Hay there and welcome to the NBA HANG TIME guide for SNES. This guide will teach you how to play like a pro, shoot the best shots, how to slam and jam, and most importantly, how to make your own best character. I'll also get into detail on how to do DOUBLE DUNKS, 3-POINTERS, and how to do defensive moves in this game. Well, without further adue, lets get to it, shall we... __ __ ____ ___ / | / / / _ | / | / | / / / / | | / /| | / /| | / / / /_/ / / /_| | / / | | / / / __ < / ___ | / / | |/ / / / | | / / | | / / | / / /__/ / / / | | /_/ |__/ /______/ /_/ |_| __ __ ___ __ __ ____ / / / / / | / | / / ," __ \ / / / / / /| | / | / / ," ," \_\ / /__/ / / /_| | / /| | / / ," ," / ___ / / ___ | / / | | / / / ," _____ / / / / / / | | / / | |/ / / / /__ / / / / / / / | | / / | / | \______/ / /_/ /_/ /_/ |_| /_/ |__/ \________," _________ ______ __ __ _________ /___ ___/ /_ __/ / | ," / / _______/ / / / / / | ," / / / / / / / / /| |," / / /______ / / / / / / | ,/ / / _______/ / / / / / / |_,"/ / / / / / __/ /_ / / / / / /______ /_/ /_____/ /_/ /_/ /________/ SNES STRATEGY GUIDE =================== WRITTEN BY COOPERTEAM ===================== AUG. 01, 1999 ============= VERSION 1.5 =========== CHEATS, TRICKS, AND CODES ========================= This tells you how to use the cheats and other stuff during the game when you want to play the game in your favor. SPECIAL CHEATS ============== All the cheats mentioned here are to be entered at the "TONIGHT'S MATCHUP" screen. You will know the cheat is in place if the bottom part of the screen flashes when you finish the code. You will have to enter the codes quickly for them to be properly registered, or the cheats might not work. Cheats are as follows... MAX ON POWER, SPEED, BLOCK, STEAL, FAST PASS, UNLIMITED TURBO, LESS INJURIES ============================================================================ UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, START, A, B, Y, X, SELECT This will give your team a very powerful player as well as team. You will be the ultimate player and hardly anything will stop you. ROOFTOP COURT ============= LEFT, LEFT + Y, LEFT, LEFT + Y This will put you on a court that is on top of a roof. This is a very cool and interesting court area. Although you get to hear the crowd cheer, there are only cheerleaders on the court. This is mostly ment for when you have 2-4 players that want to have some fun. I will say this is an impressive court, a must see for players. CITY COURT ========== DOWN + B, DOWN, DOWN + A, DOWN, DOWN + X, DOWN, DOWN + Y, DOWN This is another impressive court that puts you in an ally style area with a picture of the GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE in the background. This is more of a street style court than anything else, due to the garbage cans, boxes, and rough court floor. Although it's rather funny to hear any cheers, there are no people in this court. JUNGLE COURT ============ L, R, SELECT, START, UP, DOWN, A, B, Y, X Now this is a very cool court area to play on. This one has a picture of the Mayan temple in the background behind some jungle style trees, bushes, and branches. This is the court that I personally like to play on, mostly because it just has an impressive court floor with weeds and grass to represent the foul and 3-point lines on a sandy court. CHAMPIONSHIP DEMO ================= START, Y, RIGHT, A, B, UP, START, UP, DOWN, DOWN, START, L, A, DOWN, DOWN This just shows a demo of what you will see if you were to beat all 29 NBA teams. You don't get to see it all, it's just a demo. In other words, beat all 29 teams to see the real thing. NO TAG ARROWS ============= LEFT, LEFT, B, R This just removes the tag arrows if you or any other character were off screen so you can't see where they are. This makes the game more of a challenge for you since it's hard to tell if you or your partner are being block or in the open. COMPUTER ASSISTANCE REMOVED =========================== B, RIGHT, RIGHT + B Although you can do this from the OPTIONS menu, this is just a little easier to do. I just put this here because it is a code. SECRET CHARACTERS ================= All the names mentioned are to be entered either in the CREATE PLAYER screen, or in the ENTER NAME screen. First enter the name, then enter the 4 digit pin number for that name... CHE 6581 = Che (Has full stats) CHRIS 0912 = Chris (Has full stats) DIVITA 0000 = Divita (Has half stats) HENRIK 6502 = Henrik (Has full stats) JOHAN 1911 = Johan (Has full stats) KUNGEN 1414 = Kungen (Has full stats) NILS 5555 = Nils (Has full stats) OLAV 2509 = Olav (Has full stats) TURMEL 0000 = Turmel (Just has starting stats) This next one is only to be used in the ENTER NAME part of the game. When you do use this secret name, it will show you the programmers of this game. Just enter the name and pin number as usual... FUNCOM 1993 = Shows a picure of the programmers SECRET NUMBER CODES =================== These codes are to be entered in the number section at the bottom of the "TONIGHT'S MATCHUP" screen using the Y, B, and A buttons. Lets just say you wanted to put in the Unlimited Turbo number, you would press Y button 4 times, B button 6 times, and A button 1 time and then just let the game start as normal. Keep in mind that these cheats only last for the duration of the current game you are playing. If you want the cheats again, you have to enter the numbers again on a new or continued game. TOURNAMENT MODE = 111 UNLIMITED TURBO = 461 STEALTH TURBO = 273 FAST PASS = 120 GOALTENDING ALLOWED = 937 NO PUSHING ALLOWED = 390 MAXIMUM BLOCK = 616 MAXIMUM STEAL = 709 MAXIMUM POWER = 802 MAXIMUM SPEED = 284 HYPER SPEED = 552 Just so you know, it can be possible to have 2-3 cheats entered at the same time during the "TONIGHT'S MATCHUP" screen. For example, you could enter the ROOFTOP COURT cheat, then enter the UNLIMITED TURBO number code and be able to get both the cheats at the same time. SHOOTING ,DUNKING, DEFENDING, SHOVING, AND TAKING THE BALL ========================================================== Okay, so you played the other NBA JAM style games for the SNES