--------------------------------------------- Resident Evil 2 Strategy Guide by Alasdair Lo System: Nintendo Gamecube Date: 23 January, 2004 Version 1.1 --------------------------------------------- Contents 1. Introduction 2. Story 3. Characters 4. Basics 5. The Struggle for the G-virus: Leon's A Scenario 6. Protecting Sherry Birkin: Claire's B Scenario 7. Saving Sherry Birkin: Claire's A Scenario 8. Romantic Date with Ada Wong: Leon's B Scenario 9. Tips and Tricks 10. Minigame: 4th Survivor 11. Secrets 12. Conclusion Appendix I. Feedback Information Appendix II. File Index --------------- 1. Introduction --------------- Since Nintendo has made a deal with Capcom to have the remake of Resident Evil to come exclusively for Nintendo Gamecube, Capcom has decided to release the older Resident Evils 2, 3 and Code Veronica for the Gamecube as ports, so that Nintendo fans can enjoy the entire storyline of Resident Evil. However, the Resident Evil 2 port really is a 100% port of the dual shock version of Resident Evil 2 for Playstation, hence the graphics are 1998 level, and most of the time, characters speak without moving their mouths! Anyway, as I never owned this game, I decided to buy it cheaply here in Hong Kong for about HK$200 (HK$7.8 = US$1). Although most people say this game is an utter disappointment, I still write a Strategy Guide for this game. Now let's begin. --------------- 2. Story --------------- Resident Evil 2 takes place 2 months after the mansion incident in Raccoon Forest, in September 1998. The position of the game in the timeline is as follows: 1998 July 23-24 Resident Evil 0 | 1998 July 24-25 Resident Evil | 1998 Sept 29 Resident Evil 2 (You are here) After the mansion incident, the remnants of STARS flew back to Raccoon City. They tried to persuade the Raccoon Police Department to investigate Umbrella, however, since the mansion lab was destroyed, there is no solid evidence. Therefore, no one believed them and STARS were forced to fly to Europe for Umbrella Headquarters. Meanwhile, soon after they left, strange incidents began occurring in Raccoon City, with many and many more people turning into zombies. Is it too late for Raccoon City? --------------- 3. Characters --------------- Resident Evil 2 features 4 star players, 1 man surrounded by 3 ladies. Well, I never! Unfortunately, the man, who is the point of focus, is constantly ignored by the other 2 grown women, the poor guy... Other not-so important characters will be introduced to you separately in the guide. Leon Scott Kennedy: He is a policeman of the Raccoon Police Department. He is first day on the job when he arrived, and the party the other policeman made to welcome him was cancelled because of the zombie invasion. He is definitely the point of focus in this game, as Wesker's Report emphasizes on his A scenario. Leon gets to use the "effective against anything" weapons in this game. His weapons do not compensate for his charm, though, as no female character ever listens to him! Maybe it is because he isn't ... charming? Claire Redfield: The 2nd most important character in the game. Claire Redfield is currently searching for his brother Chris, who was last seen in Raccoon City. Unfortunately, as she enters Emmy's diner for food, she is greeted by a zombie, who looks at her, smiles and laughs "Ha-ha!" at her. Only then she knew that things have gone terribly wrong in Raccoon City. Claire gets to be the babysitter in this game, which is really a harsh treatment to the famous Chris Redfield's sister. Claire gets to use the specialized weapons in the game, you will see what I mean. In my opinion, Claire is an amateur gun user, because of the weapons she uses. Ada Wong: Ada is Leon's partner, she is a spy sent to seek Umbrella's G-virus research. She most likely works for the American Government. Ada really is an independent woman in the first part of the game, as she always seem to ignore Leon. But when Leon teaches her about responsible citizenship, she decides to do this his way. As time passes, love is developed... Sherry Birkin: Sherry is the 12 year old daughter of the Umbrella maniac William Birkin, the genius who invented the G-virus. She was found by Claire, who became her babysitter since then. Sherry is rather stupid for a 12 year old girl, particularly when she ran into the sewage disposal plant when she thought she heard daddy calling her name. I am rather disgusted that you get to play as Sherry, as under-18s are supposed to be left out of this mess. She also is a bit lazy, because if Claire travels too far apart, she will just stop and sit there. Fool. --------------- 4. Basics --------------- Button Configuration Type A: A: Open doors, examine surroundings, shoot while in Attack Stance B: Hold while pushing the control stick or Directional Pad forward to run, Cancel Selection C: Unused X: Unused Y: Status Screen Z: Show Map Control Stick or Directional Pad: Press up to move in the direction the character is facing, press down to backtrack, press left and right to rotate character R: Attack Stance L: Change Target Ammo usage: As in many survival horror games, there are fewer handgun bullets relative to the enemies that are found in the game, so you must conserve ammo, and use the knife! However, I found out that ammo is only an issue in the earlier parts of the game, as stronger weapons like the shotgun become available, you can act as the exterminator, and kill anything that gets in your way. Files: Files contain many clues to how to solve many puzzles in the mansion, so always pick them up if you are a beginner. However, if you are trying to complete the game in less than 2.5 hours, skip all files, and try to memorize the solutions to the puzzles. Health System: Green Fine: 50% - 100% Health Yellow Caution: 25% - 50% Health Orange Caution: 10% - 25% Health Red Danger: 0% - 10% Health Purple Poison: Health slowly drops As you can see, the HP range of yellow caution has dropped to that of orange caution in the Gamecube exclusive Resident Evil games like RE0 and REmake. So you should really start to be careful as the HP meter drops to caution, as one-hit kill moves will really work from then on. Green Herbs, when used alone, heal about 25% of your health. Blue Herbs cure poisoning. A Red Herb is useless on its own, but when combined with Green herbs, a full healing item can be made. First Aid Sprays are also a full healing item, but I do not recommend using them if you are after a good rank. Scenario Dependent Events: In some places, you can get to do something to affect the outcome of the other scenario. Sometimes, it is best to be careful before deciding whether to make use of that event, otherwise, the other character will suffer a disadvantage during his or her B scenario. Scenario Dependent Events will be stated throughout the guide. Use Auto-Aim: In Resident Evil 2, the auto-aim feature does not turn on by default, so you will have to take the trouble to turn it on in the Controller Setup in the option screen. Don't kill yourself aiming! --------------------------------------------------- 5. The Struggle for the G-virus: Leon's A Scenario --------------------------------------------------- After the FMV scene featuring Leon and Claire's horrible looking eyeballs, Leon ends up outside a fire caused by the fuel truck driven by the zombie driver. He tells Claire to meet him at the Police Station. *****CITY AREA***** --------------- Truck Wreck --------------- Run past the zombies and go through the door to Kendo Gun Shop. --------------- Kendo Gun Shop --------------- Enter, and move one step forward for the first cut-scene of the game, featuring Leon and Robert Kendo's conversation without moving their mouths. Then get the 2 boxes of Handgun Bullets, take them, and zombies burst in through the windows, eating Kendo alive! The best course of action now is to run to the zombies, let them bite you once, and then take the shotgun. Then get out through the back door quick! New Weapon! Shotgun Ammo: Shotgun Shells in units of 7 The shotgun is one of Leon's "effective against anything" weapons in this game. The shotgun in this game holds only 5 shells at first, but taking the shotgun parts later in this game increases its capacity to 7. --------------- City Alleyway --------------- Just run along this alley, past the zombies behind the gate, then run to the kendo truck and take the Handgun Bullets. Turn to face the zombies. You should try to shoot less and dodge more in order to save ammo. After you have passed the zombies from the Basketball Court, head through the gate. Run up the stairs, go along the fire escape, then down the stairs again. There are some Handgun Bullets in the trash can. Then climb up the metal box, and run past the zombies in the alley and through the door. -------------------------- From Bus to Police Station -------------------------- Now, you hear some scrunching sounds in this street, it seemed that 5 zombies are biting at stereo on one of their latest victims. Heh heh. Run past them and into the bus. Inside the bus, take the handgun bullets and kill the 2 zombies here. Then head out through the other set of doors. There are many police zombies near the fire truck, run past them all and go through the other gate. You are now outside the police station, just go down the pedestrian subway to avoid the zombies, then go up through the other side. Take the green herbs from the flower pots. Then enter the double doors, you have reached the police station. *****POLICE STATION***** --------------- Lobby --------------- There is no one here. Run to the reception desk, get the Handgun Bullets. Then head through the only unlocked door. Inside, you will see a wounded cop, "laughing in pain", he asks you at gunpoint to go and use the keycard to unlock the other doors in the hall. How rude! He then locks the door when you left! What a guy! Anyway, head to the computer terminal and use the keycard on it. A double door and a single door will be unlocked. Go through the double doors. --------------- Chest Room --------------- Deposit any unwanted items into the item box, then take the Police Memorandum off the seat. There is a desk in the room. Remember it. Head through the other door. What was that thing outside the window? New File! Police Memorandum 8/23/1998 This letter is just to inform everyone about the recent movement of equipment that has happened during the precinct's arrangement. The safe with four digit lock has been moved from the STARS office on the second floor (1), to the eastern office on the first floor. "2236" (2) Raccoon Police Liaison Dept. Explanations: (1) The STARS office is on the second floor. (2) The combination of the safe is 2236, remember it. --------------- Shutter Hall 1 --------------- Hear the sound of blood dripping, turn around the corner. You will see an FMV with a very horrible crawling monster on the ceiling. That monster now drops down to attack Leon. "aahhhhhhh..." the Licker coolly says. New Enemy! Licker Strength: Shotgun: 2-3 shots These long tongue monsters are new in the Resident Evil series. They attack by claw swiping Leon on the ground, or doing a jumping swipe, much like the Hunters. Waste them with the shotgun! When they die, they cry, "Orarrghorrgh!" which is similar to the voice of Brazilian soccer fans during the World Cup! Ha ha! With the licker dead, take the green herb. Take the handgun bullets from the headless body and go through the door. --------------- Boarded Hall --------------- Go through the first set of double doors you see. --------------- Operations Room --------------- There is an Operations Report on a table, then head through the gap to the left of the whiteboard. There is a fireplace, with a painting of a naked woman. The title is "Sacrifice to the hellfire." So use Leon's lighter on the fireplace and the painting will be burnt, revealing a red jewel. Take it. There are some handgun bullets hidden in a pile of boxes to the right of the fireplace. Then go out to the boarded hall and go through the single door in the other end. New File! Operation Report -Operation report- September 26th The Raccoon Police department was unexpectedly attacked by zombies. Many have been injured. Even more were killed. During the attack, our communications equipment was destroyed and we no longer have contact with the outside. We have decided to carry out an operation with the intent of rescuing any possible survivors as well as to prevent this disaster from spreading beyond Raccoon City. The details of the operation are as follows: Security of armaments and ammunition. Chief Irons has voiced concern regarding the issue of terrorism due to a series of recent unresolved incidents. On the very day before the attack, he made the decision to relocate all weapons to scattered intervals throughout the building as a temporary measure to prevent their possible seizure. Unfortunately, this decision has made it extremely difficult for us to locate all ammunition caches. It has become our top priority to recover these scattered munitions. To unlock the weapon storage. As stated earlier, it will be extremely difficult to secure all the ammunition. However, a considerable supply still remains in the underground weapon storage. Unfortunately, the person in charge of the card key used to access the weapon storage is missing and we have been unable to locate the key. One of the breakers went down during the zombie battle and the electronic locks are not functioning in certain areas. It has become a top priority to restore the power in the power room and secure those locks. (1) Recorder: David Ford -Operation Report- September 27th 1:00 PM. The west barricade has been broken through and another exchange ensued. We sheltered the injured in the confiscation room on the first floor temporarily. Twelve more people were injured in the battle. Reported: David Ford -Additional Report- Three additional people were killed following the sudden appearance of an as of yet unknown creature. This creature is identified by missing patches of skin and razor like claws. However, its most distinguishing characteristic is its lance-like tongue, capable of piercing a human torso in an instant. Their numbers as well as their location remains unknown. We have tentatively named this creature the "licker" (2) and are currently in the process of developing countermeasures to deal with this new threat. Explanations: (1) There is an ammunition storage located in the B1 level of the Police Station. Later, Leon would have to reset the breaker and find the key card in order to enter that room. (2) This describes the Licker's looks and their attack methods. --------------- Dark Room Hall --------------- Kill the 4 zombies. Then enter the other unlocked door in this room. ------------------- Dark Room Save Room ------------------- This room enables you to develop film found throughout the game. There is some ammo atop the white drawers, and some ink ribbon by the typewriter. There is an Operation Report 2 on the table behind the typewriter. New File! Operation Report 2 -Operation Report- September 28th Early Morning 2:30AM. Zombies overran the operation room and another battle broke out. We lost four more people, including David. We're down to four people, including myself. We failed to secure the weapons cache and hope for our survival continues to diminish. We won't last much longer... We agreed upon a plan to escape through the sewer. There's a path leading from the precinct underground to the sewage disposal plant. We should be able to access the sewers through there. (1) The only drawback is that there is no guarantee the sewage disposal plant is free of any possible dangers. We know our chances in the sewers are slim, but anything is better than simply waiting here to die. In order to buy more time, we locked the only door leading to the underground, which is located in the eastern office. (2) We left the key behind in the western office since it's unlikely that any of those creatures have the intelligence to find it and unlock the door. I pray that this operation report will be helpful to whoever may find it. Recorder: Elliot Edward Explanations: (1) Later in the game, Leon will reach the sewage disposal plant and enter the sewers through there. He can use that route to escape. (2) The Heart Key is located in the western office. With all this information, deposit the Red Jewel and leave the room. Head up the stairs. --------------- Statue Hallway --------------- There are no zombies here, but there is a statue here, holding a red jewel, I wonder... Puzzle Time! Statue Puzzle The inscription of the statue reads, "The god of sun and the god of moon. Their gaze upon me is the only thing that can release red soul." So you have to push the 2 smaller statues on the 2 pads on the wall so that they look at the statue. After the puzzle is complete, the red jewel will be dropped for you to collect. Further examination of the Red Jewel indicates that it is a Virgin Heart, wonder what it is used for? Take the handgun bullets behind the statue, and head through the door. ------------------ STARS Office Hall ------------------ Kill all zombies, if your shotgun still has ammo, it would be a good time to kill the zombie group. When they are all dead, head through the door into the office. --------------- STARS Office --------------- There is another shotgun in the weapons locker, a First Aid Spray in the white pouch, and if you examine the desk in front of the large STARS sign 50 times, a film will be found. Develop it to get Film D. New File! Film D (Picture of Rebecca Chambers in the RPD basketball team) RECRUIT Chris's Diary is on one of the tables. New File! Chris's Diary August 8th I talked to the chief today once again, but he refused to listen to be. I know for certain that Umbrella conducted T-virus research in that mansion. (1) Anyone infected turns into a zombie. But the entire mansion went up in that explosion; along with any incriminating evidence. Since Umbrella employs so many people in town (2), no one is willing to talk about the incident. It looks like I'm running out of options. August 17th We've been receiving a lot of local report about strange monsters appearing at random throughout the city. This must be the work of Umbrella. August 24th With the help of Jill and Barry, I finally obtained information vital to this case. Umbrella has begun research on the new G-virus, a variation of the original T-virus. Haven't they done enough damage already?! We talked it over, and have decided to fly to the main Umbrella HQ in Europe. I won't tell my sister about this trip because doing so would put her in danger. Please forgive me Claire. (3) Explanations: (1) Chris Redfield was one of the STARS Alpha Team members who investigated the Spencer Mansion in Raccoon Forest 2 months ago, where they found out about Umbrella's T-virus research. (2)Umbrella does have a lot of influence in Raccoon City, I don't know why. (3) Claire has been wasting her time in Raccoon City all along! Poor girl. After reading Chris's Diary, you will find a Unicorn Medal on the table. Take it. Claire enters. Leon tells her that she is not going to find her brother here, so he suggests they split up, look for any survivors and get out of here. After this scene, return to the lobby, and place the Unicorn Medal on the slot in front of the statue of the woman, and a Precinct Key, which is a Spade Key will drop down for you to pick up. With your new key, return to the Shutter Hallway 1. Just ignore the zombie arms as they pop out through the boards in the boarded hallway, but Claire will have to deal with 2 zombies that pop in in her B scenario. --------------- Shutter Hall 1 --------------- You can now enter the Spade Key door. --------------- File Room --------------- Examine the shelves for a patrol report. Then push the step ladder towards the shelf with the Crank on top. On that shelf, there are handgun bullets in the bottom shelf. Then climb onto the ladder and take the Square Crank. Now, go to the STARS hall. New File! Patrol Report -Patrol Report- September 20th 9:30 PM Reporter: Sgt. Neil Carlsen We received a report of a suspicious individual skulking around the sewers on the outskirts of Raccoon City. I searched the area and located the individual, but he ran away before I was able to question him. I recovered the following items: *A small amount of C4 plastic explosive. *An electronic detonator. *9x19 parabellum rounds. *Infrared scope [broken]. End of report. Explanation: This file has sparked many debates between many Resident Evil fans about the identity of this individual. In my opinion, simple reasoning is already enough to find the answer. I believe I have the answer, and it can be explained in another file. Read on. --------------- STARS Hall --------------- Unlock the Spade Key door in the other end. Go through. --------------- Outside Library --------------- There are 5 Officer Zombies biting in stereo on one of their victims. Now, equip the shotgun, and aim up and fire! If you are lucky enough, 2 shots can decapitate all of their heads with a loud "Paf!" instead of "Splat!" in other games. I guess the zombies' heads are filled with dehydrated ketchup. Interesting. Examine a locker by the boarded door for handgun bullets. Then go through the other door in the room that you can open. Remember the locked desk for now. --------------- Library --------------- There is a red herb on a table. Take it, then head up the stairs, but do not go through the door yet, instead, run to the part of the catwalk with the gap in the fence. Ouch! Leon falls through the wooden floor into the space below. Trapped? Not exactly. Examine the picture on the wall, it shows an arrangement of the 4 bookshelves. It seems that we have a puzzle in our hands now. Puzzle Time! Bookshelf Puzzle To solve the puzzle, first push the red switch in the space you are in. The bookshelf will slide out. Then Leon can exit. Then head out, and move the 2 leftmost bookshelves to the right. Puzzle solved. The picture slides down, revealing a Bishop Plug. Take it. Then head through the double doors. --------------- Above Lobby --------------- There are many zombies on this balcony, kill them all. Then activate the emergency ladder to provide a shortcut down to the lobby. Afterwards, head through the other door on this balcony. ----------------------- Waiting Room Save Room ----------------------- Deposit the Bishop Plug and the Square Crank and other unnecessary items, and take the small key off the seat. There is a Secretary's Diary A on a desk. With the small key, go all the way back to the room outside the library, and unlock the desk for the Handgun Parts, which can be combined with the Handgun to create the Custom Handgun. This Custom Handgun has the ability to fire 3 shots in a burst if set to Auto mode, but I prefer Manual mode, as zombies do not take fewer shots to kill with this gun. New File! Secretary's Diary A April 6th I accidentally moved one of the stone statues on the second floor when I leaned against it. When the chief found out about it, he was furious. I swear the guy nearly bit my head off, (1) screaming at me never to touch the statue again. If it's so important, then maybe he shouldn't have put it out in the open like that... April 7th I heard that all the art pieces from the chief's collection are rare items, literally worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. (2) I don't know which is the bigger mystery: where he finds those tacky things, or where he's getting the money to pay for them. May 10th I wasn't surprised to see the chief come in today with yet another large picture frame in his hands. This time it was a really disturbing painting depicting a nude person being hanged. I was appalled by the expression on the chief's face as he leered at that painting. (3) Why anyone would consider something like that to be a work of art is beyond my comprehension... Explanation: This is the personality analysis of Chief Brian Irons of the RPD from his secretary's perspective. Apparently, the chief is a very bad tempered (1), rich (2) and rather sadistic (3). Unfortunately, Leon never gets to meet his boss alive. After you have done all of this, take the 2 Virgin Hearts and head through the door by the typewriter. --------------- Burning Hallway --------------- Waste the 2 zombies and head through the other door. --------------- Crow Hallway --------------- Run past the crows and go through the door on the other end of the hallway. IF you have the guts, you can get the handgun bullets from the corpse by examining it twice. New Enemy! Crow Strength: Handgun 1 shot Shotgun: 1 shot and group kill Crows are just crows, and the T-virus has caused them to attack humans. Just run past them. --------------- Helicopter Wreck --------------- Wow, what a wreck! Exploring this area reveals a valve socket used to break open the water tank. This could do well to extinguish the flames. Do down the stairs. *****CITY AREA***** Run past all the zombies, and enter the shack. There is a valve handle on the floor by the typewriter as well as some handgun bullets. Now, return to the Helicopter Wreck. Don't open the other door, or zombies will pop in. *****POLICE STATION***** --------------- Helicopter Wreck --------------- Use the valve handle on the socket to break open the water tank. The water puts out the flames of the helicopter. Inspect the helicopter for more handgun bullets, and head back to the burning hall. --------------- Burning Hall --------------- Go through the door that was previously blocked by the flames. --------------- Art Room --------------- There are some shotgun shells hidden behind some boxes. There is an ink ribbon in the large jar, but I don't think you'll need it. Then, take the Precinct Key, which is a Diamond Key, from the top of a wooden box, and then insert the 2 virgin hearts into the 2 woman upper body statues, and the central statue will open up, revealing a King Plug. Take it and leave. Return to the crow hallway, and go through the door that Leon can unlock. --------------- Outside Stairway --------------- Go down the stairs, taking the herbs if you want. Enter the door there. --------------- Eastern Office --------------- Examine the dead policeman's body for Handgun Bullets. Then kill all zombies in this office. This office is where you find the safe mentioned in the police memorandum earlier. The combination is 2236. Open it, and some shotgun shells will be revealed, as well as the Police Station Map. There are some Green Herbs behind the desk in that office. After this, head through the double doors. --------------- Eastern Hall --------------- Take out your shotgun, and blow the ketchup out of the zombies' heads when they are packed together. Then head through the doors on the other side. ------------------- Interrogation Hall ------------------- Kill all zombies, and head through the door without bars first. -------------------- Interrogator's Room -------------------- Everything seems to be normal, isn't it? Take the Small Key and then leave. Enter the room with bars this time. --------------- Suspect's Room --------------- Take the cord, you'll need it for a Scenario Dependent Event later, then take the Rook Plug from the shelf, attempt to leave, and a Licker who was interrogating you secretly had enough and bursts through the magic mirror! Get out there quick! Then head back to the dark room hall, using the small key on the drawer in the Chest Room for handgun bullets. ------------------ Shutter Hallway 1 ------------------ Scenario Dependent Event! Close the Shutters If you wish to close the shutters in this hallway to prevent zombies from popping in through the windows when you reenter the library later, use the cord on the control panel, and the shutters will close. However, note that the cord will short circuit in the B game, allowing zombies in when Claire enters the library. When you reenter the library, zombies will pop in through the windows in the other shutter hallway, where the shutters are up. It is up to you to decide which hall to use the cord. --------------- Dark Room Hall --------------- Go through the diamond key door in this hall. ------------------ Confiscation Room ------------------ Take out your shotgun, and pop the zombies' heads off. Then examine a drawer in a hidden corner for a Film, which can be developed into Film A, and some shotgun shells in another drawer. New File! Film A (Picture of a black claw with an eyeball on the shoulder, soaked in formalin) Code G Human Body Experiment 9/15 15:24 Explanation: When the G-virus infects humans, one of their arms swell up, and turns black, and that arm will have a claw and an eyeball on the shoulder. You will be able to see this distinctive characteristic of G-type humans when you see William Birkin later. Go through the other door. --------------- Western Office --------------- This is where you met that wounded cop earlier. He is hiding in one of the offices, walk to him and he will turn into a zombie before your very eyes! Turn away, and lure him out of the office, then reenter that office to get the Precinct Key, which is actually the Heart Key. Then take the handgun bullets from the locker, and it seems that the other officers have left a memo to welcome Leon. Pick it up; it is by the party hats and drinks. Then go back to the Eastern Office. New File! Memo to Leon To Leon S. Kennedy, Congratulations on your assignment to the Raccoon City police department. We all look forward to having you as a part of your team and promise to take good care of you. Welcome aboard! From all the guys at the R.P.D. Explanation: No explanation is needed. This is just a memo the other officers wrote to Leon to welcome him to the RPD. --------------- Eastern Office --------------- Go through the Heart Key Door. ----------------- Shutter hallway 2 ----------------- Scenario Dependent Event! Close the Shutters If you wish to close the shutters in this hallway to prevent zombies from popping in through the windows when you reenter the library later, use the cord on the control panel, and the shutters will close. However, note that the cord will short circuit in the B game, allowing zombies in when Claire enters the library. When you reenter the library, zombies will pop in through the windows in the other shutter hallway, where the shutters are up. It is up to you to decide which hall to use the cord. Now, there are some shotgun shells under the shelf by the stairs. Then go down the stairs. ------------------ Police Station B1 ------------------ There are 3 Cerberus dogs in this hallway, take them all out. Then enter the unlocked double doors first. New Enemy! MA-39 Cerberus Strength: Handgun: 6-10 Shots Shotgun: 1-2 Shots These hellhounds are one of the Bio Organic Weapons of Umbrella Inc. They try to bite onto your hand, or will pounce on you, trying to bite your neck off. I suggest you face these dogs in a narrow hallway, so they cannot surround you. There is a cheap way to deal with these dogs, see the Tips and Tricks section for more information. --------------- Breaker Room --------------- There is a breaker device which supplies power to the electronic card reader in the Police Station B1 Hall. You will have to set the voltage to 80V, as stated on the meter. Puzzle Time! Get the power back on, or else... There are a total of 5 switches on the voltage device. Pushing a switch upwards increases the voltage by 36V, and pulling it downwards decreases the voltage by 14V. As 36+36+36-14-14=80, you have to push any 3 switches up, and any 2 switches down. As the voltage at any given moment must lie between 0V and 100V, you cannot pull the 1st switch downwards, or push the 1st 3 switches upwards before pulling the last 2 switches down. After the puzzle, the card reader powers on. Then take the Police Station B1 map and return to the B1 Hall. ----------------------- Police Station B1 Hall ----------------------- Take the handgun bullets from the trash pile. Then go through the door marked, "Parking". --------------- Parking Lot --------------- Run forwards, only to almost be shot by a woman. The woman apologizes, "Sorry, when I saw the uniform I thought you were another of those zombies." Leon asks, "Who are you?" The woman says,"Ada Wong. I am looking for a guy named Ben. He's one of those reporter types, always looking for a scoop. I heard he was locked up in a cell block, only that there's a wrecked car blocking the entrance. I've been trying to find another way inside. If we work together, we can move this thing. Give me a hand, will you?" You heard the lady, push! A door will be revealed. Go through. Note: Notice the typos on the van? Emergencey! Dail 911! Ha ha! My my, this is getting serious... --------------- Cell Block Hall --------------- Once you have entered, Ada Wong, our new independent woman friend runs off. What a woman! Anyway, pick up the handgun bullets from the table. Then go through the door into the cell block next to the table. --------------- Cell Block --------------- Run forward for the shiny object, and a cut scene will start. Leon seemed to be annoyed at Ben's uncooperative attitude, and Ada asks him whether he knows anything about her boyfriend John. Ben refuses to tell them anything, and tells them to get out of here before they lead him to the monsters. Leon then tells him that he is the only cop alive in this building. Ben will then get scared and tell you a way to get out of the city. Apparently, there is a kennel in this area. Inside the kennel is a manhole, go down and Leon will be at the sewer entrance. New Character! Ben Bertolucci Occupation: Reporter Ben is one of the many obsessive reporters you will find in the world. However, this time, he has found out something serious about the events in Raccoon City. However, he is not in the mood to tell you now. Later, he will be killed, what a shame. I think that reporters are not worth dying because of their profession. With this information, get the manhole opener, and go back to the Cell Block Hall, and go through the single door you have not yet entered. --------------- Kennel --------------- Apparently, the police dogs have also become Cerberus. They are trying to jump out of their cages to get at Leon. However, the cage is sturdy enough to hold them back. Just don't get the Red Herb and they cannot get out. Now, open the manhole and go down the ladder. ******SEWAGE DISPOSAL***** --------------- Spider Path --------------- Spiders! Avoid them and go up the stairs. New Enemy! Giant Spider Strength: Handgun, 6-10 shots Shotgun: 2-3 shots Spiders are arachnids that have been enhanced by the T-virus. They charge and pin you down, or spit poison which always causes poisoning in this game. Just run past them, ignore them, or risk getting poisoned. If you are poisoned, use a blue herb. --------------------- Sewage Disposal Hall --------------------- Go through the first door on Leon's left. ---------------------- Storeroom L Save Room ---------------------- Take the blue herb, and save with the ink ribbon if you wish. Then take the Bishop Plug, King Plug and Rook Plug from the item box. Exit. --------------------- Sewage Disposal Hall --------------------- Enter the other door. --------------- Septic Pool --------------- Examine the large locked door in this room. It requires the insertion of 4 plugs, you have 3, well, and one is missing. Anyway, insert the 3 plugs you have and leave. --------------------- Sewage Disposal Hall --------------------- Well, it seems that Ada Wong as found her way into the Sewage Disposal as well. Leon introduces himself to Ada, but Ada is interested in that hole above the shutter. She asks Leon to give her a boost. Then you'll be playing as Ada for a while. As Ada, go through the door in front of you. ------------------------ Sewage Disposal Walkway ------------------------ Kill the 3 Cerberus dogs and go down the elevator. --------------- Pipe Room --------------- Take the shotgun shells, and go back up the elevator. ----------------------- Sewage Disposal Walkway ----------------------- Go through the other door. --------------- Box Room --------------- There is a Sewage Disposal Map on the wall, take it. Then go down the steps into the pool. There are 3 boxes here, which can be used as a bridge when the pool is filled. Push them so that they are lined up in a row. Then climb back up and push the button. The pool fills with water. Cross the bridge and take the precinct key, which is the Club Key. Then return to the Sewage Disposal Hall. ------------------------ Sewage Disposal Hallway ------------------------ Ada will throw the shotgun shells and the Club Key over the hole to Leon. She tells him that she cannot return to him because the hole is too high. She goes off, to find another way. This time, Leon is wrong to think that Ada is leaving him, heh heh. If he were the one on the other side, he would have known. With this new Club Key of yours, head back to the Police Station B1. *****POLICE STATION***** ------------------ Police Station B1 ------------------ Kill the 2 Lickers. Then enter the double doors marked Autopsy Room. --------------- Autopsy Room --------------- Wow, so many bodies on the floor. Anyway, go and take the Red Card Key from the corner, and a zombie bursts out from a drawer, and his friends all wake up from their slumber. Get out, quick! ------------------ Police Station B1 ------------------ Use the card key on the reader, and it will unlock. GO into the Ammunition Storage. ------------------- Ammunition Storage ------------------- Take all the ammo you find. There is a Scenario Dependent Event in here. Scenario Dependent Event! Should I Take the Items? Inside the locker is a side pack, with 2 extra item blocks, and a Sub-Machine Gun, which takes 2 item blocks. If you take these items now, Claire will not be able to get them in her B scenario, so I strongly suggest you ignore these items. With all your ammo stocked up, go up the stairs to the Shutter Hallway 2. ----------------- Shutter Hallway 2 ----------------- Go through the Club Key door by the stairs. ------------------ Staff Common Room ------------------ There are some shotgun shells in the locker. There is a Magnum on the desk behind the dead policeman. There is also a watchman's diary on the bunk bed. New Weapon! Magnum Ammo: Magnum Bullets in units of 8 The Magnum is inarguably Leon's most powerful weapon. It should be saved for bosses, particularly William Birkin. For other enemies, the magnum kills them instantly by decapitation. Like the handgun and shotgun, it can be upgraded. New File! Watchman's Diary August 11th I finally had the chance to see blue skies for the first time in ages, but it did little to lift my spirits. I was reprimanded by the chief fro neglecting my duties while I was up on the clock tower. There's only one thing I still don't understand: the chief seemed to be more concerned about the fact that I was up on the tower rather than that I was neglecting my duties. Why was access to the tower prohibited in the first place anyway? (1) September 5th I recently talked to the old man who works in the scrap yard out back. His name is Thomas. He's a quiet man and really seems to enjoy