--------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | | --\ /\ - - --- --\ --\ \ | | /--\ --- --\ /--\ | | | | |-/| | \ \ / |- |-/ |-/ /-\ |\ | | - |- |-/ \--\ | | | | | \/ / / --- | \ | \ / \ | \| \--/ --- | \ \--/ | | | | | | | | - | | | | | --- /--\ - - --- /--\ --\ --- --- ---\ | | | | | | | - |-| | \--\ |-/ |- |- | | | | | | --- --- \--/ - - - \--/ | --- --- ---/ | | | | --\ --- /--\ /--\ - - --- | | | | |-/ |- \--\ | | | |- | | | | | \ --- \--/ \--/ -- --- | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- F O R T H E P L A Y S T A T I O N V e r s i o n 2 . 0 M a d e B y S t a r F i g h t e r s 7 6 Welcome all to my walkthrough on a game that is based off the series, called Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (based off the hit TV series), for the PlayStation. I hope this walkthrough helps out as much as possible. Below is nothing but spoilers on the game and possibly the TV series, so if you don't want to be spoiled, please take a detour and hit the Back button now. However if you want to be spoiled or need some help, please scroll down as far as you need to. Consider this as your Spoiler Warning! ----------------- |TABLE OF CONTENTS| ----------------- SECTION 1: Intro A: Version Guide B: The Story Of Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue C: What Is Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue D: About This Walkthrough E: Status Screen F: Introducing The Lightspeed Rangers G: Control Configuration 1. Basic Controls 2. Combo Controls SECTION 2: Walkthrough A: Before The Walkthrough B: Level 1: Operation Lightspeed C: Level 2: Lightspeed Teamwork D: Level 3: Rail Rescue E: Level 4: Go Volcanic F: Level 5: Safety First G: Level 6: Lightspeed Rescue H: How To Get To Level 7 I: Level 7: The Road To Skull Cavern SECTION 3: Important Stuff A: Items B: Enemies & Bosses C: Codes SECTION 4: In Conclusion A: What's To Come B: Special Thanks C: The Disclaimer D: Final Words ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- SECTION 1: |INTRO| ----- ------------- A: |Version Guide| ------------- Version 1.0: Sent in Written FAQ for the game in. (06/16/05) Version 2.0: Just found out about Level 7 (The Road To Skull Cavern) through an email and have placed all the info needed for that and how to get to it and through the level. (11/04/05) -------------------------------------------- B: |The Story Of Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue| -------------------------------------------- Taken from the manual: "Mariner Bay is again under attack by the evil forces of Queen Bansheera. She's unleased all her allies against the city, and it's up to you, Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, Green Ranger, Pink Ranger and Yellow Ranger, to stop her evil plan dead in its tracks. Her demon allies have mobilized to try to bring her back to power full-force in this dimension. Our scientists indicate that it looks like a final desperate move by Queen Bansheera. They're looking into the tides and climatic changes to find clues as to why the Battlings are fighting more viciously than ever before. There must be a reason." "She's resorted to hostage taking, so be careful, you have to worry about more people than just yourself. You'll need to mobolize against the Battlings immediately. They're already swarming the city. The mechanics are looking over your Rescue Morphers, and everyone here at the Lightspeed Aquabase has mobilized to support you! Get ready, Rangers... the city needs you more than ever!" --------------------------------------- C: |What Is Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue| --------------------------------------- Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue is based off the hit TV series by the same name. This is the 8th Season of Power Rangers, which is also based off it's Japanese counterpart, GoGoV (or GoGo5). Does this game fall in with the TV series, no it doesn't. Infact I don't even know where it could be in the series, because the game is so spreadout through the series that it's hard to pick a time frame to where it would belong. ---------------------- D: |About This Walkthrough| ---------------------- Before we get started, I wanna make a few points that will be important. This game is played as a 3-D Action/Adventure type game, meaning you can go in any direction possible, even though for the most part, this game is pretty straight forward. I may not be as specific as possible, but I will try my best. This guide, like others, is described on how I played/beat the game. You have your methods as do I. This is just my way of doing it. I hope this helps out in anyways possible. ------------- E: |Status Screen| ------------- This tells you what each status is about: 1. RANGER'S HEALTH METER: Located in the top left hand corner, this tells you how much health your current Ranger has. 2. LIVES: Where your Ranger helmet is, shows how many lives you by the number of lit up bars. You can have 4 up to lives at a time (note when all bars are not lit, you will have 1 life left). You will also have up to 5 continues when you lose all your lives, and since you can continue in the same spot, you'd really have 20 lives at your disposal. 3. SCORING: Listed under the Ranger's Health Meter, anything you picked up or defeat will be added to your score. So far as I know it has no importance, but I bet it has something to do with unlock different Codes. 4. SPECIAL ATTACK METER: Listed under your Score, when this is completely filled up, you can unleash a powerful attack. However you can unleash it at anytime as long as their is something in it, but it won't be as powerful as if it was fulled completely. Collect Crystals to fill it up. 5. BATTLING'S HEALH METER: Pretty much the same as Ranger's Health Meter, but isn't as big. It shows up above each Battling that appears. 6. BOSSES HEALTH METER: Pretty much the same as Ranger's Health Meter, however it's about as long as your TV screen. It's seen at the bottom of your screen. ---------------------------------- F: |Introducing The Lightspeed Rangers| ---------------------------------- I will not say which Ranger to use through the levels, that is completely up to you. However I will say I played as the Green Ranger throughout the game since his stats are the most well- rounded stats among the 6 Rangers. Also to use the Titanium Ranger, you must put in ULTIMATE in the Code Section at the start of the game. Below is a list of all the Rangers stats and what their Special Attack is: 1. Red Ranger STATS: Strength = 9; Speed = 5; Energy = 8 SPECIAL ATTACK: Booster Beam = Sends out a beam out energy hitting anything in it's way. 2. Blue Ranger STATS: Strength = 8; Speed = 7; Energy = 6 SPECIAL ATTACK: Upside Down Spin Kick = While upside down, you will spin around doing roundhouse kicks in the air. 3. Green Ranger STATS: Strength = 7; Speed = 8; Energy = 7 SPECIAL ATTACK: Ground Pounder = Shakes the ground causing massive damage to all enemies. 4. Pink Ranger STATS: Strength = 5; Speed = 11 Energy = 5 SPECIAL ATTACK: Somersault Pound Attack = Does a somersault in the air, and when landing does an ground pound attack. 5. Yellow Ranger STATS: Strength = 6; Speed = 9; Energy = 7 SPECIAL ATTACK: Double Somersault = Does two somersaults in a row kicking at anything in their way. Does minumal damage. 6. Titanium Ranger STATS: Strength = 11; Speed = 6; Energy = 11 SPECIAL ATTACK: Ground Pounder = Shakes the ground causing massive damage to all enemies. 