Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Second Round Championship Mode FAQ By: Irish --------------------------------------------- Contents --------------------------------------------- -Disclaimer -Intro -Starting Championship Mode -Training -The Calander -Fights -Through the Ranks -What you Get -Added Stuff ---------------------------------------------- Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------- Well, lets look at it logically. I wrote it. Its my knowledge, my wording and my time. So don't sell it. Don't change it without my permission for your site. Don't put it in a magazine. You may use this on your website, but only in full and only with my consent. But if you have a chance to make some money off of this thing, let me know. Okay? By the way, the characters and game belong to the company that made the game. Not me. ---------------------------------- Intro: ---------------------------------- Championship mode takes the fighting in this game that much further. To me it adds a lot more replayability to the game. Especially when your playing by yourself like I tend to do most of the time. It also makes the game a little more realistic in my opinion. You start with a much weaker boxer than in Arcade mode but quickly get to that level and then beyond. Since your reading the championship mode FAQ I assume you already know how to do all the basic attacks as well as the combos for the Fighter you selected. Therefore I am going to bypass doing all of that. And concentrate on Championship alone. This should also shorten the FAQ up quite a bit. --------------------------------------------------------------- Starting Championship mode: --------------------------------------------------------------- Select your boxer. You can choose from any of the boxers you have unlocked, except for MJ, Shaq, The Clintons and whoever the very last character is. So basically you can choose anybody that has a picture on the back of the CD case. After you have selected your boxer the game will go to a short movie. The game will say something to the effect of finally my own gym. As you drive past a building that doesn't look all that great, but remember its yours. Your character starts at 25% in all of the following stats: Strength, stamina, endurance, dexterity. As well as those 4 stats you also have your expirence which you start at 0%. That makes sense since you haven't actually had to fight anybody when you first start. Strength: Well, of course this is how much damage you do. The higher your strength level is the harder your going to hit your opponent with each hit. Stamina: This is basically what it is. Your stamina level. The higher it is, the longer your boxer will be able to throw punchs. The higher the percentage is the more punches he can throw before the stamina bar drains completly. It also effects how fast you recover the bar. Endurance: This attribute decides how well your boxer can take punishment. This is the most important attribute for your boxer to be high on. If he can't take a shot whats the point of being able to hit anything. Because unfortunatly you will get hit. Dexterity: This is simply put your boxers speed. The higher the bar the faster your boxer moves, dodges punches and of course the faster he punches. Expirence: This is just what it says. How expirenced is your boxer. Basically everything brings this bar up slightly. Prize fights, title fights and even training brings it up slightly. As far as i can tell it doesn't effect how your boxers fights. Notes: Endurance is the hardest to get and it probably the best to have a lot of. When you first start out you will have trouble getting this but as you improve at the games you will begin to get higher endurance. In my expirence endurance is the last one of your attributes to get above 90%. So account for that and try to work on it as much as possible. After each fight you gain points in all of your attributes except Endurance. So you don't need to worry about strength and such as much as endurance. So train endurance as much as possible and choose things that will up your other attributes as well as Endurance. ---------------------------------------------------- Training your Boxer: ---------------------------------------------------- There are 7 different games you can choose from to train your boxer. To train your boxer you must select Train on the menu. From there you will be able to select the game you wish to train with. Each game trains different attributes. So choose the one that best trains what you think your boxer needs to improve on. You will also be able to select how long your boxer trains for. The long you train the higher your attribute will improve. You may choose two different ways to train your boxer. Automatic or Manual. Personally I prefer Manual, since you do the games yourself and you know how well you do. Automatic allows the computer to do the training for you. Which I don't like since you have no control over how well the training goes. And the games are: Jump Rope: At lower levels of this training game it only raises your Stamina attribute. But as