__________________________________________ | Pokémon Snap Walkthrough for Nintendo 64 | | Author: Icy Guy (IcyGuy900@aol.com) |¯ | Size: 67 KB | | Version 0.1 | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________________ | Table of Contents | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1. Intro 2. Revision Info 3. Legal Miscellany 4. The Story/The Controls/The Menus 5. Pokémon List 6. How to Take Pictures...Properly 7. Beach 8. Tunnel 9. Volcano 10. River 11. Cave 12. Valley 13. Rainbow Cloud 14. The Pokémon Signs 15. Tips on Beating the Challenge Scores 16. The Quick, Easy, and Just Plain Lazy Pokémon Photo Guide 17. Outro/Contact Info 18. Credits/Special Thanks 1. Intro Welcome to my guide for Pokémon Snap for your Nintendo 64! This game was probably one of the most overlooked of 1999 (although this didn't stop it from selling over 1,000,000 copies), but it was probably one of the most innovative of '99. When I give you a level strat here, I give you the strat as if you didn't have any special items you normally shouldn't, and then strats if you do. This FAQ will be your guide to completing this game to its fullest extent. Dig in! 2. Revision Info Version 0.1-- Finished 5/X/02 (11,899 words, 51,327 characters, 24 pages) -Added everything. 3. Legal Miscellany This document © 2002 Icy Guy. You may not engage in unauthorized distribution of any kind. You *can*, however, do the following: -Put it on your site if you ask me. -Print out a copy for your own, PERSONAL use (i.e. No printing it out and giving it to a friend.) You cannot put this on a disk with a collection of FAQs, sell this, or make any kind of profit off of this. If you put it on your site, you must: (a) give me the URL so I can check it out (it must be a legit site with nothing illegal on it), (b) give me _*complete*_ credit, and (c) put it up with no changes whatsoever. And speaking of putting this on sites... The following sites have permission to post this without having to consult me first: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.cheatcc.com http://www.cheatcodes.com http://www.gamewinners.com http://sages.ign.com http://www.neoseeker.com Also, this FAQ cannot appear in any pages with banners or in a frame. I'm giving myself permission to post this on my own site, which is http://www.crosswinds.net/~icyguy or one of its subdirectories (probably the "me" subdirectory). 4. The Story/The Controls/The Menus Here's the story, taken from the manual: "One day, a talented young photographer named Todd received an interesting letter from Professor Oak, the famous Pokémon researcher... 'Dear Todd, My name is Professor Oak, and I research Pokémon. I have heard of your excellent work as a photographer and would like your assistance in my research. I am currently doing research on Pokémon Island. Wild Pokémon are the only creatures who live on this island, making it the perfect place to study Pokémon in their natural habitat. I have thought of asking Pokémon trainers to help me, but I am afraid they would become too interested in catching the Pokémon on the island. If that happened, the number of Pokémon on the island would decrease, and Pokémon Island would lose its value. Instead, I would like you to take pictures of the Pokémon in their natural setting. Your pictures would help me complete my PKMN Report. I am looking forward to working with you. Please come to my Laboratory right away. I'll be waiting for you! --Professor Oak'" (This apparently wasn't a "yes" or "no" question, was it?) With that done, here are the controls. Very simple to memorize. C Buttons: Quickly turn 90 degrees in a direction. C-Up makes the view straighten out to normal. Control Stick: Rotate your view. Whether or not Up and Down function on a flight axis can be changed in the Options menu. C-Down: Plays the Poké Flute, once you have it. Press more than once to cycle to the next song. B Button: Throws a Pester Ball, once you have it. A Button: Throws Pokémon Food, once you have it; takes a shot while zooming in. Z Button: Zooms in so you can take a photo. R Button: Activates the Dash Engine, once you have it. When you'll get... Pokémon Food= usually after completing the Tunnel. Pester Ball= usually after completing the River. Poké Flute= after finding all the Pokémon signs. Dash Engine= after completing all the courses. Note that the vehicle you're using, the ZERO-ONE, moves a bit more slowly if you look backwards, although this isn't always recommended. After you press Start at the title screen, you'll be given a choice of options. These will vary depending on how far you are in the game. "New Game" erases your current game and starts a new one, "Continue" lets you pick up where you left off, "Options" lets you fiddle with various options, and "Gallery" lets you view the photos in the Pokémon Report and your Album. Let's take a closer look... -"New Game" erases your current file and starts a new game. Once you do this, all the data from the previous file is lost and unrecoverable, including Gallery photos. -"Continue" picks up from where you stopped when you stopped playing last time. -"Options" lets you change various settings. "Screen Adjust" lets you change the position of the screen, should it be off-center. "Sound Settings" lets you toggle between Mono (single-speaker) and Stereo (dual-speaker) sound. (Note that setting this option to "Stereo" if you have a TV with only one speaker will not improve the sound - quite the contrary in fact, because some sounds come out of a certain speaker, and if you only have one speaker, you won't be able to hear some sounds. Make sure you adjust this properly.) "Z Button Setting" lets you choose to have to hold the button down to zoom in ("Hold") or press it once to zoom in and then press it again to zoom out ("Switch"). Personally, I prefer "Hold," because you don't have to worry about pressing it a second time. "Control Stick Settings" lets you choose between a flight-style control setting ("Reverse," moving it up looks down and vice-versa) or having moving it up look up and moving it down look down ("Normal"). Either one works well here. -"Gallery" lets you view the Pokémon Report's shots and Album shots. Note that you need to have photographed at least 4 different Pokémon to be able to access this. "Arrange" lets you move these 4 shots you see around, "Enlarge" makes them full-screen (follow the on-screen instructions, although Z goes to the next pic and B exits), and "PKMN Report" and "PKMN Album" let you see the Pokémon Report and Pokémon Album, respectively, so you can check those pictures out. "Save" lets you exit to the title screen. In the lab, the menu choices you have are "Go to Course," "PKMN Report," "PKMN Album," and "Save." "Go to Course" lets you choose which course you want to go to, "PKMN Report" lets you view and rearrange the report's Pokémon pictures (the instructions here are self-explanatory, letting you rearrange the pictures by course, #, or A-Z; "Best Shot" shows you your best shot, and if you've completed the game, it's probably Mew), "PKMN Album" lets you view your album (allowing you to add comments and stuff; max of 60 pictures), and "Save" lets you do just that. Note that this game does not have an auto- save, so you must save manually. After going through a course, you have more choices. At the first screen you get, you have "Oak's Mark," "Album Mark," and "To Prof. Oak." "Oak's Mark" lets you pick which pictures you're going to show to the Professor (the ones you want to get points on). Note that you can only show him one picture of each Pokémon type. "Album Mark" lets you choose which pics you're going to stick in the Album (60 picture max). "To Prof. Oak" takes you to the Professor to get your pictures judged. During a course, the pause menu gives you 3 options, they allow you to end the current run and go to your pictures, restart the current run, and continue playing. 