and you think you got what it takes to be a slammer, a jammer, a dunker, and a shooter. Well, how about doing DOUBLE-DUNKS, TRIPLE-DUNKS, TEAM ON-FIRE, FAKE-OUTS, and more. I'm serious, NBA HANGTIME makes the other NBA JAM games seem and look intimidating. Bigger characters, more realistic animation, more players, more teams, it just doesn't get any better than this for SNES. Although not a lot has changed, the ability to DOUBLE-DUNK, TRIBLE-DUNK, FAKE-OUT, and a few more things has put new meaning to BASKETBALL. It's probably the only realistic NBA game for the SNES by far. Okay, so it's not REAL BASKETBALL, it's darn well close enough. Anyway, lets get to the explaination on how to shoot and dunk the ball, as well as how to keep the ball in your favor. SHOOTING AND DEFENDING THE BALL FROM WHERE YOU ARE ================================================== Shooting the ball is not as hard as some people seem to think. This game does not require you to aim your shots, the aiming is sorta done for you, but it is up to you to shoot the ball high enough for the ball to make it in the hoop. Here's how it works. Lets just say you are standing at the freethrow line. The best way for you to make this shot would be as follows... 1.) Press the SHOOT button and hold it 2.) Release the SHOOT button when you reach the peak of your jump This is usually the bast way for you to shoot and make the ball in the hoop. If you were a little further away, then you would use the same technique as mentioned to shoot the ball. If you were closer to the hoop, then you could possibly make the shoot, no matter how you shot the ball. One thing to always remember, the closer you are to the hoop when shooting the ball, the better the chance the ball will go into the hoop. Another thing to keep in mind is that you may need to experiment on the timing when you shoot the ball. Try practicing when you press and release the SHOOT button for different results to see what best suits you. One more thing, another part of the trick is also where they stand when they shoot the ball. All plays have, what's known as, a hot spot. This hot spot is a spot on the court where they like to stand and where they will make the most shots from. You will have to experiment for each player to find this hot spot. Although the technique mentioned is the best way, sometimes you might find something new and you can try to improve on it. I know what your thinking, "What if I'm up against someone and they try to block the shot?", not a problem. Lets just say you are standing at the freethrow line, and you want to make a shot, but someone is standing close enough to you to block the shot. Here are 2 things to can do to make the other player get away or fake them out... 1.) Tap the SHOOT button quickly for a HEAD FAKE 2.) If the player is close, quickly tap the TURBO button twice to CLEAR OUT First off, doing the HEAD FAKE is one of your best options by far when up against a real player and not against the CPU. Reason being, your opponent will notice the move, but won't realize the action you took until it's too late and he/she will try to block a ball that is not there, then you can take your shot without having much trouble shooting the ball. If you are up against the CPU, then it's best to use the CLEAR OUT ability. Main reason being is because the CPU likes to get in close and personal, and if you try to FKAE OUT the CPU, they won't always fall for it. The clear out basically causes ANY players close to you to fall or backoff so they won't get too close to take or steal the ball. Another thing to do is to pass the ball off to your teammate so the CPU will focus on fallowing the ball, then try to pass it back to take the shot. Always remember that an open player is more likely to make the shot. If you're really being covered by the CPU players, pass to your teammate as quickly as possible and let him take the shot. DUNKING AND DOUBLE-DUNKING ========================== Before I get into further detail about this, you must understand that where you stand, if you're holding the turbo buttons, or how much of a DUNKS meter your player has, effects how you can dunk the ball. I'll try to keep it simple and explain how you can dunk the ball before I get into detail about the types of dunks you can do. SIMPLE DUNKS ============ Dunking the ball is rather easy to do. When you're close to the hoop on your side of the court, press and hold the SHOOT button and more than likely, you will do a slam dunk. Keep in mind that doing a simple dunk means not holding the TURBO button when you do this. Just so you know, it doesn't matter what your characters DUNKS meter is, ANYONE can do this ability. POWER DUNKS =========== Here is where we get to have some fun. Power dunks, as I like to call them, allows you to do some fancy moves when you go for a dunk. In order for you to do these dunks, you must be holding the TURBO button down and then press and hold the SHOOT button when you are close enough to the hoop. You mostly want to be standing closer than free-throw when you do this and have the controller pointing in the direction of where the hoop is located. It doesn't really matter where you are on the court, so long as you are closer than free- throw. When you do manage to do a power dunk, some of the players will do some really neat and interesting abilities when he goes for a dunk. Keep in mind that if your characters dunk meter is less than 3 dots, it's likely you would be able to see much abilities when that character tries to go for a dunk. If you're wondering how certain dunks are done, it's also partly due to where they stand and/or how far they are from the hoop. Just like shooting the ball, all the players have a hot spot that lets them show off their best ability when they go for a dunk. ALLEY OOPS AND SO ON ==================== Okay, this is where it gets rather tricky. An Alley Oop is when you or your teammate goes up in the air and at this point, you can pass the ball while your teammate is in the air to go for a dunk. In order to do a Alley Oop, this is what you have to do. If you are the one going for an Alley Oop, you have to do the following... 