7. Super Train Megazord & Omega Megazord STATS: While these are two different megazords, they both have the same stats, not to mention their speed is VERY SLOW. You can play as the Omega Megazord in the final level. SPECIAL ATTACK: Super Train/Omega Missles = Can fire up to 4 or 5 missles max causing some damage to bosses. --------------------- G: |Control Configuration| --------------------- There are two different types of controls, Basic and Combo. Below is a list of both controls configurations: -------------- 1. |Basic Controls| -------------- These are the basic controls for the game: D-PAD = Move character in any directions 'X' BUTTON = Punch 'CIRCLE' BUTTON = Kick 'SQUARE' BUTTON = Jump 'TRIANGLE' BUTTON = Block L1 BUTTON = Roll to the left R1 BUTTON = Roll to the right R2 BUTTON = Uses Special Attack L2 BUTTON (hold) + D-PAD = Walk START BUTTON = Pauses Game SELECT BUTTON = Radio/updates situations -------------- 2. |Combo Controls| -------------- This is the list of different button combination to pull off some massive attacks: Jab = X Straight Kick = O Cross = X X Left Kick = O O Uppercut = X X X Roundhouse Kick = O O O Block = TRIANGLE Walk/Run = L2 (hold) + D-PAD Backward Jump = BACK TRIANGLE Sideroll Left = L1 Special = R2 Sideroll Right = R1 Low Punch = X X X Straight Punch = X X Jumpside Kick (when running) = O Spinning Punch = X X X Get Up Attack (while rising) = O Cartwheel Kick = O O ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- SECTION 2: |WALKTHROUGH| ----------- ---------------------- A: |Before The Walkthrough| ---------------------- A few things to note first off before getting into the game: 1. You do not need to collect all the Crystals in each level to complete it. Infact it's best to save all your Special Attack power for boss fights. If you choose to collect them all, well that's just more points for your score. However I will not mention where all Crystals are unless they happen to be in the way. ^_^ 2. You have to follow my FAQ the best you can. If you don't you won't be able to clear the current area you're in. 3. When a ligthning bolt appears at the bottom of the screen, hit SELECT to know what's going on. This will be VERY helpful throughout the levels. 4. For you trivial inclined readers, I'll include the first/only episode the bosses have been in ^_^ 5. I have found out about a new level. So to help, I included a new section right below Level 6 explaining how to unlock the new level, as well as below that, a walkthrough for the new level. I will also include a small bit through the walkthrough directing you to go to that section. 6. You can play as the Omega Megazord but only in the last level, you can not unlock it at all. DO NOT EMAIL ASKING IF YOU CAN UNLOCK THE OMEGA MEGAZORD! ----------------------------- B: |Level 1: Operation Lightspeed| ----------------------------- CAPTURED CIVILIANS: 8 Before we start the level, you will watch a small cutscene (footage from the show) of the Rangers getting their Rescue Morphers and jackets, then they do battle with some Battlings on a rooftop. Following this, Captain Mitchell will tell you that monsters are taking over Mariner Bay. He believes this is the work of Queen Bansheera. Your job, simply, to stop the monsters. Then Miss Fairweather explains some basic stuff about the future levels, such as communicating through the Rescue Morphers. Good luck Rangers, you will need it! ROOFTOP AREA: You will start this level by seeing Aero Rescue 3 dropping you off on the Helipad. With that here is what you do. Head over off of the Helipad and start collecting Crystals. After your first one, Miss Fairweather will explain the purpose of these Crystals. Now, continue by collecting the other 3 Crystals, then head over towards the right, and you will see another Crystal. After that, a Battling will come out of the door. Take care of it and continue following the path until you reach the ledge. A Battling will appear, so destroy it. There will be a switch there and a lift after that. Hit the switch and the lift will lift up and there will be the FIRST HOSTAGE. By touching him, he will be teleported away safely, this will be the case with ALL hostages or any special items throughout the other levels. Now head back to where you saw the first Battling, and head down the smaller path. Jump over the crates and head behind (?) the glass rooftop. You will also see a Small Health Cross there if you need it. Once around, jump over to the other building. On the right side is Extra Life Spike Ball, so get that! Head around to the left side and there will be the SECOND HOSTAGE. After touching him, Captain Mitchell will appear saying for you to find a way onto the office floors to rescue the other hostages. So how do we do that? Remember that glass rooftop, go to it and stand on it. And you will drop right onto a table on the 3rd Floor Area. 3RD FLOOR AREA: When you start off here, right away head to the corner for the THIRD HOSTAGE. After that, two Battlings will appear, so you best be careful. Follow the arrow and more Battlings will appear. Also get the Crystals as well. When you get to the bigger part of this floor, head to the left and you will see an Invincibility Bolt on a table. Get it and go to work on Battlings that will appear. After that, follow the arrow to the end of the hall and there will be the FOURTH HOSTAGE waiting for you. After that, a Battling will appear and the elevator door will open. Take out the Battling if you want, but board the elevator and it will take you down to the 2nd Floor Area. 2ND FLOOR AREA: Exit the elevator and walk a few feet and there will be the FIFTH HOSTAGE waiting. And you guessed it, a Battling will appear, so take it out. Follow the pathway and as you reach what seems like an intersection, a Battling will come out of the Men's Restroom (it's best not to ask because even I don't know, nor wanna know for that matter ^_^). Take it out if you wish and collect the Crystals nearby, then head down the other hallway until you reach a business meeting room. Inside here will be the SIXTH HOSTAGE (behind the desk) as well as some Battlings and power up items (Invinicibilty Bolt, Small Health Cross. Ignore the power ups for now becausae there is a boss fight coming about. BOSS #01: SHOCKATRON EPISODE APPEARED IN: "A Face From The Past" Here's your first boss fight, Shockatron. Note all tactics for boss fights will be the same roughly. The monster will attack you hard with punches and kicks. So what you do is this: Get the Invincibility Bolt from behind the desk, with that do some damage. After that, use your Special Attack. These combined should finish the monster off, but if not, collect the Crystals around the room and use another Special Attack which will finish him off for good. There will be a Small Health Cross nearby if you need it. After this fight, make your way back to the elevator and it will take you down even further to the 1st Floor Area. 1ST FLOOR AREA: Exit the elevator again and you will be on the 1st Floor Area. A Battling will come to greet you. Take it out and head down either set of stairs. Below between the stairs will be the SEVENTH HOSTAGE. Touch it, and another Battling will be coming out of the bathroom (WTF, Battlings have bladders???) Follow the pathway and more Battlings will come out. Also behind the counter will be the EIGHTH HOSTAGE. Touch him and more Battlings will come out. Captain Mitchell will talk to you telling you that you rescued all the hostages, but it seems there is some strong magical source coming from under the building, what could it be? Anyways jump over the Battlings and touch the Invinicibility Bolt then take them out. Head upwards and you will fall through the floor leading to the Parking Garage Area. PARKING GARAGE AREA: Now you are down below in the Parking Garage Area. There are plenty of power ups around you, but don't use them quite yet. Head northwest of your location and a boss fight will take place, well not exactly. Vypra will come out, then disappear, leaving behind 4 Battlings to deal with. Take them out then you will fight her. BOSS #02: VYPRA EPISODE APPEARED IN: "Operation Lightspeed" (as well as others) This