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The game now sees a partial translation, as all non-spoken dialogue (This includes the main and pause menus, training mode, and ending sequence) are now in english. This guide is now pretty much unecessary, since the only reason anyone would ever want to pick up the original N64 version is to take advantage of the rumble support (Since it's removed from all VC N64 releases. Starfox 64 doesn't set off richter scales anymore, and the Stone of Agony in Zelda: Ocarina Of Time is worthless. Depressing). But I'll keep the guide here, if you N64 Sin & Punishment owners still want an alternative to AtroBlue's magnificent FAQ. For all intents and purposes, this should be the final update. Nintendo did what they originally couldn't do back in late days of the N64, and english-speaking people can now fully enjoy this fantastic game without missing a word. Jinkies! I'm so proud! -TF 0.7 --- Updated the "Point Totals" section and the "Thanks To" Section. With that said, I may as well call this FAQ 'finished'. The translations found in AstroBlue's FAQ far exceeds the quality found in this FAQ, and with the support of JIS, it's even easier to read and makes deciphering the kanji that much quicker. This is what I get for not truely understanding Japanese. I have to B.S. with what little my sister and myself know. Anyways, I suggest reading AstroBlue's FAQ for all your Menu-Translating needs. The ending translation will still be here if you need it, and unless I happen to get a full-on translation of the "Training" section and the Instruction Manual itself in the foreseeable future, I don't think there will be any more updates. I had originally made this FAQ with intention of seeing everything translated: Instruction Manual, quick-reference card, Training Section, Ending, hell, even the box itself. Kinda hard to do when you, y'know, don't have any knowledge of the language. Such is why there hadn't been any updates in almost two years. But I digress... Treasure fans can still witness my Silhouette Mirage FAQ And those with the UK Dreamcast version of Shenmue 2 can take a look at my US-to-UK save convertion FAQ. Any further rants I may have can be found at I thank you for reading my FAQ, and hope to see you soon. -TF 0.4 --- Some crazy grammatical corrections, and the correct URL to Micheal's Boring Homepage. Anyone reading this that spots any other errors, or would know anything about the point-totals section, please let me know. 0.3 --- FAQ can now be found on Neoseeker. Enjoy. 0.2 --- Added a verily-needed FAQ menu. I knew I had forgotten something when I first posted this. ^_^ You can currently find this FAQ at: FAQ MENU -------- 1) Intraducshun 2) MAIN MENU 2a) DESCRIPTIONS OF MAIN MENU OPTIONS 3) THE 'OPT' MENU 4) PAUSE MENU OPTIONS 5) POINT TOTALS 6) ENDING TRANSLATION *SPOILER* 7) FINALLY 8) THANKS TO... 9) LEGALITY BLATHER 1) Intraducshun --------------- Hello again, Grumblers and Grumblettes. It is I, "TheFreak", back with my second-ever FAQ, and interestingly enough, covering another Treasure Game beginning with the letter "S". Super-sweet, as one fat, badly-animated, cardboard cut-out kid used to say. This time I've decided on bringing to you this Translation FAQ, which should help the Nihongo-declined get through the game without having any problems understanding. Well, Alright, this is kinda like cheating, since most of the in-game dialogue is spoken in English, but there ARE menus, controls and the like in the game that would still confuse a person who doesn't understand what they're choosing. I myself am not knowledgeable in Japanese, but thanks to my sister, whose learning the language, and the helpful Treasure nuts on the Sin & Punishment Gamefaqs Message Board, I can finally put together a FAQ translating, more or less, all the game menus to make full enjoyment possible. Whoopie!!! So...Lets get started.... 2) MAIN MENU ------------ Alright, I'm gonna borrow Elbarto's Menu layout a bit here, since I probably would've done it if he hadn't. Mucho pardons, Elbarto. =-} Note: I may change the literal translation of a couple of menus to something that makes more sense, Like "Model" to "Cancel" and such.... After pressing start, here are the options you'll get.... GAME START/CONTINUE GAME LEVEL (Difficulty) TRAINING SOUND RANKING KEY CONFIG SCENE SELECT GAME DATA CANCEL If you have trouble figuring out the controls, all will be explained in the "KEY CONFIG" section below. 2a) DESCRIPTIONS OF MAIN MENU OPTIONS ------------------------------------- GAME START/CONTINUE Easy enough. Choose this option, and start your game! YEEHAAA!! If, at some point, you save and stop the game (explained in the "Pause Menu Options" later in this FAQ), then the next time you choose this option you'll have two more options: "New Game" "Continue" Under the "Continue" option will be what stage you're in, what difficulty level you're playing on, How much time you've put into the game, and how many credits you have as of that save. Continuing will cost you one credit. "New Game" will allow you to start from the beginning, but the data for the "Continue" option won't change until you save from the pause menu again. GAME LEVEL ---------- When you start the game the two current options here will be "Easy" and "Normal" (Easy will be the first option you see when you turn on the game for the first time). When you beat the "Normal" mode, the "Hard" mode will appear. TRAINING -------- This mode teaches you how to handle your controller without having to look at the instruction book. Unfortunately I can't translate what happy-smiley guy is saying, but thankfully the controls aren't all that hard to understand. Thank you, Treasure. SOUND ----- If you don't know what this is, then close this window, sell your N64, and go take up something that doesn't require hearing. This is defaulted to 'Stereo". RANKING ------- Yeah, like I care about how well I do.....Oh! Uhm, yeah! Here's where you can create new records or try to beat old ones. KEY CONFIG ---------- If you're looking at what the controls are, this is it! The game's controls, although simple, are innovative in that the defaults are designed for both left AND right-handed players. Neat. Here are the default controls... Anolog stick - Move the target Left/right C button or digital pad - Walk (twice to roll) L/R buttons - Jump (twice to double-jump) Z Button - Shoot (long range)/Sword (Short Range)* A button - Switch between Manual (RED) or Lock-on (BLUE)* Start Button - Pause Menu (See "Pause Menu Options" for more info) *Note On Target Toggle and Sword attack: There is a minimal difference between Lock-on and Manual. while lock-on is easier to keep the target on the enemy (which could be done by 'tapping' anolog stick (target) in the direction of the monster) it takes more shots to register a hit point off of than in manual mode. So your preference is up to you there. As for the sword attack, you can tell if an enemy is close enough to use this attack when you hear a 'beep' sound. The sword attack, although short-ranged, is most powerful. so when an enemy gets close enough, don't hesitate to use it, which can be done by releasing and then pressing the Z button. Did I lose you yet? No? Good. Control type 2: L/R Buttons Switch the target mode, and up on the C or digital pad makes the character jump. Otherwise, nothing is different. Control Type 3: Z Button moves character left, R Button moves character right, C Left/Down switches between the target modes, A Jumps, and B shoots. BOTTOM LEFT OPTION: Control Mode: Normal or Reverse. Normal is Default. BOTTOM RIGHT OPTION CROSSHAIR LINE MODE: Notice the very light vertical and horizontal lines that intersect at your target? Well, those are crosshair lines. Click this option to turn them off. SCENE SELECT ------------ Beat the game, and all the stages will be available. Duh! There's also the "Tutorial" and "Prologue" modes above Stage 0-0. "Tutorial" is a gamplay demo that teaches you (in Japanese, no-less) what the on-screen displays are and what they do. "Prologue" is the opening intro. GAME DATA --------- Select this if you want to erase all the game data in S&P. You'll be asked if you want to delete all saved data, and then be given then YES/NO option. I don't think I need to tell you what happens if you chose 'YES'.... CANCEL ------ Just as it says.... 3) THE 'OPT' MENU ----------------- If you beat the normal mode, The "OPT" mode will open next to the "CANCEL" Menu (This one's easy to find. It's the only menu option in the entire game written in english). Here you'll get to play with new options. Only three options will be open when you beat the Normal mode. The other two will open when you beat the Hard mode....: BGM: Play through the game music, of course. ALARM: (ON/OFF) You can turn off that 'beep' sound when enemies get within sword-slashing range. Captions: (ON/OFF) Turn the Japanese mumbo-jumbo during the cutscenes on or off. Frame Skip: (OFF/ON) If there are too many enemies on-screen, turning this on will eliminate slowdown. Not like I noticed any when I was playing...hmm..... Speed: (NORMAL/TURBO) SPEED! YEAH SPEED! Ahem... This will double the game's normal speed. BOTTOM LEFT OPTION This will "CANCEL" out of the OPT menu and back to the main menu. BOTTOM RIGHT OPTION Resets the options in the OPT menu back to their default positions. 4) PAUSE MENU OPTIONS --------------------- During the Game, you can pause and you'll be given a few more options.... CONTINUE GAME: This Cancels out of the pause screen and takes you back to the game. CONTROL MODE: If in case "Normal" Mode doesn't suit your fancy You can choose to switch to 'Reverse' here. QUIT GAME: Here you'll be prompted to quit your game. "YES" is the first answer. =-} SAVE AND QUIT: Like above, but when you agree to quit you save at the beginning of the stage you were on. You can then continue by choosing 'continue' from the 'GAME START' option on the main menu. 5) POINT TOTALS --------------- When you beat the boss at the end of a stage, you'll get point totals. These are...: HIT BONUS TIME BONUS LIFE BONUS By the end of the game you'll also get the "Earth Defense Bonus" screen which is made of: EARTH LIFE BONUS PERFECT BONUS The Perfect Bonus is rewarded to anyone who can defeat the final boss ("Earth Mimicry") without allowing a single shot hit the 'real' Earth. Thanks to AstroBlue and his incredibly superior FAQ for the info. 6) ENDING TRANSLATION *SPOILER* ------------------------------- Probably the most annoying thing about S&P is that, even after all the vocal dialogue, the epilogue