Star Wars Episode 1: Battle for Naboo Gold/Platinum Medal Strategy Guide By: Greg Stecker ( Date: 7/23-8/1/01 From the creator of the Star Wars Rogue Squadron Gold Medal Guide (me) comes the Star Wars Episode 1: Battle for Naboo Gold/Platinum Medal Strategy Guide. Battle for Naboo is a fun game, but can get frustrating. I will try and make this as simple as I can for my readers to follow and use. These are the strategies I used to get all 18 gold medals in BFN, and they should help you too, plus a few helpful tips to enhance your chances. Also, I have strategies for the Platinums I have attained. Table of Contents (1) Update History (2) Bonuses (3) Ships and Tactics (4) Gold Strategies (5) Platinum Strategies (6) Acknowledgements (7) Contacting Me (8) Legal Info ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Update History ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/21/01-Version 1.1 ------------------- Got plats on Search for Captain Kael and Battle for Naboo, and put in walkthroughs. Added walkthroughs to Naboo Bayou and Disruption of Comm 4. I decided to make this a guide for both Gold and Platinum medals. 8/1/01- Version 1.0 ------------------- First draft. All Gold Strategies written and Platinum section contains tips. Bonuses, Tips, Acknowledgements, Legal Info, Contacting Me sections up as well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) Bonuses ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once again, bonuses play a key role in this quest. I can't stress that enough. Having the bonuses can cut down your time tremendously, and keep you alive. Keep in mind you must beat the level to get the bonus. Here are the bonus locations: Advanced Shields -Truly important to your quest is this upgrade, and even just to beat the game. It comes on the first level, Escape from Theed. After rescuing Captain Kael for the first time, follow him until he starts get bombarded by more Droidekas. It will be down a straightaway that you intersect into. Kael goes left. If you want the bonus, take a right, destroy the AAT guarding the way, enter the small room, and pick up the bonus. Advanced Bombs -These aren't very important, but they do give the Naboo Bomber more of a punch; same goes for the Gunboat. These are found in Glacial Grave. When you and your wingmen are about to go into the last section of the level, you need to take a detour. When you reach the dome building on the bank of the river that is surrounded by three turrets and two gunboats, turn around and enter the passage of the canyon on the left. Eventually you'll come upon two laser turrets. Go between where they lie, where you'll see another dome building. Destroy the turrets, then the building, and grab the bonus. Rapid-fire Blasters -You get these in the Sanctuary. When you near the end of the level, there is a small dip in the top of the canyon on the right opposite the entrance to the sanctuary. The passage will be green. Enter, follow the passage, and emerge into a field where there is a mountain in the center. On the far side of this clearing is our bonus, bouncing at the end of one of the runways. Advanced Blasters -Another insanely important upgrade in your quest. Pick these up on Liberation of Camp 4. When you are at the end of the level (right after you go down the big slope), enter the prison on the left (the one which has the generators for the exit). Go up to the generator and destroy it. On the level with the generator, there is another slope behind it, by the canyon wall. Go up it, and go to the left. Go into the passage, and follow it to the bonus. Just backtrack to get down. Advanced Missiles -These are quite important to get, and pretty simple. On Smuggler Alliance, protect the guy's house at the beginning, and you'll see him get into his speeder. Destroy the two droids which will come down to bother him, and then just follow him to the bonus. Homing Torpedoes -These are actually the least important of all upgrades for gold, but insanely useful for silver. You get them on Borvo the Hutt. When Kohl leaves after showing you the way to Borvo, Go to the right of the entrance, over a small stretch of land. You will see two water-mounted turrets. Destroy them, turn left, and go straight. You will see some islands come into view. You only care about the first one on the right. Approach it from where you are coming in, fly into the pen, grab the bonus, and get out through the fence's opening. Otherwise, you'll take damage. Seeker Cluster Torpedoes -By far the most important upgrade you will find, and you need to get a silver on the first 16 missions to get them. They are located on Coruscant Encounter. From where you start, dive down, take a left and then another left around the column, and enter the opening. The bonus is in an alcove on the upper left when you come in. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3) Ships and Tactics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are, in total, seven different ships in Battle for Naboo which you will have to become good with to beat the levels. However, for Golds, you will rarely use the Police Cruiser or the Naboo Bomber, at least not with my strategies, and the Heavy STAP and Flash Speeder will be used sparingly. I will divide this section into different ships which you will use, and then how to take out each enemy. Here are the different kinds of enemies you will face often: Droid Starfighters/Bombers -These will pop up on just about every level. They are not very difficult to shoot down, and have rather large bodies which move slow. Battle Droids -Also known as "accuracy killers", these guys will totally destroy your accuracy if you don't know how to get them. See the "Miscellaneous Tactics" below for tips. Destroyer Droids (Droidekas) -Small droids with built-in shield generators. Very dangerous, unless they're rolling... STAPs -Even more annoying than battle droids, these actually move, juke, and destroy things. And running into them does hurt you. See "Miscellaneous Tactics" below. Turrets and Missile Launchers -Stationary targets, but very deadly. These guys will pretty much always be a nuisance to you, not the mission. They are also stronger than the ones in Rogue Squadron. Mines -Very weak stationary targets, but if you get too close, you will pay dearly. Take special care against these. AAT Battle Tanks -These are the strongest enemies you will face regularly. They are slow- moving, and always seem to be facing in your direction. MMTs (Battle Droid Transports) -Stronger than the AAT, but only found on two levels. Trade Federation Gunboats -About as strong as AATs, depending on what ship you use to blast them. They have varying speeds depending on the level, and will not use their projectiles on you. Shield Generator -Weak, unarmed, white cylinders. Used on some levels to generate shields. Well, those are the major ones, and I will show you how to take them out when you come across them below. Note that I will base these on my strategies: ---------------- Ground vehicles ---------------- Flash Speeder: A fast, agile speeder. It is fairly strong, and pretty well armed, sporting a quick-firing blaster, and a stock of 6 missiles. Droid Fighters/Bombers -Will not see Battle Droids -Use the auto-aim tip below. Destroyer Droids -Will not see STAPs -Use the auto-aim tip below. Turrets -Will not see Missile Launchers -Will not see Mines -Will not see AATs -If they are straight ahead of you, fire two missiles at them quickly and also fire your blaster. If behind, use solely your blaster, unless near the end of the level. MMTs -Will not see Trade Federation Gunboats -Will not see Shield Generator -Will not see ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy STAP: About as strong as the Flash Speeder. Carries two extra missiles. Better maneuverability. Droid Fighters/ Bombers -Will not see Battle Droids -Will not see Destroyer Droids -Will not see STAPs -Use the auto-aim tip below. Turrets -Will not see Missile Launchers -Will not see Mines -Will not see AATs -If they are straight ahead of you, fire two missiles at them quickly and also fire your blaster. If behind, use solely your blaster, unless near the end of the level. MMTs -Will not see Trade Federation Gunboats -Will not see Shield Generator -Will not see ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gian Speeder: Here it is, your best friend on the ground. This will usually be the recommended ship. It sports twin blaster cannons and as a secondary weapon, a heavy laser cannon capable of being charged up to pack a powerful punch. Droid Fighters/Bombers -Simply aim up near them, and the lasers will automatically lock onto the fighter and shoot it. Use your primary blasters. Battle Droids -Use the auto-aim tip below. Destroyer Droids -Never let up on them. Fire with both your primary and secondary lasers. They are vulnerable when they go into a roll, for their shield goes down. Try and nail them when the begin or end their roll. STAPs -Use the auto-aim tip below. Turrets -You will only see two types of turrets. Those on Search for Captain Kael, and those on Liberation of Camp 4. Just stand still and fire away at them with both blasters, if desired. Your primary ones or a nice charged up blaster will do just fine. Missile Launchers -Thank the good Lord you don't have to mess with any of these in a ground vehicle. You will not see any of these. Mines -Will not see AATs -One well-placed charged-up laser will spell the end for these bad boys. Know where they are, and ready your blaster accordingly. MMTs -Will not see Trade Federation Gunboats -Will not see Shield Generator -One or two shots from your twin blasters will take care of these monstrosities. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Air Vehicles ------------- Naboo Starfighter: I will not even discuss the Police Cruiser and Naboo Bomber, as they are useless when you can use a Naboo Starfighter to get things done otherwise. It's got great laser cannons and a stock of 10 cluster torpedoes. This is why the air missions make the easiest golds. Droid Fighters/Bombers -Get behind these and let loose. 2-4 shots should be enough. Head-to-heads work nicely too, but your craft likes the former method. If you see more than one close together, launch a cluster. Try and avoid firing at one from the side. It is bad for your accuracy. Battle Droids -See the auto-aim tip below. Destroyer Droids -Will not see STAPs -See the auto-aim tip below. Also note that your torpedoes can lock onto these. Turrets -Simply target them and fire 4-6 shots at them. The turrets on Battle for Naboo aren't worth fighting. Missile Launchers -Use the same tactic used on these as in Rogue Squadron. Fire at the launch tubes to destroy any missiles and also to get in a few shots. These take 8-10 shots each. Mines -Stay back and fire at them. Sometimes, it will cause a chain reaction, but not always. Your wingmen will usually deal with these. Beware Space Mines, for they are equipped with lasers. AATs -You will usually see a flock of these from the air. Launch one cluster, and then after they connect, launch another. If you see less than 3, take them out with blasters. Use the auto-aim tip below. MMTs -Just unload into them with your blasters, and launch a cluster into them. They can't fire behind them, so you should be safe back there. Watch out for the turrets covering them on the Queen's Gambit. Trade Federation Gunboats -Use the auto-aim tip below. Also, try and be close when you engage them. Shield Generator -Just get a clear shot and fire 3 shots. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Water Vehicles --------------- Trade Federation Gunboat: Ugh, I hate this ship. It's only used on three levels, and two of those it's completely worthless. The projectiles are difficult to use and the blasters can get wild at times. It is well-armored, though, and can turn on a dime. Droid Fighters/ Bombers -These can be handled in much the same way as you would with the Gian Speeder. Aim up and fire. But really, you only see these on the Andrevea River, and it's a waste of time to destroy them. Battle Droids -Will not see Destroyer Droids -Will not see STAPs -Will not see Turrets -These turrets that you will see take 4 shots. The auto-aim tip will work well here in destroying them. Try to minimize the amount of shots you take from these, though. Projectiles can be shot over mounds of earth to hit turrets. Missile Launchers -You will see these, but they will not target you. Simply place 4 shots into them to destroy them. Mines -Know where these are. It takes two hits to take them out, or one projectile, but you'd do better if you saved your projectiles for the turrets. They won't fire on you, but they will come near you if you get too close. They will also come out the back of gunboats. AATs -You will see these in the first part of the Sanctuary, but if you try to take them out with the gunboat, you will almost assuredly lose a transport. Don't bother with them. MMTs -Will not see Trade Federation Gunboats -These are very difficult to destroy in the gunboat, but projectiles and some well-placed laser shots will help tremendously. Watch out for the mines they deploy. Shield Generator -Use a projectile on these. It saves time and health. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Miscellaneous Tips ------------------- Auto-aim -You've been hearing a lot about it above, now I'll tell you what it is. Unlike in Rogue Squadron, the game will sort of help your shots find their targets. This works mainly on ground based targets, such as battle droids, STAPs, turrets, and the like. What you do is move your ship around until you're facing one of these ground targets. Get the targeting reticule as close to the target as you can, and then release the control stick. The shots will actually be shot at an angle to hit a target. The farther you are, the better. This is especially useful when you have to mow down all those battle droids on Trade Federation Secrets. Gunboats and AATs -The auto-aim works on these vehicles, as well, but is only effective up close. If you shoot from far away, the shots will fire into the ground or water just underneath the near side of the vehicle 99% of the time, killing your accuracy. Try and get close to the vehicle; the closer the better. Cluster Torpedoes and Clusters of Enemies -You fire 6 torpedoes with each cluster torpedo. This means you can get a maximum of six enemies per cluster. Therefore, you do not want to waste a cluster on one enemy. Try and use them on flights of droid starfighters, or on difficult to hit targets such as STAPs. As long as there are more than one enemy in your view, the cluster should go after multiple targets. Clusters and Proximity -If you're too far away from a target, the clusters will do nothing, just disperse, fly into a canyon wall, and screw you over. Try and get as close as possible to an enemy, while also having multiple enemies in your field of vision. Beware though, if you're too close to an enemy, the torps will all go for that one. Be about 50-200 yards away before firing. Enemy Safety Zones -All enemies except turrets and missile launchers have a safety zone for you to get into. If you're behind, to the side or, or above and behind or to the side of an enemy, it can't hit you. Remember this, it WILL save your life, and you can't spare any in this game, save for two levels. Accuracy Increasers -Yes, the only friends you have to up your accuracy are back, and easier to spot than before. Indestructible buildings, landing pads, fences, and other structures such as this are all accuracy increasers. Actually, anything that does more than spark when you hit it is an accuracy increaser. Pace Yourself -For some of these missions, you have quite a generous amount of time. Use it. You don't get any candy for finishing in half the required time. You need that time to rack up some of the insane kill counts and keep yourself alive. Hard Turns -Here's a little time saver. Use the hard turn button (R) to turn quicker. It really does come in handy. Challenge the Inevitable -When you're in the flashing red zone, don't fret. I had to get a few of my golds while I was flashing red. If you constantly juke and jink and make sharp turns every few seconds, you will be able to live through this frightening time. And just look toward the goal. If you panic and run, it may cost you your life as well as the gold. This is prevalent in the Andrevea River and The Queen's Gambit golds, as well as a few others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) Gold Strategies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Escape from Theed Gold Requirements: Time 2:15 Enemies 41 Accuracy 63% Saves 7 Bonus Yes Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Gian Speeder Intro -On this mission, the time limit seems a bit tight. Don't sweat it, though, as this is really a pretty easy gold to get. You want the Gian Speeder for this mission because of that Heavy Laser (the reason it is the ship of choice for almost every ground-based mission). You will need to be quick and accurate when going for this gold. Walkthrough -When you start, you will be facing three battle droids, and one says, "You are under arrest." Right. Don't even bother firing here. Just plow through these nitwits. Don't move the joystick at all. When you start, you are at the perfect angle to take them all out. Around the corner, you will see two droids against a wall. Pick them off. Keep on going, plowing through droids, until you come upon Kael's position. Immediately take out the destroyer droid rolling on the far sight of the plaza with your heavy laser. Turn, take out the one attacking Kael, then the other one in the area, all with the Heavy Laser. When these three are gone, another will roll out of it's cage and start firing on Kael. Take him out as quick as possible. When that's all done, exit the plaza, while charging up your laser. In the next area, there will be two droidekas. Unleash your charged-up laser on the one that rolls in front of you, then speed past the other one. Plow the droids past the archway, then take out the three battle droids near the bushes. Take care not to hit the bushes though, there are civilians there, and all of them must live for the gold. Turn left at the bushes, take out the droideka, then charge up your laser again, turn right at the corner, and unleash it on the AAT under the archway. Go past it and pick up the bonus. Get back to Kael as soon as possible, and take out his newfound friends. Proceed ahead, taking out the three droids to the right of your next turn. This is very important right here! You will get an extra four kills and save TONS of health! Do not go all the way around the corner. There is an archway just before the turn with three battle droids in it. Go in here, plow the droids, and then the other two behind them, and emerge on the other side. If you didn't go through here, you'd come face to face with a lone AAT, which is not what you would want. Proceed past the turn, nailing the droids far away down the street, turn to your right, nailing these two with your twin blasters, and then go forward. Now you will come upon two more groups of battle droids. One of four, and one of five. Simply plow through them. When you get to the end, mop up the droid on the right, then the one in the center which starts rolling, and then the one on the left. Look under the arch and, with one charged-up laser blast, destroy the AAT trying to enter under the archway. Let Kael talk, and the level is over. Tips -When you