fight will be a tough one, Vypra will appear, pretty much doing the same types of moves you do not to mention throw out some cutter boomerangs. What to do, Invincibility Bolt in the corner, so get that and attack her. After that use your Special Attack. This will pretty much do the trick. What makes this fight tough is that if you don't defeat all the way, she will disappear then 4 Battlings will appear after. Defeat those and she will return but with full life again, so you need to quickly finish her off. After that, head to the center of the garage and get the Life Force Stone, which will complete this level. After which, your total will be adding up then you will be asked to Continue or Save, which of course you will save. Good job on beating Level 1! ---------------------------- C: |Level 2: Lightspeed Teamwork| ---------------------------- CAPTURED CIVILIANS: 3 QUAKE SPIKES: 8 One could easily suggest that this level was based off of the Lightspeed Rescue episode called "Trial By Fire", mainly because of the main objective of this level. More footage. The Rangers goes off in their Rail Rescues then in Aero Rescue 3 to where the next level will take place. On the way there, Miss Fairweather will explain about the crystal you received from fighting Vypra, which was her Life Force Stone (good for her?) Now it seems theres another problem. Someone or something is trying to destroy the dam, and you must hurry and stop them before it's too late! To do so, you must destroy several Quake Spikes before they destroy the dam. So let's get this level started! After Aero Rescue 3 drops you off, you can begin the level. Start off by heading over to the corner getting the Crystals, and then some Battlings will come out. After defeating them, head over and continue down the pathway. Just as you start, Captain Mitchell will speak saying for you to find all the hostages, so it seems you got two missions to do here, no big, let's get it done. Make it down the short path to the corner (which there will be a Battling coming out of the door). Jump up on the crate then the rooftop, then to the rooftop on the left of that. Run along the rooftop and there will be the FIRST HOSTAGE. Some Battlings will appear after that, also get the Large Heart Cross if you want, but after that, get down to the main level. Get to the same corner again and on the boxes, and this time head to the right and make your way upwards to where you see some small ramps. From there, head right. A monster meter will appear meaning you got a monster to deal with. Up on the platform, go to the corner and punch the box destroying it, then jump up on the upper platform and head just to the left where a Small Health Cross is. Get it and head back to the monster which is Smogger. From there, head right and you will engage into a boss fight. BOSS #03: SMOGGER EPISODE APPEARED IN: "Up To The Challenge" For this boss fight, you don't have awhole lot of room to work with, but here goes. This is Smogger, and he's not so tough. He will deliver tons of kicks at you, which will hurt, and he will move very quickly. Here's what to do: Special Attack first, then grab the couple nearby Crystals and use another Special Attack. This will not be enough so you need to try and lure him from the upper deck to the lower one and take him out. A few kicks and punches should work, but he's fast so it won't be too easy. After that, jump on the platform behind him (Battlings will be there), and there will be the FIRST QUAKE SPIKE. To destroy them, kick and/or punch at it and it will be destroyed. Moving on now, the SECOND QUAKE SPIKE will be right near the first one. Destroy it and the Battlings near it and move on down the pathway. Just past that will be the THIRD QUAKE SPIKE. If you step on the stairs, there will be another hostage on a boat, but you can't get to it yet, so just remember these stairs. Continue onward, you will see a vent with steam coming out. Don't step on it as it will hurt you. Go down a few steps and there will be the FOURTH QUAKE SPIKE and FIFTH QUAKE SPIKE, as well as a couple Battlings and some Power Up Items (SAVE the Power-Ups for later). After taking care of this part, continue onward and you will see the SIXTH QUAKE SPIKE, and another Battling, same scenario pretty much. Also another hostage on a boat (remember this too). A few more steps, same thing, the SEVENTH QUAKE SPIKE and another Battling (seeing a pattern here?), and just a few feet from that, a Battling and the EIGHTH QUAKE SPIKE (which is the final one). Also there's a Health Cross in the corner. After this, head down the stairs you see, then over to the gray lift which will bring you down to a lower level. Upon exiting you will be greeted by more Battlings, but also along the wall (near the lift) will be a SWITCH with the #1 on it. Touch it, then head back up the lift, up the stairs and go back down the path. You will see a new path has opened leading to the SECOND HOSTAGE. Touch him (if you are playing on Medium or Hard Mode and not as the Titanium Ranger, run around that area to find the FIRST SPINNING WHEEL), then go back over to the SWITCH you saw on the lower level, and hit the second one. Same thing as the first one, only this time you must go down further to the first staircase I told you to remember. Do that, and a path will be opened leading to the THIRD HOSTAGE. So after getting the final one, and taking care of all the Quake Spikes, what now? Head back to where you found the FOURTH & FIFTH QUAKE SPIKES and a boss fight will take place! BOSS FIGHT #04: LOKI EPISODE APPEARED IN: "Operation Lightspeed" (as well as others) Loki, who is Diabolico most loyal warrior is here and he's tough. He doesn't move around much, but he is alot stronger than Vypra was, not only that he can really do a number on your health. Avoid his punches and kicks as much as possible: The tactic should be familiar, get the nearby Invincibility Bolt and use that, afterwhich Special Attack. Then hit whatevers left out of him and he will be defeated for now. Also if you can get him over the edge, no matter how much health he has, he will instantly be defeated. Try a combination of both, and you will be able to defeat him easily. After defeating Loki, collect the stone he drops. After collecting it, Miss Fairweather will explain to you that the Super Train Megazord is ready for battle! Go up to the card, save your game and you will begin your first megazord battle. You will now be treated to some footage of the Super Train Megazord transforming. Now we begin a giant battle. BOSS #05: LOKI (GIANT FORM) It's Loki giant form, and you're main disadvantage against this fight (and others) is that the Super Train Megazord moves SLOW. Loki fights like he did before, so it's no different, however this fight is a little easier because you have the Super Train Missles to help. After a few good shots and some punches and kicks, Loki will be destroyed for good. To which you will see the Super Train Megazord doing a victory dance (do not ask, I'm shocked too). Save your game and you will have beat Level 2! -------------------- D: |Level 3: Rail Rescue| -------------------- CAPTURED CIVILIANS: 0 This level has no connection to any episode, but here's the deal. Captain Mitchell tells you that the Super Train has been hijacked (fan of the show or not, hijacking the Super Train, NEVER a good idea!). Areo Rescue 3 will drop you off at the end of Rail Rescue 5. Your mission, to make it all the way up the Super Train along the rooftops. There is only one downside to this level, and that is you can fall off the side of the Super Train and if you do, you will die, so keep that in mind as you make your way through this narrow level. Good news, this is a very short level, so let's get started, shall we? Walk a few feet and Jinxer will appear for a moment, after