------------------------------------------------------------------------ R E S I D E N T E V I L 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extra Files Guide (N64/Dreamcast versions) Copied down by: marshmallow March 2nd, 2000 In the Nintendo 64 (and I believe the Dreamcast) version of Resident Evil 2, there are several new files and/or notes to read. Because of this, I felt it was necessary to point out their locations, and their message if you don't feel like starting a new game to find them. When you collect these, they will appear underneath the "EX" file in the pause menu, "EX" supposedly standing for extra. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0. TABLE OF CONTENTS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Dario's Note 2. David's Letter 3. Op Instructions 4. Umbrella Memo 5. Journalist's Note 6. Jill's Note 7. Robert's Note 8. Brad's Note - NEW - 9. Jill's Report - NEW - 10. Raccoon City Pamphlet - NEW - 11. Mercenary's Log - NEW - 12. Mother Virus Report - NEW - 13. Credits Section 14. Legal Information / Contact Information NOTE: I'm quite sure this is not all of them, so if anyone finds one I missed or overlooked, feel free to send it in and I will give credit to you. There certainly are plenty more spaces left in the "EX" options menu, that's for sure... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. "DARIO'S NOTE" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Location: When making your way to the police precinct in one of the first scenarios (Leon 1, Claire 1), you will find yourself on a wrecked bus. At the front, where the driver is, you will find a suitcase. Search it to find this... #FILE 05/16 DARIO'S NOTE I can't help but wonder if anyone will read these words, but writing them will help me maintain my sanity if nothing else. After I've become a meal for those undead monsters, will the G.I.s responsible for sealing off the town laugh upon discovering my corpse? So is this how it's supposed to end? I don't want to die, I'm just not ready... My wife, daughter, mother....My entire family has been killed. But none of that matters anymore. Right now, my life is the only important thing. That's all that matters. I never would have pictured my end to be like this. I had so much left to do. Rather than becoming a salesman, I should have tried my hand at being a novelist. It's what I've always wanted, but my mother would only tell me 'you have a long way to go.' Why did I ever listen to her? But this looks like the end for the great Dario Rosso, novelist extraordinaire. Cut down before his prime... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. "DAVID'S LETTER" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Location: Inside of the detective's office (has several fans, and the door that requires the Heart Key to open) search the largest table, and you will find it eventually. #FILE 07/16 DAVID'S LETTER My sanity is at its end...I still can't believe this is happening. We lost another man yesterday. Meyer; one of our better marksmen. He saw me panic once we were overrun by the zombies, but he came back to save me. When the time came to return the debt, I ran. I can still hear him calling out my name. I can still hear the screams coming from behind. The sound of his fleshed being ripped from its bones. I was afraid...terrified... It's the 27th. The fight to stay alive continues. I took out several zombies who managed to break through the barricades. Now I'm cutting through the chill with whisky, unloading my Mossberg on anything undead. That shotgun's become a close friend of mine. I've blasted many a zombie into fertilizer with it. We've lost 13 mean as of yesterday, in three hours we'll bicker over trivial things in the meeting room. It's a total waste of time. When I finish this bottle, my old friend Mossberg will be turning one last body into fertilizer. Peace at last. I can hardly wait... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. "OP INSTRUCTIONS" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Location: In the sewers, depending on the scenario you will have to retrieve the Wolf Medal from the clutches of several disemboweled bodies. Search some more around the gruesome sight, and you should be able to easily find this file as well. #FILE 03/16 OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Orders for Special Agent Hunk are as follows: Penetrate Umbrella research facility located outside of raccoon city. Recover G-virus sample from Dr. William Birkin. You are authorized to use any means necessary to secure this sample. Upon recovery, sample is to be delivered to Loire Village. Failure on this mission is NOT an option. French Division R&D Facility Head Manager Christine Henri ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. "UMBRELLA MEMO" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Location: The Umbrella Memo is in the room in the east area of the underground lab that requires the lab card key. It is also the room where you need to get the base vaccine in Claire A. (thanks goes to rebelxb@aol.com for this) #FILE 11/16 UMBRELLA MEMO Dear Dr. Birkin, It has come to my attention that we are currently experiencing a shortage of APL-14. To counteract this problem I am asking you and several other labs to donate five cases of APL-14 to our facility immediately. For your information, we have discovered, that our base of the South Pole, in Antarctica, is primarily responsible for this shortage. We are currently taking steps to prevent this from happening in the future. And don' worry, the Ashford's reputation is now irreparably tarnished. Your quick response is greatly appreciated. Regards, Joel Allman Vice-president USA Branch September 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. "JOURNALIST'S NOTE" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Location: In the brown hallway that leads to the room where you received the Cog Wheel, there is a green door. Go inside, defeat the licker if you must, and continually search the desk. Bingo... #FILE 12/16 JOURNALIST'S NOTE As I write this, my hands shake with both anger and fear. The civilians of the town have been blockaded by the military. And though I sigh for the survivors of the town, I still feel that it's the best decision. They cannot take the chance of the disease spreading any further. I am going to make it my top priority to discover what has causes this incredibly dangerous incident. So far, I have only concluded that the disease is not airborne. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. "JILL'S NOTE" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Location: Inside the S.T.A.R.S office room, search the desk near where you received Chris' diary. Voila! #FILE 08/16 JILL'S NOTE It all began as an ordinary day in September. An ordinary day in Raccoon City. A city controlled by Umbrella. No one dared to oppose them. That and the lack of strength would ultimately lead to their destruction. I suppose they had to suffer the consequences of their actions, but there would be no forgiveness afterwards. If only they had the courage to fight... But it's true that once the wheels of justice begin to turn, nothing can stop them. Nothing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. "ROBERT'S NOTE" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Location: In the gunshop, search the counter in front of the broken glass casings. You can clearly see it before even reaching it (thanks goes to Kevin -- nivek81@hotmail.com -- for this one) #FILE 04/16 ROBERT'S NOTE How could this have happened Barry? The town's been overrun by zombies and has literally become a nightmare on earth. As you know, my concern for this town us as great as your own. I have waited for your arrival on the assumption you were still in the area, but the threat of my shop being overwhelmed by zombies has become too great. I've already distributed the majority of the weapons and ammunition to the town's survivors, including the Raging Bull you special ordered. I hope you understand, given the circumstances. At any rate, I have no intention of pointlessly sacrificing my life and will be retreating to Stone Ville. If you get this message, meet me there. We'll go fishing... Robert Kendo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. "BRAD'S NOTE" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Thank K JOHNSTON for this one) Location: In the "B" game, make your way to the front of the police station, where you would normally find the Brad Vicker's zombie if you were to make it there without picking up any items in the "A" game. Now, there is a small piece of paper there. #FILE 10/16 BRAD'S NOTE No!! It's that monster in the black suit again! Why does that thing keep chasing me?! What did I do? This must be someone's sick idea of a joke. If I knew things were going to end up like this, I would have left the S.T.A.R.S. team a long time ago. But whining won't help me now. I know I'm finished... Oh...In my hometown Delucia, I bet the flowers are in bloom. If I could only see them once more before I die... - Brad Vickers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. "JILL'S REPORT" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (credit goes to Sir Raz: sir_raz@yahoo.com) Location: This is found in the filing room where you have to get the square crank. #FILE 01/16 JILL'S REPORT July 24, 1998 Raccoon Forest: The following documents were obtained at a sanitarium owned by Umbrella Corp.: "Umbrella Bio Organic Weapon Publicity Material" Dev. Code: MA-39 Cerberus Dev. Code: MA-121 Hunter Dev. Code: Fi-3 Neptune Dev. Code: T-002 Tyrant In addition to the above. It is believed that several other B.O.W. were created by means of accidental infection. During the course of the tests. It was discovered that the contagion is not limited to human beings, and may pose a hazardous risk to plant and animal lifeforms. Effective means of controlling this contagion have yet to be found. Raccoon City Police Department S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team Jill Valentine ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. "RACCOON CITY PAMPHLET" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (credit goes to Sir Raz: sir_raz@yahoo.com) Location: This is found in the library on the upper part near the 3rd floor. #FILE 16/16 RACCOON CITY PAMPHLET City Guide No. 12 -A Brief Look- Hello and welcome to Raccoon City! As you will notice, our city is a clean and private town dedicated to families. Raccoon City has partnered with our friends at Umbrella Inc., in order to generate unprecedented growth and stability. Umbrella Inc. is a highly regarded and well funded organization that cares about its employees. They have helped to create many public facilities to make this city a safer place for everyone. As we look to the future, I will continue to support Umbrella Inc. in terms of new business developments. Please enjoy your stay in my lovely city. Thank you. Michael Warren Raccoon City Mayor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. "MERCENARY'S LOG" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (credit goes to Mr. Cactus for this one) Location: Start a "B" game. In the streets, before getting any items or keys, you will find a hotdog stand in the background. Walk up to it and search near the glimmering item. Ta da! #FILE 