******************************************************************************* Resident Evil 2 Walkthrough 11-14-05 By Tom Beck (trbeck) Version 1.0 Copyright 2005 Tom Beck ******************************************************************************* ***************** Table of Contents ***************** 1. Introduction 2. Story 3. Characters 4. Weapons 5. Controls/General Strategies 6. Enemies/Bosses 7. Walkthroughs I. Leon A A. Streets B. Police Station C. Spade Key D. Diamond Key E. Heart Key F. Club Key G. The Sewers H. Umbrella Labs II. Claire B A. Streets B. Police Station C. Spade Key D. Diamond Key E. Heart Key F. Club Key G. The Sewers H. Umbrella Labs III. Claire A A. Streets B. Police Station C. Spade Key D. Diamond Key E. Heart Key F. Club Key G. The Sewers H. Umbrella Labs IV. Leon B A. Streets B. Police Station C. Diamond Key D. Heart Key E. Club Key F. The Sewers G. Umbrella Labs 8. Secrets/Awards 9. Hunk Walkthrough 10. Tofu Walkthrough 11. Locations of Major Items 12. Files 13. Legal crap ******************************************************************************* --------------- 1. Introduction --------------- Best Resident Evil game. Well, that's my opinion anyway; and that opinion might not be completely true given that I've never played Resident Evil 4. Yeah I know, I need to go pick that up. Maybe tomorrow. Anyways, back to RE 2. Not only is this the most gory Resident Evil game, it is also the most fun and enjoyable. William is a great villain, the characters (though annoying) are interesting. Not to mention the game doesn't feel like a 15 hour opera like Resident Evil CV. I'm basing this guide off of the GC version, but it basically applies for all of the versions. The game came out in oh about 1998 I think. It didn't hit the N64 until a year or so later. That's when I got it. At first I thought the game was ridiculously hard. I died constantly, especially since I just couldn't get used to the damn controls. After a while, I actually started to not suck so bad and I got farther and farther into the game. Just let me tell you; this game is quite the experience. Not only is it creepy as hell in many places, but you will jump out of your skin on more than one occasion. I dare you to play this game all alone at night in the dark. It's quite the experience, I'll tell you that much! ******************************************************************************* -------- 2. Story -------- The story is as follows: "A bizarre incident occured in the outskirts of an American suburb called Raccoon City. It was later revealed that the terrible disaster had been caused by the T-Virus; a mutogenic toxin created by the international interprise Umbrella Incorporated for use in bioweapon experiments. The Raccoon City police department special S.T.A.R.S. unit immediately began investigation in the affair. The case was apparently closed thanks to the efforts of S.T.A.R.S. members Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine. But the Umbrella Corporation's experiments were far from finished!" That's straight out of the intro. of the game. Basically, in the first Resident Evil game, the S.T.A.R.S. unit investigated a mansion in the woods outside Raccoon City. Thanks to Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine, the mansion was destroyed along with all of its zombie inhabitants. However, Umbrella remained, and soon the dreaded T-Virus (which mutants humans into zombies) will spread to Raccoon City. When you start the game, you can watch a short little cutscene that sets up the characters at the start of the game. You can watch it, but I will also summarize it here: Leon Kennedy drives into Raccoon City on his first day at his new job as police officer of the Raccoon City police department. As he drives through the desserted town, he notices a body in the road. Meanwhile, a trucker driver is attacked by a zombie and bitten in the arm. "That guy's a maniac, why'd he bite me!?" Also, coming in from another road is the young Claire Redfield. She stops at a diner and enters, somewhat perplexed by how empty it is. Oh, but it isn't quite empty, as one resident hasn't finished his meal. A zombie advances on Claire and she desperately runs towards a door... Back to Leon, who examines the wounds of the body. All of the sudden, behind him, is a group of zombies slowly advancing on him. Leon warns them, but one starts to gnaw on his leg. Leon opens fire, slowly backing up as he runs out of ammo. He almost shoots a young girl, but shoots a zombie behind her instead. The two run into a police car and drive off. The girl, who's Claire, is a little confused about the state of the town, as is Leon. Claire gets a gun when all of the sudden, a zombie from the back of the car attacks them and they crash into a stop sign. The driver of the semi, who's about now "zombie-fied" crashes into them creating a huge explosion and a wall of fire; Claire and Leon are separated and they both yell to each other to meet at the police station. So as you can see, the town's slowly becoming infested with zombies. Both Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield have unwittingly entered the town thinking it perfectly normal. However, they soon discover that in order to survive, they must escape the city as soon as possible. And that's the basic goal of the game: to survive. ******************************************************************************* ------------- 3. Characters ------------- Leon Kennedy ------------ A rookie cop, who's ready to start his first day on the job as a member of the Raccoon police department. However, as he arrives at town, he's in for a big surprise as soon he's the only cop left alive in the town. Leon is one of the heros of the game, blasting away zombies with his shotgun and magnum. He also happens to be my favorite Resident Evil character. The instruction manual says this: "Leon is an idealistic rookie cop. He has quickly become disenchanted with the very system he is trained to uphold, as he learns the harsh realities of the real world. He is somewhat reckless and brash, and certainly not as naive as his outward demeanor would have the casual observer believe. Leon is highly qualified for his job, and his sense of humor makes him a very likeable officer despite his rowdy attitude." Claire Redfield --------------- Sister of the first game's hero: Chris Redfield. She arrives in town looking for clues about her brother's mysterious disappearance, but soon joins Leon in his quest to get out of the city alive. She's quite capable of surviving on her own and shares many of her brother's attributes. The instruction manual says this: "Claire is a light-hearted and articulate modern woman. Her intelligence and optimism combine to make her both worldly and keenly aware of her surroundings. While Claire is somewhat of a tomboy at times, she is very attractive and retains very feminine qualities. Her demeanor softens considerably when she deals with children. She can also be described as somewhat of a wild girl. Both extroverted and self-confident, she is typically the first to try things many others would not. With her strong opinionson most issues, she can come across as quite sarcastic." Ada Wong -------- A young woman who meets up with Leon later in the game. She's extremely mysterious, particularly in her quest to find her boyfriend, John. We soon find out that she's a spy, although who she is working for is unknown. The instruction manual says: "Ada is a very professional woman, highly skilled and intelligent. However, she also can come across as very condescending, with her tendency to talk down to those she deems "inferior" to herself. This is most evident in the tone of voice whenshe addresses others. She is a Chinese-American who is engaged and to be married in the near future." Sherry Birkin ------------- The most annoying character in all of the Resident Evil games. Well, Becky from RE1 might give her a run for her money, but overall sherry is the more annoying of the two. She doesn't do anything but run away, act scared, and take up all of Claire's time. Oh, not to mention, in the Claire B scenario, she needs to be saved from the G-virus. The instruction manual says: "The daughter of William Birkin, Sherry is a a bit insecure yet very intelligent for her age of 12. She is very shy and when she speaks she always sounds a bit unsure of herself like a lost little girl. Her father William Birkin is a brilliant scientist working for the Umbrella Corporation." Police Chief Brian Irons ------------------------ This guy is crazy, absolutely nuts! He's the chief of the Raccoon Police Department, yet he's working with Umbrella and wants to see the entire town taken over by monsters. He kills his own officers, along with the Mayor's daughter. Also, he's the one responsible for spreading the keys all about the police station. The guy is seriously off his rocker. Ben Bertoluci ------------- I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong. Anyways, he's a reporter who locks himself in a prison cell in order to avoid a "huge monster." The sucker, however, soon gets killed by said monster anyway. Poor guy. William Birkin -------------- A scientist working for Umbrella. William is the creator of the G-Virus, a super strong version of the T-Virus which causes super-crazy mutation. Once his product is complete, however, Umbrella tries to steal it from him. They machine-gun him to death, but before he dies, he injects himself with his own G-Virus, becoming a super-powerful mutated monster. He stalks the sewers and searches for his daughter, Sherry. William is basically the "boss" of the game. Annet Birkin -------------- The mother of Sherry, and wife of William. Before things went crazy, Annet was a pretty crappy mother, but now when things get out of hand, she tries to do anything to save her precious daughter. ******************************************************************************* ---------- 4. Weapons ---------- Knife ----- To put it plain and simply: this weapon sucks. It is completely useless unless you are desperate. Stick it in the first storage bin that you come across and let it rot. Handgun ------- The standard gun of the game. The weakest and most useful on single zombies. Use this gun the most, as ammo isn't very rare. Leon's version holds 18 rounds but Claire's only holds 13. Leon can also get Handgun "parts" which makes his handgun much more kickass. Shotgun ------- This gun rocks. A lot. It can be used in a variety of situations. It's great for blowing away Lickers and Dogs. Also, it does wonders for large groups of zombies where the handgun just won't cut it. If you aim up at a zombie, you can blow its head off and sometimes the shotgun can completely blow apart a zombie's torso. You can also get a Custom version of the shotgun, which rivals the Magnum in power. The shotgun is only available to Leon. Bow Gun ------- Nowhere near as good as the shotgun, but it does get the job done. This is Claire's alternative to the shotgun, and although it shoots three arrows at a time, the shotgun is usually better. However, the bow gun is not completely useless. It's good for groups of zombies, as well as the Lickers and Dogs. If you get in a tight situation, however, opt for the Grenade Launcher instead. Magnum ------ The most powerful weapon in the game. It is available only for Leon, however. The magnum blows the heads off of zombies, killing them in one shot. No matter how fun it might be to waste whole legions of zombies by blowing their heads off, don't waste the magnum on zombies, save it for the Bosses instead. You can also obtain the magnum parts which deals crazy damage! Grenade Launcher ---------------- My favorite gun. I don't know, but I just like this one. The range is pretty short, but the power's all there and it's perfect for groups of zombies that are right in your face. The grenade launcher also hosts three different types of grenades: normal, flame, and acid. The acid rounds are the most powerful so save them for the bosses. The flame rounds are great for indiviual enemies, while the normal grenade rouns are awesome for groups of enemies at close range. The grenade launcher is available only for Claire Flamethrower ------------ Oh yeah baby! A pyro's dream come true. This gun shoots a continuous flame out of the end of it and will keep shooting fire as long as you hold down the trigger button. The gun only has a limited number of percentage, and when that runs out, the gun is useless. The flamethrower has a short range and is best used for groups of zombies or the killer-plants. Sparkshot --------- claire's version of the Flamethrower. The sparkshot shoots an electric charge at the enemies, emitting a pretty cool noise. Zombies will fry if you shoot them, which is pretty neat to see! Unlike the flamethrower, the sparkshot is best used for individual enemies, particularly zombies and lickers. Sub Machine Gun --------------- Such fun! Even thought the gun is pretty weak, it shoots bullets at a crazy speed, making it ideal for mowing down lots of enemies. Probably the most fun of all of the guns to use. Both Claire and Leon can use it, although if you choose it during Scenario A, it's not available during Scenario B. Since Scenario B is much more difficult, it's usually best to save the gun for then. ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------ 5. Controls/General Strategies ------------------------------ Controls: A button - action button. Used to confirm selections, pick up items, open doors, examine things, and shoot your weapon when it's raised. B button - Used to cancel selections. (Also, in the GC version, if you hold the B button while moving, you will run.) Y button - It brings up your status screen where you can access your inventory for items, as well as access your files and the map. Z button - Brings up the map without going to the status screen. R button - Raises your weapon into an attack stance. Press and hold the R button to pull up whatever weapon you have equipped. You can then use the control pad to aim the gun. Use the A button to shoot. L button - When you have your weapon raised, press the L button to change targets. Control Stick/Pad - Used to move. Resident Evil has a somewhat unique movement system. Press up on your control stick to move forward and press down on your control stick to back up. This works no matter which way you're facing. Rotate the control stick to turn your character. So, to move about, simply rotate your control stick until your character is facing the direction you want to go, then press up. Strategies: -Become familiar with the control system: Chances are, if this is your first RE game, you're not going to be comfortable with the control system at first. Use the beginning of the game (the streets) and make sure you know how to move around. Later in the game, good movement will be the difference between life and death. If you're awkward moving around the bosses become much tougher, not to mention dodging is almost out of the question. -Conserve ammo: There is a limited amount of bullets in the game, so be sure to conserve some ammo. Depending on which difficulty you play the game on (easy/normal) will determine how much ammo you get. If you're playing in Normal mode, conserving ammo becomes one of your top priorities. Don't just fling bullets like crazy at everything that moves. If you can get past an enemy without killing it, do so. Also, leave your strongest weapons for the bosses; don't use them on zombies. -When in doubt, dodge: This really helps in conserving ammo. Like I said above, dodging enemies can sometimes be a hell of a lot easier than killing them. Dodging works best in large, open areas, whereas if you meet a zombie in a narrow corridor, chances are, doding is not going to work. Dodging is vital to the game, and it all depends on how well you can move around. As you go through the game, your dodging skills should improve. Also, if you're low on ammo, the knife offers another solution. My advice is to dodge, as the knife is a pain in the ass to use. However, if you're in a tight spot, the knife may just save you. -Don't let the camera angles kill you: The weird camera angles in the game not only help create the atmosphere, they can also be your undoing. Always use the camera angles to your advantage and never get handicapped by them. When you meet an enemy, don't be afraid to back up and get the proper viewing angle. Try to keep the enemy in your view so that you can make sure you're hitting it with your gun. Be careful around corners and other areas where the camera makes it almost impossible to see. -Always carry at least one healing item: Whenever you're exploring new areas, your inventory should contain the following: your handgun with bullets, at least one healing item, and at least one powerful weapon (shotgun/magnum for Leon, bowgun/grenade launcher for Claire). Use your handgun for the zombies, and the more powerful weapon for the tougher enemies like the lickers. Try to always carry at least one healing item to use if you get injured. Two or three healing items is probably a tad overkill (unless you're fighting a boss) and it takes up precious space in your inventory. Speaking of healing items, there are three types of herbs you will encounter in the game: green, red, and blue. The green herbs heal you "up" one status condition. For instance, if you're in Caution, a green herb will usually heal you to Fine. If you're in Red Caution, a green herb will heal you to Yellow Caution, and so on and so forth. The red herb is useless unless it is combined with a green herb. Once you've combined a green and a red herb, you've maximized their healing potentials. A red and a green herb will heal you all the way to Fine no matter what condition you may be in. First aid sprays do the same thing. The last type of herb is the blue herb. Use the blue herb to heal yourself from the poison condition. You can combine multiple green herbs, or green herbs with blue herbs if you wish. Your status conditions are as follows: fine, yellow caution, red caution, and danger. When you reach the danger stage, heal right away, as just one more hit may spell the end of you. One more note about this guide: since the camera angles constantly change throughout the game, my directions in the guide are based solely on the character. If the guide tells you to go right, go towards the "character's" right, not the right end of the screen. Make sense? I hope so. ******************************************************************************* ----------------- 6. Enemies/Bosses ----------------- Zombies ------- The standard old Resident Evil enemies. Zombies move slowly, shuffling towards their quarry, ready to feed. The zombies attack by taking bites out of you. Zombies aren't that powerful and are easily dispatched with the handgun. Large crowds of zombies can be a problem, particularly when you have to reload. In such cases, use the shotgun, grenade launcher, or another gun that shoots in a spread-out fashion. For lone zombies, use the handgun, or better yet, just run by them. You can save boatloads of ammo by running past lone zombies; as you progress through the game, such maneuvers will be easier. Sometimes, zombies crawl along the ground, biting you in legs. You can either shoot the zombies while they are crawling, or if you let them bite you, Leon will smash the zombie's head, and Claire will kick it off. Such bites usually don't hurt your health a whole lot. Lickers ------- Apparently, these are "super-charged" zombies. They are faster, quicker, and a whole lot stronger. They crawl on their four legs and frequently attack with their long tongues, hence the name. The licker will also jump at you, striking you with its claws. These pesky critters will frequently jump out at you through windows and around corners. Sometimes, when a licker jumps at you, it can take off your head, killing you in one hit. It's pretty cool to see, yet it also sucks, because....well...you're dead. Dogs (Cerebrus) --------------- To put it simply: dogs affected by the T-Virus. These enemies mover pretty fast and can be a pain in the ass to hit. The handgun usually works pretty well against them, but sometimes the shotgun does a better job. They're weak for the most part, and thus not a whole lot to worry about. Crows ----- These enemies are pretty rare, and really easy to kill. One handgun shot is all it takes, the only problem being trying to hit them. All in all, one of the easiest enemies in the game. Evil plants ----------- Well, apparently, the T-Virus also affects plants, as these things will come slithering towards you later in the game. These enemies will either hit you with their vines if they get close enough or they will shoot acid at you. The flamethrower does wonders getting rid of these guys. Giant Spiders ------------- Down in the sewers, you'll also meet giant mutated spiders. They like to fling poison at you, which is sometimes a pain. For the most part, these guys are easy to avoid, especially when they're climbing along the walls; just don't get hit with poison! Giant Alligator --------------- Yes, there's also a giant alligator in the game. This enemy can be either the easiest or the hardest in the entire game, depending on whether you know how to kill it or not. The alligator is completely invincible to all types of gunfire, yet, if the alligator eats a gas container, one shot will cause the alligator to explode! I'll go into more on this when we meet the alligator in the Walkthrough. William's Offspring ------------------- This is the weird demeted guy that you meet in the sewers. He's pretty easy to dispatch, just don't let him get near you. He's really slow and so whenever he gets close to you, run away and keep shooting him with either the shotgun or the grenade launcher. This guy is one of the easiest bosses in the game. William ------- william Birkin, the G-Virus monster takes on a bazillion different forms and I don't feel like going through each and every one of them right now. Look in the guide for descriptions and methods for killing the many different forms of William. Mr. X ----- Ah yes, the annoying Mr. X. He only appears in Scenario B and he can be a real pain if you don't know what you're doing. Most of the time, you can just run around him, avoiding him as best you can. When that's not a possibility, throw at him your best weapons and watch his movements carefully. When he raises his arms in the air, watch out, as he'll pummel you if you don't move out of the way. If you try to run around him, he'll usually smack you with his long arms. At the end of the game, Mr. X mutates and also grows huge claws. I'll go more depth into how to dispatch his final form when we get to him in the Walkthrough. ******************************************************************************* --------------- 7. Walkthroughs --------------- Here we go, time for the Walkthroughs. There are basically 4 different scenarios to beat: Leon A, Claire A, Leon B, and Claire B. When you start a new game and you choose a character, you choose either Leon A or Claire A. Upon completing that scenario, you will start Scenario B of the opposite character. So, if you picked Leon to start the game, upon beating it, you will start Scenario B as Claire. So on and so forth. I will start with Leon A. If you chose Claire A, start scrolling. ******************************************************************************* --------- I. Leon A --------- ---------- A. Streets ---------- So after you've selected either Normal/Easy mode, Leon/Claire, Violence level, and you're blood color, you're ready to go! Now sit back, and watch the opening to the game. When you start, you'll be in the middle of a burning street with your gun equipped. There are zombies all around you, so you'll have to be careful. Now there's two ways to go about this first stretch of street. You can either shoot the zombies or run past them. I recommend running. There are a ton of zombies and shooting them will cause you to become surrounded very fast. Not to mention it would take way too many bullets to kill them all. So, the best strategy is to dodge past the zombies and run down the street. Let's see how good you are at avoiding enemies! Run forward a little ways, and you'll see two zombies right in front of you. The screen will shift and head up towards the buildings. Run left behind the magazine rack or whatever it is. There will be a zombie with his back towards you; run past him, and then dodge past two more zombies as you run between a couple of cars. Turn left down the alleyway, and dodge past two more zombies until you come to a parked car and a door. Enter the door. You'll now be treated to a cutscene between you and the gun owner, who happens to be sporting a pretty nifty shotgun. When you gain control, head behind the long counter and grab Roberts Note. Inside the first broken gun rack is a pack of bullets; grab it. Now, explore behind the shorter counter. There's another pack of bullets on a table at the end of the counter. When you come out from behind the second counter, four zombies will break through the glass and eat the poor gun shop owner. Now, if you're a wimp, you can exit through the door right behind you, but first, let's grab the dead guy's shotgun. Come out from behind the counter and face the zombies. When they start standing up, open fire on them with your handgun. Back up if the zombies start getting too close. As you shoot them, they will drop to the floor. That doesn't necessarily mean they're dead, though. If the zombie has a pool of whatever color blood you chose coming out of it, then it's dead. If not, the zombie's still alive and you should shoot it while it's lying on the ground. Once you've killed all of the zombies, walk over to the dead gun-shop owner and press A. "He has stopped breathing." That's too bad. Press A again to get his shotgun. Now, as tempting as it is to start unloading it on the next group of zombies you meet, save the shotgun for later. You're going to need it. Exit the gun shop through the back silver door, where you'll enter a back alley. Head forward and take a right. You'll see a chain-link fence with some zombies behind it. Run past them down the corridor to the back of a van where you'll find some more handgun bullets. By now, the zombies should have broken through the fence. Turn around and pick them off one by one as they come down the narrow path. Once again, back up if necessary. Head through the newly opened gate, either shooting or dodging any straggler zombies. Enter the gated doorway. Continue through the alley and up the stairs (press A). Head along the upper passage, and then back down the stairs. You'll encounter a female zombie and a blue garbage thinger. Step ontop of the blue container and snipe the zombies from there (there should be about 4). There's another zombie down the alley; dodge him, and head through the door. You'll be outside in a street and you can hear a zombie-snack going on nearby. Run right past the munching zombies and enter the bus. Right to your left is another handgun bullet pack; grab it. Now, there's a crawling zombie on the floor of the bus corridor. Let her run into you and watch as Leon smashes her head. There's another zombie on the bus corridor. Shoot him until he falls down and then run past him and off of the bus. In the next area, you'll encounter a bunch of zombies. They are spaced out, so it's best to just run past each one of them. If you've reached the Danger condition by now, it may be a better idea to shoot them, as one more bite and you're a dead man. After you've battled or run past those zombies, head through the gate to the next area. Walk forward and head down the steps. Walk through the passage and back up another flight of steps. In the bushes right in front of you, there's a green herb. Grab it and heal yourself if necessary. Head around the staircase and to the right is the Raccoon City Police Department. Congratulations, you've made it past the first part. Enter the Police Department. If you're having trouble getting past the streets, my advice is to stick with it. Keep trying, you'll get it sooner or later. The beginning part of the game is quite tough, there's no babying. The sooner you learn the strategies to survive, the better. ******************************************************************************* ----------------- B. Police Station ----------------- Enter the Police Station's cavernous hall. All of the doors around you at the entrance are locked at the moment, so head to the back. In the back left corner of the main hall is an open door. Head through it. Enjoy the cutscene that follows. One of the police officers is lying on the floor, bloody. Apparently, the police station isn't going to be as safe as you thought. The cop will give you a key card and then tell you to "rescue the survivors in the other rooms." Once you leave, the door will mysteriously lock behind you. So as you leave, the guy jumps up and quickly locks you out. Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either. In the back of the hall is a computer terminal area. Grab the handgun bullets on the counter and enter the terminal area. Right to your left is a typewriter, and next to it some ink ribbons. Woo hoo! Now you can save your progress. Grab the ink ribbons and save using the typewriter. Now, head over to the flickering computer and access it by pressing A. The doors can be unlocked by a Card Key. Fortunately, the cop in the other room gave you such a card. Use the card to unlock the two doors in the main hall. Enter the double doors on the left side of the hall. You'll be in a quiet little room, with an item chest to your left. Here you can store various items throughout your quest for survival. All of the item chests are linked to one another, so you don't have to come back to the same one that you dumped your stuff into. Drop the ink ribbons and your knife into the item chest. Also, to your right, on a bench is a Police Memorandum. Head to the back of the room, and behind wooden desk-things. Head towards the door and OMG WHAT JUST WENT PAST THE WINDOW!? Mwahaha...whatever that was will be dealt with in a few moments. Enter the next room...if you dare. It's quiet....too quiet. Walk down the hallway and turn to the right where you'll find a man whose head has been completely twisted off. Pleasant isn't it? The man also possesses a pack of hand gun bullets; pocket them. Now, before you proceed, it's best to switch to your Shotgun. Once you've done that, head on. As you come up to a puddle of blood, a cutscene will ensue. Take your first look at a Licker. These enemies will plague you throughout the rest of the game, so it's time to learn how to kill them with ease. When you gain control, head towards the licker. This is to keep it from leaping at you and taking your head off, as well as allowing you to aim down and blast it with your shotgun. Two shots should do the trick. Piece of cake, right? If you died, you should start back up in the main hall where you saved, and you can try it agian. Switch back to your handgun and head forward, where you'll be greeted with a green herb and a door for your troubles. The door leads to a long, winding hallway. Travel along the hallway without interruption until you come to some double-doors. Head through those. They lead to a conference room. Head through the back open door where you'll enter a closet of sorts. There's a fireplace and a painting: "A Sacrifice to the hell fire." Joyous. Press start and select your lighter. Select Use. Leon will light up the fireplace, and a red jewel will fall out of the painting pocket the jewel and head back to the hallway. Head to your right and traverse the hallway until you come to another door. The next room possesses a crowd of zombies: one to your right, and three to your left. Head to the right and take out the woman zombie. Now, hang out back there and kill the other zombies as they lumber down the passage towards you. Head to the right of the staircase where you'll see two more green herbs and a door. Grab the herbs and enter the door. Inside is a "save-room." These places usually possess a typewriter, an item box, and generally soothing music. Drop the jewel in the item box and save if you wish. Head back out through the door. Back in the previous room, head around to the right and up the staircase. Head down the hallway on the second floor. To your left is a door, but it's jammed shut and you can't go through it. Proceed until you come to a statue in the middle of the room. The inscription reads: "The god of sun and the god of moon. Their gaze upon me is the only thing that can release red soul." To the left and right of the main statue are two small red and blue colored statues. The red one is the "god of sun" and the blue one is the "god of moon." You need to make the two statues face the center statue. First push the red statue out into the hallway and then towards the blue statue. Push it all of the way against the opposite wall. In the middle of the wall is a darkened tile on the floor. Push the statue onto the darkened tile and it should lock in place. Now, you need to do the same to the blue statue. Move it to the opposite wall and position it in the darkened colored tile on that side of the room. The two statues should now be facing the middle-statue. The second red jewel should be released; go and collect it. Now, here's a diagram for you visual learners: At first, the statues are arranged like so: ! ! ! ! ! RMB ! ! ! ! ! Where R is the red statue, M is the middle statue and B is the blue statue. Now, you should arrange the statues like so. ! ! ! ! !B M R! ! ! ! ! Make sense? I hope so. After collecting the second red jewel, head through the red door. Beyond is another corridor. Immediately upon entering it, you should hear the shuffling of a multitude of zombies. Walk forward until the zombies come into your view and then pick them off one by one. After taking care of the zombies, enter the first door you find on your left. The first thing you should do in the next room is head to your immediate right. Back in the right corner is a weapons locker. Open it up and grab another shotgun. Still on the right side of the room in the other corner by a stack of boxes is a First Aid Spray; grab that too. In the middle of the room, between two desks is a blueish file. Pick it up. It's Chris's diary and below it is the Unicorn Medal. Take the Medal and then Claire should show up. Another cutscene ensues and Leon hands Claire the file. Leon also hands Claire a radio and now they can keep in touch. After the cutscene ends, exit the room. Now, you need to head back to the main hall. Take a right and back through another door, past the statues, and down the stairs; you should be backtracking the way you came. You can save in the Dark Room if you'd like, but otherwise back through the door you came in through and through the hallway with the boarded up windows. This time when you travel down the hallway, you're in for a surprise! Don't worry, the hands don't hurt you. Back through the licker hallway, through the next room, and then you should be back in the main hall. In the center of the hallway, there's a fountain; it reads: to obtain the key to open your heart, I'll wait for the Unicorn, the beautiful beast." Well, you do have a Unicorn Medal. Put the Medal in the fountain inscription, and a key should fall out. Grab the "Precinct Key." If you examine it, it is in the shape of a spade. Congratulations, you've acquired the Spade Key. ******************************************************************************* ---------------- C. The Spade Key ---------------- Now that you have the Spade Key, you can open up some new doors. Head back the way you came, through the double doors, through the next room, and out into the Licker hallway. Around the corner and to your right is a silver door that was previously locked. Open it up with your spade key and enter. You should be in a file room. Somewhere on the floor is Jill's File, but that's not important. There's also a Patrol Report in the second aisle. Also in the second aisle is a footstool that you can push around. Push it forward until it's up against a cabinet. Jump on top of it and grab the Crank. Head back out into the licker hallway. Proceed the way you came before, through the boarded hallway and up the stairs to the second story. Drop the Crank off in the item box in the Dark Room on your way, as you won't be needing it for a while. Once on the second story, head past the statues, through the next door, and into the hallway. Head past the door you entered earlier and proceed to the end of the hallway where there's another door. Unlock it with the Spade key. The key is useless now so you should discard it; enter the door. In the next room, there will be 5 zombies snacking on somebody. This is a good place to use your shotgun. Wait for them to all stand up, and then shoot the group a couple of times. Kill off any straglers with your handgun. Down the long hallway is the door that was blocked off. Now you can see why you couldn't go through it. Just to the left of that door is a box of handgun bullets; be sure to grab it. Head back down the hallway and to your left. At the end of the next short hallway is a door; go through it. Now, you're in a sort of library-gallery area. The first thing you should do is head up the staircase to the balconey. Walk along the balconey, past the door and you should fall through near the end to the first floor. Just to your right is a bronze plate with a picture on it. Study the picture for a few seconds. Now, on the wall is a red light switch. Press it to activate the shelves. You need to align the shelves just like they were in the picture. Refer back to the picture if you need to. There are 4 shelves. Move the second one from the left one space to the right. Then, move the shelf to the farthest left one space to the right as well. This should open up the bronze plate. Grab the Bishop Plug. Now, before you leave, next to the double-doors on a table is a red herb. Grab that and exit through the double doors. You're back in the main hall, only this time, you're on the second story. There are a bunch of zombies ambling around. Pick them off one by one with your handgun; shouldn't be a problem. As you travel along the upper floor, you'll encounter a red (it looks kind of like a pack) thing hanging from the balconey. It's an emergency ladder; push the button to have it descend to the first story. Now you have quick access between the two floors. Continue along the upper story until you come to another door. Another save room. Time for a breather. Drop off the red herb and the Bishop plug into the item box along with anything else you don't think you'll need for a bit. Grab the small key on the bench