can, plow through battle droids. It takes off no health and helps your accuracy rating. -Take special care to avoid the lone AAT mentioned above. Doing so will help you out with the time, enemies, accuracy, and lives remaining requirements. -Sorry, no accuracy increasers on this level. Not that you'd have any time or need for them, anyways. II. Nemoidian Plunder Gold Requirements: Time 5:00 Enemies 32 Accuracy 48% Saves 46 Bonus No Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Heavy STAP Intro -So, you've gone through this level a million times, and still can't get that time limit. Well, I'll fix that. This gold is so unbelievable easy, that is if you do two things: (1) use the auto-aim like an expert, and (2) use the huge time saving trick I will tell you below. Walkthrough -When you start, follow the two STAPs into the valley and destroy them, then take out the other two that come in. Go over the hill to the left of where you came in, toward the three red dots on your radar, and take them out. Nail the STAPs firing on the houses and any others that you see, and get the one off Kael's tail. Let him go ahead of you around the turn. Three STAPs will bust out after him. Take them out. Around the next turn, the same will happen. Take them out again. When you are away from the villages, just before the cutscene breaks in, go over the hill to your left which leads to the next objective. After the cutscene, take out the three STAPs shooting the houses, and then go around, pegging other STAPs that you see. When the cutscene breaks in, Kael tells you to follow him. Here's the big time-saver. From where you saved the houses, head toward the river, and turn right. This will bring you toward the bridge. When Kael says, "Keep your eyes open and your head up, Lieutenant. Watch my back and provide cover." Immediately engage the AAT by launching two missiles and a flurry of laser blasts, and then go onto the bridge. Shoot the floor of the bridge a few times to up your accuracy. Pick off the two battle droids across the bridge, and then demolish the AAT just beyond them. Take out the AAT near the hangar if you wish, and then enter. Hop into the cockpit of your Naboo Starfighter, and turn right upon exiting. In the distance, on a hill, you will see two STAPs. When close enough, launch a cluster to destroy them. A little farther away to the right and closer to the swamp, there are two more. Launch a cluster at these as well. Now, fly into the swamp to complete the mission. Tips -Auto-aim plays a huge role here. It will allow you to take out droids quicker and more accurately, and will net you a few extra friendlies. -Use the time saver; without it, this gold is much more difficult. -Use the bridge as an accuracy increaser. When you get on it, simply look down and fire away. III. Naboo Bayou Gold Requirements: Time 4:15 Enemies 19 Accuracy 30% Saves 7 Bonus No Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Naboo Starfighter Intro -This gold is perhaps the easiest in the game. It basically consists of destroying all the enemies in the level in 4:15, which makes me want to laugh hysterically itself. Once you take out the gunboats, you can put away your lasers and arm your clusters, and then it's all downhill from there. Walkthrough -You start out in an inlet with three gunboats attacking yachts. Take them out, in any order, making sure your close enough to where your shots hit their hull and not the water. Once they're gone, two droid fighters will come in from a canyon on the right. Wait till they're both out, get behind the second one, and launch a cluster. Leave the inlet and follow the stream. Go straight until you see a group of 4 fighters. Launch a cluster to dispose of them. Fly around until Kael moves on, hanging behind him to take out the two droid fighters that come from the right at the turn. Take them out with a cluster, and then the other two that come on this straightaway. From here, go save Dellis, and the mission ends. Tips -Only use lasers on the gunboats. The droid fighters are harder to hit with them, and clusters will really help your accuracy. -If you want the Platinum, do everything I told you to do above, except faster, and get two extra kills. The other two are: (1) another gunboat in a small inlet near Dellis, and (2) when the second wave of droid fighters comes to attack Kael, the back one actually shoots down the front one. If you get this kill, that makes 21. IV. Smuggler Alliance Gold Requirements: Time 6:30 Enemies 31 Accuracy 37% Saves 7 Bonus Yes Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Flash Speeder Intro -Yes, that's right folks, you're gonna be using the Flash Speeder to get this gold. The Gian Speeder is a bulky ship and hard to maneuver, and you're going to need a lot of maneuvering to get this gold. Also, every time you miss with the Gian, that's double the accuracy points lost as opposed to the Flash Speeder, since it has dual-linked lasers. Let me get one thing out of the way. I hate this level! This was my last gold before the Dark Side, and it is a wicked gold at that. Those STAPs will rip you apart and bring your shields down to a color as red as Darth Maul's lightsaber in a hurry. Survival is the key here. Walkthrough -When you start, take out the battle droids as fast as you can. While the grateful civilian is getting in his speeder, take out the two STAPs coming down the hill behind the house. Nail them from the side; if you come head on, you will most certainly lose health. Once they're gone, leave the civilian behind and go over to where you get the bonus. He'll catch up. When you get there, unload your blasters into the fence around the shed. When he comes, get in there, grab the bonus, and head toward the cone on your radar. This part is very important to your gold. You will rack up most of your kills here. Go up over the hill, and then cut the corner by going over another hill to avoid the STAPs. When they've all passed, come in behind them and take them out. Follow them, pegging as many as you can from behind, and then you will get involved in quite a skirmish around one of the civilian's houses. Take down as many as you can, and then after they're all gone, head toward where you meet up with Borvo's ship. Take out the tank firing at him. For the remainder of the level, you're going to want to stick to the edges and hillsides, avoiding the main road at all costs. You've probably racked up enough STAPs, and so you can let them all go by. From the first tank, turn right, and take out the next two. On the bridge, things get sticky. There's nowhere to hide from the onrush of STAPs, so you're going to need to juke and jink from side to side using the hard turn button, all while firing at the STAPs. After the bridge, you will see two more AATs. Suppress the urge to go after the stationary one. The one that is moving into position will hurt you badly. Instead, go to the right edge, and wait until it begins to turn into its station. Take it out and the one just beyond it. Go around the turn, and stay near the canyon wall. Try to dodge the oncoming AAT's shots, and then, when it's in place, take it out and the one next to it. Continue ahead, on the edge. When you see a bridge in the distance, go to the canyon wall. Hug it around the corner, and you'll see an AAT coming in. Get behind it and follow it to its stop, blowing it away before it gets there. Nail the one next to the bridge and continue onward. The final AAT will be on the bridge. Simple get on the bridge, brake, target the tank, and let loose with lasers. When it's destroyed, aim down, begin firing at the bridge, and speed on ahead until the cutscene kicks in. Tips -There are 10 AATs. That means you will need to net 21 STAP kills for the gold. You can rack up 8 of these at the beginning, and many more when trying to defend the other civilians, the ones Kael tells you not to protect. If you do not feel you got enough kills in these first two combined, you can go for a couple of STAP kills when you think it's safe and easy. -The fence surrounding the bonus makes for a very good accuracy increaser, as does the bridge at the end of the level. -Stay off the dirt path when protecting Borvo. I can't stress that enough. There will be about 50-60 STAPs roaming this road, trying to destroy you. The farther from the road, the better. V. The Hutt's Retreat Gold Requirements: Time 5:45 Enemies 28 Accuracy 40% Saves 14 Bonus No Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Flash Speeder Intro -After that last gold, things start to lighten up on the next few levels. The time limit in this stage is quite bloated, and the enemies requirement gives you a nice comfort zone. One thing about this level is that your wingmen's kills don't add to your kill count, making every kill count. Don't let that little bit of info bother you, I can easily get 35 kills every time I play. Walkthrough -Start on the ground in your Flash Speeder, and even before you gain control of your ship, start firing. Try and mow down all the STAPs ahead of you. Around the corner, Kael says you can get in a fighter if you wish. Thanks, Kael. Hop into the cockpit of your Naboo Starfighter, and immediately try and nail some of the STAPs below. Around the next turn, you will come upon some droid fighters. I wouldn't worry about these guys. Kill them if you wish, but they're not necessary. I would anyway, though. Take out the mines, and then turn and knock out the wimpy little turret. Up over the hill you go, and you come in to a nest of four droid fighters. Go straight through the canyon, trying to take out the fighter coming at you. Use lasers. When it's down or passed you, wait until the other three are in your line of sight and launch a cluster at them. Turn right and take out a few mines. Once they