chess. He even went so far as to design a special key and lock engraved with chess pieces on them for on of the doors in the disposal yard. (2)We made plans to play chess tomorrow night. I can't help but wonder how good he is. One thins that's been bothering me about him is the way he's always scratching himself (3). Does he have some sort of skin disease or he is just rude? September 9th Thomas was a much better player than I had imagined. I used to think of myself as a fairly decent player, but he did a good job of humbling me. About the only thing I imagine that could match his skills in chess is his appetite. All the guy did was talk about food throughout the entire game. (4) He sounded fairly healthy, but he didn't look quite right... I wonder if he's okay. September 12th I was supposed to play another game of chess with Thomas, but we had to cancel it because he hasn't been feeling too well. He stopped by to see me, but I told him to go back and rest since he literally looked like the walking dead. He insisted that he was just fine, but I could tell he was really having problems. Come to think of it, I haven't been feeling too good myself lately... Explanations: (1) The knight plug is found in the clock tower. (2) This explains the lock with all the plugs in the Sewage Disposal. (3) People working in Umbrella facilities can easily be infected by the T-Virus. One of the early symptoms includes itchy skin. (4) Another symptoms of the T-Virus infection: The person infected becomes extremely hungry. Head back to the Interrogation Hall. ------------------- Interrogation Hall ------------------- Go through the green Club Key door. ---------------------- Press Conference Room ---------------------- There is a film on the table, which can be developed into Film B, there is a picture with a Gold Cogwheel on the wall too. It tells you to listen to the queen, king and then the jack. Well, finally, a puzzle! Puzzle Time! Listening to the Royals See a gas burner in a corner by the main desk? Use your lighter to light up a fire, and then there are 3 gas burner faucets on the wall with numbers 11, 12 and 13. If you have been playing cards, you will know that Jack is 11, Queen is 12 and King is 13, so turn on the faucets in the order 12, 13 and 11 and the Golden Cogwheel will drop onto the ground. With the Cogwheel, go back to the library, and take the square crank with you from the item box. New File! Film B (Picture of an unconscious person) Pictured in front of the Arukas tailor. Regressed into a zombie within two hours. Subject repeatedly complained about severe agitation of the epidermis in addition to feelings of nausea. This happened up to the moment he lost consciousness. Picture by R. Lambert Explanation: Arukas Tailor is one of the shops you saw in the streets in the beginning of the game where you ran out of the crash site. This film again describes the symptoms of the T-Virus infection. --------------- Library --------------- Take one step forward and... Scenario Dependent Event! Zombie Invasion Wham! Some zombies have burst in through the windows in one of the shutter hallways, that hallway is the one that you have not used the cord in. If you still did not use the cord, then zombies will burst in in both of the hallways. Now, are you glad that you have used the cord now? In the B Scenario, zombies will burst in through the shutter hallway with the shutters down and many rooms near that hallway will be infested with zombies. So in the B scenario, DO NOT ENTER THE LIBRARY UNTIL MUCH LATER! I MEAN IT! Go up the stairs and through the door. --------------- 3F Balcony --------------- Go through the other door. --------------- Clock Tower --------------- Use the square crank on the hole and a set of stairs will be lowered. Go up, and place the gold cogwheel into the hole. Press the button and a metal board to Leon's right will open, revealing the knight plug, the last of the 4 plugs. After taking the plug, jump down the dust chute. Wheeeeee!! --------------- Cell Block Hall --------------- It seems that some monsters have entered Ben's cell. That monster sticks something into Ben's mouth, and leaves, not before he showed off his G-type eye to everyone. What are you waiting for, Leon? Go and investigate Ben's cell. --------------- Cell Block --------------- Leon finds Ben lying on the ground. Ben now tells Leon the truth. Chief Brian Irons has been conspiring with Umbrella all along. "Get that scum, make him pay." Ben says. Leon replies, "Hang in there, Ben!" Suddenly, Ben cries, "My chest, it's burning!" Leon asks, "What's wrong!?" Some salamander like creature bursts out of his chest happily, crying "I'm free! Free at last!" and scuttles off. Then Ada comes in very shocked, "Good God! What was that?" New File! Mail to the Chief To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have lost the mansion lab facility due to the actions of the renegade operative, Albert Wesker. (1) Fortunately, his interference will have no lasting effects upon our continuing virus research. Our only present concern is the presence of the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members: Redfield, Valentine, Burton, Chambers and Vickers. If it comes to light that the S.T.A.R.S. have any evidence as to the activities of our research, dispose of them in such a manner that would appear to be purely accidental. Continue to monitor their progress and make certain their knowledge does not go public. Annette will continue to be your contact through out this affair. (2) William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. I have deposited the amount of US $10,000 to the account for your services this term as per our agreement. (3) The development of the G-Virus scheduled to replace the T-Virus, is near completion. Once completed, I am certain that I will be appointed to tbe a member of the executive board for Umbrella Inc. It is imperative that we proceed with extreme caution. Redfield and the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members are still attempting to uncover information on the project. (4)Continue to monitor their activities and block all attempts to investigate the underground research facilities. William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons,, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have a problem. I have received information informing me that Umbrella HQ has sent spies to recover my research on the G-virus. There are an unknown numbers of agents involved. They must not be allowed to take this project away from me as it represents my entire life's work. Search the city thoroughly for any suspicious persons. (5) Detain any such individuals by whatever means deemed necessary and contact me immediately through Annette. With these precautions, any possible threat should be eliminated. I will not allow anyone to steal my work on the G-virus. No even Umbrella... (6) William Birkin Explanations: (1) What? I thought Albert Wesker had made Umbrella think that he is dead. See Wesker's Report for details. (2) Annette Birkin is William's wife, like her husband, Annette is rather crazy at times, and loves her husband rather too much, too much. I mean it. You will meet her later. (3) This proves that Brian Irons really is corrupt. (4) This explains why Chief Brian Irons refused to listen to Chris about the T-virus. (5) With this information, I can conclude that the suspicious person near the sewers in the Patrol Report is one of Agent Hunk's team members. This is because if that individual is a man, Ada Wong is out the question. As only Ada and Hunk's team are to recover the G-virus, there is only one possibility, that person is one of Hunk's men. (6) Why? William? I thought if he just let those umbrella spies to get the G-virus, the higher-ups of Umbrella would give him credit for this and appoint him to the executive board of Umbrella. After this, Ada will run off. "Where are you going, Ada?" Leon asks. Ada tells him, "I am going to the chemical plant, I get the feeling that's where I'll find John." She runs off. "Ada, wait, wait!" What a woman, return to the Sewage Disposal. *****SEWAGE DISPOSAL***** -------------------- Sewage Disposal Hall -------------------- Enter the septic pool. --------------- Septic Pool --------------- Walk a little bit forward, and the creature that burst out of Ben's body will mutate into a creature that looks like E.T.! That E.T. spits out more salamander like babies and comes to attack Leon! Boss Battle! G-Type Mutant Strength: Shotgun: 9-10 shots That is right, the only G-virus monster in this game other than William Birkin himself! This monster is rather slow, most of the damage done to Leon in this battle is from those smaller offspring. When one latches onto you, quickly shake the joystick and buttons very quickly to knock them off. After about 9-10 shots of the shotgun, this mutant will die, and dissolve into a small hunk of meat. You can watch the body shrivel up with pleasure, or just run to the lock and insert the knight plug. This door opens, and enter. --------------- Settlement Tank --------------- Leon sees some dust drop from the ceiling, and Ada drops through! Leon sees her, and is rather fed up with her running off attitude. "What was that about? Running of like that is reckless and stupid. Those zombies are everywhere, not to mention the thing that got Ben." Ada still isn't persuaded, "I was there Leon, I knew." Leon says, "Look, as an officer, it is my job to look after you. We are not going to get out of this alive if we don't work together." Ada finally agrees, "We'll do this your way. You know." With Ada, go through the water door. You are officially in the Sewer. *****SEWER***** --------------- Watergate Room --------------- Head through the other door and pick up the blue herbs on the way. ------------------------- Control Room 2 Save Room ------------------------- There is a Sewer Manager Fax on the table. There are some handgun bullets in the brown drawer. Save if you wish, then head down the elevator, taking the valve handle with you. New File! Sewer Manager Fax -User List of the Connecting Facility- On the first and third Wednesdays of the month, Angelica Margaret, chief of maintenance, will make use of the facilities. Be sure to reduce the moisture levels in the facility by activating the fan, as the equipment she will be using is susceptible to the effects of water vapors. On the 28th of every month, the chemical transporter Don Weller will use the facility. The chemicals he will be transporting are extremely volatile. Extreme caution should be observed throughout their transport. On the 6th and 16th of every month, police chief Brian Irons will visit the facility to attend the regular meetings that take place in the lab. On the fourth Friday of every other month, William Birkin will use the facility to conduct a training seminar for the Chicago branch of Umbrella Inc. As the probability of an attack upon Dr. Birkin will be high, take every measure conceivable to guard his life. You will be informed of all other potential visitors and the times they will arrive as needed. Guide these individuals to their destination safely. We expect nothing but the best from you. Charles Coleman Secretary Chief Umbrella Headquarters Explanation: This gives you an idea of the monthly routines of the Sewer system. ------------------- Sewer Junction Hall ------------------- Go a step forward, and a woman will run away form Leon and Ada, Ada moves to see what's going on. Leon said, "Ada! Heads off!" and deflected the shot on Ada. Ada sees Leon unconscious, "That woman was, I have to talk to her." You are now playing as Ada for the 2nd time, take the Sewer Map off the wall, and go through the door that woman went through. --------------- Sewer Room 1 --------------- That woman has gone up a ladder and into a fan. Follow her. There are 2 spiders in this hall, kill them beforehand, as ammo is not an issue for Ada. --------------- Fan --------------- Just ignore the cockroaches and go down the ladder at the other side. ------------------ Upper Bridge Room ------------------ Walk a few steps forward, and the woman who shot Leon will come and confront Ada Wong. That woman is, Annette Birkin, the wife of the inventor of the G-Virus. Ada pretends she does not know about the G-Virus. New Character! Annette Birkin Annette Birkin is the wife of the G-Virus inventor, William Birkin. Like her husband, Annette is just as twisted. Following the assault on her husband, she has turned paranoid and thinks that everyone she meets is after her husband's G-virus. She has a daughter, Sherry Birkin. Well, I guess even maniacs can reproduce... Annette will then accuse Umbrella for causing her husband's demise. This is her story. Inside the Birkin Lab, 2 commandos wearing some kind of gas mask walk slowly forwards in the hallway. "This way," one of the commandos said. Meanwhile in the P-4 Laboratory, William Birkin is admiring his latest work. HE takes out a vial of G-Virus. "The sheer perfection, my precious G-Virus. No one can ever take you away from me." Suddenly, the 2 commandos enter his lab. 'There he is!" "So you've finally come," Birkin says, taking out his pistol. "Doctor, we are here for the G-Virus sample." "Sorry, but I just cannot hand over my life's work..." Unfortunately, William Birkin knocked a container off the table, and one of the commandos opened fire on him. Seriously wounding him. The other commando stops him, "Stop it! You might hit the sample!" He takes William's case off his hands. "That's it all right, let's move out!" Meanwhile, in the sewers, Agent Hunk receives the transmission. "Alpha Team, Mission Accomplished. We will rendezvous at the meeting point." Hunk says, "Roger!" In the lab, William decides to inject the G-virus into his body, and his eyes go red immediately. Annette explains to Ada that the G-virus has the ability to revive cellular functions. So in the sewers, Hunk's team hears "Rooooooarrrrrrrrr!" And it was William, in his monstrous form! 3 of hunk's man gets slashed to death in the sewers, and Hunk himself gets to see the trademark look of William Birkin's eyes before he was knocked unconscious. Meanwhile, rats scuttle over the broken T-Virus containers in the sewers, and spreads the virus all over the city. (Note: The virus may have used the backflow effect to move up people's drains into their houses.) After her story. Ada and Annette will have a struggle in super slow motion, with Ada victorious. Annette gets knocked into the sewage pool below. Ada picks up her gun. Now, just cross the bridge and climb down the ladder. Ada sees something and screams! Now, Leon wakes up in the Sewer Junction Hall. As Leon, go through the door that Ada went. --------------- Sewer Room 1 --------------- Explore the room to find 2 dead Umbrella commandos. Examine their bodies for Shotgun Shells and a Wolf Medal, then head through the other door. --------------- Sewer Room 2 --------------- Kill the 2 spiders, as they can be a nuisance. Then insert the Wolf Medal in the slot in the machine by the door blocked by the waterfall. Then go through the double doors. ------------------ Lower Bridge Room ------------------ Use the valve handle to move the bridge down, then cross. On the other side, use the valve handle to raise the bridge back to where it was. There are some more Shotgun Shells and Green Herbs here. Then head through the door. --------------- Alligator Room --------------- Go along this hallway, and you will see a gas canister on the wall, remember this. Then continue until you see the large waste dump. Leon sees Ada shooting at something in the water, only to find that it is a Giant Alligator, and he seems please to meet, errr... I mean eat Leon! Scenario Dependent Event! How should I destroy the Alligator? There are 2 ways to get rid of the Alligator, one is by keep shooting him until he falls, but this wastes ammo, and the Alligator will wake up and attack Claire in her B scenario. So, a better method is to just run back to the gas canister, and examine it to release the gas canister. Later the Alligator will come and bite onto the gas canister. Then Leon can shoot the canister in the Alligator's mouth, and boom! The top of the Alligator's head flies clean off! After this battle, go to the brown rusty gate and unlock it. Then open the gate to find Ada. Ada tells Leon that she knows that John is dead, so she only wants to get of here now. So, climb up the ladder. ----------------- Upper Bridge Room ----------------- Cross the bridge with Ada and go over to the control panel. Take the Eagle Medal from the corpse's hand and the Sewer Manager Diary on the panel. New File! Sewer Manager Diary June 28th It's been a while, but I saw Don today and we talked after completing our work. He told me he had been sick in bed until yesterday. It really doesn't come as much of a surprise given how long he's been working here. He was sweating like a horse and kept scratching his body while we were talking. (1) I asked if he was hot, but he just looked at me funny. What's wrong with him anyway? July 7th Chief Irons has been visiting the lab quite often lately. I don't know what he's doing over there but he always looks grim. The expression on his face has been even more unsettling than usual... My guess is that it's because of Dr. Birkin's impossible requests. The chief has my sympathies though. After all he's done for the town, he doesn't deserve this. July 21st I rarely drink because I'm on the grave yard shift, but I don't suppose I have much to complain about since this is how I make my living. August 16th Chief Irons came in late today, looking grimmer than his usual self. I tired to joke with him to cheer him up but he wasn't amused. He pulled his gun and threatened to shoot me! I was able to calm him down, but that guy must have some serious problems. He knows he can't enter the lab without my help and my medal. (2) This is what it means for the chief "to serve and protect"!? August 21st William informed me that the police and media have begun their investigation on Umbrella's affairs. (3) He said that the investigation will be citywide and that there is a possibility that they'll even search through the sewers. He asked me to suspend all Umbrella sewer facility operations until the investigation has concluded. The sewer will still be used for passage, but he stressed that I have to be extremely cautious and that I'd lose my job if anyone finds out about this operation. Explanations: (1) The occupational hazard of Umbrella employees: They always have the risk of getting infected by Umbrella's viruses, the T-Virus in this case. (2) This again shows that Chief Brian Irons has mental problems. Apart from this, this sentence shows that the Wolf Medal and Eagle Medals are used to reveal a passageway into Umbrella's secret lab. (3) Although the "Mansion Incident" was not made public in Raccoon City, people outside Raccoon started to raise concerns about Umbrella, and are investigating the city. There is a hole for the valve handle to slow down the fan. Use the valve handle and the fan stops. Climb up the ladder. You will be in the fan again. Then you can just go back to Sewer Hallway 2 and insert the Eagle Medal into the slot, and then the waterfall will stop, enabling Leon and Ada to reach the door. Go through. --------------- Wooden Hallway --------------- Go through the hallway, and you will hear the earth shake. What could hat be? Go through the door at the other end. --------------- Cable Car Stop --------------- Run to the control panel to activate the cable car, then enter. --------------- Cable Car --------------- The cable car ride seems uneventful, but suddenly, "Roar"! Some claw sticks into the car and tries to swipe at Leon and Ada. To get rid of this nuisance, just run around the cable car, staying away from the dropping dust from the ceiling, as that's where the claw will strike. After Ada has shot the claw enough times, the claw leaves you alone, and you can exit. Welcome to the Vacant Factory. *****VACANT FACTORY***** --------------- Cable Car Stop --------------- There is a flare gun, light it up, to reveal a glow on the ground. Examine the glow for a Weapon Box Key, then go through the door. --------------- Passageway 1 --------------- Just let Ada kill all the zombies for you, and explore the room to find a dead end with a corpse on the ground. Examine it for the shotgun parts, combine them with the shotgun for a custom shotgun! This new shotgun is much more powerful, and has a spread effect! Be sure to use it! Afterwards, head through the other door. --------------- Passageway 2 --------------- Again, just let Ada kill all zombies for you, take the herbs if you wish, and then climb up the ladder. ------------------ Factory Save Room ------------------ Grab all the ammo, save if you want, and go through the door, taking the magnum with you. --------------- Turntable --------------- Examine the barrels for handgun bullets, and the wall for the Vacant Factory Map, and go into the car on the turntable, take the Control Panel Key, which is a Down Key, and go out and use the key on the yellow control panel. Press the activation switch and the turntable will go down, and Leon and Ada will go inside the train car. Inside the Train Car, the monster's claw will crash through the wall, and punch Ada, knocking her unconscious. Leon will decide to investigate. Before going out, equip the Magnum, and take the Magnum Bullets from the toilet beforehand. When you are outside, walk a little bit forward and someone throws away his iron bar. It is William Birkin! His head shrivels into his body, revealing a new head! He jumps down, eager to get Leon! Boss Battle! William Birkin 2nd Form Strength: Magnum: About 11 shots This William Birkin mutation is rather slow, and you can just use the hit and run technique to evade him most of the time. However, his claws have a very long swipe radius, so be careful when you try to run past him, as he will slash you twice if he succeeds. Otherwise, this battle is rather simple. After the music ends, the battle is over. Reenter the train car, and Leon will carry Ada into the security room of the Laboratory. *****LABORATORY***** ------------------------ Security Room Save Room ------------------------ Leon places Ada onto the bed, and tells her to rest, and a rather romantic conversation will follow, after the conversation, take all the ammo, including the ammo in the locker, and head out. --------------- Turntable --------------- Go through the green door. ------------------ Lab Central Shaft ------------------ The lab is not powered up; as the main fuse is missing in the device. Anyway, go through the blue door, the one that can be accessed now. --------------- East Area --------------- Go through the frozen double doors. --------------- Cold Storage --------------- See the strange apparatus here? Take the fuse case on the rack and use it on the apparatus, and the main fuse will be available for use. With the main fuse, go back to the Lab Central Shaft and use the fuse on the breaker, and the lab will receive power. Then head through the red door. --------------- West Area --------------- Operate the shutter, and 2 humanoid plants will pop out! New Enemy! Humanoid Plants Strength: Custom Shotgun: 2 shots + group kill Flamethrower: About 5% The humanoid plants are a new addition to the Resident Evil series. They spray green slime onto Leon, and can grab Leon and bite off his head! So it's best to take them from a distance with the Custom Shotgun. However, if you have the guts, you can always surprise them and spray them to death with the Flamethrower! With the 2 plants dead, go to the 2 adjacent doors and go through the door that isn't locked. -------------------- Plant Tentacle Room -------------------- There is a Flamethrower in the locker, as well as 2 files scattered around. Take them, and use the lighter on the spilt oil to burn the tentacles. Then Leon can climb through the vent. New Weapon! Flamethrower This is a close range combat weapon that blows a stream of flame. This is effective against humanoid plants and zombies as well. There are no refills, like in Resident Evil Remake, but this weapon is much more powerful and has enough ammo to last till the end. New File! Laboratory Security Manual Laboratory Security Manual -Security measures in case of an emergency- In the instance of an uncontainable biohazardous breakout, all security measures will be directed toward the underground transport facility. In the instance that any abnormalities are detected among cargo in transit, all materials will automatically be transported from the loading zone to the designated high-speed train. (1) At which point, all materials will be isolated and disposed of immediately. In the instance of a Class 1 emergency, the entire train will be purged and disposed of without delay. (2) In the instance that the lab itself becomes contaminated, the northern most route currently used to transport materials to and from the facility will be designated as the emergency escape route. This route will secure passage to the relay point outside the city limits. (3) Disclosure about any information regarding research conducted here, or the existence of this facility, is strictly prohibited. Since it is top priority to keep all research classified, escape access may be denied under certain extenuating circumstances. Explanations: (1) Leon and Claire can use the high-speed train in the Transport Facility to escape. (2) In case of a very serious emergency, the train's self destruct system will activate. (3) The train will end up outside the Raccoon City Limits. New File! User Registration Temporary User Registration for the Culture Experiment Room. User Name: "GUEST" Password: None Valid for 24 hours. Explanation: This file tells you the username and password to access the culture experimentation room. Remember the registration for a Scenario Dependent Event later. Scenario Dependent Event! The Anti-BOW Gas Sprinkler Inside this room, there is an Anti-BOW Gas Sprinkler. If you use it, all the Humanoid Plants will be weakened and take less ammo to kill. However, if you use this sprinkler, the plants will absorb the gas and become red and poisonous in Claire's B scenario, so it is best to leave it alone. ----------------- Super Licker Room ----------------- This room has 2 super lickers. Sneak up on them and blast them to second heaven with your Custom Shotgun. Then examine the locker for 2 boxes of Shotgun Shells. Take them and leave. --------------- West Area --------------- There are 2 more humanoid plants in this room, kill them, and go through the door behind the opened shutter. ----------------- Giant Plant Shaft ----------------- Burn the humanoid plant and climb down, and then go through the door below. --------------- Licker Hallway --------------- Kill all Super Licker, and go through the door in the other end. Remember the MO Disc reader. --------------- Monitor Room --------------- Save if you wish, and take the Laboratory Map from the computer. Take the weapon box key and the magnum with you. Go through the door by the typewriter. -------------------- P-4 Laboratory Lobby -------------------- Go through the double doors marked P-4 Laboratory. --------------- P-4 Laboratory --------------- Inside, use the weapon box key on the locker with the white light. Then get the magnum parts, combine it with the magnum for the Custom Magnum! Wow! Powerful! Then go through the automatic doors, killing all zombies that stand in your path. Get the Laboratory Key Card. Then head out tothe lobby. -------------------- P-4 Laboratory Lobby -------------------- Scenario Dependent Event! The Giant Moth IF you are interested in accessing the Culture Experimentation Room in Claire's B Scenario, enter the card key door in this lobby. Inside is a giant moth, blast him to pieces with your Custom Shotgun, and clear the moth larvae on the computer. Enter the Username: Guest and no password, and register your fingerprint. Head back to the East Area, regardless of whether you have done the above action. --------------- East Area --------------- If you have followed my tip above, open the shutter and register Leon's fingerprint on the lock, however, Leon cannot open the lock, because he needs another person's fingerprint to enter that room. That person is Claire, and so you will have wait until Claire's B Scenario in order to open the lock. Now unlock the card key door and enter. -------------------- VAM Synthesizer Room -------------------- Kill all zombies and take the magnum bullets, turn on the light, and get the MO Disc off the trolley, then exit. --------------- East Area --------------- Attempt to leave, and Annette Birkin will confront you and accuse Leon of conspiring with Ada to steal the G-Virus. Leon tries to back Ada, but Annette wants to shoot Leon. However, the ceiling collapses and knocks her out. Leon then picks up the G-Virus. The self destruct system has been activated! Hurry! Now return to the Licker Hallway. --------------- Lab Main Shaft --------------- On your way back, Ada will confront Leon and threaten him to give her the G-Virus. Leon refuses, and Ada's affection for Leon prevented her from shooting him. Suddenly, Annette shoots her in the shoulder and knocks her into the shaft! Leon tries to pull her back up, but Ada lets go, and falls down. Leon is pretty fed up with this whole matter, amd looks at the G-Virus. "So, this is what everyone's been dying for." He throws the G-Virus away. After this cutscene, return to the licker hallway. --------------- Licker Hallway --------------- There are now naked zombies in this hallway, kill them all and insert the MO Disc into the reader. Now, I strongly suggest you go to the monitor room, save and take some full healing items with you before proceed. OF course, don't forget your Custom Magnum! With the preparations completed, go through the door revealed. --------------- Transport Access --------------- Move a few steps forward, and then the PA system will announce that there are 5 minutes until detonation. Activate the elevator, and something will crash through the roof! It's William Birkin, and he is in a very bad mood! Boss Battle! William Birkin 4th and 5th forms Strength: Custom Magnum: Just keep shooting until he falls. The 4th form of William Birkin is rather slow, and can be caused to mutate by just continuously shooting him with the magnum while standing. However, after this, he mutates into his 5th form! The 5th form is like a frog, and he will try to use his new "mouth" to bite and snag Leon, just like a cute little doggie... ohhhhh... No, it's not cute! This move can kill Leon in one attack if he is in Yellow Caution! So Leon should use the hit and run technique to continuously dodge the monster, and regularly heal yourself if you get injured. After enough shots, William Birkin will fall and melt1 And the elevator would have arrived. What took it so long?! Go down the elevator. Note: Another Typo! The ground says Platform Elevater! Capcom should really hire proofreaders! *****TRANSPORT***** Run a few steps forward and you will see the ending FMV. Apparently, Claire has already got the Train ready, and Leon manages to jump in through the gap between 2 adjacent Train Cars. Leon tells Claire that this is just the beginning, as Claire has to find her brother. Meanwhile, Leon enters the driver compartment and says, "Goodbye, Ada." This is the end, or is it? To find out what happened to Claire throughout this mess, and the true ending, please play Claire's B Scenario! --------------------------------------------------- 6. Protecting Sherry Birkin: Claire's B Scenario --------------------------------------------------- After the FMV scene featuring Leon and Claire's horrible looking eyeballs, Leon ends up outside a fire caused by the fuel truck driven by the zombie driver. He tells Claire to meet him at the Police Station. *****CITY AREA***** Run past all the zombies and go through the door at the other end. There are more zombies in this area, enter the guard shack and take the cabin key. Then enter the Cabin. Inside the cabin, take the Handgun Bullets and out the other door, don't worry about the "zombie chorus", just don't go through the door you came in and they will not come and get you. Outside the cabin, just avoid the zombies and go up the stairs. *****POLICE STATION***** --------------- Helicopter Wreck --------------- As soon as Claire gets up, she finds a policeman asking a helicopter to lower down to pick him up, but zombies sneak up behinds him and attacks him. The policeman runs away from them, away from the helicopter (Bad Move, and tries to shoot the zombies with his sub-machine gun. However, the zombies don't seem to feel pain, maybe because the policeman's bullets are made of rubber, and bites the policeman. In the confusion, the policeman ends up shooting the helicopter pilot, and the chopper crashes into the wall! What a wreck! Exploring this area reveals a valve socket used to break open the water tank. This could do well to extinguish the flames. Do through the door. --------------- Crow Hallway --------------- Run past the crows and go through the first door you see on the other end of the hallway. New Enemy! Crow Strength: Handgun 1 shot Crows are just crows, and the T-virus has caused them to attack humans. Just run past them. --------------- Outside Stairway --------------- Go down the stairs, taking the herbs if you want. Enter the door there. --------------- Eastern Office --------------- Examine the dead policeman's body for Handgun Bullets. Then kill all zombies in this office. Use the knife if necessary as you will be short of ammo at the moment. This office is where you find the safe mentioned in the police memorandum earlier. The combination is 2236. Open it, and some Acid Rounds will be revealed, as well as the Police Station Map. There are some Green Herbs behind the desk in that office as well as some more handgun bullets on the desk itself. After this, take the valve handle and head through the double doors. --------------- Eastern Hall --------------- Just avoid the zombies and go through the door in that corner. --------------- Lobby --------------- There is no one here. Run to the reception desk, get the Grenade Launcher. The computer cannot be accessed yet. Now, return to the Eastern Hall. New Weapon! Grenade Launcher Ammo: Grenade Rounds, Acid Rounds and Flame Rounds in units of 6. The Grenade Launcher is Claire's most powerful weapon in the game. It comes in 3 different types of ammo. The Grenade Rounds are actually cluster bombs, so they are effective against large groups of zombies. Just watch the limbs fly! The Acid Rounds are effective against all bare-skin creatures, as Sulfuric Acid is a powerful oxidizing and dehydrating agent. So use them against Lickers and Mr. X. The Flame Rounds are effective against creepy crawlies like spiders, the giant moth, plants and G-Types like William Birkin. So use your ammo accordingly. --------------- Eastern Hall --------------- Take out your Grenade Launcher, and blow the ketchup out of the zombies' heads when they are packed together. Then return to the helicopter wreck. ---------------- Helicopter Wreck ---------------- Use the valve handle on the socket and the water will put out the helicopter fire. Examine the helicopter for Acid Rounds. Suddenly, a helicopter with 6 canisters marked T-00 hovers over the police station and drops one canister. Its contents drops out and lands in the crow hallway! Are ou scared? Return to the crow hallway. --------------- Crow Hallway --------------- All the crows are gone, and debris has blocked the door leading back to the wreck. Run along the hallway and that monster comes over to get Claire! It's Mr. X, the Tyrant! New Enemy! Mr. X Strength: Grenade Launcher with Acid Rounds: 3-5 rounds Mr. X is the Tyrant sent by Umbrella to obtain the G-Virus and to get rid of Nosey Parkers Leon and Claire. He is slow, and attacks by punching, just attack him with acid rounds until he falls. After he is down, examine Mr. X's body for 30 Handgun Bullets and the corpse of the policeman twice for 15 more, then go through the door in the other end. --------------- Burning Hall --------------- Go to the door by the destroyed door and Claire will hear a scream. Who is it? Then go through the door. --------------- Art Room --------------- There is an ink ribbon in the large jar, but I don't think you'll need it. Then, take the Key Card, from the top of a wooden box, There are 2 statues with slots for some jewels to fit in. Remember them. Then attempt to leave, and a Licker jumps down through the window on the ceiling! New Enemy! Licker Strength: Grenade Launcher with Grenade Rounds: 2-3 Rounds Grenade Launcher with Acid Rounds: 1-2 Rounds These long tongue monsters are new in the Resident Evil series. They attack by claw swiping Leon on the ground, or doing a jumping swipe, much like the Hunters. Waste them with the shotgun! When they die, they cry, "Orarrghorrgh!" which is similar to the voice of Brazilian soccer fans during the World Cup! Ha ha! After the licker is dead, go back to the burning hall, and through the middle door, you will end up in the waiting room. ----------------------- Waiting Room Save Room ----------------------- Deposit any unnecessary items. There is a Secretary's Diary A on a desk. There are also 30 Handgun Bullets on the desk. With your new ammo, go through the other door to the balcony above the lobby. New File! Secretary's Diary A April 6th I accidentally moved one of the stone statues on the second floor when I leaned against it. When the chief found out about it, he was furious. I swear the guy nearly bit my head off, (1) screaming at me never to touch the statue again. If it's so important, then maybe he shouldn't have put it out in the open like that... April 7th I heard that all the art pieces from the chief's collection are rare items, literally worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. (2) I don't know which is the bigger mystery: where he finds those tacky things, or where he's getting the money to pay for them. May 10th I wasn't surprised to see the chief come in today with yet another large picture frame in his hands. This time it was a really disturbing painting depicting a nude person being hanged. I was appalled by the expression on the chief's face as he leered at that painting. (3) Why anyone would consider something like that to be a work of art is beyond my comprehension... Explanation: This is the personality analysis of Chief Brian Irons of the RPD from his secretary's perspective. Apparently, the chief is a very bad tempered (1), rich (2) and rather sadistic (3). Claire gets to meet him, contrary to Leon. --------------- Above Lobby --------------- There are many zombies on this balcony, kill them all, preferably with the knife, as there is plenty of room to retreat. Only use the handgun if you are really cornered, and go back to the waiting room and out again to reset the positions of the zombies. Take the Unicorn Medal off the wall in the other end of the balcony past the double doors to the library. Then activate the emergency ladder to provide a shortcut down to the lobby. Afterwards, climb back down to the lobby. --------------- Lobby --------------- Firstly, use the unicorn medal on the circular slot in the fountain, and a Precinct Key, which is the Spade Key. Then use the keycard on the computer, and the double doors leading to the library and the door to the chest room will be unlocked. Go to the chest room first. Warning! Do not go to the library until much later in the game, because the cord Leon used in the A Scenario will short out, causing the shutters to open up in one of the shutter hallways, allowing zombies to climb into the hallway and other adjacent rooms will also be refilled with zombies. --------------- Chest Room --------------- There are zombies here, kill them all! Deposit any unwanted items into the item box, then take the Police Memorandum off the seat. There is a desk in the room. Use the lockpick on it and a first aid spray will be revealed. Head through the other door. New File! Police Memorandum 8/23/1998 This letter is just to inform everyone about the recent movement of equipment that has happened during the precinct's arrangement. The safe with four digit lock has been moved from the STARS office on the second floor (1), to the eastern office on the first floor. "2236" (2) Raccoon Police Liaison Dept. Explanations: (1) The STARS office is on the second floor. (2) The combination of the safe is 2236, remember it. --------------- Shutter Hall 1 --------------- Take the handgun bullets from the headless body and go through the spade key door. --------------- File Room --------------- Examine the shelves for a patrol report. Then push the step ladder towards the shelf with the lighter on top. With the lighter, return to the shutter hallway and go through the door to Claire's right. New File! Patrol Report -Patrol Report- September 20th 9:30 PM Reporter: Sgt. Neil Carlsen We received a report of a suspicious individual skulking around the sewers on the outskirts of Raccoon City. I searched the area and located the individual, but he ran away before I was able to question him. (1) I recovered the following items: *A small amount of C4 plastic explosive. *An electronic detonator. *9x19 parabellum rounds.