"This document Copyright 2001-2002 Nathan Norris" ____ ____ ____ _ ____ ____ _ _ _____ | \ | __| | __| | | | \ | __| | || | |_ _| | || | | | | | | | | || | | | | \| | | | | || | | |__ | |__ | | | || | | |__ | | | | | / | __| |__ | | | | || | | __| | | | | | |\ \ | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | | || | | |__ __| | | | | || | | |__ | |\ | | | |_||_| |____| |____| |_| |____/ |____| |_||_| |_| ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ | __| | | | | | | | | |__ | | \| ||_|| | | | | | | | | | | | | |_/|_|| ||_ | |__ | | | | | | | | __| | __ _ _ _ | __| | | | | | | | | | __| |__| |_ |_|| || |_/ | | | |_| | | | | | | | _|| ||_||_ | \ | |__ \ / | | | |__ | |__ |____| \_/ |_| |____| |____| *********************************************************************** Resident Evil 2: Dual Shock - Speed Scenario A Walkthrough Version 1.4 By: Minesweeper (Nathan Norris) Email: minesweeper1@hotmail.com minesweeper2@hotmail.com *********************************************************************** Last Updated: 8/14/02 Table of Contents 1: Revision History 2: Introduction 3: General Strategies 4: Leon Walkthrough 5: Claire Walkthrough 6: Thanks 7: E-mail Policy 8: Copyright ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Revision History Version 1.0 7/19/01 - First Edition *********************************************************************** Version 1.1 7/22/01 - As my first edition of this guide was not accepted on www.gamefaqs.com because of over-saturation on the game Resident Evil 2, I hope to sneak it onto the Resident Evil 2: Dual Shock Edition page which is rather lacking on information. Also I have introduced a new e-mail policy and a standard copyright and am in the process of placing these new additions on every other guide I have made so readers will be informed. *********************************************************************** Version 1.2 8/12/01 - Vincent Merken sent an email to me requesting I credit him for my Leon walkthrough, and that is what I am doing. *********************************************************************** Version 1.3 11/26/01 - Just a copyright revision saying psxcodes.com may now host my guides. *********************************************************************** Version 1.4 8/14/02 - I have a small copyright revision today and a new email address. http://faqs.ign.com may now host my guides, and my new email address is minesweeper2@hotmail.com. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: Introduction Hurray! This is my tenth guide! I wanted to do something big, so I decided to write a guide for Resident Evil 2, one of the best known, if not THE best known survival horror games ever. I also decided on this because I am on a mission to make a guide for every Resident Evil game to ever have been released. RE2 is my final game, so I am giving it a lot of effort. The guide I am making this time will be for getting through Leon's and Claire's Scenario A's in the lowest time possible. Enough of my ranting, you don't really care at all, do you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3: General Strategies MEASUREMENT OF TIME This game measures all playing time from the beginning after the truck crash, to the final escape aboard the Umbrella Express, except for FMV's and the cheesy speeches given by the characters to make an attempt to progress the story. You cannot skip the conversations between characters, but you can skip FMV's, except for the ending one. There will be a good 15 minutes of all this extra footage, so if you are using a stopwatch, subtract 15 minutes from its time at the end of the game to get your real time. INVENTORY Inventory Screen is a big time waster. Only use the inventory when it's absolutely unavoidable. To keep space problems to a minimum, always setup your inventory in this order: ONE weapon and its ammo, ONE healing item (that you will usually pick up between chests instead of take from them), and all other items needed to complete tasks in the near future. Learn ahead of time what you need to take to a certain place, and save space for whatever you need to pick up afterwards. I'll try to tell you good inventory setups for special situations during the game. Also take the opportunity to reload your gun and heal whenever accessing the menu to use an item. F->HEALTH AND HEALTH ITEMS-> Keep your health as high as possible. You will need to be in peak condition at all times if you want a fast time. Instead of hauling around full-healing items, a better strategy is to pick up GREEN HERBS you stumble across whilst exploring the game map. GREEN HERBS are sprinkled about everywhere, so you won't have to look far when you need to treat your injuries. Be careful not to get poisoned. If you get poisoned, you will have to waste time searching for a BLUE HERB, which will hurt your finishing time. Pretend BLUE HERBS do not exist until they are needed to cure yourself of poison. Don't worry, it's rather easy to keep from being poisoned in this game. Also during your journey, you will find FIRST AID SPRAYS. Pretend these do not exist, as one breeze of the stuff will send you down to a B. PUZZLES Puzzles must be solved quickly to keep your time low. I will tell you the solutions so that they won't slow you down much. H->PERSPECTIVE-> Whenever I say left or right, I mean it from the character's perspective. ENEMIES Enemies are the biggest time wasters in the game. Here are some hints on how to pass or kill them in the quickest and most efficient way possible: ZOMBIES->Zombies are very easy to evade except when the corridor is narrow. Fake one direction, then swerve the other way to avoid them. If you're in a small room and keeping away is impossible, just several HANDGUN bursts or one SHOTGUN headshot will kill them. DOGS->Dogs are easily avoided if you know how to do it. Run straight at a dog but right before it jumps, dodge to one side to miss the dog and by the time the creepy canine faces you again, you're already out the door. If you must kill them, use the SHOTGUN, though you can do it with a HANDGUN too. Watch out if you do use the HANDGUN, because they always appear in packs. SPIDERS->Spiders are easily avoided because they take too long to attack. It's easy to finish the game without ever having to kill any of them. Beware of their poison spray. If you are hit by it and are poisoned, then time will be wasted while you search for a BLUE HERB. If they're really getting on your nerves, use the SHOTGUN or anything more powerful. LICKERS->I REALLY hate these guys. For the most part, we will be evading them. It's very hard to escape them as they are so wide and fast. They will poke at you with their claws, but unless you are packing something powerful, RUN! If you give them the attention they want, they will just use their more brutal attacks. There's the tongue flick, and the flying leap. Especially beware the flying leap. It can take off like a half of your health! One hit from it will take you from FINE to orange CAUTION! If you wish to kill them, use the SHOTGUN or something with more punch. Blast them once, and they will flop over backwards. Then the licker will bounce back up again. Shoot it again and repeat the pattern till you exterminate it. Beware the super lickers towards the end of the game. PLANTS->These guys absorb a lot of ammo and are extremely annoying. Take upwards of FOUR SHOTGUN SHELLS or two FLAME ROUNDS to kill. Watch out for their slow moving spray, as it can poison you. Also stay out of their grasp, or prepare to have buckets of the nasty stuff poured all over your head while the plant holds you. Very slow moving, but take up a lot of room in the corridors they appear in. Their dead corpse can also hurt you, but there really isn't much you can do about that as you often have to walk right past them to enter important areas. GIANT CROCODILE->You meet up with this guy in the sewers. He is nearly invincible to your puny weapons, so you'll need to try something else. Lure him down the corridor to the flashing green button on the wall. Press the button to release an explosive canister. The crocodile will then try to...umm, eat it. Shoot the canister in its mouth and the explosion will totally blow off the top half of its head, effectively ending the threat. G-TYPE INFANT->Stay right where you are when the fight begins and blast it about 7-9 times with the GRENADE LAUNCHER or the MAGNUM, then it'll die. Umm...that's about everything you'll need to know for him. The...things it spits out cause little damage, so ignore them during the battle. WILLIAM BIRKIN->You will confront him in three forms during the game, each one more deadly than the last. Look at the walkthrough for information on handling specific forms of him. MINOR ENEMIES->Crows, small spiders, and bugs, just run. 'Nuff said. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4: Leon Walkthrough Leon is my favorite character to choose for RE2, as he gets better weapons, the weapons can be upgraded even more for more power, has the LIGHTER at the start of the game, and has several other special perks. The first walkthrough will cover his Scenario A. Begin by putting in Leon's disc and choosing NORMAL mode. EASY is for wimps! Plus you don't even get any special bonuses for EASY mode. THIS WALKTHROUGH'S GENERAL PATH AND SPEED TRICKS ARE CREDITED TOWARDS VINCENT MERKEN. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _ _____ _____ _ _ | | | ___| | _ | | \ | | | | | |___ | | | | | \| | | | | ___| | | | | | | | |___ | |___ | |_| | | |\ | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_| \_| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ | _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| /_ | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | | | | ___| | _ | | _ / | | | | - THE STREETS | | | | | | | | \ \ | | _| |_ |_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_____| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUCK CRASH After the positively brilliant opening, you are immediately confronted by six zombies. Run up on the sidewalk to evade the first few, then zigzag down the street and then into the alley to the left. After evading two more zombies, you will stumble upon the "Kendo Gun Shop." You have only 18 bullets, so it would be a wise idea to go inside. "KENDO GUN SHOP" After entering we are confronted by a SHOTGUN-wielding hick. He asks for your name and purpose of visit, obviously having dealt with way too many zombified customers. After Leon points out the obvious fact he is not a zombie, the hick calms down and locks up the front door. After the short dialogue, you are free to explore the shop. Unfortunately, the only gun in the store is the one the owner has with him. After seeing the shoddy cleanliness of the shop, you change your mind about getting more ammo and decide leave out the back door. BASKETBALL COURT After exiting, you hear the poor guy you left behind getting attacked by zombies. Oh well, one less hick in the world! Run down the alley and you will see a fence blocking off the B-ball court. You're obviously not going to go that way...yet. Continue running down the alley, and then the zombies will break through the gate. Spin around and shoot enough to knock down the zombies (use no more than nine shots), then flee through the gate. Dodge the lonely zombie who wasn't interested in lunch before and leave out the gate. CATWALK ALLEY Run to the catwalk and dash up the stairs. Run along the catwalk and then back down again to where a dumpster is blocking the way. Climb over the dumpster on the far left so as not to grab the female zombie's attention. Then climb down on the other side before she can block the way, allowing the other zombies to catch up. If this happens, reset the game. After getting over the dumpster, zigzag past the zombies. Take the gate at the end of the alley. SIDEWALK CAFE STREET Run around the truck and down the street. You will see a pack of zombies feasting on a dead cop. Since they are so satisfied with their feast, why disturb them? Sprint past the group and into a bus's back door. BUS INTERIOR Let the crawler on the ground have a taste of your leg, then stomp its head off. Next, pelt the standing zombie until it falls down, then quickly run past and out the front door. POLICE BLOCKADE There are many zombies around here, and it is difficult to evade them all. Try your best to avoid them, and get into the gate at the other end of the street. It's okay if you get bit once. