SNOWBOARD KIDS 2 WALKTHROUGH By: Cyberquad TABLE OF CONTENTS: [1.0] History [2.0] The Characters [3.0] The Items [4.0] The Courses [5.0] The Boards [6.0] Credits =-------------= | | |[1.0] HISTORY| | | =-------------= 1/28/05 - I started to create this FAQ. Not uploaded to GameFAQs yet. =----------------= | | |[2.0] CHARACTERS| | | =----------------= Slash Kamei: All Around Speed: 3 Jump: 3 Turn: 4 Slash is the black-haired kid with the face paint. He's the guy you'd use if you're a beginner. Average in all stats, he's best used with a Balance Board or the Star Board. Jam Kuehnemund: All Around Speed: 3 Jump: 3 Turn: 3 Jam's the kid who likes to rock out to hip-hop. He's the black kid with the beanie cap on. Like Slash, he's average, and is best suited for everyone. The best boards to use with him are the Balance Boards or the Star Board. Nancy Neil: Trick Speed: 2 Jump: 4 Turn: 4 Nancy is that blonde girl with the heart-shaped face paint. She's slow, but her Jump and Turn abilities make up for it. Suited for beginners and for courses with sharp turns, such as Ice Land. The best boards for her are Speed Boards. Wendy Lane: Trick Speed: 1 Jump: 5 Turn: 5 Wendy is the nerdy girl with the glasses. Like Nancy, she's slow, but can do tricks better than anyone else. If you're a beginner, use her. She's also the best for the Shot and Trick games. Best used with Speed Boards. Linda Maltini: Speed Speed: 5 Jump: 2 Turn: 2 Linda is the richest kid in Snow Town. So rich, that her face is engraved on all the Gold Coins found on the tracks. She's the fastest character in the normal game. Recommended that you only use her if you're an expert, or doing the Speed Game. Best equipped with a Trick Board. Tommy Parsy: Speed Speed: 5 Jump: 1 Turn: 1 Tommy's the food-craving fat kid with a soft spot. Like Linda, he's a speedy characterwith a crappy turn. He should only be used by experts or in the Speed Game. Best used with a Trick Board Damien: ???? Speed: 4 Jump: 3 Turn: 4 Damien is that green demon kid that's been messing around with the kids since the beginning of the game. He sucks at jumping, but makes up for it by being the fastest All-Around type character in the game. You unlock him by beating the Damien Robot in Story Mode Coach: Trick Speed: 1 Jump: 5 Turn: 4 Coach Z. I mean, Coach Penguin. He teaches the kids how to do tricks. Like Nancy and Wendy, he's slow as a snail, but he can Jump higher and Turn better. Unlock him by beating him during Training Mode. Mr. Dog: Speed Speed: 5 Jump: 1 Turn: 1 The shopkeeper from both Snowboard Kids games, and now you can play as him. Seeing how fat he is, he's obviously a Speed-type. The fastest in the game, actually. His only drawbacks are that he jumps like a rock and turns as if on ice. You unlock him by winning the Shot Game without missing a mailbox or using any extra newspapers. =------------= | | |[3.0] ITEMS | | | =------------= =-------= | SHOTS | =-------= Shots are weapons. You fire them with the "Z" button on the back of your controller. You get shots from Red Shops SLAPSTICK v2: An upgrade from the original one in Snowboard Kids 1, the Slapstick fires a giant hand at your opponent to push them down. It also knocks three coins out of them if they have any money. PARACHUTE: This shoots out a rainbow colored ball that throws whoever it hits into the air, and makes them float back down to Earth slowly, because of the parachute. Try to use this in a place without a ceiling, otherwise it's a waste. ICE: This thing is cool, pun intended. If someone gets hit with this, they turn into a block of ice and can't move until they thaw. Also, anyone who hits the character cube will fall down. SNOWMAN: Snowman shoots a giant snowball that turns whoever it hits into a Snowman, making them not be able to jump or turn. These things ricochet off walls, so watch out. BOMB: Fires a black bomb at your opponents. When it connects with a player or a wall, it detonates in a big explosion, damaging any player it hits. Be