along with the Secretary File on the desk. Save at the typewriter if you wish. When you're done doing what you have to do in the Waiting Room, leave through the new room to the hallway beyond. Upon entering the next hallway, you can hear something burning and some zombies should start shuffling towards you to your left. Head to the right instead, away from the zombies, and go through that door. The next hallway is deserted....mostly. Head straight forward where you'll see a blueish door. Unlock the door, but don't go through it. Continue down the hallway past the body and some crows. As you turn the next corner, a plethora of crows will burst through the windows. You can either run past them or shoot each one down. I prefer shooting the crows as you'll have to come back through this hallway. The best method is to continue forward around the corner and then camp out there and shoot the crows as they come around the corner at you. You'll know when they're all dead because the music will stop. Once you've taken care of the crows, continue down the hallway and enter the door at the end. You're now outside and a larg burning helicopter sits right in front of you. How lovely. Head to your right and down the flight of stairs. You're back outside in the streets, but only momentarily. My advice is to just dodge past the zombies and save your bullets. Let's see how well you've gotten at maneuvering. You could of course take out the zombies with your handgun as well if you feel like it. After dodging the zombies or shooting them, you'll come to an outside shed. Straight in front of you is a door. Do not try to go through it; you'll just let more zombies in. Instead walk up to the desk where there's a typewriter, some handgun bullets and some ink ribbons. Also, next to the desk is a valve handle; make sure you grab it. Exit the shed, head down the short street and back up the staircase. Right next to the door where you came out on top of the roof is an opening through the fence. Head through that opening, to the right and use your new valve handle at the water pressure valve. Water will pour out of the tank and douse the flames around the helicopter. Up at the helicopter, near the smoke, press A and grab some more handgun bullets. Head back through the door you originally came through and then travel back through the crow hallway. You can grab some bullets from the corpse as you head by. Go back through the door that you originally came through; back to the hallway where something was burning. Turn to your right and shoot each of the zombies as they come towards you. There should be one in the hallway and another around the corner. After you've dispatched the two zombies, explore around the corner and you'll see the ruins of the same helicopter you saw outside. It was burning, keeping you from getting past it, but we have already put out the fire, opening up a new doorway. Before you enter that door, backtrack to the Waiting Room and grab the two red jewels from your item chest. Once you've done that, head back down the hallway to the helicopter ruins and enter the new door. You'll be in a strange storage-room of some sort. Walk forward until you see an armored stone statue that reads: "Tyranos the brave revives with two lights." On the sides of the statue are two women reliefs with a hole about the size of a fist. Put each of the two jewels in the woman reliefs causing the armored statue's chest to open up. Inside is the King Plug; grab it. Also, before you leave, grab the shining key on the boxes to the left of the statue. You've now found the Diamond Key. ******************************************************************************* ------------------ D. The Diamond Key ------------------ After getting the diamond key, backtrack to the Waiting room, drop off the King Plug in an item box, save if you wish, and then head back through the Waiting room to the upstairs hallway. Head down the emergency ladder to the first floor and head to the front of the police station. You should go up a small flight of stairs right in front of the entrance. Instead of leaving, head left where you'll find another door; enter it. Turn to the left and you'll see another large group of zombies slowly ambling towards you. Take out the shotgun and pump a couple of rounds into the crowd. Then kill off any stragglers with your handgun. Continue down the hallway, grab the green herb right in front of you and head right down the hallway to the door at the end. The next hallway contains a couple of stray zombies; nothing you can't handle. Take out each one individually with your handgun. Head down the hallway and take a left; keep going straight and unlock the gray door right in front of you with the Diamond Key. On the table in front of you is a first aid spray and a cable; grab the both of them and then head left around the table and grab the Rook Plug from the shelf. Now, when you turn around a Licker will crash through the double mirror, so equip your shotgun ahead of time and blast it. Damn, even when I'm prepared, that thing still scares the crap out of me! Two shots should take down the licker. Leave the room and return to the hallway. Head straight back the way you came, through two more doors and back to the main hall. We'll explore the other rooms later. Now, head down the steps, to your left and through the double doors. Drop off the Rook Plug in the item box but keep the cord; you'll need it in the next room. Before you enter the next room, stop at the small gray desk in the corner. Use the small key you got in the waiting room to open it; inside is a pack of handgun bullets. Head through the door when you're done. Travel back through the licker hallway, but stop on your way there. There should be a box on the wall that opens and closes the shutters. It can't be activated since the cord is missing, but lucky for us, we picked up a cord. Put the cord back in and close the shutters. Continue through the licker hallway, through the boarded-up hallway and to the room with the staircase in it. Instead of going up the staircase, turn to your right and use the Diamond Key on the door and enter through it. You may want to save at the Dark room before proceeding. The next room is chock-full of zombies. If you have any shotgun bullets left, use them now, but try to save at least one. If not, whip out the handgun and start firing away like a mad man as there isn't much room to maneuver. After killing the zombies, if you head around to your right, there's some film in a drawer. Unlock the next door and proceed through it. Oooh, note the creepy music; something is amiss. Right in front of you is a green herb; you may want to grab that. Explore the room you're in. Remember it? Yes, this is where you met that cop who locked himself in. Inside one of the lockers is more handgun bullets. Now, head through the open door into the little office beyond. As soon as you do, you may want to equip the shotgun if you have any bullets left. Inside is the cop that you left behind. He'll stand up and immediately start losing color. Yep, this guy is screwed. When you resume play, the guy will be RIGHT THERE. Blast him with the shotgun and finish him off with the handgun if he's still alive. If you don't have any shotgun bullets left, you're probably going to take a hit, unless of course, you can whip around and run out of the room in time. Good luck. After dispatching the poor guy, grab the key on the table. Oh yeah, you've now got the Heart Key! ******************************************************************************* ---------------- E. The Heart Key ---------------- After grabbing the heart key, head back out into the main room, and unlock the brown door that leads into the main hall. Once back in the main hall, head towards the front of the police station, up the short stairs, to the left and back through the single door. Go forward a little bit and enter the wide, double-blue doors to your right. There are two zombies to your immediate left and right when you enter the room. Run forward right past them, but be careful as there's another zombie coming for you. Dodge around him and enter the small room to your left. Shoot the zombie that greets you there and then quickly hit the Start button. Access your files and get out the Police Memorandum. At the end of the memorandum is a code for a safe. Use the code and open the safe in the room; grab the shotgun shells and the Police station map that was inside. By now, the remaining zombies should be coming for you. Stand in the small room and shoot them as they try to enter through the doorway. After you've killed the zombies, head through the doorway and go left. You'll pass through another doorway; head right and there should be a body on the floor. Grab the handgun bullets that he has and enter the door. You'll be outside and there are two green herbs right there. Grab the herbs and heal yourself if you need to. If you go up the stairs, the door up there will take you to the crow hallway. We don't need to go back up there, so head back the way you came. Back in the hallway, head straight this time to a brown door. Use your Heart Key to open the door; this is the only door that uses the Heart Key, so discard it when you are done. There are two green herbs to your left; grab at least one of them. Run down the hallway until you come to a staircase. Descend the staircase. You are now in the basement area of the Police station. As you wind down the hallway, you'll see a dog at the end of it. You can either use the shotgun for a quick kill or use the handgun if you'd rather. Also, it's not that hard to run past the dogs, so you could do that, too. Run down the hallway and head to the right. Enter the double brown doors. In the back of the room is a Reserve Power Control Panel. Move the switches Up, Down, Up, Down, and Up to get the correct power supply. Head back through the doors and return to the hallway. Turn right and run down the hallway. You'll run past a silver door, keep going until you get to the end of the hallway and go through that door. You should now be in a parking garage. When you move forward, a cutscene will ensue and you will finally get to meet Ada Wong. After the cutscene ends, help Ada move the van, which will reveal another door. Ada will run ahead and you should proceed down the new hallway alone. Take a right and then a left, ignoring the first door that you see. You'll come to a gate and a table with handgun bullets on it. Grab the bullets and open the gate to the left. There are two herbs in the first cell that you encounter. Grab them and then continue until another cutscene enfolds. Now you get to meet good old Ben. You also get to hear the first "roar" of William. A map will also pop up to show you where to go. After the cutscene ends, grab the Manhole Opener at the end of the prison hallway. Head back through the sliding gate, turn right and go through the blueish door to your left. Proceed forward and take a right until you come to a Manhole. Use the Manhole opener and go down the ladder. You now get your first preview of the sewers. Right in front of you is one of the giant mutated spiders. It's best to just run by them and hope they don't hit you with poison. You may have to shoot the second spider that you see, since it's usually in your way. Head through the sewers and go up the stairs. The first door on your left is a save station. Save if you need to and also use the blue herb if you were poisoned by the spiders. When you're finished with the save room, head back into the hall and take a left. Enter the door straight in front of you. Across the catwalk and to the left is a door, but it's sealed shut. The panel on the right can open the door, but first you need 4 plugs: King, Rook, Bishop, and Knight. You already have three of the plugs, but you need the other one to unlock the door. Exit back out into the hallway where another cutscene with Ada will unfold. Leon boosts Ada through the shaft, and when she drops out at the other end, you take control. For this next brief area, you get to be Ada. Run forward and through the door. Outside, there are two dogs right by you. Take each one down with your handgun. It helps to stand at the corner of the walkway and shoot the dogs as they run towards you. Run across the platform and take a right. There's a reddish elevator in this room; descend to the bottom floor. Grab the shotgun shells on the floor and then head back up the elevator. Run back outside, take a right and enter the new door. To your immediate right is a sewage disposal map on the wall; grab it. Now, in this next room, you have to align the boxes in the bottom, so that when you fill it up with water, the floating boxes will create a bridge to the other side. Drop down the ledge behind the control panel to reach the bottom. Now, push the first box that you see straight forward until it hits the wall. The box just to the left of that first box needs to be pushed to the right. Climb on top of the box and jump off in the left corner; now, push the box to the right so it's up against the first box. Finally, the last box that's kind of sticking out there needs to be pushed against the wall so that all of the boxes are in a row. When you are finished, all three of the boxes should be pushed against the far wall in a row. Now, head back up to the top the same way you came down. Go to the control panel and raise the water. There should now be a bridge of boxes across to the other side; cross the bridge and grab the Precinct Key on the shelf. This key (if you haven't guessed by now) is in the shape of a club. ******************************************************************************* --------------- F. The Club Key --------------- After grabbing the key, head back to the room where you first took control of Ada. Another cutscene will start up, and Ada will throw the Club Key and the box of shotgun shells over to Leon. Once you have control of Leon again, grab the key and the shotgun shells from the floor. Backtrack down the hallway and down the stairs into the sewer area where you met the enormous spiders. Head back through the passage, killing or dodging any spiders that are still alive. Once up the ladder, head straight forward, to the left, and through the door. Head straight, take another left and through another door; you should be back in the parking garage. To your left and in the back corner of the parking garage is a green herb; grab it and use it if you need to. Continue through the parking garage to the hallway beyond. Walk down the hallway, and you should hear some sinister breathing noises; that's a licker, so you may want to equip your shotgun. Proceed forward until you come to a corner; the licker is around the corner, so either wait for it to come to you and then blast it or quickly whip around the corner and shoot it before it gets you. Proceed around the corner and you should hear more clicking noises. That's right, there's another licker in the hallway so keep your shotgun equipped. Run forward and shoot the licker while he's on the ground, or if he jumps at you, try to shoot him in the air; two shots should do the trick. Run forward down the hall until you come to some sliding doors on your right. Use the Club Key to unlock the door and enter the room beyond. The room contains a whole group of zombies that are at the moment harmless. Now, there's a sliding key that unlocks the electronic door down the hall, but as soon as you grab the key, all of the zombies will spring to life. The key allows you to unlock the silver door down the hall which contains a booster pack and a sub-machine gun. Now, as awesome as that may sound, if you take the items, you don't get to use them during the B Scenario. Considering the B Scenario is much more difficult than the A Scenario, I would recommend leaving the gun and pack for then. Therefore, there's no need to grab the key and awaken a whole group of zombies. So, you can head right back out the door and back into the hallway. Of course, if you'd rather get the stuff now, go ahead and do so, but like I said, I wouldn't recommend doing so. Once back out in the hallway, take a left and then take another right down the passage and up the staircase. Turn to your right and head around the staircase where there's a door on your left. Unlock it with your Club Key and enter. Walk forward, past the lockers and to the right where you'll find two bunk beds and a body on the floor. Grab the Watchman's Diary on the left bed and then grab the enormous silver gun on the dresser. Oh yeah, baby, you got the Magnum, the most powerful gun in the game! This baby can disintegrate zombie heads in one shot. However tempting that may be, don't waste precious magnum bullets on the zombies; save them for the bosses to come. Exit the room and head right down the hallway, and through the door. In the next room, walk forward, take a right, and head through the main police room, and through the large blue double-doors. In the hallway beyond, take a right and then another right around the corner and through the door down the hall. Remember this hallway? Yes, we've been here before. Head straight and take a left; ignore the first door that you see, but instead take another left, continuing down the hallway. Walk down the hallway and enter the next door on your right. There's not a whole lot of interest here, just a Journalist's Note on the table, and a small key. Return to the hallway, take a right and enter the strange, artsy blue door at the end of the hallway on the left. Use your Club Key for the last time and then discard it. There's a film on the table; grab it if you want. Now, in the back of the room there are three statues on the walls with unlit candles just below them. In left corner is a large brown candle of some sort that can be lit; light it with your lighter. Then, go to the middle statue that says "Number 12" and turn the faucet on, causing a flame to ignite in the candle. Now, go to the statue on the right that says "Number 13" and turn its faucet. Finally, go to the first statue on the left that says "Number 11" and turn its faucet. This should cause the little golden wheel in the front of the room to fall off the painting. Go up and grab the G. Cogwheel and then exit back to the hallway. Proceed back down the hallway, through the next hallway, and then back into the main hall. Go down the steps and through the double doors on the left. Use the item box and take the crank out, then head back into the main hall. Head to the back of the main hall and go up the ladder to the second floor; but before you do, equip your shotgun. Right at the top of the ladder is another licker. If you're ready for it, you should be able to blast it with two shotgun shells before it can even react. Now, head to the left and along the balconey and then through the double-doors to your left. When you take a step forward, a cutscene will show a group of zombies climbing through the windows on one of the lower hallways. Oh joy. Walk forward and go through the door on your left. Right in front of you is a locked desk; use the small key you just got to open it and collect the hand gun parts. Combine the parts with your handgun to make your gun much more badass. Your handgun is now semi-automatic, making it much easier to kill multiple zombies. Be careful though, it's now easier to lose track of what you're doing and waste precious ammo. Head back through the door you came through and then head up the stairs to your right. Run along the little balconey and enter the door to your right. Remember this door that we ignored the first time we were up here? Well, now it's time to enter it. You should be back in the main hall, only this time, you're on the third floor. Head to your right and enter the next door. In the next room, go to the right where you'll find a square hole. Use your crank to wheel down a staircase from up above. Go up the staircase and along the platform until you come to a bunch of gears. One of the gears is missing, causing the whole thing not to work. Put your G. Cogwheel into the mising spot and then press the button. A door to your right will open up. Go up to it and grab the Knight Plug. Oh yeah! Now you have all of the plugs to open that door. After grabbing the plug, jump down the old dust shoot. Cutscene time. My what a pretty eye you have. Not only does this shortcut make coming back down to the sewers real quick and easy, it allows you to bypass the zombie-filled hallway. Head down the hallway past the first door and through the gate to where Ben is; another cutscene will start up. Ooh, how beautiful; poor Ben. Read the Mail to the Chief if you wish and then follow Ada through the gate after having called Claire. Head down the hallway, through the blue door and down the manhole. Travel through the sewer passage and up the stairs. Make sure you stop by the save room on your right and save; a boss battle is coming up. Also, grab the plugs from the item box. Once done, head back through the hallway, and throught the door to the Septic Pool room; make sure you have the Magnum with you, as your first boss is only a door away. Boss 1: William's Offspring --------------------------- When you enter the Septic Pool Room, a cutscene will begin and you can watch as William's offspring slowly grows into something you might want to be wary of. Once the fight starts, equip your magnum; it's always nice to end the battle as quickly as possible. Now, William's offspring is fairly slow and his most damaging attacks can only be done when he's close to you; therefore, don't let him get anywhere near him. Stay a couple of arm's lengths away from him and blast him with a couple of magnum shots. As he gets closer to you, run past him and start blasting him again. If the offspring gets too close to you, it will swing its huge arms and slash you with its claws; avoid that. Also, the offspring likes to spit bugs at you; this can be a huge nuisance and can even do serious damage if you're not careful. When the bugs are comming at you, don't shoot them with the magnum as that's a waste, but instead switch to y our handgun, quickly mow them down, and then switch back to the magnum and continue firing at the offspring. Roughly five magnum shots should kill him. If you can get the shots off quickly and keep the offspring from getting too close, you may be able to kill him without worrying too much about the bugs. Remember, keep your focus on the offspring, and don't get carried away trying to deal with the bugs. ******************************************************************************* ------------- G. The Sewers ------------- After you've defeated William's offspring, put the plugs into the control console to unlock the door. You may want to go back to the save room and heal yourself or save the game. Once you head through the door, you leave the Police Station behind and enter the next part of your journey to safety: the sewers. When you go through the door, enjoy the next cutscene with Ada. For this next part, Ada will follow you around, and even help you shoot enemies. Drop down into the water and go through the large metal door. Continue forward through the water, and then take a left up the ledge and through the next door. Grab the blue herbs if you wish. The next room is another save area with an item box and a typewriter. There's also a Sewer Manager Fax on the table. Grab the handgun bullets from the red tool thing in the corner. You can also push the lockers aside and open the door to a ladder; descend the ladder. The bottom area is very dark, so take a right and run forward until you come to a lamp. Light the lamp using your lighter to get some light in the place. Grab the magnum bullets on the shelf. Around behind the shelf is another lamp that you can light with your lighter. Grab the shotgun shells on the shelf and then head back up the ladder. Before you leave the save room, grab the valve handle as you'll be needing it shortly. Once you've done that, descend on the red elevator in the corner. On the bottom, you'll meet the charming Annet Birkin. Leon gets shot trying to be a hero, so for the time being you get to be Ada again. Head down the hallway, grab the Sewer Map and go through the door. You'll see Miss Birkin wading through the water; go after her. Run through the water and up the ladder. Run through the tunnel, ignoring the bugs; as long as you keep running and don't stop, they shouldn't hurt you. Descend the ladder at the far end of the tunnel. As you run along the platform another cutscene will start up. And let me tell you, this one's a doozy. Enjoy. And, now you know about William. Once back in control of Ada, run across the catwalk and down the stairs to your right. The screen goes dark, Ada screams and then you're back to Leon. Head down the hallway Ada went and through the door. Drop into the water and take a left. You can't go up the ladder as the fan is spinning too fast, so keep going and climb up onto a ledge to the left where a couple of bodies lie. One has the Wolf Medal and the other a box of shogun shells. After grabbing the two, drop into the water and head to the right. Continue until you come to an intersection. There are some more giant spiders here, but they're pretty easy to dodge. Take a left at the intersection and head through the door. There are more spiders on the other side; watch out for dropping poison. Climb up the ledge to the left and head through the door. To your left are some blue herbs that you can use if you were poisoned. Travel along the path until you come to the Oil pressure data transmitter. Use the valve handle to bring the catwalk down to you. Advance to the other side, grab the green herbs and the shotgun shells and save if you'd like to at the typewriter. Before you go through the door, though, use your valve handle on the Oil pressure data transmitter on this side. That way the platform is back up above and you can cross when you get up there. Once you've done that, head through the door. Travel along the long tunnel until you come to Ada wildly shooting at the water. And then whoaomg! bam! a ginormous alligator comes screeching out of the water at you. I don't think the alligator is much of a boss, considering he's so damn easy to kill. But, then again, if you don't know how to kill him, he's impossible to kill, as he will suck up any bullet you shoot at him without harm. So, as soon as the alligator jumps at you, turn and run back down the tunnel. See that glowing red light on the side of the tunnel. Go up to it and press A. This will cause a canister to fall into the tunnel. Go around the corner, turn and wait for Mr. Alligator to come. Oh look, he's got the canister in his mouth; what a genius! One shot from your handgun will set off the canister/bomb, causing the whole alligator to go up in a shower of fire and blood. Problem solved. After annihilating the gator, head back down the tunnel towards Ada. Release the electronic lock and go through the door. Run through the shallow water (how the alligator fit in that small pool of water without being seen is beyond me). A somewhat sappy scene with Leon and Ada will follow. Once that's over with, you'll climb up the ladder to the second story. Cross the catwalk and take a left. Head up the ramp and grab the Eagle Medal and the Sewer Manager Diary. Head back down the ramp and past the catwalk. Use the valve handle on the fan regulator to stop it for a brief time. While the fan is stopped, head up the ladder, through the shaft and down the other ladder. Take a left through the water and then take a right; head through the door. Some zombies will wake up in the water; mow them down with your snazzy handgun; Ada will help too. Proceed forward and head toward the door with the water fountain in front of it. Right before it and to the left is a console. Drop the Wolf and Eagle Medals in the console to stop the flow of water. Head through the newly opened door. Head down the one-way passage and through the next door. Run forward and take a right. You'll see a sky-tram right in front of you. Head to the right of the tram and turn on the power to the tram. Go around and enter the tram. The tram will start moving backwards, but William will soon rudely stick his enormous claw through the roof. You'll want to avoid his claw; you can see where it's about to come through the roof, so move before it does. You can shoot the claw with your handgun if you want to, but it isn't necessary. When that ordeal's done with, your tram will come to a stop; exit the tram onto the platform. To your left is a flare-gun. Use your lighter to start it up. The flare will illuminate a sparkling object on the ground. Grab the W. Box Key. After that, head through the next door. Run forward until you see a left turn. Wait at the turn and a zombie should come around the corner; take care of him with your handgun. Step out into the cross-hallway and kill a couple of zombies to your left and right. Head to your left, but be careful around the next curve, as there's a zombie waiting for you. Shoot him and then grab the Shotgun Parts from the corpse. Combine the parts with the shotgun to make it much more powerful! Boo ya! Head back down the hallway and through the new door. You'll be in another set of hallways similar to the one you just came form. Proceed forward and wait for the zombie to come around the corner. Snipe the other zombies as they come into your view. Be careful around the corners; the last thing you need is to run right into a waiting zombie's arm. Once in the junction, take a right; shoot the other zombie as your turn the corner and grab the couple of green herbs. After grabbing those, proceed down the hallway to the ladder. Joyousness! A save room! Make sure you save here, as there's another boss coming up. Also, drop off your valve handle in the item box; you won't need it for a little bit. Also, make sure you grab the shotgun and magnum bullets on the console, as well as the first aid spray in the cabinet. When you're done with the save room, exit through the door to the outside. Turn to the left and up against the crates is a bag of handgun bullets that you should grab. Isn't the music so incredibly creepy in this area (random). After grabbing the bullets, turn around and head towards the tram; but first, grab the Factory Map on the wall to the right. Head along the left side of the tram until you come to a control panel. You need a key to activate it, so jump up the ledge and enter the tram. Walk forward into the next compartment and grab the shiny key to your right. Exit the tram and use your Control Panel key on the control panel, and then push the activation switch. The tram will start to depart and Leon and Ada should jump on it; a cutscene will follow showing the tram start to descend into the labs of Umbrella. ------------------------ Boss 2: William (form 2) ------------------------ Your tram ride will be going all peachy-fine until William decides to rudely stick his enormous claw through the tram's side and severely injur Ada. Well, apparently, you need to go outside and investigate, despite your better judgements. Equip your magnum and exit the tram. Your ride won't end until you've dealt with the menace outside. Oh, and before you go, there's some more magnum bullets next to the lockers in the tram; you might want to grab those. Step out of the tram and onto the platform. Whoa, what was that noise? Proceed around the tram until William chucks a pipe at you. You should now get your first good glimpse of William. Ugly, isn't he? After William dramatically grows another head and a huge-ass new claw, he will leap from the top of the tram, swinging at you. The battle music starts up and you're off. The first thing you need to do is put some space between you and the monster. Quickly run around the back of the tram to the other side and wait for William to come around. When he does, blast him with the magnum a couple of times and then immediately run around the next corner. You don't want William anywhere near you; those claws can do some nasty damage. William moves slowly for the most part, but as soon as you're within claw reach of him, he will lunge at you and gut you like a fish. By all means, don't let him get close. Wait on the opposite side of the tram as William appraoches; shoot him a couple of times and then run past him. When you run past him, run around him on the side that is claw-less. You want to avoid that claw as much as possible and running at that side makes him much less likely to swipe you as you go by. Once back at the other side of the tram, wait for William to come around again and pump bullets into him until he dies. Roughly ten to twelve magnum shots should be enough to take him down. Once you've defeated William, head back into the tram and tend to Ada. ******************************************************************************* -------------------- H. The Umbrella Labs -------------------- When you reenter the tram, it will reach the bottom: the Umbrella Labs. Leon yells at Ada and commands her not to die. The next cutscene shows Leon carrying Ada into a control room and putting her on a bed. Prime drama right here, huh Capcom. When that particularly cheesy scene ends, grab the green herb on top of the cabinet, as well as the magnum bullets on the desk. In the first locker are also some shotgun shells that you should definately grab. There's also a typewriter, and some ink ribbons, so save if you need to. Make sure you have at least two empty spaces in your inventory before you depart. Leave the room when you're finished. For the rest of the game, you'll be deep in the recesses of Umbrella's secret laboratories; difficult enemies lurk around every corner and many of them have become stronger than before. Once out in the main shaft, take a right and head through the sliding door. The next area consists of a system of catwalks that meet in a center console. Walk across the first catwalk and take a right down the passageway with a red light over the opening. Cross that catwalk and enter the sliding door at the end. Proceed up the hallway and take a right. Enter the door at the end of the passage. This next room contains some creepy tentacles in the corner. Don't get too close or they may hurt you. There are also some blue herbs in the room if you ever get poisoned. Grab the User Registration file on the bench as well as the Laboratory Security Manuel next to the computer. In the lockers, grab your new gun: the Flamethrower. The flamethrower can be a pretty sweet weapon if you know how to use it. The range is very limited, but it is ideal for groups of enemies and it functions very well against the evil plants you're about to meet. The flamethrower takes up two spots in your inventory and functions on a percentage basis. When it runs out of percentage, the thing is useless. The first thing you should do with your new toy is go over and torch the tentacles in the corner. This should open up a shaft; go through it. Proceed forward very very carefully. The screen should shift and you should be able to see two "advanced" lickers crouching on the floor, waiting for you to get close. Equip your shotgun and aim right in between the two of them. Unload that baby and feel the power of your new Custom Shotgun. The two lickers should both get shot and they should fall backwards. They'll leap up and you should shoot both of them again. Repeat the process one more time and they both should die. Grab the two packs of shotgun shells in the corner, unlock the door and head back into the hall. Go back through the sliding door, across the catwalk, and this time, head through the passage with the blue light over the archway. Head down the catwalk and enter the sliding door at the end of it. Run forward and take a left. Enter the double doors at the end of the hallway. Walk around the corner in this strange room and grab the black Fuse Case that you see. Go up to the blue computer screen and use the Fuse Case. Grab the Main Fuse that will soon pop up. Grab the first aid spray on the barrel and then exit the room. Head back through the hallway, through the sliding door, across the catwalk and back to the center. In the middle of the center area is a huge breaker system that regulates all the power in the lab. Put the Main Fuse in the breaker system to start up power across the lab. Turn around and head back down the catwalk with the blue light and through the sliding door. Run up the hallway and take a right. The shutter is shut, but you can open it by pressing the red shutter switch. Down the hall is a locked door and a fingerprint verification console. There's nothing you can do at this point, but remember the area. Head back across the catwalk and head through the red passage this time. Walk forward and open the shutter to your left. Two killer plants will emerge; equip your flamethrower and torch the suckers to death. If you get poisoned, you can use the blue herbs in the door down the hall. After you kill the two plants, head down the new passage and through the door. There's another plant right there; torch it as well. Grab the green herbs and heal if necessary. Once you've done that, descend the ladder and head through the next door. In the next corridor, you should be able to hear the breathing of a licker. Equip your shotgun and proceed carefully. Turn around a couple of corners until you see a green herb at the end. As you walk forward, a licker will fall from the ceiling. Heart attack? Yes, I know. Annihilate it with your sweet shotgun (3 shots). Two more lickers will know come scurrying down the hall. Point your shotgun at them and take them both out. Hopefully, you'll be able to hit both of them with each shot. Once you've killed the three lickers, head forward and grab the green herbs. Turn to the left and head down the corridor and through the sliding door. Follow along the path and you'll come to a typewriter and an item box. Save if you need to; dump the items you don't want and grab the the Weapons Box Key that you picked up earlier. Head down the hallway and take a left. There's a red herb in the corner; grab it if you want and then head through the double doors. Go up to the locker with the blue light above it and unlock it with the Weapons Box Key. Grab the Magnum parts inside. Oh yeah, you can even make your magnum more kickass. Once you've grabbed the parts, head through the automatically opening door and shoot the zombie that's in front of you with your handgun. Take a left and the next door should open for you; there's a zombie right there, so run back a little ways and then shoot him. Now, in the next room, you should have some room to maneuver, so dodge past the zombies and head towards the back of the room. On one of the counters is something shiny. Go up and grab the Lab Card Key. Dodge past the zombies and exit the rooms. Once back through