"I'm not easily impressed." ._______. ._______. ._________.___._______. ._________._______. ._______. | ._. !_| ._. !_| ._. | | ._. !_| ._. | ._. !_._! ._. | | |\| | |\| | |\!___|___| |_| | |/| | |/| | |/| | | | | | !_! | !__\__| | | | | !_! | | | | | | | | | !___| ._____!_____. | | | | | ._____| | | |___! | | | | |\__| !\_____\____! | | !_! _| !_____| | | |__/| | | !___! | !_________________. | |_______!_! ._________! !___! | !___! \___\| \________| ._. !_| |\________| |________/!/___/ !/___/ | | | | | | |___| | | !_! | | | | | | .___. | ._____| !_! | | |/| | | !\____!_. ._| | !_! | !_________!_!_____!_!___!_________! \________! !_______!___!________/ | ._. | !___! | | !___!_! | | ._____! | !_____! !_________| !_________! 01:15 SPEED WALKTHROUGH Created by Vincent Merken, AD 990117 Update (ASCII logo, reworked text), AD 020728 ********** 1 Preface ------- Hiya, this is good'ol Vince back at the keys... After quite a bit of silence, I've decided to give all my older guides a small update - clean out the typos, remodel a few sections here and there and generally finish the games a lot faster than before. And of course RE2 didn't escape this mad update frenzy. Below follows a complete and concise roadmap to finish Leon's A mission within 1:15. So without any further ado, let's get it on. First, a word from our sponsors about the contents: 1 Preface The text you're reading right now. Intent on guiding you through the rest of the walkthrough. 2 General Hints Here I'll give some directives on how to behave yourself with respect to the game's local wildlife. The local wildlife'll be described as well as game structure. 3 Characters A little discussion about who you're playing/tinkering with. It's not essential to read, it's merely a personal view on the game itself (expect rants :). 4 Walkthrough The 'piece de resistance'. This is what it's all about. 5 Afterthoughts Some final conclusions and the International Declaration of Copyrights. ... Well, that's about all I wanted to say in this here Preface, thus onwards to part two! 2 General Hints ------------- a) The Storyline Resident Evil 2 consists of 2 CDs, the Leon CD and the Claire CD. Each CD contains an A- and B-mission for it's respective character. The storyline you're gonna play depends on which CD you boot first (which gets you an A-mission). So, there are 2 possible storylines in all: Storyline 1: First Leon Mission A, then Claire Mission B Storyline 2: First Claire Mission A, then Leon Mission B In this walkthrough, we're gonna follow Storyline 1's Mission A, as it's the fastest by far (and the most boring; Storyline 2 is much better, but it's speed we're after here). *double-timing* A little note on the side: unlike Resident Evil, there's a difference between GAME TIME and PLAYED TIME. This means that the game won't add timeloss due to FMVs or character conversations, i.e. any action where you can't do a thing. Thus, the amount of time you spent in front of the TV or monitor is *longer* than the amount of time you'll get to see once you complete the game. In the walkthrough, I'll sometimes say "check your watch: you're now at...". This is PLAYED TIME, so expect your GAME TIME to be much shorter (exactly 15 minutes, actually). Thus, if your played time is about 1:30, you can rest assured that you'll get 1:15 on your result screen. Guaranteed. NOTICE: The above is only verified for the PAL version. It could very well be that PLAYED TIME = GAME TIME in the NTSC version. Any feedback about this would be very welcome (drop me a line at vip(at)padua.org). b) You You either play Leon (the Guy) or Claire (the Tomboy). Differences between these characters are minimal; they both move in exactly the same way (hardly realistic), they both wear horrible outfits (although Leon hardly had a choice, as he's wearing a uniform) and feature the same garstly overacting (several examples'll be mentioned in the walkthrough, no worries hehe :). Still, there *are* differences, the most important one being the fact that Claire and Leon host different weaponries. Leon starts out with a gun that can handle 18 bullets, later he upgrades to a shotgun (5 rounds per go) and a magnum revolver. Claire also starts with a 9mm gun, but hers can only hold 13 bullets. Later on, she gets her mits on a cross- bow and a bazooka. The BIG winner here is Leon. His gun is easier to work with, the shotgun is an excellent zombie-cleaner and the magnum, although deceptive in size, is the BEST weapon around. Trust me. Also, Leon has a Zippo(tm)Lighter from the start, which is a MAJOR advantage over Claire, as the Lighter's used in various places. I pity Claire. You have to count carefully whilst using her gun and the crossbow is the WORST weapon of the game. The grenade launcher makes up for a bit, as it's a good weapon and the array of grenades (explosive, acid and flame) are sufficient enough to take on any creature you come across. She also has access to the Grand Spark, a HUGE weapon that produces high voltage bursts, which is a very cool weapon. Unfortunately, Grand Spark counts as a special weapon and as such lowers your rank at the end of the game (more about that *much* later), so I can't recommend using it. Also, Claire has a Bobby Pin from the start, but this only proves half as useful as Leon's Zippo(tm). As you can see I favor Leon as best pick, and I'll soon demonstrate that the fastest times are only possible with him. Now, independant of what character you choose, they both react similar to the environment. When they get hurt and lose energy, they'll start to slow down. All in all there are three stages of deterioration: Fine No problem here. You can move at top speed and quickly turn around your body axis. Caution Here things get worse. Your walk is very slow and it's harder to turn around the axis. Only your dash is more or less acceptable. Danger This sucks. You limb around like a granny with a walking rack, even when you're dashing (!). Turning around takes as long as changing a lightbulb so if you find yourself in this condition surrounded by enemies without any health items, expect the "You Died" screen to turn up shortly. Experience has shown that even the 'Caution' mode sucks. c) The Environment As in it's predecessor, you're moving through beautiful raytraced sceneries. The game decides what you get to see, and this allows for some claustrophobic and truly scary moments. Let's take a look at the most common set of creatures you're likely to encounter: *Zombies* Isn't it sad? Only a few days ago, Fred & Irma were two of the kindest neighbours out there. Now they're both after your blood. And Harry, the postman, seems to have had enough of the local dogs tearing his pants every morning, so now he's tearing dog limbs off Blacky & co. not only to prove a point... Anyway, zombies are the main attraction in Resident Evil 2. They travel in packs (typically 4-6), can be male as well as female, have the annoying tendancy to block exits and can really deal damage when they bite. Expect to be in 'Caution' when they hit you. Fortunately, these ex-Raccoon Citizens are extremely slow. At long distance, they just keep their ground, sniff a bit and create the occasional moan. Move into their vision range and they'll start to walk towards you, very s-l-o-w-l-y. Only if you're in their direct vicinity, they'll be at 'full speed', even throwing themselves at you when they see fit. So what's to learn of all this? Well, keep your distance around zombies. Swirl around them, making sure that there are at least a few yards between you and Harry the postman. And should the area be too small to keep apart, blast them into oblivion. The weapon you'll use most for this, is the gun, as you mostly have to shoot zombies one at a time. The best tactic here is to shoot consecutively until finally a bullet makes the zombie lose his/her balance, then a final bullet to make him/her drop. Home in, aim down and shoot once/twice to finish off. Easy. But there'll also be rooms where you get attacked by dense packs of zombies. In this case, the Shotgun (Leon) or the Grenade Launcher (Claire) are excellent cleaning tools. The Launcher's pretty straightforward, use explo- sive rounds and just fire right into the pack for ulti- mate damage. The shotgun's a bit more difficult. For one, always aim up to shoot the heads rather than the bodies, for if you shoot zombies in half, there's a chance that their upper body half comes crawling back and we don't want that to happen. Timing's also crucial as you need the zombies at close range in order to shoot their heads. These condi- tions might be tricky to master, but once you got the