start firing at you, turn and knock out that droid that got by you. Then go back and take out the mines. Past them, you will again come upon four droid fighters. When you see the first two, one will be close and the other far away. Launch a cluster toward the midpoint of them and they'll both go down. Further into the canyon, you will see two more. Simply cluster them and they're gone. Up over another hill you go, and see two blocks where turrets once stood. Continue forward, and around the turn will be two AATs. Launch a cluster at them to destroy them, and then go into the area just beyond them where Borvo's ship lands and mop up the two in here. Look toward the canyon opening and take out the two droid bombers as they come in. After the cutscene, you will be in the base. First do a sweep of the turrets, taking them out with lasers, and then Knock out the fighters with clusters and lasers, and finally the AATs. Now, hop out of the cockpit of your Naboo Starfighter, and then hop back into the cockpit of another Naboo Starfighter 20 feet away. Mission complete. Tips -You have 10 clusters and a lot of baddies in this level. Use your clusters on any AAT, and also on any group of droid fighters that numbers more than one. Take down the turrets and mines with lasers. -All the easy targets such as turrets and mines cancel out the bad accuracy used on the STAPs at the beginning. So, don't be afraid to let lose. VI. Disruption of Comm 4 Gold Requirements: Time 7:15 Enemies 30 Accuracy 65% Saves 4 Bonus No Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Naboo Starfighter (only choice) Intro -Whew, look at that, 30 kills! The Communications base will give you a max of 7 enemies, and the satellites 3. That means you need twenty more kills with only a handful of clusters. Fortunately, you'll mainly be messing with mines, which makes this a breeze. Just practice surviving. Walkthrough -I would immediately turn left at the beginning of the level, and head on over to the first satellite. Take out as many mines as you can around it, using a cluster if you see a lot in a small space, and then launch one cluster at the satellite and then destroy it with lasers. Lather, rinse, repeat for the next two satellite areas. Remember, there will be some droid fighters as well. Use a cluster on them two if they're in a big group. When the satellites are all gone, head back to the communications base, and there are two ways to deal with this, depending upon how many kills you think you have gotten. If you think you've gotten enough, approach it from the top and release all your clusters into it. If you are skeptical, come in from an angle at the missile launchers and take out all three on one side, and then do the same to the underside, using lasers for the launchers. Then, just take aim at the fat part on top of the base, and unload all your clusters. Easy as that. Tips -I would say mines take precedent over fighters. The mines shoot at you, and tractor to you if you get too close. Besides, they're easier targets, and they are copious on this level. But don't be discouraged from taking out a nice flight of droid fighters, especially if they're attacking your wingmen, even though they're pretty much invincible. -The missile turrets will really be a pain to you. Avoid them if you can. If you need them as kills, don't take on all six at a time. Take on only the top or bottom ones, and then the side you left standing afterwards. -There is an alternative way to get this gold, rather cheap if you ask me. It'll make the difficulty drop from about a 6 to a -9. Here's what you do: -When you start, fire away at the shield until you get so close, you're about to crash into it. Then, go towards the first slave satellite, and once you see it, turn around and head back to the communications base. The shield will magically be brought down. Approach it from the top, and launch your stock of clusters into it. Each of your potshots counts as a kill, and since you don't have to mess around with the satellites, the time and lives remaining requirements are a joke. -There you have it, the cheap method. I recommend not doing this until you get the gold, as it is one of the cheapest things you can possibly do in a game. VII. Glacial Grave Gold Requirements: Time 8:00 Enemies 63 Accuracy 55% Saves 4 Bonus Yes Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Naboo Starfighter Intro -This gold is not very hard to get. Just take it easy and do whatever you need to to beat it, and the gold becomes a sinch. Having good accuracy will help you attain all of the requirements. Walkthrough -In the first part, take out every turret and missile launcher on the three platforms, then the mines. You will begin to fly to the next area, and along the way, you will see two platforms, destroy the turrets on both of them. When you get to the target area, take out the first turret you see on the platform, and then the one under it, then fly over and take out the missile launcher. Destroy the three droid fighters which will come in, and then knock out the other turrets. You will then fly to the next area. You can use your torpedoes on any droid fighter groups you see. Along the way, you will come upon an area with two turrets and a dome building, and some taller buildings behind them. Take out the two turrets, and then follow your wingmen into the target area. Do your best to knock out every mine, fighter, turret, and gunboat in here, leaving the final turret as your final kill. When all the turrets are gone, your wingmen will exit this area. When they do, take the first right. You will part from your wingmen for a little bit and go pick up the bonus. Destroy the two laser turrets guarding the entrance with blasters, and then enter, and once the missile turret comes into view, launch a cluster. The missile launcher will not be destroyed, so take it out with lasers. Now, destroy the dome building and grab the bonus. Go out the way you came, and take a right when you reach the two turrets you destroyed just a second ago. Try and destroy the gunboat you see with lasers, and then go up to where the turrets are. There are three surrounding a domed building. Take them out, and then knock out the two gunboats that are next to each other with clusters. Enter the final area, take out the first turret, then the missile launcher, and finally the other turret, all with lasers. Take out the shield generator as well. Don't enter the hanger yet! You still have some clusters, which will serve you well. Go over to the gate, launch a cluster at the two turrets, then fly over, and launch another cluster at the six mines there. Now, head back to the hanger, using your torps on any baddies you come upon, and then enter it. Now in the gunboat, destroy the gate and float on through. Mission complete. Tips -Use your clusters wisely on this mission. Use them wherever I said to, and for the rest, use your own discretion. Don't try them on the mines at the beginning; you can easily take those out with your blasters. Avoid using them on turrets, except the one in the bonus area. Gunboats and droid fighters are the ones to go for with clusters. -If you forget to cluster the mines past the gate at the end, use the gunboat's projectiles to take them out. Those are key kills. VIII. Andrevea River Gold Requirements: Time 7:19 Enemies 49 Accuracy 50% Saves 0 Bonus No Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Trade Federation Gunboat (only choice) Intro -Ok, the cakewalk is over. Those last three golds were a joke. This is probably the hardest gold in the game. There are very few tricks to this gold, you just need to be quick, accurate, and good at surviving. Know this level like the back of your hand, and where all the mines and guns are located. Walkthrough -When you start, you will face some mines. Take them out. Ahead, there are more mines, and then more ahead of those. See a pattern developing here? You really need to use your radar here. In this first part of the level, the radar is more important than at any other time in the whole game. You will need to take out all the mines. Just stop, take aim, and fire twice. I will tell you how to deal with the turrets in this part. When you see the 6th mine, stop against the right shore. You will hear the turret. It is in the cove next to the cove you're next to. Launch a projectile over to it to take it out. The next comes after the 10th. Stop just before it comes into your view, right up against the left shore. Wait until it stops firing, then go up to it and fire twice at it to destroy it. When you destroy the 11th, turn left and take out the next two without moving. You'll hear the third turret. Stop right at the end of earth to the right of the 11th mine, turn toward the turret, and launch a projectile. It shouldn't be able to hit you if you stopped in the right spot. The last turret is after the 15th mine. Again, stop at the end of the earth (where you'll see smoke flying up) on the left shore. You'll see the turret. Launch a projectile at it. Move ahead until the cutscene starts. Ahead are six mines; destroy them. Turn to the left, and take out the fifth turret. Just go forward, taking out the final mine ahead. Don't destroy the bombers, or the base will be alerted. Enter the base, and go to the left shore. Launch a projectile at the generator and hopefully the turret will go down too. Head over to the other generator, and shoot the turret with lasers and the generator afterward with lasers. Take out any bad guys who are convenient along the way. This next part is tricky. When you get out of this area, watch out for the mine the gunboat dropped. You need to take this gunboat out. Watch out for its mines, and try and be as accurate as possible. Take out the other one, too. If you don't get