The EX Files of Resident Evil 2 a resource for RE fans who can't or won't play the N64 version by Thomas Wilde [] ================= A Wee Disclaimer: ================= I own the work that went into this FAQ, but nothing else. Capcom owns Resident Evil 2, the characters, the files, the setting, and the kitchen sink. ================ An Introduction: ================ I'm not growing up I'm just burning out And I stepped in line to walk amongst the dead -- Green Day, "Burnout" When Resident Evil 2 came out for the N64, it was announced that it would be a slightly altered version from the PSX version. The alternate outfits would be changed, for one, and for another, the developers added a series of sixteen "EX files". These files are, as far as I can tell, an attempt to tie the Resident Evil games' continuity together, as well as provide much-needed backstory for N64 owners who don't have access to a playable version of the original RE. More importantly, though, the EX files were said to contain new plot information, as well as foreshadowing for Code Veronica. When I heard about the EX files, my curiosity was piqued. Therefore, while at home on Christmas break, I rented the game, annexed my brother's N64, and settled down to find me some files. This document is about the EX files, first and foremost; I've written them down below, so those of you who aren't Nintendo fans don't have to do anything drastic to read them. I've also included some thoughts of my own with each EX file, partially to explain some things about the files and storyline that may not be immediately apparent to newcomers and N64 owners, and partially because I enjoy rambling on and on at tiresome length. It's worth mentioning that the majority of the EX files aren't anything profoundly interesting for the average PSX fan, and may be something of a letdown. Five of them, in fact, are taken directly from RE3, and two more appear to be abridged versions of RE3 files. At the end of this document, I'll mention a few things specifically about the N64 RE2, as opposed to the PSX version. =========================== Abbreviations/Explanations: =========================== Unnecessary to the PSX fans, but possibly helpful to the N64 newbies. RE = Resident Evil (the original) RE2 = Resident Evil 2 RE3 = Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Code Veronica = Resident Evil: Code Veronica RE0 = Resident Evil 0. Due out for the N64 in 2000. Mr. X = the charming man in the leather coat who attempts to break your face in Scenario B. Nemesis = Mr. X on angel dust. The main opponent and namesake of RE3. Rebecca = Rebecca Chambers. Chris's helper in RE. STARS member. Medic. Sort of annoying. She's the "rookie" pictured in Film D. The star of RE0, gods help us all. Barry = Barry Burton. Jill's helper in RE. STARS member. Big gruff guy who likes guns. Jill = Jill Valentine, heroine of RE and RE3. Now ex-STARS member. Tough broad. Carlos = Carlos Oliviera. Jill's ally in RE3. A South American mercenary. Gets most of the good lines in RE3. ==================== A Note On Chronology ==================== Resident Evil 0 is a prequel to Resident Evil, and reportedly takes place on July 24th, 1998. Resident Evil took place on July 25th, 1998. Resident Evil 2 takes place on, as far as I can tell, September 29th of the same year, and ends on the morning of the 30th. Resident Evil 3 begins on September 28th, and, for various reasons, doesn't conclude until October 1st. Resident Evil: Code Veronica is set three months after RE2, on December 27th, 1998. Why is this relevant? Well, it's relevant to the RE fanboy for various reasons, all of which relate to our complete lack of lives. It's relevant to the casual RE2 player because it relates to various files within the game. Hope this helps. =============== I. The EX Files =============== According to the numbering system on the EX files themselves, there are sixteen of them, but I've heard rumors that there are as many as twenty-four. As far as I can tell, you cannot possess all of them at any given time, although you'll get more of them if you play through Leon A/Claire B. If it's got a number like #04/16 on it, it's an EX file. A few EX files are lying out in the open, available whenever you luck across them. Unlike certain other files, though, they don't "regenerate" themselves between scenarios; if you get an EX file in Scenario A, it won't be in the same place in Scenario B. However, if you get an EX file, it's stored in the file screen for the rest of your game. Some files are unique to the B or A game, usually because of where they are. There are rooms in B that you never see in A, and vice versa, and some of those rooms have been augmented with EX files. Finally, some files only show up when you match up a specific character with a specific game. All four possible scenarios (Leon A, Claire B, Claire A, Leon B) have EX files that are unique to them. In any other scenario, that