1.) First, someone has to have the ball in hand 2.) The person going for the Alley Oop must NOT have the ball YET 3.) Going towards the hoop, your teammate with the ball must be close by 4.) As you're getting close to the hoop, press the SHOOT + TURBO buttons 5.) If you hear announcer say "RAISES UP", you did it right 6.) Now, before you come down from your jump, pass the ball to yourself If all went well, you should have passed the ball to yourself while you were in the air. As stated, although tricky to do, if done right, you can learn to use this as an offensive or defensive ability to really confuse the opponent. DOUBLE DUNKS ============ Okay, so you learned how to do the ALLEY OOP, that doesn't even come close to what you could really do in this game. Now, you must learn how to do the ever incredible DOUBLE DUNK. I will point out that this is a very difficult move to perform, so don't expect to learn this overnight. The basic idea behind a DOUBLE DUNK is that 2 people will go up in the air, but only one will make the real shot in the hoop. Although you can't both make the shot, performing this move can really keep the opponent guessing as to who will make the shot. Here is a step by step method on how to do such a manuver, this represents YOU going for the DOUBLE DUNK... 1.) Have your teammate perform the ALLEY OOP 2.) If your teammate is doing the ALLEY OOP, stand somewhere behind them 3.) While your teammate is in the air and you behind him, press TURBO + SHOOT 4.) If you did this right, you will jump in right behind your teammate 5.) Now, you have to decide either to pass or let your teammate make the dunk 6.) If you pass it to yourself, this will really confuse the opponent a lot 7.) You will know this worked if you hear the announcer say "RAISES UP" twice As you can see, it's easier said than done. But, if performed right, you can really keep the opponent guessing at who will make the final shot. All this will happen really fast, so make sure you do what you want to do, or you will just mess yourself up in the process. Just so you know, you can, in fact, go up more than twice. If you can time it just right, you can keep going up to the hoop and passing it off to yourself or your teammate to really keep the opponent off your tail. Yes, it is possible to perform a triple or even quadruple dunk. Although nothing major will happen if you do, it will really look awesome to yor opponent who ever they may be. SHOVING, SWIPING, AND TAKING THE BALL ===================================== Just like in all the other NBA JAM games, you can push or shove the opponent so that they might lose control of the ball. Hey, it's not as though it's illegal in this game, if they put the moves in the game, then you can perform the moves without much hassle. The basic idea is to keep the opponent moving so they don't have much time to think about shooting the ball. Plus, it also lets the opponent know that you are going to play hard to get, so when you use these moves, use them to the fullest ability. Here is a list of things you can perform when you don't have the ball in your possesion... 1.) Stand close and press the PASS button to try to SWIPE the ball away 2.) Stand close and press TURBO + PASS to shove the opponent One thing I must point out about shoving is that you MUST have some turbo left in order for you to shove. If you have run totally out of turbo, the shove ability will not work and you will automatically swipe instead of shove. Another thing to remember is that if you shove an opponent, and if your opponent has a high POWER rating, that person will have a high chance of coming out of a shove and not get knocked down. The same goes for swiping at the ball, they will have a better chance at holding on to the ball. The other thing you can also do is trying to take the ball while it's being shot at the hoop. This is a little bit easier to do than trying to swipe the ball away. If you see your opponent shooting the ball for a score, try to stand at the right spot and press the SHOOT button. If you want more jump, press the TURBO + SHOOT buttons. This will allow you to jump higher and get the ball before the ball has a chance to make it in the hoop. Be careful though, if you don't watch what your doing, the game will penalize you for GOALTENDING, so watch where you jump and take the ball from. THE BALL IS ON FIRE =================== Just like all the other NBA JAM games, you could be on fire. This ability lets you make those impossible shots you noramally wouldn't make. When you're on fire, you can make 3 point shots easily and dunks look more spectacular then normal. Plus, sometimes you can make shots from over half way across the court floor, but this is very hard to do, regardless if you're on fire. Here is how you can become on fire 1.) Make any 3 shots in a row without the other team scoring 2.) The person who made the first shot must make the 2nd and 3rd shots as well 3.) If you did this right, the game will say "HE'S ON FIRE" As you can see, it's easier said than done. Trying to take the ball 3 times in a row without the other team scoring is tough, but not impossible. You're just going to have to use your gaming skills to do this. One other thing that you can't do in NBA JAM or TE, is the ability to have TEAM FIRE. Yes, you read right, TEAM FIRE. This trick is a lot harder to do than normal. Here's how this works... 