hang of it, you'll be able to shoot two or three at once. *Lickers* Resident Evil featured Hunters, fearsome green monsters that were extremely fast and powerful. Resident Evil 2 features their wall-climbing, acid-drewling, frog- tongued cousins: the Lickers. Good thing: they're easier than Hunters and can't kill you instantly. They don't move at lightning speed. Bad thing: they're still bad news and can *almost* kill you instantly. They *almost* move at lightning speed. Lickers show easy behaviour: at first, they charge up close and harm you with either claws or tongue, then, should they sense that you are at 'Caution'-level, they hold back, perform some kind of shrieking noise and make a huge claw jump right up to you. When it hits, you're dead. So, at all costs, stay 'Fine' when you enter a Licker room. Unless you've got the weaponry, 'avoid and run to the next exit' is your best strategy. But should you be the proud owner of a Shotgun (Leon) or Grenade Launcher (Claire), you can go for the attack, where timing proves crucial; make sure you've reloaded before the hit Licker curls back into stance. Oh, and don't make the same mis- take I did: always aim *down*. *Dogs* These behave in very much the same way as in Resident Evil 1; attack once, then run around their victim attacking as necessary, then kill. Fast and vicious, these pets are not to be toyed with. Luckily the areas where these critters show up are of the 'large corridor' variety, so you can easily avoid them. It's rarely necessary to take them out, but should it be unavoidable, 6 or 7 bullets suffice. *Spiders* Appear in some areas and are not really dangerous. Easy to avoid, just run around them as they need much time to turn. They can poison you, but even that's not too dangerous; usually, a Blue Herb is closeby. A bug to forget, despite it's size. *Plants* These appear at the final stages of the game. They can blow toxic gas, but are so slow that it rarely hits you. Only dangerous when you're in too close, as they're able to trap you in their vines and strangle/poison vapour you. Just keep your distance and you should be fine. Also, never turn on the BOW sprinkler system in the A missions unless you wanna make it hard on yourself - the biotoxins apparently make the Plants stronger. Don't go mailing me that I didn't warn you. And you'd be naughty doing that in the first place - our run doesn't even come close to the BOW system. d) Ammo & Health One thing you have to keep an eye out for is ammo. Your shotgun won't be effective without those all-important shells and how would Claire get by with her crossbow if she couldn't find darts by the dozen? Luckily, there's loadsa ammo in the game, but usually in places far off the track you plan to follow for optimum speed. So if you want to go fast, which is the goal for this walkthrough, you'll have to economise. Keep that in mind when you're facing a pack of 6 zombies trying to peel your skin off :) Health is also abundant, under the form of various herbs and health sprays, or so you may think. Let me get straight to the point: THERE EXIST NO HEALTH ITEMS IN RESIDENT EVIL 2. If you're intent on getting that 1:15 up there, you better be ready to rely on your skills to get through without using any health items whatsoever. Especially in our Leon A, where Ada gives him a full patch-up halfway the game. I know, I know, this sounds hard, and it is, so be prepared to endure a lot of practice runs prior to diving under the 1:20 mark. Hey, noone said this was going to be a walk in the park. 3 Characters ---------- So, you read about things that bite, eat, strangle and kill, so what about the things that talk as well? Here's a personal rant about the characters... Okay, this is what I wrote halfway 1999: [Capcom, should you read this, repeat after me: "I must skip this chapter" "I must skip this chapter" (repeat 50 times) .... (dramatic pause) "Must make Resident Evil 3" "Must include Real Life Actors and Motion Video again"] We are in 2002 now and apparently, Capcom hasn't read this guide. Ah well. Their loss. Like I care. <:crawls away into a dark corner and sobs> Anyway, here are, in order of appearance: *Leon Kennedy* I don't know what criteria the Raccoon City Police Force based themselves on whilst hiring this guy. A first look at his face, I even doubt that he's legally entitled to have a driver's licence (and yes, I know that in America there are some states that allow you to drive when you are 15 or over :). Maybe he was part of the recent "let's give the Police a happy face!"-campaign, I'm not sure. But one thing I do know: hardcore criminals will hardly be intimidated when this guy makes an entrance. Leon "All right, bad baad people, you're under arrest!" Thug1 rotfl Thug2 "Here's a buck sonny, buy yourself some icecream." Leon "Wow! A whole dollar! Gee, thank you mister!" But he makes a great tandem with... *Claire Redfield* Or the Tomboy. Now I know that female dress code in a computer game is hilarious (at this point, I'd like to invite the gaming community to try and find a counter- example - in the three years between this guide and its update, I still have to find one), but Claire's *way* OVER the top. What *were* the designers thinking? D1 "Let's make her a sexy biker." D2 "Yea, but not too sexy, we might distract the kids from the game. I suggest covering her entire body, except her head." D1 "I agree. But now she doesn't look like a girl..." D2 "Oh no problem, let's make the suit pink." D1 "Deal! Let's drink some sake to celebrate!" D2 "Hai. Arigato!" Now, dress code aside, what about the "spirit" of Claire? Well, one somehow gets the impression that she's a bit... how to put this... an idiot? This is the kind of girl that you meet once, then has the feeling to "know you for such a long time", then puts a gun to your head and say "Isn't it ironic?". But come to think of it, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. I guess the full moon (which lasts the entire game) is also to blame... *Gunshop Owner* This is the guy that Leon and Claire first meet. And yes, Capcom have managed to portray the Gunshop Owner in all it's glory: fat, jeans & dirty white T-shirt, shotgun/crossbow ready at hand. A perfect 1D comic figurine. The matching social behaviour's also there: Leon's treated with respect, but Claire's called "Babe", "Darlin'" etc... only thing he didn't do was slapping her behind, but then we would've heard "Isn't it ironic?" following suit. In the end he gets eaten by Irma & Fred, so I guess he was entitled to some cheese before going to that great gunshop in the sky. Liked the booger :) *Dying Cop* I recall some internet petition, saying "Keep the cheesey acting in Resident Evil 2!", and by golly Cap- com did listen. This dying police officer is absolutely the max. The way he moans, groans and babbles his last words is incredible, and I'm sure no "The Bold & The Beautiful" actors can ever master this. I mean, "Who.. who are you? Ohhhh, it's you.." how could you ever beat this? Only "No! ...Don't go!" Chris Redfield can. I'm a fan of cheesey acting, so I loved this guy to bits but Capcom, there's good cheese and there's Limburger. This is dangerously on the edge. Crown of the excellent performance is his encore, as he mutates into a zombie. Not to be missed :) *Ada Wong* Now this is more like it! Sweet hypnotic voice, nice outfit (even if it's weird to wear a cocktail dress when you're an Umbrella spy moving through a zombie-infested city) and cool lines to say, though sometimes they sound lecturing. But her looks aren't the only positive aspect, she's also the fastest character of the entire game. She warps around everything the game can throw at her, almost making you think "Dogs? What dogs? Were there dogs in this room? Oh there they are, still catching up." :) The way she handles a gun is superior to Leon or Claire, she can eliminate a zombie twice as fast as them. Unlike Sherry Birkin (see next chapter), having her as company proves an advantage rather than a pain in the axx. Her only mistake is to fall for 'babycheeks' Leon (you only get to see Ada in a Leon mission) but hey, the japanese like it kinky, right? Either way, she outclasses following character a zillion times: *Sherry Birkin* Capcom, a piece of advice, find out which designer created this contraption, then fire him/her immediately or make him/her read Avogadro's number times the entire collection of Reader's Digest. This is by far the worst character in the entire game and, as that weren't enough, *you* have to play with her (if you select a Claire mission). She's a *gasp* 12 year old girl. Now my sister's 12 