particular EX file will simply not be present. However, I may very well be wrong. It may be that all the files are in both possible storylines, but their locations change. If that's the case (which would neatly explain how the *hell* I managed to get fourteen EX files on Leon A/Claire B), then I'd welcome anyone telling me alternate locations of the files []. I don't have an N64 myself right now, so I can't go looking for answers on my own. I've listed the following files in the rough order I found them in, and mentioned where I found them. All appear here just as they do in the game. The following contains spoilers to RE, RE2, and RE3. ========================================================= Scenario A: ========================================================= If you don't get them, a lot of Scenario A-specific files will still be there in Scenario B. ============= Robert's Note ============= Found: On the counter of the Kendo Gun Shop. When you walk in, a man points either a shotgun or a crossbow at you; the file is directly in front of him. You'll need to go around the counter to get it. Text: ------------------ #File 04/16 Robert's Note How could this have happened, Barry? The town's been overrun by zombies and has literally become a nightmare on earth. As you know, my concern for the town is as great as your own. I have waited for your arrival on the assumption you were still in the area, but the threat of my shop being overwhelmed by zombies has become too great. I've already distributed the majority of weapons and ammo to the town's survivors including the Raging Bull you special ordered. I hope you understand, given the circumstances. At any rate, I have no intention of pointlessly sacrificing my life and will be retreating to Stone Ville. If you get this message, meet me there. We'll go fishing... Robert Kendo -------------------- Notes: It was suspected before, but this note confirms that the gunman is Robert Kendo, who also wrote the fax in RE3 about the "Samurai Edge" handgun. The "Barry" in the note is, most likely, RE's Barry Burton. If you're trying to get Brad the zombie to show up under the RPD building, don't pick this file up. =========== Jill's Note =========== Found: On one of the desks in the S.T.A.R.S. office. It's on the desk opposite from Chris's Diary. Text: -------------------- #File 8/16 Jill's Note It all began as an ordinary day in September. An ordinary day in Raccoon City. A city controlled by Umbrella. No one dared to oppose them. That and the lack of strength would ultimately lead to their destruction. I suppose they had to suffer the consequences of their actions but there would be no forgiveness. If only they had had the courage to fight... But it's true that once the wheels of justice began to turn, nothing could stop them. Nothing. It was Raccoon City's last chance... And my last chance, my last escape... -------------------- Note: This is Jill's monologue from the beginning of RE3. ============= Jill's Report ============= Found: In the RPD file room, in a cabinet to the right (or your character's left) of the door. Text: -------------------- #File 1/16 Jill's Report July 24th, 1998 Raccoon Forest: The following documents were obtained at a sanitarium owned by Umbrella Corp.: "Umbrella Bio Organic Weapon Publicity Material" Dev. Code: MA-39 Cerberus Dev. Code: MA-121 Hunter Dev. Code: Fi-3 Neptune Dev. Code: T-002 Tyrant In addition to the above, it is believed that several other B.O.W. were created by means of accidental infection. During the course of the tests, it was discovered that the contagion is not limited to human beings, and may pose a hazardous risk to plant and animal lifeforms. Effective means of controlling this contagion have yet to be found. Raccoon City Police Department S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team Jill Valentine -------------------- Note: All four "Dev. Codes" refer to monsters encountered in RE, and those of you who've played that game will recognize the codes from the slideshow in the underground lab. The slideshow is also where Wesker is revealed as a traitor. A Cerberus is a dog infected with the T-Virus; they're the only enemy on this list that's in RE2. Hunters are reptilian creatures first encountered in RE, who make a return appearance in RE3. The Neptune was an undead shark that either Chris or Jill killed in RE, along with its two spawn, and yes, it did suck, thank you very much for asking. Finally, the Tyrant is a huge clawed bastard who was the last boss of RE; common fan opinion has it that Mr. X is some kind of new, improved Tyrant. ================= Journalist's Note ================= Found: On the table in the unlocked side of the RPD interrogation room (the side that does *not* have a power cord or eagle stone/chess plug in it). Text: -------------------- #File 12/16 Journalist's Note As I write this, my hands shake with anger and fear. The civilians of this town have been blockaded