WELCOME TO RANDY MURTHA'S ________ ________ \ / \ / _________ | | | | _______ | ___ | _ |_ | _|_ | __ __ | ____| | | | | | | | | | / \ | | | / /| | | | | | | | | | | / _ \ | | |/ / | |____ | | | | | | | | |/ |_| \| | / / | ____| | |___| | | | | | / ___ \ | \ | | |______\ \ | |____| | / / | \ \ | |\ \ | |____ \__\|________|/___/ | \___\|__| \__\|_______| | | | | | | | | /______\ /______\ _________________________ THE RECKONING __________________________ WALKTHROUGH FOR ANY PLATFORM Version 1.0 April 2011 E-mail: randym1375@yahoo.com =================================================================== This document is Copyrighted by Randy Murtha December 2009 and may not be reproduced in part or in full without the written consent of the author. Nor shall this be posted on a website or printed in a magazine without my consent. All Rights Reserved. =================================================================== ******************* TABLE OF CONTENTS ******************* Notice 1) Introduction to Walkthrough................................. #1 2) Version History............................................. #2 3) The Story................................................... #3 4) Items....................................................... #4 5) Weapons..................................................... #5 6) Enemies..................................................... #6 7) Hints and Strategies........................................ #7 8) Game Walkthrough............................................ #8 - Unit 1: The Swamps........................................ #8A - Unit 2: Strogg Compound................................... #8B - Unit 3: Industrial Region................................. #8C - Unit 4: Strogg Spaceport.................................. #8D - Unit 5: Moon Base......................................... #8E 9) Credits, E-mail Rules, More Guides by Me, Legal Issues...... #9 NOTE: To navigate your way through this guide a little easier use the Control F feature. Simotaneously press and hold "Ctrl" and "F" and a window will pop up, simply type in the number of the section located above you wish to go to (e.g: #8B) and click "Find Next" to jump to that section of the guide, you may have to click find next two times. This navigation process is really quick and it sure beats scrolling all the way down the document to get to the section you want to be in. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ********** * NOTICE * ********** The only websites this walkthrough is legally posted on are: Game FAQ's - www.gamefaqs.com Neoseeker - www.neoseeker.com Game Spot - www.gamespot.com Super Cheats - www.supercheats.com Honest Gamers - www.honestgamers.com Game Radar - www.gamesradar.com Cheat Planet - www.cheatplanet.com ONLY THESE SEVEN SITES MAY POST MY GUIDE! If you have viewed this on any other site than the ones listed, or have seen this plagerised, please e-mail me and let me know which site you viewed this on, I will highly appreciate it. If you've seen this plagerised or on a website this isn't supposed to be on, there is a $CASH$ reward for informing me of who the violator is. ============================================================ #1 === ******************************** 1) INTRODUCTION TO WALKTHROUGH ******************************** Welcome to my very in-depth and extensive walkthrough for Quake II: The Reckoning, the first of two expansions for the FPS classic. This game takes place on Planet Stroggos during the Marine Recon invasion that took place in the original Quake II but you play as a different Marine on another part of the planet with a new set of objectives to fulfill to ensure the Coalitions success. This game is plenty of fun and offers one of the best arsenals of devistating weapons in a FPS game, has a tremendously high body count, tons of secret areas to try and find, and isn't too short a game for being an expansion; there are five units with 18 new levels to explore. A couple new items get introduced, as well as a few weapons but the enemies remain the same. I personally like this better than the original Quake II because of the fact that it's near pitch black everywhere; there are many dark corridors and rooms you can barely see in and this makes for a more suspensfull, realistic, pulse-pounding gaming experience. Even here in 2009 this game offers good times a plenty and any FPS fan won't be disapointed adding this game to their library. This is what a shooter should be all about and is why Id Software are the kings of FPS games. ============================================================ #2 === ******************** 2) VERSION HISTORY ******************** Version 1.0 April, 2011 This is the first complete version of my guide. The only things I missed were some secret areas and I will add them in when I find them, or someone e-mails me their locations. ============================================================ #3 === ************** 3) THE STORY ************** The walls of the drop pod close in around you like a tomb. Already, the air reeks of a nervous sweat. "Foxtrot squad, Drop Status is Go! Repeat, Go. Prepare for dismount." Your C.O.'s voice crackles over the com link, her voice cool and level. Display panels flash rapidly changing information, staining the interior of the capsule blood red, amber, and green. "On my mark...Five...Four..." You tense, bracing yourself the best you can in your prone posistion. "...Two...One...Drop!" A moment of anticipation, a metallic thunk as the mooring clamps disengage, a moment of roaring thrust, and then you are free falling. Shrugging off the effects of gravity, you grab the flight controls and force the pod along the designated approach vector. It fights back, first skipping, then surfing, and finally diving through the outer atmosphere of Stroggos, the Strogg home world. You gulp stale cooled air trying to forget the rapidly rising temperature of the outer hull. Excited radio chatter clutters the com link frequencies. So much for any damn radio silence. Anxious and excited marines whoop, hollar, and banter with each other. One marine cries out that he's been clipped, and then all hell breaks loose. "Mayday, Mayday, lost all power...shielding failed...missed dz...some kind of EMP is..." If you weren't fighting to keep alive yourself, the soul-wrenching screams of the doomed warriors would shred what nerve remains in you. Without warning, a shudder passes through your drop pod and everything more complex than a night-light goes dead. What'd that marine say? EMP? Electromagnetic Pulse. Your umpty-umm million dollar pod just became an expensive meteor. "DAMN!" Without thinking, you fist-hammer the manual release plunger. Mechanical catches release the heat shield over the vision port, engage a wire-and-pulley guidance system, and goose a one-shot generator to send a burst of energy through a Nichrome wire, heating it red hot and igniting a chain of solid fuel rockets. "God bless our engineers!" you laugh as the technologically primitive system fires and your control surfaces respond to sluggish life. You're in a dangerous dive, dropping through a flying rock field - but they're rolling along in some pretty stable orbits, nothing that muscle and nerve can't handle. Of course, there's always that one maverick in every bunch. *WHAM* "What the...Awww shit!" Meteor. Probably didn't take more than two inches off your right stabalizer...But the laws of physics are the laws of physics. Pulleys, wires and model rocket engines aren't going to pull you out of this one. Your drop pod goes into an end- over-end spin and your sorry ass is toast marine. Sky, planet, sky, planet...The rocky surface of Stroggos rushes up towards you. If you weren't jazzed on adrenaline, it'd be kind of peaceful looking. Sky, rocks, sky, water. "DAMN!" You spit out "WATER!" *BWOOSH* Your drop pod explosively slams into the still pool, boiling down to embed itself in the soft mud below. You're alive...but it may be a while before you know it. Consciousness creeps up on you softly, teasing you back to awareness. Sounds penetrate the pounding in your skull - trickling water, soft splashes. Slowly opening your eyes, the world swims double for a moment, and then snaps into focus. Slimy canyon walls loom over you, all but blotting out the glowering sky of Stroggos. "God...how long?" you groan. Something nearby stirs at the sound of your voice. A splash. Silence. A glance tells you that whatever may still be in your pod, half submerged in swamp muck, won't work worth shit...even supposing that the Strogg would give you the time to field strip and clean it. *Splash* Something's out there. Mud coated and aching, you drop to a crouch behind a mossy boulder and search for a weapon. Even a rock would be something. "Hot Damn!!" Better than you could have hoped for! It's your shotgun, loaded and ready to rock 'n roll. *Splash, splash, splash* You rack a shell in the chamber and jump up, aches and pains forgotten. Too many damn fine marines didn't make groundfall today. The Strogg are gonna pay. You swear that soon, real soon, there'll be a reckoning... ============================================================ #4 === ********** 4) ITEMS ********** 1) FIRST AID KIT: Big square gray boxes that restore 10 health, cannot collect if above 100 health. 2) MED KIT: Big square blue boxes that restore 20 - 50 health, cannot collect if above 100 health. 3) STIMPACKS: Adds 2 to your health. You can raise your total health to ??? max by collecting these. 4) MEGA HEALTH: Gives you 100 health but rapidly makes its way back down to the health you had before you picked it up; comes in handy when, and if, you find one. 5) COMBAT SUITS AND FLAK JACKETS: Adds 15 - 50 to your armor, cannot collect if above 200 armor. 6) BODY ARMOR: Adds 75 - 100 to your armor, cannot collect if above 200 armor. 7) ARMOR SHARD: Adds 2 to your armor, you can raise your total armor to ??? max by collecting these. 8) ADRENALINE: This will permanently add one more health point once found. 9) DUALFIRE DAMAGE: This will make weapons fire two times faster and deliver twice the damage for 30 seconds. 10) QUADFIRE: This makes your weapons fire four times faster than normal for 30 seconds. 11) QUAD DAMAGE: This wonderful little item will cause you to inflict four times normal damage for 30 seconds with any weapon. 12) INVULNERABILITY: Makes you indestructable for 30 seconds. 13) POWER SHIELD: Makes you more resistant to damage fo 30 seconds, at the cost of power cells. 14) REBREATHER: Lets you breathe underwater for 30 seconds. 15) ENVIORNMENT SUIT: Lets you walk, swim, or run through acid without taking any damage for up to 30 seconds. 16) SILENCER: Silences your weapons so you won't attract enemies. 17) BANDOLIER: Increases the maximum ammount of ammunition you can carry for most weapons. 18) HEAVY PACK: This also allows you to carry more ammo for all weapons if you're lucky enough to find one. 19) AMMO: Scattered all about for all of your weapons. 20) AMMO PACK: Refills your ammunition for most of your weapons. ============================================================ #5 === ************ 5) WEAPONS ************ 1) BLASTER: Just a common futuristic handgun that doesn't quite cut it against the Strogg. You can use the unlimited rounds this fires as a make-shift flashlight/flare for the many dark areas in the game. 2) SHOTGUN: This is a pretty weak weapon and the range is extremely short so don't use this on distant enemies. 3) SUPER SHOTGUN: A very powerful futuristic Shotgun that will drop the Strogg like ten ton bricks. The range is a bit further than the Shotgun but it's more effective at close range, preferably point blank range in the chest. 4) MACHINE GUN: This compact weapon is quite effective against the weaker Strogg. Your accuracy decreases with distance and you'll have to wrestle the controls to keep your sights on target 'cause this little gun has a nasty kickback and will vibrate all over the place to throw you off target. 5) CHAIN GUN: The same weapon Jesse Ventura used in "The Predator" and Arnie use in "Terminator 2". This weapon kicks serious ass and is very effective on all of the cyborgs running around and will shred them up like tissue paper. You can blow through 300 rounds in about four seconds so shoot this off in short bursts. 6) GRENADE: Just a simple time delayed grenade, hold down the trigger for a couple seconds to cook the grenade. If cooking you have about four seconds to throw it or it will blow up in your face to take it off. 7) GRENADE LAUNCHER: For some reason all grenade launchers suck in FPS games, with the exception of this one. Very effective if you shoot an enemy right in the face with a grenade, just aim kind of high as they're running towards you to stop them dead in their tracks. 