Resident Evil 2/Biohazard 2 Leon S. Kennedy Scenario 2 Speed Guide For the Sony PlayStation Console Compiled by Mark Kim (Vesther Fauransy) Version 0.4.1 Text Build 2554 Date of Completion: January 1, 2000 (No time given) Date of Public Release: January 1, 2000 (No time given) Copyright Information --------------------- Unpublished work trademarked (tm) and copyrighted (c) by Mark Kim. All Rights Reserved. This file is SHAREWARE and is strictly for entertainment use only. In addition, this file can only be HTMLized by the sole owner of the file (Mark Kim), regardless whether the content is good or bad. 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Note that whenever I give credit, I WILL NOT REVEAL ANY E-MAIL ADDRESSES AND/OR OTHERWISE in order to protect the privacy of the people for whom I give credit to. This file has been carefully written by Mark Kim in respect to all copyrights, patents, and trademarks. Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Biohazard, Biohazard 2, Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, Albert Wesker, Rebecca Chambers, Leon S. Kennedy, and any Resident Evil/Biohazard-associated characters (whether living or dead) and any material/event associated and/or related to Resident Evil/Biohazard are registered trademarks and copyrights of Capcom Co. LTD. and Capcom USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document was carefully authored by Mark Kim in respect to all Capcom Properties, as no infringement was intended. I'll make this simple: THIS FILE IS MINE AND THERE IS NO UNAUTHORIZED USE OF IT!!! NO PAID PUBLISHERS (ESPECIALLY EGM AND ANYBODY OF THE ZIFF-DAVIS FIRM) SHALL USE THIS FILE IN ORDER TO GENERATE INCOME OUT OF THIS WORK!!!! THIS FAQ HAS TO REMAIN FREE OF CHARGE AT ALL COSTS!!!! I didn't create this file so that some hack-writer can just slack-off and get paid for it!!! ========================================================================= HISTORY OF THE FAQ June 1, 1998 ------------ To show further appreciation in playing Resident Evil 2, I have created a totally brief Leon Scenario 2 Speed Guide strictly for use with Experts. June 10, 1998 ------------- I had to update the warning just before the final battle against Tyrant, the Naked Zombies, and William Birkin because as I figured out, you need not use the Shotgun if you have 16 Magnum Bullets and upgraded to the Custom Magnum nearing the end of the game. Also, I may have touched up the areas in order to include my recommendation that you shouldn't save at all. Also keep in mind that you can only get the Infinite Weapons once. Also, I have stated a benefit of playing as Ada during her miniquests. July 5, 1998 ------------ I have a new domain registered with the InterNIC! Start checking your bookmarks now if you have not done so lately. I'm also enforcing my own anti-laming policy in this FAQ as well. Also, I may have suggested a few pet peeves depending how appropriate it is. October 29, 1998 ---------------- First Update in quite a while. There are some pretty pain-in-the-@$$ sections that are not described in this document, and I realize that the most rewarding game for the Second Scenario would not to be saving at all. I removed all saving points for the interest of handing out the Gatling Gun, which you should try to use only if you want some fun. I found out from a recent e-mail from Brandon Dennis that Speed-minded games can really bore players to death, so if you are able to get an A ranking for the first two scenarios (provided that you do have the Gatling Gun, Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher, and Hunk in your Memory Card), then go ahead and spend 6 hours playing it (though this will hurt your ranking). If for any reason I have to go in-depth with a harsh puzzle, then I will state that reason, but keep in mind that I want to be as brief as I can. The Entrance to the Power Room is what really bothered one person who e-mailed me with regards to Resident Evil 2. May 17, 1999 ------------ Use of Vesther Fauransy Pseudonym begins. Document updated to take advantage of the new Mark Kim FAQ Writing Interface. July 11, 1999 ------------ Many things have happened in the world of Survival Horror. I've been reading a lot of speed guides to see how I can benefit from playing speed games in Resident Evil 2, and even the first Resident Evil. I thought that what I can do from the documents written by Jim Irwin and Brandon Dennis would place me into gear. However, with the recent arrival of Vincent Merken's Leon Scenario 1 95 Minute File, there seems to be some unnecessary stuff that I need to take away from this file. Still, I'll try to make this file friendly for Beginner Speedsters to use. However, just expect more optional areas from this update, as I have caught several unnecessary areas from playing Leon's Second Scenario already. Rushing to the Police Station without grabbing any items (You will get the Brad Vickers Zombie this way), avoiding the need for the Weapons Storage at the Basement, and avoiding any unnecessary pickups (i.e. Extra Ammo at the Control Room Basement). Also, throughout Leon's Second Scenario, the Shotgun should be the creme de la creme for Zombie-Killing. You really don't need the Handgun at all for this one. Also, if you can practice slipping right through the zombie's fingers for about 80% of the time (Leon faces more monsters than Claire does), then you should also notice a major speed gain. Overall, your goal should be 1:45 or better (but keep in mind that Leon can only do 95 minutes in his First Scenario. Claire will have to allow at least two hours for her scenarios, but hardcore Claire Players will be able to get through her scenarios in 1:45). Also, I have fixed a lot of things ever since I've first released this file to the public. Lots of bug busts have taken place from my 35 File Experience. You may have to re-read this document since it's been remodeled. Enough ranting. Let's get onto it! July 12, 1999 ------------- Some minor bug swats. No major updates today. ======================================================================== CONTENTS OF THIS FAQ: - Newsflash - What you need to know - Guidelines - Items for Leon - The Body of this FAQ - What items to avoid - Special Items and Characters - How to mirror this FAQ or send a new version to - Resources of this FAQ - Credits ======================================================================== NEWSFLASH Newer versions of the Resident Evil 2/Biohazard 2 Speed Guide for Leon S. Kennedy's Second Scenario can be found at, where my homepage is located at. For EMERGENCY PURPOSES ONLY, I have an FTP Location where you can retrieve this documentation in ZIP Format (If you are using a Macintosh, please let me know if you can port this document as an HQX File, and if you do, please e-mail it to me so I can make the FTP Site friendly to Mac users) meaning that you will need NetZIP ( by Software Builders or WinZip ( by Nico Mak Computing. DON'T ABUSE THIS LOCATION OR I WILL TAKE IT AWAY. Here's the URL in the event you get a 304 from - Again, if you are a Mac user and if you have the ability to create HQX Files, please feel free to port this file over as an HQX, but keep the content 100% original at all costs. E-Mail me the HQX and you should get a Thank-You Message. If you have any fixes, bugs, suggestions, comments, or any tralala you want to share with me, then I have a convenient MAILTO form that you can use so you don't have to go through the hassle of using an e-mail client (which takes up resources off your computer) at the following location: - Although e-mail policing will be light for ANY RESIDENT EVIL/BIOHAZARD documents that I have published, keep in mind that if you choose to flame, I will ask your ISP to warn you and if your abuse continues to persist, then I will ask your ISP or E-Mail Provider to unfavorably shut you down. 