by the military. And though I sigh for the survivors of the town, I still feel that it's the best decision. They cannot take the chance of the disease spreading any further. I am going to make it my top priority to discover what has caused this incredibly dangerous incident. So far, I have only found out that the disease is not airborne. -------------------- Note: I'm guessing that Ben Bartolucci wrote this. This file is somewhat vague and annoying, but the Reporter's Notebook file in RE3 elaborates on some of the points within it; the military blockade is in place because Raccoon City has, at some point, been quarantined and placed under martial law. (One would guess that the blockade is either gone by September 29th or it's manned by idiots, since both Leon and Claire drive right into town without a problem.) ====================== Operation Instructions a====================== Found: On the body of an Umbrella operative in the sewer. The body in question is in the first tunnel you enter, at the far end past the fan; you'll have to take whatever item he's carrying and search him again. This is the same alcove where Leon finds the wolf medal. Text: -------------------- #File 03/16 Operation Instructions Orders for Special Agent Hunk are as follows: Penetrate Umbrella research facility located outside of raccoon city. Recover G-virus sample from Dr. William Birkin. You are authorized to use any means necessary to secure this sample. Upon recovery, sample is to be delivered to Loire Village. Failure on this mission is not an option. French Division R&D Facility Head Manager Christine Henri -------------------- Note: "Special Agent Hunk" is one of the guys who shoots William Birkin full of holes in Annette's FMV flashback, as well as the star of the fiendishly difficult "4th Survivor" minigame. This file has occasioned wild speculation among RE fans, mostly because Hunk was apparently sent by a foreign branch of Umbrella to steal the American branch's work. ========================================================= Scenario B: ========================================================= Most of these are located in places where whoever played Scenario A didn't have to go. The exception is Brad's Note; it simply isn't there in Scenario A. =============== Mercenary's Log =============== Found: On the hot dog stand on the street where you begin the Scenario. It'll be sparkling, although that's tough to see in this version. Text: -------------------- #File 06/16 Mercenary's Log September 1st Following six months of intensive training, my body's edge had returned. I was a good soldier, but they ordered my execution with no reason given. I was tortured and forced to give a false confession. But on the morning of my execution, a miracle happened. The company had helped me out, giving me a second lease on life. September 15th I ended my vacation short and returned to the HQ office. It looks like my UBCS unit's been called into action. Umbrella maintains its own paramilitary unit to counter corporate terrorism and V.I.P. abduction. In addition, they have nightmen who specialize in handling problems caused by illegal products. I'm currently a member of the latter. September 28th Dawn's here, but we're still slogging through this nightmare. There are no provisions of any kind here. The undead walk the streets feeding upon the flesh of the living. Given the choice again, I would rather have been executed. Death row was a heavenly asylum compared to this place. I've chosen to pull the trigger myself, in the hope that my dead body won't come back to life. -------------------- Note: Yet another file taken directly from RE3, where it made a hell of a lot more sense. The UBCS is the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasures Service. Carlos Oliviera, among a number of other characters in RE3, is a member. =========== Brad's Note =========== Found: in the tunnel underneath the RPD building. This file is there regardless of whether Brad the zombie is or not. You'll have to go out the front door to get it. Text: -------------------- #File 10/16 Brad's Note No!! It's that monster in the black suit again! Why does that thing keep chasing me?! What did I do? This must be someone's sick idea of a joke. If I knew things were going to end up like this, I would have left the S.T.A.R.S. team a long time ago. But whining won't help me now. I know I'm finished... Oh...In my hometown Delucia, I bet the flowers are in bloom. If I could only see them once more before I die... Brad Vickers -------------------- Note: Brad "Chickenheart" Vickers was the Alpha team's helicopter pilot in RE, and he earned his nickname fairly. The "monster in the black suit" is, of course, Nemesis. It eventually caught him. ======= Want Ad ======= Found: In the open cabinet in the control room on the elevator shaft where you fight Mr. X. It's right across from where you find the control panel key. Text: -------------------- #File 