Quest 64 Spirit Guide Jeff Stoiber (SoARulz) Introduction This guide is intended as a checklist which gives the general idea to look for the spirit. It is complete to my knowledge with all 98 findable spirits. I'm making this guide because it bothered me that so many guides only listed 94 or 96 spirits and I wanted to help others find them all. The version is numbered 1-98 and you can check them off as you find them. Feel free to email me with questions or comments. You can use any part of the guide just tell me and give me the credit. Melrode/Holy Plain (5) (#mhp) Dondoran/Connor Fortress (8) (#dcf) Dondoran Flats/Glencoe Forest (9) (#dfgf) West Carmagh/Cull Hazard (5) (#wcch) Normoon/Windward Forest (7) (#nwf) Larapool/Blue Cave/Crystal Valley (10) (#lbccv) Pirate Ship/Isle of Skye/Colleen's Cabin (6) (#psiscc) East Limelin/Baragoon Tunnel (21) (#elbt) Dindom Dries/Shamwood/Boil Hole (19) (#ddsbh) Baragoon Moor/Brannoch Castle (8) (#bmbc) Melrode/Holy Plain (5) (#mhp) _ 1. Melrode Monastery- Take a left as you come out, it's in the hay _ 2. Melrode- At the top of the hill in the far corner past the sheep _ 3. Holy Plain- On the left side coming from Melrode when you see a very large amount of space on the side _ 4. Fortune Teller's Hut- It's on the right near #3 _ 5. In the yard around a house you'll go by further down the path Dondoran/Connor Fortress (8) (#dcf) _ 6. Dondoran- In the light brown open space at the bottom of the city _ 7. Dondoran Castle- Behind the Kings Throne after you get the Earth Orb _ 8. Dondoran Castle- Once you have the Water Jewel go into the castle, upstairs, to the left door that you can't reach from the bottom, through the wooden door, and touch the bookcase _ 9. Connor Fortress- Right in front of you when you enter _ 10. Connor Fortress- Take the right path and check behind trees on the right side _ 11. Connor Fortress Hut- Take the left path it's inside the hut _ 12. Connor Fortress- Take the left path near the tree that makes an arch _ 13. Connor Fortress- Take the left path, it's just before the boss door Dondoran Flats/Glencoe Forest (9) (#dfgf) _ 14. Dondoran Flats- To the left off the path _ 15. Dondoran Flats- To the right down the log and to the right again (to the left would be Glencoe Forest) _ 16. Glencoe Forrest- Follow the lake right it should be near the edge _ 17. Glencoe Forrest- Follow the lake left and it's near where the lake nears the wall _ 18. Glencoe Forrest- Near #4, at the top of the hill _ 19. Glencoe Forrest- Hug the right wall from #5 and you will reach an opening which leads to another half of the forest. Continue to a cottage, the spirit is outside _ 20. Glencoe Forrest- Near the blue cave rocks visible from the cabin in #6 _ 21. Glencoe Forrest- Very close to #7, father from the water _ 22. Dondoran Flats- On the right side right before you can see the ship you'll see a short uphill opening West Carmagh/Cull Hazard (5) (#wcch) _ 23. West Carmagh- Coming off the ship, cross two bridges and go up the hill on your right _ 24. West Carmagh- Continue on the path and youll see another hill on your right _ 25. West Carmagh- Behind the save house before you enter Cull Hazard cave _ 26. Cull Hazard- Once you see the river go to the fork and take the left, near two chests _ 27. Cull Hazard- Just east of #4 around a rock formation Normoon/Windward Forest (7) (#nwf) _ 28. Normoon- In the large wheat field _ 29. Normoon- In the large wheat field _ 30. Normoon- In the smaller wheat field _ 31. Windward Forest- Around the first bend on your left _ 32. Windward Forest- Near the Cabin behind a tree _ 33. Windward Forest Cabin- Follow the path and you'll see the cabin, it's inside _ 34. Windward Forest- Behind a tree in the clearing where you fight Zelse Larapool/Blue Cave/Crystal Valley (10) (#lbccv) _ 35. Larapool- Drain the water downstairs in the inn, take the left path and its near the other entrance to the inn _ 36. Larapool- Drain the water downstairs in the inn, take the right path and take the little side opening to the spirit _ 37. Larapool- behind the entrance to the Blue Cave _ 38. Blue Cave- Take the left (wrong) path right at the start, it's a hike _ 39. Blue Cave- Just past the chest with the Hero's Drink take the first arrows you see and then when you see arrows again take the other path. _ 40. Blue Cave- Behind a big pillar when the cave opens up _ 41. Blue Cave- In the maze, take the first left _ 42. Blue Cave- In the maze (from the start) take a right at the start and then a left _ 43. Blue Cave- In the maze (from the start) head straight, then a right, then a right, then a left to the spirit. (I reccomend this map (though it is not mine) _ 44. Crystal Valley- Before