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ | _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| /__ \ | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | / / | ___| | _ | | _ / | | / / - THE POLICE PRECINT | | | | | | | | \ \ | | / /__ |_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_____| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RPD FRONT COURTYARD Hurray! We got to the police station without collecting any items! That means ol' Chickenheart Vickers is lurking about at the bottom of the stairs, with the SECRET KEY. We won't bother to go and kill him as the benefits of the SECRET KEY are rather small. Instead, run through the small gate to your right and run down the path to another gate. This one lets out in front of the RPD's entrance. Enter into the supposed safe haven that Leon thought the station would be... 1F MAIN HALL Wow, this place is really expensively decorated for a police station, plus it has music to match. The soundtrack you hear is incredible! Too bad it's reserved for this one giant chamber. Other than the front door, the only door that is unlocked is the one near the security desk. Enter it. PATROL SQUADROOM You hear moaning and groaning as you enter from a dying cop, who looks a lot like Will Smith. The voice acting in this scene is so horrible! "Who...who are you? Oh, its you..." The voice sounds so wrong coming from an African-American! Anyway, after some dry humor, he hands you the BLUE CARD KEY and pushes you back out the door again. 1F MAIN HALL As you enter, you hear the dying cop lock the door behind you. You won't be going back to that room again for a LONG time. Go around the security desk and you see a box of HANDGUN BULLETS. Since you still only have the ammo you started the game with, I strongly suggest you take them. Walk over to the computer and boot it up. It will ask you if you would like to use the BLUE CARD KEY. Say yes and you will unlock two doors near the RPD's main entrance. We now want to go to the double doors near the broken fountain. WEST RECEPTION AREA Go over to the CHEST and organize your inventory: HANDGUN, HANDGUN BULLETS Next, walk around the partiton and you will see a hideous creature go past the window. Don't worry, you'll get a chance to get acqainted in a short bit! Leave out the door near the window where you saw the monster. L-SHAPED HALL Walk down the hall and you can hear a faint dripping sound. After running forward a bit, you will see a corpse with the head missing. Check the body twice for a box of HANDGUN BULLETS. Go forward a little more and you will see the source of the dripping noise. There is a bloodspot on the floor, but thankfully Barry Burton from RE1 isn't around to say "What IS this? BLOOD!" Walk over to the puddle and an FMV will show you a downright nasty looking creature, from now on known as the licker. All you have is a HANDGUN, so run! Sprint past it and exit out the door back there. BARRICADED PASSAGEWAY All along this hall, you can see that all the windows are effectively covered up with boards. Yeah, I'm sure nothing'll be able to get through those! Enter the big double doors you see after the first corner. BRIEFING ROOM Go to the head of the class! Run through the open door near the podium to enter a storage room full of old junk and a fireplace. Use your LIGHTER on the fireplace to start a fire and cause a RED JEWEL to fall out of the hideous painting. Take it, then search behind the overturned school desks in the back corner to find a hidden box of HANDGUN BULLETS. Leave. BARRICADED PASSAGEWAY Turn right and continue on down the hall to another door. Enter it. WEST STAIRWELL Let the female zombie to your left take a few steps, then sprint past and snipe all the zombies from there. There are some GREEN HERBS under the stairs if you have dipped into CAUTION and want to heal up. Go up the stairs. WEST STAIRS LANDING Frown at the lame music up here then run down the hall to collide with a set of three statues. The two on the far left and far right are moveable There are also two special tiles on either side of the central statue. What to do here...hmm...? (Jepoardy music plays in the background) Ding! I've got it! We have to push the two moveable statues on the special tiles so they are facing the central statue, then something cool will happen! Okay, let's put this brillant plan into action then. Push the copper statue around behind the central statue to its special tile on the right. While you are going past the statue, look around behind the central statue for another hidden box of HANDGUN BULLETS. Then, push the silver statue to its place on the left side of the central statue. When both are in place, take the RED JEWEL from the cental statue. Leave out the nearby door. S.T.A.R.S. CORRIDOR Run down the hall and evade the first couple zombie cops, then enter the door they were in front of. S.T.A.R.S. OFFICE Immediately after entering, go to the desk with the CD on top of it. You will discover CHRIS'S DIARY. Tap triangle to avoid reading it. There isn't any useful info inside it anyway. After you take up the document, you see a UNICORN MEDAL in its place. Take it as well. Claire will then come barging in, still looking for Chris. Leon gives her the diary, telling her sadly that her brother is not here. Then Leon hands over a radio so that they can talk to each other if there is trouble. When the scene at last ends, walk over to the cabinet beside the big, black radio transmitter. Open the cabinet to find a SHOTGUN. This will become your best friend for the rest of the game, believe me. Leave. S.T.A.R.S. CORRIDOR We are now going to retrace our steps all the way back to the 1F MAIN HALL. Turn right away from the zombies and take the door there. WEST STAIRS LANDING Run down the stairs at the other end of the hall. WEST STAIRWELL Enter the first door on the right. BARRICADED PASSAGEWAY Run back along the corridor while staying next to the left wall at all times! Watch out for the hands that pop out of the boarded windows near the double doors. After recovering from the shock, continue down the hall and again more zombie hands will pop out of the windows. Avoid them and leave out the single door at the end of the passage. L-SHAPED HALL Take the GREEN HERB off the floor. Evade the licker and enter the door at the far end of the hall. WEST RECEPTION AREA Organize your inventory: HANDGUN, HANDGUN BULLETS UNICORN MEDAL, GREEN HERB We'll start using the SHOTGUN later after we find more ammo for it. Go out the double doors. 1F MAIN HALL Run over to the fountain and put the UNICORN MEDAL in the hollow in front of the statue. The statue will then tilt over to give you the SPADE KEY. Go back through the double doors again. WEST RECEPTION AREA Run to the door behind the partiton. L-SHAPED HALL Evade the licker again and use the SPADE KEY on the door near the decapitated body. FILES ROOM Run around the shelf and you will bump into a stepladder. Push the stepladder all the way to the shelf at the other end of the aisle. Then stand on it and collect the CRANK. Leave. L-SHAPED HALL Evade the licker AGAIN and leave out the door to the right. BARRICADED PASSAGEWAY Run to the door at the other end of the hall. Don't worry, this time the zombie hands won't come out. WEST STAIRWELL Go upstairs. WEST STAIRS LANDING Go to the door at the other end of the hall. S.T.A.R.S. CORRIDOR Shoot down all the zombies and use the SPADE KEY on the door at the other end of the hall. Discard the key and leave. WEST WAITING ROOM Upon entry you see a ton of zombies feasting on another dead cop. Push past them on the right side and enter the door in the corridor to the right. LIBRARY Walk past the stairs and take the RED HERB from the table. Enter the double doors nearby. 2F MAIN HALL Run along the balcony, killing or dodging zombies. You will see a red box on the railing. Activate it to send an emergency ladder to the 1F MAIN HALL. You can now easily pass between the first and second floors. Continue running along the balcony to a door waaaay on the other side of the balcony. EAST WAITING AREA Ignore the sparkly on the bench. Instead, open up the chest and organize your inventory: SHOTGUN, RED JEWEL RED JEWEL, GREEN HERB Leave through the other door in this room. BTW, from now on, I would pretend that HANDGUN BULLETS don't exist anymore. We will go with the SHOTGUN completley from now on, except for boss fights and when the game is nearly over. WRECKAGE HALL Turn right and enter the door over there. CROW HALL Run all the way down the hall, dodging crows. Take the door at the far end of the hall. HELICOPTER WRECK Ignore everything here for now except the stairs leading down. Descend them. RPD BACK COURTYARD There are a lot of zombies around, but you can easily evade them as the passage is very wide. Take the door at the far end of the path. CABIN Walk around the machinery and take the VALVE HANDLE beside the desk. Leave out the door you used to get in. DO NOT open the other door unless you want a nasty suprise! RPD BACK COURTYARD Run around the zombies again and get back up the stairs. Beware the female zombie hanging around the front of the steps. HELICOPTER WRECK Run through the gate near the exit door and use the VALVE HANDLE on the hole below the water tank. The tank will rupture and spill water on the helicopter, putting out the fire. Run to the exit door. CROW HALL Run all the way back down the hall to the door at the far end. WRECKAGE HALL Blow off both zombie's faces, then enter the door past the nose of the helicopter. ART ROOM After entering, turn right and search the crates near the shelf to find some hidden SHOTGUN SHELLS. Next, go to the other end of the room. Plant both RED JEWELS in the statues to the left and right to make the center statue open up to reveal the KING PLUG. Take it and then look at the sparkly to the left. Take the DIAMOND KEY there and then leave. WRECKAGE HALL Enter the first door that you can enter on the right. EAST WAITING ROOM Organize your inventory: SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS DIAMOND KEY Go back out through the door you used to enter this room. WRECKAGE HALL Turn right and enter the door over there. CROW HALL Go to the door that is straight ahead of you. Unlock it and enter the door. FIRE ESCAPE Gather up all the GREEN HERBS out here and go down the stairs. Enter the door below. DETECTIVES' OFFICE Ignore the dead body and go through the open door just ahead. Walk a little ways, then turn right to enter another open door into a private office. Kill the zombie in here then go to the safe. Input 2236 as the safe's combination to open it. Take the SHOTGUN SHELLS and the POLICE STATION MAP if you wish. You can also search behind the desk for one more GREEN HERB if you want it. Leave the cubicle and shoot down any zombies that get in your way. Leave out the blue double doors. Before you go, look at the map of the United States above and to the right of it. Its backwards! Why?! Oh well, leave. EAST RECEPTION AREA Turn left to run from the zombies approaching from the right. Enter the door over there. 