Perfect Dark (Nintendo 64 & Xbox 360) Game Script by ironyisntdead Version History v1.1 - December 25, 2017 - Added briefings. v1.0 - December 9, 2017 - Initial release. Script Note - Every action and dialogue in the game is not transcribed in this script. For example, the guards have many random reactions. I transcribe what you would usually hear on a successful mission, but I've also included a few alternate lines. I discerned a few subtle discrepancies between the subtitles and audio. If the audio is clear, I included it. Otherwise, I tended to stick with the subtitles. I hope this helps you. Table of Contents 1 - dataDyne Central 1.1 - Defection (DFCT) 1.2 - Investigation (NVST) 1.3 - Extraction (XTRC) 2 - Carrington Villa 2.1 - Hostage One (HSTG) 3 - G5 Building 3.1 - Stealth (STLH) 3.2 - Reconnaissance (RCNN) 4 - Area 51 4.1 - Infiltration (NFTR) 4.2 - Rescue (RSCU) 4.3 - Escape (ESCP) 5 - Air Force One 5.1 - Espionage (EPNG) 5.2 - Antiterrorism (NTTR) 5.3 - Confrontation (CNFT) 6 - Pelagic II 6.1 - Exploration (EXPR) 6.2 - Nullify Threat (NLFY) 7 - Carrington Institute 7.1 - Defense (DFSE) 8 - Skedar Attack Ship 8.1 - Covert Assault (CVAS) 9 - Skedar Ruins 9.1 - Battle Shrine (BSHR) 10 - Special Assignments 10.1 - Mr. Blonde's Revenge (MBRV) 10.2 - Maian SOS (MSOS) 10.3 - WAR! (WAAR) 10.4 - The Duel (TDEL) 11 - Carrington Institute (CAIN) 12 - Legal (LEGL) ============================================================================== 1 - dataDyne Central 1.1 - Defection (DFCT) Briefing Background - A dataDyne scientist calling himself Dr. Caroll has contacted the Carrington Institute requesting that we rescue him from the dataDyne headquarters tonight. He claims that he has complained to dataDyne about the moral implications of his current project, but rather than dismiss him, they will mentally restructure him until he finds the nature of the project acceptable again. Carrington - This is your first mission, Joanna, and it could hardly be more vital to us. We need to get Dr. Caroll out of there before anything happens to him, and we also need to know about dataDyne's future plans. Our standard rules of engagement apply: do not kill unarmed civilians. Remember, the code keys only work if their owners are alive. Objective One: - Jam the Internal Security Comms Hub (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) This is located in one of the top floors of the building, away from ground traffic interference. Use an ECM Mine to jam the hub and black out the security cameras. The mine must be attached to the hub to be effective. Be quick, though, as the mine will only last for about a minute or so. Objective Two: - Obtain De Vries' Necklace/Key (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Cassandra De Vries carries her Access Key for restricted areas of the building on her necklace. It is linked to her personal health monitor and will cease to be active if her life signs fail. If you take the Necklace/Key from her, you must render her unconscious, not kill her. Objective Three: - Access Executive Computer Files (Perfect Agent) Dr. Caroll's future is being decided in a meeting on one of the office floors. The Executive in charge of Dr. Caroll's project is present at the meeting. Follow him to his office and gain access to his project files, then download them to us using your Data Uplink device. Objective Four: - Jam the External Security Comms Link (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Complete the communication blackout by placing another ECM Mine on the equipment in the Security Room at the base of the building. This will jam any automatic calls for outside help. Objective Five: - Secure the Secret Lift (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Locate the secure lift to the Basement Laboratory where Dr. Caroll is incarcerated. The exact location is unknown, but it should be found somewhere on the foyer level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Enter The Dark [Night. A jumpship containing agent Joanna Dark flies between futuristic skyscrapers. She's conversing with her boss, Daniel Carrington.] JOANNA: Why the big hurry? CARRINGTON: If Dr. Caroll is not extracted tonight, dataDyne will put him through mind conditioning, and we'll lose our best chance of finding out what dataDyne are up to. JOANNA: Are they all expendable? CARRINGTON: Don't joke! You have to be careful, Joanna. Code keys will only operate while the owner is alive... if you kill them, the key is useless. Armed guards are a different matter, of course. JOANNA: What's the target location? [The jumpship reaches its destination: the Lucerne Tower, which is the headquarters of the dataDyne Corporation. The ship begins its ascent.] CARRINGTON: Work your way down the building to the ground level. Dr. Caroll will be in a research lab somewhere in the underground facility. JOANNA: How will I recognize him? CARRINGTON: We don't have an image record, and we can't find any official files. All we have is the name. Good luck, Perfect Dark. [Joanna slips down a cable onto the rooftop of the Lucerne Tower.] Level - Defection [On Special & Perfect Agent, Joanna has to disable an internal security system.] CARRINGTON: We're getting a positive reading - the internal comms hub is nearby. [On Special & Perfect Agent, Joanna has to obtain a necklace from Cassandra de Vries.] CARRINGTON: You're on the same floor as Cassandra's office. CASSANDRA: Who are you and what are you doing here? SECRETARY: Look out! She's got a gun. CASSANDRA: You won't shoot me, foolish child! Don't you know who I am? [Cassandra moves to set off an alarm.] CASSANDRA: Let's see how you deal with security. [After that, the two women randomly utter these lines:] CASSANDRA: How dare you disturb me! CASSANDRA: You will regret this intrusion, girl! CASSANDRA: If I were you, I'd leave...NOW! SECRETARY: Don't shoot! SECRETARY: Please don't kill me! [On Perfect Agent, Joanna has to coerce an executive to download project files.] EXECUTIVE: Yes, yes, I agree. Personality is expendable in this case. No, I can start the process from my office terminal and delete the necessary files at the same time. I'll begin at once. Goodbye. [The executive notices Joanna.] EXECUTIVE: HELP - Intruder! Security... Help me! JOANNA: I've got a password problem, and you're the man to help me with it. EXECUTIVE: Don't shoot, don't shoot! [Joanna and the executive reach the computer.] EXECUTIVE: I... I'm logging on now. Right, I'm in... [If Joanna doesn't stop the executive at this point, she fails the objective.] EXECUTIVE: Goodbye, Dr. Caroll. [Joanna gets to the ground floor. On Special & Perfect Agent, Joanna has to disable another hub.] JOANNA: The other hub has got to be in the Security Room. [As Joanna nears the exit, Carrington contacts her.] CARRINGTON: The basement elevator must be around there somewhere. Outro - Quick Descent [Joanna activates the elevator on the ground floor. The doors slide shut as she reloads her pistol.] ============================================================================== 1.2 - Investigation (NVST) Briefing Background - A dataDyne scientist calling himself Dr. Caroll has contacted the Carrington Institute requesting that we rescue him from the dataDyne headquarters tonight. He claims that he has complained to dataDyne about the moral implications of his current project, but rather than dismiss him, they will mentally restructure him until he finds the nature of the project acceptable again. Carrington - You'll need to use your remote comlink to get past the door to the sector where Dr. Caroll's lab is located. Unfortunately, we've detected huge levels of electro-magnetic activity around the laboratories which interfere with all our comms equipment. Convince the scientists to shut their experiments down. Remember that they are noncombatants; don't kill them. And don't forget your Data Uplink, Jo - it may come in handy. Objective One: - Holograph Radioactive Isotope (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Use the CamSpy to obtain a spectrographic photo record of the isotope on test in the dataDyne basement labs. Dr. Caroll has linked the isotope to an enhancement of the currently experimental shield technology item, also present in the laboratories. Objective Two: - Start Maintenance Cycle on the Security Systems (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Reprogram the cleaning robots in the service area to start work on the security systems. This will permit you to get farther into the laboratory complex, though you will have to stay close to the robot you reprogram if you want to remain unharmed. Objective Three: - Shut Down the Experiments (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) The experiments in sector two of the laboratories are causing extreme interference with the communications uplink, preventing our hackers from cracking the security lock code. Get the scientists present to shut them down unless you want to risk setting off alarms by doing it yourself. Be careful not to kill the scientists. Objective Four: - Obtain Items of Experimental Technology (Perfect Agent) Dr. Caroll informs us that there are three other major projects nearing completion in the labs besides his own. You are to collect the prototypes for the three projects and return them to the Carrington Institute for assessment. Objective Five: - Locate Dr. Caroll (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) The basement is divided into four security zones - Dr. Caroll is in the last of these areas, sector four. In-between the sectors are systems designed to keep out those without clearance, such as you. Bypass them as best you can, and search for the scientist in the final sector. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Going Down [The elevator doors open. A guard stands at attention, then peeks in and sees that it's empty.] GUARD: Huh? [He enters the elevator.] GUARD: What? [Joanna knocks him out from the ceiling. She jumps down.] Level - Investigation [If Joanna goes into the radioactive isotope room, she's intensely affected by radiation.] CARRINGTON: Get out, Jo! The levels are too high. Use the CamSpy. [Joanna comes across a small moving maintenance bot on the floor. Grimshaw, a hacker from the Carrington Institute, contacts her.] GRIMSHAW: Reprogram that cleaning bot - it'll give you a way in. [Joanna enters a laboratory.] JOANNA: Something around here's using a lot of power. SCIENTIST #1: What are you doing in my lab? JOANNA: Shut down the experiment. SCIENTIST #1: I'll shut it down. [The experiments are shut down.] SCIENTIST #1: My experiments! [Joanna goes into another lab and steps onto a descending platform.] SCIENTIST #2: Try it now? [A guard fires at a target on the far wall.] SCIENTIST #2: And again? [More shots.] SCIENTIST #2: Any better? [When Joanna fires, the scientist panics.] SCIENTIST #2: Help! Help! She's got a gun! [Joanna goes to a third laboratory.] SCIENTIST #3: I haven't seen you before... JOANNA: Pull the plug on that, NOW. SCIENTIST #3: Please don't hurt me. [The scientist turns it off.] SCIENTIST #3: There, the experiment is down. [Joanna enters a fourth lab.] SCIENTIST #4: Who the hell are you? JOANNA: Switch this thing off. SCIENTIST #4: Allow me to assist you. [He jogs to a computer.] SCIENTIST #4: Accidents will happen. [He chuckles and an alarm will sound. Joanna will have to shut the experiment down herself. She continues through another series of corridors