* PilotWings FAQ * Author: Jdude84 E-Mail: Jdude84@Hotmail.com Version: 5.5 (FINAL) ==========Version Hitory========== 1.0 Hey all, this is my first FAQ, so i hope my "rookie" mistakes aren't that bad or frequent. More Versions will be released later, i hope you enjoy! 2.0 6/2/99 I have added a secrets section like i said i would last update. Now all i need to do is get the FAQ and walkthrough done. I've also added the requirements for the medals. As well as the credits. DOH! forgot that last time! This is only a small update, hopefully next update will be bigger! 3.0 6/3/99 Added the FAQ today, not much else. Added a new secret as well. This update wasn't really that big, but at least i got it done. My next update may or may not include a walkthrough, depending on when i want to get the next update out! 4.0 Just changed the credits a tad, added leagal stuff section. 4.1 Added one question to the FAQ, no big deal...i'm too busy with my other FAQs to update this one much anymore... 5.1 Added Walkthrough For Beginner Difficulty. 5.2 walkthrough updated, i really hate this game, getting perfect scores is exceptionally hard! 5.5 Added gameshark codes, finished walkthrough. FAQ complete, Final Version. -Contents- 1. Cannonball Settings 2. The Birdman Stars 3. The Charecters 4. Requirements 5. Secrets 6. FAQ 7. Walkthrough 8. Gameshark Codes 9. Credits 10. Legal Stuff ====================== 1. Cannonball Settings ====================== Here are the settings for each of the 3 cannonball rounds if you set the instruments what is given you will get a bulls-eye every time! good luck! (not that you need any with these settings) ========= ROUND ONE ========= Cannon 1 Vertical: 1-2 deg. Horizontal: W 50 deg. N Power: Full Cannon 2 Vertical: 12 deg. Horizontal: S 70 deg. W Power: Full Cannon 3 Vertical: 18 deg. Horizontal: W 30 deg. N Power: Full Cannon 4 Vertical: 4 deg. Horizontal: S 87 deg. W Power: Full ========= ROUND TWO ========= Cannon 1 Vertical: 10 deg. Horizontal: S 65 deg. W Power: Full Cannon 2 Vertical: 5 deg. Horizontal: S 12 deg. W Power: 1/2 (a little less) Cannon 3 Vertical: 29 deg. Horizontal: W 28 deg. N Power: Full Cannon 4 Vertical: 18 deg. Horizontal: E 49 deg. S Power: 3/4 =========== ROUND THREE =========== Cannon 1 Vertical: 13 deg. Horizontal: E 23 deg. S Power: Full Cannon 2 Vertical: 7 deg. Horizontal: S 85 deg. W Power: 1/4 Cannon 3 Vertical: 52 deg. Horizontal: S 41 deg. W Power: Full Cannon 4 Vertical: 45 deg. Horizontal: E 54 deg. S Power: Full (a little less) ==================== 2. The Birdman Stars ==================== Here are the locations of the 4 birdman stars: Holiday Island: Along the water there is a natural arch,under it is the birdman star, i reccomend using the Jetpack to get to this birdman star! Little States Island: This one is in Central Park! Why don't you visit the statue of liberty while your in the area? I also reccomend using the jetpack to get to this one! Crescent Island: In a cove along the beach, there is another birdman star, you should either use the Jetpack or the Gyrocopter to get to this one! Everfrost Island: Now this one is pretty well hidden, first find the group of waterfalls, at the top of those, go through the right cave, at the end there is the last birdman star! ================== 3. The Charecters ================== There are 6 charecters in the game, none of which are "secret" Most of them are good at different things, here are the charecters and their best abilities! (the following are my opinions after using the charecters on all the levels, they are not 100% accuracte but should be pretty accurate. Just don't e-mail me telling me i'm wrong!) Lark Best Event: Birdman, Skydyving Worst Event: Hang Glider Kiwi Best Event: Jumple Hopper! Worst Event: Almost Anything else Hawk Best Event: He Doesn't Have One, He's Awful Worst Event: Pick One! Ibis Best Event: Hang Glider, Jet Pack Worst Event: She's Pretty Bad At Jumble Hopper... Goose Best Event: Anything BUT Jet Pack he is pretty good at! Worst Event: well....obviously..JetPack Robin Best Event: Cannonball Worst Event: JetPack =============== 4. Requirements =============== Below is a list of the points neeeded to recieve bronze, silver, and gold medals, as well as perfect scores. ============== Beginner Class ============== Hang Glider Bronze: 70 Silver: 80 Gold: 90 Perfect: 100 Jetpack Bronze: 70 Silver: 80 Gold: 90 Perfect: 100 Gyrocopter Bronze: 70 Silver: 80 Gold: 90 Perfect: 100 ======== Class A ======== Hang Glider Bronze: 140 Silver: 160 Gold: 180 Perfect: 200 Jetpack Bronze: 140 Silver: 160 Gold: 180 Perfect: 200 Gyrocopter Bronze: 140 Silver: 160 Gold: 180 Perfect: 200 ======== Class B ======== Hang Glider Bronze: 210 Silver: 240 Gold: 270 Perfect: 300 Jetpack Bronze: 210 Silver: 