***************************************************************************** Pac-Man FAQ For the Game Boy Version 1.0 (Created 10/24/2010) By Devin Morgan This file is Copyright (c)2010 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. Introduction 3. Controls 4. Overview 5. Secrets/Tips and Tricks 6. Copyright Notice ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.0 (10/24/10): The first version. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The classic arcade hit made its appearance on pretty much every console and portable system to date, the Game Boy being no exception. This is pretty much a straight port of the original, but in black and white (the ghosts can not be distinguished by color for this version). There is only one maze to play on for every stage, and the fruits you can collect are for the most part faithful to the original. If you enjoyed this classic originally, you will enjoy this portable version as well! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Controls -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Start: Start/pause game Select: Move cursor on title screen Control Pad: Move Pac-Man ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Overview -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======== Gameplay ======== The game is played in a maze filled with pellets that you must eat to complete the stage. The board layout is the same for each stage on the Game Boy version. You start off near the bottom-center area. In the center is a box where the four Ghosts live (their names are Blinky, Inky, Pinky, Clyde; they are distinguished by color, but you can't see that on the Game Boy). They will attempt to chase you throughout the game, but if you touch one, you will lose a life. Initially, only one Ghost is roaming the playing area, but as time goes on, the others will emerge as well. There are four special Power Pellets, one in each corner of the board, and they will allow you to eat the Ghosts for extra points. If a Ghost is eaten, it will return to the center house before coming out again. Ghosts are only vulnerable when they are in the dark color. The vulnerability period is about to end when they start flashing. On the left and right sides of the board, there is a tunnel you can go through that loops around to the opposite half. Ghosts move more slowly through this tunnel, so you can use that to your advantage if you are being chased. To complete a stage, you must clear the entire board of its pellets. As you progress in the stages, both Pac-Man and the Ghosts will move more quickly through the maze. However, the Ghosts will also be vulnerable for shorter periods of time when you eat Power Pellets, so that adds to the challenge. If you lose all of your lives, the game is over and you must start over again. ======= Scoring ======= You gain points for every pellet you consume during the stages. The small pellets are 10 points each, and the Power Pellets on their own are 50 points apiece. If a Power Pellet is eaten, the four ghosts will start flashing and become vulnerable for a limited period of time. You can score additional points by eating the ghosts, as follows: Ghost 1: 200 Ghost 2: 400 Ghost 3: 800 Ghost 4: 1600 You must eat multiple ghosts while using a single Power Pellet to earn those additional points listed above. In later stages, the ghosts will be vulnerable for a much shorter time, so beware! At two points during each stage, after you eat a certain amount of pellets (after around pellet #55 and pellet #135), a special item will appear in the center area below the ghost box. It is usually a fruit, and it yields extra points if you eat it. It only appears for a certain amount of time, but the added bonus can help boost your score. The points you earn for eating these items are below: Stage Fruit Points ----- ----- ------ 1 Cherry 100 2 Strawberry 300 3-4 Peach 500 5-6 Apple 700 7-8 Kiwi 1000 9-10 Galaxian 2000 11-12 Bell 3000 13+ Key 5000 You earn an extra life after racking up 10000 points, and that's it. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Secrets/Tips and Tricks -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ================ Full-Screen Mode ================ To view the entire playing area at once (everything will be smaller to compensate), press Left/Right at the title screen. You will see a "1/2" appear next to the 1 Player option. Begin a game and the board will be fully visible. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 6. Copyright Notice -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c)2010 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work: http://www.freewebs.com/dbmfaqs/allowlist.html This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge or permission. If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated. If you wish to contact me, do so at dbmfaqs(at)gmail(dot)com. Please only contact me if there are corrections to be made to information that's currently included. Thanks! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html =- End of File -=