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About Resident Evil Nemesis, it is basically only a trailer to Resident Evil 2, basically telling the story about how Jill Valentine was forced to stay away from Raccoon City once and for all, how Brad Vickers got infected, and how the events of Resident Evil 2 came about. It takes place one full day before Resident Evil 2 in other words. Since I'm targeting this one as a speed guide and not a walkthrough, it is highly recommended that you spend some time going through Leon's Scenario 2 before you even try to read this document. For those of you who want a walkthrough, you need to go to, type in "Resident Evil 2" on the Search Text Box, click on the appropriate Resident Evil 2 Link, and locate Brandon Dennis's Leon Scenario 2 Speed Guide and Walkthrough. Like I have said in the "History of this FAQ", there have been a lot of things that have changed in the world of Survival Horror. A confirmation from Vincent Merken have rang the bell for people to try to get the Rocket Launcher in only 95 minutes for Leon's First Scenario. Please remember that Leon can ONLY get 95 minutes by reading Vincent Merken's 95-Minute Guide for Leon's First Scenario. Since you've finished up the first scenario as Claire, it's time for you to play the game as Leon. My primary focus is to help you get the Gatling Gun in under 1:45. In order to help you do this, I have stated more optional areas than the earlier versions of this document. You don't need to go inside an optional area unless you are short on ammo. More on this later. I have already identified plenty of areas that will ONLY add up some time. By the time I first written this guide, I was only a beginner to speed-survival. Now I'm about 15-20 minutes faster than what I was one year ago. Even for beginners, you DEFINITELY need to take the risk of running your PlayStation for more than 2 hours because YOU WILL NOT SAVE AT ALL. Also, you will be encouraged to skip a lot of optional areas since it only adds time to your performance. For advanced players, this should be all cake since you've mastered the art of 1:45 back in Claire's first scenario. Also, there are some risks that you need to take if you want to achieve 1:45 Leon Scenario 2 Missions (i.e. less Shotgun and Magnum Ammo, et. al.). ========================================================================= GUIDELINES * It is strongly recommended that you read through this over and over again. If you need to start a Speed Game, practice on the EASY mode first before going onto NORMAL mode. This guide assumes that you are on the NORMAL mode. Since I won't mention any Save Locations at all (as much as Brandon Dennis wants you to get the Gatling Gun, I WANT YOU TO DO SO AS WELL), you will need to make sure that your latest practice speed game in Easy Mode rings up 1:45 or less for Leon's Second Scenario before trying your luck in Normal Mode. The Normal Mode is definitely the creme de la creme for this document. * Don't bother with the First Aid Sprays. If you even use a single First Aid Spray, then you will receive a lower rank. You shouldn't be able to use them. The goal to get Rank A is to heal yourself "The Hard Way". * Herbs are acceptable. Three Green Herbs provide as much healing power as a First Aid Spray. Combining a Red, Green, and a Blue Herb has more healing power than a Triple Green Herb or a First Aid Spray. Save your Superherbs (Red, Green, and Blue) for the last. * I WILL GIVE YOU NO SAVES AT ALL since my primary focus is to help you grab the Gatling Gun in under 2 hours, possibly 1:45. Even for a beginner, just pretend that Ink Ribbons do not exist. Advanced and Expert Players will probably do 1:45, but a Beginner may need to allow 2 hours for this one. Since you will not be saving at all, you will DEFINITELY need to rest up your PlayStation for at least 30-60 minutes before trying to get the Gatling Gun. * The only time you need to kill Zombies or whatever is whenever the corridor is too narrow, or if there's too many of them. Skillful swerving and maneuvering will help you ignore the Zombies unscathed, though the Zombies have much better reach than in the first Resident Evil/Biohazard. * The best way to deal with a Zombie is to aim the nozzle of the Shotgun at their heads at close-range, and let the Zombie have it! If you are lucky enough, then several Zombies will have their heads blown off with one shell. Another Vincent Merken first. Neat. * Side areas often lead to extra ammo and will appeal to Beginners. However, the only time you need to go inside a Side Area is when you are running short of Ammo. YOU NEED TO REMEMBER THAT IF YOU DO HAVE ENOUGH AMMO, THEN DON'T GO INSIDE A SIDE AREA. THE ONLY TIME YOU NEED TO GO INSIDE A SIDE AREA IS WHEN YOU RUN SHORT ON AMMO. SKIPPING AS MUCH SIDE AREAS AS YOU CAN ARE MAJOR SPEED GAINS. I WILL ENCOURAGE SKIPPING PLENTY OF SIDE AREAS FOR THE INTEREST OF SAVING TIME. * Notice that I have omitted certain parts of the mission for the interest of saving you time. Whenever possible, I will tell you what's risky to blow or not. For Advanced Players, you probably don't need that much ammo but a Beginner may need lots of ammo in order to do so. In this speed guide, you probably only need 118 Hand Gun Bullets, 18 Bow Gun Shots (I hate the Bow Gun because its efficiency leaves a lot to be desired), and 24-30 Grenades (depending on skill). You may need to pick up all Acid and Fire Shot Packs, but if you think you can handle this mission with fewer Acid and Fire Shots, then feel free to do so. * Ignore all the files as they are only time-wasters to my taste. * Plan on any events that you will undergo in RE2 ahead of time as it's easy to get lost here. Remember the less you goof-up (and the less you spend in unnecessary events), the faster you will be. * With regards to the Memory Card, I recommend that you make at least one block for these following start scenarios: Leon 1st, Leon 2nd, Claire 1st, Claire 2nd, Hunk, and Tofu. * Prizes and extra characters are only available on Normal Mode, so keep that in mind. * For a beginner, it's quite a risk to omit any ammo pick-ups but for Advanced Players, it's OK to omit unnecessary "things" since you've gotten a lot better in the game. Beginners will miss a chance to extend some precious ammo, but for Advanced Players, skipping side areas also mean some major Time Gains as well. * Lickers can be killed either by using the Shotgun or the Magnum. Later on, when you upgrade to the Custom Shotgun (I highly recommend upgrading to the Custom Shotgun but you can beat the game by not upgrading your shotgun at all, which is quite a risk), then you can slam several lickers as surprisingly long range. * Save your Magnum bullets exclusively for Tyrant and William Birkin. The Shotgun is too few and weak to nail them. The more Magnum rounds you save for these two cheap bosses, the better your chances of survival. * DO NOT USE THE MAGNUM BULLETS ON THE ZOMBIES. If you need to blow off the heads of the Zombies, aim the Shotgun Nozzle DIRECTLY at the Zombie's heads. This provides as much fun as using the Magnum, but with better economy. Special thanks goes to Vincent Merken for the Shotgun Tip. * Be sure that you keep a spare Triple Herb (or Superherb) handy and check your health often. Make sure that Leon's hand isn't grabbing his stomach at all. If this is so, DON'T USE A HEALTH SPRAY but use the Superherb or Tripleherb. You can use weaker herbs, but they may not recover Leon back to fine. The key to speed playing is to keep Leon in mint condition at all costs, so always have a spare Tripleherb or Superherb handy. * During an Ada quest you can fire faster than Leon--a great benefit to have whenever you're taking on the zombies. Even though it's only a sub-quest, you must keep Ada in good condition at all times. The game ends if Ada dies under the hands of the Zombies or if Ada gets grabbed by the bees for too long. * I e-mailed Jim Irwin with regards about the Flamethrower. I found out that the Flamethrower won't reduce your rank at all. It's good because I'm assuming that there are scrubs who can't beat up these darn plants with the Custom Shotgun at all. If you elect to kill the Plants with