----RESIDENT EVIL 2---- THE STORY FAQ Written by Kelvin Leen Written on the 06-06-99 Any questions, please forward them to : billykane@mindless.com OR hideurface@tekkenking.com ======================================================================================= Foreword : I can say that it's been a success so far writing my FAQs for the game, and I guess adding another FAQ will be nice too. This FAQ is dedicated to those too busy with the game and rush through the stages without even knowing the characters and story outline. Don't expect a big update, even if there's one, as the story has been .. fixed for so many years already. Enjoy, you will read it and enjoy it ! For the best effect, please play the game and know the basic character's name and gender as well ! On with the FAQ .... ======================================================================================= Who are the leading cast of Resident Evil 2 ? Here they are, the moving graphics that deserved an Oscar award : Leon Kennedy Claire Redfield Ada Wong Chief Brian Irons William Birkin Annette Birkin Sherry Birkin Ben Bertolucci Tyrant (Agent T-00) ======================================================================================== THE CHARACTER LAYOUT LEON KENNEDY - Police officer (rookie) Here is CAPCOM's summary on this guy : Leon is an idealistic rookie cop. He has quickly become disenchanted with the very system he is trained to uphold as he learns the harsh realities of the real world. He is somewhat reckless and brash, and certainly not as naive as his outward demeanor would have the casual observer believe. Leon is highly qualified for his job and his sense of humor makes him a very likeable officer despite his rowdy attitude. Fact is, read MY SUMMARY to know this guy : Leon is really a jinx. Imagine going to work as a police officer and end up becoming an actor for the Night of the living dead ! Kinda bad luck if you as me, but Leon has to make it through this nightmare alive. Leon is one who understands his job, although hard headed at times, but a good gentlemen is what he is. He ends up in a stuggle where the women he meets up with him are all trouble. (Play his 2 missions and you'll laugh out loud !) Leon is no doubt a simple example of what a good zombie killer should be, he should work along side with Donavan of Darkstalker fame to bring down the undead and unholy. Leon is basically the typical GOOD guy in the game. He will one day avenge against the evil corporation and make sure justice is served. Then again, I doubt so. Leon meets up with Claire, Annette, Sherry and falls for Ada. These women that he meets up with don't make him any luckier by the way. Leon picks up strong weapons in his journey. Believe me, strong is the word. Those who consider Claire's stronger ought to check out his Shotgun in custom mode ! He can also survive the worst of zombie bites, crow pecks and dog bites. Well, what a guy. Who should play as him in a movie version : Casper Van Dien Why this actor : Casper looks a little like Leon's face, don't you agree ? Rating for him : ****- (Upon 5 stars) CLAIRE REDFIELD - Motorcycle rider, Younger sister of Chris Redfield Here is CAPCOM's summary of Claire : Claire is a light-hearted and articulate modern women. Her intelligence and optimism combine to make her both worldly and keenly aware of her surroundings. While Claire is a bit of a tomboy at time, she is very attractive and retains very feminine qualities. Her demeanor softens considerably when she deals with children. She can also be described as somewhat of a wild girl. Both extroverted and self-confident, she is typically the first person to try things many others would not. With her strong opinions on most issues, she can come across as quite sarcastic. Face it, Claire's really somebody who just loves to have an adventure. Like her elder brother, Chris Redfield of the previous game, she is also spending quality vacation time in Raccoon City killing the undead. In my opinion, she's no tomboy. She may seem like one, but she's really an adventurer at heart. She rides a motorcycle mind you, most women would consider Cars safer than a bike ! Give her credit, don't pass her off as Tomboy. She is confident and hard headed like Leon. She will do all she can to escape from Raccoon Hell, and make sure that the bad guys pay for their sins at the end. She is out to look for Chris, who lives away from her. She rides to town and finds that everywhere is silent and strange, and encounters the dead zombies. She bumps into Leon during an escape, and meets up with Sherry and Annette Birkin in her storyline. Her weapons are the most devestating of the 2 leading roles, but somewhat limited at some standpoint. Sure, Grenade Launching is fun, but if the Acid or Flame round misses it's target (Esp Lickers) she ends up limbing out of the place. As a girl, she may not take much damage like Leon but she makes up with good running speed. Oh yeah, her storyline in Mission A makes the game a bit harder and longer. I call that valve for money. Who should play as Claire in a movie version : Sarah Michelle Gellar Why this actress : She has experience in Exocisim. Need I say more ? Rating for her : ****- (Out of 5 stars) ADA WONG - The female 007 in Resident Evil 2 Here's CAPCOM's summary for Miss Wong : Ada is a very professional woman, highly skilled and intelligent. However, she also can come across as very condescending with her tendency to talk down to those she deems "inferior" to herself. This is most evident in her tone of voice when addressing others. She is a Chinese-American who is engaged to be married in the near future. Ada is a woman who will not let you know what is going on in her mind. She is very smart and quick witted, if she weren't on your side, she's gonna get you worst than Tyrant ! (Not in terms of strength) Basically, there are 2 endings for her, 1) in Leon's Mission A she dies falling to dead in the secret labs of Umbrella. 