careful, because YOU can be caught in the blast radius as well. You can also fire these backwards by holding down on the control stick and pressing Z. TWISTER: A small tornado. If it hits a player, it flings them into the air and makes them drop any item or shot they may have had on them. When the items fly out, you can pick them up. Like the Snowman, these bounce off walls so don't be surprised when your shot returns to you. =-------= | ITEMS | =-------= Items are various things you use to help you win. Use the B button to use them. Items come from Blue shops. PAN: This will make you toss out three pans that hit all the other players no matter where they are on the course. The only way to avoid these are to be on the Lift or invisible. FAN: This causes a Fan to sprout on the back of your board, increasing your speed for a short time. It doesn't go as fast as the rocket, but it lasts longer. ROCKET: This makes a Rocket sprout on the back of your board to increase your speed. It's faster than the Fan, but doesn't last as long. WINGS: Wings make you jump higher, letting you pull in more tricks when you jump. INVISIBLE: This makes your character invisible, making all attacks virtually useless. The only things that can affect you in invisible form are Ghosts, Rats, and Rocks. GHOST: This causes a ghost to go after the character in first place, slowing them down. If you're in first, it attacks the guy in second place. TRIPLE GHOST: This item sends a ghost after all the other players, slowing them down. RATFACE: This sends a monocled rat after the player in first place. It then steals all their money and places it in your cache. If you're in first place, it targets the person in second. SUPER RAT: It's like the Rat, only it steals from everyone except you. ROCK: Drops a rock on the course for people to trip over. Place these behind shops and before cliffs to stall your opponents. =-------------= | | |[4.0] COURSES| | | =-------------= The "Opposing Racers" section is your opponents when you race on that track. If you play as one of them, the other three show up. If you don't, three of the four will show up. A * next to a character means that they are riding the Special Board for that track in Expert Mode The Story parts are what happens in story mode if you select that track. =----------------= | SUNNY MOUNTAIN | =----------------= STORY BEGINNING: Damien bursts out of the ground and notices Wendy showing the kids a Rocket on the back of her snowboard. Damien decides to sabotage it by throwing a bomb. It ends up landing a few feet in front of him, and he blows himself up. As he lays unconcious, the kids snowboard by. This is your beginner track. There are very little turns in this course, and the few that are there aren't very sharp. It shouldn't be hard to win this race. OPPOSING RACERS: Tommy*, Wendy, Nancy, Slash STORY ENDING: It's evening now, and Damien finally gets up. All of the Snowboard Kids except Tommy blast by on Rocket-mounted snowboards. Damien gets mad, and Tommy rides by on his snowboard, which has a fan on it. =---------------= | TURTLE ISLAND | =---------------= STORY BEGINNING: Damien knocks on a crab's head, causing it to walk over to the kids. Slash decides to poke the crab, which causes it to latch onto his finger. As Slash struggles to get the crab off, Jam notices Linda surfing by on her snowboard somehow. He then decides that they should race. After everyone leaves, Slash finally gets the crab off his finger and throws it away. The crab lands on Damien's head. This is a very straightforward track. Half the race is set on land, and half underwater. When you first get underwater, there is a fork. The left leads to a harder track, but it's filled with coins. The right is easier, but isn't so full. Just before the lift is a field of coral. Ramming into the coral will knock you over, so watch out. OPPOSING RACERS: Jam, Linda, Nancy*, Slash STORY ENDING: The boys find a treasure chest and show it to the girls. Linda doesn't think