RESIDENT EVIL 2 (DUAL SHOCK VERSION) EXTREME BATTLE MODE Forward Welcome to the world of survival horror! I will be your guide through the unique Dual Shock hidden game, Extreme Battle mode. This is basically a game in which you have one, main objective, and that is to find the four hidden explosives, and use them to erase all traces of the virus that Umbrella accidentally, or maybe purposely spilled. There are also two hidden characters I will cover also. The game consists of three almost forward stages, and I will not be able to give detailed maps or descriptions because most of the game is randomized. Also, you must have played through the game several times to achieve this mode so I will assume that you know the areas. Well, are we ready to begin? Good, lets kill some zombies, and find those explosives! The Intro A hazardous virus has been detected inside the transport train. Return to the police precinct, find the "4 special bombs" located within and use them to incinerate all traces of the virus!! Although unknown threats and terrors will be encountered throughout your mission, the fate of all humankind depends upon your immediate action. GOOD LUCK! Level 1 Now you must chose Leon or Claire. Backtrack through the laboratory corridors until you reach the lift that originally brought you down there in the normal game. Along the way you'll face some Zombies, Ivy, and Lickers, but don't simply blast away at everything you see. You have a limited amount of ammo, but there is some more scattered around the area. Anyway don't do that because there are far more zombies than bullets, so let's do the math. Let's say you have thirty bullets. Okay, now let's say there is ten zombies. It takes around five bullets to take one down, so you could only put six to rest. Lets all so say that this is a large, wide hallway. Now the zombies are all grouped and the middle and left side, or since the move slowly, instead of blasting away, just simply run on the right avoiding the idiots, and using no ammo. Let's move on. Save your ammo for when you are trapped and have simply no escape. Once you are make it to the end, you are graded on your performance, and. what is this? If you replay the stage who is there? Ada Wong. You can now use here for this stage. On to the next stage. Level 2 BAM!!! BAM!!! Another mindless zombie, dead. Again, you'll encounter probably the toughest enemies in the entire game! Run through the areas until you get to the Sewer floodgate. Also, the huge number of Green Herbs in the area could be useful, if you got a little to cuddly with a zombie. Once you reach those heavenly gates, the stage ends. A reward will also be waiting for you. That reward is Resident Evil 1 macho-man Chris Redfield! Finally the last stage, and the explosives! Stage 3 Yep, if your gonna' waste ammo for idiotic reason, this is the place! Taking out all of the obstructing zombies from your path is a must, because you will be traveling through a certain area several times. You are gonna' need all, all of the ammo you've got, and maybe more. When you go a searching for the explosives try and look for special rooms, and remember all the bomb locations are randomized so I can't tell you where to go, I'll just tell you where all the possible bomb locations. Possible Bomb Areas 1.Located in the Clock Tower Attic where you used the Gold Cog. 2.The S.T.A.R.S. office, where you get the Unicorn Medal. 3.Located in the First Floor Conference Room, where you burned the painting, only to the back area of the room. 4.Located where Ben was being held, you know the Basement Jail Cell. 5.Located in Chief Irons office, where you found the little girl, Sherry. 6.The last location, inside the furnace room with the three wall fixtures. Remember that the bombs are not in all of these locations, just four of them. Once, you grab the bombs you win. Rating System I will now tell you how to get the best rankings, or the worst. How to Get An A Play and win under three hours. How to Get A B Play and win from between 3-5 hours. How to Get A C Play and win from between 5-7 hours. How to Get A D Play and win in anything over 7 hours. NOTICE: Your rank is brought down a letter if you use any special weapons, and/or if you saved more than a dozen times. Acknowledgements I would like to thank Prima Publishing, for the help on getting this awesome mode. My dad for getting me the system and game. Capcom and its RE 2 staff, for creating such a beautiful game, and cjayc at Game FAQs for publishing this. Also, I want this to be restricted to this, and Gamesages site. If you are a Web Site Master, and wish to borrow this guide I strongly recommend you contact me first at Thank you.