1.) Make 3 DOUBLE DUNKS in a row without the other team scoring 2.) It doesn't matter who starts the DOUBLE DUNK first 3.) If you did this right, the game will say "THE TEAM IS ON FIRE" Just as before, a LOT easier said than done. I mean, it's bad enough you have to learn how to DOUBLE DUNK, but to do this 3 times in a row without the other team scoring is very difficult. Although very hard to do, it is possible to perform such an ability. I will say one thing, of you can manage to perform TEAM FIRE, then you are more than a player, you are master at your own game. One more thing to mention, if you're on fire, and your opponent makes a shot, then you lose the fire ability. Although, on the other hand, in order for you to lose your TEAM FIRE, the opponent must make a DOUBLE DUNK. SOME OTHER NOTES TO KEEP IN MIND ================================ Here are some other notes you might want to keep in mind while playing this game. Although the game itself will say the same thing, I just thought I would add it in this guide to help you out a little... A.) Before you pass the ball ot your teammate, make sure your teammate is open and not being covered by the opponent. This is also true when your teammate is open for a shot. B.) The same thing applies if you are going to make a shot, an open player is more likely to make a shot than a player being covered C.) Be careful when trying to shove the opponent down. If your teammate is close by, and your not careful, you could accidently shove your teammate down rather than your opponent. This is important because this could cost you a shot as well as the game. D.) Definitely take advantage of the shove and swipe method at all times, just becareful who you shove/swipe. E.) Even if the opponent is going for a dunk or DOUBLE DUNK, it is still possible to shove the opponent to the ground regardless if they are still in the air. In fact, you have a greater chance at getting the ball by doing this, but the timing has to be perfect, or you will be too late. F.) Although this doesn't help much, if you have trouble shoving one opponent, try shoving the other opponent. This way, they can't go for the DOUBLE DUNK. Plus, this makes it so that the opponent with the ball have a harder time getting rid of the ball. G.) Don't stay in one place too long, the opponent likes to swipe/shove just as much as you do. TEAMS AND CHARACTERS ==================== This part of the guide is only here to help you find the best players a little more easily when you want to play a normal game. This not only tells you all the teams, but also tells you all the players, with their stats, for that team. This way, there's no guess work to be done when you want to play with the best players for your team. Keep in mind that all players and teams have their strengths and weaknesses, it's up to you to find these problems and decide which team is right for you. Here is a list of what each of the stats means... SPEED = How fast they can run with/without turbo POWER = How well they can hold the ball and how long they stay on their feet SHOOT = How often or how well they can make a 3 point shot or closer DUNKS = How well they can show off their dunking ability STEAL = How well they can steal the ball from a player BLOCK = How well they can block or defend the ball ################# # # # ATLANTA HAWKS # # # ################# MUTUMBO ======= SPEED = ****** POWER = ********* SHOOT = **** DUNKS = ******** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ********** BLAYLOCK ======== SPEED = ********* POWER = ** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = * STEAL = ********* BLOCK = * SMITH ===== SPEED = ******* POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ***** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ** LAETTNER ======== SPEED = ******* POWER = ****** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = *** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ***** NORMAN ====== SPEED = ******* POWER = **** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ***** ################## # # # BOSTON CELTICS # # # ################## BROWN ===== SPEED = ******** POWER = ** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ******* STEAL = ******* BLOCK = * BARROS ====== SPEED = ********* POWER = * SHOOT = ********* DUNKS = * STEAL = ******* BLOCK = * MINOR ===== SPEED = ******* POWER = ****** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ******* BLOCK = **** RADJA ===== SPEED = ******* POWER = ******** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ******* STEAL = ******* BLOCK = ********* FOX === SPEED = ***** POWER = ********* SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ***** STEAL = ******** BLOCK = ***** ##################### # # # CHARLOTTE HORNETS # # # ##################### OIVAC ===== SPEED = ***** POWER = ******** SHOOT = **** DUNKS = **** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ********** MASON ===== SPEED = ****** POWER = ********* SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ***** STEAL = *** BLOCK = *** RICE ==== SPEED = ******* POWER = ***** SHOOT = ********** DUNKS = ***** STEAL = ****** BLOCK = ** [Someone tell me his name, it's squad 03 on right, first letter looks funny] ===== SPEED = *** POWER = ******** SHOOT = **** DUNKS = **** STEAL = ** BLOCK = ******* CURRY ===== SPEED = ******** POWER = ** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = * STEAL = ******** BLOCK = * ################# # # # CHICAGO BULLS # # # ################# PIPPEN ====== SPEED = ******** POWER = ****** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ********* STEAL = ********* BLOCK = ******** RODMAN ====== SPEED = ******* POWER = ********* SHOOT = * DUNKS = **** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ******* KUKOC ===== SPEED = ******* POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ******* BLOCK = **** LONGLEY ======= SPEED = ***** POWER = ******** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = *** STEAL = ** BLOCK = ******* KERR ==== SPEED = ****** POWER = ** SHOOT = ********* DUNKS = * STEAL = ****** BLOCK = * ####################### # # # CLEVELAND CAVALEIRS # # # ####################### HILL ==== SPEED = ****** POWER = ******** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = *** BLOCK = ****** MILLS ===== SPEED = ******* POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = *** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ***** PHILLS ====== SPEED = ******** POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = * STEAL = ******** BLOCK = **** BRANDON ======= SPEED = ********* POWER = ** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = * STEAL = ******** BLOCK = * FERRY ===== SPEED = **** POWER = ******* SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ** #################### # # # DALLAS MAVERICKS # # # #################### JACKSON ======= SPEED = ******* POWER = **** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ***** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = **** KIDO ==== SPEED = ********* POWER = **** SHOOT = **** DUNKS = ***** STEAL = ****** BLOCK = ****** MASHBURN ======== SPEED = ******** POWER = *** SHOOT = ********* DUNKS = ******** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ******* MONTROSS ======== SPEED = **** POWER = ******** SHOOT = *** DUNKS = ******* STEAL = * BLOCK = ****** McCLOUD ======= SPEED = ******* POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ***** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ***** ################## # # # DENVER NUGGETS # # # ################## JACKSON ======= SPEED = ******* POWER = **** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = * STEAL = ********* BLOCK = **** MARCILONIS ========== SPEED = **** POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = * STEAL = ******** BLOCK = * McDYESS ======= SPEED = ******* POWER = * STEAL = ****** DUNKS = ******* STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ******* STITH ===== SPEED = ******* POWER = **** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = **** STEAL = ******** BLOCK = *** ELLIS ===== SPEED = ******* POWER = ****** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ** STEAL = ****** BLOCK = * ################### # # # DETROIT PISTONS # # # ################### DUMARS ====== SPEED = ****** POWER = **** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = * STEAL = ****** BLOCK = * HILL ==== SPEED = ********* POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ******** STEAL = ******** BLOCK = ***** MILLS ===== SPEED = **** POWER = ****** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ** THORPE ====== SPEED = ******* POWER = ********* SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ******* STEAL = **** BLOCK = ******* AUGMON ====== SPEED = ******** POWER = *** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ******* STEAL = ****** BLOCK = ** ######################### # # # GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS # # # ######################### PRICE ===== SPEED = ********* POWER = **** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = * STEAL = ********* BLOCK = * SPREWELL ======== SPEED = ********* POWER = **** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ******** STEAL = ******* BLOCK = ** SEIKALY ======= SPEED = ***** POWER = ******** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = *** STEAL = *** BLOCK = ******* SMITH ===== SPEED = ******* POWER = ******* SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ********* STEAL = ******* BLOCK = ******** MULLIN ====== SPEED = **** POWER = ***** SHOOT = ********* DUNKS = ** STEAL = ******** BLOCK = **** ################### # # # HOUSTON ROCKETS # # # ################### OLAJUWON ======== SPEED = ******* POWER = ********** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ******** STEAL = ******* BLOCK = ********** DREXLER ======= SPEED = ******* POWER = *** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ********* STEAL = ******** BLOCK = ** HORAY ===== SPEED = ******** POWER = ****** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ******** STEAL = ******* BLOCK = ******** CASSELL ======= SPEED = ********* POWER = * SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = * STEAL = **** BLOCK = * ELIE ==== SPEED = ******* POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ******* STEAL = ****** BLOCK = ***** ################## # # # INDIANA PACERS # # # ################## MILLER ====== SPEED = ******* POWER = **** SHOOT = ********* DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ****** BLOCK = ***** DAVIS ===== SPEED = ***** POWER = ****** SHOOT = **** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ******** SMITS ===== SPEED = ****** POWER = ********* SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = *** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ****** McKEY ===== SPEED = ******* POWER = ***** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ***** STEAL = ******* BLOCK = ******* ROSE ==== SPEED = ********* POWER = **** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ******** BLOCK = ****** ######################## # # # LOS ANGELES CLIPPERS # # # ######################## VAUGHT ====== SPEED = ***** POWER = ******* SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ****** BLOCK = ****** ROGERS ====== SPEED = ****** POWER = ******** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ***** STEAL = ** BLOCK = *** MURRAY ====== SPEED = ******** POWER = ***** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ***** STEAL = ******** BLOCK = **** RICHARDSON ========== SPEED = ******** POWER = * SHOOT = **** DUNKS = * STEAL = ******** BLOCK = * BARRY ===== SPEED = ******** POWER = ** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = **** STEAL = ******* BLOCK = ** ###################### # # # LOS ANGELES LAKERS # # # ###################### VAN EXEL ======== SPEED = ********** POWER = ** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = * STEAL = ****** BLOCK = * THREATT ======= SPEED = ******** POWER = ****** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = **** STEAL = ******* BLOCK = *** CEBALLOS ======== SPEED = ******** POWER = *** SHOOT = ********* DUNKS = ******* STEAL = ******** BLOCK = ** CAMPBELL ======== SPEED = ****** POWER = ***** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ******** BLOCK = ********* JONES ===== SPEED = ******** POWER = **** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ***** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ******* ############### # # # MIAMI HEATS # # # ############### MOURNING ======== SPEED = ******** POWER = ********** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ********* STEAL = **** BLOCK = ********* HARDAWAY ======== SPEED = ******** POWER = ****** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ******* STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ******** THOMAS ====== SPEED = ****** POWER = ******* SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ******* STEAL = *** BLOCK = ******* WILLIAMS ======== SPEED = ********* POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = * STEAL = ******** BLOCK = * DANILOVIC ========= SPEED = ***** POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ***** ################### # # # MILWAUKEE BUCKS # # # ################### BAKER ===== SPEED = ******** POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ******** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ******* ROBINSON ======== SPEED = ******* POWER = ******* SHOOT = ********* DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ******* BLOCK = ** RESPERT ======= SPEED = ********* POWER = * SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = * STEAL = ******* BLOCK = * LANG ==== SPEED = ****** POWER = ******** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ********* DOUGLAS ======= SPEED = ****** POWER = *** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = * STEAL = ****** BLOCK = * ########################## # # # MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES # # # ########################## PARKS ===== SPEED = **** POWER = ******* SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ******* STEAL = ** BLOCK = ******* PORTER ====== SPEED = ******** POWER = ** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = * STEAL = ******* BLOCK = * ROBINSON ======== SPEED = ******* POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = **** STEAL = ****** BLOCK = *** GUGLIOTTA ========= SPEED = ******* POWER = ****** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ***** STEAL = ********* BLOCK = ******* GARNETT ======= SPEED = ******** POWER = ** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ******** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ******** ################### # # # NEW JERSEY NETS # # # ################### GILL ==== SPEED = ******** POWER = ** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ***** STEAL = ******* BLOCK = ***** BRADLEY ======= SPEED = ***** POWER = ** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ******** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ********** GILLIAM ======= SPEED = ****** POWER = ******** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ******* BLOCK = ****** O BANNON ======== SPEED = ******** POWER = **** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ********* BLOCK = ***** EDWARDS ======= SPEED = ******* POWER = ** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = * STEAL = ******** BLOCK = * ################### # # # NEW YORK KNICKS # # # ################### EWING ===== SPEED = ****** POWER = ********** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ******** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ********** HOUSTON ======= SPEED = ******** POWER = * SHOOT = ********** DUNKS = ** STEAL = **** BLOCK = *** JOHNSON ======= SPEED = ******* POWER = ******** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ******** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ***** OAKLEY ====== SPEED = ***** POWER = ******** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ******* STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ** STARKS ====== SPEED = ********* POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ** STEAL = ******* BLOCK = ** ################## # # # ORLANDO MAGICS # # # ################## HARDAWAY ======== SPEED = ********** POWER = **** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ******** STEAL = ******** BLOCK = ******* GRANT ===== SPEED = ****** POWER = ******** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ******** ANDERSON ======== SPEED = ******* POWER = **** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = *** STEAL = ******** BLOCK = **** SCOTT ===== SPEED = ******* POWER = *** SHOOT = ********* DUNKS = *** STEAL = **** BLOCK = **** KONCAK ====== SPEED = **** POWER = ****** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ******* STEAL = *** BLOCK = ***** ###################### # # # PHILADELPHIA 76ers # # # ###################### STACKHOUSE ========== SPEED = ******** POWER = **** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ******** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = *** COLEMAN ======= SPEED = ***** POWER = ******** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ****** STEAL = *** BLOCK = ***** WEATHERSPN ========== SPEED = ***** POWER = ****** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ****** MACLEAN ======= SPEED = ***** POWER = ****** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ***** WALTERS ======= SPEED = ******* POWER = ** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ** STEAL = ****** BLOCK = ** ################ # # # PHOENIX SUNS # # # ################ JOHNSON ======= SPEED = ********* POWER = ** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ** STEAL = ******** BLOCK = *** TISDALE ======= SPEED = **** POWER = ******** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ****** MANNING ======= SPEED = ***** POWER = ****** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ******* STEAL = **** BLOCK = ***** PERSON ====== SPEED = ******** POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = **** STEAL = ******** BLOCK = ***** FINLEY ====== SPEED = ********* POWER = ** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ********* STEAL = ******* BLOCK = ** ######################### # # # PORTLAND TRAILBLAZERS # # # ######################### RIDER ===== SPEED = ********* POWER = **** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ********* STEAL = **** BLOCK = * ROBINSON ======== SPEED = ******** POWER = ******* SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ****** BLOCK = ******* SABONIS ======= SPEED = **** POWER = ********* SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ***** STEAL = *** BLOCK - ******* ANDERSON ======== SPEED = ********** POWER = *** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = * STEAL = ******** BLOCK = *** CILDRESS ======== SPEED = ********* POWER = ** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = * STEAL = ****** BLOCK = * #################### # # # SACRAMENTO KINGS # # # #################### OWENS ===== SPEED = ******* POWER = ****** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ****** STEAL = **** BLOCK = ** RICHMOND ======== SPEED = ******* POWER = ******* SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ** STEAL = ********* BLOCK = * GRANT ===== SPEED = ***** POWER = ****** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ** BLOCK = ********* ABDUL RAUF ========== SPEED = ******** POWER = ** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = * STEAL = ******** BLOCK = * EDNEY ===== SPEED = ********** POWER = * SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = * STEAL = ******** BLOCK = * ##################### # # # SAN ANTONIO SPURS # # # ##################### ELLIOT ====== SPEED = ******** POWER = **** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ******* STEAL = **** BLOCK = ***** ROBINSON ======== SPEED = ******** POWER = ********* SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ********** JOHNSON ======= SPEED = ********** POWER = * SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = * STEAL = ******** BLOCK = * PERSON ====== SPEED = ****** POWER = ****** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = **** STEAL = **** BLOCK = **** DEL NEGRO ========= SPEED = ******* POWER = *** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = * STEAL = ******* BLOCK = * ################## # # # SEATTLE SONICS # # # ################## KEMP ==== SPEED = ******** POWER = ******* SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ********** STEAL = ****** BLOCK = ********* PAYTON ====== SPEED = ********** POWER = *** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = * STEAL = ********** BLOCK = ** SCHREMPF ======== SPEED = ***** POWER = ****** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ***** STEAL = ** BLOCK = **** HAWKINS ======= SPEED = ****** POWER = *** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = * STEAL = ****** BLOCK = **** FORD ==== SPEED = ******* POWER = *** SHOOT = **** DUNKS = **** STEAL = **** BLOCK = **** ################### # # # TORONTO RAPTORS # # # ################### ROGERS ====== SPEED = ****** POWER = ******** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ***** STEAL = ****** BLOCK = **** STOUDAMIRE ========== SPEED = ********** POWER = * SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = * STEAL = ******** BLOCK = * ROBERTSON ========= SPEED = ****** POWER = **** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = * STEAL = ********* BLOCK = ****** JONES ===== SPEED = ***** POWER = ******** SHOOT = **** DUNKS = ******* STEAL = **** BLOCK = ****** WRIGHT ====== SPEED = ****** POWER = ******** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ********* STEAL = *** BLOCK = ****** ############# # # # UTAH JAZZ # # # ############# STOCKTON ======== SPEED = ******* POWER = ** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = * STEAL = ********** BLOCK = * MALONE ====== SPEED = ******* POWER = ********** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ******** STEAL = ******** BLOCK = ***** HORNECEK ======== SPEED = ***** POWER = ***** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ** STEAL = ******* BLOCK = ** BENOIT ====== SPEED = ****** POWER = ***** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ***** MORRIS ====== SPEED = ***** POWER = ****** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = ***** STEAL = ******** BLOCK = **** ####################### # # # VANCOUVER GRIZZLIES # # # ####################### ANTHONY ======= SPEED = ******** POWER = **** SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = * STEAL = ******* BLOCK = ** EDWARDS ======= SPEED = ******* POWER = ****** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = **** STEAL = ******** BLOCK = ***** MAYBERRY ======== SPEED = ******** POWER = ** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = *** STEAL = ****** BLOCK = * REEVES ====== SPEED = ***** POWER = ********** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = **** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ******** PEELER ====== SPEED = ******* POWER = ******* SHOOT = ********* DUNKS = ********* STEAL = ***** BLOCK = ***** ###################### # # # WASHINGTON BULLETS # # # ###################### HOWARD ====== SPEED = ******* POWER = ******* SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ***** BLOCK = *** WEBBER ====== SPEED = ******** POWER = ******** SHOOT = ******** DUNKS = ******** STEAL = ****** BLOCK = **** CHEANEY ======= SPEED = ******* POWER = ***** SHOOT = ****** DUNKS = ****** STEAL = ****** BLOCK = ** STRICKLAND ========== SPEED = ******** POWER = *** SHOOT = ******* DUNKS = * STEAL = ******* BLOCK = * MURESAN ======= SPEED = **** POWER = ********* SHOOT = ***** DUNKS = ** STEAL = *** BLOCK = ********* FAQ SECTION [Frequently Asked Questions] ======================================== 1.) WHAT STARTED THIS GAME? =========================== Well, the first game that came out was a game called NBA JAM. The idea about this game is not to my knowledge. I am guessing that someone came out with an idea on how to make a basketball game more fun to play, using the 2 on 2, street style rules using pro players to play the game. 2.) THIS GAME PLAYS A LOT LIKE NBA JAM, WHY IS THAT? ==================================================== That's because it practically is. The animation, graphics, sounds, control, moves, etc. are all the same as that of NBA JAM. The only real difference is the way you can toss the ball and the ability to do DOUBLE DUNKS. Plus, some of the players have better looks than in the other games. And lets not forget that they are both made by the same game company. 