240 Gold: 270 Perfect: 300 Gyrocopter Bronze: 210 Silver: 240 Gold: 270 Perfect: 300 =========== Pilot Class =========== Hang Glider Bronze: 210 Silver: 240 Gold: 270 Perfect: 300 Jetpack Bronze: 210 Silver: 240 Gold: 270 Perfect: 300 Gyrocopter Bronze: 210 Silver: 240 Gold: 270 Perfect: 300 ========== Cannonball ========== Round One Bronze: 70 Silver: 80 Gold: 90 Perfect: 100 Round Two Bronze: 70 Silver: 80 Gold: 90 Perfect: 100 Round Three: Bronze: 70 Silver: 80 Gold: 90 Perfect: 100 ========= Skydiving ========= Round One Bronze: 70 Silver: 80 Gold: 90 Perfect: 100 Round Two Bronze: 70 Silver: 80 Gold: 90 Perfect: 100 Round Three: Bronze: 70 Silver: 80 Gold: 90 Perfect: 100 ============= Jumble Hopper ============= Round One Bronze: 70 Silver: 80 Gold: 90 Perfect: 100 Round Two Bronze: 70 Silver: 80 Gold: 90 Perfect: 100 Round Three: Bronze: 70 Silver: 80 Gold: 90 Perfect: 100 ========== 5. Secrets ========== Here are some useful and not-so-useful secrets that can be found while playing pilotwings. Have any secrets that aren't listed here? send them in to me and i will post it along with your name in the credits section! -Face Lift- This one is pretty useless, it's just for people who like to blow stuff up(like me!) anway, on Class B use the gyrocopter and fly to Mt. Rushmore. See mario's face? hit it with a few missles and it will turn into wario! now THAT's a face lift! -Face Lift 2- Just go to cannonball mode, Level 1. Hit Mario again with the cannon and he will turn into wario again. this one is more fun to do in my opinion -From Night To Day- i am pretty sure this trick works with birdman, as well as the other 3 vehicles on the begginger course. Go to the begginer stage, near the castle, see that river? follow along the watery path to find the source of the lake, go inside the cave to the end. if it worked you should hear a sound, when you exit the cave it will no longer be Day, it will be night. This serves no real purpose that i know of but it still is cool! -Where's AM-PM when you need them?- In little states island there is a gas station! Just land under the roof with your rocketpack\ Gyrocopter and it will automaticlly re-fuel you! your fuel gauge will now be full! -More Endings!- This isn't really that much of a secret, well sorta. anyway there are actully 3 endings in the game. they are all the same except one takes place in morning, one noon, and one at night! Morning: Complete all of the normal missions Afternoon: Get a gold medal on all the normal missions, PLUS all the bonus missions. Night: Get a perfect score on all the normal, and bonus missions! ======= 6. FAQ ======= Q. Sometimes when i'm using my gyrocopter, there are these blue and\or white balls in the air. What is the point of these? A. They are un-opened rings, you need to fly through the previous ring(s) to open them. Q. The dots on my radar are sometimes yellow, and sometimes green, sometimes they even switch from green to yellow, or vice versa. Why do they change? A. These dots stand for rings, or targets, the dots will be yellow if it is above you, and green if it is below you. Q. Sometimes when i go to the red areas on my map that show up on my radar when i'm using my hang glider, there isn't a thermal there. Why? A. You are either too high, or low to reach the thermal. the radar only indicates where the thermals are horizontilaly, not verticlly. Q. I have the first bird man level "Holiday Island" but once I get the other ones and i go back to the main menu they're not listed on the special games menu. How do I access the levels through the menu instead of having to get the star again? A. You need to complete certain missions to get them. E-Mail all questions to jdude84@hotmail.com. ============== 7. Walkthrough ============== //////////--------------\\\\\\\\\ ///////// Beginner Class \\\\\\\\\ ////////------------------\\\\\\\\\ * * * Hang Glider * * * Use: Ibis Tap right at the start, then just fly straight...you will hit a thermal and rise a bit, now you will see 3 rings in front of you. You should be able to fly through all 3 rings without having to touch the control stick. After you clear the 3rd ring, drop down to 15 meters above the ground. Now glide to the target in front of you, now drop down slowly, tap b or a to slow down if you must, make sure you are almost even with the ground. When you are at the end of the middle ring of the target (1 from the center) press and hold a to coast in gently to the center of the target. You WILL get 100 points if you follow this formula correctly and get a perfect score! * * * Rocket Belt * * * Use: Lark >From the start fly directly ahead of you and you will see a balloon, run into it to pop it, then quickly turn and fly to the target pad. Hit c-up 3 times and use your shadow