g a m e r a v e p u b l i c a t i o n s p r e s e n t s ------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-/ = RESIDENT EVIL 2(Game.com): PERFECT GUIDE / = Version 3.00 - Complete /___D_A_N_G_E_R_B_O_Y__ =------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-/ By Jason Dvorak =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Copyrights and Stuff ( C ) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Resident Evil 2:(Game.com) Perfect Guide" is copyrighted 2001 by Jason Dvorak. Game Rave is copyrighted Jason Dvorak. All text, images (ascii art), and writings within this guide are the sole property of the author. This publication may not be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of the author. In other words, ask first.=) E-Mail Contact: jason_dvorak@hotmail.com Subject: "RE2 GC Guide" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Table of Contents T O C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TOC. Table of Contents VER. FAQ / Guide Version History INT. Introduction G E. Guide Explanation a. Character Files b. Weapons in game c. Items in game d. Files 1. Walk Through Part 1 - City Under Siege 2. Walk Through Part 2: Raccoon Police Department (Area 1) 3. Walk Through Part 3: Raccoon Police Department (Area 2) 4. Walk Through Part 4: Library, Top Floor 5. Walk Through Part 5: Raccoon Police Department (Area 3) 6. Walk Through Part 6: Raccoon Police Department (Area 4) 7. Walk Through Part 7: The Basement 8. Walk Through Part 8: The Basement (Second Floor) 9. Walk Through Part 9: Train Station 10. Walk Through Part 10: Laboratory (Area 1) 11. Walk Through Part 11: Laboratory (Area 2) 12. Walk Through Part 12: Laboratory (Area 3) 13. Walk Through Part 13: Laboratory (Area 4) e. Glitches / Thoughts f. Programmer's Cheats END =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FAQ / Guide Version History V E R =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -----> September 18, 2001 - Version 3.00 is released. Includes: a. Finished, complete walk-through of whole game. b. Programmer's Cheats and Glitches. c. Unless something new arises, this is the final release. d. Repaired broken Ascii Art, removed older Version History. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INTRODUCTION I N T =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introduction Version 3 For those that have been using this guide already, please read the following. For those just joining us, you weren't missing much. This new introduction is to explain the new format of the guide. Previously, the guide was written as just that; a guide through the game. However, the moment you hit the later parts of the police HG, you realize that there are multiple paths to the last few stage areas. So... Instead of a straight walk-through, I have instead turned this into a room by room map. Considering you'd have to have already played the PSX version of Resident Evil to know how to do things in this game anyway, I'm sure most people know their way around, at least in an overview sort of way. Other than that, I'm sure you'll have no problems getting through the game. One important thing to note: This guide is based on the assumption that you will kill each and every creature you see. Should you skip by zombies, the game will compensate by relocating them in certain areas. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GUIDE EXPLANATION G E =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= KEY: ------ --->[ 2a ] ------ Each of these squares represents a Game.com screen. Inside the 'screen' you will find all the useful data that is needed to get through the game. Each time you see a number (in the example case,'2'), that refers to the zombie count of that screen. In other words, you will need to kill 2 zombies. If there is no number, no zombies are present. The letters correspond to items I'll list in the verbal area. In this case, 'a' would refer to said item. If there is no letter, then there is no item in that screen. ---> ! The exclamation mark means an important key item or action. ---> S, @ A capital S means that there is a Save Point available. The @ symbol means that there is a Chest on screen. REMEMBER WHERE THESE ARE! Why? Because they aren't exactly frequent, if you know what I mean. ---> 3D movement Because the game.com version isn't in true 3D, Tiger instead developed a 3 plane system. Leon can stand in the background, middle ground, and foreground. He can walk in between each plane freely as he moves. Use this to your advantage. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= a. Characters Files a =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______________ | Leon Kennedy \____________________________________________________________ | | | The main hero of the story. Leon was in town to begin his new job at the | | Raccoon Police Department. Little did he realize the dark secret that was | | hidden within the walls of his future home. | | ____________________ | |_________________/ Zombie: Citizen \____________________________________| | | | There are two types of zombies in the game: the citizen and the officer. | | The citizen is the version without the hat. Once a normal human, they now | | walk the streets without thought, searching only for their next victim. | | ___________________| |_______________________________________________________/ Zombie: Officer | | | | Once keepers of the peace, Raccoon's Police force now stalks the people | | they were sworn to protect. Both zombies travel in various packs. Average | | group size is 2, though they have been seen individually and in packs of | | or for. Approach with Caution. | | ____________________ | |_________________/ Lickers \____________________________________| | | | You thought the zombies had it bad? Lickers have been reduced to an animal| | like state. Although they can not see, their tounge acts as their eyes. | | They can inflict huge amounts of damage if close enough. Avoid them. | |______________ | | Cerebus \____________________________________________________________| | | | Man's best friend? We think not. What's left of these poor creatures now | | prowl around the alleys and train stations. | | ____________________ | |_________________/ Giant Spiders \____________________________________| | | | Exactly what the name implies. These huge, mutant insects have been seen, | | but no offical report of how they came into exististance is on file. | | We do know that they can reach out and grab you from a distance. | | _______________| |___________________________________________________________/ The Alligator | | | | This seems more like school yard myth than anything we need to care about.