8) ROCKET LAUNCHER: This is a really good weapon and will take out the bigger Strogg with just a few rockets; it'll probably become your best friend. The blast radius is quite large when a round explodes so don't use this at close range. It takes some practice to master, it's really easy to miss a Strogg firing this weapon. 9) RAIL GUN: This weapon fires hollow depleted uranium slugs at super high velocities like that weapon in the movie "Eraser." This is quite powerful against the tougher foe and one round will cut through several enemies at once if they happen to be in a straight line. Take note that the further away from an enemy you are when you use this the more devestating the rounds are. 10) TRAPS: Mines with a very unique property. Set one of these babies and it'll suck nearby enemies into it and turn them into little spheres that add 10 to your health when picked up. You can also get sucked into one so beware and don't venture too close to any active traps; if there is an active one that's hindering your progress you're pretty much screwed. 11) IONRIPPER: This weapon is great and shoots tiny boomerang shards that can be strategicaly bounced off of walls to repeatedly slice through all the Strogg lurking around. Works great for shooting blindly around corners and taking out those wussy Guards hiding behind crates. 12) PHALANX PARTICLE CANNON: This weapon fires two magnesium coated slugs that explode on impact so be very careful when using this at close range for the blast radius is quite large. Even though this weapon is on the weaker side it is ideal for taking out packed together enemies. 13) HYPER BLASTER: This is one of the most powerful weapons in the game and cuts through all the Strogg running around like hot knives through butter. As like the Chain Gun you can waste all of your ammo for this by holding down the trigger, short bursts are all you need to kill a Strogg. 14) BFG10K: The BFG stands for "Big Fuckin' Gun" 'cause this thing is huge and causes utter devestation. As you can probably guess by its name, this is obviously the most powerful weapon in the game. It shoots a big green plasma sphere that will shoot laser beams to lock onto a room full of enemies and then splatter them all into bloody little chunks that are just the right size to season and stew in your messkit, those MREs just don't cut it after so long. ============================================================ #6 === ************ 6) ENEMIES ************ 1) GEKK: Nearly identical to the Mutants in the last game and they usually hang around in caves and leap across entire rooms to land on your head to slice-n-dice you; they also shoot at you from a distance. These things are really quick and the Machinegun is a good choice to take 'em out. 2) GUARDS: They are the weakest of the Strogg and kind of look like a certain Star Wars character who is way overated. They are armed with blasters, machine guns, shotguns, plasma beams or ionrippers and go down quite easily with a Super Shotgun blast to the chest. 3) ENFORCER: These muscle bound cyborg bullies are armed with chain guns to rip you a new bung hole. They are fairly powerful Strogg and will prove to be quite the menace, especially when they get right up in your face and pump you full of lead. If you blow their heads off then the Chain Gun on its arm will go ballistic so try not to get wasted by the stray bullets zinging around. 4) FLYER: These are little cyborg bird/planes that don't make many appearences throughout the game. 5) PARASITE: These are basically Strogg pets and attack you with their really looong tongues to inflict massive damage. The best way to deal with these are to stand at least twenty feet back and launch a couple of grenades at it. 6) GUNNER: These are fair size Strogg that like to charge right up to you and start blasting you in the face with fully automatic gun fire and pelt you with grenades from a distance. Take these out from a afar with the Rail Gun or a blast to the chest from your Rocket Launcher. 7) BERSERKER: They are about the same size as Gunners but they don't shoot at you. One of their arms is a hammer and the other is a sharp spike and they will run right up to you and slash/bash you to throw you back about ten feet. Your best defense here is a point blank Super Shotgun blast in the face, problem solved. 8) BRAIN: Freaky cyborgs with tentacle arms that stretch out your way and cause massive damage if they happen to wrap around you, they also have some sort of protective shield around them. The Hyper Blaster and strfing are your best defenses while fighting these cretants. 9) GLADIATOR: These things are quite big, get around on huge robotic legs and are armed with a Rail Gun that will surely ruin your weekend. These borgs are pretty fast considering their size and they will be all over you within a matter of seconds if you don't take them out quickly. The Rocket Launcher is one of your best defenses here, the best defense is to strafe left or right after you fire a round their way. 10) TANK: These big cyborgs are really slow moving but don't let their spped decieve you for these are very dealy Strogg. You can always hear their hydraulic legs when they're moving around so keep your ears keen. They are armed with a Rocket Launcher and Chaingun to tear you limb from limb and the best way to deal with them are with a couple rockets to the chest and a few Hyper Blaster rounds to the head. 11) BARACUDA SHARK: These vicious fish have insanely sharp teeth and are obviously only found in water. The Machinegun works quite well against these things. 12) TECHNICIAN: These flying cylinders are actually tiny brains suspended in some kind of preserving fluid. These things are nearly silent and will always seem to surprise you. The Hyper Blaster will shred these things up in half a second. 13) IRON MAIDEN: Female cyborgs hell bent on killing marines. These chics are absolutely brutal and are armed with a Rocket Launcher that will piss all over your parade. If they get upclose to you they'll begin to slash you with their claws. The Rail Gun and Hyper Blaster are good defenses while fighting these PMS rampaging cyborgs. 14) ICARUS: Strogg idiots flying around on jet-packs. Use the Chain Gun to send them spinning like a top until they explode. Use the Super Shotgun if they get up close and personal with you. 15) SUPER TANK: Besides bosses these are the biggest, baddest, meanest, toughest, and deadliest Strogg around so be careful while you fight them. They are extremely tough and brutal opponents and will inflict massive damage if you let them for they are armed with a Rocket Launcher, Chain Gun, and Super Blaster. Use anything heavy in your arsenal to take them down, a blast from the BFG right to the chest and a Rail Gun slug in the face or two will do the deed with ease. ============================================================ #7 === ************************* 7) HINTS AND STRATEGIES ************************* - Take your time while exploring and enter rooms or areas very slowly. If there are Strogg in the room and they start attacking you, back out of the area and they will almost always follow you. Try to lure them out of the rooms a few at a time instead of charging right in. Or perhaps maybe you're like me and can deal with hairy situations and charge into every room and wreak havoc. If you do it the way I choose you'll improve your overall FPS gaming skills. - There are many, many dark areas in this game that you can't see in (even if you max out the brightness) with Strogg lurking around and this can confuse and disorienate. You can use the glow from the rounds your Primary Blaster fires as a make-shift flashlight/flare to be able to see in these areas. Improvise Marine! - A vital key to your survival is to keep moving while under attack. Don't just stand there like an idiot trying to act like Rambo and let the Strogg charge up to you. Back up and strafe all over the place while fighting these cretants and whatever you do, don't back yourself up into a corner. And don't forget that you can strafe diagonal. Strafing diagonally is highly effective dodging numerous enemies gunfire, especially if raining down from above. - Take cover behind anything you can find when fired upon with the exception of expolding barrels and crates. Common sense I know but a lot of people out there don't have one shred of it. - Use all of the explosive barrels and crates found throughout the game to your advantage. Wait for the Strogg to go near the barrels or crates and then blow them up to wipe the Strogg out with ease. - You will want to use corners to your advantage while fighting the stronger Strogg. Strafe around a corner and launch a round and quickly retreat until the return fire stops, repeat this process to avoid taking tons of damage than by doing the alternate choice of charging down a corridor head on into a Tank 'cause you'll lose. - Whenever you wander into a room full of crates and other objects simply launch a few grenades behind them, more often than not you'll kill something to hear that ever so satisfying SPLAT of a borg exploding into bloody little chunks. - You will also want to use elevated positions to your advantage. In this game you'll come across numerous situations where you'll be on a ledge high above a room full of Strogg. In most FPS games you will always have an advantage firing from an elevated position without too much worry about accurate return fire (especially while crouched) so keep this mind and use this tip wherever the situation calls for it. - Explore every nook and cranny on every level. You would be surprised at all the stuff lying all over the place just waiting to be found that you would never know about if you don't explore the realms. - Try to save all of the health and armor until you absolutely need it. It's a pain in the ass back tracking to it but it is well worth it. Weak characters don't stand a chance against the Strogg. - Save in-game items like the Quad Damage, Invulnerability, and Power Shields until the later levels. Trust me, you'll be sorry if you waste all of the in-game items as soon as you get them. - You should always try to swim as far as you can before equipping a Rebreather, 90% of the time you can make the swim no problem without one so keep this in mind. - This next strategy works well and is the top piece of advice I can give a FPS gamer. While strafing near an enemy you can circle him buy strafing left or right while keeping your sights locked on him as you strafe left or right. It takes some practice to master but once you do, use it on all your friends in multi-player, they'll hate you for it! This stratagey works in every first person shooter out there so remember it and use it in all of your FPS adventures. - If playing this game on the PC use the quick save (default hotkey F6) and quick load (default hotkey F9). Die hard FPS gamers don't believe in quick saving for they believe it is for the weak and never should've been invented, but I realize that everyone who plays these type of games aren't at the pro skill level so I recommend using the quick save/load to the fullest advantage. - And most importantly, don't ever give up and believe in yourself. By doing so you can master this, or any game, in no time. ============================================================ #8 === ********************* 8) GAME WALKTHROUGH ********************* NOTE FOR PC PLAYERS: This game is old school and to be able to use the mouse to look around you must go into the options menu and change "FREE LOOK" to yes. You'll also have to configure the keyboard controls to use the standard "WADS" control system if you're not using a joystick. You can even listen to a CD as you play the game; to do this go into the options menu and enable the "CD Music." NOTE FOR ALL PLAYERS: If you use this guide I want you to know that I fail to mention most of the enemies so be on constant guard, I don't want to be a total game spoiler on you. I will also fail to mention lots of health and ammo since these items are everywhere and impossible to miss. You'll also notice that I have not found some of the secret areas, I will add them in this guide if I ever find them. If you guys find the ones I missed and want to e-mail their locations so I can add them to this guide it will be greatly appreciated, I will of course credit you for the find. ******************************************************************* #8A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UNIT 1: THE SWAMPS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ******************************************************************* LEVELS IN UNIT 1: - The Swamps - The Sewers - Waste Sieve -------------- ~ THE SWAMPS ~ -------------- Main Mission Objective: - Gain access to Strogg Fortification Secondary Mission Objective: - Eliminate enemy resistance Secret Areas: 1/3 After the opening cut scene you'll be in a rocky canyon and a Shotgun is in front of on the right, along with a couple of boxes of shells so pick 'em up. Follow the canyon to a laser fence, don't try to go through