to place yourself in the very center of the target, once you hit 10 Meters above ground level, use Z to hover, then fall slowly, then hover, repeat...until you land. Do all of this within 45 seconds or less to get a perfect score! * * * Gyrocopter * * * Use: Goose This is probably the easiest level for beginner difficulty...Take off, go straight, and fly through the 3 rings directly in front of you. Turn around, and press B to slow down quickly, land evenly, right in the middle of the runway to get a perfect score! You may now play as any vehicle on Class A difficulty! //////////--------------\\\\\\\\\ ///////// Class A \\\\\\\\\ ////////------------------\\\\\\\\\ * * * Hang Glider * * * Use: Goose #1 - Shutter Bug This is really easy, as long as you are good with your camera, take a photo of the flame as close as possible, and nice and even. Then land on the target in the center for a 100! #2 - Chicken Dive My personal favorite level, from the start hold up on the joystick and get the first 10 or so rings, there will be about 5 left leading into a mountain. To get them safely, anticipate when you are about to pass through the final ring, and pull up to the left. You should float up nicely next to the target. You should be able to land softly and accuratly and get a perfect score! * * * Rocket Belt * * * Use: Lark, Kiwi #1 - Metropolis Dance This is easy to explain and hard to do. You need to get all 9 rings in the city where you start without hitting any walls\etc, and then land RIGHT in the center of the landing target. Do this within 1"30"00 for a perfect score! #2 - Touch and Go This is REALLY easy, just hop from pad to pad that you find, and land on the target in the middle like always under 1"30"00 for a perfect score. I can usally do this in about 1"07"00. * * * Gyrocopter * * * Use: Goose #1 - Destory The Targets Here you need to destroy 3 targets right in the open and then land where you took off. There is no wind, and you have 2"30" to complete this stage so if you have good aim this is a piece of cake! #2 - Through The Rings This is really easy, just follow the path of rings along the island, passing through every one, and landing on the runway, easy level to get a perfect score on! //////////--------------\\\\\\\\\ ///////// Class B \\\\\\\\\ ////////------------------\\\\\\\\\ * * * Hang Glider * * * #1 - Velocity Square This is fun, and easy! You simply need to use the thermals here to get to 400+ feet, then land on the target. You have 3"00" to do this so make it quick! #2 - Shutter Bug 2 This is a bit harder, first, head down, and snap a picture-perfect photo of the whale. Then use the nearby thermal to get above sea level. Now head toards the target, before you land you'll need to snap a photo of the water fountain. Then land in the middle of the target, and your all set! #3 - How much longer do i have to wait? This is easy, but, kinda boring. The target is easy to find, but you have to land on it as close to 4"00" as possible. You get to the target however, at around 2"00" so it's a waiting game. This is pretty easy, nothing overly hard to get a 100 on! * * * Rocket Belt * * * #1 - Iron Head This is one of my favorite levels; you have 1"30" to put a giant green ball in a 'goal' by ramming it with your Rocket Belt. This is all skill, but i did it my first try so you should have NO problem! #2 - Pop the balloons This level is another fun one. You have 2"30" to pop every balloon and land on the bullseye. Pop the first blue balloon you see to make 4 orange balloons appear, destroy them, and head to the power plant, destroy the blue balloon there, then the 4 orange ones, than land on the bullseye in the VERY center, which is on the dock! #3 - More Rings... This level can be a bit hard. First you have NO time limit, except for fuel, so that makes it easy. On the flip side, there are certain rings which are 'time' rings, you must head through them FIRST, and then through it's corresponding RED ring(s) to get BONUS points. You'll need these for a perfect score. When you've passed through every ring leisurely land in the center of the bullseye. * * * Gyrocopter * * * #1 - Mecha Hawk Now THIS is original, you must destroy a stone like villan with 5 missle hits in under 3"30". This is another one that is pure skill, but isn't too hard! #2 - Destroy the targets #2 This is REALLY fun, you have 3"30" to destroy 10 targets in the canyon at night, and land on the runway. This is ALL skill, so i can't help you except saying practice makes perfect! #3 - River Run Self explanatory - really easy. Through the rings, land where you are supposed to...next! //////////--------------\\\\\\\\\ ///////// Pilot Class \\\\\\\\\ ////////------------------\\\\\\\\\ * * * Hang Glider * * * #1 - Shutter Bug #3 This is another fun one. No time limit, and you must take three pictures this time. Take the pictures, then land on the target. The photos you must take are: 1 - Nessie the water monster. 