: I'm counting on you! [System] Do you wish to save the game to this point in your Adventure Diary? Very well. Press the [A Button] when you are ready. [Oedo Town] [Young Woman] I wonder when that bridge to Oedo Castle is going to be fixed? Maybe I should fix it! ...to be continued. [Merchant] I was planning next to go to the Northeast Region, just [East] of [Musashi], but someone left a metal chest in the middle of the road... making it impossible to pass! [Guard] Maybe I should compete against Mokubei the Chain Pipe maker, and open up a "Chain Store". [Young Man] SHUT UP! Edo people are only interested in festivals and fights! [Young Man] Auggghhhhh! To master the art of swordmanship, I must first cut something with a sword! I want to cut! Want to cut! Wanna cut! Wanna cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! [Boy] When I grow up, I'm going to be an officer and catch all the bad guys! But I don't want to be the one to get caught. [Old Man] I'm in love with this Thunder Gate! Why don't we start a society for the Thunder Gate! [Man] That's right, when my business is in the dumps, the first thing I do is go see the fortune teller. So when you don't know what to do, go see the fortune teller. [Old Man] My dream has been to get to the top of Mt. Fuji and eat rice balls with 100 friends. [Man] Chuppy loves going for walks! Like now, he'll just keep on walking! [Plasma Man] As you leave the gate, take the West tunnel to [Iga], plasma! You shall met the [Wise Man] there! [Man] It's too bad that Mokubei's Pipe shop is no longer here... so who can we see about UFO? [Young Man] Whaaaat! Now a huge melon just flew in! ...now, just imagination playing tricks! [Messenger] Hi! Are you keeping save in your Adventure Diary? I'm not going to be able to help you if you forget to save things in your Adventure Diary. [Man] Hmm, I wonder where that UFO went... Aww! Just as the camera's ready and I larn that Peach Alien language, and they're gone! Tooooo bad! [Dog] I've always hated UFO... and carrots, arf. [Woman] This is where the real game begins. Make sure you have your items, and the best of luck! [Girl] I'm not interested in Flying Peaches! I want something more funky and exciting! [Woman] Well, at least things have calmed down. The new person can now move in without any worry. [Girl] I heard from Princess Yuki that something strange is happening at Oedo Castle... I just have to see the dumplings running up and down the hallway! But I wonder if they can be eaten? [Boy] The aliens have gone! The aliens have gone! [Man] My cousin who lives two houses down takes care of cleaning the house next door. Someone new is moving into the empty house next door. The house next door will eventually... Well, I'll leave that for later! [Old Man] Are you out of your mind? I have never eaten a UFO before... [Young Girl] Y-y-you saw a U...U...UFO! Aw! I should have gone to see it! Oh no! What a drag! [Old Woman] The Lord and Princess Yuki were both at Goemon's house! I couldn't believe it! Lord: Sorry to put you through this trouble... But until this incident is resolved, I will be stayin at your place, Goemon. Don't worry, I'll do the dishes. Princess Yuki: Living in the real world is so exciting! And the dumplings at the Coffee shop are so delicious... I should get the recipe for those dumplings! [Fat Man] Once you complete a section, the people of the towns and villages might have something different to say. Don't think that just because you talked to someone once, you won't have to again... Try talking to them several times! Gate keeper: Oh my god! This is the Lord's Super Pass! With this, the gate will open! Gate keeper: Wait a minute! That's the Lord's Super Pass! As long as you have it, you can open the gate! Gate keeper: That's it for us! If only the title to this game was "Starring Gate keeper" rather than "Starring Goemon". Then, we'd have a lot more fun! Awww! Gate keeper: We'll just keep standing here until you clear the game. ... ...kinda painful... ... ...kinda depressing... [Musashi] [Musashi] [Tunnel] [Shinano - Iga] Goemon: Oh my... ! Goemon: See this? Goemon: It's the Triton Shell that summons Gigantic Robot "Impact"!! Wise Man had it... Goemon: ...and so is this rubble all that remains of Wise Man's house?! [Baron] Hey man! What are you doing here! Goemon: Oh my god! You're the weirdo from Oedo Castle! Goemon: Not only Oedo Castle but now the Wise Man's home... how senseless can you be! Goemon: You... you WEIRDO! Baron: You keep calling me weirdo... (laughs) Baron: It's not nice to call people names! I'm going to crush you with my robot! Goemon: You coward! I'm not letting you get away this time! [Impact Song] Dash! Dash! Dash! The burning sun, gleaming on my shoulders Here we go, start, the machine comes alive I am machinery, I am a metal being! (Hey) Jump out onto the sky, steel spirit (Let's go!) Breakdown! And with all my might, power to the highest limit, Super Punch! I am the best, yes, Impact Dash! Dash! Dash! [Battle] Wartime Kabuki Robot KASHIWAGI Impact: Well, I have to get going, we're filming a movie... Impact: First I have to get to America! Impact: If you need me again, call me! [Zazen Town] [Yamashiro / Zazen Town] Yae: So it was you guys! Goemon: Yae!! Goemon: Wha-what are you doing here? Yae: I was following that Peach-shaped UFO. Ebisumaru: Just as I suspected! Ebisumaru: That UFO has something to do with what's happening, doesn't it? Yae: Yes, definitely... Narrator: In order to defend the peace of Japan, Secret Ninja Agent Yae... Narrator: ...has begun to investigate the strange occurrences happening throughout Japan. Narrator: They are thought to be caused by the Mysterious Flake Gang. Goemon: And did you find anything out about the Flake Gang? Yae: Well, all I found out was... Yae: ...that there are several members, Yae: who call themselves the [Peach Mountain Shoguns]. Ebisumaru: Peach Mountain? Goemon: Huh! I don't care if we're talking Peach Mountain or... Goemon: Chestnut Mountain... Goemon: ...or even a Pear Mountain. (laughs) Goemon: They'd better be ready 'cause I'm gonna kick their butts! Yae: It looks like our objectives are the same. Ebisumaru: Wow! Then we can go together on our adventures! Yae: Yes, I guess you're right. [System] Secret Ninja Agent [Yae] becomes an ally! [Man] This is the Zazen Town of [Yamashiro]! It's a very old and historical town! [Dog] This is the Kansai Region, arf! Impressive! While playing this game, you can also become an expert in Japanese geography, arf! [Woman] I wonder where Yoshi went...? He's always en determined to become a great dancer. [Old Man] One by one, kids with dancing talent have been kidnapped in the Shikoku Region. I'd better save them with my Secret Powers! On second thought, now, my back's been bothering me. [Woman] [Benkei] is sitting on Gojo Ohashi Bridge, not allowing anyone to get through... He'll let them through once he's taken everything and added to his collection. [Messenger] Wooo-ooooooooooooww...! I, I saw it!! It was, like, uh, a huge long thing flying across the sky!! Children in this area are being kidnapped. What has this world come to...?x [Sign] [Straight ahead: Gojo Ohashi Bridge] [Sign] [Corridor: Shopping District] Benkei: Hey! Stop, stop right there! If you want to get by here, hand over the treasure you have! Well come on, what is it going to be? I'll take a different route... I have no treasure with me... Haw, haw, haw! You coward! What? You poverty-stricken good for nothing! Benkei: So you're back again! I have no interest in seeing you! Go home! Go home!! [Merchant] There is a door that leads to [Bizen], located in the Chugoku Region, west of here... Apparently, some kid was fooling around, and did something to the door so that it wouldn't open! It's a real problem! [Ushiwaka] What? Whaddya want? Who are you? Do you know Benkei? You've got a nerve asking me who I am! You don't recognize me? I'm only telling you once, keep your ears wide open! I'm Ushiwaka, the best-looking knight in the world! Now remember that! Of course I do! He's like a follower to me! Wait a sec... I bet you're tryin to get across the Gojo Ohashi Bridge that Benkei's blocking. Am I right? Uh, well, yes. Uh, no, not at all... Well, why didn't you tell me in the first place? Just do me a favour, and I'll tell you how to deal with Benkei! Well, whaddya say? Will you do me a favour? Well, all right. No way! Then it's decided! Okay, [Catch] me some fish from the Duck Creek! First catch [Three] [Blue Fish]! Is that so... In that case, you're in the way! Scram!! [Ushiwaka] Hurry up and get me those three [Blue Fish]! [Sign] [This is my property / Ushiwaka] [System] Caught a [Blue Fish]! This is not a [Blue Fish]... Caught three [Blue Fish]! [Ushiwaka] You did it! Okay, next get me [Five] [Yellow Fish]! Hurry up and get me those five [Yellow Fish]! [System] Caught a [Yellow Fish]! This is not a [Yellow Fish]... Caught five [Yellow Fish]! [Ushiwaka] Pretty good! Okay, this is the last! Get me [Eight] [Red Fish]! Hurry up and get me those eight [Red Fish]! [System] Caught a [Red Fish]! This is not a [Red Fish]... Caught eight [Red Fish]! [Ushiwaka] All right, you did it! With all this fish, I won't go hungry for some time! Well, as I promised... Throw this at Benkei! I'm sure he'll move to the aside. [Goemon and allies receive an [Achilles' heel]! [Ushiwaka] My dream is to sit back, relax, an have no worries for the rest of my life. Chiyomaru: These are the upper reaches of Duck Creek, woof! IF you go down the Creek, you'll reach Midstream, and then a little further is Downstream, woof! Which would mean that since I'm here, I must be up the Creek without a paddle!! Woof! [Man] [Benkei], who you'll find at the Gojo Ohashi Bridge, is a treasure maniac! He waits at the bridge on the lookout for rare treasurs carried by people! [Boy] My mom tells me not to go outside because kids are being kidnapped... But I'm a big boy now! There's nothing I can't handle! [Young Man] There are all kinds of things to eat in each part of Japan. it's not a bad idea to visit different areas just to feast on the great food. [Woman] There's just one person in this town... Who has crossed the Gojo Ohashi Bridge without handing anything to Benkei... His [face] is pretty good-looking, but when it comes to his [personality]... [Sign] [Straight ahead: Chugoku Region] [Sign] [Golden Temple / Entrance] [Sign] [Straight ahead: Mt. Nyoigatake] Priest: Hey you! Traveller! You were lead to this Golden Temple, why not listen to my sermon while you're here. I'll also include a [Song] and [Autograph Session]! [Sign] [Mt. Nyoigatake / sidewalk] [Young Man] This is the way to Mt. Nyoigatake! Stp aside, step aside I say! Step aside, step aside, you're in the way, move! You're still not needed yet. General Store: Welcome. What would you like? Sombrero 50 Metal Helmet 150 Metal Armour 200 Inn: What are you here for today? Spend the night Adventure Diary Nothing I see. Well, see you again. So, which room do you want to stay in? General Store: Welcome! What would you like? [Old Woman] Sorry, but this is no store... But visit all kinds of places and listen to what people have to say, then I'm sure good things will happen! Restaurant: Welcome! What can I get you? Rice Crackers 15 Sauced Dumplings 25 Hot Tofu 45 There's nothing like the taste of soy sauce on these crackers! Even the deer of Yamato love these crackers! Hot and tender, straight off the grill! The octopus pieces in our dumplings are huge! It's got that smooth upper class taste! It's very hot, be careful. Restaurant: So, have you decided what you want? [Guard] I hear there are guys using Gigantic Robots to attack towns and villages. You're not those guys, are you?! [Plasma Man] Cross the Gojo Ohashi Bridge, and pass through [Yamato] and [Kii - Awaji] to get to Shikoku Region, plasma! [Yamato] [Yamato] [Sign] [Yamato / Shrine] [Yamato] Turtle Stone Bamboo Forest [Signs] [Turtle Power of the East] The magical red gate shall take you to a new land... [Turtle Power of the South] The Lucky Cat will drop into your lap... [Turtle Power of the West] Money makes the world go 'round. It will eventually come to you as well... [Turtle Power of the North] The key to the closed out Yamato's Shrine is... Benkei: Hey! You over there! If you want to cross this bridge... UGH! I can see in your eyes, you want to fight! Very well! However, if you lose... I will blast you far, far away! Narrator: Well, well! It's a fight with Benkei! Narrator: Look for the instant Benkei reaches the ground when jumping... Narrator: ...and throw the Achilles' heel at him three times within the time limit. Narrator: The item can be thrown by pressing the [B Button]. Benkei: Then, We shall begin! Narrator: Ever since the Achilles' heel was thrown at Benkei... Narrator: Achilles' heel was meant to be the weak point of someone. Ebisumaru: There's something fishy about that story... (laughs) Benkei: Aaaaaaaaaah... to be defeated in the same manner as I was by Ushiwaka... Please, I beg you! Don't tell anyone that I lost, please... I'll let you pass the bridge at will, and I'll give you something from my collection... Goemon: Which is? Ebisumaru: Wow, wow! It's our friend, Sasuke! Narrator: What Benkei pulled out was... Narrator: ...all stiff, [batteries] almost falling out... Narrator: It was none other than the Mechanical Ninja, Sasuke! Yae: Where did you get this?! Benkei: It came falling from the sky just the other day. Goemon: I wonder if it has anything to do with the explosion at the Wise Man's house... Benkei: Well, in any case, don't tell a single soul that I lost! [System] Goemon and allies receive the Mechanical Ninja [Sasuke]. Benkei: You can cross an time you wish! Go right ahead! [Yamato] [Yamato] [Yamato} Turtle Stone Bamboo Forest [Signs] [Turtle Power of the East] The magical red gate shall take you to a new land... [Turtle Power of the South] The Lucky Cat will drop into your lap... [Turtle Power of the West] Money makes the world go 'round. It will eventually come to you as well... [Turtle Power of the North] The key to the closed out Yamato's Shrine is... [Yamato / Shrine] [Yamato] Bamboo Forest [Kii - Awaji Island] [Sign] [You are at the Husband and Wife Rocks] [Marker] [Road Directions] To the North is Yamato. To the West is Shikoku. [Kii's Coffee Shop] [Kii's Coffee Shop] [Old Man] I have been studying long and hard about Turtle Stones, but there's one thing that's always bothered me. Why are they Turtle Stones?! ... Why not, like, Rabbit Stones?! [Young Woman] The Tourist Center at Awaji Island will instantly transfer you to a place far away! That's what you call "Instant Pleasure". Get it?! Oh dear. [Messenger] It's when I come across a coffee shop that I feel most relieved! Don't you agree? [Fat Woman] Hmm... The air conditioner is on... and you don't have to ask for things... This is the best place for a quick rest. [Woman] This is the Oedo Tourist Center Awaji Island Branch! We will carry you to [Shikoku] at once with our proud dragon!! ...is what we really want to say. Our proud dragon has suddenly gone wild and cannot carry you now... Can someone do something about this? May I help you? It's none of my businese!! Wow, really!! That's great!! OK, hop on the back of the dragon! Enter this machine!! That's right... Maybe you weren't meant for this... Can you tame the dragon to make it what it used to be? Trust me. I don't want to do this... [On the Dragon] Goemon: What is it, wha..?! Yae: Do you suppose that machine...? [Colon] Ah-ah! Ah, ah...Test...testing, testing! Ahem... Well now... Ta-daaaaaaaaaaaaaa! You're absolutely right! We kidnapped kids with dancing talents using this Dragon! I, the mighty Colon, am so, so smart! Goemon: Might you be one of the... Peach Mountain guys?! [Colon] My, my, my, my, my! (laughs) How do you know about us?! Ooooh! I get it! You must be the annoying clowns Baron was talking about! Ebisumaru: Annoying clowns? What? (laughs) [Colon] Anyway, I'm going to beat you all up! Control Machine! Go get 'em! [Kompira Mountain] [Sanuki] Kompira Mountain Koryuta: What's going on?! Goemon: W-was that you? That Dragon? Koryuta: Yes... It was me... My name is Koryuta... Koryuta: Wha... what's been going on all this time? Narrator: Yes, Dragon, who had been hypnotized by the Peach Mountain, Narrator: ...was actually none other than Koryuta, the son of the Dragon God! Narrator: Goemon and allies explained everything to Koryuta. Koryuta: Oh no! Koryuta: So you're telling me that I was the one out there kidnapping kids all over the place. Koryuta: I don't know if I can recover from this... Koryuta: I'm a bad guy... Koryuta: A villain... Koryuta: A criminal... A demon... A devil, right? Goemon: Calm down, calm down! (laughs) Yae: You were hypnotized, there's nothing you could've done about it... Koryuta: But still... Yae: By the way, don't you remember anything that happened? Yae: Like, where did you take the children? Koryuta: ...Hmmm... ... Ah... Koryuta: YES! Koryuta: That's right! The hot springs... Yae: Hot springs? Koryuta: I reember going to the Dogo Hot Springs, just west at [Iyo]. Ebisumaru: The Dogo Hot Springs? That's a popular spot. Goemon: Koryuta, you must return to being just a tourist as soon as you possibly can! Goemon: I will rescue the children myself! Koryuta: Really? Thank you very much! Koryuta: Oh! Here's something! Please take this! Goemon: What is this flute? Koryuta: At any time, or any place you play that flute, Koryuta: I will arrive right by your side in Dragon form! Koryuta: I will take you to any town, village, coffee shop or castle you've been to! Goemon: That would help tremendously! But, I have no idea how to play the flute... Yae: I know how to play the flute. Ebisumaru: Me too! Goemon: Okay then, Yae, I'll hand this flute to you! Ebisumaru: Why not me?! (laughs) [System] Yae receives [Koryuta's flute]! With this, you can fly to any location you've been to before! (This feature can be cancelled by pressing the [B Button] before the flute stops playing) Koryuta: Oh! I nearly forgot! Inside a building such as a castle or store... Koryuta: ...I won't be able to hear the flute, so make sure you're outside when you play it! Koryuta: Well, I must be going! [Sign] [Sanuki / Kompira Mountain] Entrance [Kompira Mountain Second Block] [Kompira Mountain Third Block] [Kompira Coffee Shop] [Kompira's Coffee shop] [Merchant] I never imagined the stairs leading to Mt. Kompira would be this long. I'm never going up or down these stairs again! [Old Man] The youngsters over there will likely experience the same destiny as myself, a resident of here for many, many years. [Young Woman] What's that thing moving about the stairs?! Wow! That's so dangerous! [Kompira Mountain Fourth Block] [Kompira Mountain Grounds] [Sign] Welcome! Kompira Shrine [Monk] It's Kompira! Not Campari! ... ... ... Well, that's beside the point, put [5 ryo] into the offertory chest at the shrine! If you do this, you will receive help from God! Oh, you've come to ask me again? Okay, one more time. Put [5 ryo] into the chest at the shrine! Then God will... ... Why should I have to repeat myself? [Young Man] I've got a really gloomy past, you see. Drifting for years, I've finally come to this place, you see. ... ... Does that make me a nihilist? God of Money: Yes, I have hereby received your Medal of Justice! [System] Goemon receives the [Medal of Flames]! By continuously holding down the B Button and then letting go... a powerful medal surronded by flames will be thrown! (The torch can also be lit by using this) God of Money: I'm not giving you anything else... [Monk] Life itself is luck! Whether you have good luck or bad luck all depends on how much you put your heart into something! But, frankly, your luck really has nothing to do with me. [Folkypoke Village] [Awa / Folkypoke Village] [Woman] This is the Folkypoke Village of [Awa]. The village is famous for folk dancing! A one, a two, a one, two, three, four! [Man] The God of Money is enshrined in Kompira Mountain of [Sanuki]. If the money is used for good, the God of Money will help. [Plasma Man] You cannot just simply enter the Dogo Hot Springs of [Iyo]. You must first obtain information from the [Iyo's Coffee Shop] at Dogo Hot Springs, plasma! Also, it wuld be a good idea to first go to [Mt. Kompira] to worship, plasma. Restaurant: Welcome! What would you like to eat? Oranges 15 Noodles 25 Fresh Bonito 45 Fresh and natural, with no chemical additives! Sweet and juicy! A perfect harmony of noodles and soup! There's nothing like a nice hot bowl of noodles! Very fresh and very tender, delicious! We just caught it this morning! Restaurant: So, what are you having? [Man] Kids get kidnapped, Dragons fly the skies... how am I supposed to concentrate on raising my crops? [Old Man] Let me tell you something! That blue dragon is really a very kind and gentle fellow. [Man] Will someone please look for the children... because for the person that finds the children, I've got a fantastic reward! [Woman] Dragons are those mythical creatures that come out in fantasy stories, right? Do they really blow fire from their mouths? [Old Woman] My skin is so smooth and gentle... ...that they may mistake me for a child, and try to kidnap me! [Fat Man] The village is, as you can see, not in great shape. The Folk dance Championship will likely be canceled. I have to eat to until I forget this tragedy...sigh... [Boy] I'm the only kid left in this village, ...so in order not to be kidnapped by the dragon, I use this fake beard... Oh no! I forgot to bring it! [Dog] I want to go to the Dogo Hot Springs of [Iyo], west of here, arf! But I wouldnt be able to get in since it's been closed for a very long time, arf! [Woman] Every single day... a dragon flies above the village. He makes this really scary "Gyoow!" sound, like my father. [Man] The childreN of this village have been kidnapped by this large blue dragon! [Woman] When you pass the village gate, youwill get to Kompira Mountain of [Sanuki]. Unless you pay a visit to the shrine at Kompira Mountain, the children may never return. [Priest] I hate airplanes and that's why I chose to be transferred at the Tourist Center... That was no transfer! It was heck of a lot more horrifying than airplanes!! [Woman] Welcome! This is the Oedo Tourist Center Awa Branch! We can transfer you to the Tourist 8Center of Awaji Island from here. It will cost you 10 ryo. Do you