San Francisco Rush 2049 Stunt and Race Coin Faq for n64 By Jordan Player Last Updated 2/26/01 ver. 1.06 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Copywright Information This Faq is copywright 2000 by Jordan Player. San Francisco Rush 2049 copywright 1999-2000 by Midway. Everything related to the game is copywright Midway. I am not associated or related to Midway. (Although their Rush games are awesome)! If you want to use this faq on a site you must get permission from me. If you get permission, it cannot be for profit and you need to show credit where it is needed. ============================================================================= 1.Table of Contents 1.Table of Contents 2.Updates 3.Controller Buttons 4.Stunt Coin Guide 5.Race Coin Guide 6.Best Laps (Race/Obstacle)/Best Stunt Scores 7.Stunt Tack Descriptions/All the different types of stunts 8.Battle Tracks Drawings, Description/Track Strategy 9.Battle Mode Weapons and Icons List/Strategy 10.Obstacle Course Walkthrough 11.Codes 12.First Place Passwords 13.Glitches 14.Secret Tracks 15.Secret Cars 16.Secret Parts 17.Help Section 18.Credits ============================================================================= 2.Updates - - - - - - - - - - - Version 1.00-10/11/00 First release. All stunt and race coins found!!! Version 1.01-11/19/00 Update-Fixed question marks. Fixed other grammar related problems. Fixed directions on Stunt Track 2, gold coin 6's directions, Stunt Track 3,silver coin 2, Stunt Track 4, silver coin 5, Track 1, silver coin 1, Track 3, gold coin 6, Track 4, silver coin 2. Fixed all cars code. Mileage by car parts. Controller Buttons Section. Stunt Track Descriptions/All the different types of stunts section. Version 1.02-12/19/00 Update-Easier way to get gold coin 8 on stunt track 3. Correction on partial wings bonus multiplier. Name for 9 and 10 Icons on stunt scoring. Extreme Mirror Mode code plus other button codes. Battle Tracks Drawings, Description/Track Strategy section. Battle Mode Weapons and Icons List/Strategy section. Best Single Stunt Scores/Best Laps Section will be coming soon! Version 1.03-12/28/00 Update-Car Collisions, Tire Scaling, Track Orientation, and Cone Mines codes. Help Section, and the Credits section. Coming soon, High Scores/Best Laps section. (You can start E-mailing these to me now even though it is not on the page yet). Version 1.04-12/31/00 Update-Frame Scale code. Does anyone know the All Tracks code? Obstacle Course walkthrough section. Best Laps (Race/Obstacle)/Best Stunt Scores section. Version 1.05-2/24/01 Update-Finally, I was inspired by DBoone1025… to finish this Faq up. I finished my times for the Best Laps (Race and Obstacle)/Stunt Score section. Please help me fill in these blanks with your times and scores. Thank you guys!!! Also, I found out the all tracks code. Glitches are still in the works as is the Obstacle Course walkthrough. Version 1.06-2/26/01 Update-Finally I finished the Obstacle Course!!!! WOOOHHHOOOOO!!!! Started on the Glitches section. ============================================================================= 3.Controller Buttons - - - - - - - - - - - In this section, I will tell you what buttons do what. - - - - - - - - - - - A (On the menu): Accept choice. B (On the menu): Go back to the previous screen. Control Stick/Control Pad (On the menu): Change highlighted item. Control Stick (In the game): Steer your car. L (In the game): Cycle through four different views unless in two player. In two player there are only three different views. R (In the game): Shift up if you are using a manual transmission. A (In the game): Accelerate. B (In the game): Brake. Z (In the game): Activate wings. Control stick (While using wings): Rotate the car in the direction you push it. C-left (In the game): Go in reverse. C-up (In the game): Reset your car back on the track. C-right (In the game): Nothing. C-down (In the game): Shift down if you are using a manual transmission. Right on the control pad (In the game): Honk your horn. Start (In the game): Pause the game. C-up (In battle mode): Drop the weapon that you currently have. Z (In battle mode): Fire weapon. ============================================================================= 4.Stunt Coin Guide - - - - - - - - - - - Rush has plenty of stunt coins. Some are very hard to get, and some very easy. The coins I have found are written about in the faq below. You get new cars with more coins! (hint, hint) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >>Stunt Track 1 (coin locations with * are from where you start the level; keep restarting the track on ones with the *). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Silver Coin 1 Right at the start, turn around and drive towards the window reflecting orange light. Drive up the slanted wall to the top. *Silver Coin 2 Right at the start, turn right and drive by the blue ramps that go all the way around the level. You should see at the top of one a silver coin. Just get some speed and drive straight up. *Gold Coin 1 At the beginning of the level turn around and drive to the blue ramp behind you. Turn left and start driving straight on the outside of the ramps. Eventually you'll see a gold coin floating in the air. Get some speed and go off the ramp to get the floating coin. *Silver Coin 3 Right at the start, turn around and drive to the ramp. Turn left and drive on the outside of the ramps. Just past where you got Gold Coin 1 there is a silver coin on the back of a ramp. Silver Coin 4 From silver coin 3 turn right and drive up the slanted wall to the top. Turn left to see a silver coin on the wall straight ahead. *Silver Coin 5 At the start go straight at the huge ramp in the middle. Go slow and press the brake after the green conveyer belt. Drive to the top of the ramp and you will fall down in the middle to get another silver. *Silver Coin 6 From the start turn left and drive toward the concrete pillar. Stop right before you get to it. Turn right to face the huge ramp. Go straight at the ramp and jump. On the top floor there is a silver coin on the conveyer belt. Silver Coin 7 Do the same as silver coin 6. When you go off the ramp there will be a coin on the level below silver coin 6. *Gold Coin 2 (WARNING: Do not get this coin until you get silver coin 8, gold coins 3,4,5,7, and 8). At the beginning turn right. Drive past first concrete pillar and on the next one there is a gold on the ledge. To get it turn left. There will be a pillar on the right side of your screen that is not behind the huge ramp. Drive over to that pillar. Turn left at this pillar and drive halfway to the next one. Stop in the middle. You can see part of the pillar that the gold is on. If you see the coin go farther right. Line yourself up with the post so that you will hit part of the big ramp. Nip the ramp just right and you will net a gold coin. If you don't get it don't give up. That gold coin is hard to get. *Silver Coin 8 Turn right at the beginning and drive to the pillar where gold coin 2 is. Go to the other side of the pillar and stop. Turn left to see the huge ramp. You should be angled so that you hit the ramp straight on. Go off the ramp angling left a little to the left. On the conveyer belt on the top is the last silver coin. Gold Coin 3 Do the same for silver coin 8 except turn more to the left as you go off the ramp. On the top floor is the coin. Gold Coin 4 Do the same as silver coin 8 except go straight and go a little slower. The gold coin is in the air in front of the first stone level. *Gold Coin 5 Drive to the front of the pillar that has gold coin 2 on it. Turn left to see the huge ramp. Go off the ramp at the part where you hit both the spike side and the solid side. If you hit it right you will get the coin in the air behind the first stone floor. *Gold Coin 6 At the start turn right. Drive past the first pillar and turn a little left so you will hit the ramp at where the spike part and solid part join together. If you hit it right you will fly to the floating gold coin. *Gold Coin 7 Drive to the pillar with gold coin 2 on it. Turn left to see a pillar straight across the room(not behind the huge ramp). Drive over there. Turn left and go halfway to the next pillar. Turn left to see the huge ramp. Drive straight so that you hit the ramp angling a slight to the left on the solid part. You will fly in the air and on the top level on a conveyer belt is the gold coin. Gold Coin 8 Same as gold coin 7 except that you angle to the right. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >>Stunt Track 2(ones with * are from the beginning) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Gold Coin 1 At the beginning turn left and go off the ramp. If you don't get the floating coin the first time, then adjust your speed and angle at it. *Silver Coin 1 At the beginning turn left. Go on the ramp that gold coin 1 was on, but go way slower. If you did this right you will be on top of the ramp. Drive to the other end but don't go off. Turn right and you will see a silver coin on top of the halfpipe wall. Line yourself up with the last blue hump on the top of the flat part of the ramp. Drive at the hump and go about 80-90 mph. You will land on the wall to get the coin. Silver Coin 2 Get on wall that silver coin 1 was on. Turn right so you would be heading back to the beginning. Drive straight on the top. When you fly off you will get the silver coin in the air. *Gold Coin 2 At the beginning turn right a little and drive straight. You will get some air when you fly off the sloped ground. From here turn around and you will see a halfpipe back where you started. Drive up the incline and up the pipe. If you have the right angle and speed, you'll fly backwards and get the floating gold coin. *Gold Coin 3 From the start drive down the inclined road. On your screen you will see a brightly colored ramp. If you drive up at the regular spot where there are a blue green and red path then you will see it but not get it. To get it, drive so you will hit the side where it is all orange and it slants up. If you have the speed and angle you will fly up over the regular way and get the coin. *Silver Coin 3 At the beginning turn a little right. Drive straight down the slanted road. Drive on the right side of the ramp that you got gold coin 3 on. If you drive straight you will come to an area with a lot of those humps. If you drove straight you will see one on the air real close to the ground. Go kinda slow and go off a hump to get it. Silver Coin 4 In the same place where silver coin 3 is there is another silver coin. You will see it up in the air and in front (or behind) the coin there is a hump. Drive back so you can get some speed up. If you have enough speed and the right angle you will net yet another silver. Gold Coin 4 From the place with the humps, drive to the brightly colored ramp. Turn to the right to see a house looking thing, and to the right of that another halfpipe. If you look closely you can see a gold coin in the air. Drive over there towards the halfpipe and turn around. You will see a conveyer belt (you will use this to aim for the gold coin). Drive to what looks like the middle of the conveyer belt (do not go on it!). If you are in the middle you will see a dark line on the floor. Drive as fast as you can towards the halfpipe. If you have enough speed and good accuracy you will get a hard gold coin to get. *Silver Coin 5 Go to the place where silver coins 3, and 4 were. Turn left and you will see a ramp with conveyer belts in front of it. Get some speed and drive towards the middle of it. If you lined up right and have speed you will get the silver coin above the bar. Gold Coin 5 After going off of the ramp to get silver coin 5, drive straight towards a halfpipe. Get speed up and hit the halfpipe so you go around and fly back towards the gold coin. The aiming on this is hard so just keep trying. Silver Coin 6 After getting gold coin 5 you should be facing the ramp again. Get speed up and angle to the left. If you had enough speed and didn't turn too far left you will get the floating silver in the corner. Silver Coin 7 From the corner, that silver coin 7 is in, back up and turn around. You will see a dirt ramp that goes up by the bar where silver coin 5 was. Go up the ramp on the left side. You will see