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Type in the series of numbers for the desired section that you're trying to find and press Enter. Whabam! The search function will take you there in an instant. [1] VERSION HISTORY.................................................. [0100] [2] CONTROLS......................................................... [0200] [3] THE BASICS....................................................... [0300] [4] WALKTHROUGH...................................................... [0400] Melrode Monastery............................................... [0401] Melrode......................................................... [0402] Holy Plains..................................................... [0403] Dondoran Castle................................................. [0404] Connor Fortress................................................. [0405] Dondoran Castle................................................. [0406] Connor Fortress................................................. [0407] Dondoran Flats.................................................. [0408] Glencoe Forest.................................................. [0409] Dondoran Flats.................................................. [0410] West Carmagh.................................................... [0411] Larapool........................................................ [0412] West Carmagh.................................................... [0413] Cull Hazard..................................................... [0414] Normoon......................................................... [0415] Windward Forest................................................. [0416] West Carmagh.................................................... [0417] Larapool........................................................ [0418] Blue Cave....................................................... [0419] Crystal Valley.................................................. [0420] Isle of Skye.................................................... [0421] Crystal Valley.................................................. [0422] Larapool........................................................ [0423] Dondoran Castle................................................. [0424] West Carmagh.................................................... [0425] East Limelin.................................................... [0426] Limelin......................................................... [0427] East Limelin.................................................... [0428] Baragoon Tunnel................................................. [0429] Dindom Dries.................................................... [0430] Shamwood........................................................ [0431] Dindom Dries.................................................... [0432] Greenoch........................................................ [0433] Boil Hole....................................................... [0434] Baragoon Moor................................................... [0435] Brannoch........................................................ [0436] Brannoch Castle................................................. [0437] Floating Monastery.............................................. [0438] [5] SPIRITS.......................................................... [0500] [6] MAGIC............................................................ [0600] Fire............................................................ [0601] Water........................................................... [0602] Earth........................................................... [0603] Wind............................................................ [0604] [7] ITEMS............................................................ [0700] [8] BESTIARY......................................................... [0800] Enemies......................................................... [0801] Bosses.......................................................... [0802] [9] THANKS/CREDITS................................................... [0900] ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [1] VERSION HISTORY [0100] ============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough #13 ------------------- Version 1.0 (05/24/06) - FAQ/Walkthrough complete and submitted. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [2] CONTROLS [0200] ============================================================================== - FIELD SCREEN - .-----------------------------.----------------------------------------------. | Control Stick | Move | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | D-Pad | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Start | Pause Game | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | A Button | Talk, Confirm | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | B Button | Cancel, Move Camera | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | L Button | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | R Button | Open Inventory | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Z Button | Attack, Use Spirit/Item/etc | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | C Up | Choose Fire Magic | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | C Down | Choose Water Magic | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | C Left | Choose Earth Magic | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | C Right | Choose Wind Magic | '-----------------------------'----------------------------------------------' - BATTLE SCREEN - .-----------------------------.----------------------------------------------. | Control Stick | Move | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | D-Pad | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Start | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | A Button | Confirm/Cancel Turn | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | B Button | Cancel, Move Camera | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | L Button | Zoom/Unzoom | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | R Button | Open Inventory | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Z Button | Attack, Use Spirit/Item/etc | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | C Up | Choose Fire Magic | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | C Down | Choose Water Magic | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | C Left | Choose Earth Magic | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | C Right | Choose Wind Magic | '-----------------------------'----------------------------------------------' ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [3] THE BASICS [0300] ============================================================================== Battles in Quest 64 are random. When a battle begins, Brian and the enemies will be encased in a sort of "ring". The yellow ring shows the battlefield. If you exit the ring, then you are given a chance to escape, press A to do so. Both Brian and the enemies have a field of movement (symbolized by a thin, blue ring). You can only move inside the blue ring, and at first, the ring is pretty small, limiting your movement. You can freely move around inside this ring, so you can indeed dodge enemy attacks, making the ring a very useful asset to battles. The ring will increase as your Agility increases, so either level up or use a spell that increases Agility to make the blue ring bigger. When in a battle, you have several options of what to do. Attacking is the most common and the most obvious choice. You are able to attack the enemies with magic spells. You gain new spells by collecting Spirits, so it all ties in together. In order to pick a magic spell to use, you must use a combination of the C buttons (once again, C Up for Fire, C Left for Earth, C Down for Water, and C Right for Wind). After picking an element to use, you can use the C buttons to scroll through spells of that element (press B at any time to revert to a previous screen when picking spells). After you choose a spell, press A to use it. Brian will cast the spell at the cost of some MP. You must aim your spells; you can actually completely miss an enemy if you don't point towards a foe when casting a spell. You can also attack with your staff. To do so, you must be next to an enemy and have a staff icon appear over the enemy's head. When it appears, press A to deliver a physical attack to your opponent. You can also use items in battle. Press R to open up your item menu and press A to select an item to use. Using an item consumes your turn, so choose wisely. Press B to cancel out of the item menu. Also, you can level up through fighting battles. After your EXP meter fills up (found in the main menu), you will be given a Spirit. Yep, that's the bare-bones basics of battling, but it's a simple concept to get used to. I hope this helps! ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [4] WALKTHROUGH [0400] ============================================================================== ============================================================================== MELRODE MONASTERY [0401] ============================================================================== Enemies: None Items: Dew Drops x3, Honey Bread, Fresh Bread Spirits: 1 (#1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Grand Abbot will explain to you (Brian) that your father has left to find the Eltale Book that was stolen from the monastery. He hasn't been seen in months, so Brian, the novice magician, has sent out to find his father. Bland, yeah, but that's alright. Exit through the door after the conversation and head down the series of staircases. Head through the doors and down several flights of stairs until you reach the bottom of the stairwell. You will reach a hallway shortly after. Don't bother going into the doors on the side; go down the hall until you reach a set of double doors on the right. Enter the door next to the double doors to find yourself in a courtyard. You can open the red chest at the far end for Dew Drops. They restore your MP by 10. Enter the next door at the end of the courtyard to find yourself in a stock room. Open the chests for two more Dew Drops. With the items in hand, exit the courtyard. Now you can proceed through the double doors. Once in the foyer, proceed across through the next set of double doors. You're now in the kitchen; talk to the woman to obtain a Fresh Bread. These tasty snacks replenish 50 HP. There is a chest containing a Honey Bread in the corner. Honey Bread restores 100 HP. Exit the kitchen and go through the giant set of doors to exit the monastery. Once outside, follow the path to the left. You will soon reach a stable with a horse inside. Approach the haystack and you may notice a strange set of bubbles floating in the air. This is a Spirit, and they allow you to raise your magic level. Walk over to it to make a "?" appear, then press A. You can permanently assign the Spirit to a magic element: Fire, Water, Earth, or Wind. There are a total of 200 Spirits in the game (98 are found, 102 are by battling enemies). A good idea for the beginning of the game is to stick with raising one element at a time. You will be able to gain new spells by raising the magic levels (ultimately, by collecting Spirits). I went with Water, and I suggest that you do so, because you learn the Healing spell at level 7. Assign your Spirit by pressing C Up for Fire, C Left for Earth, C Down for Water, or C Right for Wind. After collecting [SPIRIT #1] and an element raises to level 2, exit the stable. A small note: although I recommend that you level up Water, I'd like to inform you that the first boss you will come to (not much later in the game) is weak against Wind. While Water will help you in the long road, you may want to level up Wind if you're a beginner or if you want to be on the safe side. Follow the road away from the stable and past the monastery. Continue down the hill until you reach a set of gates; open them to enter the town of Melrode. ============================================================================== MELRODE [0402] ============================================================================== Enemies: None Items: White Wings, Fresh Bread Spirits: 1 (#2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the peaceful little town of Melrode and familiarize yourself with some town landmarks. The building with the house sign on the wall is the Inn, head inside if you wish to save your game and/or heal. The building with the barrel sign on the wall is the Pub. While there isn't a Pub in Melrode, I still believe that you should recognize it in later areas. The building with the yellow paper sign is the Shop. You can't buy or sell items in this game, so the only purpose of a Shop is to receive the set of wings (if there is one). Head on inside to find an old woman. Talk to her to receive White Wings. When used, these will magically transport you to Melrode. From the entrance to the town, head straight ahead past all of the buildings. Walk through the opening in the brick wall to find a small shack. Head inside and open the chest inside for Fresh Bread. Exit the house and continue to the left along the brick wall. The end of the wall will meet with the mountainside, leading into a dead end. Don't stop just now, head to the corner to find [SPIRIT #2] in the small nook in the corner. Assign it to a designated element (like I said, I recommend first getting your Water to around level 6 or 7 for the Healing spell, but you can do what you want). With the Spirit in hand, explore the town if you wish. Once you're ready, exit through the wooden gate to the left of the entrance. The outside world is filled with monsters, so be prepared before exiting Melrode. ============================================================================== HOLY PLAINS [0403] ============================================================================== Enemies: Were Hare, Hell Hound, Parassault, Bumbershoot, Man Eater, Big Mouth Items: None Spirits: 3 (#3, #4, #5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is your first encounter with a monster-ridden area. Sounds fun, right? Alrighty, I suggest fighting several battles upon entering the Holy Plains. Like in the previous two areas, there are Spirits to collect. Continue down the road until you reach an open plain. There is a small house to the right; head there first. Go inside to find [SPIRIT #3] near the wall. Talk to the woman inside to learn about the robber in the nearby forest, then exit. Walk to the other side of the field. In the top right-hand corner, you should find [SPIRIT #4]. It's at the top near the hill next to the cliffside, you should find it right away. Afterwards, get back on the main road and continue through the plains. You will come across a lone house further on. Go through the brick wall to find [SPIRIT #5] floating in the corner of the wall next to the door. Collect it and enter the room to talk to the man. Exit after the conversation and proceed down the path until the road forks. Connor Fortress is straight ahead, but lets ignore it for now. Follow the road to the large city up ahead. ============================================================================== DONDORAN CASTLE [0404] ============================================================================== Enemies: None Items: Dew Drops x2, Fresh Bread x2, Mint Leaves, Yellow Wings Spirits: 1 (#6) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You will enter Dondoran Castle region, which is surrounded by a small town. Your first priority is to explore the town. Enter the Shop to obtain the Yellow Wings. Save and rest at the Inn as well. The Pub is also accessible in this town. Stop by and talk to the residents if you're short on Fresh Bread or Dew Drops. If so, they will give you one of each. Exit the Pub and roam around the streets. One street leads down to the sandy beach. Head down to the beach and you will find [SPIRIT #6] right in the middle. Now take the main road past the Inn to the giant castle. Enter and walk straight ahead and through the door. Go through the next door to enter the throne room. Talk to the king to learn more about the robber in the forest. Apparently he stole the Earth Orb from the king and is hiding out in Connor Fortress. He informs Brian that the path will stay closed until the robber is defeated. Well, that sounds like an offer, right? After the conversation, walk to the right of the king and go through the door. Open the two chests inside for Fresh Bread and Dew Drops. Exit the throne room and return to the castle foyer. Take either door on the side and walk up the stairs. Open the next door to end up on the balcony on the top floor. Head through the door to the left and then through the door at the top. Walk past the old woman into the back room to meet the princess. Talk to her and open all of the chests in her room, which contain Mint Leaves and Dew Drops. With the castle raided, exit the castle and the town back to the Holy Plain. Once back in the Holy Plain, I suggest leveling up a bit here. Make sure to have around 9 or 10 of your selected element before heading on. Connor Fortress is found at the fork. Walk past the trees into the forest when ready. ============================================================================== CONNOR FORTRESS [0405] ============================================================================== Enemies: Bat, Kobold, Marionasty, Frog Knight, Man Trap Items: Dew Drops, Giant's Shoes, Mint Leaves, Honey Bread, Earth Orb Spirits: 5 (#7, #8, #9, #10, #11) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Connor Fortress is your first real challenge in Quest 64. The solemn forest is very dark and eerie, so it's a tad hard to make out where you're going. I have a neat little trick for when you get lost: Brian will do a little victory leap after every battle. He will leap and point towards where your camera was pointing before you entered a battle. If you always walk straight ahead, you will never accidentally get turned around and end up backtracking for no reason. It's of more importance in the cave levels later on, but it's of some use now. There is a fork in the road right ahead of the entrance. Approach the sign and walk towards the trees behind it. You should see [SPIRIT #7] right in front of you. Take the right path for now. It actually leads you away from your main destination, but I'm leading you towards another Spirit. Continue down the path, keeping an eye on the right side of the road. Once the path makes a sharp turn to the left, stop and look towards the trees to the right. You should be able to find [SPIRIT #8] lingering around a tree. Head to the locked gate and open the chest for Dew Drops. Return to the entrance and this time take the left path. You should spot a small hut down the road. Go on inside to find [SPIRIT #9] next to a pot and kettle. Witch's hut maybe? Open the lone chest in the room for a pair of Giant's Shoes. If you're low on HP and MP, take some time to heal and regain MP. Remember, regaining MP is as simple as walking. Anyways, leave when ready and continue down the road. The path gets windy at some times, so if you're in a hurry to kick this villain's butt, then you can cut across past the trees. Keep an eye out for a strange tree where its branch hangs over the forest path. Right next to the tree is [SPIRIT #10]. The road ahead splits yet again; take either path to end up near a gate. Collect [SPIRIT #11] in front of the gate and make any preparations for the upcoming battle. I suggest that you fight a lot before fighting the boss ahead. Your level for the element you're concentrating on (in my case, Water) should be around 14 or 15. My secondary element (Fire) was around 7 or 8, so you should be fine if you're around there. The other two elements can be as low as you want, but I recommend that your first and second elements are around 15 and 8 respectively. Your HP should be around 70 and MP at around 20. Hopefully you have some healing items as well. When you feel that you're ready, open the gate and enter the thief's lair. Walk down the tunnel and approach the arena, where the thief waits. STOP WHERE YOU ARE! Don't step in the middle of the arena just yet. I uncovered a neat trick in which you can obtain items that you normally get after the battle. Step from the walkway to the circular area, hugging the brick wall. Slowly make your way to the left, hugging the wall at all times. Once you reach the stairs, go down and open the chest for a Honey Bread. Go up the stairs and this time go right, always hugging the wall. If you drift too far from the wall, the battle will automatically begin. You can find Mint Leaves on the right side of the arena. Hopefully this will help a bit. Once you're ready, step into the ring to start the boss battle with the evil thief! =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: Solvaring =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 200 Element: Earth Well, let's just put it this way; I hope you're prepared. If not, then expect to be decimated. Solvaring has a grand total of a whopping 200 HP, and his stats are intimidating. The arena is small, and Solvaring has high Agility. That pretty much means that you won't get too far away from him. Solvaring has two attacks; a close-range one and a long-range one, of course. His long-range attack, Fire Cannon, deals less damage than his other attack. Solvaring will shoot a beam of fire at you. It's somewhat hard to dodge, but it's possible. It will most likely deal around 12 or 13 damage when hit. Quartz Blast on the other hand, is powerful and nearly impossible to dodge. In fact, it may be impossible to dodge. Solvaring will jump in the air and unleash a flurry of jagged rocks from the earth. This one deals nearly 20 damage to you. With that said, staying away from him is your best bet, especially if you have some long-range spells at your disposal. If you chose Wind for your primary element, then you're golden. Solvaring is weak against this type, with him being Earth and all. Unleash your Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 (or Lvl. 3 if you have it; you should) on him. Using either spell should deal a high combined total damage. Using Evade Lvl. 1 is a tad helpful; giving it a shot won't hurt, right? For Earth users, the Rock spells are also good choices, for they are long- range hitters. If you have Rock Lvl. 3, then pummel Solvaring with it as you stay at a distance. Try and use Weakness Lvl. 2 on his as well to lower his already high Defense. If Water is your main type, then you should have Water Pillar Lvl. 3 by now. If you have Ice Wall, then that's even better. The only problem with Water users is that you'll have to get close to Solvaring in order to hit him. Use Water Pillar Lvl. 3 or Ice Wall on him through the battle. I doubt you would have Ice Knife (unless you're totally into leveling up), but if you have it (you get it at level 17), then that eliminates the problem of getting up close and personal. If you chose Fire, then you might have a problem. Fire Ball Lvl. 2 or 3 are alright, but you might now have Lvl. 3 just yet. Homing Arrow and Fire Ball Lvl. 2 aren't the best of choices. In all honesty, I think boosting your Attack and using physical attacks would be your best bet against Solvaring. Solvaring is pretty tough, especially for beginners to the game. Make sure you heal using either Healing Lvl. 1 or with Fresh Bread. Try to avoid using Honey Breads, as it's kind of a waste. Only use them if you are dying and you know that Solvaring is almost dead. The Wind and Earth users have it best in this fight. Water users have a very good chance, but Fire users will most likely have the hardest time in this battle. Once you defeat Solvaring, he drops the Earth Orb after his death. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Alright, your first boss bites the dust! If you didn't already, collect the items scattered around the edge of the arena and exit the den. If you are hurting, then simply run through Connor Fortress and back to Dondoran Castle. ============================================================================== DONDORAN CASTLE [0406] ============================================================================== Enemies: None Items: Healing Potion, Replica, Heroes Drink Spirits: 1 (#12) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once back in Dondoran, heal and save at the Inn and make your way back to the castle. Return to the throne room and talk to the king. He will thank you on a job well done and let you keep the Earth Orb, as well as open up a secret passage behind the throne. Go behind the throne and walk over to the indented wall to open the door. Inside is [SPIRIT #12], a Healing Potion, Replica, and Heroes Drink. Just for a little tip; I'd advise that if you have been leveling up the Water element so far, take a break and start leveling up another element. I suggest that you concentrate on Fire. There is a boss later in the game that is of Water type, so if you beef up Water and only Water, you're pretty much screwed once you reach the boss. Just my two cents; you don't have to, but I suggest that you do so. After collecting the Spirit and items, exit the castle and make a pit stop at any other places in town. Grab any items from the Pub and exit Dondoran. Make your way through the Holy Plains again and to Connor Fortress. ============================================================================== CONNOR FORTRESS [0407] ============================================================================== Enemies: Bat, Kobold, Marionasty, Frog Knight, Man Trap Items: None Spirits: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is nothing to do in Connor Fortress once you've beaten Solvaring. Take the right intersection and make your way through the forest. The gates at the end of the path have been unlocked thanks to the king back in Dondoran. Open the gates and prepare to enter Dondoran Flats. ============================================================================== DONDORAN FLATS [0408] ============================================================================== Enemies: Mad Doll, Death Hugger, Goblin, Apophis, Frog King, Cockatrice Items: None Spirits: 3 (#13, #14, #15) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dondoran Flats is a very large area with many winding paths to take along the way. From the start of the area, walk down the road until the left hill opens up. Walk through the grass to the left until you reach a cliff. [SPIRIT #13] is found floating on the edge of the cliff. Get back on the road and move on. Take a look at your map every once and a while to find out where you are. You may realize a small forest symbol on the map. There is an optional area accessible from Dondoran Flats called Glencoe Forest. It has a plethora of Spirits and some new enemies. We'll head there in a bit, but first we are going to go to the Inn to rest and save. You may notice a Spirit up on top of a hill; we'll get it later on when we visit Glencoe Forest. Keep going around the windy path; you have a long way to go. As you follow the path, you might notice yet another Spirit on top of a hill. Ignore it for now. Once you reach a large open area, you may notice a bridge up ahead. From the entrance to the open area, follow the mountainside to the right. You will come up to a cliff where the Spirit was. Collect [SPIRIT #14] and return to the road. Continue across the bridge and across the path. You're almost at the Inn now. Follow the road until you reach a stone building and a dock. Don't go on the dock yet; we still want to go to Glencoe Forest. Enter the Inn and rest/save. If you want to go to Glencoe Forest, then follow the walkthrough. If not, then skip over this paragraph as well as the next two sections. Alright, from the Inn, start backtracking across the bridge and back to the path. The only reason I came to the Inn is that if you die in Glencoe Forest, then you would have to start back at Dondoran, and that's a long ways back. After you pass the previous Spirit's location and continue down the path, keep your eyes peeled at the left. Once a grassy opening is revealed, head through to find a tree trunk. Go across and head to the right to find [SPIRIT #15] near the cliff's edge. This time go to the left and enter Glencoe Forest. ============================================================================== GLENCOE FOREST [0409] ============================================================================== Enemies: Ghost Stalker, Dark Goblin, Treant, Hot Lips Items: Silent Flute Spirits: 6 (#16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Glencoe Forest is a very open area with many strong enemies in it. The first area of the forest is home to a large lake. From the entrance, head to the right side of the lake and continue past all of the trees. Once you reach the wall at the end, inspect the nearby trees and you should be able to spot [SPIRIT #16] next to one; near the edge of the lake. Return to the entrance and go around the lake to the left side of the area. Walk around the lake shore and you should find [SPIRIT #17] next to another tree; it's easy to spot when on the other side of the lake. From this very spot, head up to the green wall towards the left side of the area. Hug the wall to find [SPIRIT #18] pocketed between the wall and a tree. With these three Spirits in hand, walk towards the entrance and you should notice a hill leading downwards; opening up into the second area of the forest. Go down the hill to find a small cottage. [SPIRIT #19] is found floating beside the wall of the cottage. Go on inside and talk to the woman. Behind her is a chest with a Spirit Flute inside. There's nothing in the back room, so exit the cottage once you opened the chest. Walk past the giant waterfall and continue to the second area of Glencoe Forest. To the north of the cottage is a small pile of rocks. Before nearing the rocks, hug the wall to the right to spot [SPIRIT #20] against the wall. A little further up is [SPIRIT #21] next to a tree. When you approach the rocks, the outcrop reveals an underwater passage. This passage is actually the Blue Cave. You can't enter the Blue Cave, as the passage is blocked. So pretty much ignore it for now, since you will be able to enter the Blue Cave in a totally different area outside of the forest (a little later in the game). So once you have all six Spirits in here, exit Glencoe Forest. ============================================================================== DONDORAN FLATS [0410] ============================================================================== Enemies: Mad Doll, Death Hugger, Goblin, Apophis, Frog King, Cockatrice Items: None Spirits: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once you have raided Glencoe Forest of its Spirits, there is no need to stay in Dondoran Flats. Return to the main path of the flats and go back to the Inn. Heal and save, then board the nearby ship. Talk to the captain and enter the back room of the ship. Once you exit the room, you'll find yourself in West Carmagh. ============================================================================== WEST CARMAGH [0411] ============================================================================== Enemies: Ork Jr., Gremlin, Merrow, Ghost Hound, Skeleton, Wolf Goat Items: None Spirits: 2 (#22, #23) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ West Carmagh is basically a giant open plain. There are three branches to take, and we are going to take the shortest one. Once you exit the ship, go up the stairs and heal/save in the cottage. Continue across the next bridge and head down the road. Once you approach the arched stone bridge, go across and veer to the right. Walk up the hill to find [SPIRIT #22] lingering on the edge of the hill. Get back onto the road and follow it across the open plain. Not long after, you will reach a signpost and a fork in the road. To the right of the signpost is another giant hill. Head up the hill to find [SPIRIT #23] floating on the edge, similar to where the previous Spirit was. Go back down the hill and head towards the sign. To the left is Windward Forest. Let's ignore that option because first off, we don't want to go there. Second, we can't. The bridge is broken. Straight ahead is the path to Cull Hazard. We will go there in a bit, but first take the right path leading to Larapool. From the signpost, the road leading to Larapool is a short one. Follow the path and walk up the steep incline until you see the city. Enter the archway to Larapool. ============================================================================== LARAPOOL [0412] ============================================================================== Enemies: None Items: Blue Wings Spirits: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Larapool is a lively town with a lot of places to go to. Unfortunately, we aren't going to make any stops other than the Shop and the Inn. From the town square, go to the left and enter the Shop to find the Blue Wings. Exit and enter the Inn, straight ahead from the entrance of the town. Once in the Inn, heal and save your game. The woman next to the innkeeper will give you Mint Leaves if you currently don't have any with you. Go towards the stairwell and go upstairs. Enter the door to find the Water Sprite, Leila. Talk to her to learn that the wind has stopped blowing through all of Celtland. She asks you to find the source and take care of the problem. Whatever, exit the Inn and leave Larapool. ============================================================================== WEST CARMAGH [0413] ============================================================================== Enemies: Ork Jr., Gremlin, Merrow, Ghost Hound, Skeleton, Wolf Goat Items: None Spirits: 1 (#24) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, we are back in West Carmagh. Windward Forest may sound like a contender to why the wind has stopped, but the bridge is still broken. Time to take the long way. Return to the signpost and head towards the small passage past the sign. Go across the log bridge to end up near the mountainside. Head through the canyon leading to Cull Hazard. Once you reach the large area, go towards the small cottage. [SPIRIT #24] is found on the side of the cottage. Grab it then enter the cottage. Talk to the woman to heal/save, then exit and go across the bridge. Walk down the hill and enter the cave known as Cull Hazard. This is your toughest area yet, so I hope you're prepared! My primary element was at a solid 25 and my secondary around 17. If you are around that level, then you should be in good hands. ============================================================================== CULL HAZARD [0414] ============================================================================== Enemies: Skelebat, Blood Jell, Scare Crow, Wyvern Items: Healing Potion x2, Heroes Drink, Honey Bread, Silent Flute Spirits: 2 (#25, #26) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lets look at the good side. Cull Hazard is a giant cave that is so narrow and straightforward that it's practically impossible to get lost unless you somehow got turned around. On the bad side, it is a very long dungeon and is filled with tough enemies. The first part of the cave is a long tunnel. Follow it until you exit to a narrow ledge. Continue across to find yourself in another tunnel. Exit the next series of tunnels until you find yourself in a large chasm. Follow the path around the pit until you reach a giant rock. Take the right side to find [SPIRIT #25] floating on the side. Turn around and go around the left side. You will find a treasure chest with a Healing Potion inside. Next to the chest is [SPIRIT #26]. Collect it and walk around the rock, then continue on through the cavern. Once you reach a tunnel, go through until you come out to another cavern. This is U-shaped cavern that is surrounded with water. Head down the cavern until you come across the bend. As you turn, you should spot a treasure chest along the wall. Open it for a Heroes Drink. Go around the bend and down the path. On the edge of the path are two more chests. Open them for a Honey Bread and Healing Potion. Continue down the path and enter the next tunnel. Once on the other side of the tunnel, go around the lake. You may spot a giant green root popping out of the water. Walk on top of it and travel down the passage. It's a pretty long walk, but you cannot fight enemies here. Once on the end, you'll reach a more flourished part of the cave. There is a chest with a Silent Flute found to the left as you step off of the root. Go up the hill leading to the final tunnel. Start to make your way through the final tunnel; it's a long one. At one point you may reach a hill on the left. Ignore it, for it is merely a dead end. Continue through the winding tunnel until you reach sunlight. Finally! Exit Cull Hazard to the peaceful town of Normoon. ============================================================================== NORMOON [0415] ============================================================================== Enemies: None Items: Fresh Bread x3, Heroes Drink, Green Wings Spirits: 3 (#27, #28, #29) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to Normoon; a very nice city filled with windmills and cornfields. Enter the first windmill for two Fresh Breads. The next one holds a Fresh Bread and a Heroes Drink. Make your way into the Shop to obtain the Green Wings. You can enter the cornfields. Enter the cornfield nearest the entrance to find [SPIRIT #27] and [SPIRIT #28]. They are tough to spot, but stand in one location and hold down B to rotate your camera around to find them. Alternatively, you can walk around until you see a "?" pop up. Enter the next cornfield to find [SPIRIT #29]. With these three Spirits in your possession, heal/save at the Inn and talk to the townsfolk. Three vagabonds will tell you about their missing colleague. They all lead to his disappearance in Windward Forest, north of Normoon. When you have talked to everyone and you're ready, head north into Windward Forest. ============================================================================== WINDWARD FOREST [0416] ============================================================================== Enemies: Temptress, Termant, Arachnoid, Thunder Jell, Jack-O'-Lantern, Ork, Lamia Items: Healing Potion, Honey Bread, Wind Jade Spirits: 4 (#30, #31, #32, #33) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From the start of the forest, walk straight ahead to find [SPIRIT #30] in plain view. Instead of navigating the winding paths, make your way across the hills to save time. The hill past the path serves as a divider between the first and last part of the area. Walk up the hill and make your way around the hole towards the cottage. Collect [SPIRIT #31] and a Healing Potion on the side of the cottage and go inside. Not only do you find a Honey Bread inside, but [SPIRIT #32] is next to the chest near the table as well. Exit the cottage and use it to train in the area. Up ahead is a powerful boss, so defeat enemies nearby and use the cottage to regain your MP as you heal. I recommend that your primary element is in the high 20's (mine was 28 actually) and your secondary element to be around 24 or 25. My secondary element was Water, so I suggest that if yours is the same, make sure your Water level is 25 so you can get Healing Lvl. 2. Your HP should range from 120-130. Your MP should be in the 30s. When you feel that you're ready, head past the hole and through the winding road. At the end of the road, you should see Zelse. Approach him to start the battle. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: Zelse =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 680 Element: Wind Zelse is a formidable opponent, so don't think you will be able to breeze past him under leveled and unprepared. Zelse has a lot of HP; 680 to be exact. His Attack is pretty high, but his Defense is very high as well. It'll be hard to put a real dent on his health with such high Defense. Hopefully you should have the first attack on Zelse though. Zelse actually has three attacks. I know, he's one of the few with that many moves. Zelse will use Homing Spikes when you are far away. It's pretty much the same as Homing Arrow Lvl. 2, but more purdy. Each hit will deal around 3 or 4 damage, but that can total up to at least 15 damage. If you are good at dodging these types of attacks, then you shouldn't get that hurt with this attack. Considering how pretty much every frickin' enemy has either Homing Arrow or Wind Cutter, you should be good at dodging by now. Zelse uses an attack called Lighting Wall as a mid-range attack. He floats in the air at first, then creates well, a wall of lighting that streaks across the screen. It's actually very easy to dodge; just either walk away from or towards Zelse. On the other hand, it will deal over 30 damage if you're are hit. Zelse's close-range attack is called Sword Blast. It is just like Large Cutter; it deals around 25 damage and is unavoidable. With that said, it's best to stay at a distance from Zelse throughout the entire battle. Water users will probably have the hardest attempt at facing Zelse. Most of the Water spells are close-range. Instead of limiting your attacks to weak spells like Ice Knife, just go in and attack Zelse up close with attacks like Water Pillar Lvl. 3 or simply with your staff. It's only suggested to do this if you have a lot of healing items with you. For Fire users, you will have a breeze in this fight. Start off by using Power Staff Lvl. 2 to increase your attack, then either use physical attacks or make things easier by using Fire Ball Lvl. 3 for most of the battle. Those are your best bet, but Fire Pillar is also a good spell for taking out Zelse's HP in a quick motion. Earth users have it the best here. Stick with using spells like Spirit Armor Lvl. 2 to raise your Defense. Avalanche works the best here, since it deals a lot of damage with one hit, yet you can hit Zelse multiple times with the spell. Stay at mid-range so Zelse can only use Lightning Wall, which is no trouble to dodge. Wind users aren't necessarily screwed in the battle with Zelse, but you will have a very tough time here. You know, since he's a Wind type and all. Stick with using Wind Cutter Lvl. 3 against him and Large Cutter. If you have Cyclone now, then that's another good attack to use against Zelse from afar. Make sure you have a lot of Honey Breads and Healing Potions, as well as some Heroes Drinks and Dew Drops. Zelse is a lot tougher than Solvaring was. The main problem is Zelse's high Defense; it's hard to successfully take a chunk out of his health in a short period of time. You shouldn't stay close to him unless you're a Water user, since Sword Blast will tear you apart. Fire and Earth users have it best here, since they have a lot of long-range attacks to beat him down with. Water users can only stay up close to attack which is basically a death wish unless you have a lot of healing items. Wind users have it tough as well since Zelse is Wind type, but they have a lot of long-range attacks that can put the hurt on him. Once you kill Zelse, the Wind Jade is yours. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ After Zelse is done with, check the trees behind the battlefield to find [SPIRIT #33]. Ha, it's almost like a reward for such a tough fight. Continue to head down the path (beware, you can still fight enemies here) until you reach a gate. Open the gate to exit Windward Forest. ============================================================================== WEST CARMAGH [0417] ============================================================================== Enemies: Ork Jr., Gremlin, Merrow, Ghost Hound, Skeleton, Wolf Goat Items: None Spirits: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Head over to the small house and talk to its inhabitants to learn that the bridge is fixed. Well duh, considering we came from Windward Forest. Also, they say that the wind has returned to Celtland. So that means Zelse WAS the source of the problem. What a turd. Anyways, head through the field and across the bridge to end up at the signpost. Proceed to Larapool to further your mission. ============================================================================== LARAPOOL [0418] ============================================================================== Enemies: None Items: Silver Armlet Spirits: 3 (#34, #35, #36) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Return to Larapool's Inn once you enter the city. Heal and save at the desk, considering it would majorly suck if you died and had to return to Normoon. Head over to the stairwell and this time go downstairs. Once on the lower floor of the Inn, go down the next set of stairs and exit the Inn through the back door. Once outside, you'll notice a ramp leading into the water. Obviously you can't enter there, so ignore it for a second. Follow the trail to the door up ahead and go inside. You're now inside the fountain, and Leila's also inside. Open the chest next to her for a Silver Amulet and talk to her. She tells Brian to visit Epona in the Crystal Valley. In order to get there, you must venture through the Blue Cave. Sound familiar? Leila lowers the water so you can reach the cave. Exit the fountain and head down the ramp that was previously inaccessible. Walk down the path until you reach a large circular area. There you will find [SPIRIT #34] in the corner next to a wall. Continue down the path until you come to an intersection. The right path takes you to the Blue Cave, but go to the left anyways. It leads to a dead end, but you can collect [SPIRIT #35] at the dead end. Return to the intersection and take the right path to enter a blue temple. Keep your eyes peeled on the right side of the temple, because [SPIRIT #36] is found floating next to one of the pillars. Once you have all three Spirits, make your way down the stairs to enter Blue Cave. ============================================================================== BLUE CAVE [0419] ============================================================================== Enemies: Multi Optics, Crawler, Mimic, Scorpion, Skelebat Items: Heroes Drink, Dew Drops, Healing Potion x2, Mint Leaves Spirits: 6 (#37, #38, #39, #40, #41, #42) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Blue Cave is the toughest dungeon yet, and frankly I believe it's the hardest in the game. Not only is it composed of two parts and overall larger than Cull Hazard, but there are so many paths to take that it's very easy to get lost. Remember the little trick; after you win a battle, Brian will always face the direction you were going last. Unfortunately, the same can't be said when you run away from a battle, so I know from experience that it is easy to get turned around if you run away constantly. Once you enter the cave, walk down the small slope to the main portion of the cave. The path is split into three ways: to the right is a pathway opened with stones on the side. Arrows are carved on the stones; showing you the correct path to take. While that path takes you further into the cave, lets go straight ahead. It's a very long path to take, but at the end of the cave path is [SPIRIT #37]. The rubble at the end of the passage looks familiar. Maybe this is the blocked path that leads to Glencoe Forest? Ah, who cares anyways. Once you get the Spirit, turn around and return to the intersection. Take the road with the arrow stones and continue straight ahead. At the next fork, continue straight ahead, the path to the right is a dead end. You'll soon reach a wider room. There's nothing here, so proceed onward. The next fork will present you with two ways. The correct path is to the right, with the arrow stones. Go to the left though, so you can pick up a Heroes Drink at the end. Turn around and head past the arrow stones. Not only after, another fork will be in your way. Keep going straight past the arrow stones and you'll find [SPIRIT #38] in the corner. Return to the fork and go down the other passage. In this next large room, walk over to the pillar in the center. [SPIRIT #39] is found floating next to it. Grab it and continue into the next passage. Continue through until you see light emanating from the end of the passage. Go through to end up in a walkway in a humongous cavern. You can't fight enemies here, so take the time to heal and such. Proceed along the walkway until you reach another tunnel. Proceed through the tunnel until the last fork is seen. Take the left path to a dead end, where two chests await. Open them for Dew Drops and a Healing Potion. Go back to the fork and take the other path. Head all the way through until you come into the cavern again. Go through and enter the final tunnel. Make your way through until you reach the second part of the Blue Cave. I provided an ASCII diagram of what the second part of the EXIT Blue Cave looks like. It is | basically a giant maze. Yeah, _.--'---._ S = Spirit it looks challenging, but the .' `. T = Treasure only enemies you fight here | T \ are measly Skelebats. And by | | .'-._ now, you can kill them in one ,' | | | '-. hit. Make sure to take the .' .' ,' | `. first left pathway to find | |,' `. [SPIRIT #40] at the end. Make | '--._ S-. -. \ your way to the right to find '. `. | | | Mint Leaves and [SPIRIT #41]. \ ,-| '. '. | | ,' '. \ `. .' As you reach the upper portion |.-' | `--._|--| of the maze, remember to get | '--.__ | | [SPIRIT #42] from the dead end '--._ `---.-' | as well as the Healing Potion `. | '. from the treasure chest. I _,' ,----' S T \ hope the ASCII diagram made .' .' | | things easier for you, but now S--. | | | | you're probably near the end `. '. ,' | '. of the maze. Proceed to the `. `--.--' _.----| | exit of the second part of \ | _.-' '. | the Blue Cave. `-. | .' `--' `-|-' After exiting the maze, there | isn't much else left in the ENTRANCE Blue Cave. Head into the final tunnel and go on through. It won't be long before you reach the end of the cave, where sunlight pours out of the exit. Walk through the exit of the dreaded Blue Cave. I probably made it sound a lot easier than it was, but I think this place is really annoying. Anyways, you'll make your way to the home of Epona in Crystal Valley. ============================================================================== CRYSTAL VALLEY [0420] ============================================================================== Enemies: None Items: None Spirits: 1 (#43) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Crystal Valley is a pretty barren place, although it looks very nice. Go down the path and into the main portion of the valley. Instead of heading over to the house, go to the left and walk through the small ravine. At the end of the ravine is a dead end, where [SPIRIT #43] is found flying around. Collect the Spirit and enter the house. Talk to Epona in the middle of the room. Afterwards, go over and speak to the owl to heal and save your game. Totally save your game here. If you die, you'll end up all the way before the Blue Cave. And trust me, you may die in a little bit. Once you feel that you're ready, enter the back room and step on the circular teleporter to be transported to a ship in the Isle of Sky. ============================================================================== ISLE OF SKYE [0421] ============================================================================== Enemies: Grangach, Pixie Items: Dragon's Potion, Water Jewel Spirits: 6 (#44, #45, #46, #47, #48, #49) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once you're on the ship, enter the deck and talk to the pirate. Heal and save your game, especially if you didn't at Crystal Valley. Go down the stairs to find a chest and [SPIRIT #44]. Grab it and open the chest for a Dragon's Potion. Exit the deck and leave the ship to the Isle of Skye. For a pretty small place, it sure does have a lot of Spirits. Right as you walk off of the ship, turn to the right to find [SPIRIT #45] on the dock. Make your way towards the nice cottage. Head to the brick wall surrounding the cottage and you'll find [SPIRIT #46] floating next to it near the path. You can go inside and talk to the two people, but they prove no importance. Instead, go around the cottage to find [SPIRIT #47] behind the house. Alright, once you get those three Spirits, head onto the dirt road. Head up the path to the ruins and walk to the back to find [SPIRIT #48] floating around. There is a teleporter in the middle of the ruins. A boss battle awaits, so you must be fully prepared. I suggest that your health is around 160 and your MP is around 50. Having your primary element in the 40s is good (mine was 44). Your secondary element should be in the low 30s. I met all of these requirements, and I breezed through a rather tough boss. If you meet these requirements, then you're set. If you think you're ready, then step into the teleporter. You will be transported into an underwater realm. Follow the path until you reach a circular arena with a menacing foe in the center. Make your way up to her to start the battle. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: Nepty =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 880 Element: Water On normal occasions, Nepty is the toughest boss yet. Either I had massively leveled up or was dearly wrong, but I breezed through the battle. Either way, you may have trouble with her. Nepty has nearly 900 HP, and while she has pathetically low Attack, her Defense and Agility are obnoxiously high. You will have a hard time putting a dent in her HP if you are at a low level Nepty only has two attacks, but they can be a pain. Her close-range spell, Water Globe, is a lot more powerful than her other one. It is such a quick attack that the chances of dodging are slim to none. Each hit will deal over 30 damage, so it's a doozy. On the other hand, Homing Bubbles is her other (pathetic) long-range attack. Nepty will shoot three bubbles at you. The first one will always hit, but the second and third are easily dodged. One hit takes off around 11 damage, so it's not a problem. The choice is yours: would you rather lose 11 HP or 30? Yep, that's what I thought. Water users will have a very big problem here. By now, you should have Walking Water in your arsenal of spells, so that's recommended along with Ice Knife. Remember to stay away from Nepty; sure it'll be hard with her massive Agility count, but try your best or else be ready to heal a lot. Fire users will maul Nepty. MAUL HER. Not only does Fire Ball Lvl. 3 take over 100 damage if all three hit her, your other spells will totally decimate her. Fire Pillar and Fire Bomb are great heavy-hitters as well. Hot Steam Lvl. 2 also deals a lot of damage, so Fire users should have no problem at all when battling Nepty. Wind users don't have that hard of a time. Stick with strong spells that you have been using all along, such as Large Cutter and Cyclone. Those two spells alone should be enough for Nepty to handle. Make sure to heal a lot with items if needed. As for Earth users, Magic Barrier will carry them through the fight. All damage dealt to you is decreased by half, so healing shouldn't really be a problem in this fight. That along with Avalanche and Rock Shower should be enough to pummel Nepty into submission. All in all, Nepty may really only be hard for Water users. If you are one, then she will most likely relentlessly murder you; your best shots are to use long-range Water spells like Walking Water. Fire and Earth users will have no problem during the fight with Nepty, since they have such massively awesome spells at their disposal. Wind users also won't have that hard of a time considering the few strong spells should be enough to take her out. You will receive the Water Jewel after you're through with Nepty. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Exit the underwater realm from where you came in to return to the Isle of Skye. Head down the path and to the cottage. Enter the cottage and talk to the people. They will let you in the back room where a teleporter awaits. Go into the room but don't step onto the teleporter. Check near the crates to find [SPIRIT #49]. Pick it up and step in the teleporter to return to the Crystal Valley. ============================================================================== CRYSTAL VALLEY [0422] ============================================================================== Enemies: None Items: None Spirits: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, there's nothing to do here. If you wish, save by talking to Chappy the owl. Exit Epona's house and into the valley. Once outside, step into the circle of blue crystals to be transported back to Larapool. ============================================================================== LARAPOOL [0423] ============================================================================== Enemies: None Items: None Spirits: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once again, another place just for passing through. Heal and save at the Inn if desired, then get ready to make a decision. If you're a big Spirit collector, then I advise that you follow the next section and take a trip to Dondoran Castle. If you could care less, then just skip over the next section. So, if you want to get another Spirit, use your Yellow Wings to teleport to Dondoran Castle. ============================================================================== DONDORAN CASTLE [0424] ============================================================================== Enemies: None Items: None Spirits: 1 (#50) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Long time no see, eh? Return to the castle and enter the front doors. Go through one of the side doors and make your way to the top floor. Stay on the left walkway and enter the door to the left. In this small hallway, go through the next door to the left. You should be in a library now. Walk up to the northern bookcase and press A. No symbol will appear, so just randomly press A repeatedly until the bookcase slides over, revealing a secret passage. Sweet, a secret tunnel. Go through and head down the stairs. [SPIRIT #50] is found flying around on the staircase. Pick this Spirit up and continue down the stairs and through the doorway. Enter the next door and you should appear in the secret room behind the king's throne. That Spirit is very common for people to miss, and it's only obtainable after you defeat Zelse. With the Spirit in hand, exit the castle and teleport back to Larapool. Once in Larapool, exit to West Carmagh. ============================================================================== WEST CARMAGH [0425] ============================================================================== Enemies: Ork Jr., Gremlin, Merrow, Ghost Hound, Skeleton, Wolf Goat Items: None Spirits: 1 (#51) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There isn't anything to do in West Carmagh; the Spirit is found on the ship headed to Limelin. Make your way back to the ship (and heal/save at the cottage if you wish). Once you get on the ship, you have a chance to get a secret Spirit. You must ride the ship three times in a row. Since you just got on the ship, this counts as your first one. Enter the deck, then exit. LEAVE the ship by actually getting off. This counts as one "ride". Go back on the ship and enter the deck, then exit the ship one more time. On the third time you board the ship, go into the deck but don't leave yet! Go over to the stack of crates to the right and a "?" should appear over your head, yet there is clearly no Spirit floating around. Press A anyway to grab [SPIRIT #51] and assign it to your desired element. Now how do you like that? I don't know wherever you are now, but ride the ship until it reaches East Limelin. ============================================================================== EAST LIMELIN [0426] ============================================================================== Enemies: Cryshell, Fish Man, Caterpillar Items: None Spirits: 1 (#52) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, first off, I'd like to remind you that your two elements that you picked are probably close to being maxed out. With that said, you should start to work on a third and final element through the rest of the game. For me, I maxed out Fire and Water, and started to move onto Earth (for Magic Barrier). I suggest that you begin to either finish your second element or start on your third one now. There is a cottage next to the dock once you get off of the ship. You can heal and save inside. When you're ready, follow the dirt path through East Limelin. Not only will you fight some enemies from Cull Hazard, but three new enemies await in this new area. Make sure to explore the entire area; not only does the experience help you but there is a Spirit to be found in the first portion of East Limelin. Follow the dirt path past the first and second rocks. Once you come across the bend right past the two rocks, veer off of the path and enter the grassy area surrounded by trees. You should spot [SPIRIT #52] near the wall. Get it and continue down the road. The road is pretty straight for the most part, so simply follow it until you reach some signs of civilization. Go up to the giant gates and across the bridge. Follow the stone road to the city gates and enter Limelin. ============================================================================== LIMELIN [0427] ============================================================================== Enemies: None Items: Red Wings, Healing Potion x3, Mint Leaves x2, Honey Bread x2, Silver Amulet, Dew Drops, Celine's Cell, Heroes Drink Spirits: 9 (#53, #54, #55, #56, #57, #58, #59, #60, #61) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, there is a crapload of Spirits to find in the city as well as the nearby castle. The local reports of the townsfolk is about how a criminal, Fargo, has escaped from jail and plans on overthrowing the city. It's also rumored that Brian's father has followed him into an abandoned mine shaft farther past the city. Well, lets start by heading to the Inn. It's right in front of the city entrance, so go inside and heal/save. Exit and enter the Shop and Pub, which are right next to the Inn. Grab the Red Wings in the Shop and enter the Pub to get a Heroes Drink if you're all out of it. Enter the house to the right of the Inn. Go up the stairs to find two treasure chests; each containing Mint Leaves and a Healing Potion. The two other houses each contain a Honey Bread and Dew Drops. Alrighty, now for the Spirits. To the left of the Shop is a small dock. Walk down to the end of the dock to find [SPIRIT #53] next to a set of barrels. On the opposite side of the city is a giant field of flowers. Go inside and [SPIRIT #54] is to the immediate right of where you entered the field. Grab it and exit the field. Stay towards the right of the city and enter the overpass. Follow the path to the large tower. This is the jail. Instead of entering the jail, go around the back to find [SPIRIT #55] behind it. Now enter the jail and make your way up the stairs. On the top floor is [SPIRIT #56] floating in the center of the room. Exit the jail and go to the left side of town, directly across from the jail. Follow the long path down to an abandoned house. The entrance is blocked, but you can nab [SPIRIT #57] outside of the entrance of the house against the fence. Okay, now head back to the center of the city. Directly north of the entrance are the castle gates. Enter the gates to find yourself in the courtyard. Go around the central pillar and check behind it for [SPIRIT #58]. Alright, these are all of the Spirits in the city. Now you can get the rest inside of Limelin Castle. In the foyer of the castle is a large marble slab. Walk behind it to not only find [SPIRIT #59], but also [SPIRIT #60] right next to it! That was easy. Proceed up the stairs and enter the door. There are several rooms on the second floor, but only one is necessary to enter. Enter the second room to the left to find yourself in the armory. You can find a Honey Bread, Mint Leaves, and a Healing Potion inside. Exit the armory and go up the stairs to the third floor. Enter the room on the right-hand side of the hall to enter the library. Make your way to the end of the room near the step ladder. Walk up it to find [SPIRIT #61] next to the bookcase. Exit the library and go up the next set of stairs to the final floor. Enter the throne room and talk to the queen. She will ask for your assistance in eliminating Fargo, considering you must get past him to find your father. After the conversation, walk behind her throne to find a secret door, similar to the one in Dondoran Castle. You will find a Silver Amulet, Celine's Bell, and a Healing Potion. That's it in Limelin Castle and the city of Limelin, so now we can get out of here! ============================================================================== EAST LIMELIN [0428] ============================================================================== Enemies: Cryshell, Fish Man, Caterpillar Items: None Spirits: 5 (#62, #63, #64, #65, #66) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once you exit the city of Limelin, go directly across from it into the field. The abandoned mine is south of Limelin. Pass by the large rock until you reach a narrow passage. You may notice a Spirit on the raised ledge, but you can't reach it. Follow the path until you come to a sign. Pass by to end up on the raised ledge next to [SPIRIT #62]. Collect it and return to the sign, then head straight past it. Once you come to a small mining area, you'll reach a fork. Walk to the left past the structure to find [SPIRIT #63]. Walk down the hill to the mining area and a small shack. Go inside the mining shack to find [SPIRIT #64] and [SPIRIT #65] inside. Collect both of them and exit the shack. Head to the right of the shack until you reach a small dead end. You'll find [SPIRIT #66] under a scaffolding. Once you have all of these Spirits, enter the mine shaft near the cabin. ============================================================================== BARAGOON TUNNEL [0429] ============================================================================== Enemies: Will-O'-Wisp, Sprite, Ghost Items: Healing Potion x3, Heroes Drink, Silver Amulet, Dew Drops, Replica Spirits: 5 (#67, #68, #69, #70, #71) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baragoon Tunnel is a dark, winding path of lameness, so remember the trick to avoid accidentally backtracking: always travel in the direction where Brian faces after a battle. Well hey, at least the music is good. :) You will find two chests containing a Heroes Drink and a Healing Potion at the entrance. Grab them and proceed through the tunnel. It won't be long before you reach an open area with two bridges. Go across them into the next tunnel. After you go through that tunnel, you'll reach more bridges. Go across only to find yet another tunnel! Yawn. This one leads downwards and stops at a circular room. At the end of the room is [SPIRIT #67] and a chest containing a Healing Potion. Go to the right and step onto the mine tracks. You cannot encounter enemies on the (long) set of mine tracks, so enjoy it while is lasts. Heal if needed as you cross the tracks. You will soon come to a large pit. Walk down the side to the middle of the pit and make your way up the ramps on the other side. Go through the doorway leading into a stone tunnel. Immediately once you enter the tunnel, turn to the left and go down the passage. Once you're at the dead end, grab [SPIRIT #68] at the end. Turn around and head the other way. The tunnel is really long and tedious, but keep following it until you reach a large chamber. There are many raised platforms here, so walking can get frustrating. First, head to the right to find a chest containing Dew Drops. Next, go left this time to find [SPIRIT #69] next to a raised walkway. Return to the entrance of the room and go up the steps in the center. Follow it until you reach a fork. You will find [SPIRIT #70] to the left of the fork. Grab it and make your way to the right this time. At the end of the trail is a Replica. Now, to exit this damn room. Make your way up the only set of stairs that you didn't go up and head through the tunnel. Follow the tunnel to another open room. Make sure to heal before entering, because there's a catch. The catch is that a boss awaits in the middle of the room. Oh my, a boss that ISN'T one of the holders of the elemental stones! =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: Shilf =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 1000 Element: Wind Wow, 1000 HP?! It seems like a lot, and well, it is. Don't worry though, for Shilf is a considerably easier foe than previous bosses. Her stats are not THAT much more of an improvement than Nepty, so you most likely won't get overwhelmed in this fight. The only problem about this fight is the arena. There are many gaping holes and gaps in the floor, so in some places you won't have a lot of area to maneuver around, making it harder to avoid Shilf's two annoying attacks. While they may be annoying, Shilf's two spells aren't that much of a threat to you, especially since you should have leveled up several times in the tunnel. Her first attack, Homing Arrow (shouldn't be confused with your Homing Arrow spell), is nothing to worry about. It may deal around 50 damage if you get hit every time, but dodging the attacks is easy. It'll be harder to avoid them if you're on a narrow ledge, obviously. Her second spell is Bolt Blast, which is basically the same as Solvaring's Fire Cannon attack. With that said, the strategy to avoid it is the same. Simply step to the side to avoid the cylindrical beam. It will deal over 60 damage when hit, so you better dodge it unless you want to get pummeled. If you are a Water user, then things should be moderately hard for you. Your best bet (for any type) is to attack from a distance. The main problem with Water spells is that there aren't enough long-range spells. Stick to Ice Knife or Walking Water to attack from afar. If you feel that going up close and personal is more your style, then things are a lot easier. Water Pillar Lvl. 3 is enough to take Shilf down. The same rules apply for Fire users. You have enough long-range spells to take her down, such as Fire Ball Lvl. 3 and Fire Bomb. Just make sure that you are able to connect with the long-range spells. You know, attacks like Magma Ball are hard to aim. If you choose to attack up close, then spells like Fire Pillar are powerful as well. Earth users are the best ones at this point in the game. With the addition to Magic Barrier to their arsenal, you should breeze through Shilf (as well as most later bosses). Use that spell first, then attack with Rock Lvl. 3 and Avalanche. You can get fancy and use spells like Weakness Lvl. 2, but it isn't needed to defeat Shilf. Wind users will also have an easy time during this battle. In fact, Wind users will have the best offense, despite sharing elements with the opponent. Large Cutter, Cyclone, and any other long-range powerful attack will pound Shilf into submission. You should have enough Healing Potions by now, so healing isn't an option here. Overall, don't expect much from the battle with Shilf. Water users will have the biggest problem in this fight, but even that's not saying much. All other element users will have no trouble at all, especially Earth users. The elemental advantage and Magic Barrier is enough to decimate her. Overall, no one should have a problem with Shilf. She is basically a rag doll compared to other bosses. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Psh, and Baragoon Tunnel isn't even over yet! After Shilf's demise, exit the room and head down the next tunnel. Once you reach the open room, open the chests containing a Healing Potion and a Silver Amulet. You can also find [SPIRIT #71] in between the chests. After that, head up the staircase towards sunlight. Wowie gee! ============================================================================== DINDOM DRIES [0430] ============================================================================== Enemies: Were Cat, Nightmare, Blue Man, Sand Man, Magma Fish Items: Giant's Shoes Spirits: 3 (#72, #73, #74) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, Dindom Dries is a peaceful place compared to the totally dumb Baragoon Tunnel. Anyways, you will exit out into the open. .------.__ .' `-----._ | __ `-. '-._ E'--' | S - Spirit '. | T - Treasure | .--. .' E - Entrance .---._______.---' |IS| | I - Inn |S '--' | H - House '. _.------.__ .' P - Teleport Pad ,' | '. | ,-' ,-' | | To Greenoch .' '. | S .--.| '.___.--. |HT|| | '--'| ,' .' .' | | '-.____.----.____.----.____.----.____ '. '. | | .' .' | | '. '. | | .' .' | S | '. '. | | .' .' | .---. | '. | P | '. | '---' | '.____.----.____.----.____.----.____.----.____.' Not far from the tunnel exit is a small oasis. Right past the oasis is a tent. Head on inside and talk to the native inside. More importantly is the location of [SPIRIT #72] next to the vase in the corner. Get it and exit the tent. Right across from the tent is a narrow pathway that strays from the desert. Don't follow the path; it leads to a later area. Return to the tent and go south. You should find yourself at a small house in no time. Go inside to find a soldier and a treasure chest. Open it for Giant's Shoes. Exit the house and go west. [SPIRIT #73] is found floating in the southwest corner (once again, refer to the ASCII map above). Now that's only the small section of Dindom Dries. The (huge) main section is to the south of the house. From the house, go south until you reach a large open area, then start to head southeast. Eventually you should come to a large stone platform. You can easily spot it from afar if you are able to see the large diamond floating in the air. The teleport pad is right below the diamond. This is a teleport pad leading to Shamwood. On the other hand, I suggest that you find the next Spirit. The Spirit is basically thrown in the middle of the desert, so much searching is in need to find it. Use your in-game map and this ASCII diagram to find [SPIRIT #74]; it's in the center of the main section of Dindom Dries. Shamwood is optional, but if you want 10 Spirits and a crapload of treasures, then head there immediately. You don't have to go there, and if you don't want to, then skip over the next section. Make your way to the stone tablet and walk up the stairs. Step on the center to be teleported to Shamwood. ============================================================================== SHAMWOOD [0431] ============================================================================== Enemies: None Items: Healing Potion x3, Heroes Drink, Silver Amulet, Dew Drops, Replica Spirits: 10 (#75, #76, #77, #78, #79, #80, #81, #82, #83, #84) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you listened to the inhabitants of Limelin and Dindom Dries, you should have heard some talk of a ghost city. Well, this is it. Luckily for us, this place isn't as barren as ghost cities. There is a real tricky Spirit to get at the entrance to Shamwood. It's pretty much a glitch all in itself. There is a Spirit to the left of the teleporter, but an invisible wall blocks us from proceeding. As you step off of the teleporter, immediately walk to the right as you clash with an invisible wall. Walk back and forth until you break through the wall. From here, walk behind the teleporter and around to reach [SPIRIT #75]. Phew! After that, return to the teleporter and follow the trail. Once past the city walls, immediately go to the left. Stay in between the wall and the moat and make your way to the back of the city. You will find [SPIRIT #76] in the back. Return to the entrance of Shamwood and go through the door. You are now in the treasure room. There is a plethora of chests in here; collect a Celine's Bell, Dew Drops, Dragon's Potion, Giant's Shoes, Healing Potion, Replica, Silver Amulet, and a Spirit Light. You will also find [SPIRIT #77] and [SPIRIT #78] in this room as well. Exit the room from either set of stairs. Now we are on the outside of Shamwood again. Walk around the stairs to the back end, where [SPIRIT #79] awaits. Return to the stairs and go up to end up what seems to be the tip of a pyramid. There is a door in the center, but don't go in just yet. Walk to the left of the doorway to find [SPIRIT #80] on a ledge. Return to the doorway and go through. The final room of Shamwood and the tip of the city is home to a sorcerer named Lavaar. First talk to him to hear a large story. To shorten it up, he tried to use the Eletale Book, was cursed by it, and is now banished in this room for all eternity for his actions. Ha ha. The only way to free him is to defeat Mammon. Well, we have business to deal with first. After talking to Lavaar, open the chest to find a Golden Amulet. Don't leave just yet, because there are FOUR Spirits in this room! They're in each of the four corners of the room. Collect [SPIRIT #81], [SPIRIT #82], [SPIRIT #83], and [SPIRIT #84]. Wowie. After getting all of those Spirits, you can now exit Shamwood with the goods. ============================================================================== DINDOM DRIES [0432] ============================================================================== Enemies: Were Cat, Nightmare, Blue Man, Sand Man, Magma Fish Items: None Spirits: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There isn't really anything to do here. Return to the tent all the way back near the exit to Baragoon Tunnel and return to the narrow pathway. Make your way as it changes to a rocky path until you reach the town of Greenoch. ============================================================================== GREENOCH [0433] ============================================================================== Enemies: Were Cat, Nightmare, Blue Man, Sand Man, Magma Fish Items: Replica Spirits: 4 (#85, #86, #87, #88) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As you follow the path, it will lead into a canyon. When the road splits to the left, walk to the right. You will be able to find [SPIRIT #85] on a raised ledge. There isn't that much to do in Greenoch. The town is in ruins, heh, that sucks. Head into the only two buildings left standing and you will learn that King Beigis destroyed this town. Your first priority is to search the ruins, where you'll find a Replica in a chest. The man at the Shop gives away Healing Potions if you're all out. Make sure to heal and save at the Inn. Leave the desolated town and continue to your next destination. When the road forks, take the left path. The right path simply leads to a sealed cave. Follow to the left to yet another dead end. The path leading to the Boil Hole is littered with hardened molten rock. There is a giant boulder in the middle of the path. You can make your way around the boulder to the right to find [SPIRIT #86]. Return to the fork and go around the rock to the left. You will end up walking across cooled lava. Proceed across the raised sections and keep an eye out for [SPIRIT #87], which is found lingering on the cooled lava. Go across it after collecting the Spirit to a large open area. There is a giant entrance to a cave up ahead. Before entering the open area, hug the right wall and you should find [SPIRIT #88] next to a rock. After grabbing the Spirit, head into the Boil Hole. ============================================================================== BOIL HOLE [0434] ============================================================================== Enemies: Flamed Mane, Rocky, Red Wyvern Items: Dragon's Potion x2, Giant's Shoes, Healing Potion, Replica, Fire Ruby Spirits: 2 (#89, #90) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Boil Hole seems to be a perfect hiding place for the Fire Ruby, mm? Lets see if we can catch up to Fargo here. You will start off in a small tunnel, which leads to a giant shaft. Walk around the lava pit to enter the next tunnel. Yeah, more tunnels, like every dungeon in this game. Ugh. The next open area is home to a treasure chest on the side of the road. Open it for a Dragon's Potion. Proceed through the room into the oncoming tunnel. This one is really long and windy, but you should spot a chest near the end, which holds a Healing Potion. Once you make your way into the third open area, walk down the path to the bottom of the area. There is a chest containing a Giant's Shoes and a Replica at the bottom, and at the opposite side of the room is [SPIRIT #89]. Exit the room into the last long tunnel. When you see the next room, heal before entering. There is a mysterious man in the center of the room. When you walk up to him, you learn that he's Fargo, and he is ready to challenge you for the other three elemental jewels! =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: Fargo =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 1500 Element: Fire Fargo is a lot harder than Shilf. In fact, Fargo can be challenging if you haven't leveled up enough. If your HP is in the mid 200's and your MP at around 70, then you should be fine. Fargo has a lot more health than your previous boss, and his Attack and Agility are to worry about. The room that you fight in is fairly large, so you shouldn't have obstructions in your way while dodging his attacks. The first of Fargo's two attacks is Fire Globe. It is a close-range spell that will engulf Fargo in flames, then spreads out in a circle. The attack can deal 45-50 damage, but it's fairly easy to dodge. When you start to see him use it, simply run backwards and it shouldn't reach you. Fargo's long- range attack is Magma Bomb. He will basically shoot fireballs at you. They aren't as easy to dodge, but they only deal around 35 damage. Overall, Fargo's attacks aren't that tough to deal with. I'm sure you're aware that Water users should have a fun time with Fargo. Use anything you want in your arsenal to take down Fargo, but Walking Water and Water Pillar Lvl. 3 are your best moves to use against him. He will get off some powerful shots if you attack up close, but he should be dead before you get seriously hurt. Fire users will have a pretty tough time. By now you have a lot of strong long-range moves, like Fire Ball Lvl. 3 and Fire Bomb. Of course, the elemental similarities will limit the amount of damage dealt by these attacks. Make sure to heal since Magma Bomb is a hard spell to dodge and Fargo uses it quite a bit. Earth users have Magic Barrier, so there really isn't anything else to say. Use Magic Barrier, then run up close and use a combination of Avalanche and Rock Shower. With all the Dragon's Potions and Dew Drops, you should be fine in the battle with Fargo. Wind users should also attack far away. Use powerful spells like Wind Cutter Lvl. 3, Cyclone, or Large Cutter. In fact, Large Cutter will probably be your best spell to use against Fargo. By now, you should realize that all elements can take down a boss except the one shared by said boss. In that case, the battle will only be tougher, but not unbeatable. Ah, Fargo. If you're severely underleveled, then you may have a tough time in this fight. If not, then be prepared to enjoy this cake walk. Water users will use the weakness of Fargo to destroy him. Earth users, well, the presence of Magic Barrier should make any boss battle a breeze. Wind users also have it made in the fight. The only main problem is with Fire users, since their attacks won't deal as much damage to Fargo. (but that's pretty obvious, isn't it?) Once you slay Fargo, you will claim the final elemental jewel, the Fire Ruby. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Once the room is cleared, make sure to inspect it for goodies. You can find a Dragon's Potion in a chest and [SPIRIT #90] opposite the chest near the wall. Afterwards, enter the final tunnel which leads you to the exit shortly. ============================================================================== BARAGOON MOOR [0435] ============================================================================== Enemies: Gloom Wing, Ogre, Red Rose Knight, White Rose Knight, Winged Sunfish Items: Celine's Bell, Dragon's Potion, Giant's Shoes, Replica, Silver Armlet, Spirit Light Spirits: 5 (#91, #92, #93, #94, #95) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You will enter the desolate area of Baragoon Moor. The place is very gloomy, but make your way to the right after exiting the Boil Hole. Stay on the right side of the wall and follow it around the house. Enter the small corridor in between the house and the wall to find [SPIRIT #91] at the end. Next, enter the Inn to heal and save. More importantly is a stash of goods on the second floor. Go up the stairs to find [SPIRIT #92], a Celine's Bell, Dragon's Potion, Giant's Shoes, Replica, Silver Amulet, and a Spirit Light. Dayum! Exit the Inn and head up towards the town gates. As you approach the ramp leading to the gate, walk to the left against the ledge. You should easily find [SPIRIT #93] on the ledge overlooking the water. Grab it and continue up the ramp. Once you reach the town gates, walk to the right and hug the wall to find [SPIRIT #94]. Return to the gates and turn around. There is a massive walkway stretching back towards the Inn. Walk across it and once you reach the end, [SPIRIT #95] will be flying on the edge. Collect it and go through the gates leading to Brannoch Town. ============================================================================== BRANNOCH TOWN [0436] ============================================================================== Enemies: Gloom Wing, Ogre, Red Rose Knight, White Rose Knight, Winged Sunfish Items: Black Wings Spirits: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nothing much to do here; let me remind you that this is the final town in the game. Head over to the Inn and heal/save. The soldier at the Pub gives you Heroes Drinks if you don't have any currently. Brannoch Town is pretty small, but you can talk to the townsfolk and hear about how afraid they are of King Beigis. You can go to the Shop to get a pair of Black Wings. Now if you wish to make any final stops at earlier towns, do so now. If you're all ready to go to Brannoch Castle and find your father (and take down Beigis as well), then head to the giant castle gates. Once you are ready, enter the gates to Brannoch Castle. ============================================================================== BRANNOCH CASTLE [0437] ============================================================================== Enemies: Red Rose Knight, White Rose Knight Items: Dragon's Potion x2, Healing Potion x2, Spirit Light x2, Celine's Bell, Mint Leaves, Golden Amulet, Silver Amulet, Heroes Drink, Eletale Book Spirits: 3 (#96, #97, #98) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, here we are. Brannoch Castle; the home to King Beigis and the area where your father was last seen. Make your way down the walkway leading to the castle, but once you reach the door, you'll realize that the gates are locked. Well, that sucks, but there must be another way in. Walk to the left of the doors and make your way to the back end of the castle. At the back end of the castle is a staircase leading up to the roof. Go up the stairs to find a doorway. Do not enter just yet; continue to go around the ledge to find [SPIRIT #96] at a dead end. Grab it and go return to the door. There's no turning back after you're inside, so enter when you are ready. The castle is basically like any other dungeon; passages leading into more passages. Oh joy. For the most part, the stairs that you follow are usually going down. That means that if at any time you are going UP, then you probably got turned around. Proceed down the staircase onto a balcony. Head around the balcony to the door and go through. After you go down the next flight of stairs, you will reach a door. Enter the door into a room. You will find a treasure chest with a Dragon's Potion inside. [SPIRIT #97] is also found floating in this room. Once you have both, exit the room. You will start to reach a series of square rooms in the next section of Brannoch Castle. For the most part you only need to follow them until you find a door on the outside wall. Each time go through the door until you find yourself in front of another staircase. This time you're going up. You'll be greeted by a golden door. A boss lies on the other side, so make sure to heal before entering. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: Guilty =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 1800 Element: None Guilty is nothing more than a lackey to King Beigis. In all honesty, his stats aren't much of a step up from Fargo; he has the same Defense and Agility as the fiery madman. One tricky proposition about Guilty is that he isn't a specific element. Although he uses some Fire-based attacks, he is technically neutral. That means there is no elemental offense against him. Guilty is a badass looking dude, but he's got to go. Guilty has both a long-range and a short-range attack. Guilty will use Spike Crush at a distance; he unloads a trio of spikes that impale you. It deals around 60 damage at most. The attack is fast and it's kind of hard to dodge, but simply run to the side to avoid the spikes. Guilty's more deadly attack is Steam Cloud. When up close, he will create a pillar of flames and steam that envelops you. This will deal over 60 damage and can tear apart your HP quickly. What you don't want to do is stay next to him for the whole battle or you'll be wondering where your HP is going. It's best to stay far away from Guilty, so Water users may have a problem. Of course, Walking Water is mainly the only Water spell that is long-range, so Water users might have trouble here. Use Walking Water mainly and even Ice Wall. By now, Ice Knife has probably been rendered useless, so you don't really have a choice but to attack from up close. Use a hit-and-run tactic to defeat Guilty. For Fire users, it's a whole different matter. You have plenty of long-range powerful spells with you. Fire Ball Lvl. 3 can work wonders; Fire Bomb and Hot Steam Lvl. 2 will certainly pack a fierce punch as well. Fire Pillar is by far your best choice if you wish to risk your health and go in up close and personal. Of course, Earth users will have a field day with this battle. First use Magic Barrier (duh), then attack with anything you've got to put Guilty away. Avalanche works the best, since it can hit Guilty multiple times, but really anything can work. Wind users will also have it easy since there are many long-range spells for this element as well. Utilize Large Cutter and Cyclone to their fullest extent for this battle. Wind Cutter Lvl. 3 may not deal that much damage at this point, so stick to those two strong spells. Wind has some of the best long-range spells, so you can quickly damage Guilty from far away. There's nothing to expect from bosses anymore, so Guilty isn't really much different from others in the past. Everyone, especially Earth users, should be able to destroy Guilty with ease. Water users will only have a problem with Guilty, but even then you can use a hit-and-run tactic by attacking, then running away to heal. Overall, Guilty is nothing more than a pushover. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Once you have eliminated Guilty, you can proceed further into the castle. Pass through the next hallway quickly. You will enter another square room, but don't hurry through just yet. You can find a Healing Potion and a Heroes Drink in the corners of the room. Continue to the door afterwards and continue through. In this hallway is a chest containing Mint Leaves. Get it and enter the doorway across the hall. You will find a man that goes by the name Leonardo in the room. He informs Brian that he came here to try and save Brian's father, but has been unsuccessful so far. He serves as an Inn, so heal and save your game after talking to him. You can also find a Spirit Light, Healing Potion, Celene's Bell, and a Silver Amulet. You will also find your last hidden Spirit here. [SPIRIT #98] is found inside the chamber. Once you have everything, exit the room and continue on. Continue down the hallways until you enter a room with a giant hole in the middle. Obtain the Spirit Light and the Golden Amulet inside, then go through the giant doors to finally be reunited with your father! Inside is Lord Bartholomy and Shannon. Something smells fishy though. If you talk to Shannon, you will learn that the kind person that has been at every Inn is doing nothing but leading you along. She demands that you proceed onward and that you'll suffer the consequences if you don't listen. I have to, but... IT'S A TRAP!! Okay, do as she says. Proceed through the door as you leave your father behind. Go through the hallway and heal up before entering the golden door. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: King Beigis =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 1900 Element: Fire Well, King Beigis seems considerably harder than Guilty, especially since there is a high raise in Defense. Like in the battle with Shilf, the arena poses many problems. It's pretty much a room with a giant pit in the middle where two paths branch to the top of the room (and they meet). Unlike Guilty though, Beigis is of Fire type, so now you can utilize those Water spells. Hopefully your HP is over 250 and your MP is around 60. King Beigis's first spell is Green Laser. Simply stated; Beigis fires a large green laser that is impossible to dodge. The attack is used at a long range and can deal aroun 70 damage or more. It's his most dangerous attack, so it may be best to stay close. His close range attack, Bubbling Death, only deals around 55 HP. Beigis will shoot bubbles across the screen. This attack is also impossible to dodge, so just take it like a man. What seems to be pretty obvious is so stay close to Beigis to avoid his deadlier close-range attack. Water users will not have a problem here, finally. Since you should attack with short-ranged spells, Water Pillar Lvl. 3 is enough to defeat him, dealing nearly 150 HP with each hit. Ice Wall also does a number on Beigis, but stick with Water Pillar Lvl. 3 for the majority of the fight. Remember to heal with Healing Lvl. 2 to conserve your items for later. Fire users have the elemental similarity, but they still should not have that hard of a time here. Fire Pillar is a devastating spell that should be your main offense against Beigis. Either spam Fire Pillar or beef yourself up and smack him around with your staff. Earth users can decimate King Beigis as well. Simply leave it to Magic Barrier and Avalanche. Avalanche can probably deal several hundred damage to Beigis if he is hit numerous times. Hopefully you have enough Dragon's Potions to keep the Magic Barrier in effect. I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but these fights aren't really proving any difficulty. Wind users will not have a problem here either; use Large Cutter and Wind Bomb up close to take down Beigis. While I'm making this sound easy, Beigis is capable of taking out a lot of your HP in a hurry. Remember to keep an eye on it and heal with spells or items. King Beigis is actually a pretty tough customer. Like I said earlier, the geographical features of the arena can prove to be quite an annoyance, so quickly move over to Beigis to start an attack. He can deal a lot of damage from afar, so quickly get as close to him as possible. I'm sure you have a lot of Spirit Lights so far, so this is a good time to use them. If all else fails, a whack of the staff can also take out a chunk of his HP. King Beigis is a challenge, but you should be able to overcome. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ After the demise of King Beigis, pass through the throne room to the next hallway. Not long after passing through several hallways, you'll be on the roof. Shannon will be on top as well, but she has some explain' to do. She'll tell you that she was possessed and tells you to reach the teleporter on the rooftop. To assist you, Shannon gives you the Eletale Book. Yay. Make your way up the series of ramps and stairwells until you reach the rooftop. At the top is the teleporter, so step inside to be teleported to Mammon's World. ============================================================================== FLOATING MONASTERY [0438] ============================================================================== Enemies: Spriggan, Pin Head, Pale Rider, Judgement Items: Dark Key Spirits: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You will enter the Floating Monastery on a decimated piece of land. Turn around and enter through the doorway. You will find yourself in a desolate room. Follow the arched doorways and staircases until you reach the door on the opposite side of the room. The next room is a giant checkerboard pathway leading to the door. There are no enemies here, so enjoy the long walk. Once you enter the next area, you will realize that there's nothing here. Simply turn around and exit where you came in. The next room is very short. All you must do is run up the ramp towards the door. Go through the door to find yourself in a gloomy forest. The path will take you to the next exit, so just follow it to the door. You will enter yet another room. Once again, exit where you entered. Yep, another small room. Follow the archways to the next exit door and go through. Geez, this sucks. You are in another forest, but it's daytime now. Like last time, follow the dirt path to the door. The last room is another checkered path. There are no enemies, so heal and follow the path to the next door. You will arrive in a room with none other than Epona! Talk to her to heal and save. Make sure to, since this is the last opportunity to save in the game! When you're ready, exit the room to enter a familiar area. Walk through what looks to be a dark version of Melrode. Follow the path to the monastery gates and enter through. Alright, the final room. Pass through the forest and exit at the end to enter a room with Shannon. She will give you the Dark Key, which lets you access Mammon's realm. You will instantly be teleported to Mammon's cell. Mammon is at the top of the hill, so heal at the bottom and make your way to the top when you're ready. Here we go, this is the final confrontation! =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: Mammon =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 2300 Element: None This is the final battle; this is everything that you've waited for. Some good preparations for this battle is to have around 300 HP. If you're just shy of that amount, then you should be fine. Your MP around 60 is also good enough. Mammon has a massive amount of HP and some pretty intimidating stats as well. Remember to use any healing item left in your disposal; this is the last time to use them! If you have been saving Spirit Lights through the game, then this is the perfect opportunity to use them all. Mammon has a total of three attacks at his disposal. Energy Globe is the weakest and most common of his attacks. It is also impossible to dodge as well. Luckily, Energy Globe only deals around 45 damage to you. Homing Flames, like the name implies, is similar to Homing Arrow. Each hit by a flaming arrow will deal around 9 damage, so the total HP lost can add up to about 50. Lava Wall is Mammon's most dangerous spell. Mammon will conjure up several walls of flame as they move in different directions across the battlefield. It is hard to dodge, and each hit from a lava wall can deal over 60 HP. If you are able to dodge several of them, then you should be good. The boss's attacks are nasty, but you'll get used to them over time. Water users will have a very simple time with this battle. Your best bet against Mammon is to use powerful close-range spells like Water Pillar Lvl. 3 to deal the most damage to him. No other spell is as powerful but Walking Water is also a good spell to use due to its very long reach. Fire users should spend most of their time using either Fire Pillar or Fire Ball Lvl. 3. If you wish to attack up close, then go right ahead with Fire Pillar. If you wish to stay back, then stick with Fire Ball Lvl. 3. It's your choice really, but those two spells are the two that you should use through the fight with Mammon. Earth users have it made. I mean, it's not even funny how badly you can destroy Mammon if you maxed out Earth. Use Magic Barrier first, then run up to him and use Avalanche. This guy is effin' enormous, so each rock should be able to hit him, delivering nearly 500 damage to the big guy. Use the spell about five more times and he's done for. Use Dragon's Potions and Heroes Drinks constantly, because that deadly duo drains a lot of MP. Wind users will also defeat Mammon with ease. Large Cutter is the best spell to use against him, so stick with that. Nothing else is as powerful, but you can try out other Wind spells to use, like Cyclone or Ultimate Wind. It's pretty sad considering Mammon, the final boss of the game, is a total pushover. He has some impressive stats, but by now you should be so over leveled that you can do nothing but decimate him with powerful spells. No element should be at any disadvantage in this battle, so don't worry if you think you should have leveled up a certain element more. Remember to use up all of your healing items, for this is your last chance to do so. There's no need to waste them, is there? Mammon may seem formidable, but he is simply way too easy to defeat. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Well look at that! Mammon is no more, and Celtland is free of all evil! There really isn't much of an ending, considering you don't even see your father again. I mean c'mon, you see him for about 20 seconds in Brannoch Castle, and that's it?! Isn't the point of the game to find and rescue him? *sigh* Well, I hope you enjoyed Quest 64 as much as I did. Good job on beating the game! ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [5] SPIRITS [0500] ============================================================================== There are 200 Spirits in the entire game, giving you the opportunity to max out all four elements. Of course, not all of them are found out in the open. 102 Spirits are obtained by battling enemies, so that leaves the other 98 to be cleverly hidden throughout areas in the game. All of the Spirits will be listed in chronological order; from the beginning of the game to the end. +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #1 | FOUND: Melrode Monastery | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Once you exit the monastery, walk down the left path past the gates. You | | will soon reach a small stable. There is a Spirit in the stack of hay. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #2 | FOUND: Melrode | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Walk past the series of buildings until you reach the outskirts of town. | | Go through the opening in the brick wall and follow the wall to the left. | | Keep walking until the wall meets with the mountainside; you should see | | the Spirit floating at the dead end. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #3 | FOUND: Holy Plains | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Continue down the dirt road once you enter the area. Once you reach the | | semi-large open area, walk to the right and you should see a small house. | | Go inside to find the Spirit floating beside a wall. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #4 | FOUND: Holy Plains | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | On the opposite side of the house is a wide area with trees. Walk to the | | end of the area towards the cliffside. In the right-hand corner of the | | area is another Spirit next to the hills. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #5 | FOUND: Holy Plains | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | After finding the previous two Spirits, get back on the road and follow | | it a little more. You will reach yet another house further down the road. | | Walk around the wall near the entrance to the house. A Spirit is found in | | the corner of the wall in front of the house. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #6 | FOUND: Dondoran Castle | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Enter the town and walk towards the batch of buildings. Travel down the | | path leading to the sandy beach. You can find the Spirit right in the | | center of the beach. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #7 | FOUND: Connor Fortress | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | The Spirit can be found right next to the entrance of the forest. From | | the start, walk straight to find a fork and a sign. Travel past the sign | | next to the trees to find the Spirit. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #8 | FOUND: Connor Fortress | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Take the right path from the fork and walk down the road. Check the right | | side of the forest near the trees, and you should spot a Spirit floating | | next to a tree. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #9 | FOUND: Connor Fortress | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Now take the left path until you reach the small hut. Go inside and walk | | through the cluttered area to find a Spirit in the back of the house. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #10 | FOUND: Connor Fortress | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Head past the small hut and continue down the road. A little while of | | walking you should notice a tree where the branch hangs over the forest | | pathway. Look to the right to spot a Spirit floating next to the tree. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #11 | FOUND: Connor Fortress | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Afterwards, walk to the end of the forest to arrive at the thief's den. | | Right next to the gates is another Spirit floating in plain view. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #12 | FOUND: Dondoran Castle | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | After defeating Solvaring and retrieving the Earth Orb, talk to the king | | to have him reveal a secret passage behind his throne. Enter the room and | | collect the items as well as a Spirit. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #13 | FOUND: Dondoran Flats | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | From the start of the area, walk straight ahead until a grassy outcrop | | opens on the left. Head through the grass near the cliffside, where you | | will find a Spirit floating next to the edge. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #14 | FOUND: Dondoran Flats | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Once you reach the large open area with the bridge, follow the mountains | | on the right side of the area until you reach a dead end. The Spirit is | | floating right on the edge of the cliff. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #15 | FOUND: Dondoran Flats | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | This Spirit is found next to the entrance to Glencoe Forest. The entrance | | is found in the middle of Dondoran Flats. Once you find the log that | | leads to the entrance, stick to the right to find the Spirit floating | | near a cliff next to the log. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #16 | FOUND: Glencoe Forest | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Once you enter Glencoe Forest, walk to the right and stay on the right | | side of the lake. At the end of the forest near the wall, you should spot | | a Spirit floating behind a tree near the shore. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #17 | FOUND: Glencoe Forest | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | This time, go on the left side of the lake. Just like the previous | | Spirit, you should find it near the wall, right behind a tree. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #18 | FOUND: Glencoe Forest | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | The Spirit is found basically right behind the previous one. Walk towards | | the left side of the forest towards the wall. You should find the Spirit | | lingering near the wall of the forest. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #19 | FOUND: Glencoe Forest | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | After reaching the second area of Glencoe Forest, you should see a small | | cottage. The Spirit is found right next to the cottage, floating beside | | one of the walls of it. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #20 | FOUND: Glencoe Forest | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Proceed past the cottage as well as the waterfall. Once you make your way | | towards the outcropping of rocks, hug the right wall. There is a Spirit | | right next to the wall, floating on the side. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #21 | FOUND: Glencoe Forest | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | The final Spirit in the forest is found directly next to the previous | | Spirit. It is found floating behind a tree, closer to the set of rocks. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #22 | FOUND: West Carmagh | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | From the cottage near the entrance of West Carmagh, go across the bridge. | | Shortly after you should find an arched bridge. Right after crossing it, | | go up the hill to the right. A Spirit is found floating on the edge of | | the hill. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #23 | FOUND: West Carmagh | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | There is yet another hill near a signpost; not far from the previous | | Spirit. Before approaching the sign, go up the hill to the right and get | | the Spirit floating on the edge of the hill. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #24 | FOUND: West Carmagh | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Once you're near the entrance to Cull Hazard, go over to the nearby house | | and check the side of it to find another Spirit. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #25 | FOUND: Cull Hazard | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | When you enter the first large cavern, navigate around the pit and make | | your way towards the giant rock that splits the road. Follow to the right | | of the rock and you should spot the Spirit floating next to it. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #26 | FOUND: Cull Hazard | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Right after collecting the last Spirit, turn around and go on the left | | side of the rock this time. You will find the Spirit lingering next to a | | lone treasure chest. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #27 | FOUND: Normoon | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Enter the first cornfield near the entrance. You should be able to find a | | Spirit floating in the tall shoots of corn. It's pretty hard to spot, but | | look for the "?" while walking around. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #28 | FOUND: Normoon | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | You'll find yet another Spirit in the first cornfield near the entrance. | | It's pretty hard to spot, but look for the "?" while walking around. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #29 | FOUND: Normoon | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | The last Spirit is in the second cornfield. It's pretty hard to spot, but | | look for the "?" while walking around. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #30 | FOUND: Windward Forest | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | This Spirit is right in plain sight. Once you enter the forest, go | | straight ahead to find the Spirit floating next to a tree. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #31 | FOUND: Windward Forest | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | You will find it next to the cottage near the gaping hole in the ground. | | Walk to the side of the cottage to spot the Spirit near the wall. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #32 | FOUND: Windward Forest | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Simply go inside of the cottage after collecting the last Spirit. It is | | found floating next to the chest near the table. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #33 | FOUND: Windward Forest | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | After defeating Zelse, enter the small patch of trees behind the arena. | | There will be a Spirit floating behind a tree. It's kind of like a reward | | for the tough battle with him. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #34 | FOUND: Larapool | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Once you talk to Leila and she drains the water in Larapool, make your | | way down the ramp and into the lower portion of the city. When you walk | | down the path and reach the circular, open area, a Spirit is found in | | the corner of the area. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #35 | FOUND: Larapool | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Continue down the path until you come to a fork in the road. Take the | | left path and you will come to a dead end. The Spirit is floating at the | | end of the pathway. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #36 | FOUND: Larapool | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | After you get the previous Spirit, take the right path to enter a blue | | temple housing the entrance to the Blue Cave. The Spirit is found on the | | right side of the temple, next to a pillar. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #37 | FOUND: Blue Cave | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | From the entrance to the cave, go straight down the passage. It turns out | | to be a dead end, but there is a Spirit waiting for you at the end. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #38 | FOUND: Blue Cave | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | The third fork (counting the one at the entrance) will lead to another | | dead end and a Spirit floating next to the wall at the end. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #39 | FOUND: Blue Cave | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Right after getting the previous Spirit, head into the open area with the | | pillars situated inside. Walk around the pillar in the center of the room | | to find a Spirit near the base. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #40 | FOUND: Blue Cave | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | This Spirit is found in the beginning of the Blue Cave maze, on the left | | branch. Check the ASCII map found in section 3.19 for a more accurate | | location. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #41 | FOUND: Blue Cave | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | This Spirit is found in the beginning of the Blue Cave maze, on the right | | branch. Check the ASCII map found in section 3.19 for a more accurate | | location. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #42 | FOUND: Blue Cave | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | This Spirit is found in the middle of the Blue Cave maze, in the center | | of the maze. Check the ASCII map found in section 3.19 for a more | | accurate location. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #43 | FOUND: Crystal Valley | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Proceed down the path towards Epona's house. Veer to the left before | | reaching the house and enter the gorge. Walk to the end of the gorge to | | find a Spirit flying near the dead end. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #44 | FOUND: Isle of Skye | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Once you're on the ship boarded to the Isle of Skye, enter the ship's | | deck and go down the stairs. There is a Spirit next to the chest. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #45 | FOUND: Isle of Skye | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | When you get off of the ship and onto land, turn immediately to the right | | to find a Spirit floating on the dock. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #46 | FOUND: Isle of Skye | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Go over to the cottage and to the left of the path, near the brick wall. | | You should be able to find a Spirit floating next to the wall right near | | the stone path. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #47 | FOUND: Isle of Skye | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Walk behind the cottage (from the inside of the brick wall) to find yet | | another Spirit flying behind the cottage. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #48 | FOUND: Isle of Skye | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | From the cottage, return to the dirt path and walk up the hill. At the | | top is a large set of ruins. Go to the back of the ruins to see a Spirit | | floating around. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #49 | FOUND: Isle of Skye | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | After defeating Nepty, return to the cottage and go on inside. Talk to | | the people inside and they will let you enter the back room. Go inside | | and before stepping on the teleport pad, grab the Spirit floating next to | | the numerous crates. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #50 | FOUND: Dondoran Castle | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | This Spirit can be obtained at any point AFTER beating Zelse. Return to | | the castle and make your way to the top floor. Head through the door on | | the left side and the next one to enter the library. Press A next to the | | bookcase on the north wall to move it aside. Head through the newly | | revealed secret passage and collect the Spirit inside. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #51 | FOUND: West Carmagh | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Honestly, this one is found at any time on the ship, but this is the best | | and easiest time to get it; when you're heading to East Limelin. Ride the | | ship two times (enter the cabin, then exit the cabin, then exit the ship. | | Do that two times. On the third time on the ship, enter the cabin and | | inspect the boxes to the right to find an invisible Spirit. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #52 | FOUND: East Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Right after you enter the area of East Limelin, walk down the road past | | the two rocks. Once you start to go around the bend, head to the grassy | | area to the right near the trees. You should find a Spirit floating near | | a tree close to the wall. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #53 | FOUND: Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | There is a small dock near the left side of the city. Walk to the end of | | the dock and turn around. Face the barrel to find a Spirit floating next | | to it. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #54 | FOUND: Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | On the opposite side of the city (the right side) is a giant field of | | flowers. Enter the field and immediately step to the right from the | | entrance. There is a Spirit right next to you. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #55 | FOUND: Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | The tower jail is located on the top right-hand corner of Limelin. Go | | there by going through the underpass. When you're there, go behind the | | jail to find the Spirit flying near the wall. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #56 | FOUND: Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | After getting the previous Spirit, go inside of the jail. Head up the set | | of stairs to the second floor, where the Spirit is floating in the center | | of the large room. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #57 | FOUND: Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Go to the top left-hand side of the city and follow the abandoned path, | | which leads to a barred house. You can find and grab a Spirit floating | | next to the iron fence near the door. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #58 | FOUND: Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Go towards Limelin Castle and make your way into the castle courtyard. | | Right behind the central pillar is another Spirit. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #59 | FOUND: Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Once you enter Limelin Castle, go behind the giant marble slab. You will | | find a Spirit behind it. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #60 | FOUND: Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Once you enter Limelin Castle, go behind the giant marble slab. You will | | find a second Spirit behind it. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #61 | FOUND: Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Make your way to the third floor of Limelin Castle. Enter the library, | | which is on the right side of the hallway. Go to the end of the room and | | walk up the mini stairs to find a Spirit. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #62 | FOUND: East Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Head south of Limelin to the mining area of East Limelin. Once you reach | | the fork and a sign, head to the right of the sign to find a Spirit on a | | raised piece of land. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #63 | FOUND: East Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Return to the sign after collecting the previous Spirit and go straight | | past it. When another fork appears, proceed to the right near the mining | | structures to find a Spirit floating in the middle of the platform. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #64 | FOUND: East Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Continue down the hill towards the small mining cabin. Enter it to find a | | Spirit floating in the center of the shack. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #65 | FOUND: East Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Continue down the hill towards the small mining cabin. Enter it to find a | | second Spirit floating in the center of the shack. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #66 | FOUND: East Limelin | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Walk to the right of the mining shack towards the wall. Sneak through the | | small alcove until you come to a scaffolding. You should spot a Spirit | | floating near it. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #67 | FOUND: Baragoon Tunnel | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | After the first few tunnels, you will come to a circular room with a | | treasure chest in it. Next to the treasure chest (also next to the mine | | tracks) is the Spirit. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #68 | FOUND: Baragoon Tunnel | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Once you make your way through the giant pit after the mine tracks, head | | into the stone tunnel and immediately take a left. Walk to the dead end, | | where a Spirit awaits near the wall. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #69 | FOUND: Baragoon Tunnel | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | This Spirit is found in the room before fighting Shilf; the room with the | | numerous raised walkways. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #70 | FOUND: Baragoon Tunnel | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | This Spirit is found in the room before fighting Shilf; the room with the | | numerous raised walkways. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #71 | FOUND: Baragoon Tunnel | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | After you defeat Shilf, make your way to the final room with the two | | treasure chests in it. There is a Spirit found in between the two chests | | in the middle of the room. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #72 | FOUND: Dindom Dries | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Make your way past the oasis and into the tent. A Spirit is found inside | | the vase in the corner. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #73 | FOUND: Dindom Dries | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | When you reach the house (south of the tent) proceed west until you reach | | a wall. Look near the wall to find another Spirit. Refer to the ASCII map | | in section 3.30 for a more accurate location. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #74 | FOUND: Dindom Dries | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | The Spirit is found directly in the center of Dindom Dries, in the large | | main area of the desert. Refer to the ASCII map in section 3.30 for a | | more accurate location. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #75 | FOUND: Shamwood | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | This one is tricky to find and pretty glitchy. There's an invisible wall | | to the immediate right of the teleporter. Walk on the wall until you go | | through it, then walk around the teleporter until you end up to the left | | of it. The Spirit is found lingering to the left of the teleporter. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #76 | FOUND: Shamwood | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Once you enter the city walls, immediately follow the left path until you | | reach the back end of the castle. Remember, you should be in between the | | wall and the moat. At the back of the castle is a Spirit floating around. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #77 | FOUND: Shamwood | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Enter the treasure room, which is located straight ahead from the front | | entrance. In here you will find a Spirit. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #78 | FOUND: Shamwood | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Enter the treasure room, which is located straight ahead from the front | | entrance. In here you will find a second Spirit. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #79 | FOUND: Shamwood | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | This Spirit is found outside again. Walk up either set of stairs from the | | treasure room and walk behind the staircase. Here you'll find the Spirit. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #80 | FOUND: Shamwood | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | After collecting the previous Spirit, go up the staircase to the top | | floor. Instead of going through the door ahead, go to the left to find | | the Spirit on a ledge. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #81 | FOUND: Shamwood | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Enter the altar room on the top floor of Shamwood. You will find a Spirit | | in one of the four corners of the room. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #82 | FOUND: Shamwood | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Enter the altar room on the top floor of Shamwood. You will find a second | | Spirit in one of the four corners of the room. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #83 | FOUND: Shamwood | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Enter the altar room on the top floor of Shamwood. You will find a third | | Spirit in one of the four corners of the room. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #84 | FOUND: Shamwood | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Enter the altar room on the top floor of Shamwood. You will find a fourth | | Spirit in one of the four corners of the room. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #85 | FOUND: Greenoch | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Right before you enter the town of Greenoch, you should come to a tight | | curve in the road. The right veers into an open area. Head over there and | | walk to the end of the raised platform to find the Spirit. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #86 | FOUND: Greenoch | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Outside of Greenoch (leading to Boil Hole), you should come across a big | | boulder that splits the path. Go to the right to spot the Spirit floating | | against a wall. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #87 | FOUND: Greenoch | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Take the left path instead and walk across the cooled lava. As you make | | your way across, you can find a Spirit on the hardened molten rock. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #88 | FOUND: Greenoch | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Go right past the previous Spirit after collecting it and hug the right | | wall. The Spirit is near the entrance to the Boil Hole, next to a stone. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #89 | FOUND: Boil Hole | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | After the third tunnel, you will end up in a large pit. Proceed to the | | bottom and you'll find a Spirit on the opposite side of the chest. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #90 | FOUND: Boil Hole | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | After you defeat Fargo, search the arena to not only find a chest, but a | | Spirit on the right side of the room. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #91 | FOUND: Baragoon Moor | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | From the entrance to Baragoon Moor, follow the right wall until you walk | | behind the Inn. You will find the Spirit lingering at a dead end. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #92 | FOUND: Baragoon Moor | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Go inside the Inn after collecting the previous Spirit. Continue through | | to the second floor to find the Spirit on the side of the wall. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #93 | FOUND: Baragoon Moor | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Walk past the buildings towards the town gates, but head to the left side | | of the area. Proceed over to the ledge overlooking the water and you | | should be able to spot a Spirit on the ledge. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #94 | FOUND: Baragoon Moor | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Head over to the town gates and walk right past them, scanning the wall | | as you walk to the right. A Spirit is found leaning up against the wall. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #95 | FOUND: Baragoon Moor | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | From the town gates, turn around to face the stone walkway protruding out | | towards the Inn. Walk down the walkway and at the end is the Spirit. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #96 | FOUND: Brannoch Castle | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | As you head around to the back of the castle, go up the ramp and right | | past the back door. Follow the ledge to a dead end, where a Spirit waits. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #97 | FOUND: Brannoch Castle | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | You can find this Spirit in a small room near the beginning of Brannoch | | Castle. It is right across from a lone treasure chest. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------+--------------------------+ | SPIRIT #98 | FOUND: Brannoch Castle | +---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+ | The final hidden Spirit is found inside the room with Leonardo. You can | | reach this room after you defeat Guilty. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [6] MAGIC [0600] ============================================================================== ============================================================================== FIRE [0601] ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIRE BALL LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 1 MP Used: 1 The spell conjures up a ball of fire to hit an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIRE BALL LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 4 MP Used: 2 The spell conjures up two balls of fire to hit an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POWER STAFF LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 7 MP Used: 2 Casting it will temporarily raise Brian's physical attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOMING ARROW LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 10 MP Used: 2 This spell launches a volley of arrows that seek out the enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT STEAM LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 13 MP Used: 2 This spell creates a cloud of intense steam that can hit multiple enemies if they are close enough together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIRE BALL LVL. 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 16 MP Used: 3 The spell conjures up three balls of fire to hit an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPRESSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 19 MP Used: 3 Brian temporarily shrinks the size of his foe, reducing its attack power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POWER STAFF LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 22 MP Used: 3 Casting it will temporarily raise Brian's physical attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIRE PILLAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 24 MP Used: 3 Engulfs your enemies in a volcanic explosion of fire and flame. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOMING ARROW LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 22 MP Used: 3 This spell launches even more arrows that seek out the enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIRE BOMB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 30 MP Used: 3 Summons a large bomb that detonates at the enemies' feet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VAMPIRE'S TOUCH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 32 MP Used: 3 When in effect, you drain HP from the enemies with each hit of your staff and it's given to yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAGMA BALL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 36 MP Used: 3 This summons a ripple of lava and flame straight towards the enemy; three balls are sent crashing towards your foes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXTINCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 40 MP Used: 3 If successful, a black hole opens from the ground and kills a selected enemy instantly. Doesn't work on bosses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT STEAM LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 44 MP Used: 3 This spell creates an even bigger cloud of intense steam that can hit multiple enemies if they are close enough together. ============================================================================== WATER [0602] ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WATER PILLAR LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 1 MP Used: 1 Calls forth a small geyser of water to drown an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WATER PILLAR LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 3 MP Used: 2 Calls forth a large geyser of water to drown your enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEALING LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 7 MP Used: 2 Allows Brian to restore a small amount of HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUL SEARCHER LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 10 MP Used: 2 Lets you identify an enemy and learn their info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WATER PILLAR LVL. 