A handy-dandy "cheese-locator" for... O""""""""@ "OOOOOOO@;#OO@OOO@@@@@ O####@@@@@@@""@OO@@@#@##@ @O#O##,@@O@# O"#"#O "@# O@@ ;@; @@ #O@O@ "#"" #O@"""# @O"@ "#""O@#@ O@" "# @@##@;O O@"@" @@###;O" ;OO "O #@@ @ @#@@ @@ @ ;@@@@###@ ,O""O" """"""""" "O @"" ;; @@ @O@" @ O@# @@ "@" ;O "@@ @O"OO "OO OO;"@@#;OO OO O@O@@ @@ ;#@@ @#OO"@O@"O""OO@O@"O"#O #OO#@O @@ ;@@@ "@@O @; *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Perfect Dark Cheese Location Guide Platform: Nintendo 64 Version 1.0 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin E-Mail: pimpmasterbrett@hotmail.com My website: http://faqdomain.cjb.net As well as: Bellboy95@aol.com- Co-author of this FAQ DraSlayer@aol.com- Co-author of this FAQ PROPERTIES: Created: Monday, July 3rd, 2000 2:19 PM Last Updated: Saturday, July 29th, 2000 4:36 PM Size: 24.6 KB (25,191 bytes) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ +=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S +=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+ 1. INTRODUCTION 2. LEGAL STUFF 3. UPDATES/REVISION HISTORY 4. Cheese Locations 5. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 6. Credits 7. Contact Info *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 1. INTRODUCTION ============================================================================= This is a cheese location guide. Why? Because it shows you where those illusive pieces of cheese are in Perfect Dark. Ohhhhhhhh...you mean why would I make a FAQ for the cheese locations even though the cheese doesn't do a thing in the game? Well, I've had TONS of requests, sinc I guess people love finding the smallt things in Perfect Dark or something. Well, anyways, this FAQ will show you how and where to find the cheese in Perfect Dark. Just think of it as "added" replay-value to an already awesome game. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 2. Legal Stuff ============================================================================= ***ATTENION WEBMASTERS*** I HAVE CHANGED MY MIND ABOUT PEOPLE USING MY FAQS ON THEIR SITES. FROM NOW ON, I WILL ALLOW ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO USE MY FAQS ON THEIR SITES TO USE THEM, JUST AS LONG AS YOU E-MAIL ME AND ASK ME. ALSO, YOUR SITE MUST BE LEGIT; A REAL WEBSITE. I UNDERSTAND WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HAVE PEOPLE REGECT REQUESTS TO USE YOUR FAQS ON THEIR WEBSITES, SO THAT IS WHY I HAVE CHANGED MY MIND. BUT I WILL ONLY ALLOW YOU TO USE MY FAQS JUST AS LONG AS YOU A)E-MAIL ME AND ASK ME, AND B)GIVE ME FULL CREDIT FOR ANY FAQS THAT YOU ARE USING ON YOUR WEBSITE. HOWEVER, IF YOU DO PUT THIS OR ANY OF MY FAQS ON YOUR SITE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, LEGAL ACTION WILL BE TAKEN IMMEDIATLY. I'D LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR READING THIS, AND I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT IF YOU WANT TO PUT THIS OR ANY OF MY FAQS ON YOUR SITE, THE ANSWER IS STATED CLEARLY ABOVE. SORRY IF I'M BEING RUDE, BUT I'M SICK OF PEOPLE JUST TAKING MY FAQS WITHOUT MY CONSENT. THANK YOU. This FAQ can only appear on the following sites: -GameFAQS -Cheat Code Central -GameSages -Vgstrategies.com If anyone finds it on any other site, please inform me ASAP. E-Mail Address: pimpmasterbrett@hotmail.com Copyright: © Copyright 1999-2000 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. It may not be stolen, altered, or used for any type of profit. It may be reproduced electronically, and printed for PRIVATE, PERSONAL use. It may not be placed on a CD, printed in a magazine or any type of publication. If you would like to contribute to this FAQ (you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as well as any questions, comments, or corrections, to the address above. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 3. UPDATES/REVISION HISTORY ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 (07/29/00) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Added the cheese location for Air Base: Espionage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.7 (07/27/00) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Final Version ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.5 (07/04/00) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • First version *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 4. Cheese Locations ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARRINGTON INSTITUTE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • To get to the cheese in carrington institute, you have do the firing range trick with the hover crate(propping open the door so it doesn't close). Now leave enough room so you can run out, open the double doors leading into the firing range, run into the range, select the slayer, set it on guided rockets, and fire. Guide it outside the range. Take a right and go down the ramps leading to the basement. You obviously cant open doors as a rocket, so take a right at the fork in the ramp. Go outside into the open! If you go up to a higher level, youll be above the entire area with the hoverbike and crates and stuff. Head over to the door to the institute, the shiny blue one, and a little higher than the level of the door. Turn right, next to the building, and there is cheese, sitting on the ledge. Its a lot easier and faster than that, just read through and follow carefully. An alternative pathway is just following the partition wall between the two helipads and staying a little right of it when you come to the big block. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARRINGTON INSTITUTE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Carrington institute: go though the door that the skedar guy broke down and go all the way back to the locked door and use the sniper rifle to look at the cheese. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATADYNE RESEARCH: INVESTIGATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • You must have a difficulty setting where "Shut down the experiments" is an objective. Go into the first room and shut down that experiment, then go through the two big doors, and you should be in a room with glass on the floor in front of you. If you are turn left and go around the computers and pillar. There should be another glass plate over the floor. About the middle of the plate on the far left side, there is the cheese. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATADYNE CENTRAL: DEFECTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • In the first level the cheese is in the bottom of a tube right next to the first com hub. You will need to have all guns cheat and put a remote mine the tube next the first com hub and blow it up and it should also knock a hold in it. I found this by accident. While in the room where the cheese is one of the walls in there can be blown up to get into Cassandra's office. It might also be useful to have invincibility on to. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATADYNE CENTRAL: EXTRACTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Also on the 1st stage 2nd level in the large area before the isotope and the experimental labs there is a part of the room that sinks down and there is a floor panel if you try to open it will open letting you down the ladder into the firing range. I used the farsite to find out what the ladder was for in the firing range on that level. Also if your fast enough in the room where the radio active isotope is if you run behind the isotope room. There will be a crate with a proximity mine in it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATADYNE CENTRAL: EXTRACTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Datadyne central: extraction. Blow up a wall panel in Cassandra's office to find it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARRINGTON VILLA: HOSTAGE ONE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Head down into the basement of the building. Search all of the shelves within the basement area. Find the wine cellar, and you should find a piece of cheese on top of one of the wine cellar shelves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARRINGTON VILLA: HOSTAGE ONE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Carrington Villa: After you go through the doors and start seeing the wine racks, it on top of the 2nd wine rack in the first hallway. You will enter the doors into a room with 2 wine racks in it. Go past them into the hall. There are 2 wine racks lining the walls the 2nd one (the one on the right wall) has the cheese on top of it. You can see a slither of it by looking up, or you can see all of it using a farsight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHICAGO: STEALTH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • This one is an easy one. Make your way through the first part of the level until you get to the main streets. Look for the Pond Punk Bar (there's a sign), and go inside. Make your way to the back and into the bathrooms. Look inside the toliet to find a piece of cheese floating inside. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHICAGO: RECONAISSANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Another semi-easy piece of cheese to find. Make your way into the vents that lead to the control room. Search inside the vents to find the piece of cheese you are looking for. Ha....I love easy cheese. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHICAGO: RECONAISSANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Another semi-easy piece of cheese to find. Make your way into the vents that lead to the control room. Search inside the vents to find the piece of cheese you are looking for. Ha....I love easy cheese. or... • First, go in the room with the damping field generator. You should see a vent on the wall under the sloping ceiling. The cheese is in there, towards the right. - MetroidMoo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 51: RESCUE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • On area 51, 2nd mission. Once you knock a hold in the wall and get the disguise and do all the other stuff. but don't rescue Elvis go to the area where you can download the two virus's go down the long hall way and you will see a large door and 2 small that lead into the bathrooms shoot or blow up the large door in order to get guard on the other side attention and thus opening it. the door is locked by the way. go up the stairs and to the cat walk where there's a break in to and there's a small walk way there takes you into the vents stop right before you fall into the bathroom and take out a sniper rifle and look to the end of the tubes and you should see the cheese there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 51: ALL 3 STAGES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • All area 51 stages the cheese is in the same place in the vents above the bathrooms. But in the first area you either need to put it on counter op so that your friend can mabey appear there or use the FarSight. IF you got Gameshark 3.3 go to http://www.cmgsccc.com/index2.shtml GameShark Code creators club for the moon jump walk, thru walls & doors. To see the cheese up close. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIR BASE: ESPIONAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Go to the area where the rail car lets off the stewardess and after you knock em all out. You go to the far left until you are agents the ropes. Go to the corner where the rope turns and goes to the wall. Take out your sniper rifle or horizon scan and look down. There should be a patch of water and when you area looking and a close enough zoom you should find it. Might have to move around a bit but it is in that area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIR FORCE ONE: ANTITERRORISM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Air force 1 : One the plane, go downstairs to the room with the entrance to the room housing the escape pod. As you open the door you there are some pipes to your left. Go past them and turn around. Looking down, the piece of cheese is sitting there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRASH SITE: CONFRONTATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Hahaha I found it. Go to the area the front end on the plane crashed. Or the area where the pres. Ir. scanner is. Go to the nose of the plane. Then go right kill the blonde guy and there. Go Forward till you area where you see till the planes broken wind wing, back up, take out a sniper rifle. Then look between the broken part of the planes wing and the snow wall and the cheese should be on the ground there. If you still can't find it. Right of the plane and look kill blonde and it is in that proximity. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PELAGIC 2: EXPLORATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Pelagic 2 Right out side the power room where you use the x ray goggles look down on the floor out side of that room and it is below a floor panel around there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEEP SEA: NULLIFY THREAT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Mission 6: Ceatan Mega Weapons Stage. Or the stage where you have to destroy the mega weapon and dr. carol dies. When you start the stage. Don't move! Take out a sniper rifle and in the hallway That has the glass on the bottom looking at the bottom of the sea. You should be in the hallway at the beginning. Look to the left with the sniper rifle and Zoom in. Look around the corner area or just scan the area. There cheese is a little off from the corner! You might see it as a yellow blip with the falcon you start out with. But the sniper is how you see it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTACK SHIP: COVERT ASSAULT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Skedar Battle Ship: Go out get Elvis Esc. But do NOT go in the elevators! Stand in front of them. Go to the room on the right where some of the skedar come out of. Look down thought the glass plate on the floor you might need to move around a bit but the cheese in right around there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKEDAR RUINS: BATTLE SHRINE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • On the skedar battle shrine. Final area. Right before you blast a hole in the wall to get into the hall way that takes you to the room that operates the bridge. Go back and to the area where on agent there is a shield there and a big crack in the wall and two skedar there as well. Use the far sight or sniper (you will have to kneel down to use the sniper look though the crack and the cheese is in there). I am now looking for it in air force 1 stage the others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MR. BLONDE'S REVENGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Blonde's revenge: you are going to have to blow up a wall panel some where in Cassandra's office. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIAN SOS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Maian SOS same place as in the previous stage in the vents above the bathroom. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAR! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • WAR! Same place where that giant crack in the wall is. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DUEL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • The Duel: you need to use the far site for this one. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 5. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) ============================================================================= 1) Q: Is it a true sequel to Goldeneye? A: Nope. It's a whole new game, totally unrelated to Goldeneye 2) Q: What's the point of the cheese? A: Nothing. Rare was going to make the cheese special where if you collected a certain amount of cheese, secrets would be unlocked. 3) Q: But why did they take it out and leave the cheese in the game? A: Time contraints, presumably. 4) Q: Is there face-mapping? A: Nope. Rare removed it from the final version of the game. 5) Q: What happens if I DO get all of the cheese? A: Nothing. Be proud of yourself or something. 6) Q: How many pieces of cheese are there in the game? A: That has yet to be determined. I have only found the ones that are in this FAQ. 7) Q: Is there an alternate way to beat the Mission 5: Air Force One? A: Yeah, but it's harder: After getting the President, you can instead decide to complete your THIRD objective instead of your second on, but this forces you to activate the autopilot, and then still get the President to safety. It's a lot harder to do, since you have to protect the President for a longer time, and you put more risk on him. Just save the President first, then go and destroy the UFO from the plane: It's a WHOLE LOT easier, and it is also way faster. You'll thank me later when the President keeps on dying over and over again. ;) 8) Q: Have you found a way to get onto the Hover Bike? A: Yes, and to do it just double-tap B to get on it. Thanks to Ed McGlothlin from The GIA at: ed@thegia.com! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 6. Credits ============================================================================= GameShark.com and everyone there- For giving me the opportunity to "show my stuff", and for everything they've done me Me- For making this FAQ! :p DraSlayer@aol.com- For the Cheese Locations. Bellboy95@aol.com- Also for some Cheese Locations *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 7. CONTACT INFO ============================================================================= Bellboy95@aol.com- Co-author of this FAQ DraSlayer@aol.com- Co-author of this FAQ Shameless Self-Promotion: Other Strategy Guides by me: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PLAYSTATION: -Ape Escape -Brave Fencer Musashi -Crash Team Racing -Fear Effect -Gran Turismo 2 -Hot Shots Golf 2 -Legend of Mana -Medal Of Honor -Metal Gear Solid -NBA Live 2000 -Need for Speed: High Stakes -Tony Hawk's Pro Skater -R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 -Rollcage -Syphon Filter 2 NINTENDO 64: -NBA Live 2000 -Mario Party 2 -Perfect Dark DREAMCAST: -Carrier -Crazy Taxi -Dead or Alive 2 -Hydro Thunder -MDK 2 -Sega GT: Homologation Special -Sega Rally 2 -Sega Swirl -Resident Evil Code: Veronica GAME BOY COLOR: -Metal Gear Solid :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: My website: http://www.geocities.com/i_am_nemesis_99 E-Mail Address: pimpmasterbrett@hotmail.com E-MAIL RULES: --------------- Types I WILL accept: - Small questions that are NOT answered in the FAQ - Comments - Any types of contributions that can be HELPFUL to others - Corrections for this FAQ - Any mail asking if you can use this FAQ on your website. Read the Legal Stuff section for all the details. Types I will NOT accept: - Hate mail - Small contributions that will NOT help anyone - Chain letters - Any mail that is in ALL CAPS - Any mail that demands an answer - Mail asking me to send you this FAQ - Unconstructive critism - Any questions that are already answered in this FAQ This document intellectual and legal property of... Brett "_____ __ _____ " ___ | / /___________ __________________(_)_______ __ |/ /_ _ \_ __ `__ \ _ \_ ___/_ /__ ___/ _ /| / / __/ / / / / / __/(__ )_ / _(__ ) /_/ |_/ \___//_/ /_/ /_/\___//____/ /_/ /____/ Franklin One final word: "Don't Do Drugs!" ~End of Document~