1F MAIN HALL Run over to the double doors at the bottom of the stairs. WEST RECEPTION AREA Organize your inventory: SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS DIAMOND KEY, GREEN HERB Leave out the door behind the partiton. L-SHAPED HALL Run down the hall while dodging the licker. Enter the door at the far end of the hall. BARRICADED PASSAGEWAY Run down the hall to the door at the far end. WEST STAIRWELL Turn right and unlock the last door in the hall with the DIAMOND KEY. Enter. EVIDENCE ROOM Blast the approxiomately three billion zombies in here, then search the drawers to your right after entering the room for a box of SHOTGUN SHELLS. PATROL SQUADROOM Remember this place? Yeah, this is where we ran into Mr. Dying Cop. Take the GREEN HERB on the floor and walk into the cubicle past it to see the cop again. When you walk over to try to talk to him, he turns PURPLE!!! Blow his now ugly face off and take the HEART KEY off the desk. Leave out the door he pushed you out at the beginning of the game. 1F MAIN HALL Enter the door on the elevated ledge near the main entrance. EAST RECEPTION AREA Escape the zombie herd by going through the blue doors. DETECTIVES' OFFICE Run across the room to the open door where the FIRE ESCAPE'S door is. Instead of going there, this time turn left and unlock the door there with the HEART KEY. Discard the key and go thru the door. YELLOW PASSAGEWAY There are more GREEN HERBS on the floor if you need them. If not, leave them alone for now and descend the stairs at the end of the hall. MAIN BASEMENT CORRIDOR You can hear the "tap, tap" of dogs in the distance. Sprint down this corridor, then turn right. Run down the hall evading the dogs, and enter the door near the "Parking" sign. This door obviously leads you to the... PARKING GARAGE There are many nice cars here, but Leon, being the good-natured fellow he is, doesn't want to try to steal one and bust out of there. Run between the silent cars and someone will fire a shot at you. You turn around to see...a beautiful woman!? Her name is Ada Wong, and Leon buys her story of why she is here. (Yeah, I came here to risk my neck in an all-night zombie slugfest to save my boyfriend. You'd do the same, wouldn't you?) Anyway, play along with her scheme and help her move the van away from the door leading to the jail. Enter the new door. If you need it, there is a GREEN HERB all by itself in the back corner near the shutter. JAIL CORRIDOR Ada runs off without you. She will do this a lot during the course of the game. Anyway, follow her and enter the gate at the end of the hall. JAIL CELLS Run forward a little to start a loooooong conversation between you, Ada, and Ben Bertocculi, a reporter. After lots of rambling about various topics, Ada runs off again. Take the MANHOLE OPENER off the shelf nearby and leave. You can take the GREEN HERB in the cell beside Ben's if you want it. JAIL CORRIDOR Take the silver door you passed by on the way to meet Ben. DOG KENNEL Run around the corner and locate the manhole. Use the MANHOLE OPENER to open it, obviously. Go down the ladder. Forget the RED HERB in the corner. If you take it, the dogs will attack and you will probably have to use it up after the battle anyway. SPIDER PASSAGE Run down the hall, evading any spiders that try to get in your way. Go up the stairs. SHUTTER HALL 1 If you were poisoned, stop in the small door to the left to get a BLUE HERB. After you are done with that, enter the brown and gray door at the curve. GENERATOR ROOM Turn right back around again and go out. SHUTTER HALL 1 Ada pops up yet again, asking you for a favor. She wants Leon to give her a boost so she can climb through a vent. Leon agrees and helps her up. SHUTTER HALL 2 There is nothing to see here, so leave out the door in front of you. "CESS POOL" Run around the corner and turn left, evading all dogs that try to stop you. Enter the door there. WATER PUMP ROOM Remember that "fun" puzzle in RE1, where we had to shove all those boxes around to make a bridge over a pool? Well, here is the second installment! Jump down the ledges to get into a small, empty pool. Climb over the box on the far left, then jump down into the open space between the boxes and the wall. Push the center box far away enough so that the left box can be pushed in to fill in the open space. Next, climb out of the empty space and jump down on the other side of the left box. Push it into the empty spot you freed for it. Lastly, push the box on the far right into position between the center box and the wall. Climb out of the pool then press the glowing buttons on the control panel to fill the pool with water, which will in turn, raise up the box bridge so you can cross over to the other side of the pit. Take the CLUB KEY off the shelf there, then leave. "CESS POOL" Evade the dogs again and turn right at the fork. Take the door at the end of the path. SHUTTER HALL 2 Ada throws Leon the CLUB KEY, then being the person she is, runs off alone again. SHUTTER HALL 1 Take the CLUB KEY Ada threw to you, then run down the stairs. SPIDER PASSAGEWAY Evade the spiders and go up the ladder. DOG KENNEL Run straight and enter the door you collide with. JAIL CORRIDOR Take the left fork and enter the door you run into. PARKING GARAGE Run across the pavement to the door at the other end of the garage. MAIN BASEMENT CORRIDOR Lickers have replaced the dogs you evaded earlier. Avoid them also if possible. There is a door with a glowing red light beside it a little ways from you. It leads to the ARMORY, which we will not be visiting as it takes way too long to unlock it. The double doors past it lead to the POWER ROOM, which offers little more in the way of items than a GREEN HERB and another map. Bypass this unless you have no healing items with you. There is more in the hall also. If you take the double doors on the right side of the hall, they lead to the MORGUE, which we will not be visiting as well. But, we are going to go past it, so you might as well unlock it with the CLUB KEY while you are here. It will save you some headaches later. The door that we really want to take is the set of double doors around the corner from the MORGUE. RPD BACK ALLEY Take the RED HERB nearby, then turn around and leave. You will not even see the dogs that you hear tapping. MAIN BASEMENT CORRIDOR Take the stairs up. YELLOW PASSAGEWAY Walk around the stairs railing and take the SHOTGUN SHELLS from the shelf across from a door. Unlock the door with the CLUB KEY and enter. NIGHT WATCHMAN'S POST Check the third locker from the left to discover more SHOTGUN SHELLS. Walk into the little nook behind the lockers to find a bunkroom and the all-mighty MAGNUM!!! Do not be fooled by its size, this is one of the most powerful guns in the game! It slices, it dices, and it makes excellent licker pies! Turn around and leave. YELLOW PASSAGEWAY Run to the other door at the far end of the corridor. You may want to take the GREEN HERBS here if you haven't already done so. DETECTIVES' ROOM Take the blue double doors. EAST RECEPTION AREA Blow away all the zombies to your left with the SHOTGUN, then take the GREEN HERB to heal yourself if necessary. Enter the door a long way down the arched corridor. BROWN PASSAGEWAY Kill all the zombies hanging around and unlock the first door you see with the DIAMOND KEY. Discard the key and enter. INTERROGATION ROOM Ignore the CORD and the FIRST AID SPRAY on the desk as both of them are totally useless. Instead, take the ROOK PLUG from the shelf in the back corner. On the way back out, a licker will crash through the magic mirror. Evade it on the right and escape out the door. BROWN PASSAGEWAY Turn right and run down the hall. Take the RED HERB and go to the blue door at the end. Use and discard the CLUB KEY. Enter the door. PRESS CONFERENCE ROOM Go to the front of the room and use the LIGHTER to start a fire in the old furnace. Next, light the torch in the middle labeled "12." After doing that, light the torch on the right labeled "13." Finally, light the last torch on the left labeled "11." The painting at the other end of the room will release the GEAR COGWHEEL. Take it and leave. BROWN PASSAGEWAY Run all the way down the hall to the door at the far end. EAST RECEPTION AREA Run to the single door at the other end of the hall. 1F MAIN HALL Go to the double doors at the bottom of the stairs. WEST RECEPTION AREA Organize your inventory: SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS GEAR COGWHEEL, CRANK GREEN HERB Leave out the door you used to enter. 1F MAIN HALL Go up the emergency ladder. 2F MAIN HALL The zombies are gone, replaced by one hyperactive licker. Evade the licker as best as you can and get to the double doors on the left (Leon's left when facing away from the ladder) side of the massive balcony. LIBRARY As you enter, you hear a rumbling. Watch all the zombies spill into rooms you don't even have to go to anymore! Run up the stairs and go around the balcony. Wander to the section where there is no railing and the wood will collapse beneath you weight, but this is a good thing. Press the shiny red button in front of you to cause the bookshelf on the far right to move away. Walk over and move the far left and the middle left bookshelves to the right. A panel in the cubicle you fell into will open up, revealing the BISHOP PLUG. Take it and go upstairs again, this time taking the door you see up there. 3F MAIN HALL Wow, the view of the lobby from up here is incredible. Take the other door on this balcony. CLOCK TOWER ROOM Use the CRANK on the hole to the right to lower a staircase. Go up the stairs and around the catwalk to collide with an open panel. Place the G. COGWHEEL inside then press the switch. The clock will start up again and reveal a secret compartment. Take the final plug, the KNIGHT PLUG, from its elusive hiding place. Then you will be asked if you would lke to jump down the dust shoot below it. Say yes and you will be whisked away. JAIL CORRIDOR You hear Ben screaming as...something is shoved into his mouth. Run down the hall to help him. JAIL CELLS Ben is in terrible pain now, and spills the beans on the police chief, Brian Irons. He tells you to go kill him, but unfortunately, Leon will never meet him during his scenarios. The...thing that was fed to Ben then breaks out of his chest. This is easily one of the most disgusting scenes in the whole series. The strange creature then runs off and Ada just pops up yet again. She then blasts off out there almost as soon as she popped up, saying she's going to look for her boyfriend at "the chemical plant. I have a feeling he'll be there." Follow her out. JAIL CORRIDOR Enter the first door you see. DOG KENNEL Go down into the manhole. SPIDER PASSAGE Evade the spiders and go upstairs. SHUTTER HALL 1 Enter the first door on the left. WATER PLANT STORAGE ROOM Organize your inventory: SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS MAGNUM, HEALING ITEM (preferably a RED-GREEN HERB MIXTURE) KNIGHT PLUG, KING PLUG BISHOP PLUG, ROOK PLUG Leave. SHUTTER HALL 1 Enter the brown and gray door nearby. GENERATOR ROOM Run around the corner and you'll see that thing that popped out of Ben's chest, and the little bugger sure has grown. It will begin the battle by spitting out some tadpole-like creatures, but it doesn't matter. Just stand where you are and fire off about the MAGNUM's entire clip. It should die rather pathetically, not even getting halfway across the catwalk before you destroy it. The music will stop when it is dead. Run past the oozing corpse and quickly plug in the KNIGHT PLUG, the KING PLUG, the BISHOP PLUG, and the ROOK PLUG to unlock the door. Enter. LEON'S SEWER ACCESS Run forward some to collide with Ada, AGAIN. After some ramble about how running off alone is reckless and stupid, Ada says she will do things your way. Hop down into the sewer water and open up the shutter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ | _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| |___ | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | ___| | | ___| | _ | | _ / | | |___ | - THE SEWERS | | | | | | | | \ \ | | ___| | |_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_____| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON'S SEWER PASSAGE The sewers are to RE2 as the caves were to RE1. And like RE1, we will only be here a short time, but still there will be many suprises along the way. RE1's caves only had dripping water, but now we get to immerse ourselves in yucky water! Isn't that great? Slog down the waterway until you see a ledge. Climb up onto it and enter the door up there. LEON'S WATER CONTROL ROOM After entering, run to the lockers near the brown stand. Move them aside to reveal a secret door. Open the door and climb down the ladder. LEON'S WAREHOUSE Turn right after entering the room to run into a red thing on the wall. It is a lantern, so use your LIGHTER to make a light. You can now see a sparkly on the shelf. Take the MAGNUM BULLETS and run around the corner. Light another lantern and take the SHOTGUN SHELLS off the shelf to the right. Leave up the ladder. LEON'S WATER CONTROL ROOM Organize your inventory: SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS VALVE HANDLE, GREEN HERB Take the little elevator in the corner down. T-SHAPED HALL The third mysterious woman this night snipes at Ada. Leon leaps to cover her and takes a bullet. Ada mutters "Leon, that woman was..." and then "I have to talk to her." Wow, you really care a lot about others, don't you Ada? Anyway, since Leon is unconsious, you temporarily take control of Ada. Follow the woman through the door she left through. SEWER CANAL 1 You get a short scene of the woman climing a ladder. Follow her up the ladder. FAN TUNNEL Run down this tunnel to the ladder at the other