it or you'll die, and proceed to another fence where you'll be attacked by some enemies. After you kill them your objectives will get updated informing you to find another way into the Strogg Compound. Jump on the rocks to the right and climb your way up to a watery cavern. Kill the Gekks in here and drop into the water and swim to the right to a seemingly dead end; surface and look for a ledge to climb, do so up into the cave. You'll notice how dark it is in here so you may want to turn the brightness all the way up via the Video Options, even though doing this doesn't help all that much. Look for some Armor Shards and Stimpacks in here, they're hard to spot and you can use your Blaster rounds to brighten the cave up a little bit. Exit the cavern and follow the path to some water and be sure to snag the Machine Gun to the left of it. Dive in the water and swim through the tunnel on the bottom, grab the Armor Shards then surface and get out of the water just past them. Climb up the rocks to spot two Gekks ahead of you on a ledge, take 'em out and then get a running start and jump to where they were and check in the left corner for a Silencer, this is considered a secret area. Drop down off the ledge and head into the cave on the left, look for a narrow opening on the right wall revealing more Stimpacks; snag 'em and continue upwards to some water. You can see a Flack Jacket across the water on a ledge so take a swim to it and be sure to grab the Armor Shards under the surface. Go back through the narrow opening that led you in here and go right, follow the cavern to some more water and be ready to take out a few more pesky Gekks. There's some ammo in the water if needed, if not then continue along to a pipe blocked by a grate, blow off the grate with the Shotgun and head into the pipe. You'll emerge into a room with a couple of Guards shooting at you, take 'em out and grab the excess Ammo Shards lying about; then head through the door on the right to enter the sewers. ___________________________________________________________________ -------------- ~ THE SEWERS ~ -------------- Main Mission Objective: - Gain access to Strogg Fortification Secondary Mission Objective: - Gain access to Outer Compound through Sewers Secret Areas: 3/3 Proceed into the chaos and mow down quite a few Guards, there's health in the water on the left if you need it. If you need some Combat Armor then jump into the water in the right corner from where you entered the sewers, swim through a tunnel to a ladder and climb it, then another one, and follow the catwalk to the end. You'll see the Combat Armor across the room ontop of a pipe, to get to it will require you to first jump onto the doors upper edge below you on the right, then jump to the armor. Drop down and follow the corridor and you'll wander across a locked door that says it can be opened nearby so continue along and you'll wander into a room of water; push the button on the left to open the locked door you just passed. Turn around and head through the now open door and climb up the ladder, continue along to meet a Flyer, these things can be a real pain as you already know from previous Quake games. At the end of this pipe is another one filled with water so drop into it and swim down, at the bottom go LEFT (right takes you to a locked door) and climb the ladder. There are two corridors across from you, head into the LEFTMOST one to waste some more foe and follow the corridor to a door, head on through and you'll spot the Super Shotgun above you, along with some green lasers to the right. Drop down to the green lasers and you'll land in some water, get out of it and you'll spot a door, and to either side of it two metal shutters. Open the shutters and destroy the two power cells via Shotgun blasts to disable the green lasers, then press the button that the lasers were blocking and a message will flash across the screen "1 more to go." Now to the business of attaing that sweet looking Super Shoutgun. Jump in the water near the button and look for a grate to shoot out, do so to find a Secret Area. Swim through the blown open grate and follow the pipe, when you see a hole on the ceiling surface to catch your breath and climb out of the water to snag the Adrenaline in the corner. Swim back into the pipe to a ladder, climb it and take the Super Shotgun in front of you, now we're talking. Drop down, head through the left door and follow the corridor to be back where you swam through the first pipe. Head down the other corridor in this room and when it branches left you'll see a cracked wall on the right, shoot it to blow a hole in it to reveal a secret area then step on through and grab the Bandolier on the right, this increases the amount of ammo you're able to carry. Pass through the door at the end of the corridor to emerge in a room with a few enemies and what appears to be a pit of water, don't jump into that liquid for it's not water but acid and you'll melt to death in seconds if you do. Next to the door where you entered this room is a button, push it to drain the acid, then drop into the pit and head through the door. Hop onto the lift down here and take a ride up, open the door at the top which will release two Guards behind you so turn around and kill them immediately, then grab the Flack Jacket and Stimpacks out of the little rooms they ambushed you from. Now re-open the door and you'll spot a button across from you, carefully jump onto the small ledge below you to the left to get to it and press it to filter the acid, it will then be safe to swim in so jump on in. Hop out to be back where you entered this room and press the button across from you to see a message flash across the screen "Flood Hatch Switched." Head back to where you swam through the pipe and you'll notice that the pipe you swam through is closed and the one next to it is now open. Climb down the ladder into this new pipe and continue along to spot a button to the right, press it and a platform will rise out of the water to your left and a grate will lower revealing another button on the right, press it to see the message "Overflow Valve Opened" flash across the screen. Drop into the water and swim under the platform that just raised to the right and surface to find the last secret area in this level, which has a suit of Combat Armor in it. Continue across the platform and go through the doorway on the left to a ladder you must climb, do so and then follow the corridor to a pipe filled with water. Drop into the pipe and swim down, at the bottom go RIGHT and then quickly swim through it and surface before you drown and ruin your weekend. After you slaughter the cyborg pukes raining heavy lead down upon you climb the ladder to the left of where you surfaced and head through the door up here enter the Waste Sieve. ___________________________________________________________________ --------------- ~ WASTE SIEVE ~ --------------- Main Mission Objective: - Gain access to Strogg Fortification Secondary Mission Objective: - Continue through sewers and eliminate all resistance Secret Areas: 4/4 You'll start this level off in a very dark corridor and to the right is some water. Waste some Strogg, jump into the water and swim along to the left, then go right to a spinning blade. Crouch down and approach the blade, looking at the ceiling, and shoot the button in- between it to reveal a secret area across from you. Go under the blade, being careful to time it right so you don't take any damage, and swim into the secret area for some Adrenaline. Continue along to spot a ladder and a locked flood gate at the bottom of it, surface and climb the ladder, then another one and turn around. Shoot the wall with the Strogg symbol on it over the waterway you swam through to get in here, it'll open up to reveal a secret area with a Super Shoutgun and a couple baoxes of shells in it. To get in there simply jump onto a thin ledge below it, then up to the weapon. Go through the door atop the ladder and follow the corridor to a button, press it to open the flood gate in the previous room and be sure to grab the Rebreather to the right of the button, this item allows you to breathe under water when equiped. Return to the previous room and jump back into the water, swim through the now open hole at the bottom of the ladder and get ready for a long swim, if you're quick enough you won't have to equip the Rebreather you just found. Swim through the long pipe and then take the FIRST left when you get the chance, swim through the tunnel then quickly surface when the tunnel turns right. Go through the door to kill some more borgs and you'll notice a ladder leading up to a door, but the door is locked so take notice of the button on the right wall, press it to take an elevator ride up. Step off at the top and kill the Guards across from you (there's a Flack Jacket over there), then climb down the ladder in front of you and press the button on the right to open Access Valve A. Climb back up the ladder and on the left is a now open pipe filled with water; jump into it (it may take several attempts due to the small diameter of the hole you're trying to go through) and swim tohrough the pipe to the end and surface. Use the descending pipes on the wall as a ladder and climb your way up to a platform with a button on the wall, press it to open Acess Valve B. Turn around to spot some Combat Armor on a ledge below you and jump to it. Dive back into the water and swim back through the pipe, then get out via the way you entered it. Jump across to the other side of the room and enter the newly opened pipe, fortunately this one is drained of water. Continue along to a grate blocking your progress and look at the ceiling to notice a crack with sparks falling through, stand back and shoot the crack to blow the pipe wide open. Kill the Enforcers on the ledge across from you, the door they're blocking is opened elsewhere so drop out of the pipe and go through the other door down here to enter yet another extremely dark room. Climb the ladder on the right and continue along to meet a Berserker or two, these guys charge right up to you and smash you in the face with a hammer and the best way to deal with them a couple Super Shotgun blasts point blank in their face. Climb down the ladder where the Berserker sprang from and follow the corridor to a button, press it to extend a security ladder. Turn around and go back up the ladder that brought you down here and look to the left for the security ladder you've just lowered; climb the ladder and press the button on the wall to see the message "A door has opened" flash across the screen. Turn around and you'll notice some pipes bracketed to the ceiling on the other side of the room, jump onto them for a few Armor Shards and follow the pipe to the end, then crouch down to the right to find another suit of Combat Armor in a secret area. Go back to where you dropped out of the pipe to be in this area, that door that was previously locked is now open so climb the ladder (it's on the far left from where you dropped out of the pipe in the corner, it's very hard to spot) and jump to the ledge it's on, then head through it and follow the corridor to a door on the right and a button to the left. Press the button to activate the security lift and go through the door, step onto the security lift to be lifted up to a door marked exit, it's locked. Follow the corridor to the left or right, it's just a square, and go through another door to be in a room with two Berserkers. Take 'em out and step onto the button in the floor to release the airlocks on the exit door. Look down through the small window past the button to spot a Dualfire Damage floating on a ledge below you, crouch through the window and use the angled pipes on the left or right to get to it, it's the last secret area in this level. Jump to the door across from you and head through it, hop back onto the security lift and exit this place to be back in the Swamps. ___________________________________________________________________ ------------------------ ~ THE SWAMPS REVISITED ~ ------------------------ Main Mission Objective: - Gain access to Strogg Fortification Secondary Mission Objective: - Kill enemy resistance Secret Areas: 2/3 Don't go right just yet, proceed forward and grab all of the Armor Shards and you'll wind up behind one of the security fences you saw at the beginning of the game. Kill some freaks and be sure to grab the Mega Health by the fence, which will add 100 to your health, which is temporary for it slowly counts down to the health you had before you picked it up. Go back to the door and go left to follow the canyon to wind up in an open area with a bunker, take out some cretants and press the button near the bunker door to open it, head on in. To your immediate left is a lift, ignore it for now and clear the room of Strogg, then collect all the Armor Shards and Stimpacks lying about. Use the