the double doors, take a right and head down the hall with the wierd eggs on the ceiling. Use your card key to unlock the door and enter it. Walk forward and you'll see a huge moth just sitting there. Destroy the thing with your super-awesome shotgun. Use your handgun and shoot the slugs on the computer. Operate the computer and enter "Nemesis" as your user name. Next, register your fingerprint to get a "guest registration." Once you've done that, exit the room. Go left down the hallway and through the sliding door. Go through the next room and through the next sliding door. When you walk forward, another of those pesky lickers will drop through the ceiling scaring you half to death. Pump a couple of shotgun rounds into it and then continue down the hall, to the right and through the winding hallways to the next door. Go up the ladder and throught the next door. Go around the corner to the right, and dodge around the killer plant and go through the sliding door that leads out to the catwalks. Walk down the catwalks, take a right down the blue catwalk and head through the sliding door. Walk forward and use the card key to unlock the door right in front of you. Discard the key when you're done and enter the door. Grab the magnum bullets to your right as well as the first aid spray. Dodge (or shoot) the first zombie you see and run up to the red console and turn on the lights. Go down to the newly lit area where you'll be assaulted by a group of zombies. Here's a good time to whip out your shotgun and pump some rounds into the crowd. Grab the shining MO Disk and exit the room. Cutscene time. Husband's legacy...blah blah blah. Yes, Leon is clueless. So, Annette tells Leon that Ada is a spy, but of course, Leon doesn't believe her. Cue the perfectly timed falling pipe to take Annette out. You'll automatically grab the G-Virus and the Self-Destruct Sequence will be activated. Why Capcom feels the need to stick a Self-Destruct Sequence in all the RE games is beyond me. Turn around and head through the short passage to the right where the fingerprint console was. Since you went and got your fingerprint verified, it should work this time. Unnfortunately, you need someone else to help you through the door, so this will have to wait until the B Scenario. Head back through the sliding door back out to the catwalks. Head down the red catwalk and another cutscene will begin. Oh no, Ada wants the G-Virus! The plot thickens, etc. etc. Nope, Ada can't do it. But she can get shot in the back. In the next dramatic sequence, Leon lets Ada fall to her death. Leon screams and expresses his grief before chucking the G-Virus into the chasm. Ada is now dead. Or is she? When play resumes, head through the sliding door. Dodge the plant, head left and go through the door. Head down the ladder and through the next door. Eww, naked zombies. Take care of them with your handgun (running out of bullets yet?). You can also dodge the zombies if you're feeling confident. It's best to probably head down the hallway, through the door, and into the room with the typewriter and item chest. Save and make sure you grab your magnum; the end is in sight, but William's not quite done. After you've saved, head back through the door you came in through and go up to the computer console. Put in the MO Disc to open up the passage to your right. Head down the hall and through the double doors to your left. You are so close to the end, you can almost taste it. But, first: Boss 3: William (forms 4 and 5) ------------------------------- When you enter the next room, you'll have only 5 minutes until detonation. Fortunately, that's plenty of time. Run forward where you'll encounter an elevator shaft. Just to the right of it are activation switches. Activate the elevator shaft. Uh-oh. Down out of the ceiling drops good old William, not quite done and still ready to play. William will be in his 4th form when he drops down. He walks on two legs, yet hosts a plethora of claws to kill you with. The same strategy from your earlier battle with William applies. Don't let him get close enough to slash you. Use the large bottles to your advantage; keep running around them and firing magnum shots at him. Three shots from the Custom Magnum will cause William to mutate into his 5th form. William's fifth form is on four legs and somewhat resembles a strange, demented dog. William becomes much faster and he will also leap through the air at you, sometimes even clearing the large bottles across the room. Run away from him and shoot him with the custom magnum before he gets a chance to jump. Be careful with using the custom magnum, though. Despite the gun's amazing-ness, it takes a long time to recoil, which could cause you to get hurt if William is near you. Therefore, never shoot when he's real close, and most of the time, you won't have enough times to shoot him twice before he gets you. So, you should run around the room, using the bottles as cover. Shoot at William once from a distance, and then take off running before he has a chance to get close to you. If he starts to jump, move right away. William also likes to run at you very fast. If you position yourself next to the bottles and the wall, you can hit him with the magnum as he runs around the corners at you, stopping him in his path. If you're having problems with William (he's just too damn fast for you and your c. magnum is just too damn slow), there's always the "take-it-like-a-man" strategy. This strategy only works if you have a few first aids. Two is usually good, three just to be sure. In this strategy, when William morphs into form five, pull up your custom magnum, stand your ground and start pumping as many shots into him as fast as you can. In this strategy you don't move, but rather let him hit you as you constantly shoot at him. Use your first aids to heal, and keep on shooting. If you don't have any first aids, this strategy isn't going to work as you're going to die very quickly. If, however, you have 3 first aids, you can usually outlast him with your magnum. Just stand your ground and keep shooting. Good luck. Use whatever strategy works for you. William form 5 dies in only about 8-10 custom magnum shots, so he's not too difficult. The main problem is trying to get the shots off before he mauls your ass. After you've defeated William (yay!) head into the elevator and start descending. Once you've reached the bottom platform, follow the passage down to the train. Now, sit back and watch the final cutscene. Leon will jump onto the train with Claire and Sherry just as the place goes up in smoke. Leon says "it's over" (bad move). The train departs, Leon bids Ada goodbye and the game ends. For now. Cue the credits. After the credits, a screen will come up with your ranking. This all depends on the amount of time it took you, the ammount of times you saved, and the healing items you used. After that, you will get the chance to overwrite your Saved game file. Do so and Claire B will start up. That's right; it's now time to go through the survival adventure as Claire. ******************************************************************************* ------------ II. Claire B ------------ Ah yes. Here we go, time for the B Scenario. Now, the B Scenario is basically the continuation of the story in the A Scenario. Therefore, everything in Leon A corresponds to Claire B. Together, they create one "view" of the story in the game. Scenario B starts out where Leon A started out: in the streets where their car crashed. The main difference between the scenarios is that the B Scenario is more difficult. Also, there's the ridiculously annoying presence of Mr. X, who will stalk you throughout the game. And without further ado, let's start up Claire B. Watch the little video at the start of the new game. It'll introduce Claire, the other survivor of Raccoon City. ---------- A. Streets ---------- Just like Leon A you start in the middle of a burning street, only this time you're on the opposite side of the wreckage. Run forward and dodge past the first two zombies you see. There's a Mercenary's Log in the hotdog stand; grab it if collecting files is your thing. Continue down the street, past two more zombies and through the gate to your right. In the next area, you'll see a zombie to your left; ignore him and head right, past the two zombies you see there and into the little room beyond. Grab the Cabin Key and exit the room. Dodge past the three zombies (there's lots of room to do so) and unlock the far door with your cabin key. Remember this room? To your left on the desk is a typewriter and some handgun bullets. Save if you wish and then continue forward through the next door. Dodge past the first three zombies that you see (by now you should be quite good at dodging zombies) and take a right. Dodge past the next two zombies that you see and head up the stairs. A cutscene will ensue and you will get to see how the burning helicopter ended up on the roof of the Police Station. ******************************************************************************* ----------------- B. Police Station ----------------- You can't do anything about the burning wreckage until you get the Valve Handle, so head through the door instead. Grab the green herb right in front of you and take a right down the hallway. It's the crow hallway and it looks like the crows have already broken through. Follow the hallway until you come to a body full of crows. Pull up your handgun and start sniping the little buggers. Keep shooting until you've killed them all and then grab the handgun bullets from the body. Continue down the hallway and take a left through the first door that you see. Once back outside, grab the green herb and head down the stairs. There are two more green herbs at the bottom; grab them if you have room and then head through the door. In the next room, grab some handgun bullets from the body before proceeding. Head down the hall, take a left through the opening and then turn to your immediate left. There in the corner, you should see the Valve Handle. Grab it before any zombies get a chance to get near you. After you've grabbed the handle, head back the way you came, through the door, up the stairs and back into the crow hallway. Take a right, past the body and wind down the hallway, through the door at the end, and back outside to the roof of the police station. Go up to the water pressure valve and release the pressure using your valve handle. This should douse the flames around the helicopter. Go up to the smoldering wreckage and grab some Acid Rounds. Once you've done that, head back through the door to the crow hallway. But first, a cutscene. Uh-oh, this doesn't look good. Some kind people in a copter decided to drop you a little gift. That gift is Mr. X and he is a royal pain in the ass. He will now assault you throughout the rest of the game. He's a huge tyrant that likes to pummel you with his arms if you get too close. He walks slowly, but is sometimes prone to bursts of speed where he'll run right at you. The best strategy is to simply dodge past him when he appears, hopefully not getting hit, but if you do, usually only once. After the cutscene, head through the door to the hall beyond. Large rubble will fall from the ceiling, blocking your backwards progress. Footsteps are coming towards you. Proceed down the hall, around the corner and there he is! Cue the music. Run past Mr. X, as fast as you can, hopefully avoiding his arms. If Mr. X starts to raise his arms in the air, get out of the way as quickly as possible. Sometimes when you run by him, he'll reach out and smack you with his arms. You don't want that, so try to run by as quickly as you can. Run past Mr. X (he isn't worth the bullets at this time), down the hallway and through the brown doors to the next hall. Walk a little ways and enter the door on your left. Here's the first "save room." Grab the Secretary's Diary A, some handgun bullets and drop the Acid Rounds, the knife, and the valve handle into the item box. Save if you like and then head back into the hallway from whence you came. Take a left and then head right around the corner and through the door past the helicopter wreckage. A woman will scream, but unfortunately, there's nothing you can do for her now. Inside the storage room with the statue of Tyranos, run up to the reddish box on the left and grab the glittering key: the Blue Card Key. After you've taken the key, turn around and as you head out of the room, a licker will crash in from the skylight above. Run past it and through the door. Don't try to kill it with your handgun; you'll waste bullets and most likely get hurt a lot. Head down the hallway, back through the Waiting Room, and through the next door to the upper floor of the Main Hall. Once again, you should lower the emergency ladder to the first floor, but don't go down it yet. Instead, continue along the second floor until you come to a large group of eager zombies. Start taking them down with your handgun. Once you've killed the 5 zombies, head down the end of the balconey and grab the Unicorn Medal. Once you've got that, proceed to the first floor via the emergency ladder. Head to the computer console and grab the Grenade Launcher on the desk. Yes, now you can take care of those lickers and large groups of zombies with ease. Go up to the computer and unlock the doors using your blue key card. Now, go up to the fountain in the center of the room and put your Unicorn Medal in the slot. The statue will move and out pops the Spade Key. ******************************************************************************* ---------------- C. The Spade Key ---------------- Once you've got the Spade Key, head through the double doors to the room room beyond. Kill the first zombie you see and then grab the Polic Memorandum on the bench. There're another couple of zombies shuffling about in he back of the room; take them out with your handgun and then unlock the small desk in the corner with your lockpick to get the first aid spray. Once you've done that, head through the door to the next hallway. Since you used the cord here in the A Scenario, the hallway windows should be properly shut. Grab the handgun bullets from the headless corpse and then unlock the first door on your right with the Spade Key. Here in the file room, grab some of the files if you care and then push the stool up against the cabinet and grab the Lighter on top of the cabinet. Head back out into the hallway, take a right and through the next door. Pick up the green herb if you have room. Continue down the boarded up hallway and as you turn your first corner, two zombies will burst through, probably giving you quite the heart attack. Take out the two of them with your handgun and then go through the double doors to your right. Here in the conference room, you can get the Operation Report on the table. Head through the back passage into the closet and use your lighter to light the fireplace and grab the red jewel that comes out of the painting. Once you have the jewel, head back out into the hallway and continue to the right. Go through the next door, past the staircase and through the door on your right to the dark room. Also, grab the two green herbs out by the staircase and drop them, along with the red jewel and the lighter in the item box. Save if you wish and then head back through the door and up the staircase to the second floor. Go along the second floor hallway and you'll once again come to the statue holding the red jewel in its fist. Just like before, you need to position the two statues so that they are both pointing towards the center statue. Move the red statue over to the side the blue one's on and into the darkened tile. Move the blue statue to the opposite side and put it in the darkened tile over there. The two statues should be facing the middle statue and the jewel should come out; go and grab it and then head through the door. If you're having trouble understanding me, consult my beautiful (ha) drawing up in the Leon A section. The next hallway is completely empty. Enter the first door to your left to cue a cutscene with Leon. Remember this one from Scenario A? Take Chris's Diary and when the scene ends, grab the Bowgun from the weapons locker in the corner. Also, before you leave, grab the shiny key off the desk where you got the unicorn medal in Scenario A. This is the Diamond Key. ******************************************************************************* ------------------ D. The Diamond Key ------------------ When you try to leave the room with the Diamond Key, a fax will mysteriously pop up in the fax machine. Go up and grab the Federal Police Dept. Internal Investigation Report. Once you've read it, head back out into the hallway and take a left. Now you get to meet the increasingly annoying Sherry. Sherry is at this moment, being harassed by a single zombie. Shoot the zombie and save Sherry for the first (oh, but definately not the last) time. Follow Sherry through the door at the end of the hallway. A zombie feast should be happening right in front of you. Disrupt their little party with a grenade shot or two. Shoot any stragglers with your handgun. Once you've taken care of the zombies head down the hall to the right, as there's nothing of interest down the path right in front of you. Before you go through the next door, unlock the drawer with your lockpick and grab some handgun bullets. When you step forward in the gallery room, to your evident displeasure, the shutters in the licker hallway will fail you, and a large group of zombies now call that place home. Go up the gallery staircase and travel along the balconey until you once again fall through to the first floor. Examine the bronze plate to see how to move the shelves and then press the red switch to move the first shelf and allow you to escape. First, move the furthest shelf to the left one space to the right. Then, move the second furthest shelf to the left one space to the right. This should cause the bronze plate to open. Go and collect the Serpent Stone. Exit the gallery through the double doors and out to the second floor of the main hall. Go along the balconey to the Waiting Room and drop the Serpent Stone and the red jewel in the item box. Now head back out into the main hall's second floor and return to the gallery via the double doors. Go through the single door to your left and follow the hallway straight and then to the left; go through the door. Travel through the next hallway, through the door at the end, past the statues, along the next hall and down the stairs. A group of zombies will rudely greet you, so whip out the bowgun and take most of them down. Yes, the bowgun is a craptacular weapon and sucks for groups of zombies, but you want to conserve precious grenade launcher shells at this point and if you try to use your handgun, you'll probably get hurt by the first wave of zombies. So, fire a couple shots of the bowgun to take the first two down and then switch to your handgun and take down the rest. Once you've dispatched the zombies, head to your left and go through the second door to the right. Use your diamond key to unlock it and enter the threshold beyond. Ah, no zombies this time. You can go around to the back lockers and grab some film if you'd like. Otherwise, head forward and unlock the broken locker with your lockpick and grab the Plastic Bomb. Now, grab the bowgun bolts in the lockers to your right and then head through the next door. Take out the zombie to your left, and then take out the one in front of you and slightly to your right. There are three more zombies in the room, so take them out too, one at a time with your handgun. Go up and grab the handgun bullets from the locker, as well as the green herb. Go through the opening to the little side office and grab the Detonator on the desk. Combine the detonator and the bomb to create the bomb and detonator. Unlock the next door and head out into the main hall. Go up to the front of the main hall, up the small flight of stairs, to the left and through the single door. There should be a zombie right in front of you and another to your left. Whip out your bowgun and fire a bolt or two right into the face of the first zombie. Run over to the corner where he was, turn around and take out the other zombie coming at you. Switch back to your handgun and take out the rest of the zombies in the room as they come lumbering towards you. Walk forward and around the corner to your right is another zombie that you can easily dispatch with your handgun. Grab the green herb and heal if necessary. Continue down the hallway and through the brown door at the end of it. Head forward down the next hallway, take a left and unlock the gray door right in front of you. Discard your Diamond Key and enter the room. Grab the Eagle Stone on the shelf and the first aid spray on the table. As soon as you grab the first aid spray, a licker will come bursting through the glass. Equip your bowgun and pump him with a couple of bolts. After you've taken care of the licker, head back out into the hallway and take a right. Go through the next door to your right. There's another licker hanging from the ceiling in here. Take out your bowgun, aim up and drop him from the ceiling. As he runs on the ground towards you, shoot him twice more to kill him. Grab the handgun bullets on the shelf and then go back into the hallway. Head left, then right and back through the door. Go back through the next hallway and back out into the main hall. Head up the ladder to the second floor and take a right. Go down the balconey and through the door to the Waiting Room. Drop off your Eagle Stone and grab the two red jewels. Once you've done that, continue through the Waiting Room and to the hallway beyond. Take a left and then a right, past the wreckage and through the door to your right. Since you didn't take out the licker before, there he is, camped in the middle of the room. Equip your bowgun and hit him three times to take care of him. If you're running low on bowgun bolts use the grenade launcher. Go up to the two woman reliefs and drop a red jewel into each of them. This should open up the center statue; go up and grab a piece of the Blue Stone. Once you have that, go back into the hallway and to the Waiting Room and drop the Blue Stone piece into the item box. Once you've accomplished that, go back out into the hall and over to the helicopter wreckage. See the busted door to your left right next to the crashed helicopter? It says there's no choice but to take out the wall. So, it's time to take out the wall. Use your bomb and detonator to cause an explosion and create a passageway to the corridor beyond. Go down the new corridor and through the door to your left. In the next room there's a young girl lying on a desk, bleeding. Go up to the girl to start a cutscene. Meet the crazy Chief Irons. The Chief really want to be alone right now, so head around past his desk and through the door on the other side of the room. Ooh, look at the tiger. Head right down the hallway and through the door at the end. In the next room, you should hear footsteps. Give chase; head left along the carpet and then through the archway to the bare floor. Turn on the lightswitch by the awning to give light to the room. Oh look, it's Sherry; time for another cutscene. William gives one of his terrifying screams and Sherry takes off. Grab the Secretary's Diary B, as well as the handgun bullets in the container at the end of the room. Go back through the door and out into the hallway. Go down the hallway and back into the Chief's office. Hmmm, the Chief seems to have disappeared. Grab the glittering key on his desk. Ah yes, you now have the Heart Key. ******************************************************************************* ---------------- E. The Heart Key ---------------- Before you leave Chief Irons's office, go up to the painting behind his desk and press the button. There are three spots for three more stones; this is where you put the stones that you have been collecting. Grab the Chief's Diary off his chair and then exit his office out to the helicopter hallway. Go down the hallway, past the Waiting Room, and instead through the door to your left. This is the crow hallway where you last left Mr. X. Head forward and through the door straight in front of you. Go down the stairs and through the door at the bottom. Walk forward a little ways and go through the opening to your left. Go through the next doorway to your right and go up to the safe. Take out your Police Memorandum and look at the code at the end of it. Use that code to open the safe and grab the Acid Rounds as well as the Police Station Map. Also, get the handgun bullets on the desk. Exit the little side office and take a couple of lefts. Go forward and unlock the brown door with your Heart Key. Traverse the desserted hallway and go down the stairs at the end of it. Go down the next desserted hallway and take a left at the junction. Go through the double doors at the end of the hall. Right in front of you is a red herb; grab it if you wish and then proceed forward. Go left and run forward until you come to a manhole. Two dogs should jump at you, but ignore them and keep running to the manhole; when you reach it, go down. Go forward and through the door to your left. Here we go, a nice, cozy save room. Save if you wish and then head back out through the door. It's Sherry time! After the cutscene ends, you will be in control of Sherry. Oh boy, doesn't that sound fun! Sherry has no guns, just a first aid spray and a family picture. Turn to your right and go up the elevator. Run forward to the outside. There are some zombies out here, and fortunately for you, they can't bite Sherry because she's too damn small. Ah, that would explain why she's still alive at this point. Although, do be careful, as the Zombies will try to puke on you and they can hurt you that way. Run past the zombies and head up the middle passage and through the door. Run forward and grab the grenade rounds. Remember this place? This is where Ada dropped through in Leon A. After you've grabbed the Grenade Rounds, exit the door and head back across the middle passage. Take a left and head through the new door. To your immediate right is a sewage disposal map on the wall; grab it. Now, in this room, you have to align the boxes in the bottom, so that when you fill it up with water, the floating boxes will create a bridge to the other side. Drop down the ledge behind the control panel to reach the bottom. Now, push the first box that you see straight forward until it hits the wall. The box just to the left of that first box needs to be pushed to the right. Climb on top of the box and jump off in the left corner; now, push the box to the right so it's up against the first box. Finally, the last box that's kind of sticking out there needs to be pushed against the wall so that all of the boxes are in a row. When you are finished, all three of the boxes should be pushed against the far wall in a row. Now, head back up to the top the same way you came down. Go to the control panel and raise the water. There should now be a bridge of boxes across to the other side; cross the bridge and grab the Precinct Key on the shelf. This key (if you haven't guessed by now) is in the shape of a club. ******************************************************************************* --------------- F. The Club Key --------------- After you've grabbed the Club Key, exit the room and head straight across the platform and down the red elevator. A cutscene will start up and Sherry will throw the Club Key and the grenade rounds to Claire. When you regain control of Claire, grab the key and the rounds and go back up the way you originally came down: through the ladder. According to Leon, the van has now been moved, so it's time to head to the parking garage. Run past the dogs and through the double doors. Go down the hallway and unlock the sliding doors to your left with the Club Key. There's already one licker in this room and when you walk forward, another will drop from the ceiling. Take care of them with your new grenade rounds. Try to hit both of the lickers at once to conserve ammo. Once you've taken care of the lickers, go up to the cabinet and grab the Red Card Key; then, exit back out to the hallway. Go left and then go right through the large, brown double-doors. Grab the green herb to your left and then go up to the Reserve Power Control Panel. Move the switches: up, down, up, down, and up to get the correct power supply. Go back out into the hallway and go right. The next door on your right is electronically locked. Use your red card key on the card reader to open the door. The next room contains handgun bullets to your left and right, as well as some more Acid rounds on the shelf. Also, in side one of the lockers is a Pack which allows you to have two more spaces in your inventory and a Sub Machine Gun. Make sure that you grab both of those goodies. Back out in the hallway, continue to your right and through the door to the Parking Garage. There are two dogs in the parking garage. Stand at the door and snipe them with your handgun. After you've taken care of the dogs, run forward and through the door (there's also a green herb to your right). The next hallway contains some zombies on the ground, as well as two dogs. Shoot the dogs and dodge around the lying zombies. Go down the hallway, ignore the first door and go through the sliding grate. Ben's bloody body should rudely greet you. Grab the bowgun bolts and then go back out into the hallway and through the other door. The next room contains two more dogs (they always seem to come in pairs). Take them out and then proceed forward. Lying on the floor next to the closed manhole is the Crank. Grab it and then head back through the door, down the hall, through the parking garage, through the next hallway, take a left, follow the hall, and go up the stairs back to the Police Station. Go around the staircase and unlock the door with your Club Key. In the next room, grab the Watchman's Diary on the bed and the Acid Rounds on the cabinet. After that, return to the hall and go down the right until you come to the next door. Go forward, through the door to your left and up the stairs to the crow hallway. Run forward and through the next door. In the next hallway, enter the first door that you see to the waiting room. Drop the crank and the sub machine gun in the chest and grab your lighter. After you've done that, go through the next door to the main hall. Travel along the balconey until you come to yet another licker. Take it out with either the bowgun or the grenade launcher (you should be getting quite good at this) and then go down the ladder to the main floor. Once on the first floor, head to the front of the police station, up the small steps, and through the door to your left. Go down the hall, past the blue doors, and to the right. Continue down the hall and through the next door. Go all the way down this hallway to the end and unlock the artsy looking door with your Spade Key. Remember this room? Do the same thing you did in Scenario A. If you don't remember that, then in the back of the room there are three statues on the walls with unlit candles just below them. In left corner is a large brown candle of some sort that can be lit; light it with your lighter. Then, go to the middle statue that says "Number 12" and turn the faucet on, causing a flame to ignite in the candle. Now, go to the statue on the right that says "Number 13" and turn its faucet. Finally, go to the first statue on the left that says "Number 11" and turn its faucet. This should cause the little golden wheel in the front of the room to fall off the painting. Turn around to get the wheel and OMG HE CAME THROUGH THE WALL! That pesky Mr. X! Don't bother trying to kill him. Just run to the back of the room, grab the G. Cogwheel and get out of that room as fast as you can. Whew, that was a close one. Go along the hall, take a right and run past the wreckage. Take another right and HE COMES THROUGH THE WALL AGAIN! Jeez, that guy just doesn't give up! Run past the annoying bastard and go through the door. Yes, now you're going to be looking suspiciously at every wall as you go by, aren't you? Continue down the hall and through the next door to the main hall. Go through the double doors and grab the Crank out of the item box. Head back out into the main hall and up the ladder to the second floor. Go through the double doors up here to the gallery-room. Go up the stairs there and through the door to the third floor of the main hall. Go to the right and through the next door. Turn to your right and use the crank on the square hole to lower a staircase from up above. Go up the staircase, and follow the path around to a bunch of gears. Put your G. Cogwheel in its place and then push the button. The door to your right will open; grab the piece of the Blue Stone and then go back down the small staircase and through the door. Once back in the third floor of the main hall, turn to the left and head to the door to the gallery. What's that? Oh man, he's back again. This time, Mr. X hoists himself up onto the balconey. Quickly run past him (or you can run down the balconey and assault him with acid rounds) and through the door before he has a chance to smack you with his arms. Once back in the gallery, head down the stairs and through the double doors to the second floor of the main hall. Go along the balconey and through the far door to the Waiting Room. Once in the waiting room, you may want to save as your first boss battle of the Second Scenario is coming up. Also, make sure you grab the sub machine gun and the 2 other stones, as well as the other piece of the Blue Stone. Once you have the things you need, go through the next door and take a left in the hall beyond. Head down the hall you opened up with the bomb to Chief Irons's office. Here you'll meet Sherry once again. Go up to where you moved the painting behind the Chief's desk. Combine the two blue stones and then put the three stones in their places to open up a doorway to your left. Go through the passage and grab the Mail to the Chief on the floor. Go up to the elevator and Sherry will run in. Thankfully, you get to go down the elevator alone to the boss that lurks at the bottom. Boss 1: William (form 1) ------------------------ At the bottom of the elevator is a hallway; go down it and through the door beyond. Next up is a cutscene with resident madman Chief Irons. The Chief will get grabbed by good old William and when you try to go down the ladder his leg-less body flies back up at you. After you've properly laughed at the expected demise of the Chief, go down the ladder. Walk forward along the grate and here's Johnny!...err, William. William's got his standard eye on the arm gimmick going, but instead of a giant claw, he now boasts a huge pipe in his arms. The standard rule of thumb for William applies here: don't let him get close. Get too close and William will pummel you with his pipe. When the battle starts, back up a little ways and open fire with your sub machine gun. Don't stop shooting until William is starting to get a little too close for comfort. Drop your gun and run past him on the side devoid of a pipe. Turn around and open fire again on him with the sub machine gun. Rinse and repeat until William is dead. After you've taken care of William, run to the end of the path and push the button to bring down a ladder. Go up the ladder, but unfortunately, they won't let you go any farther until you've gone back for Sherry, so backtrack, grab Sherry and then come back, go up the ladder and enter the Sewers. ******************************************************************************* ------------- G. The Sewers ------------- During a brief cutscene, Claire and Sherry will see Mr. X stalking around on a balconey above them and they will quickly run out of the room. In the next area, worthless Sherry falls through a drain. Oh well, continue onward as Claire. Continue through the water, and go right up a ledge. Grab the blue herbs if you want and then go through the door. Yay! A save room. Grab the Sewer Manager Fax and the handgun bullets off the table and then open up the door by the elevator by using your lockpick; go down the ladder. Go to the right and around the corner. Bam, there's a zombie right there! Back up a little bit and shoot him with your handgun. Grab the grenade rounds off one of the shelves, ignore the door (it doesn't go anywhere) and then go back up the ladder. Make sure you grab the Valve Handle out of the item box and then go down the red elevator in the corner of the room. In the next hallway, you'll meet the injured Leon. Leon tells you to go find Ada, so when the cutscene ends, turn left down the hall, grab the Sewer Map and go through the door. Drop down into the water and go left. Jump up on the ledge to your left and grab the Wolf Medal and the flame rounds from the bodies. Drop back down into the water and continue down the hall. Take a left, dodge past the spiders and go through the next door. Be careful of the spiders dropping poison on you from above. If you keep moving you should be fine. In the next room, run forward and jump up the ledge to the left and go through the door. Time for another cutscene, this time with Annet. After the charming Annet falls to the floor unconscious, proceed forward and lower the catwalk from above using your valve handle on the Oil Pressure Data transmitter. Run across the catwalk and use the handle on the other side to raise the catwalk back up to where it was. Grab the green herbs and the flame rounds and then head through the door. Go down the hallway where the alligator attacked you in the A scenario and head through the sealed door at the end. Wade through the sewer water and go up the ladder at the other side. Walk forward and then go left across the catwalk. Take another left, up the slight incline and grab the Eagle Medal, as well as the Sewer Manager Diary. Head back down the incline and head straight along the walkway. Use your valve handle on the fan regulator to briefly stop the fan at the top of the ladder. While the fan is stopped, go up the ladder. Run through the ventilation shaft and down the ladder at the other side. Keep moving and the bugs shouldn't harm you. Once down in the water, head left and then take another left. You can shoot the zombies as they stand up, but it's just easier to dodge by them and through the door. In the next hall, wade forward until you come to a register to your right. Drop the wolf medal and the eagle medal in the register to stop the water flow and allow passage to the next door. Once the water's finished draining, head through the door. Go along the passage and head through the next door. In the next room, proceed forward and then take a right. The