years old and if she were ever to look like Sherry I'd give her growth medicine. This girl has the physical and mental age of 6 or 8. Then her clothing... well, it's a school dress. Jezus, what did that girl deserve to wear a blue marine outfit with pants that *almost* looks like a skirt? Neglecting parents I guess. Just one more reason to shoot her "daddy" (at least she doesn't say "dah-da" :) to kingdom come. Oh, and she's so adorable when she crouches down in fear while she's accompanying Claire. That makes it really easy for Claire -and you- to lose even more time. :/ There are no scales invented yet to measure my 'feeling' towards Sherry. Or no, there is: minus infinity. Well actually, I've been a little hard on Sherry. Over the years, I've come to realize that there *is* a good aspect about her: she's *the* reason why you should play Leon A, because she's not in it. Thank you Sherry. *Ben Bertolucci* Like the Gunshop Owner, this dude's also perfectly represented as the nosey 'Are you looking at me?' Italian American press reporter. Ben has the accent, the pizzaz and style to make it in any Godfather movie, so my two cents say that's where this character's supposed to be and most certainly not in Raccoon City's underground jailhouse. Walk with me; Ben knows all about Chief Iron's malprac- tices and the G-Virus. He is aware that hell will break loose in Raccoon City, zombies and everything. Now how would you proceed if you were a reporter and had all that knowledge? Leave the city and expose the truth to the entire world? Nah... too easy. Go to the Police Department -where the man you wish to expose works- and lock yourself in -right in the middle of all biohazardous violence-? Yes, that's the logical way to proceed. How could I've ever doubted Ben's decision? :) No offense Capcom, But you could've done much better than this poor excuse for a subplot. Something like... *Chief Irons* THIS is the *man*! Again, Chief Irons is nothing more than a stereotype; but this one's so brilliant that you simply *have* to like the guy :) In short, Chief Irons plays the evil, twisted and insane sociopath of the game and boy does he shine! The man doing the voice of the Chief is so excellent, he could just as well voice any cartoon villain like Kingpin, Magneto etc... if he isn't doing that already. Now don't get me wrong, Irons is just as much a 1D character as the rest, but the vocalist is doing his job with so much enthusiasm, it's funny. The Chief has to be heard to be believed, and I'm sure you'll agree once you checked him out. He's the only reason why the Resident Evil 2 addicts out there play the otherwise daft Claire Missions :) Now to introduce the rest of the Birkin family: *Annette Birkin* Another great character and matching superb vocal artist. Annette is a scientist, a strong woman that can very well handle matters on her own and that's cool. The way she talks to possible enemies -I'd almost call it hissing :)- makes her look mean, but mention "Sherry" (her Kryptonite) and she'll open up to become the worried, caring mother. Gets points up from me for calling Leon "gullible" and laughing at him. Go tell him, Annette, the truth never hurts! :) *William Birkin* Not quite talkative, but more than makes up for it by undergoing a spectacular series of transformations from a humanoid superbeing to some kind of kiddy ooze with tentacles and teeth on. It's fun blasting him into smithereens every time, then watch him come back with an extra set of muscles, fangs, arms/claws and teeth :) In the end I reckon he must've been pretty crazy, injec- ting the G-Virus into your body knowing that that'll mean losing your human intelligence (delicate choice for a scientist) and family (an even more delicate choice for anyone). "Let's see, I can either wait for Annette to treat me or inject this here into my body and *go smash things*..." Okay, that's about it for the characters. I hope you liked the appetizers, let's proceed to the main course... 4 Walkthrough ----------- Boot your Leon CD, select "New Game" and "Normal" (Easy and Auto Aim are for wimps, btw) to unleash... Leon Mission A! --------------- (Btw, you can skip all FMV sequences by holding down the START button. Be patient as the skip only triggers after a few seconds (at least for the PAL version)) Didn't expect rotting corpses, brainless zombies and Claire Redfield on day one as a cop, now did you? Well, now that you're stuck with her, might as well make the best of it. At least that burning truck has split you apart for a while... *Outside the Police Department* As you finally gain control of Leon after a massive intro sequence (alas no real actors :(), you find your- self surrounded by a lot of zombies. But as there's loads of distance between you and them, you can easily warp around them to the nearest exit, the Kendo Gunshop. Some mathematics as you whizz past'em: "2, 3.. 4.. 5.. six zombies. I've got 18 bullets, a zombie requires about six bullets.. hmm... nope, can't waste'em all, so I'll just ignore the lot." Inside the shop, you spot loads of ammo and health, but as you move in to scavenge the goods, fatty Gunshop Owner stops you. Having gained much experience with zombie customers lately, he kindly enquires about name and purpose of visit, following the motto "if it speaks not, toast it". Luckily Leon did learn to speak in the sixth grade. The Shop Owner, glad to see a real customer again, closes the door (you're gonna BUY, matey!), then indulges himself in some chit-chat. After that, Leon can check out the shop, but unfortunately for us, there's nothing interesting, so just exit through the back door. Out in the small back alley, Leon only needs to run a few yards only to hear the Shop window breaking and the Owner crying out in despair, followed by a silent "Come again!". Then nothing. Oh well, one Gunshop less in the world :) Running further after this incident, Leon spots 4 zombies enjoying a rather fun game of 2-on-2 basketball. Michael "Brains!" Jordan's just about to score, so let's not bother them, shall we? But as you run a bit further, you perceive a noise from the back. The 4 zombies decided that lunch was more important than b-ball, so they opened the gate that kept Leon safe. Btw, be prepared for the occasional gate-slamming before this cutscene. Yep, it eats seconds. Yep, you can't do a thing about it. Anyway, once the magic happens, turn back and *get bitten by the first zombie*. Yes, you read right. Wait, I'll repeat: *get bitten by the first zombie*. When you do, Leon will hurl the assailant away and drop the second zombie in the process. Two birds with one stone, as they say. Now hop forward to the gate entrance and pelt the third b-baller until he drops (2-3 shots). By the time the other 2 undeads get up you'll be long gone, avoiding the fourth zombie which usually stands motionless at the end of the b-ball court (must be Shaquille "Mwoarh" O'peel ;). After exiting through the other gate, run forward, up the stairs and down the stairs, then up the crate. Stay left, and drop off - the female zombie decides she won't bother you if you do. Glue Leon onto the wall on your left and run along it. After evading a third zombie, stop once the camera angle changes. Use your own judgement on how to negate the fourth zombie, then do it. Curl around the truck you're seeing, then run along the road, ignoring the pack of feasting zombies on the ground. They'll get up once you pass them but that's okay, by the time they start to move you'll already have exited through the busdoor at end of the road. Inside the bus, enjoy the cool change of music and walk forwards until you can see the female crawling zombie on the floor. Shoot her until she's dead (3-5 shots), then shoot the oncoming walking zombie until he drops down (2-3 shots). With him out of the way, run up to the driver (although he won't be collecting the fair today) and exit. Outside the bus comes a tricky part. There are six zombies positioned on the street and in such a way that it's hard to avoid them all. Just run and try to avoid them as well as you can until you reach the gate exit on the other end of the street. As a general pointer, try to go 'through the middle'. It's hard to describe in words, but the zombies are more or less along the edges of the area, thus 'going through the middle' is a good idea. Practice the area a few times until you manage to reliably get through without taking a bite. Now having entered the gate, it's nice to look back and see what you just did. You reached the Police Department without grabbing any ammo. This means that you can get the Special Key for some