| | Apparently somewhere in the sewers is a giant, overgrown alligator that | | has taken up residence. Fire officials claim they have an idea of how to | | get rid of it, but so far no team has come back from the mission. | | ____________________ | |_________________/ Mutant \____________________________________| | | | Subject: Unknown | | Description: Unknown. Confirmed not human. | | Case Status: Open | |______________ | | Tyrant II \____________________________________________________________| | | | Subject: William Birkin | | Description: Creator of the Virus which Umbrella so badly wants. Last | | place of existence was a hidden Facility below the streets and sewers. | | Birkin is considered extremely dangerous and mentally unstable. | |___________________________________________________________________________| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b. Weapons b =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______________ ____[ Regular Gun ]_________________________________ | =============== | | Standard issue fire arm given to Racoon officers.| | | | It will take an average of 5 to 6 bullets from | | this weapon to take a zombie down. 1 final shot | | after the initial assault may be required. | |__________________________________________________| _______________ ____[ Shotgun ]_________________________________ | =============== | | A much more powerful weapon. Found at the scene. | | | | Zombies will be taken down in 1 or 2 shots with | | this weapon. However, caution is advised. | | You'll need as much ammo in this to take on | | your enemies late in the game. | |__________________________________________________| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= c. Items c =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _________________________________ | Item Name Item Usage \ ============================================================================ Medical Herb | Heals Leon one level of health out of three. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Med. Herb Combined | Heals Leon two levels of health out of three. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Aid Spray | Heals Leon three levels of health out of three | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ink Ribbons | Used in various Typewriters to save your game data. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spade Key | Used to open various Police HQ doors. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Club Key | Used to open various Police HQ doors. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heart Key | Used to open various Police HQ doors. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Key | Used to open various Police HQ doors. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond x 2 | Used to get Diamond Key | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crank | Used to lower stairs to Cog Room | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Cog | Used to open pathway to the basement. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Card Key | Used to open Red Card Door | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Card Key | Used to operate the elevator train. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lab Card Key | Used to open final door to Tyrant. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lighter | Used to burn painting and get diamond. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bullet Box | Used to reload Normal Gun | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shotgun Shells | Used to reload the shotgun. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= d. Files d =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In the original RE2, you could find files / photographs that would give you clues to the wherabouts of certain items. In the Game.com version, they are already given to you. SInce that's the case, there's no reason to list them here. Just choose "File" from your in-game menu and you're set. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walk Through Part 1 - City Under Siege O N E =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ MAP OVERVIEW (In-Game) ==START== Each number on the map matches _________________ up with the numbered in-depth [ ] screen guides listed below. [ ] Due to the weird game.com [ 1 ] angles, the screens may be [ ] arranged as they flow in-game, [ ___________] not how they appear __________] ] on the map. [ ] ] ___[ ] ] _____________[ 2 ] [ ] [ \ \ ] [ ] [ ]---------]----] [ 3] [ \ 4 \ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ==To Police HQ== ____ __[===]--------[ ] __________________/ _____ [ =[ ] [===] [ ] [ II_______II ] [ =[__] [---] 5 [ ] [ 10 ] [_ ___6_[____________[__]__[ ______________________] [ \ [ 8 ] \ ] [ [_ \____/ _] ] [ 7 ][ 9 ] [ ][ ] [--------------][----------------] ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- ----- ----- [ ]==[ 1 ]==[ 1 ] ----- ----- ----- { 1) The Beginning: Raccoon City ----- As you begin the adventure (or nightmare),get used to the way [ ] you'll be moving on the game.com screen. There are only so ----- many frames in the 3D illusion, so once you have that down, picking off zombies from a distance will be a cinch. ==================---------------------------------========================== ------ 2) Gun Shop [ a ] As you enter the second area, you'll be able to find the ------ shotgun in the first screen (a), and then Bullets(b) in the ( second room. ------ [ 1b ] ------ ==================---------------------------------========================== { ----- 3) The Alleyway [ ] There's nothing in the first screen, but 2 zombies need to be ----- dealt with as you enter the second one. The door you need to { to go through is here, but one more screen down are ----- bullets(c). Now head back through the gate. =[ 2 ] ----- { ----- [ c ] ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- [ 1 ]= 4) The Basketball Court ----- /----- This area holds a hidden (but useless) screen to the right of =[ 2 ]= { the front door. Once you dispose of the zombies, head out the ----- \----- other gate. [ ] ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- 5) The Alleyway 2 [ ] This next alleyway will take you one step closer to the main street ----- which holds the Police Station. There's only one zombie to worry { about, so either kill it or move past. ----- [ 1 ] ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- 6) The Back Stairwell. [ ]=== Follow the path to the left, again taking out the solo zombie. ----- The stairs at the back of the far left screen lead to the main { road. ----- ----- [ 1 ]=[ ] ----- ----- { ==================---------------------------------========================== 7) Main Road { { Here's where it gets a bit ugly. There are of 4 ----- ----- ----- ----- zombies that need to be taken care of, so if you [ ]=[ 1 ]=[ 1 ]=[ 2 ] have the shotgun, you may want to use that on the ---- ----- ----- ----- last two, since there's not much room to maneuver. Once you get to the last screen, head into the bus. ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- 8) One Stop Bus Stop =[ d ] You can catch your breath inside the bus, as well as grab some ----- bullets(d).There's three zombies waiting outside for you, so make { sure you have yourself well equipped. ----- [ ]= ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== 9) Head for the Station { { After the initial two zombies, you'll only have one ----- ----- ----- ----- left to deal with for about 3 screens. After that, [ 2 ]=[ ]=[ 1 ]=[ ] there's two more. If you've been wasting bullets, be ----- ----- ----- ----- sure to conserve them, as the next reload won't be until you're inside police headquarters. Once at the end of the path, head inside the gate. ==================---------------------------------========================== 10) Heading for the front door { { After taking care of the last 2 outside zombies, ----- ----- ----- ----- grab the herb(e) and head inside Police HQ. Take a [ ]=[ ]=[ 2 ]=[ e ] break, you're done with part 1! ---- ----- ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walk Through Part 2: Raccoon Police Department (Area 1) T W O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ MAP OVERVIEW (In-game) POLICE HQ: First Floor, Left Side [--------------------------[--------=[---------------------------] [ 5 [ =[ ] [ ___ ____ / 8[-\ -=[ ] [ ] [ ] [------------[ [ [ ] [ ] \ 6 [ 10 / [ 9 [ ] [- -]-- ----[-- ------------------[ ] [ \ ] \ 7 [ \ [ ] [ ]--------[ 11 / ] [ ] [ [ ] [ ] [______ ______________[ 1 ] [ / 4 [ \ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]________[______________] 2 [ ] [ ] / ==START== /To Area 3 [ 3 / [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------ ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- ----- ----- 1) Inside HQ: Main Hall ==[ ]=[ f ]=[ S ] The first room you'll be in will allow you to grab a ----- ----- ----- Spade Key(g) from the Statue. You should go and { { save, so head right and up. In the corner screen, ----- ----- ----- walk left into the cubicle, and use the ribbon on the ==[ ]=[ g!]=[ ]== typewriter. There's also the set of bullets(f) in the ----- ----- ----- upper center screen. { ==START== There will be three doors to choose from. One on the left leads to area 2, and the others lead to the rest of Area 1. The upper left side door locked with the Club Key, so that's out. That leaves the bottom left And right doors. You will need to head through the Bottom left one, to room #2. ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- 2) Weapons Room [ ! ]= Here you'll find your first chest, with 3 First-Aid Sprays in it. ----- The items in this chest will show up in the other chests. { There's a Shell(h) item in the next screen, so grab that and ----- head through the other door. =[ h ] ----- *You may want to do the following: Dump everything but the first gun, bullets, Spade Key, and the Ribbons into the chest. It'll make room for some stuff later. ==================---------------------------------========================== { ----- 3) Corner Hallway 1 [ ] Okay, there's a total of 3 zombies here, and one important note. ----- When you reach the third room, it will look like a dead end. You { need to walk right. For some reason they didn't shade the image ----- right. Regardless, you'll see your first door. Head inside. [ 1 ] ----- ____To Room 4 (Records) { / ----- ----- ----- [ ]=[ 2 ]=[ ]= ----- ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- 4) Records [ I ] Here in the police record area, you'll find a hidden Ink Ribbon ----- (j) behind the desk in the foreground, and in the next screen over { you'll find the crank (I). Head back out and continue on down the ----- Hallway. You'll pass through another door and be in C. Hallway 2. =[ j ] ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- [ 2 ]=[ ]=[ ]=[ ]=[ ]= ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- { 5) Corner Hallway 2 ----- This hallway is pretty dry with only 2 zombies and no items. It does [ ] however lead to an area with a very important item. The first door ----- you see here will be the entrance to the Meeting room and lounge { area, so we'll tackle those two together right now. ==================---------------------------------========================== 6) 7) 6-7)Meeting Room and Lounge { { Many chairs adorn the messy, messy room. Walk into ----- ----- ----- the next room, grab the bullets if you need them, and [ ] [ ]=[ k!] then head into the back lounge area. Go to the ----- ----- ----- painting on the wall, equip your lighter, and press A { while facing the painting. You'll burn a hole in it ----- and receive the first of the two jewels you'll need. [ l ] Don't worry if you out of space in inventory, ----- there's a chest coming soon. { to Room 7 Head back out of the room and finish walking the corridor. You'll get to your next door. ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- ----- 8) Middle L Hallway {----[ 2m]=[ m!] Okay, this area gets a wee bit hairy. There are four { ----- ----- zombies to deal with, with two doors and a stairway. ----- { The door to the bottom is a locked Club Key door(Rm =[ 2 ] 10.) Head upwards, passing the stairs and instead ----- heading for the farthest door. Inside here (Room 9) { are the chest, the typewriter, and another box of ----- bullets. (The typewriter is that white thing to the =[ ] far right. Unless you have Ink Ribbons in your case, ----- you won't access it. (M on the map = Herbs) With this chest, you'll be able to do some important Swapping. After you save, dump the ribbons back in, And keep a gun w/ bullets, the red jewel, and a Health. Now go back outside, and head up the stairs, To the new map area! ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- ----- 9) Small Room [ ]=[ n!] Inside here you'll find a Chest and Hand Gun Bullets (n). ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== =---- ----- 10) Stone Stairwell = o ]=[ 2 ]~ The pathway here is is partially useless, were it not for the =---- ----- Medical Herb (o). The doors to the last room are locked with | the Club Key. ----- [ 2 ] The big important factor here is the set of stairs, which will ----- lead to hallway 1 in the Second Floor, Left side map. | ----- ~[ ] ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== | 11) The Police Office ----- ----- ----- Getting into the room from either way requires the [ p ]=[ ]=[ q ] Club Key. The items of Medical Herb (p), Shotgun shells ----- ----- ----- (q), and the all important Heart Key (r) are in this room. | ----- ----- The key is guarded by one zombie. This is the last key [ ]=[ 1r] you will need for the entrance to the basement. ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walk Through Part 3: Raccoon Police Department (Area 2) T H R E E =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ MAP OVERVIEW (In-game) Stairs From First Floor Corner POLICE HQ: Second Floor, Left Side |[[[[[[[[[[[| | =|_____________ _________________________________________| START =| | =| To R. Side-> | 1 | _______ __________| |--------|-------------------------------| | || [ | | | | | Fire [ | | | | | Escape [ / | | |---| ] to [ | | | 5 / ] bottom [ |-----------| | |---| ] floor. [ 2 | | | | ] [ / | | | ] [ | 3 | |_________/ __________]]]]]]]___| ] [ | | ] [ ] [ | | 4 ] [ ] [ |___________| __________] [ ] [ | ] [ ] [ / ] [ ] [_____________________|______________] [______] ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- [ ]-| 1) The Long Hall way ----- | This first hallway is pretty barren, minus the 2 zombies. Take care ----- of them, and you’ll be able to grab the bullets at the other end. [ 2 ] However, one of the red gems is hidden here. Move Leon next to the ----- two off-color statues, and press A. He should move them into place, | causing the gem (o) to drop from the center bust. Take it and go. ----- There are also shells to be had (p) [ p ] ----- ----- ----- |____[ o!]-[ p ]-- ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- [ ] 2) Next Hallway ----- In this hallway, you’ll have access to a large room which hides a | medical bottle (q), and 4 zombies. Duck into room 3 to get the ----- bottle, and then head down and around to the door. [ 2 ]----\ ----- \_ To Room 3 | ----- 3) Room 3 [ 2 ] The bottle is hidden in the left room, behind the black pile. ----- ----- ----- | [ q ]-[ ] ----- ----- ----- [ ] | | ----- ----- ----- | [ ] [ ]-- ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== (Start at the bottom screen) ----- [ 2 ] 4) The T Hallway ----- 5 zombies are here, with your main objective being the door to the | right. This will lead you to the library. ----- [ ] ----- | | ----- ----- ----- [ 3 ]-[ ]-[ ] ----- ----- ----- | ----- [ ] ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== (to room 4a) | Room 4a 4) The Library ----- ----- ----- ----- When you first walk in, you’ll see --[ ! ]-[ ! ]-[ ] --[ ] the first arrow on the wall, and a ----- ----- ----- ----- book shelf. Push the shelf underneath | | | the arrow, and do the same to the ----- ----- ----- other bookshelf. A Club Key(r) will [ ]-[ ] [ r!] drop out and you’ll be in front of its [[[[[ ----- ----- slot in room 4a. The doorway leads to | the hallway that connects the two top halves of the building. If you take the stairs up, there will be a long hallway, and a door. The door leads to the Wall of Gears. ==================---------------------------------========================== ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Walk Through Part 4: Library, Top Floor F O U R =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ MAP OVERVIEW (In-game) Library, Top Floor ________________ | | | Hidden Stairs | ___________ | | [ ] | T--------| [ ] | 4 | [ ] | | _________ [ ] |_______| [-------] [ ] [=======] [ 1 ] [---------------------------[=======] [ ] [ 3 [ ]_________________[ ] [___________/ _____________[__________________________/ _______]__________ [ ] [ 2 ] [_____________________________________________________________________] ==================---------------------------------========================== | ----- ----- ----- [ ]=[ ]=[ = 1)When you get upstairs, you'll have a small hallway to run. ----- ----- ----= Enter the first door you see, and move on to room the next | = hallway. ----- [ ] --X-- *X = There's a hole in the railing that allows you to drop to the library's first floor without having to backtrack. ==================---------------------------------========================== | | 2) Long Hallway ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- You'll walk out into a zombie-fied path, with [ ]=[ 1 ]=[ 2 ]=[ ]=[ ] your main goal being to the far left. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- 3) Here is where the gear crank you found in the Xerox Room comes =[ ] into play. Use it on the wall to thr far end of this room, ----- standing directly in front of it to use it by pressing A. | ----- A staircase will open up. Take that and you’ll be inside the [ ! ] main gear assembly. ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- ----- 4) Hidden Stairs = ]=[ ] Upstairs in this new area, you'll come face to face with a wall =---- ----- of gears. Here you will use the Golden Cog on the wall to open = | a passage that will drop you into the basement. ----- [!!!] NOTE: Once you're in the basement, there is NO TURNING BACK. ----- Make sure you have found and dropped off any and all items in a Storage Chest before going any further. ==================---------------------------------========================== ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =Walk Through Part 5: Raccoon Police Department (Area 3) F I V E =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ MAP OVERVIEW (In-game) POLICE HQ: First Floor, Right Side ______________________________________________________ [ | |[[[[[[ ] [ 6 \ 8 | ] [ | __________ |_/ __________ ] {---------| [ ] | ] ] [ \ [ ] | 11 ] ] [ 7 | [ 9 ] |------------] ] [_________] \ ] | ] [ [_____|________]_ _| 10 ] [ \ | ] [ ______________________|______ _____________] [ | | | / | [ 1 | | 3 | | [ \ |_ _____| | [ | 2 / | 4 |________ [ | / | ===] [ | | \ 5 ==] [_______|_____________________|____________|______=] ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- ----- ----- ----- 1) L Shaped Hallway [ 2 ]=[ 2 ]=[ ]=[ r ] The early going will be rough, as you ----- ----- ----- ----- to area 8 deal with 4 zombies. The first door | | | you see will take you through area 2 to area 2 ----- ----- to the stairs outside. The other will [ ]=[ ] lead you to the U shaped hallway that ----- ----- wraps around the room with the all important Golden Cog. The room (9) is locked with the Club Key. More on that room later on in the list. ==================---------------------------------========================== to area 3 | ----- ----- ----- ----- 2) Inside the office area is a smaller area (3). =[ 2 ]=[ 1 ]=[ ]=[ s ]= Within this room however, is a Bullets Pick ----- ----- ----- ----- up (s) and the exit way to the small hallway. ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- [ t ] 3) Small Office ----- In here you will find two very useful powers ups. The Shotgun | Shells (u) and a Medical Herb (t). ----- [ u ] ----- | ==================---------------------------------========================== locked door to area 10 (Heart) | ----- 4) Despite the small size of the room, it has a very important [ ] role in the game. To the right is the stairwell that leads ----- to the right side of the second floor. Later on, with the | Heart Key in tow, you'll open the upper door, which will ----- lead you to the basement. [ ] ----- NOTE: Once you're in the basement, there is NO TURNING BACK. | Make sure you have found and dropped off any and all items in ----- a Storage Chest before going any further. =[ ] ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== | ----= 5) Back Stairwell up [ v = Grab the Herb (v) hiding in behind the bars, and go upstairs. ----= ==================---------------------------------========================== | ----- 6) This room is only unlockable with the diamond key, and even then [ 1 ] your only reward is a First