tram isn't there right now, since Leon took it in Scenario A. Go to the right of where the tram should be and press the button to call it back. And, in perfect timing, Sherry should show up, unfortunately still ok.... After the cutscene, enter the tram and start going backwards. No William attacks this time. When the tram stops, go to the left. Now, remember in Scenario A when you used the lighter to start the flash gun and you could see the shining of the W. Box Key. Well, even though you don't have your lighter, the key is in the same place, on the ground next to the wall; grab it. Once you have the key, turn around, head past the tram and through the new door. By now, you should be experiencing the contantly-annoying Sherry sit-down sessions. Quite annoying if you ask me. Make sure Sherry's following you and head through the door. In the next hallway, proceed forward and take a left around the corner. Shoot the zombie that should be right there with your handgun. Continue down the left passage, but be careful when you come to the next corner. There's some zombies waiting for you to the right. Wait for them to come around and then blast them with your handgun. Once you've dispatched the zombies, go around the corner and grab the Spark Shot. Once you have it, go back around the corner and take care of any other zombies coming down the hall at you. Proceed that way and through the door. This next string of halls is similar to the one you just came from. Go forward and take a left. Three zombies should be coming at you. Take care of the three of them with your handgun and then go down the hallway and take a right. Be careful, there's another zombie out here, so shoot him with the handgun and then continue to the right. Grab the green and blue herbs and then turn around and head back the way you came. Continue forward and take a left; go up the ladder at the end of the hall. Oh yeah! Save room. Claire tells Sherry to wait behind. Good move Claire, as Mr. X is coming for you! Drop the Weapons key and the valve handle in the item box and grab the first aid spray from the cabinet and the flame and acid rounds off the desk. It's probably a good idea to save here, as you have a confrontation with Mr. X coming up, and then after that, one with william. After you've saved, exit the save room through the door to the outside. Turn to the left and grab the handgun bullets down by the fallen containers. Turn around and grab the factory map on the wall and then go down the little gray elevator where the tram used to be. Go along the passage and through the door. Equip your Spark Shot. This is a good place to use it. Go forward and take a right, and two lefts, following the passage until you come to a console. Grab the C. Panel Key and then turn on the monitor. That's not good. I bet that monitor cost quite a bit of money too! Turn around, go around the first corner and wait for Mr. X to come around the corner and face you. Shoot him with the spark shot and then retreat around the corner to the control panel. Turn around and keep firing at him until he drops. It should take about spark shots to drop the bastard. When he drops, go up to him and grab the acid rounds for a reward. Head back along the catwalk, through the door and up the elevator. Go through the door to the save room and reunite with Sherry. Use any healing items if Mr. X roughed you up a bit and then use the yellow control panel key on the control console to call the tram back up. Go through the door and push the activation key beside the tram to get the thing moving down to the labs below. Boss 2: William (form 3) ------------------------- Your ride should be progressing quite smoothly until William decides to make a bit of a ruckus outside, scaring Sherry. What a whimp. Claire bravely decides to check out what's going on outside. When you take control, head to the right and grab the flame rounds. Equip your spark shot and then head out the door to the outside of the tram. Seem familiar to the A Scenario? Go down the steps and around the tram to check out what's going on. Uh-oh. William looks a little uglier and meaner this time around. You can even see his heart pumping on his chest. This fight is very similar to the A Scenario fight with William on the tram. Run around the tram and shoot at william. When he gets too close, run by him. As you can see, this time, he has claws coming out of practically everywhere, so either side is good, as long as you can get by him in time. The big difference between this fight and the last one is that William will jump around a lot which causes problems. Once William gets too close to you, turn and run and soon you'll see him jump into the air. Stop and wait. He should soar through the air and land right by you. Be alert. When this happens, you need to move, post haste, otherwise you'll get a face full of claws. As soon as William lands, run past him, turn around and fire a couple of times with the spark shot. If you can get the timing of William's jumps down, you should be able to avoid him each time he leaps and lands right by you. Remember, as soon as he jumps and you can't see him, be careful, as he's about to land right by you. Keep dodging him and shooting him a couple of times until he dies. If the spark shot just isn't working for you, try the acid rounds or the flame rounds. You should even have some submachine gun bullets left, so use those if you're having problems. Use whatever gun is most comfortable for you. After you've pummeled William enough times with your guns, he'll jump off the platform and then you'll know you've defeated him. For now. Go back into the cabin, but this time, the tram stops short of the bottom due to motor overheating. After the next cutscene between Claire and Sherry, exit the tram, go around the side, jump up onto a ledge and go through the ventilation shaft that leads down to the Umbrella labs. ******************************************************************************* -------------------- H. The Umbrella Labs -------------------- When you go through the shaft, you should drop down into a new hallway. And, perfect timing, the tram starts back up again, carrying Sherry to the bottom alone. Oh well. Behind you is an elevator without power, so head the other way and through the double doors at the end of the hall. Go past the small lift, down the short hall to the item chest. Grab the green herb and put it, along with any items you deem unnecessary at this time into the item chest. Next, turn around and push the large block onto the lift. Use the switch to lower the lift to the first floor. Push the block forward off the lift, then to the right, and then down the small passage towards the back of the screen. Move the block a little to the right and then straight down the long passage right in front of you. The block should now be next to a couple of stacked boxes and you should be able to reach the balconey by climbing on top of the boxes. There's nothing you can do up there quite yet, so turn around and explore this bottom area first. Go forward, past the lift and around the next corner where you'll find a body holding the Investigative Report on P-Epsilon Gas. Down at the end of the hall are some flame rounds and some ink ribbons. Turn around, go right and this time when you get by the lift, take a right down that passage way. This should lead to a red lift; go down it. The bottom of the lift contains some lickers. Equip your grenade launcher with the flame rounds. Proceed forward until you see the first little bugger. Launch a round at him and then hit him two more times as he runs towards you to finish him off. Careful, there's another licker right behind that one. Take him out too with your flame rounds. After you've taken out the two lickers, continue along the path until you come to the switch to turn on the main elevator. Flip the switch and then turn around and head back up the small, red lift. Go up the other lift and head through the double doors. Travel along the passage and enter the now-working elevator at the end of it. Use the elevator control panel to the right to lower yourself down to the main floor of the umbrella labs. Ooh look, some naked zombies. Now do you know where you are? Use the last of your spark shot or your handgun bullets to take care of the zombies. Once you've dispatched the small crowd of zombies, enter the save room. Use the typewriter to save and be sure to grab the flame rounds on the table and handgun bullets in the locker. There's also a green herb on a cabinet. Once you've grabbed all the items, head back through the door, turn left and go through the sliding door. Go forward along the catwalk and then take a left when you get to the center down the blue catwalk and through the next sliding door. Run forward, take a left, go down the short hall and enter the double doors on the left. Go around the corner and grab the Fuse Case as well as the first aid spray. Use the fuse case in the control box and grab the Main Fuse that pops up. Once you have the main fuse, go back through the double doors, go forward, take a right and head through the sliding door, along the catwalk and to the center. Put the main fuse in the center breaker system to restore power to the place. Now, head down the red catwalk and through the sliding door at the end. Take a right and head through the door at the end of the hall. In this next room, take out all of the zombies with either your spark shot or your submachine gun, whichever still has bullets. If you're out of ammo for both, use your bow gun. Once the three zombies are toast, grab the User Registration file and the Lab Card Key. Also by the computer is a Laboratory Security Manual. Grab the bow gun bolts from the lockers and then go through the crawlspace in the corner. Just like in Scenario A there are a couple of lickers in this room. Proceed forward cautiously and then open fire with either your submachine gun or some flame rounds in your grenade launcher. Open the locker in the corner of the room and grab some more grenade rounds. Unlock the door and head back into the hallway. Proceed forward, and then take a left and through the sliding door to the catwalk beyond. Head down the catwalk and then head down the blue catwalk, through the sliding door on the end and forward until you come to a locked door. Unlock the door with your card key and enter. Bleh, those pesky plants. Equip your grenade launcher and arm your flame rounds. There are two of those plant buggers in the room, so take them out. About two flame rounds apiece should be enough to dispatch the two of them. Go up to the red light switch and turn on the light. All that's in this room is some grenade rounds; grab those and then head back out into the hall. Go forward, through the sliding door, across the catwalk, down the red catwalk, and through that sliding door. Go forward and then left; open the shutter by pressing the button on the wall. More of those plants! Turn to the right and run down the hall a little bit to get out of the range of their poison. Turn around and blast them both with the flame rounds until they're dead. Go through the door. There's another one of those plants out here too, so hit him with a couple of flame rounds. Grab the green herbs and then head down the ladder. Once down the ladder, head through the next door to the hallway beyond. Ah yes, the hallway full of lickers. Use your submachine gun until it's out of bullets, then switch to your acid rounds. Go forward and then take a left at the first turn. Walk forward a little until the licker drops from the ceiling. Blast it with whatever gun you still have bullets for and then take out the other licker that's coming towards you down the hall. After you've killed the first two, proceed forward and take a left; be ready. The third licker should come running towards you; take it out right away. Once you've taken care of the lickers, grab the green herbs and proceed down the hallway and through the door at the end. In the next room, go around the center console until you come to a typewriter and an item box. Save if you want and dump the submachine gun and/or the spark shot in the box since they're probably out of ammo by now. Also, grab the W. Box key out of the item box. Save if you want and then head through the door. Go forward and then take a right down the short "egg" hall. Use your key card on the door to unlock it. Now, remember when you did this in Scenario A, got your fingerprint and then submitted it. Well, now you can do the second part and open the door up on the first floor, however, all you get for your troubles is another submachine gun and you have to battle past a bunch of lickers to get it; not worth the trouble in my opinion. So, you can just ignore this room and head back out into the hall. If you're curious, and you want to open the door, go to the screen, type in the password, get your fingerprint and open the door back on the first floor of the labs. Once back out in the hall, go forward, grab the red herb, and enter the double doors to your left. Use your weapon box key on the locker with the blue light above it and grab the grenade rounds. After you've done that, turn around and head through the automatically opening doors. Continue forward, take a left and through the next set of doors. Zombie! Shoot him with your handgun and then enter the room. The room is chock-full of naked zombies; you can either shoot them all with the rest of your bowgun bolts, or your handgun, or you can just dodge past them all. Head to the back of the room and grab the P. Room key on the counter. Exit the room when you're done via the two automatic doors. Go left, and then right down the short hallway and through the door to the room with the typewriter and the item box. When you go past the computer monitors, Annet will rudely greet you with a handgun. On the monitor is Sherry being attacked by Mr. X. Now things make sense. The G-virus is inside the pendant being worn by Sherry and that's what Mr. X has been after this whole time. Head through the door after Annet. In the next hallway, when you go forward, a licker will crash through from the ceiling. Take him out with three grenade rounds; piece of cake. Continue through the hallway, through the door and up the ladder. Go through the next door, but be careful in the next hall; there's a plant just around the corner. Equip your flame rounds and take him out. There's also another plant coming down the hall; take him out before he can hit you. Head right, through the sliding door and out to the catwalks. Go along the catwalk and keep heading straight through the next sliding door. Proceed forward a bit and take a left into the elevator. Raise the elevator, open it and head down the hallway and through the double door. Go forward and down the lift. Now, remember when you moved the block so you could get to the upper balconey? Head down that passage, up the blocks and onto the upper platform. Use your Power Room key to unlock the double doors right in front of you. Proceed forward until the cutscene starts. Mr. X is like some strange dog, isn't he? Sucker! After Mr. X falls into the pool of magma (that's what that is, isn't it?) turn around and head back throught the door. Wooo! Mr. X is dead, right? Hahaha....you wish, now Mr. X has mutated himself a nice big claw! You need to find Sherry, so head down the boxes, up the lift and through the double doors. Go along the hall and into the elevator. Lower the elevator, head right and through the sliding door to the catwalks. Travel along the catwalk until a particularly heart-breaking cutscene ensues. After it ends, grab the Master key from Annet's body. Go back down the catwalk and through the sliding door. Head left and into the main elevator. Walk forward this time and use the master key on the console in the center there to open up an emergency route. Take the emergency route down to the bottom platform. Ah yes, the train. When you enter the train, head right to the very back of the train where you'll find a typewriter and an item box. Grab the Platform Key from the floor and then make sure you save. Also, grab all of your best weapons and healing items from the item box, but make sure to leave at least two spots open in your inventory. After you've done that, head back out of the train. Turn to the left and use your platform key to unlock the gate. Go through the door and you will now only have 5 minutes. Run forward and up the stairs and over the train. Head down the stairs at the other side of the train. Go forward and press the red button to realease the the two Joint plugs. Grab the Joint S. Plug and the Joint N. Plug. Turn around and head down the passage past the stairs and through the door. Run forward and put the two plugs in the generator that looks just like the one where you got them out of. This should activate the emergency mode and power up the train. Out go the lights and up jumps the new Mr. X, complete with two kick ass claws! Boss 3: Super Mutated Mr. X --------------------------- When the battle starts, whip out your grenade launcher, armed with acid rounds. As much as you'd like to throw everything you've got at the bastard, you need to conserve some of your ammo, as he isn't the last boss of the game. As soon as you equip your grenade launcher, move the hell out of the way. Yes, Mr. X moves blindingly fast now. Move out of the way, as he charges, swinging with his huge claws. Now, this battle is extremely short, however, you can also end up dying very fast as well if you're not careful. If you have a couple of first aid sprays, you should be able to do this with no problems. Once you dodge Mr. X's first charge at you, run past him, whip around and hit him with two acid rounds as quick as you can. You have to be fast because Mr. X is fast too. Once you've hit him twice, run towards a platform up above and a shadowy figure should throw a rocket launcher down to you. "Who are you?" Claire yells; and yes, that figure is Ada. Run and grab the rocket launcher before Mr. X has a chance to gut you like a fish. Now, dodge past Mr. X, turn around, pull up the rocket launcher and pull the trigger. Now, you only have two bullets, so don't blow it; make sure you're aiming at Mr. X when you pull the trigger to blow his brains out. You lose big guy! BOOM! Now doesn't that feel good! Watch as Mr. X takes the rocket right in the chest and explodes into a million tiny pieces. Oh sweet victory! Now as you can see, this battle goes very quickly; you should only use two acid rounds, plus one rocket. The whole battle's about moving quickly and ending things as soon as possible. The faster you go, the better your chance of surviving. Also, once you get the rocket launcher, make sure you have a second or two room of space to lift the enormous weapon and get a shot off. Once you've taken care of that pesky Mr. X once and for all, turn around, head back through the door, over the train via the staircases and through the gate. Go forward and you'll encounter some naked zombies. Now, no matter how tempting it is to just blast them with your last rocket (and oh how tempting it is) it's probably best to save it. Take out the zombies with your handgun. If you run out of bullets, whip out another gun and take them down. Run forward and open the gate using the control panel. Run back into the train, take a left to the front of the train and move the lever to start up the train and a cutscene. Leon says it's over. Bad move there, Leon! Uh-oh, what's that? I thought the game was over!? Not quite. Boss 4: William (form 6) ------------------------- No sir, William isn't finished just yet. Head to the back of the train. The train will detonate in two minutes? Jeez, Umbrella loves to blow things up, don't they? Head through the door to the last compartment of the train. Run forward until you're assaulted by a tentacle through the ceiling. Take a look at William's final form. Beautiful, isn't it? Don't worry, this final boss battle isn't that tough. The only thing you have to worry about is William's tentacles. He's pretty easy. Just chuck every bullet you have in your inventory at him, heal if you get hit and the battle should be over in no time. I think this battle is in here basically because Capcom couldn't resist the urge to throw a giant mass of teeth and tentacles oozing through a train at you. The only problem with william's final form is running out of bullets. Let's hope that you collected enough bullets throughout the game to take William down (you should have). First, use your last rocket, and then drain all of your bullets, starting with the acid rounds, then move to flame rounds, and then to grenade rounds. If William's still alive, use the bowgun, submachine gun, spark shot and even the handgun if you have to. Easy, right? After you've "defeated" the stinking blob of William, head through the door, and enjoy the final cutscene of the game. Congratulations, you've beaten Resident Evil 2! The Leon A/Claire B storyline that is. Let's get something to eat. ******************************************************************************* ------------- III. Claire A ------------- ---------- A. Streets ---------- So here we are. If you originally chose Claire as your starting character you're in the right place. Claire's A scenario is very similar to Leon A, and also somewhat similiar to Claire B. There are of course, quite a few differences as well. Here we go! When you start, you'll be in the middle of a burning street with your gun equipped. Run forward a little ways, and you'll see two zombies right in front of you. The screen will shift and head up towards the buildings. Run left behind the magazine rack or whatever it is. There will be a zombie with his back towards you; run past him, and then dodge past two more zombies as you run between a couple of cars. Turn left down the alleyway, and dodge past two more zombies until you come to a parked car and a door. Enter the door. You'll now be treated to a cutscene between you and the gun owner, who happens to be sporting a pretty big bowgun. The gunshop owner flirts with you a little bit (creepy, I know). When you gain control, head behind the long counter and grab Roberts Note. Inside the first broken gun rack is a pack of bullets; grab it. Now, explore behind the shorter counter. There's another pack of bullets on a table at the end of the counter. When you come out from behind the second counter, four zombies will break through the glass and eat the poor gun shop owner. Now, if you're a wimp, you can exit through the door right behind you, but first, let's grab the dead guy's bowgun. Come out from behind the counter and face the zombies. When they start standing up, open fire on them with your handgun. Back up if the zombies start getting too close. As you shoot them, they will drop to the floor. That doesn't necessarily mean they're dead, though. If the zombie has a pool of whatever color blood you chose coming out of it, then it's dead. If not, the zombie's still alive and you should shoot it while it's lying on the ground. Once you've killed all of the zombies, walk over to the dead gun-shop owner and press A. "He has stopped breathing." That's too bad. Press A again to get his bowgun. Bleh, this gun sucks in my opinion. The aim is crap and this gun is vastly outclassed by the shotgun. Oh well. Now, as tempting as it is to start unloading it on the next group of zombies you meet, save the bowgun for later. You're going to need it. Exit the gun shop through the back silver door, where you'll enter a back alley. Head forward and take a right. You'll see a chain-link fence with some zombies behind it. Run past them down the corridor to the back of a van where you'll find some more handgun bullets. By now, the zombies should have broken through the fence. Turn around and pick them off one by one as they come down the narrow path. Once again, back up if necessary. Head through the newly opened gate, either shooting or dodging any straggler zombies. Enter the gated doorway. Continue through the alley and up the stairs (press A). Head along the upper passage, and then back down the stairs. You'll encounter a female zombie and a blue garbage thinger. Step ontop of the blue container and snipe the zombies from there (there should be about 4). There's another zombie down the alley; dodge him, and head through the door. You'll be outside in a street and you can hear a zombie-snack going on nearby. Run right past the munching zombies and enter the bus. Right to your left is another handgun bullet pack; grab it. Now, there's a crawling zombie on the floor of the bus corridor. Let her run into you and watch as Claire kicks off her head. There's another zombie on the bus corridor. Shoot him until he falls down and then run past him and off of the bus. In the next area, you'll encounter a bunch of zombies. They are spaced out, so it's best to just run past each one of them. If you've reached the Danger condition by now, it may be a better idea to shoot them, as one more bite and you're a dead man. After you've battled or run past those zombies, head through the gate to the next area. Walk forward and head down the steps. Walk through the passage and back up another flight of steps. In the bushes right in front of you, there's a green herb. Grab it and heal yourself if necessary. Head around the staircase and to the right is the Raccoon City Police Department. Congratulations, you've made it past the first part. Enter the Police Department. If you're having trouble getting past the streets, my advice is to stick with it. Keep trying, you'll get it sooner or later. The beginning part of the game is quite tough, there's no babying. The sooner you learn the strategies to survive, the better. ******************************************************************************* ----------------- B. Police Station ----------------- Enter the Police Station's cavernous hall. All of the doors around you at the entrance are locked at the moment, so head to the back. In the back left corner of the main hall is an open door. Head through it. Enjoy the cutscene that follows. One of the police officers is lying on the floor, bloody. Apparently, the police station isn't going to be as safe as you thought. The cop will give you a key card and then tell you to "rescue the survivors in the other rooms." Once you leave, the door will mysteriously lock behind you. So as you leave, the guy jumps up and quickly locks you out. Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either. In the back of the hall is a computer terminal area. Grab the handgun bullets on the counter and enter the terminal area. Right to your left is a typewriter, and next to it some ink ribbons. Woo hoo! Now you can save your progress. Grab the ink ribbons and save using the typewriter. Now, head over to the flickering computer and access it by pressing A. The doors can be unlocked by a Card Key. Fortunately, the cop in the other room gave you such a card. Use the card to unlock the two doors in the main hall. Enter the double doors on the left side of the hall. You'll be in a quiet little room, with an item chest to your left. Here you can store various items throughout your quest for survival. All of the item chests are linked to one another, so you don't have to come back to the same one that you dumped your stuff into. Drop the ink ribbons and your knife into the item chest. Also, to your right, on a bench is a Police Memorandum. In the back corner of the room is a little, gray, locked desk. Unlock it with your lockpick and grab the first aid spray. Drop it in the item chest and then head to the back of the room, and behind wooden desk-things. Head towards the door and OMG WHAT JUST WENT PAST THE WINDOW!? Mwahaha...whatever that was will be dealt with in a few moments. Enter the next room...if you dare. It's quiet....too quiet. Walk down the hallway and turn to the right where you'll find a man whose head has been completely twisted off. Pleasant isn't it? The man also possesses a pack of hand gun bullets; pocket them. Now, before you proceed, it's best to switch to your bowgun. Once you've done that, head on. As you come up to a puddle of blood, a cutscene will ensue. Take your first look at a Licker. These enemies will plague you throughout the rest of the game, so it's time to learn how to kill them with ease. When you gain control, head towards the licker. This is to keep it from leaping at you and taking your head off, as well as allowing you to aim down and blast it with your bowgun. See how craptacular the aim is? Two shots should do the trick. Piece of cake, right? If you died, you should start back up in the main hall where you saved, and you can try it agian. Switch back to your handgun and head forward, where you'll be greeted with a green herb and a door for your troubles. The door leads to a long, winding hallway. Travel along the hallway without interruption, past the double-doors and through the door at the end. The next room possesses a crowd of zombies: one to your right, and three to your left. Head to the right and take out the woman zombie. Now, hang out back there and kill the other zombies as they lumber down the passage towards you. Head to the right of the staircase where you'll see two more green herbs and a door. Grab the herbs and enter the door. Inside is a "save-room." These places usually possess a typewriter, an item box, and generally soothing music. Drop your extra herbs in the item box and save if you wish. Head back out through the door. Back in the previous room, head around to the right and up the staircase. Head down the hallway on the second floor. To your left is a door, but it's jammed shut and you can't go through it. Proceed until you come to a statue in the middle of the room. The inscription reads: "The god of sun and the god of moon. Their gaze upon me is the only thing that can release red soul." To the left and right of the main statue are two small red and blue colored statues. The red one is the "god of sun" and the blue one is the "god of moon." You need to make the two statues face the center statue. First push the red statue out into the hallway and then towards the blue statue. Push it all of the way against the opposite wall. In the middle of the wall is a darkened tile on the floor. Push the statue onto the darkened tile and it should lock in place. Now, you need to do the same to the blue statue. Move it to the opposite wall and position it in the darkened colored tile on that side of the room. The two statues should now be facing the middle-statue. The red jewel should be released; go and collect it. Now, here's a diagram for you visual learners: At first, the statues are arranged like so: ! ! ! ! ! RMB ! ! ! ! ! Where R is the red statue, M is the middle statue and B is the blue statue. Now, you should arrange the statues like so. ! ! ! ! !B M R! ! ! ! ! Make sense? I hope so. After collecting the first red jewel, head through the red door. Beyond is another corridor. Go forward and enter the first door on your left. The first thing you should do in the next room is head to your immediate right. Back in the right corner is a weapons locker. Open it up and grab the grenade launcher. Yeah baby! Now this one is a good gun! In the middle of the room, between two desks is a blueish file. Pick it up. It's Chris's diary and below it is the Unicorn Medal. Take the Medal and then head through the door. Before you exit, however, a fax will suddenly pop up. Go and grab the Federal Police Dept. - Internal Investigation Report and then head through the door. Now, you need to head back to the main hall. Take a right and back through another door, past the statues, and down the stairs; you should be backtracking the way you came. You can save in the Dark Room if you'd like, but otherwise back through the door you came in through and then down the hallway with the boarded up windows. This time when you travel down the hallway, you're in for a surprise! Don't worry, the hands don't hurt you. Back through the licker hallway, through the next room, and then you should be back in the main hall. In the center of the hallway, there's a fountain; it reads: to obtain the key to open your heart, I'll wait for the Unicorn, the beautiful beast." Well, you do have a Unicorn Medal. Put the Medal in the fountain inscription, and a key should fall out. Grab the "Precinct Key." If you examine it, it is in the shape of a spade. Congratulations, you've acquired the Spade Key. ******************************************************************************* ---------------- C. The Spade Key ---------------- Now that you have the Spade Key, you can open up some new doors. Head back the way you came, through the double doors, through the next room, and out into the Licker hallway. Around the corner and to your right is a silver door that was previously locked. Open it up with your spade key and enter. You should be in a file room. Somewhere on the floor is Jill's File, but that's not important. There's also a Patrol Report in the second aisle. Also in the second aisle is a footstool that you can push around. Push it forward until it's up against a cabinet. Jump on top of it and grab the Crank. Head back out into the licker hallway. Proceed the way you came before, through the boarded hallway and up the stairs to the second story. Drop the Crank off in the item box in the Dark Room on your way as well as the red jewel, as you won't be needing them for a while. Once on the second story, head past the statues, through the next door, and into the hallway. Here you get to meet the chronically annoying Sherry. Save her for the first time by taking out the zombie that was stalking her and then follow her through the door at the end of the hall. Unlock it with the Spade key. The key is useless now so you should discard it; enter the door. In the next room, you'll be treated to a cutscene with Leon. Leon will give you a radio to keep in touch with. After the cutscene, head down the long hallway to the door that was blocked off. Now you can see why you couldn't go through it. Just to the left of that door is a box of handgun bullets; be sure to grab it. Head back down the hallway and to your left. At the end of the next short hallway is a door and another one of those small, gray desks. Unlock it with your lockpick and grab the Flame Rounds. Head through the door. Now, you're in a sort of library-gallery area. The first thing you should do is head up the staircase to the balconey. Walk along the balconey, past the door and you should fall through near the end to the first floor. Just to your right is a bronze plate with a picture on it. Study the picture for a few seconds. Now, on the wall is a red light switch. Press it to activate the shelves. You need to align the shelves just like they were in the picture. Refer back to the picture if you need to. There are 4 shelves. Move the second one from the left one space to the right. Then, move the shelf to the farthest left one space to the right as well. This should open up the bronze plate. Grab the Serpent Stone. Now, before you leave, next to the double- doors on a table is a red herb. Grab that and exit through the double doors. You're back in the main hall, only this time, you're on the second story. There are a bunch of zombies ambling around. Pick them off one by one with your handgun; shouldn't be a problem. As you travel along the upper floor, you'll encounter a red (it looks kind of like a pack) thing hanging from the balconey. It's an emergency ladder; push the button to have it descend to the first story. Now you have quick access between the two floors. Continue along the upper story until you come to another door. Another save room. Time for a breather. Drop off the red herb and the Serpent stone into the item box along with anything else you don't think you'll need for a bit. Grab the lighter on the bench along with the Secretary File on the desk. Save at the typewriter if you wish. When you're done doing what you have to do in the Waiting Room, leave through the new room to the hallway beyond. Upon entering the next hallway, you can hear something burning and some zombies should start shuffling towards you to your left. Head to the right instead, away from the zombies, and go through that door. The next hallway is deserted....mostly. Head straight forward where you'll see a blueish door. Unlock the door, but don't go through it. Continue down the hallway past the body and some crows. As you turn the next corner, a plethora of crows will burst through the windows. You can either run past them or shoot each one down. I prefer shooting the crows as you'll have to come back through this hallway. The best method is to continue forward around the corner and then camp out there and shoot the crows as they come around the corner at you. You'll know when they're all dead because the music will stop. Once you've taken care of the crows, continue down the hallway and enter the door at the end. You're now outside and a larg burning helicopter sits right in front of you. How lovely. Head to your right and down the flight of stairs. You're back outside in the streets, but only momentarily. My advice is to just dodge past the zombies and save your bullets. Let's see how well you've gotten at maneuvering. You could of course take out the zombies with your handgun as well if you feel like it. After dodging the zombies or shooting them, you'll come to an outside shed. Straight in front of you is a door. Do not try to go through it; you'll just let more zombies in. Instead walk up to the desk where there's a typewriter, some ink ribbons, and another bowgun. Also, next to the desk is a valve handle; make sure you grab it. Exit the shed, head down the short street and back up the staircase. Right next to the door where you came out on top of the roof is an opening through the fence. Head through that opening, to the right and use your new valve handle at the water pressure valve. Water will pour out of the tank and douse the flames around the helicopter. Up at the helicopter, near the smoke, press A and grab some more handgun bullets. Head back through the door you originally came through and then travel back through the crow hallway. You can grab some bullets from the corpse as you head by. Go back through the door that you originally came through; back to the hallway where something was burning. Turn to your right and would you look at that! Explore around the corner and you'll see the ruins of the same helicopter you saw outside. It was burning, before, keeping you from getting past it, but we have already put out the fire, opening up a new doorway. Before you enter that door, backtrack to the Waiting Room and grab the red jewel from your item chest. Once you've done that, head back down the hallway to the helicopter ruins. As you go by, you'll