and rooms.] CARRINGTON: That's the highest security sector - Dr. Caroll has got to be nearby. [Joanna hacks into the security doors, and after a few more corridors and rooms...] Outro - Meet The Doctor [Joanna enters a seemingly empty area. She looks around.] JOANNA: Dr. Caroll? Dr. Caroll, are you here? DR. CAROLL: Well, is it safe to come out? JOANNA: Yes, all clear. [A wall detaches, and Dr. Caroll emerges. He is a floating computer.] JOANNA: Wh..what... you're... DR. CAROLL: Very professionally done, my dear, but there's no time to waste! We must leave immediately! Come on. I have vital information, and you must protect me. ============================================================================== 1.3 - Extraction (XTRC) Briefing Background - The alarm has been given, and there are dataDyne shock troops ready for you throughout the building. Exit via the foyer is impossible due to the number of ground troops present. The transport will collect you and Dr. Caroll from the helipad. Carrington - I don't have to remind you to protect Dr. Caroll at all costs, Joanna. Cassandra and dataDyne are going to be throwing all the obstacles they can in your path to prevent you from getting Dr. Caroll out. Good luck. Objective One: - Gain Access to Upper Floors (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Fight your way around the foyer until you can get access to one of the lifts that will take you and Dr. Caroll to the upper floors of the building. Objective Two: - Reactivate Elevator (Perfect Agent) We traced an order to shut down the only accessible elevator to a PC on the lowest floor of offices. You have to find that PC and change the order to get the elevator going again. Objective Three: - Destroy dataDyne Gunship (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) There is a dataDyne security gunship circling the building which outguns your jumpship and will shoot you out of the sky. Terminate it with extreme prejudice, since it will be trying to do the same thing to you. Objective Four: - Defeat Cassandra's Bodyguards (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) We suspect that Cassandra has deployed her bodyguards to block the route to the helipad. It is almost certain that you'll be unable to avoid them, so expect serious resistance when you encounter them. Objective Five: - Return to Helipad for Evacuation (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Get to the helipad where your dropship will be waiting. And don't forget Dr. Caroll. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Lights Out [Joanna and Dr. Caroll are in an elevator with an unconscious guard on the floor. They reach the ground floor of the Lucerne Tower. The elevator doors open as the guard stirs awake.] GUARD: Sound the alarm - she's here! JOANNA: Lights out! DR. CAROLL: Oh! [Joanna kicks the guard, and he groans and falls unconscious again. Joanna turns around, startled at the suddenly dark room.] JOANNA: What the...? Level - Extraction CARRINGTON: They've locked down the ground floor - get to the elevator! [Joanna uses another elevator to move to a higher level. On Special & Perfect Agent, she encounters a dataDyne hovercopter hovering outside the building.] COPTER: Surrender or die, fugitive! CARRINGTON: That copter needs to be taken out, or the jumpship'll get shot down! [Joanna destroys the hovercopter, and continues on to Cassandra's level. Two workers are arguing.] WORKER #1: That's not how it goes. WORKER #2: Yes, it is. WORKER #1: Give it to me - you're doing it wrong. WORKER #2: Stop annoying me. TROOPER: Will you just hurry up! WORKER #1: Oh, no...too late. WORKER #2: She's here... [Joanna proceeds to the room right before the rooftop. Cassandra and several of her bodyguards are already there.] CASSANDRA: We meet again, girl! You've become quite an annoyance... Good night, Ms. Dark. [The lights turn off and the bodyguards attack Joanna. Cassandra leaves for the roof.] JOANNA: I can't leave any bodyguards standing. [Joanna disposes of the bodyguards and exits onto the roof.] CARRINGTON: Don't keep the jumpship waiting - get back to the landing pad. Outro - Going Somewhere? [Joanna and Dr. Caroll have reached the landing pad of the dataDyne building. Cassandra de Vries is waiting for them.] CASSANDRA: Going somewhere? [Joanna loads her weapon. Cassandra's guards do the same. Joanna relents.] JOANNA: Something I can do for you, old woman? CASSANDRA: Return our sapient immediately. You don't know what you're doing. JOANNA: Yes I do. I'm leaving. [Dr. Caroll folds up and Joanna holds him.] CASSANDRA: One more chance! Give it back, and you could come and work for me. [Joanna's jumpship swoops up to the roof. She springs into it.] JOANNA: Sorry! Gotta shoot. [Cassandra's guards fire at Joanna, as she escapes on her ship. Mr. Blonde looms next to Cassandra.] MR. BLONDE: You must get the sapient back. We cannot proceed without it. CASSANDRA: I know that! [Mr. Blonde grips Cassandra's arms.] CASSANDRA: I also know who to talk to... Mr. Carrington. ============================================================================== 2 - Carrington Villa 2.1 - Hostage One (HSTG) Briefing Background - Daniel Carrington is being held hostage at his private villa. A message from Cassandra De Vries has laid out the terms: Daniel's life for the return of the AI known as Dr. Caroll. What dataDyne doesn't know is that the AI was at the villa when they struck. Our guess is that Daniel concealed it safely before they found him. Carrington - Not Available. Objective One: - Save the Negotiator (Agent/Special Agent) A member of the Institute's staff has volunteered to be used as a distraction to help you get in. She will almost certainly be shot by dataDyne soldiers unless you take out those soldiers quickly. Hit the ground moving. Objective Two: - Eliminate Rooftop Snipers (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) As soon as we got the ransom demand, we did a recon overflight of the villa. An examination of the data revealed that there are several snipers on the rooftops - if you are to move around safely, you'll have to take them out. Objective Three: - Activate Wind Generator (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) The wind generator and power storage device are not active - we suspect Daniel shut them down to deny the dataDyne hit squad access to the villa's systems. Once the power is restored, the door to the villa's lower basement will be open to you. Objective Four: - Locate and Stop dataDyne Hackers (Perfect Agent) There have been sporadic attempts in the past from dataDyne hackers trying to gain entry to Institute files. Their job would be much easier if they tried anything inside the villa, due to the direct link between there and the Institute. If such an attempt is made, you will need to respond swiftly. Make sure that the terminals are not damaged, as they contain data that is vital to the Institute. Objective Five: - Capture Enemy Guard (Perfect Agent) Capturing a member of the dataDyne assault team will give us an idea of what their real goals are. Remember not to kill them - knock them unconcious if you can, as this will ensure against them escaping. Objective Six: - Rescue Carrington (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Only Daniel knows the exact whereabouts of Dr. Caroll. Sooner or later dataDyne will figure this out and get to work on Daniel to make him tell them what they want to know. Once they know where the AI is, Daniel's life is forfeit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Negotiate This! [A ship flies to Carrington's sunny villa.] JOANNA: Agent Dark Mission Log, 1846 hours. Last night we got a call from Cassandra de Vries. A dataDyne team have taken Daniel Carrington hostage at his private villa on the coast, and they say they will spare his life in exchange for the AI. Unfortunately, we don't have it. Daniel and Dr. Caroll were at the villa to discuss 'matters of mutual interest.' It looks like Daniel found a way to hide Dr. Caroll inside the villa when the dataDyne hit squad arrived. Hopefully our phoney negotiator ploy will give me a chance to surprise the dataDyne squad. This time it's not just my life on the line. [On easier difficulties, a negotiator is dropped off at the villa dock and Joanna disembarks on a cliff overlooking the villa. On Perfect Agent difficulty, Joanna is the negotiator on the dock.] Level - Hostage One [On Agent & Special Agent difficulty, Joanna must save the negotiator.] JOANNA: I've got to be quick, or they'll kill the negotiator! [Joanna reaches the villa and descends into its underground level.] JOANNA: If I get the wind generator back online, I'll get power to the lower basement. [On Perfect Agent difficulty, Grimshaw contacts Joanna before she can free Carrington.] GRIMSHAW: Joanna! It's Grimshaw. We've got hackers at the villa! You've got to stop them before they get to our files. JOANNA: Those hackers have to be stopped before I rescue Daniel. [Joanna enters the lower basement.] JOANNA: Here's where they must be holding Daniel. [If Joanna shatters every bottle in Carrington's wine cellar, Carrington's voice reprimands her.] CARRINGTON: Act your age, Joanna. Outro - Carrington Rescued [Joanna finds Carrington tied to a chair.] JOANNA: Sir? Are you injured? [She unties him over the following dialogue.] CARRINGTON: No, Joanna, I'm okay, but those dataDyne thugs made me tell them where I'd hidden Dr. Caroll. If only I'd held out for a few minutes more... JOANNA: It's not your fault, sir. I should have been quicker. CARRINGTON: Don't blame yourself, Joanna. Dr. Caroll told me that he expected this to happen. Actually, when they recaptured him, the dataDyne team got overconfident and let slip a few facts when they thought I was unconscious. They mentioned a meeting in the G5 building in Chicago, Illinois, tonight. I want you to be there, but that doesn't leave you a lot of time to get ready. JOANNA: That won't be a problem, sir. So, did Dr. Caroll have any useful information for you? CARRINGTON: Oh, yes, indeed. He certainly did, and I'll brief you when you're en route to Chicago. We might still be able to help him, even after those butchers remove his personality. He thinks they'll keep a copy of it in a safe place. It's about time I called in some friends to deal with dataDyne. ============================================================================== 3 - G5 Building 3.1 - Stealth (STLH) Briefing Background - The G5 Corporation is believed to be a front for dataDyne. Care is needed due to the civilian presence on the streets. Expect intense resistance outside and inside the building - our recon team reported that the buildup of troops started hours ago. Carrington - Remember your urban combat training. It will come in very useful if the situation hasn't changed since the recon team's report earlier. One more thing, Joanna - there's a security robot patrolling the street. Stay away from it if at all possible. Objective One: - Retrieve Drop Point Equipment (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) The recon team we sent in while you were in transit left a small package of equipment for you, hidden in one of the storm drains. It has just about everything you will need to complete the mission objectives. Objective Two: - Attach Tracer to Limousine (Perfect Agent) The limousine on the main street arrived not long before you did. All attempts at a trace have come up blank, so it will have to be handled the old-fashioned way. Place a bug on the limo so it can be tracked back to where it came from. Objective Three: - Prepare Escape Route (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) There is a disused fire escape behind the G5 Building that will be useful in your escape. Prepare the ground now by attaching explosives to a blocked-up doorway. To avoid giving an alarm, you must trigger the mine once the meeting surveillance is complete. Objective Four: - Create Vehicular Diversion (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Any disturbance will attract attention from the guards in the area, but this can be used to your advantage. Reprogram the autopilot guidance computer on the cab to cause it to crash nearby. Objective Five: - Gain Entry to G5 Building (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) One of the guards by the lift entrance is in charge of a control panel that will lock the lift doors, denying access instantly. The diversion caused by the crashing cab should draw that guard and the others out into the street, leaving the way open. And remember, don't harm any civilians. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Dark Alley [Joanna lurks in a rainy Chicago alley.] CARRINGTON: We suspect the G5 Corporation is just a front for dataDyne and whoever else is involved in this plot. I know Cassandra de Vries is going to be here, but I need to know who else is attending and what they discuss. By the time you get out, the help I requested should have arrived. JOANNA: Just who is this help you keep referring to? CARRINGTON: Not now, Joanna. Time for radio silence. Good luck! JOANNA: Thanks a lot. [Joanna climbs over a fence.] Level - Stealth [If Joanna is unarmed, law enforcement may be friendly to her.] CIA: Greetings, citizen. [Joanna heads into the grimy Chicago street.] FBI: Base, we have an intruder! ROBOT: Stop where you are! CARRINGTON: The only place we could secure the equipment was a storm drain. [Joanna obtains the drop point equipment with a reprogrammer from the drain. Grimshaw contacts Joanna to assist her with a diversion.] GRIMSHAW: Reprogram that taxi - it's a Mark 2 and should be compatible. [Joanna heads into another alley with a mine to set up her escape out of the G5 building.] JOANNA: Either of those blocked-up doors will do as an escape route. [While the guards are distracted, Joanna presses forward into the car park.] CARRINGTON: That car park lift is your only point of ingress. Outro - G5 Penetrated [Joanna enters the car park lift and goes down into the G5 building.] ============================================================================== 3.2 - Reconnaissance (RCNN) Briefing Background - Once inside G5 Headquarters, proceed into the heart of the building where the meeting should be taking place. Obtain a visual record of the meeting and get out as quickly as possible. Carrington - The G5 Building has an integrated alarm system. Watch out for any guards who see you, as they're sure to try and activate it. This will alert the conspirators, who will almost certainly not go ahead with the meeting under such circumstances. Softly, softly, Joanna. Objective One: - Disable Damping Field Generator (Perfect Agent) A device in the car garage section of the building is preventing the transmission of any information recorded by the CamSpy. Once shut down, the CamSpy can relay any captured recordings back to HQ. Objective Two: - Deactivate Laser Grid Systems (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) An examination of the power grid of the G5 Building indicates a network of laser grids. These grids are placed specifically to deny a route into the meeting room, but if you can turn them off, the way is clear. Objective Three: - Holograph Meeting Conspirators (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) The CamSpy device is an excellent way to record the meeting without alerting De Vries and the other conspirators. Objective Four: - Retrieve Backup From Safe (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Dr. Caroll informed Daniel of a backup personality that is stored in a safe in the G5 Building. If we can obtain it, it would mean that we could restore the personality to Dr. Caroll at a later date. Objective Five: - Exit Building (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Destroy the blocked-up door to create your exit. If you remember which level of the fire escape is outside, you may save yourself some time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Guns 'n' Poses [Joanna exits the lift and shoots a guard.] Level - Reconnaissance I [On Special & Perfect Agent, Joanna needs to disable a laser grid system to proceed.] JOANNA: There's no way through while those lasers are active. [She shuts down the system and progresses up into the ceiling framework.] JOANNA: That must be the meeting room up ahead. Time to use the CamSpy. Special - Conspiracy [Joanna's CamSpy monitors a meeting between Cassandra and Mr. Blonde.] CASSANDRA: We've recovered the sapient from Carrington and altered its programming. It no longer has a personality, so there will be no further incidents. MR. BLONDE: This will reduce its efficiency. My team will have to take it to the core themselves. This will endanger them. You should have anticipated that the sapient might develop a troublesome moral code. CASSANDRA: No one could have predicted that! And I resent being singled out for blame! What about him? [Elevator doors open and Trent Easton walks into the meeting.] MR. BLONDE: The President turned down your request for the loan of the Pelagic II? Could it be you overestimated your influence over him? TRENT: No! Perhaps I underestimated his resolve. We have a contingency plan ready to go, and we will move as soon as the Presidential entourage arrives at the air base. All I need from the President is a tissue sample. CASSANDRA: Ha! Assuming you don't get any interference. If Carrington has pieced together enough of this, he will have called for reinforcements. TRENT: There will be no outside help for Mr. Carrington. The technology you gave us is installed in Nevada and fully operational. We can intercept any craft they use. MR. BLONDE: Then the devices we gave you are working correctly? Good. Because we believe anything which does not work correctly should be destroyed. Consider that as you follow your 'backup plans.' Level - Reconnaissance II [Joanna finds the locked vault in the G5 building, where a backup of Dr. Caroll is stored.] GRIMSHAW: The safe's heavily encrypted. The decoder's gonna take a little longer. LOUDSPEAKER: INTRUDER ALERT - all security to the vault. [Joanna exchanges fire with security while Grimshaw hacks. The safe's wide open after about a minute. Joanna picks up the disk.] JOANNA: Time to leave! Let's get to the door I set up earlier. Outro - Fire Escape [Joanna breaks out of the G5 building via the fire escape. She calls Carrington.] JOANNA: Agent Dark reporting in! Prepare to receive a download of the meeting data. Priority request for an Institute Support Team to protect the President before he goes to Alaska. CARRINGTON: No time for that now, Agent Dark. There's been a development during radio silence. The craft carrying those 'friends' I was talking about was shot down over Nevada. The weapon responsible was fired from Area 51... that's where the survivors and debris will have been taken. You're to prep for immediate dispatch when you return here. Carrington out. JOANNA: Area 51? But what about the President? ============================================================================== 4 - Area 51 4.1 - Infiltration (NFTR) Briefing Background - A craft carrying Institute advisors has been shot down in Nevada. Debris from the crash and the bodies of the advisors have been taken to Area 51. A spy inside the base has managed to get footage to the Institute of a possible survivor. This mission is to rescue that survivor. Carrington - This is a disaster for us, Joanna. We need to get our ally out of there before it becomes too late. And there was some special equipment inside the craft, as well, which must not remain in Trent Easton's clutches. You'll have some support on this mission in the form of our spy inside Area 51 who is disguised as a guard. Objective One: - Shut Down Air Intercept Radar (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) This device was capable of penetrating the stealth shielding of our allies' craft so that the robot interceptors could be vectored in to bring them down. If your escape is to be successful, you must destroy the radar control unit with the explosives, and it will likely be hidden underground surrounded by lots of mainframes. Objective Two: - Plant Comms Rider on Antenna Array (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) The underground sections of Area 51 are protected from eavesdropping devices, which means that our link with you will be broken as soon as you enter the base. To remedy this, you should place a Communications Rider device on the satellite dish near the foot entrance. Objective Three: - Disable Grounded Robot Interceptors (Perfect Agent) Even with the Air Intercept Radar down, the robot interceptors themselves will be a problem. Take out as many of the grounded units as possible; our last sat photo showed two on the ground, but there may be more. Objective Four: - Gain Access to Hangar Lift (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Going in through the foot entrance would be suicide, so direct your attention to the hangar lift instead. Our spy reports that you need a key card to operate the lift and that a maintenance technician will be your best bet to find one. Objective Five: - Make Contact With Agent (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Our agent will be dressed as a guard. It means he cannot stray too far from his posting inside the base without attracting attention, so it's up to you to find him. He is stationed in one of the two main hangar levels, which is, unfortunately, as specific as we can be. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Video Nasty [Joanna watches a video showing Area 51's exterior.] CARRINGTON: Okay, Joanna, take a look at this. Our operative inside Area 51 was able to get this out to us. This is your entry point... A deserted helipad on the edge of the base. The lift down to the hangars and the rendezvous point is beyond that wall... Watch out for these guards. Here is the communications antenna. Attach a comms rider bug so we can talk to you when you're inside the base. Again, watch out for hostiles. [The video now displays Area 51's interior. A grey alien is carried through the halls on a stretcher.] JOANNA: Oh, my God! CARRINGTON: Here is our friend. He appears to be physically unhurt, though he hasn't regained consciousness yet. By the look of it, the surgeons are almost done with their preliminary tests and will begin dissection soon. JOANNA: But who was...? CARRINGTON: Any questions? No. Good. Away you go to the hangar. [Joanna jumps from a cliff and slides down support beams onto the ground.] JOANNA: Agent Dark Mission Log, 1028 hours. Against my better judgement, I'm about to enter Area 51. Level - Infiltration [Joanna finds the communications antenna outside.] JOANNA: There's the antenna, but... I can't throw a bug that high! [She presses a button to lower the antenna, and attaches the bug. She travels into Area 51 and goes into an elevator.] JONATHAN: Careful with that trigger finger, Agent Dark - you're closing in on my position. Outro - Loose Ends [Joanna walks into a hallway and encounters another agent, Jonathan.] JONATHAN: Agent Dark! Over here! JOANNA: There you are, I was beginning to wonder if... [Jonathan guns down a guard near Joanna.] JONATHAN: If what? JOANNA: If you'd been discovered yet. And frankly, if this is how you work, I'm amazed that you lasted longer than five minutes. JONATHAN: I was tidying up one of your loose ends. JOANNA: My loose ends? JONATHAN: I'm sorry, I didn't realize you wanted him to shoot you. I can call in some more guards if you like. JOANNA: Okay, okay, forget about it. I'm going to let the Institute know we've made contact. ============================================================================== 4.2 - Rescue (RSCU) Briefing Background - A craft carrying Institute advisors has been shot down in Nevada. Debris from the crash and the bodies of the advisors have been taken to Area 51. A spy inside the base has managed to get footage to the Institute of a possible survivor. This mission is to rescue that survivor. Carrington - You need to cover our tracks and rescue our friend as fast as you can. A disguise will help you do that, but it won't last forever, so make good use of it. Wipe out their records, and make sure there are no more survivors we are unaware of. Time is pressing, so hurry. Objective One: - Destroy Computer Research Records (Perfect Agent) Any information that the Area 51 techs were able to get from the crash wreckage and objects must be wiped from their databases. The main databank terminal is kept in a locked room at the top of the main corridor. Install a virus using the Data Uplink device, and then destroy the terminal itself. If the virus is loaded into other terminals, it may produce helpful effects. Objective Two: - Locate Conspiracy Evidence (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Jonathan's report made reference to a tissue containment unit where organic samples are stored at extremely low temperatures. He believes that it could be used to cryogenically freeze bodies before surgery or dissection. Find this area and confirm the death of any of the three other passengers of the craft. Objective Three: - Obtain and Use Lab Technician Disguise (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Find a Lab Technician's outfit and use it to get past the security. Once you have, move fast, since the theft won't go unnoticed for long. Objective Four: - Gain Access to Autopsy Lab (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) A premature autopsy will soon be taking place in one of the secure medical laboratories. It will be locked to those without clearance, so get a card with the appropriate level to get in. Not all cards will work, and there may be door guards as well. Objective Five: - Rescue the Crash Survivor (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Once you are in the lab, you will have to get into the autopsy chamber before any harm comes to the subject. The scientists will try to kill him if they think he's alive or will attempt to damage what they think is a corpse as soon as they see you. Yet again, speed is vital. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Pearls Of Wisdom JONATHAN: The problem you have is that there is no way to sneak into the research section. The only way in available to you is a weak section of wall I've marked in a room beyond the stores. It can be destroyed with explosives. [Joanna walks up to a crate.] JOANNA: Doesn't sound like a problem to me. Where are these explosives? JONATHAN: In that crate. [Jonathan switches on the crate and it hovers.] JOANNA: Cute. Very cute. JONATHAN: By the way, the stores are crawling with guards. It may go against your nature, but try sneaking through rather than blasting everything. JOANNA: Certainly. Any other pearls of wisdom? JONATHAN: That crate... JOANNA: Yes? JONATHAN: It really doesn't like being shot. [Jonathan leaves the hallway.] JOANNA: Great. Now, if I can just fight the urge to report him to Base Security... Level - Rescue [Joanna creates an opening into the laboratory corridors. On Special & Perfect Agent, Joanna has to find evidence of the conspiracy in a cryo room.] CARRINGTON: The temperature's dropping... You must be close to the cryo room. [Joanna needs a disguise and she makes her way into the showers and locker room.] JOANNA: The showers... Now, if I can convince someone to part with their uniform... [She acquires the lab clothes.] JOANNA: I don't have much time!!! [Joanna searches for a key card in her disguise. The clock is ticking.] JOANNA: The air's heavily recycled around here - must be near the autopsy lab. [She approaches a door. A guard looks at her on the other end.] GUARD: So, you got here at last. Everyone's been waiting for you... WORKER: Hey, that's not Harry. It's an intruder. [Joanna procures a card to access the autopsy lab, and heads there.] CARRINGTON: There he is, Jo! Hurry or you'll be too late! Outro - Under The Knife [Two surgeons are preparing to operate on the grey alien. Joanna enters the room and points her pistol at the surgeons.] JOANNA: Put your hands up and step away from the alien. Don't make me tell you again, Doctor. And turn that laser off. ============================================================================== 4.3 - Escape (ESCP) Briefing Background - A craft carrying Institute advisors has been shot down in Nevada. Debris from the crash and the bodies of the advisors have been taken to Area 51. A spy inside the base has managed to get footage to the Institute of a possible survivor. This mission is to rescue that survivor. Carrington - I know you have questions, Jo, and I'm afraid that this isn't the time to answer them. I can tell you that the little fellow you just rescued is a Maian, and he is a bodyguard for the Ambassador whose ship was shot down. Other details and background can wait until later. Objective One: - Locate Alien AutoSurgeon Device (Perfect Agent) All Maian craft carry a device called an AutoSurgeon. Using this is the fastest and safest way of waking him up since they are designed to work on Maian physiology. It should be amongst the wreckage of the ship, or if not, with the items taken to the labs for analysis. Objective Two: - Rendezvous With Agent (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Jonathan reports that he is now under suspicion and expects to be arrested in a matter of minutes. Find him before the patrols do. Objective Three: - Gain Entry to Secret Hangar (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Our agent has been unable to get into the secret hangar before because that would have meant blowing his cover, but the time for such worries is past. Keep the guards off Jonathan as he hacks into the door to the hangar where we suspect an intact Maian ship is kept. Objective Four: - Revive Maian Bodyguard (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Wake the Maian up before trying to get out - a hoverbed is not the easiest thing to steer even in normal situations. Once he's up and about, he should be able to fly the Maian craft out of Area 51. Objective Five: - Escape From Area 51 (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) That is, get the Maian bodyguard to the ship first. Then you and Jonathan get aboard the craft with him, and you should be able to fly out past the air defenses you took care of earlier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Gas! [Joanna pushes the stretcher with the Maian bodyguard.] SURGEON: What the hell do you think you're doing? This is supposed to be a sealed room! Don't you know anything about autopsy procedures? JOANNA: I don't care much for procedures! [Joanna departs the autopsy room.] SURGEON: Director Easton will hear about this, young lady. You can't take that! It's government property! This is intolerable! It's... it's... unprofessional! [The surgeon walks to a computer and starts typing.] SURGEON: Let's see how that overconfident thief deals with our gas defense system. She'll think twice before messing with me again! [Green gas permeates the inside and outside of the autopsy room.] JOANNA: What's that noise? Can't be... Gas! SURGEON: Noooo, that wasn't meant to happen! [The two surgeons choke on the gas, and are unable to escape the closed autopsy room.] JOANNA: You idiot! We'd better get out of here. Level - Escape I JONATHAN: Joanna - this is Jonathan. You're in grave danger. They've flooded the area with nerve gas. Get our friend to the containment lab. There's a hiding place there. I'll contact you when you get there - good luck! [Joanna gets the Maian to safety.] JONATHAN: Good work, Jo. We need to meet up. They're getting suspicious of me. Use the maintenance hatch I've opened in one of the containment labs. Hurry. JOANNA: Time to hook up with Jonathan, before he gets into any more trouble. [Joanna moves further into the complex.] JOANNA: That smell... oil... I smelt that in the other hangars. [She moves into an adjacent building. On Perfect Agent, she needs to track down an alien tech medpack.] JOANNA: The medpack's got to be somewhere around here. [Joanna runs into Jonathan.] JONATHAN: Joanna - over here. We need to get back to our friend. [They turn back to where Joanna left Elvis.] JONATHAN: Right, we're near. Cover me, Jo... [Joanna fights waves of enemies, while Jonathan sets up the bomb.] JONATHAN: Okay - stand back. [An explosion rips a hole in the wall, leading into the secret hangar.] JONATHAN: Okay, Jo - let's go. Special - Elvis Wakes Up [Joanna and Jonathan are taken aback by the grey alien waking up on the stretcher.] MAIAN: ***aahh...! aahaa...! aaaaahhh! aha. ahh.*** [The Maian sits up.] MAIAN: I'm alive! I thought I'd be chopped up like the others by now. You're from the Institute, aren't you? I recognize you from before. You helped me. Thank you. JOANNA: You... You speak our language? JONATHAN: Watch her... she's sharp. MAIAN: Earrggghh...eerggh... JOANNA: What's wrong? MAIAN: I have a headache. And with a head this big, that's no joke. JOANNA: Can you walk? We must leave before they get organized and hunt us down. [The alien hops off the stretcher.] MAIAN: I think so. What's your name? JOANNA: I'm Agent Dark. Or Joanna, if you prefer. MAIAN: Well, Joanna, I'm Protector One. But you can call me... Elvis! Level - Escape II [The three of them rush to a flying saucer.] ELVIS: Oh, no! We have a problem. It's a single seater! Two can get in but no more. JOANNA: It's the only way out of here. ELVIS: Plus, it's got no style, you know what I'm saying? JOANNA: You're the only one who can fly it, Elvis, so get in. JONATHAN: One of us will have to stay behind and open the hangar doors. JOANNA: But we can't leave you behind. There must be a way out of here. JONATHAN: I'll get out on that hoverbike. Now cover me while I open the doors. [Joanna can let Jonathan go ahead with his plan, or she can take his place...] JOANNA: Jonathan, go with Elvis. I'll see to the consoles. [Joanna will open the hangar doors.] JOANNA: The jetbike should get me out before they lock the base down. Outro - Escape [Joanna, Elvis and Jonathan escape Area 51 on the flying saucer and hoverbike.] ============================================================================== 5 - Air Force One 5.1 - Espionage (EPNG) Briefing Background - Trent Easton has flown to meet the President at the air base in Alaska, preparing