want to be transferred? Yes, please. Not now. Okay, we will transfer you to Awaji Island in a moment. OK, we await your next visit. [Kii - Awaji] [Oedo Tourist Center Awaji Island Branch] Welcome to Awaji Island! We await your next visit. [Woman] Thanks to you, the Tourist Center can resume it's business! Well, bye now! ... Welcome! This is Oedo Tourist Center Awaji Island Branch! We can transfer you to the Tourist Center of Awa from here. Okay, we will transfer you to Awa in a moment. [Folkypoke Village] [Oedo Tourist Center Awa Branch] Welcome to Awa, Shikoku. We await your next visit. [Man] My son Furitaro, who was kidnapped by the dragon, is the folk dancing champion! With his singing and dancing, Furitaro is sure to become the village hero of the future! Won't someone try to find him? John: The secret device is activated by lighting the torch of the red Dharma, arf... ...Hey! Why am I saying something that sounds important, arf...? General Store: Welcome What are you in need of today? Plain Rice Balls 50 Plum Rice Balls 120 Surprise Pack 500 The Remaining Playres will increase by 1. [Tosa] [Tosa] [Sign] [Vine Bridge] Caution! Cross very quietly! [Iyo] [Iyo] [Sign] [Turn left here for Dogo Hot Springs] [System] The door to the Dogo Hot Springs is closed tight... [Iyo Coffee Shop] [Iyo's Coffee Shop] [Young Man] I've seen this huge draogn flying around lately! Be careful if you don't want to be eaten! [Old Man] On the left hand side of the door leading to the Dogo Hot Springs of [Iyo], there is a small hole! I'd expect only a dwarf could enter a hole that small. [Traveler] I've come here to bathe in the famous Hot Springs, but it's been closed for the longest time... ... Phewey, I'm really starting to stink... [Woman] You may not believe me, but I saw a dwarf in [Zazen Town]! He was kinda cool lookin', but also looked real mean! [Zazen Town] [Dog] Have you heard the one about the mysterious sweets? Yes No Good for you. Neither have I. [Woman] Now Mr. Ushiwaka is gone... And he's not even a kid. I wonder why he's missing? [Old Man] Even with my Super Eyes, I have not seen Ushiwaka recently. [Messenger] Wooo-oooooooooooowww...!! I, I saw it again!! Smaller things wandering in the Duck Creek! [Woman] I haven't seen Ushiwaka recently. [Woman] You knowthe Sweets the priest of the Golden Temple kept in the cupboard? He says that they've been disappearing. Benkei: I've seen strange things recently... What? You ask me what I see? Well it's a much, much smaller Ushiwaka! [Ushiwaka] Hey! Long time no see! I'm Ushiwaka! Goemon: Gasp! What happened? Why are you so small?! Ushiwaka: Let me tell you. Those Sweets at the Golden Temple... Well if you eat eight in a row, there's a strange power that makes you shrink! If for any reason you want to shrink, go to the Golden Temple! I'll be there waiting for you. Chiyomaru: In fact, I may look like a dog, but actually... ... Hee, hee, that's a secret, arf! [Boy] The priest of the Golden Temple likes to make sweets! He sings, he dances, he makes sweets, and he preaches... He's a well-rounded priest! [Young Man] What do you like, lad? Next time youd rop by, remind me to recommend some wonderful food. [Young Woman] If only Mr. Ushiwaka were less stingy, he'd be a popular man... [Man] Are you looking for the dwarfs? Wel, dwarfs are small, so they may be difficult to find... Look! Loooook! Right there! That's you're stepping on! That's... ... ... My foot! [Plasma Man] With the secret training at the [Golden Temple] in Zazen Town, you could also become smaller, plasma! [Guard] I've heard that people have recently seen dwarfs... But I don't plan on looking into anything other than Gigantic Robots! Ushiwaka: It wouldn't be for you... It's got to be someone with a big nose and thread of eyes. Ushiwaka: You made it! Narrator, please explain! Narrator: My pleasure! Narrator: the sweets in the cupboard at the Temple... will start falling from above! Narrator: If you catch eight sweets before the time is up... Narrator: you will be able to use magical powers to make you shrink! Narrator: However, if you're seen catching these sweets... Narrator: ...something terrible will happen! Narrator: Ready, set... Narrator: Go! Ushiwaka: Looks like you failed. You wanna try again? Absolutely! I need to rest a little. Is that so... In that case, come back when you're ready! Ushiwaka: You've returned to give it another shot? You bet. Well, not quite... That's what I wanna hear! That's the spirit! Ushiwaka: Way to go! Now you can shrink as you wish! [System] Ebisumaru obtains the [Mini-Ebisumaru] magic powers! The powers will allow you to shrink and get through small holes and narrow roads! However, remember that while using the Mini-Ebisu powers, you will not be able to attack! Ushiwaka: When you're smaller, you don't need to eat as much, and a room can seem so large, that even a bachelor pad will look like a castle! [Plasma Man] By making your body smaller, you could enter Dogo Hot Springs of [Iyo] by sneaking through the small hole, plasma! [Dogo Hot Springs] [Iyo 2] [Sign] Peach Mountain Shoguns [Ghost Toys Castle] [System] Unless you turn the [Power] on, the Crane Game will not operate. [System] Received a [Golden Fortune Doll]! Automatically, your Strength Gauge is increased by one! [System] The [Power] to the Crane Game has been turned on! [System] Step on the [Button] of the [Crane Game Controls] to move the crane! [System] Ebisumaru receives the [Windup Camera]! By continuously holding down the B Button and then letting go... a light wlil shine... allowing you to see items you would not normally see or hidden items! (Even ghosts will appear) [System] When a picture of the floor of this room is taken with a camera... [System] Without the [Diamond Key] this door will not open... [System] Received the [Diamond Key]! [Sign] Find the Dharmanyo's weak point using the Windup Camera! [System] The Surrender Robot DHARUMANYO [System] Received the [Miracle Flower], in the shape of a flower! Colon: Boo hoo! He beat me up!! Colon: I was only giving the kids a lesson in Peach Mountain Dancing! Mystery man: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha... Mystery man: Colon, your plan did not work, did it! Goemon: Who are you?! Mystery man: Aha! Mystery man: I'm the leader of the Peach Mountain Shoguns! Mystery man: In the fresh spring breeze, sha, la, la, I come alive! La, la... Mystery man: These beautiful visions appear before my eyes, la, la... Mystery man: Yes! Mystery man: I am... you know I am... the one they call... Spring Breeze Dancin'! Ebisumaru: What an intro... (laughs) Goemon: Hey, you... what's your face, Dancin' something or whatever! Goemon: What do you have up your sleeves?! Dancin': Up my sleeves? Dancin': You mean... like my armpits? (laughs) Ebisumaru: We're not talking about that kinda sleeve... (Oooh...) Dancin': Pretty sharp, Antonio, you caught on to my joke! Ebisumaru: Antonio? Who's Antonio? Colon: Sir Dancin' will choose a name for you himself if he feels it suits the person. Yae: You can't just... (laughs) Dancin': Colon! We're done with this place! Dancin': We've got to prepare for our next plan. Return at once! Colon: Yes sir!! Dancin': Bye for now, Fernandez! We shall meet again! Goemon: Wait a minute... who's Fernandez? (laughs) Ebisumaru: He was looking at you when he said it... (laughs) Colon: Remember! I will not let you get in the way of... Colon: Our Great Stage Plan! Goemon: What's a Gorilla Steak Plan? Colon: That's not what I said! It's the Great Stage Plan! Colon: Anyway! Don't come to the Chugoku Region no matter what! (laughs) Ebisumaru: Oh no! He's getting away again by spinning himself! Yae: Yes... but first... Yae: ...we must focus on getting to the Chugoku Region! [Folkypoke Village] John: Don't let my appearance deceive you... I was the first folk dancing Champion, arf... ...Hey! Why am I saying something that is not important, arf...? [Man] '''Furitaro''' has returned! We can once again form a dance pair and dance the night away! Furitaro: My dad was in last year's folk dance championship... ...where he tried to dance like Jichael Mackson! But it looked more to me like some old rain dance... [Girl] I was forced to see the weirdo's dance ever single day... Awake or asleep, it was the weirdo dance, weirdo dance, weirdo dance... It's driving me nuts! [Man] Hey you guys! You got something from the God of Money?! Boy, I envy you! [Plasma Man] The Chugoku Region to the West of Zazen Town in the caves of Akiyoshidai found in this region, you will find a cracked door To open this door, you must revive [Sasuke], for his expertise in the use of bombs, plasma! It is time to resurrect [Sasuke], the Mechanical Ninja, plasma! [Man] I no longer have an excuse to slack off... [Old Man] I know the true identity of that blue dragon... ... The true identity?! Anybody who knows can write the answer on a piece of paper and send it to my attention. The first ten people will receive draogn souvenirs from myself! ...Just kidding! [Girl] Guess what... Ever since I was caught by the Flake Gang... I feel the "Dancer" within me in a big way. Wow! [Boy] Aww! As soon as I get back, I'm supposed to help out with the farm. It was better with the weirdos dancing that weird dance. [Man] The children have returned! That's great, oh boy!... What? Oh the reward for saving the children? Ah, oh, okay, here goes, I'll give you a big kiss... S...Sssmak!!! [Woman] Well, I wonder if all dragons shout "AChooooo!!" like a famous Kung Fu star did in the movie? [Boy] I'm finally back! But that weirdo was talking about going to the Chugoku Region next for their "Big Plan to Stay Put"! Now the kids in the Chugoku Region are in trouble! [Boy] We were taught a strange dance, a type of folk dance with lots of hip movement. [Dog] This is what the children tell me, but there seems to be another castle of the Flakes in the Chugoku Region, arf! [Girl] If you're going to dance anyway, dance the folk dance. If this place is called the Hercules Goliath Beetle... So does that make the folkd ance here the Hercules Goliath Bettle folk dance? [Boy] All my friends are back, and we can play together again. [Old Woman] You can't find anyone with smoother, fresher-looking skin... ... ...that's insulting... but I can't be bothered by that, I'll focus on my work! [Fat Man] Yes, yes, yeeeesss! If we can get the village rebuilt in time, we can have the folk dance championship! We gotta get ready for the feast! [Man] Apparently the dragon was controlled by the bad guys. I myself would love to control the dragon to plant my crops. [Woman] The children have reteurned, and the village is back to normal. This is all because you paid a visit to Kompira Mountain. [Zazen Town] Don't kid me, we're not like humans, being in a different region is not going to change the way I speak, arf! [Woman] Yoshi didn't want to be a great dancer! He wanted to be the best bartender who could always give a comeback to lame jokes. They've got the wrong kid! [Old Man] I got this information using my Super Ears... The kidnapping case in the Shikoku Region has been solved! [Woman] That's odd, Benkei's been letting me pass without taking anything. I wonder why...? Maybe he's got a crush on me... Hmmm... [Messenger] I'm not kidding! I really saw it with my own eyes! A long wobbly thing flying... And a bunch of little critters hanging around it! [Woman] I hear all the children have returned safely! [Old Woman] I'm impressed! You've come back again to listen to what I have to say... And I also hear that you saved the kids! I'm certain good things will come to you! [Guard] Gigantic Robots... There's a certain ring to those words that gets the adrenaline flowing! [Boy] Everone says, I wasn't kidnapped because I don't have any new found dancing talent! Just watch me! No matter what! I'm going to be the best dancer in Japan! [Young Man] My favorite dish has to be the octopus dumplings! Just bite into one of those soft scrumptious... Mmmm, my mouth waters just thinking about it! [Woman] I have not seen Mr. Ushiwaka at all. I wonder where he's gone? He still hasn't paid me back the money I lent him to buy those octopus dumplings! [Man] Just the other day, I had the chance to see Benkei's collection... And wow! I just couldn't believe all the stuff he collected... It's a world I could never understand. Chiyomaru: Do you want to know who I really am, arf? Yes. I don't really care. Chiyomaru: In fact, I come from a Dog Star far, far away! I am none other than that famous dog movie star.... Quick, follow me, there is a kid stuck down a well... Just kidding, arf! Chiyomaru: I see you want certain things to remain a mystery...arf! [Boy] Whew, I finally got back from the Flake gang's place in Shikoku Region! There's no place like home! So why are you here? Who closed that door? Why were you kidnapped? Ahem! It was me! It was the safety Stopper System I built! But it's out of batteries, so the door barely opens... I've got no idea! Maybe it's because my name is Dancin Alnite! Priest: Who could it be... That would steal the secret sweets from the [Cupboard] day after day? [Bizen] [Bizen / Kurashiki] [System] This door has a crack in it. [Izumo] [Izumo] [Sign] [Izumo Amnesty] [Inaba] [Inaba] Dune [System] Received Sasuke's [No. 1 Battery]! [Izumo Coffee Shop] [Izumo's Coffee Shop] [Traveler] I was trying to go in the direction of [Kyushu], but there was the strange wall that kept me from going forward! [Young Woman] Listen to me! You know the big tree behind the [Izumo Shrine] above the mountain of Izumo? Well, I hear a tube that throws electricity appears above the big tree! Could you take a picture of that with your [camera] for me? I just love electricity! So please?! [Old Man] You see the [Izumo Shrine] on top of the mountain beside this coffee shop. Even at the big tree by the lake behind this [Izumo Shrine], you can find an electro-tube. You can see this tube by aiming the flash of a camera towards the big tree. [Izumo 2] Lake with a large tree [System] Received Sasuke's [No. 2 Battery]! Narrator: Electro Shine Unite! Sasuke: What the...?! Isn't that Goemon?! Sasuke: What in the world am I doing here? Goemon: Hey, that's what I want to know... Goemon: Your batteries were knocked out of place, and you just froze! Sasuke: That happened to me?! Yae: Well, what happened? Sasuke: Hmmmmmm... there seems to be a glitch in my memory circuit... Sasuke: I'm having trouble remembering. Sasuke: I must hurry and have my wise ol' man repair it... Goemon: Sasuke... about your wise ol' man, well... Ebisumaru: there was an explosion that demolished his whole house, Ebisumaru: ...and he's gone missing since... well, with the explosion... Sasuke: Wh-wh-whaaaaat?! Who would do such a thing?! Goemon: We believe it had to do with the Peach Mountain guys that we're after... Sasuke: My wise ol' man?! Really?! Sasuke: By guys with a crazy name like Peach Mountain?! Sasuke: Grrr... I'm going to crush those Peach Mountain guys! Sasuke: let me go with you! [System] ...and as a result, the Mechanical Ninja [Sasuke] joins forces with Goemon! Now, with the addition of Sasuke, doors with cracks in them can be dstroyed using Sasuke's [Fire Cracker Bomb]! [Hagi] [Marker] This is Hagi highway. [Aki - Nagato] [Akiyoshidai] [Gateway Viewpoint] [Marker] For Entrance to Shuhodo, turn this corner. [Shuhodo] [Sign] Peach Mountain Shoguns [Festival Temple Castle] [System] This is fishy, a door with a crack in it! (It can probably be blasted with a bomb...) [Festival Temple] [Festival Temple Castle] [System] Received a [Surprise Pack]! Remaining players are increased by 1! [System] Sasuke receives the [Kunai of Severe Cold]! This allows you to temporarily stop flames coming from the fox, or cool down hot floors. By continuously holding down the B Button and then letting go... the [Kunai Intense Hail Beam] can be shot, in which the Kunai will fly in three directions! [Sign] Get on top of the drum and jump! [System] Ebisumaru receives the [Meat Saw-Hammer]! This can change any item that appears after beating an enemy into a dumpling to restore strength! [Sign] Freeze the hot floors with the [Kunai of Severe Cold]! (found somewhere in this castle) [Sign] Return the red plates by hitting them back! [System] The Ghost Robot TSURAMI [Sign] Received the [Miracle Star], in a shape of a star! Sharon: Oh no! My sweet sweet Sharon Robot! Sharon: Without Sharon Robot... Sharon: We can't keep the power to the barrier that is bloking passage to Kyushu. Goemon: I guess that's it for you! Why don't you just give up?! Yae: You guys, Peach Mountain! Yae: Why are you blocking anyone from going to Kyushu? What are you planning? Sharon: Leave me alone! Stop frightening me like that!! (laughs) Mystery woman: Ooh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho...... Goemon: Oh no! Another weirdo! I can't believe it... (laughs) Mystery woman: Who are you calling a weirdo?! Mystery woman: I don't blame you for calling Dancin' a weirdo, but me?! Mystery woman: I guess you need to get to know me better. Goemon: No... err... not really... (laughs) Mystery woman: As cute as a kitty cat... la, la... Mystery woman: Yet as dignified and beautiful as a lily... la, la... Mystery woman: Yes, I am none other than... Kitty Lily! Lily: You guys must be the circus clowns Dancin' was talking about! Sasuke: You've got that wrong! We're no clowns! (laughs) Goemon: You guys are illusions but are never actually here... Goemon: Stop being so chicken and come out! Lily: Oh my! I'm surprised you don't know... Lily: A big star like me... Lily: ...will be swamped with fans, making things unsafe, la, la... Goemon: I've never heard of you! (laughs) Lily: Ooo, ho, ho, ho, ho... Lily: Before you know it, you'll be coming to see us on stage everyday, la, la... Lily: Oh, I know! Lily: Why don't I be kind to tell you something helpful! Lily: Kyushu has already become our Stage, la, la... Goemon: What did you say?! Sharon: Hey, that's great! Does that mean I can return now? Lily: Sure... Lily: But before you go, I'm out of foundation... Lily: Get the usual best for me! Okay? Sharon: Uh... all right, but you always take forever to pay me back. (laughs) Sharon: Sob... Well, bye bye! (laughs) Goemon: Kyushu seems to be in tremendous trouble! Yae: Yes! We shall head for Kyushu! [Gateway Viewpoint] [Omitsu] Oh! Goemon! Goemon: Omitsu! Goemon: Well, what are you doing here?! Omitsu: Well... I'm on my way to Kyushu on a delivery. Goemon: What? All the way from Oedo Town to Kyushu?! Omitsu: Yes, that's right! Omitsu: Ever since our business was featured in Gourmet Magazine, Omitsu: the phone just won't quit ringing for deliveries. Omitsu: Sorry to interrupt but I'm in a hurry! Omitsu: See you later! Ebisumaru: We went through all that trouble to get this far... Ebisumaru: Did Omitsu come all this way with those dumplings? (laughs) Goemon: Maybe she's a lot tougher and stronger than she seems... Goemon: What are we talking about! We should be headed for Kyushu, where the Peach Mountain guys went! Goemon: Omitsu! You shouldn't be going to Kyushu right now... Goemon: Omitsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! Ebisumaru: We have a problem here! Yae: Kyushu has been separated from Japan... Sasuke: And has disappeared. Ebisumaru: What should we do? Goemon: That's easy! We've got to go after Omitsu... Goemon: Or should I say, go after Kyushu! Sasuke: But how? Goemon: ...Hmmm... Yae: I know! Yae: When lost for answers, we should ask the [Fortune Teller]! [Oedo Town] Gate keeper: Hey! Long time no see! The next area you must enter is... I think it's to the east of [Musashi]. You'll find [Musashi] as you pass through the gate into this town. ...or at least that's what my gut feeling is! Gate keeper: The notheast! Metal chest! The notheast! Metal chest! [Musashi]'s Metal chest! Wait, maybe I am being a bit too obvious. [Messenger] You have been warned! An Adventure Diary is a record of all your [Blood] and [Sweat]! [Young Man] Strawberry, watermelon, apple, anything! No flying object can surprise me now! However... I might be a bit surprised if I saw a fruit cake come flying through. [Man] I wonder if any more UFO are headed this way... I know! I'll just wear this alien costume... And voila! I'm a Peach Alien myself! [Dog] I can smell something big happening, arf! But it's my policy not to stick my head into these things, arf! [Woman] With the city of Kyushu flying away, these are difficult times! This is when your basic tools are important... namely your helmet, armor, and rice balls. [Boy] How are you doing? Did you get many fortune dolls? [Girl] Wow! You're telling me that the city of Kyushu has flown away?! Now that's what I call funky! [Man] This Coffee Shop without Omitsu is like... Having a chocolate sundae with no chocolate! ...No! It's like a leopard with no spots! [Old Man] It looks like Omitsu's not here today... How sad... [Old Woman] Omitsu hasn't returned since she went out on a delivery... I'm a bit worried... [Young Man] I've come all the way here to see Omitsu, but she's not here. What a drag... [Old Man] Since you have come this far, I really have nothing to say! Good luck in completing the game! I'll just eat till I can't and hit the hay! Burp! [Man] I went all theway to Mokubei's place to talk about UFO... But I never thought there would be a house there... How in the world did he build that thing? [Old Man] I've been thinking for some time... The lantern at the Thunder Gate is way too big. It's impossible to pass under it! [Old Man] Well, I've finally made it to the top of Mt. Fuji! To mark the event, I went to the pipe maker's to buy an old pipe. [Man] How about the fortune teller? All of your worries shall disappear. After all, I operate a whole chain of them. Ha, ha, ha... Chuppy: Wander, wander, wander, wander, wander, wander, wander, wander... I can't take this any more, arf! [Boy] I'm going to the Muscle Gym, to become a great officer with lots of muscles. But don't start calling me a muscle head!! [Woman] Aww, I wish I could travel all around Japan like you. And beat up all the pickpockets I run into. [Young Man] Auggghhhhh! I will cut and cut and cut everything with this sword... Radishes, pumpkins, onions... Hey wait a minute! I'm no grocery store owner! [Young Man] Edo people aren't too fussy, all we want is a hot bath and a nice bed! Get to Sleep! [Guard] Seeing that we cannot enter Oedo Castle, there's nothing much happening here! We did find out that there's someone new in the Goemon Tenements. [Traveler] If only I could train at the Muscle Gym... That metal chest blocking the road [East] of [Musashi], leading to the Northeast Region... You think you can move it easily now? [Young Woman] If only I had a Chain Pipe, I could sneak into Oedo Castle myself. That's right! I'll make the Chain Pipe! ...the end. [Plasma Man] In a cold region to your North, there is the [Mt. Fear], wwhere it snows! There, you shall meet someone who will be of great help to you, plasma! HOWEVER! You must first go to [Oedo Town] to undergo one training session, plasma! [Boy] They're moving here! They're moving here! [Girl] I saw something strange bouncing around in the western sky. After looking at it for a while, my eyes also started going... Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce... Ahhhhh! I feel dizzy...! [Woman] Hey! That new person had moved in! ...I was hoping he'd be a bit more handsome... I think he wants to open a Muscle Gym, and is looking for young people who want to develop their [muscles]! Lord: I hear Kyushu's also having some problems. I'm glad I'm not the Lord of Kyushu... Princess Yuki: I heard about Kyushu... If other areas of Japan start flying around, there won't be any Japan left. [Old Woman] We had a barbecue party with the Lord and Princess Yuki the other day! What was that? So what??...?! Well, it's just a simple message... [Young Woman] Those rumors that Kyushu went flying... Is it true? Yes, it is true! There's no way it could be true What?! It is true?! Yourre not pulling my leg, are you?! What bad luck! I really wanted to see it! I thought so! And to think that I almost fell for this one! [Man] Someone new has moved into the house next door, but... He's rebuilding the inside in a very strange way... You should drop by and see for yourself... [Trainer] Good of you to come! This is the Muscle Training Gym, where you can train to develop your muscles! Once you're done training here, you'd be able to simply push the [Metal Box]! Are you ready to start training? Let's get started! I'd rather not. Well, you need a head full of thorns and a mouth shaped like an upside-down "V". All right! Let me show you to the Training Gym! Well that's a surprise. It's your chance to really develop your from into a body of steel. Narrator: Now then, let me explain the Training! Narrator: Several [Oyakata]s will come out of the holes around you. Narrator: For a fixed period of time, you must make sure your balloon is not popped. Narrator: And you do this by throwing Metal Boxes at the [Oyakata]s! Narrator: Aim with your Control Stick, and throw the Metal Boxes with the [B Button]! Narrator: Try your best to keep the balloon from being popped! Narrator: Ready, set... Narrator: START! [Trainer] That was too bad, give it another try. [System] Do you want instructions for the Training? No, I don't need it! Yes, absolutely! [Trainer] Way to go! Now you can call yourself a Muscle Man! [System] Goemon obtains the [Sudden Impact] magic powers! By consuming some money, you will be able to move heavy thing for a specific period of time! Furthermore, while the magic power is in effect, you will have double the attacking power! (However, be careful, as damage from the enemy will also double) [Trainer] Just think that you're developing your muscles to save Japan! [Plasma Man] Use the magic power of Sudden Impact to move the Metal Box located on the east cliff of [Musashi], past the gates to [Oedo Town], plasma! Then, far way to the [North], at [Mt. Fear], you shall meet someone who'd be of great help to you, plasma! [Tunnels and Northeast] Tunnel to the [Northeast] Tunnel to the [Northeast] 2 [Mutsu] [Festival Village] [Mutsu / Festival Village] [Boy] This is the Festival Village of [Mutsu]! Even the cold snow is blown away with our burning energy! We blast the cold away with our Festival Power! [Young Man] Oh yes! Every single night is a festival! A festival! A festival! Yeah, yeah! ... Hey, hey, hey! This is where you're supposed to ask me to stop getting so excited! [Woman] Festivals reflect the heart and soul of the Japanese! If your blood's not pounding quickly, or your body's not dancing, one can't really consider you to be Japanese! [Old Man] [North] of this village ou will find the [Stone Circle], where the mysterious Stone Pillars stand! However, the Circle does not mean there's a bunch of people in a circle! [Man] Mr. Mokubei, who lives around Mt. Fuji, is actually my elder brother. I have been hearing rumours that he has further developed his skills. If you used the pipe my brother makes, there should be no problem getting through to destroy the rocks blocking at Mt. Fear [Young Man] On the other side of this village is [Mt. Feaer], where [Witch] lives, who can call the spirits of all kinds of people. Just the other day, she called upon an Alien spirit, which ended upc ausing a huge headache. [Old Man] At [Mt. Fear], the power used by the Witch is marvellous, but I'm puzzled as to what exactly she is calling. [Man] The ocean about this time of year becomes covered with ice, due to the icebergs drifting down from the North Pole. [Woman] IT has been very cold for several days nxow. The main route leading to [Mt. Fear] is now covered in ice, making it very difficult. But it shouldln't be nearly as difficult to climb if you use a ladder and climb the alternate route around the back. [Boy] I saw a fish monster arise out of the ocean! It looked like a monster that would come out in a SFX movie. [Woman] There is a saying, that if you climb up the [Waterfall of Kegon], you could become a mermaid. I myself am going to become a mermaid, and wait for my prince to come. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. [Young Man] If you exit from the [South] of this village, turn [Right] and go through the [Uzen Tunnel], you will find the [Waterfall of Kegon]. Well, you might find it a little confusing, but that's the way to get to the [Waterfall of Kegon]. [Girl] In this village where festivals are held every day, there is only one day with no festival, the New Year! It's kind of a strange village, don't you think? Takemaru: The back route to [Mt. Fear] is inaccessible, due to the Stone blocking the way, arf! There's no way you can destroy that stone and get through, without an extra powerful [Weapon] or something, arf! [Boy] Somewhere in this village is a store where you cannot enter unless you're a good swimmer! But if anyone attempted to swim here with all this snow on the ground, surely they'd catch a cold! [Old Man] Long ago... this village was where people who sacrificed their lives would come to live, they called it the "Don't You Think It's Hot Blooded" village. Well, I made that up, but it sounds true when I say it that way, doesn't it? [Plasma Man] Mokubei, a pipe maker at Mt. Fuji, should be able to increase the power of your weapons, plasma! [Old Man] I can hardly standon my own two legs, but I tell you, the Drum of the Festival brings power to my soul! [Dog] A weirdo with a white face was roaming this village asking for the secret to the power of the festival, arf. But why would he ask a dog like me?! [Old Man] If only I were just a little younger, I'd be the one on stage, but on second thoughts, I'd rather not! I'm afraid of high places. [Boy] Hey, hey! My body's moving to the beat of the music. Yes! Flash! The rockin' kid! Shakin' it, baby! [Young Woman] The drummer at the festival is not only popular with the girls. He's also popular with the boys! [Man] Urrrrrrrrrrrrr! If the drummer of the festival were selected on looks, I just know they'd pick me. [Young Man] The number one drum specialist in town! That's me, Hikozo! You're surprised?! Incredible! You ask why?! Haw, haw, haw, haw! With my drumstick techniques, I can make any item sound like drums! Ah, but, the other day I hit a dog tryin to make such a sound, but got into a lot of trouble. No!!! I'm too scared to go down. You ask why? How could you ask with that tone of voice? Beth: As of late I've noticed this nice scent coming from the Ocean, arf. Mmm, what a scent! I'm quickly getting very hungry! [Woman] I hear that food is disappearing recently from all over the place. Just the other day, the foie gras and can of caviar I'd been saving for a special occasion disappeared. Blast it! Restaurant: Welcome! What will you have? Apple 15 Bowl of noodles 25 Kiritanpo 45 Sweet yet sour, the taste of a freshly picked apple! Look, it's red and cute, just like my cheeks! The cute little bowls they comein make the meal even more delightful! I bet you I could eat more than you! It's good by itself, or in a hot bowl of soup! A well known dish from the Northeast Region, where the rice is excellent! [Man] The rival store tot his shop is apparently right in the Festival Village, but I've never seen it there. I wonder where it is? General Store: Welcome! What have you come to buy? Plum Rice Balls 120 Fish Rice Balls 200 Metal Armour 200 This automatically recovers your strength to maximum points wenever it reaches 0. [Fat Man] UFOs are often sighted at the Stone Circle of [Ugo]. Incidentally, that's where our precious cattle were abducted. I can't take this any more. [Northeast] [Mutsu] Mt. Fear [Marker] [Mt. Fear - Back Route] [Mutsu] Shoreline [Sign] There is a gate located underwater. To open this, you must press the red button in the waters... [Ugo] Stone Circle [Mt. Fuji] Mokubei: Well, well, well! Long time no see! What now?! We've come for a cup of coffee. Please improve our [Weapons]. Mokubei: Hey, this is no coffee shop! Mokubei: Hm! So that's what you have come for... okay, stand back... and I'll show you what my training has done for me... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuggghh! Mokubei: Whew! Well, how's that for improvement! There you go! [System] The [Weapons] belonging to Goemon and allies improve to [Level 2]! (Yae can now use the Sword Shield!) Goemon: Thank you Mokubei! Mokubei: No problem! Mokubei: It was a good thing I went to Mt. Fuji to train! But I never made a decent pipe before... [Festival Village] [Plasma Man] Destroy the rock blocking the Rear Entrance of [Mt. Fear], using your newly powered weapons, plasma! [Witch's House] Witch: You... you must have come here not knowing what to do. Yae: How did you know? Witch: Hee, hee, hee...! I've been in this for 120 years! All I need to do is look at your face, and I know exactly what you're thinking of! ... ... ...Ah! There's something! I can see something! Ebisumaru: What? Ebisumaru: is my fly open? Witch: That's not where I'm looking! (laughs) I see an [Old Man] with a strange look, in a very dark place... Ebisumaru: Strange? Then it could only be the wise old man in Iga! Sasuke: You must be joking! Witch: It sounds like you know this man... How about it! With my powers, I could call him out here! Sasuke: Re-really?! Sasuke: Please! I just want to get a glimpse of my wise ol' man! Witch: All right! I'll do it for 300 ryo! Sasuke: Huh?! Goemon: You're asking us for money?! Witch: Of course! This is business. I've got to charge something! Witch: 300 ryo! Take it or leave it! I'll take it! I don't have that much! Witch: In that case, it's no longer my concern. Witch: Well, Did you get some money? You bet! Well, not quite... Witch: Very well... Now, I'm going to call them all back! Hmmmm! Come come, come here, come here, here! Welcome, come come, come on baby! Come on, come come, Come back!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! Take that!!! Yae: Oh, the wise ol' man? Wise Man: Oh, Yae, what a delight! Wise Man: Aah... where in the world is this? Sasuke: Ol' Man... what has happened to you ...oh no!! Goemon: Wise Man! Tell us! Goemon: We want to save Kyushu, and Omitsu... Goemon: But we have no idea where to go or look... Wise Man: Hmmm... I see... Wise Man: As I understand it, Kyushu is floating in outer space. Yae: outer space?! Ebisumaru: Yeah, but how are we goin to get all the way out there? Wise Man: There is one way... Goemon: Huh? Wise Man: Retrieve [Miracle Items] from the four Flake Gang leaders of Peach Mountain ... Wise Man: ... and take it to the altar of the Stone Circle in [Ugo], to the west... Wise Man: Then you'll be able to go to outer space! Goemon: Awesome... Goemon: But Wise Man! How do you know?! Wise Man: Ahem! That's because I'm... Wise Man: The WISE MAN! Wise Man: Wait a minute! Wise Man: I see you already have [Three] Miracle Items. Wise Man: You only need one more! Good luck on your search. Witch: You should be looking for... ...the Miracle Item the Wise Man was talking about! Get going! [Festival Village] The weirdo of Peach Mountain, who's around somewhere, has the Miracle Item you are looking for, plasma. To find out where he is, listen well to the people of the [Festival Village], plasma! [Tunnel] [Uzen] Tunnel [Waterfall of Kegon] [Nikko] Waterfall of Kegon Narrator: Take control of the Legend of the Mermaid! Looking for applicants! Do you ish to challenge the Legend? Yes, I do! I'm going to pass on this one. If you say so. Come back if you change your mind. Narrator: Are you ready?! [System] Do you want instructions for the training? No, that's fine! Yes, please tell me! Narrator: Press the [A Button] several times quickly to climb the waterfall in front of you. Narrator: If you reach the goal located at the top of the waterfall, within the specified time, Narrator: you have completed the training! Narrator: However... Narrator: there will be [Oyakata]s appearing at thet op of the waterfall to try and foil your attempts! Narrator: Use your Control Stick to keep you from falling into the waterfall basin! Narrator: Ready... Narrator: Set... Narrator: Go! [System] BEAUTIFULLY DONE!! Narrator: Your gracious swimming skills are like that of the Mermaid Princess! [System] Yae obtains the [Mermaid] magic powers! Now you can swim underwater in the deep ocean and rivers! [Festival Village] General Store: Welcome! What have you come to buy? Gold Helmet 250 Gold Armour 350 Surprise Pack 500 With this you could defend yourself by resisting 8 shots from the enemy. This will defend you against 8 attacks from the enemy. [Sea of Japan] [Japan Sea] Underwater [System] Yae receives the [Yae Bazooka]! This allows Yae to shoot at enemies from a distance! By continuously holding down the B Button and then letting go... the [Lock on Bazooka] is activated where by it will automatically lock on tot heenemies at which it is aimed. [Sign] Find the hidden route using the windup camera... Poron: You have finally made it as far as here to see me, the mighty Poron! Poron: Do you ever give up? I sense you are a die hard fine of mine! (laughs) Yae: I've come here, not to see you, but to find the Miracle item! Poron: You're saying... not for me... but the Miracle...is thatso? Poron: Tsk, tsk... it's too bad. Poron: Last time I was in the Kansai Region on a vacation... Poron: ...I dropped it somewhere in the [Zazen Town]. (laughs) Ebisumaru: Gasp! You've gotta be kidding! Yae: Well, if he's not kidding, we must return to [Zazen Town] at once! Lily: O-o, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!! Lily: It's not goign to be that easy, la, la... Goemon: Lily! Lily: You're all getting in the way too often! Lily: Therefore... Lily: I'm taking you on a one way trip somewhere far, far away. (laughs) Dancin': H-ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha... Dancin': Yeeeess, la, la... Dancin': You're invited to hell, Fernandez, la, la! Lily: Dancin'! Lily: What are YOU doing here! Dancin': I just thought, since I've only been in a few scenes... Dancin': By the way, the word scenes... Dancin': Has nothing to do with my name, cuz my name is not Dan-scene, la, la...! (Oooh...) Lily: You're taking valuable time away from MY scene to tell us that awful joke! Dancin': You've got much to learn... to be a star, you've got to stand out like a sore thumb! Lily: That's not fair!! (laughs) Poron: Um... Ah Poron: Mr. Dancin'... Poron: Ms. Lily... Poron: What should I do? (laughs) Dancin': ...ouch! (laughs) Dancin': Uh, well, w-why don't you use the deivce to get rid of those guys! Dancin': ...ouch, I say! (laughs) Poron: Ah, yes sir! Dancin': Anyway, goodbye, Fernandez! Lily: He-ey! That's my line! (applause, laughs) Goemon: What was that all about? (laughs) Poron: Well, as the man says... Poron: Goodbye! Poron: Switch to the... ON position! Poron: Bye! Yae: Ah, wait! Ebisumaru: What is going on?! [System] T minus 30 seconds... Yae: It looks like the time bomb has been activated. Ebisumaru: Are you saying we're going to be food for the fish in a matter of seconds? Sasuke: It's nothing to be joking about! Yae: It's times like this when it's important to stay calm... [System] The Charming Mermaid THAISAMBA 2 Impact: Well, I've got a movie to complete... Impact: ...so I must head back to France! Impact: If you need me again, Au Revoir! [Festival Village] [Plasma Man] Ask the Collector of [Zazen Town], plasma! [Zazen Town] Benkei: What is it today? Yae: Excuse me, Mr. Benkei, I'd like to ask you something... Yae: Would you not have something called a Miracle Item? Benkei: Huh? A Miracle...? No, I'm sorry, I don't have any such thing. But maybe he would have it... Ebisumaru: Uh-huh, and who could that be? Benkei: Well, there is the collector with a collection even greater than mine... ...I believe his name was [Kihachi]. Yae: Where could we find this Mr. Kihachi? Benkei: He lives on the [Center Pond] of Zazen Town! Benkei: Hmmm... I can't lose to Kihachi! I must build on my collection! [Kihachi] What'd you say? What do you want with me, the might water imp Kihachi? Yae: I'm sorry to bother you... Yae: But do you remember picking up an unusual item around here? Kihachi: Hmmm... Maybe you're referring to this odd item I picked up the other day? Goemon: Is that a fact? If that's true, can you give it to us? Kihachi: Get real! You don't just ask to get something for nothing! Kihachi: Try carving the word "WORLD" in that piece of rock... Kihachi: And tell me out loud what you have... Ebisumaru: Hey, that's pretty tough, it's no easy task to carve "WORLD" on here! Goemon: It's a tough world! (laughs) Kihachi: In any case, I can't just go around giving away parts of my valuable collection. Yae: Please reconsider. We really need that item. Kihachi: Hmmmmmm... Kihachi: It's so hard to say no to someone so cute as you. (laughs) Kihachi: All right! I'll give it to you if you bring me my favorite food. Ebisumaru: Your favorite food? Kihachi: Yes! My favourite food! Kihachi: Farewell! Kihachi: Cucumber... [Old Woman] I know, I know! You've come to ask about Kihachi's favorite food, right? The best person to ask is the priest at the Golden Temple! You should be able to find something out there... Oh, right, before you go, let me give you some things you can use! [System] Goemon receives, [Fish Rice Balls], [Golden Armor] and [Golden Helmet]! [Woman] The son of the priest at the Golden Temple makes really good cucumbers... If you want to meet [the son], you should ask the priest where you could find him. [Messenger] I became a messenger so that I could strengthen my legs, to jump greater heights! Ever since I was a child, I've always wanted to light up the Big Sacred Fire! [Woman] Kihachi loves the cucumber made by the son of the priest at the Oolden Temple... On the other hand, he doesn't like cockroaches... ... ... Well, I don't know anyone who does! [Old Man] By using my Super Memory, I remember that... while gazing up at the Big Sacred Fire, Kihachi, the water imp... was eating the cucumber made by the son of the priest! [Woman] Kihachi's not my type! Oh, you're not asking if I like Kihachi? You're asking me what Kihachi likes? Um, ah, wait! I had no idea you were... ... ...uh, anyway, I've got no idea! [Dog] Kihachi was always eating this green long thing, arf! Chiyomaru: Kihachi would often come to this Creek and... force me to eat some cucumbers... [Man] You want to know Kihachi's favorite food? That would be the cucumber made by the son of the priest of the Golden Temple! [Woman] If you want to know what Kihiachi's favourite food is, you should go see the priest at the Golden Temple. [Boy] You have something to ask me? Who is Kihachi? What's Kihachi's favorite food? Well, it's a bit complicated... He was saying something about popping up at the end of the game and running off with the best part! I know! He was at the Center Pond crunching on [cucumber] made by the son of the priest. [Young Man] Kihachi?! I can't stand his guts! He replaces the octopus with cucumber! If he does that, they're no longer octopus dumplings! They're cucumber dumplings! [Boy] A water imp loves cucumber! Kihachi, in particular, loves the cucumber made by the son of the priest at the Golden Temple! [Plasma Man] To climb the extremely high step of Mt. Kyoigatake, and meet the cucumber-making expert, you need to train to obtain the technique to increase your power to jump, plasma! Ask the [Priest] of the Golden Temple, plasma! [Guard] Kihachi's favorite food...? Well it doesn't seem to be Gigantic Robots. [Young Man] The Big Sacred Fire is above here! But you have to take a big jump to get up there! Priest: So, you've come to listen to my sermon? No, no, no. Where is your son? We could save that for next... Priest: What? you want to see my son? My son's gone to watch the Big Sacred Fire... You'll find him at [Mt. Nyoigatake], next to this Temple. Yae: So, we can meet him at Mt. Nyoigatake? Priest: Tsk, Tsk... It won't be quite that simple. To get to the [Big Fire] of Mt. Nyoigatake... Only those with extensive training, who can jump unimaginable heights, will be able to proceed. Do you think you could do that? I'll try. I hate training. Youngsters today are all a bunch of wimps... Have you changed your mind yet about the training? I'll try. No, no, no... Wow! I admire your spirit! Let's begin with the training then! In [Bizen] of the Chugoku Region, there is a locked warehouse... Inside that warehouse is a training gym, and here is the [key] to the gym. OK! This is the key that will open the training gym. Don't give up! [System] Goemon and allies receive the [Key to Training]! If you don't want to listen, just say you don't want to listen! Priest: You'll be in the warehouse at [Bizen] during the whole time you're training! I wonder if you have the guts to overcome the training... [Bizen] [Trainer] Good