Aid Spray (w). Be sure to let ----- the zombie know who's the boss. | ----- | [ w ] ----- 7) In the other room you'll be rewarded with Hand Gun ----- [ x ] bullets (x). No fear PSX fans, there's no Licker through ----- the glass in this one. | ----- [ ] ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== to room 9 (Club) | 8) The U Hallway ----- ----- ----- So many doors, what to do! Well, thanks to [ ]=[ ] [ ] my...um...swell numbering style, you already ----- ----- ----- know. The first two doors lead to the above | | rooms, while the last will require the Club Key. ----- ----- [ ]=[ ]- room 7 What does this room hold... ----- ----- | room 6 ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- ----- 9) The Club Key Room [ ]=[ ]= This room is a little tricky, since the puzzle is spread out ----- ----- over two screens. There will be three statues in the back | | area of the room that must be turned on in order. The correct ----- ----- order, with the statues numbered (from the left) A B C is BAC. [!!y]=[ ! ] ----- ----- The Golden Cog will drop out of the sculpture. Woo hoo! Oh yeah, be sure to grab the First Aid Spray(y). ==================---------------------------------========================== stairs to basement | 10) The Heart Key Hallway -]]]- ----- This is the one you have been waiting for. This [ a ]=[ ]-\ Hallway is the final entrance into the basement. ----- ----- ----- | [ ] On your way there, you'll pick up a herb (z), to room 11 ----- a Shotgun Shell (b), and another Shotgun | shell (a). Before heading into the stairs, go | 11 ----- into room 11 and grab the Shotgun Shells (c) ----- [ b ] and the Ink (d). Trust me, if all the Shells [ c ] ----- lying around haven't clued you in on what's ----- | about to partake, be warned. It's about to get | ----- rough. Now head down the stairs. ----- [ 1z] [ d ] ----- WARNING: Once you head down the stairs, that's ----- it. Make sure you grab everything you need before taking the big steps. ==================---------------------------------========================== ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Walk Through Part 6: Raccoon Police Department (Area 4) S I X =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ MAP OVERVIEW (In-game) POLICE HQ: Second Floor, Right Side _______________________ ____________ | = <-- From | | == Left Side | | === _____ | | 7 | | | ___________|___ _| | | | | _______| | | | | | | | | | _____\ _| \__ | | |________________| | | | | | | | | |___________| | | | \ 3 | 4 | | | |___ | | | ____________| | | | | | | | 1 / 2 | |_______| | | ___| | | |__________ | | | / 5 / = To first floor |______|________________|_____|____________|____6____== ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- ----- ----- 1) Left Hallway =[ ]=[ 1 ]=[ ] First things first. Do not go down the hole/fire -[=]- ----- ----- escape that's in the middle of the connecting passage. [=] | Fire ----- It will drop you to the first floor with no way back Escape [ ] up. Aside from that, your only problem will be the ----- 1 Licker in the second screen. Keep moving till you get | to room 2. ----- [ ] ----- | ----- [ ] ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== | ----- 2) After the battle with the Licker, you'll find yourself inside a [ e ] two screen sized room with the Chest, Save, and Ink(e). ----- Save your game if needed, and then continue on to corridor 3. | ----- [ ! ] ----- | ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- ___[ ] 3) Corridor | ----- Another straight-forward area, this one is plagued by ----- | 4 different zombies, with the second screen having the [ 1f] To Rm. 4 brunt of the attack. If you can get by here, there is a ----- First Aid Spray (f) waiting for you. | ----- The farthest door leads to Room 4, which has the =[ 2 ] To Rm. 5 Diamond Key. If you haven't aquired the diamond from ----- the statues and the fireplace, go back and get them. | The other door leads to Halley 5. ----- [ 1 ] ----- | ==================---------------------------------========================== | ----- ----- 4) The Diamond Key Room [ h ]=[ g ] Okay, we've got the statues on the very fall wall, one ----- ----- in each screen. Go up to them and press A. You'll place | | the gems and get the Diamond Key. ----- ----- [ ! ]=[ ! ] You'll also get an Ink Ribbon (g) and Shotgun Shells (h). ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== 5) Hallway 5 ----- To be honest, this hallway is useless, aside from =[ ] To Roof the access to the back stairwell. The only thing ----- This leads to is an empty roof (well, empty if | you don't count that licker and 2 zombies). ----- [ ] ----- 7) The Roof ----- -----/ ----- ----- [ ]=[ ] [ ]=[ ] *More on this ----- ----- ----- ----- area in the Glitches | | section of the Guide. ----- =---- ----- ----- [ 2 ] [ 2 ]=[ ]=[ ] ----- ----- ----- ----- | | | | ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- =[ ]=[ ]= To stairs [ ]=[ 1 ]=[ ] ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== | ----- 6) Stairwell. [ i ] Besides the herb (i), you'll have the stairwell that leads -]]]- downstairs at the small room on the bottom right area of the floor. ==================---------------------------------========================== ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walk Through Part 7: The Basement S E V E N =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ MAP OVERVIEW (In-game) Basement: Complete _________________ Keep in mind that once you get to this point in | | the game, there is no turning back. | | | | _____________________|_______ __ | | | | ]]] | | | | _____| ___]]] |_ _| _________ | 3 | 4 | | | | / | | | | | |____| | | | | | | | | | | | | 8 | _______ |____/ _|_______/ _| |________| | | | | | | 2 | ______|__/ ___| | |___| ________________________/ ______| | |____| | | | | |_/ _____ | 1 / | | 5 | | | | 7 / |____| |_____| | \ a |---------|_________| | 9 |___| | | | | | b | |____|___| ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- 1) The first area (if dropped from Golden Cog Well) [ j ] You'll start in an area in front of a cell door, which can not be ----- open. You can grab the herb (j), and then head to your right, or | you can take a ook at the truck that you'll pass in the second ----- ----- screen. If you want to go behind the truck, have Leon placed =[ ! ]=[ ]= behind it and press A. He'll move the truck and reveal the ----- ----- door. This leads to Area 7. ==================---------------------------------========================== 2) The main long hallway (Upside down compared to map) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- =[ ]=[ 1*]=[ 1 ]=[ 3k]=[ ] This will be your first test of what's to ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- come later on. The 1* is a dog attack, and | | | | | the k is a Shotgun Shell pick up. ----- ----- To 4 To 3 [ ]=[ ] Rooms 3 and 4 are item rooms. ----- ----- | | 6 will lead you to the sewer entrance. To 6 ----- ----- [ 2 ]=[ ] The