(2) *Infrared scope [broken]. End of report. Explanations: (1) This file has sparked many debates between many Resident Evil fans about the identity of this individual. In my opinion, simple reasoning is already enough to find the answer. I believe I have the answer, and it can be explained in another file. Read on. (2) The plastic bomb can be found in the confiscation room, and the detonator in the western office. --------------- Boarded Hall --------------- Kill the 2 zombies that broke through the barricades. Then go through the first set of double doors you see. --------------- Operations Room --------------- There is an Operations Report on a table, then head through the gap to the left of the whiteboard. There is a fireplace, with a painting of a naked woman. The title is "Sacrifice to the hellfire." So use the lighter on the fireplace and the painting will be burnt, revealing a red jewel. Take it. Then go out to the boarded hall and go through the single door in the other end. New File! Operation Report -Operation report- September 26th The Raccoon Police department was unexpectedly attacked by zombies. Many have been injured. Even more were killed. During the attack, our communications equipment was destroyed and we no longer have contact with the outside. We have decided to carry out an operation with the intent of rescuing any possible survivors as well as to prevent this disaster from spreading beyond Raccoon City. The details of the operation are as follows: Security of armaments and ammunition. Chief Irons has voiced concern regarding the issue of terrorism due to a series of recent unresolved incidents. On the very day before the attack, he made the decision to relocate all weapons to scattered intervals throughout the building as a temporary measure to prevent their possible seizure. Unfortunately, this decision has made it extremely difficult for us to locate all ammunition caches. It has become our top priority to recover these scattered munitions. To unlock the weapon storage. As stated earlier, it will be extremely difficult to secure all the ammunition. However, a considerable supply still remains in the underground weapon storage. Unfortunately, the person in charge of the card key used to access the weapon storage is missing and we have been unable to locate the key. One of the breakers went down during the zombie battle and the electronic locks are not functioning in certain areas. It has become a top priority to restore the power in the power room and secure those locks. (1) Recorder: David Ford -Operation Report- September 27th 1:00 PM. The west barricade has been broken through and another exchange ensued. We sheltered the injured in the confiscation room on the first floor temporarily. Twelve more people were injured in the battle. Reported: David Ford -Additional Report- Three additional people were killed following the sudden appearance of an as of yet unknown creature. This creature is identified by missing patches of skin and razor like claws. However, its most distinguishing characteristic is its lance-like tongue, capable of piercing a human torso in an instant. Their numbers as well as their location remains unknown. We have tentatively named this creature the "licker" (2) and are currently in the process of developing countermeasures to deal with this new threat. Explanations: (1) There is an ammunition storage located in the B1 level of the Police Station. Later, Leon would have to reset the breaker and find the key card in order to enter that room. (2) This describes the Licker's looks and their attack methods. --------------- Dark Room Hall --------------- Kill the zombies if there are any, then enter the other unlocked door in this hallway for the dark room. ------------------- Dark Room Save Room ------------------- This room enables you to develop film found throughout the game. There is some ammo a top the white drawers, and some ink ribbon by the typewriter. There is an Operation Report 2 on the table behind the typewriter. New File! Operation Report 2 -Operation Report- September 28th Early Morning 2:30AM. Zombies overran the operation room and another battle broke out. We lost four more people, including David. We're down to four people, including myself. We failed to secure the weapons cache and hope for our survival continues to diminish. We won't last much longer... We agreed upon a plan to escape through the sewer. There's a path leading from the precinct underground to the sewage disposal plant. We should be able to access the sewers through there. The only drawback is that there is no guarantee the sewage disposal plant is free of any possible dangers. We know our chances in the sewers are slim, but anything is better than simply waiting here to die. In order to buy more time, we locked the only door leading to the underground, which is located in the eastern office. We left the key behind in the western office since it's unlikely that any of those creatures have the intelligence to find it and unlock the door. I pray that this operation report will be helpful to whoever may find it. Recorder: Elliot Edward Explanation: This file shows how desperate are the police in their struggle against the zombies. Otherwise, there is no other point of interest in this file as Claire does not take Leon's route in this game, which is one thing I don't like, as Claire can just follow in Leon's footsteps and doesn't have to take the trouble of finding the Stones, as you can see later in the game. --------------- Statue Hallway --------------- There are no zombies here, but there is a statue here, holding a red jewel, I wonder... Puzzle Time! Statue Puzzle The inscription of the statue reads, "The god of sun and the god of moon. Their gaze upon me is the only thing that can release red soul." So you have to push the 2 smaller statues on the 2 pads on the wall so that they look at the statue. After the puzzle is complete, the red jewel will be dropped for you to collect. Further examination of the Red Jewel indicates that it is a Virgin Heart, wonder what it is used for? Take the handgun bullets behind the statue, and head through the door. ------------------ STARS Office Hall ------------------ Head through the door into the office. --------------- STARS Office --------------- Leon is here already, he shows Claire Chris's diary. To Claire's disappointment, Chris has left the city already, so Leon suggests that they split up, look for any survivors and get out of here. If you examine the desk in front of the large STARS sign 50 times, a film will be found. Develop it to get Film D. New File! Film D (Picture of Rebecca Chambers in the RPD basketball team) RECRUIT Chris's Diary is on one of the tables. New File! Chris's Diary August 8th I talked to the chief today once again, but he refused to listen to be. I know for certain that Umbrella conducted T-virus research in that mansion. (1) Anyone infected turns into a zombie. But the entire mansion went up in that explosion; along with any incriminating evidence. Since Umbrella employs so many people in town (2), no one is willing to talk about the incident. It looks like I'm running out of options. August 17th We've been receiving a lot of local report about strange monsters appearing at random throughout the city. This must be the work of Umbrella. August 24th With the help of Jill and Barry, I finally obtained information vital to this case. Umbrella has begun research on the new G-virus, a variation of the original T-virus. Haven't they done enough damage already?! We talked it over, and have decided to fly to the main Umbrella HQ in Europe. I won't tell my sister about this trip because doing so would put her in danger. Please forgive me Claire. (3) Explanations: (1) Chris Redfield was one of the STARS Alpha Team members who investigated the Spencer Mansion in Raccoon Forest 2 months ago, where they found out about Umbrella's T-virus research. (2)Umbrella does have a lot of influence in Raccoon City, I don't know why. (3) Claire has been wasting her time in Raccoon City all along! Poor girl. After reading Chris's Diary, you will find a Bow Gun in the locker and the Precinct Key, which is a Diamond key on his desk. With this new weapon, attempt to get out to the hall. A fax is sent in. This fax is supposed to be for Chris. Claire spots a little girl backing away form officer zombie, she cries, "Ack! Help me!" and runs off. Go through the brown Spade Key door. It's unlocked for you. Don't worry. New Weapon! Bow Gun Ammo: Bow Gun Bolts in units of 36 The Bow Gun is what Claire gets in place of the shotgun. This bow gun is effective against zombies and can kill 2 at once if they are close enough. Otherwise, just don't use this weapon. I guess this is why Claire is an "amateur gun user" in the Resident Evil series, and not my favorite female character. New File! Mail to Chris Federal Police Dept- Internal Investigation Report Mr. Chris Redfield Raccoon City Police Dept. S.T.A.R.S. division As per our request, we have conducted our internal investigation and discovered the following information: 1) Regarding the G-virus currently under development by Umbrella Inc. (1) So far it is unconfirmed that the G-virus even exists. We're continuing with our investigation. 2) Regarding Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. Mr. Irons has allegedly received a large sum of funds in bribes from Umbrella Inc. over the past five years. He was apparently involved in the cover up of the mansion lab case along with several other incidents in which Umbrella appears to have direct involvement. (2) Mr. Irons had been arrested under suspicion of rape on two separate counts during his years as a university student. He underwent psychiatric evaluation as a result of the charges but was released due to circumstantial evidence as well as his phenomenal academic standing. (3) As such, extreme caution is advised when dealing with him. Jack Hamilton, Section Chief Internal Investigations United States Federal Police Department Explanations: (1) Although no one in Raccoon City believed the STARS teams, the Federal Police higher-ups are starting to become suspicious of Umbrella's activities, and are now investigating Umbrella. (2) Chief Brian Irons has been bribed by Umbrella for the last 5 years to cover up Umbrella's activities in Raccoon City. (3) Chief Brian Irons, being the sadistic deranged genius that he is, is a perfect candidate for manipulation by Umbrella. --------------- Outside Library --------------- The zombies are "biting at stereo" at their latest victim. Pluck them with the bow gun. Use the lockpick on the locked desk for handgun bullets. Then go all the way back to the Dark Room Hall. DO NOT ENTER THE LIBRARY! --------------- Dark Room Hall --------------- Go through the Diamond Key door. ------------------ Confiscation Room ------------------ Apparently, Leon has already taken care of the zombies in this room for Claire. Examine a drawer in a hidden corner for a Film, which can be developed into Film B, and some Bow Gun Bolts in another drawer. By using the lockpick in a certain broken locker, Claire can find the plastic bomb. New File! Film B (Picture of an unconscious person) Pictured in front of the Arukas tailor. Regressed into a zombie within two hours. Subject repeatedly complained about severe agitation of the epidermis in addition to feelings of nausea. This happened up to the moment he lost consciousness. Picture by R. Lambert Explanation: Arukas Tailor is one of the shops you saw in the streets in the beginning of the A scenario where you ran out of the crash site. This film again describes the symptoms of the T-Virus infection. Go through the other door into the Western Office. --------------- Western Office --------------- Kill all zombies, and get the detonator on a desk, combine it with the plastic bomb for the bomb with detonator. The Memo to Leon can be found on the table with all the party hats and drinks, and Handgun bullets are found in the locker. Now, get through the other door to the Lobby, and return to the Eastern Hallway. New File! Memo to Leon To Leon S. Kennedy, Congratulations on your assignment to the Raccoon City police department. We all look forward to having you as a part of your team and promise to take good care of you. Welcome aboard! From all the guys at the R.P.D. Explanation: No explanation is needed. This is just a memo the other officers wrote to Leon to welcome him to the RPD. --------------- Eastern Hall --------------- Take out your shotgun, and blow the ketchup out of the zombies' heads when they are packed together. Then head through the doors on the other side. ------------------- Interrogation Hall ------------------- Kill all zombies, and head through the door with bars. DON'T ENTER THE DOOR WITHOUT BARS THIS TIME!! --------------- Suspect's Room --------------- Take the Eagle Stone and leave, don't take the first aid spray or a licker will jump in through the magic mirror. Then go back up to the art room, taking the 2 red jewels, a.k.a. the virgin hearts with you. --------------- Art Room --------------- Place the 2 virgin hearts onto the two woman statues' holes, and the central statue will open up and reveal a blue stone. However, the stone is broken in half, and the other half is missing. Now, go back to the Waiting Room and deposit that blue stone. Then go to the burning hall. Make sure you have the Bomb and Detonator and Eagle Stone with you. --------------- Burning Hall --------------- Use the bomb on the smashed door, and it will be blasted open, revealing a hidden hallway. Go through the door in there. --------------- Chief's Office --------------- Walk a little bit forward and inspect the corpse, then Chief Brian Irons will have a little chit-chat with you. "That's the mayor's daughter, I was told to look after her. But I failed, miserably. Just look at her, she was a true beauty. A skin nothing short to perfection. But it will soon putrefy and she will turn into a zombie in the hour like all the others." Claire says, "There must be some way to stop it." "In a matter of speaking there is. Either by putting a bullet through her brain, or decapitating her completely." Brian Irons looks at his trophies. "And to think that taxidermy used to be my hobby. But no longer, please, I really like to be alone now." New Character! Chief Brian Irons Occupation: Police Chief Brian Irons is the chief of the Raccoon City Police department. He has been bribed by Umbrella to cover up their illegal activities. However, as soon as he found out Umbrella's accident, he went insane and wanted to kill everyone in town. Humans and zombies alike. What a bad, bad man! I bet his initials B.I. stands for Bitter Irony! Now, just leave the Chief to grieve the mayor's daughter's death, and go through the other door by the table. --------------- Trophy Hall --------------- Go through the other door. --------------- Trophy Room --------------- Claire hears someone trying to run away from her. Head to the darker area of the room. Turn on the light by pressing the red switch. Run forwards and "Arrgh!" The little girl Claire saw earlier tries to run away. Claire grabs her by the hand. "Easy, easy! I'm not a zombie. You're safe now." The little girl breaks down and cries. She tells Claire that her name is Sherry. Claire asks her to go with her. "But there's something out there, much later than any of those zombies, and it's coming after me!" They hear a roar, and Sherry runs off. Now, get the Secretary's Diary B from the table, and the handgun bullets from the chest, and go back to the Chief's office. New File! Secretary's Diary B June 8th As I was straightening up the chief's room, he burst through the door with a furious look on his face. It's only been 2 months since I've started working here, but that's the second time I've seen him like this. The last time was when I bumped into that statue, only this time he looked even more agitated than ever. I seriously thought for a moment that he was going to hurt me. June 15h I finally discovered what the chief has been hiding all along... If he finds out that I know, my life will be in serious danger. It's getting late already. I'm just going to have to take this one day at a time... Explanation: The Chief's secretary seems to have found out something about Brian Irons, I wonder what it is. --------------- Chief's Office --------------- Chief Brian Irons is gone. He has left his diary on his chair. Take it, then examine the painting. Press the switch and it will slide aside, revealing 3 square holes. Place the Eagle Stone into one of the slots. Get the Precinct Key, which is a Heart Key and leave. Return to the Eastern Office. New File! Chief's Diary September 23rd It's all over. Those imbeciles from Umbrella have finally done it... Despite all their promises, they've ruined my town. Soon the streets will be infested with zombies. I'm beginning to think that I may even be infected myself. I'll kill everyone in town if this turns out to be true!!! September 24th I was successful in spreading confusion among the police as planned. I've made sure that no one from the outside will come to help. With the delays in police actions, no one will have the chance to escape my city alive. I've seen to it personally that all escape routes from inside the precinct have been cut off as well. There are several survivors still attempting to escape through the lower levels, but I'll make sure no one gets out. September 26th I've had a change of heart about the remaining survivors inside the precinct. I've decided to hunt them down myself. I shot Ed in the back through the heart less than an hour ago;. I watched him writhe in pain upon the floor in a pool of his own blood. The expression on his face was positively exquisite. He died with his eyes wide open, staring at me. It was beautiful. I wonder if the mayor's daughter is still alive. I let her escape so I could enjoy hunting her down latter... I'm going to enjoy my new trophy. Yes, frozen forever in the pose I choose to give her. Explanation: After Chief Brian Irons knew of the accident in the underground lab, he obviously went insane. Instead of helping people to fight against the zombies, he just decided to make sure they all die. In the end, he let the mayor's daughter escape so he can kill her himself. What a freaking psycho! --------------- Eastern Office --------------- Go through the Heart Key Door. ----------------- Shutter Hallway 2 ----------------- Scenario Dependent Event! What enemies will there be? If Leon did not use the cord in this hallway in the A Scenario, or if he did use it here and Claire did not enter the library, there will only be one Cerberus Dog in this hallway. For further information about the locations of enemies in the B game, refer to the tips and tricks section. New Enemy! MA-39 Cerberus Strength: Handgun: 6-10 Shots Bow Gun: 3-6 Bolts These hellhounds are one of the Bio Organic Weapons of Umbrella Inc. They try to bite onto your hand, or will pounce on you, trying to bite your neck off. I suggest you face these dogs in a narrow hallway, so they cannot surround you. There is a cheap way to deal with these dogs, see the Tips and Tricks section for more information. After killing the Cerberus, take the Acid Rounds in the bottom of the shelves behind the stairs, then go down. ------------------ Police Station B1 ------------------ IF you did not enter the library, there will be no enemies here. Go through the brown double doors. --------------- Breaker Room --------------- There is a breaker device which supplies power to the electronic card reader in the Police Station B1 Hall. You will have to set the voltage to 80V, as stated on the meter. There are some Flame Rounds underneath a table too. Puzzle Time! Get the power back on, or else... There are a total of 5 switches on the voltage device. Pushing a switch upwards increases the voltage by 36V, and pulling it downwards decreases the voltage by 14V. As 36+36+36-14-14=80, you have to push any 3 switches up, and any 2 switches down. As the voltage at any given moment must lie between 0V and 100V, you cannot pull the 1st switch downwards, or push the 1st 3 switches upwards before pulling the last 2 switches down. After the puzzle, the card reader powers on. Then take the Police Station B1 map and return to the B1 Hall. ----------------------- Police Station B1 Hall ----------------------- Take the handgun bullets from the trash pile. Then go through the double doors next to it. --------------- Manhole Access --------------- Kill the 2 Cerberus Dogs that jump down from above, and climb down the manhole. Welcome to the Sewage Disposal ******SEWAGE DISPOSAL***** --------------- Dead End Hall --------------- Go through the door you see. ---------------------- Storeroom R Save Room ---------------------- Save with the ink ribbon if you wish. Then take the Grenade Launcher with Grenade Rounds and Acid Rounds from the item box. Exit. --------------- Dead End Hall --------------- Claire meets Sherry Birkin again. Claire wants Sherry to stay with her, but Sherry refuses, because she is worried about her daddy. She thinks that he has been attacked by the monsters, and goes over to the hole in the wall and climbs through. Claire tries to call Sherry back but it's too late. You are now in control of Sherry. (I am really disgusted by the fact that you can play as Sherry. After all, she so immature and defenseless! Just look! She doesn't even have a knife to defend herself! Of course this is why I hate Claire's Scenarios. After all, this scenario is just so immature for an 18 year old college student like Claire!) --------------- Pipe Room --------------- Go up the elevator. ------------------------ Sewage Disposal Walkway ------------------------ Run past the zombies and go through the door in the other end, past the bridge. --------------------- Sewage Disposal Hall --------------------- Take the Grenade Rounds and go back out, then go through the other door into the Box room. --------------- Box Room --------------- There is a Sewage Disposal Map on the wall, take it. Then go down the steps into the pool. There are 3 boxes here, which can be used as a bridge when the pool is filled. Push them so that they are lined up in a row. Then climb back up and push the button. The pool fills with water. Cross the bridge and take the precinct key, which is the Club Key. Then return to the Pipe Room. Sherry will throw the Club Key and the Grenade Rounds to Claire, then she will go and find another way to rejoin Claire. After this, Leon calls Claire and tells her that he has now access to the back of the parking lot. Now, you are playing as Claire again. Go back to the Police Station B1. *****POLICE STATION***** ------------------ Police Station B1 ------------------ Enter the double doors marked Autopsy Room. --------------- Autopsy Room --------------- Kill the lickers and go and take the Red Card Key from the cupboard. Then return to the hall. ------------------ Police Station B1 ------------------ Use the card key on the reader, and it will unlock. Go into the Ammunition Storage. ------------------- Ammunition Storage ------------------- Take all the ammo you find. There is a Scenario Dependent Event in here. Scenario Dependent Event! Is there anything left for me? If Leon did not take the side pack and the sub-machine gun from the locker in his A Scenario, they will still be there for the taking for Claire. With all your ammo stocked up, go to the parking lot. New Weapon! Sub-Machine Gun Ammo: Machine Gun Bullets in units of 100% The Sub-Machine Gun is the powerful automatic weapon of the game. It can hold most enemies still while the bullets tear them apart! However, this weapon is big, so it takes 2 item blocks. Anyway, this is offset by the fact that you don't have to carry ammo around for this weapon. ------------------- Parking Lot ------------------- Kill the Cerberus, and go through the door previously blocked by the van. ----------------- Cell Block Hall ----------------- It seems that some Cerberus are having their midnight snack. Put them to sleep now. There is a film here that can be developed at the Dark Room for Film C. New File! Film C (Picture of a Tyrant Soaked in bio-organic fluid) Development Code: T-103 Due to accelerated metabolism relative to the earlier 00 series, this subject possesses exemplary regenerative capabilities. PH-X016 File Data Explanation: So this is the Tyrant that has been bothering Claire in the B Scenario. Actually, this capsule is found in the culture experimentation room in the laboratory. You will see later. Then go through the yellow sliding door into the cell block. ----------------- Cell Block ----------------- Apparently, a certain reporter has been killed by something bursting out of his chest, now, go and get the Bow Gun Bolts from the shelf, and go back to the Cell Block Hall and go through the other single door. ----------------- Kennel ----------------- It seems that the dogs have already found their way out. Kill them all! Take the square crank and leave. Then return to Shutter Hallway 2. ----------------- Shutter Hallway 2 ----------------- Go through the Club Key door by the stairs. ------------------ Staff Common Room ------------------ There are Acid Rounds on the desk behind the dead policeman. There is also a watchman's diary on the bunk bed. New File! Watchman's Diary August 11th I finally had the chance to see blue skies for the first time in ages, but it did little to lift my spirits. I was reprimanded by the chief fro neglecting my duties while I was up on the clock tower. There's only one thing I still don't understand: the chief seemed to be more concerned about the fact that I was up on the tower rather than that I was neglecting my duties. Why was access to the tower prohibited in the first place anyway? (1) September 5th I recently talked to the old man who works in the scrap yard out back. His name is Thomas. He's a quiet man and really seems to enjoy chess. He even went so far as to design a special key and lock engraved with chess pieces on them for on of the doors in the disposal yard. (2)We made plans to play chess tomorrow night. I can't help but wonder how good he is. One thins that's been bothering me about him is the way he's always scratching himself (2). Does he have some sort of skin disease or he is just rude? September 9th Thomas was a much better player than I had imagined. I used to think of myself as a fairly decent player, but he did a good job of humbling me. About the only thing I imagine that could match his skills in chess is his appetite. All the guy did was talk about food throughout the entire game. (3) He sounded fairly healthy, but he didn't look quite right... I wonder if he's okay. September 12th I was supposed to play another game of chess with Thomas, but we had to cancel it because he hasn't been feeling too well. He stopped by to see me, but I told him to go back and rest since he literally looked like the walking dead. He insisted that he was just fine, but I could tell he was really having problems. Come to think of it, I haven't been feeling too good myself lately... Explanations: (1) The other half of the blue stone is found in the clock tower. (2) People working in Umbrella facilities can easily be infected by the T-Virus. One of the early symptoms includes itchy skin. (3) Another symptoms of the T-Virus infection: The person infected becomes extremely hungry. Head back to the Interrogation Hall. ------------------- Interrogation Hall ------------------- Go through the green Club Key door. ---------------------- Press Conference Room ---------------------- There is a picture with a Gold Cogwheel on the wall too. It tells you to listen to the queen, king and then the jack. Well, finally, a puzzle! Puzzle Time! Listening to the Royals See a gas burner in a corner by the main desk? Use your lighter to light up a fire, and then there are 3 gas burner faucets on the wall with numbers 11, 12 and 13. If you have been playing cards, you will know that Jack is 11, Queen is 12 and King is 13, so turn on the faucets in the order 12, 13 and 11 and the Golden Cogwheel will drop onto the ground. With the Cogwheel, go back to the library. However, Mr. X bursts in! Take him out and get your prize, it is a box of 30 handgun bullets. When you are out in the hallway, Mr. X the clumsy oaf makes another hole in the wall and tries to get you! Take him down as you have done before and get your prize, which is a sheath of 36 Bow Gun Bolts. . --------------- Library --------------- Take one step forward and... Scenario Dependent Event! Zombie Invasion Wham! The cord has short out in one of the shutter hallways, and the shutters open up, allowing the zombies to enter. Now are you glad that you have not entered the library until now? Go up the stairs, but do not go through the door yet, instead, run to the part of the catwalk with the gap in the fence. Ouch! Claire falls through the wooden floor into the space below. Trapped? Not exactly. Examine the picture on the wall, it shows an arrangement of the 4 bookshelves. It seems that we have a puzzle in our hands now. Puzzle Time! Bookshelf Puzzle To solve the puzzle, first push the red switch in the space you are in. The bookshelf will slide out. Then Leon can exit. Then head out, and move the 2 leftmost bookshelves to the right. Puzzle solved. The picture slides down, revealing a Serpent Stone. Take it. Then head through the double doors. --------------- 3F Balcony --------------- Go through the other door. --------------- Clock Tower --------------- Use the square crank on the hole and a set of stairs will be lowered. Go up, and place the gold cogwheel into the hole. Press the button and a metal board to Claire's right will open, revealing the other half of the blue stone. Then leave. --------------- 3F Balcony --------------- Head for the door, and Mr. X climbs up to say hi. Hit him with about 4 Acid Rounds and he will sway about and fall over, unconscious. Examine his body for your prize. It's a pack of 6 Grenade Rounds. Return to the chief's office. --------------- Chief's Office --------------- Before going here, make sure you have combined the 2 blue stones together to make the Jaguar Stone. Insert the 2 stones into their respective holes and a wall will open. Inside is the Mail to the Chief on the floor, and an elevator heading down. New File! Mail to the Chief To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have lost the mansion lab facility due to the actions of the renegade operative, Albert Wesker. (1) Fortunately, his interference will have no lasting effects upon our continuing virus research. Our only present concern is the presence of the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members: Redfield, Valentine, Burton, Chambers and Vickers. If it comes to light that the S.T.A.R>S. have any evidence as to the activities of our research, dispose of them in such a manner that would appear to be purely accidental. Continue to monitor their progress and make certain their knowledge does not go public. Annette will continue to be your contact through out this affair. (2) William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. I have deposited the amount of US $10,000 to the account for your services this term as per our agreement. (3) The development of the G-Virus scheduled to replace the T-Virus, is near completion. Once completed, I am certain that I will be appointed to tbe a member of the executive board for Umbrella Inc. It is imperative that we proceed with extreme caution. Redfield and the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members are still attempting to uncover information on the project. (4)Continue to monitor their activities and block all attempts to investigate the underground research facilities. William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have a problem. I have received information informing me that Umbrella HQ has sent spies to recover my research on the G-virus. There are an unknown numbers of agents involved. They must not be allowed to take this project away from me as it represents my entire life's work. Search the city thoroughly for any suspicious persons. (5) Detain any such individuals by whatever means deemed necessary and contact me immediately through Annette. With these precautions, any possible threat should be eliminated. I will not allow anyone to steal my work on the G-virus. No even Umbrella... (6) William Birkin Explanations: (1) What? I thought Albert Wesker had made Umbrella think that he is dead. See Wesker's Report for details. (2) Annette Birkin is William's wife, like her husband, Annette is rather crazy at times, and loves her husband rather too much, too much. I mean it. You will meet her later. (3) This proves that Brian Irons really is corrupt. (4) This explains why Chief Brian Irons refused to listen to Chris about the T-virus. (5) With this information, I can conclude that the suspicious person near the sewers in the Patrol Report is one of Agent Hunk's team members. This is because if that individual is a man, Ada Wong is out the question. As only Ada and Hunk's team are to recover the G-virus, there is only one possibility, that person is one of Hunk's men. (6) Why? William? I thought if he just let those umbrella spies to get the G-virus, the higher-ups of Umbrella would give him credit for this and appoint him to the executive board of Umbrella. After this, double check the elevator, and Sherry will join you. Claire asks her to wait, while she goes down. You will automatically go down. --------------- Dungeon Hallway --------------- Go through the other door. --------------- Taxidermy Room --------------- Inside, Chief Brian Irons will tell Claire that no one is going to leave his town alive. He blames Umbrella for everything, and wants to shoot Claire. He says Sherry is the daughter of William Birkin, the creator of the G-Virus. Just then, something grabs Brian Irons from the trapdoor and drags him to his death. Later, his upper body flies back up! What was that thing? Take the Acid Rounds, climb down the ladder and check. *****SEWAGE DISPOSAL***** --------------- Sewer Entrance --------------- Walk a few steps forward, and a monster wearing a lab coat comes forward, he rips a bar off the railing and attacks Claire! Boss Battle! William Birkin 1st Form Strength: Grenade Launcher with Acid Rounds: About 5 Rounds William Birkin's first mutation is rather, slow, and Claire can just shoot him while standing. After about 5 shots, Wiliam BIrkin will swing his bar around for a while, and then jump off the platform. As simple as that. With William Birkin down, go to the ladder and press the red switch to release it. Then return to the Chief's Room, get Sherry back here and go up the ladder. ---------------------- Monster Encounter Room ---------------------- Walk a few steps forward, and Claire will ask Sherry to follow her into the water. (What a baby sitter! She should have carried Sherry instead of letting her walk in the sewage.) At the same time, she spots Mr. X in the balcony above. She tells Sherry to run, and they both go through the brown door. *****SEWER***** --------------- Watergate Room --------------- A Watergate opens and Sherry is pulled into the hole. Now, head through the other door and pick up the blue herbs on the way. ------------------------- Control Room 1 Save Room ------------------------- There is a Sewer Manager Fax on the table. There are some handgun bullets in the bag. Save if you wish. New File! Sewer Manager Fax -User List of the Connecting Facility- On the first and third Wednesdays of the month, Angelica Margaret, chief of maintenance, will make use of the facilities. Be sure to reduce the moisture levels in the facility by activating the fan, as the equipment she will be using is susceptible to the effects of water vapors. On the 28th of every month, the chemical transporter Don Weller will use the facility. The chemicals he will be transporting are extremely volatile. Extreme caution should be observed throughout their transport. On the 6th and 16th of every month, police chief Brian Irons will visit the facility to attend the regular meetings that take place in the lab. On the fourth Friday of every other month, William Birkin will use the facility to conduct a training seminar for the Chicago branch of Umbrella Inc. As the probability of an attack upon Dr. Birkin will be high, take every measure conceivable to guard his life. You will be informed of all other potential visitors and the times they will arrive as needed. Guide these individuals to their destination safely. We expect nothing but the best from you. Charles Coleman Secretary Chief Umbrella Headquarters Explanation: This gives you an idea of the monthly routines of the Sewer system. There is a door that can be opened with the lockpick. Climb down the ladder revealed to get to the warehouse. Inside, there is more ammo for Claire. After stocking up, you can ride the elevator