the Custom Shotgun, keep in mind that their corpse can hurt you, so walk with caution. * Although getting the Flamethrower won't reduce your rank, it wastes time. I suggest that you park the Flamethrower and use the Custom Shotgun to off the Plants instead. It's better to beat the game in under 2 hours instead of having to waste too much time to get the Flamethrower instead! I'd rather use the extra space to store Herbs instead. * If you have found the Vickers Zombie earlier on at Claire's Scenario, then you can go to the same place right after you get the Shotgun at the Hall of the Police Station. I'd rather skip getting the Special Key this time because it takes too much time for the effort of having to get the Special Key, plus the benefits of the alternate uniforms are rather unrewarding. I'd rather have you beat the game in under 2 hours sharp rather than going for the "cha-chi" during any time of the scenario. * When you off Tyrant, you will be given a chance to loot him for some ammo. You will be given a choice whether to loot Tyrant or not. If you choose to run away from Tyrant, then no big deal, but remember choosing to run away from Tyrant also means missing a chance to extend your ammo. I'll tell you for the least what to do whenever you face Tyrant from this update on. * If for any reason this guide won't get you through in under 2 hours or even the 1:45 quota, then make any necessary adjustments until you succeed. ======================================================================== ITEMS FOR LEON: Knife ----- Good for close-up attacks but not as protective as a Firearm. Forget using this weapon since it's pretty much useless. Hand Gun -------- Weakest weapon available for Leon, but a lot more protective. Leon's handgun is weaker than Claire's but it holds 18 bullets instead of 13. You virtually don't need the Handgun at all since the Shotgun will be your main weapon in this scenario. Hand Gun Bullets ---------------- Weakest bullets in the game for use with the 18-shot. Each box you grab is usually worth 15 bullets, and a few are worth 30 bullets. Like I said, you REALLY DON'T NEED Hand Gun Bullets or the Hand Gun to beat this Scenario. Hand Gun Parts -------------- Parts for the Handgun. Used to upgrade to the Custom Handgun. Try to wait until you run out because you will get a free reload whenever you upgrade. Free Reloads are nice because they more than make up for the side areas that you might have skipped. You seldomly need them because you're not going to be using the Hand Gun in this scenario AT ALL. Shotgun ------- The Remington M1100 is a lot shorter than typical Remingtons but has a cut barrel. No worries though, this weapon kicks ass because it can clean the path of zombies blocking your way. A great way to clean up Zombies is to get up to 3-4 steps away, aim the nozzle at the head, and blow the heads off with one shot!!! Another Vincent Merken first. 5 shells per chamber. Shotgun Shells -------------- Ten-Gauge Shells for use with the Remington Shotgun. Shotgun Parts ------------- Parts for the Shotgun. Used to upgrade to the Custom Shotgun. Try to wait until you run out because you will get a free reload whenever you upgrade. Free Reloads kicks ass because it more than makes up for the unnecessary side areas that you might have skipped. Custom Shotgun -------------- Getting the Shotgun may add unnecessary time to your performance but it's worth it. It won't lower your rank which is a good thing. More powerful than the ordinary Shotgun. Basically speaking, this is the Remington M1100 Full-Sized Semiautomatic. The Longer Barrel is created from the Custom Shotgun Parts, and reinforces even more concentrated blasts than a shorter-barrelled Shotgun. 7 Shells per chamber. Magnum ------ The Desert Eagle 50-Caliber Longslide Semi-Automatic. The most powerful handgun Leon can get in the entire game. Fires high-caliber bullets. Only use the Magnum for the Bosses. 8 bullets in a chamber. Magnum Clip ----------- These clips contain DE50AE Bullets for use with the Desert Eagle 50-Caliber Longslide. Magnum Parts ------------ Parts for the Magnum that is used to upgrade to the Custom Magnum. Custom Magnum ------------- Hits harder than the ordinary Magnum. The Desert Eagle 10-millimeter was created with the Nozzle inserted on top of the slide. The longer nozzle allows Leon to fire Magnum Bullets more powerfully. First Aid Sprays ---------------- Lots of healing power. Lowers Rank. Forget using any of these things since they are BAAAAAAAAAAD for 100% of the time. Consider them unnecessary pick-ups. Even beginners can beat the game in under 2:30 without these lamers. Either way, it doesn't recover you from Poison status. Herbs ----- Herbs heal you depending on how you combine them. To tell you the truth, your condition should NOT be less than "Fine" as your speed decreases every time your condition worsens. This is why you need to keep an herb or two ready just in case Leon grabs his stomach with his arm. If you see Leon do so, then it's time to heal up. Here's how you can combine your herbs (and know that using Herbs are acceptable): - One Green Herb: Recovers life only equivalent to 1/3rd of a First Aid Spray. - Two Green Herbs: Recovers life only equivalent to 2/3rd of a First Aid Spray. - Three Green Herbs: Recovers life equivalent to a First Aid Spray. - Blue Herb: Neutralizes Poisons. - One Green Herb, One Blue Herb: Recovers life only equivalent to 1/3rd of a First Aid Spray, but neutralizes poisons. - Two Green Herbs, One Blue Herb: Recovers life only equivalent to 2/3rd of a First Aid Spray, but neutralizes poisons. - One Red and Green Herb: Recovers life equivalent to a First Aid Spray, sometimes more. - One Red, Green, and Blue Herb (Superherb): The mother of Mixed Herbs. Recovers life equivalent to about 3-4 First Aid Sprays. The healing effect of this awesome herb looks like a Rank-reducer, but IT'S STILL ACCEPTABLE TO USE (since you have mixed three Herbs), and that's good because if your condition is at Danger, then you can restore yourself back to FINE in no time with this one. Machine Gun ----------- Fully Automatic Firing. Lowers Rank because this is considered cheating in other words. Don't worry: Most two-slots become useless anyway. Flamethrower ------------ Serious burning power for the Scrubs and has poor range. This won't lower rank, which is a good thing but adds unnecessary time to the clock. Side Pack --------- With the Side Pack, you can carry 10 items. AS A GENERAL RULE, SAVE THE SIDE PACK FOR THE SECOND SCENARIO MISSIONS. For Advanced Players, you can pass both scenarios without the Side Pack (though it's quite a risk) but a beginner will need to have it on Scenario 2. No big deal if you want to pass up the Side Pack: You just won't have enough space to carry the Herbs you want. ======================================================================== NOW IT'S TIME TO GET GOING: From the area which Leon and Claire split up into two groups ------------------------------------------------------------ Just avoid the zombies at the street and concentrate on getting the Cabin Key to unlock the Cabin Door. Get inside the Cabin, then past through the cabin, then go up the stairs that leads you to the Helicopter Wreckage Area. Be careful of the Zombies that block your way towards the Helicopter Wreckage Area. Note: You can skip FMV's by pressing the Start Button. You can also skip the announcer at the beginning by doing the same thing. The only things you can't skip are the cheesey speeches and the FMV's near the end of the game. Once you get inside Crow Hall, there should be some Herbs at your front. Turn right, then keep on proceeding until you see the door at your left. No time to waste with the Crows (since killing them wastes time) so just slip right through their fingers and proceed into the Liaison Room. On your way to the Liaison Room, you will see three Herbs. You will need these Herbs since you should keep a spare Tripleherb just in case your condition falls below FINE. The only thing you