5. Pokémon List Here's a list of all the Pokémon in the game, arranged by level. Beach: Pidgey Doduo Pikachu Lapras Meowth Scyther Magikarp Kangaskhan Chansey Eevee Butterfree Snorlax Tunnel: Pikachu Electrode Electabuzz Kakuna Zubat Zapdos Diglett Dugtrio Haunter Magnemite Magneton Magikarp Volcano: Rapidash Magmar Charmander Charmeleon Charizard Moltres Magikarp Growlithe Arcanine Vulpix River: Magikarp Poliwag Shellder Cloyster Metapod Vileplume Pikachu Porygon Slowpoke Slowbro Bulbasaur Psyduck Cave: Bulbasaur Magikarp Zubat Pikachu Weepinbell Victreebel Jynx Articuno Jigglypuff Grimer Muk Ditto Koffing Valley: Magikarp Mankey Geodude Gyarados Graveler Staryu Starmie Dratini Dragonite Goldeen Squirtle Sandshrew Sandslash Rainbow Cloud: Mew 6. How to Take Pictures...Properly Let's face it: anyone can go out there and start clicking the camera off randomly, saying, "Oh! Here's a Pokémon! I think I'll take a picture and that's that!" However, this is not the way to do it. You have to know what to look for. In short: you need goals. If your goal is to be the biggest random photographer out there, then so be it, but you're not going to get very far - in the game, at least - if you just take pictures of anything and everything. ("Look at that nice wall there! I should at least get points for that!") You need to be professional here. You also need some knowledge of what to take pictures _of_. (Yes, I know you need to take pictures of Pokémon, but I didn't include that because I figured you'd have realized this on your own by now...I hope.) For instance: don't think for one minute that your picture of Pikachu's back while it's standing there doing nothing is going to compare to your friend's picture of, say, Pikachu on a Stump using Thundershock with another Pikachu in the background. (Well, little kids might see it this way. Just play along if they do.) Planning ahead comes in handy, because you'll know how to get the high-scoring shots. Knowing to focus your sights on Balloon Pikachu instead of those Jynx over there will be key in scoring points, because Balloon Pikachu is worth more than a Jynx - or even both Jynx - in the same shot. You also must know that the telephoto lens _does_ indeed have an effect on your pictures, but it does not get stronger as you move away, nor can you adjust it. Another rule of thumb is to *NEVER, EVER* photograph a Pokémon from behind! It makes them feel discouraged. Always try to photograph them from the front or side, and you should also try not to cut part of them out of the frame and you should also try and keep them in the center for extra points. Photographing them as close as possible and getting a clean shot are keys to points. You should also note that sometimes you should go through a level with the intent on focusing only on one Pokémon. A good example of this is the Beach, where you should focus on taking as many Lapras shots as possible. Also note that it may be wise to take more than one shot of a Pokémon in any given level, because you'll have more shots to choose from, giving you more scoring opportunities. Knowing where to throw this or that and what to do will be a great asset to your Pokémon photography. 7. Beach A fairly simple level and a great way to start the game off. From the start, you are bombarded with Pidgey. Several will fly onto the screen at once, and this is a great way to start your Pokémon photography adventures. This is also an easy opportunity to get multiple Pidgey in the same shot - just don't look for anything big here, although if you can take one with its wings extended, that will do well. A couple seconds later, a Doduo will charge out from the left, so quickly take a shot. (Better yet, don't get out of the zoom from the Pidgey shots so all you have to do is press A.) It continues on to the right, running around the beach like a maniac. No matter. After a bit of rock, look to the right to see everyone's favorite (well, maybe; some people prefer others) Electric-type Pokémon, Pikachu! Right now, all you can do is take pictures of it standing there, looking cute and saying, "Pikachu." Take a few shots, and then look up a bit. The Butterfree flying through the air will surely catch your attention, so click off a few shots. (This Pokémon is plentiful throughout this level, so if you miss this time, which you shouldn't, there are several more opportunities waiting. You should be able to see them easily.) You may be lucky to get more than 1 in the shot, so seize the moment, should it come. Your journey on the tracks will take you onward. About 5 or so seconds later, look to the right. You should see some big green thing snoozing in the grass. If you take a picture, "?" shows up as the Pokémon's name, although if you've played Super Smash Brothers and the Pokémon games as much as I have, you'll recognize this to be Snorlax right off the bat. (If you don't, that's OK. It's not a big deal. You'll find out later.) More Butterfree fly around here, so take a shot if you haven't already (or if you just like Butterfree). Now straighten your view out and look up and to the right. You should see something on the ledge, a brief view of a Meowth, and then a full view of it as it leaps into the air, yelling its name. Take a quick shot or two - this the best deal you're going to get until you get a Pester Ball. It would be wise to take a shot of it when its mouth is wide open and it's fully extended. If you miss this shot, you'll have to settle for other shots of Meowth as the level goes on. Straighten your view out again. You'll notice that an unseen force is butchering the bush to your left. What can it be? Don't worry - whatever it is can't reach you. You won't find out what it is until you have a Pester Ball. Now if you missed the Meowth shot (or any Pidgey shots, for that matter) a second ago, here's your chance for another. Both Pokémon burst out of the bush and run across the track in front of you. The track takes you around the bush and leads you to a bridge. You can look left and right, but all you'll see are some Butterfree on the left. There isn't anything here yet. Now you'll see another one of those bushes on your left again, with leaves flying about. This time, a Doduo leaps out, so feel free to take a quick shot. Now the track winds around a corner, so look to your left. You'll see an Eevee chasing a big pink thing rolling around. Snap a shot of Eevee here, but you won't be able to do anything about that big rolling thing until later. Make sure you don't go photographing Eevee from behind, because it can be easy to do that, depending on where you take the shot. If you look to your right now, you'll see the back of a big brown thing looking over the see. It's a Kangaskhan, although it won't be wise to take a shot now, because it won't face you until you throw things at it. Now the track will wind through some rocks and you'll hear some cooing. A few Pidgey fly overhead. Now quickly turn right. You'll see a Meowth next to a nest. Now get your camera ready. The Pidgey will fly in and start using Gust! You can imagine how much this is worth, but I'll tell you anyway: the "Gust-using Pidgey" shot is automatically worth 500 points. If you can catch it just as the Gust is about to hit the Meowth (although you may need the Dash Engine for this), you can catch it screeching, which gives you another 1250 points! (Note that taking a picture of the Meowth while it's on its back will get you a tidy bit of points, although it may not be as many as the one that jumps up.) Now the track leads around a lake, and the exit will be visible. You'll roll into the exit, leaving the level. Now go back in the level and look to the right. You should stay zoomed in at all times here. You'll see something out in the distance after a bit. It's a Lapras! Photograph it! Now keep looking to