which 4 Battlings will appear and Jinxer will disappear. Go up and take out the 4 Battlings and collect any power ups they may drop, then Jinxer will appear. BOSS #06: JINXER EPISODE APPEARED IN: "Operation Lightspeed" (as well as others) Jinxer's taller than you and can actually fight (unlike in the TV Series). Watch out for his combo hits because they can do a good amount of damage to you, he will also throw out cards which will encircle you. If you have anything in your Special Attack Meter, use it, if not just keep punching at him. Make sure you don't fall off though. If you manage to knock him over the side you can continue (why that doesn't kill him is beyond me), or if you get his health meter down, he will disappear. This fight can be tough because of the lack of help you have. After the fight, walk forward a bit and you will automatically jump to Rail Rescue 4. This is pretty much the same procedure for Rail Rescue 4, Rail Rescue 3 and Rail Rescue 2. When you get to Rail Rescue 1, the same procedure will take place, but this time after you defeat Jinxer, he will drop his Life Force Stone, which you will need to collect. Make sure you get the Extra Life Spike Ball at the head of Rail Rescue 1. After getting the Life Force Stone, save your game and you will have beaten Level 3! See, told you it was a short level, shortest one in the game actually. ^_^ -------------------- E: |Level 4: Go Volcanic| -------------------- CAPTURED CIVILIANS: 10 Now we get some footage of what looks like a meteor crashing into Mariner Bay, then the Rangers fighting some more Battlings. What could the problem be this time? Captain Mitchell tells you that an asteroid has just hit the city creating a volcanic mountain. You need to rescue all the trapped civilians in the city, so let's go! From where you start off on the street, head up the street and on the left side you will see a opening with a Battling in it and some Power-Ups. Just a bit up from that, the FIRST HOSTAGE. Touch him, and keep going up the road. Another Battling will be there, as well as the SECOND HOSTAGE. Keep going and tehre will be a school bus and a 3-way intersection. From there, head upward and you will see some barrels with fire in them and the THIRD HOSTAGE within them, also guarded by Battlings. After this, head back to where the school bus is, and head around it to the other side and there will be an opening a park area. Go into it and there will be the FOURTH HOSTAGE as well as some Battlings. After that continue along in the park and there will be the FIFTH HOSTAGE, but after touching him, more Battlings will come out. Take them out, then continue up the sidewalk to the staircase, and climb that onto the broken bridge where you will find an Extra Life Spike Ball. Now head back out onto the street and you will see the SIXTH HOSTAGE. Jump over the gaps to save her. Just on the otherside of that, the SEVENTH HOSTAGE, with Battlings to follow after. Take care of that, and jump from the police car to the fire truck for some Crystals, then along the rooftop nearby for some more Crystals. Jump down to the street after that, and behind a turned over red pick-up truck is a Large Health Cross. After that, head down the road as far as you can go and there will be the EIGHTH HOSTAGE and a Small Health Cross behind her. Touch her, and head back to the gas station. Make your way ontop of the gas station and Miss Fairweather will tell you that the asteroid is somehow alive (that's all you don't need!) and for you to get close enough to the asteroid to examine it. Captain Mitchell then comes in, stating the obvious that Queen Bansheera is behind the asteroid and for you to get there quickly. Continuing onward, while on the gas station, make your way up to the highest point and continue on. Climb up the atenna, and there will be the NINTH HOSTAGE as well as some Battlings. Come down the screen a little but on the same level where the NINTH HOSTAGE is and there will be the TENTH HOSTAGE, with an Extra Life Spike Ball behind her. With all the hostages safe, continue on the upper level (towards where the NINTH HOSTAGE was) and keep climbing up. Two more Battlings will be waiting for you on a small helipad. Take them out, so now what, jump over the side of the building and land on the street, and a couple more Battlings will appear. As you walk, Captain Mitchell will tell you to destroy the evil Fireor, so here we go! BOSS FIGHT #07: FIREOR EPISODE APPEARED IN: "A Matter Of Trust" This boss fight won't be so bad. He will however try to block your physical attacks alot with his arm. Don't let that get you down though, because there is an Invincibility Bolt nearby. Use that and you will be able to defeat this monster VERY easily. The only downside, there will be a couple Battlings standing in your way. After the fight, carefully leapfrog between all the cracks in the road (using the school bus), make your way down the street to take out some more Battlings. Once at the end of the road, head over to the right of the road and jump on the rooftop. You'll be greeted of course, but make your way around and you will find a Small Health Cross on a shed. Now with that, head down the fire escape and you will see another Extra Life Spike Ball. Now head back to the rooftop. Jump over the right side of the rooftop to the other rooftop. More Battlings and Power-Ups are here, actually the Battlings might walk into the asteroid pieces, hurting them, use this to your advantage! It's gonna get trickier from here. Head over to the edge and jump down to the 18-wheeler, then over to the rock piece, and leapfrog up the screen from rock to rock and through a doorway. Once through it, Captain Mitchell will tell you that Magmavore must be stopped. BOSS FIGHT #08: MAGMAVORE EPISODE APPEARED IN: "Lightspeed Teamwork" & "Rising From Ashes" This fight can be a bit tough. Magmavore is bigger than you are, and his punches/kicks are pretty powerful, and if you're not careful he will be on your tail instantly. He can also block your attacks as well. My best bet, step away from him then go at him head-on. Use your special attack if you must, it may help you some. It can be tough, but not too tough if you keep it together. After the fight, head down the small hill and there will be rocks moving back and forth. This will be a pain to do, jump over the two rocks and make it to the otherside safely. Once you do, Captain Mitchell will tell you that you must destroy Diabolico (where's the Lightspeed Solarzord when you need it, you know 12 big guns shooting off all at once, yeah that stuff! ^_^). Jump over some small gaps and BOSS FIGHT #09: DIABOLICO EPISODE APPEARED IN: "Operation Lightspeed" (first episode) Now this guy is HUGE, but once again he won't be too tough. He can fight decent and can put some damage on you, but all you need to do is grab the Invinicibility Bolt and you will have this fight won! To make it quicker, try and knock him over the edge and he will be destroyed instantly. After destroying him, go and grab his Life Force Stone, then grab the card. Save the game obviously, then footage of the Rail Rescues becoming the Super Train Megazord. So with that, you'll probably guess what's gonna happen. Now before we get to that, I find something ironic with this upcoming battle. In the episode "The Cobra Strikes", Diabolico was able to take out the Super Train Megazord no problem, yet he falls at the hand of the same megazord in this game. Anyways moving right along. BOSS FIGHT #10: DIABOLICO (GIANT FORM) In giant form, his fighting style is just the same, actually if anything he's as slow as the Super Train Megazord. Use up all your Super Train Missles on him, and finish him off with a few punches and kicks and he will be down for the count! With that, this level will be over. Congradulations on beating Level 