of you to come! This is where you will train to develop your legs and ankles, and become a Super Jumper! Have you come to take on this training? Is that so? I'm too busy to be dealing with jokers like you anyway! Hmmm. It wouldn't be for you... It's got to be someone with Triangular eyebrows and a round head. I'll show you to the Training Gym. Narrator: I will now explain the training! Narrator: You will jump from foothold to foothold around the pillar, within a specified time limit! Narrator: You have completed your training when you reach the goal at the very top. Narrator: Jump over the footholds that will move! Try your best to finish within the time limit! Narrator: Ready, set... Narrator: Start! [Trainer] Bravo! From now on, you can call yourself a Super Jumper! [System] Sasuke obtains the [Flying] magic powers! Using the Super Jump, you can go to high places that were previously unreachable! [Trainer] Jumping is my life, it's all I've known! [Zazen Town] Kihachi: Cucumber that the priest's son makes... [Plasma Man] Use the [Flying] magic powers to climb on to the steps of Mt. Nyoigatake. There you'll meet the son of the priest, plasma! Priest: Hmm! You're pretty good. To commemorate this occasion, how about an autograph from me? Son: What? You've come all the way here... Son: So what do you want? To see the Big Sacred Fire... Do you have Kihachi's favorite? Son: Well, beautiful isn't it! Son: To be able to watch with such a cute girl! Son: Ah? About the cucumber? Oh, did you want some of the cucumber I grew? Yes! No, I won't bother. I didn't think so. You don't look like a water imp to me. Son: So you want my cucumbers after all? Yes! No thanks. Okay, I'll sell it to you for 800 ryo! Do you want it even at that price? Yeah! What?! That's too much!! Son: If you can't appreciate the value of my cucumbers, you can leave right now! Son: You've made a wise purchase! Son: Here you go. [System] Goemon and allies receive [Quality Cucumber]! Son: I already sold you cucumbers! [Plasma Man] Go! Take those Cucumbers you have to Kihachi, plasma! Kihachi: Yes! That's it! [System] Goemon and allies trade their quality cucumber with Kihachi's [Miracle Item]. Goemon and allies receive the [Miracle Snow], shaped like a snow flake. Kihachi: Farewell! Kihachi: Eating cucumber while watching the Big Sacred Fire.. Kihachi: Nothing could match this... [Stone Circle] Goemon: There! We now have all the Miracle Items! Goemon: Take us to outer space! Pemopemo God: I am the Pemopemo God... Pemopemo God: Let me warn you that once you go to outer space, you may never be able to return. Pemopemo God: Will you still go...? Yes, we will! No, we're not going... Pemopemo God: Come back when you get the courage to go. Pemopemo God: I commend you for your courage! [Kyushu] [Gorgeous Musical Castle] [Man] This is where Sogen Town of [Bizen] used to be! It's become so strange, it makes you want to yell "This is nothing like Kyushu!" Boo-hoo. [Woman] The Peach Mountain musical is on twice a day - at 1:00 and 5:00 p.m. It's always the same content, but I keep on seeing it anyway. [Boy] When I woke up in the morning, the town looked so different! Well, it doesn't really matter to me. [Man] Our [Sogen Town] has become what it is now in an instant. I've got no idea how we're going to be able to manage from now on. [Man] This area is terrible for business, nobody comes here. I should just give up being a merchant and become a Musical Star! [Woman] I saw Peach Mountain shoguns musical yesterday as well! Dancin' is just great! [Innkeeper] The room is prepared so that you can at least sleep in it. You can relax in this room to a certain extent. The room is gorgeous! Wonderful! Fantastic! [Young Man] Do the young women prefer flashy men like... that Dancin' guy? Maybe I should be wearing makekup myself. Restaurant: Welcome! What will you have? Sponge Cake 15 Round Radish 25 Chanpon Noodles 45 So sweet it will make your cheeks melt. A soft and sweet snack from the Netherlands. Wow, a fat, healthy radish! It's a super huge radish! Delicious noodles with plenty of vegetables. Lots o' vegetables, lots o' seafood. [Old Man] All the young women seem to be going to the Peach Mountain Musical quite often. I wonder if it's the same in other towns as well? [Girl] Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! How's my imitation? Don't I sound just like Kitty Lily! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! How's my imitation? Don't I sound just like Spring Breeze Dancin'! PLASMA!! Woops! My mistake! Omitsu: Oh! Goemon! Goemon: OMITSU! Goemon: I'm glad you're okay! Goemon: I didn't know what would happen when I saw Kyushu flying away. Omitsu: It surprised me at the time, but I'm all right. I'm sorry to have worried you. Yae: But to see all of Kyushu in this state. Goemon: Peach Mountain's Instant Stage Beam's power has increased! Sasuke: We've got to do something quickly! Sasuke: Just imagine if they continued to do this to all of Japan! Ebisumaru: That's right! By the way, I wonder where Dancin' and Lily are? Omitsu: I heard that they were behind the doors right ahead of us. Omitsu: But the door's rigid and cannot be opened easily. Ebisumaru: Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow the door down. (laugh) Sasuke: We've got no time for dumb jokes!(laugh) Omitsu: I know! Omitsu: I know someone who could help us. Goemon: Who?! Omitsu: I'm sure... he's at the restaurant. Omitsu: I'm sure we can find the person who can help us at the restaurant. Wise Man:: Hey! Goemon, it's you! Goemon: What?! Wise Man! Sasuke: It is! It's my ol' man, Wise Man! I am just overjoyed to see you! Goemon: But I thought Wise Man died. Wise Man: You couldn't be further from the truth! Just look at me, I'm as healthy as ever! Goemon: Then who was the spirit the Witch called for us? (laughs) Yae: Yes, there is something strange about that, but let's not worry about it now. (laughs) Yae: But what are you doing here?! Wise Man: Well... I was caught by the Peach Mountain guys. Wise Man: And... I gave them Mechanical Robots and an Instant Stage Beam... Wise Man: Well... in exchange for a muscle car poster and five car magazines... (laughs) Goemon: ... What?! Wise Man: Oh, ah, I mean I strongly resisted but they forced me to make them. (laughs) Ebisumaru: Well it all makes sense then, the mechanics seemed so familiar. Wise Man: I don't know what to say. Goemon: But that's strange. If they kidnapped you, what reason did they have to blow up your home? Wise Man: What did you just say?! My house has been blown up?! Wise Man: Grrrr! All those car magazines I collected over the years! Wise Man: Who could do such a thing?! Ebisumaru: We believe it was probably the Peach Mountain guys. Sasuke: .. Wise Man: I will not forgive them. Wise Man: Hand me your [Weapons]. Wise Man: Here, take this! [System] The power of the weapons belonging to Goemon and the allies has increased to [Level 3]! With these weapons, even rigid doors can be destroyed! Ebisumaru: Don't you feel our journey is taking some wild turns?! (laughs) Wise Man: Go get 'em! Take revenge for my poor car magazines. Omitsu: Good luck, everyone! [Gorgeous Music Castle] [Peach Mountain Main Hall] Entrance Dancin': Welcome! Lily: Welcome to our stage, la, la... Dancin': Fernandez! Goemon: I'm not Fernandez! Dancin': Behave yourself! This will be your last stop anyway!! Goemon: What do you mean?! Dancin': Today is the day you get to... Dancin': ...experience our.. Secret Powers! Ebisumaru: What's this extra confidence I sense? (laughs) Yae: I don't know what secret powers they say they have, but they can't defeat us! Sasuke: Yes, you're right! I don't see any way that they can beat us! Lily: O-o, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! Lily: Don't be so sure of yourselves! Dancin': All we have to do is join our two forces together, la, la! Lily: And it will be history for... Lily: You guys! Dancin': Starting right now, we will make you our... Dancin': Die hard fans, yes... Dancin': Die hard fans! Goemon: What?! (laughs) Lily: Listen, la, la! To this so-ong, la, la...! Dancin': Observe, la, la! The dance, la, la...! Dancin': Of the Peach Mountain Shoguns, la, la...! [Gorgeous My Stage] [Dancin'] All you sheep in search of a shepherd [Lily] Look up [Dancin'] To my Stage Gorgeous My Stage Like a rose that blooms in nature That sweet scent Melody to surround us (Sweet Me-mory) As our dream continues Tonight Oh! Gorgeous my, My Stage! (Applause) Goemon: Whew! What was that... Ebisumaru: I, I can't believe it... Ebisumaru: I don't know... but I think I'm... becoming a die hard fan... of Dancin' and Lily... Yae: Come on! Open your eyes! Sasuke: Hey, where did Dancin' and the guys go!? Yae: What the...?! [System] T minus 120 seconds... Goemon: Swine! They re-activated the time bomb, and ran! (laughs) [System] T minus 100 seconds... Goemon: I'm not letting them escape! Dancin': That... that cannot be... Me, a big star, lose like this? Lily: Awwwww! Dancin': But Fernandez! Don't think for a moment that you have won! As long as the Instant Stage Beam remains in our control, I'm certain we'll one day turn Japan into a gorgeous stage... Goemon: Shut up! Your evil plans will end as of now! And my name is not Fernandez! It's Goemon! Go get him! IMPACT!!! Goemon: There! How does that feel? Sasuke: Look at how far he has flown through... ...now he has really become a STAR in outer space! Goemon: Okay! I'm headed home! Goemon: Now, Japan will be peaceful again! Sasuke: But Goemon... what shall we do with Kyushu, still in outer space? Goemon: Whoops!! I forgot about that! Omitsu's still there... Ebisumaru: Ahoy! That looks like Kyushu over there! Yae: Yes, I see it too! Yae: I'd say that the time bomb set by Dancin'... happened to just take out the Control Device of that Castle. Goemon / Ebisumaru: Too good to be true... Sasuke: Oh, but first... we must go to pick up my ol' man and Omitsu. Goemon: Oh yeah! You're right! Ebisumaru: Well, should we get going!? Goemon: Mmm? Wait, what's that? Girls: Scream! Screeeeaam! Ebisumaru: Look there! Goemon! Look at all those cute girls! Goemon: Well, ah, of course! We're the heroes that saved Japan rom the Peach Mountain! Yae: But why is this the first time they've been so happy? Goemon: Well, it must have something to do with them... finally noticing my good looks! Goemon: Hey, hey! Everyone just calm down! Ebisumaru: Everone here wanting my autograph, start a line here. Nyo-ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!! Yae: Hmmm... don't you think these girls are acting kind of strange? Goemon / Ebisumaru: What? GirlA: Hey! You guys!! What have you done to Dancin'?! GirlB: The oh-so-beautiful song and dance of Dancin' and Lily... we won't be able to see them. Thanks to you! You little... All: Gasp! Ebisumaru: I can't believe this! [Credits] MYSTICAL NINJA Staff CHIEF DIRECTOR Etsunobu Ebisu PLANNER Keita Kawaminami Madoka Yamauchi SCENARIO Keita Kawaminami PROGRAM DIRECTOR Etsunobu Ebisu SYSTEM PROGRAM Makoto Yamaguchi PLAYER PROGRAM Kouichi Yagi Makoto Yamaguchi ENEMY PROGORAM Osumu Maruyama Katsuma Kashiwagi Kenya Maeda EVENT & DEMO PROGRAM Noriyuki Gonda Masaru Moriwaki Masahiro Yamamoto BOMBER PROGRAM Takayuki Inoue IMPACTBOSS PROGRAM Tomoharu Okutani DESIGN DIRECTOR Madoka Yamauchi PLAYER DESIGN Kazue Hamagaki Madoka Yamauchi ENEMY DESIGN Kazue Hamagaki Kazuhiro Hiruo Tomomi Maeda FIELD DESIGN Mikayo Suenaga Tae Yabu Keiko Ohashi Terue Hayashi FIELD DESIGN Rumiko Matsumoto Kazuhiro Hiruo Mika Nakasako SUBGAME DESIGN Mikayo Suenaga Mika Nakasako Terue Hayashi Keiko Ohashi BOMBER DESIGN Tomomi Maeda Keiko Ohashi IMPACTBOSS DESIGN Mika Nakasako Madoka Yamauchi SOUND DIRECTOR Tomoya Tomita SOUND EFFECT Ayumu Kashizaki COMPOSER Shigeru Araki Kato Yusuke Saiko Miki Yasumasa Kitagawa DESIGN DIRECTION Kazuhiro Namba Narutoshi Yamaoka Satoko Naito Takashi Kakuta Kiyoko Kanaji The Theme of "MYSTICAL NINJA" Song: Hironobu Kageyama "Gorgeous my stage" Song: Toshihiro Tachibana Etsuyo Ota "I am Impact!" Song: Ichiro Mizuki VOICE ACTORS Shinichiro Ota Kenichi Ogata Junko Hori Rumi Kasahara Kotono Mitsuishi Koichi Yamadera Chafurin SPECIAL THANKS Takeo Yakushiji Ai Fukuyama Daisuke Torii Ikuo Shibuya Takashi Yoshida (IZM) Tomoharu Morisawa Takahiro Nakajima Masahiko Kimura Hideto Inoue Takashi Sasugano (KME) SOUND PRODUCER Kazuhiko Uehara PRODUCER Shigeharu Umezaki EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Kuniaki Kinoshita PRESENTED BY (Konami Entertainment Company of Osaka) KCEO DEVEOPED BY KONAMI COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT OSAKA Co., Ltd. KONAMI ©1998 KONAMI ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Congratulations on completeing the game! The number of Fortune Dolls you collected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.) Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon script (asterisks) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Opening Song] Fight on... Fight on... Never giving up Let's start our journey as we whistle along Going now Well, look at the sky Peeping through the clouds You can see, just how big the sky really is Even if the harsh winds were to take you away live your life the way YOU want it, that is the destiny for many Fight on... Fight on... There is more than one dream, if we reach for it hard enough... TAKE A CHANCE! Fight on... Fight on... Never giving up Let's start our journey as we whistle along Going now [Oedo Town] Store Manager: What are you guys doing? Leave right now! Store Manager: Never come again, you punks! Goemon: Ebisumaru! Why, you've taken all your *clothes off*! Ebisumaru: I thought that I could negotiate a *discount*... with my *hypnotic dance*. Goemon: Discount?! We've been thrown out of the store because of your dance. Ebisumaru: He just couldn't understand the *beauty* in... **me!** Goemon: You worry me. Goemon: What, what's happening! Ebisumaru: Huh?! Goemon: What was that great big thing just now? Ebisumaru: Goemon! Isn't that the direction to *Oedo Castle*? Baron: I've arrived at my destination! Mystery Man: Hmm! Let's first attack this castle! Mystery Woman: O-o, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! Lord: Well, well, well. Isn't it so peaceful here. Princess Yuki: *Wait*! What's that commotion outside? Lord: *WHAT'S GOING ON!!* Mystery Man: If we just proceed with our cunning *plans*. Huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh! Goemon: Oh no, Oedo Castle. Ebisumaru: The *Lord's place* again? It's been really nightmare for them recently. Goemon: In any case, we can't just sit around here! Follow me, Ebisumaru! Ebisumaru: *Wait for me*, Goemon! I haven't changed yet! Give me a moment to go home and get changed into something decent. Goemon: Aw, heck. Well, hurry up. [Oedo Town] Goemon: *I'm ready! Let's go!* [Woman] When the UFO comes, there is a huge commotion all over the place... Someone new will be moving into the tenements. What? When's that? Sorry! Even I don't know that. [Girl] Just now, Oedo Castle was hit by a mysterious beam, turning it into *European Castle*. If that beam hit me... Would it turn me into a model EU citizen? [Boy] All right!! The aliens! The aliens! The aliens! The aliens! [Old Man] What? *A UFO*? What do you mean? I'm *85* years old you know! [Sign] [Goemon Tenements] [Man] *Mokubei* used to live next door to us... He was a *pipe maker*, but he moved to *Mt. Fuji*... That's why nobody lives next door. [Man] As I said, nobody lives next door! Mokubei, the *pipe maker*, has moved to the *Mt. Fuji*. [Man] My cousin lives two houses down, so don't pay any attention if you hear the same thing! [Old Woman] There seems to be some kind of commotion again... Does that mean your adventures are about to begin? A new start for "*MYSTICAL NINJA*"! [Young Woman] There seems to be some commotion going on outside... I wonder what's going on! But I get frightened easily, so I'm afraid to go and see. Still, I can't help but take a look. [Young Man] I don't know if you saw a UFO or a bird, but it's nothing to make a big fuss over. **HECK!** Officer: Yes? What's the matter? I want to know the way to... Who are you? Where do you want to go? Which way to [Oedo Castle]? The way to [Mt. Fuji]? Where is the [checkpoint]? You can get to *Oedo Castle* by passing through *this gate* and over the *Nihon Bashi Bridge*. To get to *Mt. Fuji*, you must pass through *the gate with the red pillars* near the [Thunder Gate]... This will lead you to *the fortune teller*, where you must turn the corner and go straight. There you'll find the [Kai Highway], which will lead you directly to *Mt. Fuji*. To get to the *checkpoint*, go through the *large gate* in the shopping district. In order to defend the *peace* and *justice* of this town... I have altered my body to become... Your hero and supercop "*Robo Officer*"! [Traveler] Is this bridge the actual *Nihon Bashi Bridge*? I must say it is a beautiful bridge, fit for the honour of Oedo. [Young Woman] I was just there, but... *The bridge* that leads to Oedo Castle has been destroyed, so no one can get in! Now, what's going to happen! *...to be continued.* [Sign] [Oedo Castle / Main Gate] [Sign] Emergency [*Star Block*] In Use. (You can get through by using the *Chain Pipe*) [Sign] Front of Castle / *Police Box* [Guard] It is impossible to enter Oedo Castle! However, there should be a "*Star Block*" set for emergency use... You should be able to move forward if you have the chain device used by *Mokubei*, the *Pipe maker*. [Young Man] Auggghhhhh! I can feel my "Blood" rushing! I want to totally master the art of swordmanship. [Boy] The officer's duty is to defend the peace of this town. By the way, I have no job! [Man] *Mokubei* the *pipe maker*, who moved to [*Mt. Fuji*], is a UFO maniac. But for a UFO to appear after he moved...? I should have taped it for him on a video camera. Officer: Anyone planning to cause trouble... will fall victom to my *Atomic Stick*! [Old Man] No matter what happens, I'll be sure to go to the *Thunder Gate*! That is the way of my life. [Man] That huge *peach* that just came flying... What in the world was that?! Who in the world is going to eat such a huge *peach*! [Messenger] Pant! Pant! This is a *warning* from the messenger! If you're going to save an *Adventure Diary*, go to the [*Inn*]. As long as you keep an *Adventure Diary*, you can keep *save* ofa ll your adventures up to now! Gotta go! [Girl] What's the fuss? Everyone's in a tizzy over some Flying Peach... You won't be able to steal my heart using just a Flying Peach! [Boy] Hee, hee, hee... In this world, there exist *fortune dolls* that bring you happiness. If you find one, take it, no matter what! [Woman] If you're going on an adventure, it would be wise to purchase an *item* at the *general store*. It will comein handy when certain emergencies arise. [Dog] Arf, arf! Help me! Arf, arf! I'd better hurry up and hide somewhere, or else they'll take me in their UFO... It scares me just to think about it. [Man] It's *a UFO*! It's *a Flying Peach*! This has got to be the Alien Invasion! I'll bet whoever's riding that UFO is speaking kinda peachy. [Woman] This is *Oedo Town*! It's where the real Edo people live! [Fat Man] Hey! So you're here to find out what I have to say! Listen, whenever you visit a town or a village... gather your information by listening to what the people have to say. That is important for you to complete this game! [System] [Coffee Shop / *Viva! Oedo!*] [Man] *Omitsu* is the cutest girl I've ever seen... When our eyes meet even for a brief moment... **It's magic!** [Old Man] I just can't settle down until I eat and eat and eat. So... I'll have some *Kiwi Dumpling*, *Iced Tea*, *Custard Rice Cake*, and some *Cinnamon Rice Crackers*. ... Woops, I forgot my *wallet*! Omitsu: What's going on out there? Goemon: A strange *UFO* has come to town! Omitsu: *A UFO*? Omitsu: You mean like a *flying saucer*? Omitsu: Does that mean the *aliens* have come? Omitsu: Will the *aliens* come to our coffee shop and try some of our *dumplings*? Omitsu: Good thing I studied the *alien language*, just for such an occasion. [Old Woman] How can I help you? I've come to see Omitsu... I've come to order pizza. I don't doubt it... *Omitsu* is the beauty of this town. We've got no such thing! [Man] This Coffee Shop says you have to drink your coffee while standing up?! But that's okay, because this is where *Omitsu* the most beautiful woman in town works! [Man] If it's what *Omitsu* wants, I'll drink my coffee standing up. I'll even drink it upside down, I don't care! Restaurant: *Oh! Hello!* What is it going to be today? Dumplings 15 Oden 25 Sushi 45 3 coloured dumplings, not too sweet. It's great for a desserts! Your Strength Gauge will increase to *2 points*! Mmm, that's what I want! That's not what I want. The soup is well absorbed by the Oden! The traditional hot dish of Japan! Your Strength Gauge will increase by *3 points*! The best Sushi in town! It's fresh Sushi from the Edo area! Your Strength Gauge will increase by *5 points*! Thank you! Can I get you another one? Yes. I've had enough. Your Strength Gauge is completely full. Restaurant: So what will it be? Please come again! [Fat Man] I've stopped dieting just now! General Store: *Welcome*. Are you looking for something? Plain Rice Balls 50 Plum Rice Balls 120 This automatically recovers your strength to *4 points* whenever it reaches 0. I want that. No thanks... This automatically recovers your strength to *10 points* whenever it reaches 0. Sorry, but you don't have enough money. Excuse me, but you seem to already have that item. General Store: Are you looking for something else? Thank you very much! Are you still looking for something else? Yes. That will be all. Please come again. General Store: *Welcome*. Are you looking for something? Sombrero 50 Straw Raincot 80 Metal Armour 200 With this you could defend yourself by resisting *3 shots* from the *enemy*. This will defend you against *3 attacks* from the *enemy*. This will defend you against *5 attacks* from the *enemy*. General Store: So what would you like? Thank you very much! Are you still looking for something? Inn: *Welcome*. What brings you here today? Spend the night Adventure Diary Nothing Your Strength Gauge is completely full. I will not spend the night. I still wish to spend the night! I see. Well, please come again. Which room would you like? Bronze Room 60 Silver Room 100 Gold Suite 200 It's old and battered, but what can I say, it's our cheapest room. That's where I'll stay! No, I've changed my mind. It's basically your average room, and at a very competitive rate. You're in for a night of your life. I'll show you to your room. I'm terribly sorry to point this out, but you do not have enough money. Good Morning. We look forward to seeing you again. Very well! Your game will now be saved in the *Adventure Diary*. Please press the [*A* Button] when you are ready. (the [*B* Button] will cancel) Your game has been saved in the *Adventure Diary*. Please come again. I see. Well, please come again. Gate keeper: Woo-oooooooow! *The automatic closing device* has been activated on the gate. It will no longer open! What the...! Something serious is taking place at *Oedo Castle*! Gate keeper: Well, the only way to pass this checkpoint... ...is to get *the Super Pass* from *the Lord*. [Old Man] I've come to climb *Mt. Fuji*... The officer told me I could get there from around the cornre by the *fortune teller's*. [Man] I worry, I worry so, I worry... When something worries you like this, the best thing to do is go see a *fortune teller*. With the *Plasma Power*, your worries will fade away. [Sign] *Fortune teller* ahead!! [Sign] Mt. Fuji to *the west*! Chuppy: Aw, I'm tired... I just want to hurry up and eat, and get to bed, arf! Chuppy: I'm so tired, arf! [Man] A UFO? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha... But, isn't our Chuppy such a good dog? [Plasma Man] **PLASMA!** Plasma Man: Howdy! Welcome to the *Plasma Fortune Teller*. I will solve your worries for *10* ryo, plasma! Ah, yes please. No, no thank you. Okay, well let's get started!! Hmmmm, abababa, hmmm, abababa, Hmmmm, abababa, hmmm, abababa, Hmmmm, abababa, hmmm, abababa, **PLASMA!** If you want to enter *Oedo Castle*... Enter on the *left* hand side when you face *this fortune teller*. That will take you to the [Kai Highway] which will lead you to *Mt. Fuji*, plasma! Go ahead then, worry for the rest of your life, plasma. [Kai Highway] [*Kai* Highway] [System] Received a *[*Silver Fortune Doll*]*! With *three* more, your *Strength Gauge* will increase by one! [Kai's Coffee Shop] [*Kai's* Coffee Shop] Travel Merchant: Hey you! You're a *traveller*! How would you like a *map of Japan* to assist you on your voyage? I'll sell it to you for a discount, how about it? Yes, I really want it! No way! Forget it. Awesome! I like the way you said that, the enthusiasm! I like people like you, here, you can have it, no charge! All right! We'll call *this* a present to you. Receive [*Map of Japan*] free of charge! Step outside any building and press the *START* Button, you can switch to the map and back using the *Z* Button. What kind of way is that to talk to someone! Unbelievable! Travel Merchant: I hope this trip will be a very enjoyable one for you! [Man] Have you heard the least on the dancer called *Impact*?! Apparently he's now a big star in the U.S.! Next he's going to be in a *movie*! He's a model of the "*American Dream*"! [Woman] Recently, there have been *mechanical robots* appearing all over the place, attacking *travellers* in their path. You should be careful yourself. [Old Woman] How about some of our *stamina dumplings*? At *30*ryo, this will get you motorin'! Sure, I'll try some! No thanks... There you go! Enjoy! Your Strength Gauge is already full. Are you sure? Well, come again when you're hungry. [Mt. Fuji] [System] The biggest mountain *Mt. Fuji* [System] Received a *[*Silver Fortune Doll*]*! With *two* more, your *Strength Gauge* will increase by one! [*Mt. Fuji*] Crater [*Mt. Fuji*] Summit Mokubei: Wow! I'm impressed that you made it this far! What do you want from me? What are you doing here? Do you have a good [Pipe]? Mokubei: I have come to the greatest mountain in Japan... so that I could train to become *the greatest worker* in Japan! Mokubei: *Pipe*? Let me think... well let's see... ...YES!! I know! Take this! I'm honoured to hand you my *Pipe*! It attaches to the *block* with the [*Star Mark*]! [System] Goemon receives the [*Chain Pipe*]! With this, it is now possible to attach this to the *Star Mark* and across large gaps! Mokubei: Train yourself well... until the girls cheer for you saying *"Oh my! That Pipe of you have is so fashionable!"* [Oedo Town] [System] Received a *[*Silver Fortune Doll*]*! With *one* more, your *Strength Gauge* will increase by one! [Sign] [Oedo Castle / Entrance] Do you wish to save the game in your *Adventure Diary*? Yes No [Oedo Castle] [*Transformed Oedo Castle*] [System] Without the *[*Silver Key*]* this door will *not open*... Received the *[*Silver Key*]*! Received [*Mr. Elly Fant*]! Now you have access to the *map* showing the inside of this castle! (Press the *START* Button, and switch tot he map with the *Z* Button) Received a *[*Silver Fortune Doll*]*! Your *Strength Gauge* is increased by [*one*]! Without the *[*Gold Key*]* this door will *not open*... Received the *[*Gold Key*]*! Received [*Mr. Arrow*]! Now, the location of the *Boss* will appear on the *map*! Baron: *Soooooo*! Baron: I was sure I heard something down there. Was it you guys?! Goemon: What the?! Well, who in the world are *you*! Baron: My name is *Baron*! Baron: I've come to make Oedo Castle a *beautiful stage*! Goemon: *Stage*? Goemon: What would we need a stage for?! Ebisumaru: Goemon, this smells like danger to me! Ebisumaru: Why don't we just grab this weirdo by the throat... Ebisumaru: And beat him up a bit. Baron: Who are you calling *weirdo*?! (laughs) Baron: Maybe I'll just have to beat you up! (laughs and applause) [System] The King Robot **CONGO** Received the *[Miracle Moon]*, in the shape of the moon! Lord: We're safe now, thanks to you. Goemon: Lord, what has become of Oedo Castle? Lord: Suddenly, there was this bright light, and next thing I know, well, look around you. Ebisumaru: We saw it from the outside. Ebisumaru: The whole castle transformed when that *Peach Beam* hit. Princess Yuki: I remember, that strange man was yelling something like "*Instant Stage Beam*!" Ebisumaru: *Instant......* What?! Ebisumaru: That's a *strange name*... (laughs) Goemon: By the way, where did that *weirdo* go?! Princess Yuki: He rushed off in an awful hurry. Lord: I've got a favour to ask of you. Lord: Could you catch the guys that did this to Oedo Castle for me? Lord: I beg you! You bet! We won't let you down! Give me a break... Lord: I've never heard anything so sad in my life... of all people... Goemon the hero... (laughs) Lord: I beg you once again... Pleeaase! Oh well, all right! I really don't want to... Lord: I've never heard anything so sad in my life... of all people... Goemon the hero... (awww) Goemon: We can't let anyone do something like this and get away with it. Lord: Good! I knew I could count on you! Lord: Oh, I almost forgot! Take this with you! Lord: As long as you've got this, you will be able to open the *gate*! [System] Goemon and Ebisumaru receive a [*Super Pass*] from the Lord! Lord: I'm counting on you! [System] Do you wish to save the game to this point in your *Adventure Diary*? Very well. Press the [*A* Button] when you are ready. [Oedo Town] [Young Woman] I wonder when that bridge to Oedo Castle is going to be fixed? Maybe I should fix it! *...to be continued*. [Merchant] I was planning next to go to the *Northeast Region*, just [*East*] of [*Musashi*], but someone left a *metal chest* in the middle of the road... making it impossible to pass! [Guard] Maybe I should compete against Mokubei the Chain Pipe maker, and open up a "*Chain Store*". [Young Man] **SHUT UP!** Edo people are only interested in festivals and fights! [Young Man] Auggghhhhh! To master the art of swordmanship, I must first cut something with a sword! I want to cut! Want to cut! Wanna cut! Wanna cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! [Boy] When I grow up, I'm going to be an officer and catch all the bad guys! But I don't want to be the one to get caught. [Old Man] I'm in love with this *Thunder Gate*! Why don't we start a society for the *Thunder Gate*! [Man] That's right, when my business is in the dumps, the first thing I do is go see the *fortune teller*. So when you don't know what to do, go see the *fortune teller*. [Old Man] My dream has been to get to the top of Mt. Fuji and eat rice balls with 100 friends. [Man] Chuppy loves going for walks! Like now, he'll just keep on walking! [Plasma Man] As you leave the *gate*, take the *West* tunnel to [*Iga*], plasma! You shall met the [*Wise Man*] there! [Man] It's too bad that Mokubei's Pipe shop is no longer here... so who can we see about UFO? [Young Man] Whaaaat! Now a huge *melon* just flew in! ...now, just imagination playing tricks! [Messenger] Hi! Are you keeping save in your *Adventure Diary*? I'm not going to be able to help you if you forget to save things in your Adventure Diary. [Man] Hmm, I wonder where that UFO went... Aww! Just as the camera's ready and I larn that Peach Alien language, and they're gone! Tooooo bad! [Dog] I've always hated *UFO*... and *carrots*, arf. [Woman] This is where the real game begins. Make sure you have your *items*, and the best of luck! [Girl] I'm not interested in Flying Peaches! I want something more funky and exciting! [Woman] Well, at least things have calmed down. The *new person* can now move in without any worry. [Girl] I heard from *Princess Yuki* that something strange is happening at Oedo Castle... I just have to see the *dumplings* running up and down the hallway! But I wonder if they can be eaten? [Boy] The aliens have gone! The aliens have gone! [Man] My cousin who lives two houses down takes care of cleaning the house next door. *Someone new* is moving into the empty house next door. The house next door will eventually... Well, I'll leave that for later! [Old Man] Are you out of your mind? I have never eaten *a UFO* before... [Young Girl] Y-y-you saw a U...U...*UFO*! Aw! I should have gone to see it! Oh no! What a drag! [Old Woman] *The Lord* and *Princess Yuki* were both at *Goemon's house*! I couldn't believe it! Lord: Sorry to put you through this trouble... But until this incident is resolved, I will be stayin at your place, *Goemon*. Don't worry, I'll do the dishes. Princess Yuki: Living in the real world is so exciting! And the dumplings at the Coffee shop are so delicious... I should get the recipe for those dumplings! [Fat Man] Once you complete a section, the people of the towns and villages might have something different to say. Don't think that just because you talked to someone once, you won't have to again... Try talking to them several times! Gate keeper: Oh my god! This is *the Lord's Super Pass*! With this, the gate will open! Gate keeper: Wait a minute! That's *the Lord's Super Pass*! As long as you have it, you can open the gate! Gate keeper: That's it for us! If only the title to this game was "*Starring Gate keeper*" rather than "*Starring Goemon*". Then, we'd have a lot more fun! Awww! Gate keeper: We'll just keep standing here until you clear the game. ... ...kinda painful... ... ...kinda depressing... [Musashi] [*Musashi*] [*Tunnel*] [*Shinano - Iga*] Goemon: *Oh my...* ! Goemon: See this? Goemon: It's the *Triton Shell* that summons Gigantic Robot "*Impact*"!! *Wise Man* had it... Goemon: ...and so is this rubble all that remains of *Wise Man's house*?! [Baron] Hey man! What are you doing here! Goemon: Oh my god! You're the *weirdo* from *Oedo Castle*! Goemon: Not only *Oedo Castle* but now the *Wise Man's home*... how senseless can you be! Goemon: You... you **WEIRDO!** Baron: You keep calling me *weirdo*... (laughs) Baron: It's not nice to call people names! I'm going to crush you with my *robot*! Goemon: You coward! I'm not letting you get away this time! [Impact Song] Dash! Dash! Dash! The burning sun, gleaming on my shoulders Here we go, start, the machine comes alive I am machinery, I am a metal being! (Hey) Jump out onto the sky, steel spirit (Let's go!) Breakdown! And with all my might, power to the highest limit, Super Punch! I am the best, yes, Impact Dash! Dash! Dash! [Battle] Wartime Kabuki Robot **KASHIWAGI** Impact: Well, I have to get going, we're filming a *movie*... Impact: First I have to get to *America*! Impact: If you need me again, *call me!* [Zazen Town] [Yamashiro / *Zazen Town*] Yae: So it was you guys! Goemon: *Yae*!! Goemon: Wha-what are you doing here? Yae: I was following that Peach-shaped *UFO*. Ebisumaru: Just as I suspected! Ebisumaru: That UFO has something to do with what's happening, doesn't it? Yae: Yes, definitely... Narrator: In order to defend the peace of Japan, *Secret Ninja Agent* Yae... Narrator: ...has begun to investigate the strange occurrences happening throughout Japan. Narrator: They are thought to be caused by the Mysterious Flake Gang. Goemon: And did you find anything out about the Flake Gang? Yae: Well, all I found out was... Yae: ...that there are several members, Yae: who call themselves the [*Peach Mountain Shoguns*]. Ebisumaru: *Peach Mountain*? Goemon: Huh! I don't care if we're talking *Peach Mountain* or... Goemon: *Chestnut Mountain*... Goemon: ...or even a *Pear Mountain*. (laughs) Goemon: They'd better be ready 'cause I'm gonna kick their butts! Yae: It looks like our objectives are the same. Ebisumaru: Wow! Then we can go together on our adventures! Yae: Yes, I guess you're right. [System] Secret Ninja Agent *[Yae]* becomes an ally! [Man] This is the *Zazen Town* of [Yamashiro]! It's a very old and historical town! [Dog] This is the *Kansai Region*, arf! Impressive! While playing this game, you can also become an expert in *Japanese geography*, arf! [Woman] I wonder where *Yoshi* went...? He's always en determined to become a great *dancer*. [Old Man] One by one, *kids* with dancing talent have been kidnapped in the *Shikoku Region*. I'd better save them with my *Secret Powers*! On second thought, now, my back's been bothering me. [Woman] [*Benkei*] is sitting on *Gojo Ohashi Bridge*, not allowing anyone to get through... He'll let them through once he's taken everything and added to his *collection*. [Messenger] Wooo-ooooooooooooww...! I, I saw it!! It was, like, uh, a huge *long thing* flying across the sky!! *Children* in this area are being kidnapped. What has this world come to...?x [Sign] [Straight ahead: *Gojo Ohashi Bridge*] [Sign] [Corridor: *Shopping District*] Benkei: Hey! Stop, stop right there! If you want to get by here, hand over the *treasure* you have! Well come on, what is it going to be? I'll take a different route... I have no treasure with me... Haw, haw, haw! **You coward!** What? You poverty-stricken good for nothing! Benkei: So you're back again! I have no interest in seeing you! Go home! Go home!! [Merchant] There is a door that leads to [*Bizen*], located in the Chugoku Region, *west* of here... Apparently, some *kid* was fooling around, and did something to the door so that it wouldn't open! It's a real problem! [Ushiwaka] What? Whaddya want? Who are you? Do you know Benkei? You've got a nerve asking me who I am! You don't recognize me? I'm only telling you once, keep your ears wide open! I'm *Ushiwaka*, the *best-looking knight* in the world! Now remember that! Of course I do! He's like a follower to me! Wait a sec... I bet you're tryin to get across the *Gojo Ohashi Bridge* that *Benkei's blocking*. Am I right? Uh, well, yes. Uh, no, not at all... Well, why didn't you tell me in the first place? Just do me a favour, and I'll tell you how to deal with Benkei! Well, whaddya say? Will you do me a favour? Well, all right. No way! Then it's decided! Okay, [*Catch*] me some *fish* from the *Duck Creek*! First catch [*Three*] [*Blue Fish*]! Is that so... In that case, you're in the way! Scram!! [Ushiwaka] Hurry up and get me those *three* [*Blue Fish*]! [Sign] [This is my *property* / Ushiwaka] [System] *Caught* a [Blue Fish]! This is *not* a [Blue Fish]... Caught *three* [Blue Fish]! [Ushiwaka] You did it! Okay, next get me [*Five*] [*Yellow Fish*]! Hurry up and get me those *five* [*Yellow Fish*]! [System] *Caught* a [Yellow Fish]! This is *not* a [Yellow Fish]... Caught *five* [Yellow Fish]! [Ushiwaka] Pretty good! Okay, this is the last! Get me [*Eight*] [*Red Fish*]! Hurry up and get me those *eight* [*Red Fish*]! [System] *Caught* a [Red Fish]! This is *not* a [Red Fish]... Caught *eight* [Red Fish]! [Ushiwaka] *All right, you did it!* With all this fish, I won't go hungry for some time! Well, as I promised... Throw this at Benkei! I'm sure he'll move to the aside. [Goemon and allies receive an [*Achilles' heel*]! [Ushiwaka] My dream is to sit back, relax, an have no worries for the rest of my life. Chiyomaru: These are the *upper* reaches of Duck Creek, woof! IF you go down the Creek, you'll reach *Midstream*, and then a little further is *Downstream*, woof! Which would mean that since I'm here, I must be up the Creek without a *paddle*!! Woof! [Man] [*Benkei*], who you'll find at the *Gojo Ohashi Bridge*, is a *treasure maniac*! He waits at the bridge on the lookout for *rare treasurs* carried by people! [Boy] My mom tells me not to go outside because kids are being kidnapped... But I'm a big boy now! There's nothing I can't handle! [Young Man] There are all kinds of things to eat in each part of Japan. it's not a bad idea to visit different areas just to feast on the great food. [Woman] There's just *one person* in this town... Who has crossed the *Gojo Ohashi Bridge* without handing anything to *Benkei*... His [face] is pretty good-looking, but when it comes to his [personality]... [Sign] [Straight ahead: *Chugoku Region*] [Sign] [*Golden Temple* / Entrance] [Sign] [Straight ahead: *Mt. Nyoigatake*] Priest: Hey you! Traveller! You were lead to this *Golden Temple*, why not listen to my sermon while you're here. I'll also include a [*Song*] and [*Autograph Session*]! [Sign] [Mt. Nyoigatake / sidewalk] [Young Man] This is the way to *Mt. Nyoigatake*! Stp aside, step aside I say! Step aside, step aside, you're in the way, move! You're still not needed yet. General Store: *Welcome*. What would you like? Sombrero 50 Metal Helmet 150 Metal Armour 200 Inn: What are you here for today? Spend the night Adventure Diary Nothing I see. Well, see you again. So, which room do you want to stay in? General Store: *Welcome!* What would you like? [Old Woman] Sorry, but this is *no store*... But visit all kinds of places and listen to what people have to say, then I'm sure *good things* will happen! Restaurant: *Welcome!* What can I get you? Rice Crackers 15 Sauced Dumplings 25 Hot Tofu 45 There's nothing like the taste of soy sauce on these crackers! Even the deer of Yamato love these crackers! Hot and tender, straight off the grill! The octopus pieces in our dumplings are huge! It's got that smooth upper class taste! It's very hot, be careful. Restaurant: So, have you decided what you want? [Guard] I hear there are guys using *Gigantic Robots* to attack towns and villages. You're not those guys, are you?! [Plasma Man] Cross the *Gojo Ohashi Bridge*, and pass through [Yamato] and [Kii - Awaji] to get to *Shikoku Region*, plasma! [Yamato] [*Yamato*] [Sign] [Yamato / *Shrine*] [*Yamato] Turtle Stone Bamboo Forest [Signs] [Turtle Power of the *East*] The *magical red gate* shall take you to a new land... [Turtle Power of the *South*] The *Lucky Cat* will drop into your lap... [Turtle Power of the *West*] *Money* makes the world go 'round. It will eventually come to you as well... [Turtle Power of the *North*] The key to the closed out Yamato's *Shrine* is... Benkei: Hey! You over there! If you want to cross this *bridge*... **UGH!** I can see in your eyes, you want to *fight*! Very well! However, if you *lose*... *I will blast you far, far away!* Narrator: Well, well! It's a fight with Benkei! Narrator: Look for the instant Benkei *reaches the ground* when *jumping*... Narrator: ...and throw the *Achilles' heel* at him *three* times within the time limit. Narrator: The item can be thrown by pressing the [*B* Button]. Benkei: Then, **We shall begin!** Narrator: Ever since the *Achilles' heel* was thrown at Benkei... Narrator: Achilles' heel was meant to be the *weak point* of someone. Ebisumaru: There's something fishy about that story... (laughs) Benkei: Aaaaaaaaaah... to be defeated in the same manner as I was by *Ushiwaka*... Please, I beg you! Don't tell anyone that I *lost*, please... I'll let you pass the *bridge* at will, and I'll give you something from my *collection*... Goemon: Which is? Ebisumaru: Wow, wow! It's our friend, *Sasuke*! Narrator: What Benkei pulled out was... Narrator: ...all stiff, [*batteries*] almost falling out... Narrator: It was none other than the Mechanical Ninja, *Sasuke*! Yae: Where did you get this?! Benkei: It came falling from the *sky* just the other day. Goemon: I wonder if it has anything to do with the explosion at *the Wise Man's house*... Benkei: Well, in any case, don't tell a single soul that I lost! [System] Goemon and allies receive the Mechanical Ninja [*Sasuke*]. Benkei: You can cross an time you wish! Go right ahead! [Yamato] [*Yamato*] [*Yamato} Turtle Stone Bamboo Forest [Signs] [Turtle Power of the *East*] The *magical red gate* shall take you to a new land... [Turtle Power of the *South*] The *Lucky Cat* will drop into your lap... [Turtle Power of the *West*] *Money* makes the world go 'round. It will eventually come to you as well... [Turtle Power of the *North*] The key to the closed out Yamato's *Shrine* is... [Yamato / *Shrine*] [*Yamato*] Bamboo Forest [*Kii* - *Awaji Island*] [Sign] [You are at *the Husband and Wife Rocks*] [Marker] [Road Directions] To the North is *Yamato*. To the West is *Shikoku*. [Kii's Coffee Shop] [*Kii*'s Coffee Shop] [Old Man] I have been studying long and hard about *Turtle Stones*, but there's one thing that's always bothered me. Why are they *Turtle Stones*?! ... Why not, like, *Rabbit Stones*?! [Young Woman] The *Tourist Center* at *Awaji Island* will instantly transfer you to a place far away! That's what you call "Instant Pleasure". Get it?! Oh dear. [Messenger] It's when I come across a *coffee shop* that I feel most relieved! Don't you agree? [Fat Woman] Hmm... The air conditioner is on... and you don't have to ask for things... This is the best place for a quick rest. [Woman] This is the Oedo Tourist Center *Awaji Island Branch*! We will carry you to [*Shikoku*] at once with our proud *dragon*!! ...is what we really want to say. Our proud *dragon* has suddenly gone wild and cannot carry you now... Can someone do something about this? May I help you? It's none of my businese!! Wow, really!! That's *great*!! OK, hop on the back of the *dragon*! Enter this machine!! That's right... Maybe you weren't meant for this... Can you tame the *dragon* to make it what it used to be? Trust me. I don't want to do this... [On the Dragon] Goemon: What is it, wha..?! Yae: Do you suppose that *machine*...? [Colon] Ah-ah! Ah, ah...