computer on the wall in here to extend a security bridge. To the left of the computer is an exploding barrel, use it to jump into the alcove above the computer to be in a secret are with some Combat Armor. Hop onto the lift and take a ride up, cross the bridge you just extended and go through the door, then press the button marked exit to end this first unit and enter the Strogg Compound. ******************************************************************* #8B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UNIT 2: STROGG COMPOUND ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ******************************************************************* LEVELS IN UNIT 2: - Outer Compound - Inner Compound - Core Reactor - Warehouse - Intelligence HQ ------------------ ~ OUTER COMPOUND ~ ------------------ Main Mission Objective: - Enter Intelligence HQ and discover location of Strogg Counter Strike Fleet Secondary Mission Objective: - Join with remaining members of Strike Team; find Data CD Secret Areas: 2/4 Immediately head into the compund on the right, wasting Strogg everywhere, and grab all the Stimpacks and Armor Shards and you'll see two doors. Go through the right one to be outside and go down the stairs to spot the Data CD, obviously pick it up and your objectives will get updated, you must take the CD to the Intell Center. Proceed through the canyon and go into another part of the facility, take out some more scrum and head down the stairs to wind up outside again. Climb the rocks on the right but don't go down the ladder atop them for it takes you to a locked door. Turn around to spot a Grenade Launcher in a room above and across from you with a blown-out wall, on the left. In the room below the launcher is a big steel strut that fell from the ceiling, leaning at an angle but it's too high to jump onto. Look at the ceiling by the fallen strut to spot some crates just barely being held in place by the crumbling floor above, shoot at the floor to make them drop down; then use them to get to the strut and climb it to reach a secret area and grab the Grenade Launcher. Put this baby to good use. Go back to where you've found the Data CD and head back into the facility, then immediately go through the right door to be in a corridor, follow it and then the walls will move and some borgs will appear. Kill 'em all and then press the button on the wall to open up the way and continue to some steps going down, the door on the left has some ammo behind it. Go down the stairs to a ladder and climb it, proceed through the corridor to enter a room with some lasers on the right, stairs on the left and a corridor on the left leading to an elevator. Take out the enemies in here and go up the stairs, avoid falling through the hole in the floor, and proceed through the corridor, when you make your second left look up to spot a button in the wall, shoot it and it'll make that little incline below it raise. The object here is to shoot the button and quickly run down the incline before it raises, when it does raise simply go underneath it to find another secret area with a Power Shield in it. Head through the wall, which is actually a door, opposite the shield to be behind the lasers you saw a minute ago, use the computer on the left wall to deactivate them. Proceed through the corridor past the computer and head down some stairs, there's Combat Armor under them if you need it, and head through the door down here to enter the Inner Compound. ___________________________________________________________________ ------------------ ~ INNER COMPOUND ~ ------------------ Main Mission Objective: - Proceed to Intelligence HQ and eliminate all resistance Secondary Mission Objective: - Take Data CD and locate base Intelligence Center Secret Areas: 3/5 Things will start to get a little hairy from here on out due to some powerful new enemies but I'm sure you're Marine enough to man up and deal with it. Proceed down the corridor and head into the room on the left and take out a few Brains, tough lil' bastards. You'll notice a computer on the wall in the far left corner, look for two buttons in the room to the right of it and press them to engage a laser; then interact with the computer on the wall to rotate the laser which will blow out a wall for you. Before heading through the hole in the wall go to the corner opposite the computer to a now raised lift, drop underneath it to be in a secret area, climb the ladder to the left of the ammo to grab Body Armor. Drop down and go through the hole in the wall the laser blew out for you and kill two more Brains guarding a computer; then use the computer to open a security door, which is right around the corner and leads back to where the level began. Hop onto the lift across from the security door and take a ride up, follow the corridor to a room with some crates. You'll spot a corridor to the right (ignore it) and stairs going down in the back of the room, descend them. You'll notice a Trap ontop of a crate in the right corner at the bottom of the stairs, simply jump up to it, this is a mine that works quite well; it can also kill you so don't venture too close to any live ones, if there is an active one hindering your progress you're pretty much screwed and will have to start the level over, or load your last quick save if you use that feature. Continue along to a door and slowly step through and take the Bandolier on the left, if you fall off the ledge it sucks to be you and now you gotta hoof it all the way back up here. Turn around and go through the corridor you ignored a minute ago and descend some stairs to emerge outside with water below. Kill all the borgs running amuk and go back to the doorway that led you out here and face the water, to the right are some rocks you can climb, once ontop of them jump to the ledge over the doorway to find a Mega Health in a secret area. Drop down and cross the bridge and your objectives will update; the Strogg have sealed the main entrance to Intelligence HQ and you have to find an alternate route to get in there. Go figure. Jump in the water below and swim through a tunnel, then get out first chance you get and quickly kill the Gekks surrounding you. Jump back in the water and swim to the right, then hop out of the water for some probably well needed shells. Jump back into the water and look for a tunnel on the left you must CROUCH into, do so and surface to be in a secret area with a Silencer. Swim back out of the tunnel and go back to where you first got out of the water, then head through the tunnel on the right to kill some more Gekks guarding a door, head through the door to be in a very dark room. Head down the stairs on the right to see two fuze boxes, your objectives will get updated informing you that you must find the Power Cubes to power the fuze box so let's go find 'em. Leave this room and go back outside, then head through the door on the right to enter the Core Reactor. ___________________________________________________________________ ---------------- ~ CORE REACTOR ~ ---------------- Main Mission Objective: - Proceed to Intelligence HQ and eliminate all resistance Secondary Mission Objective: - Retrieve Power Cubes from the Core Reactor Secret Areas: 3/3 You'll spot some Body Armor on a ledge above you and you won't be snagging it until the end of this level. Proceed down the inclining corridor to the left to wander across a Rocket Launcher (only on easy - any other difficulty and it's not here), pick it up and stop. You'll hear something big moving around on hydraulic legs so slowly walk through the corridor and you'll see a door on the right blocked by a force field. Slowly creep up to the corner past the door and take out that Tank at the end of the hallway, these things are tough, brutal cyborgs and 5-6 rockets to the chest will drop 'em like a ten-ton brick. Go up the stairs the Tank was guarding and then take out a Gladiator on a ledge above you to the left. To the right of the ledge are two red doors, go through either one of them to be in yet another pitch black room and climb the stairs being weary of the borgs waiting to ambush you. This place can get confusing due to the darkness so look for a lever to pull where you get ambushed by a Gladiator, pulling the lever will open up a Power Cube Chamber and release some enemies behind you. Drop into the room below the lever you just pulled and take the Power Cube out of the blue-glowing reactor and be sure to grab the Chain Gun in the right corner. Underneath the stairs in this room is a secret area with a Mega Health, just crounch under them to snag it. Leave this area by way of one the red doors you went through to get in here and hang a right. Proceed through a green door and grab the Stimpacks on the left, you'll see a locked door to the right so continue through the corridor and ride the lift down at the end. At the end of this corridor is another Gladiator so waste it and then take the second Power Cube out of the little fuze box on the left wall; your objectives will get updated informing you that the Power Cubes have been retrieved and to return to the Inner Compund. Walk down the corridor and you'll see that the door on the left is no longer blocked by a force field so head in there. Kill the Tank hiding in the shadows and take the lift up that's recessed in the right wall, then ride another lift one up. Go through the doorway on the right and step on the button in the floor, this will open up that one door you saw a minute ago, which is right below you. Hop ontop of the crates to the left of the button and jump to the pipe across from them, follow the pipe all the way to the left and look down to the right to spot a Bandolier ontop of a crate, simply jump down it; this is another secret area. Now backtrack all the way back up the two lifts that brought you to this secret and go left this time; again hop onto the crates and then to the pipe, and follow it to the right all the way to the end, look down to the left to spot some Adrenaline atop a stack of crates, that's the last secret area in this level. Drop down from the crates and go through the door you opened via the button you stood on a minute ago to be in another pitch black room, ride the lift up in the middle and grab the Body Armor you saw at the beginning of the level. Drop down into the room below and head through the door to be back in the Inner Compound. Go straight ahead and then through the door on the left, head down the stairs and place the Power Cubes in the fuze boxes and your objectives will get updated, you are now to proceed to the Warehouse. A corridor opened up by the stairs when you placed the fuzes so wander on down it, you'll come across a lever and a room filled with lava to the right with big hammers swinging back and forth. Pull the lever to extend a bridge over the lava and carefully make your way across it, continue through the corridor and go through the door at the end to enter the Warehouse. ___________________________________________________________________ ------------- ~ WAREHOUSE ~ ------------- Main Mission Objective: - Gain access to Intelligence HQ through Water Storage System Secondary Mission Objective: - Locate Green Keycard Secret Areas: 1/2 Head through the corridor to emerge into a room with a Gladiator high above shooting uranium slugs at you so take him out and go up the stairs on the left. The corridor left takes you to a locked door and you can see a door in front of you. Head towards the door but don't go through it, go through the door to the right of this one and take the Rebreather behind some explosive barrels, you'll see a computer on the wall and you need the green keycard to use it, remember it. Leave this room and go through the door you just passed to be in a room full of crates, you can climb behind the ones on the right to find some Combat Armor, and use them to get to a leadge above with some Stimpacks. Go up the stairs in here to be greeted by yet another Gladiator, make sure you check behind the pillars for a bunch of ammo and such; there's also a Rocket Launcher behind the pillars if playing on Medium difficulty, finally. Continue through the corridor past the pillars and take an elevator ride at the end. Proceed through a door and clear the room of any borg, you'll notice a ladder in here leading up to a locked door, remember it. Head to the door on the other side of the room, to open it simply press the button to the right of it; when it opens follow the corridor to an elevator blocked by a force field. Turn around and look for a cracked and sparking wall on the left and blow the wall open to reveal a corridor, then follow it to a watery tunnel. Follow the water through a tunnel with green lights in the ceiling which will take you to a ladder so climb it and then hop into some more water. Swim into a large room with platforms moving back and forth, being weary of the vicious little borg fish swimming