need to do in the Liaison Room for now is to grab the Valve Handle Wheel. After getting the Valve Handle, return back to the Outer Helicopter Wreckage and use the Valve Handle to extinguish the fire. Be sure to grab the Shotgun Shells from the Wreckage before returning back to the Crow Hall because you will be using the Shotgun Shells as your primary weapon for this scenario. Enter the Crow Hall and skip or watch the Tyrant intro if you want. Ignore the Tyrant (You will need to take a hit, a reason why you need to keep a spare Tripleherb ready) and advance to the inner wreckage area. Skillfully slip right through the Lickers' fingers since you are not powerful enough yet to dispose them. Lickers are bad news because they are as fast as you are when you are in FINE condition and their air slashes can do massive damage. Go to the room past through the wreckage and grab the Blue Keycard (There are Shotgun Shells near the rightmost vase, so grab them since you will be abusing the Shotgun for this scenario). Ignore the Licker and advance back to the Inner Wreckage Hall. Skillfully slip right through the Lickers' fingers and onto the Waiting Hall you go. Hopefully, you didn't suffer too much damage from the Lickers. If you didn't get hit by the Lickers (be sure it isn't the Air Slash), then you are on your way to the Gatling Gun! At the Waiting Room, grab the Small Key (so that you will trade it for the Shotgun Shells at the Not-So-Safe Room) and go onto the Magic Box. Keep only the Shotgun Shells, Blue Keycard, and the Small Key. Heal yourself with the Tripleherb now if you have suffered heavy damage from the Lickers. Get out of the Waiting Room 2F, and release the Emergency Ladder at the Main Hall 2F. Go down the ladder and proceed to the Reception Desk. Grab the Shotgun before advancing to the computer. Go to the computer and use the Blue Keycard. Now let's go to the left door near the entrance to this precinct. Negotiate the Zombies and go to the locked drawer so that you can trade the Small Key for a box of Shotgun Shells. Go to the Licker Hall and as you exit the Licker Hall, you will see an Herb at your right. You will probably need the Herb since you tossed the Tripleherb at your Magic Box. Now go to the Twisting Corridor and as you make your way to the Briefing Room, you will see two Zombies. A good way to deal with them is to just aim the nozzle at their heads and let them have it! Definitely the Vincent Merken way of disposing Zombies since he mentioned it on his Leon Scenario 1 95-Minute File. Go inside the Briefing Room and go to the Chimney. Use the lighter (Leon already has it, so don't worry about it :) ) near the Chimney and grab the Red Jewel. Time to leave the Briefing Room and onto the leftmost staircase that leads to the Second Floor. Climb the staircase and make your way to the Statue Puzzle before the hall of the STARS. Statue Puzzle ------------- When you get to the Statue Puzzle Area, you should concentrate on making the statues face the statue that carries the Red Jewel. I would personally start by moving the bronze Statue to face the Middle Statue first and then the gray Statue in. Make sure that you are moving the statues properly or you may have to do it all over again. Reason for In-Depth Coverage of the Statue Puzzle: This is a difficult puzzle and it will consume your time if you do not get the positioning out right the first time. After you get the Red Jewel, get inside the STARS office and get the Magnum near the Communications equipment. You will need the Magnum as it's important like Bread and Butter. Continue moving to the door that isn't locked by the Club Key anymore and you will run into Sherry Birkin. You will follow Sherry. Grab the Diamond Key and the Shotgun Shells before coming back the way you came. You will run into Claire on your way back to the STARS hall for some cheesey chit-chat. After the speech ends, go back to the leftmost staircase at the first floor, unlock the door to the Solved Files Room, and get inside the Safe Room near the staircase. Go to the Magic Box and keep only the Shotgun and Shells. Don't worry about keeping a spare Tripleherb because you'll find plenty of Herbs on your way to meet Ada Wong. More on this later. Make your way to the Solved Files Room. Be sure to grab the Shotgun Shells as you approach straight at the right side of you. Unlock the door and into the Locker Room to get the Heart Key. At the right of you there should be a Green Herb waiting for you. Now make your way back to the Hall on the first floor and take the right door near the entrance this time around. Your main concern is the amount of zombies that you will encounter here. If you want the Gatling Gun, then you will need to move fast in order to avoid losing health due to the high amount of Zombies here. Anyway, go back to the Liaison Room, right into the door which leads to both the Watchman's Room (Use and discard the Heart Key) and the Basement (Watch out for the dog blocking the staircase, before the dog are two green herbs), then negotiate the Basement and the lower parking lot and meet up with Ada. Once Ada finishes talking, push the car, into the jail cell to find Ben Bertolucci. Note: On your way to meet Ada, you will see plenty of herbs at the Stairway Hall leading to the Basement. Forget about opening up the safe (in the Liaison Office) even though it contains Shotgun Shells because you probably have enough ammo already. Get the herb at your extreme right before you even push the car with Ada because like I said, you need to keep a Tripleherb handy just in case you get seriously hurt. Before you meet Ben, there should be a Green and Blue Herb near the open Jail Cell. As long as you play the art of slipping and sliding, then you should be OK. The dogs can be easily slipped right through, just don't expect to slip right past through the Lickers that easy. After talking to Ben, get the Manhole Opener and use it to go inside the manhole where the dogs are jailed at. No time to waste with the Red Herb because the Dogs will attack you if you grab it, which wastes time. Negotiate the first sewer corridor, into the Chess-Operated Door Area, and back to the hallway where you will now play as Ada for awhile. Concentrate on solving the Irrigational Room Puzzle to get the Club Key and return back where the Ada mini-quest started. Note: There's definitely NO REASON to go inside the area where the Sherry Mini-Quest started to get the Shotgun Shells because I deem that as an unnecessary pick-up and it only adds extra time to your performance. Just concentrate on the Club Key, Leon should have enough ammo even though Ada won't be able to give Leon 7 more shells. After the Ada Mini-Quest, pick up the Club Key. Now go back to the Safe Room and only take the Shotgun, Shells, Club and Diamond Key. At that safe room, there is a Blue Herb. Now with the Club Key on Leon's Possesion, return back to the Inner Basement, into the Watchman's Hallway, and inside the Watchman's room if you are hurting for more ammo. BTW there is no time to waste with the dogs blocking your way back to the Liaison Room. You can open up the Autopsy Room with the Club Key but DON'T GO INSIDE THE AUTOPSY ROOM because we don't need to add time just to get the Side Pack. Back to the Liaison Room you go, like it or not. Note: The following can be skipped ---------------------------------- Since you will be using the Shotgun and Magnum as your Meat and Potatoes, I recommend that you go inside the Watchman's room it has 7 more shells and 8 more Magnum Rounds (You are now using the Shotgun and the Shells). The Shotgun shells can be found at the locker while the Magnum Rounds can be found at the same area you got the Magnum at Leon's first scenario. Make your way to the Liaison Room (You can do that classic 2236 thingy if you want to, but you don't need to waste time with that anyway if you are an advanced player) and exit the Liaison Room through the double-doors, and make a right until you see a left door at the dead-end (There is a Green Herb as