*Test...testing, testing*! Ahem... Well now... Ta-daaaaaaaaaaaaaa! You're absolutely right! We kidnapped *kids with dancing talents* using this *Dragon*! I, the mighty *Colon*, am so, so smart! Goemon: Might you be one of the... *Peach Mountain guys*?! [Colon] My, my, my, my, my! (laughs) How do you know about us?! **Ooooh!** I get it! You must be the annoying *clowns Baron* was talking about! Ebisumaru: Annoying *clowns*? What? (laughs) [Colon] Anyway, I'm going to beat you all up! *Control Machine!* **Go get 'em!** [Kompira Mountain] [*Sanuki*] Kompira Mountain Koryuta: What's going on?! Goemon: W-was that *you*? That *Dragon*? Koryuta: Yes... It was me... My name is *Koryuta*... Koryuta: Wha... what's been going on all this time? Narrator: Yes, Dragon, who had been hypnotized by the Peach Mountain, Narrator: ...was actually none other than Koryuta, the son of the *Dragon God*! Narrator: Goemon and allies explained everything to Koryuta. Koryuta: **Oh no!** Koryuta: So you're telling me that I was the one out there kidnapping *kids* all over the place. Koryuta: I don't know if I can recover from this... Koryuta: I'm *a bad guy*... Koryuta: *A villain*... Koryuta: *A criminal*... *A demon*... *A devil*, right? Goemon: Calm down, calm down! (laughs) Yae: You were hypnotized, there's nothing you could've done about it... Koryuta: But still... Yae: By the way, don't you remember anything that happened? Yae: Like, where did you take the children? Koryuta: ...Hmmm... ... Ah... Koryuta: **YES!** Koryuta: That's right! *The hot springs*... Yae: *Hot springs*? Koryuta: I reember going to *the Dogo Hot Springs*, just *west* at [Iyo]. Ebisumaru: *The Dogo Hot Springs*? That's a popular spot. Goemon: Koryuta, you must return to being just *a tourist* as soon as you possibly can! Goemon: I will rescue the *children* myself! Koryuta: Really? Thank you very much! Koryuta: Oh! Here's something! Please take this! Goemon: What is this *flute*? Koryuta: At any time, or any place you play that *flute*, Koryuta: I will arrive right by your side in *Dragon* form! Koryuta: I will take you to any *town*, *village*, *coffee shop* or *castle* you've been to! Goemon: That would help tremendously! But, I have no idea how to play the *flute*... Yae: I know how to play the flute. Ebisumaru: Me too! Goemon: Okay then, *Yae*, I'll hand this flute to *you*! Ebisumaru: Why not me?! (laughs) [System] Yae receives [*Koryuta's flute*]! With this, you can fly to any location you've been to before! (This feature can be cancelled by pressing the [*B* Button] before the flute *stops playing*) Koryuta: Oh! I nearly forgot! Inside a *building* such as a *castle* or *store*... Koryuta: ...I won't be able to hear the flute, so make sure you're *outside* when you play it! Koryuta: Well, I must be going! [Sign] [Sanuki / *Kompira Mountain*] Entrance [Kompira Mountain *Second* Block] [Kompira Mountain *Third* Block] [Kompira Coffee Shop] [*Kompira's* Coffee shop] [Merchant] I never imagined the stairs leading to Mt. Kompira would be this long. I'm never going *up* or *down* these stairs again! [Old Man] The youngsters over there will likely experience the same destiny as myself, a resident of here for many, many years. [Young Woman] What's *that thing* moving about the stairs?! Wow! That's so dangerous! [Kompira Mountain *Fourth* Block] [Kompira Mountain *Grounds*] [Sign] Welcome! *Kompira Shrine* [Monk] It's *Kompira*! Not *Campari*! ... ... ... Well, that's beside the point, put [*5 ryo*] into the *offertory chest* at the *shrine*! If you do this, you will receive help from *God*! Oh, you've come to ask me again? Okay, one more time. Put [*5 ryo*] into the *chest* at the *shrine*! Then *God* will... ... Why should I have to repeat myself? [Young Man] I've got a really gloomy past, you see. Drifting for years, I've finally come to this place, you see. ... ... Does that make me a nihilist? God of Money: Yes, I have hereby received your *Medal of Justice*! [System] Goemon receives the *[Medal of Flames]*! By continuously holding down the *B Button* and then letting go... a powerful *medal* surronded by *flames* will be thrown! (The *torch* can also be lit by using this) God of Money: I'm not giving you anything else... [Monk] Life itself is *luck*! Whether you have good luck or bad luck all depends on how much you put your heart into something! But, frankly, your luck really has nothing to do with me. [Folkypoke Village] [Awa / *Folkypoke Village*] [Woman] This is the *Folkypoke Village* of [Awa]. The village is famous for folk dancing! A one, a two, a one, two, three, four! [Man] *The God of Money* is enshrined in *Kompira Mountain* of [Sanuki]. If the money is used for *good*, the God of Money will *help*. [Plasma Man] You cannot just simply enter the *Dogo Hot Springs* of [Iyo]. You must first obtain information from the [*Iyo's Coffee Shop*] at *Dogo Hot Springs*, plasma! Also, it wuld be a good idea to first go to [*Mt. Kompira*] to worship, plasma. Restaurant: *Welcome!* What would you like to eat? Oranges 15 Noodles 25 Fresh Bonito 45 Fresh and natural, with no chemical additives! Sweet and juicy! A perfect harmony of noodles and soup! There's nothing like a nice hot bowl of noodles! Very fresh and very tender, delicious! We just caught it this morning! Restaurant: So, what are you having? [Man] *Kids* get kidnapped, *Dragons* fly the skies... how am I supposed to concentrate on raising my crops? [Old Man] Let me tell you something! That *blue dragon* is really a very kind and gentle fellow. [Man] Will someone please look for the *children*... because for the person that finds the children, I've got a *fantastic reward*! [Woman] *Dragons* are those mythical creatures that come out in fantasy stories, right? Do they really blow fire from their mouths? [Old Woman] My skin is so smooth and gentle... ...that they may mistake me for a *child*, and try to kidnap me! [Fat Man] The village is, as you can see, not in great shape. The *Folk dance Championship* will likely be canceled. I have to eat to until I forget this tragedy...sigh... [Boy] I'm the *only kid* left in this village, ...so in order not to be kidnapped by the *dragon*, I use this *fake beard*... **Oh no!** I forgot to bring it! [Dog] I want to go to the *Dogo Hot Springs* of [Iyo], *west* of here, arf! But I wouldnt be able to get in since it's been *closed* for a very long time, arf! [Woman] Every single day... a *dragon* flies above the village. He makes this really scary "*Gyoow!*" sound, like *my father*. [Man] The *childreN* of this village have been kidnapped by this large *blue dragon*! [Woman] When you pass the village *gate*, youwill get to *Kompira Mountain* of [Sanuki]. Unless you pay a visit to the *shrine* at *Kompira Mountain*, the children may never return. [Priest] I hate *airplanes* and that's why I chose to be transferred at the Tourist Center... That was *no* transfer! It was heck of a lot more horrifying than airplanes!! [Woman] Welcome! This is the Oedo Tourist Center *Awa Branch*! We can transfer you to the Tourist 8Center of Awaji Island* from here. It will cost you *10* ryo. Do you want to be transferred? Yes, please. Not now. Okay, we will transfer you to Awaji Island in a moment. OK, we await your next visit. [Kii - Awaji] [Oedo Tourist Center Awaji Island Branch] Welcome to *Awaji Island*! We await your next visit. [Woman] Thanks to you, the Tourist Center can resume it's business! Well, bye now! ... Welcome! This is Oedo Tourist Center *Awaji Island Branch*! We can transfer you to the *Tourist Center of Awa* from here. Okay, we will transfer you to Awa in a moment. [Folkypoke Village] [Oedo Tourist Center Awa Branch] Welcome to *Awa*, *Shikoku*. We await your next visit. [Man] My son *Furitaro*, who was kidnapped by the *dragon*, is the folk dancing *champion*! With his singing and dancing, *Furitaro* is sure to become the *village hero* of the future! Won't someone try to find him? John: The *secret device* is activated by lighting the *torch* of the *red Dharma*, arf... ...Hey! Why am I saying something that sounds *important*, arf...? General Store: *Welcome* What are you in need of today? Plain Rice Balls 50 Plum Rice Balls 120 Surprise Pack 500 The Remaining Playres will increase by *1*. [Tosa] [*Tosa*] [Sign] [Vine Bridge] *Caution!* Cross very quietly! [Iyo] [*Iyo*] [Sign] [Turn left here for *Dogo Hot Springs*] [System] The door to the *Dogo Hot Springs* is closed tight... [Iyo Coffee Shop] [*Iyo*'s Coffee Shop] [Young Man] I've seen this huge *draogn* flying around lately! Be careful if you don't want to be eaten! [Old Man] On the *left* hand side of the door leading to the *Dogo Hot Springs* of [Iyo], there is a *small hole*! I'd expect only a *dwarf* could enter a hole that small. [Traveler] I've come here to bathe in the famous *Hot Springs*, but it's been *closed* for the longest time... ... Phewey, I'm really starting to stink... [Woman] You may not believe me, but I saw a *dwarf* in [*Zazen Town*]! He was kinda *cool* lookin', but also looked real *mean*! [Zazen Town] [Dog] Have you heard the one about the *mysterious sweets*? Yes No Good for you. Neither have I. [Woman] Now *Mr. Ushiwaka* is gone... And he's not even a kid. I wonder why he's missing? [Old Man] Even with my *Super Eyes*, I have not seen *Ushiwaka* recently. [Messenger] Wooo-oooooooooooowww...!! I, I saw it again!! *Smaller things* wandering in the *Duck Creek*! [Woman] I haven't seen *Ushiwaka* recently. [Woman] You knowthe *Sweets* the priest of the *Golden Temple* kept in the cupboard? He says that they've been disappearing. Benkei: I've seen strange things recently... What? You ask me what I see? Well it's a much, much smaller *Ushiwaka*! [Ushiwaka] Hey! Long time no see! I'm *Ushiwaka*! Goemon: Gasp! What happened? Why are you so small?! Ushiwaka: Let me tell you. Those *Sweets* at the *Golden Temple*... Well if you eat *eight* in a row, there's a strange power that makes you shrink! If for any reason you want to shrink, go to the *Golden Temple*! I'll be there waiting for you. Chiyomaru: In fact, I may look like a dog, but actually... ... Hee, hee, that's a *secret*, arf! [Boy] The *priest* of the Golden Temple likes to make *sweets*! He sings, he dances, he makes sweets, and he preaches... He's a well-rounded priest! [Young Man] What do you like, lad? Next time youd rop by, remind me to recommend some wonderful food. [Young Woman] If only *Mr. Ushiwaka* were less stingy, he'd be a popular man... [Man] Are you looking for the *dwarfs*? Wel, dwarfs are *small*, so they may be difficult to find... **Look! Loooook!** Right there! That's you're *stepping on*! That's... ... ... **My foot!** [Plasma Man] With the secret training at the [*Golden Temple*] in Zazen Town, you could also become *smaller*, plasma! [Guard] I've heard that people have recently seen *dwarfs*... But I don't plan on looking into anything other than *Gigantic Robots*! Ushiwaka: It wouldn't be for you... It's got to be someone with a *big nose* and *thread of eyes*. Ushiwaka: You made it! Narrator, please explain! Narrator: *My pleasure!* Narrator: the *sweets* in the *cupboard* at the Temple... will start falling from above! Narrator: If you catch *eight* sweets before the time is up... Narrator: you will be able to use *magical powers* to make you shrink! Narrator: However, if you're seen catching these *sweets*... Narrator: ...something terrible will happen! Narrator: Ready, set... Narrator: **Go!** Ushiwaka: Looks like you failed. You wanna try again? Absolutely! I need to rest a little. Is that so... In that case, come back when you're ready! Ushiwaka: You've returned to give it another shot? You bet. Well, not quite... That's what I wanna hear! That's the spirit! Ushiwaka: Way to go! Now you can shrink as you wish! [System] Ebisumaru obtains the [*Mini-Ebisumaru*] magic powers! The powers will allow you to *shrink* and get through *small holes* and *narrow roads*! However, remember that while using the *Mini-Ebisu* powers, you will not be able to attack! Ushiwaka: When you're smaller, you don't need to eat as much, and a room can seem so large, that even a bachelor pad will look like a castle! [Plasma Man] By making your body *smaller*, you could enter *Dogo Hot Springs* of [Iyo] by sneaking through the *small hole*, plasma! [Dogo Hot Springs] [*Iyo* 2] [Sign] Peach Mountain Shoguns [*Ghost Toys Castle*] [System] Unless you turn the [*Power*] on, the Crane Game will not operate. [System] Received a *[Golden Fortune Doll]*! Automatically, your Strength Gauge is increased by *one*! [System] The [*Power*] to the Crane Game has been turned on! [System] Step on the [*Button*] of the [Crane Game Controls] to move the *crane*! [System] Ebisumaru receives the *[Windup Camera]*! By continuously holding down the *B Button* and then letting go... a light wlil shine... allowing you to see items you would not normally see or hidden items! (Even *ghosts* will appear) [System] When a picture of the *floor* of this room is taken with a *camera*... [System] Without the *[*Diamond Key*]* this door will *not open*... [System] Received the *[*Diamond Key*]*! [Sign] Find the Dharmanyo's *weak point* using the *Windup Camera*! [System] The Surrender Robot **DHARUMANYO** [System] Received the *[Miracle Flower]*, in the shape of a flower! Colon: Boo hoo! He beat me up!! Colon: I was only giving the kids a lesson in *Peach Mountain Dancing*! Mystery man: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha... Mystery man: Colon, your plan did not work, did it! Goemon: Who are you?! Mystery man: Aha! Mystery man: I'm the *leader* of the *Peach Mountain Shoguns*! Mystery man: In the fresh *spring breeze*, sha, la, la, I come *alive*! La, la... Mystery man: These beautiful visions appear before my eyes, la, la... Mystery man: Yes! Mystery man: I am... you know I am... the one they call... *Spring Breeze* **Dancin'!** Ebisumaru: What an *intro*... (laughs) Goemon: Hey, you... what's your face, *Dancin'* something or whatever! Goemon: What do you *have up your sleeves*?! Dancin': Up my *sleeves*? Dancin': You mean... like my *armpits*? (laughs) Ebisumaru: We're not talking about that kinda *sleeve*... (Oooh...) Dancin': Pretty sharp, *Antonio*, you caught on to my joke! Ebisumaru: *Antonio*? Who's *Antonio*? Colon: Sir Dancin' will choose a *name* for you himself if he feels it suits the person. Yae: You can't just... (laughs) Dancin': Colon! We're done with this place! Dancin': We've got to prepare for our *next plan*. Return at once! Colon: Yes sir!! Dancin': Bye for now, *Fernandez*! We shall meet again! Goemon: Wait a minute... who's *Fernandez*? (laughs) Ebisumaru: He was looking at *you* when he said it... (laughs) Colon: Remember! I will not let you get in the way of... Colon: Our *Great Stage Plan*! Goemon: What's a *Gorilla Steak Plan*? Colon: That's not what I said! It's the *Great Stage Plan*! Colon: Anyway! Don't come to the *Chugoku Region* no matter what! (laughs) Ebisumaru: Oh no! He's getting away again by *spinning* himself! Yae: Yes... but first... Yae: ...we must focus on getting to the *Chugoku Region*! [Folkypoke Village] John: Don't let my appearance deceive you... I was the *first* folk dancing Champion, arf... ...Hey! Why am I saying something that is *not important*, arf...? [Man] '''Furitaro''' has returned! We can once again form a dance pair and dance the night away! Furitaro: My dad was in last year's *folk dance championship*... ...where he tried to dance like Jichael Mackson! But it looked more to me like some old *rain dance*... [Girl] I was forced to see the *weirdo's dance* ever single day... Awake or asleep, it was the *weirdo dance*, *weirdo dance*, *weirdo dance*... *It's driving me* **nuts!** [Man] Hey you guys! You got something from the God of Money?! Boy, I envy you! [Plasma Man] The Chugoku Region to the *West* of Zazen Town in the caves of *Akiyoshidai* found in this region, you will find a *cracked door* To open this door, you must revive [*Sasuke*], for his expertise in the use of *bombs*, plasma! It is time to resurrect [*Sasuke*], the *Mechanical Ninja*, plasma! [Man] I no longer have an excuse to slack off... [Old Man] I know the true identity of that *blue dragon*... ... The true *identity*?! Anybody who knows can write the *answer* on a piece of paper and send it to my attention. The first ten people will receive *draogn souvenirs* from myself! ...*Just kidding!* [Girl] Guess what... Ever since I was caught by the *Flake Gang*... I feel the "Dancer" within me in a big way. **Wow!** [Boy] Aww! As soon as I get back, I'm supposed to help out with the farm. It was better with the weirdos dancing that weird dance. [Man] The children have returned! That's great, oh boy!... What? Oh the *reward* for saving the children? Ah, oh, okay, here goes, I'll give you a big *kiss*... **S...Sssmak!!!** [Woman] Well, I wonder if all dragons shout "AChooooo!!" like a famous Kung Fu star did in the movie? [Boy] I'm finally back! But that weirdo was talking about going to the *Chugoku Region* next for their "*Big Plan to Stay Put*"! Now the kids in the *Chugoku Region* are in trouble! [Boy] We were taught a strange dance, a type of folk dance with lots of hip movement. [Dog] This is what the children tell me, but there seems to be *another castle* of the Flakes in the *Chugoku Region*, arf! [Girl] If you're going to dance anyway, dance the *folk dance*. If this place is called the *Hercules Goliath Beetle*... So does that make the folkd ance here the *Hercules Goliath Bettle folk dance*? [Boy] All my friends are back, and we can play together again. [Old Woman] You can't find anyone with smoother, fresher-looking skin... ... ...that's insulting... but I can't be bothered by that, I'll focus on my work! [Fat Man] Yes, yes, yeeeesss! If we can get the village rebuilt in time, we can have the *folk dance championship*! We gotta get ready for the feast! [Man] Apparently the *dragon* was controlled by the bad guys. I myself would love to control the dragon to plant my crops. [Woman] The children have reteurned, and the village is back to normal. This is all because you paid a visit to Kompira Mountain. [Zazen Town] Don't kid me, we're not like humans, being in a different region is not going to change the way I speak, arf! [Woman] Yoshi didn't want to be a great dancer! He wanted to be the best bartender who could always give a comeback to lame jokes. They've got the wrong kid! [Old Man] I got this information using my *Super Ears*... The kidnapping case in the Shikoku Region has been solved! [Woman] That's odd, Benkei's been letting me pass without taking anything. I wonder why...? Maybe he's got a crush on me... Hmmm... [Messenger] I'm not kidding! I really saw it with my own eyes! A long wobbly thing flying... And a bunch of little critters hanging around it! [Woman] I hear all the children have returned safely! [Old Woman] I'm impressed! You've come back again to listen to what I have to say... And I also hear that you saved the kids! I'm certain *good things* will come to you! [Guard] *Gigantic Robots*... There's a certain ring to those words that gets the adrenaline flowing! [Boy] Everone says, I wasn't kidnapped because I don't have any new found *dancing talent*! Just watch me! No matter what! I'm going to be the *best dancer* in Japan! [Young Man] My favorite dish has to be the octopus dumplings! Just bite into one of those soft scrumptious... Mmmm, my mouth waters just thinking about it! [Woman] I have not seen *Mr. Ushiwaka* at all. I wonder where he's gone? He still hasn't paid me back the money I lent him to buy those octopus dumplings! [Man] Just the other day, I had the chance to see Benkei's collection... And wow! I just couldn't believe all the stuff he collected... It's a world I could never understand. Chiyomaru: Do you want to know who I really am, arf? Yes. I don't really care. Chiyomaru: In fact, I come from a Dog Star far, far away! I am none other than that famous dog movie star.... Quick, follow me, there is a kid stuck down a well... Just kidding, arf! Chiyomaru: I see you want certain things to remain a *mystery*...arf! [Boy] Whew, I finally got back from the Flake gang's place in Shikoku Region! There's no place like home! So why are you here? Who closed that door? Why were you kidnapped? Ahem! It was me! It was the *safety Stopper System* I built! But it's out of *batteries*, so the door barely opens... I've got no idea! Maybe it's because my name is *Dancin Alnite*! Priest: Who could it be... That would steal the secret *sweets* from the [*Cupboard*] day after day? [Bizen] [*Bizen* / Kurashiki] [System] This door has a *crack* in it. [Izumo] [*Izumo*] [Sign] [*Izumo Amnesty*] [Inaba] [*Inaba*] Dune [System] Received Sasuke's *[No. 1 Battery]*! [Izumo Coffee Shop] [*Izumo*'s Coffee Shop] [Traveler] I was trying to go in the direction of [*Kyushu*], but there was the *strange wall* that kept me from going forward! [Young Woman] **Listen to me!** You know the *big tree* behind the [*Izumo Shrine*] above the mountain of Izumo? Well, I hear a *tube* that throws *electricity* appears above the *big tree*! Could you take a picture of that with your [*camera*] for me? I just love electricity! So please?! [Old Man] You see the [*Izumo Shrine*] on *top of the mountain* beside this coffee shop. Even at the *big tree* by the lake behind this [Izumo Shrine], you can find an *electro-tube*. You can see this tube by aiming the *flash* of a *camera* towards the *big tree*. [*Izumo 2*] Lake with a large tree [System] Received Sasuke's *[No. 2 Battery]*! Narrator: *Electro Shine Unite!