it is like a halfpipe at the top. If you don't have too much speed you will land on the flat wall on the top. Turn left and drive to the edge to get the silver coin. Silver Coin 8 Do like in silver coin 6 except do not go off the ramp. Stop just in front of it. Turn your car right (away from the ramp). You should see a red ramp- looking thing. Drive towards it and go around it on the left side. Behind it you will see a green one. Slowly drive up it and on the top there is the last silver coin. Gold Coin 6 Stop in front of the halfpipe that you go on to get gold coin 5. Turn left and drive straight (you should be driving right beside the blue at the beginning of the pipe). In front you will see a wall (don't worry, it's a halfpipe). With your speed to the max hit the halfpipe and angle left off of it right after you get on it. If you aimed it right and have enough speed you will fly in the air to get the gold coin. (Patience pays off in getting this coin.) Gold Coin 7 Do everything like you did in gold coin 6 except stop in front of the concrete halfpipe. Turn left and then right to go up the slanted road. At the top stop and turn around. Drive straight. If you did this right you will fall off an edge then ramp up an edge. If you had good speed and aiming you will fly and get the coin above the spike on the weird-looking thing. (Patience also pays greatly on this one). *Gold Coin 8 Put the track on mirror mode. At the start turn right a little to see the weird-looking thing that gold coin 7 was above in the distance. Drive over there. Stop in front of it and turn around. If you did this right you will see the red ramp-looking thing on the right of your screen. Drive at it and hit it so you are on the crease where the sides connect. Angle right at the top and you will fly to the pillar to the right of the ramp. The gold coin is on the top of the pillar. This one is definitely the hardest one to get so just keep trying. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >>Stunt Track 3 Turn on mirror mode because the coins for this level were accidentally written in mirror mode. (ones with * are from the beginning in mirror mode). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Gold Coin 1 At the beginning turn right to see a long ramp thing. Drive on the right side of it to the end farthest from where you start. When you get to the end stop and turn left. Aim at the middle of the ramp thing on the end. When you hit it you will fly up and get the gold coin. *Silver Coin 1 At the beginning turn around and drive up the rock wall. If you have enough speed you will make it to a flat spot at the top. Turn left to see the silver. Now just drive straight along the wall to get it. *Gold Coin 2 At the beginning turn left a little and you will see a stone arch. Drive straight and stop when you get under it. Turn around to see a dark brown ramp that you could see when you started. Drive at the ramp and if you hit it right you will fly to get the gold coin. *Silver Coin 2 From the beginning drive between the ramp on the left and the long ramp thing on the right. In front of you, you should see a silver coin on the top of a tree trunk. Drive at the trunk and you should fly up and land on the coin. *Silver Coin 3 Like on silver coin 2 drive between the ramps. When you get to the stump drive to the left of it. If you went straight you should have passed an opening. Stop when you get on the other side. The wall has spikes on the top and if you're far enough back you should see the silver coin. Drive up going straight at the silver coin and you should fly up and land on it. Gold Coin 3 Do like on silver coin 3 except instead of driving at the silver drive at the end of the ramp. If done right you should be rewarded yet another gold coin. *Gold Coin 4 From the beginning turn left and drive up the incline. You should land on the top where there is water. On the right you should see that part of the arch connects to the ground. Drive up it and you should be inches from the coin. Drive towards it and you will get it and fall off. *Gold Coin 5 From the beginning drive straight between the ramps and to the left of the tree trunk. Stop right after the opening in the stone on the left. Turn right and drive straight. If done right you should see a ramp in front of a gold coin on a stump. Get a little speed up and fly to the coin. Silver Coin 4 Right behind the trunk that gold coin 5 was on you will see a silver coin floating in the air. Drive at the ledge and you will fly straight up in the air (like a halfpipe) and get the silver. Silver Coin 5 Like on gold coin 5 stop after the stone opening. On the right of your screen you should see a stone arch connecting to the ground. Drive up it and on the top there is silver coin. Gold Coin 6 Do like on silver coin 5 except don't turn right. If you turn left you will see flat ground with a bunch of little ramps. You should see the gold floating in the air. Hit the ramp in front of it to fly up and get it. Silver Coin 6 Do like on gold coin 6 except don't hit any ramps (just drive through them). If you're lucky you can see a green tree on the right of you're screen up the slanted wall. Drive to the end of the ramps to where the ledge is to get on the water at the top. Turn right and drive up the wall to find the coin behind the green tree. Silver Coin 7 Do like on silver coin 5 and when you get to the top turn right and drive on the tan colored ground (the ground that's slanted). You should see the silver straight ahead. Drive over there to get it. *Gold Coin 7 From the beginning drive straight between the ramps and to the left of the tree trunk. When you get to the opening turn left. Drive straight and angle a little left as you go off the ramp. If you did it right you will get a gold coin. *Gold Coin 8 From the beginning turn left around the dark brown ramp and then right so you will hit the wall with the spikes at the top. Drive as fast as you can at about the middle of the ramp. Drive up it and you will fly high. If done right you will come down on top of the gold coin on the other side. This one is very hard so keep trying. EASY WAY: From the beginning, drive between the brown ramp on the left and the long halfpipe thing on the right. There will be a tree trunk in front of you. Drive to the right of the tree trunk and on your right you will see a cactus. Drive to the left of the cactus and to the right of the pink tinted ramp that is right after the cactus. In front of you, you will see a small hump for a ramp on the left and another tree trunk on the right. Drive between them and stop in front of the halfpipe-type ramp that is in front of you. Turn left and drive straight so that you are going under the stone arc. Angle to the left a little and there will be a small hump. Go off of it and you will fly up and get the gold coin. *Silver Coin 8 From the beginning drive straight between the two ramps and to the left of the stump. Drive to the opening and turn around. Go back the way you came and hit the brown ramp on a straight side (since it is much easier hitting it that way) to go flying into the silver coin. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >>Stunt Track 4 Turn on mirror mode because I wrote the coins for this track on accident in mirror mode.(ones with * are from the beginning in mirror mode). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Gold Coin 1 From the beginning turn right a little to see a silver coin on some boxes. Drive towards it. You will find that in front of it is a halfpipe. Turn around, get some speed, and go off the halfpipe by the boxes angling a little left. You should fly up in the air and get the gold coin. Gold Coin 2 After you land on top of the brown halfpipe (that should be where you landed in gold coin 1) on the other end of the halfpipe is a floating gold coin. Go as fast as you can towards it and you should fly off and get it. Silver Coin 1 When you land on top of the halfpipe (on gold coin 1) stay up there. On the opposite side of where you fly off and get gold coin 2 there are some boxes below the ramp on the end. Drive slowly and drop onto the first box, then onto the second to get the silver. *Gold Coin 3 From the beginning turn right a little to see a brown halfpipe with spikes on the top of it left of the boxes that silver coin 1 was on. Drive at the middle of the halfpipe and when you go around it, it should throw you back to land on the gold coin. This one's speed and aiming is tricky so adjust angle and speed if you're off. *Gold Coin 4 From the beginning drive straight a little and turn left. You should see in front of you a gold coin. If you drive at it you will notice that there are two little ramps. Go off either of these to get the gold coin. *Silver Coin 2 From the beginning, turn left to see a weird looking pillar supporting the upper section. Drive past it on the left and go up the slanted concrete road. Right when you get off of it stop and turn right. Drive straight and go a little right on the concrete so you fall off (before the little brown ramps). If you did this right you should fall on a box, then on a lower one to get the coin. Silver Coin 3 Instead of going on the slanted road to go up top, go to the right on the halfpipe. If you have the right speed and aiming, it will throw you back to get the floating silver coin. Silver Coin 4 Instead of going up the slanted road like in silver coin 2, turn around and on the opposite side of the room you will see part of a big steel halfpipe. Drive as fast as you can towards it. You will come off the top and have to use wings to spin you over quickly so you land on the ramp and fly off of it straight (if you cannot spin fast enough use the stunt wings). You should fly straight above another platform and get the floating silver coin. Silver Coin 5 After landing on the platform that silver coin 2 was above go as fast as you can off of the end of the ramp. You will fly and get the coin. Another way to get the silver coin is from the beginning to drive straight and to the right of the hump in the ground. Stop when you get to the slanted ground going up to the bridge. Turn left and you should see a ramp with three humps on it. This will be the ramp you will go off of. Turn left again and drive to the front of the halfpipe that gold coin 8 is on. When you get there turn around and speed toward the ramp turning left after the long green ramp thing. Aim for the right hump angling just a little right. If you had enough speed you will fly up and get this extremely hard coin to get. Gold Coin 5 From the ramp that you jump off of to get silver coin 5, do the same thing angling a little more right. You should fly up and get the gold coin. Silver Coin 6 Drive to the right of the ramp that you went off of to get gold coin 5 and in the wall on the right you will see an opening. Turn right into the opening and you will find out that it is another tall halfpipe. Go up it and you will be on the upper floor. Drive straight across the skinny bridge to the next platform and drive up the farthest right halfpipe. In the air is a floating silver coin. Silver Coin 7 Same as silver coin 6 except go a little slower and go off the brown ramp to the left of the halfpipe angling a little right. You will fly and land on top of the stone building where the silver coin awaits you. Silver Coin 8 Like on silver coin 5, instead of stopping before the bridge where you turn left, go straight and to the right you will see two halfpipes. Go up the farthest one staying against the wall, and you will net the last silver stunt coin. Gold Coin 6 Like on silver coin 8, go up the halfpipe, but angle a little left to land on the platform up top. On the far right corner from where you came up there is a pyramid. If you clip the far right edge you will go up a little and get the gold floating over the bridge. *Gold Coin 7 From the beginning turn around and drive to the front of the halfpipe that you went up to get silver coin 4. When you get there turn around and speed toward the brown halfpipe that you can see at the start. Hit the halfpipe where there are spikes and you will go flying to get one of the hardest gold coins that are in the game. Gold Coin 8 From the halfpipe that you go on to get silver coin 8 turn around and go straight (going right of the big brown halfpipe at the start). In front of you, you should see another huge halfpipe. Aim for the left side and if you're going fast enough you will fly straight up and get the last tough gold coin in stunt mode. ============================================================================= 5.Race Coins - - - - - - - - - - - Rush has many race coins. Some are hidden extremely well and are hard to get, and some are out in the open and easy to get. The race coins are listed below. You get even more new cars by collecting race coins. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >>Track 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gold Coin 1 Right at the start turn around and on the right there are some buildings. There are also brown barriers between them. On the last space on the right there is not a barrier. Turn in there for a gold coin. Silver Coin 1 After you've turned around head straight and you will see a big Asian-looking building on the left. Head over there and you should see a secret passage on the right side of the building. Drive in that passage and you will get the silver coin. Silver Coin 2 Right after you get out of the shortcut, turn around and head back on the regular road. On the turn you should see some buildings to the left. Drive back there and behind one of the buildings is a silver coin. Silver Coin 3 As you're driving up the road, on the right you will see a gas station. Right after that on the right you will see an opening into a building. Drive over there and break through the glass. You will see a fountain to the right. Drive up onto the fountain and you will get a silver coin. Gold Coin 2 After you drive straight you will exit the building and be on the top of another one. Go straight and fall off the building going about 30 mph to land on the gold coin. Gold Coin 3 Go as fast as you can up the road to the jump. When you get there angle a little to the left to land on the gold coin. This might take a while because your angle is crucial. Silver Coin 4 After going through the tunnel you should see construction cranes in the distance. There in the road there will be an intersection. Take the sharp right and down the street is the silver. Gold Coin 4 After you get back on the street to the right you will see a dirt path and some cones. Go through the cones and hit the switch on the right to turn it green. After you go off the stairs when you get on the tracks turn left, and down the track is a gold coin. Silver Coin 5 Right when you enter and after you fly over the tracks, keep to the left. You will go up some stairs to fly out and get the silver coin. The switch moved the green thing that is off a little to the side. Gold Coin 5 After getting silver coin 5 you will fly up onto a secret road that curves right. Drive down this road to get the gold coin. Gold Coin 6 After gold coin 5 turn around and drive back into the subway (if you don't want to do this, finish a lap and get it on the next lap). Once you are in there, go to the tracks and drive on them opposite of where you got gold coin 4. You will be driving down a long tunnel and when it opens up immediately turn right and you will see the gold coin across another set of tracks in the corner by the wall. Silver Coin 6 From gold coin six go back the way you came and turn right to go out the entrance where silver coin 5 was. Do not go on the shortcut again. Turn right to pull out on the regular road. You should be going the right way on the track. On your right you will see a tall building with elevators going up and down it. From the street you will see a big opening in it with nothing in it. Drive farther and there will be another opening. Drive in there to collect the silver coin. Gold Coin 7 Drive straight on the road from silver coin 6 and you will enter another turn in a tunnel. Right after you get out of the tunnel turn around and drive back into it going as fast as you can. Stay on the left when you come out and you will see a big blue ramp. Go off of this ramp and you will fly up and land on a blue platform with the gold on it. Silver Coin 7 After the turn that you turned around in to get gold coin 7 stay to the right by the buildings. You will see a switch that you need to run over. After going over it you will see part of a loop that is made of concrete. Right after that on the right you will see a silver coin under an overhang on the right. Drive over there to get it. Silver Coin 8 Go back to where the loop of concrete is. Across the street from there is a building with a silver coin in the opening up front. Gold Coin 8 After getting the two silver coins on this road, right before the turn, on the left, there is a tunnel. To find it easily look above the road, and if you're far enough back you will see a crosswalk across the road. The tunnel is below the end of it closest to the last turn. Drive slowly through the tunnel and you will get a gold coin. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >>Track 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gold Coin 1,2 At the beginning go straight and to the left you will see two roads going to a white house. Go on the one that is plain paved. You will see a switch on this road. Right before the switch there is a road that slants down into the ground. Go on this road and you will see a concrete edge in the middle of the road. Behind it you will see a crack. In that room there are two gold coins. To get them drive back up the slanted road a little and turn around. Drive on the right of the concrete barrier. If you eased up on the barrier right you will go sideways through the tiny crack. You will get the first gold right in the entrance, and the second in another corner. Silver Coin 1 After getting gold coins 1&2, turn on the road so that you are heading away from the switch. Right at the end of the plain paved road turn around and head back on it going as fast as you can. Make the tiny left turn and hit the switch. In front of you a ramp will raise up. Go off the ramp angling left a little to make it on the other ledge. There will be a ramp on this ledge so angle a little right off of this second ramp. If done right you will land on a grassy ledge on the other side of the road. You will see a dirt path to the right and a concrete ramp with two tire marks to the left. Go up the concrete ramps driving exactly on top of the other tire marks. You will fly up and over a building across the street and nab the silver in the air right after the windmill. Watch out for those blades though. Silver Coin 2 As you drive through the town, stay as far to the left of the main street as you can. Right when you exit that part of the city, you will see a street making a sharp left and right after that street will be a dirt path going around the lake. Take the sharp left and drive up the street. Turn left again to see the silver coin in the corner. Silver Coin 3 From silver coin 2, press C-up to put you back onto the road. As you drive through the city the street will just curve back and forth. Stay to the right and there will be a switch. Hit the switch and turn left in front of the stairs that have the blinking red lights on them. You will drive by or through a building with breakable glass. You will see a ramp with a conveyer belt on it. Go slow and drive to the left of it. You will do a U-turn and be facing a tunnel. Drive in there and follow the lights. On the top of the pipe by the black box things is a silver coin. Drive on the lights with some speed and they should line you up with it. Silver Coin 4 This time enter the tunnel but don't drive up the edges. There will be some spaces between the boxes that you can drive through. Right after you exit the tunnel there is a silver coin on the left, so turn around and it will then be on the right. It is behind the tree. Drive at the wall at an angle and it will shoot you up to get the coin. Silver Coin 5 Like in silver coin 4 drive through the tunnel except when you exit go straight at the cones going about 65 mph. You should land in a fenced in area (except for the side where there is a gold coin. Drive towards the gold coin and turn right. You will see the silver by the fence. Stay in here to read about the gold coin written below. Gold Coin 3 From silver coin 4 turn around so you are facing the gold coin. If you look you will see the ground is raised forming a small jump. Drive at it and you should pop up and get the coin. Gold Coin 4 After you get gold coin 3 just drive out of there or press C-up. You will find out that you are by the switch again. Go as fast as you can and hit the switch. Do like you did in silver coin 3 except go off the conveyer belt ramp (you should be going about 160 mph before even getting on the ramp). You will fly in the air and hopefully land on a hanging platform with a conveyer belt on it. Try to brake and stay to the left. If you're lucky you will fall off and get the gold coin. Silver Coin 6 From gold coin 4 just drive around the track to the finish line. Don't worry about the coins. When you get to the finish line turn around. Drive on the left side of the wall and angle right to ramp off of the lava lamp and go up in the air to get the coin. Gold Coin 5 Turn around at the finish line and drive straight. Right after you pass the lava lamps you can either go straight on the concrete road, or you can go right. Turn right and you will see a big opening to the left of some stairs. Drive as fast as you can in there (staying on the left) and you will go around a loop and hit a ramp. If you stayed on the left and were going fast enough you will fly into the gold coin. Gold Coin 6 Do the same as gold coin 5 except go about 85 mph. You will start to fall off of the top so use your wings so you will land without crashing. On the left there will be a hard-to-see opening. Drive slowly in there and you will see that it is and underground stunt course. Right as you get there turn right and drive to the wall. Then turn left and drive straight but stop when you see on your left three boosters going in a straight line. Then turn left and drive on the green one on the right side of the red one. You will speed up and hit some boosters in front of it, and if you stayed going straight you will fly down a tunnel with a conveyer belt going the opposite way you are. If you had enough speed you will go far enough back there to get the gold coin. Gold Coin 7 From gold coin 6 you will be speeding up getting ready to fly out of the tunnel. If you went straight and it pushed you fast enough you should fly out and nab a floating gold coin. Gold Coin 8 Turn around at the finish line and angle right a little right after you pass the lava lamps so you are heading at the hill. You will see two dirt paths on the hill. You will aim for the one on the left and as you go off angle left even more so you will be headed at the parking garage. If you went fast enough, you will land on the second story of the garage. Drive around and you should see the gold. Silver Coin 7 Do like in gold coin 8 except don't angle left so much. You should fly and land on top of the sign. Drive straight to get the silver coin. Silver Coin 8 Do like on silver coin 7 except hit the ramp on the right. You will fly above an entrance to a building and land on grass above it. Up there is the silver coin. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >>Track 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Silver Coin 1 From the beginning drive straight and you will drive over a bridge with blue barriers on the sides. At one of the ends of the bridge drive around it and you will fall into a trench below the bridge. The coin is under the bridge part. Silver Coin 2 From silver coin 1, you will drive on some banked turns. When you get to the road you will see that on the left and the right there are roads that are off of the main one. Drive on the right road going kind of slow. On the right there is a white building that has big openings in the front. Drive in the first one. Silver Coin 3 Staying on the smaller road on the right after the road ends there will be a ramp off to the right in front of you with a switch on it. Slow down and hit the switch but don't worry about the pyramid. At the top of this ramp there is a flat part. Make a U-turn and you should go straight and turn right to be headed on a bridge going over the street. After going over the street turn right on it and you will get the silver coin. Silver Coin 4 From silver coin 3 press C-up. You will be on the road so drive straight on it. You will make a banked right turn and on the right there will be posts that are yellow and black. Turn between the edge of the building and the first one. In front of you on the top of your screen you should see a building with a blue transparent wall. Drive over there so you would be directly under it and turn right. You will see the silver in a corner of buildings. Gold Coin 1 From the silver press C-up to get back on the road and if you drive around the track you will go in a short tunnel with blinking red lights on the front of it. Go slow and on the left you will see a road slanted upwards. Right as you turn left on that turn left again and if you're far enough back you will see the three trees in front of the building. Go between the last two and you will see a piece of ground going up to make a tiny ramp by the roof. Drive over that and you should be on the roof. Drive on the right edge and you can turn right onto grass. Drive up the slanted ground and turn left to see the coin. Just drive over there to get it. Gold Coin 2 From gold coin 1 press C-up. It will put you back on the road. Drive past the road slanted up and right behind that there is a tunnel that is pale yellow colored. Turn left into that tunnel and drive straight through it. You should fly over the regular path and land on a different road. It will curve left and then you will jump over the regular path again and land on a different road. This road will curve right and on the right you will see a pathway going into the building. Drive on the pathway and go left past the split and stop and turn around. Drive back the way you came and on the left you should see a conveyer belt ramp. Go off of it and if you have enough speed and good accuracy you will get the floating gold coin. Silver Coin 5 From gold coin 2 press C-up to put you on the regular road. As you drive you will come up on an air command building on the right that is fenced off. Right when you get to the big jump down the hill turn around. You will see that the building in front of you has a huge satellite on it. Drive towards that building. On the left is the regular path and on the right is a different one. Between those two paths there should be a road thing going up the building with the satellite on it. If you go fast enough the building will pop you up and you will hopefully land on a ledge going around the top of the building. There is a silver coin on the ledge somewhere around the top. Silver Coin 6 From silver coin 5 press C-up. Drive on the track and farther on you will come to the jump downhill. After the jump there will be a banked turn turning right. Stop halfway through the turn and turn right. You will see an opening between the buildings. Drive back there and there is a silver coin. Gold Coin 3 From silver coin 6, if you were facing a building right in front of you, you would have noticed that there was a gold coin on it. If you weren't facing a building just turn. If you are facing the building you will see to the right a space between the buildings. Drive through there and it is a little grass ramp. Land and turn around. Drive at the grass ramp very slowly. Go from left to right, right at the top and you should drive onto the roof to get the coin. Gold Coin 4 From gold coin 3 press C-up to put yourself back on the track. Right when you get to the top of the hill and the road starts slanting down, head to the right side of the road (make sure you are so far right that you are scraping the wall. You should go on a path that goes straight while the road to the left goes down. Go straight and you should go through a tunnel with a transparent bottom and then ramp onto the top of some buildings. Right when you land on the other buildings press the brake and go forward slowly. You should eventually get on a building top where you can turn right (it also has a fence around some of the edge of it). The coin should be right in front of you. Silver Coin 7 From gold coin 4 press C-up to be put back on the track. Turn around and, if you are heading backwards, you should see a weird-looking building with a ring of lights around the top. Right after that is a row of gray colored buildings. There is a square opening in the middle of one of the buildings. Turn right into there and turn left to see the silver. Drive over there to get it. Silver Coin 8 From silver coin 7 press C-up to be put back on the track. To your right there will be a yellow and black checkered barrier that ends by a building. Head to the right side of the road and there will be a huge gap between the buildings. Turn right and drive straight. When you can't go straight anymore turn right and you will be facing the yellow and black checkered barrier. Drive up to it and turn right. Drive straight to get the coin. Gold Coin 5 From silver coin 8 press C-up and drive straight staying on the left side of the road. Right in front of the finish line there is a road going across the whole street. Turn left on this road and turn left again (this is a left U- turn). You will be going backwards on a shortcut that goes underground. Stay on the track and you will get to a spot where you ramp off of the bridge onto the dirt. Before you went off you definitely should have seen the gold coin on the right of your screen. Turn right to see the gold and just drive over there to get it. If you want to get this coin the hard way do this. Go back to the ramp that you went off of to get gold coin 2. In front of you, you should see a hill that has three blue and white checkered poles on top of it. Dive up there and you will fall down a big hole. From there drive straight through a small tunnel and then into a big one with a spinning fan in it. Do not fall off the sides. Slow down after the fan and you will ramp off the bridge onto a part of it that is slanted upward. From there turn around and drive off onto the dirt. Turn right and you will see the gold on a ledge that is jutting out of the dirt. Gold Coin 6 From gold coin 5 press C-up and it will put you back on the track by the air command building. Go down the huge jump and speed around the banked turn. Get on the left and slow down to about 90mph; you will also see a conveyer belt ramp in front of you. Right when you get on it be going about 90mph and angle a tad right. You will fly off of the ramp and get the gold coin on the bridge overhanging the street. Gold Coin 7 Do the same thing as in gold coin 6 except go straight. You should land on a transparent road. Stay on it and it will drop you off on a shortcut right in front of a bridge. Keep going straight and ramp off the grassy hill to get the floating gold coin. Gold Coin 8 After going off of the grassy ramp, drive a little on the regular road and get on the small road on the right like in silver coin 2. Speed down this road and right as it ends turn left a little and hit the switch on the ramp. You will fly off the ramp and go under the raise pyramid. If done right you will land on another road that curves right, right as you get on it (this road is up and to the right of the black and blue checkered road below it and to the left). Going on this shortcut you will ramp off and go through a blue transparent wall then land on a tunnel in a building. In this very short tunnel stop. Go very slowly and go to the left as you fall out of it. You should land on a ledge on a building. Drive on the ledge and you will have to turn right. When you turn right you will see the gold coin right in front of you. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >>Track 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gold Coin 1 From the beginning you will go on two turns that make, practically, a U-turn. You will start driving up a hill. You will get to a part where you ramp off the ground and land on the slanted road again in front of you. You will get air again because the ground slopes down now and on this jump if you angle right a little you will land on some rooftops that have a gold coin on them. Gold Coin 2 From gold coin 1 press C-up so it puts you back on the track. You will make a sharp left then come to an intersection in the road where you can turn right or go straight. Turn right and in front of you the road slants up a little. Turn around on the street right in front of where it slants up and drive back the way you going as fast as you can without hitting the walls. Line your car up in the middle of the road and you should go flying to get the coin. Silver Coin 1 Do what you did in gold coin 2 except keep going straight. After you go up the slanted road it will start to slant down again. On the right there is a church so turn right to face it. On the right side of the church there is a little space between it and the tree barrier. If you drive as far as you can straight back there you will turn left and there is the silver coin. Silver Coin 2 From silver coin 1 press C-up and it will pace you on the road so that on the right of your screen there is a yellow-lighted building. Drive straight and make the sharp turn right. Go straight and go kind of slow. On your left there is a concrete wall with moss on it. Also on the left there is a lone street light. Drive up to the street light and stop so your car is in the pole. Turn right and between two buildings there is the silver coin. Silver Coin 3 From silver coin 2 press C-up to be put on the road. Drive along the track past the halfpipe turn and you will start going back uphill again. Like on the first gold coin you will get a little air and then ramp up off of the street. Angle left or right and you will land on a road above the regular track. Drive straight and turn back into the middle of the road above the regular road. You will run over a switch and right after that veer left onto a transparent part of the road. You will go off of this and land on a low grassy roof. Turn left and turn right a little to get the silver behind part of the building that sticks above the roof. Gold Coin 3 From silver coin 3 press C-up to be put back on the road. Turn around and drive in the center of the road on the long straightaway. If you have enough speed and are in the middle of the road you will fly and get the coin. Silver Coin 4 From gold coin 3, press C-up to be put back on the track. Drive down the long straightaway and make the sharp left turn to go into the tunnel. You will make two more turns after the tunnel and should be driving beside the train tracks. You will come to an intersection where you can go left or keep going straight. Turn left and then right to see one concrete pillar. Drive behind the pillar to get the coin. Gold Coin 4 From silver coin 4 press C-up to put you back on the road. You will pass two more intersections like that in silver coin 4 and then on your left you will see two blue buildings with pillars in front of them. Drive between the pillars and you will see a road. Drive up it going pretty fast and when you reach the top, if you have enough speed, you will fly up and come down a little to land on the gold coin. Silver Coin 5 Do like in gold coin 4 except drive slower so you stop at the top. To the right you will see a ledge. Drive onto that and the silver is in the corner. Gold Coin 5 Do like in silver coin 5 except fall off the far end. You will land in a halfpipe where the gold coin is. Gold Coin 6 From the halfpipe drive off of it (do not go up the sides of the halfpipe, but at the bottom where it is flat). If you didn't go too fast, you will land on another rooftop with a gold coin on it. Gold Coin 7 From the rooftop that gold coin 6 was on there will be a side of the roof (not the side that was in the direction from where you jumped off of the halfpipe from) that has a little fence gone. Go off of here at about 45mph and you will land on a ledge on a red building right above the street. If you drive along the wall you will see there is a gap in it. Turn in there to get the gold coin. Gold Coin 8 Do like in silver coin 5 and stop at the top. Next press the accelerator down fast to get speed. Drive right so you are on the ledge that the silver was on and then angle left a little off the end where you fell off of to get gold coin 5. You will fly and land on the rooftop of a building past the red building that gold coin 7 was on. Stop real quick on the roof and drive to the gold coin. Silver Coin 6 Instead of going on the shortcut where the road goes straight up go straight driving parallel to the tracks. Drive under the support beam for the bridge and right after the turn on the right there are places where you can drive behind a building. It is a parking lot and the coin is by the building. Silver Coin 7 From silver coin 6 get back on the street going the right way. Get on the left and there will be a space between the buildings. Turn left in there and turn left again. Turn right to go farther back and then turn right again into a small space between two buildings to get the coin. Silver Coin 8 From silver coin 7 press C-up to get put back on the road. Get on the right and you will hit a switch. The switch lowers the sign to the left of the blinking arrow sign that points to the left. Drive in there and it will be a loop. Just drive around the loop to get the silver coin. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >>Track 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Silver Coin 1 At the beginning of the race go right around the first building and then left at the second. Right after going left again you will come to an intersection in the road. Turn right and you will see a road going through a building. Turn right onto that (you will now be going backwards on the track) and then go off the ramp angling left. You will jump to another rooftop and there will be spaces between parts of the building on the roof. Between the first space is the coin. Silver Coin 2 Turn right at the intersection like on silver coin 1 but instead of going on the road through the building, get on the left side of the road and there will be a road that turns left. Go down this road and when you get on the grass do not hit the switch. Drive up the left or right of the white thing to get the silver coin. Gold Coin 1 From silver coin 2 press C-up so you will be put back on the track. Turn around and on the right you will see a conveyer belt going in through a building. Drive up to it very slowly. When it pulls you try to do this: try to slide sideways, try to scrape the wall also when sliding sideways, hold the brake the whole time, and the tiny platform that you have to drive across to get the coin, use it as a last resort to hit your front or back and do a 360. If you get lucky and stop after the conveyer belt make sure that you do not fall off of the tiny platform you have to go on. Trust me, it's hard to do more than once. Gold Coin 2 After driving on the track for a while you will come out of a turn and see a switch on the left side. Do not hit the switch. Go up the hill and you will get some air. At this spot angle right to land on a ledge farther right of the conveyer belt that is on top of the building too. Turn around and drive off the edge to land on the corner of another building where another gold coin is. Silver Coin 3 After going up the hill, on the right you will see a shortcut that goes underground. Don't go on the shortcut. Right after the shortcut there is an intersection in the road. Turn right and on the left by the building is the coin. Silver Coin 4 After silver coin 3, get back on the track. You will go up the hill a little, then down a lot. At the spot where you are driving downhill with grass on both sides veer off the road to the right. There will be a rich looking house and there is a silver coin between its two front pillars. Gold Coin 3 From silver coin 4 turn around and drive back up the hill. Turn around and drive back down. When you get to where there is grass on both sides of the road veer to the left and hit the grass ramp angling slightly to the left. You will land on a tram track. You can run over the switch if you want to but it doesn't matter. Keep going straight and at the end of the track is a gold coin. Silver Coin 5 From gold coin 3 press C-up so it will put you back on the track. It will put you on a turn. Drive straight and right when the building on the right ends turn right. You will see a small opening between the two buildings so drive through it. Right when you pass between them turn left and drive straight (you should be driving right beside the wall). Drive far enough and in the corner is the coin. Silver Coin 6 Do what you did in silver coin 5 except when you drive between them keep going straight. Drive on the left of the aquarium and left of the tall white building. After you pass the tall white building the coin is on the right. Gold Coin 4 After the building that you first turn right after in silver coin 5, veer right a little so you go up a pathway that is not the regular street. Go straight and angle right while going around the halfpipe. If done right you will land on the ledge that the gold coin is on. Gold Coin 5 Do like in gold coin 4 except turn left to go into the halfpipe place. Drive up the side of either wall to get over the building in the middle so you can exit on the other side. When you exit it will be a right turn. If you go straight you will have two choices. To the right goes down to the road, and to the left goes on a shortcut. Go to the left and when you are about to go into the first building turn left and you will fall on a roof with a gold coin. Gold Coin 6 Do like in gold coin 5 except go to the right to go down to the road. Right when you get off the path that is slanted down turn left. You should see a tunnel that is green. Drive as fast as you can through that and you should fly onto the ledge of a building (the ledge curves). It will turn left and then you will go to another roof with a ramp. Angle right and you will soar and land on a roof with a helicopter pad symbol. This roof also has the gold coin on it. Silver Coin 7 Instead of going left or going down and turning left off of the slanted road go straight on the regular track and there will be a sharp left then right. Right after this get to the left and there will be an intersection in the roads. Turn left and then right to enter the building that has a path going through it. In this building there are boxes. Right when you enter you should see the silver coin on the left. Gold Coin 7 Instead of turning right into the building, go straight and then turn left. Get your speed up and jump off the roof before you get to the ramp that is straight ahead between the pillars. If you have enough speed you will land on the roof. Turn left or around (depending how far your car spun) and drive across the bridge to get the coin. Silver Coin 8 At the intersection where you turn left to get silver coin 7 and gold coin 7, turn right and then left right after the striped building ends. Go straight and you will get the silver coin. Gold Coin 8 Do like you did in silver coin 8 except drive at the wall. With some luck you will ramp over the barrier. From there turn right and drive straight. Next turn left, right, and right again to get the gold coin. Different way to get coin is to finish the lap and stop when you get to the top of the first hill. Count how long it takes the boat to come into view so you can jump onto it. If you go fast enough you will land on the ship. Slam on the brakes right when you land on it. Wait and it will stop at a dock that you can get off at. Go right a little between the buildings. Turn left, right, and right again to get the coin. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >>Track 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Silver Coin 1 At the beginning drive over the Golden Gate Bridge and after that you will go into a tunnel. Right when you exit there is a silver coin on the right side of the tunnel. Gold Coin 1 After getting silver coin 1, get going the right way on the track. You will do a couple turns and then enter a city. You will go up a huge hill. At the top ramp off of the ground going about 90mph to get the gold behind the elevated train track. Gold Coin 2 Right after you get gold coin 1 you will be on top of the big hill. Go fast and get in the left lanes. You should fly off and get the gold coin. Silver Coin 2 At the base of the hill there is a switch. Right in front of that there is a place where you can turn right in. Turn in there to get the silver coin. Silver Coin 3 After you exit this city there will be a lot of turns. When you get to the next city you will get some air but there will be a sharp left turn. The coin is by the building on the corner by this turn. Silver Coin 4 From silver coin 3, turn around and drive out of the city. On the first turn out of the city turn around. You should now be going the right way on the track again. Get your speed up, hit the switch on the right, and jump straight off the ramp if you are on the right side of the track (you should be on the right side of the track if you hit the switch that I told you to hit). If you are not on the right side of the track angle right. You will land on a blue path in the air. Drive slowly off of the end of it and you will get a silver coin. Gold Coin 3,4 & Silver Coin 5 From silver coin 4, drive straight and you will be on a shortcut. It will curve left and then go up. You will get some air and get the coin above the street. You will then land on a pathway with planted palm trees on the right. At the second set of palm trees there will be a silver coin behind the second, or the middle, palm tree. After the palm trees go straight and you will fly off of a building onto the street. If you angled right a little, you will land on a brightly colored bridge. It will curve left and if you are going fast enough, you will fly out of it and get another gold coin. Don't worry if you don't get on the bridge from the shortcut, there is another way to get the coin. If you missed the bridge that you fly off of to get it, turn around and drive back till there is a sharp right turn (if you are going backwards). From there turn around and you will drive up a hill. At the top angle right and you will fly over to the bridge. Silver Coin 6 Instead of flying off of the hill to get the gold coin (like gold coin 4, the second way of getting it) drive slowly down the hill. You will come to an intersection in the road where you can either go straight down the hill, or turn left. Turn left to see a blue and yellow barrier. On the left of your screen you will see some trees and a grassy area. Drive up onto this and go straight. You will be on a transparent road. Drive on the road and at the end of it there is a silver coin. Silver Coin 7 From silver coin 6, turn around and drive on the blue paved road (you will be driving below the transparent road). Drive to the end and there is a silver. Gold Coin 5 From silver coin 6, go straight and you will go through the pale blue transparent wall. Drive slowly through the tunnel and when you fall out, use your wings to land without crashing. Turn around and the coin is by the building. Silver Coin 8 From the intersection where you turned left to get on the grass for silver coin 6, go straight. There will be a little straightaway with a blinking left arrow sign. Right after the arrow sign you will see you can go right on a path between the two buildings. You will notice that the base to the building on the left is silver. When this building ends, turn left. Between this building and the next one is a silver. Gold Coin 6 Do what you did in silver coin 8 except don't turn when the first building ends to get the coin. Go straight on the road. The road will end and you will be on plain grass. Then there will be a dirt road to drive on in front of you. Drive on this path and you will go under a bridge. Right after the bridge you will see a loop in front of you. Go on it and stop in the center at the top of the loop. This will cause you to fall down upside down. If done right you will land on a gold coin. Gold Coin 7,8 Turn the track on backwards. Drive around the track and also past the brightly colored bridge, on the left, where you went off of to get gold coin 4. Farther on after this you will have to make a sharp right turn. You will then be going down a hill. Stay on the left and there will be a switch. Now get to the right. Right