them, the base is alerted, and this becomes a lot more difficult. When you get into the base, take out the turret atop the entrance, and try and be as evasive as you can in taking out the other turrets. Take out all laser turrets and missile turrets. You need the kills. Tips -Try and get to the second part without taking a hit. You need to be at least at yellow when you reach the fourth part to have a shot at this. -Here is a huge tip to help you in the fourth part. If you have the time, go up to each turret and missile launcher, and shoot it twice. When you get to the last one, fire three times, and the base will come to life. It won't be alerted until you destroy something. Now you can take out everything with a single shot, allowing you to live longer. -Try and get about five extra kills in the second and fourth parts. And if the gunboats' mines don't get you, but you destroy them, they count as kills. That is very helpful. -In the first part, go quickly, but don't hurry. Know where everything is and how to destroy them quickly. -May the force be with you. IX. Sanctuary Gold Requirements: Time 7:30 Enemies 30 Accuracy 45% Saves 5 Bonus Yes Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Trade Federation Gunboat (only choice) Intro -Ok, back onto the cakewalk. From here on out, you should have very few troubles, except for maybe Panaka's Diversion. This gold is really rather simple to get, just be quick in taking out the tanks at the beginning, and grab a few kills while going through the canyon. Try and use your clusters on groups of droid fighters, although I know you've learned that by now. Walkthrough -I only put the gunboat as the vehicle of choice for this mission because you select it from the hangar. As soon as you gain control of your vehicle, go over to the right shore and lob three projectiles at the tunnel where the AATs come out of. Feel free to take out the tank that stops right next to you. Enter the hangar and get out the Naboo Starfighter. Clean up the last of the AATs, and take out a few bombers. Now, there are three speeders coming from the water, and your wingman counts as a fourth save. Where is the other one? Well, it's in the city. Go into the city, and toward the left side there will be a downed clock tower. Shoot it until it's destroyed, and two more speeders should come out. Hopefully, you did right when the houseboats are entering the hangar, otherwise these other two speeders will go way ahead or lag behind. Either way, once the tower is destroyed, go into the canyon. Proceed ahead until you come upon a flight of droid fighters. Nail them with one quick cluster shot. If you miss one, turn around and take it out, then go forward again. When you see another flight of droid fighters, there should be 5 AATs on the ground. Take out the fighters, look at the AATs, launch a cluster, wait until it hits, and then launch another to finish them off. Another flight will try and come from the wall just to the left of the AATs. Greet them with a nice cluster. From here, proceed to the end, grab the bonus, and take out any fighters you feel like messing with along the way. Once the speeders enter the ruins, the mission ends. Tips -Don't forget the speeders in the city. You need them to get the gold. -The biggest nuisance here is that kill count. You should be able to pick up about 10 or 11 kills at the beginning, and then about 16 or 17 on the way to the tanks. If you can, keep track of how many kills you have, so you know how many to take out when you go towards the bonus. -The gunboat is worthless. As soon as you destroy the tunnel, get the Naboo Starfighter out of the hangar. If not, you can pretty much count on losing a houseboat. X. Search for Captain Kael Gold Requirements: Time 5:30 Enemies 23 Accuracy 50% Bonus No Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Gian Speeder Intro: Again, this is a really simple gold. If you can keep yourself alive until you destroy the tanks attacking the barn, you can the gold is basically yours. Walkthrough -Try and take out the STAP that crosses your path at the beginning. Veer off the main road and get to the side. Take out the bomber coming overhead. Continue following the arrow in your radar, taking out any STAPs you feel like. You'll need to become a multi-tasker up at the bridge. Charge up your Heavy Laser, and hold the accelerator (it's kind of an awkward way to hold the controller). When you hit the bridge, unleash your laser on either tank and speed past the other. On the other side, you will begin following another AAT. While waiting for the ground to level out, charge up your laser, and then unleash it when you get a good shot. Head over to where the tanks are going to be and take out a few turrets on the way. It'll help you later. Take out the three AATs, and the cutscene will start. Now the turrets will be against you. Destroy all of them, and the house that you just saved. When you need to, go under the arch in the center of the valley and just brake at one of the walls. Now, while your shield is recharging, fire both your primary and secondary weapons at the wall repeatedly. When the first transport comes into the valley, exit this building and take it out with one nicely placed charged-up laser. Shoot at any structure in the valley until the second come in. Destroy it, and then head over the hill to take out the one in the distance. When it's gone, two more red blips will appear on your radar beyond where you took out the last transport. Look up, and you'll see two droid bombers. Take them out, and follow the arrow in your radar. Until the end of the level, just take out all the AATs and droid bombers, and any STAPs you want to. When the last of the AATs and bombers are gone, the level ends. Tips -The shield rejuvenator is your best friend here. It recharges your shields completely, and serves as a nice accuracy increaser while you wait. -The more turrets you take out while they're on your side, the better off you'll be when they turn against you. But, be sure you can protect that building. It won't last more than about 8 seconds under the AATs' guns. XI. Borvo the Hutt Gold Requirements: Time 5:30 Enemies 35 Accuracy 42% Saves 4 Bonus Yes Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Naboo Starfighter Intro -Ok, not much to talk about here. Basically, getting this gold will require you to go through the level, but remembering to pick up the bonus and not dying. You should have no trouble with this gold. Walkthrough -At the beginning, circle the area and take out the six turrets. Each of them takes two hits. After they're gone, focus on Borvo's ships. You'll want to use clusters on these, and as always, try and get them in groups. If you see two far away, launch a cluster and they'll both go down. If you see two crossing paths, cluster them. However, if you can't down two at a time, feel free to use your lasers on them. You have plenty of time to place your shots nicely. When they're all gone, go shoot one of the mines twice, and all but one of the others will blow up. Destroy that one and go through. After the cutscene with Kohl, go forward and take out the missile launcher. These guys take three shots. Now, go toward the right wall, fly low, and stick to it, destroying any turrets you see in the water. Follow the wall until Kohl leaves you. You'll be at an entrance to Portho Hill. Forget this entrance. Keep sticking to the wall, fly over the tiny bed of earth, take out the two turrets in the corner, and then turn. On the first island on the right, you will see the bonus bouncing happily up and down. Fly in at an angle so when you pick it up, you'll fly through the opening in the fence. When you have the bonus, turn around towards where you came into this area. You will see another entrance to Portho Hill, and this one has a couple of mines in it. Great, more kills. Shoot one, and all go boom. Cool. Now, go in, look right, and try and take out the two turrets there before the cutscene kicks in (they're not active yet). After the cutscene, go toward Borvo's ship and knock out the two missile launchers and the building there. Now, just circle the area, destroying the turrets, launching a few clusters at Borvo's fighters, and then turn and launch two or three torps at the slug. Tips -Borvo's ship takes three clusters, so be sure you have enough when you get there. If not, you can always finish him off with blasters. -Again, the enemies provide the greatest challenge to you here. If possible, keep track of your kill count. But, try and get all the turrets surrounding Borvo, the building, and all the little gray sheds under his ship. These kills, combined with the turrets and fighters destroyed from the rest of the level, should put you well over the required number. -Be careful when grabbing the bonus. You don't want to wreck a nice paint job on your fighter because of some dumb fence. Take your time. XII. Liberation of Camp 4 Gold Requirements: Time 7:00 Enemies 67 Accuracy 50% Saves 17 Bonus Yes Lives 2 Recommended Ship: Naboo Starfighter Intro -AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You can't be serious! They actually let you lose a life in this level! Talk about taking away all the challenge of getting a gold. Combine this with the fact that the time limit only takes into consideration the amount of time you actually spend in Camp 4, and this becomes almost as easy as Naboo Bayou. Walkthrough -Okay, I'm not even going to write a walkthrough for the first part of the mission, as all it requires you to do is grab as many kills as you can muster, and protecting the two civilian settlements. I will, however, be kind enough to give you a few pointers: * Take out as much as you can. You have 10 clusters, making those huge groups of droid fighters easy pickings. * Avoid