stairs are from the Police HQ. ----- --=-- = ==================---------------------------------========================== 3) ----- 4) ----- 3) First Item Room [ l ] [ ]- Nothing to worry about here. Just grab the ----- ----- Gun Bullets (l) and Shotgun Shells (m). | | ----- ----- 4) Second Item Room [ m ] [ 1n] The only item in here is an herb, but to get it ----- ----- you'll need to get past a zombie. | 5) ----- ----- ----- 5)Locker Room [ 1 ] [ 2 ]=[ ] Nothing to see here, unless you're itching to ----- ----- ----- cap an extra zombie. | ----- [ ] ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== 6) ----- ----- ----- 6) Sewer Hallway [ 2 ]=[ ]=[ ] Another way to get down to the lab is through the ----- ----- ----- sewer entrance. Grab the gun bullets (o), and work | | your way around past the 3 zombies. Place Leon so ----- ----- that he is over the sewer, and press A to enter. [ 1 ] [ ] ----- ----- | ----- [ o ] ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== 7) ----- 7) Cell Block Hallway [ ] Not much is going on here, but there is a herb (p) and ----- gun bullets (p). | ----- When you get to the cell blocks though, you'll have some items [ ] to grab. ----- | | ----- ----- ----- [ ]=[ ]=[pq ] ----- ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== 8) ----- 9) ----- ----- ----- 8) Sewer Entrance #2 [ ] [ ]=B=[ 1 ]=[ ] At the end of this three screen area are ----- ----- ----- ----- 3 very important things. The group of | | zombies, the two herbs (r,s) and the other ----- ----- ----- ----- sewer entrance. [ r ] [ ]=A=[ 1 ]=[ t ] ----- ----- ----- ----- 9) The cell area has a lone herb (t) | | waiting for you. ----- [!2s] ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walk Through Part 8: The Basement Part 2 E I G H T =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Map Overview (In-game) To 11 ______ __/ __| | Basement II | | |_____ 10 | | | ___________________|_/ _| | [[[[[ | | 9 _________________| | | |_/ __|_________________ ____________________ | | | 6 | |______ ___________| |______________/ __| | | | |_____ ______| 8 |__________ ___________| / | | | | | 7 | | | | __________|____| |____/ _______________|____| | | | | 5 | | / 4 / | | __________|________|______| ____| | | | 2 | | 3 / | |___| | Extra Area (11 - 12) __________________ |=======| | | |=======| | 12 (Train) | |=======| | _________| _______|=======| | | | -------| _________|_/ ___| | _________| | | | | | | | | | 11 | | | |__________/ ___| | |______________ From 10 | 1 | --- Start |___________________| ==================---------------------------------========================== 1) ----- [ ] 1) The long hallay in. ----- The air is thick, and the floors are cold. Besides the 3 | zombies here, you must make due with your largest adversary yet. ----- The ! is a spider..a HUGE spider. But you can can kill it with [ 1 ] the shot gun. Treat it the same way you would a licker. ----- \----- ----- ----- ----- Take the stairs up to area 2. [ ]=[ 1!]=[ 2 ]=[ ] ----- ----- ----- --=-- = ==================---------------------------------========================== To 1 2) | 3) ----- 2) This long hallway... ----- [uS@] Okay, first things first, head into room 3, [ ]= To 3 ----- NOW! You'll be able to save, as well as gain ----- access to another chest. Note that you can | drop all the keys off here, as you will no ----- longer need them. [ 2 ] ----- 3) Save baby. | ----- ----- [ ]=[ ]= To 4 ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== | | | To 6 4) ----- 5) ----- ----- ----- 7) ----- 4) Nothing to See Here. [ ] [ ]=[ ] [ ] [ ] ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 5) Only thing here is the dog. | | | | ----- ----- ----- ----- 7) Just Gun Bullets (v). [ ] [ 1!]=[ ]= To 7 [ v ] ----- ----- ----- ----- | To 5 ==================---------------------------------========================== 6) ----- 6)This long, long walk down into the depths of a storage area [ ] will provide you with Shells (w) and the very important Red --=-- Card (x). The Red Card will allow you to get to room 8. = --=-- ! In this room you'll sea huge crate/box type thing in front [ w ] of a ladder. Move Leon to the right of it, and Hit A. ----- You'll now be able to move it out of the way, and climb | the ladder. ----- [ ! ] ----- | ----- [ !x] ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== | 8) ----- ----- ----- 8) And Mutant makes three... [ ]=[ ]=[ ] This H shaped area has only one creature. Which is ----- ----- ----- more than any crowd of zombies. The Mutant can kill | kill you in 3 swipes or less, depending if he grabs ----- you or not. He CAN attack at an angle. [ ! ] ----- The best way to deal with it is to NOT deal with it. | Make sure you have at least 2 herbs with you. You'll ----- ----- ----- need it to run past him. Don't even try to fight it. [ ]=[ ]=[ ] ----- ----- ----- | ==================---------------------------------========================== | 9) ----- 10) ----- 11) ----- ----- 9) Nothing [ ] [ 1 ] [ @z]=[ a ] --=-- ----- ----- ----- 10) 3 Zombies and a Herb (y). = | | | IMPORTANT! The 1 Zombie will --=-- ----- ----- ----- ----- be *literally* right in front [ ] [ 2 ]=[ y ]- 11 [ bS] [ ] of you. Make sure you have a ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- weapon handy. | ----- 11) Now we're talking. No monsters, and lots of [ ]- To 10 items. We ave a Chest, a save point, a First ----- Aid Spray(a), Gun Bullets (z), and an Ink Ribbon(b). Also take note of the Save point. Once you've set yourself and saved, take the elevator down. ==================---------------------------------========================== | 12) ----- 12) The Train Station Area. [ ] Okay, because this map is shared by one room with the above ----- map, so I'll continue the numbering system, even though | it is a new section. ----- ----- [ 2 ]=[ 1 ]= To 13 ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walk Through Part 9: Train Station N I N E =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ __________________________ Map Overview (In-game) | | |__/ ______19____________| Train Station | | ______________________________________| | | | | | | / 17 / 18 | | |____________|________________________| | | | | | | ________________________| | 12 is the same | | | | | as the above. | | | 12 / 13 | | 16 | | ___|______________ | | | |_____| |__/ ___| | | | | | | | 14 | | | |___ ___| | |___ | / | |__ | | | | |_________________________| | | | | | / 15 | |_______|__________________ ________| | | |_____| ==================---------------------------------========================== 13) | 14) | ----- ----- 13) This area is insane. The ! is a [ ] [ ] spider, along with the 4 zombies. ----- ----- Nothing of importance to the wall, so (down to 14) | | grab the herb (c) and head down to the =---- ----- ----- ----- ----- sewer area. = 1 ]=[ 1!]