around trying to rip you limb from limb; surface and get out of the water. Hop onto the moving platforms and use them to jump to the button on the other side of the room the Enforcer is guarding and press it, this will make the platforms move up and down on the wall so use them to get up to the room above you. Once up there you'll see a door in front of you and a computer to the left, press the button near the computer to gain access to the ventilation system. Head through the door up here and you'll see another wall that's cracked and sparking on the right, shoot a hole in it and enter the ventilation shaft. You'll float around in here and the object is to let the fan below you push you up to the top of the shaft so you can get into the pipe up there. Once up there follow the pipe through a door to be in a secret area with Adrenaline, along with some probaly well needed rockets. Head back to where you entered the pipe and look down towards the fan below, you'll notice a small red rectangle on the wall thats sparking, shoot it to disable the fan and then drop through it to land in some water with crates everywhere. Swim into a large room with a spinning blade, swim around the room with the blade and then hop out of the water on the ledge where the Enforcer is; it's kind of hard to do, you have to hop onto the blade, then up to the platform. Use the computer on the wall to open a shutter to the left, approach it and take the Green Keycard. Your objectives will get updated informing you to use the keycard to activate the drainage system. Hop back into the water and swim through the corridor on the right to a ladder and climb it, head to your immediate right and press the button on the wall to open the door next to it, that door takes you back to the room with moving platforms. Turn around and follow the corridor to a door and head on through to kill another Gladiator and you'll spot a button on the floor, it can't be activated yet so remeber it. Continue through the door past the button, descend some stairs and go through another door, then follow the corridor all the way to the end. This place should look familiar so head through the door on the right to be back at that one computer I told you to remember. Now that you have the keycard you can use the computer to lower the water levels in the storage tank, do so and your objectives will get updated again informing you to proceed to the Intelligence HQ. Back track to the button in the floor I told you to remember and step on it, this will open the water storage tank in the room below, the one with the ladder in it I told you to remember. Drop down into the room and then climb up the ladder to enter the storage tank. Swim through the pipe, activate the Rebreather you've found earlier and be weary of the borg fish swimming around. Surface at the end and head through the door to finally reach the Intelligence HQ. ___________________________________________________________________ ------------------- ~ INTELLIGENCE HQ ~ ------------------- Main Mission Objective: - Use Data CD to discover location of Strogg Counter Strike Fleet Secondary Mission Objective: - Locate the main Intelligence Computer Procesing Core Secret Areas: 1/1 Proceed through the watery corridor and go left for some probably well needed ammunition. Turn around and follow the passage to the end and climb up the ladder on the right. Go to the right to find an Ionripper in the corner, this weapon is great so put it to good use and learn how to bounce the rounds off of walls to repeatedly slice through the borgs. Continue past the ladder you just climbed to run into another one, climb it and grab the Combat Armor then kill the Tank blocking theintersection. Left takes you to a doorway blocked by a force field so head right and go through the door at the end of the corridor to emerge outside and you'll see a large pillar with blue lights in them. Grab all the goodies hiding in the shadows to the left and right and SLOWLY walk around the pillar to see not one but two Super Tanks; these things are brutal opponents so good luck in taking them down. When the tanks are reduced to a smoldering pile of steel and flesh wander around the area and refill on all the excess ammo lying about and then go through a door that's to the right of the one you exited to get out here. Follow the darkened corridor to some stairs going up on the right and ascend them, then head left or right to wander upon a ladder going down in the back of the room. Go down the ladder to kill a couple of Guards and then use the computer in here to download the loacation of the Strogg Counter Strike Fleet; your objectives will get updated informing you of your success and now you are to proceed to the Industry Complex. Next to the computer is some acid, if you have an Enviornment Suit equip it (there's one in a small room above the ladder you can easily jump to) and hop on in to find some Adrenaline in a secret area. Climb back up the ladder and go back down the stairs and hang a right to notice the force field is no longer hindering your progress so jump to that probably well needed Combat Armor on the crate across from you. Drop down and head into the elevator to end Unit 2. ******************************************************************* #8C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UNIT 3: INDUSTRIAL REGION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ******************************************************************* LEVELS IN UNIT 3: - Industrial Facility - Outer Base - Refinery - Water Treatment Plant - Badlands ----------------------- ~ INDUSTRIAL FACILITY ~ ----------------------- Main Mission Objective: - Destroy the Strogg Fuel Production Facility Secondary Mission Objective: - Gain entry to the Refinery Secret Areas: 4/5 Head down the corridor in front of you to wander upon a locked door, simply press the button next to it and it'll open; step on through to emerge outside. The door across from you is locked and requires a Security Pass to open so let's find one real quick. Descend the steps and a door will open on the right and a Super Tank will roll out, take it out and then go into the dark room it emerged from to find the Security Pass. Look up in the sky and take out the Icarus' flying around, when they're dead go next to the door that led you out here; look to the right of it to spot a thin ledge and follow it around to a big squarish support coloumn, from there jump to all the other columns eventually working your way to the one in the furthest corner to be in a secret area with the Phalanx Particle Cannon. Drop down and go through the door that requires the Security Pass; you can hop onto the crates to your right to get that suit of Combat Armor if needed, if not then go into the room to the left of the crates to grab some Stimpacks and Armor Shards. Climb up the crates in this room for some rockets and then turn around and look to the right of the doorway. See that dark gray crate with the red skull symbol on it? Shoot it and it'll explode, revealing a button; shoot the button to lower some stairs and descend them to be in a secret area with a Bandolier and Silencer in it. Leave this secret stash and go straight to see a computer blocked by a force field and a locked door to the left of it, go down the corridor to the left of it to emerge into a room with some Strogg firing down at you from above. Do some side-strafin'-shootin' to take 'em all out and proceed down the corridor on the other side of the room to a locked door that requires a Red Key to open (remember it) so turn around and take the lift up on the left. Follow the corridor to a door on the right that requires a Green Key to open, remeber it; look at the wall to the left of this door to see a ventilation duct attached to the wall, shoot it where it goes down one level to reveal a secret area with a Mega Health in it, just crouch in there to snag it. Go back down the lift and you'll see another elevator shaft directly ahead of you, drop into it and kill the Gladiator wandering around down there. Head through the door at the end of the corridor to be outside again and hang a right to take out another Super Tank; there's a Phalanx Particle Cannon in the far right corner if you missed the last one. When the tank is destroyed you'll spot a Green Key spinning in a little room recessed in the wall, obviously pick it up and your objectives will be updated, you are to proceed to the Outer Base. Return to the door that you needed the Green Key for I told you to remember and head through it to enter the Outer Base. ___________________________________________________________________ -------------- ~ OUTER BASE ~ -------------- Main Mission Objective: - Destroy the Strogg Fuel Production Facility Secondary Mission Objective: - Infiltrate main Security Complex and obtain the Red Key Secret Areas: 0/3 Slowly walk forwards and kill the Strogg around the corner on the left manning a huge cannon that'll surely ruin your weekend. Drop into the water below and you'll see some Stimpacks against the wall, climb out of the water above them and step on a button to make a bridge appear above you; then climb up the ladder below the cannon and cross the bridge. Press the button next to the door on the right to open it and it'll reveal a small room full of crates, one of which is being held up by a claw. Kill the Guards in here and then shoot the explosive barrel in-between the crates to reveal a button; crouch to the button and press it to make the crate being held up by a claw fall, which will explode to reveal the best weapon in the game, the Hyper Blaster. Snag it and head through the door beyond and your objectives will get updated informing you to locate the Control Room and obtain the Red Key. Follow the corridor to two doors, one that's disabled beyond repair to the left and a locked one to the right. You'll see a dark gray crate with a skull on it behind some concrete bars in-between the doors, shoot it to make it explode and blow the bars open. Go through the bars and crouch into a small ventillation shaft on the left to drop into a room and waste the cretants trying to kill you. From where you dropped out of the shaft go left and through the corridor on the right, follow it around to a door and head on through to be greeted by another Gladiator. The door it's guarding is locked so remember where it is and drop down to right of it in-between the crates, go up the stairs on the left and go through the door atop them. You can see the Rail Gun atop some crates in front of you and some Combat Armor ontop of some crates behind it, simply climb the crates to the Combat Armor and then jump over to the Rail Gun. Drop down and go through the darkened corridor past the crates to a dead end, push the button on the wall to open up that one door the Gladiator was guarding I told you to remember. Return to that door and head on through, follow the corridor to some stairs and go down them; be sure to grab the Dualfire Damage out of the small room under the stairs. Proceed through a darkened corridor to some stairs, head down them and go through the door on the left and proceed to a lift, press the button to call it and take a ride up. Head forwards and you'll soon realize you're on the walkway above where you've found the Rail Gun, continue along to the end of the corridor to an elevator shaft drop into it. Go through the door on the right and show these Strogg bastards what a no bullshit Marine you are and splatter them all! Behind the broken pillars in the back of the room are some exploding barrels, shoot them to make a pillar fall and smash through a wall. In one of the broken crates in the room is a Silencer if you're interested; ontop of the crate is some Adrenaline you can easily jump up to. Climb the pillar and head through the hole in the wall to drop into a room with a computer, use the computer and the Red Key will appear to the left of it, obviously pick it up. Your objectives will get updated informing you to return to the Industrial Facility to resume your primary mission. Head up the stairs in the room and go through the door at the end of the corridor to be back where you blew the concrete bars open. Go down the corridor on the left and through a couple of doors to be at the beginning of the level, cross the bridge and head back into the Industrial Facility. Use the crates to your right to drop down into the room below and follow the corridor to the door that requires the Red Key, go through it and hang a right to enter the Refinery. ___________________________________________________________________ ------------ ~ REFINERY ~ ------------ Main Mission Objective: - Destroy the Strogg Fuel Production Facility Secondary Mission Objective: - Provide ground support for precision airstrike Secret Areas: 1/3 Slowly walk forwards and take notice of the acid pit, obviously don't jump into it unless you want to melt