for the President's foreign visit. From the evidence gathered in Chicago, we assume that this is the start of his move against the President, and as such, it must be prevented. Carrington - Care is needed here, Joanna. There are many innocent people about in the air base. Only Trent's men or those strange Blonde men are viable targets. Remember, the longer that you stay in the disguise, the greater your chance of success. Objective One: - Obtain Disguise and Enter Base (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) The stewardess arriving on the cable car is carrying her uniform in her bag. Subdue her and her escort and use the uniform as a disguise to enter the air base. Remember, these people know nothing of Trent's conspiracy and must not be killed. Objective Two: - Check In Equipment (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Get rid of your equipment as soon as possible; avoid carrying suspicious items around with you that could compromise your disguise. You can collect it later after loading it aboard Air Force One using a Hover trolley. First, though, you need to find a case to put the equipment in. Objective Three: - Subvert Security Monitoring System (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) You can fool humans with the disguise, but the security screening system will need a different approach. If it detects the weapon in your equipment, then the alarm will sound and the base will be locked down. Prevent the alarm from being given by whatever means you can. Objective Four: - Obtain Flight Plans From Safe (Perfect Agent) The planned flight path for Air Force One is held in a safe in the base. If you can get hold of it, then we can use the data to vector Elvis in on Air Force One during the flight as backup for you in case anything goes wrong. Objective Five: - Board Air Force One (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Don't let the plane leave without you. If your disguise is still active, then you should be able to use the docking shuttle to get on board. If not, you will have to find another way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - High Altitude [Joanna sneaks up to the air base on a snowy mountain.] JOANNA: Agent Dark in position. I can see the main entrance to the base, and I can just make out the cable car arrival point. CARRINGTON: Excellent, Joanna. That cable car is your way in... [Joanna peers through her horizon scanner at the approaching cable car.] CARRINGTON: Our observer at the lower terminus has spotted a member of the flight crew boarding a minute ago. She is being escorted by air base troops. I don't have to remind you that... JOANNA: That they're probably innocent of any involvement in Trent's little scheme. And I can't shoot them even if they shoot at me. What about the NSA Agents? [The cable car with the stewardess and troops reach its destination.] CARRINGTON: I don't know how far the conspiracy has spread through the NSA, but I'm willing to bet that the men Trent has around him here are loyal to him and his plan. You have to get the evidence of Trent's betrayal onto Air Force One and show it to the President. [Trent enters the air base.] JOANNA: Yes, and protect him from his abductors. Do you have any idea what Trent's plan might be yet, and what about those blonde guys? CARRINGTON: Only vague suspicions, and I won't distract you with those. Good luck. Carrington out. Level - Espionage [Joanna chases the stewardess.] STEWARDESS: Look out - it's an intruder... I'll go and get some help. CARRINGTON: Now's your chance! Grab the stewardess's bag and get her uniform. [Joanna tranquilizes the stewardess, then wears her clothes. Joanna infiltrates the air base.] RECEPTIONIST: Good afternoon. [Joanna greets her.] RECEPTIONIST: OK, you know the way from here. [Joanna takes an elevator up, and enters a meeting between two men. If Joanna hadn't been wearing the disguise, the men stand up.] MAN #1: Hey, you - this is a restricted area. [If she is wearing the disguise:] MAN #1: Are you new around here? [On Special & Perfect Agent, Joanna must steal a briefcase to store her items in.] MAN #1: Hey - give me back my case. MAN #2: You get security - I'll deal with her... CARRINGTON: Use that case to conceal your equipment. [Joanna goes back down and goes through airport security. She deposits the briefcase on a conveyor belt.] CARRINGTON: The case will get stopped unless you do something. [Joanna disables the security monitors. Trent's guards are on alert for Joanna.] GUARD #1: You shouldn't have come here, girl! GUARD #2: We're taking over!! [Joanna gradually makes her way to Air Force One.] JOANNA: So that's Air Force One? ... Huh, smaller than I thought. Outro - Takeoff [Air Force One launches from the air base, with Joanna on it.] ============================================================================== 5.2 - Antiterrorism (NTTR) Briefing Background - Trent Easton's plan to abduct the President is in motion. The Carrington Institute response hinges on removing the President from Air Force One before Trent can do the same. Carrington - Time is short, Joanna. In order to foil Trent's plan, you have to get the President off the plane. That means convincing him of Trent's betrayal, which in turn means getting the evidence from the baggage hold and showing it to the President. Objective One: - Locate and Retrieve Equipment (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Find the equipment hidden in the baggage hold at the bottom of the aircraft and get it back. Remember that Presidential security are neutral and are not to be harmed. Objective Two: - Locate President (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) The exact whereabouts of the Presidential office are not known. Once you find the office, present the evidence to the President. Make sure you get there before Trent does, or you can be sure he will manipulate the situation to his advantage. Objective Three: - Get President to Escape Capsule (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) There is an emergency escape capsule on the lowest deck of the aircraft. Escort the President to the capsule, ensuring that no harm comes to him. Objective Four: - Secure Air Force One Flight Path (Perfect Agent) The specifics of Trent's plan are not known, but it is believed that the flight crew will be in danger. Get to the cockpit and make sure of their well-being. If the worst has happened, then activate the autopilot. Objective Five: - Detach UFO From Air Force One (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Get that umbilical connector off Air Force One! The quickest way to do it would be to detonate a mine in the connector itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Last Chance [Trent and the President are talking aboard Air Force One.] TRENT: Have you thought any more about that proposal I gave you, sir? PRESIDENT: My answer remains the same... I'm sorry Trent, but no. I won't loan the Pelagic II to dataDyne. Now please, can we move on to other matters? TRENT: But this is a golden opportunity to show that America has faith in its industries, and will back them... PRESIDENT: Damn it, man! I say no and I mean no! I'm not gonna change my mind on this! I need my advisers to be unbiased, and recently you've not been giving me impartiality I require. Let it go, and we'll say no more. This is your last chance. TRENT: As you wish, sir. [Trent leaves the room. He gestures to his guard.] TRENT: My last chance? Ha! You fool. That was yours. Level - Antiterrorism I JOANNA: Now, let's retrieve the evidence. [Joanna locates the evidence in the plane's cargo hold. She goes back up to look for the President's office.] CARRINGTON: The President's room is on this level, Joanna. [She opens his room.] PRESIDENT: Who are you, young lady? JOANNA: Mr. President, you're in danger. Trent is trying to kidnap you. PRESIDENT: You can't make accusations like that without evidence. I assume that you have some? JOANNA: This is a recording of a meeting between Trent and the other conspirators. PRESIDENT: Seems overwhelming... I'm in your hands. What do we do now? Special - Docking [A UFO flies next to Air Force One, and attaches a long umbilical tube onto the plane.] Level - Antiterrorism II PRESIDENT: What the hell was that? JOANNA: We have to get you to the escape pod. Follow me. CARRINGTON: Something's wrong... You have to get to the cockpit! [Joanna retakes the cockpit from intruders and guides the President to his escape pod. Along the way, she runs into Trent.] TRENT: How the hell did you get on board? Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha. Outro - Out Of Options JOANNA: Elvis! Elvis! I can't detach that tube from the fuselage! Can you take it out? ELVIS: Piece of cake, Joanna. Watch this! [The flying saucer flies to the UFO.] ELVIS: Uh-oh. JOANNA: Watch what? Will you stop playing around and shoot! ELVIS: Out of options... Joanna, brace yourself for impact! [Elvis crashes his spacecraft into the tube and the ships explode.] ============================================================================== 5.3 - Confrontation (CNFT) Briefing Background - Following Elvis's last-ditch maneuver, the three craft involved have crashed close together in the Alaskan wilderness. The whereabouts of the President are uncertain, and a cloud of ECM jamming is preventing rescuers from finding the site of the crash. Carrington - At this moment in time, this one-way text messaging system is the only way we can communicate with you, Joanna. If you can remove the source of the jamming, then we can get a fix on your location and send help. But locating and ensuring the safety of the President should be your most important task. Objective One: - Retrieve Presidential Medical Scanner (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) This device is constantly updating the President's medical history and is able to maintain a check on his state of health. You will need it if you are to ensure his well-being. Objective Two: - Activate Distress Beacon (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) It won't do much good until the jamming is down, but if you activate the beacon in the escape pod, it will shorten the response time of the rescue teams. Objective Three: - Shut Down Enemy Jamming Device (Perfect Agent) A sophisticated jamming device is flooding the area with impenetrable ECM cover. You might be able to pinpoint the source on the ground more effectively than our high-altitude overflights are doing. Once located, shut the source down so we can fix your position and get help. Objective Four: - Retire Presidential Clone (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) It would be detrimental to the security of the United States of America to have two identical people claiming to be the President, issuing orders with absolute authority. Identify the imposter and remove the threat. Objective Five: - Locate and Rescue President (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) This is your highest priority. The safety of the President is paramount. You must find a way to safeguard him until help arrives or the danger is past. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Red Horizons [Air Force One has crash-landed in an Arctic snowdrift. Joanna rouses nearby.] JOANNA: Ahhh... uuhhh... CARRINGTON: Agent Dark! Please report! JOANNA: Ahhh... uhh... owww... CARRINGTON: Perfect Dark, come in! JOANNA: A-agent Dark reporting in... CARRINGTON: Agent Dark! Please reply! [Joanna gets up.] JOANNA: Something's jamming my transmissions... It's coming from that other craft. I'd better find the jamming device and check that Elvis is okay. Not forgetting the President, of course. Level - Confrontation [If Joanna hasn't completed any objectives and meets Elvis, he gives her a proximity mine.] ELVIS: Take this, you should find it useful! [Joanna observes the tilted President's escape pod.] JOANNA: There's the escape pod. [On Special & Perfect Agent, Joanna pinpoints the source of the enemy jamming.] JOANNA: The jamming... It's coming from that ship. [Joanna discovers Trent next to the President who isn't a clone.] TRENT: You'll never save him now! [If the real President dies, he says:] PRESIDENT: I don't believe this is happening. [Otherwise, Joanna frees the President from Trent. They go and find Elvis by his crashed vessel.] JOANNA: Elvis... He'll be able to protect the President. Outro - Blonde Freak [Joanna approaches the President. He's seated on a crate in the snow.] JOANNA: How are you feeling, Mr. President? [She sits next to him.] PRESIDENT: Better now, young lady. Today, I think, will take a while for me to get over. I can't believe Easton would do such a thing. I knew he was ambitious, yes, but this... JOANNA: Just one thing, sir? What is the Pelagic II that Trent wanted so badly? [Elvis is repairing his flying saucer and laughs.] PRESIDENT: It's a U.S. government deep sea research vessel, one of a kind... The only ship that can conduct a full-scale diving operation at extreme depth. Trent wanted me to loan it to the dataDyne Corporation, but I refused. JOANNA: Trent has a lot to answer for, but I don't think we'll find him now. [Mr. Blonde and Trent are in a cave.] MR. BLONDE: You have failed, Easton. You are a flawed device, and we need you no longer. [Trent draws a gun on Mr. Blonde.] TRENT: Just try it, you Scandinavian freak! [Mr. Blonde transforms into a Skedar, an alien with claws.] TRENT: Noooooooo!!! [Mr. Blonde murders Trent and walks away.] ============================================================================== 6 - Pelagic II 6.1 - Exploration (EXPR) Briefing Background - The conspirators have thrown caution to the winds and have committed an act of piracy, taking over the Pelagic II and commencing hurried diving operations in the Pacific Ocean. Both dataDyne and its strange allies are involved in what appears to be a joint operation. Carrington - Although this move seems reckless, it only serves to highlight how important the operation on the seabed must be to dataDyne and its allies. Disrupt the operation as extensively as possible, but remember our minimum force rules for noncombatants. Objective One: - Disable Primary Power Source (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Shutting down the primary power source will help cause the ship to wander from the operating location, but it will also cause blackouts in nonessential sections of the ship. Use the x-ray scanner to find the active switches on the power core. Objective Two: - Secure Laboratories and Research Data (Perfect Agent) We want any information that dataDyne has amassed on this project. Secure the labs on the science deck and remember to stun the scientists and technicians working there; we will want to interrogate them later. Objective Three: - Deactivate GPS and Autopilot (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Getting both the GPS location system and the ship's autopilot offline will cause the ship to drift off station; if only one is shut down, it will not be enough to prevent the diving operations from continuing. Do not harm any innocent civilians you come across. Objective Four: - Activate Moon Pool Lift (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) This will activate the automatic pilot on the deep submersible, recalling it for you and Elvis to use. The controls are in the sub hangar. Objective Five: - Rendezvous and Escape With Elvis (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Find Elvis and return to the Moon Pool to prep both the deep submersible and yourselves for the dive to the seafloor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Sneak On Board [Joanna stealthily sneaks on board the hijacked Pelagic II. She gives Elvis a hand, and he grunts and giggles onto the deck.] Level - Exploration ELVIS: You go on ahead, Jo. I'll secure the perimeter. We'll meet up later. [Joanna heads to disable the primary power source at the power core.] JOANNA: They'll be unable to conduct any operations without any power. [Joanna makes her way through more halls and into another room with three pilots.] JOANNA: Without the autopilot and the GPS, the ship will wander off station. [Joanna laughs, and points a gun at one of the pilots.] JOANNA: Pull the plug on that now. PILOT #1: Please don't hurt me. [Another pilot heads to harm Joanna.] PILOT #2: Die, you traitors. JOANNA: Switch this thing off. PILOT #1: I'll shut it down. [She continues through the Pelagic II, and enters a room to activate the Moon Pool lift.] JOANNA: This must be where the sub's controlled from. [Joanna stumbles upon Elvis in another place in the sub.] ELVIS: Joanna... What took you so long? Follow me - let's get out of this old tub. Outro - Descent Into The Depths [Joanna lugs crates around as Elvis examines a small submarine in the Moon Pool.] ELVIS: Right. The diving operation has been disrupted on the surface. Time for a swim. JOANNA: I hope the government don't want to use this ship any time soon. [Joanna tosses a crate to Elvis.] ELVIS: Do you think we were a little heavy-handed? [Joanna and Elvis enter the submarine as explosions rock the Pelagic II.] BOTH: Naaahhhh. [The submarine sinks into the ocean.] ============================================================================== 6.2 - Nullify Threat (NLFY) Briefing Background - The goal of the conspiracy is revealed at last - a massive alien ship lies on the floor of the Pacific. At least partially sentient, though sleeping, the Cetan ship is even now being overrun by the Skedar and their unwitting minions, the dataDyne Corporation. Carrington - Our cursory examination of the research data astounds us. We've put together as many objectives as we can based on our interpretation of this data. The massive structure on the sea floor is a spacecraft of alien origin. It is apparently a sentient craft, of a race called the Cetans, though it is currently dormant. However, it houses the most dangerous weapon you could imagine. Objective One: - Reactivate Teleportals (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Returning the teleportals to active status will mean you are able to access regions of the Cetan ship that would otherwise be inaccessible; if the Skedar have managed to block off entry to the Control Room, then the long way round might be your only other way in. Objective Two: - Disable Cetan Megaweapon (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) This is what it is all about - a weapon of fantastic magnitude. According to the deciphered research notes, it is capable of reversing the weak nuclear forces that hold molecules together. If the Skedar get their hands on this, Earth will be an expanding cloud of dust within the hour. It's up to you - destroy the power nodes throughout the ship, and the weapon will be inoperable. Some may be beyond the reach of normal weapons. Objective Three: - Secure Control Room (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Make sure that Skedar are cleared from the Control Room to enable you to restore Dr. Caroll's personality backup without interruption. We have no idea what safeguards might have been put in place to prevent anyone attempting this, so be careful. Objective Four: - Restore Dr. Caroll's Personality (Perfect Agent) This is the last stage of the contingency plan Dr. Caroll put forward during his debriefing at the villa. Restoring his personality to the code breaker construct will reassert his control over both the sapient shell and such parts of the Cetan ship as the code breaker has been able to take over. Objective Five: - Escape From Cetan Ship (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Escape with Elvis and Dr. Caroll to the docking bay after ensuring the destruction of the vessel by any means necessary. Use the submersible to return to the surface, where you will be collected by the cruiser HMAS Newcastle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Deeper Inside [A guard watches a descending lift, then he darts away and vanishes. The lift slides down with Joanna and Elvis. They survey the abandoned interior of the Cetan ship, armed and alert.] ELVIS: This doesn't seem normal. No one's around. JOANNA: No signs of conflict. No spent ammo cases or bullet holes. ELVIS: But there ought to be a rear guard at least. It makes no sense. JOANNA: There has to be someone farther inside. Cover me. Level - Nullify Threat I [Joanna and Elvis make their way into the ship. Elvis spots a panel.] ELVIS: Time to reactivate those teleportals. [Elvis activates it.] ELVIS: This will help us to get round the ship quicker. [Joanna goes through a teleportal.] ELVIS: Here, take this gun and keep those Skedar off my back while I'm working. [Elvis sees another panel.] ELVIS: It looks like this could benefit from a little bit of sabotage. [Elvis tinkers with it and disables the Cetan megaweapon. He and Joanna go through another teleportal.] ELVIS: There's Dr. Caroll. Let's see if we can reverse what was done to him. Special - Virus! [Joanna and Elvis gaze at the reprogrammed Dr. Caroll.] JOANNA: Here goes. I just hope dataDyne haven't done anything to prevent this... [Joanna inserts a backup disk into Dr. Caroll.] DR. CAROLL: Virus detected. JOANNA: Me and my big mouth. DR. CAROLL: Commencing countermeasures. Commenc..... *** ooOOoh!! *** eeEEe!! *** aaAhh!! oOOoh!! *** aAArRrgghh!! *** YEEeeooOOOOOOowWWwlll!! *** [Joanna seizes the unstable Dr. Caroll.] JOANNA: Dr. Caroll? Are you in control again? Can you stop the program? [She lets go as he settles down a little.] DR. CAROLL: Yes, I'm back again, my dear. But the program has run far too long for me to prevent it from completing. There is only one way out now. JOANNA: What do you mean? DR. CAROLL: When the program has run, I will have control of a vastly powerful weapon. It cannot be allowed to exist. So I must destroy the Cetan and, unfortunately, myself along with it. I'm sorry, Joanna... There is no other way and no time to discuss this. Go now - avoid the Skedar and you will have time to escape. It has been an honor to work with you. Goodbye, Joanna Dark. [Joanna and Elvis run away as Dr. Caroll resumes malfunctioning.] Level - Nullify Threat II ELVIS: We have to get out of here! [Joanna and Elvis backtrack.] Outro - Pulling Out [Explosions pervade the Cetan ship.] ============================================================================== 7 - Carrington Institute 7.1 - Defense (DFSE) Briefing Background - In revenge for the foiling of their grand plan, the Skedar have attacked the source of their troubles, the Carrington Institute. With an organized response out of the question, it falls to Joanna to save what she can of the Institute from total destruction. Carrington - They've caught us completely off guard, Jo! Save who and what you can, then get out yourself. After all, the Institute is the people, not the building. Objective One: - Reactivate Automatic