the right. Every once in a while, a Lapras will pop up. If you look closely, you'll realize that the one you photograph will show up closer each time. Keep photographing that one. Be sure not to miss it when you pass over the bridge (look to the right)! If you keep doing this, by the time you reach the Kangaskhan, it will be near the shore, with other Lapras liable to be out in the distance. Take a shot when it is fully extended. Now just exit the level from the pause menu and you're done for now. Back with the Pokémon Food... Here's where the high scoring really gets going. When you see Pikachu, you can clock it with some Pokémon Food to make it fall over. (This actually gets called "a funny pose" if you catch it with the little unhappy expression on its face.) However, you can do much, much more. See that surfboard in the sand over there? Of course you do. Hmm....let's see...Pikachu and a surfboard...what could it all mean? You may have figured it out so far, but if you haven't you're about to find out. Throw some food in front of Pikachu. It'll do a back flip (not a bad shot, actually). Now throw more in the direction of the surfboard. If you threw it close enough, it'll ignore the first bit of food and go after the second. Now throw another next to the surfboard, close enough so Pikachu goes after it. If done correctly, Pikachu will run by the food and jump on the surfboard! It's Surfing Pikachu! Now start taking a lot of shots, especially while it does flips. Surfing Pikachu has a base value of 1000 points, so you'll definitely score big. Now just wait until you reach the Snorlax sleeping in the grass. If you throw some food at it, it just shifts, not making for a shot at all. Drat. Now wait again until you near the bridge. When you have a clear shot at throwing Pokémon Food at it, throw some in the water. About once out of every 4 times, a Magikarp will jump out, so take a shot. Note that this is the best you get until the next level, so you'll have to live with it. Now wait again until you reach the Kangaskhan. If you throw some food at it (so you hit it), it'll turn around and run at you. Wait until it stops and puts its hands up before attempting to take a good shot. A really good idea is to take a shot while it has its mouth open and hands pointing at you (you'll see what I mean). Back with the Pester Ball... Nothing happens until you get to Snorlax. Throw a Pester Ball at it so it yawns and scratches itself. Here's a good shot, so take it. Look up and to the right and hit that Meowth on the ledge with a Pester Ball. You'll knock it off an see it on the other side. It'll jump and yell again, so take another shot. Now look forwards (C-Up) and wait until you see the first bush with the flying leaves. Now start throwing Pester Balls in here as fast as you can. Note that if you can conk the Meowth that jumps out of the bush just as it starts to cross the tracks, you can stop short, because the ZERO- ONE automatically stops when it is about to hit a Pokémon. After a while, a Scyther will fly out! Wait until it slashes before taking 4 or 5 shots. This is a fighting pose that gets you 1300 points. Cool! Now start looking backwards so you slow down. Remember those logs just past the bushes. If you look carefully, you'll see 2 Pikachu running out of the bushes and jump onto the logs! They'll start doing back flips, so take a shot of one in the middle of the flip. If you have a good angle, you'll get both in one shot, which gives you even more points, on top of the 1300 you get for "Pikachu on a Stump." You'll see another one of these bushes soon, so you can try again if you want. Now check out the Eevee chasing the pink ball. If you throw a Pester Ball at the pink thing, it will expand and turn into Chansey! A good shot is when it has its arms in the air without its egg in its pouch. Back with the Poké Flute... No new Pokémon are revealed, but you can certainly get some points to you name. The first thing to do is the play the Poké Flute when near Snorlax. When you do, it gets up and starts dancing. Cycle through the songs until you get the one that makes it put part of its body forwards, kind of like the Hokey-Pokey. The Professor calls this a "jolly dance" and gives you 1200 points for it. Not quite the Safety Dance, but what's the problem with that? The next thing to do is to get those two Pikachu onto their stumps. Once you do, play any song, and then get ready for a shock. Literally. Once they start jumping into the air ("Pi...ka...CHU!!!!"), start clicking off some shots. Then they'll use Thundershock right then and there! (Not on you, fortunately.) Keep taking pictures, hoping to get them both in the camera while they do this. This pose will get you 1300 points, since it even zaps the Professor. After this, make Chansey come out of the ball by hitting it with a Pester Ball and then play the Poké Flute. Prepare yourself for one of the strangest dances ever seen in a video game. ("I'm sorry, but is that Pokémon or a giant pink metronome?") Onward! 8. Tunnel This level takes you through an abandoned power plant. This time around, you aren't bombarded by Pokémon at the start. Instead, look a bit to the right. It's Pikachu! Take a picture: it doesn't matter if you have already. Hey...it's running away. Take another picture. Now Pikachu will jump up on a passing Electrode! Quick! Take a picture of "Pikachu on a Ball," worth 600 points by default. Now you'll see an Electabuzz chase an Electrode. Bypass this Electabuzz shot for now - just wait a bit. Electrode rolls down the path and stops. Get your camera ready as Electabuzz walks up. Snap a shot of the Electabuzz as it is being blasted backwards by the Electrode's explosion. If you're quick, you may notice that some Kakuna have descended from the ceiling. They do this every time an Electrode explodes. Since you have no way of making any Electrode explode until you get an item, just hit C-Up to go back to the default view, but you should still take a picture of one. You should be coming up on some doors. Ready your camera as you come close. When they open, look to the left center to photograph the Zubat that buzzes you. (You'll have another opportunity to get a shot of one soon, but don't miss this anyway.) Now you're in the main power plant. To your left is a Pikachu, and farther along is a mysterious egg, which you can't do anything about right now. (Photographing it gives you a "?" as the name, indicating that it's not clear.) You may also notice a purple light buzzing around near the other door. Get a photo if you can. Now you come to another set of doors, with a Zubat flying out in the same location it did last time. (Note that any Zubat shot gives you 1000 points for the pose.) If you look to your left you'll see another flying purple light flying around a pole in a clockwise direction. Snap a shot of it when it flies towards you. When the pictures are developed (seen after the playing the course), you'll find that it develops into a Haunter! To your right are some Electabuzz, but to your left is Pikachu (again) and a Diglett. Photograph the Diglett, preferably right as it stretches up, trying to burrow (1000 points). Pikachu will run away and dig up another. Take a picture of this one, and Pikachu does it again. Now do it again, and Pikachu will dig up a Dugtrio! Take a picture of _that_, and Pikachu will dig up *two* Dugtrio! Do it again and you'll be able to capture 3 Dugtrio in one shot! Excellent! Doing this again has no effect. Now you'll pass a bunch of weird shapes standing upright, and then you'll round the corner to see 3 Magnemite. However, when you try and take a photograph, they activate what I call a "Supersonic defense." You can't take a photo of them yet. There's also an Electrode off to the side with some rocks behind it. Upon completing this level, you should now have the Pokémon Food. Exit