after the grass that has a fence in front of it on the right you will see a tan ramp between two buildings that is also on the right. Go off the ramp at about 135mph and you will barely make it on top of the roof in front of you. Right when you get on it stop. On the side facing away from where you ramped up there, there is a building that is shorter than it that has the coin on it. If you don't know where it is, get your car by the edge so you would be driving straight beside it. You will see the coin. From the far side go off of the building and you will land on the coin. To get the next gold go faster off of the ramp and angle a tad bit right. You will fly over some buildings and then land on a building that has an arch above it that is silver colored. The floor pattern on this roof is rectangle patterned. Drive to the far end of this building and to the right there will be a roof at the same level as the one you are on. Drive onto this other roof and turn right. The gold coin should be right in front of you. ============================================================================= 6.Best Laps (Race/Obstacle)/Best Stunt Scores - - - - - - - - - - - In this section, I will list my best lap times and stunt scores. This will show you how good you stand against other Rush 2049 gamers, and what you might need to work on. You can E-mail me your best times. It is better if you put a picture of your times on the E-mail because if they are way better than most of ours, then I have the right not to post them. I am not counting glitches on best laps or stunts. I wish you... good luck! - - - - - - - - - - - My Rank & Time Other Players Ranks and Times Track Rank Time Rank Time Name of Player - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Race Track 1 1 00:50.284 1 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 2 00:50.792 2 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 3 00:51.040 3 ??:??.??? ?????????????? Track 1 Backwards 1 00:53.192 1 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 2 00:54.871 2 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 3 00:55.892 3 ??:??.??? ?????????????? Race Track 2 1 01:13.345 1 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 2 01:13.567 2 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 3 01:14.010 3 ??:??.??? ?????????????? Track 2 Backwards 1 01:11.834 1 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 2 01:12.231 2 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 3 01:12.432 3 ??:??.??? ?????????????? Race Track 3 1 01:16.295 1 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 2 01:17.443 2 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 3 01:18.289 3 ??:??.??? ?????????????? Track 3 Backwards 1 01:09.871 1 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 2 01:10.254 2 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 3 01:10.445 3 ??:??.??? ?????????????? Race Track 4 1 01:37.824 1 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 2 01:38.376 2 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 3 01:38.912 3 ??:??.??? ?????????????? Track 4 Backwards 1 01:40.714 1 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 2 01:41.203 2 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 3 01:41.456 3 ??:??.??? ?????????????? Race Track 5 1 01:28.433 1 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 2 01:29.102 2 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 3 01:29.523 3 ??:??.??? ?????????????? Track 5 Backwards 1 01:21.362 1 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 2 01:21.785 2 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 3 01:22.315 3 ??:??.??? ?????????????? Race Track 6 1 01:52.370 1 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 2 01:53.831 2 ??:??.??? ?????????????? 3 01:55.945 3 ??:??.??? ?????????????? Track 6 Backwards 1 02:07.735 1 ??:??.??? ????????????? 2 02:08.713 2 ??:??.??? ????????????? 3 02:09.534 3 ??:??.??? ????????????? Obstacle Course 1 02:01.167 1 ??:??.??? ????????????? 2 ??:??.??? ????????????? 3 ??:??.??? ????????????? Stunt Course Name My best single jump Rank Players Score Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stunt Course 1 41,472 1 ??????? ????????????? 2 ??????? ????????????? 3 ??????? ????????????? Stunt Course 2 3,353,241 1 ??????? ????????????? (My little secret) 2 ??????? ????????????? 3 ??????? ????????????? Stunt Course 3 18,216 1 ??????? ????????????? 2 ??????? ????????????? 3 ??????? ????????????? Stunt Course 4 31,350 1 ??????? ????????????? 2 ??????? ????????????? 3 ??????? ????????????? ============================================================================ 7.Stunt Track Descriptions/All the different types of stunts - - - - - - - - - - - In this section, I will describe the stunt tracks, and will tell you the different types of stunts. - - - - - - - - - - - Stunt Track 1 A circular track with one big ramp in the middle. Around the outside of the circle, there are tiny blue ramps. Above ground floor there are two floors that you can land on. On the top there are ramps. Stunt Track 2 A rectangular track with two big jumps. One is to the left right when you start. The other is on the other side of the track from where you start. Numerous halfpipes. Some pyramid type ramps. Also there is a section of small blue ramps. Stunt Track 3 Circular track. Lots of unique jumps that are hard to describe. Tree trunks that you can ramp off of (like the pyramid jumps in stunt track 2). Some halfpipe-type jumps. Plenty of small jumps. Stunt Track 4 Rectangular track. A couple big halfpipes and ramps. Also lots of unique ramps. Plenty of small ramps. A couple of pyramid ramps. Tricks (Based on a 180 degree rotation) Type of trick Amount of points given for one trick Left Roll 5 Points Right Roll 5 Points Front Flip 5 Points Back Flip 5 Points Spin 5 Points Twist 3 Points 2 Wheeled Side 3 Points Wheelie 5 Points Endo 5 Points Air Time 5 Points for every second over 5 seconds in the air Perfect Stunt Bonuses (Given for flawless spins, rolls, and flips) X in this sections means multiply by. Perfect Spin Bonus x15 Perfect Roll Bonus x25 Perfect Flip Bonus x25 No Wings Bonus Given for not using the wings at all. x7 Partial Wings Bonus Given for not using the wings for long periods of time. x2 Icon Bonuses Given at the end of a stunt for how many icons you have gotten on the right side of your screen during one jump. Number of Icons Name of the bonus Multiplier 3 Icons Triple Bonus x10 4 Icons Quad Bonus x20 5 Icons Rush Bonus x40 6 Icons Super Bonus x60 7 Icons Extreme Bonus x80 8 Icons Super Rush Bonus x100 9 Icons Extreme Rush Bonus x500 (Contributed by CliffsideCactus and erniew) All 10 Icons Papylay Bonus x1,000 (Contributed by erniew) ============================================================================= 8.Battle Tracks Drawings, Description/Track Strategy - - - - - - - - - - - In this section I will draw the track and describe it. I will also give you some strategic hints to beating your opponents. - - - - - - - - - - - Battle Track 1 Description: A rectangle track with curved ends. The ovals are round walls and the two tiny squares at the top are pillars. The rectangle in the middle is an overhang with a wall in the middle of it with one passageway going through the wall. Strategy: 1.If someone is following you at high speed put on the brakes and make a sharp turn around one of the walls. They will go flying by and have to turn around to get you. Use this opportunity to shoot or hit them with whatever weapon you have. 2.The homing missile is under the overhang near where you start, so you might want to try to get it. 3.The sonic blaster is out in the open between the two pillars. 4.Try hiding on a corner of a structure, when your opponent comes into the turn blast them away. Another tip is to put on the brakes if someone is following close behind you. They will fly by you and then it will be your turn to attack. Battle Track 2 Description: A circular type track. The rectangles are concrete walls that you can drive between. On the left there is a narrow road. This will go up and act as a second story. The part on the right of the picture is a little confusing. Where the rectangle is, there are two entrances on the 1st floor. If you drive in there, there will be a left or right turn depending on where you come in from. Then there will be a ramp going up to the left or the right depending on where you came in from. That is why the big space is there. Also, in front of the ramp just talked about, there are two other ramps, one leading from the top to the bottom, and the other leading from the bottom to the top. At the end of the half turn at the top there is an icon. Strategy: At the start, press the button to shoot your weapon. Right now, all you have is the default gun on your car. Shoot at the beginning because one of your opponents will be right in front of you. The plasma blaster, which is on the 2nd floor, is really useful, because if your opponent is above or below you, if you use it, it will go through the floor or the roof and hit them. Another tip is to go on the 2nd floor, and get the grenade launcher. Sit on the edge on the 2nd floor road so you are overlooking the homing missile spot where it always appears. When your opponent tries to get it, just launch tons of grenades at him. He won't know what hit him. Battle Track 3 Description: A rectangular-type track. On the ends of both sides of the track are roads going up to a tiny place above the 1st floor. To the right or left of these roads are another path that goes between them. It is just another way to enter the bottom section of the track. The two slashes in front of the roads going to the second floor are symbolizing that there is a bridge there. In the middle there are two walls with a wall that has a space in it between them. Between these walls is the water/ditch thing that runs the length of the arena. Strategy: An easy thing to do is to go to the second floor and get the homing missiles and just shoot them at the person driving around on the bottom floor. If you are trying to escape someone, in the middle of the track by the walls, the edge of the track is a halfpipe. Just drive up on this and they should lose you when they follow you on it. Another trick you can do is to sit under one of the bridges and wait until they come out into the open. Battle Track 4 Description: This a clover shaped track. On every hump there is a circular wall with road entrances on the right and left to go behind it. In the center there is a tiny platform with four roads going up to it. Below this raised part, there is a room with four entrances that has water on the floor. Strategy: It's a good idea to find the sonic blaster and sit behind one of the circular walls. When your opponent turns the corner, use the blast and it will kill him. Another idea is if he drives in front of the wall that you are behind, use the blaster because it can go through walls. Another tip, is to hide under the platform in the middle, and when the opponent drives on the top part, use the blaster, and you will at least damage him. Battle Track 5 Description: A rectangular based track. At the bottom there are two line that indicate an underground path. To the left and right of that there are ramps that you can drive up to get above the underground path. Lots of buildings to swerve between. At the far side opposite of the underground path, there is a big halfpipe-type thing going all the way across the back wall. Strategy: For one, at the top right of the picture, there is a road that goes to the right and stops. Make sure you do not go in there if you are being chased because it is a dead end. You can sit above the underground path and snipe when they come by. A good tip is to get some mines and on the far right, there is a small narrow path going through the buildings, and lay one or two in there. Also if they are sitting still at the place above the underground path and you are on the opposite side of the track, where you can see them, if you have a homing missile you can shoot it and it will barely make it across the steel road pipe hanging above the straightaway and hit them. Battle Track 6 Description: A weird shaped track. At the top, there are two circles which are just giant pillars. The square in front of