end. Ignore the bugs that spawn from the nest you pass by. UPPER WATER TREATEMENT ROOM Run down the ledge a little to start another scene showing Ada's gun shot out of her hands (ouch). The woman walks down with the gun pointed at Ada's neck. It's Annette Birkin, one of the most evil female characters in the whole RE series. She almost hisses when she talks! She then explains how all this mess happened to Raccoon City. When the long FMV ends, a catfight breaks out, ending with Annette getting a nice sewer bath. After you FINALLY regain control, walk across the narrow bridge and go down the ladder. LOWER DUMPING AREA There is a brief scene of Ada being attacked by a creature in the water. The game then shifts back to Leon, who has just regained consiousness. T-SHAPED HALL Run down the hall Annette and Ada ran down. SEWER CANAL 1 Unfortunately, the fan has started up again, blocking access to the ladder. Instead, turn right and run past some spiders. You will find a gate to the left. Go through it. SEWER CANAL 2 Run down the passage a bit, then climb up the ledge to the left. Enter the double doors up there. Keep running through this room so the spiders cannot poison you. LOWER WATER TREATMENT ROOM Run around the platform some until you come to a flashing red light. Use the VALVE HANDLE on the hole beneath the light to bring the narrow bridge Ada crossed down to your level. Go over the bridge and use the VALVE HANDLE on the green light over there to raise the bridge again. Take the GREEN HERBS and the SHOTGUN SHELLS near the typewriter. Leave through the door nearby. LONG SEWER TUNNEL Run all the way to the end of the passage. You will see Ada shooting at something in the water. It turns out to be a giant crocodile, who then decides to focus on Leon instead of Ada. After you regain control, run all the way back down the passage until you see a flashing green light. Press X near it to release an explosive can. STAY WHERE YOU ARE. The crocodile will then try to eat the can. That's when you get him. Shoot the can in its mouth to blow its filthy head off. Run past the giant corpse and press the red button near the large door at the end of the corridor. Go through the door. LOWER DUMPING AREA Run across the dump and climb up to the ledge where Ada is. A scene then starts in which Ada makes up for running off before by patching up his wound. They then climb the ladder up UPPER WATER TREATEMENT ROOM Run across the little bridge you raised and turn left. You will eventually come to a contol panel where there is a dead body and an EAGLE MEDAL...gah, not those things again. Run back to the fork and this time go straight. You will come to a red light. Use the VALVE HANDLE one last time to stop the fan from rotating. Climb the ladder now. FAN TUNNEL Run to the ladder at the other end of the passage. SEWER CANAL 1 Turn right to find a hidden ledge where some dead bodies are. Search them for a WOLF MEDAL and a box of SHOTGUN SHELLS. Climb down again and follow the corridor all the way to the gate at the other end. Ignore the zombies. You'll be long gone before they can drag themselves from the sewer water. SEWER CANAL 2 Run straight down this hall to a panel on the right near the waterfall. Plant the EAGLE MEDAL and the WOLF MEDAL in it to make the waterfall stop flowing and reveal a door. Take this door. SECRET TUNNEL Run to the door at the other end of the walkway. SKYTRAM STATION 1 Walk out onto a large platform. Ignore the shelf as there is nothing useful on it. Instead, activate the glowing panel to the right of the skytram to start it up. Then, board the skytram through the doors on the left side of it. SKYTRAM You will now find yourself forced to play a little subgame. The goal is to blast William's hand a few times with the SHOTGUN. You will notice some dust raining down from the ceiling. That is where his hand will burst through. Simply walk backwards and then shoot when the hand pops out. After 3-5 shots, Ada will finish the job. The skytram then arrives at the second station. Walk out the doors. SKYTRAM STATION 2 Despite what many guides will tell you, you do not need to use the LIGHTER on the flare gun to find the WEAPON BOX KEY here. Search around in the right corner near the gun to pick up the WEAPON BOX KEY and exit out the metal door at the other end of the walkway. INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR 1 Run down the hall, blasting zombies as you please. Turn left at the fork and it will lead you to a dead end with a zombie's body, but this one really is dead. Check it for the SHOTGUN PARTS. This will upgrade your SHOTGUN into a CUSTOM SHOTGUN! You'll be in heaven when you hear its thunderous blast! But wait until you use up your SHOTGUN'S current magazine first, as you get a free reload when you upgrade. Turn around and run straight past the fork to a door. Enter it. INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR 2 This corridor is pretty much the same as the last, only this time the goodies (two GREEN HERBS) are to the right, and the exit is to the left. Grab the GREEN HERBS and climb up the ladder. TRAIN PLATFORM CONTROL ROOM Grab the box of SHOTGUN SHELLS and the clip of MAGNUM BULLETS off the counter, then organize your inventory: SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS MAGNUM, MAGNUM BULLETS 3 HEALING ITEMS (preferably ones that heal you completely) Keep one inventory slot free and leave out the door. TRAIN TURNTABLE Turn left and run over to the engine car. Climb up the steps in back and enter the car. ENGINE CAR Run to the front and take the CONTROL PANEL KEY from the red hook, then take the MAGNUM BULLETS from the bathroom. Go back outside. TRAIN TURNTABLE Use the CONTROL PLATFORM KEY on the panel near the stairs, then press the switch to start the machinery up. You will see a scene of the turntable descending deep under the city. ENGINE CAR William sticks his claw through the wall, injuring poor Ada. You want revenge, so let's march outside right now and settle this! TRAIN TURNTABLE Walk around some and William will appear. Like most other bosses in the game, he's pretty easy to defeat. Simply stand at one end of the platform. Shoot with the MAGNUM till he gets too close, then run to the other end of the platform and shoot from there. After 9-12 shots from the MAGNUM, he will be defeated. Reenter the car. ENGINE CAR The platform arrives at the bottom. Ada still has not woken up, so Leon carries her outside. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ _____ _____ _____ _ _ | _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| | | | | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | | |_| | | ___| | _ | | _ / | | |___ | - THE SECRET LABORATORY | | | | | | | | \ \ | | | | |_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTRANCE PLATFORM Leon looks around and uses what little he knows to figure out he is inside a secret lab (looks at painted letters on the floor that read "Umbrella Laboratories." Anyway, he takes Ada off to a room. LAB GUARDPOST After an argument about whether or not Leon should take care of Ada, you regain control. Take the GREEN HERB from the filing cabinet, and the MAGNUM BULLETS off the shelf. Organize your inventory: SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS FULL-HEALING HERB Leave. ENTRANCE PLATFORM Turn right and run past the corridor to another door. Enter it. LABORATORY MAIN SHAFT Wow, this room is HUGE! You can't even see the floor that is so far below you. Enter the little walled-off place in the middle of the room and take the path that has blue lights. Enter the door there. EAST AREA HALL Run ahead and turn left at the shutter and the first door. You will come to a set of double doors with ice covering them. Enter the door. (The first time I saw this door, I was scared because I thought it was some kind of nesting material from a creature, and that I was about to enter its domain.) SUPER-LOW TEMPERATURE EXPERIMENT ROOM Run around the corner and you will see a sparkly on a stand. Take the FUSE CASE and then use it with the flashing-blue panel nearby. A handy-dandy robot arm will then transform the FUSE CASE into a MAIN FUSE. Take it and leave the room. EAST AREA HALL Go back down the hall and exit through the door leading to the LABORATORY MAIN SHAFT. The other doors won't open anyway. LABORATORY MAIN SHAFT Use the MAIN FUSE on the machine in the middle of the room to restore power to the facility. I thought it would be more complicated than this to activate the power. The next thing you need to do is enter the door on the red-lit path. WEST AREA HALL Run ahead and open the shutter to the left. The plants inside will then wake up and attack. Several SHOTGUN blasts will destroy them. Beware the poison they spit and also tread carefully when passing the corpses, their vines can swing up and attack. Enter the door behind the plants. B4 PLANT SHAFT Wow, that plant is big. Blow away the plant in front of you and take the two GREEN HERBS. Descend the ladder. B5 PLANT SHAFT Enter the door nearby. SUPER CORRIDOR I call it this because from now on all enemies will be super in their attacks and strengh. Run around the corners, but when you see a white wall down the hall, start slowly walking forward. A licker will crash out of a ceiling vent, but if you don't move, it won't be able to detect you. Wait for it to get into range and point the SHOTGUN down, blasting every time the fella flips over again. It will squeal when you kill it. Move into the white-walled corridor and repeat with the other two super-lickers. Get all the GREEN HERBS and leave out the door at the far end of the corridor. LABORATORY CONTROL ROOM Run around the corners until you bump into a typewriter and a chest. Organize your inventory: SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS MAGNUM, WEAPON BOX KEY GREEN HERB Leave out the door nearby. MOTH CORRIDOR Turn left at the fork. Take the RED HERB you see and enter the door that is close by. MAIN LAB After entering, go to the flashing locker to the left and unlock it with the WEAPON BOX KEY. Inside the locker is MAGNUM PARTS, oh yeah! But don't use them yet, as like the SHOTGUN, you get a free reload when you upgrade. Use up your current magazine first on lickers, for example. Enter the door and it will slide open without a loading sequence. Blast the zombie and proceed to the next sliding door. Remember this place? In Anette's FMV its where William was shot and injected himself with the G-virus. Maybe there's something important in here, like a key... Kill or dodge the zombies in this room, and get to the almost empty white table in the back of the room. Take the LAB CARD KEY and leave the lab the way you came in. MOTH CORRIDOR Turn right at the fork and enter the door at the end of the corridor. LABORATORY CONTROL ROOM Run to the door at the other end of the corridor. SUPER CORRIDOR Beware the licker that comes crashing out of the vents in the first hall. You want to get to the door at the far end of the passage. B5 PLANT SHAFT Climb the ladder. B4 PLANT SHAFT Enter the door. WEST AREA HALL Turn right at the fork. Beware the plant that has...planted itself in front of the exit you need to use. LABORATORY MAIN SHAFT Take the blue-lit path and use the door there. EAST AREA HALL Use the LAB CARD KEY on the door in front of you. Enter it. AUTOPSY LAB Take the MAGNUM BULLETS from the cart to the right but ignore the FIRST AID SPRAY. Blow away the first zombie, then press the red button to turn on the lights. Walk past the circular device and take the MO DISK from the tool cart next to the surgeon's bed. Leave. EAST AREA HALL Anette confronts you here and accuses you of "murdering my husband!" Hardly, he goes through three more transformations before he finally dies! She tells you Ada is a spy which Leon simply can't accept. "She can shoot really good and is smooth and slick in all she does, but a spy? Impossible!" There is a rumbling and some pipes fall on her. Leon runs over and takes the G-VIRUS, which looks suspiciously like grape Kool-Aid. After that, the self-destruct sequence is activated. Enter the door behind Anette. LABORATORY MAIN SHAFT Run for the red-lit path. Trully, this is one of the best acted scenes in the whole series. It almost rivals that scene in "Titanic" where Jack gives his life to save Rose after the ship sinks. Ada will appear and point her gun at Leon, asking for the G-VIRUS. Leon finally accepts the truth, and refuses to give it