down, don't forget your valve handle. ------------------- Sewer Junction Hall ------------------- Claire meets Leon, leaning against the wall. Leon tells Claire to look for Ada Wong. Take the Sewer Map off the wall, and go through the doorby the map. Note: Claire can now take the other elevator up to Control Room 2, inside, there is even more ammo and 3 green herbs for her to use. --------------- Sewer Room 1 --------------- Explore the room to find 2 dead Umbrella commandos. Examine their bodies for Flame Rounds and a Wolf Medal. Kill the spiders, then head through the other door. New Enemy! Giant Spider Strength: Handgun, 6-10 shots Spiders are arachnids that have been enhanced by the T-virus. They charge and pin you down, or spit poison which always causes poisoning in this game. Just run past them, ignore them, or risk getting poisoned. If you are poisoned, use a blue herb. --------------- Sewer Room 2 --------------- Kill the 2 spiders, as they can be a nuisance. Then insert the Wolf Medal in the slot in the machine by the door blocked by the waterfall. Then go through the double doors. ------------------ Lower Bridge Room ------------------ Claire finds a woman climbing up from the pool. The woman accuses Claire to be another spy to steal her husband's G-Virus. Claire identifies this woman as Annette. She tells her about Sherry's disappearance. Annette is rather shocked, and passes out again. New Character! Annette Birkin Annette Birkin is the wife of the G-Virus inventor, William Birkin. Like her husband, Annette is just as twisted. Following the assault on her husband, she has turned paranoid and thinks that everyone she meets is after her husband's G-virus. She has a daughter, Sherry Birkin. Well, I guess even maniacs can reproduce... Use the valve handle to move the bridge down, then cross. On the other side, use the valve handle to raise the bridge back to where it was. There are some more Flame Rounds and Green Herbs here. Then head through the door. --------------- Alligator Room --------------- Scenario Dependent Event! How should I destroy the Alligator? If you have not killed the alligator with the gas canister as Leon, you will have to fight it again. There are 2 ways to get rid of the Alligator, one is by keep shooting him until he falls, but this wastes ammo, and the Alligator will wake up and attack Claire in her B scenario. So, a better method is to just run back to the gas canister, and examine it to release the gas canister. Later the Alligator will come and bite onto the gas canister. Then Leon can shoot the canister in the Alligator's mouth, and boom! The top of the Alligator's head flies clean off! After this battle, go to the brown rusty gate and unlock it. Then open the gate. Climb up the ladder ----------------- Upper Bridge Room ----------------- Cross the bridge and go over to the control panel. Take the Eagle Medal from the corpse's hand and the Sewer Manager Diary on the panel. New File! Sewer Manager Diary June 28th It's been a while, but I saw Don today and we talked after completing our work. He told me he had been sick in bed until yesterday. It really doesn't come as much of a surprise given how long he's been working here. He was sweating like a horse and kept scratching his body while we were talking. (1) I asked if he was hot, but he just looked at me funny. What's wrong with him anyway? July 7th Chief Irons has been visiting the lab quite often lately. I don't know what he's doing over there but he always looks grim. The expression on his face has been even more unsettling than usual... My guess is that it's because of Dr. Birkin's impossible requests. The chief has my sympathies though. After all he's done for the town, he doesn't deserve this. July 21st I rarely drink because I'm on the grave yard shift, but I don't suppose I have much to complain about since this is how I make my living. August 16th Chief Irons came in late today, looking grimmer than his usual self. I tired to joke with him to cheer him up but he wasn't amused. He pulled his gun and threatened to shoot me! I was able to calm him down, but that guy must have some serious problems. He knows he can't enter the lab without my help and my medal. (2) This is what it means for the chief "to serve and protect"!? August 21st William informed me that the police and media have begun their investigation on Umbrella's affairs. (3) He said that the investigation will be citywide and that there is a possibility that they'll even search through the sewers. He asked me to suspend all Umbrella sewer facility operations until the investigation has concluded. The sewer will still be used for passage, but he stressed that I have to be extremely cautious and that I'd lose my job if anyone finds out about this operation. Explanations: (1) The occupational hazard of Umbrella employees: They always have the risk of getting infected by Umbrella's viruses, the T-Virus in this case. (2) This again shows that Chief Brian Irons has mental problems. Apart from this, this sentence shows that the Wolf Medal and Eagle Medals are used to reveal a passageway into Umbrella's secret lab. (3) Although the "Mansion Incident" was not made public in Raccoon City, people outside Raccoon started to raise concerns about Umbrella, and are investigating the city. There is a hole for the valve handle to slow down the fan. Use the valve handle and the fan stops. Climb up the ladder. You will be in the fan. Climb down the ladder on the other side to get back to Sewer hallway 1. Then you can just go back to Sewer Hallway 2 and insert the Eagle Medal into the slot, and then the waterfall will stop, enabling Claire to reach the door. Go through. --------------- Wooden Hallway --------------- Go through the hallway, and you will hear the earth shake. What could that be? Go through the door at the other end. --------------- Cable Car Stop --------------- Run to the control panel to call back the cable car, then Sherry will rejoin Claire. Enter the Cable Car. Claire and Sherry will ride the Cable Car to the Vacant Factory *****VACANT FACTORY***** --------------- Cable Car Stop --------------- There is a weapon box key at the same position where Leon found it in the A Scenario. Take it, then go through the door. --------------- Passageway 1 --------------- Kill all zombies, and get the Spark Shot in a corner from a corpse. Then head through the other door. New Weapon! Spark Shot The Spark Shot is a rather powerful long range weapon. It is like a taser, and it send powerful jolts of electricity to its victims. Save this for an encounter later. --------------- Passageway 2 --------------- Kill all zombies, take the herbs if you wish, and then climb up the ladder. ------------------ Factory Save Room ------------------ Grab all the ammo, save if you want, and go through the door, taking the Grenade Launcher with Flame and Acid Rounds with you. --------------- Turntable --------------- Examine the barrels for handgun bullets, and the wall for the Vacant Factory Map. Go down the elevator and through the door in the catwalk below. In that room, walk all the way to the dead end, and take the Control Panel Key, which is an Up Key form the ground. Then turn on the monitor. Oh no! It's Mr. X! He looks at the camera as if to say, "What are you looking at? Stupid?" and smashes the camera! Now, it's time to fight again! After he is down, examine his body for your prize. It's 6 Acid Rounds. With the Up Key: Go back to the panel room where Sherry is waiting, and use it on the key hole in the control panel, then the turntable will be up. Go and press the activation switch and Claire and Sherry will get into the train car, while the Turntable descends. As the turntable descends, something will cause the train car to shake. Now, as Claire, move out and investigate. Take the Flame Rounds from the toilet first. Outside, walk a few steps forward, William Birkin will mutate further and jump down to come after you! Boss Battle! William Birkin 3rd Form Strength: Spark Shot: 40%-60% The 3rd form of William Birkin is faster, and can jump at Claire. However, the long range of the Spark Shot can easily deal with him. Just don't let him swipe you, as he will do this 4 times if he succeeds. After firing about 40 to 60 percent of the Spark Shot's energy, William will just hang onto the shaft and leave you alone. When William is gone, head back to the Train Car to rejoin Sherry. You will be notified that the Turntable has topped due to overheating problems. Sherry reveals to Claire that neither of her parents spend much time with her, so she is now regarding Claire as someone to rely upon. Now, get of the car and you will see a platform for Claire to climb on. Get into the air vent there. You are now in the upper level of the Laboratory. *****LABORATORY***** --------------- Elevator Hallway --------------- Go through the double doors. --------------- Pump Room --------------- Go to the item box and deposit any unwanted items. Then push the crate between the 2 white lines of the elevator. Then move the elevator down. After this, push the crate into the gap right next to the stack of 2 other crates. Then take the flame rounds near the typewriter, and the file about P-Epsilon Gas. New File! Investigative Report on P-Epsilon Gas -This report demands immediate attention- The P-Epsilon gas has been proven capable of incapacitating all known B.O.W.s (Bio Organic Weapon). (1) As such, it has been designated for emergency usage in the event of a B.O.W. escape. Reports based on data collected during the prior incidents indicate the potential for negative side effects. The P-Epsilon gas has been proven to weaken B.O.W.s' cellular functions. However, prolonged or repeated exposures will result in the creation of adaptive antibodies to the agent. Furthermore, some species have been observed to absorb the P-Epsilon gas as a source of nutrition and use the toxins extracted against anything perceived as a threat. (2) Use of the P-Epsilon gas should be severely limited to extreme cases only. We strongly request the authority to re-evaluate the P-Epsilon has deployment system. We would like this re-evaluation to take place immediately. 2nd R&D Room/ Security Team Explanations: (1) The Anti-BOW Gas sprinkler found in the A scenario is that of the P-Epsilon Gas. (2) If Leon really activated the Anti-BOW gas sprinkler in his A scenario, all humanoid plants will absorb the gas and become red and poisonous. Now you understand why I told you not to use the gas in the A scenario! Having read this file, ride the elevator down. -------------------- Elevator Power Room -------------------- Kill the 2 Super Lickers and reactivate the elevator's power supply. Then you can take the elevator in the elevator hallway. Now, take the elevator down in that hallway. -------------------- Birkin Lab Entrance -------------------- Naked zombies have found their way here. Kill them all. Then enter the save room. ------------------------ Security Room Save Room ------------------------ Take all the ammo, including those in the locker, and leave. -------------------- Birkin lab Entrance -------------------- Go through the green door. ------------------ Lab Central Shaft ------------------ The lab is not powered up; as the main fuse is missing in the device. Anyway, go through the blue door, the one that can be accessed now. --------------- East Area --------------- Go through the frozen double doors. --------------- Cold Storage --------------- See the strange apparatus here? Take the fuse case on the rack and use it on the apparatus, and the main fuse will be available for use. With the main fuse, go back to the Lab Central Shaft and use the fuse on the breaker, and the lab will receive power. Then head through the red door. --------------- West Area --------------- Operate the shutter, and 2 humanoid plants will pop out! New Enemy! Humanoid Plants Strength: Grenade Launcher with Flame Rounds: 1 round and group kill. The humanoid plants are a new addition to the Resident Evil series. They spray green slime onto Claire, and can grab Claire and bite off her head! So it's best to take them from a distance with the Flame Rounds. With the 2 plants dead, go to the 2 adjacent doors and go through the door that isn't locked. -------------------- Plant Tentacle Room -------------------- There are Bow Gun bolts in the locker, a lab key card on the chair, and 2 files scattered around. Then climb through the vent. New File! Laboratory Security Manual Laboratory Security Manual -Security measures in case of an emergency- In the instance of an uncontainable biohazardous breakout, all security measures will be directed toward the underground transport facility. In the instance that any abnormalities are detected among cargo in transit, all materials will automatically be transported from the loading zone to the designated high-speed train. (1) At which point, all materials will be isolated and disposed of immediately. In the instance of a Class 1 emergency, the entire train will be purged and disposed of without delay. (2) In the instance that the lab itself becomes contaminated, the northern most route currently used to transport materials to and from the facility will be designated as the emergency escape route. This route will secure passage to the relay point outside the city limits. (3) Disclosure about any information regarding research conducted here, or the existence of this facility, is strictly prohibited. Since it is top priority to keep all research classified, escape access may be denied under certain extenuating circumstances. Explanations: (1) Leon and Claire can use the high-speed train in the Transport Facility to escape. (2) In case of a very serious emergency, the train's self destruct system will activate. (3) The train will end up outside the Raccoon City Limits. New File! User Registration Temporary User Registration for the Culture Experiment Room. User Name: "GUEST" Password: None Valid for 24 hours. Explanation: This file tells you the username and password to access the culture experimentation room. Remember the registration for a Scenario Dependent Event later. Scenario Dependent Event! The Anti-BOW Gas Sprinkler Inside this room, there is an Anti-BOW Gas Sprinkler. If Leon did not use it, Claire can. However, I don't think it is necessary, as Flame Rounds can kill the plants in one shot. ----------------- Super Licker Room ----------------- This room has 2 super lickers. Sneak up on them and blast them to second heaven with your Custom Shotgun. Then examine the locker for 2 boxes of Shotgun Shells. Take them and leave. --------------- West Area --------------- There are 2 more humanoid plants in this room, kill them, and go through the door behind the opened shutter. ----------------- Giant Plant Shaft ----------------- Burn the humanoid plant and climb down, and then go through the door below. --------------- Licker Hallway --------------- Kill all Super Lickers, and go through the door in the other end. --------------- Monitor Room --------------- Save if you wish, and take the Laboratory Map from the computer. Take the weapon box key with you. Go through the door by the typewriter. -------------------- P-4 Laboratory Lobby -------------------- Go through the double doors marked P-4 Laboratory. --------------- P-4 Laboratory --------------- Inside, use the weapon box key on the locker with the white light. Then get the Grenade Rounds. Then go through the automatic doors, killing all zombies that stand in your path. Get the Power Room Key. Then head out to the lobby. -------------------- P-4 Laboratory Lobby -------------------- Scenario Dependent Event! The Giant Moth If you are interested in accessing the Culture Experimentation Room in this Scenario, enter the card key door in this lobby. Inside is a giant moth, blast him to pieces with your Flame Rounds, and clear the moth larvae on the computer. Enter the Username: Guest and no password, and register your fingerprint. Head back to the East Area, regardless of whether you have done the above action. --------------- Monitor Room --------------- When you attempt to go back to the East Area, Annette confronts you, asking for the whereabouts of Sherry. She then spots Sherry in a monitor. Apparently, the Tyrant was after her, and has had her cornered in the Power Room! Annette finally reveals that the G-Virus sample is in Sherry's pendent. She then leaves you to play again. Before we go to the power room, head to the East Area. --------------- East Area --------------- If you have followed my tip above, open the shutter and register Claire's fingerprint on the lock. If Leon has registered his fingerprint in the A scenario, Claire can enter the Culture Experimentation Room. Inside there are 3 super lickers, and a capsule that used to store a T-103 Tyrant as shown in Film C. There is a broken capsule as well. Who could have broken it from the inside? It may probably be the Tyrant in Resident Evil Zero. After taking the Machine Gun Bullets, get out. Now unlock the card key door and enter. -------------------- VAM Synthesizer Room -------------------- Kill all plants and take the grenade rounds. Then exit. Go to the power room. Its entrance is found in the pump room. --------------- Pump Room --------------- Climb up the pile of crates and go through the double doors for the Power Room. --------------- Power Room --------------- Run a few steps forward, and Claire sees the Tyrant cornering Sherry. She asks Sherry to give her her pendant. Sherry does so, and escapes through an air pipe. Claire then lured Mr. X into the Iron Smelting Pool by throwing the pendent in. Just as she expects, the Tyrant jumps in after the pendant! Sucker! Unfortunately, the Tyrant also activated the self destruct sequence in the process! Now get back to the Lab main shaft. --------------- Lab Main Shaft --------------- Claire sees Sherry crying over her dying mom. After this emotional scene, head back to the elevator with Sherry. --------------- Elevator --------------- Inside the elevator, there is a control panel, asking for the master key. Use the master key and you can use the emergency route. Now, use the route and you will arrive at the Transport Facility. *****TRANSPORT***** --------------- Platform --------------- Enter the transport. --------------- Transport --------------- Claire asks Sherry to stay and wait. Then go to the back of the train and get the platform key. Save if you wish, and take some full healing items with you. --------------- Platform --------------- Go through the platform gate. --------------- Platform Bridge --------------- Cross the bridge, and use the control panel to reveal a Joint N Plug and a Joint S Plug. Take them and go through the door nearby. ------------------- Tyrant Battle Room ------------------- Now, insert the 2 plugs into their slots, and the Tyrant, rather annoyed by the molten iron bath, comes for revenge! Boss Battle! T-103 Tyrant Strength: Rocket Launcher: 1 Rocket The Tyrant is back! Shoot him with everything you got while avoiding his charge swipe attack. Then Ada Wong will come and drop you a Rocket Launcher. Take it and "You lose, big guy!" Claire fires one rocket, and blasts the Tyrant to pieces. Now, return to the platform. --------------- Platform --------------- Kill the naked zombies. Open the tunnel gate using the control panel, and enter the train. --------------- Transport --------------- Go to the driver's compartment, and push the lever. The Transport starts, and Leon just manages to jump onto the train through the gap. Leon says it's the beginning, as Claire still has to find her brother. Now, Claire tells Sherry that her God has protected her, and it will always be with her. The two hug each other. Is it the end? Wham! No it's not! Leon comes and asks, "What was that?" You are now left to play as Claire again. Go to the back of the train to investigate. At the back of the train, Claire finds that William Birkin has somehow got onto the train, and he is now in a jelly like form! Boss Battle! William Birkin 6th Form Strength: Combined usage of the Rocket Launcher and Grenade Launcher with Flame Rounds: 1 Rocket and 7 Flame Rounds. This battle is timed, but it is not that hard. Just run to the doorway, and continue firing until William Birkin melts. Then go back out to the front. Now, there is a final FMV. Apparently, the train's emergency system decided to cause the train to self destruct, and each train compartment will detonate sequentially. Claire asks Leon to stop the train, but Leon cannot, as the control room is locked. Now, Leon asks Sherry to back up to the control room door. Sherry decides to go into the control room through the small grating in the door. Meanwhile, William bursts in! Leon taunts with William, and notices some loose gratings on the floor. He wonders where Claire is. Meanwhile, Claire has climbed up to the roof of the train via the ladder, and opens the sun roof of the control room. She asks Sherry to push the emergency stop button. She does, and the train stops. Leon, Claire and Sherry get off the train and ran for the tunnel exit, just seconds before the train detonates, taking William with it. Leon then complements Sherry, and Sherry said she saw someone do that on TV once! Ha ha! What an anticlimax! Claire says, "Come on, we got to move out." Leon asks, "What? Why? Is someone following us?" "We still have a job to do," Claire says, "Chris, I have to find you." That's the end of the B Scenario, as for what will happen to Claire, please play Resident Evil: Code Veronica X! The End. --------------------------------------------------- 7. Saving Sherry Birkin: Claire's A Scenario --------------------------------------------------- After the FMV scene featuring Leon and Claire's horrible looking eyeballs, Claire ends up outside a fire caused by the fuel truck driven by the zombie driver. Leon tells Claire to meet him at the Police Station. *****CITY AREA***** --------------- Truck Wreck --------------- Run past the zombies and go through the door to Kendo Gun Shop. --------------- Kendo Gun Shop --------------- Enter, and move one step forward for the first cut-scene of the game, featuring Claire and Robert Kendo's conversation without moving their mouths. Then get the 2 boxes of Handgun Bullets, take them, and zombies burst in through the windows, eating Kendo alive! The best course of action now is to run to the zombies, let them bite you once, and then take the bow gun. Then get out through the back door quick! New Weapon! Bow Gun Ammo: Bow Gun Bolts in units of 36 The Bow Gun is what Claire gets in place of the shotgun. This bow gun is effective against zombies and can kill 2 at once if they are close enough. Otherwise, just don't use this weapon. I guess this is why Claire is an "amateur gun user" in the Resident Evil series, and not my favorite female character. --------------- City Alleyway --------------- Just run along this alley, past the zombies behind the gate, then run to the kendo truck and take the Handgun Bullets. Turn to face the zombies. You should try to shoot less and dodge more in order to save ammo. After you have passed the zombies from the Basketball Court, head through the gate. Run up the stairs, go along the fire escape, then down the stairs again. There are some Handgun Bullets in the trash can. Then climb up the metal box, and run past the zombies in the alley and through the door. -------------------------- From Bus to Police Station -------------------------- Now, you hear some scrunching sounds in this street, it seemed that 5 zombies are biting at stereo on one of their latest victims. Heh heh. Run past them and into the bus. Inside the bus, take the handgun bullets and kill the 2 zombies here. Then head out through the other set of doors. There are many police zombies near the fire truck, run past them all and go through the other gate. You are now outside the police station, just go down the pedestrian subway to avoid the zombies, then go up through the other side. Take the green herbs from the flower pots. Then enter the double doors, you have reached the police station. *****POLICE STATION***** --------------- Lobby --------------- There is no one here. Run to the reception desk, get the Handgun Bullets. Then head through the only unlocked door. Inside, you will see a wounded cop, "laughing in pain", he asks you at gunpoint to go and use the keycard to unlock the other doors in the hall. How rude! He then locks the door when you left! What a guy! Anyway, head to the computer terminal and use the keycard on it. A double door and a single door will be unlocked. Go through the double doors. --------------- Chest Room --------------- Deposit any unwanted items into the item box, then take the Police Memorandum off the seat. There is a desk in the room. Use the lockpick to open it and get a first aid spray. Head through the other door. What was that thing outside the window? New File! Police Memorandum 8/23/1998 This letter is just to inform everyone about the recent movement of equipment that has happened during the precinct's arrangement. The safe with four digit lock has been moved from the STARS office on the second floor (1), to the eastern office on the first floor. "2236" (2) Raccoon Police Liaison Dept. Explanations: (1) The STARS office is on the second floor. (2) The combination of the safe is 2236, remember it. --------------- Shutter Hall 1 --------------- Hear the sound of blood dripping, turn around the corner. You will see an FMV with a very horrible crawling monster on the ceiling. That monster now drops down to attack Claire. "aahhhhhhh..." the Licker coolly says. New Enemy! Licker Strength: Grenade Launcher with Acid Rounds: 1 round These long tongue monsters are new in the Resident Evil series. They attack by claw swiping Leon on the ground, or doing a jumping swipe, much like the Hunters. Waste them with the acid rounds! When they die, they cry, "Orarrghorrgh!" which is similar to the voice of Brazilian soccer fans during the World Cup! Ha ha! Kill the licker with the bow gun and take the green herb. Take the handgun bullets from the headless body and go through the door. --------------- Boarded Hall --------------- Go through the single door in the other end of the hallway. --------------- Dark Room Hall --------------- Kill the 4 zombies. Then enter the other unlocked door in this room. ------------------- Dark Room Save Room ------------------- This room enables you to develop film found throughout the game. There is some ammo atop the white drawers, and some ink ribbon by the typewriter. There is an Operation Report 2 on the table behind the typewriter. New File! Operation Report 2 -Operation Report- September 28th Early Morning 2:30AM. Zombies overran the operation room and another battle broke out. We lost four more people, including David. We're down to four people, including myself. We failed to secure the weapons cache and hope for our survival continues to diminish. We won't last much longer... We agreed upon a plan to escape through the sewer. There's a path leading from the precinct underground to the sewage disposal plant. We should be able to access the sewers through there. (1) The only drawback is that there is no guarantee the sewage disposal plant is free of any possible dangers. We know our chances in the sewers are slim, but anything is better than simply waiting here to die. In order to buy more time, we locked the only door leading to the underground, which is located in the eastern office. (2) We left the key behind in the western office since it's unlikely that any of those creatures have the intelligence to find it and unlock the door. I pray that this operation report will be helpful to whoever may find it. Recorder: Elliot Edward Explanations: (1) Later in the game, Claire will go to the Sewage Disposal Plant for a while to get the Club Key. (2) The Heart Key is located in the western office. With all this information, deposit the Red Jewel and leave the room. Head up the stairs. --------------- Statue Hallway --------------- There are no zombies here, but there is a statue here, holding a red jewel, I wonder... Puzzle Time! Statue Puzzle The inscription of the statue reads, "The god of sun and the god of moon. Their gaze upon me is the only thing that can release red soul." So you have to push the 2 smaller statues on the 2 pads on the wall so that they look at the statue. After the puzzle is complete, the red jewel will be dropped for you to collect. Further examination of the Red Jewel indicates that it is a Virgin Heart, wonder what it is used for? Take the handgun bullets behind the statue, and head through the door. ------------------ STARS Office Hall ------------------ Go through the door into the office. --------------- STARS Office --------------- There is a Grenade Launcher in the weapons locker, a First Aid Spray in the white pouch, and if you examine the desk in front of the large STARS sign 50 times, a film will be found. Develop it to get Film D. New File! Film D (Picture of Rebecca Chambers in the RPD basketball team) RECRUIT Chris's Diary is on one of the tables. New File! Chris's Diary August 8th I talked to the chief today once again, but he refused to listen to be. I know for certain that Umbrella conducted T-virus research in that mansion. (1) Anyone infected turns into a zombie. But the entire mansion went up in that explosion; along with any incriminating evidence. Since Umbrella employs so many people in town (2), no one is willing to talk about the incident. It looks like I'm running out of options. August 17th We've been receiving a lot of local report about strange monsters appearing at random throughout the city. This must be the work of Umbrella. August 24th With the help of Jill and Barry, I finally obtained information vital to this case. Umbrella has begun research on the new G-virus, a variation of the original T-virus. Haven't they done enough damage already?! We talked it over, and have decided to fly to the main Umbrella HQ in Europe. I won't tell my sister about this trip because doing so would put her in danger. Please forgive me Claire. (3) Explanations: (1) Chris Redfield was one of the STARS Alpha Team members who investigated the Spencer Mansion in Raccoon Forest 2 months ago, where they found out about Umbrella's T-virus research. (2)Umbrella does have a lot of influence in Raccoon City, I don't know why. (3) Claire has been wasting her time in Raccoon City all along! Poor girl. New Weapon! Grenade Launcher Ammo: Grenade Rounds, Acid Rounds and Flame Rounds in units of 6. The Grenade Launcher is Claire's most powerful weapon in the game. It comes in 3 different types of ammo. The Grenade Rounds are actually cluster bombs, so they are effective against large groups of zombies. Just watch the limbs fly! The Acid Rounds are effective against all bare-skin creatures, as Sulfuric Acid is a powerful oxidizing and dehydrating agent. SO use them against Lickers and Mr. X. The Flame Rounds are effective against creepy crawlies like spiders, the giant moth, plants and G-Types like William Birkin. So use your ammo accordingly. After reading Chris's Diary, you will find a Unicorn Medal on the table. Take it. Attempt to leave, and a fax will be sent in. It is a mail to Chris. New File! Mail to Chris Federal Police Dept- Internal Investigation Report Mr. Chris Redfield Raccoon City Police Dept. S.T.A.R.S. division As per our request, we have conducted our internal investigation and discovered the following information: 1) Regarding the G-virus currently under development by Umbrella Inc. (1) So far it is unconfirmed that the G-virus even exists. We're continuing with our investigation. 2) Regarding Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. Mr. Irons has allegedly received a large sum of funds in bribes from Umbrella Inc. over the past five years. He was apparently involved in the cover up of the mansion lab case along with several other incidents in which Umbrella appears to have direct involvement. (2) Mr. Irons had been arrested under suspicion of rape on two separate counts during his years as a university student. He underwent psychiatric evaluation as a result of the charges but was released due to circumstantial evidence as well as his phenomenal academic standing. (3) As such, extreme caution is advised when dealing with him. Jack Hamilton, Section Chief Internal Investigations United States Federal Police Department Explanations: (1) Although no one in Raccoon City believed the STARS teams, the Federal Police higher-ups are starting to become suspicious of Umbrella's activities, and are now investigating Umbrella. (2) Chief Brian Irons has been bribed by Umbrella for the last 5 years to cover up Umbrella's activities in Raccoon City. (3) Chief Brian Irons, being the sadistic deranged genius that he is, is a perfect candidate for manipulation by Umbrella. Return to the lobby, and place the Unicorn Medal on the slot in front of the statue of the woman, and a Precinct Key, which is a Spade Key will drop down for you to pick up. With your new key, return to the Shutter Hallway 1. Just ignore the zombie arms as they pop out through the boards in the boarded hallway, but Leon will have to deal with 2 zombies that pop in in his B scenario. --------------- Shutter Hall 1 --------------- You can now enter the Spade Key door. --------------- File Room --------------- Examine the shelves for a patrol report. Then push the step ladder towards the shelf with the Crank on top. On that shelf, there are handgun bullets in the bottom shelf. Then climb onto the ladder and take the Square Crank. Now, go to the STARS hall. New File! Patrol Report -Patrol Report- September 20th 9:30 PM Reporter: Sgt. Neil Carlsen We received a report of a suspicious individual skulking around the sewers on the outskirts of Raccoon City. I searched the area and located the individual, but he ran away before I was able to question him. (1) I recovered the following items: *A small amount of C4 plastic explosive. *An electronic detonator.