6/16 MERCENARY'S LOG September 1st, Following six months of intensive training, my body's edge had returned. I was a good soldier, but they ordered my execution with no reason given. I was tortured and forced to give a false confession. But on the morning of my execution, a miracle happened. The company had helped me out, giving me a second lease on life. September 15th, I ended my vacation short and returned to the HQ office. It looks like my UBCS unit's been called into action. Umbrella maintains its own paramilitary unit to counter corporate terrorism and V.I.P. abduction. In addition, they have nightmen who specialize in handling problems caused by illegal operations. I'm currently a member of the latter. September 28th, Dawn's here, but we're still slogging through this nightmare. There are no provisions of any kind here. The undead walk the streets feeding upon the flesh of the living. Given the choice again, I would rather have been executed. Death row was a heavenly asylum compared to this place. I've chosen to pull the trigger myself, in the hope that my dead body won't come back to life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. "MOTHER VIRUS REPORT" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Location: In the "B" game, go to Umbrella's secret laboratory, to the room with the G-Virus vaccine sythensither. On one of the tables is a small, tan envelope: pick it up (beware, you'll need to pick up a typewriter ribbon in the process). #FILE 13/16 MOTHER VIRUS REPORT The Mother Virus was first discovered by Ozwell E. Spencer. And it was him, who founded Umbrella Inc.. As time passed, Spencer's research was succeeded to Dr. J. Marcus. However, Dr. Marcus abused his power and had to be fired. Following Dr. Marcus came Dr. William Birkin. Dr. Birkin's experiments delivered many outstanding results including the T-virus. It is presumed that he will be finishing work on the more powerful G-virus in the near future. Currently, research on the Mother Virus takes place at our laboratories all over the world. In the near future, we hope to discover many new viruses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. CREDITS SECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kevin Ventullo : For the location of "Rebecca's Note" and "Robert's Note". Thanks a lot! Joe Ferree : Robert's note, also. : For the location of the Umbrella Memo. Sir Raz : The entire "Jill's Report" and "Raccoon City Pamphlet" documents. K JOHNSTON" : For information pertaining to the location of "Brad's Note." Mr. Cactus : The location of the "Mercenary's Log" file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. CONTACTING ME / LEGAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This FAQ can only appear on the following sites: - GameFAQs - Cheat Code Central - GameSages Why? Because those are the only three sites that can keep my FAQs updated. GameFAQs gets away with murder, though, on account of the fact I send my FAQs there myself. Gamesages is GameFAQs sister site, so they share information. Cheat Code Central is great, because they always seem to have the most updated version without me having to tell them. Great job, guys and gals. I just hate it when people have outdated versions of my FAQs, because I get loads (e.g. 100+) of e-mails telling me to "update my FAQ" even though it IS updated, or they ask a question that has been answered in the new versions, or make additions that are already there, etc., etc. I've had problems with this with other FAQs, and I'm taking steps (e.g. this note) to put an end to it! Here are a few "do's" and "don'ts". Webmasters! Take note... WEBMASTERS! DO NOT: ------------------------ Post this FAQ on your site directly. The only sites that this rule DOES NOT apply to are GameFAQs, GameSages, and Cheat Code Central, as shown above. WEBMASTERS! PLEASE DO: ------------------------ If you are a webmaster of a site that wants to post this FAQ, what do you do? As you read above, you can not post it directly. Instead, link to the page at www.gamefaqs.com that lists all the FAQs for this game. Why GameFAQs? Because I said so. To clear up some confusion, you can not link to the URL if it ends in ".txt" or ".doc", you just can't use that. If it ends in anything else, such as the page where it lists all the FAQs for a game, you can link to THAT, but not to the actual FAQ. I'm only repeating myself, but I had to because some people have to be told something twice. If you have any questions on linking, notify me. To answer the most common question I'll get, you can not link to any GameFAQs URL that ends in ".txt" or ".doc" because it's in GameFAQs' legal section. So there. This FAQ cannot be used in magazines, guides, books, etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media involved in a commercial business, in part or in whole, in any way, shape, or form, PERIOD. It may not be given away freely, as a "bonus" or "prize", or given away with the game itself, etc. This FAQ cannot be used for either profitable or promotional purposes, regardless of the situation. Breaking any of these rules is in direction violation of U.S. law. Any characters, names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright their respective companies. I am in no way affiliated with Nintendo, Sony, Sega, Capcom, Factor 5, Angelstudios, nor any companies that were/are involved with this game. This document is © 2000 marshmallow All rights reserved Feel free to contact the insane author of this FAQ, marshmallow, with any e-mail, corrections, adorations, admonitions, praise, damnation, condemnation, or death threats at: marshmallow@planetn2000.com. Sincerely, marshmallow ~ End of Document ~