them, has a pathway going through the middle of it. At the top left, there is a square with indents in it. The indents are pathways going below it, and the squares on top of it are very tiny pillars. The circle in the middle has numerous pathways in it, but I couldn't draw them in on my computer. At the bottom, right after the curve, there is a little pathway going up above the floor at the bottom. There is a ramp up on the top. If you go fast enough, you will go through a pathway near the top of the square building in front of the giant pillars. On the bottom, there are two rectangle pillars. There is also another ramp. Go off of this ramp, and you will land on an overhang right beside the square building in front of the pillars. Strategy: Get some mines, and lay them all in the narrow paths inside the circle in the middle of the track. Get the homing missiles, and jump on the overhang talked about in the description. Just snipe from up there. Also, you can drive up the concrete ramp to get to the second floor and snipe from there. Battle Track 7 Description: At the top, there are some buildings that have roads through them as shown on the drawing. The pathways are the spaces in the buildings. Right below the two buildings there is a line. This shows that there is a bridge going over the street. From there, you have some more buildings. After the second pair of buildings, there is a pathway on the right side of the drawing. This is and underground pathway, also above this, there is an overhanging road. At the bottom left, there is a building that is made of four squares. There is a line on one end of the building showing a wall. That is just if you are coming out of a passageway below ground. Above ground, this serves as another entrance. Strategy: Hide in passageways in buildings and unleash when they drive by. Get on the bridges that overhang the main roads and get a homing missile or sonic blaster, when they drive by, shoot them. If they go into some of the small passageways, you can shoot grenades in there after them. Battle Track 8 (Since this track is two story, I will draw a picture for this 1st floor, and another for the 2nd floor). 1st Floor Description: On the right, there are some large pillars. At the top, in the middle of the track, there are some dashed lines. This shows there is a underground path that has some openings in it. There are some more pillars on the left side of the drawing. The shapes that look like rectangles but are missing a side, are the ramps that you go off of to get to the second floor. Strategy: (Will be under the second floor drawing strategy section). 2nd Floor Description: Of course, on the top row, there are numerous places to fly off at. The roads that are on the second floor are shown. On the far right, there is a road and then the middle of it disappears. This shows that there is a ramp there. Strategy for the whole track: Any position from up top is a good sniping position. If you are being chased, there are many places to turn into. Use all of the tactics from the track above, and you should be a master at the battle arenas. ============================================================================= 9.Battle Mode Weapons and Icons List/Strategy - - - - - - - - - - - In this section, I will list all of the weapons and their tactical uses. - - - - - - - - - - - Weapon Name Strategy after the name of the weapon Default Gun: A slow shooting weapon like a rifle with unlimited shots. You go to this gun when you don't have any other weapons. You have to keep tapping the fire button to shoot it. Battering Ram: Non-shooting weapon that you can use 5 times. Drive your car into your opponents to inflict damage. If used with invisibility or a shield, this weapon can be deadly. Gattling Gun: This is a machine gun that shoots a stream of bullets at your opponent. This weapon holds 100 bullets, and has a tendency to follow your target so you don't have to be aiming directly at him. Very good weapon if you are chasing someone. Grenade Launcher: Good weapon if your opponent is around a corner because the grenades can bounce off walls and hit him. Holds 20 grenades so you can waste a few. Guided Missile: One shot takes out your opponent. It cannot go through walls. It has a tendency to go slow so watch when you shoot it so you don't waste it. It only has 3 shots. Sonic Blaster: Very good weapon but it is a close range weapon. There are only 5 blasts so make sure you use them carefully. It can go through walls and can kill your opponent in 1 hit. Also good if you play negative points since it is also effective in flipping them over. Land Mine: When you acquire this weapon, you are awarded 3 land mines to lay anywhere in the battle arena. Lay them around tight corners or if someone is in close pursuit, since it is another 1 hit kill item. Plasma Cannon: Long range weapon with 20 shots. It is good for sniping and if you are in close pursuit. Rocket Launcher: Much like the plasma cannon. It has 20 shots and is good for sniping passerby's. Invisibility: Great offensive and defensive weapon. Good if your opponent is following you. It is good on offense since your opponent can't see you so you can easily ambush him. Shield: A defensive weapon. Blocks most of the damage taken when shot. Good if your opponent has a better weapon than yours since you can get shot more. Repair: A valuable item on the arena. If your car is in need of repair, find one of these, and it will fill your health meter all the way up. ============================================================================= 10.Obstacle Course Walkthrough - - - - - - - - - - - In this section, I will try to explain how to get though the obstacle course and have a fast time. I will write a section name and then write how to do it. Also, I will write the time beside the name of the obstacle that your clock timer should be at after you finish the obstacle, if you are doing following my directions right. - - - - - - - - - - - 0 to 7 seconds-Swinging Spike Balls: Right after the announcer says "Rush" press the gas. You will go past the first spike ball barely and be going about 45. The spike ball behind it will already be swinging out of the way. There will be one in front of you that is swinging fast and when it swings to the right, you might have to brake a little. Keep going and the slow ball right after it will already be out of the way and so will the two after the slow swinging ball. Get past these and then on the next fast ball, wait till it swings from the left to the right. Right when it hits the left wall you should be going by. The slow one in the middle is out of the way and the last fast one will swing to the right right before you drive by. 7 to 10 seconds-Moving Ramps and Slime: Right after you get past the spike balls, head to the ramp on the right. Angle off of the ramp so that your car will scrape the wall and use your wings so you don't land in the slime. If you have enough speed, you will land safely on the other side. 10 to 12 seconds-Moving rectangles: Once you land after the ramp over the slime, you should be near the right wall. There will be a space at the third rectangle from the right wall. Speed through. 12 to 13 seconds-Spinning fan: After you speed through the moving rectangles, go to the left a little so the fan blade won't hit you. 13 to 16 seconds-Moving walls: If you arrive here at 13 seconds, the first wall will be up and the others will be going up in a chain reaction that gives you time to coast through this usually slow going place. You might have to brake a little. 16 to 20 seconds-Banked Right Turn: On the turn, go towards the outside and go about halfway up the wall which will be the blue line. About halfway through the turn start coming down back into the flat area so you land straight on the ground. 20 to 25 seconds-Moving Floor: After you come out of the turn, you go off of a ramp and land on a moving floor. Just keep going straight and there should not be any problems. 25 to 28 seconds-Falling Boulder: From the moving floor part, just keep going straight and hit the ramp. The boulder should be falling right before you jump. 28 to 33 seconds-Banked Left Turn: Keep heading straight and go halfway up the outside wall. Start going back to the flat area so you land flat on the ground. 33 to 40 seconds-Bumps in the floor: Right after the banked turn go straight, and hit the first bump in the center. With luck, you will land right before the beginning of the next set of bumps. Hit this one head on to fly up over these bumps. Now just keep going straight. 40 to 47 seconds-Pillars: Go down the straightaway and slow down a little. Go between the two pillars on the right and then through the gap a little to the left and then between another set a little to the right. 47 to 52 seconds-Small Aiming: From the pillars, go to the left a little so you are driving straight on the arrow line. You will fly off. Use your wings to turn sideways to fit through the small opening. It is OK if you crash here. 52 to 59 seconds-Banked Turn Right: Go up the outside wall halfway. Halfway through the turn start heading back to the flat part in the middle so you land flat on the ground. 59 to 1:03 seconds-Moving walls: Weave around the walls keeping as close to a straight line as possible so you conserve some more time. 1:03 to 1:08 seconds-Fire Jump: Right after the walls is a jump. Do not go to fast and do not go too slow. You will fly over and land on the path again. 1:08 to 1:15 seconds-Twisty Road: After you land off of the jump, go straight. You will go up a vertical ramp thing. Right when you are in the air, turn halfway around and you will drive off another piece of road. Right after you drive off of this, turn around again to land correctly on the road. The time limit lets you have enough time to crash. If you know you are going to die, press C-up to so you don't waste time. 1:15 to 1:22 seconds-Banked Left Turn: Drive halfway up the outside wall and then start going back to the flat part of the turn halfway through so you land flat and won't crash. 1:22 to 1:36 seconds-Loop and Big Jump: Right after you get out of the banked turn, you will go on a loop. Get on the left and when you come off of the loop hit the tall ramp on the far left. You will fly up and with luck, land on the path and keep going straight. 1:36 to 1:54 seconds-Major Twisted Road: Keep going straight when you land. You will merge back into the center and here comes the hard part. Go up the vertical ramp, and flip over in the air. As you go off the next piece of ramp do not do anything. You will land and drive on another piece that shoots you straight down. Flip over again and drive straight. Go up the vertical ramp in front of you and flip again. As you drive off this piece, flip over one more time. You will be right side up and you will land on the last straightaway. 