======================================== Star Wars: Episode 1: Battle for Naboo ======================================== Game Faq Strategy by: snk202(@excite.com) ***All rights reserved for snk202. This Faq cannot be reproduced/used in anyway. Plagarism is not allowed. If you feel or want to use this strategy on your website, notify by E-mailing ME FIRST. Copyright 2001: Game Faqs*** Copyright 2001 Lucas Arts ========================= Game and Gamefaq Status ========================= Game: Star Wars: Episode 1: Battle for Naboo System: Nintendo 64 Date Started: January 15, 2001 Date Finished: January 18, 2001 Version: Windows 98/ WordPad By: snk202 E-Mail Address: snk202@excite.com ****READ THE RADAR SECTION BEFORE READING THE WALKTHROUGH**** ========================= Author's Note ========================= Gamers and fans who loved Rogue Squadron will without a doubt praise this game. After playing this, I finally see how it relates in ways of it's prodesscor. The gameplay pretty much is the same, and all the Bronze, Silver, and Gold awards are back. New crafts, environments, and similar yet different voices has been added. The music is perfect, at least for the Star War games. Of course, the big difference is the story. To keep things interesting and exciting, Lucas Arts have produce another intense series for the "ever lasting" Trilogy. Although I am not a "true" or one-hundred percent Star Wars fan, this has to be yet another Nintendo 64 winner. Now, get in your craft and begin another amazing journey in a gallaxy far, far away......... ========================= Table of Contents ========================= The controls....................(1) Radar Tip......................(2) The Medals......................(3) Full Walkthrough................(4) Level One: Escape from Theed.....(5) Level Two: Neimoidian Plunder.....(6) Level Three: Naboo Bayou..........(7) Level Four: Smuggler Alliance.....(8) Level Five: Hutt's Retreat.........(9) Level Six: Disruption of Comm 4.....(10) Level Seven: Glacial Grave............(11) Level Eight: The Andrevea River........(12) Level Nine: Sanctuary..................(13) Level Ten: Search for Captian Kail......(14) Level Eleven: Borvo the Hutt.............(15) Level Twelve: Liberation of Camp 4........(16) Level Thirteen: The Queen's Gambit.........(17) Level Fourteen: Help Panaka create a Div. ..(18) Lvel Fifteen: Battle for Naboo...............(19) ======================== The Controls (1) ======================== -There are four type of controls, type A, B, C, and D. You can choose either ones in the Control Settings Option Menu. Personally, I prefer and highly recommend Type D. Then again, its your own choice. Choose your own taste and opinion and stick with it. If you forget a command, look down below. Type: A Type: B L: Switch View L: Roll R: Tight Turn R: Tight Turn Up D-Pad: First Person Up D-Pad: First Person Left D-Pad: N/A Left D-Pad: N/A Right D-Pad: Close View Right-D-Pad: Close View Down D-Pad: Standard View Down D-Pad: Standard View Z: Brakes Z: Brakes B: Fire Blasters B: Fire Blasters A: Thrust A: Thrust C-Down: Roll C-Down: N/A C-Right: N/A C-Right: N/A C-Left: Fire Secondary C-Left: Fire Secondary C-Up: N/A C-Up: Switch View Type: C Type: D L: N/A L: Switch View R: Tight Turn R: Tight Turn Up D-Pad: First Person Up D-Pad: First Person Left D-Pad: N/A Left D-Pad: N/A Right D-Pad: Close View Right D-Pad: Close View Down D-Pad: Standard View Down D-Pad: Standard View Z: Brakes Z: Fire Blasters B: Fire Blasters B: Thrust A: Thrust A: Brakes C-Down: Roll C-Down: Fire Secondary C-Right: N/A C-Left: N/A C-Up: Switch View C-Right: Roll C-Left: Fire Secondary C-Up: N/A ========================= What that radar is for(2) ========================= -The radar in this Star Wars game is exactly the same as the last game. As stated in the instruction manual, the red dots represent your enemies and the green dots are allies/citizens. -How do I know where to go and how to find a mission? That is what the orange spread indicator is for on your radar. That represents where to go and where the mission and action is taking place. Important- Point the yellow indicator directly North on your radar and follow. Eventually, you will arrive at the next or first place you need to be. ================ The Medals(3) ================ For those of you who played Rogue Squadron, you should be familar with the medal awards. There are three medals you can obtain, bronze, silver, and gold. To get them, you must have good accuracy, some to find bonuses well hidden within the level, save more people, and destroy more enemies. If you recieve a medal, such as bronze, it will display it on the screen after completing a level. It also indicates how well you did, and how to obtain the next medal(in this case, silver). ===================== Full Walkthrough(4) ===================== ----------------------------- Level One: Escape from Theed(5) ----------------------------- MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE: RESCUE YOUR COMMANDER -Begin the game by following the allies down while taking out enemies. -When you approach a large square area, destroy all the ground fighters(make sure to look for them on your radar). -After eliminating all of the enemies, find your commander nearby and follow. MISSION GOAL NUMBER TWO: ESCAPE THEED - It's time to escape, so get ready for a little intense action(just a little). -Follow the commander through the long and well guarded allies. -Upon your first try to escape, the commander will be trapped. Shoot and kill all the ground and tank fighters surrounding him nearby. Once your finished, proceed to follow him again. -When you come across a huge rounded circle area, you once again have to protect your commander. -You have to defeat more ground fighters, however, this time they seem faster and more intellegent. -Once they are eliminated, quickly take out the tank fighter that suddenly appears. Level One is now completed. ------------------------------ Level Two: Neimoidian