15/16 Want Ad NEW POSITIONS AVAILABLE!! Umbrella Inc. Raccoon Branch FULL TIME (Includes benefits) WHO ARE WE? As the number one pharmaceutical corporation in the world, we are constantly reaching for new ways to expand and grow. WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR? We're looking for healthy, dedicated, and single individuals of any race, religion, or sex. POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Sales, Service, Production, etc. Requirements: No Experience needed, but you must have a clean bill of health. Overseas positions are also available! (please note this on your application.) -------------------- Note: I like this file. ===================== MA121 Progress Report ===================== Found: In the double-locked room in the west hall of the Umbrella lab. In order to open this door, you have to register both characters' fingerprints on the computer in the infested laboratory, and you must've attempted to enter this room in Scenario A. The file will be on the counter right behind your character when he or she enters. Incidentally, there are three Assassins in this room, one of which will be right in front of you when you walk in. If you're hurting for ammo, you may want to skip over this. There's nothing in here that you actually need. Text: -------------------- #File 02/16 MA121 Progress Report As a result of the scheduled product improvement plans for the MA120, productions of the latest multi Purpose B.O.W. MA121-Hunter has been completed. Although the Hunter has demonstrated high performance exceeding expectations as a B.O.W., in the interest of producing improved products with higher levels of usability and enhanced power, Hunter-R and additional enhanced B.O.W.s are currently under development. There should be no shortage of practical applications for current products under development. William Birkin -------------------- Note: The MA121-Hunters may be the frog-esque "Gamma" Hunters found in RE3. That'd make sense, seeing as how those Hunters are first encountered in an incubation tank. There's only one MA120 Hunter in RE2, and it's lying dead in this room, in the corner near where you find this file. If examined, you get the message, "It looks like the remains of a failed experiment." What killed it, and, for that matter, exactly what appears to have broken out of this room, is a fiercely debated issue among RE fans. ========================================================= Leon: Scenario A ========================================================= ============ Dario's Note ============ Found: In the briefcase on the front seat of the bus. Text: --------------------------- #File 5/16 Dario's Note I can't help but wonder if anyone will read these words, but writing them will help me maintain my sanity if nothing else. After I've become a meal for those undead monsters, will the G.I.s responsible for sealing off the town laugh upon discovering my corpse? So is this how it's supposed to end? I don't want to die. I'm just not ready... My wife, daughter, mother... My entire family has been killed. But none of that matters anymore. Right now, my life is the only important thing. That's all that matters. I never would have pictured my end to be like this. I had so much left to do. Rather than becoming a salesman, I should have tried my hand at being a novelist. It's what I've always wanted, but my mother would only tell me you have a long way to go. Why did I ever listen to her? But this looks like the end for the great Dario Rosso, novelist extraordinare. Cut down before his prime... --------------------------- Note: Jill Valentine meets Dario Russo for about thirty seconds at the beginning of RE3, and never sees him alive again. I'm drawing a complete blank as to why he's so important that his file made it to RE2, but then again, Capcom does a lot of stuff that I just don't get. ============= Umbrella Memo ============= Found: In the laboratory in the west hall in the Umbrella lab. You'll need the red keycard to get in. When you walk in, there'll be an item on the gurney to your left (Leon's right), and something sparkly next to it. The sparkly thing is the Umbrella Memo. Text: --------------------------- #File 11/16 Umbrella Memo Dear Dr. Birkin, It has come to my attention that we are currently experiencing a shortage of APL-14. To counteract this problem I am asking you and several other labs to donate five cases of APL-14 to our facility immediately. For your information, we have discovered, that our base in the South Pole is primarily responsible for this shortage. We are currently taking steps to prevent this from happening in the future. And don't worry, the Ashford's reputation is now irreparably tarnished. Your quick response is greatly appreciated. Regards, Joel Allman Vice-president USA Branch September 15 --------------------------- Note: The Ashfords, and their base in the South Pole, are primarily responsible for