interesting clothes changes by merely walking down the stairs at the sides of the Station entrance and killing the zombie that roams the tunnel (allegedly Brad Vickers, STARS). In the speed department, we just finished this part of the game as fast as possible, since we didn't pick anything up. Check your watch, if it says 4 minutes you're on your way to 1:15. As an added bonus, there won't be any blocking zombies towards the entrance, so we can clear this path quicker than normal, too! Now as this walkthrough's about speed, we're not wasting time on obtaining the Special Key. Just turn to Leon's right and run to the double doors, entering the... *Police Department* Savour the nice music theme -here's the only place you get to hear it- as Leon enters the Main Hall. It's phwopping colossal (but not even close to the clocktower theme in RE3). The centerpiece is a cool Greek woman statue, behind it a computer desk. Forgetting the main entrance (which we won't use anymore), there are three doors. Two of them are locked, so swiftly enter the one that's open, namely the second door to Leon's left. Inside you'll find the Dying Cop moaning along. Touched by his suffering, Leon runs forward to aid him and after some dry humor and more moaning, the Cop hands him a Blue Keycard in order to aid him rescuing any survivors. After that, Leon has a choice: leave the room or swallow a bullet courtesy of Dying Cop. Leon goes for the first option, albeit promising to be back later. He finds himself back in the Main Hall, the door behind him firmly locked. Onto the computer desk, where you'll find a box of 30 bullets as you turn around. needless to say, this is a must-have. Here, use the activated computer (with the blinking monitor) and it will ask you if you'd like to use the keycard. Of course you confirm and after some unlocking you can move on (don't forget to press X after usage :). Now go through the double doors at the side of Dying Cop's room. In this Office Room, the music stops. Grizzly innit? Anyway, quickly run behind the screens, where you can find a door. Enter it and don't be afraid of the ugly brown pixel mess that just passed along the window. In this corridor, again no music. Only the occasional dripping of... blood? Oil? Donut jelly? This is spooky. Run along the turn to find a beheaded policeman. Yes, he carries bullets, but you won't be needing them. Moving on there's a locked door to your left, ignore it for now, we'll come back to it laterjust keep going until... ...a licker drops from the ceiling. Judging from the sound it makes I don't think it'll invite Leon for tea. As you need your precious ammo elswhere, curb around him ignoring the Green Herb on the right. Just exit. Here, take a small pause... wow, this background music's the bomb! Coming back to earth, run along this Green Corridor and enter the first pair of doors you come across. Inside is what seems to be the police's ready room. Run to the back through an opening in the vicinity of the speaker's desk until you stumble across a Fireplace. Use the Lighter on the painting above the Fireplace and watch a shiny Red Jewel roll out. Pick it up and exit back to the Green Corridor, where you continue on to the next door, which give access to the Waiting Room. Here you're merrily greeted by four humans who aren't infected by the G-Virus. Instead, they turned into zom- bies due to reading the same five issues of Vogue over and over again. As you're a police officer, they want revenge for their endless waiting and suffering. Unfortunately, we're not letting them have any. Curl left and go through the middle of two practically stationary zombies to reach the staircase. It's *that* easy and fast, too. Go up and face... Puzzle Time. Three statues, one in the middle, holding another of those strange Red Jewels, two more on each side. Two Markings on the floor that mysteriously match the base size of the two side statues. Now what must you do? Ding! Place two side statues on markings? Yes, but now something trickier: which statue on what marking? Hmm.. that's harder, huh? Well, the solution lies in the inscription on the middle statue. It tells you to place the right statue on the marking to the left and the left statue on the right marking, in such a way that the heads on the side statues both look at the middle statue. After that, the Red Jewel's yours. Clock: 10 minutes. Exit through the only door that opens (the other one's blocked from the other side). You're inside a corridor and no music (which means bad news anytime it happens), except the shuffling of some feet. Three cop zombies await. For now, ignore them and run directly to the first door you see. You've reached the STARS room where you can have a laugh at Barry's fake gun, Jill's crummy boy- friend and so on. What grabs your attention the most, however, is Chris's Diary. Take it, read and file it, after which you'll be able to get the Unicorn Medallion. Hint: you don't have to actually *read* the document. Press the Cancel button twice to get the whole deal out of the way. Once that's done, you hear the door close. What? Zombie? Licker? Elvis? Oh, it's Claire. Using the limited resources he posesses, Leon informs her about what he just read in Chris's Diary. Seemingly disturbed, Claire bows her head, but Leon's got a making up present; a portable radio, which can be used to transmit messages. After that, control goes back to you. Now go to the locker right of the radio equipment and open it to find the.. SHOTGUN. Oh baby. Exit the room and go all the way back to the Office Room. At the waiting area with the 4 zombies, simply wait for the single blocker zombie to walk a few steps, then curl around him to hit the exit. The Licker shouldn't be a problem (if it is, go directly to jail). Proceed to the Main Hall in front of the Greek statue. Use the Unicorn Medallion to unveil the secret Spade Key. Take it and proceed to the Licker Corridor beyond the Office Room. Remember the locked door? Well, now we can unlock, so run to it avoiding the Licker as good as you can. A good way of doing this is to run up to the corner wall on the right and suddenly halt for a second, turning Leon left. The activated Licker will do lots of things except hitting or even seeing him, so use this to make a short curb, straight into the door you want to unlock with the Spade Key. Enter before Lickey gets a rebound. You've entered the police's file cabinet. Zoom around the files to find a steprack. Push it all the way to- wards a smaller cabinet, then step up to find a... CRANK?! Oh god, not *those* things again! Grumble a bit, then take it and go back to the Licker, avoid him, which is easy now as he comes dropping down and needs time to recover. Clock: 15 minutes. Go all the way up to the corridor containing the STARS room. Evade the cop zombies by luring them to one side of the hallway, then pass them along the other side. Around the corner lies a door which you can unlock using the Spade Key. Discard it afterwards and enter. Another corridor, this time filled with cop zombies that are feasting over fresh prey. There are two ways you can go; one straight up, another to your right. Take the last option and go right, as the way straight up is a dead end, forcing you to shoot all zombies, thus wasting a lot of precious ammo. But now you head for a nice door, so enter it before the undead get to you. Hmmm... such sweet music. This is the Library all right, and superb it looks, too. For now however, we're not spending too much time in here. Ignore the stairs and run until you reach double doors. Exit to Main Hall, 1st floor. Here you have to run through a very small tileway to the other side of the Main Hall. Evade the first zombie close to you and shoot the second one on your path until he drops down. March all over him, then finally kill the remaining two zombies. You should be very low on bullets now (should you run out of bullets, don't hesitate to use the Shotgun). Enter the door. Remember the tune you're hearing now; it stands for Safety, as you're now in a real Save Room, which is entirely baddy-free. Use the Storage Box to ditch the Crank and Combat Knife, then exit through the opposite door, ignoring all the sparkly objects in the room. In this Heli Corridor you can make out that something's burning. Unfortunately a zombie's blocking the direction the sound came from and as you're low on bullets it's wiser to go to the door close to you. Here you enter the... Raven Corridor! Hitchcock's favorite pets, and they're all present in this hallway. Just run along, ignoring the first door you see. Run as fast as you can to the second