text isn't spoken, leaving those with lack of Japanese, like myself, wondering exactly it is that is being said at the end. well, thanks to aliensoldier2 on the Sin & Punishment Gamefaqs Message board, we can now figure out what they're saying. aliensoldier2 doesn't want people to think that the translation is 100% perfect, but I think it's legit enough to be an agreeable translation so nyaaah!! Here's the ending...: After Saki and Airan return to earth after defeating Planet Mimicry and decide to battle the Ruffians together, we see Achi floating in space. She says: -- ''The enemy is coming. Now that I've lost Brad and Saki, I can't hope to win against it. But... Does the enemy know about Saki and how he inherited the power of my blood? (visions of Saki) ''Saki's not the only one. There is another who is just beginning to realize her powers (visions of Airan), and one who will carry Saki's blood in the future (visions of Isa, Saki and Airan's son). (An image of the sun breaking from behind the earth) ''Life is establishing itself in a new form on that planet... Can the enemy continue to call itself god?'' (Transformed Saki walking) Saki: If you look at a map, Hokkaido seems like it's right next to Honshu, but when you actually cross over on foot it's really pretty far. (Airan, riding within Saki's body, appears) Airan: No problem, let's walk. Using your teleporting powers would be too dangerous.. Saki..? There's something I've been thinking about for awhile. Have you ever really thought about how to use your true power (the power of Achi's blood)? Achi showed me a possible future, ten years from now. You were fighting alongside Ruffians, against humans. Since you and the Ruffians share blood, that future might be possible... Saki: No, as long as I'm together with you, it's impossible. I'm always having dreams of battling Ruffians. As long as they keep terrorizing mankind, I can only see them as enemies. What you saw was probably just part of Achi's training. We're both human, and if we work together and move forward carefully, I think that we can choose the right path. Airan: You're really thinking ahead, aren't you? I guess you really are pretty carefree. That's why it's so comfortable here(inside Saki's body). Bright and warm.. Saki: I wonder if that's because I'm still concealing the painful places within me. I can't see those places in you either, Airan. Achi said that if I want to be really human again, we have to completely share each other's true feelings and thoughts. Airan: Not yet. I want things to be like this for awhile. Saki: Airan... On top of everything else, we have an even greater mission to carry out. Airan: What? Mission...? Saki: Let's see.. in ten years he should be about five or so, right? Our c-h-i-l-d...-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the translation! ^_^ 7) FINALLY ---------- Well, there ya have it, it's all I can do to make the game easier without trying to translate the instruction manual. Hope this helps you in playing this awesome game. 8) THANKS TO... --------------- TREASURE (Homepage: Like I NEED to tell you why I thank them! They made this game, after all. MICHEAL'S BORING HOMEPAGE (*Dead*) This site was home to the first - and at the time, only - english Treasure fan-site on the net. I don't need to say much more than that. The guy's still doing his thing, and you can find him contributing his art for a group of developers calling themselves "StarQuail Productions" ( Play 'Sky Puppy'. ELBARTO Why? Because he was the first one with a FAQ. I also thank him for letting me use his Menu options setup, even if I didn't ask him directly. ^_^;; AstroBlue With his FAQ now all but completed, his stands out as the definitive translation guide for the game. if you have a JIS reader, it's also much easier to follow. I wonder why no-one informed me of the "Perfect Bonus" score. *Mumble* aliensoldier2 He's the guy that translated the ending and the last two options in the 'OPT' menu. Plenty thanks go to him! =-] EsperKnight Big buddy that always finds a way to cheer me up when I am down. We had some projects going on, which you can check out at The site hasn't been updated in some time, however. Vanit Studios ( Years ago, Vanit of Vanit Studios contacted me asking for permission to use the end-game dialogue translation. He was going to use it in an unofficial translation of Sin & Punishment. I OK'd it, on the condition that he give proper credit to the person who originally did the translation (aliensoldier2). He credited me instead. This is just to anyone who played the fan translation and somehow found this FAQ: I was only responsible for including aliensoldier2's translation, I had nothing to do with making it. And finally, family Why? I dunno. They didn't help me with this FAQ, and all I really do is lounge around and do nothing besides play my games.... I guess I gotta thank them for not throwing me out onto the street yet..... 9) LEGALITY BLATHER ------------------- SIN & PUNISHMENT and related characters are Copyright 2000 Treasure/Nintendo Company Ltd. This FAQ is Copyright 2001-2003 Brian "TheFreak" Balsan and Giraffes Broken Ankle, INC (All Rights Preserved), unless otherwise noted. Any selling or re-transmission of this FAQ is strictly prohibited. Keep circulating the FAQs. *TWANG*