2) She is almost killed by Tyrant in the Power room fight. However, she mysteriously re-surface as the shadowed woman who tosses a rocket launcher at Leon or Claire at the end of Mission B. Ada is attached to a worker in the Umbrella corporation. Her boyfriend is John, and you will find a note from him to her in the orignial Resident Evil story. John cares a lot for Ada, but Ada's main motive is to get infomation about the T-virus and G-virus research. Fact is, Ada is the FASTEST character in Resident Evil 2. She beats Claire in speed and firing speed is a lot better than Leon's. She somewhat ends up in love with Leon, but know that she's going to cause Leon a lot of pain and suffering. Ada is used only in 2 parts of Leon's game, and it's the same for both Leon missions. She meets up with Annette and Sherry Birkin, depending on which mission you're playing. Who should play as her in a movie version : Joan Chen Why this actress : She looks like Ada, has an intellegent look too. However, I doubt that she is willing to go for such films, as she has become a director already ..... Rating for her : ***-- (Upon 5 stars) CHIEF BRIAN IRONS - Worst than William The fat bastard of Raccoon city I presume ? When you meet up with this guy, you're talking to a pyscho maniac. I hate the voice-over for this guy (It was really great, spooky voice!) and must admit he should be killed earlier in the game, as he really haunts the game. (Fat mad-man always gets on my nerves ...) If you read the fax that comes in for Chris in Claire's scenario, you will know that this mad-man is a genius in his school work and arrested under as suspect for 2 rape counts. (Trust me, read it for yourself) He enjoys stuffing the dead for all I know, he was acutally hoping to stuff you too !!! You only face him in Claire's storyline. He also hints you on how to correctly disable a zombie forever. Trust me, you'll "enjoy" this guy ! By the way, thank William for killing him for you. He dies in the most fashionable style, trust me ! Who should play as him in a movie version : Any fat actors with a creepy voice Rating for him : *---- (Upon 5 stars) WILLIAM BIRKIN - Genius professor William is the main villian and victim of this conspriacy. He created the G-virus in the labs BUT he did not ever intended in trying to use it for any harm on others. He admired his work of art, but was never going to give it to Umbrella corporation, or anyone else in any case. William was however hunted down, shot to death by Umbrella special tactics force (Better known as Hunk) and they stole the virus. (That was the mission of those guys) William was awaiting treatment from his wife, who found him at that point of time, but he decided to use his research to give himself a chance to live again. He injected himself with the G-virus. That's where your nightmare begins ... William grew into a beast of many forms, mutated beyond any human form. He does not think to kill, but he kills to survive. He grows stronger and tougher each time he meets a tougher enemy. Till date, you will fight 5 variants of William, I guess he wasn't counting on you to see every transformation. William sadly isn't a villian. He was a victim, but knew his only chance of survival is to become a monster. Life stinks, doesn't it William ? BONUS FOR PC RESIDENT EVIL 2 PLAYERS, looking into Claire's disc for extra photo gallery where you can view everything about William's tranformations. From his first half human and mutant form to the final blob from hell transformation. Who should play as him/it in a movie version : Can't think of anyone Rating for him : ***** (Upon 5 stars) ANNETTE BIRKIN - Failure as a mother, another professor Annette is the wife of the mutant/human, William. She was introduced into the story shooting down Leon in Mission A. She is acutally looking for Sherry and also trying to get back a G-virus sample. She loves her husband's work on the Virus sample, but she didn't really minded when her husband became a mad hunk from hell, slashing those who got in his/it's way. What a woman. Annette is really a bad luck charm when you play as Leon. She is appearing at areas where you least expected, but at least there's always something that happens to her in the end. She dies in 2 ways, 1) In Leon's Mission A, 2) Claire Mission A, where she is brutally slashed to dead by her own husband ! Annette does regard something. She has never been a good parent to Sherry, her only daughter. She will tell Sherry that in Mission B for Claire, when you find Sherry after the Power room incident. Annette dows work side by side with Claire in trying to save Sherry however, but in the end, she is fated to die anyway. Who should play as her in a movie