=[ 3c]=[ 1 ] [ ] =---- ----- ----- ----- ----- 14) Sewer Fans | | Just a walk-through. ----- [ 1 ] Upwards (to wall) ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- 15) [ ] From 14 ----- ----- ----- ----- -----/ Nothing here that's important. [ ]=[ ]=[ ]=[ ] Just go down to 16. ----- ----- ----- ----- | ----- [ ] To 16 ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== | 16) ----- 16) See ya' later, Alligator. [ ] Okay, first things first. Trash the 3 zombies who have ----- nothing better to do. Now the cool part. Remember the | alligator from the original version? It's back! ----- [ ] The first ! is the fire extinguisher that you'll need. ----- Stand to the left of it and press A. It will drop and | roll onto the floor. Now walk the screen ahead so you see ----- ----- the gator (the second !). Now walk backwards, back to the [ 3 ]=[ ] fire ext. screen. Back up all the way to the left edge, ----- ----- and wait for the alligator to munch it. Once it's in his | mouth, fire of a round or two with the Shotgun. ----- [ ! ] Bingo, instant gator boots. :) ----- | Proceed to 17. ----- [ 1!] 17)----- 17) Pass through ----- [ d ] Grab the herb and keep going. | ----- ----- | [ ] ----- ----- [ ] | To 17 ----- | To 18 ==================---------------------------------========================== | To 19 18) ----- 19) ----- 18) This can seema bit confusing. Walk into the [ 1 ] [ ] second room, and ir will seem like there is ----- ----- no way out. Head straight back, and keep | | pressing up. You'll walk through to the ----- ----- ----- train area. [ 2 ]=[ ! ] T[ ] ----- ----- R----- 19) When you first walk in, you'll see the A | front of the train. Walk, left, and you'll I----- be along side it. *Walk into the N[ ] background*, and you'll see the third ----- screen. Press against the car and hit A. ==================---------------------------------========================== ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walk Through Part 10: The Laboratory T E N =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ___________ ______ _______ Map Overview (In-game) __________ | || | | | | | | || |_____________| | The Laboratory | 1 | | || | |____/ __|______| ______|| | | | | 3 | | 2 | |_________ ________| |____________ | | | | | | | | |_______________| | | | | | / | |_____________|_______________| ==================---------------------------------========================== 1) ----- ----- 1)From the Train [ ! ]=[ ]= To 2 The ! here is to let you know that you will need to ----- ----- go around the train's back to get to the next room. | ----- Be sure to pick up the Shotgun Shells(e). [ e ] ----- | ==================---------------------------------========================== | 2) ----- 2) The 1st Corridor [ ] Break out the Shotgun, this one is going to get ----- really rough. There are 7 zombies waiting for you | here, with the path to Area 3 set full of twins. ----- [ 1 ] 3) The Second Corridor. ----- The chaos continues, but there is an Herb (g) that Lower Path | you'll be able to get. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Head for the left path to [ ]=[ 2 ]=[ 2 ]=[ 1 ]=[ 1 ]=[ f ] get to the path that ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- To Lab II leads to the Lab's | ---== second floor. ----- 3) | [ == [ ] ----- (Left Path)---== Are you psyched? You ----- [ 1 ] -----/ only have 3 more | To 3 ----- [ ] floors to go... | ----- ----- ----- -----/ [ 2 ]=[ ]=[ 2 ] ----- ----- -----\ ----- ----- ----- [ 2 ]=[ ]=[ g ] ----- ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walk Through Part 11: The Laboratory (Area 2) E L E V E N =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Map Overview (In-game) _____________________________ | | ______________________| | | ___________ ____ | | | / | | |__ _______________ | 3 | | | / | |______________| | | 1 | | | | 2 | |_________________| | |_______________________________| ==================---------------------------------========================== | 1) ----- 3)----- 1) The Save Room [ ]= To 2 [ i ] You have the Chest, Save, and Shotgun shells ----- ----- here. Use them. Trust me. | | ----- ----- [S@h] [ j ] 3) Inside the train ----- ----- The first room has gun bullets(i), but the | important item is the blue card(j). This ----- will activate the actual elevator you're [ ] currently standing on. Go back outside to 2. ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ----- 2) =[ k ] 2) The Elevator Roof ----- Coming out on the roof, you'll have the chance to | get some gun bullets(k). Now you'll need to head to ----- the left side of the screen, where after walking a [ ] few screens you'll see a door with a small control ----- unit. Head inside to 3, grab the Blue Card, come out | and use it on the small control panel. ----- ----- ----- [ ]=[ ]=[ ] The elevator will now drop to the third floor of the ----- ----- ----- Laboratory, which will be the a huge test. Both to | | your gaming abilities and my ascii art skill. ^_- ----- ----- ----- [ ] [ ] [ ! ]- To 3 ----- ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walk Through Part 12: The Laboratory (Area 3) T W E L V E =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Map Overview (In-game) _________ | =| _______ | 8 =|__ / | 11 | | __| \ / /---| |_______ \ / / \ 7 _\ / 9 / \_ \ \ / \ / \ _______ | \ \ / /\ \ | | | |\ \ / / \ \| 6 | | |_\ /\ / / \ | | | | |\ \ / / |_ \______| |___ | \ \ / / | | |__10_| \ \ / / |____5____| \ \_____/ / \ / You'll start at the \ 3 / The building layout in here is rather elevator from the top \ / weird. There are many 'auto' corners floor that you just | | in which you'll turn a corner without rode on. From here, |_/ __| realizing it. Pay attention, as you check the map till you | | only have 1 more floor before the see the 1 area. | |__________ fight of all fights! _____| | | _________| | 1 | | |____________/ | | 2 | |______| ==================---------------------------------========================== 1) ----- 2) ----- 1) There's a weird illusion here. Even though the [ ] [S@m] overhead map shows a possible path next to ----- ----- room 2, you can't get there. Also, from room 2 | | keep walking left, off screen to get to the ----- ----- ----- main door that leads to area 3. [ ]-[ ]To 2 [ n ] ----- ----- ----- 2) Save, Ink(m), Chest, and Shotgun Shells(n). | ?? This is the LAST save point in the game. ==================---------------------------------========================== 3) ----- 3) The Main 3 Way Chamber [ ] Here's where the party begins, boys and girls. ----- When you hit the fork in the hallway, you'll have | two choices. The Left Path (marked #2 on the walls), ----- or the Right Path (marked #1 on walls). [ ] ----- If you want to get to the last level, head down #1, | and then follow the map to Area 7, then 8. However, ----- I highly advise taking the route #2 first. There [ ] are 2 First Aid sprays to be found in the areas of ----- 10 and 11. | ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- [ 1 ]=[ 2 ]=[ ]=[ 1 ]=[ ] ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== 4) ----- ----- 5)----- 6)----- 7) ----- 4) Leads to the