(2) *9x19 parabellum rounds. *Infrared scope [broken]. End of report. Explanations: (1) This file has sparked many debates between many Resident Evil fans about the identity of this individual. In my opinion, simple reasoning is already enough to find the answer. I believe I have the answer, and it can be explained in another file. Read on. (2) Claire can find the plastic explosive in the confiscation room, and the detonator in the western office. --------------- STARS Hall --------------- Claire notices a zombie closing in on a little girl. The girl cries, "Acck! Help me!" and runs off. Unlock the Spade Key door in the other end. Go through. --------------- Outside Library --------------- Claire meets Leon in this hallway. She asks Leon if he saw a little girl passing by. However, Leon could not catch up with the girl. So Claire tells Leon to go find a way out of here while Claire searches for her. After this cut-scene, get the handgun bullets from the open locker, and the Flame Rounds from the drawer. Then enter the library. --------------- Library --------------- There is a red herb on a table. Take it, then head up the stairs, but do not go through the door yet, instead, run to the part of the catwalk with the gap in the fence. Ouch! Leon falls through the wooden floor into the space below. Trapped? Not exactly. Examine the picture on the wall, it shows an arrangement of the 4 bookshelves. It seems that we have a puzzle in our hands now. Puzzle Time! Bookshelf Puzzle To solve the puzzle, first push the red switch in the space you are in. The bookshelf will slide out. Then Leon can exit. Then head out, and move the 2 leftmost bookshelves to the right. Puzzle solved. The picture slides down, revealing a Serpent Stone. Take it. Then head through the double doors. --------------- Above Lobby --------------- There are many zombies on this balcony, kill them all. Then activate the emergency ladder to provide a shortcut down to the lobby. Afterwards, head through the other door on this balcony. ----------------------- Waiting Room Save Room ----------------------- Deposit the Serpent Stone and the Square Crank and other unnecessary items, and take the lighter off the seat. There is a Secretary's Diary A on a desk. New File! Secretary's Diary A April 6th I accidentally moved one of the stone statues on the second floor when I leaned against it. When the chief found out about it, he was furious. I swear the guy nearly bit my head off, (1) screaming at me never to touch the statue again. If it's so important, then maybe he shouldn't have put it out in the open like that... April 7th I heard that all the art pieces from the chief's collection are rare items, literally worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. (2) I don't know which is the bigger mystery: where he finds those tacky things, or where he's getting the money to pay for them. May 10th I wasn't surprised to see the chief come in today with yet another large picture frame in his hands. This time it was a really disturbing painting depicting a nude person being hanged. I was appalled by the expression on the chief's face as he leered at that painting. (3) Why anyone would consider something like that to be a work of art is beyond my comprehension... Explanation: This is the personality analysis of Chief Brian Irons of the RPD from his secretary's perspective. Apparently, the chief is a very bad tempered (1), rich (2) and rather sadistic (3). Claire gets to meet the chief, in contrary to Leon After you have done all of this, take the lighter and return to the boarded hall. --------------- Boarded Hall --------------- Enter the double doors. --------------- Operations Room --------------- There is an Operations Report on a table, then head through the gap to the left of the whiteboard. There is a fireplace, with a painting of a naked woman. The title is "Sacrifice to the hellfire." So use the lighter on the fireplace and the painting will be burnt, revealing a red jewel, a virgin heart. Take it. Then go all the way back to the waiting room. New File! Operation Report -Operation report- September 26th The Raccoon Police department was unexpectedly attacked by zombies. Many have been injured. Even more were killed. During the attack, our communications equipment was destroyed and we no longer have contact with the outside. We have decided to carry out an operation with the intent of rescuing any possible survivors as well as to prevent this disaster from spreading beyond Raccoon City. The details of the operation are as follows: Security of armaments and ammunition. Chief Irons has voiced concern regarding the issue of terrorism due to a series of recent unresolved incidents. On the very day before the attack, he made the decision to relocate all weapons to scattered intervals throughout the building as a temporary measure to prevent their possible seizure. Unfortunately, this decision has made it extremely difficult for us to locate all ammunition caches. It has become our top priority to recover these scattered munitions. To unlock the weapon storage. As stated earlier, it will be extremely difficult to secure all the ammunition. However, a considerable supply still remains in the underground weapon storage. Unfortunately, the person in charge of the card key used to access the weapon storage is missing and we have been unable to locate the key. One of the breakers went down during the zombie battle and the electronic locks are not functioning in certain areas. It has become a top priority to restore the power in the power room and secure those locks. (1) Recorder: David Ford -Operation Report- September 27th 1:00 PM. The west barricade has been broken through and another exchange ensued. We sheltered the injured in the confiscation room on the first floor temporarily. Twelve more people were injured in the battle. Reported: David Ford -Additional Report- Three additional people were killed following the sudden appearance of an as of yet unknown creature. This creature is identified by missing patches of skin and razor like claws. However, its most distinguishing characteristic is its lance-like tongue, capable of piercing a human torso in an instant. Their numbers as well as their location remains unknown. We have tentatively named this creature the "licker" (2) and are currently in the process of developing countermeasures to deal with this new threat. Explanations: (1) There is an ammunition storage located in the B1 level of the Police Station. Later, Leon would have to reset the breaker and find the key card in order to enter that room. (2) This describes the Licker's looks and their attack methods. ----------------------- Waiting Room Save Room ----------------------- Take the other virgin heart and go through the door by the typewriter. --------------- Burning Hallway --------------- Ignore the 2 zombies and head through the other door. --------------- Crow Hallway --------------- Run past the crows and go through the door on the other end of the hallway. IF you have the guts, you can get the handgun bullets from the corpse by examining it twice. New Enemy! Crow Strength: Handgun 1 shot Crows are just crows, and the T-virus has caused them to attack humans. Just run past them. --------------- Helicopter Wreck --------------- Wow, what a wreck! Exploring this area reveals a valve socket used to break open the water tank. This could do well to extinguish the flames. Do down the stairs. *****CITY AREA***** Run past all the zombies, and enter the shack. There is a valve handle on the floor by the typewriter as well as another bow gun. Now, return to the Helicopter Wreck. Don't open the other door, or zombies will pop in. *****POLICE STATION***** --------------- Helicopter Wreck --------------- Use the valve handle on the socket to break open the water tank. The water puts out the flames of the helicopter. Inspect the helicopter for more handgun bullets, and head back to the burning hall. --------------- Burning Hall --------------- The zombies are gone. Go through the door that was previously blocked by the flames. I wonder who was screaming? --------------- Art Room --------------- There is an ink ribbon in the large jar, but I don't think you'll need it. Then, take the Precinct Key, which is a Diamond Key, from the top of a wooden box, and then insert the 2 virgin hearts into the 2 woman upper body statues, and the central statue will open up, revealing a half of a blue stone. Take it and leave. Deposit the blue stone in an item box. Return to the crow hallway, and go through the door that Claire can unlock. --------------- Outside Stairway --------------- Go down the stairs, taking the herbs if you want. Enter the door there. --------------- Eastern Office --------------- Examine the dead policeman's body for Handgun Bullets. Then kill all zombies in this office. This office is where you find the safe mentioned in the police memorandum earlier. The combination is 2236. Open it, and some Acid Rounds will be revealed, as well as the Police Station Map. There are some Green Herbs behind the desk in that office. After this, head through the double doors. --------------- Eastern Hall --------------- Take out your Grenade Launcher, load it with Grenade Rounds, and blow the ketchup out of the zombies' heads when they are packed together. Then head through the doors on the other side. ------------------- Interrogation Hall ------------------- Kill all zombies, and head through the door without bars first. -------------------- Interrogator's Room -------------------- Everything seems to be normal, isn't it? Take the handgun bullets and then leave. Enter the room with bars this time. --------------- Suspect's Room --------------- Take the cord, you'll need it for a Scenario Dependent Event later, then take the Eagle Stone from the shelf, attempt to leave, and a Licker who was interrogating you secretly had enough and bursts through the magic mirror! Get out there quick! Then head back to the dark room hall, using the small key on the drawer in the Chest Room for handgun bullets. ------------------ Shutter Hallway 1 ------------------ Scenario Dependent Event! Close the Shutters If you wish to close the shutters in this hallway to prevent zombies from popping in through the windows when you reenter the library later, use the cord on the control panel, and the shutters will close. However, note that the cord will short circuit in the B game, allowing zombies in when Claire enters the library. When you reenter the library, zombies will pop in through the windows in the other shutter hallway, where the shutters are up. It is up to you to decide which hall to use the cord. --------------- Dark Room Hall --------------- Go through the diamond key door in this hall. ------------------ Confiscation Room ------------------ Take out your grenade launcher, and pop the zombies' heads off. Then examine a drawer in a hidden corner for a Film, which can be developed into Film A, and some bow gun bolts in another drawer. New File! Film A (Picture of a black claw with an eyeball on the shoulder, soaked in formalin) Code G Human Body Experiment 9/15 15:24 Explanation: When the G-virus infects humans, one of their arms swell up, and turns black, and that arm will have a claw and an eyeball on the shoulder. You will be able to see this distinctive characteristic of G-type humans when you see William Birkin later. There is a broken explosives drawer, use the lockpick to open it, revealing a plastic bomb. Go through the other door. --------------- Western Office --------------- This is where you met that wounded cop earlier. He is hiding in one of the offices, walk to him and he will turn into a zombie before your very eyes! Turn away, and lure him out of the office, then reenter that office to get the detonator. Combine it with the plastic bomb to create the bomb with detonator. Then take the handgun bullets from the locker, and it seems that the other officers have left a memo to welcome Leon. Pick it up; it is by the party hats and drinks. Then go back to the Burning hall, be sure to take the serpent stone and eagle stone from the item box on the way. New File! Memo to Leon To Leon S. Kennedy, Congratulations on your assignment to the Raccoon City police department. We all look forward to having you as a part of your team and promise to take good care of you. Welcome aboard! From all the guys at the R.P.D. Explanation: No explanation is needed. This is just a memo the other officers wrote to Leon to welcome him to the RPD. --------------- Burning Hall --------------- Use the bomb on the smashed door, and it will be blasted open, revealing a hidden hallway. Go through the door in there. --------------- Chief's Office --------------- Walk a little bit forward and inspect the corpse, then Chief Brian Irons will have a little chit-chat with you. "That's the mayor's daughter, I was told to look after her. But I failed, miserably. Just look at her, she was a true beauty. A skin nothing short to perfection. But it will soon putrefy and she will turn into a zombie in the hour like all the others." Claire says, "There must be some way to stop it." "In a matter of speaking there is. Either by putting a bullet through her brain, or decapitating her completely." Brian Irons looks at his trophies. "And to think that taxidermy used to be my hobby. But no longer, please, I really like to be alone now." New Character! Chief Brian Irons Occupation: Police Chief Brian Irons is the chief of the Raccoon City Police department. He has been bribed by Umbrella to cover up their illegal activities. However, as soon as he found out Umbrella's accident, he went insane and wanted to kill everyone in town. Humans and zombies alike. What a bad, bad man! I bet his initials B.I. stands for Bitter Irony! Now, just leave the Chief to grieve the mayor's daughter's death, and go through the other door by the table. --------------- Trophy Hall --------------- Go through the other door. --------------- Trophy Room --------------- Claire hears someone trying to run away from her. Head to the darker area of the room. Turn on the light by pressing the red switch. Run forwards and "Arrgh!" The little girl Claire saw earlier tries to run away. Claire grabs her by the hand. "Easy, easy! I'm not a zombie. You're safe now." The little girl breaks down and cries. She tells Claire that her name is Sherry. Claire asks her to go with her. "But there's something out there, much later than any of those zombies, and it's coming after me!" They hear a roar, and Sherry runs off. Now, get the Secretary's Diary B from the table, and the handgun bullets from the chest, and go back to the Chief's office. New File! Secretary's Diary B June 8th As I was straightening up the chief's room, he burst through the door with a furious look on his face. It's only been 2 months since I've started working here, but that's the second time I've seen him like this. The last time was when I bumped into that statue, only this time he looked even more agitated than ever. I seriously thought for a moment that he was going to hurt me. June 15h I finally discovered what the chief has been hiding all along... If he finds out that I know, my life will be in serious danger. It's getting late already. I'm just going to have to take this one day at a time... Explanation: The Chief's secretary seems to have found out something about Brian Irons, I wonder what it is. --------------- Chief's Office --------------- Chief Brian Irons is gone. He has left his diary on his chair. Take it, then examine the painting. Press the switch and it will slide aside, revealing 3 square holes. Place the Eagle Stone and Serpent Stone into their slots. Get the Precinct Key, which is a Heart Key and leave. Return to the Eastern Office. New File! Chief's Diary September 23rd It's all over. Those imbeciles from Umbrella have finally done it... Despite all their promises, they've ruined my town. Soon the streets will be infested with zombies. I'm beginning to think that I may even be infected myself. I'll kill everyone in town if this turns out to be true!!! September 24th I was successful in spreading confusion among the police as planned. I've made sure that no one from the outside will come to help. With the delays in police actions, no one will have the chance to escape my city alive. I've seen to it personally that all escape routes from inside the precinct have been cut off as well. There are several survivors still attempting to escape through the lower levels, but I'll make sure no one gets out. September 26th I've had a change of heart about the remaining survivors inside the precinct. I've decided to hunt them down myself. I shot Ed in the back through the heart less than an hour ago. I watched him writhe in pain upon the floor in a pool of his own blood. The expression on his face was positively exquisite. He died with his eyes wide open, staring at me. It was beautiful. I wonder if the mayor's daughter is still alive. I let her escape so I could enjoy hunting her down latter... I'm going to enjoy my new trophy. Yes, frozen forever in the pose I choose to give her. Explanation: After Chief Brian Irons knew of the accident in the underground lab, he obviously went insane. Instead of helping people to fight against the zombies, he just decided to make sure they all die. In the end, he let the mayor's daughter escape so he can kill her himself. What a freaking psycho! --------------- Eastern Office --------------- Go through the Heart Key Door. ----------------- Shutter hallway 2 ----------------- Scenario Dependent Event! Close the Shutters If you wish to close the shutters in this hallway to prevent zombies from popping in through the windows when you reenter the library later, use the cord on the control panel, and the shutters will close. However, note that the cord will short circuit in the B game, allowing zombies in when Claire enters the library. When you reenter the library, zombies will pop in through the windows in the other shutter hallway, where the shutters are up. It is up to you to decide which hall to use the cord. Go down the stairs. ------------------ Police Station B1 ------------------ There are 3 Cerberus dogs in this hallway, take them all out. Then enter the unlocked double doors first. New Enemy! MA-39 Cerberus Strength: Handgun: 6-10 Shots These hellhounds are one of the Bio Organic Weapons of Umbrella Inc. They try to bite onto your hand, or will pounce on you, trying to bite your neck off. I suggest you face these dogs in a narrow hallway, so they cannot surround you. There is a cheap way to deal with these dogs, see the Tips and Tricks section for more information. --------------- Breaker Room --------------- There is a breaker device which supplies power to the electronic card reader in the Police Station B1 Hall. You will have to set the voltage to 80V, as stated on the meter. Puzzle Time! Get the power back on, or else... There are a total of 5 switches on the voltage device. Pushing a switch upwards increases the voltage by 36V, and pulling it downwards decreases the voltage by 14V. As 36+36+36-14-14=80, you have to push any 3 switches up, and any 2 switches down. As the voltage at any given moment must lie between 0V and 100V, you cannot pull the 1st switch downwards, or push the 1st 3 switches upwards before pulling the last 2 switches down. After the puzzle, the card reader powers on. Then take the Police Station B1 map and return to the B1 Hall. ----------------------- Police Station B1 Hall ----------------------- Take the handgun bullets from the trash pile. Then go through the double doors next to it. --------------- Manhole Access --------------- Kill the 2 Cerberus Dogs that jump down from above, and climb down the manhole. Welcome to the Sewage Disposal ******SEWAGE DISPOSAL***** --------------- Dead End Hall --------------- Go through the door you see. ---------------------- Storeroom R Save Room ---------------------- Save with the ink ribbon if you wish. Then take the Grenade Launcher with Grenade Rounds and Acid Rounds from the item box. Exit. --------------- Dead End Hall --------------- Claire meets Sherry Birkin again. Claire wants Sherry to stay with her, but Sherry refuses, because she is worried about her daddy. She thinks that he has been attacked by the monsters, and goes over to the hole in the wall and climbs through. Claire tries to call Sherry back but it's too late. You are now in control of Sherry. (I am really disgusted by the fact that you can play as Sherry. After all, she so immature and defenseless! Just look! She doesn't even have a knife to defend herself! Of course this is why I hate Claire's Scenarios. After all, this scenario is just so immature for an 18 year old college student like Claire!) --------------- Pipe Room --------------- Go up the elevator. ------------------------ Sewage Disposal Walkway ------------------------ Run past the Cerberus dogs and go through the door in the other end, past the bridge. --------------------- Sewage Disposal Hall --------------------- Take the Grenade Rounds and go back out, then go through the other door into the Box room. --------------- Box Room --------------- There is a Sewage Disposal Map on the wall, take it. Then go down the steps into the pool. There are 3 boxes here, which can be used as a bridge when the pool is filled. Push them so that they are lined up in a row. Then climb back up and push the button. The pool fills with water. Cross the bridge and take the precinct key, which is the Club Key. Then return to the Pipe Room. Sherry will throw the Club Key and the Grenade Rounds to Claire, then she will go and find another way to rejoin Claire. After this, go back to the Police Station B1. *****POLICE STATION***** ------------------ Police Station B1 ------------------ Kill the 2 Lickers. Then enter the double doors marked Autopsy Room. --------------- Autopsy Room --------------- Wow, so many bodies on the floor. Anyway, go and take the Red Card Key from the corner, and a zombie bursts out from a drawer, and his friends all wake up from their slumber. Get out, quick! ------------------ Police Station B1 ------------------ Use the card key on the reader, and it will unlock. GO into the Ammunition Storage. ------------------- Ammunition Storage ------------------- Take all the ammo you find. There is a Scenario Dependent Event in here. Scenario Dependent Event! Should I Take the Items? Inside the locker is a side pack, with 2 extra item blocks, and a Sub-Machine Gun, which takes 2 item blocks. If you take these items now, Leon will not be able to get them in his B scenario, so I strongly suggest you ignore these items. With all your ammo stocked up, go up the stairs to the Shutter Hallway 2. ----------------- Shutter Hallway 2 ----------------- Go through the Club Key door by the stairs. ------------------ Staff Common Room ------------------ There are Acid Rounds on the desk behind the dead policeman. There is also a watchman's diary on the bunk bed. New File! Watchman's Diary August 11th I finally had the chance to see blue skies for the first time in ages, but it did little to lift my spirits. I was reprimanded by the chief fro neglecting my duties while I was up on the clock tower. There's only one thing I still don't understand: the chief seemed to be more concerned about the fact that I was up on the tower rather than that I was neglecting my duties. Why was access to the tower prohibited in the first place anyway? (1) September 5th I recently talked to the old man who works in the scrap yard out back. His name is Thomas. He's a quiet man and really seems to enjoy chess. He even went so far as to design a special key and lock engraved with chess pieces on them for on of the doors in the disposal yard. (2)We made plans to play chess tomorrow night. I can't help but wonder how good he is. One thins that's been bothering me about him is the way he's always scratching himself (2). Does he have some sort of skin disease or he is just rude? September 9th Thomas was a much better player than I had imagined. I used to think of myself as a fairly decent player, but he did a good job of humbling me. About the only thing I imagine that could match his skills in chess is his appetite. All the guy did was talk about food throughout the entire game. (3) He sounded fairly healthy, but he didn't look quite right... I wonder if he's okay. September 12th I was supposed to play another game of chess with Thomas, but we had to cancel it because he hasn't been feeling too well. He stopped by to see me, but I told him to go back and rest since he literally looked like the walking dead. He insisted that he was just fine, but I could tell he was really having problems. Come to think of it, I haven't been feeling too good myself lately... Explanations: (1) The other half of the blue stone is found in the clock tower. (2) People working in Umbrella facilities can easily be infected by the T-Virus. One of the early symptoms includes itchy skin. (3) Another symptoms of the T-Virus infection: The person infected becomes extremely hungry. Head back to the Interrogation Hall. ------------------- Interrogation Hall ------------------- Go through the green Club Key door. ---------------------- Press Conference Room ---------------------- Kill the licker. There is a picture with a Gold Cogwheel on the wall too. It tells you to listen to the queen, king and then the jack. Well, finally, a puzzle! Puzzle Time! Listening to the Royals See a gas burner in a corner by the main desk? Use your lighter to light up a fire, and then there are 3 gas burner faucets on the wall with numbers 11, 12 and 13. If you have been playing cards, you will know that Jack is 11, Queen is 12 and King is 13, so turn on the faucets in the order 12, 13 and 11 and the Golden Cogwheel will drop onto the ground. With the Cogwheel, go back to the library. Be sure to take the square crank with you. --------------- Library --------------- Take one step forward and... Scenario Dependent Event! Zombie Invasion Wham! Some zombies have burst in through the windows in one of the shutter hallways, that hallway is the one that you have not used the cord in. If you still did not use the cord, then zombies will burst in in both of the hallways. Now, are you glad that you have used the cord now? In the B Scenario, zombies will burst in through the shutter hallway with the shutters down and many rooms near that hallway will be infested with zombies. So in the B scenario, DO NOT ENTER THE LIBRARY UNTIL MUCH LATER! I MEAN IT! Go up the stairs and through the door. --------------- 3F Balcony --------------- Kill the Licker and go through the other door. --------------- Clock Tower --------------- Use the square crank on the hole and a set of stairs will be lowered. Go up, and place the gold cogwheel into the hole. Press the button and a metal board to Claire's right will open, revealing the other half with the blue stone. Combine the 2 blue stones you found in the game to create a jaguar stone.. With this stone, head back to the Chief's office. --------------- Chief's Office --------------- Before going here, make sure you have combined the 2 blue stones together to make the Jaguar Stone. Insert the stone into the 3rd hole and a wall will open. Inside is the Mail to the Chief on the floor, and an elevator heading down. New File! Mail to the Chief To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have lost the mansion lab facility due to the actions of the renegade operative, Albert Wesker. (1) Fortunately, his interference will have no lasting effects upon our continuing virus research. Our only present concern is the presence of the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members: Redfield, Valentine, Burton, Chambers and Vickers. If it comes to light that the S.T.A.R>S. have any evidence as to the activities of our research, dispose of them in such a manner that would appear to be purely accidental. Continue to monitor their progress and make certain their knowledge does not go public. Annette will continue to be your contact through out this affair. (2) William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. I have deposited the amount of US $10,000 to the account for your services this term as per our agreement. (3) The development of the G-Virus scheduled to replace the T-Virus, is near completion. Once completed, I am certain that I will be appointed to tbe a member of the executive board for Umbrella Inc. It is imperative that we proceed with extreme caution. Redfield and the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members are still attempting to uncover information on the project. (4)Continue to monitor their activities and block all attempts to investigate the underground research facilities. William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have a problem. I have received information informing me that Umbrella HQ has sent spies to recover my research on the G-virus. There are an unknown numbers of agents involved. They must not be allowed to take this project away from me as it represents my entire life's work. Search the city thoroughly for any suspicious persons. (5) Detain any such individuals by whatever means deemed necessary and contact me immediately through Annette. With these precautions, any possible threat should be eliminated. I will not allow anyone to steal my work on the G-virus. No even Umbrella... (6) William Birkin Explanations: (1) What? I thought Albert Wesker had made Umbrella think that he is dead. See Wesker's Report for details. (2) Annette Birkin is William's wife, like her husband, Annette is rather crazy at times, and loves her husband rather too much, too much. I mean it. You will meet her later. (3) This proves that Brian Irons really is corrupt. (4) This explains why Chief Brian Irons refused to listen to Chris about the T-virus. (5) With this information, I can conclude that the suspicious person near the sewers in the Patrol Report is one of Agent Hunk's team members. This is because if that individual is a man, Ada Wong is out the question. As only Ada and Hunk's team are to recover the G-virus, there is only one possibility, that person is one of Hunk's men. (6) Why? William? I thought if he just let those umbrella spies to get the G-virus, the higher-ups of Umbrella would give him credit for this and appoint him to the executive board of Umbrella. After this, double check the elevator, and Sherry will join you. Claire asks her to wait, while she goes down. You will automatically go down. --------------- Dungeon Hallway --------------- It seems that something has attacked Chief Brian Irons and stuffed something into his mouth! Go through the other door. --------------- Taxidermy Room --------------- Inside, Chief Brian Irons will tell Claire that no one is going to leave his town alive. He blames Umbrella for everything, and wants to shoot Claire. He says Sherry is the daughter of William Birkin, the creator of the G-Virus. Just then, Chief Irons holds his chest and cries, "My chest, can't take the pain!" And a salamander like creature bursts out of his chest happily, crying "I'm free!" Oh dead, take the Acid Rounds and climb down the ladder. *****SEWAGE DISPOSAL***** --------------- Sewer Entrance --------------- Walk a few steps forward, and the creature that bursted out of Chief Iron's chest grows in size and becomes an ET like creature. This ET spits more small salamanders from his mouth. He attacks Claire! Boss Battle! G-Type Mutant Strength: Grenade Launcher with Acid Rounds: About 5 Rounds That is right, the only G-virus monster in this game other than William Birkin himself! This monster is rather slow, most of the damage done to Leon in this battle is from those smaller offspring. When one latches onto you, quickly shake the joystick and buttons very quickly to knock them off. As this monster is bare skinned, Acid Rounds are more effective than Flame Rounds on this G-Type. Only 5 would do the trick. Afterwards, the body will fall on the ground and shrivel into a very tender piece of meat.. You can watch the body shrivel up with pleasure, or just run to the red button and push it to lower the ladder. Then go back to the chief's office to pick up Claire. Then come back and climb up the ladder. ---------------------- Monster Encounter Room ---------------------- Walk a few steps forward, and Claire will ask Sherry to follow her into the water. (What a baby sitter! She should have carried Sherry instead of letting her walk in the sewage.) At the same time, she spots William Birkin in the balcony above. She tells Sherry to run, and they both go through the brown door. *****SEWER***** --------------- Watergate Room --------------- A Watergate opens and Sherry is pulled into the hole. You are playing as Sherry again. ------------------ Lower Sewage Room ------------------ Just go through the door in this room. --------------- Warehouse --------------- Avoid the zombie and limb through the air vent. ---------------- Ventilation Pipe ---------------- Ignore the cockroaches and climb through the other vent. --------------- Garbage Release --------------- Take the Wolf Medal, and the floor will open up, dumping Sherry and all the trash into the pit below! Sherry knocks her head against something hard, and blacks out. Meanwhile, William Birkin, holding his bar comes to Sherry. She shares his love with Sherry and the screen goes black. Some splatting sounds are heard. That's G-Type love for you. You are now in control of Claire. --------------- Watergate Room --------------- Climb up the ledge, take the herbs and go through the door. ------------------------- Control Room 1 Save Room ------------------------- There is a Sewer Manager Fax on the table. There are some handgun bullets in the bag. Save if you wish. New File! Sewer Manager Fax -User List of the Connecting Facility- On the first and third Wednesdays of the month, Angelica Margaret, chief of maintenance, will make use of the facilities. Be sure to reduce the moisture levels in the facility by activating the fan, as the equipment she will be using is susceptible to the effects of water vapors. On the 28th of every month, the chemical transporter Don Weller will use the facility. The chemicals he will be transporting are extremely volatile. Extreme caution should be observed throughout their transport. On the 6th and 16th of every month, police chief Brian Irons will visit the facility to attend the regular meetings that take place in the lab. On the fourth Friday of every other month, William Birkin will use the facility to conduct a training seminar for the Chicago branch of Umbrella Inc. As the probability of an attack upon Dr. Birkin will be high, take every measure conceivable to guard his life. You will be informed of all other potential visitors and the times they will arrive as needed. Guide these individuals to their destination safely. We expect nothing but the best from you. Charles Coleman Secretary Chief Umbrella Headquarters Explanation: This gives you an idea of the monthly routines of the Sewer system. There is a door that can be opened with the lockpick. Climb down the ladder revealed to get to the warehouse. Inside, there is more ammo for Claire. After stocking up, you can ride the elevator down, don't forget your valve handle. ------------------- Sewer Junction Hall ------------------- Just go through the other door, taking the sewer map with you. --------------- Sewer Room 1 --------------- Explore the room to find 2 dead Umbrella commandos. Examine their bodies for Flame Rounds and a Wolf Medal. Kill the spiders, then head through the other door. New Enemy! Giant Spider Strength: Handgun, 6-10 shots Spiders are arachnids that have been enhanced by the T-virus. They charge and pin you down, or spit poison which always causes poisoning in this game. Just run past them, ignore them, or risk getting poisoned. If you are poisoned, use a blue herb. --------------- Sewer Room 2 --------------- Kill the 2 spiders, as they can be a nuisance. Then go through the double doors. ------------------ Lower Bridge Room ------------------ Claire finds a woman pointing her gun at Claire. The woman accuses Claire to be another spy to steal her husband's G-Virus. Claire identifies this woman as Annette. She tells her about Sherry's disappearance. Annette is rather shocked, and says that William will be after her. This is her story. Inside the Birkin Lab, 2 commandos wearing some kind of gas mask walk slowly forwards in the hallway. "This way," one of the commandos said. Meanwhile in the P-4 Laboratory, William Birkin is admiring his latest work. He takes out a vial of G-Virus. "The sheer perfection, my precious G-Virus. No one can ever take you away from me." Suddenly, the 2 commandos enter his lab. "There he is!" "So you've finally come," Birkin says, taking out his pistol. "Doctor, we are here for the G-Virus sample." "Sorry, but I just cannot hand over my life's work..." Unfortunately, William Birkin knocked a container off the table, and one of the commandos opened fire on him. Seriously wounding him. The other commando stops him, "Stop it! You might hit the sample!" He takes William's case off his hands. "That's it all right, let's move out!" Meanwhile, in the sewers, Agent Hunk receives the transmission. "Alpha Team, Mission Accomplished. We will rendezvous at the meeting point." Hunk says, "Roger!" In the lab, William decides to inject the G-virus into his body, and his eyes go red immediately. Annette explains to Claire that the G-virus has the ability to revive cellular functions. So in the sewers, Hunk's team hears "Rooooooarrrrrrrrr!" And it was William, in his monstrous form! 3 of hunk's man gets slashed to death in the sewers, and Hunk himself gets to see the trademark look of William Birkin's eyes before he was knocked unconscious. Meanwhile, rats scuttle over the broken T-Virus containers in the sewers, and spreads the virus all over the city. (Note: The virus may have used the backflow effect to move up people's drains into their houses.) New Character! Annette Birkin Annette Birkin is the wife of the G-Virus inventor, William Birkin. Like her husband, Annette is just as twisted. Following the assault on her husband, she has turned paranoid and thinks that everyone she meets is after her husband's G-virus. She has a daughter, Sherry Birkin. Well, I guess even maniacs can reproduce... After the story, Claire and Annette split up to find Sherry. Use the valve handle to move the bridge down, then cross. On the other side, use the valve handle to raise the bridge back to where it was. There are some more Flame Rounds and Green Herbs here. Then head through the door. --------------- Alligator Room --------------- Go along this hallway, and you will see a gas canister on the wall, remember this. Then continue until you see the large waste dump. Claire sees Sherry lying on a pile of trash, only to find that it is a Giant Alligator, and he seems please to meet, errr... I mean eat Claire! Scenario Dependent Event! How should I destroy the Alligator? There are 2 ways to get rid of the Alligator, one is by keep shooting him until he falls, but this wastes ammo, and the Alligator will wake up and attack Leon in his B scenario. So, a better method is to just run back to the gas canister, and examine it to release the gas canister. Later the Alligator will come and bite onto the gas canister. Then Claire can shoot the canister in the Alligator's mouth, and boom! The top of the Alligator's head flies clean off! After this battle, go to the brown rusty gate and unlock it. Then open the gate to find Sherry. Sherry tells Claire that her stomach hurts. Climb up the ladder. ----------------- Upper Bridge Room ----------------- Cross the bridge with Sherry and go over to the control panel. Take the Eagle Medal from the corpse's hand and the Sewer Manager Diary on the panel. New File! Sewer Manager Diary June 28th It's been a while, but I saw Don today and we talked after completing our work. He told me he had been sick in bed until yesterday. It really doesn't come as much of a surprise given how long he's been working here. He was sweating like a horse and kept scratching his body while we were talking. (1) I asked if he was hot, but he just looked at me funny. What's wrong with him anyway? July 7th Chief Irons has been visiting the lab quite often lately. I don't know what he's doing over there but he always looks grim. The expression on his face has been even more unsettling than usual... My guess is that it's because of Dr. Birkin's impossible requests. The chief has my sympathies though. After all he's done for the town, he doesn't deserve this. July 21st I rarely drink because I'm on the grave yard shift, but I don't suppose I have much to complain about since this is how I make my living. August 16th Chief Irons came in late today, looking grimmer than his usual self. I tired to joke with him to cheer him up but he wasn't amused. He pulled his gun and threatened to shoot me! I was able to calm him down, but that guy must have some serious problems. He knows he can't enter the lab without my help and my medal. (2) This is what it means for the chief "to serve and protect"!? August 21st William informed me that the police and media have begun their investigation on Umbrella's affairs. (3) He said that the investigation will be citywide and that there is a possibility that they'll even search through the sewers. He asked me to suspend all Umbrella sewer facility operations until the investigation has concluded. The sewer will still be used for passage, but he stressed that I have to be extremely cautious and that I'd lose my job if anyone finds out about this operation. Explanations: (1) The occupational hazard of Umbrella employees: They always have the risk of getting infected by Umbrella's viruses, the T-Virus in this case. (2) This again shows that Chief Brian Irons has mental problems. Apart from this, this sentence shows that the Wolf Medal and Eagle Medals are used to reveal a passageway into Umbrella's secret lab. (3) Although the "Mansion Incident" was not made public in Raccoon City, people outside Raccoon started to raise concerns about Umbrella, and are investigating the city. There is a hole for the valve handle to slow down the fan. Use the valve handle and the fan stops. Climb up the ladder. You will be in the fan again. Then you can just go back to Sewer Hallway 2 and insert the Eagle Medal and Wolf Medals into their slot, and then the waterfall will stop, enabling Claire and Sherry to reach the door. Go through. --------------- Wooden Hallway --------------- Go through the hallway, and you will hear the earth shake. What could hat be? Go through the door at the other end. --------------- Cable Car Stop --------------- Run to the control panel to activate the cable car, then enter. --------------- Cable Car --------------- The cable car ride seems uneventful. Welcome to the Vacant Factory. *****VACANT FACTORY***** --------------- Cable Car Stop --------------- There is a weapon box key at the same position where Leon found it in his Scenarios. Take it, then go through the door. --------------- Passageway 1 --------------- Kill all zombies, and get the Spark Shot in a corner from a corpse. Then head through the other door. New Weapon! Spark Shot The Spark Shot is a rather powerful long range weapon. It is like a taser, and it send powerful jolts of electricity to its victims. Save this for an encounter later. --------------- Passageway 2 --------------- Kill all zombies, take the herbs if you wish, and then climb up the ladder. ------------------ Factory Save Room ------------------ Grab all the ammo, save if you want, and go through the door, taking the Grenade Launcher with Flame and Acid Rounds with you. --------------- Turntable --------------- Examine the barrels for handgun bullets, and the wall for the Vacant Factory Map, and go into the car on the turntable, take the Control Panel Key, which is a Down Key, and go out and use the key on the yellow control panel. Press the activation switch and the turntable will go down, and Claire and Sherry will go inside the train car. Inside the Train Car, Sherry's stomach ache is getting worse, and she collapses. Claire finds that she also has a fever. Just then, a bumping sound is heard outside. Claire will decide to investigate. Before going out, equip the Spark