exit, for the crows'll be storming through the windows to get you. After exiting you're on a huge Heliport. Now you can see what's burning: a large crashed chopper. Run along 'til you spot some stairs; go down those. Once you're down, wait. You see a female zombie tracking you. Behind her is a male zombie, which you want closing in on your left. When he does, curl around the duo. Be careful: two more zombies await around the corner. Those are easier to avoid, so march to the door and go in. In this machinery room, walk towards the opposing door (but NEVER open it unless you want a nice surprise), then go right to a small desk. On the desk are some bullets and on the ground is a Valve Handle. Take the Handle and proceed all the way back to the Heliport, avoiding zombies and such. In the Heliport, behind a grating close to the door, you find a valve opening controlling Water Tank Pressure. Use the Valve Handle to rupture the water Tank, extin- guishing the fire consuming the chopper. Clock: 20 minutes. Go back to the Heli Corridor before the Save Room (the crows inside the Raven Corridor shouldn't be a problem anymore). Take out the two zombies haunting the corridor only to find the burnt-out Heli wreck and two doors. One of them is entirely blocked by the wreckage and is of no importance to you, so enter the other one into some kind of attic. Move to the back of the attic where there is a large statue surrounded by two female plaques. Place one Red Jewel into the plaque on the right, then pick up the Diamond Key. Place the second Red Jewel into the other plaque and grab the King Plug. Return to the 1st floor save room and open the safe box. We're going to access it only twice during this game. At this point, your inventory should look like this: Handgun (with 10+ bullets) Shotgun (5 shells) Combat Knife Diamond Key Crank King Plug Valve Handle Goes into the safe box: Handgun Combat Knife Valve Handle Thus you inventory now is: Shotgun (5 shells) Diamond Key Crank King Plug Okay. Now return to Main Hall, 1st floor. Run up to the middle of the room, where you can find an emergency ladder (don't worry about the oncoming zombie). Activate the ladder and go down, proceeding for the third time to the Waiting Room (meet Lickey yet again :). There, go straight up and unlock the grey door using the Diamond Key. Arm your Shotgun and enter... This room is tricky as it's stacked with cop zombies. Just stand your ground, aim the Shotgun up and turn a bit to Leon's right. Then wait until two zombies are close and shoot, repeating this until the room is cleaned. Check the drawers for some extra Shotgun shells, then unlock and enter the door for some real entertainment... Note: there's a riskier way of handling this room and that's to just aim forward and shoot twice. 60% of the time, the three blocker zombies will die and you can proceed as usual and gain 5-6 seconds. 40% of the time, a decked zombie will footbite you, allowing the trailer zombie to get a free bite. Not good. Since we're not using health items, I don't recommend the tactic, however, 60% of the time it's faster. For the hardcore amongst us *grin*. First of all, this music sounds VERY familiar. Where was it played before.. ah yes, the Dying Cop scene! So you're in that same room, where you got locked out at first. Proceed onwards until you see a corpse lying on the floor. Go into the room the corpse is "blocking". In this room you find Dying Cop. Thank god, he's still okay, you think and rush up to him, but.. what's that? Dying Cop gets back up (and you thought he was crippled..) and transforms into a zombie! Not a quite appetising sight, then the blighter's attacking you! Well, you're still carrying a Shotgun, so waste the sucker. As you recover from the scare, you notice ano- ther sparkly object. It's the Heart Key. Take it and and exit to the Main Hall, as you're now able to unlock the door. Clock: 25 minutes. Now go to that one door you still haven't entered yet; it's the door near the outside entrance. As you enter and walk on, you perceive a pack of zombies approaching. Luckily there's a door to the left. Open it, and be greeted by two zombies closeby. Evade them as follows: there's a large table to the left of the screen - one side has lotsa moving cop zombies, the other one sleeper zombie. Now which side will you take? I'll leave that decision of cosmic importance up to you. Move further to the back for some sort of "rear corridor". This corridor has two doors, of which one can be unlocked via the Heart Key. Go through that door and marvel upon the sight of two Green Herbs, which we're not going to use. Go further down the hallway (see the broken windows? Now *that's* scary :) until you reach some eery- looking stairs. Go down... Brr.. spooky music. Run down the left side of the alley at top speed and turn to the right, avoiding the charging dogs. Keep running until you reach the door at the end of the line. Go in unless you're a dog person. Leon is *not* a dog person :) You've reached the Police's parking lot. Many cars are displayed, but somehow Leon's not in the mood of using any to escape. Keep on running until you get halted by a gunshot. Who did that? "A pair of black shoes, no, stockings, looonnng legs, a red dress, ooh, a face! And boy, she's cute", goes through Leon's mind, but poor'ol Leon's so gobsmacked that he can only say "Who are you?". As she replies "Ada Wong", he must've been melting. Hot. Anyway, after some crap chat, which Leon obviously buys ("I'm searching for my boyfriend and for that, I risk my life in a zombie slugfest"), Ada asks for some help. How could Leon possibly refuse that, so he moves the big police van together with her to unveil the entrance to the station's Jail House. Enter and watch Ada zip away from you for the first time. Gallant as you are, you follow her all the way down the corridor until you reach a grating. Go in. How nice, a cellblock. Run up until the computer takes over, introducing Ben Bertolucci. After some small talk, which gets joined by Ada later on, Leon informs Ben that he's the only cop alive in the building. Ben startles, knowing that he has to join Leon in order to escape and live, not a pleasant thought. He spills the beans and informs Leon where he can reach the sewers. For someone who isn't a cop, Ben knows the building really well, but who's complaining about storyline hickups? :) Clock: 30 minutes. Once you regain control of the Last of the Raccoon Police, grab the Manhole Opener displayed in the cupboard and get on out. In the Jail Corridor, retrace your steps until you reach a door. Enter it and don't be frightened by the strange noises you're hearing. It's just a couple of dogs, safely locked inside their cages. As long as you don't go to the Red Herb, they won't break loose. So just head for the manhole and use the Manhole Opener. Descend down the now-exposed ladder. Bleargh! You're standing with your feet in the city's sewage. Well, now that you're dirty, you might as well continue, so run through the dark and small corridor. Two Spiders await you, so try to evade them as well as you can. Run up the stairs at the end of the corridor. Note: be extra careful here, the Spiders have a poison attack and there's only one Blue Herb around. We're going to see this corridor 3 times total, so you do the math. Back on solid concrete, run up to the second door you see. Enter it, but immediately exit again. This way you triggered a computer sequence where Ada returns. She's looking for a way to proceed further and with Leon's help she manages to climb into a ventilation shaft. As she drops down on the other side, you gain control of her. After Leon's sluggish control, taste some Ada speed! Even in Caution Mode she's faster than him or any living object, actually. Go through the door and avoid the dogs that desperately try to find a target :) In this area, there are two possible exits apart from the door you entered through, one, another door, two, a corridor that gives access to a lift. Go for the door. You're now in some kind of sewage processing unit. In front of you is a control panel, but you're not using that yet. Run to the left of the panel and keep descen- ding 'stairs' until you're on the bottom in which 3 crates lie scattered around. There's one loose crate and two in contact. Go to the contact crates and jump into the hole they form. Push the far right crate until you can bring the left one to the same level. Then push in the loose crate so that you've created a crate walkway. You don't need to push these crates in all the way - just make sure Ada can walk over'em later on. Now go back up