hear the scream of a woman. Unfortunately, there isn't anything you can do for her. Head through the door to your right. You'll be in a strange storage-room of some sort. Walk forward until you see an armored stone statue that reads: "Tyranos the brave revives with two lights." On the sides of the statue are two woman reliefs with a hole about the size of a fist. Put the jewel in one ofthe woman reliefs. You'll need another red jewel to complete the puzzle, though. Also, before you leave, grab the shining key on the boxes to the left of the statue. You've now found the Diamond Key. ******************************************************************************* ------------------ D. The Diamond Key ------------------ After getting the diamond key, backtrack to the Waiting room, drop off the valve handle as well as one of your bowguns in the item box, save if you wish, and then head back through the Waiting room to the upstairs hallway. Head down the emergency ladder to the first floor and head to the front of the police station. You should go up a small flight of stairs right in front of the entrance. Instead of leaving, head left where you'll find another door; enter it. Turn to the left and you'll see another large group of zombies slowly ambling towards you. Take out the bowgun and pump a couple of rounds into the crowd. Then kill off any stragglers with your handgun. Continue down the hallway, grab the green herb right in front of you and head right down the hallway to the door at the end. The next hallway contains a couple of stray zombies; nothing you can't handle. Take out each one individually with your handgun. Head down the hallway and take a left; keep going straight and unlock the gray door right in front of you with the Diamond Key. On the table in front of you is a cable; grab it and then head left around the table and grab the Eagle Stone from the shelf. Now, when you turn around a Licker will crash through the double mirror, so equip your bowgun ahead of time and blast it. Damn, even when I'm prepared, that thing still scares the crap out of me! Two shots should take down the licker. Leave the room and return to the hallway. Head straight back the way you came, through two more doors and back to the main hall. We'll explore the other rooms later. Now, head down the steps, to your left and through the double doors. Drop off the Eagle Stone in the item box and make sure you grab the lighter if you dropped it in the box; be sure to keep the cord though; you'll need it in the next room. Head through the door. Travel back through the licker hallway, but stop on your way there. There should be a box on the wall that opens and closes the shutters. It can't be activated since the cord is missing, but lucky for us, we picked up a cord. Put the cord back in and close the shutters. Continue through the licker hallway, and to the boarded-up hallway. Stop by at the double doors to your right and enter the conference room beyond. Head through the back open door where you'll enter a closet of sorts. There's a fireplace and a painting: "A Sacrifice to the hell fire." Joyous. Press start and select your lighter. Select Use. Claire will light up the fireplace, and the second red jewel will fall out of the painting; pocket the jewel and head back to the hallway. Continue through the hall to the room with the staircase in it. Instead of going up the staircase, turn to your right and use the Diamond Key on the door and enter through it. You may want to save at the Dark room before proceeding. The next room is chock-full of zombies. Equip your grenade launcher before entering. Once in the room, unload on the group of zombies right in front of you. Switch to the bowgun and use it to take out the zombie coming at you to the right. Use your handgun to kill any stragglers. After killing the zombies, if you head around to your right, there's some film in a drawer. Also, in the lockers to the right are some bowgun bolts. Unlock the busted lockers straight in front of you with your lockpick and grab the Plastic Bomb. Once you have that, head through the door to the next room. Oooh, note the creepy music; something is amiss. Right in front of you is a green herb; you may want to grab that. Explore the room you're in. Remember it? Yes, this is where you met that cop who locked himself in. Inside one of the lockers is more handgun bullets. Now, head through the open door into the little office beyond. As soon as you do, you may want to equip the grenade launcher if you have any bullets left. Inside is the cop that you left behind. He'll stand up and immediately start losing color. Yep, this guy is screwed. When you resume play, the guy will be RIGHT THERE. Blast him with the grenade launcher and finish him off with the handgun if he's still alive. If you don't have any grenade rounds left, you're probably going to take a hit, unless of course, you can whip around and run out of the room in time. Good luck. After dispatching the poor guy, grab the Detonator on the desk. Combine the plastic bomb and the detonator to form the bomb and detonator. Now you can destroy the hallway on the second floor where the helicopter crashed through. Unlock the brown door in the corner of the room and head into the main hall. Go up the ladder to the second story and turn to your right. Continue along the balconey and go through the door at the end into the waiting room. Head through the next door and out into the hallway. Take a left, go around the corner and then plant the bomb and detonator on the wall next to the crashed helicopter. Travel down the newly opened hall and through the door at the end. There's a young girl, lying on the desk, dead. When you go up to her, another custscene will ensue and you'll get to meet resident madman Chief Irons. When the cutscene ends, head through the new door in the corner of the room. This next hallway contains a stuffed tiger; go right and through the hall to the next room. Hmmm...footsteps. Follow them. Pass through an open doorway and you'll see a switch on the wall. Turn it on and another cutscene will greet you, this time with Sherry. After the cutscene, grab the first aid spray from the box in the back of the room and then grab the Secretary's Diary B off the table. Once you've done that, head back through the door you came in through and go back down the hallway to the Chief's office. Hmmm, he's gone. Grab the shiny key on the desk. You've now got the Heart Key. ******************************************************************************* ---------------- E. The Heart Key ---------------- Before leaving the Chief's office, grab the Chief's file off the chair and then head out of his office and back to the hallway with the crashed helicopter. Go down the hallway and take a right. Go past the door that leads to the waiting room and go through the door to the crow's hallway instead. Run forward and enter the blueish door right in front of you. Grab the green herb and then run down the stairs. There are two more green herbs down here; grab them if you have room and then go through the door. In the next room, grab some handgun bullets from the body and then walk forward and take a left through an open door. Go forward and take another right through another open doorway to a small office. There's a zombie right there, so take him out with your handgun and then go up to the safe. Pull out your Police Memorandum from your files and look up the code at the end of it. Use that code to open the safe and grab the acid rounds as well as the Police Station Map. By now, a couple of zombies should be coming at you through the opening to the small office where you are. Take them out one by one as they come through the entrance. Once you've taken care of the zombies, go back through the opening and take a left. Go forward through the next opening and take another left. Down at the end of this short hall is a locked door. Open it with your heart key and enter. There are two green herbs to your left; grab at least one of them. Run down the hallway until you come to a staircase. Descend the staircase. You are now in the basement area of the Police station. As you wind down the hallway, you'll see a dog at the end of it. You can either use the bowgun for a quick kill or use the handgun if you'd rather. Also, it's not that hard to run past the dogs, so you could do that, too. Run down the hallway and head to the left Go through the double doors. This next area contains a red herb. Grab it and proceed forward. Turn to your left and run forward until you see a manhole. Some dogs will jump out at you; keep running and go down the ladder. Run forward and enter the door on your left. Ah, a save room. Save if you'd like and dump any extra items in your item chest. Once you've finished what you need to do, head back through the door. Cutscene time. After the cutscene ends, you'll be in control of Sherry. Oh, how fun. Sherry has no weapons, just a first aid spray and a photograph. Run forward and up the elevator. Outside, there are two dogs right by you. Run past the first dog and take a left across the catwalk, dodge past the second dog and go through the door. Run forward and grab the grenade rounds on the floor. Go back through the door, dodge the dogs as you run back across the platform and then take a left. Go through the door right in front of you. To your immediate right is a sewage disposal map on the wall; grab it. Now, in this next room, you have to align the boxes in the bottom, so that when you fill it up with water, the floating boxes will create a bridge to the other side. Drop down the ledge behind the control panel to reach the bottom. Now, push the first box that you see straight forward until it hits the wall. The box just to the left of that first box needs to be pushed to the right. Climb on top of the box and jump off in the left corner; now, push the box to the right so it's up against the first box. Finally, the last box that's kind of sticking out there needs to be pushed against the wall so that all of the boxes are in a row. When you are finished, all three of the boxes should be pushed against the far wall in a row. Now, head back up to the top the same way you came down. Go to the control panel and raise the water. There should now be a bridge of boxes across to the other side; cross the bridge and grab the Precinct Key on the shelf. This key (if you haven't guessed by now) is in the shape of a club. ******************************************************************************* --------------- F. The Club Key --------------- After grabbing the key, head back to the room where you first took control of Sherry. Another cutscene will start up, and Sherry will throw the Club Key and the grenade rounds over to Claire. Once you have control of Claire again, grab the key and the grenade rounds from the floor. Go back into the save room and make sure you grab the lighter from the item box. Once you have that, go back out, take a right and go back up the ladder; dodge past the dogs and go back through the double-doors from whence you originally came in through. Walk forward and take a right around the corner. A licker will immediately come scuttling towards you. Whip out your bowgun and show him who's boss. Two or three shots should do the trick. Make sure you run up to the licker and shoot down before he gets a chance to jump through the air at you. Go down the hallway and there's another licker waiting for you. Take him out with the bowgun as well. Now, in this hallway, you can do a bunch of stuff that will lead you to a booster pack and a sub-machine gun. Now, as awesome as that may sound, if you take the items, you don't get to use them during the B Scenario. Considering the B Scenario is much more difficult than the A Scenario, I would recommend leaving the gun and pack for then. Therefore, there's no need to anything else in this hallway and you can go back the way you came, up the staircase and back to the first floor of the police station. Of course, if you'd rather get the stuff now, go ahead and do so, but like I said, I wouldn't recommend doing so. Once back up the staircase, turn to your right and head around the staircase where there's a door on your left. Unlock it with your Club Key and enter. Walk forward, past the lockers and to the right where you'll find two bunk beds and a body on the floor. Grab the Watchman's Diary on the left bed and then grab the acid rounds on the dresser. Exit the room and head right down the hallway, and through the door. In the next room, walk forward, take a right, and head through the main police room, and through the large blue double-doors. In the hallway beyond, take a right and then another right around the corner and through the door down the hall. Remember this hallway? Yes, we've been here before. Head straight and take a left; ignore the first door that you see, but instead take another left, continuing down the hallway. Walk down the hallway and enter the next door on your right. There's not a whole lot of interest here, just a Journalist's Note on the table, and a small key. Return to the hallway, take a right and enter the strange, artsy blue door at the end of the hallway on the left. Use your Club Key for the last time and then enter the room. There's a licker right in front of you. Take out your bowgun and plug some bolts into him before he has a chance to react. There's a film on the table; grab it if you want. Now, in the back of the room there are three statues on the walls with unlit candles just below them. In left corner is a large brown candle of some sort that can be lit; light it with your lighter. Then, go to the middle statue that says "Number 12" and turn the faucet on, causing a flame to ignite in the candle. Now, go to the statue on the right that says "Number 13" and turn its faucet. Finally, go to the first statue on the left that says "Number 11" and turn its faucet. This should cause the little golden wheel in the front of the room to fall off the painting. Go up and grab the G. Cogwheel and then exit back to the hallway. Proceed back down the hallway, through the next hallway, and then back into the main hall. Go down the steps and through the double doors on the left. Use the item box and take the crank out, then head back into the main hall. Head to the back of the main hall and go up the ladder to the second floor; but before you do, equip your bowgun. Right at the top of the ladder is another licker. If you're ready for it, you should be able to blast it with two bowgun bolts before it can even react. Now, head to the left and along the balconey and then through the double-doors to your left. When you take a step forward, a cutscene will show a group of zombies climbing through the windows on one of the lower hallways. Oh joy. Walk forward and head up the stairs to your left. Run along the little balconey and enter the door to your right. Remember this door that we ignored the first time we were up here? Well, now it's time to enter it. You should be back in the main hall, only this time, you're on the third floor. Head to your right and you'll see another licker scurrying towards you. Use your bowgun again (or if you're getting sick of its crappy aim, use the grenade launcher). Once the licker is toast, go through the next door. In the next room, go to the right where you'll find a square hole. Use your crank to wheel down a staircase from up above. Go up the staircase and along the platform until you come to a bunch of gears. One of the gears is missing, causing the whole thing not to work. Put your G. Cogwheel into the mising spot and then press the button. A door to your right will open up. Go up to it and grab a piece of the Blue Stone. Go back down the short staircase and back into the third floor of the main hall. Go back into the gallery room, down that staircase and through the double doors to the second floor of the main hall. Travel along the balconey back to the Waiting room. Now would be a great time to save as your first boss battle is coming up real soon. Drop off your lighter in the item box and grab the serpent stone, the eagle stone, as well as some acid rounds and the other red jewel you have. Once you've done that, go through the door to the hallway with the crashed helicopter. Take a left, around the corner and go past the helicopter and through the door to the right. This is the room where you found the Diamond key. In the back of the room, on both sides of the Tyrannos statue are two woman reliefs. Drop the red jewels in these reliefs to release the other piece of the blue stone; grab it and combine the two pieces together to form the Jaguar Stone. Now that you have the three stones, retreat back into the hall, go down the bombed passage and into the Chief's office. When you arrive at the office, a short cutscene with Sherry will start up. When it ends, go back around the chief's desk and you should see a picture on the wall. Press the button below the picture to reveal 3 open spots where your stones can fit. The inscription reads: "The sacrifice dies by the claw of the jaguar. Its blood forms a serpent that poisons the earth. An eagle glistens, bathed in blood. And the gateway of doom will open." Put your three stones into their place and open the gateway of doom. Go through the newly opened passage and grab the Mail to the Chief. Run forward and you'll find an elevator that goes down. When you try to use it, a cutscene will start up with Sherry, and then you'll descend. Boss 1: William's Offspring --------------------------- At the bottom of the elevator is a rather creepy corridor. When you walk forward, a cutscene will start up, showing the old Chief being implanted by some strange creature. Proceed forward, undaunted and through the door at the end of the passage. The next room contains a cutscene. I'll let you see what happens for yourself. Once that particularly wholesome cutscene ends, go forward a little bit and grab the extra acid rounds on the stool. Once you have those, go down the ladder in the corner of the room. When you reach the bottom platform, a cutscene will start up, introducing William's offspring. Once the fight starts, arm your grenade launcher with acid rounds; it's always nice to end the battle as quickly as possible. Now, William's offspring is fairly slow and his most damaging attacks can only be done when he's close to you; therefore, don't let him get anywhere near him. Stay a couple of arm's lengths away from him and blast him with a couple of acid rounds. As he gets closer to you, run past him and start blasting him again. If the offspring gets too close to you, it will swing its huge arms and slash you with its claws; avoid that. Also, the offspring likes to spit bugs at you; this can be a huge nuisance and can even do serious damage if you're not careful. When the bugs are comming at you, don't shoot them with the grenade launcher as that's a waste, but instead switch to your handgun, quickly mow them down, and then switch back to the grenade launcher and continue firing at the offspring. Roughly five acid rounds should kill him. If you can get the shots off quickly and keep the offspring from getting too close, you may be able to kill him without worrying too much about the bugs. Remember, keep your focus on the offspring, and don't get too carried away worrying about the bugs. After you've dispatched the offspring, go back up the ladder you came down, through the chief's little "hideout" and back up the ladder to Sherry. Once you have her, backtrack down to the bottom platform, and use the button to lower another ladder from above; go up the ladder and enter the sewers. ******************************************************************************* ------------- G. The Sewers ------------- Once up the ladder, turn to your left and go forward. In the next cutscene, you'll see William stalking about on the platform above you, and Claire and Sherry will run through the next door. In the next room, Sherry falls down a gutter and now you take control. Run forward and go left on the ledge and out of the water. Go forward and through the door to your right. In the next room, turn to the left and you'll see a zombie standing there. Run past him, and you should see a little grate on the wall near the floor; go through it. The next tunnel contains a group of bugs. Run past them and through the next grate. Go forward and grab the Wolf Medal. Sherry will fall through the garbage opening, leaving her comletely vulnerable to William. Once back in control of Claire, run forward and jump up on the ledge to your right; grab the blue herbs and go through the door. Ah yes, a save room. Save if you'd like and heal yourself from your previous battle if need be. Grab the Sewer Manager Fax on the table and make sure you grab your Valve handle from the item box. Once you have that, unlock the warehouse door with your lockpick and go down the ladder. Remember this area? This is where you just were as Sherry. Go around the first group of shelves and take out the lone zombie with your handgun. Grab the bowgun bolts off of one shelf and the grenade rounds off of another. Once you have those goodies, go back up the ladder to the save room. Grab the handgun bullets from the bag on the table and then go down the small, red elevator in the corner of the room. Run forward and take a left. Grab the Sewer map on the wall and then head through the door. In the next area, drop down into the water and take a left. Jump up on the small platform and grab the flame rounds from one of the bodies. Drop back down into the water and take a right, past the ladder and take a left at the intersection. Watch out for the big spiders on the walls; it's easier to just run past them than it is to try and shoot them. If they drop poison on you, use a blue herb to heal yourself out of the poison condition. Go through the door, dodge past the spiders in this next room and then go through the door to your left. The next room contains some blue herbs in case you were poisoned. Go along the walkway and you'll meet the charming Annet Birkin, mother of Sherry. Enjoy the next cutscene. And, now you know about William. Uh oh, Sherry's in trouble. Travel along the walkway and use the valve handle on the oil pressure data transmitter to bring the catwalk down to you. Advance to the other side, grab the green herbs and the flame rounds and save if you'd like to at the typewriter. Before you go through the door, though, use your valve handle on the Oil pressure data transmitter on this side. That way the platform is back up above and you can cross when you get up there. Once you've done that, head through the door. Travel along the long tunnel until you come to Sherry lying inert in a pile of trash. And then whoaomg! bam! a ginormous alligator comes screeching out of the water at you. I don't think the alligator is much of a boss, considering he's so damn easy to kill. But, then again, if you don't know how to kill him, he's impossible to kill, as he will suck up any bullet you shoot at him without harm. So, as soon as the alligator jumps at you, turn and run back down the tunnel. See that glowing red light on the side of the tunnel. Go up to it and press A. This will cause a canister to fall into the tunnel. Go around the corner, turn and wait for Mr. Alligator to come. Oh look, he's got the canister in his mouth; what a genius! One shot from your handgun will set off the canister/bomb, causing the whole alligator to go up in a shower of fire and blood. Problem solved. After annihilating the gator, head back down the tunnel towards Sherry. Release the electronic lock and go through the door. Run through the shallow water (how the alligator fit in that small pool of water without being seen is beyond me). Bad news, Sherry is sick and it looks like she's been impregnated by William. Ew. Grab the Wolf Meda and then climb up the ladder to the second story. Cross the catwalk and take a left. Head up the ramp and grab the Eagle Medal and the Sewer Manager Diary. Head back down the ramp and past the catwalk. Use the valve handle on the fan regulator to stop it for a brief time. While the fan is stopped, head up the ladder, through the shaft and down the other ladder. Take a left through the water and then take a right; head through the door. Some zombies will wake up in the water; just dodge past them. Proceed forward and head toward the door with the water fountain in front of it. Right before it and to the right is a console. Drop the Wolf and Eagle Medals in the console to stop the flow of water. Head through the newly opened door. Head down the one-way passage and through the next door. Run forward and take a right. You'll see a sky-tram right in front of you. Head to the right of the tram and turn on the power to the tram. Go around and enter the tram. The tram will start moving backwards, and then come to a stop; exit the tram onto the platform. To your left is a flare-gun. Use your lighter to start it up. The flare will illuminate a sparkling object on the ground. Grab the W. Box Key. If you don't have your lighter with you, you can still grab the key. It's on the floor just to the right of the flare gun. After that, head through the next door. Run forward until you see a left turn. Wait at the turn and a zombie should come around the corner; take care of him with your handgun. Step out into the cross-hallway and kill a couple of zombies to your left and right. Head to your left, but be careful around the next curve, as there's a zombie waiting for you. Shoot him and then grab the Spark Shot from the corpse. This gun shoots powerful bolts of electricity at your enemies. Boo ya! Head back down the hallway and through the new door. You'll be in another set of hallways similar to the one you just came form. Proceed forward and wait for the zombie to come around the corner. Snipe the other zombies as they come into your view. Be careful around the corners; the last thing you need is to run right into a waiting zombie's arm. Once in the junction, take a right; shoot the other zombie as your turn the corner and grab the couple of green herbs. After grabbing those, proceed down the hallway to the ladder. Joyousness! A save room! Make sure you save here, as there's another boss coming up. Also, drop off your valve handle in the item box; you won't need it for a little bit. Also, make sure you grab the flame rounds and the grenade rounds on the console, as well as the first aid spray in the cabinet. When you're done with the save room, exit through the door to the outside. Turn to the left and up against the crates is a bag of handgun bullets that you should grab. Isn't the music so incredibly creepy in this area (random). After grabbing the bullets, turn around and head towards the tram; but first, grab the Factory Map on the wall to the right. Head along the left side of the tram until you come to a control panel. You need a key to activate it, so jump up the ledge and enter the tram. Walk forward into the next compartment and grab the shiny key to your right. Exit the tram and use your Control Panel key on the control panel, and then push the activation switch. The tram will start to depart and Claire and Sherry should jump on it; a cutscene will follow showing the tram start to descend into the labs of Umbrella. ------------------------ Boss 2: William (form 2) ------------------------ Your tram ride will be going all peachy-fine until Sherry collapses sick on the bench. The embryoes are pupating (gross), so you'd better hurry. To make matters worse, something evil (William perhaps?) just landed outside the tram. Well, apparently, you need to go outside and investigate, despite your better judgements. Equip your grenade launcher with acid rounds (or you can use the spark shot) and exit the tram. Your ride won't end until you've dealt with the menace outside. Oh, and before you go, there's some flame rounds next to the lockers in the tram; you might want to grab those. Step out of the tram and onto the platform. Whoa, what was that noise? Proceed around the tram until William chucks a pipe at you. You should now get your first good glimpse of William. Ugly, isn't he? After William dramatically grows another head and a huge-ass new claw, he will leap from the top of the tram, swinging at you. The battle music starts up and you're off. The first thing you need to do is put some space between you and the monster. Quickly run around the back of the tram to the other side and wait for William to come around. When he does, blast him with the grenade launcher a couple of times and then immediately run around the next corner. You don't want William anywhere near you; those claws can do some nasty damage. William moves slowly for the most part, but as soon as you're within claw reach of him, he will lunge at you and gut you like a fish. By all means, don't let him get close. Wait on the opposite side of the tram as William appraoches; shoot him a couple of times and then run past him. When you run past him, run around him on the side that is claw-less. You want to avoid that claw as much as possible and running at that side makes him much less likely to swipe you as you go by. Once back at the other side of the tram, wait for William to come around again and pump rounds into him until he dies. Roughly ten to twelve acid rounds should be enough to take him down. Once you've defeated William, head back into the tram and tend to Sherry. ******************************************************************************* -------------------- H. The Umbrella Labs -------------------- When you reenter the tram, it will reach the bottom: the Umbrella Labs. The next cutscene shows Claire carrying Sherry into a control room and putting her on a bed. When the cutscene ends, grab the green herb on top of the cabinet, as well as the acid rounds on the desk. In the first locker are also some flame rounds that you should definately grab. There's also a typewriter, and some ink ribbons, so save if you need to. Make sure you have at least two empty spaces in your inventory before you depart. Leave the room when you're finished. For the rest of the game, you'll be deep in the recesses of Umbrella's secret laboratories; difficult enemies lurk around every corner and many of them have become stronger than before. Once out in the main shaft, take a right and head through the sliding door. The next area consists of a system of catwalks that meet in a center console. Walk across the first catwalk and take a right down the passageway with a red light over the opening. Cross that catwalk and enter the sliding door at the end. Proceed up the hallway and take a right. Enter the door at the end of the passage. This next room contains some creepy tentacles in the corner. Don't get too close or they may hurt you. There are also some blue herbs in the room if you ever get poisoned. Grab the User Registration file on the bench as well as the Laboratory Security Manuel next to the computer. There's also some bowgun bolts in the lockers if you want them. Go over and torch the tentacles in the corner with your flame rounds. This should open up a shaft; go through it. Proceed forward very very carefully. The screen should shift and you should be able to see two "advanced" lickers crouching on the floor, waiting for you to get close. Equip your grenade launcher with acid rounds and aim right in between the two of them. Unload on them. The two lickers should both get shot and they should fall backwards. They'll leap up and you should shoot both of them again. Repeat the process one more time and they both should die. Grab the two packs of grenade rounds in the corner, unlock the door and head back into the hall. Go back through the sliding door, across the catwalk, and this time, head through the passage with the blue light over the archway. Head down the catwalk and enter the sliding door at the end of it. Run forward and take a left. Enter the double doors at the end of the hallway. Walk around the corner in this strange room and grab the black Fuse Case that you see. Go up to the blue computer screen and use the Fuse Case. Grab the Main Fuse that will soon pop up. Grab the first aid spray on the barrel and then exit the room. Head back through the hallway, through the sliding door, across the catwalk and back to the center. In the middle of the center area is a huge breaker system that regulates all the power in the lab. Put the Main Fuse in the breaker system to start up power across the lab. Turn around and head down across the catwalk with the red light. Walk forward and open the shutter to your left. Two killer plants will emerge; equip your flame rounds and torch the suckers to death. If you get poisoned, you can use the blue herbs in the door down the hall. After you kill the two plants, head down the new passage and through the door. There's another plant right there; torch it as well. Grab the green herbs and heal if necessary. Once you've done that, descend the ladder and head through the next door. In the next corridor, you should be able to hear the breathing of a licker. Equip your acid rounds and proceed carefully. Turn around a couple of corners until you see a green herb at the end. As you walk forward, a licker will fall from the ceiling. Heart attack? Yes, I know. Annihilate it with your acid rounds (or the flame if you're out of acid). Two more lickers will now come scurrying down the hall. Point your grenade launcher at them and take them both out. Hopefully, you'll be able to hit both of them with each shot. Once you've killed the three lickers, head forward and grab the green herbs. Turn to the left and head down the corridor and through the sliding door. Follow along the path and you'll come to a typewriter and an item box. Save if you need to; dump the items you don't want and grab the the Weapons Box Key that you picked up earlier. Head down the hallway and take a left. There's a red herb in the corner; grab it if you want and then head through the double doors. Go up to the locker with the blue light above it and unlock it with the Weapons Box Key. Grab the grenade rounds inside. Once you've grabbed the rounds, head through the automatically opening door and shoot the zombie that's in front of you with your handgun. Take a left and the next door should open for you; there's a zombie right there, so run back a little ways and then shoot him. Now, in the next room, you should have some room to maneuver, so dodge past the zombies and head towards the back of the room. On one of the counters is something shiny. Go up and grab the Lab Card Key. Now turn around, dodge past the zombies, go through the automatically openening doors, and back through the double doors to the hallway beyond. Cutscene time! Annet's going crazy. William shows up, so she decides to run and greet her husband. Well, I'll let you see for yourself what happens. In her dying moment, Annet will give you a file on how to prepare the antidote. You might want to read that. After Annet throws in the towel, the self destruct sequence is activated. Now, in that room down the hallway, you can register your name on the computer and use it to scan your fingerprint for a door up on the first floor. Since you need two people to complete the process to unlock the door, you won't be able to complete it until the B Scenario. Your reward for all that work? Three lickers and a submachine gun. It's not really worth the effort if you ask me. If you're curious, go through the door, shoot the big moth and type in "Nemesis" on the computer to register your fingerprint scan. Once you've done that, head back out into the hallway. If you didn't do the fingerprint scan, go forward and through the sliding door. Go through the next room and when you go past the cameras, Claire will spot Leon, call him and ask him to go and fetch Sherry. Once again, Leon is clueless. After the cutscene, continue through the next sliding door. When you walk forward, another of those pesky lickers will drop through the ceiling scaring you half to death. Pump a couple of acid/flame/grenade rounds into it and then continue down the hall, to the right and through the winding hallways to the next door. Go up the ladder and throught the next door. Go around the corner to the right, nuke the plant with your flame rounds, and go through the sliding door that leads out to the catwalks. Walk down the catwalks, take a right down the blue catwalk and head through the sliding door. Walk forward and use the card key to unlock the door right in front of you. Discard the key when you're done and enter the door. Grab the grenade rounds to your right as well as the Vaccine Cart. Dodge (or shoot) the first zombie you see and run up to the red console and turn on the lights. Go down to the newly lit area where you'll be assaulted by a group of zombies. Here's a good time to whip out your grenade rounds and do some serious damage. Grab the shining MO Disk and then go up to the computer and insert your vaccine cartridge. Over by where you found the MO Disk is a switch to start up the RAM. Turn it on. Once you've done that, go up to the computer screen where you dropped the vaccine cartridge and grab the new Base Vaccine. Now that you have that, leave the room. Turn around and head through the short passage to the right where the fingerprint console was. If you went and got your fingerprint verified, it should work this time. Unnfortunately, you need someone else to help you through the door, so this will have to wait until the B Scenario. Head back through the sliding door back out to the catwalks. Head down the red catwalk and head through the sliding door. Head left and flame the plant to death, and then go through the door. Head down the ladder and through the next door. Eww, naked zombies. Take care of them with your handgun (running out of bullets yet?). You can also dodge the zombies if you're feeling confident. Run past the zombies and continue straight down the corridor and through the door at the end. Continue through the monitor room and through the next door. Run past Annet's body and take a left; go through the double doors. Turn right and go through the automatically opening doors and into the lab. If you didn't kill the zombies the first time you were in here, you'll have to do it again. Go to the far back corner of the room where you'll find a vaccine synthesis machine. Insert your base vaccine into the machine and press the switch. You'll grab the completed vaccine when it's done. Now that you have the vaccine, backtrack through the double doors, along the hallway and into the monitor room. Make sure you save at the typewriter, and also grab your grenade launcher and all of the rounds you have left, along with some herbs and a first aid spray or two. Once you've done that, continue through the door, down the hall, and put your MO Disk in the console