Shot, and take the Flame Rounds from the toilet beforehand. When you are outside, walk a little bit forward and someone throws away his iron bar. It is William Birkin! His head shrivels into his body, revealing a new head! He jumps down, eager to get Claire! Boss Battle! William Birkin 2nd Form Strength: Spark Shot: 40%-60% This William Birkin mutation is rather slow, and you can just use the hit and run technique to evade him most of the time. However, his claws have a very long swipe radius, so be careful when you try to run past him, as he will slash you twice if he succeeds. Otherwise, this battle is rather simple. After the music ends, the battle is over. Reenter the train car, and Claire will carry Sherry into the security room of the Laboratory. *****LABORATORY***** ------------------------ Security Room Save Room ------------------------ Claire places Sherry onto the bed, and gives her her vest to wear, Sherry tells Claire that her parents never spend much time to her, and so she is now relying on her. After this conversation, take all the ammo, including the ammo in the locker, and head out. --------------- Turntable --------------- Go through the green door. ------------------ Lab Central Shaft ------------------ The lab is not powered up; as the main fuse is missing in the device. Anyway, go through the blue door, the one that can be accessed now. --------------- East Area --------------- Go through the frozen double doors. --------------- Cold Storage --------------- See the strange apparatus here? Take the fuse case on the rack and use it on the apparatus, and the main fuse will be available for use. With the main fuse, go back to the Lab Central Shaft and use the fuse on the breaker, and the lab will receive power. Then head through the red door. --------------- West Area --------------- Operate the shutter, and 2 humanoid plants will pop out! New Enemy! Humanoid Plants Strength: Grenade Launcher with Flame Rounds: 1 Round plus group kill The humanoid plants are a new addition to the Resident Evil series. They spray green slime onto Claire, and can grab Claire and bite off her head! So it's best to take them from a distance with the Flame Rounds. With the 2 plants dead, go to the 2 adjacent doors and go through the door that isn't locked. -------------------- Plant Tentacle Room -------------------- There is a Flamethrower in the locker, as well as 2 files scattered around. Take them, and use a flame round to burn the tentacles. Then Claire can climb through the vent. New File! Laboratory Security Manual Laboratory Security Manual -Security measures in case of an emergency- In the instance of an uncontainable biohazardous breakout, all security measures will be directed toward the underground transport facility. In the instance that any abnormalities are detected among cargo in transit, all materials will automatically be transported from the loading zone to the designated high-speed train. (1) At which point, all materials will be isolated and disposed of immediately. In the instance of a Class 1 emergency, the entire train will be purged and disposed of without delay. (2) In the instance that the lab itself becomes contaminated, the northern most route currently used to transport materials to and from the facility will be designated as the emergency escape route. This route will secure passage to the relay point outside the city limits. (3) Disclosure about any information regarding research conducted here, or the existence of this facility, is strictly prohibited. Since it is top priority to keep all research classified, escape access may be denied under certain extenuating circumstances. Explanations: (1) Leon and Claire can use the high-speed train in the Transport Facility to escape. (2) In case of a very serious emergency, the train's self destruct system will activate. (3) The train will end up outside the Raccoon City Limits. New File! User Registration Temporary User Registration for the Culture Experiment Room. User Name: "GUEST" Password: None Valid for 24 hours. Explanation: This file tells you the username and password to access the culture experimentation room. Remember the registration for a Scenario Dependent Event later. Scenario Dependent Event! The Anti-BOW Gas Sprinkler Inside this room, there is an Anti-BOW Gas Sprinkler. If you use it, all the Humanoid Plants will be weakened and take less ammo to kill. However, if you use this sprinkler, the plants will absorb the gas and become red and poisonous in Leon's B scenario, so it is best to leave it alone. ----------------- Super Licker Room ----------------- This room has 2 super lickers. Sneak up on them and blast them to second heaven with your Custom Shotgun. Then examine the locker for 12 Grenade Rounds. Take them and leave. --------------- West Area --------------- There are 2 more humanoid plants in this room, kill them, and go through the door behind the opened shutter. ----------------- Giant Plant Shaft ----------------- Burn the humanoid plant and climb down, and then go through the door below. --------------- Licker Hallway --------------- Kill all Super Licker, and go through the door in the other end. Remember the MO Disc reader. --------------- Monitor Room --------------- Save if you wish, and take the Laboratory Map from the computer. Take the weapon box key and the magnum with you. Go through the door by the typewriter. -------------------- P-4 Laboratory Lobby -------------------- Go through the double doors marked P-4 Laboratory. --------------- P-4 Laboratory --------------- Inside, use the weapon box key on the locker with the white light. Then get the Grenade Rounds, Then go through the automatic doors, killing all zombies that stand in your path. Get the Laboratory Key Card. Then head out to the lobby. --------------------- P-a Laboratory Lobby --------------------- Annette confronts Claire, saying she has murdered William, suddenly, she hears a noise, and checks it out. It is William Birkin, heavily mutated. He greets his wife with a several power slashes! That's G-Type love for you! Before you go and see Annette, you can go into the Key Card door in this room for a scenario dependent event. Scenario Dependent Event! The Giant Moth IF you are interested in accessing the Culture Experimentation Room in Leon's B Scenario, enter the card key door in this lobby. Inside is a giant moth, blast him to pieces with your Flame Rounds, as it is a creepy crawly and clear the moth larvae on the computer. Enter the Username: Guest and no password, and register your fingerprint. Regardless of whether you have done the steps mentioned above, go and find Annette. She is mortally wounded, and before she dies, she gives Claire information on how to create the G-Virus Vaccine, code name Devil. What are you waiting for, Claire, go save Sherry! Puzzle Time! Saving Sherry Birkin Refer to the file given to Claire on how to create the G-Vaccine: New File! Vaccine Synthesis INSTRUCTIONS FOR SYNTTHESIS OF THE G-VIRUS ANTIGEN: G-VACCINE. CODE NAMED "DEVIL." Any beings infected by the G-virus will reproduce through the impregnation of an embryo within another being. Unless rejected by the host, the embryo will undertake a process of gradual cellular invasion, infecting the host's cells on a molecular level as it rewrites their DNA. Once the metamorphosis is complete, the host will be capable of continuing this cycle of self-replication. The duration of the time for the process to run its course will vary from subject to subject. In the early stages of cellular invasion, it is possible to halt progression of the metamorphosis through the administration of the G-vaccine antigen. The following procedure details its synthesis. The vaccine creation requires the base vaccine. This can be arranged by the activator VAM. First set the empty cartridge to the VAM and activate it. After several moments the process will be complete and the white-colored base vaccine will be set in the cartridge automatically. (1) Then confirm the green light is on, remove the cartridge, and proceed to the next step. Once the base vaccine has been prepared, set it in the vaccine synthesis machine located in the P-4 level experiment room. The machine is fully automated and only requires the user to push the sequence start switch. (2) At this point, the program will run automatically and synthesis will be complete within approximately 10 second. As the synthesis of DEVIL is an extremely delicate process, the quality will vary with slight shocks or changes in temperature. Careful handling is required for the proper results. Explanations: (1) Go back to the East Area, and go through the card key door there. Inside there is a vaccine cartridge. Kill all zombies and turn on the light. Place the cartridge into the machine, and go to the VAM control panel on the wall to the right of the machine. Press the switch, and watch the red light turn green. When it is green, remove the cartridge. You now have the base vaccine. Before leaving, take the MO Disc from the tray as you will need it. If you want to get into the Culture Experimentation Room in the B Scenario, open the shutter by that card key door and register Claire's fingerprint. The light will turn yellow. However, Claire needs another person to help her open the door, that person is Leon, in his B scenario. (2) Go back to the P-4 laboratory, and find the machine for vaccine research. Place the base vaccine into the machine and press the start switch. Then the vaccine will be created. After creating the vaccine, save if you wish, and place the MO Disc into the reader in the Licker Hallway. The wall opens, revealing a door. Go through. --------------- Transport Access --------------- Move a few steps forward, and then the PA system will announce that there are 5 minutes until detonation. Activate the elevator, and something will crash through the roof! It's William Birkin, and he is in a very bad mood! Boss Battle! William Birkin 4th and 5th forms Strength: Grenade Launcher with Flame Rounds: 6 to make him mutate, 10 to bring him down Combined usage of Flame Rounds and Acid Rounds: 6-7 Acid Rounds to make him mutate, 6 Acid Rounds and 6 Flame Rounds to bring him down. As you can see above, the Flame Rounds are slightly more effective than Acid Rounds against this monster. So those people who say Acid Rounds are the strongest should really shut up. The 4th form of William Birkin is rather slow, and can be caused to mutate by just continuously shooting him with the Grenade Launcher while standing. However, after this, he mutates into his 5th form! The 5th form is like a frog, and he will try to use his new "mouth" to bite and snag Claire, just like a cute little doggie... ohhhhh... No, it's not cute! This move can kill Claire in one attack if she is in Yellow Caution! So Claire should use the hit and run technique to continuously dodge the monster, and regularly heal yourself if you get injured. After enough shots, William Birkin will fall and melt1 And the elevator would have arrived. What took it so long?! Go down the elevator. Note: Another Typo! The ground says Platform Elevater! Capcom should really hire proofreaders! *****TRANSPORT***** Run a few steps forward and you will see the ending FMV. Apparently, Leon has already got the Train ready, and Claire manages to jump in through the gap between 2 adjacent Train Cars. Leon says that Sherry's unconscious, so Claire gives her the vaccine and she wakes up. The vaccine worked. Leon tells Claire that this is just the beginning, as Claire has to find her brother. Meanwhile, Claire tells Sherry that her god has protected her, and will always be with her. Then the two hug each other, the credits roll. To find out what happened to Leon throughout this mess, and the true ending, please play Leon's B Scenario! -------------------------------------------------- 8. Romantic Date with Ada Wong: Leon's B Scenario -------------------------------------------------- After the FMV scene featuring Leon and Claire's horrible looking eyeballs, Leon ends up outside a fire caused by the fuel truck driven by the zombie driver. He tells Claire to meet him at the Police Station. *****CITY AREA***** Run past all the zombies and go through the door at the other end. There are more zombies in this area, enter the guard shack and take the cabin key. Then enter the Cabin. Inside the cabin, take the Handgun Bullets and out the other door, don't worry about the "zombie chorus", just don't go through the door you came in and they will not come and get you. Outside the cabin, just avoid the zombies and go up the stairs. *****POLICE STATION***** --------------- Helicopter Wreck --------------- As soon as Leon gets up, he finds a policeman asking a helicopter to lower down to pick him up, but zombies sneak up behinds him and attacks him. The policeman runs away from them, away from the helicopter (Bad Move, and tries to shoot the zombies with his sub-machine gun. However, the zombies don't seem to feel pain, maybe because the policeman's bullets are made of rubber, and bites the policeman. In the confusion, the policeman ends up shooting the helicopter pilot, and the chopper crashes into the wall! What a wreck! Exploring this area reveals a valve socket used to break open the water tank. This could do well to extinguish the flames. Do through the door. --------------- Crow Hallway --------------- Run past the crows and go through the first door you see on the other end of the hallway. New Enemy! Crow Strength: Handgun: 1 shot Shotgun: 1 shot plus group kill Crows are just crows, and the T-virus has caused them to attack humans. Just run past them. --------------- Outside Stairway --------------- Go down the stairs, taking the herbs if you want. Enter the door there. --------------- Eastern Office --------------- Examine the dead policeman's body for Handgun Bullets. Then kill all zombies in this office. Use the knife if necessary as you will be short of ammo at the moment. This office is where you find the safe mentioned in the police memorandum earlier. The combination is 2236. Open it, and some Shotgun Shells will be revealed, as well as the Police Station Map. There are some Green Herbs behind the desk in that office, and some more handgun bullets on that desk. After this, take the valve handle and head through the double doors. --------------- Eastern Hall --------------- Just avoid the zombies and go through the door in that corner. --------------- Lobby --------------- There is no one here. Run to the reception desk, get the Grenade Launcher. The computer cannot be accessed yet. Now, return to the Eastern Hall. New Weapon! Shotgun Ammo: Shotgun Shells in units of 7 The shotgun is one of Leon's "effective against anything" weapons in this game. The shotgun in this game holds only 5 shells at first, but taking the shotgun parts later in this game increases its capacity to 7. --------------- Eastern Hall --------------- Take out your Shotgun, and blow the ketchup out of the zombies' heads when they are packed together. Then return to the helicopter wreck. ---------------- Helicopter Wreck ---------------- Use the valve handle on the socket and the water will put out the helicopter fire. Examine the helicopter for Shotgun Shells. Suddenly, a helicopter with 6 canisters marked T-00 hovers over the police station and drops one canister. Its contents drops out and lands in the crow hallway! Are you scared? Return to the crow hallway. --------------- Crow Hallway --------------- All the crows are gone, and debris has blocked the door leading back to the wreck. Run along the hallway and that monster comes over to get Leon! It's Mr. X, the Tyrant! New Enemy! Mr. X Strength: Combined usage of the handgun and Shotgun: Keep shooting until he falls Magnum: 3-6 shots Mr. X is the Tyrant sent by Umbrella to obtain the G-Virus and to get rid of Nosey Parkers Leon and Claire. He is slow, and attacks by punching, just attack him with acid rounds until he falls. After he is down, examine Mr. X's body for 30 Handgun Bullets and the corpse of the policeman twice for 15 more, then go through the door in the other end. --------------- Burning Hall --------------- Kill the 2 lickers here and go through the door previously blocked by the flames. New Enemy! Licker Strength: Shotgun: 2-3 shots These long tongue monsters are new in the Resident Evil series. They attack by claw swiping Leon on the ground, or doing a jumping swipe, much like the Hunters. Waste them with the shotgun! When they die, they cry, "Orarrghorrgh!" which is similar to the voice of Brazilian soccer fans during the World Cup! Ha ha! --------------- Art Room --------------- There is an ink ribbon in the large jar, but I don't think you'll need it. There are also some shotgun sheels under some crates to Leon's right. Then, take the Key Card, from the top of a wooden box, There are 2 statues with slots for some jewels to fit in. Remember them. Then attempt to leave, and a Licker jumps down through the window on the ceiling! After the licker is dead, go back to the burning hall, and through the middle door, you will end up in the waiting room. ----------------------- Waiting Room Save Room ----------------------- Deposit any unnecessary items. There is a Secretary's Diary A on a desk. There is also an old key on a chair and some handgun bullets. With your new ammo, go through the other door to the balcony above the lobby. New File! Secretary's Diary A April 6th I accidentally moved one of the stone statues on the second floor when I leaned against it. When the chief found out about it, he was furious. I swear the guy nearly bit my head off, (1) screaming at me never to touch the statue again. If it's so important, then maybe he shouldn't have put it out in the open like that... April 7th I heard that all the art pieces from the chief's collection are rare items, literally worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. (2) I don't know which is the bigger mystery: where he finds those tacky things, or where he's getting the money to pay for them. May 10th I wasn't surprised to see the chief come in today with yet another large picture frame in his hands. This time it was a really disturbing painting depicting a nude person being hanged. I was appalled by the expression on the chief's face as he leered at that painting. (3) Why anyone would consider something like that to be a work of art is beyond my comprehension... Explanation: This is the personality analysis of Chief Brian Irons of the RPD from his secretary's perspective. Apparently, the chief is a very bad tempered (1), rich (2) and rather sadistic (3). Claire gets to meet him, contrary to Leon, how sad. --------------- Above Lobby --------------- There are many zombies on this balcony, kill them all, preferably with the knife, as there is plenty of room to retreat. Only use the handgun if you are really cornered, and go back to the waiting room and out again to reset the positions of the zombies. There is absolutely no need to take the Unicorn Medal from the wall this time. Then activate the emergency ladder to provide a shortcut down to the lobby. Afterwards, climb back down to the lobby. --------------- Lobby --------------- Use the keycard on the computer, and the double doors leading to the library and the door to the chest room will be unlocked. Go to the chest room first. Warning! Do not go to the library until much later in the game, because the cord Claire used in the A Scenario will short out, causing the shutters to open up in one of the shutter hallways, allowing zombies to climb into the hallway and other adjacent rooms will also be refilled with zombies. --------------- Chest Room --------------- There are zombies here, kill them all! Deposit any unwanted items into the item box, then take the Police Memorandum off the seat. There is a desk in the room. Do not use the old key on it yet. Head through the other door. New File! Police Memorandum 8/23/1998 This letter is just to inform everyone about the recent movement of equipment that has happened during the precinct's arrangement. The safe with four digit lock has been moved from the STARS office on the second floor (1), to the eastern office on the first floor. "2236" (2) Raccoon Police Liaison Dept. Explanations: (1) The STARS office is on the second floor. (2) The combination of the safe is 2236, remember it. --------------- Shutter Hall 1 --------------- The shutters in this hallway may or may not be down, depending on where Claire used the cord in her A scenario. There is no need to go through the Spade Key room here, as there is nothing but a file and a first aid kit, completely no-essential items. Take the green herb. Take the handgun bullets from the headless body and go through the door. --------------- Boarded Hall --------------- 2 zombies burst in! Just kill them. Go through the first set of double doors you see. --------------- Operations Room --------------- There is an Operations Report on a table, then head through the gap to the left of the whiteboard. There is a fireplace, with a painting of a naked woman. The title is "Sacrifice to the hellfire." So use Leon's lighter on the fireplace and the painting will be burnt, revealing a red jewel. Take it. There are some more handgun bullets in a pile of boxes in the corner to the right of the fireplace. Then go out to the boarded hall and go through the single door in the other end. New File! Operation Report -Operation report- September 26th The Raccoon Police department was unexpectedly attacked by zombies. Many have been injured. Even more were killed. During the attack, our communications equipment was destroyed and we no longer have contact with the outside. We have decided to carry out an operation with the intent of rescuing any possible survivors as well as to prevent this disaster from spreading beyond Raccoon City. The details of the operation are as follows: Security of armaments and ammunition. Chief Irons has voiced concern regarding the issue of terrorism due to a series of recent unresolved incidents. On the very day before the attack, he made the decision to relocate all weapons to scattered intervals throughout the building as a temporary measure to prevent their possible seizure. Unfortunately, this decision has made it extremely difficult for us to locate all ammunition caches. It has become our top priority to recover these scattered munitions. To unlock the weapon storage. As stated earlier, it will be extremely difficult to secure all the ammunition. However, a considerable supply still remains in the underground weapon storage. Unfortunately, the person in charge of the card key used to access the weapon storage is missing and we have been unable to locate the key. One of the breakers went down during the zombie battle and the electronic locks are not functioning in certain areas. It has become a top priority to restore the power in the power room and secure those locks. (1) Recorder: David Ford -Operation Report- September 27th 1:00 PM. The west barricade has been broken through and another exchange ensued. We sheltered the injured in the confiscation room on the first floor temporarily. Twelve more people were injured in the battle. Reported: David Ford -Additional Report- Three additional people were killed following the sudden appearance of an as of yet unknown creature. This creature is identified by missing patches of skin and razor like claws. However, its most distinguishing characteristic is its lance-like tongue, capable of piercing a human torso in an instant. Their numbers as well as their location remains unknown. We have tentatively named this creature the "licker" (2) and are currently in the process of developing countermeasures to deal with this new threat. Explanations: (1) There is an ammunition storage located in the B1 level of the Police Station. Later, Leon would have to reset the breaker and find the key card in order to enter that room. (2) This describes the Licker's looks and their attack methods. --------------- Dark Room Hall --------------- Kill the 4 zombies. Then enter the other unlocked door in this room. ------------------- Dark Room Save Room ------------------- This room enables you to develop film found throughout the game. There is some ammo atop the white drawers, and some ink ribbon by the typewriter. There is an Operation Report 2 on the table behind the typewriter. New File! Operation Report 2 -Operation Report- September 28th Early Morning 2:30AM. Zombies overran the operation room and another battle broke out. We lost four more people, including David. We're down to four people, including myself. We failed to secure the weapons cache and hope for our survival continues to diminish. We won't last much longer... We agreed upon a plan to escape through the sewer. There's a path leading from the precinct underground to the sewage disposal plant. We should be able to access the sewers through there. (1) The only drawback is that there is no guarantee the sewage disposal plant is free of any possible dangers. We know our chances in the sewers are slim, but anything is better than simply waiting here to die. In order to buy more time, we locked the only door leading to the underground, which is located in the eastern office. (2) We left the key behind in the western office since it's unlikely that any of those creatures have the intelligence to find it and unlock the door. I pray that this operation report will be helpful to whoever may find it. Recorder: Elliot Edward Explanations: (1) Later in the game, Leon will reach the sewage disposal plant and enter the sewers through there. He can use that route to escape. (2) The Heart Key is located in the western office. With all this information, deposit the Red Jewel and leave the room. Head up the stairs. --------------- Statue Hallway --------------- There are no zombies here, but there is a statue here, holding a red jewel, I wonder... Puzzle Time! Statue Puzzle The inscription of the statue reads, "The god of sun and the god of moon. Their gaze upon me is the only thing that can release red soul." So you have to push the 2 smaller statues on the 2 pads on the wall so that they look at the statue. After the puzzle is complete, the red jewel will be dropped for you to collect. Further examination of the Red Jewel indicates that it is a Virgin Heart, wonder what it is used for? Take the handgun bullets behind the statue, and head through the door. ------------------ STARS Office Hall ------------------ Head through the door into the office. --------------- STARS Office --------------- There is a magnum in the weapons locker, and if you examine the desk in front of the large STARS sign 50 times, a film will be found. Develop it to get Film D. New File! Film D (Picture of Rebecca Chambers in the RPD basketball team) RECRUIT Chris's Diary is on one of the tables. New File! Chris's Diary August 8th I talked to the chief today once again, but he refused to listen to be. I know for certain that Umbrella conducted T-virus research in that mansion. (1) Anyone infected turns into a zombie. But the entire mansion went up in that explosion; along with any incriminating evidence. Since Umbrella employs so many people in town (2), no one is willing to talk about the incident. It looks like I'm running out of options. August 17th We've been receiving a lot of local report about strange monsters appearing at random throughout the city. This must be the work of Umbrella. August 24th With the help of Jill and Barry, I finally obtained information vital to this case. Umbrella has begun research on the new G-virus, a variation of the original T-virus. Haven't they done enough damage already?! We talked it over, and have decided to fly to the main Umbrella HQ in Europe. I won't tell my sister about this trip because doing so would put her in danger. Please forgive me Claire. (3) Explanations: (1) Chris Redfield was one of the STARS Alpha Team members who investigated the Spencer Mansion in Raccoon Forest 2 months ago, where they found out about Umbrella's T-virus research. (2)Umbrella does have a lot of influence in Raccoon City, I don't know why. (3) Claire has been wasting her time in Raccoon City all along! Poor girl. After reading Chris's Diary, just leave, and go through the spade key door in the hall. New Weapon! Magnum Ammo: Magnum Bullets in units of 8 The Magnum is inarguably Leon's most powerful weapon. It should be saved for bosses, particularly Mr. X and William Birkin. For other enemies, the magnum kills them instantly by decapitation. Like the handgun and shotgun, it can be upgraded. --------------- Outside Library --------------- Leon spots a little girl in front of him. She runs away, and before Leon can catch up, she crawls under a crack in a door. She has left a key behind. Take it, it is a Precinct key, a Diamond key to be exact. After this cut-scene, take the Shotgun Shells from the open locker. Then attempt to leave and Claire will come in. She asks Leon if he has seen a little girl around, Leon says yes, but he missed her. So Claire decides to go look for him, and asks Leon to find a way out of here. Before she leaves, Leon gives her a radio to let her contact him. After the cut-scene, explore the room. There is a locked desk near the door leading into the library, and you can unlock it with the small key to obtain the handgun parts. Cool. Now, the handgun can fire in bursts of 3. However, I suggest you use Auto mode only against strong enemies, as it doesn't seem to take fewer hits to kill zombies. With your new parts, head back to the dark room hall. --------------- Dark Room Hall --------------- Go through the Diamond Key door. ------------------ Confiscation Room ------------------ There are no zombies here. Examine a drawer in a hidden corner for a Film, which can be developed into Film B, and some shotgun shells in another drawer. New File! Film B (Picture of an unconscious person) Pictured in front of the Arukas tailor. Regressed into a zombie within two hours. Subject repeatedly complained about severe agitation of the epidermis in addition to feelings of nausea. This happened up to the moment he lost consciousness. Picture by R. Lambert Explanation: Arukas Tailor is one of the shops you saw in the streets in the beginning of the game where you ran out of the crash site. This film again describes the symptoms of the T-Virus infection. Go through the other door. --------------- Western Office --------------- This is where you met that wounded cop earlier. He is hiding in one of the offices, walk to him and he will turn into a zombie before your very eyes! Turn away, and lure him out of the office, then reenter that office to get the Precinct Key, which is actually the Heart Key. Then take the handgun bullets from the locker, and it seems that the other officers have left a memo to welcome Leon. Pick it up; it is by the party hats and drinks. There is an old key here, which can be used to open the drawer in the Chest Room or 7 more shotgun shells. After stocking up on items and ammo, go back to the Eastern Hall. New File! Memo to Leon To Leon S. Kennedy, Congratulations on your assignment to the Raccoon City police department. We all look forward to having you as a part of your team and promise to take good care of you. Welcome aboard! From all the guys at the R.P.D. Explanation: No explanation is needed. This is just a memo the other officers wrote to Leon to welcome him to the RPD. --------------- Eastern Hall --------------- Go through the single door on the other side. ------------------- Interrogation Hall ------------------- Go through the door with bars only this time, or you will find a licker waiting for you in the Interrogator's Room. --------------- Suspect's Room --------------- Take the Rook Plug from the shelf, and leave. Don't take the first aid spray, or a licker will burst in through the windows. With this new plug, return to the Art Room, be sure to take the 2 virgin hearts from the item box. --------------- Art Room --------------- Place the 2 virgin hearts into the two holes of the woman statues, and the center statue will open up, revealing a king plug. Take it, and return to the Eastern Office. --------------- Eastern Office --------------- Go through the Heart Key Door. ----------------- Shutter hallway 2 ----------------- The shutters may be or may not be down, depending on where Claire used the cord in her A scenario. If zombies have not broken in, there will be a lone Cerberus dog in the hall. Put him to sleep for now and go down the stairs. New Enemy! MA-39 Cerberus Strength: Handgun: 6-10 Shots Shotgun: 1-2 Shots These hellhounds are one of the Bio Organic Weapons of Umbrella Inc. They try to bite onto your hand, or will pounce on you, trying to bite your neck off. I suggest you face these dogs in a narrow hallway, so they cannot surround you. There is a cheap way to deal with these dogs, see the Tips and Tricks section for more information. ------------------ Police Station B1 ------------------ There are 3 Cerberus dogs in this hallway, take them all out. Then enter the unlocked double doors first. --------------- Breaker Room --------------- There is a breaker device which supplies power to the electronic card reader in the Police Station B1 Hall. You will have to set the voltage to 80V, as stated on the meter. Puzzle Time! Get the power back on, or else... There are a total of 5 switches on the voltage device. Pushing a switch upwards increases the voltage by 36V, and pulling it downwards decreases the voltage by 14V. As 36+36+36-14-14=80, you have to push any 3 switches up, and any 2 switches down. As the voltage at any given moment must lie between 0V and 100V, you cannot pull the 1st switch downwards, or push the 1st 3 switches upwards before pulling the last 2 switches down. After the puzzle, the card reader powers on. Then take the Police Station B1 map and return to the B1 Hall. ----------------------- Police Station B1 Hall ----------------------- Take the handgun bullets from the trash pile. Then go through the door marked, "Parking". --------------- Parking Lot --------------- Run forwards, only to almost be shot by a woman. The woman apologizes, "Sorry, when I saw the uniform I thought you were another of those zombies." Leon asks, "Who are you?" The woman says,"Ada Wong. I am looking for a guy named Ben. He's one of those reporter types, always looking for a scoop. I heard he was locked up in a cell block, only that there's a wrecked car blocking the entrance. I've been trying to find another way inside. If we work together, we can move this thing. Give me a hand, will you?" You heard the lady, push! A door will be revealed. Go through. Note: Notice the typos on the van? Emergencey! Dail 911! Ha ha! My my, this is getting serious... --------------- Cell Block Hall --------------- Once you have entered, Ada Wong, our new independent woman friend runs off. What a woman! Anyway, pick up the film from the table, and it can be developed into Film C in the Dark Room. Then go through the door into the cell block next to the table. New File! Film C (Picture of a Tyrant Soaked in bio-organic fluid) Development Code: T-103 Due to accelerated metabolism relative to the earlier 00 series, this subject possesses exemplary regenerative capabilities. PH-X016 File Data Explanation: So this is the Tyrant that has been bothering Leon in the B Scenario. Actually, this capsule is found in the culture experimentation room in the laboratory. You will see later. --------------- Cell Block --------------- Run forward for the shiny object, and a cut scene will start. Leon seemed to be annoyed at Ben's uncooperative attitude, and Ada asks him whether he knows anything about her boyfriend John. Ben refuses to tell them anything, and tells them to get out of here before they lead him to the monsters. Leon then tells him that he is the only cop alive in this building. Ben will then get scared and tell you a way to get out of the city. Apparently, there is a kennel in this area. Inside the kennel is a manhole, go down and Leon will be at the sewer entrance. New Character! Ben Bertolucci Occupation: Reporter Ben is one of the many obsessive reporters you will find in the world. However, this time, he has found out something serious about the events in Raccoon City. However, he is not in the mood to tell you now. Later, he will be killed, what a shame. I think that reporters are not worth dying because of their profession. With this information, get the manhole opener, and go back to the Cell Block Hall, and go through the single door you have not yet entered. --------------- Kennel --------------- Apparently, the police dogs have also become Cerberus. They are trying to jump out of their cages to get at Leon. However, the cage is sturdy enough to hold them back. Just don't get the Red Herb and they cannot get out. Now, open the manhole and go down the ladder. ******SEWAGE DISPOSAL***** --------------- Spider Path --------------- Spiders! Avoid them and go up the stairs. New Enemy! Giant Spider Strength: Handgun, 6-10 shots Shotgun: 2-3 shots Spiders are arachnids that have been enhanced by the T-virus. They charge and pin you down, or spit poison which always causes poisoning in this game. Just run past them, ignore them, or risk getting poisoned. If you are poisoned, use a blue herb. --------------------- Sewage Disposal Hall --------------------- Go through the first door on Leon's left. ---------------------- Storeroom L Save Room ---------------------- Take the blue herb, and save with the ink ribbon if you wish. Then take the King Plug and Rook Plug from the item box. Exit. --------------------- Sewage Disposal Hall --------------------- Enter the other door. --------------- Septic Pool --------------- Examine the large locked door in this room. It requires the insertion of 4 plugs, you have 2, well, and two are missing. Anyway, insert the 2 plugs you have and leave. --------------------- Sewage Disposal Hall --------------------- Well, it seems that Ada Wong as found her way into the Sewage Disposal as well. Leon introduces himself to Ada, but Ada is interested in that hole above the shutter. She asks Leon to give her a boost. Then you'll be playing as Ada for a while. Ada spots a little girl, that girl saw her and ran away, dropping her pendant. Ada decides to hold it on for her. As Ada, go through the door in front of you. ------------------------ Sewage Disposal Walkway ------------------------ Kill the 4 zombies and go down the elevator. --------------- Pipe Room --------------- Take the shotgun shells, and go back up the elevator. ----------------------- Sewage Disposal Walkway ----------------------- Go through the other door. --------------- Box Room --------------- There is a Sewage Disposal Map on the wall, take it. Then go down the steps into the pool. There are 3 boxes here, which can be used as a bridge when the pool is filled. Push them so that they are lined up in a row. Then climb back up and push the button. The pool fills with water. Cross the bridge and take the precinct key, which is the Club Key. Then return to the Sewage Disposal Hall. ------------------------ Sewage Disposal Hallway ------------------------ Ada will throw the shotgun shells