to the control panel and activate it. Water gets pumped in, making the crate walkway rise up. You can now guide Ada over the walkway to reach a small cupboard. Inside the cupboard lies the fourth and final key, the Club Key. Take it and go all the way back to the ventilation hole, where Leon's waiting. Clock: 35 minutes. Ada will now toss the Key over to Leon, after which she says goodbye yet again, as she can't get back to him. Now control sadly goes back to Leon (after you've tasted Ada's speed, Leon seems to move like a Russian tank). Pick up the Club Key and go all the way back to the corridor that once hosted Doggies. Now there are two Lickers. Not good. So here's what you do: WALK until the first corner. You'll see a Licker who apparently doesn't see you. Storm past him into the red double doors for a quick exit/reentry. Leon now stands in the middle of two unactivated Lickers, who seem to be on patrol. WALK to the second Licker guarding the Autopsy Room. Sneak up behind him until you can use the Club Key to unlock it, then dash to the staircase for a quick exit. This tactic works 100%, but might be a bit sluggish. You can always try the 'run like hell' technique, but I guaran- tee you'll be hit right into Caution mode, and that ain't a good idea. So use the above, okay? Once you're up the stairs, have a look at the door behind it. You can now unlock it with the Club Key, so do just that and go in. Search the lockers until you find a batch of Shotgun Shells. Take it, then go to the back of the room where there lies a dead cop. On the small dresser you find the Magnum. This is the most important object of the entire game. Wait and see :) Exit this room and proceed back through the corridor, through the office with the big table and sleeper zombie, then open the double doors at the end. This is the place with the stack of zombies you fled from, remember? Well, now it's beheadin' time. Arm the Shotgun and take out the 6 zombies (aim up and shoot two or three per shell). Go all the way down the corridor until you've reached a door you haven't seen before. Enter. Yet another corridor, featuring 4 zombies. Toast them with the Shotgun, then use and discard the Diamond Key on the first door you see. Inside is an interrogation room with a big mirror and NO music. So what you expect is a large critter, say, a Licker, to burst out of the mirror. And indeed, once you've picked up the Rook Plug from a rack at the end of the room and run back, Lickey comes a-jumpin'. Don't pay attention to this sucker, just exit through the door. Then skip the following door, until you reach the one at the very end of the hallway. Unlock it with the Club Key and go in. In this room, the police staff must've held press con- ferences. Go to the back where you can see 3 female plaques and a green furnace. Use the Zippo(tm)Lighter on the furnace, which starts burning. Then light the 3 busts in following sequence: first the middle plaque (12) then the most right plaque (13) finally the left plaque (11) If you did it right, you should see a Cogwheel falling off a picture. Pick it up and exit, you should have one inventory slot left. Now go to the Main Hall. Move up the emergency ladder and don't be surprised by the Licker right in front of you. Ignore him and take a left to the Library. Hmm, that cool tune again... but what's that? As you take a few steps, you clearly hear glass breaking all over the precinct. In a little sequence the horror be- comes evident to you... the zombies are on the attack! They're pouring out everywhere; but have no fear, for you're never going back to the rooms they've invaded :) Anyway, go up the stairs this time, then keep on following the books, ignoring the door to Leon's right. Once you're far enough, you'll fall down in to a previously blocked area. run forward until you get to a glowing button. Press it to move a bookshelf after which you can get out. Now go to the two most left bookshelfs (of those that are lit) and press "right" on both of them. A secret display box should open, containing the Bishop Plug. After taking it, go up the stairs again, but this time go through the door you first ignored. Clock: 45 minutes. You're now in Main Hall, 2nd floor. There's only one door left to take here, so go for it. You've entered the clock tower. Wind right and use the Crank on the square hole. A hidden stairway should come squeaking down. March on up and run along the smal pathway until you get to a set of large cogwheels. Add your Cogwheel, then activate the machinery. A metal plate should move aside, giving you the Knight Plug. As you take it, a chute uncovers, so jump down. After a frantic glide down, you find yourself in the Jail Corridor. Then, suddenly, you hear Ben crying for help. Zombies? No, far worse, William Birkin stopped by for a word or two, shoving junkfood through Ben's mouth. Let Leon charge up to Ben's jail, only to find him near death on the floor. He reveils some details on the evil mastermind Chief Irons and his connection to an even more twisted William Birkin. You're ordered to get rid of the scum, but then the junkfood is really coming through. Ben rises to throw up the lot, but then the food decides to take a less customary path through his chest. Junkfood with an aftertaste. Cool. After Ben's demise, Ada drops by, only to leave again after you've briefed her (double-cancel the text). As she's heading to the Umbrella plant and as there's nothing left for you to do in the Precinct, you might as well follow her. So go to the dog kennel with the manhole, have a word with the spiders again and go up the metal stairs. Proceed to the room you previously entered and exited to get the Ada sequence. This time you'll have a pleasant meeting with Mr. Junkfood. As you observe how something that looks like a McRib transforms into a hideous bug-spitting monster you realise that the first boss- fight is coming up. So load up the Magnum and let rip! This boss is real easy; just stand your ground and blast 7 shells into his direction. You'll know he's dead when the bossmusic stops. Shake off any bugs that leeched onto Leon, and run forwards (ignoring the remaining bugs) until you see a chessboard on the wall. Now put in all plugs. As the electronic lock slides open you meditate about what you've done up to now. "Wow, ", you ponder, "so you have to do all *this* just to get to the sewers. Being a sewage worker in this town is *nuts* ! But also, what if you want to get from the sewers to the precinct...?" :) But now it's time to get back to reality, or rather, the game. Check your watch: you should be at 51 minutes. Good. That leaves you about 39 minutes of playing time for the final sections. *Raccoon Sewers* March towards the stairs. Halfway, the computer will interrupt you as Leon hears a suspicious noise. Turns out to be Ada dropping from a higher-lying canvas. Leon joins her and starts talking rant about being irresponsable, reckless etc. Ada agrees to follow him; for now. Proceed through various boring sewer tunnels until you reach a new Save Room, with a lift installed in the back. Go to the safe box one last time to retrieve the Valve Handle and the loaded Handgun. Your inventory now pretty much looks like this: Shotgun (2-3 shells left) Shells (7 pieces) Handgun (10+ bullets) Magnum (1 bullet) Valve Handle Good. Use the lift to go down, after which another computer sequence jilts into action. Meet Annette. The female researcher figure shrugs back, then decides to run away. Annette, reckless and irresponsable as she is, follows her; only to meet some lead. She would've eaten it too, if there wasn't a heroic Leon jumping to the rescue and taking the heat. "Such bravery must be paid by leaving him alone", Ada thinks and she decides to go after Annette. You regain control of Ada. Follow Annette all the way down the tunnel, sewer corridor and up a ladder. Ignore the superfast bugs who look like slugs in comparison to Ada, then descend the ladder. After some extra running, a gunshot flings Ada's weapon from her hand (ouch). Pretty nice shooting from Annette there. In the following sequence we see Annette telling the entire story behind the G-virus. She's not worried about spilling the secret as she's intent on killing Ada afterwards. Of course Ada won't sit there like a duck and a catfight ensues, with Annette as the sore loser, falling down for a nice sewer bath. You can then move Ada again, so wind to her left to guide her to the ladder at the end of the road. Go down the ladder where Ada's in for a nice treat... Unfortunately, the computer almost immediately switches to Leon, so you can't you see what's