* Sasuke: What the...?! Isn't that *Goemon*?! Sasuke: What in the world am I doing here? Goemon: Hey, that's what I want to know... Goemon: Your *batteries* were knocked out of place, and you just froze! Sasuke: That happened to me?! Yae: Well, what happened? Sasuke: Hmmmmmm... there seems to be a glitch in my *memory circuit*... Sasuke: I'm having trouble remembering. Sasuke: I must hurry and have my *wise ol' man* repair it... Goemon: Sasuke... about your *wise ol' man*, well... Ebisumaru: there was an explosion that demolished his whole house, Ebisumaru: ...and he's gone missing since... well, with the explosion... Sasuke: Wh-wh-whaaaaat?! Who would do such a thing?! Goemon: We believe it had to do with the *Peach Mountain guys* that we're after... Sasuke: My wise ol' man?! Really?! Sasuke: By guys with a *crazy name* like *Peach Mountain*?! Sasuke: Grrr... I'm going to crush those *Peach Mountain guys*! Sasuke: let me go with you! [System] ...and as a result, the Mechanical Ninja [*Sasuke*] joins forces with Goemon! Now, with the addition of Sasuke, *doors with cracks* in them can be dstroyed using Sasuke's [*Fire Cracker Bomb*]! [*Hagi*] [Marker] This is *Hagi* highway. [*Aki* - *Nagato*] [*Akiyoshidai*] [*Gateway Viewpoint*] [Marker] For *Entrance to Shuhodo*, turn this corner. [*Shuhodo*] [Sign] Peach Mountain Shoguns [*Festival Temple Castle*] [System] This is fishy, a door with a *crack* in it! (It can probably be blasted with a *bomb*...) [Festival Temple] [*Festival Temple Castle*] [System] Received a [*Surprise Pack*]! Remaining players are increased by *1*! [System] Sasuke receives the *[Kunai of Severe Cold]*! This allows you to temporarily stop flames coming from the *fox*, or cool down *hot floors*. By continuously holding down the *B Button* and then letting go... the [*Kunai Intense Hail Beam*] can be shot, in which the Kunai will fly in *three* directions! [Sign] Get on top of the drum and *jump*! [System] Ebisumaru receives the *[Meat Saw-Hammer]*! This can change any *item* that appears after beating an enemy into a *dumpling* to restore strength! [Sign] Freeze the *hot floors* with the [*Kunai of Severe Cold*]! (found somewhere in this castle) [Sign] Return the *red plates* by *hitting* them back! [System] The Ghost Robot **TSURAMI** [Sign] Received the *[Miracle Star]*, in a shape of a star! Sharon: Oh no! My sweet sweet *Sharon Robot*! Sharon: Without Sharon Robot... Sharon: We can't keep the power to the *barrier* that is bloking passage to Kyushu. Goemon: I guess that's it for you! Why don't you just give up?! Yae: You guys, Peach Mountain! Yae: Why are you blocking anyone from going to *Kyushu*? What are you *planning*? Sharon: Leave me alone! Stop frightening me like that!! (laughs) Mystery woman: Ooh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho...... Goemon: Oh no! Another *weirdo*! I can't believe it... (laughs) Mystery woman: Who are you calling a *weirdo*?! Mystery woman: I don't blame you for calling *Dancin'* a weirdo, but *me*?! Mystery woman: I guess you need to get to know *me* better. Goemon: No... err... not really... (laughs) Mystery woman: As cute as a *kitty cat*... la, la... Mystery woman: Yet as dignified and beautiful as a *lily*... la, la... Mystery woman: Yes, I am none other than... **Kitty Lily!** Lily: You guys must be the *circus clowns* Dancin' was talking about! Sasuke: You've got that wrong! We're no *clowns*! (laughs) Goemon: You guys are *illusions* but are never actually here... Goemon: Stop being so chicken and *come out*! Lily: Oh my! I'm surprised you don't know... Lily: *A big star* like me... Lily: ...will be swamped with *fans*, making things unsafe, la, la... Goemon: I've never heard of you! (laughs) Lily: Ooo, ho, ho, ho, ho... Lily: Before you know it, you'll be coming to see us on stage *everyday*, la, la... Lily: Oh, I know! Lily: Why don't I be kind to tell you something *helpful*! Lily: *Kyushu* has already become *our Stage*, la, la... Goemon: What did you say?! Sharon: Hey, that's great! Does that mean I can return now? Lily: Sure... Lily: But before you go, I'm out of *foundation*... Lily: Get the usual *best* for me! Okay? Sharon: Uh... all right, but you always take forever to pay me back. (laughs) Sharon: Sob... Well, bye bye! (laughs) Goemon: *Kyushu* seems to be in tremendous trouble! Yae: Yes! We shall head for *Kyushu*! [Gateway Viewpoint] [Omitsu] Oh! Goemon! Goemon: *Omitsu*! Goemon: Well, what are you doing here?! Omitsu: Well... I'm on my way to *Kyushu* on a *delivery*. Goemon: What? All the way from *Oedo Town* to *Kyushu*?! Omitsu: Yes, that's right! Omitsu: Ever since our business was featured in *Gourmet Magazine*, Omitsu: the *phone* just won't quit ringing for *deliveries*. Omitsu: Sorry to interrupt but I'm in a hurry! Omitsu: See you later! Ebisumaru: We went through all that trouble to get this far... Ebisumaru: Did *Omitsu* come all this way with those *dumplings*? (laughs) Goemon: Maybe she's a lot tougher and *stronger* than she seems... Goemon: What are we talking about! We should be headed for *Kyushu*, where the *Peach Mountain guys* went! Goemon: *Omitsu*! You shouldn't be going to *Kyushu* right now... Goemon: Omitsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! Ebisumaru: We have a problem here! Yae: *Kyushu* has been separated from Japan... Sasuke: And has *disappeared*. Ebisumaru: What should we do? Goemon: That's easy! We've got to go after *Omitsu*... Goemon: Or should I say, go after *Kyushu*! Sasuke: But how? Goemon: ...Hmmm... Yae: *I know!* Yae: When lost for *answers*, we should ask the [*Fortune Teller*]! [Oedo Town] Gate keeper: Hey! Long time no see! The next *area* you must enter is... I think it's to the *east* of [*Musashi*]. You'll find [*Musashi*] as you pass through the gate into this town. ...or at least that's what my gut feeling is! Gate keeper: The notheast! Metal chest! The notheast! Metal chest! [*Musashi*]'s *Metal chest*! Wait, maybe I am being a bit too obvious. [Messenger] You have been warned! An Adventure Diary is a record of all your [Blood] and [Sweat]! [Young Man] *Strawberry*, *watermelon*, *apple*, anything! No flying object can surprise me now! However... I might be a bit surprised if I saw *a fruit cake* come flying through. [Man] I wonder if any more UFO are headed this way... I know! I'll just wear this alien costume... And voila! I'm a Peach Alien myself! [Dog] I can smell something big happening, arf! But it's my policy not to stick my head into these things, arf! [Woman] With the city of *Kyushu* flying away, these are difficult times! This is when your basic tools are important... namely your *helmet*, *armor*, and *rice balls*. [Boy] How are you doing? Did you get many *fortune dolls*? [Girl] Wow! You're telling me that the city of *Kyushu* has flown away?! Now that's what I call funky! [Man] This Coffee Shop without *Omitsu* is like... Having *a chocolate sundae* with *no chocolate*! ...No! It's like *a leopard* with *no spots*! [Old Man] It looks like *Omitsu*'s not here today... **How sad...** [Old Woman] *Omitsu* hasn't returned since she went out on a *delivery*... I'm a bit worried... [Young Man] I've come all the way here to see *Omitsu*, but she's not here. What a drag... [Old Man] Since you have come this far, I really have nothing to say! Good luck in completing the game! I'll just eat till I can't and hit the hay! **Burp!** [Man] I went all theway to Mokubei's place to talk about UFO... But I never thought there would be a house there... How in the world did he build that thing? [Old Man] I've been thinking for some time... The lantern at the Thunder Gate is way too big. It's impossible to pass under it! [Old Man] Well, I've finally made it to the top of *Mt. Fuji*! To mark the event, I went to the pipe maker's to buy an old pipe. [Man] How about the *fortune teller*? All of your worries shall disappear. After all, I operate a whole chain of them. Ha, ha, ha... Chuppy: Wander, wander, wander, wander, wander, wander, wander, wander... I can't take this any more, arf! [Boy] I'm going to the *Muscle Gym*, to become a great officer with lots of muscles. But don't start calling me a muscle head!! [Woman] Aww, I wish I could travel all around Japan like you. And beat up all the pickpockets I run into. [Young Man] Auggghhhhh! I will cut and cut and cut everything with this sword... *Radishes*, *pumpkins*, *onions*... Hey wait a minute! I'm no grocery store owner! [Young Man] Edo people aren't too fussy, all we want is a hot bath and a nice bed! **Get to Sleep!** [Guard] Seeing that we cannot enter Oedo Castle, there's nothing much happening here! We did find out that there's someone new in the *Goemon Tenements*. [Traveler] If only I could train at the *Muscle Gym*... That *metal chest* blocking the road [*East*] of [*Musashi*], leading to the Northeast Region... You think you can move it easily now? [Young Woman] If only I had a *Chain Pipe*, I could sneak into Oedo Castle myself. That's right! I'll make the Chain Pipe! *...the end*. [Plasma Man] In a cold region to your *North*, there is the [*Mt. Fear*], wwhere it snows! There, you shall meet someone who will be of great help to you, plasma! **HOWEVER!** You must first go to [*Oedo Town*] to undergo one training session, plasma! [Boy] They're moving here! They're moving here! [Girl] I saw something strange bouncing around in the *western sky*. After looking at it for a while, my eyes also started going... Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce... Ahhhhh! I feel dizzy...! [Woman] Hey! That *new person* had moved in! ...I was hoping he'd be a bit more handsome... I think he wants to open a *Muscle Gym*, and is looking for young people who want to develop their [*muscles*]! Lord: I hear Kyushu's also having some problems. I'm glad I'm not *the Lord of Kyushu*... Princess Yuki: I heard about *Kyushu*... If other areas of Japan start flying around, there won't be any Japan left. [Old Woman] We had a barbecue party with the Lord and Princess Yuki the other day! What was that? So what??...?! Well, it's just a simple message... [Young Woman] Those rumors that *Kyushu* went flying... Is it true? Yes, it is true! There's no way it could be true What?! It is *true*?! Yourre not pulling my leg, are you?! What bad luck! I really wanted to see it! I thought so! And to think that I almost fell for this one! [Man] *Someone new* has moved into the house next door, but... He's rebuilding the inside in a very strange way... You should drop by and see for yourself... [Trainer] Good of you to come! This is the *Muscle Training Gym*, where you can train to develop your *muscles*! Once you're done training here, you'd be able to simply push the *[Metal Box]*! Are you ready to start training? Let's get started! I'd rather not. Well, you need a head full of *thorns* and a mouth shaped like an *upside-down* "*V*". All right! Let me show you to the Training Gym! Well that's a surprise. It's your chance to really develop your from into a *body of steel*. Narrator: Now then, let me explain the *Training*! Narrator: Several [Oyakata]s will come out of the *holes* around you. Narrator: For a fixed period of time, you must make sure your *balloon* is not popped. Narrator: And you do this by throwing *Metal Boxes* at the [Oyakata]s! Narrator: Aim with your *Control Stick*, and throw the *Metal Boxes* with the [*B* Button]! Narrator: Try your best to keep the *balloon* from being popped! Narrator: Ready, set... Narrator: **START!** [Trainer] That was too bad, give it another try. [System] Do you want instructions for the Training? No, I don't need it! Yes, absolutely! [Trainer] Way to go! Now you can call yourself a *Muscle Man*! [System] Goemon obtains the [*Sudden Impact*] magic powers! By consuming some *money*, you will be able to move *heavy thing* for a specific period of time! Furthermore, while the magic power is in effect, you will have *double* the *attacking power*! (However, be careful, as *damage* from the enemy will also *double) [Trainer] Just think that you're developing your *muscles* to save *Japan*! [Plasma Man] Use the magic power of *Sudden Impact* to move the *Metal Box* located on the *east* cliff of [Musashi], past the gates to [Oedo Town], plasma! Then, far way to the [*North*], at [*Mt. Fear*], you shall meet *someone* who'd be of great help to you, plasma! [Tunnels and Northeast] Tunnel to the [*Northeast*] Tunnel to the [*Northeast*] *2* [*Mutsu*] [Festival Village] [Mutsu / *Festival Village*] [Boy] This is the *Festival Village* of [Mutsu]! Even the cold snow is blown away with our burning energy! We blast the cold away with our Festival Power! [Young Man] Oh yes! Every single night is a *festival*! A *festival*! A *festival*! Yeah, yeah! ... Hey, hey, hey! This is where you're supposed to ask me to stop getting so excited! [Woman] Festivals reflect the heart and soul of the Japanese! If your blood's not pounding quickly, or your body's not dancing, one can't really consider you to be Japanese! [Old Man] [*North*] of this village ou will find the [*Stone Circle*], where the mysterious Stone Pillars stand! However, the Circle does not mean there's a bunch of people in a circle! [Man] *Mr. Mokubei*, who lives around *Mt. Fuji*, is actually my elder brother. I have been hearing rumours that he has further developed his *skills*. If you used the *pipe* my brother *makes*, there should be no problem getting through to destroy the *rocks* blocking at Mt. Fear [Young Man] On the other side of this village is [*Mt. Feaer*], where [*Witch*] lives, who can call the *spirits* of all kinds of people. Just the other day, she called upon an *Alien spirit*, which ended upc ausing a huge headache. [Old Man] At [Mt. Fear], the power used by the *Witch* is marvellous, but I'm puzzled as to what exactly she is calling. [Man] The ocean about this time of year becomes covered with *ice*, due to the icebergs drifting down from the *North Pole*. [Woman] IT has been *very cold* for several days nxow. The *main route* leading to [Mt. Fear] is now covered in ice, making it very difficult. But it shouldln't be nearly as difficult to climb if you use a *ladder* and climb *the alternate route around the back*. [Boy] I saw a *fish monster* arise out of the ocean! It looked like a *monster* that would come out in a SFX movie. [Woman] There is a saying, that if you climb up the [*Waterfall of Kegon*], you could become a *mermaid*. I myself am going to become a *mermaid*, and wait for my *prince* to come. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. [Young Man] If you exit from the [*South*] of this village, turn [*Right*] and go through the [Uzen Tunnel], you will find the [*Waterfall of Kegon*]. Well, you might find it a little confusing, but that's the way to get to the [*Waterfall of Kegon*]. [Girl] In this village where festivals are held every day, there is only one day with no festival, the New Year! It's kind of a strange village, don't you think? Takemaru: The *back route* to [Mt. Fear] is inaccessible, due to the *Stone* blocking the way, arf! There's no way you can destroy that *stone* and get through, without an extra powerful [*Weapon*] or something, arf! [Boy] Somewhere in this village is a *store* where you cannot enter unless you're a *good swimmer*! But if anyone attempted to swim here with all this snow on the ground, surely they'd catch a cold! [Old Man] Long ago... this village was where people who sacrificed their lives would come to live, they called it the "*Don't You Think It's Hot Blooded*" village. Well, I made that up, but it sounds true when I say it that way, doesn't it? [Plasma Man] Mokubei, a *pipe maker* at *Mt. Fuji*, should be able to increase the power of your weapons, plasma! [Old Man] I can hardly standon my own two legs, but I tell you, the Drum of the Festival brings power to my soul! [Dog] A *weirdo* with a white face was roaming this village asking for the secret to the power of the festival, arf. But why would he ask a dog like me?! [Old Man] If only I were just a little younger, I'd be the one on stage, but on second thoughts, I'd rather not! I'm afraid of high places. [Boy] Hey, hey! My body's moving to the beat of the music. Yes! Flash! The rockin' kid! Shakin' it, baby! [Young Woman] The drummer at the festival is not only popular with the girls. He's also popular with the boys! [Man] Urrrrrrrrrrrrr! If the drummer of the festival were selected on looks, I just know they'd pick me. [Young Man] The number one drum specialist in town! That's me, Hikozo! You're surprised?! Incredible! You ask why?! Haw, haw, haw, haw! With my drumstick techniques, I can make any item sound like drums! Ah, but, the other day I hit a dog tryin to make such a sound, but got into a lot of trouble. **No!!!** I'm too scared to go down. You ask why? How could you ask with that tone of voice? Beth: As of late I've noticed this *nice scent* coming from the *Ocean*, arf. Mmm, what a scent! I'm quickly getting very hungry! [Woman] I hear that *food* is disappearing recently from all over the place. Just the other day, the *foie gras* and *can of caviar* I'd been saving for a special occasion disappeared. Blast it! Restaurant: *Welcome!* What will you have? Apple 15 Bowl of noodles 25 Kiritanpo 45 Sweet yet sour, the taste of a freshly picked apple! Look, it's red and cute, just like my cheeks! The cute little bowls they comein make the meal even more delightful! I bet you I could eat more than you! It's good by itself, or in a hot bowl of soup! A well known dish from the Northeast Region, where the rice is excellent! [Man] The *rival store* tot his shop is apparently right in the *Festival Village*, but I've never seen it there. I wonder where it is? General Store: Welcome! What have you come to buy? Plum Rice Balls 120 Fish Rice Balls 200 Metal Armour 200 This automatically recovers your strength to *maximum points* wenever it reaches 0. [Fat Man] *UFOs* are often sighted at the *Stone Circle* of [Ugo]. Incidentally, that's where our precious *cattle* were abducted. I can't take this any more. [Northeast] [*Mutsu] Mt. Fear [Marker] [*Mt. Fear* - Back Route] [*Mutsu*] Shoreline [Sign] There is a *gate* located underwater. To open this, you must press the *red button* in the waters... [*Ugo*] Stone Circle [Mt. Fuji] Mokubei: Well, well, well! Long time no see! What now?! We've come for a cup of coffee. Please improve our [Weapons]. Mokubei: Hey, this is *no* coffee shop! Mokubei: Hm! So that's what you have come for... okay, stand back... and I'll show you what my training has done for me... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuggghh! Mokubei: Whew! Well, how's that for improvement! There you go! [System] The [Weapons] belonging to Goemon and allies improve to [*Level 2*]! (*Yae* can now use the *Sword Shield*!) Goemon: Thank you Mokubei! Mokubei: No problem! Mokubei: It was a good thing I went to Mt. Fuji to train! But I never made a decent pipe before... [Festival Village] [Plasma Man] Destroy the *rock* blocking the Rear Entrance of [Mt. Fear], using your newly powered *weapons*, plasma! [Witch's House] Witch: You... you must have come here not knowing what to do. Yae: How did you know? Witch: Hee, hee, hee...! I've been in this for *120* years! All I need to do is look at your face, and I know exactly what you're thinking of! ... ... ...Ah! There's something! I can see something! Ebisumaru: What? Ebisumaru: is my *fly open*? Witch: *That's not where I'm looking!* (laughs) I see an [*Old Man*] with a *strange* look, in a very dark place... Ebisumaru: *Strange*? Then it could only be the *wise old man* in Iga! Sasuke: *You must be joking!* Witch: It sounds like you know this man... How about it! With *my powers*, I could call him out here! Sasuke: Re-really?! Sasuke: Please! I just want to get a glimpse of my *wise ol' man*! Witch: All right! I'll do it for *300 ryo*! Sasuke: Huh?! Goemon: You're asking us for *money*?! Witch: Of course! This is *business*. I've got to charge something! Witch: *300 ryo*! Take it or leave it! I'll take it! I don't have that much! Witch: In that case, it's no longer my concern. Witch: Well, Did you get some money? You bet! Well, not quite... Witch: Very well... Now, I'm going to call them all back! Hmmmm! Come come, come here, come here, here! Welcome, come come, come on baby! Come on, come come, Come back!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! **Take that!!!** Yae: Oh, the *wise ol' man*? Wise Man: Oh, Yae, what a delight! Wise Man: Aah... where in the world is this? Sasuke: Ol' Man... what has happened to you ...oh no!! Goemon: Wise Man! Tell us! Goemon: We want to save *Kyushu*, and *Omitsu*... Goemon: But we have no idea where to go or look... Wise Man: Hmmm... I see... Wise Man: As I understand it, *Kyushu* is floating in *outer space*. Yae: *outer space*?! Ebisumaru: Yeah, but how are we goin to get all the way out there? Wise Man: There is one way... Goemon: Huh? Wise Man: Retrieve [*Miracle Items*] from the four *Flake Gang* leaders of Peach Mountain ... Wise Man: ... and take it to the *altar* of the *Stone Circle* in [Ugo], to the *west*... Wise Man: Then you'll be able to go to *outer space*! Goemon: Awesome... Goemon: But Wise Man! How do you know?! Wise Man: Ahem! That's because I'm... Wise Man: **The WISE MAN!** Wise Man: Wait a minute! Wise Man: I see you already have [*Three*] *Miracle Items*. Wise Man: You only need *one* more! Good luck on your search. Witch: You should be looking for... ...the *Miracle Item* the *Wise Man* was talking about! **Get going!** [Festival Village] The *weirdo* of Peach Mountain, who's around somewhere, has the *Miracle Item* you are looking for, plasma. To find out where he is, listen well to the people of the [*Festival Village*], plasma! [Tunnel] [*Uzen*] Tunnel [Waterfall of Kegon] [Nikko] *Waterfall of Kegon* Narrator: Take control of the *Legend of the Mermaid*! Looking for applicants! Do you ish to challenge the Legend? Yes, I do! I'm going to pass on this one. If you say so. Come back if you change your mind. Narrator: Are you ready?! [System] Do you want instructions for the training? No, that's fine! Yes, please tell me! Narrator: Press the [*A* Button] several times *quickly* to climb the waterfall in front of you. Narrator: If you reach the *goal* located at the top of the waterfall, within the specified time, Narrator: you have *completed the training*! Narrator: However... Narrator: there will be [Oyakata]s appearing at thet op of the waterfall to try and foil your attempts! Narrator: Use your *Control Stick* to keep you from falling into the *waterfall basin*! Narrator: Ready... Narrator: **Set...