Rampage: World Tour GBC FAQs ver. 1.0 Contents 1) Note From Me 2) Review 3) FAQs 4) Strategy 5) GameShark Code 6) Thanks To 7) Copyright Info Note From Me This is my second FAQs for GameFAQs and I have learned a few errors from my last FAQs of MK4 for GBC. I will be making Ver. 1.5 of MK4 FAQs for GBC. I would also like to say that I'm sticking with GB FAQs only, though I do have a lot of others. I also plan to keep my FAQs short and sweet. I plan to keep my FAQs 5 pages or under. Review Rampage was a great game from the start. In the new 90's version, Rampage: World Tour you get to be the same monsters as from the original but with a little more attitude. Rampage was great on the N64 and PSX but is it great on the GBC? In my opinion no, this game is not great but it is good. The sound on Rampage is good; it has some nice sounds of explosions and of people screaming when you throw them up to eat them. The Color is good but as with all Backwards compatible games it's not great. The color of the people, monsters and the buildings are great but what makes the color not great is the background. The background is blank! No scenery no nothing. The playability is still good but not great. The controls are a little messed up because of one thing, Midway decided it would be easier to but Kick as the A and B buttons together. Why? Why didn't they just make it start? The replay value, not good at all, why? Because it has no little mini games no save feature no codes no new character and no new scenery. If you are a die-hard fan of Rampage or just love smashing things then get this game. If you aren't then don't bother. FAQs -Rampage is game game from Midway -Rampage is a color game -Rampage is backwards compatible meaning that it will also work on GB or GBP Strategy Tanks- For tanks just walk on one side of it then hit it then go to the other side and hit it and then the other side again and hit it People- Just go up to the people and eat or kick them Big Robots- Get onto a fairly tall building, tall enough so that you can still see the robot then jump down and beat the crap out of it Flamer Guys- If your on a building then just sit there right until their about to shoot then move up or down. If your on the ground then just run Helicopters- Get on a tall building and hit it Building Strategy- Get on one side of the building punch out every window when your to the last window start kicking then the building should fall down or get on the top of the building and punch it until it falls GameShark Code Infinite Health- 016326D4 Thanks To Thanks to Midway for the game Thanks to the GameShark Code Creators Club at www.cmgsccc.com And thanks to GameFAQs Copyright Info "This document Copyright 1999 Ryan McKay" If you either Print, Save in document or put on your Web Page or anything else to this document you must have this Copyright Info with it. You may make multiply copies of this Document to give to your friends as long as you give them this Copyright Info. You can put this document on you web page as long as you give the specific Copyright Info stated here. You may submit this to another web page as long as you have my consent. You may NOT use this document for any financial purposes in any way so, no selling this document, if you are buying this document DON'T! This document is licensed to GameFAQs at www.gamefaqs.com