gunboats. * The following things can be used as accuracy increasers: That droid fighter hangar ship, the scaffolding on the walls, the landing platform, the buildings inside the area where you make the U-turn at the beginning, the hangar near the entrance to Camp 4. * At the end of this part, use your clusters on the two gunboats in the water, the two turrets guarding the hangar, and the droid fighters. In other words, once you get here, If you have enough clusters, you won't need your blasters. * You can't take out the turrets guarding the entrance to Camp 4 unless you've entered the hangar. Sorry. * Don't die. If you die here, restart the level. Okay, into the hangar you go. Ugh, now is the hard part. You have to make your way up to the next hangar, where you can get your trusty Gian Speeder. But that's later. Follow the transports, and launch a missile at each of the turrets. Once through the forcefield, destroy the two transports who were good enough to let you infiltrate their base. They're worthless now. Go to the left and up the slope. Stick to the wall, if you turn prematurely, you may fall off the slope and lose a life. At the end of the slope, turn right, and juke around so that the AAT can't hit you. When you're past it, turn right and hold. Destroy the AAT with your lasers (it won't see you if you're way back here). When it's gone, go towards the fence and knock out the two turrets with a missile apiece. Take out the generator, go through the opening, and free the prisoners. Exit the fence, look up the slope to the right, and greet the two turrets up there with, guess what, more missiles. When they're destroyed, go through the opening and in to the hangar. If you feel like it, take out a Flash Speeder to cause a little bit of damage. Now, get out the Gian Speeder. Go into the little area to the right of the entrance, turn around, brake, look up, and destroy the turret up there. Go through this area and take out the other turrets. From the exit of this area, turn around, and to the right, next to the fence of the prison, are some barrels. Destroy them to create an opening. Knock out the shield generator and release the prisoners. Go into the other prison, release the prisoners, and then go out the back opening. You will go up a hill to the right. Again, stick to the wall. At the top, brake, take out the generators, and carefully return down the slope. Leave this area. You will soon come upon a long downward slope. Charge up your laser and destroy the first turret you see. Go around, taking out all the turrets and AATs (there should be 4 of them) and then wait around for your wingman to blow a hole in the fence. Move to the side opposite the fence with the hole in it (to the right of the exit), next to the canyon wall, turn around, look up, and pick off the turret guarding the generators. Go through the hole, proceed until you see a slope on your right, and go up it. Again, be careful. Destroy the two generators up here. Go up another slope in behind the generators, and take a left. Follow this until you reach the bonus. Go back down to the canyon floor carefully, and go through the exit. You should have just gotten the gold on my personal favorite level. Tips -Do most of your damage in the first stage, and just do what you need to to beat the level and survive in the second stage. -If you are on the last slope of the level, and haven't lost a life yet, after taking out the final generators and getting the bonus, feel free to slide down the hill. You'll die, but you'll get down quicker. -Battle droids are wimps. If you see a lot of them, simple take them out for a quick kill. XIII. The Queen's Gambit Gold Requirements: Time 7:30 Enemies 34 Accuracy 48% Saves 10 Bonus No Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Gian Speeder Intro -This gold may seem tough, and actually does present a little bit of a challenge, but it's not that bad. Let's just say that that time limit is a bit bloated. This can be used to your advantage. Walkthrough -Take the Gian Speeder out of the hangar for this mission. You need to mow down all the STAPs that cause problems. You can forget about the ones near the pillars and the big stone that looks like a head. Hey, didn't we see that guy in Search for Captain Kael? Oh, well, just take the STAPs out as quickly as you can. Get the ones at the house in front of you ASAP, and then go over to the next settlement. Wait until the call for help, and then three STAPs will come toward you. Destroy them quickly. After the cutscene, you will see an AAT running away from you. You can let him go if you want, but, if you want the kill, charge up your laser, follow it into the canyon, and then, when you have a clear shot, destroy it. Even if the pillar is starting to fall, you can still take it out because it takes the pillar a few seconds to actually fall. Go back out the way you came and turn left. You will confront two turrets. Destroy them. Palmer will call for help. Get on the bridge, and take out the two bombers that fly overhead. Charge up your laser and get behind the AAT that is still moving into position and take it out. Destroy the other one and get into the hangar. Skip over the Naboo Bomber. While it makes the level a lot cooler, the Naboo Starfighter makes it much easier to get the gold. Go into the canyon, take out all the mines and turrets before the first station, and then concentrate on the convoy. You can take out a few of the other turrets and mines that will cause you problems. Forget the AATs. Focus on the MMTs. Launch a few clusters at each while firing your blasters at the same time to destroy them. When all four are gone, the level ends, and the convoy shouldn't have even gotten to the canyon with the pillars. Tips -Destroy the STAPs as quickly and accurately as possible. While the MMTs will provide good accuracy increasers later, it's still better to be accurate. If you want, you may enjoy using a Flash Speeder on this level for it's better auto-aim, but I recommend against it. -The strategy above is risky, but very time efficient. It will get you through the level in about four minutes. But you have 7:30. If you wish, you can go ahead and take out all mines and turrets up ahead and then come back and finish off the convoy. Either way will get the job done, but you may survive longer using the second method. If you use the first, you will need to learn good evasive skills, and how to push your fighter until the end of the level. See "Miscellaneous Tactics" in section 2. XIV. Panaka's Diversion Gold Requirements: Time 5:00 Enemies 68 Accuracy 50% Saves 4 Bonus No Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Gian Speeder Intro -Ugh, I hate this gold. This is one of the truly difficult ones in the game. You have to be quick, accurate, and stay alive. Three things make that difficult: (1) AATs (2) Battle Droids (3) Your own allies. Yes that's right, I don't know where Palmer and Hollis and all them learned to drive, but they will hit you like nobody's business. Watch out for them when going for this gold. Walkthrough -At the start, fire at the four droid in front of you, and run over any that you missed. Go to the left of the fork, and take out the two droids there. You will pass some droids near bushes. Destroy them while charging up your laser. Around the bend, far down the street will be an AAT. You need to take this guy out as quickly as you can. When it's gone, go to where the walls end, look right and nail the AAT there. Take out the two battle droids against the wall. Now, across the river will be an AAT. You can opt to destroy it, but you'll need to have your laser started charging right after you destroyed that second AAT. You can also skip over it, and evade its lasers while going along the dock. I prefer to take it out. Take out any battle droids you see. A cutscene will break in showing Group Two is under attack. Geez, can't Palmer stay out of trouble? She did the same thing in the last mission. Oh well, while you're going to Palmer's Predicament (as I like to call it) you will have to destroy some bars. Let Kohl do that for you. You should stay behind him and destroy some battle droids. At the second one, take out the pots next to the bar and go right through. You'll eventually come to two droids next to a downward slope. Take them out, charge up your laser, go down the slope and take out the AAT. Knock out the two droids next to it. Follow Kohl until he reaches the next one. Expose yourself just a little onto the bridge, far enough to where you can see the AATs on either side, but not so far as they can see you. Take them out, then the droid Kohl leaves behind. Ahead, you can either go up a slope or to the right. Go up the slope, and take out the droids. While going through the tunnel, take out any droids Kohl leaves. Stop when you can see an AAT (just before you reach the turn). From here, you can take out one AAT and both Droidekas attacking Palmer. One of the other speeders will take out the other AAT, so when Palmer begins thanking you, peel out from under the tunnel and go left, past the two droidekas there. Now you'll be making your way to the courthouse. Charge up your laser. When you see the second section of trees, there will be two AATs coming. Destroy them. When you get into the courthouse, you will probably be a bit low on health. Take out the enemies in this order: * The first AAT when you come in. * The two battle droids on the lower level. * The second AAT. * The destroyer droids. * The battle droids left on the upper level. When they're all gone and the commandos come in (the big green rectangle), go immediately toward Kelsia Plaza. Take out the two battle droids on the way, and then stop just before you enter the plaza. From here, take out all the battle droids in