** Narrator: **Go!** [System] **BEAUTIFULLY DONE!!** Narrator: Your gracious swimming skills are like that of the *Mermaid Princess*! [System] Yae obtains the [*Mermaid*] magic powers! Now you can swim *underwater* in the deep ocean and rivers! [Festival Village] General Store: *Welcome!* What have you come to buy? Gold Helmet 250 Gold Armour 350 Surprise Pack 500 With this you could defend yourself by resisting *8 shots* from the *enemy*. This will defend you against *8 attacks* from the enemy. [Sea of Japan] [*Japan Sea*] Underwater [System] Yae receives the *[Yae Bazooka]*! This allows Yae to shoot at enemies from a distance! By continuously holding down the *B Button* and then letting go... the [*Lock on Bazooka*] is activated where by it will automatically lock on tot heenemies at which it is aimed. [Sign] Find the hidden route using the *windup camera*... Poron: You have finally made it as far as here to see me, the mighty *Poron*! Poron: Do you ever give up? I sense you are *a die hard fine of mine*! (laughs) Yae: I've come here, not to see you, but to find the *Miracle item*! Poron: You're saying... not for me... but the *Miracle...*is thatso? Poron: Tsk, tsk... it's too bad. Poron: Last time I was in the *Kansai Region* on *a vacation*... Poron: ...I dropped it somewhere in the [*Zazen Town*]. (laughs) Ebisumaru: Gasp! You've gotta be kidding! Yae: Well, if he's not kidding, we must return to [*Zazen Town*] at once! Lily: O-o, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!! Lily: It's not goign to be that easy, la, la... Goemon: *Lily*! Lily: You're all getting in the way too often! Lily: Therefore... Lily: I'm taking you on a one way trip somewhere far, *far away*. (laughs) Dancin': H-ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha... Dancin': Yeeeess, la, la... Dancin': You're invited to *hell*, *Fernandez*, la, la! Lily: **Dancin'!** Lily: What are YOU doing here! Dancin': I just thought, since I've only been in a few *scenes*... Dancin': By the way, the word *scenes*... Dancin': Has nothing to do with my name, cuz my name is not *Dan-scene*, la, la...! (Oooh...) Lily: You're taking valuable time away from *MY scene* to tell us that awful *joke*! Dancin': You've got much to learn... to be a *star*, you've got to stand out like a sore thumb! Lily: That's not fair!! (laughs) Poron: Um... Ah Poron: Mr. Dancin'... Poron: Ms. Lily... Poron: What should I do? (laughs) Dancin': ...*ouch!* (laughs) Dancin': Uh, well, w-why don't you use the *deivce* to get rid of those guys! Dancin': ...*ouch, I say!* (laughs) Poron: Ah, yes sir! Dancin': Anyway, goodbye, *Fernandez*! Lily: He-ey! That's my **line**! (applause, laughs) Goemon: What was that all about? (laughs) Poron: Well, as the man says... Poron: *Goodbye!* Poron: *Switch to the...* **ON position!** Poron: Bye! Yae: Ah, *wait!* Ebisumaru: What is going on?! [System] T minus **30** seconds... Yae: It looks like the *time bomb* has been activated. Ebisumaru: Are you saying we're going to be food for the fish in a matter of seconds? Sasuke: It's nothing to be joking about! Yae: It's times like this when it's important to stay calm... [System] The Charming Mermaid **THAISAMBA 2** Impact: Well, I've got a *movie* to complete... Impact: ...so I must head back to *France*! Impact: If you need me again, *Au Revoir*! [Festival Village] [Plasma Man] Ask the *Collector* of [*Zazen Town*], plasma! [Zazen Town] Benkei: What is it today? Yae: Excuse me, Mr. Benkei, I'd like to ask you something... Yae: Would you not have something called a *Miracle Item*? Benkei: Huh? A *Miracle*...? No, I'm sorry, I don't have any such thing. But maybe *he* would have it... Ebisumaru: Uh-huh, and who could that be? Benkei: Well, there is the *collector* with a collection even greater than mine... ...I believe his name was [*Kihachi*]. Yae: Where could we find this *Mr. Kihachi*? Benkei: He lives on the [*Center Pond*] of Zazen Town! Benkei: Hmmm... I can't lose to *Kihachi*! I must build on my collection! [Kihachi] What'd you say? What do you want with me, the might water imp *Kihachi*? Yae: I'm sorry to bother you... Yae: But do you remember picking up an unusual *item* around here? Kihachi: Hmmm... Maybe you're referring to this *odd item* I picked up the other day? Goemon: Is that a fact? If that's true, can you give it to us? Kihachi: Get real! You don't just ask to get something for nothing! Kihachi: Try carving the word "*WORLD*" in that piece of rock... Kihachi: And tell me out loud what you have... Ebisumaru: Hey, that's pretty tough, it's no easy task to carve "*WORLD*" on here! Goemon: It's a tough world! (laughs) Kihachi: In any case, I can't just go around giving away parts of my valuable *collection*. Yae: Please reconsider. We really need *that item*. Kihachi: Hmmmmmm... Kihachi: It's so hard to say no to someone so *cute* as you. (laughs) Kihachi: All right! I'll give it to you if you bring me my *favorite food*. Ebisumaru: Your *favorite food*? Kihachi: Yes! *My favourite food*! Kihachi: Farewell! Kihachi: *Cucumber*... [Old Woman] I know, I know! You've come to ask about Kihachi's *favorite food*, right? The best person to ask is the *priest* at the *Golden Temple*! You should be able to find something out there... Oh, right, before you go, let me give you some things you can use! [System] Goemon receives, [*Fish Rice Balls*], [*Golden Armor*] and [*Golden Helmet*]! [Woman] The *son* of the priest at the *Golden Temple* makes really good *cucumbers*... If you want to meet [*the son*], you should ask the *priest* where you could find him. [Messenger] I became a *messenger* so that I could strengthen my legs, to *jump* greater heights! Ever since I was a child, I've always wanted to light up the *Big Sacred Fire*! [Woman] Kihachi loves the *cucumber* made by the *son* of the priest at the *Oolden Temple*... On the other hand, he doesn't like *cockroaches*... ... ... Well, I don't know anyone who does! [Old Man] By using my *Super Memory*, I remember that... while gazing up at the Big Sacred Fire, *Kihachi*, the water imp... was eating the *cucumber* made by the *son* of the priest! [Woman] Kihachi's not my type! Oh, you're not asking if I like Kihachi? You're asking me what Kihachi likes? Um, ah, wait! I had no idea you were... ... ...uh, anyway, I've got no idea! [Dog] Kihachi was always eating this *green long thing*, arf! Chiyomaru: Kihachi would often come to this Creek and... force me to eat some *cucumbers*... [Man] You want to know Kihachi's *favorite food*? That would be the *cucumber* made by the *son* of the priest of the *Golden Temple*! [Woman] If you want to know what Kihiachi's *favourite food* is, you should go see the *priest* at the Golden Temple. [Boy] You have something to ask me? Who is Kihachi? What's Kihachi's favorite food? Well, it's a bit complicated... He was saying something about popping up at the end of the game and running off with the best part! I know! He was at the *Center Pond* crunching on [*cucumber*] made by the *son* of the priest. [Young Man] Kihachi?! I can't stand his guts! He replaces the octopus with cucumber! If he does that, they're no longer octopus dumplings! They're cucumber dumplings! [Boy] A water imp loves *cucumber*! Kihachi, in particular, loves the cucumber made by the *son* of the priest at the Golden Temple! [Plasma Man] To climb the extremely *high step* of *Mt. Kyoigatake*, and meet the *cucumber*-making expert, you need to train to obtain the technique to increase your power to *jump*, plasma! Ask the [*Priest*] of the Golden Temple, plasma! [Guard] Kihachi's *favorite food*...? Well it doesn't seem to be *Gigantic Robots*. [Young Man] The *Big Sacred Fire* is above here! But you have to take a *big jump* to get up there! Priest: So, you've come to listen to my sermon? No, no, no. Where is your son? We could save that for next... Priest: What? you want to see my *son*? My son's gone to watch the *Big Sacred Fire*... You'll find him at [*Mt. Nyoigatake*], next to this Temple. Yae: So, we can meet him at *Mt. Nyoigatake*? Priest: Tsk, Tsk... It won't be quite that simple. To get to the [*Big Fire*] of *Mt. Nyoigatake*... Only those with extensive *training*, who can *jump* unimaginable heights, will be able to proceed. Do you think you could do that? I'll try. I hate training. Youngsters today are all a bunch of wimps... Have you changed your mind yet about the training? I'll try. No, no, no... Wow! I admire your spirit! Let's begin with the training then! In [*Bizen*] of the Chugoku Region, there is a *locked warehouse*... Inside that warehouse is a *training gym*, and here is the [*key*] to the gym. OK! This is the *key* that will open the training gym. Don't give up! [System] Goemon and allies receive the [*Key to Training*]! If you don't want to listen, just say you don't want to listen! Priest: You'll be in the *warehouse* at [Bizen] during the whole time you're training! I wonder if you have the *guts* to overcome the training... [Bizen] [Trainer] Good of you to come! This is where you will train to develop your legs and ankles, and become a *Super Jumper*! Have you come to take on this training? Is that so? I'm too busy to be dealing with jokers like you anyway! Hmmm. It wouldn't be for you... It's got to be someone with *Triangular eyebrows* and a *round head*. I'll show you to the Training Gym. Narrator: I will now explain the training! Narrator: You will *jump* from *foothold to foothold* around the pillar, within a specified *time limit*! Narrator: You have completed your training when you reach the *goal* at the very top. Narrator: *Jump* over the footholds that will move! Try your best to finish within the *time limit*! Narrator: Ready, set... Narrator: **Start!** [Trainer] *Bravo!* From now on, you can call yourself a *Super Jumper*! [System] Sasuke obtains the [*Flying*] magic powers! Using the *Super Jump*, you can go to *high places* that were previously unreachable! [Trainer] Jumping is *my life*, it's all I've known! [Zazen Town] Kihachi: *Cucumber* that the *priest's son* makes... [Plasma Man] Use the [*Flying*] magic powers to climb on to the steps of *Mt. Nyoigatake*. There you'll meet the *son* of the priest, plasma! Priest: Hmm! You're pretty good. To commemorate this occasion, how about an *autograph* from me? Son: What? You've come all the way here... Son: So what do you want? To see the Big Sacred Fire... Do you have Kihachi's favorite? Son: Well, beautiful isn't it! Son: To be able to watch with such a *cute girl*! Son: Ah? About the *cucumber*? Oh, did you want some of the *cucumber* I grew? Yes! No, I won't bother. I didn't think so. You don't look like a *water imp* to me. Son: So you want my *cucumbers* after all? Yes! No thanks. Okay, I'll sell it to you for *800* ryo! Do you want it even at that price? Yeah! What?! That's too much!! Son: If you can't appreciate the value of my cucumbers, you can leave right now! Son: You've made a wise purchase! Son: Here you go. [System] Goemon and allies receive [*Quality Cucumber*]! Son: I already sold *you* cucumbers! [Plasma Man] Go! Take those *Cucumbers* you have to *Kihachi*, plasma! Kihachi: Yes! That's it! [System] Goemon and allies trade their *quality cucumber* with Kihachi's [*Miracle Item*]. Goemon and allies receive the [*Miracle Snow*], shaped like a snow flake. Kihachi: Farewell! Kihachi: Eating cucumber while watching the Big Sacred Fire.. Kihachi: Nothing could match this... [Stone Circle] Goemon: There! We now have all the *Miracle Items*! Goemon: Take us to *outer space*! Pemopemo God: I am the *Pemopemo God*... Pemopemo God: Let me warn you that once you go to *outer space*, you may never be able to return. Pemopemo God: Will you still go...? Yes, we will! No, we're not going... Pemopemo God: Come back when you get the courage to go. Pemopemo God: I commend you for your courage! [Kyushu] [*Gorgeous Musical Castle*] [Man] This is where *Sogen Town* of [Bizen] used to be! It's become so *strange*, it makes you want to yell "*This is nothing like Kyushu!*" Boo-hoo. [Woman] The Peach Mountain musical is on twice a day - at 1:00 and 5:00 p.m. It's always the same content, but I keep on seeing it anyway. [Boy] When I woke up in the morning, the town looked so *different*! Well, it doesn't really matter to me. [Man] Our [*Sogen Town*] has become what it is now in an *instant*. I've got no idea how we're going to be able to manage from now on. [Man] This area is terrible for business, *nobody* comes here. I should just give up being a merchant and become a *Musical Star*! [Woman] I saw Peach Mountain shoguns *musical* yesterday as well! *Dancin'* is just *great*! [Innkeeper] The room is prepared so that you can at least sleep in it. You can relax in this room to a certain extent. The room is gorgeous! Wonderful! Fantastic! [Young Man] Do the young women prefer flashy men like... that *Dancin'* guy? Maybe I should be wearing *makekup* myself. Restaurant: *Welcome!* What will you have? Sponge Cake 15 Round Radish 25 Chanpon Noodles 45 So sweet it will make your cheeks melt. A soft and sweet snack from the Netherlands. Wow, a fat, healthy radish! It's a super huge radish! Delicious noodles with plenty of vegetables. Lots o' vegetables, lots o' seafood. [Old Man] All the *young women* seem to be going to the *Peach Mountain Musical* quite often. I wonder if it's the same in other towns as well? [Girl] Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! How's my *imitation*? Don't I sound just like *Kitty Lily*! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! How's my *imitation*? Don't I sound just like *Spring Breeze Dancin'*! PLASMA!! Woops! My mistake! Omitsu: Oh! *Goemon*! Goemon: **OMITSU!** Goemon: I'm glad you're okay! Goemon: I didn't know what would happen when I saw *Kyushu* flying away. Omitsu: It surprised me at the time, but I'm all right. I'm sorry to have worried you. Yae: But to see all of Kyushu in this state. Goemon: Peach Mountain's *Instant Stage Beam*'s power has increased! Sasuke: We've got to do something quickly! Sasuke: Just imagine if they continued to do this to *all of Japan*! Ebisumaru: That's right! By the way, I wonder where *Dancin'* and *Lily* are? Omitsu: I heard that they were behind the *doors* right ahead of us. Omitsu: But the door's *rigid* and *cannot be opened* easily. Ebisumaru: Then I'll *huff*, and I'll *puff*, and I'll *blow* the door down. (laugh) Sasuke: We've got no time for *dumb jokes*!(laugh) Omitsu: *I know!* Omitsu: I know *someone* who could *help* us. Goemon: *Who*?! Omitsu: I'm sure... he's at the *restaurant*. Omitsu: I'm sure we can find the person who can help us at the *restaurant*. Wise Man:: Hey! *Goemon*, it's you! Goemon: What?! *Wise Man*! Sasuke: It is! It's my ol' man, *Wise Man*! I am just overjoyed to see you! Goemon: But I thought Wise Man died. Wise Man: You couldn't be further from the truth! Just look at me, I'm as *healthy* as ever! Goemon: Then *who* was the spirit the *Witch* called for us? (laughs) Yae: Yes, there is something strange about that, but let's not worry about it now. (laughs) Yae: But what are you doing here?! Wise Man: Well... I was caught by the *Peach Mountain guys*. Wise Man: And... I gave them *Mechanical Robots* and an *Instant Stage Beam*... Wise Man: Well... in exchange for a *muscle car* poster and five *car magazines*... (laughs) Goemon: ... **What?!** Wise Man: Oh, ah, I mean I strongly resisted but they *forced* me to make them. (laughs) Ebisumaru: Well it all makes sense then, the mechanics seemed so familiar. Wise Man: I don't know what to say. Goemon: But that's strange. If they *kidnapped you*, what reason did they have to *blow up your home*? Wise Man: What did you just say?! My house has been *blown up*?! Wise Man: Grrrr! All those *car magazines* I collected over the years! Wise Man: Who could do such a thing?! Ebisumaru: We believe it was probably the *Peach Mountain guys*. Sasuke: .. Wise Man: *I will not forgive them.* Wise Man: Hand me your [*Weapons*]. Wise Man: Here, take *this*! [System] The power of the *weapons* belonging to Goemon and the allies has increased to *[Level 3]*! With these *weapons*, even rigid *doors* can be destroyed! Ebisumaru: Don't you feel our journey is taking some wild turns?! (laughs) Wise Man: Go get 'em! Take revenge for my poor *car magazines*. Omitsu: Good luck, everyone! [Gorgeous Music Castle] [*Peach Mountain Main Hall*] Entrance Dancin': *Welcome!* Lily: Welcome to our *stage*, la, la... Dancin': *Fernandez*! Goemon: I'm not *Fernandez*! Dancin': Behave yourself! This will be your last stop anyway!! Goemon: What do you mean?! Dancin': Today is the day you get to... Dancin': ...**experience our**.. **Secret Powers!** Ebisumaru: What's this extra confidence I sense? (laughs) Yae: I don't know what *secret powers* they say they have, but they can't defeat us! Sasuke: Yes, you're right! I don't see any way that they can beat us! Lily: O-o, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! Lily: Don't be so sure of yourselves! Dancin': All we have to do is join our *two forces* together, la, la! Lily: And it will be history for... Lily: **You guys!** Dancin': Starting right now, we will make you our... Dancin': *Die hard fans*, yes... Dancin': **Die hard fans!** Goemon: What?! (laughs) Lily: Listen, la, la! To this *so-ong*, la, la...! Dancin': Observe, la, la! The *dance*, la, la...! Dancin': Of **the Peach Mountain Shoguns,** la, la...! [Gorgeous My Stage] [Dancin'] All you sheep in search of a shepherd [Lily] Look up [Dancin'] To my Stage Gorgeous My Stage Like a rose that blooms in nature That sweet scent Melody to surround us (Sweet Me-mory) As our dream continues Tonight Oh! Gorgeous my, My Stage! (Applause) Goemon: Whew! What was that... Ebisumaru: I, I can't believe it... Ebisumaru: I don't know... but I think I'm... becoming *a die hard fan*... of *Dancin'* and *Lily*... Yae: Come on! Open your eyes! Sasuke: Hey, where did *Dancin'* and *the guys* go!? Yae: What the...?! [System] T minus **120** seconds... Goemon: Swine! They re-activated the *time bomb*, and ran! (laughs) [System] T minus **100** seconds... Goemon: I'm not letting them escape! Dancin': *That*... that cannot be... Me, a *big star*, lose like this? Lily: *Awwwww!* Dancin': But *Fernandez*! Don't think for a moment that you have won! As long as the *Instant Stage Beam* remains in our control, I'm certain we'll one day turn *Japan* into a *gorgeous stage*... Goemon: *Shut up!* Your *evil plans* will end as of now! And my name is not *Fernandez*! It's **Goemon!** Go get him! **IMPACT!!!** Goemon: There! How does that feel? Sasuke: Look at how far he has flown through... ...now he has really become a *STAR* in outer space! Goemon: Okay! I'm headed home! Goemon: Now, Japan will be peaceful again! Sasuke: But Goemon... what shall we do with *Kyushu*, still in *outer space*? Goemon: Whoops!! I forgot about that! *Omitsu's still there*... Ebisumaru: Ahoy! That looks like *Kyushu* over there! Yae: Yes, I see it too! Yae: I'd say that *the time bomb* set by Dancin'... happened to just take out the *Control Device* of that Castle. Goemon / Ebisumaru: Too good to be true... Sasuke: Oh, but first... we must go to pick up my *ol' man* and *Omitsu*. Goemon: Oh yeah! You're right! Ebisumaru: Well, should we get going!? Goemon: Mmm? Wait, what's that? Girls: *Scream! Screeeeaam!* Ebisumaru: Look there! Goemon! Look at all those *cute girls*! Goemon: Well, ah, *of course*! We're the *heroes* that saved Japan rom the *Peach Mountain*! Yae: But why is this the first time they've been so happy? Goemon: Well, it must have something to do with them... finally noticing my *good looks*! Goemon: Hey, hey! Everyone just calm down! Ebisumaru: Everone here wanting my *autograph*, start a line here. Nyo-ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!! Yae: Hmmm... don't you think these girls are acting kind of strange? Goemon / Ebisumaru: *What?* Girl*A*: Hey! *You guys*!! What have you done to *Dancin'*?! Girl*B*: The oh-so-beautiful song and dance of *Dancin'* and *Lily*... we won't be able to see them. Thanks to you! You little... All: **Gasp!** Ebisumaru: *I can't believe this!* [Credits] MYSTICAL NINJA Staff CHIEF DIRECTOR Etsunobu Ebisu PLANNER Keita Kawaminami Madoka Yamauchi SCENARIO Keita Kawaminami PROGRAM DIRECTOR Etsunobu Ebisu SYSTEM PROGRAM Makoto Yamaguchi PLAYER PROGRAM Kouichi Yagi Makoto Yamaguchi ENEMY PROGORAM Osumu Maruyama Katsuma Kashiwagi Kenya Maeda EVENT & DEMO PROGRAM Noriyuki Gonda Masaru Moriwaki Masahiro Yamamoto BOMBER PROGRAM Takayuki Inoue IMPACTBOSS PROGRAM Tomoharu Okutani DESIGN DIRECTOR Madoka Yamauchi PLAYER DESIGN Kazue Hamagaki Madoka Yamauchi ENEMY DESIGN Kazue Hamagaki Kazuhiro Hiruo Tomomi Maeda FIELD DESIGN Mikayo Suenaga Tae Yabu Keiko Ohashi Terue Hayashi FIELD DESIGN Rumiko Matsumoto Kazuhiro Hiruo Mika Nakasako SUBGAME DESIGN Mikayo Suenaga Mika Nakasako Terue Hayashi Keiko Ohashi BOMBER DESIGN Tomomi Maeda Keiko Ohashi IMPACTBOSS DESIGN Mika Nakasako Madoka Yamauchi SOUND DIRECTOR Tomoya Tomita SOUND EFFECT Ayumu Kashizaki COMPOSER Shigeru Araki Kato Yusuke Saiko Miki Yasumasa Kitagawa DESIGN DIRECTION Kazuhiro Namba Narutoshi Yamaoka Satoko Naito Takashi Kakuta Kiyoko Kanaji The Theme of "MYSTICAL NINJA" Song: Hironobu Kageyama "Gorgeous my stage" Song: Toshihiro Tachibana Etsuyo Ota "I am Impact!" Song: Ichiro Mizuki VOICE ACTORS Shinichiro Ota Kenichi Ogata Junko Hori Rumi Kasahara Kotono Mitsuishi Koichi Yamadera Chafurin SPECIAL THANKS Takeo Yakushiji Ai Fukuyama Daisuke Torii Ikuo Shibuya Takashi Yoshida (IZM) Tomoharu Morisawa Takahiro Nakajima Masahiko Kimura Hideto Inoue Takashi Sasugano (KME) SOUND PRODUCER Kazuhiko Uehara PRODUCER Shigeharu Umezaki EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Kuniaki Kinoshita PRESENTED BY (Konami Entertainment Company of Osaka) KCEO DEVEOPED BY KONAMI COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT OSAKA Co., Ltd. KONAMI ©1998 KONAMI ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Congratulations on completeing the game! The number of Fortune Dolls you collected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.) Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I, ZeaLitY, typed the entire thing because it would take too long to find a rom hacker willing to extract the script. I am the King. Thanks to RL&S for motivation. http://www.chronocompendium.com/