to the Volcano: Hit that Electrode on the right with some Pokémon Food so that it opens the way to the Volcano for you. Back with the Pokémon Food... Now you can make the Electrode explode! Just toss some food at them so it hits them and they explode. This is a good way to get a Kakuna shot, too. Be sure to take a picture of the Electrode while they're exploding for some points (1200, if you time it right; usually when it turns white). When you come to a little pond near the doors, throw some food in to have a 1-in-4 chance of a Magikarp leaping out. Now the next thing you can do that's new is torment the Electabuzz after the power plant. Hit one on the head with food (not unlike what a fan was doing with peanuts at a San Francisco Giants game I went to a couple seasons ago) so that it reels back. It will walk up to the path and then deliver a Thunderpunch. Photograph it! This shot of an angry Electabuzz will get you 1000 points, just so long as you take it when the sparks start flying. You can also throw some food in front of it, and if you take pic as it dives on the food, you'll be able to get as much as 1200 points from this. (Best do this after you turn the power on, though.) Now here's your chance to get not 1, but 2 new Pokémon shots. Throw a piece of Pokémon Food in front of you so that a Magnemite goes after it. While it's distracted by the food, take your shot. If you get the shot as it's eating the food, you'll get 800 points. Now time for a little evolution. Throw food so that the 3 of them all come close to each other, and if they come close enough, they'll turn into a Magneton! Of course, the same "bait and photograph" method applies here, so do it. You'll need to have the cursor at the center of the 3 Magnemites to get a shot of it in the center of the frame. Back with the Pester Ball... Well, there's nothing new this time around, except that you can knock the Electabuzz down by throwing a Pester Ball at them. Try and catch one in mid-flip. Back with the Poké Flute... Here's where things start to get a bit shocking. Play the level until you see the second Pikachu (in the power plant). Throw food so you make it run near the egg, just like you did with the surfboard. Now play the Poké Flute. If Pikachu is close enough, lightning will shoot out and strike the egg, hatching it. Out flies Zapdos! If you can catch it as it is emerging from the egg (as you start to see the flash of light), you'll get to hear "what a Thunder Jolt" it is and get 1350 points! You'll also notice that the power is back on, and the Electabuzz are running around in front of the now- powered-up screens, which give hints about how to see Dugtrio and get a photo of Magnemite. This is the best time to get more than one Electabuzz in one shot. (In fact, it's the only time.) 9. Volcano A pretty hot level (pun intended), although it's the home to a lot of fire-type Pokémon, and even that pesky Magikarp. Right from the start, you are charged by a Rapidash, and 2 are just around the corner. (There are a couple on the walls to your left, but those shots aren't going to be worth much.) Throw some Pokémon Food in front of them (especially the 2 around the corner) to make them stop an neigh. A picture of that will get you 1200 points for the pose by itself. Try and get both of them in the picture. Just past them you'll notice a Vulpix over there on your left. It's very shy, so throw some food in front of it to make it run after the food and raise on its hind legs with a happy face (1000 points here). Better yet, use the food to lure it over the hill in front of you, where there are 2 more Vulpix. (If you were wondering, no, they do not evolve into Ninetales here, so don't get your hopes up, and Ninetales also isn't in the list of Pokémon that appear here.) Make sure the one you photograph faces the camera! Getting all 3 in one shot will do well for your points. After a bit, look to your left. You'll see a Charmander and a Magmar wandering around on a ledge. If you throw food so that the Charmander gets to it first, the Magmar will use Flamethrower on it, making Charmander evolve into Charmeleon! Note that this won't be the best shot of either of them, so just let them sit around there for now. (Although if you feel you must take a shot, throw some food in front of Charmeleon and take the pic as it holds its head up in the air. That's worth 1200 points for that.) As you go over a hill, you'll see a big egg blocking your way. Don't fling anything at it just yet, though. Hit C- Up and then C-Left so you face 90 degrees to the left and avoid hitting the egg if you throw anything. You're bound to see at least 1 Charmander, and if you turn to the right a tiny bit, you can probably spot the other one, depending on where it's wandered to by the time you got here. Anyway, throw some food near either (but preferably both) Charmander. It will call to its friends ("Char!"), and 2 Charmander will come down over the ledge behind it! Do this with the other one, and it, too, will call 2 friends, so now you have 6 Charmander to photograph! Now use the food to lure them near you. Take a picture when one is in the air for quite a few points, and then hit C-Up to look straight. Now chuck some food at the egg. It will fly off the path and into the lava. Moments later, Moltres will fly out of the lava! It will fly up in the air to the right, so watch it closely. When it turns to face you, get your camera ready and take a shot when it shakes the lava off and has its wings extended for a cool 1350 points. You'll see two Magmar to the right. Throw some food between them (throwing it that one of them faces you) and they'll rush to grab it. Of course, their hot tempers will lead to a brief fight, in which neither will win. A photo of either one automatically gives you 800 points, for it's Fighting Magmar. If you get a photo of either one while it uses Flamethrower (breathes fire), you'll get 1200 points for it. Now you'll round a corner, and if you look down and to your right, you'll see some water. You know what that means: chuck some food in there in hopes of Magikarp popping out. On your left is a Charmeleon, so if you want a really good shot of it, look no further. That's all you can do for now, that is, until you get the Pester Ball. Back with the Pester Ball... You'll be able to photograph 3 new Pokémon. I think you know what one of them is, and since you've already photographed Charmander and Charmeleon, that leaves one possibility left: Charizard. Anyway, you don't get anything new until you reach the lake near the end of the course. See those 3 craters on the right? Throw a Pester Ball in one, and a Growlithe or Arcanine will jump out! (Who jumps out is randomly determined.) Get a photo as it shakes off the embers. If it's Growlithe, you'll get 1300 points. If it's Arcanine, then it's 1200 points for you. Do this with the other two craters for more of either or both Pokémon. Try and get two or more of the same in one shot. Now I'd recommend finishing the level off and then going through again, because the next part will need most of your attention. Once you're at the lake, look to the left this time. Remember that Charmeleon circling that lava pool? Well, when it's between you and the pool, throw a Pester Ball in it to knock it into the lava pool! Seems mean, but it's not. A couple seconds later, you'll see a big flash of light, and Charizard will raise up from the pool! Now throw a Pester Ball at it. It will face you, put its head back, and then...to no harm to you...use Flamethrower on you! Catch it while it's breathing the fire for a neat 1250 points. Back with the Poké Flute... Not much has changed now, except that you can make some Pokémon dance. This only appears to work with Magmar and Charmander though, as Charizard just puts its head down and Arcanine and Growlithe just walk towards you. The others do nothing. Get all 6 of the Charmander to dance for a good bit of points. 