to her. Ada is about to shoot, but then she decides it's not worth killing Leon to get what she wants. Suddenly, she is shot in the back by Anette, and Leon grabs her hand as she falls over the railing. Ada says she just wants to give up and lets go. I'm almost crying trying to write this. I love Leon's heartfelt "ADAAAAAA!" Notice that he exactly mimics the pose that Chris does if you let Rebecca die in RE1. In frustration, Leon throws the Kool-Aid after Ada, because grape isn't his favorite flavor anyway. Enter the door on the red path. WEST AREA HALL Blast the plant, then turn left at the fork and enter the door there. B4 PLANT SHAFT Climb down the ladder. B5 PLANT SHAFT Enter the door. SUPER CORRIDOR Blow away all the zombies and enter the door at the far end of the corridor. LABORATORY CONTROL ROOM Go to the chest and organize your inventory for the last time: MAGNUM, MAGNUM ROUNDS SHOTGUN, SHOTGUN SHELLS 3 HEALING ITEMS, MO DISK. Make sure all your guns are fully loaded and you are totally healed up. I recommend you save your game here. Leave out the door you used to enter. SUPER CORRIDOR Go to the blinking monitor and use the MO DISK there to open up a closed-off hall next to you. Enter the door at the end of it. Notice how the music quietens down. LARGE TRANSPORT ROOM The computer will announce there are only 5 minutes left until it gets a little warm. Run down between the containers and activate the large elevator. Suddenly, Willy crashes in through the ceiling and attacks. Stay right where you are and shoot him three times with the customized MAGNUM. You should defeat him right before he can take the first swing as the force of the shots stuns him. He then mutates into a dog-like form. I belive this is the toughest form of William and the toughest boss in the game. He will leap up onto the containers. To make him come down to your level, run laps around the room until he decides to give up on pouncing on you from above and returns to the floor for an in-your-face fight. Shoot him 6-8 times with the custom MAGNUM and he will be defeated again. Don't worry about dodging, you have more than enough healing items to suffer through the blows. Carefully monitor your health, healing every time you enter orange CAUTION or worse. After you kill him again, the elevator will arrive. Board it. ESCAPE TRAIN PLATFORM Simply run down the hall to trigger the final ending sequence. Hope you enjoy it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5: Claire Walkthrough Claire isn't exactly horrible, but Leon is a far more entertaining character to play with. Claire does have her benefits, but they are outweighed a hundred times by Leon's. Her handgun is more powerful than Leon's, and she does get a handy GRENADE LAUNCHER, but this is outweighed by the fact that she must rely on a weak BOWGUN instead of Leon's extremely useful SHOTGUN. Capcom, please fire whoever put this poor excuse for a weapon in the game. Instead of Ada, she has a (gasp) 12 year old girl as a partner character, called Sherry Birkin, and you are forced to play as *her* in a few places. Pathetically slow and also has an annoying habit of crouching down and getting scared if you move too far ahead of her, forcing you to stop and shake her out of it, slowing you down even more. Load up Claire's disc and play NORMAL mode. THIS WALKTHROUGH'S SPEED TRICKS ARE CREDITED TOWARDS VINCENT MERKEN. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ _ _____ _ _____ _____ | ___| | | | _ | | | | _ | | ___| | | | | | |_| | | | | |_| | | |___ | | | | | _ | | | | _ / | ___| | |___ | |___ | | | | | | | | \ \ | |___ |_____| |_____| |_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_____| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ | _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| /_ | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | | | | ___| | _ | | _ / | | | | - THE STREETS | | | | | | | | \ \ | | _| |_ |_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_____| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUCK CRASH After the positively brilliant opening, you are immediately confronted by six zombies. Run up on the sidewalk to evade the first few, then zigzag down the street and then into the alley to the left. After evading two more zombies, you will stumble upon the "Kendo Gun Shop." You have only 13 bullets, so it would be a wise idea to go inside. "KENDO GUN SHOP" After entering we are confronted by a BOWGUN-wielding hick. He asks for your name and purpose of visit, obviously having dealt with way too many zombified customers. After Leon points out the obvious fact he is not a zombie, the hick calms down and locks up the front door. After the short dialogue, you are free to explore the shop. Unfortunately, the only gun in the store is the one the owner has with him. After seeing the shoddy cleanliness of the shop, you change your mind about getting more ammo and decide leave out the back door. BASKETBALL COURT After exiting, you hear the poor guy you left behind getting attacked by zombies. Oh well, one less hick in the world! Run down the alley and you will see a fence blocking off the B-ball court. You're obviously not going to go that way...yet. Continue running down the alley, and then the zombies will break through the gate. Spin around and shoot enough to knock down the zombies (use no more than seven shots), then flee through the gate. Dodge the lonely zombie who wasn't interested in lunch before and leave out the gate. CATWALK ALLEY Run to the catwalk and dash up the stairs. Run along the catwalk and then back down again to where a dumpster is blocking the way. Climb over the dumpster on the far left so as not to grab the female zombie's attention. Then climb down on the other side before she can block the way, allowing the other zombies to catch up. If this happens, reset the game. After getting over the dumpster, zigzag past the zombies. Take the gate at the end of the alley. SIDEWALK CAFE STREET Run around the truck and down the street. You will see a pack of zombies feasting on a dead cop. Since they are so satisfied with their feast, why disturb them? Sprint past the group and into a bus's back door. BUS INTERIOR Let the crawler on the ground have a taste of your leg, then stomp its head off. Next, pelt the standing zombie until it falls down, then quickly run past and out the front door. POLICE BLOCKADE There are many zombies around here, and it is difficult to evade them all. Try your best to avoid them, and get into the gate at the other end of the street. It's okay if you get bit once. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ | _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| /__ \ | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | / / | ___| | _ | | _ / | | / / - THE POLICE PRECINT | | | | | | | | \ \ | | / /__ |_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_____| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RPD FRONT COURTYARD Hurray! We got to the police station without collecting any items! That means ol' Chickenheart Vickers is lurking about at the bottom of the stairs, with the SECRET KEY. We won't bother to go and kill him as the benefits of the SECRET KEY are rather small. Instead, run through the small gate to your right and run down the path to another gate. This one lets out in front of the RPD's entrance. Enter into the supposed safe haven that Leon thought the station would be... 1F MAIN HALL Wow, this place is really expensively decorated for a police station, plus it has music to match. The soundtrack you hear is incredible! Too bad it's reserved for this one giant chamber. Other than the front door, the only door that is unlocked is the one near the security desk. Enter it. PATROL SQUADROOM You hear moaning and groaning as you enter from a dying cop, who looks a lot like Will Smith. The voice acting in this scene is so horrible! "Who...who are you? Oh, its you..." The voice sounds so wrong coming from an African-American! Anyway, after some dry humor, he hands you the BLUE CARD KEY and pushes you back out the door again. 1F MAIN HALL As you enter, you hear the dying cop lock the door behind you. You won't be going back to that room again for a LONG time. Go around the security desk and you see a box of HANDGUN BULLETS. Since you still only have the ammo you started the game with, I strongly suggest you take them. Walk over to the computer and boot it up. It will ask you if you would like to use the BLUE CARD KEY. Say yes and you will unlock two doors near the RPD's main entrance. We now want to go to the double doors near the broken fountain. WEST RECEPTION AREA Go over to the CHEST and organize your inventory: HANDGUN, HANDGUN BULLETS Next, walk around the partiton and you will see a hideous creature go past the window. Don't worry, you'll get a chance to get acqainted in a short bit! Leave out the door near the window where you saw the monster. L-SHAPED HALL Walk down the hall and you can hear a faint dripping sound. After running forward a bit, you will see a corpse with the head missing. Check the body twice for a box of HANDGUN BULLETS. Go forward a little more and you will see the source of the dripping noise. There is a bloodspot on the floor, but thankfully Barry Burton from RE1 isn't around to say "What IS this? BLOOD!" Walk over to the puddle and an FMV will show you a downright nasty looking creature, from now on known as the licker. All you have is a HANDGUN, so run! Sprint past it and exit out the door back there. BARRICADED PASSAGEWAY All along this hall, you can see that all the windows are effectively covered up with boards. Yeah, I'm sure nothing'll be able to get through those! Don't bother entering the double doors, you don't have a necessary item for that room yet. Instead go past and take the door at the end of the hall. WEST STAIRWELL Let the female zombie to your left take a few steps, then sprint past and snipe all the zombies from there. There are some GREEN HERBS under the stairs if you have dipped into CAUTION and want to heal up. Go up the stairs. WEST STAIRS LANDING Frown at the lame music up here then run down the hall to collide with a set of three statues. The two on the far left and far right are moveable There are also two special tiles on either side of the central statue. What to do here...hmm...? (Jepoardy music plays in the background) Ding! I've got it! We have to push the two moveable statues on the special tiles so they are facing the central statue, then something cool will happen! Okay, let's put this brillant plan into action then. Push the copper statue around behind the central statue to its special tile on the right. While you are going past the statue, look around behind the central statue for another hidden box of HANDGUN BULLETS. Then, push the silver statue to its place on the left side of the central statue. When both are in place, take the RED JEWEL from the cental statue. Leave out the nearby door. S.T.A.R.S. CORRIDOR Enter the first door you see. S.T.A.R.S. OFFICE Immediately after entering, go to the desk with the CD on top of it. You will discover CHRIS'S DIARY. Tap triangle to avoid reading it. There isn't any useful info inside it anyway. After you take up the document, you see a UNICORN MEDAL in its place. Take it as well. Walk over to the cabinet beside the big, black radio transmitter. Open the cabinet to find a GRENADE LAUNCHER. It will be a frequent travel companion of yours during the game. Leave. Ignore the incoming fax. S.T.A.R.S. CORRIDOR We are now going to retrace our steps all the way back to the 1F MAIN HALL. Turn right and enter the door over there. WEST STAIRS LANDING Run down the stairs at the other end of the hall. WEST STAIRWELL Enter the first door on the right. BARRICADED PASSAGEWAY Run back along the corridor while staying next to the left wall at all times! Watch out for the hands that pop out of the boarded windows near the double doors. After recovering from the shock, continue down the hall and again more zombie hands will pop out of the windows. Avoid them and leave out the single door at the end of the passage. L-SHAPED HALL Take the GREEN HERB off the floor. Evade the licker and enter the door at the far end of the hall. WEST RECEPTION AREA Organize your inventory: HANDGUN, HANDGUN BULLETS UNICORN MEDAL, GREEN HERB We'll start using the GRENADE LAUNCHER later after we find more ammo for it. Go out the double doors. 