you walk to the dead-end). Make your way to the Interrogation Room and use and discard the Diamond Key. Grab the Chess Plug from the shelf and just exit out of the room. The licker will only pop out of the Interrogation Mirror if you take the First Aid Spray, which is something that you don't want to grab anyway. :) Go inside the Video Room (You should be able to use and discard the Club Key if asked to do so) and light up the range. Light Faucet 12 first, then 13, then 11 to release the Cog. Unfortunately, Tyrant will butt in (Damn that bothersome fly!) so hold your ground. Grab the Cog and GET OUT OF HERE FAST before Tyrant does massive damage at you. As we make our way out of the hall, we see Tyrant busting from Leon's right. In order to save you some herbs, hug the right wall ALL THE WAY since Tyrant needs some time to turn around and react. Keep hugging the right wall and get out walking forward, and through the door, back into the hall, unscathed from Tyrant despite the narrow corridor. Tyrant has some weak spots, doesn't he? Well, let's not go too hot on this yet since Tyrant's always smart. In the First Floor Hall, take the Emergency Ladder to the Second Floor Waiting Room. Skillfully slip and slide past through that Licker (He's only as fast as you are assuming that you are on FINE Condition). Go to the Magic Box and take only the Magnum, Magnum Rounds, Red Jewels, Cog, the Chess Plug that you recently obtained, and POSSIBLY ONE SPARE TRIPLEHERB AND ONE SPARE BLUE AND GREEN HERB since you may need to kill the lickers now. Go back to the room where you got the Blue Keycard and place the Red Jewels at the statues to get the Chess Plug. Get out of the room and go to the room where you found Sherry Birkin in Claire's first scenario. In the box a Crank should be inside. Grab the Crank and make your way back to the Second Floor Waiting Room. However, Tyrant will be blocking your way and since you can't dodge Tyrant this time around (The corridor's too narrow), 3-4 Magnum Bullets should suffice. After knocking Tyrant down, loot him so that you can extend 8 more Magnum Rounds. Note: Since it's easy to miss, be sure that you are on Auto-Aiming Mode. Hopefully, your inventory is made of the Magnum, Magnum Rounds, Crank, Cog, two Chess Plugs, and a blue-and-green Herb. You probably used up one Tripleherb due to the effort of killing the Lickers. Believe it or not, the Lickers at the inner Wreckage Hall can be dodged with skill and wit with minimal damage!!! Just avoid their damaging Air Slash and you should be OK. Back to the Library we go and grab the Red Herb and mix the Blue and Green Herb to create a Superherb. Climb up the stairs and go to the Deadend and solve the classic Library Shelf Puzzle and get the third Chess Plug. Go up to the Third Floor Hall and make your way to the Gearroom. Use the Crank to release the stairs and climb up the stairs. Use the Cog and flick the switch to open a secret door. Get the fourth Chess Plug and jump down to the Vent Hole and... DON'T TELL ME HOW DID WILLIAM BIRKIN GOT INSIDE BEN'S CELL!!! He wounds poor Ben and now you have to get back to him!!! Once you get back to the area where you first met Ben, you will know that the Chief HAS BEEN WORKING FOR UMBRELLA (Wesker did work for Umbrella BTW) and Ben will die and Ada will butt in. Press Triangle repeatly to blow the Mail to the Chief since that only adds time to your performance. A cheesey speech with Ada and a radio from Claire will follow. Now it's time to go back to the Chess-powered door area and make William Birkin pay for killing Ben. William is slow but his attacks pack a powerful punch. If you are careful of this cheesebrain, then you won't be needing any herbs during the first fight. Afterwards, use the chess plugs and go inside the true first room of the Sewer to yell at Ada for her carelessness. Go to the Leon Control Room (there should be two Blue Herbs as you make your way inside) and just ignore the Basement thingy (There's more ammo but you don't need that much since you have just about enough ammo now). Take ONLY the Shotgun, Shells, and the Valve Handle, and a Single Green Herb if you have one inside your Magic Box (since you are going to be creating a Tripleherb for this part) and into the lift. Now it's time to get shot by Annette Birkin (And never trust a cold-blooded blonde like Annette Birkin, who cares only about her work). As Ada, just go out of the Lift Hall, then onto the ladder which leads to the Ventilation Fan, and get justice-shot by Annette. Now Ada will beat Annette up after having enough with her. Then take the bridge and onto the ladder where you will regain control of Leon again. No time to waste with Claire's control room, so just make your way to the corpses and grab the Wolf Medal. Now make your way to the same area Claire got annoyed by Annette in the first scenario. Use the Valve Handle to lower the bridge and cross the Bridge. Use the Valve Handle again to raise the Bridge. There are two herbs and Shotgun Shells as you make your way to the door in front of you. Hopefully, you killed the Alligator at the Alligator Hall in Claire's first scenario. If not, then just release the Canister and when the Alligator eats the canister, let the Alligator have it. Go up to Ada and let Ada patch you (Yuck, why do strangers touch each other, shouldn't there be a rule that YOU CAN'T TOUCH THE LADIES AT ALL?) and climb up the ladder. Cross the bridge and grab the Eagle Medal at the sewer management mainframes. Re-Cross the bridge and make your way back to the Alligator Hall. Make your way back to the First Floor Sewer Management Room and use the Valve Handle for the last time to lower the bridge. Cross the bridge and take the double doors and use the Animal Medals in front of the clearance device to lower the current and take the door formerly blocked by the current. Walk forward and make your way to the Lift Switch. Press X to fiddle with the Lift Switch and get inside the lift. You will have to contend with William's hand while on the lift. Four Shotgun shells should do the trick. Get out the lift, get the Weapon Box Key, and get in the factory. Note: It's quite a risk to skip this pick-up, but you can beat the game without this important pick-up ------------------------------------------------------------------ As you enter the first Factory Hall, take a left, and take a right. Be careful of the Zombies blocking your way. At the corpse, there are Shotgun Parts. Grab the Shotgun Parts and use up the entire Magazine before you upgrade because when you upgrade, you also get a free reload. A Jim Irwin/Brandon Dennis first. Now take the door to the right, and on the second hallway, head straight. Once you reach the intersection, take a left, and at the leftmost dead-end, there should be a ladder. Climb up the ladder and take both the Shotgun Shells and Magnum Rounds since you will need them. At the Magic Box, take only the Tripleherb, Magnum, Magnum Rounds, Shotgun Shells, and Custom Shotgun. Equip the Magnum and get out of the safe room. Take the lift and take the door to the security room. At the video monitors, grab the Control Key. After you get the Control Key, Tyrant will block your way. 4-6 Magnum Shots should suffice. Now loot him so that you will get 7 more Shotgun Shots. Go back to the safe room and use the Control Room Key next to Ada. Now flick the control box near the lift and you should be inside the lift in no time. WARNING: I have read Jim Irwin's Claire Scenario 2 Speed Guide and I understand that William 3 IS NOT NICE AT ALL. You may need to carry a tripleherb and a Superherb just in case Willie has to jack you with high-damage multihit combos. This is a main concern if you are planning to get the Gatling Gun. Inside the lift, Ada will get wounded by William's Hand. That means that you will have to fight William once again outside the lift. Before getting out of the lift, be sure to take the Magnum Bullets at the back of the cockpit. This William is similar to the William before the Final William at the end of