to death. You'll see two crates floating in the acid on the left, shoot the dark gray crate on the ledge just past them to expose a button, then hop across the floating crates to it and press it to open a secret door. Jump back across the acid and look for the door you just opened next to the stairs on the right, crouch through it to find an Enviornment Suit. Now you can safely go into the acid if you want, the only thing down there is a Dualfire Damage in a secret area, along a corridor you must CROUCH into. Go through the corridor past the acid pit to wander upon another one and waste the Iron Maiden across the pit; then go to the left to take out a few more cyborg scrum. Down the corridor past the Iron Maiden is a locked door so head through the dark corridor next to the acid pit to wander upon a locked door you need a Blue Key to open, remember it. Jump onto the catwalk in the acid pit below and follow the corridor to a ladder you must climb. Do so to recieve a radio transmission from the Airstrike Team that the marker has been stolen and your objectives will get updated, you are to return to the Industrial Facility to retrieve it. Backtrack out of the Refinery to be back in the Industrial Facility and quickly head through the door on the left and follow the corridor straight into a room of crates to receive another radio transmission that the marker is now in the Water Treatment Plant; your objectives will get updated and you are to pursue it there. Continue down the corridor past the crates and kill the Gladiator at the first intersection, to the left, doing so will disable the force field it was guarding so use the computer it was blocking to open the door to the left of it and head on through. Go down the stairs and grab some Armor Shards, then climb the stairs on the left to enter a room with more stairs going down. To the left is a small room with crates and you can see a Chain Gun atop them, jump up to it and then jump onto the crate across from it to find some Body Armor in a secret area. Go down the stairs and desimate the borgs all around, then go through the door in the left corner. Activate the lift and hop onto it to take a ride up, follow the corridor and head through the doors on the right to enter the Water Treatment Plant. ___________________________________________________________________ ------------------------- ~ WATER TREATMENT PLANT ~ ------------------------- Main Mission Objective: - Destroy the Strogg Fuel Production Facility Secondary Mission Objective: - Locate entrance to Badlands Secret Areas: 7/7 You'll immediately receive a radio transmission that the thieving Gekk bastards have exited the facility with the Airstrike Marker and have taken it into the Badlands; you are to pursue them there. Go left and follow the canyon wall to the end, look at the wall to see small steps leading ontop of the facility, simply climb them and grab the Ionripper in the corner, it's a secret area. Go into the facility and hang an immediate right, follow the corridor to emerge outside with some water and a bunker; you'll see large columns blocking a waterway, that's the Flood Gate so remember it. Clear the area of any and all enemy personell and then look for the two large pipes going into the water on the side of the bunker. Take a swim (it can be done without a Rebreather if you're quick enough) under those pipes and look up, shoot the one on the left and then follow it to a secret area with an Ammo Pack in it; quickly surface directly above the Ammo Pack to take a well needed breath. You'll see a door but go back underwater and swim through the left pipe and follow it to another secret area with Invulnerability in it, snag it and quickly return to the door you saw above the Ammo Pack before you drown. Press the button next to the door but don't go through, it just leads back to where you entered the facility. Climb up the ladder across from the door to be ontop of the bunker you saw a minute ago and be sure to grab the Power Shield in the left corner. Go to the right of the Power Shield to the bunkers edge and look down to spot a Mega Health, drop onto it and then carefully drop to the ledge below it. You'll see two big pipes along the roof of the bunker, press the button near them to open the the Primary Floodgates; there's also a Rebreather in the corner past the button. DON'T DROP DOWN TO THE FLOOD GATE YET, head through the door up here and you'll wander upon some more water, waste the borgs roaming around and then jump into the water. To the right is a tunnel, don't swim through it yet, instead look to the left of it and snag the Adrenaline in a secret area next to the canyon wall. Get out of the water and climb the stairs and head through the big garage type door on the left. You'll be in room full of crates so just start lobbing grenades behind all of them to hear that ever so satisfying splat of borgs exploding into bloody little chunks. From where you entered the room go in-between the second set of crates on the right to a big red square on the wall, shoot it to reveal a switch and then shoot it to overide the maintanence hatch. Turn around and leave this cramped area and go up the steps on the right. Turn around and use the crate to the left of the steps to jump to the crates on the other side of the room with a Rail Gun on it; then use those crates to get to the ladder above you and climb up into a secret area with a suit of Body Armor in it, being weary not to fall through the hole before snagging it. Leave this secret area and go back ontop of the crate that leads to the ladder, jump to the crates on the other side of the room and you'll spot a Quad Damage ontop of a crate in the right corner. To get to it just use the thin edge from the lower crate and use it to jump up to the crate that it's resting on; it's a pain in the ass to get to and if you're playing the game with the "always run" option on you may want to turn it off for a minute to snag this. Drop down and follow the corridor on the left to be back where you first entered the facility; go down the corridor to the left of the main door to be back at the Flood Gate. Swim through it and stay on the surface, get out of the water on the right first chance you get and climb up the ladder, press the button on the wall to open up the secondary Flood Gate. Hop back into the water and proceed through the waterway tunnel to the right, when you exit a bunch of Gekks will join you in the water so take the freaks out. Continue down the waterway to enter a dark room, grab all the goodies lying about and shoot out the grate on the far end of the room to reveal the last secret area in this level; swim into the tunnel the grate was blocking to find some Body Armor. Get out of the water and head through the door to enter the dreaded Badlands. ___________________________________________________________________ ------------ ~ BADLANDS ~ ------------ Main Mission Objective: - Destroy the Strogg Fuel Production Facility Secondary Mission Objective: - Locate Gekk lair and retrieve Airstrike Marker Secret Areas: 3/4 There's a ladder directly in front of you so climb it to be ontop of some pipes. Drop down and proceed through the darkened corridor and either go left or right to wander across a ladder, climb it to be outside and take out a few Gekks. Look behind the manhole that brought you out here and shoot out the grate underwater to reveal a button, shoot it to open up the maintenance hatch. Climb back down the ladder and directly across it is a small pool, dive in to be in a secret area with some more Adrenaline for you to snag. Climb back up the ladder and follow the canyon on the left to a pool, dive on in and swim through the tunnel (no Rebreather necessary if you're quick) then surface on the other side and get out of the water. Climb up the rocks next to the pool and go through the dark passage on the right to be above the pool you dove into, carefully drop down to the ledge on the left that the Chain Gun is on and follow the path to a cave and head on in. Go right and climb down the rocks, take out some more Gekks and then hop down into the hole to descend further in this dark 'n dreary cave. Continue along to some rocks, climb up them and the ground will begin to shake and big stalagites will fall from the ceiling so heads up and don't get crushed. Use the stlagites that fell to get up to the passage on the left and proceed through it; it's extremely dark in here so use your Primary Blaster rounds as a make-shift flashlight, improvise Marine! You'll eventually notice that you're just wandering around in circles and then the ground will begin to shake again, this time the cavren floor splits wide open so hop down to the lower level. Continue through another pitch black passage and drop down into another one and STOP! Around the corner is the Gekk lair so bust out some heavy artillery, strafe around the corner and let them all suffer the wrath of one pissed off Marine. When they're all good and dead you'll notice the Airstrike Marker floating ontop of a stalagmite and you can't reach it form where you are. From where you entered the lair go down the passage on the right and follow it to an intersection, to the right are some rocks and left is another passage. Go left and follow the passage to the end, climb up the rocks and you'll see the Airstrike Marker directly in front of you so jump to it and your objectives will get updated, you are to take the marker back to the Refinery but have to find an alternate route to get back there. Drop down and go back down the passage to the intersection leading to the marker and climb up the rocks on the right. Head down the path to wind up above a pool, drop down to it and collect the Armor Shards and Trap in it. SLOWLY follow the incling passage past the pool and the ground will begin to shake, wait for it to stop before continuing. At the top of the passage go left to emerge outside to be high above where you climbed out of a manhole earlier, don't jump down there. Climb the rocks on the right to find a secret area which isn't such a secret with some Body Armor; climb the rocks on the other side to find another secret area with Quad Damage. Head back into the passage and go straight to wind up at a door so go through it to be back back in the Refinery. ___________________________________________________________________ ---------------------- ~ REFINERY REVISITED ~ ---------------------- Main Mission Objective: - Destroy the Strogg Fuel Production Facility Secondary Mission Objective: - Place Airstrike Marker and find transportation out of Industrial Region Secret Areas: 2/3 You'll receive a radio transmission and your objectives will get updated informing you to place the Airstrike Marker in the receptacle by the Main Fuel Depot. To the left behind the pipes is an Armor Shard in a back-pack that's worth 10 armor if you're interested. Head straight to come to a locked door, push the button to the right of it and head through to be at an acid pit; this was the previously locked door from the first time you were in here. Go straight and head down the corridor directly ahead to wind up back at that door I told you to remember the first time you were in here, the one that requires the blue key to open. Drop down to the left of the door and follow the corridor to a ladder, climb it and then place the Airstrike Marker into the receptacle in the right corner. You'll receive a radio transmission saying the airstrike is on its way so quickly climb back down the ladder and take cover in the corridor down there until the explosions stop. Your objectives will get updated informing you of your primary objectives success and now you are to find some transportation out the Industrial Region. Climb back up the ladder and go through the now open door on the left, proceed through the corridor and then drop down at the end. Follow the darkened corridor down here to enter a room with a Tank, take it out and proceed down the corridor on the left to come to a locked door, press the button next to it to open it up but don't go through it, it takes you to the door you need the key for. Turn around and go back, when you exit the corridor climb the ladder in the right corner, then climb up another one on the right. To your left is a pipe, jump onto it and follow it to the right to where it goes into the wall, look down where it does to spot a big rusting hole, shoot it and then crouch into the hole to be in a secret area, ride the lift up to snag some more Adrenaline. Go back to where you climbed the last ladder ride the short lift up just past it; jump onto the pipes and grab the Blue Key in the left corner. Drop down through the pipes to the lower level and go back through the corridor that leads to the door you opened but didn't go through, head through it and hang a left to be at the door you needed the Blue Key for, obviously go through it. Be sure to hop on the crates