in store for her. With Leon activated, go to the end of the tunnel and enter the door. Crouch down to get full sewer exposure, then, instead of going to the ladder (where Ada went), go the opposite direction and exit through the gate door, avoiding the big spiders. In the next room, keep on avoiding, then climb up to the set of double doors. Enter and smell... Yet more sewage! Follow the beaten track until you see a red light. Use the Valve Handle in the hole close to that light. A pathbeam should be hovering down. March over it to the other side, where you can see a green light. Again use the Valve Handle to rotate the pathbeam back up. Now pick up both Green Herbs and the Shotgun Shells. Go through the door (as if you had another choice). Here there's no music, and we all know what that means. Just run down this huge sewer pathway until the computer takes over in a massive sequence, where Ada's fighting off a huge crocodile, which turns to Leon the moment he spots him. Once you get back into control, retreat as fast as you can down the pathway until you spot a red light against the wall. Go to that light, then start pressing X like a maniac until a pressure tank drops down. Now patiently wait as croccy takes the pressure tank in his mouth. Then, carefully aim at the croc and grin insanely as you waste him entirely (Big Jawsy Style :). Run back to the end of the pathway. Unlock the doors pressing the red-green control light and step into... More sewage! Rahh... oh well, at least there's Ada, so run up to her. The computer takes control again and this time Ada's a lot friendlier than usual (I guess she just saw her white knight in shining armor; in reality, she saw a blue babyface cop in a blooded bulletproof vest, but hey, who cares about trivia). She takes care of Leon, fully restoring his health (oh yeah, one zombie bite offa Leon, wicked) and agrees to become partners, more or less. Then it's back to you as master of the puppet Leon. Run along the little pathway, pathbeam safely locked into place, now turn left to go up a bit. Here you'll find the Eagle Medal close to a dead sewage worker. Moving back, go to the big fan (where Ada came out of as she pursued Annette) and use the Valve Handle for the last time. Go up the ladder and through the fan tunnel, then down the ladder for some more sewage splashy fun. This time, turn to Leon's right to find a small alcove where two dead Umbrella agents rest in peace. Search the agent on the right for the Wolf Medal, then proceed to the gate door, but hold on... now there're zombies here instead of spiders... as if those weenies are going to block you... Beyond the gate door all is still the same. Two useless spiders 'guard' the room, so just run along the stream until you get to a small electric box (red light bur- ning). Plug in both Medals to stop the waterfall previously barring an entrance. Go through... *Umbrella Factory* Walk down corridors and go through doors until you can't go any further. Chances are, you're looking at a cool Sky Tram. To your right is a small path; there you find the Tram's controls, so activate the lot and enter the Tram on the other side. As you go for a ride you'll be the victim of a small subgame... William has grown himself a huge claw arm and now he's showing it off to Leon and Ada by peircing through the Sky Tram's ceiling. What you need to do is very simple: Stand under a piece of ceiling that hasn't been peirced yet and wait for some dustclouds to fall down, then walk to another piece of unpeirced ceiling, avoi- ding William's big claws. Shoot once for immediate retraction of the claw, speeding the sequence. Lather, rinse, repeat until finally Ada takes over and shoots the arm into shreds. Not bad for someone who's merely "John's boyfriend", but Leon still believes the muck, so who are we to bring him back to earth? As you exit the skytram, turn to Leon's left and walk to a balcony with a flare gun to the left. Use the Zippo(tm)Lighter to ignite it and as the flare lights the entire place, you spot something shimmering to the right. Take it, it's a Weapon Storage Key which'll prove mighty handy later on. Now go further to the door at the back of the room and enter... Woo-yaw! This is *stunning* music! Pity it only lasts for a few corridors, really. Anyway, run down the corri- dor, then turn to Leon's left and exit for another corridor, where you again turn to Leon's left to find a ladder exit. Use the shotgun to clear out anything that even vaguely wants to stop you, let Ada handle the rest, her shooting is superior to yours :) Up the ladder, a new tune begins, which is imo the best tune on the entire CD. In this room you find some Shotgun Shells and Magnum Rounds. Take the rounds, not the shells. Yes, I know it's very tempting to ditch the near-empty Handgun and redundant Valve Handle, but let's not waste any time on that. Clock: 1:10. Now exit the room which gives way to a huge hangar. Turn to Leon's right and run, run, run. You eventually reach a giant Elevator Machine. Go inside the Machine and pick up some extra Magnum Rounds near the toilet (or broom closet, dunno for sure :P). Walk on for a sparkly object, namely an Activation Key. Go outside again and use the Activation Key to fire up the Elevator. As they're going down, Leon seems intent on spending a comfy 15 minutes with Ada. Unluckily, William's claw arm is out for revenge. It peirces through the side wall of the Elevator this time, dangerously slicing Ada. Now Leon gets furious. This G-virus mutation is going to suffer some serious hernia. As you walk outside the Machine, arm the Magnum. Shortly after, a big rod is thrown violently at you. As you turn around, you see William Birkin, hideously deformed. "All right MR. Birkin, ", Leon screams, "it's between you and me now. You and your ugly face... which gets deflated like a balloon and replaced by an even uglier mug. And your claw arm.. which gets bigger with added muscles... *gulp* ooh boyyye... nice William.. heel!" Of course Mr. Birkin heels, but not as you'd expect it. Once he comes down and you regain control, do the following: Run and shoot! Yes, that's it, run about 20 yards, then shoot twice and run on, before William can dice you with his collection of oversized Samurai blades. After 7 or 8 eight rounds, you should notice William crouching down, badly hurt. Once that happens, wait until he gets back up. One final bullet should finish him and the boss music will stop playing. Get back inside the lift, for it's still a long way down to... *Umbrella Secret Laborotory* Check your watch: you should be at 1:13. 17 minutes left. In the following computer sequence, we see Leon carrying Ada to the last Save Room of the game. Inside we have a heart-breaking "love sequence", but let's face it; there is a mission to fulfill, so soon after, Leon's back under your control. It's just not for today (do try out Leon's B Mission for some smoochin' tho'! :). Inside the Save Room lies another pack of Magnum Rounds. Exit back to the giant hall the Elevator crashed in, and head for the slide-door to Leon's right. Go in. We're now inside the Generator Hall. Here the road splits in two, one side marked with blue neonlights, the other with red neons. Follow the Blue Neonlight Road to another slide door. Guess what you have to do next... Here, proceed to the only unlocked set of doors in the room. It's easily recognised by the ice surrounding the entire thing. As you open the doors, you feel an incre- dible chill... hardly surprising, you've entered an area where they conducted superlow temperature experiments. Bend around the corner and seek out the Fuse Case, a long black cilindrical structure (yawza! double-talk ahoy! ;). Once you have it, go to the active computer and use the Case. You should now see a cool sequence where a withered robot-arm places a fuse in the Fuse Case. Every home should have one of these little toys, it's the max :) Pick up the Fuse Case and run back to the center of the Generator Hall. Plug the Fuse Case into the central generator (you should get a small computer sequence for this), then follow the Red Neon Road through a slide-door... Run forwards until you hit a shutter switch. An interlock opens up, unveiling two Plants, ready for the attack. Be smart and exit/reenter so that the Plants appear on their default positions, making it incredibly easy for you to reach the next area. There, a Plant's guarding a collection of Green Herbs, but isn't blocking the way you need to follow, so ignore him and go straight down the ladder to Leon's right. At the bottom of the ladder's a door, so go through it for one of the