10. River A pretty cool level, since it's the home of my favorite Pokémon, Porygon. Quite a bit of aquatic Pokémon action here, too, but not surprisingly, since it's a river. Be on the lookout, because Shellder, Magikarp, and Cloyster (and, after you make them submerge, Psyduck and Poliwag) will randomly pop up when you throw Pokémon Food (or, after you have it, which should be after completing this level, a Pester Ball) into the water. Get a picture of the Magikarp when it has sparks around it (it's using Splash) for 1200 points to its pose. With that said, let's get down to the level at hand. Look to your right. You'll see some Poliwag. All you can do now is conk them in the noggin with food, and you won't be able to do anything until you get a Pester Ball. Now look to the left. You'll see some green things on top of stumps and a hollow log. Throw a piece of food in front of the log and Bulbasaur will jump out! Snap a picture, especially while it's eating, because doing that will earn you 1200 points for the pose, provided it looks happy. Now straighten your view out and you will see a Slowpoke standing there on the left side of the river. You may also see the sign with a Shellder on it a bit further down that side. Here's what to do: use Pokémon Food to lead it to that brown patch of ground next to the sign and river. Once you do that, the Slowpoke will turn around and dip its tail in the water, only to be bitten by a Shellder and transform into Slowbro! If you got the Slowpoke to the water too late, you have another chance just down the river. I recommend throwing the food from as far away as you can (accurately, mind) so you get a closer shot to the Slowbro. Now you're going to go down a narrow bit of river. If you look up, you'll see some Metapod hanging from the trees, but you can't get a closer shot until you get a Pester Ball. Take one now, but be careful when taking one, as it seems that the part of the Metapod that curves inwards is its back, so watch it. Now look to the left and you'll see something swimming among fallen trees. Upon a closer look, you'll find it's a Psyduck, probably one of the funniest Pokémon in the game. Hit it with some Pokémon Food to make it fall backwards into the water. Now keep a keen eye out for it, because it will start jumping up out of the water at random in random places. Put the view at the default view (C-Up), because it may pop up in front of you. To your right you'll see another waterway, but ignore that for now. Look to your left instead. You'll see Pikachu standing on some fallen trees. Hit it with some food and it goes nuts. It jumps off the trees and runs around at a high speed - it's Speed Pikachu! A shot of it automatically gives you 800 points. Then the level ends. You should now have the Pester Ball. Exit to the Cave: After you pass the Metapod, look to the right. After a little bit of river, you should see a big crimson button with the wall behind it pulsating. Throw a Pester Ball at the part of the wall that pulsates to make a camouflaged Porygon jump out and land on the button, opening the gate to the Cave. Back with the Pester Ball... Now you can take more and better shots. Now you can finally get a close shot of a Poliwag and a Metapod. You can also open the way to the next level. From the start, throw a Pester Ball _right next to_ the first Poliwag you see. It will run to its friend in a recess in the hill. Now throw a Pester Ball in between those two. If done right, they'll run to their friend on top of the hill. As you float past the third one, throw a Pester Ball at it. Provided you threw it correctly, all 3 of them should come charging down the bank. Now's your chance to get a really good shot! If you can get the shot as it's about to jump in, the pose will get you 1150 points. Note that you can use food to knock one down, but it's better to catch it as it jumps in. If you turn around to the Bulbasaur and the stumps, you'll find that hitting those green things on the top of the stumps will knock the green thing off: a Bulbasaur. Do this only if you want to have more than one Bulbasaur in a shot, and if you do, then do it on a different run, because the Poliwag take up most of the time you have to do it. Your next new photographic opportunity comes when you reach the Metapod. Use a Pester Ball to make one drop to river level for an easy shot, but be careful which side you photograph, because the part with the inward curve seems to be its back. Just after this, look to the right. You'll see a pulsing wall on the right, which means you can make a Porygon pop out with a Pester Ball. There is another wall across from it that hides a Porygon, too. Throw a Pester Ball at a Porygon and it loses its camouflage, showing its true vivid colors. Throw some food in front of it and take a picture while it goes for the food with the "curved pupils" effect in its eyes. That's 1400 points for you right there. Back with the Poké Flute... The only thing that's new is that you can make that strange thing in the ground across the river from the first Slowpoke actually move, revealing that it's a Vileplume! Catch it in any dance, although the one where it does flips works really well for your point total. You can also make the Porygon dance when you reach them. 11. Cave A pretty cool level with a lot of Pokémon. Just after you start, two Zubat fly below you. I wouldn't recommend taking the shot now, though. Below and to your right is a Bulbasaur, but...wait a sec...don't Bulbasaur have big eyes with red pupils? Of course they do. Something's up. Hit the imposter with a Pester Ball to make it reveal its true form: Ditto! Snap a pic if you'd like, although there's a better opportunity coming up soon. Be sure to look all the way to your left. You'll see a Grimer in a cave, and then another one in another cave. (It's best to take this when you're floating downwards: look to your lower left and take the first one, and the look a bit farther along after that.) By taking a picture of each of them, you'll make 2 more Grimer appear in the next area. 2 Zubat will now fly by you on your left. Snap a picture if you feel like it and then look to your bottom-right or look to the left. You'll see a Grimer either way you look. (See why you took a picture of each of those Grimer before?) Now throw a Pester Ball at either one 3 times to make it evolve into Muk! (And no, neither Pokémon is doing what you think they are doing, so don't E-mail me about that. Any E-mail about that will immediately be trashed, so don't waste your time.) Now look to your right to see 3 "Bulbasaur." Throw a Pester Ball on each in turn and you'll have 3 Ditto sitting there on the ledge. Use food to lure them together, being sure to catch one while it looks happy while eating some food for 1000 points. Now you go through a narrow bit of the cave and then float out into a larger area. Look to your left. It's a Jigglypuff being hurt by a Koffing behind it! Throw food or a Pester Ball at the Koffing to make it lose air and then disappear. Photograph the happy Jigglypuff if you'd like, but there is a _way_ more high-scoring opportunity for a Jigglypuff shot at the end of the level, provided you complete this next (and rather easy) task. Look to your right and you'll see another Koffing chasing a Jigglypuff into the cave. You know what to do, but get a shot of the Koffing first. To save the third and final Jigglypuff, look around until you locate a few shiny things floating in front of an opening. A third Koffing will be chasing a Jigglypuff (These Koffing seem to share my friend's feelings for Jigglypuff, eh snake?), so knock that out of the air and feel good about yourself, having saved 3 Jigglypuff from the crazy Koffing (Team Rocket, perhaps?). Straighten your view out and you'll pass over a