1:54 to 1:59 seconds-Burn up the straightaway: After you land press the pedal to the medal. Speed down the straightaway as fast as your car can go. It should take about five seconds. Finish Line Ramp: The finish is on a raised podium. As you fly over the finish line you will fly up and land on some concrete thing behind the podium. Good job, now you have completed the Obstacle Course!!! ============================================================================= 11.Codes (E-mail me if you have any new ones that I don't). - - - - - - - - - - - To access the cheat menu, at the screen where you choose how many players are playing press the buttons L, R, Z, C-up, C-right all at the same time. It might take you a while to get them all at the same time. All Parts Hold L+R then press Z. Release the buttons then press C-down, C-up, C-left, C-right. Then hold L+R and press Z. All Cars Press C-left(3), C-up(3), C-right(3), C-down(3), then hold L+R+C-up+C-left+C- down+C-right and then press Z. (For code to work, you must hold L+R before holding any C buttons). All Tracks(Have to do it quickly) Hold L+R the whole time. Now at the same time press Z, C-up, C-right. Release buttons except for L and R and at the same time press Z, C-down, C- left. Release buttons except for L and R and at the same time press Z, C- left, C-up. Release buttons except for L and R and at the same time press Z, C-down, C-right. Invincible Press C-right, L, R, R, L. Then hold C-left+C-down and press Z. Mass Hold R and press C-down. Release buttons and hold L and press C-up. Release buttons and hold R and press C-left. Release buttons and hold L and press C- right. Super Tires Press Z(3), L, R, C-up, C-up, C-left, C-right, C-down. Brakes Press C-down, C-down. Hold L+R and press C-up. Release buttons and press C- up, C-up. Hold L+R and press C-down. Invisible Track Press C-right, C-right. Hold L+R and press C-left. Release buttons and press C-left, C-left. Hold L+R and press C-right. Invisible Car Press C-up, C-down, C-left, C-right, L, R, Z. Battle Paint Shop Press Z(3), C-down(3), C-left(3), C-right, C-up, C-left, C-down. Super Speed Press Z. Hold L+R and press Z. Release buttons and press C-down. Hold L+R and press C-down. Release buttons then press C-up(3) Fog Color Hold C-up+C-right and press L. Release buttons and hold C-down+C-left and press R. Release buttons and press C-right, C-left, C-right, C-left. Resurrect in Place Hold Z and press C-down. Release buttons and hold Z and press C-right. Release buttons and hold Z and press C-up. Release buttons and hold Z and press C-left. Release buttons and hold Z and press R. Release buttons and hold Z and press L. Auto-Abort Press C-left, C-up, C-right, C-down, Z, L, R, Z, Z. Car Mines(Have to do this code real fast) Hold L+R and press Z. Hold C-left+C-down and press Z. Hold C-left+C-up and press Z. Hold C-up+C-right and press Z. Suicide Mode(Have to do this code kind of fast) Hold R and press C-right, C-up, C-left, C-down. Hold L and press C-down, C-left, C-up, C-right. Car Collisions Hold L and press Z, release, hold R and press Z, release, hold L and press Z, release, hold R and press Z. Tire Scaling(Have to do this code extremely fast) At the same time, press Z, C-down, C-left, R. Release and press at the same time, Z, C-right, C-up, L. Release and press Z, Z, Z. Track Orientation Hold L+R and press C-right, C-left, C-up, C-down, Z. Cone Mines Hold Z and press C-down. Release and Hold L and press C-left. Release and Hold R and press C-up. Release and Hold Z and press C-right. Frame Scale Press C-down, C-down. Hold L+R and press C-left. Press C-left, C-left. Hold L+R and press C-right. Extreme Mirror Mode At the track selection screen, press down to look over the track options. Highlight Mirror and hold down all four C buttons. While holding the buttons, press right or left on the control pad or stick to change the option so it says extreme. Just pick your track and car and get ready to race! ============================================================================= 12.First Place Passwords - - - - - - - - - - - This section is for people without memory cards who don't feel like having to beat the computer on the sometimes tough circuits. - - - - - - - - - - - Circuit and Track Beginner 2 WWGDXLLCDB KWDWBQBLXB Beginner 3 BXGDXLWDGB TBHLC2BL%B Beginner 4 WX17QQ6FDC XBDWCLCTYC Beginner 5 BY17QQBHWC YBFLD@CJFD Beginner 6 WY17QQLJ8C 3WJWDGD6%C Beginner 7 B117QQWK%C @BMLFLD@MD Beginner 8 W117QQ6LLD FXNWFWDQ2D Intermediate 2 XB@#T3LCGB FWB6C2B42C Intermediate 3 CC@#T3WDLB LBCWFBCQ3C Intermediate 4 XC@#T36FNB VBD6GQC%2C Intermediate 5 CD@#T3BHQB YBFBJLDW9C Intermediate 6 XD@#T3LJTB 5BG6K2DWQD Intermediate 7 CF@#T3WKWB %WJWL@DYMD Intermediate 8 XF@#T36L2B HCK6MLF6LD Intermediate 9 CG@#T3BN4B KXLWP@FW#D Intermediate 10 XG@#T3LP6B MCPLRLGQVD (Advanced Circuit is only for an expansion pack) Advanced 2 YBMGDHMCDB HWF6BLB24B Advanced 3 DCMGDHXDGB KBKWC@BQMC Advanced 4 YCMGDH7FLB NWM6C6CYRC Advanced 5 DDMGDHCHNB XBPBFBD2PC Advanced 6 YDMGDHMJQB 1WQLG@DTYC Advanced 7 DFMGDHXKTB 8WRWHLFBYC Advanced 8 YFMGDH7LYB #BX6H@FJ1C Advanced 9 DGMGDHCN2B DX2LJLG6XC Advanced 10 YGMGDHMP4B GC6BK@GWGD Advanced 11 DHMGDHXQ6B MX9WKLHDFD Advanced 12 YHMGDH7R@B WC#6K@HJ1D Extreme 2 1WBBBWMCDB KWDWBQBN2B Extreme 3 FXBBBBYDJB TBH6B6BTFC Extreme 4 1XBBBB8FLB 1WLLCGCBDC Extreme 5 FYBBBBDHQB 8BMBD6CG1C Extreme 6 1YBBBBNJTB ?WQ6DBD4WC Extreme 7 F1BBBWYKWB CCWBGQDYFC Extreme 8 11BBBW8L4B JX1LG2DNVC Extreme 9 F2BBBWDN6B MC56GLFQXC Extreme 10 12BBBWNP@B QX8BH@FWDD Extreme 11 F3BBBWYQBC RC%LJLGJFD Extreme 12 13BBBW8RDC WXCXKWGLDD Extreme 13 F4BBBWDVJC 5CD7L@GTCD Extreme 14 14BBBWNWNC @XHXMBHG#C Extreme 15 F5BBBWYXYC ?CM7M2HLTD Extreme 16 15BBBW8YYC GYMXNWJBFD Extreme 17 F6BBBWD24C HDRMPGK63C Extreme 18 16BBBWN3@C NYW7PLKYWC Extreme 19 F7BBBWY4BD VDYCQGLNGC Extreme 20 17BBBW85JD XY3MQ LN3C (Extreme Passwords Race 21, 22, 23, 24, are only for expansion pak) Extreme 21 F8BBBWD7ND 4D7CR@L%BD Extreme 22 18BBBWN86D 6Y97RBMW9C Extreme 23 F9BBBWY9%D ?Y@CVGMLKD Extreme 24 19BBBW8@LF J1#7VLMLXD ============================================================================= 13.Glitches - - - - - - - - - - - In this section I will tell you all of the glitches that contributors and myself have found out. I will try to explain how to do these weird glitches and outrageous things. If you have any glitches that are not listed here, then please E-mail me. My E-mail address is at the top of the faq so feel free to mail me. - - - - - - - - - - - >>>Car Glitch: On any track play 2 player. Have 1st player press C-up to reset his car on the track so it's blinking. Get the other player to press C-up in the same area as the first person. The cars should be exactly on top of each other. When both cars stop blinking, instead of bouncing away, you can drive into the other car and go through it. You can stay like this as long as the cars are touching or are very close to each other. >>>View Glitch: I don't know how to do this, but sometimes when you crash it will put you in a view that shows the left side of your car. It seems to happen on a random basis. Too bad, I kinda like this view. (DBoone) >>>Stunt Track 1 bounce over wall: Start the track and drive straight at the ramp. You will hit a side without spikes. Use wings and do backflips. When you land, you will be on the other side of the arena. If you get lucky when you hit the ground, you will bounce real high and out of the arena. You fall into black nothingness and then get set back on the track. >>>Stunt Track 3 nothingness: Hit the halfpipe type ramp to go up on the plateau with the waterfall. I hit the invisible wall above the waterfall, then I should have been scraping the invisible wall, but I went through it. I went through the fake green ground at the top and fell into white nothingness. >>>Stunt Track 4 go through warehouse roof: Go off of the tall brown halfpipe ramp that you went off of to get Gold Coin 8. If you have enough speed, you can go through the roof of the warehouse. >>>Obstacle Course delayed reset: Start the Obstacle Course level. Right at the beginning, drive off of the edge. You will land on the black nothingness, but you can drive around for a couple of seconds instead of immediately getting put back on the track. >>>Obstacle Course fly through roof: Find a banked turn. Go inside the turn. Now turn so that you will go out the exit. Drive fast and right when you are about to go out, turn and go up the side. Your car will fly through the roof and fall into black nothingness. >>>Track 1 weird track warp only in practice: Start a practice race and at the beginning take the regular path. Right at the top of the hill with the big jump stop. There is a tiny over hang of road above the path. Make sure your car is touching the wall and then press C-up. You will now be halfway around the track. This trick works both ways. 14.Secret Tracks - - - - - - - - - - - In Rush 2049, there are many secret tracks that you don't start out with, but have to earn them to use them. The part below tells what you have to accomplish to get them. - - - - - - - - - - - Track 5 in race mode Finish 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in the Beginner Circuit to unlock the intermediate circuit and Track 5. Track 6 in race mode Finish 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in the Intermediate Circuit to get the Advanced Circuit (if you have an expansion pak) or the Extreme Circuit if you don't have the expansion pak. Also with the expansion pak, you will get Track 6. Stunt Track 2 Accumulate 100,000 points in Stunt Mode to unlock Stunt Track 2. Stunt Track 3 Accumulate 250,000 points in Stunt Mode to unlock Stunt Track 3. Stunt Track 4 Accumulate 500,000 points in Stunt Mode to unlock Stunt Track 4. Obstacle Course Accumulate 1,000,000 points in Stunt Mode to unlock the Obstacle Course. Battle Arena 5 Accumulate 100 kills in battle mode to unlock Battle Arena 5. Battle Arena 6 Accumulate 250 kills in battle mode to unlock Battle Arena 6. Battle Arena 7 Accumulate 500 kills in battle mode to unlock Battle Arena 7. Battle Arena 8 Accumulate 1,000 kills in battle mode to unlock Battle Arena 8. ============================================================================= 15.Secret Cars - - - - - - - - - - - In Rush 2049, there are also secret cars that you do not start out with. You will notice that the computer uses them but you can't... yet. To get them you get coins, and the amount of coins to get the cars are listed below - - - - - - - - - - - Crusher-Collect 16 gold coins in stunt mode to unlock Crusher. Euro LX-Collect 24 gold coins in stunt mode to unlock Euro LX. Venom-Collect all the silver coins in stunt mode to unlock Venom. GX-2-Collect 24 gold coins in race mode to unlock GX-2. Mini XS-Collect 36 gold coins in race mode to unlock Mini XS. Locust LX-Collect all the silver coins in race mode to unlock Locust LX. Panther-Collect all of the gold and silver coins in both race and stunt modes to unlock Panther. ============================================================================= 16.Secret Parts - - - - - - - - - - - In Rush 2049, there are also secret car parts that you can get to make your car go faster. You earn these by earning miles. To get miles play in the circuits, single races, or practice, and on the top left of your screen you will see how many miles you've driven on the one track. I don't know the mileage for the parts but I will list them (* astericks, as the one shown inside the parenthesis, are used to indicate parts that you start with).Also, ! after a part indicates it is the part to use if you want to reach top speed. - - - - - - - - - - - Transmission *Automatic *Manual Sport Auto 200 Miles Sport Man. 200 Miles Pro Auto 500 Miles !Pro Man. 500 Miles Handling (you start with all of the different types of handling) *Normal *Advanced *!Extreme Engine *3.2L HP V6 *Turbo 350 *6.2L V8 5.0L HP V6 250 Miles Turbo 400 500 Miles 7.0L V8 800 Miles 6.5L HP V8 1,200 Miles Turbo 500 1,600 Miles !8.0L V10 2,000 Miles Tires *Radials Slicks 300 Miles !Pro Slicks 1,200 Miles All Terrain 100 Miles Off Road 600 Miles Frame *Light *Standard *Heavy !Lt. Alloy 150 Miles Std. Alloy 400 Miles Hvy. Alloy 700 Miles Wings (you start out with all the different types of wings). *Stunt(only usable in stunt mode) *Small *Large Colors Some cars have three different colors you can change, and some only one. Rims There are 21 different rims to choose from to put on your car. ============================================================================= 17.Help section - - - - - - - - - - - In this section, I will answer any questions that you E-mail me as soon as possible. (My E-mail address is at the top but I'll write it again, It will show your question and then my answer. - - - - - - - - - - - ============================================================================= 18.Credits - - - - - - - - - - - This is the section where I recognize everyone who contributed and helped me complete this FAQ. - - - - - - - - - - - erniew-contributed to my stunt names part of this page. CliffsideCactus-also contributed to my stunt names part of this page. DBoone1025-Inspired me to continue this after a couple of months of not doing anything on this faq. Contributed to the upcoming glitches section. CodyHamrick-contributed to the upcoming glitches section. for having good updated codes for this game for having good updated codes for this game also for having good updated codes and for allowing me to write this FAQ. Rush 2049 Instruction Booklet For myself (Jordan), for thinking of writing this FAQ. ============================================================================= That's it. Use it and read it anytime. :) Copyright 2000 by Jordan Player