and the Club Key over the hole to Leon. She tells him that she cannot return to him because the hole is too high. She goes off, to find another way. This time, Leon is wrong to think that Ada is leaving him, heh heh. If he were the one on the other side, he would have known. Afterwards, Claire calls Leon on the radio, informing him that she has found the girl, and she has cleared the wreckage that was blocking the corridor in the Burning Hall. With this new Club Key of yours, head back to the Police Station B1. *****POLICE STATION***** ------------------ Police Station B1 ------------------ Enter the double doors marked Autopsy Room. --------------- Autopsy Room --------------- There are 2 lickers in this room, slay them, and take the red key card from a cupboard in a corner. ------------------ Police Station B1 ------------------ Use the card key on the reader, and it will unlock. GO into the Ammunition Storage. ------------------- Ammunition Storage ------------------- Take all the ammo you find. There is a Scenario Dependent Event in here. Scenario Dependent Event! Is there anything left for me? If Claire did not take the Sub-Machine gun and side pack, there will still be there for the taking for Leon. The side pack provides 2 more item blocks in your inventory. So it is imperative that Claire leaves it for Leon. New Weapon! Sub-Machine Gun Ammo: Machine Gun Bullets in units of 100% The Sub-Machine Gun is the powerful automatic weapon of the game. It can hold most enemies still while the bullets tear them apart! However, this weapon is big, so it takes 2 item blocks. Anyway, this is offset by the fact that you don't have to carry ammo around for this weapon. With all your ammo stocked up, go up the stairs to the Shutter Hallway 2. ----------------- Shutter Hallway 2 ----------------- Go through the Club Key door by the stairs. ------------------ Staff Common Room ------------------ There are some shotgun shells in the locker. There are magnum bullets on the desk behind the dead policeman. There is also a watchman's diary on the bunk bed. New File! Watchman's Diary August 11th I finally had the chance to see blue skies for the first time in ages, but it did little to lift my spirits. I was reprimanded by the chief for neglecting my duties while I was up on the clock tower. There's only one thing I still don't understand: the chief seemed to be more concerned about the fact that I was up on the tower rather than that I was neglecting my duties. Why was access to the tower prohibited in the first place anyway? (1) September 5th I recently talked to the old man who works in the scrap yard out back. His name is Thomas. He's a quiet man and really seems to enjoy chess. He even went so far as to design a special key and lock engraved with chess pieces on them for on of the doors in the disposal yard. (2)We made plans to play chess tomorrow night. I can't help but wonder how good he is. One thins that's been bothering me about him is the way he's always scratching himself (3). Does he have some sort of skin disease or he is just rude? September 9th Thomas was a much better player than I had imagined. I used to think of myself as a fairly decent player, but he did a good job of humbling me. About the only thing I imagine that could match his skills in chess is his appetite. All the guy did was talk about food throughout the entire game. (4) He sounded fairly healthy, but he didn't look quite right... I wonder if he's okay. September 12th I was supposed to play another game of chess with Thomas, but we had to cancel it because he hasn't been feeling too well. He stopped by to see me, but I told him to go back and rest since he literally looked like the walking dead. He insisted that he was just fine, but I could tell he was really having problems. Come to think of it, I haven't been feeling too good myself lately... Explanations: (1) The knight plug is found in the clock tower. (2) This explains the lock with all the plugs in the Sewage Disposal. (3) People working in Umbrella facilities can easily be infected by the T-Virus. One of the early symptoms includes itchy skin. (4) Another symptoms of the T-Virus infection: The person infected becomes extremely hungry. Head back to the Interrogation Hall. ------------------- Interrogation Hall ------------------- Go through the green Club Key door. ---------------------- Press Conference Room ---------------------- There is a picture with a Gold Cogwheel on the wall too. It tells you to listen to the queen, king and then the jack. Well, finally, a puzzle! Puzzle Time! Listening to the Royals See a gas burner in a corner by the main desk? Use your lighter to light up a fire, and then there are 3 gas burner faucets on the wall with numbers 11, 12 and 13. If you have been playing cards, you will know that Jack is 11, Queen is 12 and King is 13, so turn on the faucets in the order 12, 13 and 11 and the Golden Cogwheel will drop onto the ground. Attempt to leave, and Mr. X crashes through the wall, so it is time to take him out with your sub-machine gun or magnum if you have them now, if not, just run! After he is down, examine his body for your prize. It is a box of 30 Handgun Bullets. ------------------- Interrogation Hall ------------------- Attempt to return to the Eastern Hall, and Mr. X, the clumsy oaf makes yet another hole in the wall! Bring him down with your magnum, and take your prize. It is a box of 7 Shotgun Shells. Now, return to the burning hall. ------------------- Burning Hall ------------------- The broken door has been blown apart. Go into the gap, and through the door inside the gap. ------------------- Chief's Office ------------------- Chief Brian Irons is gone. Take his diary from his chair, and go through the other door in his office New File! Chief's Diary September 23rd It's all over. Those imbeciles from Umbrella have finally done it... Despite all their promises, they've ruined my town. Soon the streets will be infested with zombies. I'm beginning to think that I may even be infected myself. I'll kill everyone in town if this turns out to be true!!! September 24th I was successful in spreading confusion among the police as planned. I've made sure that no one from the outside will come to help. With the delays in police actions, no one will have the chance to escape my city alive. I've seen to it personally that all escape routes from inside the precinct have been cut off as well. There are several survivors still attempting to escape through the lower levels, but I'll make sure no one gets out. September 26th I've had a change of heart about the remaining survivors inside the precinct. I've decided to hunt them down myself. I shot Ed in the back through the heart less than an hour ago;. I watched him writhe in pain upon the floor in a pool of his own blood. The expression on his face was positively exquisite. He died with his eyes wide open, staring at me. It was beautiful. I wonder if the mayor's daughter is still alive. I let her escape so I could enjoy hunting her down latter... I'm going to enjoy my new trophy. Yes, frozen forever in the pose I choose to give her. Explanation: After Chief Brian Irons knew of the accident in the underground lab, he obviously went insane. Instead of helping people to fight against the zombies, he just decided to make sure they all die. In the end, he let the mayor's daughter escape so he can kill her himself. What a freaking psycho! ------------------- Trophy Hall ------------------- Go through the other door in this room. ------------------- Trophy Room ------------------- Go to the dark area of the room, and turn on the light. Take the square crank from the chest, and the secretary's diary, then go to the library. New File! Secretary's Diary B June 8th As I was straightening up the chief's room, he burst through the door with a furious look on his face. It's only been 2 months since I've started working here, but that's the second time I've seen him like this. The last time was when I bumped into that statue, only this time he looked even more agitated than ever. I seriously thought for a moment that he was going to hurt me. June 15h I finally discovered what the chief has been hiding all along... If he finds out that I know, my life will be in serious danger. It's getting late already. I'm just going to have to take this one day at a time... Explanation: The Chief's secretary seems to have found out something about Brian Irons, I wonder what it is. ------------------- Trophy Hall ------------------- It seems that Mr. X has come to say hi to Leon again. Bring him down as done before and get your prize. It is a magazine of 8 magnum bullets. Continue your way. --------------- Library --------------- Take one step forward and... Scenario Dependent Event! Zombie Invasion Wham! The cord in one of the shutter hallways have short out, and zombies are bursting in through the windows! Luckily, Leon does not have to go through that area anymore. Now, are you glad to have listened to my advice and have not gone in to the library until now? There is a red herb on a table. Take it, then head up the stairs, but do not go through the door yet, instead, run to the part of the catwalk with the gap in the fence. Ouch! Leon falls through the wooden floor into the space below. Trapped? Not exactly. Examine the picture on the wall, it shows an arrangement of the 4 bookshelves. It seems that we have a puzzle in our hands now. Puzzle Time! Bookshelf Puzzle To solve the puzzle, first push the red switch in the space you are in. The bookshelf will slide out. Then Leon can exit. Then head out, and move the 2 leftmost bookshelves to the right. Puzzle solved. The picture slides down, revealing a Bishop Plug. Take it. Then head through the double doors. After this puzzle, go up the stairs and through the door. --------------- 3F Balcony --------------- Go through the other door. --------------- Clock Tower --------------- Use the square crank on the hole and a set of stairs will be lowered. Go up, and place the gold cogwheel into the hole. Press the button and a metal board to Leon's right will open, revealing the knight plug, the last of the 4 plugs. After taking the plug, jump down the dust chute. Wheeeeee!! --------------- Cell Block Hall --------------- It seems that some monsters have entered Ben's cell. That monster slashes Ben, mortally wounding him. What are you waiting for, Leon? Go and investigate Ben's cell. --------------- Cell Block --------------- Leon finds Ben lying on the ground. Ben now tells Leon the truth. Chief Brian Irons has been conspiring with Umbrella all along. "Get that scum, make him pay." Ben says. Leon replies, "Hang in there, Ben!" Ben falls down, dead. Just then, Ada walks in, "leon," she says. New File! Mail to the Chief To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have lost the mansion lab facility due to the actions of the renegade operative, Albert Wesker. (1) Fortunately, his interference will have no lasting effects upon our continuing virus research. Our only present concern is the presence of the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members: Redfield, Valentine, Burton, Chambers and Vickers. If it comes to light that the S.T.A.R.S. have any evidence as to the activities of our research, dispose of them in such a manner that would appear to be purely accidental. Continue to monitor their progress and make certain their knowledge does not go public. Annette will continue to be your contact through out this affair. (2) William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. I have deposited the amount of US $10,000 to the account for your services this term as per our agreement. (3) The development of the G-Virus scheduled to replace the T-Virus, is near completion. Once completed, I am certain that I will be appointed to tbe a member of the executive board for Umbrella Inc. It is imperative that we proceed with extreme caution. Redfield and the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members are still attempting to uncover information on the project. (4)Continue to monitor their activities and block all attempts to investigate the underground research facilities. William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons,, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have a problem. I have received information informing me that Umbrella HQ has sent spies to recover my research on the G-virus. There are an unknown numbers of agents involved. They must not be allowed to take this project away from me as it represents my entire life's work. Search the city thoroughly for any suspicious persons. (5) Detain any such individuals by whatever means deemed necessary and contact me immediately through Annette. With these precautions, any possible threat should be eliminated. I will not allow anyone to steal my work on the G-virus. No even Umbrella... (6) William Birkin Explanations: (1) What? I thought Albert Wesker had made Umbrella think that he is dead. See Wesker's Report for details. (2) Annette Birkin is William's wife, like her husband, Annette is rather crazy at times, and loves her husband rather too much, too much. I mean it. You will meet her later. (3) This proves that Brian Irons really is corrupt. (4) This explains why Chief Brian Irons refused to listen to Chris about the T-virus. (5) With this information, I can conclude that the suspicious person near the sewers in the Patrol Report is one of Agent Hunk's team members. This is because if that individual is a man, Ada Wong is out the question. As only Ada and Hunk's team are to recover the G-virus, there is only one possibility, that person is one of Hunk's men. (6) Why? William? I thought if he just let those umbrella spies to get the G-virus, the higher-ups of Umbrella would give him credit for this and appoint him to the executive board of Umbrella. After this, Ada will run off. "Where are you going, Ada?" Leon asks. Ada tells him, "I am going to the chemical plant, I get the feeling that's where I'll find John." She runs off. "Ada, wait, wait!" What a woman, return to the Sewage Disposal. *****SEWAGE DISPOSAL***** -------------------- Sewage Disposal Hall -------------------- Enter the septic pool. --------------- Septic Pool --------------- Walk a little bit forward, and a mutated monster in lab coats staggers towards Leon, she grabs a bar off a railing a roars. (Sing in tune to the boss theme) Oh my God, what exactly is this thing? And what's up with his ugly eye? Yes I know, he really is a G-Type! It's none other than William Birkin! Boss Battle! William Birkin 1st Form Strength: Magnum: Just keep shooting until the music stops William Birkin is here, and he really is in a bad mood. Luckily he is slow, and Leon can just use the hit and run technique to outwit him. When you have shot him enough times, William will swing his bar around blindly for a few moments, and stagger towards the edge of the bridge, and falls over. After William has fallen, run to the lock and insert the remaining 2 plugs. This door opens, and enter. --------------- Settlement Tank --------------- Leon sees some dust drop from the ceiling, and Ada drops through! Leon sees her, and is rather fed up with her running off attitude. "What was that about? Running of like that is reckless and stupid. Those zombies are everywhere, not to mention the thing that got Ben." Ada still isn't persuaded, "I was there Leon, I knew." Leon says, "Look, as an officer, it is my job to look after you. We are not going to get out of this alive if we don't work together." Ada finally agrees, "We'll do this your way. You know." With Ada, go through the water door. You are officially in the Sewer. *****SEWER***** --------------- Watergate Room --------------- Head through the other door and pick up the blue herbs on the way. ------------------------- Control Room 2 Save Room ------------------------- There is a Sewer Manager Fax on the table. There are some handgun bullets in the brown drawer. Save if you wish, then head down the elevator, taking the valve handle with you. New File! Sewer Manager Fax -User List of the Connecting Facility- On the first and third Wednesdays of the month, Angelica Margaret, chief of maintenance, will make use of the facilities. Be sure to reduce the moisture levels in the facility by activating the fan, as the equipment she will be using is susceptible to the effects of water vapors. On the 28th of every month, the chemical transporter Don Weller will use the facility. The chemicals he will be transporting are extremely volatile. Extreme caution should be observed throughout their transport. On the 6th and 16th of every month, police chief Brian Irons will visit the facility to attend the regular meetings that take place in the lab. On the fourth Friday of every other month, William Birkin will use the facility to conduct a training seminar for the Chicago branch of Umbrella Inc. As the probability of an attack upon Dr. Birkin will be high, take every measure conceivable to guard his life. You will be informed of all other potential visitors and the times they will arrive as needed. Guide these individuals to their destination safely. We expect nothing but the best from you. Charles Coleman Secretary Chief Umbrella Headquarters Explanation: This gives you an idea of the monthly routines of the Sewer system. ------------------- Sewer Junction Hall ------------------- Go a step forward, and a woman will run away form Leon and Ada, Ada moves to see what's going on. Leon said, "Ada! Heads off!" and deflected the shot on Ada. Ada sees Leon unconscious, "That woman was, I have to talk to her." You are now playing as Ada for the 2nd time, take the Sewer Map off the wall, and go through the door that woman went through. --------------- Sewer Room 1 --------------- That woman has gone up a ladder and into a fan. Follow her. There are 2 spiders in this hall, kill them beforehand, as ammo is not an issue for Ada. --------------- Fan --------------- Just ignore the cockroaches and go down the ladder at the other side. ------------------ Upper Bridge Room ------------------ Walk a few steps forward, and the woman who shot Leon will come and confront Ada Wong. That woman is, Annette Birkin, the wife of the inventor of the G-Virus. Ada pretends she does not know about the G-Virus. New Character! Annette Birkin Annette Birkin is the wife of the G-Virus inventor, William Birkin. Like her husband, Annette is just as twisted. Following the assault on her husband, she has turned paranoid and thinks that everyone she meets is after her husband's G-virus. She has a daughter, Sherry Birkin. Well, I guess even maniacs can reproduce... Annette will then accuse Umbrella for causing her husband's demise. She spots Ada's pendant, and accused Ada of stealing Sherry's pendant. Ada and Annette will have a struggle in super slow motion, with Ada victorious. Annette gets knocked into the sewage pool below. Ada picks up her gun. Now, just cross the bridge and climb down the ladder. Ada stays there, or may scream if the Alligator is not decapitated in Claire's A Scenario! Now, Leon wakes up in the Sewer Junction Hall. As Leon, go through the door that Ada went. --------------- Sewer Room 1 --------------- Explore the room to find 2 dead Umbrella commandos. Examine their bodies for an old key and a Wolf Medal, with the old key, head ack to the Sewer Junction Hall ------------------- Sewer Junction Hall ------------------- Take the other elevator opposite the one you came down on. ------------------------ Control Room 1 Save Room ------------------------- There are 3 more green herbs, some more handgun bullets in the bag and a warehouse door. Use the old key on the door, and it will open. Climb down the ladder. Insider the warehouse, kill the zombies and take all the ammo, then return to the Sewer Room 1, and go through the single door in the drain. --------------- Sewer Room 2 --------------- Kill the 2 spiders, as they can be a nuisance. Then insert the Wolf Medal in the slot in the machine by the door blocked by the waterfall. Then go through the double doors. ------------------ Lower Bridge Room ------------------ Use the valve handle to move the bridge down, then cross. On the other side, use the valve handle to raise the bridge back to where it was. There are some more Shotgun Shells and Green Herbs here. Then head through the door. --------------- Alligator Room --------------- Scenario Dependent Event! Is the Alligator still alive? If Claire killed the alligator using the gas canister, Leon will not have to fight him again. Otherwise, run to the gas canister, and release it. The Alligator bites on to the canister, and Leon can blow off the top of its head with one shot of the handgun. Regardless of whether you have met the alligator or not, go to the brown rusty gate and open it. Ada tells Leon that she knows that John is dead, so she only wants to get of here now. So, climb up the ladder. ----------------- Upper Bridge Room ----------------- Cross the bridge with Ada and go over to the control panel. Take the Eagle Medal from the corpse's hand and the Sewer Manager Diary on the panel. New File! Sewer Manager Diary June 28th It's been a while, but I saw Don today and we talked after completing our work. He told me he had been sick in bed until yesterday. It really doesn't come as much of a surprise given how long he's been working here. He was sweating like a horse and kept scratching his body while we were talking. (1) I asked if he was hot, but he just looked at me funny. What's wrong with him anyway? July 7th Chief Irons has been visiting the lab quite often lately. I don't know what he's doing over there but he always looks grim. The expression on his face has been even more unsettling than usual... My guess is that it's because of Dr. Birkin's impossible requests. The chief has my sympathies though. After all he's done for the town, he doesn't deserve this. July 21st I rarely drink because I'm on the grave yard shift, but I don't suppose I have much to complain about since this is how I make my living. August 16th Chief Irons came in late today, looking grimmer than his usual self. I tired to joke with him to cheer him up but he wasn't amused. He pulled his gun and threatened to shoot me! I was able to calm him down, but that guy must have some serious problems. He knows he can't enter the lab without my help and my medal. (2) This is what it means for the chief "to serve and protect"!? August 21st William informed me that the police and media have begun their investigation on Umbrella's affairs. (3) He said that the investigation will be citywide and that there is a possibility that they'll even search through the sewers. He asked me to suspend all Umbrella sewer facility operations until the investigation has concluded. The sewer will still be used for passage, but he stressed that I have to be extremely cautious and that I'd lose my job if anyone finds out about this operation. Explanations: (1) The occupational hazard of Umbrella employees: They always have the risk of getting infected by Umbrella's viruses, the T-Virus in this case. (2) This again shows that Chief Brian Irons has mental problems. Apart from this, this sentence shows that the Wolf Medal and Eagle Medals are used to reveal a passageway into Umbrella's secret lab. (3) Although the "Mansion Incident" was not made public in Raccoon City, people outside Raccoon started to raise concerns about Umbrella, and are investigating the city. There is a hole for the valve handle to slow down the fan. Use the valve handle and the fan stops. Climb up the ladder. You will be in the fan again. Then you can just go back to Sewer Hallway 2 and insert the Eagle Medal into the slot, and then the waterfall will stop, enabling Leon and Ada to reach the door. Go through. --------------- Wooden Hallway --------------- Go through the hallway, and you will hear the earth shake. What could hat be? Go through the door at the other end. --------------- Cable Car Stop --------------- Run to the control panel to call back the cable car, then enter. --------------- Cable Car --------------- The cable car ride seems uneventful, but suddenly, "Roar"! Some claw sticks into the car and tries to swipe at Leon and Ada. To get rid of this nuisance, just run around the cable car, staying away from the dropping dust from the ceiling, as that's where the claw will strike. After Ada has shot the claw enough times, the claw leaves you alone, and you can exit. Welcome to the Vacant Factory. --------------- Cable Car Stop --------------- There is a flare gun, light it up, to reveal a glow on the ground. Examine the glow for a Weapon Box Key, then go through the door. --------------- Passageway 1 --------------- Just let Ada kill all the zombies for you, and explore the room to find a dead end with a corpse on the ground. Examine it for the shotgun parts, combine them with the shotgun for a custom shotgun! This new shotgun is much more powerful, and has a spread effect! Be sure to use it! Afterwards, head through the other door. --------------- Passageway 2 --------------- Again, just let Ada kill all zombies for you, take the herbs if you wish, and then climb up the ladder. ------------------ Factory Save Room ------------------ Grab all the ammo, save if you want, and go through the door, taking the magnum with you. --------------- Turntable --------------- Grab the handgun bullets from between the barrels, and ride the elevator down. Go through the sliding door at the other end of the catwalk. You will be on another catwalk. Run to the other end, and take the control panel key, which is actually an up key from the floor. Then turn on the monitor. Apparently, Mr. X has stalked Leon to the factory! He looks at the camera as if to say, "What are you looking at?" and slams his fists onto the camera! Now, Leon would have to fight him. Take him down with the magnum as usual and get your reward. It's a box of 7 shotgun shells! With your up key, return to the Factory Save Room, and insert it into the control panel where there is a small keyhole. The turntable will move up. Then, get onto the turntable and press the activation switch. Leon and Ada will then get into the train car. The turntable goes down. Inside the Train Car, the monster's claw will crash through the wall, and punch Ada, knocking her unconscious. Leon will decide to investigate. Before going out, equip the Magnum, and take the Magnum Bullets from the toilet beforehand. When you are outside, walk a little bit forward and someone throws away his iron bar. It is William Birkin, and he is back for more. Let's sing the William Birkin song again, folks! Boss Battle! William Birkin 3rd Form Strength: Magnum: About 11 shots This William Birkin mutation is rather slow, and you can just use the hit and run technique to evade him most of the time. However, his claws have a very long swipe radius, so be careful when you try to run past him, as he will slash you 4 times if he succeeds. Apart from this, he will jump up and surprise Leon at times. Otherwise, this battle is rather simple. After the music ends, the battle is over. Reenter the train car, and Leon will tell Ada to rest in the train car, as the turntable has overheated. Ada tells him to escape and save himself, as he will only run into more danger if he stays with her. After this cut-scene, get out of the car, and you will notice a platform next to the turntable which Leon can climb onto. There is an air vent. Climb through. *****LABORATORY***** --------------- Elevator Hallway --------------- Go through the double doors. --------------- Pump Room --------------- Go to the item box and deposit any unwanted items. Then push the crate between the 2 white lines of the elevator. Then move the elevator down. After this, push the crate into the gap right next to the stack of 2 other crates. Then take the shotgun shells near the typewriter, and the file about P-Epsilon Gas. New File! Investigative Report on P-Epsilon Gas -This report demands immediate attention- The P-Epsilon gas has been proven capable of incapacitating all known B.O.W.s (Bio Organic Weapon). (1) As such, it has been designated for emergency usage in the event of a B.O.W. escape. Reports based on data collected during the prior incidents indicate the potential for negative side effects. The P-Epsilon gas has been proven to weaken B.O.W.s' cellular functions. However, prolonged or repeated exposures will result in the creation of adaptive antibodies to the agent. Furthermore, some species have been observed to absorb the P-Epsilon gas as a source of nutrition and use the toxins extracted against anything perceived as a threat. (2) Use of the P-Epsilon gas should be severely limited to extreme cases only. We strongly request the authority to re-evaluate the P-Epsilon has deployment system. We would like this re-evaluation to take place immediately. 2nd R&D Room/ Security Team Explanations: (1) The Anti-BOW Gas sprinkler found in the A scenario is that of the P-Epsilon Gas. (2) If Claire really activated the Anti-BOW gas sprinkler in her A scenario, all humanoid plants will absorb the gas and become red and poisonous. Now you understand why I told you not to use the gas in the A scenario! Having read this file, ride the elevator down. -------------------- Elevator Power Room -------------------- Kill the 2 Super Lickers and reactivate the elevator's power supply. Then you can take the elevator in the elevator hallway. Now, take the elevator down in that hallway. -------------------- Birkin Lab Entrance -------------------- Naked zombies have found their way here. Kill them all. The security room is currently locked with the master key. Enter the green shaft door to enter the lab. ------------------ Lab Central Shaft ------------------ The lab is not powered up; as the main fuse is missing in the device. Anyway, go through the blue door, the one that can be accessed now. --------------- East Area --------------- Go through the frozen double doors. --------------- Cold Storage --------------- See the strange apparatus here? Take the fuse case on the rack and use it on the apparatus, and the main fuse will be available for use. With the main fuse, go back to the Lab Central Shaft and use the fuse on the breaker, and the lab will receive power. Then head through the red door. --------------- West Area --------------- Operate the shutter, and 2 humanoid plants will pop out! New Enemy! Humanoid Plants Strength: Custom Shotgun: 2 shots plus group kill Flamethrower: 5-6% The humanoid plants are a new addition to the Resident Evil series. They spray green slime onto Claire, and can grab Claire and bite off her head! So it's best to take them from a distance with the Flame Rounds. With the 2 plants dead, go to the 2 adjacent doors and go through the door that isn't locked. -------------------- Plant Tentacle Room -------------------- There is a flamethrower in the locker, a lab key card on the chair, and 2 files scattered around. Ignite the oil to burn the tentacles, then climb through the vent. New Weapon! Flamethrower This is a close range combat weapon that blows a stream of flame. This is effective against humanoid plants and zombies as well. There are no refills, like in Resident Evil Remake, but this weapon is much more powerful and has enough ammo to last till the end. New File! Laboratory Security Manual Laboratory Security Manual -Security measures in case of an emergency- In the instance of an uncontainable biohazardous breakout, all security measures will be directed toward the underground transport facility. In the instance that any abnormalities are detected among cargo in transit, all materials will automatically be transported from the loading zone to the designated high-speed train. (1) At which point, all materials will be isolated and disposed of immediately. In the instance of a Class 1 emergency, the entire train will be purged and disposed of without delay. (2) In the instance that the lab itself becomes contaminated, the northern most route currently used to transport materials to and from the facility will be designated as the emergency escape route. This route will secure passage to the relay point outside the city limits. (3) Disclosure about any information regarding research conducted here, or the existence of this facility, is strictly prohibited. Since it is top priority to keep all research classified, escape access may be denied under certain extenuating circumstances. Explanations: (1) Leon and Claire can use the high-speed train in the Transport Facility to escape. (2) In case of a very serious emergency, the train's self destruct system will activate. (3) The train will end up outside the Raccoon City Limits. New File! User Registration Temporary User Registration for the Culture Experiment Room. User Name: "GUEST" Password: None Valid for 24 hours. Explanation: This file tells you the username and password to access the culture experimentation room. Remember the registration for a Scenario Dependent Event later. Scenario Dependent Event! The Anti-BOW Gas Sprinkler Inside this room, there is an Anti-BOW Gas Sprinkler. If Claire did not use it, Leon can. This gas can weaken the humanoid plants in the lab. ----------------- Super Licker Room ----------------- This room has 2 super lickers. Sneak up on them and blast them to second heaven with your Custom Shotgun. Then examine the locker for 2 boxes of Shotgun Shells. Take them and leave. --------------- West Area --------------- There are 2 more humanoid plants in this room, kill them, and go through the door behind the opened shutter. ----------------- Giant Plant Shaft ----------------- Burn the humanoid plant and climb down, and then go through the door below. --------------- Licker Hallway --------------- Kill all Super Lickers, and go through the door in the other end. --------------- Monitor Room --------------- Save if you wish, and take the Laboratory Map from the computer. Take the weapon box key with you. Go through the door by the typewriter. -------------------- P-4 Laboratory Lobby -------------------- Go through the double doors marked P-4 Laboratory. --------------- P-4 Laboratory --------------- Inside, use the weapon box key on the locker with the white light. Then get the magnum parts, combine it with the magnum for the Custom Magnum! Wow! Powerful! Then go through the automatic doors, killing all zombies that stand in your path. Get the Power Room Key. Then head out to the lobby. -------------------- P-4 Laboratory Lobby -------------------- Scenario Dependent Event! The Giant Moth If you are interested in accessing the Culture Experimentation Room in this Scenario, enter the card key door in this lobby. Inside is a giant moth, blast him to pieces with your Custom Shotgun, and clear the moth larvae on the computer. Enter the Username: Guest and no password, and register your fingerprint. Head back to the East Area, regardless of whether you have done the above action. --------------- East Area --------------- If you have followed my tip above, open the shutter and register Leon's fingerprint on the lock. If Claire has registered his fingerprint in his A scenario, Leon can enter the Culture Experimentation Room. Inside there are 3 super lickers, and a capsule that used to store a T-103 Tyrant as shown in Film C. There is a broken capsule as well. Who could have broken it from the inside? It may probably be the Tyrant in Resident Evil Zero. After taking the Machine Gun Bullets, get out. Now unlock the card key door and enter. -------------------- VAM Synthesizer Room -------------------- Kill all plants and take the magnum bullets. Then exit. Go to the power room. Its entrance is found in the pump room. --------------- Elevator Lobby --------------- On your way to the pump room, Annette Birkin confronts Leon, accusing him of conspiring with Ada Wong to steal the G-virus. She wants to shoot Leon, but Mr. X jumps down through the ceiling, scaring Annette away. Take Mr. X down as usual and get your final prize, 8 Magnum Bullets, then continue on your way. --------------- Pump Room --------------- Climb up the pile of crates and go through the double doors for the Power Room. --------------- Power Room --------------- Run a few steps forward, and Mr. X has Leon cornered. Ada appears, and asks Leon to run. She empties her gun into Mr. X, but fails to reload quickly enough. Mr. X grabs her and throws her against a control panel before falling into the iron smelting pool. There is an emotional cutscene, where Ada says, "Leon, escape." Leon, "No! We're a team, I jst can't leave you behind." "I'm just a woman in love with you." The two then have a mouth to mouth French kiss. Ada passes out, or does she? Leon screams! "Ada. Ada!!!" "I'll always remember you." Unfortunately, the Tyrant also activated the self destruct sequence in the process! Take the master key off Ada's hands and return to the Birkin Lab Entrance. --------------- Birkin Lab Entrance --------------- Use the master key to enter the security room. Leon picks Sherry Birkin up, and carries her into the elevator --------------- Elevator --------------- Inside the elevator, there is a control panel, asking for the master key. Use the master key and you can use the emergency route. Now, use the route and you will arrive at the Transport Facility. *****TRANSPORT***** --------------- Platform --------------- Enter the transport. --------------- Transport --------------- Leon asks Sherry to stay and wait. Then go to the back of the train and get the platform key. Save if you wish, and take some full healing items with you. --------------- Platform --------------- Go through the platform gate. --------------- Platform Bridge --------------- Cross the bridge, and use the control panel to reveal a Joint N Plug and a Joint S Plug. Take them and go through the door nearby. ------------------- Tyrant Battle Room ------------------- Now, insert the 2 plugs into their slots, and the Tyrant, rather annoyed by the molten iron bath, comes for revenge! Boss Battle! T-103 Tyrant Strength: Rocket Launcher: 1 Rocket The Tyrant is back! Shoot him with everything you got while avoiding his charge swipe attack. Then Ada Wong will come and drop you a Rocket Launcher. Take it and "Game Over!" Leon fires one rocket, and blasts the Tyrant to pieces. Now, return to the platform. --------------- Platform --------------- Kill the naked zombies. Open the tunnel gate using the control panel, and enter the train. --------------- Transport --------------- Go to the driver's compartment, and push the lever. The Transport starts, and Claire just manages to jump onto the train through the gap. Claire administers the antidote to Sherry and Sherry wakes up. Leon says it's the beginning, as Claire still has to find her brother. Now, Leon enters the driver's compartment, and says, "Goodbye, Ada." Is it the end? Wham! No it's not! Leon comes and asks, "What was that?" You are now left to play as Claire again. Go to the back of the train to investigate. At the back of the train, Leon finds that William Birkin has somehow got onto the train, and he is now in a jelly like form! Boss Battle! William Birkin 6th Form Strength: Combined usage of the Rocket Launcher and Magnum: 