2 - The river boat 3 - The space shuttle #2 - How high can you go? This is exactly like velocity square except for one factor. You have 4"00" to get as high as possible, then the thermals dissapear. There is NO time limit, so don't worry, try and get to 700 meters! Easy to get a perfect! #3 - More river fun Yawn...you are near a river, you must get 8 out of 15 rings in 4"00". Any questions? * * * Rocket Belt * * * #1 - Iron Head 2 Same object again, only harder. Now you have 2"30" but there is WIND as well. This is ALL skill, so i cannot provide any further help. Good luck! #2 - Touch And Go 2 Yet another test with more of the same. Nothing new here, 10 targets to land on, and then a final target, which is the bullseye. You have 2"30" i believe, so this is a pretty easy drill! If you've made it this far you should have no trouble... #3 - Dark Cave THIS is THE hardest test for rocket belt in the game no doubt. The object is straightforward, enter a cave, and succesfully exit it, thereupon exiting the level. You can't hit any cave walls, or you'll be deducted 2 points. You have 2"00" to beat the level, so get moving, navigating the cave is also difficult at first. Have fun with this one! * * * Gyrocopter * * * #1 - Mecha Hawk Again! This time he's in the water, and you have a bit more time - 3"30" to be exact. Remember you CANNOT hit him while he swims. Pretty easy as long as you know what to do with the bird. #2 - Rings Galore... Oh i hate these levels. More rings, more boring stuff, you should know what to do here. If not, seek help immediatly! #3 - Balloon Strike Another easy one. You gotta destory 30 balloons, and there are about 45 total. You have 2"30" which is NOT alot of time, other than that - easy! Pretty simple to get a perfect here! * * * Congrats! * * * You've just completed a very unique, very difficult game! Enjoy the credits! ================== 8. Gameshark Codes ================== Have Perfect Score Codes *Note* Hang Glider (Beginner Class) 8036427D 0064 Rocket Belt (Beginner Class) 803642AD 0064 Gyrocopter (Beginner Class) 803642DD 0064 Hang Glider (Class A) 80364911 0064 80364A61 0064 Rocket Belt (Class A) 80364941 0064 80364A91 0064 Gyrocopter (Class A) 80364971 0064 80364AC1 0064 Hang Glider (Class B) 80364FA5 0064 803650F5 0064 80365245 0064 Rocket Belt (Class B) 80364FD5 0064 80365125 0064 80365275 0064 Gyrocopter (Class B) 80365005 0064 80365155 0064 803652A5 0064 Hang Glider (Pilot Class) 80365639 0064 80365789 0064 803658D9 0064 Rocket Belt (Pilot Class) 80365669 0064 803657B9 0064 80365909 0064 Gyrocopter (Pilot Class) 80365699 0064 803657E9 0064 80365939 0064 Cannonball (Level 1) 8036430D 0019 8036445D 0019 803645AD 0019 803646FD 0019 Sky Diving (Level 1) 8036433D 0064 Jumble Hopper (Level 1) 8036436D 0064 Cannonball (Level 2) 803649A1 0019 80364AF1 0019 80364C41 0019 80364D91 0019 Sky Diving (Level 2) 803649D1 0064 Jumble Hopper (Level 2) 80364A01 0064 Cannonball (Level 3) 80365035 0019 80365185 0019 803652D5 0019 80365425 0019 Sky Diving (Level 3) 80365065 0064 Jumble Hopper (Level 3) 80365095 0064 *Note 1* With these codes, if you want them to save to your cartridge, you have to play a level, and lose and just choose quit after it tallies up your score. Also dont keep the code active once you save the level at 100%, take the code out and continue with the other levels! ========== 9. Credits ========== The cannonball settings were copied from Ign64.com. And only the cannonball settings, some of my secrets may be on Ign64's site and probably are. But i found these myself, i don't have too many secrets so either go to ign64.com or if you'd like you can submit some to me, which would help other people out as well! Also i would like to have am actual FAQ in this, so send any questions you have as well. The rest of this FAQ was written entirely by me, and i have not taken anyone elses work. If you have any comments\complaints\explosives e-mail them to me! =============== 10. Legal Stuff =============== You may not reproduce this faq in any way, shape, or form. Reproduction of this FAQ without my consent is prohibited, this document is copyright 1999, all rights reserved. The most updated version can ALWAYS be found at http://www.gamefaqs.com if you are reading this FAQ from another site, and have a question be SURE to check the one out at GameFAQs first before you ask. For you site owners out there wondering if you can use my FAQ just e-mail me with your name, e-mail, web URL, and where you found this FAQ. I'll probably give you permission to use it, so don't hesitate to mail me. © 1999 Jdude84