to the right. This should open up a passage. Head down the hall and through the double doors to your left. You are so close to the end, you can almost tast it. But first: Boss 3: William (forms 4 and 5) ------------------------------- When you enter the next room, you'll have only 5 minutes until detonation. Fortunately, that's plenty of time. Run forward where you'll encounter an elevator shaft. Just to the right of it are activation switches. Activate the elevator shaft. Uh-oh. Down out of the ceiling drops good old William, not quite done and still ready to play. William will be in his 4th form when he drops down. He walks on two legs, yet hosts a plethora of claws to kill you with. The same strategy from your earlier battle with William applies. Don't let him get close enough to slash you. Use the large bottles to your advantage; keep running around them and firing your various grenade rounds at him. Start with your acid rounds and if you run out of those, use flame rounds, and if you run out of those, grenade rounds. If you completely run out of grenade rounds, use the spark shot or the bowgun. After a short while, William will start to mutate once again. William's fifth form is on four legs and somewhat resembles a strange, demented dog. William becomes much faster and he will also leap through the air at you, sometimes even clearing the large bottles across the room. Run away from him and shoot him with the grenade launcher before he gets a chance to jump. Never shoot when he's real close, and most of the time, you won't have enough times to shoot him twice before he gets you. So, you should run around the room, using the bottles as cover. Shoot at William once from a distance, and then take off running before he has a chance to get close to you. If he starts to jump, move right away. William also likes to run at you very fast. If you position yourself next to the bottles and the wall, you can hit him with the grenade launcher as he runs around the corners at you, stopping him in his path. If you're having problems with William (he's just too damn fast for you and you're just too damn slow), there's always the "take-it-like-a-man" (woman for Claire) strategy. This strategy only works if you have a few first aids. Two is usually good, three just to be sure. In this strategy, when William morphs into form five, pull up your grenade launcher, stand your ground and start pumping as many rounds into him as fast as you can. In this strategy you don't move, but rather let him hit you as you constantly shoot at him. Use your first aids to heal, and keep on shooting. If you don't have any first aids, this strategy isn't going to work as you're going to die very quickly. If, however, you have 3 first aids, you can usually outlast him with your grenade launcher, particularly if you have a ton of acid rounds. Just stand your ground and keep shooting. Good luck. Use whatever strategy works for you. The main problem with William is trying to get the shots off before he mauls your ass. After you've defeated William (yay!) head into the elevator and start descending. Once you've reached the bottom platform, follow the passage down to the train. Now, sit back and watch the final cutscene. Claire will jump onto the train with Leon and Sherry just as the place goes up in smoke. Claire administers the antidote to Sherry and it looks like Sherry is going to be ok. Leon says it's over, but Claire vows that she will indeed find her brother. Claire and Sherry hug and the game ends. For now. Cue the credits. After the credits, a screen will come up with your ranking. This all depends on the amount of time it took you, the ammount of times you saved, and the healing items you used. After that, you will get the chance to overwrite your Saved game file. Do so and Leon B will start up. That's right; it's now time to go through the survival adventure as Leon. ******************************************************************************* ---------- IV. Leon B ---------- Ah yes. Here we go, time for the B Scenario. Now, the B Scenario is basically the continuation of the story in the A Scenario. Therefore, everything in Claire A corresponds to Leon B. Together, they create one "view" of the story in the game. Scenario B starts out where Claire A started out: in the streets where their car crashed. The main difference between the scenarios is that the B Scenario is more difficult. Also, there's the ridiculously annoying presence of Mr. X, who will stalk you throughout the game. And without further ado, let's start up Leon B. Watch the little video at the start of the new game. It'll introduce Leon, the other survivor of Raccoon City. ---------- A. Streets ---------- Just like Claire A you start in the middle of a burning street, only this time you're on the opposite side of the wreckage. Run forward and dodge past the first two zombies you see. There's a Mercenary's Log in the hotdog stand; grab it if collecting files is your thing. Continue down the street, past two more zombies and through the gate to your right. In the next area, you'll see a zombie to your left; ignore him and head right, past the two zombies you see there and into the little room beyond. Grab the Cabin Key and exit the room. Dodge past the three zombies (there's lots of room to do so) and unlock the far door with your cabin key. Remember this room? To your left on the desk is a typewriter and some handgun bullets. Save if you wish and then continue forward through the next door. Dodge past the first three zombies that you see (by now you should be quite good at dodging zombies) and take a right. Dodge past the next two zombies that you see and head up the stairs. A cutscene will ensue and you will get to see how the burning helicopter ended up on the roof of the Police Station. ******************************************************************************* ----------------- B. Police Station ----------------- You can't do anything about the burning wreckage until you get the Valve Handle, so head through the door instead. Grab the green herb right in front of you and take a right down the hallway. It's the crow hallway and it looks like the crows have already broken through. Follow the hallway until you come to a body full of crows. Pull up your handgun and start sniping the little buggers. Keep shooting until you've killed them all and then grab the handgun bullets from the body. Continue down the hallway and take a left through the first door that you see. Once back outside, grab the green herb and head down the stairs. There are two more green herbs at the bottom; grab them if you have room and then head through the door. In the next room, grab some handgun bullets from the body before proceeding. Head down the hall, take a left through the opening and then turn to your immediate left. There in the corner, you should see the Valve Handle. Grab it before any zombies get a chance to get near you. After you've grabbed the handle, head back the way you came, through the door, up the stairs and back into the crow hallway. Take a right, past the body and wind down the hallway, through the door at the end, and back outside to the roof of the police station. Go up to the water pressure valve and release the pressure using your valve handle. This should douse the flames around the helicopter. Go up to the smoldering wreckage and grab some shotgun shells. Once you've done that, head back through the door to the crow hallway. But first, a cutscene. Uh-oh, this doesn't look good. Some kind people in a copter decided to drop you a little gift. That gift is Mr. X and he is a royal pain in the ass. He will now assault you throughout the rest of the game. He's a huge tyrant that likes to pummel you with his arms if you get too close. He walks slowly, but is sometimes prone to bursts of speed where he'll run right at you. The best strategy is to simply dodge past him when he appears, hopefully not getting hit, but if you do, usually only once. After the cutscene, head through the door to the hall beyond. Large rubble will fall from the ceiling, blocking your backwards progress. Footsteps are coming towards you. Proceed down the hall, around the corner and there he is! Cue the music. Run past Mr. X, as fast as you can, hopefully avoiding his arms. If Mr. X starts to raise his arms in the air, get out of the way as quickly as possible. Sometimes when you run by him, he'll reach out and smack you with his arms. You don't want that, so try to run by as quickly as you can. Run past Mr. X (he isn't worth the bullets at this time), down the hallway and through the brown doors to the next hall. Walk a little ways (ignore the licker) and enter the door on your left. Here's the first "save room." Grab the Secretary's Diary A, some handgun bullets, and a small key; drop the knife and the valve handle into the item box. Save if you like and then head through the next door into the main hall. You're on the second floor of the main hall; run along the balconey until you come to the emergency ladder. Lower the ladder and descend to the first floor of the main hall. Go up to the center console and grab the shotgun on the desk. Once you have the shotgun, go back up the ladder, take a right and return to the waiting room. Go through the waiting room and back out into the hallway where the licker was. Turn to your left and he'll be either on the floor or crawling along the wall. Take out your shotgun and blast him a couple of times. What's this? There's another licker coming around the corner as well. Take him out with your shotgun and then proceed forward, around the corner, past the helicopter wreckage and through the door to your right. Once inside the storage room with the statue of Tyranos, run up to the reddish box on the left and grab the glittering key: the Blue Card Key. After you've taken the key, turn around and as you head out of the room, a licker will crash in from the skylight above. If you haven't noticed already, the B Scenario is also crawling with lickers. Take out your shotgun and destroy this licker as well. Once you've taken care of the pest, go back through the door, head down the hallway, through the waiting room to the upper floor of the Main Hall. Now, in the Leon B Scenario, the Spade Key is entirely optional. It only opens one door, and that door contains nothing but a couple of files and a first aid spray. Therefore, there's absolutely no need to get the key. Since you don't need to get the key, you also have no use for the unicorn medal. Therefore, simply go down the emergency ladder to the first floor. If you want to get the unicorn medal and the key, you can continue along the balconey, take out the crowd of zombies and grab it at the end of the balconey. Not worth it if you ask me. On the first floor of the main hall, go up to the computer console and put in your blue card key to open up a variety of doors in the main hall. Once you've done that, go through the double doors on the first floor. Kill the first zombie you see and then grab the Polic Memorandum on the bench. There're another couple of zombies shuffling about in he back of the room; take them out with your handgun and then unlock the small desk in the corner with the small key you got on the second floor and grab the shotgun shells. Once you've done that, head through the door to the next hallway. If you used the cord here in the A Scenario, the hallway windows should be properly shut. Grab the handgun bullets from the headless corpse and ignore the door to your right. Pick up the green herb at the end of the hallway if you have room and then go through the door at the end. Continue down the boarded up hallway and as you turn your first corner, two zombies will burst through, probably giving you quite the heart attack. Take out the two of them with your handgun and then go through the double doors to your right. Here in the conference room, you can get the Operation Report on the table. Head through the back passage into the closet and use your lighter to light the fireplace and grab the red jewel that comes out of the painting. Once you have the jewel, head back out into the hallway and continue to the right. Go through the next door, past the staircase and through the door on your right to the dark room. Also, grab the two green herbs out by the staircase and drop them, along with the red jewel in the item box. Save if you wish and then head back through the door and up the staircase to the second floor. Go along the second floor hallway and you'll once again come to the statue holding the red jewel in its fist. Just like before, you need to position the two statues so that they are both pointing towards the center statue. Move the red statue over to the side the blue one's on and into the darkened tile. Move the blue statue to the opposite side and put it in the darkened tile over there. The two statues should be facing the middle statue and the jewel should come out; go and grab it and then head through the door. If you're having trouble understanding me, consult my beautiful (ha) drawing up in the Leon A section. The next hallway hosts a pack of zombies, all coming at you. Whip out your handgun, take a stand, and shoot them as they come down the hallway at you. Once the zombies are taken care of, enter the first door to your left. Turn to your right and grab the Magnum out of the weapons locker. Sweet! Also, grab Chris's Diary on the desk in the same location you got it in Scenario A. There's also some handgun bullets in the front of the room by the RPD insignia. When you leave the STARS room, turn to the left, continue donw the hallway and enter the door at the end. Here you'll meet Sherry in a cutscene. She'll run down the hall and slide under the boarded door. She drops something shiny on the floor. Go up and grab it; it's the Diamond Key. ******************************************************************************* ------------------ C. The Diamond Key ------------------ Before you head back down the hall, grab the shotgun shells by the open area to your right. When you go back down the short hall, a cutscene will start up with Claire. Remember this from Scenario A? When the cutscene ends, go down the short hall to your left and through the door. When you step forward in the gallery room, to your evident displeasure, the shutters in the licker hallway will fail you, and a large group of zombies now call that place home. Go up the gallery staircase and travel along the balconey until you once again fall through to the first floor. Examine the bronze plate to see how to move the shelves and then press the red switch to move the first shelf and allow you to escape. First, move the furthest shelf to the left one space to the right. Then, move the second furthest shelf to the left one space to the right. This should cause the bronze plate to open. Go and collect the Bishop Plug. Exit the gallery through the double doors and out to the second floor of the main hall. Take out any zombies in your way and then go along the balconey to the Wating Room and drop the Bishop Plug, the red jewel, and the magnum (you don't need it until later) in the item box. Now head back out into the main hall's second floor and return to the gallery via the double doors. Go through the single door to your left and follow the hallway straight and then to the left; go through the door. Travel through the next hallway, through the door at the end, past the statues, along the next hall and down the stairs. A group of zombies will rudely greet you, so whip out the shotgun and take most of them down. If you try to use your handgun, you'll probably get hurt by the first wave of zombies. So, fire a couple shells of the shotgun to take the first two down and then switch to your handgun and take down the rest. Once you've dispatched the zombies, head to your left and go through the second door to the right. Use your diamond key to unlock it and enter the threshold beyond. Ah, no zombies this time. You can go around to the back lockers and grab some film if you'd like. Otherwise, head forward and open a locker to your right to get some shotgun shells and then head through the next door. Take out the zombie to your left, and then take out the one in front of you and slightly to your right. There are three more zombies in the room, so take them out too, one at a time with your handgun. Go up and grab the handgun bullets from the locker, as well as the small key on the desk, and the green herb by the door you came in through. Go through the opening to the little side office and grab the Heart Key on the desk. ******************************************************************************* ---------------- D. The Heart Key ---------------- Once you have the heart key, unlock the brown door and head out into the hall. Go up to the front of the main hall, up the small flight of stairs, to the left and through the single door. There should be a zombie right in front of you and another to your left. Whip out your shotgun and fire a shot or two right into the face of the first zombie. Run over to the corner where he was, turn around and take out the other zombie coming at you. Switch back to your handgun and take out the rest of the zombies in the room as they come lumbering towards you. Walk forward and around the corner to your right is another zombie that you can easily dispatch with your handgun. Grab the green herb and heal if necessary. Continue down the hallway and through the brown door at the end of it. Head forward down the next hallway, take a left and unlock the gray door right in front of you. Discard your Diamond Key and enter the room. Grab the Rook Plug on the shelf and the first aid spray on the table. As soon as you grab the first aid spray, a licker will come bursting through the glass. Equip your shotgun and pump him with a couple of shots. After you've taken care of the licker, head back out into the hallway and take a right. Go through the next door to your right. There's another licker hanging from the ceiling in here. Take out your shotgun, aim up and drop him from the ceiling. As he runs on the ground towards you, shoot him twice more to kill him. Grab the handgun bullets on the shelf and then go back into the hallway. Head left, then right and back through the door. Once in the next hallway, go through the large double blue doors to your right. Immediately, run forward past the zombies to your left. Keep running, ignore the next zombie you see, and run into the little office to your left. Grab the handgun bullets off the desk and then pull out your files. Look up the Police Memorandum and use the code on the file to unlock the safe in the corner. Grab the shotgun shells and the police station map. Run back out of the little office and take a right. Hopefully, the zombies you left behind haven't caught up to you yet. If they have, shoot them as they try to come through the small door to the office. Run through the next opening and take out the zombie that you see right there. Take a left and unlock the door with your heart key. This next hall may or may not contain a bunch of zombies, depending on what you did with the cord in the A Scenario. If the room is full of zombies, take them all out with your handgun as you proceed down the hall. At the end of the hall go down the stairs to the basement of the police station. Travel along the corridor until you come to a junction. Man, more zombies! Ignore the zombies to your left for now and focuse on the ones to your right. Take them out with your handgun and then go through the first double doors you see to your right. There's a green herb to your right if you need it, and then head to the back corner of the room where you'll find a Reserve Power Control Panel. Move the switch up, down, up, down, and up to get the correct power supply. Once you've done that, head back out into the hallway and take a right. There's another zombie down at the end; take him out, then go left around the corner and through the next door to the Parking Garage. When you run forward in the parking garage, you'll get a cutscene and your first meeting with Ada. After the cutscene, help Ada move the truck and then go through the new door. Ada will run off in the next hallway; follow her. Go around the corner, ignore the first door that you see and continue to the left. Go throught the gated door at the end of the passage. The first cell to your left contains a couple of herbs: green and blue. The next cell contains a person: Ben to be exact. After that thrilling cutscene, your map will pop up showing you where to go. First, grab the Manhole Opener from the shelf and then head back through the gate. Turn to your right, run forward and enter the first door on your left. Go right around the corner and then run forward to the manhole. Open it with your manhole opener and then descend the ladder to your first glimpse of the sewers. Run along the sewer passage, ignoring the giant spiders unless they're in your way on the ground. If that's the case, take them out with a couple of shotgun shells. If they hit you with you're poison, you'll need a blue herb to cure the poison condition. At the end of the passage, go up the stairs. Head forward and into the door to your right. Ah, how nice! A save room. To your right is a blue herb. Use it if you were poisoned. Grab your Rook and Bishop Plugs from the item box, save if you wish, and then return back out into the hallway. Go left and through the door right in front of you that leads into the septic pool roomm. Run along the center catwalk and to your left is a panel to release the locked door. Put the two plugs into the panel. You still need two more to unlock the door, so head back out into the hall. A cutscene should start up with Ada. Leon will introduce himself, and then he boosts Ada up through a passage. When Ada drops down on the other side, she'll see Sherry, who turns and runs. Sherry, however, drops a pendant with a family photo inside, and Ada is nice enough to pick it up. Run forward and through the door. Outside, there is a zombie to your right. Take him down with your handgun. Proceed forward, turn to the right and you'll see another couple of zombies coming towards you. Take them both out with your handgun as well. Run across the platform and take a right. There's a reddish elevator in this room; descend to the bottom floor. Grab the shotgun shells on the floor and then head back up the elevator. Run back outside, take a right and enter the new door. To your immediate right is a sewage disposal map on the wall; grab it. Now, in this next room, you have to align the boxes in the bottom, so that when you fill it up with water, the floating boxes will create a bridge to the other side. Drop down the ledge behind the control panel to reach the bottom. Now, push the first box that you see straight forward until it hits the wall. The box just to the left of that first box needs to be pushed to the right. Climb on top of the box and jump off in the left corner; now, push the box to the right so it's up against the first box. Finally, the last box that's kind of sticking out there needs to be pushed against the wall so that all of the boxes are in a row. When you are finished, all three of the boxes should be pushed against the far wall in a row. Now, head back up to the top the same way you came down. Go to the control panel and raise the water. There should now be a bridge of boxes across to the other side; cross the bridge and grab the Precinct Key on the shelf. This key (if you haven't guessed by now) is in the shape of a club. ******************************************************************************* --------------- E. The Club Key --------------- After grabbing the key, head back to the room where you first took control of Ada. Another cutscene will start up, and Ada will throw the Club Key and the box of shotgun shells over to Leon. Claire also calls on the radio explaining that she's cleared the helicopter wreckage. Your map will pop up showing you where to go. Once you have control of Leon again, grab the key and the shotgun shells from the floor. Backtrack down the hallway and down the stairs into the sewer area where you met the enormous spiders. Head back through the passage, killing or dodging any spiders that are still alive. Once up the ladder, head straight forward, to the left, and through the door. Head straight, take another left and through another door; you should be back in the parking garage. The parking garage contains a couple of dogs now. My advice is to simply dodge past them and head through the door. Once in the next hall, go around the first corner and head straight. Go past the first two doors that you see until you come to the double doors that say "Autopsy Room." Unlock the doors with your club key and enter. When you run forward, a licker will drop from your ceiling. You know the drill by now, pull out the shotgun and pump a couple of rounds into his back. Careful, though, there's another licker in the room, and as soon as you start shooting the first, he will coming running over. Take him out too and when the two lickers are dead, go forward, around the beds and grab the Red Card Key from out of the cabinet. Go back out into the hallway and head left. Continue down the hall until you come to a silver door with a card reader on the wall next to it. Use your red card key to unlock the door and then enter it. Grab the magnum and handgun bullets to your right. Go up to the locker where you'll find a machine gun and a side pack (if you didn't take them in Scenario A, that is). Grab both the side pack and the submachine gun and then head back out into the hall. Run to the left, and take another left at the junction. Continue along the winding hall and up the stairs. Kill the first two zombies that you'll see behind the staircase, and then run around past the staircase where you'll find a door. Unlock the door with your club key and enter. Right in front of you are a bunch of lockers. The third locker contains shotgun shells. Once you have those, go past the lockers and take a right. Grab the Watchman's Diary off the bed and the magnum bullets from off the dresser. Head back out into the hallway. Go forward and take a right. Take out the next couple of zombies with your handgun and then proceed down the hall and through the door. In the next area, run forward and through the door to your left. Go up the stairs and through the door to the crow hallway. Run forward and go through the door right in front of you. Here we are, in the hallway with the crashed helicopter. Stop by the first door and drop off your submachine gun in the item box and grab the two red jewels in the waiting room, save if you'd like, and then head back out into the helicopter hallway. When you go up to the helicopter, you should see a new opening to your left. But first, head through the door to your right back into the room with Tyrannos's statue. Put the two red jewels in the two woman reliefs on the side and grab the King Plug. Go back out into the helicopter hallway and take the newly opened passage. Go down this new hall and through the door at the end. This next room is the Chief's office, but Leon doesn't get to meet the Cheif. Grab the Chief's Diary off his chair, grab the handgun bullets off his desk and then head through the new door. In the next hall, take a right, continue down the hallway and go through the door at the end. In this next area, continue and go through an opening to the area beyond. Grab the Secretary's Diary B right in front of you and then turn to the left. Grab the Crank from the small box and then head through the door and back out into the hallway with the stuffed tiger. Uh oh, what's that? It seems that Mr. X has found you in this small hallway. You can try and take him out with shotgun shells, magnum bullets, or the submachine gun if you'd like. If you don't want to, you can just run past him. If you do end up killing him, check his body for a nice little reward. Continue through the hallway, through the chief's office and into the helicopter hallway. Go past the door to the waiting room, and enter the crow hallway instead. Run through the door right in front of you, go down the stairs and enter the door at the bottom. Run forward a little bit and take a left through the opening. Kill or dodge past any zombies left in this room. Go through the double blue doors to the next hall. Go right, around the corner, down the hall and through the door. Go all the way down this hallway to the end and unlock the artsy looking door with your Spade Key. Remember this room? Do the same thing you did in Scenario A. If you don't remember that, then in the back of the room there are three statues on the walls with unlit candles just below them. In left corner is a large brown candle of some sort that can be lit; light it with your lighter. Then, go to the middle statue that says "Number 12" and turn the faucet on, causing a flame to ignite in the candle. Now, go to the statue on the right that says "Number 13" and turn its faucet. Finally, go to the first statue on the left that says "Number 11" and turn its faucet. This should cause the little golden wheel in the front of the room to fall off the painting. Turn around to get the wheel and OMG HE CAME THROUGH THE WALL! That pesky Mr. X! Don't bother trying to kill him. Just run to the back of the room, grab the G. Cogwheel and get out of that room as fast as you Whew, that was a close one. Go along the hall, take a right and run past the wreckage. Take another right and HE COMES THROUGH THE WALL AGAIN! Jeez, that guy just doesn't give up! Run past the annoying bastard and go through the door. Yes, now you're going to be looking suspiciously at every wall as you go by, aren't you? Continue down the hall and through the next door to the main hall. Go through the double doors and grab the Small Key (and the Crank if you put it in) out of the item box. Head back out into the main hall and up the ladder to the second floor. There's a licker up here; kill him with your shotgun. Once you've dispatched the licker, go left along the balconey and go through the double doors up here to the gallery-room. First go through the single door to your left. Unlock the drawer with your small key and grab the handgun parts. Oh yeah baby! Combine the parts with your handgun to make your handgun awesome. Your handgun can now shoot bullets in rapid-fire succession. Return to the gallery and go up the stairs there and through the door to the third floor of the main hall. Go to the right and through the next door. Turn to your right and use the crank on the square hole to lower a staircase from up above. Go up the staircase, and follow the path around to a bunch of gears. Put your G. Cogwheel in its place and then push the button. The door to your right will open; grab the Knight Plug. After you grab the Knight Plug, drop down through the chute where you'll be greeeted with a cutscene. Poor Ben. Run forward, right around the corner and left past the door. Go through the gate at the end of the hall. Another cutscene with Ben. Read the Mail to the Chief and then follow Ada through the gate. Go through the first door on the left, run forward, down the manhole ladder, through the sewer passage, up the stairs and into the save room on the left. Now would be a great time to save, as your first boss of the B Scenario is coming up. Grab your submachine gun from the item chest and make sure you have all 4 plugs. Head back through the door when you're done, take a left and enter the septic pool room. Boss 1: William (form 1) ------------------------ Walk forward towards the catwalk and here's Johnny!...err, William. William's got his standard eye on the arm gimmick going, but instead of a giant claw, he now boasts a huge pipe in his arms. The standard rule of thumb for William applies here: don't let him get close. Get too close and William will pummel you with his pipe. When the battle starts, back up a little ways and open fire with your sub machine gun. Don't stop shooting until William is starting to get a little too close for comfort. Drop your gun and run past him on the side devoid of a pipe. Turn around and open fire again on him with the sub machine gun. Rinse and repeat until William is dead. Whatever you do, don't let him hit you with his pipe. If he smacks you, and you can't get back up again, you're pretty much as good as dead. Ergo, watch out! Other than that, this first form of William is pretty damn easy. After you've taken care of William, go up to the panel and put the rest of the plugs in their place. The door should unlock. Go through the door and enter the realm of the sewers. ******************************************************************************* ------------- F. The Sewers ------------- Right at the start, Ada will drop down from the ceiling, and Leon starts lecturing Leon. For now, the two of them are together. Drop into the water and head through the door to your left. Run forward through the water and jump up on the ledge to your left; grab the blue herbs if you want and then go through the door. Yay! A save room. Grab the Sewer Manager Fax off the table and then grab the handgun bullets from the toolchest in the corner. Save if you'd like and then drop the submachine gun in the chest, and grab the valve handle. There are some lockers up against the wall. Push the lockers aside to reveal a doorway. Open the door and descend the ladder. Go to your right and light the lamp with your lighter. You should now be able to see some magnum bullets on the shelf; grab those. Go around behind the shelf and you'll see another lamp off to the left. Light it as well with your lighter. Grab the shotgun shells on the shelf and then head back up the ladder. Make sure you grab the Valve Handle out of the item box and then go down the red elevator in the corner of the room. In the next cutscene, you'll meet the charming Annet Birkin. She'll shoot at Ada, and Leon jumps in front, taking a bullet. In this next area, you'll control Ada. Follow after Annet. Head down the hallway, grab the Sewer Map and go through the door. You'll see Miss Birkin wading through the water; go after her. Run through the water and up the ladder. Run through the tunnel, ignoring the bugs; as long as you keep running and don't stop, they shouldn't hurt you. Descend the ladder at the far end of the tunnel. As you run along the platform another cutscene will start up. Ada and Annet have a nice little chat and then Annet notices Sherry's pendant on Ada. After a brief struggle, Ada knocks Annet off the platform. Ada opens up the clasp of the pendant and there it is, the G-virus. Once back in control of Ada, run across the catwalk and down the stairs to your right. The screen goes dark, and then you're back to Leon. Head down the hallway Ada went and through the door. Drop into the water and take a left. You can't go up the ladder as the fan is spinning too fast, so keep going and climb up onto a ledge to the left where a couple of bodies lie. One has the Wolf Medal and the other a small key. After grabbing the two, drop into the water and head to the right. Continue until you come to an intersection. There are some more giant spiders here, but they're pretty easy to dodge. Take a left at the intersection and head through the door. There are more spiders on the other side; watch out for dropping poison. Climb up the ledge to the left and head through the door. To your left are some blue herbs that you can use if you were poisoned. Travel along the path until you come to the oil pressure data transmitter. Use the valve handle to bring the catwalk down to you. Advance to the other side, grab the green herbs and the shotgun shells and save if you'd like to at the typewriter. Before you go through the door, though, use your valve handle on the Oil pressure data transmitter on this side. That way the platform is back up above and you can cross when you get up there. Once you've done that, head through the door. Go down the hallway where the alligator attacked you in the A scenario and head through the sealed door at the end. Here you'll meet back up with Ada. Wade through the sewer water to the other side where a cutscene will start. After the cutscene go up the ladder. Walk forward and then go left across the catwalk. Take another left, up the slight incline and grab the Eagle Medal, as well as the Sewer Manager Diary. Head back down the incline and head straight along the walkway. Use your valve handle on the fan regulator to briefly stop the fan at the top of the ladder. While the fan is stopped, go up the ladder. Run through the ventilation shaft and down the ladder at the other side. Once down in the water, head left and then take another left. You can shoot the zombies as they stand up, but it's just easier to dodge by them and through the door. In the next hall, wade forward until you come to a register to your right. Drop the wolf medal and the eagle medal in the register to stop the water flow and allow passage to the next door. Once the water's finished draining, head through the door. Go along the passage and head through the next door. In the next room, proceed forward and then take a right. The tram isn't there right now, since Claire took it in Scenario A. Go to the right of where the tram should be and press the button to call it back. Enter the tram and start going backwards. Just as the tram starts moving, William decides to start sticking his claw through the ceiling at you. You can shoot the claw if you want to, but that's just a waste of bullets. Dodge his claw and after a few minutes, a cutscene will start up and the tram will arrive on the other side. Exit the tram and go to the left. You should see a flare gun. Use your lighter to light the flare gun and something shiny will appear on the ground to your right. Grab the W. Box Key. Once you have the key, turn around, head past the tram and through the new door. In the next hallway, proceed forward and take a left around the corner. Shoot the zombie that should be right there with your handgun. Continue down the left passage, but be careful when you come to the next corner. There's some zombies waiting for you to the right. Wait for them to come around and then blast them with your handgun. Once you've dispatched the zombies, go around the corner and grab the Shotgun parts. Combine the parts with your shotgun to make it even more kickass. Once you have the parts, go back around the corner and take care of any other zombies coming down the hall at you. Proceed that way and through the door. This next string of halls is similar to the one you just came from. Go forward and take a left. Three zombies should be coming at you. Take care of the three of them with your handgun and then go down the hallway and take a right. Be careful, there's another zombie out here, so shoot him with