everything Claire goes through in Code Veronica. Why Allman and Birkin are both so concerned about the Ashfords' reputation, on the other hand, isn't quite so clear. ========================================================= Claire: Scenario A ========================================================= ===================== Raccoon City Pamphlet ===================== Found: On one of the bookshelves on the balcony in the library, near the weakened section of the floor. Just check them all, and you'll find this. Text: -------------------- #File 16/16 Raccoon City Pamphlet City Guide No. 12 --A Brief Look-- Hello and welcome to Raccoon City! As you will notice, our city is a clean and private town dedicated to families. Raccoon City has partnered with our friends at Umbrella Inc., in order to generate unprecedented growth and stability. Umbrella Inc. is a highly regarded and well funded corporation that cares about its employees. They have helped to create many public facilities to make this city a better place for everyone. As we look to the future, I will continue to support Umbrella Inc. in terms of new business developments. Please enjoy your stay in my lovely city. Thank you. Michael Warren Raccoon City Mayor -------------------- Note: The Resident Evil Sledgehammer of Irony (tm) strikes again. The City Guide file in RE3 is much like this, except it's longer and more specific as to which "public facilities" Umbrella funded. ============== David's Letter ============== Found: In the east office of the RPD building, near where you find the valve handle in Scenario B. When you walk in, there's a zombie on the floor playing possum; check the desks next to him for the file. Text: --------------------------- #File 07/16 David's Letter My sanity is at its end...I still can't believe this is happening. We lost another man yesterday. Meyer; one of our better marksmen. He saw me panic once we were overrun by the zombies but he came back to save me. But when the time came to return the debt, I ran. I can still hear him calling out my name. I can still hear the screams coming from behind. The sound of his flesh being stripped from its bones. I was afraid... terrified... It's the 27th. The fight to stay alive continues. I took out several zombies who managed to break through the barricades. Now I'm cutting through the chill with whisky, unloading my Mossberg on anything undead. That shotgun's become a close friend of mine. I've blasted many a zombie into fertilizer with it. We've lost 12 men as of yesterday. In 3 hours, we'll bicker about trivial things in the meeting room. It's a total waste of time. When I finish this bottle, my old friend Mossberg will be turning one last body into fertilizer. Peace at last. I can hardly wait... --------------------------- Note: In RE3, you can find this file in the RPD darkroom. I find myself wondering if this David is the same guy who wrote Operation Report 1. If he is, he never got the chance to kill himself, because Operation Report 2 lists him as "lost" when zombies overran the operation room on the first floor. ========================================================= Claire: Scenario B ========================================================= ================ Rebecca's Report ================ Found: On the "rookie's" desk in the S.T.A.R.S. office, by the medical pouch. Text: --------------------------- #File 09/16 Rebecca's Report On July 23rd, an MP vehicle was found inside the Arklay Mountains. Corpses of MP members and an unidentified body were found near the vehicle. According to the information from military authorities, the unidentified body was identified as former ensign Billy Koen, who was sentenced the death penalty following a court-martial on July 22nd. While Koen was on transfer via Navy MP escort, they must have experienced some kind of accident. The corpses were severely mauled, apparently torn apart by unidentified wild animals. The following day we returned to the location to recover the bodies but they were nowhere to be found. Military authorities have requested that we turn over Koen's body as proof of his death. But due to the circumstances described above, it will be a difficult task to recover the corpse. I am requesting that this case be temporarily closed until further notice. Raccoon City Police Department S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team Rebecca Chambers --------------------------- Note: This file refers to events that take place in the upcoming Resident Evil Zero. Billy Koen has been confirmed as a playable character. This, of course, means that whatever happened in this file happened before RE, and that Rebecca Chambers had monster- fighting experience *before* entering the mansion. More fuel on the fire for the "Becky is an Umbrella spy" people, I guess... It's been pointed out on the Evil Online message boards that the events depicted in this file bear a startling resemblance to some of those mentioned