4! --------------------- F: |Level 5: Safety First| --------------------- CAPTURED CIVILIANS: 4 FUEL CELLS: 7 Now we are getting some footage of the Rangers battling some Batlings in a warehouse area. This level however could of been based off of the episode called "A Matter Of Trust" excluding the monsters here. Anyways let's get started! Captain Mitchell will now explain about Fuel Cells, which are extremely explosive. You must get them to the Aquabase carefully before the Battlings find them first. Miss Fairweather continues to explain the importance of these Fuel Cells. With that out of the way, let's go! MAIN LEVEL: Aero Rescue 3 will drop you off on a dock. Carefully make your way off the dock to the the walkway next to it. Collect the 4 Red Crystals, then Captain Mitchell will break in saying you must find and rescue all the civilians. After that follow the path to the opening area where a Battling will be. Take it out and head forward to the walls and crates. If you choose to go left, it's just some more Battlings, a couple Yellow Crystals and a Large Health Cross on a roof. Anyways, make your way on the crate, then head left, jumping on the upper level and follow the path to the end. Touch the shutter at the end and it will open to reveal the FIRST FUEL CELL. Head back to the crate then go right from it ontop of the other roof to get some more Crystals. There will be a Large Health Cross sticking out somewheres, so don't forget it if you're low on health. From there, jump down to the bottom level. Follow the street upwards and you will see a shut gate. Don't worry about that for now, but keep it in mind. Instead head right of the gate and keep going to the edge. Look around for a short bridge leading to a boat and cross it, boarding the bridge. On the bridge will be the SECOND FUEL CELL and the FIRST HOSTAGE. After getting the Fuel Cell, a Battling will appear right away, so take it out. There will also be a Small Health Cross ontop of the boat to help you on life. Now with all that, head back to the gate. Once there, notice the small shed next to it. Hit the green switch that's on the shed (it will be easy to miss this, as I missed it during my first trip around). The gate will open so you can explore more areas. Yes more Battlings will come out to play so take them all out. At this point you will have many choices, but keep this area in mind because you will come back to it. Head forward up the small stairs and to the back where more trouble will come out. Climb up to the left as high as you can ontop of the rooftops (this can be tricky). Once at the top, search around for the THIRD FUEL CELL, then head back down to the main level. Now remember where you began to climb up looking for the Third Fuel Cell (from the ground level, it's next to an opening where some Battlings came out at). Well head back there, but this time jump onto the lone small ledge opposite from heading up to the Third Fuel Cell. Once there, jump over to where the nearby platform is. Carefully make your way around the corner (while ontop of all platforms) and there will be the FOURTH FUEL CELL waiting. After getting that, head back down to the area I told you to remember. Around the corner would be another Battling if you wanna take it out. Either way head back to the gate and to the right of it (from the inside of the gate), there will be a big red switch. Kick or punch at it to lower a bridge. Doing so though will cause a monster to appear, so it's time for another boss fight. BOSS FIGHT #11: STRIKNING EPISODE APPEARED IN: "Cyborg Rangers" Strikning will come at you pretty good. It's kicks and punches are really powerful and will do great damage to you. It also has a projectile attack that you need to watch out for. At this point it's best to use your special ability because it will do a considerable amount of damage to the monster. After that it should be weak enough to where a couple good normal hits will take it out. Now let's continue onward shall we? Cross the bridge and head to the left of it, following the screen downward to the end. At the corner you will see what looks like a boat. Get onto it and make your way down it collecting the Samll Health Cross. You should see a upper level dock with a Green Crystal on it. If you're playing on Medium or Hard Mode and not as the Titanium Ranger, get up there then get up on the shack and get the SECOND SPINNING WHEEL. Keep going to the fartherest end of the boat (on the upper deck) and there will be the FIFTH FUEL CELL. Trouble will be waiting for you just so you know. Now with that, head back to the bridge. Once there, continue down the main road. More Battlings for you to play with. Also head to the army truck blocking the way. Ontop of it is a Purple Crystal, and in front of it is some giant crates with a Small Health Cross ontop. Before continuing onwards however, head down the screen (from your left of the army truck and downwards) and you will see some smaller crates as well as a tower. Jump the crates and there will be the SECOND HOSTAGE. Now head back to the army truck. Ignore the nearby giant crates and go to the other set of giant crates near a corner. Make your way ontop and you will see the SIXTH FUEL CELL. Before heading back, jump across the river from where the Fuel Cell was and there will be another boat. On it will be a few Crystals as well as more Battlings. Make your way to the fartherest point of this boat and there will be the THIRD HOSTAGE as well as an Extra Life Spike Ball. Get those and then CAREFULLY make your way back to the group of crates. Once there go upward to get the 3 Crystals, then back onto the main level to take out some more Battlings. Go up the road some more to the next area. There are tons of stuff to get around here (if you like) like a Small Health Cross on some nearby giant crates or one on wooden crate straight ahead. Either way stay towards the left and make your way onto the trucks, then up to the highest point. Follow the high path to it's end and you will see the FOURTH HOSTAGE. Drop down and next to that will be the SEVENTH FUEL CELL. After those, jump back down to the main level. Now go back up where all the trucks and crates were. There are more Crystals as well as an Extra Life Spike Ball (how the hell you get that is beyond me). Now this time stay towards the right side of the main road. and you will then see some mining carts. Around this area there's not much to see, just some Crystals and a Large Health Cross. Now continue on past the arm gate and climb the nearby stairs and continue on to the end of the road. You will see an elevator on the left. Board it and it will take you to the upper area. ROOFTOP AREA: Upon arriving, exit the elevator (you will not be able to board the elevator again) and walk around. Notice the music will change that's because a boss fight is about to happen. BOSS FIGHT #12: OLYMPIUS EPISODE APPEARED IN: "Olympius Ascends" (first episode) This guy can be a pain mainly because he will follow you around, and will attack. His main attack is that he will spit a cloud of fire at you which can do a bit of damage. His physical attacks however aren't that powerful. So how to defeat him goes like this: Use your Special Attack on him first, then go around and gather the Crystals to fill up your Special Attack Bar and when it's full, unleash another Special Attack on him. If there is any Crystals remaining, use those as well and that should finish Olympius, but if not just a couple punches will do him in. There will also be a Large Health Cross to help you out. After defeating Olympius, collect his Lifeforce Stone, then go after the Monster Card. After that, you will be asked to save your game obviously, then we get to see more footage of the of the Super Train Megazord transforming. Guess what that means! BOSS FIGHT #13: OLYMPIUS (GIANT FORM) EPISODE APPEARED IN: "Olympius Ascends" (as well as others) Yep, it's time to fight a giant Olympius and this time he is alot tougher. You can use your Super Train Missles, but they will do very little damage to him. Of course the Super Train Megazord being slow doesn't help, so this fight will be tough. He will do alot of blocking as well as punching and sweep kicks. Your best bet is to knock him down and get ready to hit him when he gets back up. That seems to be the only way to defeat him. Defeat him and you will have completed this level. Congradulations on beating Level 5! -------------------------- G: |Level 6: Lightspeed Rescue| -------------------------- CAPTURED CIVILIANS: 4 Okay this is it, the final level! Yes this game is short, but what do you expect for a Power Rangers game. Before moving on, please note each floor in this level is refer to as "levels". Do not get them confused with the 6 levels/stages you have played. Anyways we get some cutscenes of the Aquabase and the Rangers heading back there. I wonder what could be going on?! Miss Fairweather let's you know that the Aquabase is under attack by a huge platoon of Battlings, and what's worse, Captain Mitchell is missing! She explains to you how you can get into the Aquabase by going through one of the submarine pools. Then Queen Bansheera comes in saying she has taken the Aquabase from you and that she controls all of Lightspeed. You need to stop her and fast, so let's get to work! LEVEL 1: You start off in the submarine room. There are some Battlings here to greet you, so you best tend to them right away. After that, climb up either set of stairs and take out the remaining Battlings. After this, go through the door on the upper half. Follow the hallway to the 4-way intersection. From there, head left to the end. Notice the panel with the 4 green arrows, pay attention to those because they will be a key element in getting through this level. Touch at it to release the nearby barrier, and go through to rescue Miss Fairweather. She will tell you to take her to the main terminal area so that she can find Captain Mitchell. Note rescueing Miss Fairweather counts as the FIRST HOSTAGE. Now touch the nearby panel then head back to the 4-way intersection. This time head northeast past the 4-way. Note that if you went southeast, there would be 2 panels, a Battling and a Pink Crystal. Anyways head northeast down the path to the end. There should be a Small Health Cross near a barrier. Get it if need be, and head back to the nearby elevator marked LEVEL 1. Board it and it will take you to LEVEL 2. LEVEL 2: Once leaving the elevator, you can go right for a Yellow Crystal, then back the other way (watch out for a surprise Battling). Head straight past the 3-way intersection (there is a Small Health Cross in sight) and into a huge room. Once there, head around the room and go through a hallway on the otherside. Once in the hallway, follow the path to the 4-way intersection. Keep following the path to a more smaller room. Work your way around it fighting Battlings and you will find the SECOND HOSTAGE. After that go up the nearby short stairs into a conference room where more Battlings will be as well as Miss Fairweather (how'd she get there so fast? O_o). Anyways hit the nearby panel and Miss Fairweather will tell you that the security systems will be overriden shortly, in the meantime you must hold off the Battlings. She gets access of provisional controls, and the main computer has found Captain Mitchell (Woohoo!). You must now find other main switches to gain access to the control room. Leave that room and head back to the previous room and take out the Battlings to continue on down the hallway. Don't forget the Purple Crystal and Small Health Cross. Now head to the giant room, and once there head to the center of the room where there will be a lift to take you back down to LEVEL 1. LEVEL 1 REVISITED: Once back down, there is only one way to go so follow that pathway to the small room at the end. Hit the panel in the corner to release the barrier. Continue following the hallway until you reach a huge room which has some Rescue Rovers in it. Take out a couple more Battlings and then a boss fight will take place. BOSS #14: ABOMINUS EPISODE APPEARED IN: Wasn't in the series Here's how this will work. Abominus will hunt you down and when he gets to you, he will start his attack. Mostly he will do tons of kicking which will do a little damage. If he can't see you, he won't go after you. However if he can see you and you are in close range, he will do an Eye Beam attack on you which will hurt. So here's what to do: Do not collect the Crystals for this fight quite yet. Instead go behind the first Rescue Rover you see when entering this room for an Invicibility Bolt. Get that and go fight Abominus until it wears off. After that, use your Special Attack. If that's not enough, collect the Crystals and pull off another Special Attack. If that don't help, a couple punches and kick will do the trick. After defeating this boss, head to the back of the room where there will be the THIRD HOSTAGE. After that, hit the nearby panel. With that all done, head back through the hallway to the lift which will take you to SUB LEVEL 1. SUB LEVEL 1: Once here take out the Battling, then collect all the Red Crystals (if you want) then head down the hallway. Take out this Battling and hit the panel to release the barrier. Collect the Small Health Cross if you like and head up the stairs. Now you should be in a bigger room with a center elevator. Before boarding the elevator, head all the way around it and there will be an Extra Life Spike Ball hidden. Get it then board the elevator which will take you down to SUB LEVEL 3. SUB LEVEL 3: Once here, head the only way possible and through a hallway. Take out the Battlings guarding the area, and hit the panel to save the FOURTH HOSTAGE (Captain Mitchell). Keep walking down the path and eventually you'll end up in the MAIN CONTROL ROOM of the Aquabase. There will be several Battlings here as well as Health Crosses, but save those. You will see a barrier at the bottom of your screen as you make your way around. Don't bother with that quite yet. Instead head the opposite direction and up the stairs (you'll see them). From there head left and follow the path to the end and hit the panel. Avoid all Crystals for now, then take the other path and hit that panel. After doing this, another monster will appear so go up to it and take it out. BOSS #15: MERMATRON EPISODE APPEARED IN: Wasn't in the series This guy is very fast and his physical attacks are painful. He also throws out several projectiles at you, which can cause more damage so you need to be careful. What to do, well use up your Special Attack. Now go after the other Crystals and use another Special Attack. There will be Health Crosses around just incase. After those, just fight him, back away and come at him again. Soon you will be able to take this guy out, but it won't be easy. After that, the monster will drop an Extra Life Spike Ball for you. After that, hit the nearby panel in the center. Do so and the barrier will be released. If you are playing on Medium or Hard Mode and not as the Titanium Ranger, by doing what I said from hitting the two panels on the stairs to this final one, you will have uncovered the THIRD SPINNING WHEEL near the exit barrier. Follow the short path through another barrier and then this level will be completed. And guess what, that actually ends the game. Or does it?! For now if you beat Level 6, that ends the game, but if you want the true ending as well as another level to play, keep going. --------------------- H: |How To Get To Level 7| --------------------- There's another level, WTF? Well, I just recently found out about another level, which I didn't