there's anything of any value in it, so Slash kicks it away angrily. The chest ends up landing on Damien, flattening him. The chest opens up, revealing a very shaken up jellyfish. =-------------= | JINGLE TOWN | =-------------= STORY BEGINNING: The boys build a tiny snowman. Linda taunts them and shows them a giant snowman that she, Wendy, and Nancy built. Slash, being the egotastical guy that he is, gets his snowboard and shoots a bomb at it. Linda gets mad and challenges them. Another straightforward track. The only thing you should note are the sharper turns and the pit. Also, near the end, there is a field full of pink bunnies. If you hit the bunnies, you trip. Simple as that. OPPOSING RACERS: Nancy, Linda, Wendy, Slash, Tommy STORY MIDDLE: Slash, Jam, and Linda finish racing and wonder where the others are. Turns out that Wendy built a robot snowman maker, and creates a snowman. It then comes alive and chases Jam and Slash off. Linda begins to worry. That means we have to fight... =---------------= | SNOWMAN ROBOT | =---------------= This isn't anything like we've done before. Instead of racing, you have to destroy the Snowman Robot. To do that, you have to pick up various items on the ground. The only weapons are Bombs and Pans. The Robot Snowman will shoot Ice and Snowman shots at you. Shoot it ten times and you'll win. If the Snowman Robot reaches the finish line, you lose. After you damage the robot, its head will fly off. During this time, you cannot damage it until the head reattaches. OPPOSING RACERS: The Snowman Robot STORY END: The Snowman Robot's head dissappears into the ground and everyone cheers. Wendy then creates another robot, which makes everyone run in fear. Wendy gets confused. =---------------= | WENDY'S HOUSE | =---------------= STORY BEGINNING: It's summer! The gang goes over to Wendy's house, where she shows them her new Shrink Ray. She shrinks them all so they can race on her mini course. Wendy's house is by far the strangest stage in the game, mainly because you're racing inside her house. Things to watch out for are the pendulum after the piano, falling acorns and rocks, and the kitchen sink. Try leaving rocks near the pendulum. OPPOSING RACERS: Wendy, Nancy, Tommy*, Linda STORY ENDING: Tommy attempts to get cheese from a mousetrap. The trap ends up shutting on poor Tommy, so the kids free him. Tommy replies with a "Sorry". The gang laughs. =----------------= | LINDA'S CASTLE | =----------------= STORY BEGINNING: It's Linda's birthday! :D. Nancy and Wendy give her presents, while Slash, Jam, Tommy, and Damien pig out on the food. Jam and Slash taunts Linda, which causes her to break out the snowboard. She chases down Slash and Jam, and ends up plowing Damien over. Nancy gets confused about Damien. Now this is a hard course. You got sharp turns, and a lot of the jumps are over pits, most notably, the jump right before the lift. The best place to drop rocks are in the narrow hallway a bit before the lift. OPPOSING RACERS: Linda, Tommy, Jam*, Slash STORY ENDING: Linda gawks at the destruction left by the race. Slash and Jam taunt her again, and she chases them down. Again. The race also caused the birthday cake to flatten Damien. Tommy stands there, eating the cake, and Nancy is still confused about Damien. =--------------= | CRAZY JUNGLE | =--------------= STORY BEGINNING: Nancy, Wendy, and Tommy notice a rare butterfly (How, in the middle of winter? I don't know.) and follow it around until it flies away. After Wendy explains to Linda their predicament, they set off in Linda's helicopter to follow it. Slash and Jam feel left out and decide to follow the helicopter. Now the courses are getting tougher. This one has loads of sharp turns, so be careful. Other things to avoid are the crocodiles in the pond and the bomb-spewing face on the wall. OPPOSING RACERS: Wendy, Nancy, Tommy, Slash STORY MIDDLE: Jam shows Nancy that they found the rare butterfly. Everyone's happy until this big orange dinosaur stomps up and