lake, being able to see a Weepinbell circling a pond. Take a picture of the Weepinbell first, and then throw a Pester Ball at it when it is between you and the pond, just like you did the Charmeleon in the Volcano. It will (admittedly humorously) get knocked into the pond and go under with an odd little noise, only to evolve underwater and pop up again as a Victreebel! Take a photo. If you are particularly observant, as you passed over the first lake, you may have seen a Pikachu standing on the ledge where you are now. You also may have seen it be spirited away by a Zubat. Quick! Save Pikachu! As you pass over this bit of land, it opens up into a huge cavern, with the Zubat flying around, carrying Pikachu. Start flinging Pester Balls at it (aim high), in hopes of hitting it. Note that this is very difficult and will take a few tries, but once you get it, you'll hear Pikachu say, "Pikaaa!!" Then it will fall from the Zubat's grasp, but don't despair (or celebrate, if you don't like it) yet: a bunch of Balloons will magically materialize on its back, so take a picture of Balloon Pikachu, automatically worth 1600 points. (If you think this is a high score, it gets higher.) Now look down. What could that big rock-like thing be? Well, do a little reasoning here. You've already seen Zapdos and Moltres, in appropriate environments, and this _is_ an icy cave, so do the math. You'll notice a Jynx on either side of it. That's you key to opening it. Play the Poké Flute (once you have it) and they'll do a strange dance, but it seems to make the egg hatch. Look up a bit, because it automatically bursts out upwards. A few runs through will give you the experience needed to judge the distance. Take a picture of Articuno, *especially* when it has its wings back (Prof. Oak calls this "beautiful" and give you 1350 points for that pose.). It will fly away. Now you'll find that the ZERO-ONE takes you upwards again. What...? Who can that be singing? Why, it's Jigglypuff! You'll hear her long before you see her, so ready the camera. At this point, you have the option of turning around and waiting for Articuno to fly towards you, but with Pikachu on its back (!), or you can concentrate on the Jigglypuff(s). Depending on how many you saved, there will be between 0 and 3 Jigglypuff here. If you save only 1, then you'll be treated to a Jigglypuff singing its song, alone, on the stage. (I'm considering making a MIDI of this: E-mail me if you want me to.) This is the "Jigglypuff on Stage," worth 500 points automatically. Save 2, and you get the Jigglypuff singing, but with a friend floating around behind it. If you manage to save all 3, then it's the "Jigglypuff Trio on Stage," worth a great 1200 points. You can throw a Pester Ball or food at the singer to make it get dizzy and then scold you, but that won't get you as many points as it would if it was singing - you get 1400 points if you take a picture while it's singing. At this point, the Pikachu on Articuno has probably passed out of view, but if it hasn't, take a 2000-point shot of "Flying Pikachu." (Just be careful, since Articuno's wings can get in the way.) Now you're done. Back with the Poké Flute... Now you can break open Articuno's egg, since the Jynx respond to the Poké Flute with a psychic dance, hatching the egg. Now you also see something funny: play the Poké Flute in front of the singing Jigglypuff and it will be offended! Hah! Stick with a picture of it singing, though, although you should check this out because it's so funny. 12. Valley A fast and fun course. Again, like the River, there are several aquatic Pokémon, but this time they come out when you throw Pester Balls. The possibilities are Dratini (get a picture while it's jumping for 800 points), Goldeen (get it while it has sparks around itself, the move Splash, for a cool 1200 points), and Magikarp (get it while it has sparks around itself, the move Splash, for a cool 1200 points). A few seconds after you start, you'll see some shells floating in the water ahead of you. They'll start to near the left bank, and when any of them are between you and bank, hit it with a Pester Ball. The shell will launch up on the bank, and out pops a Squirtle! Click off a few shots, which can be made all the more point scoring by making at least one more fly up onto the bank. Throw some food for a nice happy pose worth 1000 points. Now straighten your view out. You'll probably see a Magikarp jumping out of the water on the outside corner of the bend ahead of you. Throw a Pester Ball in the spot that it leaps from. If you don't hit it the first time, then keep throwing them. ______________ < \ < X \ < \ ______ \ \ | \ | \ | \ | ^^^^^^^ I'm not the best at ASCII art, but I can at least do it to _some_ extent. Since they say that X marks the spot, X on this little ASCII bit of the corner is where you should throw your Pester Balls. Eventually, you'll hit the Magikarp and make it go floundering across the ground to that Mankey in the distance, to be flung to another part of the level. Don't take a picture of the Mankey here, since it won't be too good. Keep your view to the right, however. You'll see some high cliffs with some rock things hanging from them. Hit any of the rock things to make them fall off, revealing that they are Geodude. When one falls, a Sandshrew pops out of the ground. Knock all 3 Geodude down to get 3 Sandshrew to pop out of the ground, and then lure the 3 Sandshrew together with food to make them jump around in happiness (1000 points). (You can also knock one over with a Pester Ball to get a shot worth 800 points, but it's not necessary.) Straighten your view out again. If you look down the bank, you'll see a Sandslash standing there with a Graveler behind it, but then it burrows underground. (You can get a picture of it burrowing for 850 for this pose.) As you come nearer, notice that there are 2 Geodude on the wall behind it. Knock both Geodude off the wall in quick succession to make the Graveler tumble off the wall, forcing the Sandslash to pop out of the ground. Throw some food in front of it to make it jump into the air with happiness, so focus you camera above it and get the shot for 1050 points. Ignore the Graveler for now, since you'll have a much better shot later on with the Poké Flute, but you can take it now if you really want to. Now the river speeds up a bit. You'll see a Mankey on your left, but ignore it, as it is one of the 2 Mankey placed to make you try and take a shot, only to screw up. At the bottom of this set of rapids, you slow down again. Look to your left to see 3 Graveler clinging to the cliff, but you can't get them off there yet. Remember that Magikarp that the Mankey sent flying out of sight? Right about now, it should plop down on the ledge to the right of the Graveler (right next to the river). Throw a Pester Ball at it to make it bounce across the river, into the waterfall on your right. A few seconds later, a Gyarados thrusts its head out from the waterfall! Take a bunch of pictures, because there are some really big scoring opportunities here. In fact, don't stop taking pictures until you start to move down the next set of rapids. Get a shot while it shoots the water out of its mouth or just afterwards for a fearsome 1350 points (bad pun there). If you have time to take the shot before the Magikarp lands, straighten your view out to get a photo of a Staryu hovering above the water. By doing this, you'll make it follow you. _Then_ you should hit the Magikarp with the Pester Ball, although it isn't necessary to take the picture of this first Staryu. Now you enter the next set of rapids. There's another one of those Mankey on a ledge on the right, but ignore it. You'll see another Staryu. Get a photo of this one, and then focus upwards as you round the corner. Take a picture of the third Staryu. If you've gotten a picture of at least one, it