know existed till now. Good thing too, because by defeating that level, you will have seen the true ending to this game. This small section tells how to get to this final level. (Courtesoy of foxmorph2001) To unlock the final level, it must be done in three parts, in this order. Please note, you can start a new file or use the OMEGA code to skip to the required level. You can not have the Titanium Ranger code activated, and this must be done on either Medium or Hard Difficulty. So with that, let's unlock the new level! STEP ONE: For this first step, you must be in Level 2 (Lightspeed Teamwork). Make your way past the EIGHTH QUAKE SPIKE and head down the stairs you see, then over to the gray lift which will bring you down to a lower level. Upon exiting you will be greeted by more Battlings, but also along the wall (near the lift) will be a SWITCH with the #1 on it. Touch it, then head back up the lift, up the stairs and go back down the path. You will see a new path has opened leading to the SECOND HOSTAGE. Now here is where it's a bit different. Go up to the SECOND HOSTAGE and of course he will teleport away. Now after that, go around the entire platform he was standing on (all the way around). Do so and you will have collected the FIRST SPINNING WHEEL. This is the first step in unlocking Level 7. Complete this level normally now, then SAVE. Let's move on to the second step. STEP TWO: For this second step, you must be in Level 5 (Safety First). Make your way to Strikning and defeat him. After that cross the bridge and head towards the open area to the left of it (there should be 3 Red Crystals). Around that area, come down the screen a bit and you should see a small crate in front of a deck which has a Green Crystal on it. Make your way onto that then keep jump onto the roof of the small shack and touch the SECOND SPINNING WHEEL. This is the second step in unlocking Level 7. Now complete this level normally, then SAVE. Now to move onto the final step. STEP THREE: For this third step, you must be in Level 6 (Lightspeed Rescue). This can be found towards the end of this level. You need to rescue Captain Mitchell first, then head to the MAIN CONTROL ROOM, which is nearby. This room is huge. Aside from the Battlings, head up the screen to some stairs. Take the left staircase first, and you will see a green switch. Hit it, then head back to the stairs to the right staircase and you will see another switch. Hit it and Mermatron will come out. You will see a middle green switch, but ignore that until you defeat Mermatron. Do that, and head down the screen to get the THIRD SPINNING WHEEL. This is the final step in unlocking Level 7. Now after that, simply go through the barrier, and SAVE. If this is all done correctly, after the save you will see a new cutscene. If not, well Level 6 is the end of the line for you! Now read ahead so you will know how to get through the very final stage, and the final confrontation! --------------------------------- I: |Level 7: The Road To Skull Cavern| --------------------------------- CAPTURED CIVILIANS: 1 (Titanium Ranger) To start off, we get a small cutscene showing the Skull Cavern and Queen Bansheera. After that, the level will start. So what's the objective, find and destroy Queen Bansheera. You will also have another objective, which is to find the Titanium Ranger. Do so and you will unlock him as a playable character. But we'll get to him in time. Now let's get this final battle started! From the starting point, go down to the lower path and you will be greeted by some Battlings. Fight them then keep following the path to the next set of Battlings. When in this area, there is a Extra Life Spike Ball in a corner. Keep this area in mind, because you will be coming back to it. Now, with that, keep following the path and you will come to a circular area. Don't matter which way you go, but keep this area in mind as well (don't worry, I won't confuse you ^_^). Now just keep following the path, fighting and collecting anything in your way. You should be at a bridge with 3 orange like energy balls circling it. BE VERY CAREFUL HERE! If you get hit by one of those, there is a 95% chance you will lose a life, because it will knock you into the pit. Of course there's a chance you could survive it if you jump quickly enough. Avoid these completely as you make it across, and you will be doing this a few times. Keep going and at the end of the path will be some more Battlings as well as a brown circular switch. This is the FIRST SWITCH, which you need to step on. After that, backtrack all the way to where you saw the Extra Life Spike Ball. Head towards the bottom right of the screen and an island platform will appear. Jump across it and to the next one. Be careful, because a Battling will greet you right away. Once here though, you will see a couple of Crystals, a Small Health Cross and the SECOND SWITCH. Touch that, then head back across the platforms (more Battlings). Make your way to the big circular area, and go around that. More platforms will appear, so jump across them, but time it right because these platforms moves. Once across them, you will find the THIRD SWITCH which you need to step on. Do so and head back across the moving platforms to the big circular area, then up the death bridge all the way to where the FIRST SWITCH was. Once you get there, keep going past that and more island platforms will appear, as well as a Large Health Cross, which you should get. Climb the platform stairs and you should be in a good size area with a few Battlings and four Crystals. Take out the Battlings first, then collect the Crystals if you want. Now this next part may be a bit scary to do. On this particular area, head towards the right side of it, and go down along the edge. Carefull do this and you will see a small platform. Get on it and follow the platforms downwards until you reach a lower area. Down there is the only captured person here, which is the Titanium Ranger. There's also a Red Crystal if you want it and if you keep following that path, an Extra Life Spike Ball. Keep in mind, that by freeing the Titanium Ranger, you have unlocked him as a playable character. Now head back upstairs to the big area. Now that we are back on track, head uo the screen, and continue following the path. As you follow the path, the next obsticles will require you to jump from one small platform area to another. These are some good size gaps so be ready. Also you will have to fight some Battlings as well, which may be a pain to do. Once you get past that, you should be at a pretty big area. As you enter this, you can go to the lower level for a couple of Crystals as well as a Small Health Cross. Back up on the main level. Continue onwards till you get to a steep hill. Now the good thing is there's some goodies to get. Go up the steep hill and you will see a Large Health Cross. From the right of the upper area, there is a thin path leading to a Extra Life Spike Ball. Now with that, head back down to the main level and continue fighting your way through. There will be a path towards the left side that you need to follow, which by doing so will take you to a door which will open up. Continue onwards and you will see an arena area with 2 Pink Crystals and 2 Large Health Crosses which will fill your Special Attack all the way up. SAVE THOSE for now, because you will be in for one hell of a long boss battle, 5 battles actually. BOSS #15 through BOSS #19: MAIN BOSS REMATCHES Okay, you will be fighting in order: Vypra, Loki, Jinxer, Diabolico and Olympius. They fight just like before, except they are slightly tougher, and it will take a bit more to take them out. They're fighting tactics are the same as before so keep this in mind. If you have your Special Attack meter full, save it for the Loki fight, and use the other 2 Crystals