Defenses (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) There are automatic guns situated at strategic locations throughout the Carrington Institute. At present they are inactive, but if you can get to the control panels and activate them, they will help thin the attackers out. Objective Two: - Release Hostages (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Some of the invading forces are holding key Institute staff hostage. Save as many of the hostages as you can. Look in the various labs throughout the upper floors of the building. Objective Three: - Retrieve Experimental Weapon (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) In Foster's weapons lab there is a prototype submachine gun that we cannot let fall into enemy hands. This is because the weapon is capable of creating a temporary cloaking field. Find it and carry out some 'field research.' Objective Four: - Destroy Sensitive Information (Perfect Agent) In Daniel's office there is a safe in which is kept the algorithm he used to crack the Maian communication codes so many years ago. It must be destroyed before dataDyne or the Skedar get hold of it. Use the laser to cut a way through the door. Objective Five: - Deactivate Bomb (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Our sensors indicate there is a bomb in the Skedar craft on the landing pad! The only thing that can help you is the Data Uplink - get close to the ship, and use it to install a virus. The ship should then float clear of the Institute, and the bomb will detonate without harming anyone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Victory Salute [Joanna and Carrington are dressed up and preparing to board a ship at the Carrington Institute.] CARRINGTON: All ready, Joanna? We can't keep the Maian delegation waiting. Or the President, of course. JOANNA: Am I ready? What do you mean? I was ready half an hour ago. It was you holding us up! CARRINGTON: But you know how it is, Joanna... I had to make sure my hair was just right, and then there was the suit... JOANNA: They should keep you away from mirrors. Nervous? CARRINGTON: Very. I've waited for this moment for so many years. Contact, friendly contact, between Humans and Maians is what the Institute was founded for. And in a few minutes we'll be at the White House, and it will finally happen... [A distant explosion rocks them.] CARRINGTON: Where did that come from? [Another explosion occurs.] JOANNA: It was up on ground level... [Joanna grabs a gun from a nearby guard.] GUARD: Hey! JOANNA: Looks like someone doesn't know when to quit. We've got to get everyone out! [Joanna sprints to the lobby. A Skedar smashes down the Institute's front door.] Level - Defense [On Special & Perfect Agent, Joanna has to reactivate automatic defenses.] CARRINGTON: Joanna - we're under attack. Get the guns back on line - hurry. JOANNA: The autodefenses will really help me out. [When Joanna enters the lobby, Carrington contacts her.] CARRINGTON: The Skedar have taken hostages. Get up to the offices and save them. JOANNA: I'll have to go carefully... The hostages are counting on me. [Joanna rescues the hostages through four rooms.] FOSTER: I knew I could rely on you, Joanna. FIRING RANGE HOSTAGE: Thanks, Jo. HOLO TRAINING HOSTAGE: Quick! Let's get to the hangar... and thanks. GRIMSHAW: That was too close. I nearly had to take them out myself. HACKER HOSTAGE: Thanks. FEMALE DEVICE LAB HOSTAGE: Thanks for coming back for me, Joanna. MALE DEVICE LAB HOSTAGE: Thanks, Jo. CARRINGTON: They're using a new form of shield technology. Foster was working on a new weapon which may be useful. [Joanna retrieves the experimental weapon from the firing range.] JOANNA: So this is what Foster was working on. [On Perfect Agent, Carrington calls her again.] CARRINGTON: Damn it. My office... If they get access... Get there first, Jo, and destroy the files. [Joanna wipes out his sensitive information.] CARRINGTON: Things are desperate. They've planted a bomb. Find it and get it out of the building. [Joanna finds a Skedar ship, and downloads a virus into it. It departs.] CARRINGTON: Well done, Joanna. We're nearly clear... The last dropship is waiting for you. Hurry. Outro - Dash For Freedom [Joanna flees to the landing bay. She glances back at a growling Skedar, and takes cover behind crates.] JOANNA: Get clear! I'll hold them off... You can come back and get me later! [The dropship closes its hatch and takes off. Joanna fires back at the Skedar.] JOANNA: At least, I hope you can. [The Skedar hurls some crates on top of Joanna. She groans and is out cold.] ============================================================================== 8 - Skedar Attack Ship 8.1 - Covert Assault (CVAS) Briefing Background - Knocked unconscious during the evacuation of the Carrington Institute, Joanna wakes to find herself a prisoner aboard a Skedar assault ship. Carrington - Not Available. Elvis - Joanna! I'm following the assault ship that is holding you! With me are two Maian protectors from the delegation at the White House. If you can get us aboard, we can help you take over the ship. Objective One: - Disable Shield System (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) The shield system prevents any docking maneuvers from taking place. Drop the shields so Elvis and his companions can start an approach. Objective Two: - Open Hangar Doors (Perfect Agent) The docking system is normally controlled automatically - it must have been overridden from the bridge. Open the doors using the local controls overlooking the hangar, and Elvis can finish the landing cycle. Objective Three: - Access Navigational Systems (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Get Elvis to the star map so that he can find out where the assault ship is heading. There might also be the locations of Skedar strongholds within the star map - this information can be used for decisive strikes by the Maian Fleet. Objective Four: - Sabotage Engine Systems (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) The plan to take over the assault ship might go awry if the Commander alters from the set course. Tamper with the engines so that the ship comes to a halt. Objective Five: - Gain Control of Bridge (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Once the bridge is taken, the ship is no longer under Skedar control. Only the Commander remains inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Snatched! [Joanna awakens on the floor of a Skedar jail cell.] JOANNA: Oohhh... I'd better not be where I think I am. CASSANDRA: And it's worse than that, my dear. Just look who you've got for company. [Joanna gets to her feet.] JOANNA: You! I thought you'd managed to escape. We found no trace of you at all. CASSANDRA: You couldn't find me. But there was no hiding from the Skedar, as you and Mr. Carrington just discovered. [A nearby door opens, and a Skedar growls.] CASSANDRA: This is it. Wait there! I'll make a distraction; it will give you a chance to get out. Use it or we'll both die. [Cassandra moves to the door.] JOANNA: Why are you doing this, Cassandra? [Cassandra looks back at Joanna.] CASSANDRA: The Skedar used me, Joanna. You are my best chance for revenge. [The cell door opens and Cassandra rushes into the Skedar. The door closes.] CASSANDRA: Eeeeaaarrrrggghhh!!! Level - Covert Assault [Joanna exits the Skedar cell. Elvis contacts her.] ELVIS: Outside, Joanna. Get the shields down and we can help you. JOANNA: I've got to get those shields down to let Elvis in. I need all the help I can get. [Joanna disables the shield system. On Perfect Agent, Joanna has another objective to do.] JOANNA: Now only the hangar bay doors are in the way. ELVIS: You've got to open the hangar doors so we can dock. [Joanna opens the hangar doors. She meets up with Elvis.] ELVIS: Good to see you, Joanna. Take this - you should find it useful... [Elvis gives her a weapon. They attack Skedar.] ELVIS: Time to head upwards. I'll take this lift; you take the other one. [Joanna goes on the lift. They travel into the ship, coming across the navigational systems.] JOANNA: This machine contains the Skedar star maps. [Joanna retrieves the navigational information.] ELVIS: Time to head upwards... [On Special & Perfect Agent, Joanna sabotages the engine systems. A countdown ensues.] ELVIS: We have to get out of here! [Joanna is in the vicinity of the ship's bridge.] ELVIS: You go on ahead, Jo. I'll secure the perimeter. We'll meet up later. JOANNA: If we control the bridge, then the ship is ours. [Joanna and Elvis make it to the bridge and battle Skedar.] ELVIS: Look out, Joanna! I think we've made them angry... Outro - Heading For Trouble [Joanna and Elvis are in command of the Skedar assault ship. Joanna looks at the red and yellow planet in front of them.] JOANNA: Wow. That's the first time I've seen another planet from space. It's beautiful. ELVIS: Hmmmm? I don't... I don't believe it! [Elvis runs away.] JOANNA: Elvis? What is it? Where are you going? [They board a Skedar Shuttle.] ELVIS: We have to get down to the surface! Follow me! [The shuttle takes off and heads to the planet.] ============================================================================== 9 - Skedar Ruins 9.1 - Battle Shrine (BSHR) Briefing Background - The hidden heart of the Skedar religion is exposed at last - a desert planet burning under three suns. The leader of the Skedar terrorist faction is based at the Battle Shrine on the surface of the planet. The destruction of the Shrine and the death of their leader would break the morale of the Skedar. Carrington - Not Available. Elvis - There's some groundwork to do, Joanna - I need parts of the temple marked as targets for bombardment. And we need to be absolutely certain that the Skedar leader is dead. He is sure to have powerful shielding capable of withstanding gunfire, so you may need to destroy part of the shrine itself to deal the final blow. Objective One: - Identify Temple Targets (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Attach a targeting device to each of three obelisks on the surface. They form part of a damaged but still functional shield generator that might cause part of the Shrine to escape the bombardment. Use the R-Tracker to identify the correct ones. Objective Two: - Activate Bridge (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) You may have to blow a hole in the outer wall just to gain access to the shrine interior - your IR scanner should help find a weak spot in the structure. Once inside the perimeter, there's another problem. Apparently caused many years ago by one of the earthquakes which plague the planet, a deep ravine cuts the Inner Sanctum area off from the rest of the Shrine. The Skedar have made a retractable bridge to provide access, but you can guarantee it will be well guarded. Objective Three: - Gain Access to Inner Sanctum (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Search through the maze of underground corridors to find the Inner Sanctum. Expect resistance to be fierce, fanatical even. This is a shrine to war, and they are very devout in their worship. Objective Four: - Destroy Secret Skedar Army (Perfect Agent) The Maian High Command suspects that more Skedar warriors are kept in stasis in unknown locations. This could be one of those places. If it is, destroy them. The last thing we need to face now is a stream of psychotic reinforcements. Objective Five: - Assassinate Skedar Leader (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) The leader is a warrior much revered by the Skedar. His death will be a hammer blow to their morale and will mark the end of their warpath throughout the galaxy. Peace for all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro - Air Of Calm [Elvis drives the shuttle while Joanna gears up.] ELVIS: This is the Skedar fanatics' most holy place. They believe this planet is sacred ground. The Battle Shrine is located at the most holy part of this holy planet. JOANNA: So let me get this straight - it's holy. But there's more to it than that, isn't there? ELVIS: Yes. In all of the time that we Maians fought the Skedar, we never found this place. We knew that until it was destroyed, the war would never be over. We fought the Skedar to a standstill, we earned a ceasefire - but we always had to be on our guard. The destruction of this place would mean a chance at true peace. [The shuttle lands.] JOANNA: Then we have to be certain that no fanatics survive. I'll go in and take out the leader. You'll have to summon the Maian fleet to level the Shrine. ELVIS: If you're caught on the ground when the fleet gets here, you won't stand a chance. JOANNA: That's a mistake I don't intend to make. [The shuttle takes to the air, while Joanna reloads her pistol.] Level - Battle Shrine [Joanna comes across one of her objectives, one of three Skedar pillars to tag for bombardment.] JOANNA: This seems to be one of the special pillars. [Joanna finds and tags the other pillars. She activates a bridge, and journeys further into the ruins.] JOANNA: The power's more constant in this area. The Inner Sanctum can't be far away. [Joanna notices a platform. An onscreen message states: "Make your sacrifice to the God of War." She surrenders a weapon and continues to the Inner Sanctum.] JOANNA: OH, NO!!! A Skedar army in suspended animation! [Afterwards, she advances to the Battle Shrine and the Skedar leader.] JOANNA: Okay, this is it... Cut off the head and the body will perish. Outro - Gotcha! [The Skedar leader is impaled by the Holy Symbol.] JOANNA: Yesss... [An earthquake starts.] JOANNA: Oh no! [Joanna hurries out of the Battle Shrine. Elsewhere, Elvis wanders around.] ELVIS: Joanna! Joanna! Where are you? Are you hurt? JOANNA: Elvis! Elvis! Over here. [Joanna is trapped under debris.] ELVIS: No problem. Grab my arms - we'll get you out in no time. JOANNA: No, quick! Give me your gun! [Elvis provides her his gun and she fires at a Skedar in the debris.] JOANNA: Will! You! Just! Let! Go! [She gets up, and they start walking away.] ELVIS: I managed to get the fleet to stop the bombardment while I looked for you. They'll start as soon as we're clear. JOANNA: I'd have got out in time if that one hadn't grabbed my foot. ELVIS: Of course, Joanna, of course. JOANNA: No, I would have. ELVIS: I believe you. THE END ============================================================================== 10 - Special Assignments 10.1 - Mr. Blonde's Revenge (MBRV) Briefing Background - The incompetent Cassandra de Vries of the human corporation dataDyne has obstructed the Skedar cause for long enough. Enter her headquarters and capture her, so that she may be brought before righteous Skedar justice. Objective One: - Plant an Explosive Device in the Lift (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) The inept scientists of the dataDyne Corporation should not be allowed to continue research with our technology. You will place a bomb in the elevator that will destroy all of their research data and any physical evidence remaining. Objective Two: - Eliminate dataDyne Captain (Perfect Agent) Remove this individual to end any chance of reprisals directed against the Skedar by residual elements of the traitorous corporation. As humorous as the concept of a human wiping out the Skedar race is, we must not be blind to the power of vendetta. Objective Three: - Locate and Escort De Vries to Helipad (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) To ensure that this vile human pays for her crimes against us, you are to force her to proceed to the rooftop, where she may be retrieved by a shuttle from the helipad. It would be unwise of you to allow her to come to premature harm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro [Mr. Blonde enters the dataDyne building.] Level [Mr. Blonde barges into Cassandra's office, intent on kidnapping her.] CASSANDRA: Get the hell out of my office... MR. BLONDE: Go to the helipad if you want to live. CASSANDRA: You won't shoot me, foolish child! [Cassandra runs out of her office to the helipad, saying these lines:] CASSANDRA: How dare you disturb me. CASSANDRA: If I were you, I'd leave... NOW! [Cassandra and Mr. Blonde reach the helipad.] Outro [Cassandra and Mr. Blonde board a Skedar ship, which then flies into the night.] ============================================================================== 10.2 - Maian SOS (MSOS) Briefing Background - Emergency capture protocols activated. Ship XD-310372 suffered hostile planetfall. Maian Protector One (Aelphaeis Mangarae) sole survivor. Planet designated pre-contact status; paranoia grade 'B+,' intolerance grade 'B,' xenophobia grade 'A.' Destroy equipment remaining; prevent examination of Maian technology and/or personnel. Objective One: - Sabotage Enemy Medical Experiment (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) The body of my charge, the Maian Ambassador to Earth, is being experimented on. To complete my duty as a Maian Protector, I must ensure that the body is destroyed. Objective Two: - Destroy Captured Maian Craft (Perfect Agent) My final act of duty will be to destroy what remains of the vehicle in which I arrived on Earth. If anyone discovers that the technology within is similar to the Carrington Institute 'inventions,' then our allies on earth will be endangered, and I will have failed. Objective Three: - Send Distress Signal to Allies (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) The Carrington Institute might be able to help me. If I can get a message out to them, they will know of my location and status. Any equipment I am unable to reach and destroy, they will. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro [Elvis is on the stretcher in the Area 51 lab. He gets off as a surgeon preps.] Outro [Elvis has sent out a distress signal.] SURGEON: Hey, you! [The surgeon shoots Elvis with a tranquilizer. Elvis collapses.] SURGEON: Grab a body bag. ============================================================================== 10.3 - WAR! (WAAR) Briefing Background - The fleet bombardment has now ceased. Teams of Maian Protectors are being assembled for mopping up operations on the surface. Gene-spectrum scanning has brought another candidate for the Skedar King to our attention. Objective One: - Regicide Part One (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) This clone of the Skedar King was activated when Joanna Dark shot and killed the existing King. It should be confused, and not as much of a threat as the previous King - at the moment. Destroy it before it can take control of the remnants of the Skedar army. Objective Two: - Regicide Part Two (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) There is another clone! A fault in the Skedar clone tanks meant that two Kings were activated at once. This one has had more time to acclimatize itself, so it is therefore more dangerous. Once it has been destroyed, the threat is over. Objective Three: - Regicide Part Three (Perfect Agent) Sorry, sorry, it seems that there is a third King. Our scanners had trouble detecting it due to the extreme amount of surface disturbance caused by the fleet bombardment. As a result, this King is more prepared than the other two; this makes it even more vital that the King be destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro [A couple of Maians look around the Skedar Ruins. One laughs.] Outro [After beating the Skedars and their three kings, the Maians are joyous.] ============================================================================== 10.4 - The Duel (TDEL) Briefing Background - Final Test. Defeat the holographic simulated opponent. Carrington - I have every confidence in your abilities, Joanna. Pay attention to the test, and use all of the experience you picked up throughout your training. Good luck. Objective One: - Defeat dataDyne Guard (Agent/Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Defeat the simulation of a dataDyne guard. The Simulant will have moderate abilities in combat but should not be underestimated. Objective Two: - Defeat Jonathan Dark (Special Agent/Perfect Agent) Defeat the simulation of Jonathan Dark, the Institute's current test score record holder. The Simulant has good combat abilities and is capable of surprising a complacent foe. Objective Three: - Defeat Trent Easton (Perfect Agent) Defeat the simulation of a skilled government agent. The Simulant is an exceptionally able opponent; if you pass this test, you should be proud of your achievement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level [Joanna stands with her back next to a dataDyne guard, then Jonathan and finally Trent. They each take a few steps, turn around and shoot at each other. "Well done! You were too quick for him!" appears on the screen, when they are beaten.] ============================================================================== 11 - Carrington Institute (CAIN) [This level loads when you're not playing a mission. When a new agent file is started, Joanna begins in a closed room on the second floor, with a computer on a glass table. Daniel Carrington is waiting outside the door.] CARRINGTON: Joanna, it's good to see you. Come with me. I'll walk you round the training rooms. [Carrington and Joanna walk to a door.] CARRINGTON: The information center is through this door. [They stroll to another door. Carrington opens it and goes inside.] CARRINGTON: In here we have the device lab. Hello. FEMALE DEVICE LAB WORKER: I just don't have the patience for this. [Carrington walks to an elevator. He and Joanna go down to the first floor, and walk in front of another door.] CARRINGTON: This leads to the simulant training room. [They amble across the lobby and open the door to go into the firing range.] CARRINGTON: This is the firing range, Jo. FOSTER: Ah, our star agent. [Carrington and Joanna leave the firing range, and walk to a downward ramp.] CARRINGTON: This corridor leads down to the hangar. Okay, Jo, I'll leave you to prepare for the mission. [Carrington walks to his office.] ============================================================================== 12 - Legal (LEGL) Perfect Dark is developed by Rare, and published by Nintendo and Microsoft. This document is not affiliated with any of the aforementioned. All trademarks and copyrights in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. The game dialogue was originally transcribed by Kudrun. I revised, added and reformatted it. This guide can be found on GameFAQs and is copyrighted 2017. This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Thanks for reading. Bonus The Area 51 intercom randomly calls members of the Pixies (Black Francis, David Lovering, Kim Deal and Joey Santiago) and music producer/engineer Mike Robinson: Dr. Francis, please phone autopsy. Dr. Lovering, please go to Cryo Lab A. Lieutenant Deal, report to Bio Analysis. Captain Santiago, go to Medical Bay 6. Nurse Robinson, report to Containment. -EOF-