version : Mira Sorvino (With a crazed look) Why this actress : She fits the role if she can keep a crazed look throughout the whole movie. Perfect ! Rating for her : *---- (Upon 5 stars) SHERRY BIRKIN - 12 years of age or less ? Here's CAPCOM's summary on this character : The daughter of William Birkin, Sherry is a bit insecure yet very intelligent for her age of 12. She is very shy and when she speaks she always sounds a bit unsure of herself like a lost little girl. Her father, William Birkin is a brilliant scientist working for the Umbrella Corporation. To me (and everyone else playing Claire's missions) Sherry is the ULTIMATE evil, who keeps making your life diffcult ! Remember the times when she goes missing, you've got to get her back, and the vaccine part in the end of mission A ? The list of why everyone hates her is endless, I consider more threatening than William or the Police Chief Irons in any matter. She was told by Annette to leave home to the police station when the stress where crawling with zombies and other mutant beings. I was hoping for her death at that point, but no ... she survived and starts to run from you .... Fact is, many people complain that she isn't 12 years of age. A 12 years of age girl will also know how to protect herself, Sherry seems to fit in for 7 - 10 years of age with her body size. At least, she is smart enough to carry a First aid spray before leaving home. Sherry is also seeking company with the bosses of the game. She disappears into the hands of William in Claire's Mission A, and William feeds her with one of those "things" that brust out of Ben and Irons. In Mission B, she plays hide and seek with Tyrant, who isn't in a good mood as Claire has ran from him too often. Sherry is the ultimate disaster character. I believe in killing her, but she's a kid after all. Who should play as her in a movie version : Name any irriating child actress Rating for her : ----- (Out of 5 stars) BEN BERTOLUCCI - Raccoon city news reporter He's got the scoop. He locks himself in the basement of the policce station because it's safe. Ben is one guy who is just waiting to die with the story he had uncovered about the Police chief. Fact is, he knows that Chief Irons is up to no good. He uncovered the conspriacy, but the streets are crawling with zombies who can't read newspapers, so he decided that he ought to go into hiding. However, Leon and Ada made it to him, but he still refused to leave. William Birkin is really nice to Ben. In Mission A of Leon, William feeds Ben with a strange monsterous part. (I guess Ben was getting hungry at that point.) In Mission B, however, his death was swift as William just slashed him into half ... cool. Who should play as him in a movie version : Kevin Beacon Why this actor : He does have a tired reporter look, just like Ben. Rating for him : **--- (Out of 5 stars) TYRANT (AGENT T-00) - Umbrella's bounty hunter Tyrant is walking nightmare in Resident Evil 1, as a final boss. This variation however is much more dangerous ... when it's without the trenchcoat. Tyrant is programmed to get back the G-virus sample, and to kill anything that moves. He is only programmed to get the thing and return home, but he doesn't have any human intelligence. (Play Claire's Mission B to find out why) He looks like some fighter out of Tekken games, you know, the Jack robot in the Tekken game ? Tyrant is supposed to finish the mission that Hunk failed to complete, I guess that's why they send him down. Mind you, I believe that there are more carbon copies of Tyrant in Umbrella's labs, one dead doesn't setback their evil plans. Tyrant is only destroyed with a rocket launcher. You've plummeled the man with Handguns, Magnum, Flame rounds and dodged him, but it's the rocket launcher that will get him in the end. Who should play as him in a movie version : Name any bodybuilidng actors, without hair Rating for him : **--- (Out of 5 stars) ========================================================================================= I guess there are one or two more guys that I never mentioned, they are : THE BLACK POLICE OFFICER IN THE POLICE STATION This guy know what is going on here. He knows that you might never make it out alive, but insist that you try to save as many lives as possible, except his one. My fave part is when you return to him later and he turns purple, something that you should not miss !! THE GUN SHOP OWNER I still think that the Gun shop owner is a real fatass. He tried to get a cheap shot at Claire, calling her darling and all, at least he saw a girl before becoming lunch for 4 zombies. ========================================================================================= I GUESS THAT'S ALL I WANTED TO TYPE OUT ... THANKS FOR READING THIS BORING AND SILLY FAQ, AND SORRY TO THOSE ACTORS AND ACTRESS I MENTIONED, I ONLY WANTED TO SPICE THE FAQ UP A LITTLE ... PLEASE DON'T SUE ME, YOU SHOULD PLAY RE2 TO SEE WHY YOU DESERVE THE ROLE IN THE MOVIE VERSION. THANK YOU CAPCOM FOR YOUR SUMMARY OF LEON, CLAIRE, ADA AND SHERRY. THEY ARE SOMEWHAT ACCURATE TO AN EXTEND BUT I MADE IT WORST. SORRY ... AS FOR OTHER PLAYERS WHO FIND THAT MY FAQ HAVE MISSED OUT SOMETHING, REWRITE IT IF YOU WANT, BUT DO INFORM ME AND CREDIT ME FOR THE 1ST VERSION OF THIS FAQ. THIS FAQ IS WRITTEN FOR FUN ONLY. THANK YOU FOR READING, HAVE A NICE DAY ....