scares the butterfly away again. I guess that means... =--------------= | THE DINOSAUR | =--------------= This is a boss battle, but it isn't fought like the Snowman. Instead, you race it to the finish, using Bombs and other items to slow it down. The dinosaur will lay eggs on the course. These work like Rocks, but are WAAAAY bigger. If you want to avoid the eggs, try to stay ahead. OPPOSING RACERS: The Dinosaur STORY ENDING: The kids scare the dinosaur away, and a bunch of butterflies appear. Everyone cheers. =-------------------= | STARLIGHT HIGHWAY | =-------------------= STORY BEGINNING: Wendy shows everyone her new space ship. As fast as you can say "Beam me up, Scotty," the kids get into the space ship. Damien notices this, and stows away. They then land on some planet or moon or something. Ah, now this is an original course. You race in space. You'll also race on the rings of Saturn, and on a stream of dust and rocks. Aaand, the lift is a teleporter! Hooray for technology! Things to watch out for are asteroids, and those spinning things. Also, you can board over those orange and yellow pieces of ground to get a free automatic Rocket. OPPOSING RACERS: Nancy, Linda*, Wendy, Jam STORY ENDING: Damien looks for all the kids. He then looks up and sees everyone leaving. He then shouts out "NOOOOO!" =---------------= | HAUNTED HOUSE | =---------------= STORY BEGINNING: The kids go to a Haunted House. Slash and Jam want Nancy and Tommy to join them, but they're too scared to go in. Slash convinces Linda and Wendy, and Jam pushes Nancy and Tommy in. Damien then follows them inside. Ooh, spooky. This is about as tough as Starlight Highway. There are a few more obstacles in this map. One of them are free-ranging ghosts. If you hit them, you get Ghost'd. The other is a pumpkin that shoots Ice Shots. Avoid them if you can. OPPOSING RACERS: Wendy, Jam*, Tommy, Slash STORY ENDING: The kids run out of the house. Tommy trips as the doors start closing. He then gets up and runs away. Wendy places a lock on the door of the house, trapping Damien inside. =----------= | ICE LAND | =----------= STORY BEGINNING: Nancy says 'hi' to Damien. He then gets all swoony and stuff or something. Wendy and Jam meet up with her and they leave, which depresses Damien. Slash and Tommy then run by, being chased by an angry Linda. Tommy runs into Damien, knocking him around. On the way back, Linda knocks Damien over. Damien gets up and challenges the kids. Now THIS is the toughest course in the game. Lots of pits to land in and lots of sharp turns. Also, there are giant snowballs that can flatten you if you hit them. That's about it. OPPOSING RACERS: Nancy, Jam, Slash, Damien STORY MIDDLE: Nancy wonders where Damien went. Jam then notices something. Damien runs up in this humongous robot suit which has a cannon for a nose. You know what that means. =--------------= | DAMIEN ROBOT | =--------------= The final boss in the game. This one works like the Snowman Robot, in the effect that you have to blow it up with bombs. Unlike the Snowman, however, when you shoot Damien, loads of sprockets and screws fly out, which can trip you. Damien also fires Ice, Snowman, and Bomb shots at you. If Damien finishes, you lose. After hitting Damien 10 times, the main robot explodes, revealing a faster one that can't attack, but if you shoot it, it unleashes a storm of rocks. The mini robot takes 3 hits to kill. You get a huge NINE bombs per pick up on this level. STORY ENDING: The group stands around a crying Damien. Slash offers to be his friend, and the rest of the kids agree. Damien then goes and gives them a present. Damien backs away as they open the present, Which is a BOMB! It blows the kids up, and obviously makes them angry. They then chase Damien full of hate. Then THE CREDITS! =------------= | TRICK GAME | =------------= STORY BEGINNING: Coach shows the kids how to do a double backflip. Slash and Tommy run off to get their snowboards, but then they crash into each other. Your objective