you reach level five it begins to work on Stamina, endurance and dexterity. To do this training game you must hit the buttons in the order they are sent down in. You must hit the buttons when the bottom of the buttons hit the line. Notice that all four buttons are shown lightly on your screen. You must hit the button when the bottom of the two bottom buttons reach the line. Regardless of what button you have to hit. Levels 1-10 Strength Down Stamina Up Endurance Up Dexterity Up Expirence Up Note: All three that go up, all go up at about the same rate. So do well on this training and improve your character in three attributes. Speed Bag: Well, if you've ever watched Rocky you know what this is. This Game improves your Strength and your Stamina. Basically you have to hit the bag as fast as you can to get earn points. You have a limited time to fill your point bar up. The time bar is the top one, which is blue I believe. To earn a RumbleMaster level you must fill the point bar completly without running out of time first. Points are gained by making the bag bounce of the ceiling. You have 4 punches to throw during this excerise. Right Jab, Right Hook, Left Jab, and Left Hook. By fair the easist game in my opinion. Levels 1-10 Strength Up Stamina Down Endurance Up Dexterity Down Expirence Up Note: Once again the two attributes that go up in this one go up at about the same rate. So if you want to go up more in one area choose something else. Heavy Bag: Once again a basic boxers training excerise. In this you must throw the punch that you are instructed to do before the time bar runs out. You must be able to throw Right and Left Jabs and Body blows, as well as Right and Left Hooks, and of course the Uppercut. You are told how to throw the punchs prior to starting the game. This works on your strength mostly. Levels 1-10 Strength Up Stamina Up Endurance Down Dexterity Down Expirence Up Note: This is good for improving your Strength and Stamina at the same time. Only one that does that as far as I recall. Sway Bag: Basically its a bag in the middle of a bungee string. You punch the bag and then dodge it in the order that you are told to. You only throw one punch then dodge the bag the rest of the time. You must be able to dodge quickly left, right and back. And you must be able to remember the order of the dodges you are told. The higher the level you get the faster the bag is, the faster the commands are and the most you have to remember. This works on your dexterity mostly as well as one other attribute mildly. Levels 1-10 Strength Down Stamina Up Endurance Down Dexterity Up Expirence Up Note: You get the most in the attribute Stamina for doing this one. But this training excerise is also very difficult in the higher levels. Or at least to me. Rumble Pads: This game is made to improve your Dexterity. This game makes you knock down the pad that is up as fast as you can by hitting the correct command button. There are only 6 pads, but the game move as a high rate of speed and is probably on the harder games to do. Levels 1-10 Strength Down Stamina Down Endurance Up Dexterity Up Expirence Up Note: This is probably the most difficult game. Or at least to me. You get the most in the attribute Dexterity. This is a good game to become good at. Helps your character greatly to have a high dexterity. Rumble Aerobics: Once again this game mostly works on your Dexterity as well as a little on another attribute. You must follow the commands of Julie your instructor. She can get rather annoying but isn't to bad if you just pay attention to the commands you must enter. The higher the level you train at the more buttons you must use and the longer the chains get. Levels 1-10 Strength Down Stamina Down Endurance Up Dexterity Up Expirence Up Note: This helps your Endurance the most. This is probably my favorite one to do. Just because it improves your Endurance so much when your at a high level. Only problem is Julie can get really, really annoying. Weight Lifting: This game improves your boxers strength and nothing more. You must curl the weights by holding either A or B until your bar raises into the green area. You have to get both bars into the green to gain points. Once you do it once the green bars shrink. You will alternate between the buttons starting with A then going to B. And remember the bar moves up slightly longer than you hold the button for. So you must adjust equally. Levels 1-10 Strength Up Stamina Down Endurance Down Dexterity Down Expirence Up Note: This is a good one for upping your strength quickly. I usually do this for a few days after doing something for my Endurance. It makes up for basically everything you lost on your Strength from that excercise. There are also two things you can do to improve your boxer without training. But these cost money. Lots of money. Which you earn by winning prize fights. The first the the Vitamin Program which will costs you $10000. It raises your Stamina and your Dexterity. Improves your Stamina by 10% and your Dexterity by 5%. The second is Rumble Mass which improves your boxers strength an unrealistic amount. Which isn't