in the Mercenary's Log EX file, above. What this means, exactly, has yet to be seen. Great police procedure here, incidentally. Really top-notch. Rebecca may have written this report after the events of RE, which would explain why she signs the report as a member of the Alpha Team. ============== Chris's Report ============== Found: On the table in the middle of Chief Irons' secret hideaway, next to the saw. It's in plain sight. Text: --------------------------- #File 14/16 Chris's Report Dear Chief, Below is my account of what led up to the explosion of the mansion: On July 23rd, S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team, led by Captain Marini, went to investigate the bizarre homicides that occurred in the Arklay Mountains. After contact with team's chopper was lost, S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team, lead by Captain Wesker went in. We found the remains of Bravo team's helicopter on the ground. After landing we were immediately attacked by bloodthirsty dogs. We later discovered that these dogs were actually zombie dogs as they did not even feel our gunfire. After Joseph Frost was killed, we were forced to retreat to a nearby mansion. After further investigating the mansion, we learned that it was actually a secret laboratory of Umbrella Inc.. All researchers were turned into zombies by some type of unknown virus. We also discovered that Umbrella was using that lab as a testing area for new Bio Organic Weapons. We found the dead bodies of some of the Bravo team members including Enrico Marini, Kenneth Sullivan, Forest Speyer, and Richard Aiken. We believe that those Bio Organic Weapons caused their deaths. After that we discovered that Captain Wesker was actually working with Umbrella and that both Alpha and Bravo teams were being used as live test subjects for the Bio Organic Weapons. Wesker had betrayed us! We barely managed to survive that nightmare. However, since the mansion exploded, there is no evidence to support our claims of Umbrella's secret lab or the Bio Organic Weapons. The zombie phenomenon that has been occurring in the city is extremely similar to the zombies we saw at the mansion. We suspect that Umbrella is somehow linked to all this. In order to solve this mystery and put an end to the zombies that are roaming the city, I propose we launch a formal investigation into Umbrella. Thank you for your attention to this extremely important matter. Chris Redfield S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team --------------------------- Note: A heavily abridged retelling of the events in RE. It leaves out plenty, but the really important stuff is all here. One strange incongruity is that Chris attributes the death of Enrico Marini to Umbrella bioweapons, when Marini was shot to death by Wesker. The incoming fax in the STARS office would seem to indicate that Chris went ahead and started his proposed investigation. We can probably also assume that Chief Irons didn't support it. "...these dogs were actually zombie dogs..."? Was Chris *trying* to sound like a complete lunatic? =================== Mother Virus Report =================== Found: In the Umbrella lab's main laboratory, on the end of the counter closest to the door. There are two ink ribbons on top of the file, which you'll have to take before you can get it. Text: --------------------------- #File 13/16 Mother Virus Report The Mother Virus was first discovered by Ozwell E. Spencer. And it was him, who founded Umbrella Inc.. As time passed, Spencer's research was succeeded to Dr. J. Marcus. However, Dr. Marcus abused his power and had to be fired. Following Dr. Marcus came Dr. William Birkin. Dr. Birkin's experiments delivered many outstanding results including the T-virus. It is presumed that that he will be finishing work on the more powerful G-virus in the near future. Currently, research on the Mother Virus takes place at our laboratories all over the world. In the near future, we hope to discover many new viruses. --------------------------- Note: Some information on the history of Umbrella. Obviously, it's a little dated. It's also somewhat edited, as it bears little to no resemblance to similar files in Code Veronica. ================================================================= Some Notes On the N64 Version ================================================================= RE2 is uncut and uncensored, although you have the option of toning down the violence or turning the blood different colors. ("My god! Claire bleeds blue! She's a Nemesis!") I, of course, did neither; I played with the blood red and the violence on "High" setting, because I am an American. The graphics are a little grainier than the PSX's, and many of the bells and whistles are gone (zombie heads don't explode quite as spectacularly as they used to), but everything still looks pretty good. One minor change is that items you can take really stand out from the background, whereas