on this course is to do as many tricks AND reach the finish line before time runs out. If you get enough points, you win. All flips are worth 10 points. Grabs are worth 1. =-----------= | SHOT GAME | =-----------= STORY BEGINNING: Jam rides up and chucks a newspaper into a mailbox. The rest of the kids cheer. Slash then rides up, and attempts to throw a newspaper into another mailbox, but ends up hitting Linda in the face with it. Linda gets her snowboard and chases Slash down. Your job here is to deliver the paper to everyone on the mountain while riding down on your snowboard. Pressing "Z" fires a Newspaper. You only get 30, so don't waste a bunch on one house. Don't forget to deliver a paper to Damien's house, either. It's behind the trees after the giant Rocket jumps. =------------= | SPEED GAME | =------------= STORY BEGINNING: The boys run up to the bus stop just as the bus leaves. The girls speed past them with rockets on their boards, but the Rockets run out before they reach the bus. The boys then rush by with Fans. On this game, you have 3 minutes to ride down the mountain and get to school before the clock hits 8:30. Use Speed Fans and Rockets to get down faster. Whatever you do, don't use Ghosts or Pans, or you'll end up on the recieving end of your own attack. If the timer reaches 8:30 before you reach the end, you lose. =------------= | | |[5.0] BOARDS| | | =------------= NORMAL BOARDS BALANCE BOARD LV 1: Speed: 3 Jump: 4 Turn: 4 Rating: 5/10 This is a good board until you get levels 2 and 3. BALANCE BOARD LV 2: Speed: 5 Jump: 4 Turn: 4 Rating: 6/10 Good board until you get level 3 BALANCE BOARD LV 3: Speed: 7 Jump: 4 Turn: 4 Rating: 8/10 Best normal board out there. TRICK BOARD LV 1: Speed: 2 Jump: 5 Turn: 5 Rating: 4/10 Get the better boards. TRICK BOARD LV 2: Speed: 4 Jump: 5 Turn: 5 Rating: 6/10 Meh, not that good. TRICK BOARD LV 3: Speed: 6 Jump: 5 Turn: 5 Rating: 8/10 Great if you plan on using Linda or Tommy SPEED BOARD LV 1: Speed: 4 Jump: 3 Turn: 3 Rating: 4/10 The only good this is the speed. SPEED BOARD LV 2: Speed: 6 Jump: 3 Turn: 3 Rating: 6/10 Speedy. But try Level 3 SPEED BOARD LV 3: Speed: 8 Jump: 3 Turn: 3 Rating: 8/10 Best if you're using Wendy or Nancy SPECIAL BOARDS: STAR BOARD: Speed: 8 Jump: 5 Turn: 5 Rating: 9/10 Won By: Beat Wendy's House on Expert Mode It's like a level 4 Balance Board. And that's good. FEATHER BOARD: Speed: 8 Jump: 10 Turn: 5 Rating: 6/10 Won By: Beat Turtle Island on Expert Mode Not for races. Use on the Trick Game. ICE BOARD: Speed: 7 Jump: 4 Turn: 1 Rating: 1/10 Won By: Beat the Snowman Robot on Expert Mode This is the worst board in existance. Don't even use it. CHARM BOARD: Speed: 7 Jump: 4 Turn: 4 Rating: 7/10 Won By: Beat Haunted House on Expert Mode It's like a Speed Board, only better. It protects you from Ghosts. POVERTY BOARD: Speed: 3 Jump: 4 Turn: 4 Rating: 4/10 Won By: Beat Sunny Mountain on Expert Mode Second-worst board. It's slow, and it steals your money while you use it. RICH BOARD: Speed: 7 Jump: 4 Turn: 4 Rating: 7/10 Won By: Beat Linda's Castle on Expert Mode The polar opposite of the Poverty Board. This one ADDs money as you use it. NINJA BOARD: Speed: 1 Jump: 5 Turn: 5 Rating: 6/10 Won By: Beat Starlight Highway on Expert Mode Despite its slowness, it's a good board, because you're always invisible. HI-TECH BOARD: Speed: 9 Jump: 4 Turn: 4 Rating: 8/10 Won By: Beat the Damien Robot on Expert Mode This board always has a fan on it. So it's pretty good... But... DRAGON BOARD: Speed: 10 Jump: 10 Turn: 1 Rating: 9/10 Won By: Beat the Dinosaur on Expert Mode THIS is the best board ever. You always have a Rocket and Wings with this. The only drawback is the fact that you can barely steer with this thing. =-------------= | | |[6.0] CREDITS| | | =-------------= Altus and Racdym for making this awesome game My grandpa for buying me an N64 and this game And GameFAQs for being there. This FAQ is (C) Cyberquad and all that stuff Snowboard Kids 2 is (C) Altus and Racdym.