much different from the price which is just $25000. Nothing major right? Improves your Strength by 30% and your Endurance by 7.5%. ------------------------------------------ The Calander ------------------------------------------ You have your calander for all your events. The months are exactly like a real calander. When you train you may choose how many days you train for on this calander. The longer you train for the more points you improve or lose in the areas of responsibility. Of course you lose at a slower rate than you gain. Also on this calander are the fights you have scheduled. Prize Fights will shown by a dollar sign and titile fights are shown by what looks like a championship belt to me. Not sure though. TV is a little small. You have a posted date on your main screen for Championship mode. So, keep track of when your fights are and make sure you don't skip them. ------------------------------------------ Fights ------------------------------------------ You have two different fights you will fight in Championship mode. Once is the Prize fight and the other is the Title fight. You begin unranked in Championship mode. So you basically start as a nobody and become the world champ. Basically a lot like Rocky. It just takes you more fights, and your much smarter. Prize Fights: Prize fights are for money. And to improve your boxers skills, and your skills with that boxer. They are a good time to rack up wins and to earn money at the sametime. Each Prize fight is worth $2000. You are able to skip these fights. But why would you? The whole point of the game is to fight. Not to train. Or at least those are my thoughts. Anyways, if you skip the Prize fights you won't be able to buy either the Vitamin Program or the Rumble Mass. Title Fights: These you must fight. You have no choice. You may know for a fact your about to get blasted out of the ring, but you still have to fight each and everyone of them. These are the fights that move you up in the rankings and get you that much closer to RumbleMan. And so you know all of your opponents are just about even with you in attribute points in the begining. But you soon just blow them out of the water. And as long as your competent with your fighter you should have no problems. Except of course against RumbleMan. Because no matter how much more pumped your character is. He will still be able to pummel you at times for some reason. -------------------------------------------- Through the Ranks -------------------------------------------- Starting Championship Mode: You will drive past your new gym and it will say something like, Finally my own Gym. This is a short little movie clip that will happen a few more times in the game. Rank 10: You will once again cruise past the your Gym as the building slowly starts to clean up it will say. Getting ready for the press. Basically your Gym stops looking like part of the ghetto. Rank 7: You will get an aerial view of your Gym and the surronding area. A building will get destroyed and your new parking lot will appear. Saying, a fighter needs somewhere to park. Rank 6: You will get a Rumble Mass stand in your Gym. Saying, Now thats Rumble Power. Rank 3: You will have an added glass enclosure to your Gym. Gotta make room for new customers after all. Becoming Champion: Your character dances around the ring much like in Arcade mode. Then it will go through the Credits, Save and then send you back to the main menu. Now make sure you allow the game to go through the credit and then save. Otherwise you beat RumbleMan for now reason and will have to do it again. ------------------------------------------------ What you Get ------------------------------------------------ Well, your probably wondering what the point of completing Championship mode is. Well, best I can tell its just two more outfits for each character. I could be wrong about this though, since I've only completed it with 4 chatacters. But for the most part the extra outfits are much cooler looking than the ones you start with. So that for one makes it worth it to me. And in my opinion, Championship mode is just more fun to compete in. It has more variety than Arcade since you have a lot more control over how your character devolps and such. You are also in charge of how good he is and such. Championship mode to me adds a lot to the game just because you are in charge of your character and you train. As well you get to train and do the games yourself. So thats that much more that you get to do in the game. And its not just all fighting, although that is the whole point of the game. ---------------------------------------------- Added Stuff ---------------------------------------------- Well, if you made it this far, either your really bored or this FAQ is a lot better than I thought it was. Thanks to you people who read this far, and enjoyed it. You can email me at with further info or questions. And of course thanks to Sega for putting this game out on a system I had and could afford. And thanks to Sears, Roebuck and Co for giving me a job that allowed me to buy this system and game. Goodfight and goodnight.