3.) CAN SOME OF THESE CHEATS WORK FOR THE GENESIS VERSION? ========================================================== Yes and no. The only cheats that will work for the Gensis version is the secret players codes and the number codes that was explained earlier in this guide. The main reason being is that the Genesis has a secret court that the SNES version doesn't have. It's called the BARACUDA court. It's a court next to the beach with palm trees around it. 4.) IF YOU WERE TO RATE THIS GAME, WHAT WOULD YOU GIVE IT? ========================================================== Okay, here is my rating that I would give it if I were able to. The scale is on a 1 to 5, 5 being the highest rating, 1 being the lowest, I'll also tell why I game it that rating... GRAPHICS = 4 SOUND = 2 CONTROL = 5 UNIQUENESS = 3 OVERALL = 4 DIFFICULTY = ADJUSTABLE GRAPHICS = Wow, what a game they made with tons of great animation, artwork, and a whole lot more. The animation was smooth and flowing, hardly any slow- down at all when I was playing this. The characters were almost realistic enough for me to notice the difference in appearance and were a lot better looking than in NBA JAM and in TE version. Plus, with the ability to be ON FIRE gave it a plus to show how really interesting a game can get when you least expect it. Lets not forget the secret courts, secret players, and the ability to create players for yourself, make this a very fantastic basketball game to have for your SNES. I just want to know one thing, WHY CAN'T WE SHATTER THE BACKBOARD ANYMORE, I MISS THAT!!! SOUND = Okay, this is where I am going to get picky. What happened to all the cool announcer sounds in the game when they did NBA JAM or the TE version? I happen to LIKE those sounds alot better than the ones they put in this game. Here are just a few I wanted in the game... "FROM DOWN TOWN" "KA-BOOM" "BOOM SHAKALAKA" "SWISH" "oooOOOHHH" "MONSTER JAM" "HELLO" "YES" "UGLY SHOT" Next time you happen to make this game again, PUT THE OLD ANNOUNCER SOUNDS BACK... Other than that, the music was up beat and the jamming sounds during a game were great. I hardly had any problems with any of the sounds, other than what I mentioned. I still miss being able to shatter the backboard. CONTROL = This was a major plus, not a lot of buttons to remember and even less to press. All the buttons that were needed were all in the right place. Plus, since there was little slowdown during the game, I had complete control over the characters when I was playing. Everything I did reacted instantly and hardly had any trouble doing what my character was suppose to do. Even the cheats in the game were very easy to do, if you could do it right. UNIQUENESS = Hmmm, a basketball game using the street style, 2 on 2 rules using pro basketball players does make it rather different, but since it's the 4th or 5th NBA JAM style game in the series, not exactly unique. Although not in it's class of unique, it does make a very interesting and fun to play sports game on the SNES. Wish you could shatter the backboard to. OVERALL = This is a definite keeper and a great NBA sports game to add to your SNES collection. I would highly recommend this game to anyone who is an avid NBA fan, as well as any all-sports fan. With having all the teams with some of the best players from each team, and being able to play them, gives this game a major plus on replay value. And lets not forget the ability to make your own player as well and even upgrade your player so you can become the best player in the game. And hey, if you happen to have a 4 player adaptor, you can have a 4 player slam and jam fest that would make it the ultimate 2 on 2 game to have incase it rains outside. By the way, did I mention how much I LOVED SHATTERING THE BACKBOARD IN THE OTHER NBA JAM GAMES??? One more thing, why isn't there a code to be ON FIRE? All the other NBA JAM games had one, why not this one? THE MAIN WRITER OF THIS GUIDE ============================= BEFORE I MENTION THIS, I WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT THAT I AM NOT DONE WITH THIS GUIDE YET, THERE IS A LOT OF INFO THAT NEEDS TO BE EXPLAINED AS WELL AS SHOWN ON HOW TO DO CERTAIN ABILITIES LIKE DUNKS, DOUBLE-DUNKS, AND MORE!!! PLEASE WAIT UNTIL I DO AN UPDATE BEFORE SENDING ME INFO ON THIS GAME, THANKS!!! My name is CooperTeam, that's all you need to know, and if you have some info you would like to add to this guide, send the info to... cooperteam@hotmail.com Please put the subject as... COOPERTEAM/NBA HANGTIME so I will know what you are talking about. There is a very good chance that I will do an update for this guide. Please keep in mind that this is for the SNES version of this game, not the other systems. If you have info you wish to add to this guide, please only send me real and actual info, no useless, bogus, or rumors. I want to make this guide as real and true as possible for people who play this game. If your info does seem important enough to add, I'll not only do an update, but will also give you the credit for the info as well. I AM LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WHO KNOWS THE FULL NAMES OF ALL THE PLAYERS IN THIS GAME. ANYONE WHO CAN DO THIS FOR ME WILL GET MAJOR CREDIT FOR DOING SO. I'M NOT MUCH OF A REAL SPORTS FAN, BUT I LIKE PLAYING SPORTS GAMES, SO PLEASE, HELP ME OUT A LITTLE AS WELL AS BE FAMOUS. PLEASE, WHEN SENDING ME THE NAMES, PLEASE LIST THEM FROM TEAM NAMES TO PLAYER NAMES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER SO I CAN EASILY FIND THESE PLAYERS. Please do not distribute, display, redo, rewrite, or in any way change this guide without my say so. I have put a lot of time and effort into making this guide and I don't want it ruined. If you want to use this guide on your web site, or in a program of some sort, please ask before doing so. This guide may only be used for personal/private use for solving/beating this game. Thank you. Here is a list of other solution guides I have done as well as making this guide that has my name on them... DARKSUN:SHATTERED LANDS = PC STRONGHOLD = PC DEATH RALLY = PC WAR GODS = PC/PSX/N64/ARCADE SIM CITY = PC/SNES/MAC DARK RIFT = N64 STREET FIGHTER ALPHA 2 = SNES KILLER INSTINCT = SNES METAL COMBAT:FALCON'S REVENGE = SNES X-MEN VS. STREET FIGHTER = ARCADE More will be made soon, just need to get all the info for the games. Seeya.