1 Rocket and 7 Magnum Bullets This battle is timed, but it is not that hard. Just run to the doorway, and continue firing until William Birkin melts. Then go back out to the front. Now, there is a final FMV. Apparently, the train's emergency system decided to cause the train to self destruct, and each train compartment will detonate sequentially. Leon asks Claire to stop the train, but Claire cannot, as the control room is locked. Now, Leon asks Sherry to back up to the control room door. Sherry decides to go into the control room through the small grating in the door. Meanwhile, William bursts in! Claire taunts with William, and notices some loose gratings on the floor. She wonders where Leon is. Meanwhile, Leon has climbed up to the roof of the train via the ladder, and opens the sun roof of the control room. He asks Sherry to push the emergency stop button. She does, and the train stops. Leon, Claire and Sherry get off the train and ran for the tunnel exit, just seconds before the train detonates, taking William with it. Claire then jokes Sherry, saying that she looks really awful. Leon says, "Come on, let's go." Claire asks, "What? Why? Is someone following us?" "We have to go, there is no time to waste," Leon says, "It's up to us to take out Umbrella." The End. You have now completed all 4 possible scenarios in the game. Congratulations. Leon, knowing the power of Umbrella's deadly bioweapons, decides to join an anti-umbrella group, and will infiltrate an Umbrella facility, where he gets infected with the progenitor of the T-virus in Resident Evil 4! A Gamecube exclusive! ------------------ 9. Tips and Tricks ------------------ There is a cheap way to kill the Lickers. Whenever they appear, you should try to back up, and they will jump at you. At his instant, the lickers are more vulnerable than ever, and you can knock them down with less ammo if you hit them in mid air. As for Cerberus dogs, you should shoot one shot at them to knock them down, then run in front of them. Aim down and continuously shooting to pin them down. The Cerberus will not be able to retaliate, and will die in fewer shots. Always try to use flame-based weapons against Humanoid Plants. Not only they will die quicker, the dead bodies will be reduced to ash in a few moments, and the corpse will not hit and hurt your character. When you want to use the Shotgun or Grenade Launcher loaded with Grenade Rounds against zombies, always wait for them to pack up very closely before shooting. That way, as many as 5 zombies can be killed 1 one shot. Zombies sometimes pretend to be dead after you shoot them enough times. If you get close enough, they will trying to pull your leg. However, if you leave the room and reenter, that zombie will be gone. The area effect of the Custom Shotgun is enormous. When a large group of enemies crowd in even a very wide hallway, the Custom Shotgun can hit tehm all in one shot! Use this to your advantage when facine large groups of strong enemies like Lickers. Flame Rounds can create a firestorm when several are used on the same spot at once. This happened when I fought against the giant moth in the laboratory. I fired at the ground below the moth 3 times, and a small fire spread out and engulfed the moth, severely damaging it. However, if you want to conserve ammo, do not use this trick. To save ammo, whenever you find the custom parts in Leon's scenario, wait until the gun has no more bullets in it before combining the parts to your gun. Then, the entire gun will be reloaded to full ammo the instant you combine it. -------------------------- 10. Minigame: 4th Survivor -------------------------- After beating all 4 scenarios of the game in order with an A or B grade, you will be allowed to access the 4th survivor minigame, featuring Umbrella Agent Hunk, the agent who led the team to take the G-Virus off William Birkin. Hunk's mission is to travel from the Settlement Tank in the Sewage Disposal to the roof of the Police Station with the helicopter wreck. In the way, there are many zombies and other monsters trying to stop Hunk. Hunk is armed with an H&K Handgun, a Remington Shotgun, and a Desert Eagle Magnum. He has 2 herb mixtures with a green and blue herbs for self healing. As supplies are limited, you will have to be very careful. Please note that the route to the destination is fixed, as some doors will not open. So be very careful. Beating the 4 scenarios again with A grade each time unlocks the Tofu Survivor Minigame. The objective is the same, but you will be controlling a cuboid-shaped stick of tofu, armed with only a knife! --------------- 11. Secrets --------------- After the end of the game in normal mode, you will receive a rank depending on your total time in completing the game, the number of saves and the number of first aid sprays you use. Beat an A scenario with an A or B grade in 2.5 hours or less to get the Rocket Launcher with Infinite Ammo. Beat a B scenario with an A or B grade in 2.5 hours or less to get the Sub-machine gun with Infinite Ammo. Beat a B scenario with an A or B grade in 2.5 hours or less and without saving once to get the sub-machine gun with infinite ammo. After beating an A and B game in a sequence, the Extreme Battle Mode will be enabled. This battle game is very difficult, as you are extremely short of ammo, and a large surplus of enemies are waiting to get at you. Luckily, you are able to save in certain save rooms. Apart form the Extreme Battle mode, Brad Vickers, former chickenheart of the STARS, will be revealed to have turned into a zombie. To meet him, you must reach the police station in a character's A scenario without picking up any items. After that, you can find Brad underneath the pedestrian subway outside the police station. He takes many shots to kill, as he is wearing a bulletproof vest. After he is dead, you can pick up the special key from him. The special key opens the closet in the dark room, and provides new costumes for Leon and Claire. --------------- 12. Conclusion --------------- Finally, this is the end of such a long strategy guide. Although Resident Evil 2 for the Gamecube is considered to be not a good buy, as it features 1998 style graphics and costs US$39.99, I still bought it because I have not played the PS version of the game in detail. I just heard that Resident Evil: Code Veronica for the Nintendo Gamecube is scheduled to release in September 2003 from the Nintendo Website. Hopefully, it will not be delayed, as I am just dying to find out what happened in Claire and Chris's reunion. As this file is a very large file, it would be too awkward to post in too many websites, so I will just allow Gamefaqs to post this guide, until someone else asks me. If you do not understand something in my guide, feel free to contact me via e-mail. --------------------------------- Appendix I: Feedback Information --------------------------------- Since the publishing of the original version of my side comparison guide, I decided that I must make some new rules for those people who want to give me a feedback about my guides. All future strategy guides will have this section. If the following rules are not observed, I will just consider your e-mail to be spam mail or flame mail, and I will delete it without reading it, and will blacklist your e-mail address. For publishing permission: I usually will allow people to publish my guides on their websites as long as I ask for permission. That's it. Although I do not have a lawyer to sue anyone if they do it without my permission, I expect everyone to have self discipline about these things. However, for now, only Gamefaqs can publish this guide, as it is only about 75% complete. Any e-mails asking for publishing permission will be rejected for now. So, please be patient. Feedback Concerning Mistakes: (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, LISTEN UP) As I am a human, and we are all humans, we all make mistakes. Nobody is perfect. If I had made any mistakes in my guide, feel free to e-mail me. But however, you must follow these rules. You must: Be polite, as I will take these feedback letters as seriously as formal letters, and you should specify the version number of my guide, then I can check my guide out. However, it need not be as formal as business letters, after all it is only a game. You should also present yourself clearly, I won't even think about anything that I cannot understand at the first glance, as I am a busy person. You must not: Say any foul language and offend me. You are not going to make me listen by saying rude words to me, you will only give me the impression that you are either uneducated or have low EQ. (EQ stands for Emotional Quotient, it is a person's ability to control his feelings while interacting with other people. People with low EQ have a lower chance of promotion in jobs or even finding jobs, as they cannot socialize with people well enough.) Conduct any surveys about how good my guide is and give it to me, as I could not care less about your so-called surveys. In Hong Kong, I have witnessed different newspapers or political parties conducting surveys about the same topic. Yet, the results deviate a lot for different newspapers. This shows that each newspaper will ask a group of people whose majority will agree with their own views. Hence, I will not believe any of your so called surveys, as they most likely will favor the person conducting it. Start a petition to have my guide removed. We all have freedom of speech, right? If you manage to get an Administrator of the site to remove it, then I am afraid he is not respecting my rights. As human beings, aside from having your rights, you must follow your duties. One of them includes respecting other people's rights. Hence don't bother writing petitions even if you think my guide is sub-par. Otherwise, it just gives me the impression that you are uncivilized. You must not say anything I consider to be racist. I know, since World War II, there still exists a lot of people in this world who despise others because of their skin color or race. As we are all civilized people, I can't tolerate racism at all. Keep that in mind. Finally, you must not argue with anything said in this chapter, otherwise, I would just delete your mail without even reading it. Challenging authority is something I cannot tolerate, and will be considered as an insult. From all the 50 or so letters complaint I received, I decided to listen to less than 5 of them. Why? As only 5 of them could follow the rules stated above. So, you MUST take those points into consideration, or else, don't expect me to listen to you. Game Help: If you have read my guide and did not understand something, feel free to ask, but please do not do this too often, as my e-mail account has other uses. You may have wondered why I put this section up. This is a new "Anti-disturbance" ordinance I set up for my own use, in order to minimize all those annoying and insulting things I receive. In fact, during September alone, I received at least a hundred of mail concerning my Side Comparison Guide, and I am now to make sure this will never ever happen again. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours, Lo Kai Yan Alasdair, kylohk. (Kai Yan Lo From Hong Kong) ------------------------ Appendix II. File Index ------------------------ I have decided to list out all the files you will find in Resident Evil 2. Note that you cannot find all the files in the game in a single scenario. You must play through all 4 to find all of them. Here are the files: ------------------ Police Memorandum ------------------ 8/23/1998 This letter is just to inform everyone about the recent movement of equipment that has happened during the precinct's arrangement. The safe with four digit lock has been moved from the STARS office on the second floor (1), to the eastern office on the first floor. "2236" (2) Raccoon Police Liaison Dept. Explanations: (1) The STARS office is on the second floor. (2) The combination of the safe is 2236, remember it. ----------------- Operation Report ----------------- -Operation report- September 26th The Raccoon Police department was unexpectedly attacked by zombies. Many have been injured. Even more were killed. During the attack, our communications equipment was destroyed and we no longer have contact with the outside. We have decided to carry out an operation with the intent of rescuing any possible survivors as well as to prevent this disaster from spreading beyond Raccoon City. The details of the operation are as follows: Security of armaments and ammunition. Chief Irons has voiced concern regarding the issue of terrorism due to a series of recent unresolved incidents. On the very day before the attack, he made the decision to relocate all weapons to scattered intervals throughout the building as a temporary measure to prevent their possible seizure. Unfortunately, this decision has made it extremely difficult for us to locate all ammunition caches. It has become our top priority to recover these scattered munitions. To unlock the weapon storage. As stated earlier, it will be extremely difficult to secure all the ammunition. However, a considerable supply still remains in the underground weapon storage. Unfortunately, the person in charge of the card key used to access the weapon storage is missing and we have been unable to locate the key. One of the breakers went down during the zombie battle and the electronic locks are not functioning in certain areas. It has become a top priority to restore the power in the power room and secure those locks. (1) Recorder: David Ford -Operation Report- September 27th 1:00 PM. The west barricade has been broken through and another exchange ensued. We sheltered the injured in the confiscation room on the first floor temporarily. Twelve more people were injured in the battle. Reported: David Ford -Additional Report- Three additional people were killed following the sudden appearance of an as of yet unknown creature. This creature is identified by missing patches of skin and razor like claws. However, its most distinguishing characteristic is its lance-like tongue, capable of piercing a human torso in an instant. Their numbers as well as their location remains unknown. We have tentatively named this creature the "licker" (2) and are currently in the process of developing countermeasures to deal with this new threat. Explanations: (1) There is an ammunition storage located in the B1 level of the Police Station. Later, your character would have to reset the breaker and find the key card in order to enter that room. (2) This describes the Licker's looks and their attack methods. ------------------- Operation Report 2 ------------------- -Operation Report- September 28th Early Morning 2:30AM. Zombies overran the operation room and another battle broke out. We lost four more people, including David. We're down to four people, including myself. We failed to secure the weapons cache and hope for our survival continues to diminish. We won't last much longer... We agreed upon a plan to escape through the sewer. There's a path leading from the precinct underground to the sewage disposal plant. We should be able to access the sewers through there. (1) The only drawback is that there is no guarantee the sewage disposal plant is free of any possible dangers. We know our chances in the sewers are slim, but anything is better than simply waiting here to die. In order to buy more time, we locked the only door leading to the underground, which is located in the eastern office. (2) We left the key behind in the western office since it's unlikely that any of those creatures have the intelligence to find it and unlock the door. I pray that this operation report will be helpful to whoever may find it. Recorder: Elliot Edward Explanations: (1) Later in the game, Claire will go to the Sewage Disposal Plant for a while to get the Club Key. (2) The Heart Key is located in the western office. --------------- Film D --------------- (Picture of Rebecca Chambers in the RPD basketball team) RECRUIT --------------- Chris's Diary --------------- August 8th I talked to the chief today once again, but he refused to listen to be. I know for certain that Umbrella conducted T-virus research in that mansion. (1) Anyone infected turns into a zombie. But the entire mansion went up in that explosion; along with any incriminating evidence. Since Umbrella employs so many people in town (2), no one is willing to talk about the incident. It looks like I'm running out of options. August 17th We've been receiving a lot of local report about strange monsters appearing at random throughout the city. This must be the work of Umbrella. August 24th With the help of Jill and Barry, I finally obtained information vital to this case. Umbrella has begun research on the new G-virus, a variation of the original T-virus. Haven't they done enough damage already?! We talked it over, and have decided to fly to the main Umbrella HQ in Europe. I won't tell my sister about this trip because doing so would put her in danger. Please forgive me Claire. (3) Explanations: (1) Chris Redfield was one of the STARS Alpha Team members who investigated the Spencer Mansion in Raccoon Forest 2 months ago, where they found out about Umbrella's T-virus research. (2)Umbrella does have a lot of influence in Raccoon City, I don't know why. (3) Claire has been wasting her time in Raccoon City all along! Poor girl. ----------------------------------------------- Mail to Chris (Claire's A and B Scenarios only) ----------------------------------------------- Federal Police Dept- Internal Investigation Report Mr. Chris Redfield Raccoon City Police Dept. S.T.A.R.S. division As per our request, we have conducted our internal investigation and discovered the following information: 1) Regarding the G-virus currently under development by Umbrella Inc. (1) So far it is unconfirmed that the G-virus even exists. We're continuing with our investigation. 2) Regarding Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. Mr. Irons has allegedly received a large sum of funds in bribes from Umbrella Inc. over the past five years. He was apparently involved in the cover up of the mansion lab case along with several other incidents in which Umbrella appears to have direct involvement. (2) Mr. Irons had been arrested under suspicion of rape on two separate counts during his years as a university student. He underwent psychiatric evaluation as a result of the charges but was released due to circumstantial evidence as well as his phenomenal academic standing. (3) As such, extreme caution is advised when dealing with him. Jack Hamilton, Section Chief Internal Investigations United States Federal Police Department Explanations: (1) Although no one in Raccoon City believed the STARS teams, the Federal Police higher-ups are starting to become suspicious of Umbrella's activities, and are now investigating Umbrella. (2) Chief Brian Irons has been bribed by Umbrella for the last 5 years to cover up Umbrella's activities in Raccoon City. (3) Chief Brian Irons, being the sadistic deranged genius that he is, is a perfect candidate for manipulation by Umbrella. --------------- Patrol Report --------------- -Patrol Report- September 20th 9:30 PM Reporter: Sgt. Neil Carlsen We received a report of a suspicious individual skulking around the sewers on the outskirts of Raccoon City. I searched the area and located the individual, but he ran away before I was able to question him. (1) I recovered the following items: *A small amount of C4 plastic explosive. *An electronic detonator.(2) *9x19 parabellum rounds. *Infrared scope [broken]. End of report. Explanations: (1) This file has sparked many debates between many Resident Evil fans about the identity of this individual. In my opinion, simple reasoning is already enough to find the answer. I believe I have the answer, and it can be explained in another file. Read on. (2) Claire can find the plastic explosive in the confiscation room, and the detonator in the western office. -------------------- Secretary's Diary A -------------------- April 6th I accidentally moved one of the stone statues on the second floor when I leaned against it. When the chief found out about it, he was furious. I swear the guy nearly bit my head off, (1) screaming at me never to touch the statue again. If it's so important, then maybe he shouldn't have put it out in the open like that... April 7th I heard that all the art pieces from the chief's collection are rare items, literally worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. (2) I don't know which is the bigger mystery: where he finds those tacky things, or where he's getting the money to pay for them. May 10th I wasn't surprised to see the chief come in today with yet another large picture frame in his hands. This time it was a really disturbing painting depicting a nude person being hanged. I was appalled by the expression on the chief's face as he leered at that painting. (3) Why anyone would consider something like that to be a work of art is beyond my comprehension... Explanation: This is the personality analysis of Chief Brian Irons of the RPD from his secretary's perspective. Apparently, the chief is a very bad tempered (1), rich (2) and rather sadistic (3). Claire gets to meet the chief, in contrary to Leon ------------------------- Film A (A Scenarios only) ------------------------- (Picture of a black claw with an eyeball on the shoulder, soaked in formalin) Code G Human Body Experiment 9/15 15:24 Explanation: When the G-virus infects humans, one of their arms swell up, and turns black, and that arm will have a claw and an eyeball on the shoulder. You will be able to see this distinctive characteristic of G-type humans when you see William Birkin later. --------------- Memo to Leon --------------- To Leon S. Kennedy, Congratulations on your assignment to the Raccoon City police department. We all look forward to having you as a part of your team and promise to take good care of you. Welcome aboard! From all the guys at the R.P.D. Explanation: No explanation is needed. This is just a memo the other officers wrote to Leon to welcome him to the RPD. --------------------------------------------------------- Secretary's Diary B (Claire A, Claire B and Leon B Only) --------------------------------------------------------- June 8th As I was straightening up the chief's room, he burst through the door with a furious look on his face. It's only been 2 months since I've started working here, but that's the second time I've seen him like this. The last time was when I bumped into that statue, only this time he looked even more agitated than ever. I seriously thought for a moment that he was going to hurt me. June 15h I finally discovered what the chief has been hiding all along... If he finds out that I know, my life will be in serious danger. It's getting late already. I'm just going to have to take this one day at a time... Explanation: The Chief's secretary seems to have found out something about Brian Irons, I wonder what it is. --------------------------------------------------- Chief's Diary (Claire A, Claire B and Leon B only) --------------------------------------------------- September 23rd It's all over. Those imbeciles from Umbrella have finally done it... Despite all their promises, they've ruined my town. Soon the streets will be infested with zombies. I'm beginning to think that I may even be infected myself. I'll kill everyone in town if this turns out to be true!!! September 24th I was successful in spreading confusion among the police as planned. I've made sure that no one from the outside will come to help. With the delays in police actions, no one will have the chance to escape my city alive. I've seen to it personally that all escape routes from inside the precinct have been cut off as well. There are several survivors still attempting to escape through the lower levels, but I'll make sure no one gets out. September 26th I've had a change of heart about the remaining survivors inside the precinct. I've decided to hunt them down myself. I shot Ed in the back through the heart less than an hour ago. I watched him writhe in pain upon the floor in a pool of his own blood. The expression on his face was positively exquisite. He died with his eyes wide open, staring at me. It was beautiful. I wonder if the mayor's daughter is still alive. I let her escape so I could enjoy hunting her down latter... I'm going to enjoy my new trophy. Yes, frozen forever in the pose I choose to give her. Explanation: After Chief Brian Irons knew of the accident in the underground lab, he obviously went insane. Instead of helping people to fight against the zombies, he just decided to make sure they all die. In the end, he let the mayor's daughter escape so he can kill her himself. What a freaking psycho! ----------------- Watchman's Diary ----------------- August 11th I finally had the chance to see blue skies for the first time in ages, but it did little to lift my spirits. I was reprimanded by the chief fro neglecting my duties while I was up on the clock tower. There's only one thing I still don't understand: the chief seemed to be more concerned about the fact that I was up on the tower rather than that I was neglecting my duties. Why was access to the tower prohibited in the first place anyway? (1) September 5th I recently talked to the old man who works in the scrap yard out back. His name is Thomas. He's a quiet man and really seems to enjoy chess. He even went so far as to design a special key and lock engraved with chess pieces on them for on of the doors in the disposal yard. (2)We made plans to play chess tomorrow night. I can't help but wonder how good he is. One thins that's been bothering me about him is the way he's always scratching himself (2). Does he have some sort of skin disease or he is just rude? September 9th Thomas was a much better player than I had imagined. I used to think of myself as a fairly decent player, but he did a good job of humbling me. About the only thing I imagine that could match his skills in chess is his appetite. All the guy did was talk about food throughout the entire game. (3) He sounded fairly healthy, but he didn't look quite right... I wonder if he's okay. September 12th I was supposed to play another game of chess with Thomas, but we had to cancel it because he hasn't been feeling too well. He stopped by to see me, but I told him to go back and rest since he literally looked like the walking dead. He insisted that he was just fine, but I could tell he was really having problems. Come to think of it, I haven't been feeling too good myself lately... Explanations: (1) The other half of the blue stone is found in the clock tower. (2) People working in Umbrella facilities can easily be infected by the T-Virus. One of the early symptoms includes itchy skin. (3) Another symptoms of the T-Virus infection: The person infected becomes extremely hungry. -------------- Film B -------------- (Picture of an unconscious person) Pictured in front of the Arukas tailor. Regressed into a zombie within two hours. Subject repeatedly complained about severe agitation of the epidermis in addition to feelings of nausea. This happened up to the moment he lost consciousness. Picture by R. Lambert Explanation: Arukas Tailor is one of the shops you saw in the streets in the beginning of the game where you ran out of the crash site. This film again describes the symptoms of the T-Virus infection. ------------------------- Film C (B Scenarios Only) ------------------------- (Picture of a Tyrant Soaked in bio-organic fluid) Development Code: T-103 Due to accelerated metabolism relative to the earlier 00 series, this subject possesses exemplary regenerative capabilities. PH-X016 File Data Explanation: So this is the Tyrant that has been bothering your character in the B Scenario. Actually, this capsule is found in the culture experimentation room in the laboratory. You will see later. ------------------ Mail to the Chief ------------------ To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have lost the mansion lab facility due to the actions of the renegade operative, Albert Wesker. (1) Fortunately, his interference will have no lasting effects upon our continuing virus research. Our only present concern is the presence of the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members: Redfield, Valentine, Burton, Chambers and Vickers. If it comes to light that the S.T.A.R>S. have any evidence as to the activities of our research, dispose of them in such a manner that would appear to be purely accidental. Continue to monitor their progress and make certain their knowledge does not go public. Annette will continue to be your contact through out this affair. (2) William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. I have deposited the amount of US $10,000 to the account for your services this term as per our agreement. (3) The development of the G-Virus scheduled to replace the T-Virus, is near completion. Once completed, I am certain that I will be appointed to tbe a member of the executive board for Umbrella Inc. It is imperative that we proceed with extreme caution. Redfield and the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members are still attempting to uncover information on the project. (4)Continue to monitor their activities and block all attempts to investigate the underground research facilities. William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have a problem. I have received information informing me that Umbrella HQ has sent spies to recover my research on the G-virus. There are an unknown numbers of agents involved. They must not be allowed to take this project away from me as it represents my entire life's work. Search the city thoroughly for any suspicious persons. (5) Detain any such individuals by whatever means deemed necessary and contact me immediately through Annette. With these precautions, any possible threat should be eliminated. I will not allow anyone to steal my work on the G-virus. No even Umbrella... (6) William Birkin Explanations: (1) What? I thought Albert Wesker had made Umbrella think that he is dead. See Wesker's Report for details. (2) Annette Birkin is William's wife, like her husband, Annette is rather crazy at times, and loves her husband rather too much, too much. I mean it. You will meet her later. (3) This proves that Brian Irons really is corrupt. (4) This explains why Chief Brian Irons refused to listen to Chris about the T-virus. (5) With this information, I can conclude that the suspicious person near the sewers in the Patrol Report is one of Agent Hunk's team members. This is because if that individual is a man, Ada Wong is out the question. As only Ada and Hunk's team are to recover the G-virus, there is only one possibility, that person is one of Hunk's men. (6) Why? William? I thought if he just let those umbrella spies to get the G-virus, the higher-ups of Umbrella would give him credit for this and appoint him to the executive board of Umbrella. ------------------ Sewer Manager Fax ------------------ -User List of the Connecting Facility- On the first and third Wednesdays of the month, Angelica Margaret, chief of maintenance, will make use of the facilities. Be sure to reduce the moisture levels in the facility by activating the fan, as the equipment she will be using is susceptible to the effects of water vapors. On the 28th of every month, the chemical transporter Don Weller will use the facility. The chemicals he will be transporting are extremely volatile. Extreme caution should be observed throughout their transport. On the 6th and 16th of every month, police chief Brian Irons will visit the facility to attend the regular meetings that take place in the lab. On the fourth Friday of every other month, William Birkin will use the facility to conduct a training seminar for the Chicago branch of Umbrella Inc. As the probability of an attack upon Dr. Birkin will be high, take every measure conceivable to guard his life. You will be informed of all other potential visitors and the times they will arrive as needed. Guide these individuals to their destination safely. We expect nothing but the best from you. Charles Coleman Secretary Chief Umbrella Headquarters Explanation: This gives you an idea of the monthly routines of the Sewer system. -------------------- Sewer Manager Diary -------------------- June 28th It's been a while, but I saw Don today and we talked after completing our work. He told me he had been sick in bed until yesterday. It really doesn't come as much of a surprise given how long he's been working here. He was sweating like a horse and kept scratching his body while we were talking. (1) I asked if he was hot, but he just looked at me funny. What's wrong with him anyway? July 7th Chief Irons has been visiting the lab quite often lately. I don't know what he's doing over there but he always looks grim. The expression on his face has been even more unsettling than usual... My guess is that it's because of Dr. Birkin's impossible requests. The chief has my sympathies though. After all he's done for the town, he doesn't deserve this. July 21st I rarely drink because I'm on the grave yard shift, but I don't suppose I have much to complain about since this is how I make my living. August 16th Chief Irons came in late today, looking grimmer than his usual self. I tired to joke with him to cheer him up but he wasn't amused. He pulled his gun and threatened to shoot me! I was able to calm him down, but that guy must have some serious problems. He knows he can't enter the lab without my help and my medal. (2) This is what it means for the chief "to serve and protect"!? August 21st William informed me that the police and media have begun their investigation on Umbrella's affairs. (3) He said that the investigation will be citywide and that there is a possibility that they'll even search through the sewers. He asked me to suspend all Umbrella sewer facility operations until the investigation has concluded. The sewer will still be used for passage, but he stressed that I have to be extremely cautious and that I'd lose my job if anyone finds out about this operation. Explanations: (1) The occupational hazard of Umbrella employees: They always have the risk of getting infected by Umbrella's viruses, the T-Virus in this case. (2) This again shows that Chief Brian Irons has mental problems. Apart from this, this sentence shows that the Wolf Medal and Eagle Medals are used to reveal a passageway into Umbrella's secret lab. (3) Although the "Mansion Incident" was not made public in Raccoon City, people outside Raccoon started to raise concerns about Umbrella, and are investigating the city. --------------------------- Laboratory Security Manual --------------------------- Laboratory Security Manual -Security measures in case of an emergency- In the instance of an uncontainable biohazardous breakout, all security measures will be directed toward the underground transport facility. In the instance that any abnormalities are detected among cargo in transit, all materials will automatically be transported from the loading zone to the designated high-speed train. (1) At which point, all materials will be isolated and disposed of immediately. In the instance of a Class 1 emergency, the entire train will be purged and disposed of without delay. (2) In the instance that the lab itself becomes contaminated, the northern most route currently used to transport materials to and from the facility will be designated as the emergency escape route. This route will secure passage to the relay point outside the city limits. (3) Disclosure about any information regarding research conducted here, or the existence of this facility, is strictly prohibited. Since it is top priority to keep all research classified, escape access may be denied under certain extenuating circumstances. Explanations: (1) Leon and Claire can use the high-speed train in the Transport Facility to escape. (2) In case of a very serious emergency, the train's self destruct system will activate. (3) The train will end up outside the Raccoon City Limits. ------------------ User Registration ------------------ Temporary User Registration for the Culture Experiment Room. User Name: "GUEST" Password: None Valid for 24 hours. Explanation: This file tells you the username and password to access the culture experimentation room. Remember the registration for a Scenario Dependent Event later. -------------------------------------------- Vaccine Synthesis (Claire's A Scenario Only) -------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS FOR SYNTTHESIS OF THE G-VIRUS ANTIGEN: G-VACCINE. CODE NAMED "DEVIL." Any beings infected by the G-virus will reproduce through the impregnation of an embryo within another being. Unless rejected by the host, the embryo will undertake a process of gradual cellular invasion, infecting the host's cells on a molecular level as it rewrites their DNA. Once the metamorphosis is complete, the host will be capable of continuing this cycle of self-replication. The duration of the time for the process to run its course will vary from subject to subject. In the early stages of cellular invasion, it is possible to halt progression of the metamorphosis through the administration of the G-vaccine antigen. The following procedure details its synthesis. The vaccine creation requires the base vaccine. This can be arranged by the activator VAM. First set the empty cartridge to the VAM and activate it. After several moments the process will be complete and the white-colored base vaccine will be set in the cartridge automatically. (1) Then confirm the green light is on, remove the cartridge, and proceed to the next step. Once the base vaccine has been prepared, set it in the vaccine synthesis machine located in the P-4 level experiment room. The machine is fully automated and only requires the user to push the sequence start switch. (2) At this point, the program will run automatically and synthesis will be complete within approximately 10 second. As the synthesis of DEVIL is an extremely delicate process, the quality will vary with slight shocks or changes in temperature. Careful handling is required for the proper results. Explanations: (1) Go back to the East Area, and go through the card key door there. Inside there is a vaccine cartridge. Kill all zombies and turn on the light. Place the cartridge into the machine, and go to the VAM control panel on the wall to the right of the machine. Press the switch, and watch the red light turn green. When it is green, remove the cartridge. You now have the base vaccine. Before leaving, take the MO Disc from the tray as you will need it. If you want to get into the Culture Experimentation Room in the B Scenario, open the shutter by that card key door and register Claire's fingerprint. The light will turn yellow. However, Claire needs another person to help her open the door, that person is Leon, in his B scenario. (2) Go back to the P-4 laboratory, and find the machine for vaccine research. Place the base vaccine into the machine and press the start switch. Then the vaccine will be created.