and 2 Large Health Crosses whenever you feel comfortable with, but make sure you use them sparingly, so plan out your strategy good. After each fight, they will drop their Life Force Stone, and when they do that, another boss will come out in the order I mentioned. There is one good way to take them out though, knock them over the side. Also be careful of the center flame as it will damage you. Once you have defeated all 5 of these bosses, only one will remain. After defeating Olympius, collect his Life Force Stone, then a Battling Card will appear. Miss Fairweather tells you they have completed their ultimate weapon and to use the Omega Megazord (WHOAMG WE ACTUALLY CAN USE IT!) to defeat Queen Bansheera. Touch the card now and you will be asked to Save which you do. After this, we get a nice cut scene of the OmegaZords combining into the Omega Megazord and then posing. BOSS #20: QUEEN BANSHEERA EPISODE APPEARED IN: "Operation Lightspeed" (as well as others) For starters, the Omega Megazord has the same type of moves as the Super Train Megazord and moves just as slow. This can be a disadvantage because Queen Bansheera is rather tough. To start off, use up all the Omega Missles on her (not the one from the Omega Lance, that's not playable). This will do little damage to her. She doesn't have any specials, but her physical attacks can do plenty damage to you if you're not careful. Just keep fighting her as you would any other monster and she will be destroyed. Now that you have destroyed the last of Queen Bansheera and her army, Captain Mitchell and Miss Fairweather congradulates you and says they will keep the Aquabase running incase someone takes her place (yet in the TV series there is no one to take her place, because you've destroyed all the main bosses *shrugs*). Save your game. As for an ending, well, you'll get the same ending as before which is nothing, oh well. Either way congradulations on beating Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue for the PlayStation! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- SECTION 3: |IMPORTANT STUFF| --------------- ----- A: |Items| ----- 1. CRYSTALS: Collect these to raise your Special Attack Meter. When it's full you can pull of a Special Attack. Certain Crystals will refill only so much. 2. INVINCIBILITY BOLTS: Touch these to become invincible for a short period of time. Really helpful against boss fights. 3. HEALTH CROSSES: Refills so much of your life. Small ones will fill a little while the large ones will fill it completely. 4. EXTRA LIFE SPIKE BALL: This dark spiked ball will give you an extra life. ---------------- B: |Enemies & Bosses| ---------------- 1. BATTLINGS: These are the only foot soliders for the game and the TV series. They fight pretty much the same way you do, except they don't have Special Attacks. However you do, and when you are cornered by alot of them, use that to take them out quicker. Normally takes between 3 to 5 hits each to defeat one. 2. BOSSES: Instead of making a huge long list of about 15 bosses, I'll just sum up the general strategy of boss fights. Basically, save all your Special Attack meter for boss fights, and do not collect any Crystals that may be within the boss fight area. Use your Special Attack first, collect Crystals, use Special Attack again, then punch and kick with whatever's left on their health meter. If you see an Invincibility Bolt, use that before you use your Special Attacks. This usually works and is the easiest way to defeat all bosses. 3. MEGAZORD BATTLES: When engaging in a megazord battle, you have a couple of disadvantages. The Super Train Megazord is really slow, and there is no Crystals or Invinicibility Bolts to help you out. The boss fights usually fight the same as when they were normal size. Best bet, make sure you make direct hits with the Super Train Missles because you will only have a few to use. After that, it's best to knock the boss down, stay close and keep knocking them down. There really isn't much of a strategy to use since you're very limited on what you can use, so do what you can. ----- C: |Codes| ----- These codes will help your gameplay go by alot more easier. You can get these secret codes throughout the game, but I have yet to figure out how (anyone care to explain go ahead). Nonetheless these are the codes I found on GameFAQs.com: 1. FOREVER = Gives you infinitie Continues 2. D4B7E1O9G7 = Gives you infinite Health 3. IMMORTAL = Gives you infinitie Lives 4. N7F6U2A5A1 = Gives you infinite Special Attack Power 5. OMEGA = Allows you to choose whatever level you want 6. ULTIMATE = Unlocks Titanium Ranger 7. SHOWCASE = Unlocks all the different Galleries ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- SECTION 4: |IN CONCLUSION| ------------- -------------- A: |What's To Come| -------------- What's to come, who really knows. And with this game, it could be anything. So with that, this FAQ is gonna be open for anyone to add their comments. -------------- B: |Special Thanks| -------------- I dedicate this to all Power Rangers fans out there alike. You guys are what made the show the success it is today. Personal Thanks To: Exo-Squad: Simply because of his confidence and belief that I will be very successful at this stuff ^_^. On-line Thanks To: To GameFAQS for hosting my walkthroughs, as well as many more ^_^. To Starky27 & alex cross: For posting all of the cheat codes on GameFAQs. ^_^ To foxmorph2001: For info on how to get to the Level 7, which I did not know about. To the people from alt.fan.power-rangers: You guys are my first Power Rangers family (since Power Rangers In Space), and I just wanna take a moment to say it's been a blast knowing you all for the last 8 years ^_^. To everyone I know on the GameFAQs boards and the Power Rangers boards, thanks for being there for me ^_^. -------------- C: |The Disclaimer| -------------- "Power Rangers, Lightspeed, LIGHTSPEED RESCUE!" Okay so the series wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst, though it did had some nice zords with massive firepower (Lightspeed Solarzord & Super Train Megazord anybody? *drools*). I enjoyed the series alot more than some of the others, but I will not say this was one of my favorites, that award goes to In Space, Time Force, Wild Force and maybe S.P.D. (Space Patrol Delta), but what can you do. Once again, I've been a fan of Power Rangers for along time and always will be. And as a fan, I felt that I needed to give some attention to the games, so I created these FAQs just for you the fans ^_^. I made this walkthrough the best way I can and I hope it helps out in every way possible. Now here comes the important stuff you need to read. Ok, I'll make this quick and simple. This walkthrough is my work. I've made this walkthrough, describing the game the best possible way I can. You can use whatever info you want, so long as you give me credit and don't alter anything. All you have to do is email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com if you're gonna do anything with this walkthrough. And to show that I'm not a complete selfish bastard, if you have something you wanna add, email me and I will give you full credit ^_^. This walkthrough, like many others are intended for GameFAQs, GameSpot, IGN.com and NeoSeeker ONLY. You want it on your site, well you better start emailing me. Failure to comply with this, and I will be mad, among other things. Also DO NOT email me asking where the other 105 Power Stars are, you can find those in other FAQs. ----------- D: |Final Words| ----------- Email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com Copyright (C) June 16th, 2005 Mike Leatherwood AKA StarFighters76 Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (Game) (C) 2000 THQ Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (TV Series) (C) 2000 Saban Entertainment