Claire's First Scenario. Keep a distance from him and when he leaps into the lift, find refuge to another side and keep attacking him and repeat the process to defeat William until he can't take it anymore. About 9-11 Magnum Rounds (WHY SO MUCH?!) should suffice. Go inside the lift to find out that the lift can't operate, talk to Ada a bit, and go into the ventilation hole where the lift will operate without your guidance. Go inside the OSHA Cautionary Area. Optional: If for any reason you are carrying too much as of this point (There should be Green Herbs at the left of the Magic Box), then go to the Magic Box and take ONLY the Shotgun Shells, Shotgun (Custom Shotgun if you have upgraded to it), and a spare triple herb. After making sure that you have only the necessary items in your inventory, there should be a movable Freight near the Magic Box. Move the freight to the Lift. Now descend through the lift. Move the freight away from the lift until you have room to move the lift to Leon's left. Now move the freight upwards (make sure it's at the left of the lift) until you can't move it anymore. Be sure to leave some room so that you can push the lift towards the red lift (You can't push the box to the red lift anyway). Now push the freight upwards until you can't move it anymore. Once the freight is at the dead-end (You should be able to gain access to the Power Room, but you can't do so from this point since you don't have the Power Room Key), you don't have to do it again and that's great since this is a tough puzzle to complete. Reason for In-Depth Details: One person e-mailed me with regards of the Power Room in Leon's Second Scenario. I understood that this puzzle is no pushover, so I'll be nice to you right here. After you solve the stepstair puzzle, go inside the lower level of the power room to turn on the power of the Elevator. Be sure that you either slip and slide through the Super Lickers or just kill them (If you don't have the Custom Shotgun, then you will have to just slip and slide through them, and it's pretty tough because there are about four lickers) before providing the Elevator some much needed power. Now go back to the way you came, and go to the Elevator. Now the Elevator should be working. After you go down the Elevator, you will be at the Security Corridor. The Naked Zombies can be disposed of by just aiming the nozzle of the Shotgun at their heads and letting them have it. Try to tag several Naked Zombies at once with one shell so this way you can conserve ammo. Now head to the door at Leon's right. At the intersection, take the door to the East Area. Now take the door at the leftmost dead-end. Now walk until you see yet another dead-end. Take the Fuse Case (BUT DON'T TAKE THE FIRST-AID SPRAY NEAR THE GERRY CAN, REMEMBER THOSE ARE BAD) and stand near the computer. Use the Fuse Case and you will get the Main Fuse. Take the Main Fuse and return back to the Intersection. Use the Main Fuse at the Power Generator and head to the door leading to the West Area. Note: The following SHOULD ONLY BE UNDERTAKEN IF YOU ARE VERY SHORT ON AMMO. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I agree with Brandon Dennis with this one. You should have enough Shotgun Ammo here by the time you are in Umbrella's Secret Lab. AS A GENERAL RULE, YOU ONLY GO HERE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH SHOTGUN BOXES LEFT IN YOUR INVENTORY. A Brandon Dennis First since you only go here if you are short on ammo. A Vincent Merken first since I deem this as an unnecessary pickup. Be sure that you have AT LEAST TWO ITEM SPACES because you will need the Flamethrower which is located at the locker at the right of the Anti-BOW Gas Triggering System. Be careful as there are several Naked Zombies here. After disposing the Zombies, use the Flame Thrower on the plant blocking the pathway to extra Shotgun Ammo. Now go inside the Venthole and you will be greeted by several Lickers. Ignore the Lickers and go to the door that contains two boxes of Shells. Get both of them and head towards the door that is locked. Now it's time to deal with the Poisonous Plants at the West Area. Note: Jim Irwin told me that the Flamethrower won't lower your rank since the range of this weapon is lousy, which is a good thing since some beginners are afraid that the corpses of the plants may injure Leon. Still, the Flamethrower only adds time to your performance so just omit the Flamethrower for the sake of having lunch early. Like I said, you should have enough Shotgun Shells by the time you first get inside the West Area. Flick the switch near the door open and you will be greeted by two Poisonous Plants. Run backwards until you are out of the reach of the Poisonous Plants. Now let the Plants have it. After the Plants are done for, head to the door which is blocked by the Poisonous Plants. Be careful as their corpses can injure you somewhat. When you get inside the Plant-Infested Area, there is no time to mess with the Poisonous Plant, so just take the ladder down to the MO-Disc Verification Area. Once you are inside the MO-Disc Verification Area, a narrow corridor will prevent you from sliding from the Lickers without any wounds, so you will have to dispose the Lickers before moving on. March gently as you dispose the lickers (There should be three Green Herbs at your right as you make your way past through the MO Disc Station) and proceed to the Monitoring Room. Next to the Magic Box (near the door to the next room), take the Weapon Box Key and switch the Tripleherb to the Superherb (or a Blue and green Herb if you do have one, there's a Red Herb before you enter William's Research Room) and let's head to William's Research Room. As you enter inside William's Research Room, there should be a door that will require you to use the Weapon Box Key. Just exchange the Weapon Box Key for the Magnum Parts. Now inside the actual study room dispose any Naked Zombies by blowing their heads off (The Vincent Merken Way) and at the same area you saw the Lab Card Key, there should be the Power Room Key. Return to the Magic Box near the door and take the Magnum with you. Go back to the West Area upstairs and back to the elevator near the Security Corridor. While returning back, try to hug the left wall so the plant won't grab and poison you. If you get poisoned, just use the Superherb. Also, just use the Magnum at the Final Licker as you make your way back to the Power Room Area. If you run out of ammo, it's time to upgrade your Magnum to the Custom Magnum (You get a free kick-ass reload). As you make your way to the area where you did the painful Freight Puzzle, you will be stopped by Annette for some cheesey chit-chat. As Annette tries to kill you, Tyrant butts in and that will be the last time we will ever see Annette ever (That's good because she gives me the creeps). Bad part: Annette leaves you with Tyrant to deal with. Ignore him (if you have AT LEAST an 8-Magnum Bullet Clip on your Magic Box) or loot him by giving him 5-7 shots from the Magnum and taking the Magnum Clip from him. Back to the area where you did that painful Freight Puzzle, take the lift and descend. Now go to the dead-end which is supposed to be the gateway to the Power Room. Climb up the boxes and use and discard the Power Key. Walk to the dead-end and you will suddenly be stopped by Tyrant. Just as you thought that it's all over, Ada comes in to save you, but she gets lifted over and she lands several shots at Tyrant's face. UNFORTUNATELY, TYRANT SLAMS ADA HARD ON THE PILLAR AND FALLS DOWN ON THE MOLTEN STEEL!!! You try to save Ada's life, but she won't survive. Leon kisses Ada and then after Ada dies, he screams, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" and you feel a sense of guilt on your heart!!! Unfortunately, the lab feels like blowing up, so you'd better get out of here before it's too late. Before leaving the Power Room, grab the Master Key that is flashing with light. This is a vital item to take so don't miss out. WARNING: SAVE AT LEAST 3 MAGNUM BULLETS FOR THE