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 13 MP Used: 2 Calls forth an immense geyser of water to drown your enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ICE WALL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 15 MP Used: 3 This spell encases your foes in a block of ice. Can affect numerous enemies if they are close together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ICE KNIFE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 17 MP Used: 3 Hits an enemy with a trio of ice sickles. It's able to freeze an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ESCAPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 19 MP Used: 3 Allows Brian to escape from a battle instantly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 23 MP Used: 3 Transports Brian outside of a dungeon or area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RETURN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 24 MP Used: 3 Transports Brian to the last town he visited. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEALING LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 25 MP Used: 3 Allows Brian to restore a large amount of HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUL SEARCHER LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 33 MP Used: 3 Lets you identify all enemies and learn their info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WALKING WATER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 35 MP Used: 3 Summons a geyser of water that slowly moves towards an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DRAIN MAGIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 40 MP Used: 3 This spell lets Brian drain the MP from an enemy and gives it to himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INVALIDITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 46 MP Used: 3 Removes any harmful spell cast on Brian by an opponent. ============================================================================== EARTH [0603] ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROCK LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 1 MP Used: 1 This spell hurls a small rock at an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROCK LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 4 MP Used: 2 This spell hurls a large rock at an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPIRIT ARMOR LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 7 MP Used: 2 Raises Brian's defense temporarily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROLLING ROCK LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 10 MP Used: 2 Sends a rolling boulder across the screen at your enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEAKNESS LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 13 MP Used: 2 Temporarily lowers the defense of a single enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROCK LVL. 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 16 MP Used: 3 This spell hurls a massive boulder at an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAGNET ROCK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 19 MP Used: 3 Crushes an enemy with four boulders meeting from all four directions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPIRIT ARMOR LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 21 MP Used: 3 Greatly raises Brian's defense temporarily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AVALANCHE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 24 MP Used: 3 Calls forth a shower of boulders as they strike multiple enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONFUSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 27 MP Used: 3 Allows Brian to lose MP instead of HP when hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEAKNESS LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 31 MP Used: 3 Temporarily lowers the defense of a single enemy even more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROCK SHOWER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 34 MP Used: 3 Casts a maelstrom of tiny, jagged rocks upon your foes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAGIC BARRIER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 36 MP Used: 3 Protects Brian and negates all enemy magic for up to three turns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROLLING ROCK LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 39 MP Used: 3 Sends a larger rolling boulder across the screen at your enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEAK ALL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 43 MP Used: 3 Temporarily lowers the defense of all enemies. ============================================================================== WIND [0604] ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WIND CUTTER LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 1 MP Used: 1 Slices an enemy with a blade of air. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WIND CUTTER LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 4 MP Used: 2 Slices enemies with several blades of air. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESTRICTION LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 6 MP Used: 2 Causes an enemy to be confined to a small area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EVADE LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 8 MP Used: 2 This spell raises Brian's agility temporarily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SILENCE LVL. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 10 MP Used: 2 Successfully casting this spell causes an enemy to be unable to cast any magic spells for several turns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WIND CUTTER LVL. 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 12 MP Used: 3 Slices enemies with numerous blades of air. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESTRICTION LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 16 MP Used: 3 Causes an enemy to be confined to a small area for a longer period of time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WIND BOMB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 20 MP Used: 3 Creates a huge blast of air that pummels nearby enemies. Can affect numerous enemies if they are close together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EVADE LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 24 MP Used: 3 This spell greatly raises Brian's agility temporarily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CYCLONE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 28 MP Used: 3 This spell summons a twister to pelt several enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLOW ENEMY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 32 MP Used: 3 Reduces the attack power of one enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WIND WALK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 37 MP Used: 3 This spell increases the range of movement for Brian. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SILENCE LVL. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 42 MP Used: 3 Successfully casting this spell causes an enemy to be unable to cast any magic spells for several turns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ULTIMATE WIND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level Obtained: 47 MP Used: 3 Unleashes a maelstrom of wind to home in on and slice all foes. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [7] ITEMS [0700] ============================================================================== O====================O======================================================O | ITEM NAME | DESCRIPTION | O====================O======================================================O | Black Wings | Allows you to instantly return to Brannoch. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Blue Wings | Allows you to instantly return to Larapool. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Celine's Bell | Freezes enemy. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Dark Gaol Key | A key that allows you to go to Mammom. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Dew Drop | Recovers 10 MP. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Dragon's Potion | Recovers all MP. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Earth Orb | An orb with strong Earth power. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Eletale Book | A book that keeps all life on Celtland balanced. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Fresh Bread | Recovers 50 HP. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Fire Ruby | A ruby with strong Fire power. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Giant's Shoes | Doubles movement area. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Golden Amulet | Increases Defense throughout battle greatly. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Green Wings | Allows you to instantly return to Normoon. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Healing Potion | Recovers 150 HP. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Heroes' Drink | Recovers 50 MP. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Honey Bread | Recovers 100 HP. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Mint Leaves | Recovers 20 MP. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Red Wings | Allows you to instantly return to Limelin. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Replica | Allows you to exit a fight instantly. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Silent Flute | Freezes enemy. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Silver Amulet | Increases Defense. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Spirit Light | Recovers all HP. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Water Jewel | A jewel with strong Water power. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Wind Jade | A jade with strong Wind power. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | White Wings | Allows you to instantly return to Melrode. | |--------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Yellow Wings | Allows you to instantly return to Dondoran. | O====================O======================================================O ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [8] BESTIARY [0800] ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ENEMIES [0801] ============================================================================== Yay, a list of monsters! Stats and info taken from the Prima Official Guide. Strategies on how to beat them are made up by yours truly. +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | WERE HARE | LOCATION: Holy Plain | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 9 ATK: 3 DEF: 1 AGL: 5 | ELEMENT: Wind | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Wind Cutter Lvl. 1 | DROP: Fresh Bread | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Were Hares are the most basic enemies around. In turn, they are also the | | weakest ones. Their Wind Cutter Lvl. 1 spell can be used from up close or | | afar, but it's not dangerous at all. It's very easy to dodge and it deals | | little damage. Target these creatures with any spell or attack you like: | | it will most likely take them out in one hit. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HELL HOUND | LOCATION: Holy Plain | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 10 ATK: 3 DEF: 2 AGL: 8 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Fire Ball Lvl. 1 | DROP: Dew Drops | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Hell Hounds are pretty intense creatures to deal with. They can attack | | from far away using their Fire Ball Lvl. 1 spell. They usually target at a | | distance, so do the same and use long-range spells to defeat these | | wild monsters. They are pretty easy among the foes here. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | PARASSAULT | LOCATION: Holy Plain | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 13 ATK: 2 DEF: 2 AGL: 6 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Ice Knife | DROP: Dew Drops | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | These nasty things are always found with Bumbershoots. They are of Water | | type, and their Ice Knife spell is very dangerous. You cannot dodge it and | | there is a chance that it can freeze you. When frozen, you can't move for | | a turn or two. Take them out as quickly as possible by using Fire-based | | spells. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | BUMBERSHOOT | LOCATION: Holy Plain | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 9 ATK: 3 DEF: 2 AGL: 6 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Fire Ball Lvl. 1 | DROP: Fresh Bread | | Hot Steam Lvl. 1 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | They are always found around Parassaults, but Bumbershoots are not as | | dangerous as their partner. It can unleash the Fire Ball Lvl. 1 spell on | | you from a distance. If they get close to you, Bumbershoots will use Hot | | Steam Lvl. 1 as well. Utilize their low HP by quickly taking them out of | | the picture before their partner in crime. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | BIG MOUTH | LOCATION: Holy Plain | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 28 ATK: 2 DEF: 2 AGL: 4 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Water Pillar Lvl. 2 | DROP: Fresh Bread | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Big Mouths are very large and very dangerous creatures. Although they lack | | in Agility, they make up for in HP and Attack. They have a strong Water | | Pillar Lvl. 2 spell. In fact, it's their only attack. It is a close-range | | spell, so attack from a distance by using long-range spells or attacks. | | They aren't as bad as they look though. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | MAN EATER | LOCATION: Holy Plain | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 24 ATK: 5 DEF: 4 AGL: 6 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Rock Lvl. 1 | DROP: - | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Man Eaters are usually found in pairs. They, like the Big Mouth, have | | quite a bit of HP. They only use Rock Lvl. 1 spell, and it is an | | incredibly easy spell to dodge. It will not be able to hit you with the | | spell from up close, so save your MP and attack it with your staff, or if | | you wish, use close-range spells against it. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | BAT | LOCATION: Connor Fortress | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 24 ATK: 5 DEF: 3 AGL: 11 | ELEMENT: Wind | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Wind Cutter Lvl. 1 | DROP: Celine's Bell | | Water Pillar Lvl. 1 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Bats are no doubt the easiest enemies in this area. They make up for it | | though by traveling in packs. When they use their Wind Cutter Lvl. 1 | | spell, they will jump towards Brian and end up next to him. The attack is | | easy to maneuver around though. When up close, Bats will use Water Pillar | | Lvl. 1 to attack. Bats are very easy to defeat in battle. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | KOBOLD | LOCATION: Connor Fortress | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 40 ATK: 7 DEF: 6 AGL: 16 | ELEMENT: Wind | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Fire Ball Lvl. 1, Cyclone | DROP: Fresh Bread | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Kobolds are nasty enemies, and have high Agility to boot. Their Fire Ball | | Lvl. 1 attack is the least of your worries. You can rarely dodge it, but | | their Cyclone attack deals more damage to you. It is a powerful attack | | that should be avoided. Kobolds are one of the toughest creatures in | | Connor Fortress. An attacking strategy is all up to you. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | MARIONASTY | LOCATION: Connor Fortress | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 28 ATK: 6 DEF: 6 AGL: 10 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 | DROP: Fresh Bread | | Physical Attack | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | These wooden dolls are not that dangerous. When far away, the Marionasty | | will resort to a Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 spell. When next to you, it'll use a | | weaker physical attack. They are on the same level of difficulty as Bats, | | so quickly eliminate them to avoid being pestered. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | FROG KNIGHT | LOCATION: Connor Fortress | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 38 ATK: 5 DEF: 8 AGL: 10 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Wind Cutter Lvl. 2, Cyclone | DROP: Silver Amulet | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Frog Knights are usually found in pairs. They're tough enemies and use two | | different spells to attack. Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 is used at a distance. Frog | | Knights also use Cyclone when closer to you. Staying far away and | | hammering it with long-range Fire attacks is your best bet in order to do | | away with the amphibious menaces. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | MAN TRAP | LOCATION: Connor Fortress | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 65 ATK: 11 DEF: 4 AGL: 8 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Healing Lvl. 2 | DROP: - | | Physical Attack | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Man Traps are the strongest foes in Connor Fortress. Not only do they | | deliver a nasty physical attack when up close, but they can also use | | Healing Lvl. 1. They have a pretty long range so you may get hit by | | physical attacks more than you expected. They'll always heal when far | | away, so stay next to it and either whack it with your staff or use | | powerful spells. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | MAD DOLL | LOCATION: Dondoran Flats | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 70 ATK: 10 DEF: 11 AGL: 17 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Rock Lvl. 2, Physical Attack | DROP: Dew Drops | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | The Mad Dolls are similar to the Marionasties back in Connor Fortress. | | They not only use a Rock Lvl. 2 spell on you, but they have a physical | | attack as well. Both are relatively weak and Rock Lvl. 2, although larger | | than Lvl. 1, is still easy to dodge. You should not have any trouble with | | these creatures at all. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | DEATH HUGGER | LOCATION: Dondoran Flats | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 50 ATK: 10 DEF: 9 AGL: 17 | ELEMENT: Wind | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Ice Knife, Physical Attack | DROP: - | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Death Huggers are pretty much giant versions of Bats. They are Water type | | and use the Ice Knife attack when far away. This attack can freeze you, so | | try and get close so they'll use their physical attack instead, which is | | weaker. They appear in groups, so use Fire attacks to take each of them | | out quickly. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | GOBLIN | LOCATION: Dondoran Flats | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 83 ATK: 20 DEF: 12 AGL: 19 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Homing Arrow Lvl. 1 | DROP: Fresh Bread | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Goblins are rare monsters that are usually found with Death Huggers. Their | | Homing Arrow Lvl. 1 is weak, but it's also possible to dodge it. They have | | moderate HP amount and are fairly strong. Use Water attacks that damage | | large groups, such as Ice Wall or Water Pillar Lvl. 3. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | APOPHIS | LOCATION: Dondoran Flats | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 128 ATK: 14 DEF: 12 AGL: 21 | ELEMENT: Wind | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 | DROP: Spirit Light | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | The Apophis are large serpents hat are Wind-based. They are usually found | | near the end of Dondoran Flats, near the Inn. They are difficult to | | defeat, especially if you find two together. Their Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 | | attack is tricky to dodge and can deal a lot of damage. They drop Spirit | | Light, which is arguably the best item in the game; able to completely | | restore all of your HP. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | COCKATRICE | LOCATION: Dondoran Flats | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 140 ATK: 19 DEF: 10 AGL: 16 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Rock Shower, Avalanche | DROP: - | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Cockatrices are the deadliest foes in Dondoran Flats; luckily they are | | only found in a small region. They can only be found near the entrance to | | Glencoe Forest. They have two powerful spells: Avalanche and Rock Shower. | | Both deal heavy amounts of damage. Stay at a distance and use powerful | | Wind spells or other attacks to deal with them. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | FROG KING | LOCATION: Dondoran Flats | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 108 ATK: 9 DEF: 11 AGL: 18 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Large Cutter | DROP: Silver Amulet | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Frog Kings are found near the Inn in Dondoran Flats and nowhere else. They | | are usually accompanied by Frog Knights. Frog Kings have a powerful Large | | Cutter spell which has a wide range. Use close-range spells and attacks to | | do these creatures in. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | DARK GOBLIN | LOCATION: Glencoe Forest | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 80 ATK: 12 DEF: 14 AGL: 35 | ELEMENT: Wind | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 | DROP: Replica | | Evade Lvl. 1 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | The Dark Goblin is the stronger cousin of the Goblin. These foes use Wind | | Cutter Lvl. 2 to attack you and Evade to raise its Agility. Their only | | offensive attack is fairly easy to dodge and you should not be in trouble | | for it deals little damage. They are a little harder than normal Goblins, | | but nothing you can't handle so far. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | GHOST STALKER | LOCATION: Glencoe Forest | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 75 ATK: 11 DEF: 18 AGL: 28 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Rock Lvl. 2 | DROP: - | | Physical Attack | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Ghost Stalkers are kinda like Mad Dolls and Marionasties. They, just like | | the Mad Dolls, use Rock Lvl. 2 and a physical attack. Rock Lvl. 2 should | | be a breeze to dodge by now and its jumping kick shouldn't deal that much | | damage. They are easy to beat alone but can be dangerous in large groups. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HOT LIPS | LOCATION: Glencoe Forest | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 125 ATK: 14 DEF: 6 AGL: 30 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Fire Pillar | DROP: Celine's Bell | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Hot Lips are pretty annoying foes in the forest. These guys are very | | similar to Man Traps in Connor Fortress. They only have one attack, but it | | is powerful and big. Fire Pillar has a wide range and is strong. It is | | hard to avoid, but counterattack by using Water attacks. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | TREANT | LOCATION: Glencoe Forest | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 160 ATK: 14 DEF: 7 AGL: 24 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 | DROP: Dew Drops | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Treants are big creatures with a lot of HP at their disposal. They are | | usually found alone; maybe found with other lesser enemies. Treants use | | Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 which shouldn't be a threat by now. Use Water attacks | | and spells that can freeze enemies to dispose of these deadly trees. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | ORK JR. | LOCATION: West Carmagh | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 63 ATK: 12 DEF: 14 AGL: 16 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Rock Lvl. 2 | DROP: Fresh Bread | | Spirit Armor Lvl. 1 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | The Ork Jr. is the easiest enemy found in West Carmagh. They only have the | | Rock Lvl. 2 spell and no close-range attack. When dealing with these | | monsters, get up close and take them out with your staff. Their spell | | can't hit you when you're standing next to them. They are harder to deal | | with in groups, but still overall easy enemies. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | GREMLIN | LOCATION: West Carmagh | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 83 ATK: 13 DEF: 15 AGL: 46 | ELEMENT: Wind | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Ice Wall, Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 | DROP: Silent Flute | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Gremlins are like Parassaults in the Holy Plains. Not only do they attack | | you with Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 from far away, you have to deal with their Ice | | Wall attack. This attack deals more damage, so stay away and pelt them | | with Fire attacks. These creatures are also easy to dispose of, but they | | are usually found in large groups. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | GHOST HOUND | LOCATION: West Carmagh | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 99 ATK: 12 DEF: 16 AGL: 43 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Fire Ball Lvl. 2 | DROP: - | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | You will usually find Ghost Hounds in a group of three. These cousins of | | the Hell Hounds use Fire Ball Lvl. 2 as their only form of attacking you. | | You cannot dodge the attack, so stay up close and pummel it with different | | types of Water spells. When huddled together, use an attack such as Ice | | Wall to damage them all. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | MERROW | LOCATION: West Carmagh | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 77 ATK: 12 DEF: 14 AGL: 36 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Ice Knife, Weakness Lvl. 1 | DROP: Replica | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Merrows are rare enemies, usually found near the bridge leading to | | Windward Forest. They are Water spellcasters who use Ice Knife from afar. | | Merrows can also use Weakness to lower your defense. They have fairly low | | HP, so use close-range attacks to kill them. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SKELETON | LOCATION: West Carmagh | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 80 ATK: 12 DEF: 20 AGL: 40 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Large Cutter | DROP: Fresh Bread | | Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Skeletons can be tough enemies; luckily they are only found near Cull | | Hazard. Although they are Fire type, Skeletons use Large Cutter and Wind | | Cutter Lvl. 2 as a method of attacking. Stay far away when attacking them, | | because Large Cutter can deal quite a bit of damage. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | WOLF GOAT | LOCATION: West Carmagh | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 95 ATK: 14 DEF: 17 AGL: 39 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Avalanche | DROP: Honey Bread | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Wolf Goats are very formidable opponents. They, like Skeletons, are only | | found on the path leading to Cull Hazard. Wolf Goats have only one attack, | | but it's a very powerful spell that you have not seen before: Avalanche. | | This spell can hit you multiple times, so these foes can drain your HP in | | a hurry. Stay at a distance when targeting these enemies. Luckily, they | | are rare and are usually found alone. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SKELEBAT | LOCATION: Cull Hazard | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 79 ATK: 15 DEF: 9 AGL: 46 | ELEMENT: Wind | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 | DROP: Honey Bread | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Skelebats are tiny nuisances that are found in groups, as well as found | | with other enemies. They only use Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 to attack from far | | away. A lot of foes have been using these attacks lately, so it shouldn't | | be hard for you to dodge. It's a weak attack, but these guys are speedy. | | Skelebats are weak and have low HP, so they are easy to defeat overall. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | BLOOD JELL | LOCATION: Cull Hazard | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 97 ATK: 20 DEF: 11 AGL: 32 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Homing Arrow Lvl. 2 | DROP: - | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Blood Jells are annoying enemies that appear in large groups. They use | | Homing Arrow Lvl. 2. It is a hard attack to dodge and can deal a lot of | | damage over a short period of time. Use Water attacks to not deal a lot of | | damage them, but to freeze them; Blood Jells seem to get frozen a lot when | | hit with Ice Wall or Ice Knife. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SCARE CROW | LOCATION: Cull Hazard | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 120 ATK: 19 DEF: 10 AGL: 38 | ELEMENT: Wind | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 | DROP: Honey Bread | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Scare Crows are the second toughest enemies in Cull Hazard. They, like | | Skelebats, only use Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 to attack. They have pretty high HP | | and can deal a lot of damage, especially since they're usually found with | | Blood Jells. Stay at a distance when attacking Scare Crows to avoid | | getting hurt more than necessary. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | WYVERN | LOCATION: Cull Hazard | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 310 ATK: 20 DEF: 15 AGL: 54 | ELEMENT: Wind | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Fire Ball Lvl. 2, Fire Pillar | DROP: Healing Potion | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | The Wyvern is the toughest enemy in Cull Hazard by a landslide. In fact, | | they are easily the toughest enemy in the game at this point. Not only do | | they have a buttload of HP, they are also very powerful. Fire Ball Lvl. 2 | | is mostly used when far away or when somewhat close to you. It packs a | | wallop, but Fire Pillar is more dangerous. It's only used when Wyvern is | | flying right above you can deals a lot more damage. I honestly feel that | | running away is the best option when facing them. If you choose to defeat | | them, it's best to take a beating and stay up close to use powerful spells | | like Water Pillar Lvl. 3. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | ARACHNOID | LOCATION: Windward Forest | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 148 ATK: 22 DEF: 17 AGL: 36 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Magma Ball | DROP: Celine's Bell | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Arachnoids are the most common foes here and are almost always found in | | groups of four or five. These spider enemies use Magma Ball as their only | | attack. It is impossible to dodge from up close, but very easy to dodge | | from a distance. Stay back and use Water and Wind attacks to whittle the | | numbers down. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | TERMANT | LOCATION: Windward Forest | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 165 ATK: 20 DEF: 12 AGL: 30 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 | DROP: Honey Bread | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Termants are also found in large groups and can overwhelm you in a hurry. | | They only use Wind Cutter Lvl. 2, like most monsters. By now you should | | know that it's not a real threat. Attack them any way you like, because | | they go down rather easily. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | TEMPTRESS | LOCATION: Windward Forest | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 132 ATK: 19 DEF: 16 AGL: 28 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Hot Steam Lvl. 2 | DROP: Fresh Bread | | Homing Arrow Lvl. 2 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Temptresses are annoying enemies that float in the air and are commonly | | found in groups of other enemies. You can't hit them with your staff, so | | resort to Water spells from far away. They attack with Hot Steam Lvl. 1 | | and Homing Arrow Lvl. 1. Stay far away, since dodging Homing Arrow Lvl. 1 | | is a breeze. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | THUNDER JELL | LOCATION: Windward Forest | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 198 ATK: 26 DEF: 15 AGL: 25 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Homing Arrow Lvl. 2 | DROP: Honey Bread | | Healing Lvl. 2 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Thunder Jells are tougher enemies in Windward Forest. They use Homing | | Arrow Lvl. 2 to attack you, that's it. They can heal using Healing Lvl. 2. | | Homing Arrow Lvl. 2 is harder to dodge, but I suggest staying up close to | | attack and using Earth attacks to kill it. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | ORK | LOCATION: Windward Forest | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 198 ATK: 25 DEF: 14 AGL: 33 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Hot Steam Lvl. 2 | DROP: Honey Bread | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Orks are another frustrating foe. They are almost always found in pairs | | and use Hot Steam Lvl. 2 to attack up close. Stay very far away, since | | they jump towards you when they attack. Hot Steam Lvl. 2 deals a lot of | | damage to you. Use long-range attacks of any kind, but Fire Ball Lvl. 3 | | works the best on these giant pig creatures. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | JACK-O'-LANTERN | LOCATION: Windward Forest | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 160 ATK: 24 DEF: 30 AGL: 30 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Homing Arrow Lvl. 2 | DROP: Silver Amulet | | Weakness Lvl. 1 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Jack-O'-Lanterns are one of the more annoying enemies in this place. They | | use Weakness Lvl. 1 to lower your defense, then attack with Homing Arrow | | Lvl. 2. This deadly combo is well, deadly. Attack from up close to target | | groups using wide attacks, such as Hot Steam. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | LAMIA | LOCATION: Windward Forest | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 220 ATK: 24 DEF: 17 AGL: 34 | ELEMENT: Wind | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Wind Cutter Lvl. 3 | DROP: Silver Amulet | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Lamias are rare creatures that are found near the end of Windward Forest. | | It only uses Wind Cutter Lvl. 3, but it is a lot more powerful than its | | previous form. It's nearly impossible to dodge, but stay away when | | attacking and use powerful Fire or Water spells to bring it down. They do | | have very high HP, so it may take a while to defeat them, especially if | | you find more than one. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | MULTI OPTICS | LOCATION: Blue Cave | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 175 ATK: 28 DEF: 23 AGL: 56 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Homing Arrow Lvl. 1 | DROP: Dew Drops | | Healing Lvl. 2 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Multi Optics have the most HP in Blue Cave, yet they are by far the | | easiest enemies around. They use Healing Lvl. 2 when they are very far | | away and Homing Arrow Lvl. 1 to attack. Not only does each hit deal 3 | | damage, but you should dodge it every time. Sure, they come in groups, but | | you should wipe the floor with Multi Optics. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | CRAWLER | LOCATION: Blue Cave | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 150 ATK: 18 DEF: 20 AGL: 53 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Water Pillar Lvl. 2, Ice Knife | DROP: - | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Crawlers are usually found in pairs and also aren't that tough. When at a | | distance, their spell of choice is Ice Knife. It doesn't deal that much | | damage but it can freeze you. Crawlers will use Water Pillar Lvl. 2 up | | close, but that is fairly weak. Like Multi Optics, you should not have any | | problem with these enemies. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | MIMIC | LOCATION: Blue Cave | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 143 ATK: 26 DEF: 26 AGL: 45 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Walking Water, Ice Knife | DROP: - | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Mimics are always found alone and have the lowest HP in the cave. Like | | Crawlers, they will use Ice Knife as a long-range attack. Mimics also use | | Walking Water as their other form of attacking. When used at a distance, | | the spell is very easy to dodge. On the other hand, you'll almost always | | get hit up close. They aren't too tough to beat as well. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SCORPION | LOCATION: Blue Cave | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 175 ATK: 28 DEF: 19 AGL: 62 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Homing Arrow Lvl. 2 | DROP: Dew Drops | | Walking Water | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Scorpions are the most powerful enemies found in the Blue Cave. They not | | only use the difficult-to-dodge Homing Arrow Lvl. 2, but when up close | | they resort to Walking Water. Scorpions have as much HP as Multi Optics | | but they are more powerful overall. Watch out for groups of Scorpions or | | else you'll be in trouble. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | GRANGACH | LOCATION: Isle of Skye | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 230 ATK: 30 DEF: 30 AGL: 75 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Walking Water | DROP: Dew Drops | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | The Grangach is a weird fish that is found hopping on a wooden spear. | | Weird. Anyways, it only has one attack: Walking Water. Like I said | | earlier, it is a very easy spell to dodge if you're far away. If not, then | | you'll most likely get hit. They are pretty strong and have a lot of HP, | | so you might have trouble with these enemies. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | PIXIE | LOCATION: Isle of Skye | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 231 ATK: 28 DEF: 26 AGL: 70 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Walking Water | DROP: Mint Leaves | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Pixies are annoying enemies for the sole fact that you can't hit them with | | your staff. You must resort to magic attacks for these foes. They only use | | Walking Water as well, so you should be prepared. They, like Grangaches, | | have high HP, so take note of that. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | CRYSHELL | LOCATION: East Limelin | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 275 ATK: 29 DEF: 32 AGL: 68 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Ice Wall | DROP: - | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Cryshells are nasty turtles that have a lot of HP. Despite being turtles, | | they have high Agility. Cryshells only attack with Ice Wall, so there's a | | high chance of getting frozen in a battle with them. They are found in | | groups, and they're hard to take out considering their high HP. Use Fire | | attacks from up close to destroy them. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | FISH MAN | LOCATION: East Limelin | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 275 ATK: 35 DEF: 27 AGL: 27 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Walking Water | DROP: Honey Bread | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Fish Men are also found with Cryshells and are just as deadly. They attack | | using Walking Water and of course, they're Water type. The spell is easy | | to dodge from far away, so attack these monsters from a distance to avoid | | getting pummeled. They also have high HP and come in high numbers, so you | | will have trouble with them. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | CATERPILLAR | LOCATION: East Limelin | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 230 ATK: 27 DEF: 28 AGL: 65 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Homing Arrow Lvl. 2 | DROP: Dew Drops | | Fire Pillar | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Caterpillars are found in the later portion of East Limelin (near Baragoon | | Tunnel). They have lower HP than the other enemies here but are almost | | always found in very high numbers together. They use Homing Arrow Lvl. 2 | | at a distance and the powerful Fire Pillar when up close. Stay back and | | attack them with Water spells. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPRITE | LOCATION: Baragoon Tunnel | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 242 ATK: 30 DEF: 38 AGL: 78 | ELEMENT: Wind | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Hot Steam Lvl. 2 | DROP: Spirit Light | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Sprites are just like Temptresses in earlier stages. They attack with Hot | | Steam Lvl. 2, so they're dangerous foes up close. You can hit them with | | their staff, but staying away from them is a better idea. Use Water spells | | to put them away quickly. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | WILL-O'-WISP | LOCATION: Baragoon Tunnel | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 160 ATK: 33 DEF: 33 AGL: 80 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Fire Ball Lvl. 3 | DROP: - | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | They might not have that much HP, but Will-O'-Wisps are very strong. | | Their Fire Ball Lvl. 3 spell will deal a lot of damage, so be cautious and | | use Water spells while healing a lot. They're usually found in tiny | | groups, but Will-O'-Wisps are even a threat alone. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | GHOST | LOCATION: Baragoon Tunnel | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 260 ATK: 37 DEF: 42 AGL: 84 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Homing Arrow Lvl. 2 | DROP: Heroes Drink | | Weakness Lvl. 2 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Ghosts have the most HP in this area, but they aren't too tough to deal | | with. They're usually found accompanied by Termants. Ghosts use Homing | | Arrow Lvl. 2, which isn't too powerful. When they use Weakness Lvl. 2 with | | it, things can get messy. Eliminate them first to help avoid future | | problems. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | NIGHTMARE | LOCATION: Dindom Dries | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 245 ATK: 32 DEF: 56 AGL: 92 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Fire Ball Lvl. 3 | DROP: Dew Drops | | Silence Lvl. 1 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Nightmares are giant butterflies that are found in groups. These foes also | | use Fire Ball Lvl. 3. Their second spell is Silence Lvl. 1, which is | | annoying if you're hit with it. Attack these bugs using Water attacks, | | like always. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | BLUE MAN | LOCATION: Dindom Dries | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 264 ATK: 31 DEF: 32 AGL: 80 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Fire Ball Lvl. 2 | DROP: Mint Leaves | | Fire Ball Lvl. 3 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Oddly enough, Blue Men are Water type enemies. What's even more strange is | | that they use Fire attacks: Fire Ball Lvl. 2 and Fire Ball Lvl. 3! You | | will most likely encounter them in large groups, so use Fire spells to | | counterattack these tough enemies. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SAND MAN | LOCATION: Dindom Dries | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 340 ATK: 40 DEF: 70 AGL: 80 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Magnet Rock | DROP: Honey Bread | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | These hulking stone enemies are the strongest enemies in Dindom Dries, as | | well as having the most HP. They are of Earth type, and use Magnet Rock as | | a form of attacking. There's no running away from that spell, so your best | | bet is to run up and attack close-hand. Any spell works against them, but | | spells like Fire Pillar and Water Pillar Lvl. 3 are your best bet to use | | against Sand Men. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | WERE CAT | LOCATION: Dindom Dries | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 230 ATK: 32 DEF: 50 AGL: 95 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Fire Ball Lvl. 3, Fire Bomb | DROP: Dragon's Potion | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Were Cats are Fire creatures and are fairly weak enemies. They not only | | use Fire Ball Lvl. 3, but Fire Bomb as well. You might as well attack up | | close, since the spells will hit you anyways. Attack them using Water | | spells, such as Water Pillar Lvl. 3 and Ice Wall. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | MAGMA FISH | LOCATION: Boil Hole | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 242 ATK: 34 DEF: 80 AGL: 90 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Magma Ball | DROP: Mint Leaves | | Spirit Armor Lvl. 2 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Magma Fish aren't found in the main desert of Dindom Dries, but around the | | entrance to Greenoch and Boil Hole. They are almost always found in large | | groups, and benefit from it. They power each other up with Spirit Armor | | Lvl. 2 and attack using Magma Ball. Use attacks that hit numerous enemies, | | such as Ice Wall and Wind Bomb. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | ROCKY | LOCATION: Boil Hole | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 350 ATK: 35 DEF: 80 AGL: 90 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Rock Lvl. 3, Rock Shower | DROP: Honey Bread | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Rockys are extremely tiny (and cute) lil' versions of Sand Men. They will | | attack with Rock Lvl. 3 from afar, so run up close to avoid it. When up | | close, Rockys use Rock Shower, but it isn't as powerful. They have | | somewhat low HP, so taking them out isn't a problem. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | FLAMED MANE | LOCATION: Boil Hole | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 360 ATK: 36 DEF: 60 AGL: 80 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Hot Steam Lvl. 2, Fire Bomb | DROP: - | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Flamed Manes are rare creatures; only found in the open areas of the Boil | | Hole. With that said, you rarely have to deal with them. They aren't that | | tough; only using Fire Bomb and Hot Steam Lvl. 2 to attack. Of course, | | it's obvious that using strong Water spells is the easiest method to take | | down any enemy here, especially Flamed Manes. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | RED WYVERN | LOCATION: Boil Hole | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 550 ATK: 40 DEF: 85 AGL: 120 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Homing Arrow Lvl. 2 | DROP: Healing Potion | | Fire Ball Lvl. 3 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Red Wyverns are giant pains and just like how strong the Wyverns were in | | Cull Hazard, they are very hard to deal with. Running is your best option, | | especially when they are found with Magma Fish. Red Wyverns use Fire Ball | | Lvl. 3 which is a real hazard to your health. The winged dragons also use | | Homing Arrow Lvl. 2 as a long-range attack. Red Wyverns are powerful | | enemies, so if you wish to challenge them, stay far back and heal | | constantly. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | OGRE | LOCATION: Baragoon Moor | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 440 ATK: 37 DEF: 72 AGL: 85 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Fire Ball Lvl. 3, Fire Bomb | DROP: Giant's Boots | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Ogres are massive giants that are very strong and have high HP as well. | | Not only are they found with Rockys, but their Fire Ball Lvl. 3 and Fire | | Bomb spells are devastating. Clear out any other enemies first before | | targeting the Ogres. Stay away from them and attack with any of your | | strong spells to put them out of their misery. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | RED ROSE KNIGHT | LOCATION: Baragoon Moor | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 260 ATK: 38 DEF: 70 AGL: 95 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Large Cutter, Evade Lvl. 2 | DROP: Mint Leaves | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Red Rose Knight are one of the two knights found in Baragoon Moor. They | | are the weaker knight, with a mere 260 HP. They're found in groups and | | tend to use Evade Lvl. 1 on each other. Red Rose Knights attack with Large | | Cutter. It's unavoidable, so attacking up close or far away is your | | choice, considering you're getting hit either way. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | GLOOM WING | LOCATION: Baragoon Moor | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 320 ATK: 34 DEF: 68 AGL: 100 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Fire Pillar, Weakness Lvl. 2 | DROP: Dew Drops | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Gloom Wings are similar to the Nightmares of Dindom Dries. They are | | usually accompanied by several Winged Sunfish. Gloom Wings only use Fire | | Pillar as their attack spell. With that said, stay back and attack these | | monsters with Water spells. They also use Weakness Lvl. 2, but it rarely | | hits and shouldn't affect you either way. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | WINGED SUNFISH | LOCATION: Baragoon Moor | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 320 ATK: 34 DEF: 70 AGL: 95 | ELEMENT: Wind | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Walking Water | DROP: Honey Bread | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Winged Sunfish are found in groups and with Gloom Wings. These fish | | monsters use Walking Water to attack you from afar. Since they are | | generally weak and found in groups, your best bet is to use spells that | | hit numerous enemies. With that said, Hot Steam Lvl. 2 works wonders | | against Winged Sunfish. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | WHITE ROSE KNIGHT | LOCATION: Baragoon Moor | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 299 ATK: 54 DEF: 76 AGL: 90 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Homing Arrow Lvl. 1 | DROP: Honey Bread | | Spirit Armor Lvl. 2 | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | The White Rose Knight are also in large groups and are fairly weak as | | well. Their attacks are also very weak to boot. They use Spirit Armor Lvl. | | 2 on themselves and Homing Arrow Lvl. 1. Homing Arrow Lvl. 1 is | | pathetically easy to dodge, so you can maul these guys. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPRIGGAN | LOCATION: Floating Monastery | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 462 ATK: 46 DEF: 62 AGL: 110 | ELEMENT: Water | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Silence Lvl. 1 | DROP: Heroes Drink | | Physical Attack | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Spriggans are basically humongous versions of Ogres. While they are large | | in size, they're the easiest enemies here. Spriggans only use Silence Lvl. | | 1 and a physical attack to damage you. With that said, it doesn't take | | much to defeat these enemies as they aren't a threat to you at all. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | PIN HEAD | LOCATION: Floating Monastery | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 580 ATK: 46 DEF: 70 AGL: 130 | ELEMENT: Fire | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Fire Ball Lvl. 3 | DROP: Celine's Bell | | Physical Attack | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Pin Heads are tough enemies; in fact, they're the hardest ones you can | | find. Pin Heads are particularly fond of Fire Ball Lvl. 3. They use it | | constantly and can take out a lot of HP, especially since these enemies | | are found in groups. Pin Heads also use a physical attack, but it isn't | | nearly as powerful. Using Water spells is the best way to destroy Pin | | Heads before they have a chance to take you out. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | PALE RIDER | LOCATION: Floating Monastery | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 480 ATK: 45 DEF: 63 AGL: 120 | ELEMENT: Wind | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Cyclone, Large Cutter | DROP: Healing Potion | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Pale Riders are fierce monsters that are also found in packs. They only | | use Wind attacks: Cyclone and Large Cutter. The latter is the more | | dangerous of the two as it can deal far more damage and it's harder to | | dodge. Magic Barrier and Avalanche is a very good combination to defeat | | these Wind-based foes. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | JUDGEMENT | LOCATION: Floating Monastery | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | HP: 322 ATK: 44 DEF: 78 AGL: 100 | ELEMENT: Earth | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | SPELLS: Rock Lvl. 3, Rock Shower, | DROP: Golden Amulet | | Fire Pillar | | +----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Judgements are massive marble statues that are very formidable, despite | | their very low HP. They're one of the few to use three spells. They can | | use Rock Lvl. 3, Rock Shower, and Fire Pillar, each very powerful attacks | | on their own. Fire Pillar is the most dangerous out of the spells, so | | remember to stay at a distance and use Wind spells. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ============================================================================== BOSSES [0802] ============================================================================== Here are the bosses and strategies for beating them. Attack names provided by the Prima Official Guide. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: Solvaring =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 200 Element: Earth Well, let's just put it this way; I hope you're prepared. If not, then expect to be decimated. Solvaring has a grand total of a whopping 200 HP, and his stats are intimidating. The arena is small, and Solvaring has high Agility. That pretty much means that you won't get too far away from him. Solvaring has two attacks; a close-range one and a long-range one, of course. His long-range attack, Fire Cannon, deals less damage than his other attack. Solvaring will shoot a beam of fire at you. It's somewhat hard to dodge, but it's possible. It will most likely deal around 12 or 13 damage when hit. Quartz Blast on the other hand, is powerful and nearly impossible to dodge. In fact, it may be impossible to dodge. Solvaring will jump in the air and unleash a flurry of jagged rocks from the earth. This one deals nearly 20 damage to you. With that said, staying away from him is your best bet, especially if you have some long-range spells at your disposal. If you chose Wind for your primary element, then you're golden. Solvaring is weak against this type, with him being Earth and all. Unleash your Wind Cutter Lvl. 2 (or Lvl. 3 if you have it; you should) on him. Using either spell should deal a high combined total damage. Using Evade Lvl. 1 is a tad helpful; giving it a shot won't hurt, right? For Earth users, the Rock spells are also good choices, for they are long- range hitters. If you have Rock Lvl. 3, then pummel Solvaring with it as you stay at a distance. Try and use Weakness Lvl. 2 on his as well to lower his already high Defense. If Water is your main type, then you should have Water Pillar Lvl. 3 by now. If you have Ice Wall, then that's even better. The only problem with Water users is that you'll have to get close to Solvaring in order to hit him. Use Water Pillar Lvl. 3 or Ice Wall on him through the battle. I doubt you would have Ice Knife (unless you're totally into leveling up), but if you have it (you get it at level 17), then that eliminates the problem of getting up close and personal. If you chose Fire, then you might have a problem. Fire Ball Lvl. 2 or 3 are alright, but you might now have Lvl. 3 just yet. Homing Arrow and Fire Ball Lvl. 2 aren't the best of choices. In all honesty, I think boosting your Attack and using physical attacks would be your best bet against Solvaring. Solvaring is pretty tough, especially for beginners to the game. Make sure you heal using either Healing Lvl. 1 or with Fresh Bread. Try to avoid using Honey Breads, as it's kind of a waste. Only use them if you are dying and you know that Solvaring is almost dead. The Wind and Earth users have it best in this fight. Water users have a very good chance, but Fire users will most likely have the hardest time in this battle. Once you defeat Solvaring, he drops the Earth Orb after his death. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: Zelse =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 680 Element: Wind Zelse is a formidable opponent, so don't think you will be able to breeze past him under leveled and unprepared. Zelse has a lot of HP; 680 to be exact. His Attack is pretty high, but his Defense is very high as well. It'll be hard to put a real dent on his health with such high Defense. Hopefully you should have the first attack on Zelse though. Zelse actually has three attacks. I know, he's one of the few with that many moves. Zelse will use Homing Spikes when you are far away. It's pretty much the same as Homing Arrow Lvl. 2, but more purdy. Each hit will deal around 3 or 4 damage, but that can total up to at least 15 damage. If you are good at dodging these types of attacks, then you shouldn't get that hurt with this attack. Considering how pretty much every frickin' enemy has either Homing Arrow or Wind Cutter, you should be good at dodging by now. Zelse uses an attack called Lighting Wall as a mid-range attack. He floats in the air at first, then creates well, a wall of lighting that streaks across the screen. It's actually very easy to dodge; just either walk away from or towards Zelse. On the other hand, it will deal over 30 damage if you're are hit. Zelse's close-range attack is called Sword Blast. It is just like Large Cutter; it deals around 25 damage and is unavoidable. With that said, it's best to stay at a distance from Zelse throughout the entire battle. Water users will probably have the hardest attempt at facing Zelse. Most of the Water spells are close-range. Instead of limiting your attacks to weak spells like Ice Knife, just go in and attack Zelse up close with attacks like Water Pillar Lvl. 3 or simply with your staff. It's only suggested to do this if you have a lot of healing items with you. For Fire users, you will have a breeze in this fight. Start off by using Power Staff Lvl. 2 to increase your attack, then either use physical attacks or make things easier by using Fire Ball Lvl. 3 for most of the battle. Those are your best bet, but Fire Pillar is also a good spell for taking out Zelse's HP in a quick motion. Earth users have it the best here. Stick with using spells like Spirit Armor Lvl. 2 to raise your Defense. Avalanche works the best here, since it deals a lot of damage with one hit, yet you can hit Zelse multiple times with the spell. Stay at mid-range so Zelse can only use Lightning Wall, which is no trouble to dodge. Wind users aren't necessarily screwed in the battle with Zelse, but you will have a very tough time here. You know, since he's a Wind type and all. Stick with using Wind Cutter Lvl. 3 against him and Large Cutter. If you have Cyclone now, then that's another good attack to use against Zelse from afar. Make sure you have a lot of Honey Breads and Healing Potions, as well as some Heroes Drinks and Dew Drops. Zelse is a lot tougher than Solvaring was. The main problem is Zelse's high Defense; it's hard to successfully take a chunk out of his health in a short period of time. You shouldn't stay close to him unless you're a Water user, since Sword Blast will tear you apart. Fire and Earth users have it best here, since they have a lot of long-range attacks to beat him down with. Water users can only stay up close to attack which is basically a death wish unless you have a lot of healing items. Wind users have it tough as well since Zelse is Wind type, but they have a lot of long-range attacks that can put the hurt on him. Once you kill Zelse, the Wind Jade is yours. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: Nepty =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 880 Element: Water On normal occasions, Nepty is the toughest boss yet. Either I had massively leveled up or was dearly wrong, but I breezed through the battle. Either way, you may have trouble with her. Nepty has nearly 900 HP, and while she has pathetically low Attack, her Defense and Agility are obnoxiously high. You will have a hard time putting a dent in her HP if you are at a low level Nepty only has two attacks, but they can be a pain. Her close-range spell, Water Globe, is a lot more powerful than her other one. It is such a quick attack that the chances of dodging are slim to none. Each hit will deal over 30 damage, so it's a doozy. On the other hand, Homing Bubbles is her other (pathetic) long-range attack. Nepty will shoot three bubbles at you. The first one will always hit, but the second and third are easily dodged. One hit takes off around 11 damage, so it's not a problem. The choice is yours: would you rather lose 11 HP or 30? Yep, that's what I thought. Water users will have a very big problem here. By now, you should have Walking Water in your arsenal of spells, so that's recommended along with Ice Knife. Remember to stay away from Nepty; sure it'll be hard with her massive Agility count, but try your best or else be ready to heal a lot. Fire users will maul Nepty. MAUL HER. Not only does Fire Ball Lvl. 3 take over 100 damage if all three hit her, your other spells will totally decimate her. Fire Pillar and Fire Bomb are great heavy-hitters as well. Hot Steam Lvl. 2 also deals a lot of damage, so Fire users should have no problem at all when battling Nepty. Wind users don't have that hard of a time. Stick with strong spells that you have been using all along, such as Large Cutter and Cyclone. Those two spells alone should be enough for Nepty to handle. Make sure to heal a lot with items if needed. As for Earth users, Magic Barrier will carry them through the fight. All damage dealt to you is decreased by half, so healing shouldn't really be a problem in this fight. That along with Avalanche and Rock Shower should be enough to pummel Nepty into submission. All in all, Nepty may really only be hard for Water users. If you are one, then she will most likely relentlessly murder you; your best shots are to use long-range Water spells like Walking Water. Fire and Earth users will have no problem during the fight with Nepty, since they have such massively awesome spells at their disposal. Wind users also won't have that hard of a time considering the few strong spells should be enough to take her out. You will receive the Water Jewel after you're through with Nepty. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: Shilf =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 1000 Element: Wind Wow, 1000 HP?! It seems like a lot, and well, it is. Don't worry though, for Shilf is a considerably easier foe than previous bosses. Her stats are not THAT much more of an improvement than Nepty, so you most likely won't get overwhelmed in this fight. The only problem about this fight is the arena. There are many gaping holes and gaps in the floor, so in some places you won't have a lot of area to maneuver around, making it harder to avoid Shilf's two annoying attacks. While they may be annoying, Shilf's two spells aren't that much of a threat to you, especially since you should have leveled up several times in the tunnel. Her first attack, Homing Arrow (shouldn't be confused with your Homing Arrow spell), is nothing to worry about. It may deal around 50 damage if you get hit every time, but dodging the attacks is easy. It'll be harder to avoid them if you're on a narrow ledge, obviously. Her second spell is Bolt Blast, which is basically the same as Solvaring's Fire Cannon attack. With that said, the strategy to avoid it is the same. Simply step to the side to avoid the cylindrical beam. It will deal over 60 damage when hit, so you better dodge it unless you want to get pummeled. If you are a Water user, then things should be moderately hard for you. Your best bet (for any type) is to attack from a distance. The main problem with Water spells is that there aren't enough long-range spells. Stick to Ice Knife or Walking Water to attack from afar. If you feel that going up close and personal is more your style, then things are a lot easier. Water Pillar Lvl. 3 is enough to take Shilf down. The same rules apply for Fire users. You have enough long-range spells to take her down, such as Fire Ball Lvl. 3 and Fire Bomb. Just make sure that you are able to connect with the long-range spells. You know, attacks like Magma Ball are hard to aim. If you choose to attack up close, then spells like Fire Pillar are powerful as well. Earth users are the best ones at this point in the game. With the addition to Magic Barrier to their arsenal, you should breeze through Shilf (as well as most later bosses). Use that spell first, then attack with Rock Lvl. 3 and Avalanche. You can get fancy and use spells like Weakness Lvl. 2, but it isn't needed to defeat Shilf. Wind users will also have an easy time during this battle. In fact, Wind users will have the best offense, despite sharing elements with the opponent. Large Cutter, Cyclone, and any other long-range powerful attack will pound Shilf into submission. You should have enough Healing Potions by now, so healing isn't an option here. Overall, don't expect much from the battle with Shilf. Water users will have the biggest problem in this fight, but even that's not saying much. All other element users will have no trouble at all, especially Earth users. The elemental advantage and Magic Barrier is enough to decimate her. Overall, no one should have a problem with Shilf. She is basically a rag doll compared to other bosses. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: Fargo =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 1500 Element: Fire Fargo is a lot harder than Shilf. In fact, Fargo can be challenging if you haven't leveled up enough. If your HP is in the mid 200's and your MP at around 70, then you should be fine. Fargo has a lot more health than your previous boss, and his Attack and Agility are to worry about. The room that you fight in is fairly large, so you shouldn't have obstructions in your way while dodging his attacks. The first of Fargo's two attacks is Fire Globe. It is a close-range spell that will engulf Fargo in flames, then spreads out in a circle. The attack can deal 45-50 damage, but it's fairly easy to dodge. When you start to see him use it, simply run backwards and it shouldn't reach you. Fargo's long- range attack is Magma Bomb. He will basically shoot fireballs at you. They aren't as easy to dodge, but they only deal around 35 damage. Overall, Fargo's attacks aren't that tough to deal with. I'm sure you're aware that Water users should have a fun time with Fargo. Use anything you want in your arsenal to take down Fargo, but Walking Water and Water Pillar Lvl. 3 are your best moves to use against him. He will get off some powerful shots if you attack up close, but he should be dead before you get seriously hurt. Fire users will have a pretty tough time. By now you have a lot of strong long-range moves, like Fire Ball Lvl. 3 and Fire Bomb. Of course, the elemental similarities will limit the amount of damage dealt by these attacks. Make sure to heal since Magma Bomb is a hard spell to dodge and Fargo uses it quite a bit. Earth users have Magic Barrier, so there really isn't anything else to say. Use Magic Barrier, then run up close and use a combination of Avalanche and Rock Shower. With all the Dragon's Potions and Dew Drops, you should be fine in the battle with Fargo. Wind users should also attack far away. Use powerful spells like Wind Cutter Lvl. 3, Cyclone, or Large Cutter. In fact, Large Cutter will probably be your best spell to use against Fargo. By now, you should realize that all elements can take down a boss except the one shared by said boss. In that case, the battle will only be tougher, but not unbeatable. Ah, Fargo. If you're severely underleveled, then you may have a tough time in this fight. If not, then be prepared to enjoy this cake walk. Water users will use the weakness of Fargo to destroy him. Earth users, well, the presence of Magic Barrier should make any boss battle a breeze. Wind users also have it made in the fight. The only main problem is with Fire users, since their attacks won't deal as much damage to Fargo. (but that's pretty obvious, isn't it?) Once you slay Fargo, you will claim the final elemental jewel, the Fire Ruby. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: Guilty =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 1800 Element: None Guilty is nothing more than a lackey to King Beigis. In all honesty, his stats aren't much of a step up from Fargo; he has the same Defense and Agility as the fiery madman. One tricky proposition about Guilty is that he isn't a specific element. Although he uses some Fire-based attacks, he is technically neutral. That means there is no elemental offense against him. Guilty is a badass looking dude, but he's got to go. Guilty has both a long-range and a short-range attack. Guilty will use Spike Crush at a distance; he unloads a trio of spikes that impale you. It deals around 60 damage at most. The attack is fast and it's kind of hard to dodge, but simply run to the side to avoid the spikes. Guilty's more deadly attack is Steam Cloud. When up close, he will create a pillar of flames and steam that envelops you. This will deal over 60 damage and can tear apart your HP quickly. What you don't want to do is stay next to him for the whole battle or you'll be wondering where your HP is going. It's best to stay far away from Guilty, so Water users may have a problem. Of course, Walking Water is mainly the only Water spell that is long-range, so Water users might have trouble here. Use Walking Water mainly and even Ice Wall. By now, Ice Knife has probably been rendered useless, so you don't really have a choice but to attack from up close. Use a hit-and-run tactic to defeat Guilty. For Fire users, it's a whole different matter. You have plenty of long-range powerful spells with you. Fire Ball Lvl. 3 can work wonders; Fire Bomb and Hot Steam Lvl. 2 will certainly pack a fierce punch as well. Fire Pillar is by far your best choice if you wish to risk your health and go in up close and personal. Of course, Earth users will have a field day with this battle. First use Magic Barrier (duh), then attack with anything you've got to put Guilty away. Avalanche works the best, since it can hit Guilty multiple times, but really anything can work. Wind users will also have it easy since there are many long-range spells for this element as well. Utilize Large Cutter and Cyclone to their fullest extent for this battle. Wind Cutter Lvl. 3 may not deal that much damage at this point, so stick to those two strong spells. Wind has some of the best long-range spells, so you can quickly damage Guilty from far away. There's nothing to expect from bosses anymore, so Guilty isn't really much different from others in the past. Everyone, especially Earth users, should be able to destroy Guilty with ease. Water users will only have a problem with Guilty, but even then you can use a hit-and-run tactic by attacking, then running away to heal. Overall, Guilty is nothing more than a pushover. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: King Beigis =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 1900 Element: Fire Well, King Beigis seems considerably harder than Guilty, especially since there is a high raise in Defense. Like in the battle with Shilf, the arena poses many problems. It's pretty much a room with a giant pit in the middle where two paths branch to the top of the room (and they meet). Unlike Guilty though, Beigis is of Fire type, so now you can utilize those Water spells. Hopefully your HP is over 250 and your MP is around 60. King Beigis's first spell is Green Laser. Simply stated; Beigis fires a large green laser that is impossible to dodge. The attack is used at a long range and can deal aroun 70 damage or more. It's his most dangerous attack, so it may be best to stay close. His close range attack, Bubbling Death, only deals around 55 HP. Beigis will shoot bubbles across the screen. This attack is also impossible to dodge, so just take it like a man. What seems to be pretty obvious is so stay close to Beigis to avoid his deadlier close-range attack. Water users will not have a problem here, finally. Since you should attack with short-ranged spells, Water Pillar Lvl. 3 is enough to defeat him, dealing nearly 150 HP with each hit. Ice Wall also does a number on Beigis, but stick with Water Pillar Lvl. 3 for the majority of the fight. Remember to heal with Healing Lvl. 2 to conserve your items for later. Fire users have the elemental similarity, but they still should not have that hard of a time here. Fire Pillar is a devastating spell that should be your main offense against Beigis. Either spam Fire Pillar or beef yourself up and smack him around with your staff. Earth users can decimate King Beigis as well. Simply leave it to Magic Barrier and Avalanche. Avalanche can probably deal several hundred damage to Beigis if he is hit numerous times. Hopefully you have enough Dragon's Potions to keep the Magic Barrier in effect. I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but these fights aren't really proving any difficulty. Wind users will not have a problem here either; use Large Cutter and Wind Bomb up close to take down Beigis. While I'm making this sound easy, Beigis is capable of taking out a lot of your HP in a hurry. Remember to keep an eye on it and heal with spells or items. King Beigis is actually a pretty tough customer. Like I said earlier, the geographical features of the arena can prove to be quite an annoyance, so quickly move over to Beigis to start an attack. He can deal a lot of damage from afar, so quickly get as close to him as possible. I'm sure you have a lot of Spirit Lights so far, so this is a good time to use them. If all else fails, a whack of the staff can also take out a chunk of his HP. King Beigis is a challenge, but you should be able to overcome. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ BOSS: Mammon =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ HP: 2300 Element: None This is the final battle; this is everything that you've waited for. Some good preparations for this battle is to have around 300 HP. If you're just shy of that amount, then you should be fine. Your MP around 60 is also good enough. Mammon has a massive amount of HP and some pretty intimidating stats as well. Remember to use any healing item left in your disposal; this is the last time to use them! If you have been saving Spirit Lights through the game, then this is the perfect opportunity to use them all. Mammon has a total of three attacks at his disposal. Energy Globe is the weakest and most common of his attacks. It is also impossible to dodge as well. Luckily, Energy Globe only deals around 45 damage to you. Homing Flames, like the name implies, is similar to Homing Arrow. Each hit by a flaming arrow will deal around 9 damage, so the total HP lost can add up to about 50. Lava Wall is Mammon's most dangerous spell. Mammon will conjure up several walls of flame as they move in different directions across the battlefield. It is hard to dodge, and each hit from a lava wall can deal over 60 HP. If you are able to dodge several of them, then you should be good. The boss's attacks are nasty, but you'll get used to them over time. Water users will have a very simple time with this battle. Your best bet against Mammon is to use powerful close-range spells like Water Pillar Lvl. 3 to deal the most damage to him. No other spell is as powerful but Walking Water is also a good spell to use due to its very long reach. Fire users should spend most of their time using either Fire Pillar or Fire Ball Lvl. 3. If you wish to attack up close, then go right ahead with Fire Pillar. If you wish to stay back, then stick with Fire Ball Lvl. 3. It's your choice really, but those two spells are the two that you should use through the fight with Mammon. Earth users have it made. I mean, it's not even funny how badly you can destroy Mammon if you maxed out Earth. Use Magic Barrier first, then run up to him and use Avalanche. This guy is effin' enormous, so each rock should be able to hit him, delivering nearly 500 damage to the big guy. Use the spell about five more times and he's done for. Use Dragon's Potions and Heroes Drinks constantly, because that deadly duo drains a lot of MP. Wind users will also defeat Mammon with ease. Large Cutter is the best spell to use against him, so stick with that. Nothing else is as powerful, but you can try out other Wind spells to use, like Cyclone or Ultimate Wind. It's pretty sad considering Mammon, the final boss of the game, is a total pushover. He has some impressive stats, but by now you should be so over leveled that you can do nothing but decimate him with powerful spells. No element should be at any disadvantage in this battle, so don't worry if you think you should have leveled up a certain element more. Remember to use up all of your healing items, for this is your last chance to do so. There's no need to waste them, is there? Mammon may seem formidable, but he is simply way too easy to defeat. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [9] THANKS/CREDITS [0900] ============================================================================== Of course, this guide couldn't have been made without some extra help. Here is a shoutout to everyone who made this FAQ possible: CJayC: For being an awesome host of an awesome site. Eternal Czar Smapdi: For being the best co-author anyone could have, and for being yourself. Prima Official Guide: For enemy and magic info, as well as attack names for the bosses in the game. FESBians: Because you're cool. You: For reading this FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEGAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document is copyright (c) DomZ Ninja 2006-2013. This document may be found on the following sites: * GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com * GameSpot - http://www.gamespot.com * IGN - http://faqs.ign.com * Super Cheats - http://www.supercheats.com * Neoseeker - http://www.neoseeker.com * HonestGamers - http://www.honestgamers.com The latest update of this document can always be found on GameFAQs. Other sites may use this document, but only with my permission. If you see this document on a website not listed above, please email me. 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