the handgun and then continue to the right. Grab the green and blue herbs and then turn around and head back the way you came. Continue forward and take a left; go up the ladder at the end of the hall. Oh yeah! Save room. Ada decides to search for something "hidden." Drop the Weapons key and the valve handle in the item box and grab the first aid spray from the cabinet and the shotgun shells and magnum bullets off the desk. It's probably a good idea to save here, as you have a confrontation with Mr. X coming up, and then after that, one with william. After you've saved, exit the save room through the door to the outside. Turn to the left and grab the handgun bullets down by the fallen containers. Turn around and grab the factory map on the wall and then go down the little gray elevator where the tram used to be. Go along the passage and through the door. Equip your C. shotgun. This is a good place to use it. Go forward and take a right, and two lefts, following the passage until you come to a console. Grab the C. Panel Key and then turn on the monitor. That's not good. I bet that monitor cost quite a bit of money too! Turn around, go around the first corner and wait for Mr. X to come around the corner and face you. Shoot him with the C. shotgun and then retreat around the corner to the control panel. Turn around and keep firing at him until he drops. It should take about four C. shotgun shots to drop the bastard. When he drops, go up to him and grab the shotgun shells for a reward. Head back along the catwalk, through the door and up the elevator. Go through the door to the save room and reunite with Ada. Use any healing items if Mr. X roughed you up a bit and then use the yellow control panel key on the control console to call the tram back up. Go through the door and push the activation key beside the tram to get the thing moving down to the labs below. Boss 2: William (form 3) ------------------------- Your ride should be progressing quite smoothly until William decides to stick his huge claw through the side of the tram, injuring Ada. Leon bravely decides to check out what's going on outside. When you take control, head to the right and grab the magnum bullets. Equip your magnum and then head out the door to the outside of the tram. Seem familiar to the A Scenario? Go down the steps and around the tram to check out what's going on. Uh-oh. William looks a little uglier and meaner this time around. You can even see his heart pumping on his chest. This fight is very similar to the A Scenario fight with William on the tram. Run around the tram and shoot at william. When he gets too close, run by him. As you can see, this time, he has claws coming out of practically everywhere, so either side is good, as long as you can get by him in time. The big difference between this fight and the last one is that William will jump around a lot which causes problems. Once William gets too close to you, turn and run and soon you'll see him jump into the air. Stop and wait. He should soar through the air and land right by you. Be alert. When this happens, you need to move, post haste, otherwise you'll get a face full of claws. As soon as William lands, run past him, turn around and fire a couple of times with the magnum. If you can get the timing of William's jumps down, you should be able to avoid him each time he leaps and lands right by you. Remember, as soon as he jumps and you can't see him, be careful, as he's about to land right by you. Keep dodging him and shooting him a couple of times until he dies. If the magnum just isn't working for you, try the custom shotgun. You should even have some submachine gun bullets left, so use those if you're having problems. Use whatever gun is most comfortable for you. After you've pummeled William enough times with your guns, he'll jump off the platform and then you'll know you've defeated him. For now. Go back into the cabin, but this time, the tram stops short of the bottom due to motor overheating. After the next cutscene between Leon and Ada, exit the tram, go around the side, jump up onto a ledge and go through the ventilation shaft that leads down to the Umbrella labs. ******************************************************************************* -------------------- G. The Umbrella Labs -------------------- When you go through the shaft, you should drop down into a new hallway. And, perfect timing, the tram starts back up again, carrying Ada to the bottom alone. Oh well. Behind you is an elevator without power, so head the other way and through the double doors at the end of the hall. Go past the small lift, down the short hall to the item chest. Grab the green herb and put it, along with any items you deem unnecessary at this time into the item chest. Next, turn around and push the large block onto the lift. Use the switch to lower the lift to the first floor. Push the block forward off the lift, then to the right, and then down the small passage towards the back of the screen. Move the block a little to the right and then straight down the long passage right in front of you. The block should now be next to a couple of stacked boxes and you should be able to reach the balconey by climbing on top of the boxes. There's nothing you can do up there quite yet, so turn around and explore this bottom area first. Go forward, past the lift and around the next corner where you'll find a body holding the Investigative Report on P-Epsilon Gas. Down at the end of the hall are some shotgun shells and some ink ribbons. Turn around, go right and this time when you get by the lift, take a right down that passage way. This should lead to a red lift; go down it. The bottom of the lift contains some lickers. Equip your custom shotgun. Proceed forward until you see the first little bugger. Launch a shell at him and then hit him two more times as he runs towards you to finish him off. Careful, there's another licker right behind that one. Take him out too with your C. shotgun. After you've taken out the two lickers, continue along the path until you come to the switch to turn on the main elevator. Flip the switch and then turn around and head back up the small, red lift. Go up the other lift and head through the double doors. Travel along the passage and enter the now-working elevator at the end of it. Use the elevator control panel to the right to lower yourself down to the main floor of the umbrella labs. Ooh look, some naked zombies. Now do you know where you are? Use the last of your submachine gun or your handgun bullets to take care of the zombies. Once you've dispatched the small crowd of zombies, turn to the right and head through the sliding door. Go forward along the catwalk and then take a left when you get to the center down the blue catwalk and through the next sliding door. Run forward, take a left, go down the short hall and enter the double doors on the left. Go around the corner and grab the Fuse Case as well as the first aid spray. Use the fuse case in the control box and grab the Main Fuse that pops up. Once you have the main fuse, go back through the double doors, go forward, take a right and head through the sliding door, along the catwalk and to the center. Put the main fuse in the center breaker system to restore power to the place. Now, head down the red catwalk and through the sliding door at the end. Take a right and head through the door at the end of the hall. In this next room, take out all of the zombies with either your handgun or your submachine gun, whichever still has bullets. If you're out of ammo for both, use your shotgun. Once the three zombies are toast, grab the User Registration file and the Lab Card Key. Also by the computer is a Laboratory Security Manual. Grab the Flamethrower from the lockers and then go through the crawlspace in the corner. Just like in Scenario A there are a couple of lickers in this room. Proceed forward cautiously and then open fire with either your submachine gun or some shells from your custom shotgun. Open the locker in the corner of the room and grab some more shotgun shells. Unlock the door and head back into the hallway. Proceed forward, and then take a left and through the sliding door to the catwalk beyond. Head down the catwalk and then head down the blue catwalk, through the sliding door on the end and forward until you come to a locked door. Unlock the door with your card key and enter. Bleh, those pesky plants. Equip your flamethrower and start burning those plants. There are two of those plant buggers in the room, so take them out. Go up to the red light switch and turn on the light. All that's in this room are some magnum bullets; grab those and then head back out into the hall. Go forward, through the sliding door, across the catwalk, down the red catwalk, and through that sliding door. Go forward and then left; open the shutter by pressing the button on the wall. More of those plants! Turn to the right and run down the hall a little bit to get out of the range of their poison. Turn around and blast them both with the flamethrower until they're dead. Go through the door. There's another one of those plants out here too, so hit him with the flamethrower as well. Grab the green herbs and then head down the ladder. Once down the ladder, head through the next door to the hallway beyond. Ah yes, the hallway full of lickers. Use your submachine gun until it's out of bullets, then switch to your C. shotgun. Go forward and then take a left at the first turn. Walk forward a little until the licker drops from the ceiling. Blast it with whatever gun you still have bullets for and then take out the other licker that's coming towards you down the hall. After you've killed the first two, proceed forward and take a left; be ready. The third licker should come running towards you; take it out right away. Once you've taken care of the lickers, grab the green herbs and proceed down the hallway and through the door at the end. In the next room, go around the center console until you come to a typewriter and an item box. Save if you want and dump the flamethrower and/or the machine gun in the box since they're probably out of ammo by now. Also, grab the W. Box key out of the item box. Save if you want and then head through the door. Go forward and then take a right down the short "egg" hall. Use your key card on the door to unlock it. Now, remember when you did this in Scenario A, got your fingerprint and then submitted it. Well, now you can do the second part and open the door up on the first floor, however, all you get for your troubles is another submachine gun and you have to battle past a bunch of lickers to get it; not worth the trouble in my opinion. So, you can just ignore this room and head back out into the hall. If you're curious, and you want to open the door, go to the screen, type in the password, get your fingerprint and open the door back on the first floor of the labs. Once back out in the hall, go forward, grab the red herb, and enter the double doors to your left. Use your weapon box key on the locker with the blue light above it and grab the Magnum Parts. Even your magnum gets an upgrade! After you've done that, turn around and head through the automatically opening doors. Continue forward, take a left and through the next set of doors. Zombie! Shoot him with your handgun and then enter the room. The room is chock-full of naked zombies; you can either shoot them all with the rest of your bowgun bolts or your handgun, or you can just dodge past them all. Head to the back of the room and grab the P. Room key on the counter. Exit the room when you're done via the two automatic doors. Go left, and then right down the short hallway and through the door to the room with the typewriter and the item box. In the next hallway, when you go forward, a licker will crash through from the ceiling. Take him out with three shotgun shells; piece of cake. Continue through the hallway, through the door and up the ladder. Go through the next door, but be careful in the next hall; there's a plant just around the corner. Equip your flamethrower and take him out. There's also another plant coming down the hall; take him out before he can hit you. Head right, through the sliding door and out to the catwalks. Go along the catwalk and keep heading straight through the next sliding door. Proceed forward a bit and take a left into the elevator. Raise the elevator, open it and head down the hallway where Annet will shoot at you. Cutscene time. Apparently, Ada is a spy. Yes, Leon is incredibly gullible. Right as Annet is about to shoot you, Mr. X makes a spirited appearance. Take him out with either your custom shotgun or your custom magnum. When he drops, grab the magnum bullets from him and then go through the double doors. Go forward and down the lift. Now, remember when you moved the block so you could get to the upper balconey? Head down that passage, up the blocks and onto the upper platform. Use your Power Room key to unlock the double doors right in front of you. Proceed forward until the cutscene starts. Mr. X is back for some more. Ada shoots him in the back and Mr. X grabs her and throws her into the power console like a rag doll. Mr. X then proceeds to fall into the pool of magma down below. Time Ada's tragic death scene. The self destruct sequence has been activated. Apparently, Ada's body is what set it off. When you take control, grab the Master Key from the floor, head back through the double doors where another cutscene will start up. Uh oh, it doesn't look like Mr. X is done quite yet. Claire will call you on the radio, telling you to go fetch Sherry. The Security Office will pop up on the map. Drop down from the balconey, go up the lift, through the double doors, down the hall and into the elevator. Lower the elevator to the main floor of the labs and exit it. Run forward, and to your left is a door; unlock it with your Master Key. Inside, you'll find Sherry. Leon will pick her up and carry her into the elevator. In the back of the elevator, there's a console. Use the Master Key and open up the emergency route. Take the emergency route down to the bottom platform. Ah yes, the train. Leon will enter the train carrying Sherry, and he will place her on a bed. When you gain control, head right to the very back of the train where you'll find a typewriter and an item box. Grab the Platform Key from the floor and then make sure you save. Also, grab all of your best weapons and healing items from the item box, but make sure to leave at least two spots open in your inventory. After you've done that, head back out of the train. Turn to the left and use your platform key to unlock the gate. Go through the door and you will now only have 5 minutes. Run forward and up the stairs and over the train. Head down the stairs at the other side of the train. Go forward and press the red button to realease the the two Joint plugs. Grab the Joint S. Plug and the Joint N. Plug. Turn around and head down the passage past the stairs and through the door. Run forward and put the two plugs in the generator that looks just like the one where you got them out of. This should activate the emergency mode and power up the train. Out go the lights and up jumps the new Mr. X, complete with two kick ass claws! Boss 3: Super Mutated Mr. X --------------------------- When the battle starts, whip out your super awesome kickass Custom Magnum. As much as you'd like to throw everything you've got at the bastard, you need to conserve some of your ammo, as he isn't the last boss of the game. As soon as you equip your custom magnum, move the hell out of the way. Yes, Mr. X moves blindingly fast now. Move out of the way, as he charges, swinging with his huge claws. Now, this battle is extremely short, however, you can also end up dying very fast as well if you're not careful. If you have a couple of first aid sprays, you should be able to do this with no problems. Once you dodge Mr. X's first charge at you, run past him, whip around and hit him with two magnum shots as quick as you can. You have to be fast because Mr. X is fast too. Once you've hit him twice, run towards a platform up above and a shadowy figure should throw a rocket launcher down to you. "Ada, is that you?" Leon yells; and yes, that figure is Ada. Run and grab the rocket launcher before Mr. X has a chance to gut you like a fish. Now, dodge past Mr. X, turn around, pull up the rocket launcher and pull the trigger. Now, you only have two bullets, so don't blow it; make sure you're aiming at Mr. X when you pull the trigger to blow his brains out. Game over! BOOM! Now doesn't that feel good! Watch as Mr. X takes the rocket right in the chest and explodes into a million tiny pieces. Oh sweet victory! Now as you can see, this battle goes very quickly; you should only use two magnum shots, plus one rocket. The whole battle's about moving quickly and ending things as soon as possible. The faster you go, the better your chance of surviving. Also, once you get the rocket launcher, make sure you have a second or two room of space to lift the enormous weapon and get a shot off. Once you've taken care of that pesky Mr. X once and for all, turn around, head back through the door, over the train via the staircases and through the gate. Go forward and you'll encounter some naked zombies. Now, no matter how tempting it is to just blast them with your last rocket (and oh how tempting it is) it's probably best to save it. Take out the zombies with your handgun. If you run out of bullets, whip out another gun and take them down. Run forward and open the gate using the control panel. Run back into the train, take a left to the front of the train and move the lever to start up the train and a cutscene. Claire gives Sherry the antidote and she wakes up. It looks like she's going to be ok. Leon says it's over. Bad move there, Leon! Leon goes up the the front of the train and says goodbye to Ada. Uh-oh, what's that? I thought the game was over!? Not quite. Boss 4: William (form 6) ------------------------- No sir, William isn't finished just yet. Head to the back of the train. The train will detonate in two minutes? Jeez, Umbrella loves to blow things up, don't they? Head through the door to the last compartment of the train. Run forward until you're assaulted by a tentacle through the ceiling. Take a look at William's final form. Beautiful, isn't it? Don't worry, this final boss battle isn't that tough. The only thing you have to worry about is William's tentacles. He's pretty easy. Just chuck every bullet you have in your inventory at him, heal if you get hit and the battle should be over in no time. I think this battle is in here basically because Capcom couldn't resist the urge to throw a giant mass of teeth and tentacles oozing through a train at you. The only problem with william's final form is running out of bullets. Let's hope that you collected enough bullets throughout the game to take William down (you should have). First, use your last rocket, and then drain all of your bullets, starting with the magnum, then move to the shotgun, and then to your submachine gun. If William's still alive, use the flamethrower or even the handgun if you have to. Easy, right? After you've "defeated" the stinking blob of William, head through the door, and enjoy the final cutscene of the game. Congratulations, you've beaten Resident Evil 2! The Claire A/Leon B storyline that is. Time for a bathroom break. ******************************************************************************* ----------------- 8. Secrets/Awards ----------------- Alternate costumes: Start a game over in the A Scenario. When you go through the whole streets section, don't pick up ANY items. This includes handgun bullets and the weapon in the hands of the dead gunshop owner. Do not pick any of these items up. When you get to the police station, go down the steps outside and you'll see a zombie in a yellow vest. This is Brad Vickers from RE1. Kill him (he takes a ton of bullets) and grab the Special Key from his body. Once you have the Special Key, go to the Dark Room in the first floor of the Police Station. In the corner of the room are some lockers. Unlock the lockers with your special key to access the costumes inside. Leon get two alternate costumes: another police officer outfit, and a street outfit where he shoots his handgun with one hand. Claire's outfit also comes with a new gun: a colt remington pistol, which unfortunately only has 6 shots. To get the alternate costumes in the B Scenario, simply get the special key in the A Scenario. When you start the B Scenario, go to the front of the police station, outside and down the steps. You should see Brad once again. Kill him and grab the special key. Macine Gun: To unlock the machine gun, complete the A Scenario on Hard/Normal mode and get at least a B ranking. You must complete the game in under 3 hours. The machine gun, complete with infinite ammo should be in your item chest when you start the next game. Rocket Launcher: To unlock the rocket launcher, complete the A Scenario on Hard/Normal mode and get at least a B ranking. You must complete the game in under 2 and a half hours. The rocket launcher, complete with infinite ammo should be in your item chest when you start the next game. Gatling Gun: To unlock the gatling gun, complete the B Scenario without saving, while earning an A ranking. You must complete the game in under 2 and a half hours. The gatling gun, complete with infinite ammo should be in your item chest when you start the next game. Rankings: S Rank: Beat the game in under an hour and a half. You can only use only one herb, no mixed herbs, and no first aid sprays. You cannot use any special weapons (the ones that take up two spots). Finally, you cannot pick up any weapon twice. Therefore, if you get the gun from the dead gunshop owner, do not pick the same gun up again. A Rank: Beat the game in under 3 hours; do not use any first aid sprays and do not use any special weapons. B Rank: Simply beat the game in under 3 hours C Rank: Beat the game within 7 hours D Rank: Beat the game in over 7 hours Extreme Battle Mode: Complete the A/B Scenarios of one set of charachters (either LeonA/Claire B or Claire A/Leon B) with an A rank. The extreme battle mode will appear on the title screen. Unlock Ada Wong in Extreme Battle Mode: Beat Extreme Battle Mode Level 1 using any character. Unlock Chris Redfield in Extreme Battle Mode: Beat Extreme Battle Mode 2 using any character. Hunk Scenario: Beat either character's B Scenario with an A Ranking. This will allow you to overwrite one of the slots with the Hunk Scenario. Hunk is the other survivor of the game, and his scenario is a short "mini-game" where you must battle past a variety of enemies and get from the sewers to the roof of the police station. Tofu Scenario: Complete the game 6 times in a row. This means that you complete one "set" of scenarios (either Leon A/Claire B or Claire A/Leon B) three times in a row. You must also unlock Hunk to unlock Tofu. Tofu's mini-game is the exact same as Hunk's, except all you get is a knife (oh, how fun). ******************************************************************************* ------------------- 9. Hunk Walkthrough ------------------- Well, here we go. Hunk is the 4th survivor of the game, and the purpose of his mini-game is to get the G-Virus to Umbrella. You start out in the sewers and you have to get all the way through the police station and out onto the roof. You will have to battle through a variety of enemies and when you start out, your inventory contains: a handgun, handgun bullets, a shotgun, shotgun shells, a magnum, magnum bullets, and two mixed herbs (blue and green). When you start out, you should notice the timer above your head. Don't worry about that, you get all the time you need. The timer is simply there so you can compete between friends for the fastest time, or to try and better yourself each time you do it. As the scenario starts, Hunk wakes up and calls somebody over the radio. You need to rendevouz at the meeting point, so let's get moving. Run forward and up the ledge to your right; go up the stairs and through the door to your left. Take out the first woman zombie you see with your handgun, run forward and turn to the left. There's another zombie hanging out in middle of the catwalk. Knock him down with your handgun and run across. Two more zombies will greet you to the right. Knock them down with your handgun and run through the door. Now, it doesn't matter if you kill the enemies, so just shoot them until they drop, and then run past them. In the next room, you should see two more zombies right in front of you; take them out with your handgun, and then run forward. Another zombie will appear in front of you. Dodge him if you can, otherwise take care of him with the handgun as well; run down the steps. Go left and then right around the next corner. You should see a giant spider come running towards you about now. Equip your shotgun and blast him a couple of times. Run forward and by the next corner, you should see another one of those huge spiders. Take him out with your shotgun as well and then go up the ladder. The next area contains three dogs. As soon as you start, equip your shotgun and fire straight ahead, hopefully hitting all three dogs in one. Keep firing at the dogs as they run towars you. You'll know the dogs are dead by their yelping. Hopefully, you can kill the dogs with only 3 shotgun shots. Once you've dispatched the dogs, head forward, around the corner and through the next door. In the next hall, you'll see a couple of zombies lying around, one of them crawling towards you. Run past both of them to your right, and around the corner. Two more zombies should greet you. Shoot them both with the handgun before the zombies coming behind you can catch up. Once you've taken down the two in front of you, run forwad and through the door. Here in the parking garage, you need to equip your shotgun. Once you've done that, aim slightly to your left, between the two dogs that are running towards you. Fire once, and you should hit all of the dogs at once, and the one to your left, should fly by the others. Now, hit the dogs a couple more time when they get up until they are dead. Run forward and through the door. This next hallway contains a bunch of crows. Simply run past the crows, don't bother killing them all. Wind down the hall until you come to a junction. Head left and continue along the next hall and go up the stairs. Bleh, more dogs. Walk forward a little bit and turn to your right. You should see a dog in the hall. Equip your shotgun, aim towards him and unload. By now a bunch of dogs should be running towards you. Shoot a couple more times into the crowd until you hear the customary yelping that signifies the death of all of the dogs. By now, you should be running pretty low on shotgun shells. Try to save the rest of your shells for later. Continue along the hallway and through the door at the end. Run forward and take out the first zombie you see with your handgun. Now, run through the opening to your right and you should see two more zombies baring down on you. Shoot the zombie to your left, and when he drops, run that way. Kill the zombie right behind him, and then head along the left side of the desk. This should allow you to bypass three zombies in the middle of the room. Continue along that side of the room, and go through the double blue doors at the end. Oh boy, a crowd of zombies! Here's where one of those shotgun shells will come in mighty handy. Pull up your shotgun, and take out the zombies to your left. If you get lucky, the zombies should all drop, and you can run that way and through the door. If you're not so lucky, take out the zombie right in front of you, and then shoot the zombies to your left again before running through the door. Ah, the main hall. Here, everything is quiet and peaceful. Head down the short steps and through the double doors to your left. That music can' be good. This next room contains two spiders. Now, you don't want to kill the spiders, because when you do, they'll sprout into a bunch of baby spiders and you don't want that. Instead, try to dodge past the two spiders and enter the door. This next hall contains three lickers. Since you've probably exhausted your shotgun shells by now, equip the magnum. Run forward and a licker will drop from the ceiling. One magnum shot will suffice. Run forward down the hall and another lickers will try to leap at you as you come around the corner. Be wary of this, and hit him with a magnum shot as well. Go around the corner, where you'll meet the third licker. Boom, magnum shot, he's dead, run forward and through the door. In the boarded up hallway, run forward, but wait when you come to the first corner; there's a plant that's just waiting to spray you with some poison. Back up and wait for him to come around the corner. When he does, start pumping him with handgun bullets. Try to stay out of range of his poison and just keep on shooting until he's dead. When you've taken care of the plant, run forward and around the corner. Run past the double doors and you should encounter another plant by the next corner. Repeat what you did with the first. Back up so you're out of range of their poison and pump him with handgun bullets until he throws in the towel. Continue through the hallway and through the door at the end. Gah, two more plants to your left. Run right and down the end of that short hall. Pull up your magnum this time, face the plants and hit them a couple of times each with your magnum. Once the two plants are dead, run forward and up the stairs. Go right, towards the statues and you'll meet none other than Mr. X. The guy even stalks Hunk. Dodge past Mr. X and enter the door at the end of the hall. In the next hall, two zombies will come crawling towards you. Shoot them both with your handgun and then run forward where you'll encounter more stationery zombies. Shoot them all with your handgun, and then go through the door at the end of the hall. This next room contains three super-lickers. Use the last of your magnum bullets and take care of the three of them. Once you've dispatched the lickers, head left down the short hall, through the door, and through the empty gallery out to the second floor of the main hall. Go left and you'll see another plant. Try to dodge past him, or take him out with your handgun. Continue along the balconey until you come to another plant. Back up out of the range of his poison and assault him with handgun bullets until he's dead. Out of ammo yet? Continue along the balconey and through the door at the end that leads to the waiting room. Oh jeez, how are you supposed to survive this? I told you to save a couple of shotgun shots, and now's the time to use them. Try to take out as many zombies as you can with each shot. Keep firing until you're out of shotgun shells. Also, if you still have some health left, let yourself get bit once, and try to get it so that when you push the zombie off of you, he will knock down a bunch of zombies, creating a path for you to the door. However you get through this room, good luck. Out in the next hall, you'll encounter yet another horde of zombies. Run to your left, dodge the sole zombie down there and turn around to face the tide. Now, unload every bullet you have left on this group of zombies as they come down towards you. After you've heroically battled your way through the zombie army, continue down the hall and enter the door that leads to the crow hallway. Run down the crow hallway until you meet the final enemy of the Hunk Scenario: Mr. X. Dodge past him, avoiding those big arms, continue through the hallway and through the door at the end to the roof. Congratulations, you've completed the Hunk Scenario. Watch as the helicopter comes to pick Hunk up and carry him away. Agent survived and successfully obtained the G-virus. The virus went into the hands of Umbrella. End of one nightmare, prelude to another. ******************************************************************************* -------------------- 10. Tofu Walkthrough -------------------- Hahahaha....tofu. Anyways, the Tofu scenario is the exact same as the Hunk scenario, save one thing: all you have is a knife. You start down in the sewers, just like Hunk, and you will also radio in for the rendezvous point which is the roof of the police station. You start out with a knife, two green herbs and a blue herb: that's it. You may be thinking to yourself, how the hell am I going to kill all of these enemies with only a knife? Well, the answer is that you're not going to. Basically, you're going to simply dodge past all of the enemies. If you beat the Tofu scenario, you are the master dodger. Down in the sewer, run forward, up the step to the right, up the stairs and through the door to the left. Right in front of you is a female zombie. Run past her to the right, take a right at the catwalk, and dodge past the other zombie right there. Do this quickly before the zombies have a chance to react. Now, this next part is tricky. When you cross the catwalk, hang out to the right a bit, and wait for the two zombies to the right and the zombie behind you on the catwalk to come towards you. Right when they're all in a bunch, dodge past the two ahead of you by hugging the far wall. Run through the door. This next room contains 3 zombies that you need to dodge. Dodge the first zombie by running to your right, and then switch over to your left to dodge the second zombie. The third zombie is kind of in the center of the passage. You need to attract him, so that he moves towards you, then dart past him on the more open side. Run down the stairs. Down here in the sewers are two spiders. Run forward until you encounter the first spider. Hang out on one side of the wall. When the spider reaches for you, dart around him on the other side. The next spider should be near a corner. Run past him by going around his far side (don't cut the corner). Run a little ways and go up the ladder. In the next room, there are three dogs coming at you when you reach the top of the ladder. Run straight and hope that the dogs all miss you. Go around the corner and through the door. In the next room, you'll encounter a couple of stationary zombies. Run past the two of them by hugging the wall to the right. Go around the corner where you'll see another couple of zombies. Get the first one's attention. Stand at the corner, and he should start lumbering towards you. Wait until he's close, and then run around him on the far side of the corner. Dodge past the second zombie to your left, and go through the door. Ah boy, more dogs. Run forward and then slightly to your left to avoid the first barrage of dog teeth. Now, swing right to hopefully avoid the second dog ahead of you. As you run across the parking garage to the door, sway left and right slightly, so that the dogs behind you will jump and miss. Go through the door. This next hallway contains a bunch of crows; piece of cake. Keep running through the hall and take a left at the junction; go up the stairs. This next hall is one of my least favorite. There are three dogs in the narrow hall, and you have to dodge past all three (using the knife would be suicide). Try going down one side of the hall past the first dog, and then switching to the other side before the next one can get you. Dodge past the third one by taking a wide right and then go through the door. There's a zombie right in front of you. Ignore him; run forward and through the opening to your right before the zombie can get to you. There's a zombie just to your left. Run forward and past the office to your right. You'll encounter another zombie to your right just past the office. Goad him towards you a little bit, and then dodge around his right side. Go around the far table and through the door. This next room is tricky. You need to try and bunch the zombies together and then dodge around the whole conglomeration of them. Step a little ways to your right when you come out of the door. This should alert the zombies to your right and the one right in front of you. Let them close in on you, and you should see a space towards the phones. Go that way, and then turn right. Wait at the bottom of the screen. The zombies should all be bunched up and should start coming towards you. Run around them towards the blue door and head to the brown door. There may be another zombie or two waiting for you; dodge around them and head through the door. Isn't the hall nice and peaceful? Run down the steps to your right and then enter the double doors to your left. This next room contains a couple of spiders. Wait for the first one to come at you, and then go around the opposite side of the pole. Dodge around the next spider by going around the far side of the corner and enter the door as quickly as possible. You're now in the licker hallway. Run forward and a licker will drop from the ceiling. Ignore him and keep running. Go around the far side of the next corner, around the licker and run down the hall. The third licker may try to leap at you. If you move back and forth along the hall, he shouldn't hit you. Keep running and through the door at the end. If the third licker doesn't jump at you, dodge around whatever side he gives you the most room on. Dammit, those stupid plants. I still have not figured out a way to get through this room without taking a hit. What you want to do is try to get the plants to hit you with their vines. If they spit their poison at you or grab you, that's not good. Run down the hall until you come to the first corner. Back up and wait until you see the plant. Now, you know the plant is about to swing its vines because it will arch its back. Now, you have to start pushing the plant. That's right, there's no room around the sucker. Start pushing the plant (hope to God he doesn't start sucking on you) until you come to the double doors. Here you have some room to dodge around him. Go up to the next corner where you'll encounter yet ANOTHER plant! Wait for him to arch his back and then run to his right. Push him a little bit until you get some room at the next corner. Run past him and through the door. If you thought the last hall was tough, things just keep getting worse. The next room contains two of the more powerful plants. The best strategy is to just take a hit and get it over with quickly. Run to the plant on the right and let him grab ahold of you. When he lets go of you, push him and run behind the plants and up the stairs. Mr. X is lurking in the next hall at the top of the stairs. Lure him out to the landing where you have room to dodge around him. Once around him, continue down the hall, past the statues and through the door. The next room is pretty easy too. Run to your left and you'll encounter two crawling zombies. Try to run between them. Continue down the corridor, and run