FINAL ENCOUNTER WITH TYRANT, 5 FOR TAKING OUT THE NAKED ZOMBIES WHO WILL TRY TO PREVENT YOU FROM UNCLOGGING THE TRAIN PASSAGE, AND 7 FOR THE FINAL ENCOUNTER AGAINST WILLIAM BIRKIN. ADD THEM UP TOGETHER, AND YOU SHOULD HAVE 15 MAGNUM BULLETS OVERALL. YOU MUST HAVE ALSO UPGRADED TO THE CUSTOM MAGNUM JUST BEFORE YOU SUPPLY THE POWER TO THE TRAIN OR JUST BEFORE ANNETTE BIRKIN YELLS AT YOU FOR THE FINAL TIME AT UMBRELLA. YOU WILL NEED MORE AMMO IF YOU CHOSE NOT TO UPGRADE TO THE CUSTOM MAGNUM AT ALL BUT IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO CLEAR THE GAME WITH OTHER WEAPONS, BE SURE TO MEET THESE MINIMUMS. After exiting out of the Upper Power Room, Claire will tell you to go inside the Security Office to pick up Sherry. Head to the Security Office (You know where it is) and use the Master Key. You will drop Sherry inside the train. BTW There's nothing you can do to grab the items in the Security Office but who have enough ammo anyway! Now go to the Elevator and use the Master Key to release the Emergency Platform. After dropping Sherry off, go to the end of the Train and grab the Platform Key. Go to the Magic Box and take only the Custom Magnum, the remaining Magnum Rounds you have (HAVE AT LEAST 16 ROUNDS OVERALL, INCLUDE THE ROUNDS ALREADY INSIDE THE MAGNUM ITSELF), Four Triple Herbs and/or Superherbs, the Platform Key, and ONE FREE ITEM SPACE (You will free up an item space after using the Platform Key). Now get out of the train and unlock the Platform Gate (Use and discard the Platform Key). Now board the stairs. WARNING: You only have five minutes from this point to finish up Tyrant and to finish solving the Train Puzzle, so make sure you do not waste any time. Go up the stairs and go to the closed area and flick the switch to open the poles. Now grab the Joint S and N Plugs and go inside the Power Supplementation Area. At the end, use the Joint S and N Plugs. Unfortunately, Tyrant has survived the fall and he will now attack you with full strength!!! Tyrant has even faster attacks and a dual-hand press that will damage you no matter what you are doing! For the normal attacks, just run left. If you run right, Tyrant will always tag you with his punches. Once you have enough room to tag him, use your Magnum and when he charges right at you, run leftwards and he will only swat thin air. Three Shots and the ghost of Ada will drop a Rocket Launcher. Grab the Rocket Launcher and make sure that Auto-Aiming is turned on because you STILL can miss. One perfect aim is all it takes to net a spectacular finish ("Game Over!"). Now return back to the area you entered from the Elevator, but this time, keep on going straight and at the dead-end (Pass the Intersection), press the switch so that the Train is no longer blocked. Go back inside the train and into the Pilot's Room and start the train. Note: Be careful of the Naked Zombies. Once you start the train, you will pick up Claire and William Birkin. Once you regain control of Leon, load up the Magnum and reload it. Now make your way to the back of the train and you will face William Birkin for the final time. For this final transformation, all you need to do is to just walk back until you can't do so anymore and fire seven Custom Magnum Rounds until he's toast. Now try to make your way back to the Engine Room and you are finished with the game!!! Hopefully, if you have skipped all of the optional pick-ups (what I deem unnecessary since it adds too much time anyway), then your effort should be no slower than 1:45. However, beginners will have to allow a 2-hour effort in order to beat the game. If you beat the game by saving but if you already have an A Ranking, you will get an Infinite Weapon, though you can't get the Gatling Gun. Beat the game without saving, in under 2:30, and with the A Ranking, and you will get the Gatling Gun. Either way, you will get the Hunk Scenario, which is a lot harder than the regular game. Have fun! That's it!!! ======================================================================== ITEMS TO AVOID As much as I want you to get the best rank score in the Claire Scenario 1 Speed Guide, here are the items that YOU MUST NOT TAKE AND/OR USE AT ALL TIMES: - First Aid Sprays - Nearly all Ink Ribbons - Spark Shot Rifle - Sub-Machine Gun - If you won any on previous scenarios, any infinite weapons (I found that the Infinite Weapons are useless anyway) Special thanks goes to Vincent Merken for the verification about the Spark Shot. =) ======================================================================== SPECIAL ITEMS AND CHARACTERS Rocket Launcher: You must beat either the first or second scenario in no more than 2 and one-half hours, saved no more than 6 times, used no health sprays, used no infinite weapons, and you must not have picked up the limited-ammo Sub-Machine Gun at any time. If you have done the following right after you have beaten the game, then you will be able to see it on your item box the next time you play it. Keep in mind that if for any reason you use it on the next scenario, you will receive less points at the end of the next scenario. You'll need to achieve a rank of A to get this weapon. Gatling Gun: You must beat the second scenario in no more than 2 and one-half hours, have NOT SAVED AT ALL, used no health sprays, used no bonus weapons, and you must not have picked up the limited ammo UZI at any time. If you have done this condition (it's tough but it can be done), then you should be able to see a Gatling Gun in your Item Box during the subsequent missions. Keep in mind that you will lose points every time you use an Infinite Weapon. You'll need to achieve a rank of A to get this weapon. Infinite Ammo Uzi: You should be quick enough to beat the second scenario to get this weapon. Now here's the real confusion: In just about every gaming magazine, I was told that you only need to beat the game in under 3 hours and achieve a rank of B to get this weapon. Well, that's full of bull right over there. Here's MY WAY (and the best way to get it): Obtain this weapon like you would with the Gatling Gun. This way you can win 2 weapons instead of one. If you have followed this guide closely, then you *should* be able to get both the Uzi and the Gatling Gun achieving a rank of A and achieving a Second Scenario time of in between 1:40-1:45. Hunk: Beat the second scenario achieving the rank of A. This means that during the time you are trying to get Hunk, NO BONUS WEAPONS OR ANY FIRST AID SPRAYS CAN BE USED AT ALL. This rules out the Spark Shot Cannon, Limited-Ammo Uzi, and the health sprays. Tofu: Beat 6 scenarios in a row and earn the right to play as Hunk by the end of the second scenario. HOWEVER, DURING THE QUEST TO SEEK OUT TOFU, NO BONUS WEAPONS CAN BE USED WHATSOEVER. Also note that Hunk MUST BE ON YOUR MEMORY CARD before you can get him. Brad Vickers Zombie: Rush to the Police Station without getting any items at all. For beginners, this is risky but for Advanced Players, this is a major speed gain. I personally would forget this trick even though I'm capable of reaching the Police Station without grabbing any items because this wastes time. You may need to spend time grabbing any weapons you need because he takes a lot of beating before being defeated. Once you kill Brad, get the special key from the slain corpse. Now open the locked doors at the Darkroom with this key for one new choice for Claire, and two new choices for Leon. This section only works in normal mode, and will not work in Easy Mode. Best Claire B Clear Time: Claire B: 1:58:18, Rank of A with NO SAVES! Best Claire A Clear Time: Claire A: 1:46:01, Rank A with NO SAVES!! Note: The Claire A would be a little better if I haven't goofed up in the process of getting out of the Police Station!!! Remember if you want 1:45 Claire A Times, then YOU CANNOT GOOF UP AT ALL. Now here's the most frequently asked question: Q: Do I lose the bonus weapons if I use them? A: Hell no. Once you earn the Special Weapon, you can't lose it--it's inside the Item Box (the first time you open it