will be circling the ZERO-ONE. Now you'll reach the end of the rapids and any Staryu following you will fly into that whirlpool over there, only to evolve and fly out again as Starmie! Take a shot if you can focus quickly enough. If you look a bit to the left of the whirlpool, you'll see a Dratini diving in and out of the water. Take a picture if you want to, and then throw Pester Balls (3) into the whirlpool until you see a big splash, and out flies Dragonite! Take a picture of it at any time while it does its silly little...I don't know what to call it. The best word to describe the noise it's making is an "Oher." Take a picture the second or third time it does that for 1200 points. Now straighten your view out, but then look at the right side of the river. You'll see some Squirtle shooting up a hill, trying to hit the Mankey at the top. Notice that one Squirtle doesn't jet up by itself. That's your cue: throw a Pester Ball at its back while it is between you and the Mankey to make it shoot up the hill and knock the Mankey down. The ZERO-ONE now takes you around a corner, and you see that Mankey you just knocked down, in a typically antagonistic mood. You'll notice a button behind it, but don't bother with it: I'll bring that up in a bit. When you are at a position where the button is to your left and the Mankey is in front of you... | O X | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Y (The "X" is the Mankey, the "O" the button, and the "Y" you.) ...hit it with a Pester Ball at take a photo while it's being thrown backwards. There's 1250 points right there. Now you float down a little bit more of the river, and you're done. Back with the Poké Flute... You can finally do something with those Graveler near the Gyarados. Play the Poké Flute for them to do one of 3 dances. (All of the dances give the same score.) Take a picture of one (being sure to get more than one in the shot) for a picture of "Graveler's Group Dance," worth 500 points. Catch one while it's dancing for quite a bit of points. That's all the new things you can do, except make the Squirtle walk towards you, but that's no biggie. The deal with the button and that gate: That gate leads you to Prof. Oak's hidden retreat, where he tells you to search for the Pokémon Signs. To get there, knock the Mankey off the hill and then hit it with a Pester Ball when it is in between you and the button to make it land on the button, opening the gate. However, I shall give you the next level's strategy beforehand, though. 14. Rainbow Cloud There is only one Pokémon here: Mew. (I can say that I have an official Mew on my Pokémon Yellow cartridge, but that's a different story altogether.) _Finding_ it is the extremely easy part: getting the shot is not, so I will guide you through this, step-by-step, so you can take pictures of the highest-scoring Pokémon in the game (10,000 points for a perfect shot!). From the start, I should tell you that you won't need Pester Balls: the Pokémon Food works just fine. After a few seconds, Mew will fly towards you in a bubble. Your aim is to get rid of the bubble, because it prevents you from getting a picture. As it flies towards you, hit it with food. It will fly away from you. Now repeat this process until you see the yellow version of the bubble fly off. Now look to your left or right (it seems to be random which side it chooses to use). You should hear the same noise you get when you try and focus on Mew with its shield on, only this time the music has a heartbeat track to it. Clobber it with a piece of food to make it cry out and spin around. Keep hitting it until it doesn't move any closer, then take a picture of it after it stops spinning, but before it disappears. (That will be worth at least 8000 points no matter what you do.) Remember that any shot of Mew automatically gives you 2500 points. Then the shield part starts anew. Keep repeating it until you get to the end of the level. Show a picture of Mew to Prof. Oak to get the credits. Congratulations! You've finished the game! 14. The Pokémon Signs There are 6 odd structures around the game that are your ticket into the Rainbow Cloud. Each level except Rainbow Cloud has one, and I'm going to tell you how to get each one. Note that after you have photographed one, you _must_ show it to Prof. Oak for the game to register that you've taken a picture of it. Also, the game may give you a "?" at the bottom of the screen during the run, but these are indeed the Pokémon Signs. You can also only take pictures of them after Prof. Oak tells you to. Beach: At the right turn after the Butterfree, look to your left to see a rock formation that looks like a Kingler. Tunnel: Free Zapdos to turn the power on, and after you pass the Electabuzz in the tunnel with the screens, Pikachu, and Diglett, look to the right. The strange shapes will project an image of a Pinsir on the wall. (This is near the exit of this part of the tunnel, but you need to take the picture before you get too close to the machine, or it will turn off.) Volcano: At the start, look to your left and locate the miniature volcano spewing forth smoke. Throw a Pester Ball in the crater and then watch the smoke. It will turn into a Koffing, so take a picture of the smoke. River: When you reach the Vileplume, play the Poké Flute so it stops emitting gas. When it stops, focus your camera on the big tree behind it that looks like a Cubone. Note that all the smoke must have blown away. Cave: When you are in the room where you save the 3 Jigglypuff, locate the shiny things I mentioned in the walkthrough. Take a picture of the big one and when it is developed, it will be a Mewtwo. Valley: Focus your camera on the hills behind the first Mankey. They appear to be a Dugtrio, so take a shot. 15. Tips on Beating the Challenge Scores There really aren't any tips for individual levels - just general tips. -Don't be afraid about running out of film: you have plenty of it, so use as much as you can. -Take pictures of as many different types of Pokémon as possible. -Use the tricks to make the Pokémon do high-scoring poses, but don't go overboard trying to do that. -Use the Dash Engine if you need to. -Sometimes you'll just have to make do with a simple shot (Squirtle, Geodude, and any others that don't score high). Don't simply pass them up. 16. The Quick, Easy, and Just Plain Lazy Pokémon Photo Guide So you don't feel like reading the rest of this FAQ to learn how to take good photos? That's OK, but note that it is not recommended that you use this as a substitute to reading the rest of the walkthrough. (This could also be considered a guide to the Challenge Scores, if you really want to put it that way, but I don't think so.) This is the quick and condensed guide to Pokémon photography. Beach: -Pidgey: Shows up immediately and in other locations, take a picture of the one that uses Gust on the Meowth robbing its nest. -Doduo: Shows up just after the Pidgey and leaps out of a couple bushes. -Pikachu: Just after the Doduo, on the right. Use the food to lure it onto the surfboard. Later, make a Scyther show its face from the first set of bushes for two Pikachu to come out and jump on the stumps. Use the Poké Flute for a zapping pose. -Butterfree: A little ways after the Pikachu and spread throughout the level. -Lapras: In several places in the ocean. Take successive pictures to make one come closer to the shore, eventually showing up next to the Kangaskhan. -Snorlax: Hard to miss, some ways after the Butterfree. Use the Pester Ball to make it scratch itself or the Poké Flute to make it dance. -Meowth: On a ledge after the Snorlax and in a few other places (bushes and the nest). Knock it off the ledge with a Pester Ball. You can take a picture or use the Poké Flute to make it dance. -Scyther: In any of the bushes with leaves flying out. Throw Pester Balls into the bushes to flush it out, and then take a picture while it slashes. -Magikarp: In the water under the bridge and in the lake near the exit. Throw food into the water to make it jump out. -Eevee: Chasing a pink ball (Chansey) across from the Kangaskhan. -Chansey: Being chased by Eevee. Use a Pester Ball to make it reveal itself, and then use the Poké Flute to make it dance. -Kangaskhan: Across from Eevee chasing Chansey, use food to make it turn around and try and scare you off. Tunnel: -Pikachu: Near the start and a few other places (near the egg, near Diglett). Repeatedly take pictures of the one at the start to make it jump on an Electrode. -Electrode: In the first tunnel area. Hit it with food or a Pester Ball to make it explode. -Electabuzz: Chasing the second Electrode you see and in the final tunnel area. Hit the ones in the final tunnel area with food to make it try and Thunderpunch you. -Kakuna: Drops from the ceiling in the first tunnel area whenever an Electrode explodes. -Zubat: Flies through the doors when you open them.