busiest places in the game... Super Corridor! I named it as such because from now on, any enemy you meet is a lot stronger than usual. We now have Super zombies that require more ammo before they leave the world and Super Lickers which are twice as as strong and resilient as the ones in the Police Precinct. And in this corridor you're bound to meet one of either species. First off are 3 Super Lickers. Two of them are already on the floor as you enter the corridor, but a third comes crashing down the ceiling after the first turn. Use your Shotgun on these critters, or the Magnum if you're in trouble. Four Shells should suffice to take a single Licker out, the Magnum only requires three rounds. I prefer the Shotgun, as it's spread gives you sometimes the opportunity to take out two Licks at the same time. Also, we need the Magnum for something much bigger. Beyond the corridor lies a big octogonal winding road with a Storage Box somewhere. Just exit through the door at the end of the road. Another corridor, but as the road splits, choose left for a set of double doors. Through the double doors, you spot a locker with a light marking it; this is the Weapon Storage, so use your key to unlock it. Inside are Magnum Parts, take them, but don't use them yet. We're gonna empty the Magnum first, then use the Parts for a free refill. Go through the two following slide doors, taking out Super zombies with your shotgun (aim up). Somewhere, at the end of this large lab, lies a red Lab Card. Take it and go back to Super Corridor. Although you've decked all three Super Lickers, a fourth one will tumble off the ceiling. Ignore this one, running around him. Move further back to the Red Neonlight Corridor, where the 2 Plants are. Return to the Blue Neonlight Corridor and unlock the first door you see with the Red Lab Card. Inside you find some extra Magnum Rounds. Take them and blast the rogue Super zombie that moves towards you (at this point, the Magnum's all we got left). Now walk on to spot a very dark area. In front of you there's a light switch, so push it to shed some light on four extra Super zombies. Waste them and get your hands on the MO Disk which lies somewhere on a utility table. Exit and meet Annette. Annette's quite mad at you. Not only did you "remodel" her loving husband/monster William into paste, but you also helped Ada, which turns out to be a corporate spy, intent on stealing the G-virus and that just happened to be William's legacy. Leon still won't believe it. "Nononono, she shoots and runs like hell, but a spy... nooooo..." Annette then laughs at his gullibility and pulls the trigger yet again. We know what that means, exit Annette as she gets crumbled by falling debris. Leon picks up the G-virus flask in exchange for his Zippo(tm)Lighter. A bad trade-off if you ask me. Go to the Generator Hall and move to the Red Neonlight Corridor. You'll be stopped by a still-injured Ada who wishes to retrieve the G-virus flask. Finally Leon sees the light: "So Annette *was* right!" *sigh* After some ging-gang-goolie, a half-dead Annette shoots Ada who then drops off the hallway into nothingness. Leon goes berserk and throws the G-virus away. Wow, so the guy is smart after all... Clock: 1:27 No survivors left, Leon must now get out of the lab, as the self-destruct mechanism got activated (by Claire). So let's get going. Move down to Super Corridor and be welcomed by 5 naked Super zombies (not that someone gets turned on by those guys :). Shoot them all with your Magnum (don't forget to upgrade once it's empty), then place the MO Disk in the computer (spottable through the active monitor) to open up the emergency escape route. Go through the emergency exit. You're now inside a hangar with a lift at the back (note the huge inscription on the floor: ELEVATER. There's a Capcom employee out there in dire need of a spellchecker). As you take a few steps, there's a little shock and a nice voice telling that there're five minutes left before the lab desintegrates. Nice. Run up to the 'elevater' and activate it pushing the switch to the right. All seems well, but after two bleeps a HUGE mutated William Birkin crashes down. But you're not afraid. You've got the Super Magnum. Here's how you should proceed during the final fight: As William poses and growls victory, you regain control over Leon. Immediately turn around and run to the back of the lane you're on. Turn around again, aim the Super Magnum and shoot. Three (!) shots are enough. Then William undergoes another transformation, where he entirely loses his humanoid form and becomes a dog, but with 10+ HUGE blades out of his mouth. He's also able to perform giant leaps with his powerful legs. Exercise EXTREME caution; albeit other editors claim differently, this is the most difficult mutation of Mr. Birkin. You better not get hit by him a lot, because he has a combo finisher which takes you from yellow Caution to 'You're Dead' in no time. He's easy, though, requiring only 6 hits. Stay in the central part of the room and watch how he jumps on the canvas. He'll do a jump to the other side, then come down, so be ready to evade the ensuing attack. When you do, you'll notice how Doggieboy needs a little time to get his bearings straight. Plug in another bullet or two. After that, he'll want to attack. Ignore and blast a third. Birkin doesn't like this and returns to the canvas. Repeat the previous a second time and you're home free with about 3:30-3:40 left on the countdown timer. Hah! Once Birkin's history and pulverised to a bleeding pulp, Run to the elevator. Once you're down, run further and enjoy the nice ending sequence... *The End* Check your watch: it should say 1:30 max, which means you just managed to finish RE 2 in 1:15. Now go impress your friends. 5 Afterthoughts ------------- With this walkthrough, you'll definately have made an A ranking, giving you access to the popular Rocket Launcher with infinite ammo. If you ever use it, you'll no longer be able to score an A Ranking, so watch out. You can now proceed on to Claire's B Mission and if you complete it without using Ink Ribbons, Health Sprays or special weapons, you'll be given the cool Gatling Gun and the lame Submachine Gun. These things also lower your rank, so use them for fungames only. And if you think about at least improving your time with one of'em, forget it. Times hardly are any better, due to the general framework of the game, which remains as time consuming as it is. But you'll also get a new character, Hunk. I'm not reviewing the Hunk game however as it's too small and not timebased, so speed isn't of the essence there. Finally a note on why I won't review the B missions or even Claire's A mission: the key elements are the same everywhere and the puzzles don't change, except for a few added surprise elements, such as the extra Tyrant monster, surprise Lickers, more Williams etc... Just incorporate the hints and tips I've written down here and you'll soon be doing 1:30 B missions as well. Phew, that was a helluva lot of writing, but I enjoyed doing it. I hope you dudes liked it and should you be in the mood for some extra tips or feedback, please contact me via e-mail at vip(at)padua.org See ya around, Vincent. Greetings: Nadine, Frank, Tim, Tam, Stijn, Inge, Koen, Robrecht, Anke, Bart, Tine, Sofie, Gert, Griet, Geert, Frank Michlick, Frank Glaser, Joerg Kraut, Ives Brabant, Geert Verschueren, Fredrik, Marco, Mikko, Yariv, my former colleague-students at KUL, my fraternities Filii Lamberti and Wina, Ron, JR, Aya Brea, Mermaid, Xbow, Deekay, Jeff, Thomas, Oak, Ryoga, Milk, Zy, everyone at Marvel Unlimited (hey there Ki-Rin, Munin, Eris, Blythe, Breath, Jack, Tigra, Ayden, Lani, Ororo, Thom, couldgoonforawhilehere :) and the forgotten rest... Declaration of Copyrights: I hereby solemnly declare that everything, from the first to the last character, has been written by me and has not been printed earlier by someone else. I take full liability for what I've said (So come on with that hate-mail, Capcom ;) and keep, as businessmen like to say a lot, all rights reserved. If you want to publish part or all of this collection of sentences and paragraphs, I'd really like to be contac- ted first, so I know who or what is using my findings on a game as banal as RE 2. I'll usually give my blessing afterwards since you were so polite to contact me. Finally, a word of warning; this text, besides being extremely long, also features a high rant level. Do NOT take rants seriously. As an indication, I've put smileys after such rants. This to avoid being put on the Capcom(tm)Yakuza Kill List :) (<- see?) __________________