between the lying zombies. Dodge around the last zombie that's crawling around the corner towards you. Just try to get bit as few times as possible. Head through the door at the end of the hall. The next room contains 3 mutated lickers. Run around the first one to the left and head towards the corridor to the right. Another licker will come scuttling down towards you; dodge around him. If you hear him about to jump, simply move out of the way as he's flying through the air. Not really a hard room. Head down the short hallway and enter the door to your left to enter the gallery. No enemies here! Boo yah. Go through the double doors to the second floor of the main hall. See that plant over by the emergency ladder? Well, stand right by the door to the gallery and wait for him to come to you. You can probably fit in a good bathroom break before the sucker finally get to you. When he does, simply use the wide space in front of the door to dodge around him. Easy, right? By now, the second plant should be in the area by the emergency ladder. Use the extra room there to dodge around him as well. See how easy the plants are to dodge when you have some room. Continue along the balconey and through the door at the end to the waiting room. Uh oh. There is absolutely no room to move here. Hopefully you still have at least one green herb left; you're going to need it. Run forward and hug the first zombie you run into. Hopefully, when you shake off the zombie, you will clear the area around you just enough to get to the door before the zombies get up and eat you for a snack. Try to get through the room with only one zombie bite, as there's really no way to do it without getting hit. The next hallway contains yet another crowd of zombies to your right. Hug the wall and try to get bit by the middle zombie. When you shake him off, this should knock all the other zombies around you away. Heal (if you can) and head through the door. Here you are, in the last hallway with an enemy. That enemy is Mr. X and as this is a thin hallway, you're going to get punched once. Run down the corridor until you meet the charming tyrant. Try to run past him (he will most likely hit you once) and run through the door at the end. Congratulations! You've just completed the Tofu scenario. Give yourself a huge pat on the back. ******************************************************************************* ---------------------------- 11. Locations of Major Items ---------------------------- Yup, this section is basically for you lazy people who are too lazy to search through the whole guide to find the location of one item. If you've been searching forever for that stupid Diamond Key (or any other item, for that matter) you've come to the right place. Shotgun ------- LEON ONLY Scenario A: Grab the shotgun from the body of the gun shop owner. Or, you can find another shotgun on the second floor of the police station in the STARS room. It's in the weapons locker in the right corner of the room. Scenario B: The shotgun in scenario B is located on the computer console in the main hall. Use the emergency ladder to access the main hall from the second floor and you should see it right there on the desk for you. Bowgun ------ CLAIRE ONLY Scenario A: Grab the bowgun from the body of the gun shop owner. Or, you can find another bowgun out in the shed. Go to the roof of the police station via the crow hallway. Go down the stairs and you'll enter a short little streets area. Travel through this short section and enter the door at the end; it leads to the shed. You can find the bowgun on the desk in the back of the room. Scenario B: The bowgun in scenario B is located in the STARS office on the second floor of the police station. It's in the weapons locker in the right corner of the room. Magnum ------ LEON ONLY Scenario A: In scenario A, you can find the magnum in the room by the stairs that lead down into the basement of the police station. After you've unlocked the only door locked by the heart key, travel along the corridor unil you come to a staircase. Off to the left of the staircase is a door. Once you have the Club key, you can unlock the door. In the back of the room are two bunkbeds and a dresser. The magnum is on top of the dresser. Scenario B: Located in the STARS office on the second floor of the police station. It's in the weapons locker in the right corner of the room. Grenade Launcher ---------------- CLAIRE ONLY Scenario A: Located in the STARS office on the second floor of the police station. It's in the weapons locker in the right corner of the room. Scenario B: The grenade launcher in scenario B is located on the computer console in the main hall. Use the emergency ladder to access the main hall from the second floor and you should see it right there on the desk for you. Sub Machine Gun --------------- Scenario A/B: It's in the weapons room in the basement corridor. You need a variety of things to unlock the door including a red card key, the club key, power. Go through the double brown doors in the basement corridor and set the correct power supply. Next, unlock the far door with your club key. In here, you'll find the red card key. Use the red card key on the card reader next to the silver door to access the weapons room. You'll find the sub machine gun, as well as a pack in one of the lockers. Warning, though, if you take the sub machine gun and/or the pack, they won't be available for the B scenario. Spark Shot ---------- CLAIRE ONLY Scenario A/B: After your fist tram ride, you'll be in a factory. Wide along the first set of hallways until you come to a junction. Head left, and then go right around the next corner. You'll find a body who's holding the Spark Shot. Flamethrower ------------ LEON ONLY Scenario A/B: In the Umbrella labs, head along the catwalks to the main center. Go along the catwalk to the right (the red one) and enter the sliding door. Go to the right and enter the door at the end of the short hall. In this next room, open the lockers to your right to get the flamethrower. Rocket Launcher --------------- Scenario B: When you face the mutated Mr. X in the train room, Ada will throw you a rocket launcher with only 2 missiles. Handgun parts ------------- LEON ONLY Scenario A/B: The handgun parts are located in the corridor just outside the gallery. There's a desk next to the door. Find a small silver key and use it to unlock the desk; inside are the handgun parts. Shotgun parts ------------- LEON ONLY Scenario A/B: After your fist tram ride, you'll be in a factory. Wide along the first set of hallways until you come to a junction. Head left, and then go right around the next corner. You'll find a body who's holding the shotgun parts. Magnum parts ------------ LEON ONLY Scenario A/B: First, you need to get the weapons box key. After your first tram ride, you'll arrive at the factories. Just to the left, you'll encounter a flare gun. Light it with your lighter and you should see a sparkling key on the ground; grab it. Now, when you're deep in the bottom of the Umbrella labs, you'll encounter an area filled with zombies and automatically opening doors. Use the w. box key to open a locker with a blue light above it. Inside are the magnum parts. That does it for the weapons, now on to the items... Blue Card Key ------------- Scenario A: In the main hall, go through the door in the far back corner. A cutscene will start up and the man will give you the card key. Scenario B: Go to the hallway where the helicopter has crashed through. Once you've doused the water, head past the helicopter and enter the door to the right. The key is on the boxes in the back left corner of the room. Unicorn Medal ------------- Scenario A: The unicorn medal is in the STARS room on the second floor of the police station. It's under Chris's Diary which is on the desk in the center of the room. Scenario B: In the second scenario, the unicorn medal can be found on the balconey of the second floor in the main hall. Go all the way to the end of the balconey, past the gallery where you'll encounter a group of zombies. Just past the zombies, you'll find the unicorn medal in the wall. Spade Key --------- Scenario A/B: In the center of the main hall is a fountain. Put the unicorn medal in the fountain and out pops the Spade Key. Lighter ------- CLAIRE ONLY Scenario A: It's in the waiting room on the second floor on top of the couch. Scenario B: Use the spade key to unlock the door in the licker hallway. Push the stool up against the shelf and grab the lighter. Red Jewel #1 ------------ Scenario A/B: Go to the boarded up hallway in the west section of the police station. Enter the double doors and go into the closet in the back. Light the fireplace with your lighter and the jewel will pop out of the painting. Red Jewel #2 ------------ Scenario A/B: On the second floor of the police station, you should encounter a hallway with a statue. Next to the center statue are two colored statues (red and blue). Position the two statues so that they're both placing the center statue and the second jewel will fall out. Bishop Plug/Serpent Stone ------------------------- Scenario A/B: Go to the gallery on the second floor. Once in the gallery, go up the stairs, travel along the balconey and you'll fall through down below. Press a button to move one of the shelves. Move the farthest two left shelves one space to the right each. Go and grab the plug or stone that appears behind the plate. Valve Handle ------------ Scenario A: It's in the shed. Go to the roof of the police station via the crow hallway. Go down the stairs and you'll enter a short little streets area. Travel through this short section and enter the door at the end; it leads to the shed. You can find the valve handle on the desk in the back of the shed. Scenario B: Find the valve handle in scenario A by going down to the main police office. It's the room with the double blue doors. You can find the valve handle in the back corner of the room. Diamond Key ----------- Scenario A: Go to the hallway where the helicopter has crashed through. Once you've doused the water, head past the helicopter and enter the door to the right. The key is on the boxes in the back left corner of the room. Claire Scenario B: The Diamond Key is in the STARS room on the second floor of the police station. It's under Chris's Diary which is on the desk in the center of the room. Leon Scenario B: The Diamond Key in Leon's Scenario B is located in the room where the door is boarded up at the end of a short hall. When you enter the hallway, you'll meet Sherry. Sherry will run down the hall, and the key will be left behind on the ground. King Plug/Blue Stone piece -------------------------- Scenario A/B: Go to the hallway where the helicopter has crashed through. Once you've doused the water, head past the helicopter and enter the door to the right. Put the two red jewels in the woman reliefs on the sides of the the statue of Tyrannos. The plug/stone piece will be in the statue. Rook Plug/Eagle Stone --------------------- Scenario A/B: Go to the east end of the police station on the first floor. Travel through the hallways until you come to a silver door that you can unlock with your diamond key. Inside this room, you'll find the plug/stone on a shelf. Bomb and Detonator ------------------ CLAIRE ONLY Scenario A/B: Go to the west end of the police station on the first floor. When you come to the room with the staircase, head right and unlock the door with your diamond key. Straight ahead is a busted locker. Inside it is the plastic bomb. Head through the next door and inside a side office you'll find the detonator. Combine the plastic bomb and the detonator to form the bomb and detonator. Heart Key --------- Leon Scenario A/B: Go to the west end of the police station on the first floor. When you come to the room with the staircase, head right and unlock the door with your diamond key. Go through the next door and inside a side office, you'll find the heart key. Claire Scenario A/B: Once you've destroyed the wall next to the helicopter on the second floor with your bomb and detonator, you'll find the heart key on the police chief's desk. Club Key -------- Scenario A/B: When you get to the basement, you'll come to a place where you'll meet your side charater. After the cutscene, you'll take control of the side character. Go to a room where you can raise the water. Drop down into the tank, move the boxes so they're in a row, and then raise the water to form a bridge to the other side. On the shelf is the club key. G. Cogwheel ----------- Scenario A/B: Go to the east side of the police station on the first floor. Travel all the way through the hallways until you come to a door at the end of all the hallways. Unlock the door with the club key. Light the the candle in the corner of the room, and then turn on the three switches in the room and the g. cogwheel will fall out in the back corner of the room. Crank ----- Scenario A: Use the spade key to unlock the door in the licker hallway. Push the stool up against the shelf and grab the crank. Leon Scenario B: After Claire calls you on the radio, head to the newly opened hallway where the helicopter crashed through. Go down the hall and through all the doors. At the end, you'll find a box; open it up and grab the crank. Claire Scenario B: After Leon calls you on the radio, go down to the basement, go right and head into the parking garage. Go through the door at the end of the garage. Travel down the hallway and through the gate at the end. The crank is just past the cells. Knight Plug/Blue Stone piece ---------------------------- Scenario A/B: Go up to the third floor of the police station in the main hall. At the end of the short balconey, go through the door. Use your crank on the small square hole to lower a staircase from above. Go up the stairs and put the G. Cogwheel in place to open a passage to your right. The plug/stone is right there. Wolf Medal ---------- Leon Scenario A: In the sewers, go down the red elevator from your save room, head down the hall and through the door. Drop into the water, head left and the medal on one of the bodies on the ledge to your left. Claire Scenario A: In the sewers, when you first take control of Sherry, she'll find the wolf medal lying on some trash. Back when you take control of Claire, after you defeat the alligator, and you meet up with Sherry, you'll find the wolf medal on the trash. Scenario B: same as Leon Scenario A. Eagle Medal ----------- Scenario A/B: Down in the sewers, when you get up to the second floor, cross the catwalk, go left, up the incline and you'll find the eagle medal on the floor. Main Fuse --------- Scenario A/B: Down in the Umbrella labs, go along the catwalks to the center and go left down the blue catwalk. Go to the room all covered with ice and grab the fuse case, put them in the machine and out will pop the main fuse. Lab Card Key ------------ Scenario A: Go down to the bottom of the Umbrella labs and go through the automatically opening doors. Once in the main lab, go to the back of the lab where you'll find the card key on the table. Scenario B: In the Umbrella labs, head along the catwalks to the main center. Go along the catwalk to the right (the red one) and enter the sliding door. Go to the right and enter the door at the end of the short hall. In this next room, the card key will be to your right. MO Disk ------- Scenario A: Once you have the lab card key, head back up to the catwalks and go down the blue one. In the door straight ahead, unlock the door with your key and inside that room is the MO Disk P. Room Key ----------- Scenario B: Go down to the bottom of the Umbrella labs and go through the automatically opening doors. Once in the main lab, go to the back of the lab where you'll find the key on the table. Master Key ---------- Scenario B: After the cutscene with Mr. X where he falls into the pool of magma, the key will be on the ground. Platform Key ------------ Scenario B: It's in the back of the train. Ok, I think that's it. ******************************************************************************* --------- 12. Files --------- Here you go, all of the files in the game for your reading pleasure. #1 Memo to Leon --------------- To Leon S. Kennedy, Congratulations on your assignment to the Raccoon City police department. We all look forward to having you as a part of our team and promise to take good care of you. Welcome aboard! From all the guys at the R.P.D. #2 Police Memorandum -------------------- 8/23/1998 This letter is just to inform everyone about the recent movement of equipment that has happened during the precinct's rearrangement. The safe with [the] four digit lock has been moved from the S.T.A.R.S. office on the second floor, to the eastern office on the first floor. "4542" Raccoon Police Liaison Dept. #3 Operation Report ------------------- -- Operation Report -- September 26th The Raccoon Police Dept. was unexpectedly attacked by zombies. Many have been injured. Even more were killed. During the attack, our communications equipment was destroyed and we longer have contact with the outside. We have decided to carry out an operation with the intent of rescuing any possible survivors as well as to prevent this disaster from spreading beyond Raccoon City. The details of the operation are as follows: Security of armaments and ammunition. Chief Irons has voiced concern regarding the issue of terrorism due to a series of recent unresolved incidents. On the very day before the zombies' attack, he made the decision to relocate all weapons to scattered intervals throughout the building as a temporary measure to prevent their possible seizure. Unfortunately, this decision made it extremely difficult for us to locate all ammunition caches. It has become our top priority to recover these scattered munitions. To unlock the weapon storage. As stated earlier, it will be extremely difficult to secure all the ammunition. However, a considerable supply still remains in the underground weapon storage. Unfortunately, the person in charge of the card key used to access the weapon storage is missing and we have been unable to located the key. One of the breakers went down during the battle and the electronic locks are not functioning in certain areas. It has become a top priority to restore the power room and secure those locks. Recorder: David Ford -- Operation Report -- September 27th 1:00 PM. The west barricade has been broken through and another exchange ensued. We sheltered the injured in the confiscation room on the first floor temporarily. Twelve more people were injured in the battle. Recorder: David Ford -- Additional Report -- Three additional people were killed following the sudden appearance of an as of yet unknown creature. This creature is identified by missing patches of skin and razor-like claws. However, its most distinguishing characteristic is its lance-like tongue, capable of piercing a human torso in an instant. Their numbers as well as their locations remains unknown. we have tentatively named this creature the "licker" and are currently in the process of developing countermeasures to deal with this new threat. #4 Operation Report 2 --------------------- -- Operation Report -- September 28th Early morning 2:30 AM. Zombies overran the operation room and another battle broke out. We lost four more people, including David. We're down to four people, including myself. We failed to secure the weapons cache and hope for our survival continues to diminish. We won't last much longer... We agreed upon a plan to escape through the sewer. There's a path leading from the precinct underground to the sewage disposal plant. We should be able to access the sewers through there. The only drawback is that there is now guarantee the sewage disposal plant is free of any possible dangers. We know our chances in the sewers are slim, but anything would be btter than simply waiting here to die. In order to buy more time, we locked the only door leading to the underground, which is located in the eastern office. We left the key behind in the western office since it's unlikely that any of those creatures have the intelligence to find it and unlock the door. I pray that this operation report will be helpful to whoever may find it. Recorder: Elliot Edward #5 Addition to Operation Report ------------------------------- -Additional Report- Three additional people were killed following the sudden appearance of an as of yet unknown creature. This creature is identified by missing patches of skin and razor-like claws. However, its most distinguishing characteristic is it's lance-like tongue, capable of piercing a human torso in an instant. Their numbers as well as their location remains unknown. We have tentatively named this creature the "Licker" and are currently in the process of developing countermeasures to deal with this new threat. #6 Chris's Diary ---------------- August 8th I talked to the chief today once again, but he refused to listen to me. I know for certain that Umbrella conducted T-Virus research in that mansion. Anyone infected turns into a zombie. But the entire mansion went up in that explosion; along with any incriminating evidence. Since Umbrella employs so many people in this town, no one is willing to talk about the incident. It looks like I'm running out of options. August 17th We've been receiving a lot of local reports about strange monsters appearing at random throughout the city. This must be the work of Umbrella. August 24th With the help of Jill and Barry, I finally obtained information vital to this case. Umbrella has begun research on the new G-virus, a variation of the original T-virus. Haven't they done enough damage already? We talked it over, and have decided to fly to the main Umbrella HQ in Europe. I won't tell my sister about this trip because doing so could put her in danger. Please forgive me Claire. #7 Patrol Report ---------------- -Patrol Report- September 20th 9:30 PM Reporter: Sgt. Neil Carlsen We received a report of a suspicious individual skulking around the sewers in the outskirts of Raccoon City. I searched the area and located the individual, but he ran away before I was able to question him. I recovered the following items: - A small amount of C4 plastic explosive. - An electronic detonator. - 9x19 parabellum rounds. - Infrared scope (broken). End of report. #8 Federal Police Dept. Internal Investigation Report ----------------------------------------------------- Mr Chris Redfield Raccoon City Police Dept S.T.A.R.S. division As per your request,we have conducted our internal investigation and discovered the following information: 1) Regarding the G-Virus currently under developement by Umbrella Inc. So far its uncomfirmed that the G-virus even exists. We're continuing with our investigation. 2) Regarding Mr.Brian Irons, Chief of Raccoon City Police Dept. Mr. Irons has allegedly received large sums of funds in bribes from Umbrella Inc. over the last 5 years. He was apparently involved in the cover up of the mansion lab case along with several other incidents in which Umbrella appears to have direct involvement. Mr.Irons had been arrested under suspicion of rape on two seperate counts during his years as a university student. He under went psychiatric evaluation as a result of the charges but was released due to circumstantial evidence as well as his phenomenal academic standing. As such, extreme caution is advised when dealing with him. Jack Hamilton Section Chief Internal Investigations United States Federal Police Department #9 Secretary's Diary A ---------------------- April 6th I accidentally moved one of the stone statues on the second floor when I leaned against it. When the chief found out about it, he was furious. I swear the guy nearly bit my head off, screaming at me never to touch the statue again. If it's so important, then maybe he shouldn't have put it out in the open like that... April 7th I heard that all the art pieces from the chief's collection are rare items, literally worth hundreds of thousand of dollars. I don't know which is the bigger mystery: where he finds these tacky things, or where he's getting the money to pay for them. May 10th I wasn't surprised to see the chief come in today with yet another large picture frame in his hands. This time it was a really disturbing painting depicting a nude person being hanged. I was appalled by the expression on the chief's face as he leered at that painting. Why anyone would consider something like that to be a work of art is beyond my comprehension. #10 Secretary's Diary B ----------------------- June 8th As I was straightening up the chief's room, he burst through the door with a furious look on his face. It's only been 2 months since I've started working here, but that was the second time I've seen him like this. The last time was when I bumped into that statue, only this time he looked even more agitated than ever. I seriously thought for a moment that he was going to hurt me. June 15th I finally discovered what the chief has been hiding all along...If he finds out that I know, my life will be in serious danger. It's getting late already. I'm just going to have to take this a day at a time... (blank page) #11 Chief's Diary ----------------- September 23rd It's all over. Those imbeciles from Umbrella have finally done it...Despite all their promises, they've ruined my town. Soon the streets will be infested with zombies. I'm beginning to think that I may be infected myself. I'll kill everyone in town if this turns out to be true! September 24th I was successful in spreading confusion among the police as planned. I've made sure that no one from the outside will come to help. With the delays in police actions, no one will have the chance to escape my city alive. I've seen to it personally that all escape routes from inside the precinct have been cut off as well. There are several survivors still attempting to escape through the lower levels, but I'll make sure no one gets out. September 26th I've had a change of heart about the remaining survivors inside the precinct. I've decided to hunt then down myself. I shot Ed in the back through the heart less than an hour ago. I watched him writhe in pain upon the floor in a pool of his own blood. The expression on his face was positively exquisite. He died with his eyes wide open, staring up at me. It was beautiful. I wonder if the mayor's daughter is still alive? I let her escape so I could enjoy hunting her down later...I'm going to enjoy my new trophy. Yes, frozen forever in the pose I choose to give her. #12 Mail to the Chief --------------------- To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have lost the mansion lab facility due to the renegade operative, Albert Wesker. Fortunately, his interference will no lasting effect upon our continued virus research. Our only present concern is the presence of the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members: Redfield, Valentine, Burton, Chambers and Vickers. If it comes to light that S.T.A.R.S. have any evidence to the activities of our research, dispose of themin a way that would appear to be purely accidental. Continue to monitor their progress and make certain their knowledge does not go public. Annette will continue to be your contact throughout this affair. William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. I have deposited the amount of US $10000 to the account for your services this term as per agreement. The development of the G-virus scheduled to replace the T-virus, is near completion. Once completed, I am certain that I will be appointed to be a member of the executive board for Umbrella Inc. It is imperative that we proceed with caution. Redfield and the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members are still attempting to uncover information on the project. Continue to monitor their activities and block all attempts to investigate the underground research facilities. William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have a problem. I have received information informing me that Umbrella HQ has sent spies to recover my research on the G-virus. There are an unknown number of agents involved. They must not be allowed to take this project away from me as it represents my entire life work. Search the city thoroughly for any suspicious persons. Detain any such individuals by whatever means possible and contact me immediately through Annette. With these precautions, any possible threat should be eliminated. I will not allow anyone to steal my work on the G-virus. Not even Umbrella... William Birkin #13 Researcher's Message ------------------------ To whom it may concern: I've sealed my own fate... I lost the key vital to my survival. Without that key, it is only a matter of time before I am overcome by the zombies and become one of them. I can't bear the thought of infecting others when it really happens. If I could only recall where I left that key.... It is inevitable that I will be caught and infected by the zombies... Before this happens, I leave one last important message: If you happen to find the key within the complex, proceed to the lab immediately. It may be your only hope. #14 Night Watchman's Diary -------------------------- August 11th I finally had the chance to see blue skies for the first time in ages, but it did little to lift my spirits. I was reprimanded by the chief for neglecting my duties while I was up on the clock tower. There's only one thing I still don't understand: the chief seemed to be more concerned about the fact that I was up on the tower rather than that I was neglecting my duties. Why was access to the tower prohibited in the first place anyway? September 5th I recently talked to the old man who works in the scrap yard out back. His name is Thomas. He's a quiet man and really seems to enjoy chess. He even went so far as to design a special key and lock engraved with chess pieces on them for one of the doors in the disposal yard. We made plans to play chess tomorrow night. I can't help but wonder how good he is. One thing that's been bothering me about him is the way that he's always scratching himself...Does he have some sort of skin disease or [is he] just rude? September 9th Thomas was a much better player than I has imagined. I used to think of myself as a fairly decent player, but he did a pretty good job of humbling me. About the only thing I imagine that could match his skills in chess is his appetite. All the guy did was talk about food throughout the entire game. He sounded fairly healthy, but he didn't look quite right...I wonder if he's okay. September 12th I was supposed to play another game of chess with Thomas, but we had to cancel because he hasn't been feeling too well. He stopped by to see me, but I told him to go back and rest since he literally looked like the walking dead. He insisted he was just fine, but I could tell he was really having problems. Come to think of it, I haven't been feeling too good myself lately... #15 Sewer Manager Fax --------------------- -User List of the Connecting Facility- On the first and third Wednesdays of the month, Angelica Margaret, chief of maintenance, will make use of the facilities. Be sure to reduce the moisture levels in the facility by activating the fan, as the equipment she will be using is susceptible to the effects or water vapors. On the 28th of every month, the chemical transporter Don Weller will use the facility. The chemicals he will be transporting are extremely volatile. Extreme caution should be observed throughout their transport. On the 6th and 16th of every month, police chief Brian Irons will visit the facility to attend the regular meeting that take place in the lab. On the 4th Friday of every other month, William Birkin will use the facility to conduct a training seminar for the Chicago branch of Umbrela Inc. As the probability of an attack upon William Birkin will be high, take every measure conceivable to guard his life. You will be informed of all other potential visitors and times they will arrive as needed. Guide these individuals to their destination safely. We expect nothing but the best from you. Charles Coleman Secretary Chief Umbrella Headquarters #16 Sewer Manager's Diary ------------------------- June 28th It's been a while, but I saw Don today and we talked after completing our work. He told me he had been sick in bed until yesterday. It really doesn't come as much of a surprise given how long he's been working here. He was sweating like a horse and kept scratching his body while we were talking. I asked if he was hot, but he just looked at me funny. What's wrong with him anyway? July 7th Chief Irons has been visiting the lab quite often lately. I don't know what he's doing over there but he always looks grim. The expression on his face has been even more unsettling than usual... My guess is that it's because of Dr. Birkin's impossible requests. The chief has my sympathies though. After all he's done for the town, he doesn't deserve this. July 21st I rarely drink because I'm on the graveyard shift, but I don't suppose I have much to complain about it since this is how I make my living. August 16th Chief Irons came in late today, looking grimmer than his usual self. I tried to joke with him to cheer him up but he wasn't amused. He pulled his gun and threatened to shoot me! I was able to calm him down, but that guy must have some serious problems. He knows he can't enter the lab without my help and my medal. This is what it means for the chief "to serve and protect"!? August 21st William informed me that the police and media have begun their investigation on Umbrella's affair. He said that the investigation will be citywide and that there is a possibility they'll even search through the sewer. He asked me to suspend all Umbrella sewer facility operations until the investigation has concluded. The sewer will still be used for passage, but he stressed that I have to be extremely cautious and that I'd lose my job if anyone finds out about this operation. #17 User Registration --------------------- Temporary User Registration for the Culture Experiment Room: User Name: "GUEST" Password: None Valid for 24 hours. #18 Laboratory Security Manual ------------------------------ Laboratory Security Manual -Security measures in case of an emergency- In the instance of an uncontainable biohazardous breakout, all security measures will be directed toward the underground transport facility. In the instance that any abnormalities are detected among cargo in transit, all materials will automatically be transported from the loading zone to the designated high-speed train. At which point, all materials will be isolated and disposed of immediately. In the instance of a Class 1 emergency, the entire train will be purged and disposed of without delay. In the instance that the lab itself becomes contaminated, the northern most route currently used to transport materials to and from the facility will be designated as an emergency escape route. This route will secure passage to the relay point outside the city limits. Disclosure about any information regarding research conducted here, or the existence of this facility, is strictly prohibited. Since it is top priority to keep all research classified, escape access may be denied under certain extenuating circumstances. #19 Instructions for Synthesis of the G-Virus Antigen ----------------------------------------------------- Any beings infected by the G-virus will reproduce through the impregnation of an embryo within another living being. Unless rejected by the host, the embryo will undertake a process of gradual cellular invasion, infecting the host's cells on a molecular level as it rewrites their DNA. Once the metamorphosis is complete, the host will be capable of continuing this cycle of self-replication. The duration of time for the process to run its course will vary from subject to subject. In the early stages of cellular invasion, it is possible to halt progression of the metamorphosis through the administration of the G-vaccine antigen. The following procedure details its synthesis. The vaccine creation requires the base vaccine. This can be arranged by the activator VAM. First set the empty cartridge to the VAM and activate it. After several moments the process will be complete and the white-color base vaccine will be set in the cartridge automatically. Then confirm the green light is on, remove the cartridge and proceed to the next step. Once the base vaccine has been prepared, set it in the vaccine synthesis machine located in the P-4 level experiment room. The machine is fully automated and only requires the user to push the sequence start switch. At this point, the program will run automatically and synthesis will be complete within approximately 10 seconds. As the synthesis of DEVIL is an extremely delicate process, the quality will vary with slight shocks or changes in temperature. Careful handling is required for the proper results. #20 Investigate Report on P-Epsilon Gas --------------------------------------- INVESTIGATIVE REPORT ON P-EPSILON GAS -This report demands immediately attention- The P-Epsilon gas has been proven capable of incapacitating all know B.O.W.s (Bio-Organic Weapon). As such, it has been designated for emergency usage in the event of a B.O.W. escape. Reports based on data collected during the prior incidents indicate the potential for negative side effects. The P-Eplison has proven to weaken the B.O.W.s' cellular functions. However, prolonged exposures will result in the creation of adaptive antibodies to the agent. Furthermore, some species have been observed to absorb the P-Eplison gas as a source of nutrition and use the toxins extracted against anything that is a threat. Use of P-Eplison gas should be severely limited to extreme cases only. We strongly request the authority to re-evaluate the P-Eplison gas development system. We would like this re-evaluation to take place immediately. 2nd R&D Room/Security Team ******************************************************************************* -------------- 13. Legal Crap -------------- This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Copyright 2005 Tom Beck The only website with permission to post this guide is GameFAQs. Credits ------- - GameFAQs for hosting this guide - CjayC for creating this awesome website. - All the fantastic GameFAQs writers who inspired me to get off my ass and do something productive for this site. - Capcom for creating such a wonderful game series. - My brother for letting me use his laptop - Caffeine for allowing me to stay up all night writing this. - And last but not least the readers, because you're cool. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to email me at trbeck13@gmail.com Bye everyone. Until next time! *******************************************************************************