up) provided that you keep on saving and saving. Q: How come you offer PDF's on certain puzzles for Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2? Where can I get these PDF's at? A: There are bound to be some puzzles that can either be a pain-in-the- ass to solve or they might take a lot of tricky timing to perfect, or for a beginner, it might become a major time waster in the game, thus adding unnecessary ticks on the clock to your overall performance. As much as you want to be fast, I want to help as well. From time to time, I reserve every right to offer PDF versions of some of the puzzles in Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2. Keep in mind that when I consider creating a PDF for a Resident Evil Puzzle or so-so, only the toughest puzzles will be covered. I've started this PDF mania when I realized that an optional puzzle in the original Resident Evil took a lot of tricky timing and became a total time waster that it added too much unnecessary time to my performance. The same thing occurred with the harsh entrance towards the Umbrella Secret Lab in the second Resident Evil. To my belief, words sometimes can't cover an entire complex puzzle, something that most FAQ authors are aware of. By releasing a PDF-style FAQ on certain puzzles that are billed as either major time-wasters or tricky-timing events, a beginner may benefit from the graphics displayed in the PDF rather than have to struggle wasting several seconds just to get the timing right. And PDFs can only be found at Verasnaship Interactive's Resident Evil Frequently Asked Questions Stable at this following location: Q: Will you create an FAQ or a speed guide for Resident Evil 3 Nemesis or Biohazard 3 Last Escape? A: HELL NO!!! This is just a side-story to Resident Evil 2. Upholding my beliefs that Resident Evil is basically the Redfields' story, I would stay away from this game, but I would rent it just to learn some devious secrets regarding about the bastard Umbrella Company that is causing trouble with their dangerous experiments. Henry LaPierre has a totally kick-ass FAQ available at for Biohazard 3 Last Escape/Resident Evil 3 Nememsis. However, the real sequel is the all-Redfield Resident Evil Code Veronica for the Sega Dreamcast. Q: How about those Game Shark Codes? A: Duh...You can find them by pointing on your favorite browser. A final rant from "Ves" ----------------------- If for any reason this document won't enable you to reach an achievement time of under 1:45, and a rank of A, make any necessary adjustments until you make reaching Rank A with 1:45 second nature. This speed guide is just a blueprint of what to expect so you may need to variate your skills a little just to pick up some speed that you might need in subsequent missions. ======================================================================== THE DO'S AND DONT'S Again, this FAQ can only appear in the following sites: * Verasnaship Interactive ( * GameFAQs ( * Cheat Code Central ( * Secrets of the Game Sages ( * Game Shark Code Creators Club ( Why? Because these sites are the only ones that keep all original work updated and up-to-date. Ever since reading marshmallow's works, I've been obsessed in limiting the amount of sites that are permitted to display this file. You can always get the latest version at Verasnaship first since I run the website for myself. GameFAQs does a good job keeping the files up-to-date at all times and is the most visited site for FAQ-related walkthroughs. Secrets of the Game Sages is a "Code-related" partner to GameFAQs since both GameFAQs and Secrets of the Game Sages share the same information. Cheat Code Central not only has codes, but up-to-date FAQs and Text-based Walkthroughs based upon marshmallow's knowledge. Finally, Game Shark Code Creators Club is a Game Shark site run under the Code Master to provide up-to-date Game Shark Codes and is a highly visited Game Shark Site. However, I might elect to do PDFs on certain games, and only my website (Verasnaship Interactive) has it. Rules: * DO NOT place this file in your web site directly. Only the five aforementioned sites have an exclusive right to mirror this file. * You can make a link to my FAQ Library Page. The only rules that I would like to enforce is that you link ONLY to an HTML or an Interactive Web Page. The link to this page is: - * Please KIM that linking to GameFAQs is goverened by the Legal Disclaimer as foretold under the statement, "Linking Rights". I highly recommend that you make a link to my website so that people will always have the latest version of this work viewed right through their screen. Please DO NOT link directly to any TXT or ZIP files if you have to link to my page! Part of the reason why I'm doing this is because if you don't view an HTML Site, then you may not be able to run the ads that appear on top of the HTML Document, which IS NO FAIR TO THE WEBMASTER. Also, I'm doing this because all FAQ writers are just getting sick and tired of seeing outdated versions of their files!!! For details about linking rules, visit which is Brad Templeton's Linking Rights Essay. ======================================================================== HOW TO SUGGEST ANY FIXES, BUGS, OR ANY OTHER TRALALA One time when I was forced to update another FAQ for Super GT by Sega, I was surprised to see that I was driving from Helen Keller. That is why you MUST follow the protocol as described in the aforementioned Form Mail Page URL. ======================================================================== RESOURCES OF THIS FAQ * Jim Irwin * Brandon W. Dennis ( * Vincent Merken You can find their work at ======================================================================== ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - Capcom for making Resident Evil 2 more valuable to play than the first one. - Jim Irwin for telling me that the Infinite Ammo Weapons lowers your rank score, and the Flamethrower in Leon's Disc isn't necessary to complete the game. - Brandon W. Dennis for telling me that the First Aid Sprays, Limited-Ammo Submachine Gun lowers your rank score and to save the inventory slots to store your herbs. - Both Jim Irwin and Brandon W. Dennis for motivating me to become a speed-minded Resident Evil 2 player with their FAQs. Please read their FAQs at the site at either of these addresses: (Use the search engine to locate them, but PLEASE REMEMBER IF YOU WANT TO LINK TO GAMEFAQS.COM, YOU ARE ONLY PERMITTED TO LINK TO AN HTML OR ASP PAGE!!!) - Capcom for starting the Survival Horror Craze with Resident Evil (known as Biohazard in Japan). - Vincent Merken, Josh Harring, Tu Dang, and Mark Stephenson for motivating me to become a speed player with their own FAQs. You can read their FAQs at (Use the Search Engine). - Vincent Merken for being the strongest warrior in the World of Survival Horror and for a confirmation about the Spark Shot. - GameFAQs for being the largest stable of Original Work - Kao Megura for *finally* reaching his ultimate milestone. - Imagine Games Network for being the largest Video Gaming Community over the Internet - Game Shark Code Creators Club for a good assortment of Game Shark Codes - Secrets of the Game Sages for having the best amount of non-Game Shark codes on the web. This document is dedicated to the loving memory of Princess Diana of Wales and Fashion Designer Gianni Versace. We need to stop destroying people for a stupid reason right now. ** END OF DOCUMENT AND ONE LAST WARNING ** This Electronically Published Document is copyrighted (c) 1999 Mark Kim. All Rights Reserved. This document is protected by applicable copyright laws and international treaties. Unauthroized reproduction, retransmission, and/or a breach of copyright, partial or full, may result in civil and criminal penalties and is subject to maximum punishment and prosecution to the highest extent possible by law. Please credit Mark Kim as Vesther Fauransy where credit is due. This document is the sole property of Mark Kim. Resident Evil 2/Biohazard 2 (c)1996, 1998, 1999, 2000 Capcom.