\ -Haunter: In the room with the Zapdos (near the door) and in the third tunnel area. (Take a picture of the purple light to see it.) -Diglett: Next to the third Pikachu. -Dugtrio: Keep taking pictures of the Diglett and Pikachu will dig up more, creating a Dugtrio. -Magnemite: In the last area. Throw food in front of it to distract it before taking a picture. -Magneton: Make the three Magnemite come into close proximity of each other. -Zapdos: Lure Pikachu to its egg in the second area and play the Poké Flute. -Magikarp: Throw food into the lake right before the first set of doors. Volcano: -Rapidash: At the start of the level and off to the left of the start of the level. Take a picture while it's neighing after throwing food in front of it. -Vulpix: After the Rapidash and over the hill after the first Vulpix. Lure the 3 together for a group shot. -Magmar: Off to the left on a ledge some ways after the Vulpix and after Moltres' egg. -Charmander: Next to the first Magmar and on a ledge to the left of Moltres' egg. (Throw food to make these Charmander, next to the egg, call their friends.) -Moltres: Hit its egg into the lava with food or a Pester Ball. Get a photo when it shakes off the embers. -Magikarp: In a lake between your path and 3 craters on the right. Throw some food in the water to see it. -Arcanine: Throw a Pester Ball into any of the 3 craters for it to pop out randomly. -Growlithe: Throw a Pester Ball into any of the 3 craters for it to pop out randomly. -Charmeleon: On the left side of the path, opposite the 3 craters. (Can be also be seen by throwing food between the first Charmander and first Magmar.) -Charizard: Throw a Pester Ball at the Charmeleon circling the pool of lava when it is in between you and the lava pool. River: -Magikarp: Throw food in the water at any time for the chance that it may jump out. -Shellder: Throw food in the water at any time for the chance that it may jump out. -Cloyster: Throw food in the water at any time for the chance that it may jump out. -Bulbasaur: To the left a little bit after the start. -Poliwag: A bit to the right after you start. Use Pester Balls to get them out in the open and dive into the water, after which they may jump out when you throw food in the water. -Slowpoke: Both are on the left side of the riverbank. -Slowbro: Use food to lure any Slowpoke to the brown patch on the ground near the Shellder sign. -Vileplume: Across from the Slowpoke. You need the Poké Flute to get a shot of it. -Metapod: After you pass the Vileplume, look up and use a Pester Ball to bring one down. -Psyduck: To your left just after the Metapod. Clock it with food to make it go under, but then you can use food to bring it to the surface. -Porygon: To the right after you see the Psyduck. Use a Pester Ball to make it jump out of the wall, and hit it with another to make it lose the camouflage. -Pikachu: Near the exit on the left riverbank. Hit it with food or a Pester Ball to make it go running around (Speed Pikachu). Cave: -Zubat: Flies around in a few places after the start. -Ditto: On the first and second ledges on the right. Hit the "Bulbasaur" with a Pester Ball to make it appear. -Grimer: Below and to your left as the level starts, and further along the same ledge. Take pictures of these two to make more appear in the next cavern. -Muk: Hit any Grimer with 3 Pester Balls. -Jigglypuff: Being chased by a Koffing the first really big cavern. -Koffing: Chasing a Jigglypuff. -Magikarp: Throw food in the lake near the Weepinbell. -Weepinbell: Circling a lake, near the cavern with Articuno. -Victreebel: Hit the Weepinbell into the lake with a Pester Ball when it is between you and the lake. -Jynx: On the ground in front of Articuno's egg. -Articuno: In an egg. Play the Poké Flute to make the Jynx hatch it. Valley: -Magikarp: Throw food into the water. -Dratini: Throw Pester Balls into the water. -Goldeen: Throw Pester Balls into the water. -Squirtle: Knock one of the shells at the beginning onto the land with a Pester Ball. -Geodude: Knock it off the cliff near the right riverbank after the first bend. -Sandshrew: Burrows out from underground when a Geodude falls. -Mankey: Some ways away from the bank on the first bend. The best shot to get is to launch the Squirtle (hit it with a Pester Ball when it is between you and the Mankey) at the one on top of the hill after the whirlpool. -Graveler: Knock the 2 Geodude off the cliff at the second bend to make it fall down. Also appears across from the waterfall after the first rapids (play the Poké Flute with this trio to make it dance). -Sandslash: Appears when the Graveler falls down. -Gyarados: At the first bend, hit the area where the Magikarp jumps to knock it into the Mankey, who knocks it into another time zone...err...across the level. When you reach the 3 Graveler that dance, it will plop down on the ledge near them. Hit it with a Pester Ball to make it flounder into the waterfall, evolving into Gyarados. -Staryu: Appears above the second set of rapids. -Starmie: Take a picture of any of the Staryu to make it follow you down the rapids. (It must be a _centered_ picture.) When it reaches the end, it flies into the whirlpool, evolving into Starmie. -Dragonite: Throw 3 Pester Balls into the whirlpool to make it fly out. Rainbow Cloud: -Mew: From the start, I should tell you that you won't need Pester Balls: the Pokémon Food works just fine. After a few seconds, Mew will fly towards you in a bubble. Your aim is to get rid of the bubble, because it prevents you from getting a picture. As it flies towards you, hit it with food. It will fly away from you. Now repeat this process until you see the yellow version of the bubble fly off. Now look to your left or right (it seems to be random which side it chooses to use). You should hear the same noise you get when you try and focus on Mew with its shield on, only this time the music has a heartbeat track to it. Clobber it with a piece of food to make it cry out and spin around. Keep hitting it until it doesn't move any closer, then take a picture of it after it stops spinning, but before it disappears. (That will be worth at least 8000 points no matter what you do.) Repeat as needed. 17. Outro/Contact Info Well I guess that's it. Go out there and take some photos, or try and get better ones than you already have. Even compete with a friend. If you feel the need to add anything (or comments and such) or suggest that I make a MIDI of Jigglypuff's song, then E-mail me at IcyGuy900@aol.com. Cya! 18. Credits/Special Thanks CJayC- For making GameFAQs. The webmasters of their respective sites- For making them. solid snake- For playing the game through with me (at his house) and being my Pokémon photographic partner in crime. ("Kill Jigglypuff!", right, snake?) Nintendo, Game Freak, HAL, and Jack and Beans- For making this little gem of a game.