1F MAIN HALL Run over to the fountain and put the UNICORN MEDAL in the hollow in front of the statue. The statue will then tilt over to give you the SPADE KEY. Go back through the double doors again. WEST RECEPTION AREA Run to the door behind the partiton. L-SHAPED HALL Evade the licker again and use the SPADE KEY on the door near the decapitated body. FILES ROOM Run around the shelf and you will bump into a stepladder. Push the stepladder all the way to the shelf at the other end of the aisle. Then stand on it and collect the CRANK. Leave. L-SHAPED HALL Evade the licker AGAIN and leave out the door to the right. BARRICADED PASSAGEWAY Run to the door at the other end of the hall. Don't worry, this time the zombie hands won't come out. WEST STAIRWELL Go upstairs. WEST STAIRS LANDING Go to the door at the other end of the hall. S.T.A.R.S. CORRIDOR You see a little girl being chased by a zombie. After the scene, evade the zombie and follow after the girl. Use and discard the SPADE KEY to unlock the door you find. Enter the door. WEST WAITING ROOM You collide with Leon in here. Claire asks if Leon saw the girl. He says yes, but she ran away before he could catch her. Leon then hands over a radio so they can contact each other if there is trouble. Enter the offshoot to the right. Before going through the door, use your LOCKPICK to unlock the desk next to it. You will be rewarded with a pack of FLAME ROUNDS. Now go through the door. LIBRARY Take the RED HERB on a desk on the lower floor, then enter the double doors close by. 2F MAIN HALL Turn left, evading or killing zombies. Activate the red box to send an emergency ladder to the floor, giving you a shortcut between the first and second floors. Continue around the balcony shooting or dodging zombies until you reach a door at the end. Go through the door. EAST WAITING ROOM Look at the sparkly on a couch. Take the LIGHTER and organize your inventory: HANDGUN, HANDGUN BULLETS HEALING ITEM Leave out the door you didn't use to enter this room. WRECKAGE HALL Turn right and enter the door over there. CROW HALL Run down the hall, ignoring the silver door for now. Sprint past the dead body. After some more running, lots of crows will crash through the windows. Continue running and eventually you will reach another door. Enter it. HELICOPTER WRECK Ignore everything you see for now. Go down the stairs. RPD BACK COURTYARD There are many, many zombies here, but you need not fight as the path is nice and wide, allowing room for dodging. Enter the door at the end of the path. CABIN Take the VALVE HANDLE off the floor and the horrible BOWGUN off the desk. I once heard somewhere that it is bad luck to leave a building through a different door than you used to enter it, so let's leave through the door we used to get in. Try to open the other door and this superstition will prove to be real! RPD BACK COURTYARD Dodge all the zombies and go back up the stairs. Watch out for the female zombie in front of the steps. HELICOPTER WRECK Walk through the open gate next to the exit door and it will lead you to a hole. Use the VAVLE HANDLE on the hole and the tank will rupture, putting out the helicopter's fire. Before going back inside, you can check the helicopter's side door for HANDGUN BULLETS if you want them. CROW HALL Run down the hall to the wooden door, evading all crows. WRECKAGE HALL Cool, the zombies have disappeared. Open the door to the right of the helicopter's nose. ART ROOM Take the DIAMOND KEY near the reliefs on the wall. Leave. There is nothing else you can do here right now. WRECKAGE HALL Enter the first door you see (not counting the one crushed by the helicopter). EAST WAITING ROOM Enter the door across the room from you. 2F MAIN HALL Go to the emergency ladder and climb down. 1F MAIN HALL Enter the double doors at the base of the ramps. WEST RECEPTION AREA Organize your inventory: BOWGUN, LIGHTER DIAMOND KEY, HEALING ITEM (optional) Leave out the other door. L-SHAPED HALL Evade the licker and enter the door at the far end of the hall. BARRICADED PASSAGEWAY Enter the double doors. BRIEFING ROOM Go to the head of the class! Enter the open door to the left of the podium to enter a little storage room. Use the LIGHTER at the fireplace to start a blaze. This will cause the second RED JEWEL to fall out of the painting. Take it and leave. BARRICADED PASSAGEWAY Turn right and enter the door you collide with. WEST STAIRWELL Turn right and enter the door at the end of the hall, with the DIAMOND KEY's help. EVIDENCE ROOM Use the BOWGUN to kill the zombies on this side of the cabinets, then search the cabinets for a pouch of BOWGUN BOLTS. Take them and then use your LOCKPICK to unlock one of the large, tan cabinets for a PLASTIC BOMB. Enter the door nearby. PATROL SQUADROOM Take the GREEN HERB on the floor to get yourself into FINE status, then walk ahead some more and enter the cubicle. Mr. Dying Cop is on the floor, but when you try to talk to him, he turns PURPLE!!! Shoot him up with the BOWGUN, then take the DETONATOR on the table. Combine the DETONATOR with the PLASTIC BOMB to make a BOMB & DETONATOR. What a bad name for an explosive. Anyway, leave out the door that you were pushed through at the beginning of the game. 1F MAIN HALL Climb the ladder. 2F MAIN HALL Turn right and enter the door you come to. EAST WAITING ROOM Organize your inventory: BOWGUN, BOWGUN BOLTS RED JEWEL, RED JEWEL BOMB & DETONATOR Leave out the door you didn't use to enter. WRECKAGE HALL Before blowing up the wall, enter the ART ROOM. ART ROOM Use the two RED JEWELS on the reliefs beside the statue in the middle. After they are in place, the middle statue will open up, giving you the BLUE STONE. Leave. WRECKAGE HALL Use the BOMB & DETONATOR on the wreckage to open up a new corridor. Enter the hall and go through the door at its end. CHIEF'S ROOM Check the body on the desk, and a guy with a gun will face you! It is Chief Irons, formerly the most insane person ever to grace a RE game. That honor is now held by Alferd Ashford of RE: Code Veronica. Anyway, he talks about how beautiful the mayor's daughter is, despite the fact she is dead, then he dismisses you. Leave out the door you didn't use to enter. TIGER HALL Run down the hall to the door at the end. KNIGHT ROOM You hear footsteps of someone running away from you. Eventually, you will come to a black room with a light switch. Throw the switch and the little girl you saw back in the west wing will try to run from Claire. She grabs her by the hand. The girl's name is Sherry Birkin, and she is the only kid that lives in Racoon it seems. Claire tries to comfort her, but then a growl pierces the calm. Sherry runs off, scared to death. You can't catch her a second time, so leave the room. TIGER HALL Run down the hall and exit through the door near the stuffed tiger. CHIEF'S ROOM The chief is gone, but there is something on the desk that he left behind. Take the HEART KEY and exit the room through the door you did not use to get in. WRECKAGE HALL Run down the hall and enter the last one on the left. CROW HALL Run to the silver door dead ahead and unlock it. Enter the door. FIRE ESCAPE Take all the GREEN HERBS out here. Combine them all together to make a mixture that heals completely, then take the door at the bottom of the stairs. DETECTIVES' ROOM Run through the open door past the dead body, then run straight ahead until you see another open door. Enter this door and kill the zombie inside. Go to the safe and enter 2236 as the code. The safe will open. Take the ACID ROUNDS and the map if you want it. Next, run behind the desk in the cubicle and take the GREEN HERB. Go back to the little corridor where you entered this room. Turn left and unlock the door there with the HEART KEY. Discard it and enter the door. YELLOW PASSAGEWAY Take both GREEN HERBS here and run down the hall. Go downstairs. MAIN BASEMENT CORRIDOR You can hear the tapping of dogs in the distance. Run down the corridor and turn left. Dodge all dogs you see and exit through the double doors at the end of the hall. RPD BACK ALLEY Take the RED HERB nearby and climb down the manhole. You'll be able to get away before the dogs can leap down to you for a bite. CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR 1 Enter the first door you see. CONSTRUCTION STORAGE ROOM Organize your inventory: GRENADE LAUNCHER, FLAME ROUNDS DIAMOND KEY, FULL HEALING HERB LIGHTER Leave. CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR 1 Sherry pops up from nowhere. She says she heard her dad calling for help, so without your approval, she just leaps through a hole in a fence. Now, you must begin playing as, the WORST controllable character in the series. CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR 2 Run to the elevator and take it up. "CESS POOL" Turn right at the turn, and run straight. You will come to a door. Enter it. Watch out for the dogs as Sherry has no weapons to defend herself with. WATER PUMP ROOM Remember that "fun" puzzle in RE1, where we had to shove all those boxes around to make a bridge over a pool? Well, here is the second installment! Jump down the ledges to get into a small, empty pool. Climb over the box on the far left, then jump down into the open space between the boxes and the wall. Push the center box far away enough so that the left box can be pushed in to fill in the open space. Next, climb out of the empty space and jump down on the other side of the left box. Push it into the empty spot you freed for it. Lastly, push the box on the far right into position between the center box and the wall. Climb out of the pool then press the glowing buttons on the control panel to fill the pool with water, which will in turn, raise up the box bridge so you can cross over to the other side of the pit. Take the CLUB KEY off the shelf there, then leave. "CESS POOL" Run straight until you get to the curve, then turn left and board the elevator. CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR 2 Sherry throws Claire the CLUB KEY, then says she will have to run off alone as the hole is much too high to climb through on this side. CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR 1 Take the CLUB KEY that was thrown to you, then go up the ladder. RPD BACK ALLEY The dogs are easy to evade as they face the wrong way. Get back to the double doors. BASEMENT MAIN CORRIDOR Run down the hall, unlocking but not entering into the AUTOPSY ROOM. Instead, turn right at the fork and go upstairs. Evade the lickers as you are never coming back here again. YELLOW PASSAGEWAY Run around the railing and unlock the door back there with the CLUB KEY. Enter the door. NIGH WATCHMAN'S POST Take the ACID ROUNDS from the night stand near the bunk beds. Leave. YELLOW PASSAGEWAY Run down the hall past the broken windows and enter the door you come to. DETECTIVES' ROOM Run across the room and enter the blue double doors. WEST RECEPTION AREA Load up your GRENADE LAUNCHER with GRENADE ROUNDS and blow the zombies all to pieces. Take the GREEN HERB on the floor and leave through the door at the end of the arched corridor to the right. BROWN PASSAGEWAY Blow away every zombie here with GRENADE ROUNDS. If you run out, use FLAME ROUNDS next. Unlock the door with bars on the window using the DIAMOND KEY. Discard the DIAMOND KEY and enter the door. INTEROGATION ROOM Ignore the items on the desk, they are worthless. Instead, take the EAGLE STONE from the shelf in back. As you try to leave, a licker crashes through the window. Slide past and exit quickly. BROWN PASSAGEWAY Take the RED HERB on the floor and use the CLUB KEY on the green door at the end of the hall. Discard the key and enter. PRESS CONFERENCE ROOM Watch out for the licker when you enter the room. Go to the front of the room and use the LIGHTER to start a fire in the old furnace. Next, light the torch in the middle labeled "12." After doing that, light the torch on the right labeled "13." Finally, light the last torch on the left labeled "11." The painting at the other end of the room will release the GEAR COGWHEEL. Take it and leave. BROWN PASSAGEWAY Run all the way down the hall to the door at the far end. EAST RECEPTION AREA Run to the single door at the other end of the hall. 1F MAIN HALL Go to the double doors at the bottom of the stairs. WEST RECEPTION AREA Organize your inventory: BOWGUN, BOWGUN BOLTS GEAR COGWHEEL, CRANK GREEN HERB Leave out the door you used to enter. 1F MAIN HALL Go up the emergency ladder. 