on the right to snag another Power Shield. Hop onto the lift in here to take a ride down to be in a room full of crates, let the grenade lobbing commense! SPLAT! After you've had your fun you'll spot some Mega Health ontop of a crate, to get to it jump onto the crates across from it via the top of the stairs, then jump to the crates the health is on and use the corners of the crates to climb up to it; again if you're playing with the "always run" option on you may want to turn it off for a minute. Go through the corridor past the crates to wander upon a train, hop on board and use the controls to proceed to Unit 4. ******************************************************************* #8D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UNIT 4: STROGG SPACEPORT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ******************************************************************* LEVELS IN UNIT 4: - Lower Hangar - Upper Hangar - Strogg Freighter ---------------- ~ LOWER HANGAR ~ ---------------- Main Mission Objective: - Locate Strogg Spaceport and infiltrate moon bound Freighter Secondary Mission Objective: - Gain access to Upper Hangar through Main Freight Elevator Secret Areas: 4/5 Things are going to start getting intense for there are powerful Strogg everywhere in this unit so get ready for a lot of non-stop, balls-to-the-wall, good old fashioned, hair-raising FPS action. Alight the train and open the rear car to find a bunch of Stimpacks, then head down the corridor next to the train to a room full of crates. Waste all the borg in here and go down the corridor on the other side of the room, hang a right to come to a forcefield and your objectives will get updated informing you to find a way to disable it. Turn around and follow the corridor and take the SECOND left, follow this new corridor to enter a room with crates on the right. Shoot a door to the left of the crates and it'll open to reveal a secret area, go in there in climb up the ladder, then another one to wind up at some Body Armor. Drop down to the platform left of the armor (if you fall to the bottom level you can take the lift back up here) and head down the corridor past the lift to go through a door, waste the Gladiator in front of you and go through the door it was blocking. Follow the darkened corridor and hop onto the lift at the end to take a ride up into a little room and you'll see two computers, one to the right with a red light on top of it and one on the left with a green light on it. Use the left computer to see the message "a door has opened" flash across the screen. The computer on the right will sound an alarm if you use it to summon some Strogg that'll surely piss all over your parade. To the right of the computers are some health packs, drop down to the room below just past them and then head through the door on the right. Follow the corridor to be back where you snagged the Body Armor and go left, then head through another doorway on the left (this is the door that the computer opened) to be in a room with a lift recessed in the floor. Step onto it to raise to the room above and get ready for a nice little shootout with a bunch of pissed of Guards blasting you from everywhich way with plasma beams. When they're all dead look for a small room with Quad Damage in it next to the lift then climb the stairs in the room and a locked door will on the right; go left to unlock it via button and return through it. Follow the corridor to a room with a computer on the left and a lift straight ahead. Use the computer to deactivate the force field and your objectives will get updated, you are to proceed to the Main Freight Elevator. Hop onto the elevator past the computer to take a ride down, go down the stairs on the left and waste all of the borg hiding behind all of the crates, there are a bunch of them. When you've cleared the area go to the stairs by the lift that brought you down here and blow out the black and yellow striped wall to the right of them to reveal a secret area, crouch in there to find some more Adrenaline. Go through the door in the back of the room and hang a left, press the button in the room to make a crate move below you on a beam and it'll fall off and explode at the end of the line to blow a hole in the floor. Drop down to the bottom of the room and look past the hole the crate blew in the floor to the right, crouch under the crates in the corner to find a secret area with a Mega Health in it. If you need an Ammo Pack then drop into the hole in the floor and crouch through a narrow corridor to get to it. From the hole, continue down the corridor on the left and follow it around to where the forcefield was hindering your progress at the beginning of the level; it's no longer active so head through the door it was blocking. Go to your immediate right behind the crates and shoot the exploding crate against the far wall to blow open another secret area, crouch in there if you need some Body Armor. Wander around the room and take out all the little freaks hiding behind all the crates and then go up the stairs in the back of the room; hop into the freight elevator to proceed to the Upper Hangar. ___________________________________________________________________ ---------------- ~ UPPER HANGAR ~ ---------------- Main Mission Objective: - Locate Strogg Spaceport and infiltrate moon bound Freighter. Secondary Mission Objective: - Locate Strogg Freighter; deactivate Strogg Production Facility Secret Areas: 1/3 Imediately head down the corridor in front of you to emerge into a room full of crates, clear the area of any and all borg scum and then head through the door in the far left corner. Follow the corridor through another door to enter a large room with crates above you moving along a conveyor belt, proceed through the door in the back of the room to get ambushed by a bunch of Strogg so take 'em all down and your objectives will get updated to deactivate the Strogg Production Facility you're in. Head to the right to see a red forcefield blocking a doorway, hop onto the lift next to it to take a ride up. Go through the door on the left and drop through the hole in the floor on the left, then go through yet another door on the left to be greeted by a crazy amount of Strogg. Lay down the law and go up the stairs in the room to see a button on the wall and crates just past it resting on a lift. Quickly press the button and run onto the lift to rise up to the upper level, climb the crates and jump to that Bandolier you can see atop a computer; to get to it you'll have to use the thin ledge from the doorway below, on the right. Drop down and follow the corridor up here and go through the door at the end. Left is a door you need a Blue Key for so head straight to enter a room with glowing green windows, and you can see catatonic Marines moving along a conveyor belt behind them. These bastards are processing 'em into cyborg food man! Ride the lift up in the back of the room and follow the corridor around to a computer housing the Blue Key, take it and press the button on the wall to the right of it to terminate the "live food processing" and your objectives will get updated, you are to resume the search for the Strogg Freighter. Go back to the door that requires the Blue Key and head on through, proceed through another door to enter a large room you must drop into. Clear the area and walk up to the blue forcefield blocking a corridor and your objectives will get updated, you are to find another way around. Under the forcefield is a Mega Health in a secret area if you want it, just crouch under the hatch to get it. Go into the dark room with crates all around and step into the lift on the right to take a ride up. Follow the room to a comptuer on the left, press the button next to it to open a small shutter behind you with a Red Key in it, pick it up. Now you have to back-track to the first forcefield you saw in this level, the red one. You may have forgotten the way back out of here so here it goes: Leave this room by way of the lift to be back in the room with the blue forcefield, ride the lift up and head back through the door that required the blue key, drop down and go through the door, hop onto the lift on the right and then head through the door up here, drop down into the room below to finally be back in the room with the forcefield you're looking for. Now that you have the Red Key press the button to the left of the force field to deactivate it, a locked maintenace hatch is on the left so climb the ladder on the right. Climb the ladder to be in a room of crates moving above you, climb another ladder on the right and press the button on the wall you see to open up the maintenace hatch you just saw. Go through the hatch and climb up the ladder and your objectives will get updated, you are to find a container you can stow away in. Below you are crates moving along a conveyor belt, simply wait for an empty one and hop on in, kick back, smoke one if ya' got one and wait about a minute to be loaded onto the Strogg Freighter. ___________________________________________________________________ -------------------- ~ STROGG FREIGHTER ~ -------------------- Main Mission Objective: - Secure Freighter for touchdown Secondary Mission Objective: - Eliminate all resistance Secret Areas: 2/3 Shoot out the top of the crate you're hiding in and climb out of it. Clear the cargo bay of any Strogg and you'll notice that you can jump higher 'cause you're in space; you can also launch grenades further and it'll take a few launches to get used to it. Look under the catwalk near where you exited the crate, climb the crates under the catwalk and crouch into a secret area to find a Quad Damage. Climb the ladder, or jump, up to the catwalk and head through the door and take a lift up. Proceed through the door in front of you and up the ladder beyond to be in front of a big red glowing pillar; go shoot the wall out behind the pillar with the Strogg symbol on it to reveal a secret area with some probably well needed Body Armor behind it. Go left or right to a lift that'll take you up and kill the all the scrum lying in wait. Head through the door past the computers to be in a corridor with more doors on either side of you, the left one takes you to a door you need a Blue Key for so go through the one on the right, then go through the door on the left to be greeted by a Super Gladiator, it has a shield around it and it's gonne take some heavy firepower to put it down. Press the button on the right wall to call the lift down, then ride it to the upper level and go into the corridor on the left to spot fellow Marines trapped in prison cells. Lob some grenades into the elevator shaft past the cells and then drop down into it, clear the room of any remaining vermin and use the computers on the left and right to unlock the Blue Key in-between them, take the key. Across from the key is a button, press it to deactivate the prison cells you saw a minute ago and go snag the loot out of the cells; then make your way back to the door that requires the Blue Key. Go through the door and clear the room and be sure to grab the Dualfire Damage out of the room two Gunners sprang from. Head through the door in the back of the room and follow the corridor to a small shaft, drop into it and take out another Super Gladiator. Follow the room to the right to see the levels exit, go to the right of it and hop onto the lift to take another ride up to be on the ships bridge. Directly in front of you is an access elevator blocked by a force field so take out the five enemies up here (three Tanks and two Gunners) and as soon as the last one croaks the ships lights will go out the self- destruct sequence will get tripped. Your objectives will get updated informing you to restore the Power Cubes to the System Core to abort the self-destuct sequence; you have about 35 seconds to do so or kaboom for you so haul ass Marine! Quickly grab the four Power Cubes that appear in the room and go back to the access elevator, it's no longer blocked by the force field so press the button to the right of it and step on to be taken down into the ships System Core. This place is just a big rectangle with a corridor intersecting in the middle and blue laser beams randomly firing across the corridors. Quickly but carefully walk around the core and open up four doors (two left and two right) and place the Power Cubes into their appropriate sockets to abort the self-destruct sequence; your objectives will update informing you to find the outer airlock and secure the ship for touchdown, which will be a short and easy task. Take the access elevator out of the core then drop down the shaft directly across it. To the right is the levels exit, simply step onto the lift and go through the door at the top to end this miserable space flight and land on the moon. ******************************************************************* #8E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UNIT 