you go into the house head to the left it looks like you can't fit into space but there's a spirit there Pirate Ship/Isle of Skye/Colleen's Cabin (6) (#psiscc) _ 45. Pirate Ship- On the lowest deck in the back _ 46. Isle of Skye- To the right on the dock _ 47. Isle of Skye- In front of the fence around Colleen's Cabin _ 48. Isle of Skye- Behind Colleen's Cabin _ 49. Isle of Skye- Behind a rock near the portal that takes you underwater _ 50. Colleen's Cabin- Find it in the back room before you teleport back to Epona's house East Limelin/Baragoon Tunnel (21) (#elbt) _ 51. Ferry- Just to the right on your 2nd trip from Limelin, 3rd trip from Larapool, or 1st trip from Dondaran _ 52. East Limelin-Look on your right as you go down the path from the ship, if you reach the waterfall you've gone to far _ 53. Limelin- The the left its a little dock and some fruit _ 54. Limelin- Also to the left by an abandoned house _ 55. Limelin- In a wheat field to the right _ 56. Limelin- Behind the tower (right side of town) _ 57. Limelin tower jail- Upstairs in the jail _ 58. Limelin Castle- Behind the statue in the courtyard _ 59. Limelin Castle- Behind the big statue that is just inside _ 60.Limelin Castle- Right next to #9 _ 61.Limelin Castle- Up two flights of stairs, second door on the right, up the little stairs by the bookcase _ 62.East Limelin- Down the brown path you'll see it but cant reach it follow the path until you reach a fork and take the right _ 63.East Limelin- Take the other fork and you'll see the circular path going down but take the left an dits by the dirt mound _ 64.East Limelin- Between two mounds of dirt at the bottom of the circular path _ 65.East Limelin Mining Cabin- Inside in plain view _ 66.East Limelin Mining Cabin- Inside in plain view _ 67.Baragoon Tunnel- In a big room after the third tunnel _ 68.Baragoon Tunnel- After the long bridge you'll get into a high walled maze, take the left and it's by a dirt mound. _ 69.Baragoon Tunnel- To the left on the lower level in the room with the two levels _ 70.Baragoon Tunnel- Entering this room take the center path and veer left, take a left at the fork and its behind a pillar at the dead end _ 71.Baragoon Tunnel- After fighting Shilf in the treasure room by the chests Dindom Dries/Shamwood/Boil Hole (19) (#ddsbh) _ 72.Dindom Dries Tent- Inside in a pot _ 73.Dindom Dries- Head south from the tent to the house. When you reach the house head west you'll see it just before you would hit the wall. _ 74.Dindom Dries- In the desert if you head southeast, hard to find _ 75.Shamwood- Once you teleport and climb down the stairs push agaisnt the invisible barrier to your right. Once you break through go towards the pyramid then hug it around the edge to the spirit _ 76.Shamwood- Left on the first level before you go inside, around back _ 77.Shamwood- Near the circle off chests once you enter _ 78.Shamwood- Near the circle off chests once you enter _ 79.Shamwood- Go up the stairs out of the circle chest room and walk around to the north _ 80.Shamwood- Go up again and take the left before you reenter _ 81.Shamwood- Go into the topmost entrance its on a corner of the podium _ 82.Shamwood- Go into the topmost entrance its on a corner of the podium _ 83.Shamwood- Go into the topmost entrance its on a corner of the podium _ 84.Shamwood- Go into the topmost entrance its on a corner of the podium _ 85.Dindom Dries- Follow the darker path until it starts to veer left, stay right and you'll get it _ 86.Dindom Dries- Following the path and right before the fault take a right and make your way back _ 87.Dindom Dries- On the molten uneven part on the way to the Boil Hole _ 88.Dindom Dries- To the right before you go in the Boil Hole _ 89.Boil Hole- Follow the path until you see the first chest of the dungeon it's right by it _ 90.Boil Hole- Around the corner to the right after facing Fargo Baragoon Moor/Brannoch Castle (8) (#bmbc) _ 91.Baragoon Moor- Behind the house you can save in when you exit the Boil Hole _ 92.Baragoon Moor Inn- On the second floor _ 93.Baragoon Moor- As you approach Brannoch go up and take a left, follow it left to the end _ 94. Baragoon Moor- As you approach Brannoch go up and take a right then another right very quickly, it's at the end of the path _ 95. Baragoon Moor- As you approach Brannoch go up and take a right then continue straight and it'll be on your left _ 96. Brannoch Castle- Go around the back up the stairs, go past the door all the way around _ 97. Brannoch Castle- Take the first optional door as you walk through the castle _ 98. Brannoch Castle- In the save room in the castle Thanks for using my guide I hope it helped you. If you have questions email me at