2F MAIN HALL The zombies are gone, replaced by one hyperactive licker. Evade the licker as best as you can and get to the double doors on the left (Claire's left when facing away from the ladder) side of the massive balcony. LIBRARY As you enter, you hear a rumbling. Watch all the zombies spill into rooms you don't even have to go to anymore! Run up the stairs and go around the balcony. Enter the door you see up there. 3F MAIN HALL Wow, the view of the lobby from up here is incredible. Sadly, a licker pops up to spoil the moment. Shoot it up with the BOWGUN and take the other door on this balcony. CLOCK TOWER ROOM Use the CRANK on the hole to the right to lower a staircase. Go up the stairs and around the catwalk to collide with an open panel. Place the G. COGWHEEL inside then press the switch. The clock will start up again and reveal a secret compartment. Take the second BLUE STONE from its elusive hiding place. Leave out the door. 3F MAIN HALL Enter the other door on the balcony. LIBRARY Wander to the section where there is no railing and the wood will collapse beneath you weight, but this is a good thing. Press the shiny red button in front of you to cause the bookshelf on the far right to move away. Walk over and move the far left and the middle left bookshelves to the right. A panel in the cubicle you fell into will open up, revealing the SERPENT STONE. Take it and leave out the double doors. 2F MAIN HALL Evade the licker and enter the single door way on the other side of the balcony. EAST WAITING ROOM Organize your inventory: GRENADE LAUNCHER (loaded with ACID ROUNDS), FLAME ROUNDS GRENADE ROUNDS (if you have any), SERPENT STONE EAGLE STONE, BLUE STONE BLUE STONE, FULL HEALING HERB Combine the two BLUE STONES to get the JAGUAR STONE. Leave the room through the other door. WRECKAGE HALL Take the door that was previously blocked by the crushed door. CHIEF'S ROOM Sherry pops up out of nowhere and greets you. Press the switch beneath the painting of Xena: Warrior Princess (tm) and it will slide to reveal a stone slab with three square holes. Plug in the JAGUAR STONE, the EAGLE STONE, and the SERPENT STONE to open up another secret passage. Enter the secret room and board the elevator in here. The file on the ground is worthless. CASTLE HALL A little ways down the hall, you hear Chief Irons scream as...something is shoved into his mouth. Continue down the hall and enter the door between the flaming torches. TORTURE ROOM The chief holds you at gunpoint, and says he is working with Umbrella. He cries that Umbrella has destoyed his beautiful city, and says if he has to die, then he wants Claire to die with him. Suddenly, a mutated tadpole busts out of his chest and slides down through the open trapdoor. Before pursuing it, take the ACID ROUNDS from a stand near the torture table. Now go down the ladder and get your GRENADE LAUNCHER loaded up. SECRET CAVE Run forward and you'll see that thing that popped out of Irons's chest, and the little bugger sure has grown. It will begin the battle by spitting out some tadpole-like creatures, but it doesn't matter. Just stand where you are and fire off about five ACID ROUNDS. It should die rather pathetically, not even moving a few feet across the catwalk before you destroy it. The music will stop when it is dead. Go back up the ladder you used to get in. You have to pick up Sherry or the game will not let you proceed any farther than the next room. WHY?! I was hoping this would be our chance to ditch the little brat! TORTURE ROOM Exit out the door. CASTLE HALL Take the elevator up. CHIEF'S ROOM Sherry welcomes Claire back, then tells her she thinks she found a way out. Sherry agrees to come along and then Claire radios Leon to inform her of her brilliant plan. Before Leon can start protesting too much, Claire rudely hangs up. Take the elevator down. CASTLE HALL Now that you have Sherry at your side, you must be careful. If you get too far away from her, she will crouch down in fright and won't move. You will have to run back to make her get up again. Try to leave the room without here and the game will call you to order, forcing you to go back by not allowing you to exit the room. Run to the door between the torches. TORTURE ROOM Sadly, there is nothing you can do to cover up the disgusting corpse on the floor. Little kids should NOT be looking at the garbage in here, no matter how annoying they are. Climb down the ladder. SECRET CAVE Go to the end of the catwalk and use the switch. This will cause a ladder to descend. Climb up it. CLAIRE'S SEWER ACCESS Run to the ledge to activate a cutscene showing you a real nasty-looking dude walking past on the ledge. Sherry and Claire are scared and quickly sprint through the shutter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ | _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| |___ | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | ___| | | ___| | _ | | _ / | | |___ | - THE SEWERS | | | | | | | | \ \ | | ___| | |_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_____| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CLAIRE'S SEWER PASSAGE Part 3 kicks off with Sherry getting sucked down a sewer drain, away from Claire (YES!). Sadly, the game decides to let you play her part in this incident instead of Claire's. SHERRY'S SEWER PASSAGE Run down the canal and climb up onto the ledge you see. Enter the door there. CLAIRE'S WAREHOUSE Turn right and follow the wall to a vent cover. Go through the vent. The zombie will pose no threat. BUG TUNNEL Quickly sprint down the passage to the exit before the bugs can move from their nest to swarm you. TRASH ROOM Walk forward a little ways and you will see a sparkly on the ground. Take the EAGLE MEDAL and then the doors will open, sending you tumbling into darkness. LOWER DUMPING AREA We see Sherry go unconsious, then we see that nasty-looking guy from a few minutes ago feed Sherry one of those...things. The scene then shifts back to Claire. CLAIRE'S SEWER PASSAGE Run down the tunnel and climb up on the ledge you run into. Enter the door at the end of the hall. CLAIRE'S WATER CONTROL ROOM Don't bother searching here for items, all this room yields is HANDGUN BULLETS, which have long gone useless, and a FIRST AID SPRAY, which is always useless in speed games. Instead, unlock the metal door with the LOCKPICK and go down the ladder. CLAIRE'S WAREHOUSE Remember this place? Turn right and follow the wall to a place where there is a door and a shelf directly across from it. Search the shelf and you will find some BOWGUN BOLTS. Continue going right following the wall until you come to a shelf on the wall you are following. Take the GRENADE ROUNDS and get back up the ladder before the zombie can do some munching. CLAIRE'S WATER CONTROL ROOM Organize your inventory: BOWGUN, BOWGUN BOLTS VALVE HANDLE, FULL HEALING ITEM GRENADE LAUNCHER (loaded with FLAME ROUNDS, optional) Go down the elevator. T-SHAPED HALL Run down the hall and enter the fork to the left. Enter the door there. SEWER CANAL 1 Unfortunately, the fan is running, blocking access to the ladder. Instead, turn right and run past some spiders. You will find a gate to the left. Go through it. SEWER CANAL 2 Run down the passage a bit, then climb up the ledge to the left. Enter the double doors up there. Keep running through this room so the spiders cannot poison you. LOWER WATER TREATMENT ROOM A woman appears from nowhere with the gun pointed at Claires's neck. It's Annette Birkin, one of the most evil female characters in the whole RE series. She almost hisses when she talks! She then explains how all this mess happened to Raccoon City. When the long FMV ends, a scream is heard. Anette gets worried about Sherry and decides to forget about her mission for now and help Claire find her. Run around the platform some until you come to a flashing red light. Use the VALVE HANDLE on the hole beneath the light to bring a bridge down to your level. Go over the bridge and use the VALVE HANDLE on the green light over there to raise the bridge again. Take the FLAME ROUNDS near the typewriter, but ignore the GREEN HERBS. Leave through the door nearby. LONG SEWER TUNNEL Run all the way to the end of the passage. You will see Sherry lying on a pile of junk. Suddenly, a giant crocodile decides to choose that moment to attack. After you regain control, run all the way back down the passage until you see a flashing green light. Press X near it to release an explosive can. STAY WHERE YOU ARE. The crocodile will then try to eat the can. That's when you get him. Shoot the can in its mouth to blow its filthy head off. Run past the giant corpse and press the red button near the large door at the end of the corridor. Go through the door. LOWER DUMPING AREA Run across the dump and move to Sherry. She begins to complain about her stomach. Take the WOLF MEDAL nearby and climb up on the ledge, then take the ladder up some more. UPPER WATER TREATEMENT ROOM Run across the little bridge you raised and turn left. You will eventually come to a contol panel where there is a dead body and an EAGLE MEDAL. Take the EAGLE MEDAL and run back to the fork, but this time go straight. You will come to a red light. Use the VALVE HANDLE one last time to stop the fan from rotating. Climb the ladder now. FAN TUNNEL Run to the ladder at the other end of the passage. SEWER CANAL 1 Turn right to find a hidden ledge where some dead bodies are. Search them for a bag of FLAME ROUNDS. Climb down again and follow the corridor all the way to the gate at the other end. Ignore the zombies. You'll be long gone before they can drag themselves from the sewer water. Just be careful not to accidentally leave Sherry behind or there will be serious consequences.b SEWER CANAL 2 Run straight down this hall to a panel on the right near the waterfall. Plant the EAGLE MEDAL and the WOLF MEDAL in it to make the waterfall stop flowing and reveal a door. Enter the door. SECRET TUNNEL Run to the door at the other end of the walkway. SKYTRAM STATION 1 Walk out onto a large platform. Ignore the shelf as there is nothing useful on it. Instead, activate the glowing panel to the right of the skytram to start it up. Then, board the skytram through the doors on the left side of it. SKYTRAM STATION 2 Despite what many guides will tell you, you do not need to use the LIGHTER on the flare gun to find the WEAPON BOX KEY here. Search around in the right corner near the gun to pick up the WEAPON BOX KEY and exit out the metal door at the other end of the walkway. INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR 1 Run down the hall, blasting zombies as you please. Ignore the zombie to the left, instead run right and shoot any zombies that get in your way. At the end, enter the door. INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR 2 This corridor is pretty much the same as the last, only this time the goodies (two GREEN HERBS) are to the right, and the exit is to the left. Grab the GREEN HERBS only if you are desparate for health because you will have to waste some big ammo. Climb up the ladder. TRAIN PLATFORM CONTROL ROOM Grab the FLAME ROUNDS and the GRENADE ROUNDS off the counter, then organize your inventory: GRENADE LAUNCHER (loaded with ACID ROUNDS), FLAME ROUNDS GRENADE ROUNDS, 4 HEALING ITEMS (preferably ones that heal you completely) Keep one inventory slot free and leave out the door. TRAIN TURNTABLE Turn left and run over to the engine car. Climb up the steps in back and enter the car. ENGINE CAR Run to the front and take the CONTROL PANEL KEY from the red hook, then take the FLAME ROUNDS from the bathroom. Go back outside. TRAIN TURNTABLE Use the CONTROL PLATFORM KEY on the panel near the stairs, then press the switch to start the machinery up. You will see a scene of the turntable descending deep under the city. ENGINE CAR Sherry says she is getting sicker and Claire mumbles that she has to hurry before the embryos pupate. Suddenly, there is a rumbling outside. William has come to get some. Let's go outside and settle this! TRAIN TURNTABLE Walk around some and William will appear. Like most other bosses in the game, he's pretty easy to defeat. Simply stand at one end of the platform. Shoot ACID ROUNDS till he gets too close, then run to the other end of the platform and shoot from there. After 9-12 shots from the GRENADE LAUNCHER, he will be defeated. Reenter the car. ENGINE CAR The platform arrives at the bottom. Sherrys still has not woken up, so Claire carries her outside. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ _____ _____ _____ _ _ | _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| | | | | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | | |_| | | ___| | _ | | _ / | | |___ | - THE SECRET LABORATORY | | | | | | | | \ \ | | | | |_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTRANCE PLATFORM Claire looks around and uses what little she knows to figure out she is inside a secret lab (looks at painted letters on the floor that read "Umbrella Laboratories." Anyway, he takes Sherry off to a room. LAB GUARDPOST Claire gives Sherry her jacket, and explains how lonely her life was, and says she is happy Claire is around. Take the GREEN HERB from the filing cabinet, and the ACID ROUNDS off the shelf. Organize your inventory: GRENADE LAUNCHER (loaded with FLAME ROUNDS), GRENADE ROUNDS ACID ROUNDS Leave. ENTRANCE PLATFORM Turn right and run past the corridor to another door. Enter it. LABORATORY MAIN SHAFT Wow, this room is HUGE! You can't even see the floor that is so far below you. Enter the little walled-off place in the middle of the room and take the path that has blue lights. Enter the door there. EAST AREA HALL Run ahead and turn left at the shutter and the first door. You will come to a set of double doors with ice covering them. Enter the door. (The first time I saw this door, I was scared because I thought it was some kind of nesting material from a creature, and that I was about to enter its domain.) SUPER-LOW TEMPERATURE EXPERIMENT ROOM Run around the corner and you will see a sparkly on a stand. Take the FUSE CASE and then use it with the flashing-blue panel nearby. A handy-dandy robot arm will then transform the FUSE CASE into a MAIN FUSE. Take it and leave the room. EAST AREA HALL Go back down the hall and exit through the door leading to the LABORATORY MAIN SHAFT. The other doors won't open anyway. LABORATORY MAIN SHAFT Use the MAIN FUSE on the machine in the middle of the room to restore power to the facility. I thought it would be more complicated than this to activate the power. The next thing you need to do is enter the door on the red-lit path. WEST AREA HALL Run ahead and open the shutter to the left. The plants inside will then wake up and attack. A couple of FLAME ROUNDS will destroy them. Beware the poison they spit and also tread carefully when passing the corpses, their vines can swing up and attack. Enter the door behind the plants. B4 PLANT SHAFT Wow, that plant is big. Blow away the plant in front of you and take the two GREEN HERBS. Descend the ladder. B5 PLANT SHAFT Enter the door nearby. SUPER CORRIDOR I call it this because from now on all enemies will be super in their attacks and strengh. Load up your ACID ROUNDS and run around the corners, but when you see a white wall down the hall, start slowly walking forward. A licker will crash out of a ceiling vent, but if you don't move, it won't be able to detect you. Wait for it to get into range and point the GRENADE LAUNCHER down, blasting every time the fella flips over again. It will squeal when you kill it. Move into the white-walled corridor and repeat with the other two super-lickers. If you run out of ACID ROUNDS use FLAME ROUNDS Get all the GREEN HERBS and leave out the door at the far end of the corridor. LABORATORY CONTROL ROOM Run around the corners until you bump into a typewriter and a chest. Organize your inventory: GRENADE LAUNCHER (loaded with GRENADE ROUNDS), FLAME ROUNDS ACID ROUNDS (if you have any left), WEAPON BOX KEY GREEN HERB Leave out the door nearby. MOTH CORRIDOR Turn left at the fork. Take the RED HERB you see and enter the door that is close by. MAIN LAB After entering, go to the flashing locker to the left and unlock it with the WEAPON BOX KEY. Inside the locker is two bags of GRENADE ROUNDS. Enter the door and it will slide open without a loading sequence. Blast the zombie and proceed to the next sliding door. Remember this place? In Anette's FMV its where William was shot and injected himself with the G-virus. Maybe there's something important in here, like a key... Kill or dodge the zombies in this room, and get to the almost empty white table in the back of the room. Take the LAB CARD KEY and leave the lab the way you came in. MOTH CORRIDOR Anette confronts you here and accuses you of "murdering my husband!" Hardly, he goes through three more transformations before he finally dies! She is about to shoot when she hears William nearby. She runs down the corridor towards the LABORATORY CONTROL ROOM, and William falls out of a vent. She is then cut down by the beast that is her husband. Run to where Anette ran to and she will give you information on how to save Sherry. Anette then dies. Don't worry about reading the file, all you will have to do is follow my instructions. The self-destruct sequence then activates. You know that EVERY RE game must end with a self-destruct sequence :) Enter the door beyond Anette's body. LABORATORY CONTROL ROOM When you try to run past the monitors, Claire sees Leon on a monitor. She radios him and tells Leon to go pick up Sherry while Claire says she has "some loose ends to tie up." Run to the door at the other end of the corridor. SUPER CORRIDOR Beware the licker that comes crashing out of the vents in the first hall. You want to get to the door at the far end of the passage. B5 PLANT SHAFT Climb the ladder. B4 PLANT SHAFT Enter the door. WEST AREA HALL Turn right at the fork. Beware the plant that has...planted itself in front of the exit you need to use. LABORATORY MAIN SHAFT Take the blue-lit path and use the door there. EAST AREA HALL Use the LAB CARD KEY on the door in front of you. Enter it. AUTOPSY LAB Load your GRENADE ROUNDS, then take the GRENADE ROUNDS and the VACCINE CARTRIGE from the bed to the right. Blow away the first zombie, then press the red button to turn on the lights. Blast all the other zombies and walk past the circular device. Take the MO DISK from the tool cart next to the surgeon's bed. Next, use the VACCINE CARTRIGE at the green-glowing computer monitor. Go to the panel to the left of the surgeon's bed (the one with red, yellow, and green lights). Activate the machine to complete stage one of making the antidote for Sherry. Go back to the monitor and take the BASE VACCINE. Leave. EAST AREA HALL Enter the door dead ahead. LABORATORY MAIN SHAFT Enter the door on the red path. WEST AREA HALL Blast the plant, then turn left at the fork and enter the door there. B4 PLANT SHAFT Climb down the ladder. B5 PLANT SHAFT Enter the door. SUPER CORRIDOR Blow away all the zombies and enter the door at the far end of the corridor. LABORATORY CONTROL ROOM Run to the door at the other end of the corridor. MOTH CORRIDOR Turn left at the fork and enter the double doors over there. MAIN LAB Get into the lab-part of this room, then run staight ahead from the door to bump into the machine you need to use. Use the BASE VACCINE on it, then activate the device. You now have the VACCINE for Sherry. Now all you have to do is find the other two and get out! Leave the room. MOTH CORRIDOR Turn right at the fork and enter the door there. LABORATORY CONTROL ROOM Go to the chest and organize your inventory for the last time: GRENADE LAUNCHER (loaded with FLAME or ACID RONDS), ALL GRENADE LAUNCHER AMMO MO DISK, AS MANY HEALING ITEMS AS YOU CAN CARRY Make sure all your guns are fully loaded and you are totally healed up. I recommend you save your game here. Leave out the door you used to enter. SUPER CORRIDOR Go to the blinking monitor and use the MO DISK there to open up a closed-off hall next to you. Enter the door at the end of it. Notice how the music quietens down. LARGE TRANSPORT ROOM The computer will announce there are only 5 minutes left until it gets a little warm. Run down between the containers and activate the large elevator. Suddenly, Willy crashes in through the ceiling and attacks. Shoot several FLAME or ACID ROUNDS at him. He then mutates into a dog-like form. I belive this is the toughest form of William and the toughest boss in the game. He will leap up onto the containers. To make him come down to your level, run laps around the room until he decides to give up on pouncing on you from above and returns to the floor for an in-your-face fight. Shoot him 7-10 times with the FLAME OR ACID ROUNDS and he will be defeated again. Don't worry about dodging, you have more than enough healing items to suffer through the blows. Carefully monitor your health, healing every time you enter orange CAUTION or worse. After you kill him again, the elevator will arrive. Board it. ESCAPE TRAIN PLATFORM Simply run down the hall to trigger the final ending sequence. Hope you enjoy it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6: Thanks - Thanks to myself because if it wasn't for me, this FAQ wouldn't exist! - Thanks to my dad for giving me jobs to do to pay for my Playstation 2 and this game! - Thanks to Capcom! I am really looking forward to Resident Evil: Code Veronica X. - Thanks to S.D. Perry for her brilliant novelization of the Resident Evil series! - BIG, Big thanks to GameFaqs, THE best video game site on the net! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8: E-mail Policy I have recieved a lot of stupid e-mail in the past, but now it is starting to get ridiculous so I am going to start enforcing what kinds of messages will and will not get answered. Please DO: - read the whole document before sending a question. If you have time to waste your life away on video games, then you have enough time to scan my document for a few minutes for an answer to a problem. - put the name of the game in the message topic. It makes it A LOT easier for me to pick out which messages are on games and which are not. Also if the name is not there, I might accidentally delete it, thinking it is junk mail. - spell correctly. I won't be able to help much with your problem if you send me something like "Hy mn cn u hlp me wth ths 1 prblm, I cnt bt ths 1 lvl ok thnks gby." - send a message in English. I can barely read Spanish, let alone translate Japanese. You wouldn't believe how many messages I have recieved in some foreign languages that I don't even know which continent they are from. - be polite. Any mail with excessive flaming will be instantly deleted. Please DO NOT: - write the title of the message as "About your walkthrough" or something similar to that. - flame. I hate flaming. Especially messages with the f-word or the s-word. These will be instantly deleted. - send advertisements. These will be considered junk mail and will be deleted instantly. - ask me something that is already answered in the walkthrough or the manual. C'mon, would you rather spend a few minutes skimming my guide, or would you rather spend a few hours, days, or even weeks waiting for me to get back to you? - forget to include the name of the game in the message or on the title. I am not a psychic. I cannot tell what game you are after if you do not include the name in it. - send me a message in any language other than English. The only other language I can barely understand at all is Spanish, and even then, I can hardly form simple sentences. So don't send the message in any language besides English or I simply won't be able to help you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8: Copyright This guide is the sole property of Nathan Norris, author of this guide. Don't rip off this guide in part or whole, or I will be forced to act against you. Don't rip off this guide then alter it to death and claim it as your own. This guide may not be used for ANY profitable reasons whatsoever, even if no money is made. I'm tired of all these websites requesting my guides for their sites, so from now on, these are the only sites which may use my guides: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com www.gameadvice.com www.psxcodes.com http://faqs.ign.com This makes it very simple for me to keep track of what state each version is in each site. If you find this guide on some other site, and it is incomplete, go to www.gamefaqs.com. before requesting help from me. Since gamefaqs.com is the first place I send every piece of my work, they are sure to have the most up-to-date version of my guides. Also, if you find this guide on www.cheatcc.com, notify me immediately. They have ripped off of me before and I'm not gonna let them do it again. I bid you farewell. -----------------------------------------------------------------------