other =[ 1 ]=[ 2 ] [ ] =[ ] [ ] three rooms. ----- -----\ ----- ----- ----- / ----- | | | 5) Herb(p). Leads to To 7 [ 1 ] ----- ----- ----- 6. ----- [ p ]====[ 1o] [ ] | ----- ----- ----- 6) Shells(o). ----- | [ ]= To 6 8)-[[[- 7) Leads to 8. ----- [ ] | To 5 ----- 8) Stairs. ==================---------------------------------========================== 9) ----- ----- 9) Leads to 10, 11. Has Hand Gun Bullets(q). [ q ]=[ 2 ]= From 3 /----- ----- 10) First Aid Spray(r) ----- | [ ] 10) ----- ----- 11) ----- ----- 11) First Aid Spray(s). ----- [ r ]=[ ] [ ]=[ s ] | ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- | | Once you clear out this area, [ ] ----- ----- there's only one place to go... ----- [ ] [ 1 ] | To 10 ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walk Through Part 13: The Laboratory (Area 4) T H I R T E E N =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Map Overview (in-game) This is it! Your destiny _________ ________________ awaits in the dark halls | | / \ of Area 9. However, for | | / ___________ \ you to get there, you'll _________| 6 | / / \ \ need to get to 8 first... | / | | | | | | |_______| | 4 | | | Oh yeah, I hope you saved | |___________| | | | your shells... | / | _________/ / | 5 ____________|____| | / _____________ | | |__/ _______/ ______|___________|_______ | |________________ | | | | | | | | | | | 9 | | / | | | | | ______ ______ | | | 7 | | | | | | | | | | |________| | | | | | | | | | | |____ ___| 8 | | | | | | | | | | / | | | | | | | | | |________________| | | | |____| |____| | ________________ | | | | | | | |_______|____/ __________________| _________| | | | | | | 1 | | 2 / 3 | | / ______________| |____ |_______________| | |______________________| | | | |______________________________________| ==================---------------------------------========================== 1) [[[-- 2) ----- 1) Easy. Leads to 2. [ ]= To 2 [ a ]= ----- ----- 2) The first door you come across is the Lab | door. You won't be able to access it without 3) ----- ----- ----- the Lab Card, which is all the way in 8. [ 2 ] To 3=[ 1!]=[ b ] Continue on, collecting all that you can. ----- ----- ----- The ! is a licker. A,B, and C are all | | herbs. ----- ----- [ 1 ] [ c ] 3) Zombies, not much else. ----- ----- | To 9 | Note: If you haven't already, don't pick ----- up the herbs if possible. There is a chest [ ] in Room 4, which you can then store ----- everything but your Shotgun and it's ammo. | 3 of the last slots will be for herbs and ----- health spray. The 6th slot if for the lab [ ] card. ----- | To 4 ==================---------------------------------========================== 4) ----- ----- 4) Yes, that chest is a sign. See above for =[ ]=[ 1 ] reasons. On to 5. ----- ----- | ----- ----- [ ]=[ @ ]= To 5 ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== 5) ----- 5) Simple stuff here. Take out the two zombies, and [ ]= To 6 and then head into the other rooms to collect the ----- goods. | ----- ----- ----- 6) Nothing here. [ 2 ]=[ ]=[ ]- From 4 ----- ----- ----- 7) There are gun bullets here, if you're | still using the gun. ----- 6) ----- 7) ----- [ de]= To 7 [ 1 ] [ 1f] ----- ----- ----- 8) Here's the cash cow of all the rooms | | in the game. The Lab Card(g) that's | ----- ----- on the floor of the corner room in 8)----- [ ] [ 1 ] Area 8 is what you need to get to [ 1 ] ----- ----- Tyrant. Once you have that Card, ----- | there is only one place left to go: | To 8 ----- ----- ----- ----- Tyrant. In Room 9. [ 2 ]=[ ]=[ ]=[ g ] ----- ----- ----- ----- | | ----- ----- ----- [ 2 ]=[ ]=[ ] ----- ----- ----- ==================---------------------------------========================== | 8) ----- ----- ----- 8) Tyrant's Lair [ ]=======[ ]=======[ ] Okay, before we begin, it's important ----- ----- ----- to note that you should have the | | | following in your inventory: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - Shotgun - Shells (At least 40) [ * ]=[ ]=[ ! ]=[ ]=[ * ] - Lab Card Key - Health Item ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - Health Item - Health Item The health items you should have are either First Aid Sprays, or combined Herbs. Tyrant will walk into the screen from the left or right side, but never from top or bottom. However, he can reach out from a diagonal and clip you. So what's a Raccoon Cop to do? First make sure you're at full health, and run to the center of the room (the !) and then run to one of the far walls, marked by the *. Jam your back all the way against the wall, and face the opposite direction. Tyrant should start coming at you. At the MAXIMUM, you have 3 chances to shoot Tyrant. If you do hit him, he'll stoop, and an explosion effect will appear. Now, as he gets right next to you, run to the opposite wall (the other *). Repeat the 'back agianst the wall' technique, and you should be fine. With the Shotgun, it will take somewhere between 20 and 30 shots to take Tyrant down. Once he falls, that's it. Game over! Congrats! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= e. Glitches / Thoughts e =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1) The Incredible Shrinking Leon Sometimes when pressed against the far wall, if you keep pressing, Leon's sprite will animate backwards for a step too far, making it look like he's growing and shrinking. 2) So much for that FAQ... The instruction manual mentions how you have a File slot for "...the files you have collected..." The problem is, they already give you all the files at the start of the game. 3) HELLO!?!?!? Nowhere in the manual does it show you a picture of the Typewriter, the one thing you need to save your progress. It shows a picture of the save screen, but not the actual in-game writer. 4) Duh... They show you the end screen of the game. There's no ending, just the "End Screen", and it's right there for you in the booklet. 5) Turning on a broken dime For some reason, Leon turns quicker if you tap the D-Pad, rather than if you held it down. 6) Your guess is as good as mine. The game.com version won't tell you if you used a key to open a door. The only way to know if a key is required is to check every door without a key in your inventory. 7) Picture this. The back of the box features a shot of a dog and spider attacking Leon. These two characters are mutually exclusive to parts of the game, and never appear on screen together. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= f. Programmer's Cheats f =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1) Hidden Items Although they are all mapped out in this guide, there are some items that are out of sight behind foreground objects. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= END Ending Credits E N D =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Thanks: - CjayC and GameFaqs.com - Tiger Electronics - The readers - Capcom =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Check out the other Game.Com Strategy Guides by Dangerboy. It's good for you.