the plaza, being as inaccurate as you need to be. When they're all gone, Go into the center of the plaza, and take aim at the door. Fire your primary and secondary weapons repeatedly at the door until it explodes. This serves as a great accuracy increaser. Now, simply go to where Panaka is, charge up your laser along the way, and take out a tank. Go into the plaza and destroy the other three, and take out a few battle droids while you're at it. Lucky for you the AATs don't fire at you. You have just gotten one of the hardest golds in the game. Tips -Know where every single AAT is in the level. They are the biggest threats to you. -Practice surviving. Other than Andrevea River and Smuggler Alliance, this is the toughest mission to live all the way through. Especially practice Palmer's Predicament and the Courthouse. -Your buddies' speeders will present themselves as a huge nuisance to you. Try and learn where they will go. -Take out as many droids as you can in the 5:00. This level has the highest hit count and one of the lowest time limits. Get as many as you can, and if possible, keep track of how many you take out. XV. Battle for Naboo Gold Requirements: Time 6:15 Enemies 22 Accuracy 40% Saves 3 Bonus No Lives 2 Recommended Ship: Naboo Starfighter (only choice) Intro -You have to be kidding me. How can they let you lose a life in this level? It's so easy. And the time limit-6:15? LOL, I can get like 4 minutes under that time limit with little effort. Just know what you're doing, and this becomes a snap. There is nothing special about this level. As long as you have the clusters, you will most likely be able to get this gold. Walkthrough -At the start, fly with your wingmen until you hear one of them talk about fighters approaching. Continue forward until you see them, then, just before they start firing at you, launch one cluster at them, then pull up and to the side. Two more small groups will come in after them, each of which can be dealt with with one cluster. After these waves are done with, just go around and clean up the stragglers. Use lasers unless you see more than one together. When they're all gone, the cutscene will kick in talking about the tractor beam. Destroy the tractor beam generators, then go up and follow the top of the right side of the droid control ship to the shield generator. By being on top of it, and not to the side, you won't be harassed by turrets. Take out the satellite dishes on the way if you feel like it, and then, when at the back, fly away from the droid control ship for about 10 seconds. Turn around, destroy the big satellite dish, with lasers, and continue flying straight. Fire at the big gray rectangle, and then, when close enough, launch all of your remaining clusters into it. You should have 6 or 7 remaining, which should be enough to destroy it. If not, just fire lasers at it, or kill yourself and launch more clusters. Either way, as long as you don't die more than once, the gold is yours. Tips -Once you learn how the droid fighters will come in at the beginning, this becomes very easy. There will be one big wave, and then another one of two groups of about 5 each. One cluster will wipe out each of the groups in the second wave, and a cluster into the first wave will knock out almost all of them, leaving you to clean up the rest with your blasters. -You have one life to waste, so if you run out of missiles, feel free to run into something or allow the turrets to rip you to shreds. -If you fly on the top of the droid control ship's arm to the back, no turrets will be able to hit you, not even the ones guarding the shield generator. This makes it easier to get to the generator. XVI. Trade Federation Secrets Gold Requirements: Time 5:45 Enemies 35 Accuracy 31% Saves 4 Bonus No Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Naboo Starfighter (only choice) Intro -This gold can get pretty tough at times, but if you don't completely mess things up, it becomes simple. You will need to prioritize and make things easy for yourself later. Just learn where all the enemies come from and how to deal with them, and this becomes a piece of cake. Walkthrough -At the beginning, immediately go straight ahead. Slow down as you come closer to the Trade Federation forces. Some droid fighters will come from the right, so take them out with a cluster on sight. When they're gone, fly past the STAPs and duke it out with the AATs. Right when you see them, launch three clusters. All the AATs will blow up, and the MMT will be severely weakened. Take it down with lasers. Even though it unloads tons of battle droids, you don't need the kills and they will just either rip you to pieces or take away some saves. Go back to the base. The STAPs will have already reached it. Forget them. Even though your clusters lock onto them, they will rarely hit them, costing you torps and accuracy points. From now until you run out of clusters, just take out fighter after fighter after fighter. Try and take down any with lasers unless you can get more with a cluster. You want to run out before the transport comes. I know, I know, you must be thinking, "Is he out of his mind?" And no, I'm not. You see, there's an island a bit off the shore to the northwest of the base. On this island is a secret hangar where you can take out a Police Cruiser and have a brand new stock of 8 cluster torps. Take it out, get back to the base, and take out a few more fighters. When the transport takes off, do not let it get too far away or else you won't be able to catch up and it will be hammered by droid fighters. Stick close to it when it takes off and just follow it, taking out any droid fighters that come along with your clusters until it leaves the atmosphere. If it survived and you survived, the gold is probably yours. Tips -Take out the AATs and MMT at the very beginning. You don't want them anywhere near the base. -Forget the STAPs. The base can deal with them, and they won't threaten your saves. After the AATs and the MMT, you'll solely be dealing with droid fighters. -Remember to get that Police Cruiser out of the hangar if you need it. I would recommend it. Now you get double the strength and 8 extra clusters for the mission. -At the end, follow the transport closely, and take out any droid fighters that dare try and tailgate you. XVII. Coruscant Encounter Gold Requirements: Time 1:30 Enemies 1 Accuracy 43% Saves 15 Bonus Yes Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Naboo Starfighter (only choice) Intro -Good Lord, this gold is so easy it's not even funny. It takes about 10 seconds to get the bonus, and then you get over a minute to track down that horn-head Darth Maul. Believe me, even your parents could get this gold. Walkthrough -From the start, fire one cluster into the back of Darth Maul's Infiltrator without moving. Dip down below the surface, and make a hard U-turn to the right. You will see a threshold. Go through it. After you pass under the first archway, you will see an alcove in the top right. Go up to it, grab the bonus, and hook a right on the way out. Go through the little tunnel. Follow it and then, if you see the little droid exiting the tunnel, turn right when you emerge. Go back above the surface, and brake until you see Maul's ship. Launch another cluster at him, and if it connects, the mission ends. Tips -Actually, the above is the strategy I used to get the Platinum. If you can do the strategy above in 23 seconds, you get the Plat. -If Maul's ship has already gone past you when you resurface, just follow him around until you get a good shot. XVIII. The Dark Side Gold Requirements: Time 7:25 Enemies 39 Accuracy 24% Saves 11 Bonus No Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Sith Infiltrator (only choice) Intro -So, you've busted your butt saving Naboo and getting 17 golds, all just to become Darth Maul and use his Sith Infiltrator to reek havoc upon the Naboo Bayou and destroy everything you've fought so hard to save. And it's all worth it. This level is so cool. I love shooting down the Naboo Starfighters, and best of all, Jar Jar Binks and family. Walkthrough -At the beginning, take out the Gian Speeders as fast as you can. After the first wave is gone, go towards the swamp and destroy the next wave. Finally, take out the one after that. When you enter the swamp, take out the two Police Cruisers right in front of you. From here on out, you're on your own. Just be sure to take out all the houses and houseboats, and the gungans running around the island nearer to where you enter. Watch out for the Naboo pilots' guns, and take them out as fast as you can, and then the level ends when you have 46 kills. And do it relatively fast. Tips -Again, keeping track of your kills could help. -You have lots of time, but don't dawdle. That time limit will creep in on you quickly if you slack off. -Know where all the houses and docks are located. You will need to check these locations if all the fighters are gone and the level hasn't ended. -If you happen to take down all the fighters, and the level does not end, that means a house, dock, or gungan is still alive. Check out all these locations, and disregard the orange cone in your radar. It will point you to the Trade Federation Gunboats because your mission is to protect them. Congratulations, you have just attained all 18 gold medals in Battle for Naboo! Have fun with that Sith Infiltrator! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5) Platinum Strategies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As if getting 18 gold medals wasn't enough, LucasArts and Factor 5 decided to throw in a little bit more of a challenge. Make that a lot more. These medals require you to have a keen knowledge of the level, and get near perfect stats on each mission. I myself have only gotten 7, just to show you how difficult they are to attain. Below are the requirements, along with a little tip for each level. An asterisk means I have gotten the Plat, and the level probably has a strategy. Escape from Theed Time 1:38 Enemies 49 Accuracy 84% Saves 7 Bonus Yes Lives 3 Tip -Ummmmmmmmmm...Go really fast? Nemoidian Plunder Time 4:01 Enemies 34 Accuracy 64% Saves 65 Bonus No Lives 3 Tip -Be really good at auto-aim and use that time saver. Naboo Bayou * Time 2:43 Enemies 21 Accuracy 59% Saves 7 Bonus No Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Naboo Starfighter Walkthrough -Immediately take out the gunboat to your left, then the one near the strait, then the one to the right. Try and take out the two fighters that come in with one cluster. If you can't, gun down the one you missed with lasers quickly. Go into the next area, fly straight, and then launch a cluster at the group that comes in to rack up four kills. Now, wait around here until Kael decides to move on, follow him, and then use a cluster on the two fighters that come behind him. When he goes a bit further, the other two fighters will come. Use a cluster when you see the first one. Even if you don't get the other one with the cluster, at least you still got this one. Take down the other if you didn't already (use clusters or lasers, whichever you want) and then proceed to the final section. Continue straight until you come upon the secret gunboat. Use a cluster on it, then go over to Dellis. You should be able to get one of the bombers and the group of fighters with a single cluster, and then use another cluster on the other fighter. Now, just take out the final two fighters when they enter the area and you're all set. Smuggler Alliance Time 5:24 Enemies 43 Accuracy 58% Saves 2 Bonus Yes Lives 3 Tip -Become an expert at auto-aim, and take out almost everything you see, as fast as you can. Hutt's Retreat Time 3:38 Enemies 38 Accuracy 56% Saves 15 Bonus No Lives 3 Tip -The kills only count if YOU are the one to get them. That means you have to beat your wingmen to the kills. Disruption of Comm 4 * Time 4:50 Enemies 49 Accuracy 84% Saves 4 Bonus No Lives 3 Walkthrough -It's possible to do this the honest way, but that cheap method will make things infinitely easier. Place tons of potshots into the shield, go towards the satellite, come back, get above the comms satellite and launch all of your clusters into it. That's the end of that chapter. Glacial Grave Time 6:03 Enemies 77 Accuracy 89% Saves 4 Bonus Yes Lives 3 Tip -You have to go insanely quickly and take enemies out quickly and accurately. Use clusters wisely. Andrevea River Time 5:18 Enemies 54 Accuracy 83% Saves 0 Bonus No Lives 3 Tip -Do it quicker, and be very accurate. Sanctuary Time 6:12 Enemies 49 Accuracy 62% Saves 6 Bonus No Lives 3 Tip -Now, this says you don't need to collect the bonus. I'm skeptical, but try it anyway. It seems like it'll help you drop that minute off your time. Search for Captain Kael * Time 4:35 Enemies 26 Accuracy 63% Saves 0 Bonus No Lives 3 Recommended Ship: Gian Speeder Walkthrough -This one is actually not too hard. At the start, mow down the STAP that crosses the way, then veer off to the right of the path and down the droid bomber. Make your way to the bridge with the tanks, taking down any STAPs that you can along the way. Stop yourself just at the beginning of the bridge on the left-hand side. If in the correct position, you'll be stopped by an invisible wall. Take out the two tanks with repeated heavy laser shots, and then turn 90o to the right to get onto the bridge. Once across, charge up your laser and take out the tank when you have a good shot. Now, go into the valley and do your stuff. Take out the tanks, and then when the cutscene is over, the building and the two turrets on either side of it. Go down, destroy the turret next to the shield rejuvenator, and then enter it to get your shields up and fire a nice flurry of shots into the wall until the first transport comes. Once it's destroyed, take out the remaining turrets, and the second should be just about to come into the valley. Intercept it, head over the ridge, and snipe out the third from close to the valley (if you go too far, you will be automatically turned back). When it's down, two bombers will fly overhead. Destroy them, and then turn around. Head back into the valley and across to the other side, going through the shield rejuvenator on the way. Continue until you see the two AATs. Two bombers will come out over the canyon above, so take them down. Follow the two tanks. If you stay behind the tanks, you'll get hammered from behind by three STAPs. You can take these nitwits out when you pass by them if you think you have the time and the need for them, or you can just take out the two tanks. The level ends when you reach Kael and take out the final bomber. Borvo the Hutt Time 3:39 Enemies 42 Accuracy 74% Saves 4 Bonus Yes Lives 3 Tip -Take out the fighters quickly, then go throush a heavily populated route to Portho Hill, and take out as many enemies as you can surrounding the Hutt. Liberation of Camp 4 Time 4:44 Enemies 77 Accuracy 75% Saves 19 Bonus Yes Lives 3 Tip -Yep, you're not gonna get to lose that life this time. Get lots of kills in the beginning, and then go quickly through the camp. The Queen's Gambit Time 4:06 Enemies 55 Accuracy 56% Saves 11 Bonus No Lives 3 Tip -Be very, very efficient. Take out everything you see, as quickly as you can. Use method 1 (see gold strategy). Panaka's Diversion Time 3:41 Enemies 96 Accuracy 67% Saves 5 Bonus No Lives 3 Tip -You're going to have to go ahead of everyone, taking out almost everything that gets in your way, and blow the door at the end away yourself. Battle for Naboo * Time 3:51 Enemies 41 Accuracy 78% Saves 3 Bonus No Lives 3 Walkthrough -I am almost 100% sure that the time limit only deals with the second half of the mission. So use your missiles as instructed to in the Gold strategy on the fighters in the first half, and then take your time placing your shots on the 3 or 4 fighters that survived the barrage. If there's any more, you did something wrong. Immediately take out the tractor beam generators, and then fly on top of the station and take out all 6 of the satellite dishes on the two arms. You should have 7 clusters left, and the generator will blow after 4 or 5, so you have 2 at your disposal. When you've taken out the satellite dishes and about 8 droid fighters, head to the back of the stations, fly for about 6 seconds from the back of it, then turn around. Lacerate the big dish with laser shots, then, when you see it, do the same to the generator. When you're close enough that the missiles will all sink into it, launch until your tubes are empty. The shield generator will blow, and so will the space station. Trade Federation Secrets * Time 5:27 Enemies 68 Accuracy 50% Saves 5 Bonus No Lives 3 Walkthrough -I won't write a real walkthrough for this one, since it is very inconsistent, but I'll give you some pointers. You absolutely have to let the MMT unload it's stock of battle droids, and then mow them down. Afterward, take out droid fighters until you run out of clusters, then go over to the secret hangar and hop into the Police Cruiser. You have to get back before the shuttle takes off, or else it will be destroyed. Use your clusters on any fighters that get within range until the end of the mission. Coruscant Encounter * Time 0:23 Enemies 1 Accuracy 68% Saves 30 Bonus Yes Lives 3 Walkthrough -Use the strategy I gave you for the gold. Know the route like the back of your hand. The only difference here is that if you miss Maul, you're screwed and will have to start over. The Dark Side * Time 7:15 Enemies 40 Accuracy 25% Saves 13 Bonus No Lives 3 Walkthrough -Do the level as normal, but 10 seconds faster. Easiest Plat in the game. For getting all the Platinum medals, you are permitted to play as an AAT anytime you would use a land vehicle, and the Swamp Speeder in place of the gunboat. Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (6) Acknowledgements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Certain things in this guide I was informed of by my fellow Phoenix group members over at the IGN Boards. I would like to thank snooozer for teaching me the auto-aim and time saving trick in Nemoidian Plunder. I would like to thank olivicmic for the weakening of the base trick in Andrevea River and for pointing out the fighter that gets shot down on Naboo Bayou. I would like to thank episode for pointing out to me the secret gunboat in Naboo Bayou. I would like to thank the guys at who worked so hard on the tedious task of finding all the Platinum stats. Finally, I would like to thank Nintendo, LucasArts, and Factor 5 for enabling me play this awesome game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (7) Contacting Me ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, it's been fun writing this guide for all of you to learn from. If you wish to contact me with questions, comments, praise, suggestions, or if you want to use this guide on your site, feel free to e-mail me at I check my e-mail every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed, so you should get a response quickly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (8) Legal Info ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Greg Stecker 2001. All rights reserved. This document is written to help along whoever it may concern and is not to be remade in any way unless by the author or with the author's consent. If one who is not the author desires to remake or use it, they must have my consent. E-mail at if you wish to put this document on any other site, disk, magazine, or other form of public article and I must get credit. So long, and may the Force be with you!