5: MOON BASE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ******************************************************************* LEVELS IN UNIT 5: - Cargo Bay - Command Center ------------- ~ CARGO BAY ~ ------------- Main Mission Objective: - Infiltrate Command Center and destroy the Moon Base Secondary Mission Objective: - Gain access to Command Center and destroy all resistance Secret Areas: 3/5 Exit the freighter and desimate any and all cyborg scrum that are lying in wait. Follow the corridor on the right to a room full of crates, go left and then continue through the corridor on the right to some stairs, go up them and then follow the corridor to some more stairs, go up them and you'll see some crates on the left. Climb ontop of the crates and then jump to the ceiling beams next to you and follow them to a wall with the Strogg symbol on it, shoot the wall and it'll rise, revealing a secret area with Adrenaline - jump to it. Drop down and go right of the crates you just climbed to be in a branching corridor, left takes you to a door blocked by a forcefield <-- REMEMBER WHERE THIS IS!, straight ahead takes you back to where the level began and right takes you to where you want to go. Before going right head straight down the corridor in front of you, hop onto the crate with the Body Armor on it if needed and grab those probably well needed rockets in the corner. Climb the crates to the left of the rockets and crouch under them to find another secret area with Quad Damage in it. Go back to the intersection and hang a left, take out another Super Gladiator and be sure to check behind the crates on the right to snag the BFG10K, the most powerful weapon in the game so put it to good use. At the end of the corridor is another doorway blocked by a forcefield so use the crates on the left to jump to the ledge on the other side of the room (there's also an Ammo Pack ontop of the other stack of crates to the left if you need it). To your immediate left is another wall with the Strogg symbol, shoot it to make it rise, exposing a secret area with Invunerability in it; snag it and ride the lift across from you. Head down the corridor on the left and go down some stairs and through the door at the bottom to enter the Command Center. ___________________________________________________________________ ------------------ ~ COMMAND CENTER ~ ------------------ Main Mission Objective: - Infiltrate Command Center and destroy the Moon Base Secondary Mission Objective: - Disable Induction Coils and lock down Moon Base Thermal Reactor Secret Areas: 2/2 To your immediate left is a gigantic main frame, stand ontop of the stairs on the right and face it, look above it and you'll see a button on the wall right in the middle so shoot it to open a secret area behind you with an Ammo Pack in it. Ride the lift up next to the pack, it leads up to a room blocked by a forcefield and there's some armor and a Mega Health up there that can be taken now if you want them. Head through the corridor past the main frame to wind up in an icey cave, this place looks confusing but it's pretty much a giant circle; you'll also slip and slide all over the place so watch your footing. Head left and take out the Guards lurking around, when the passage vears left look up to notice a ledge, remeber where it is. Continue along to the left and you'll wander upon a Combat Suit underneath a sheet of ice, simply shoot the ice to snag it, it's the last secret area in this level. Clear out the rest of the cave and go back to climb up to the ledge I told you to remeber. Follow the passage and jump to the corridor across the cave to and follow it to a hole in the floor. Drop into the hole and look for a ledge to climb on the right, then jump to another ledge across from you, then to another, then another, and finally one more to disable some coils. Go through the corridor to be in a room with two Induction Coils and press the button on the right wall to to disable one of them, 3 more to go. Head down the corridor opposite the button and follow it to emerge outside, take out the Icarus kids chasing you down and you'll notice that you're on the other side of the force field you saw at the beginning of the level; you'll also spot a computer blocked by another force field. Collect all the ammo and armor lying about and go through the corridor to the left of the forcefield and follow it around to another room with two Induction Coils. Waste the Super Gladiator in here and then press the button it was guarding to disable another Induction Coil, 2 more to go. Go down the corridor on the right and step onto the lift to be raised to the upper level. Follow the darkened corridor to be above the Induction Coil, press the button on the left to disable it, 1 more to go. Follow the corridor across from the button and follow it outside, then take a quick right and follow the corridor to be above the first set of Induction Coils, press the button on the far wall to disable the last one and your objectives will get updated, now you are to take the Reactor offline. Drop down below, or use the upper level you're on, and go back outside. You'll finally meet the end game boss, a giant T-Rex looking borg that'll knock your ass through a loop if you let it. Hopefully you've been saving the in-game items for times like these. No real stratagy here, just move and shoot until the borg sheds it's outer armor, then shoot it some more until you literally blow the thing in half. When the deed is done the force field that was blocking the computer out here is now disabled so go and use it to take the Core Reactor offline. Your objectives will update informing you to haul ass back to the Cargo Bay. The ground will begin to shake but you're in no danger so hop into the elevator shaft opposite the computer and head back into the Cargo Bay. Your objectives will update again informing you to quickly find another ride off the moon before the base goes kaboom, I guess the freighter you hitched a ride on blew up. Run up the stairs in front of you and follow the corridor to an elevator shaft on the right, drop into it and then drop into the crate filled room below. Run through the corridor straight ahead on the left and the ceiling will start to crumble, continue along up some stairs to wind up at that intersection that leads to the force field I so blatantly told you to remember. Go left to see it's no longer active and head through it to end the game. Congrats on your victory Marine! ============================================================ #9 === ******************************************* 9) CREDITS, E-MAIL RULES AND LEGAL THINGS ******************************************* >>> CREDITS: - Activision - ID Software >>> E-MAIL RULES: randym1375@yahoo.com - DO NOT SOLICITE! I don't care what your crappy little product is all about or how cheap you're selling it, I don't want it! - NO CHAIN LETTERS: I will not send them on and if I go bankrupt, get a horrible disesase, an anvil drops on my head, I die, blah, blah, blah, because I don't send the letter on, oh well. I'm not a superstitious fool. - NO FAN CLUB CRAP! I don't care what your geeky little club is all about, I will not join. - NO MONEY MAKING SCHEMES! That means you EXCEL (not Microsoft affiliated for all you who don't know about this scam artist company Excel) and all of you other bullshit scam artists out there. - NO JUNK MAIL! If you write a crappy newsletter, send me political jargon asking me for money instead of my vote, ask me to join some pathetic singles website with nothing but supposively extremely hot single chics in my neighborhood who want to hook up and get all freaky, celebrity bullshit about who's fucking who (and who cares anyways?), or just feel like sending out trash to me DO NOT FEEL FREE TO DO SO! If you do then I'll send you a virus. How does that appeal to your server? - I don't care what kind of language you use just don't swear directly at me. I'm here to help you out, not to take verbal abuse from you because you have no gaming skills. - If the answer is in the walkthrough you will most likely not get a response from me, maybe a smart ass comment depending on the mood I'm in at the time. I have better things to do than to answer questions that have clearly been answered. Go back to the third grade and take up some Reading Comprehension classes, I think it's time to renew your subscription to Highlights magazine. Hooked on Phonics worked for me, maybe it'll work for you too. - And as long as we're talking about e-mail I'll most likely ignore, please write ledgible e-mail's without all these modern day acronyms all you tennie boppers, and adults who still think they are, IM and text eachother with, I'm not hip to all their meanings and don't ever plan on being. - And another thing: I KNOW THERE ARE TYPOS in this guide. I typed it in word pad and if you knew anything at all, then you should know word pad doesn't have spell check, plus I'm only human and thus not perfect. When you type in a million plus characters you're bound to make a bunch of typos. It's amazing all these anal retentive yuppies out there who e-mail me and make a big deal because I didn't use proper grammer or spelled a word wrong. Get a life you pathetic morons and get back to eating your Tofu! Maybe someday I'll notice the typos and fix them, then again maybe I won't just to piss you off! - NO PORN! Some degenerate porn companies must have gotten my e- mail address from my posted guides because I literally receive HUNDREDS of porn offers a week and I'm getting really sick of it. If you low-lifes keep on sending me this stuff then I will hack into your server and drop the worst virus known to computers into it so stop bothering me. Your anti-virus software doesn't have jack on me for this virus will whipe out your entire operation and I know you deviants don't want that to happen. If you happen to get up and running after my mega virus I'll just drop in another modified one. This process will be repeated until you're reduced to selling yourself in an alley on the side of a bar just to make ends meet until you crawl out of the deep bankruptcy hole you'll find yourself squatting in. I'm almost to the point of filing a lawsuit against you scumbags for harassment so stop sending me this crap. I don't mean to sound so ignorant here but this is the only language these kind of pukes understand. And no, I'm not one of those anti-porn yuppies. Everyone has their breaking point and these jerks lobbed a brick through my plate glass window. >>> OTHER WALKTHROUGHS I'VE WRITTEN: 1) Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. 2) Fable: The Lost Chapters 3) Neverwinter Nights 4) Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide 5) Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark 6) Neverwinter Nights Gold Edition 7) Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition 8) Neverwinter Nights Platinum Edition 9) Quake II 10) Quake II: The Reckoning 11) Shadow Man 12) Shadow Man 2econd Coming 13) The Suffering 14) The Suffering: Ties That Bind 15) Turok 2: Seeds of Evil You can ALWAYS find all my guides and latest versions at: www.gamefaqs.com >>> LEGAL THINGS: This document is Copyrighted by Randy Murtha December 2009 and may not be reproduced in part or in full without the written consent of the author. Nor shall this be posted on a website or printed in a magazine without my consent. All Rights Reserved. WEBMASTERS: If you want to post my guides I'll most likely let you but you HAVE TO ASK ME AND GET MY PERMISSION FIRST! Don't just take it upon yourself to post my guides without my consent 'cause I'll sue you if you do and it will be my name as the webmaster for your site. I always check out the website you ask to post my guides on and if it's a crappy amateur site then don't bother asking me to post my guides on your cheeseball site 'cause you can't. If you send me an e-mail asking to post my guides and I don't respond, that means no and you should know that NO MEANS NO! If you have viewed this walkthrough on any other websites than the ones listed near the top of this document, or have seen this plagerised, please e-mail me and let me know which site you viewed this on, I will highly appreciate it. If you've seen this document plagerised or on a website this isn't supposed to be on, there is a $CASH$ reward for informing me of who the violator is. It's a lot of hard work, time, and sore wrists to write a game guide and there's nothing worse for us FAQ writers than having some dickless douchebag claiming credit for our hard work and dedication to all the frustrated gamers out there who read our guides with great appreciation. If you plagerise this document or post this without my permission, or any other guides I wrote, then I will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. ** Copyrighted by Randy Murtha December 2009. All Rights Reserved**