they were sometimes invisible in the PSX version. The only real change, in fact, is the sound. In general, the effects are worse (Leon's unmodified shotgun sounds like an air rifle), and the voice acting has suffered for the transition. Everything tends to waver and distort, especially Claire's final line to Mr. X, which now makes her sound like she's a complete spaz ("You looooose, big guy!" Insert Naga the Black Serpent's laugh here). ================================================================= New Stuff ================================================================= Randomization: This is an option that becomes available after you've beaten both Scenarios. I don't know whether your ranking is an issue; I got it after a B with Claire and an A with Leon. If you turn this option on, most of the non-quest, non-weapon items in the game turn into something else at random. All items are changed at the beginning of a new game, and not room by room. You can't leave a room and come back in and "reset" an item, unfortunately. The possible items that may appear are green herbs, red herbs, first aid sprays, handgun bullets, and ammunition for all character-specific weapons; it is, however, rare to find ammunition for a weapon you don't have access to yet. Blue herbs may be a possibility, but I never found one. Randomization has a good and a bad side: Good side: -- Most ammunition pickups vary widely in size, and are usually bigger. It's not unusual to find a pickup holding twenty or more shots for a given weapon, just lying around somewhere. While it can be difficult to find ammo at first, you'll usually get more than you need. Claire in particular gets loaded down; I had more than a hundred flame grenades by the time I reached the Umbrella lab. I promptly became the Angel of Fiery Death. I really didn't see any alternative. -- it makes the game a little more interesting for us hard-bitten RE2 veterans. You can't count on the presence of healing items; if anything, they're a lot rarer than before. It's not unusual to have six or seven red herbs, without a green herb anywhere in sight. Bad side: -- You find handgun bullets more than anything else throughout the game. This is *very* annoying, especially when you're in the final stages. This is, admittedly, less of a handicap for Leon than it is for Claire, because at least he can spray bullets everywhere with the custom handgun. -- as mentioned above, blue herbs are either nonexistent or rare as hell under randomization. This means that you can't make superherbs, obviously, and it also means you'll have to be a lot more careful around the giant spiders and mobile plants. The little "infinite-use" herb gardens in the Umbrella lab and the sewer system are still around, though. -- For some reason, the randomization gives out a lot of red herbs, but a lot fewer green herbs. Non-randomized items: Ink ribbons. Small keys. The handgun bullets in the gun shop. The handgun bullets in the back of the crashed van by the basketball court. The handgun bullets on the back seat of the bus. The handgun bullets on the RPD computer desk in Scenario A. The handgun bullets on the desk in the cabin in Scenario B. The handgun bullets on the couch in the waiting room in Scenario B. The first aid spray in the medical pouch in the S.T.A.R.S. office in Scenario A. The green herbs on the balcony behind the RPD east office. The green herb near the entrance to the roof in Scenario B. All the ammunition found in the sewage disposal plant mini-quests. The six acid rounds in Chief Irons' torture chamber. Anything you get off of Mr. X's body. The ammunition stored in the hidden warehouse in Leon's sewer control room. The quiver of crossbow bolts in the bedroom locker in the Umbrella lab in Claire's scenarios. The double-sized clip of Magnum rounds in the vaccine room in Leon B. The "new outfits": Claire's outfit is a pair of purple pants and a black jacket with an angel on the back. The front of the jacket is rendered in such a way that it looks like she's not wearing anything underneath it (at least to me), but it's zipped up. She actually looks vaguely ninja-esque. She still gets the mildly useless Colt revolver if she changes clothes. Leon's outfits are weird-looking. One is a pair of black jeans, badass boots, a blue jacket with the STARS logo on the back, and a baseball cap; the other is a black vest, a white wifebeater, black and white camo pants, boots, a pair of sunglasses, and a bandanna tied around his head (this outfit makes him look a lot like a member of the WWF's Mean Street Posse). While wearing either outfit, Leon aims the handgun one-handed, with the gun parallel to the ground, and seems to fire a little faster. ========== Conclusion ========== Please e-mail me at with comments, compliments, criticism, and corrections. Do me a favor, though, and keep the weird plotline speculation to a minimum. Thomas Wilde [a.k.a. Wanderer] [a.k.a. Storyteller]