Plunder(6) ------------------------------ - Your escape is not quite over yet. Of course, you are still being chased by the soilder fighters that constantly repeat that you are under arrest. MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE: PROTECT AND ESCORT THE CAPTAIN TO THE SWAMP -Keep an eye out for that seem to burst out of nowhere in groups. You must lead the commander to safety and elimanate the ground enemies that aim directly at the Captain. Make sure to keep track of the commander on your radar(the green dot). Listen to what he says and if he is under attack. -Follow the yellow indicator until you reach Mission Goal Number Two. -This mission is throughout the whole level and will not be accomplished until the end when you reach the swamp. MISSION GOAL NUMBER TWO: PROTECT THE MAIN FARM HOUSE -Once the cinema breaks out, immediatly head to where the action is taking place(follow your indicator). -Eliminate the enemies who are shooting the farm house. After you destroy them, about eight fighters appear and surround the area. Take them all out and listen to your commander. -Back to Mission Goal Number One, first find the commander from your radar. Follow him to the bridge(on the way eliminate the ground and air fighters). -Beware of the tank fighter when you approach the bridge. Do not let it attack your captain. -Proceed across the bridge and defeat more tank fighters. -When you get across the bridge, directly ahead is a opened garage building. If you enter, you'll find out that it is a Craft Storage Shutter. You can select a new craft, the Police Cruiser, fast and it can fly.(Highly Recommended). - With your new craft in gear, you can finally bring back some Rogue Squadron memories. -Destroy the enemy fighters and simply fly over to the swamp(East of the Select Craft Building). -------------------------- Level Three: Naboo Bayou(7) -------------------------- MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE: PROTECT ROHAN'S HOUSEBOATS -Head to the swamp where the houseboats are under attack. You must destroy all the boat fighters behind the houseboats. Keep in mind that you don't have that much time and watch your radar for the red dots. -After that, a group of air fighters will come storming in. Get close enough for good aiming and it will take three to four hits to take each one down. Again, be as quick and fast that you can. MISSION GOAL NUMBER TWO: RESCUE OFFICER VEDO -Immediatley after, officer Vedo is under attack by air fighters in a little hut on a tall island. Follow the commander and yellow indicator to reach the area. -Once again, your assigned another protect mission. This is a little tougher, however, since the air fighters have strong armor. As earlier, get close behind the enemies and take them down with three to four shots. After all the air fighters are destroyed, Level Three is completed. ------------------------------- Level Four: Smuggler Alliance(8) ------------------------------- MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE: LOCATE SMUGGLER IN THE MOUNTAINS -Actually, before accomplishing this Mission, proceed to Mission Goal Number Two. MISSION GOAL NUMBER TWO: SAVE HOMESTEAD FROM ATTACK -On your way to locate the smuggler, you'll come across soilder fighters that are attacking citezens' homes. Take out all the soilders around the area(they circle around the houses alot). MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE(continued) -Follow your yellow indicator until you reach an area with deep cliffs. A cinema will take place, leaving you to help and locate the smuggler. MISSION GOAL NUMBER THREE: PROTECT THE SMUGGLER FROM ATTACK -Stick to the edge of the cliff next to the smuggler and and follow. Take out the tanks that eventually attack(it's best to work ahead). Use your brakes to slow down and keep firing at the tank fighters on the edge of the cliff. -*Do not fall or hover over the cliff. You will fall and die. Make sure when turning not to get to close to the edge. -You should concentrate on the mission and the tank fighters. Do not worry about the ground fighters. -When you finally arrive at the bridge, eliminate the tank. Watch the cinema. ---------------------------- Level Five: Hutt's Retreat(9) ---------------------------- MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE: PROTECT AND ESCORT SMUGGLER TO HIS BASE -The first main thing you will come across is the mines. Hit your brakes and shoot at each one. Don't worry, though, you're no the only one helping out. -After, take out the ground shooters and hover over the mountain on the right(follow your indicator). -This is a little tough. You must destroy all the ground shooters that have very strong laser beams. They do a heck of alot of damage, so be cuatious. -The next problem is the tank fighters. Take all three of them down(try to attack from behind). Proceed to the base. MISSION GOAL NUMBER TWO: PREVENT DESTRUCTION OF SMUGGLERS -You must be quick and destroy the tank fighters who are attacking the base. As far as I know, if they destroy three or more buildings the mission will fail. MISSION GOAL NUMBER THREE: FREE THE CAPTURED HABOO PILOTS -Once you arrive at the second portion of the base(by indicator), you need to again eliminate all the enmy tanks that attack the buildings. Watch out for the ground shooters in the North and South corners. Once all enemies are defeated, Level Five is finished. --------------------------------- Level Six: Disruption of Comm 4(10) --------------------------------- *I'm giving you a fair warning that this level is not easy(atleast the first time around). MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE: DISABLE ALL SHIELD GENERATORS -First, approach the satellite to find out that the sheild barrier is to strong to break. Proceed past the satellite(follow your men and indicator). -When you arrive, you'll realize that your enemies are going to put up one good fight. No matter what, keep moving. If your too slow, the enemies will take down. -Destroy all the mines and air fighters, then attack the dark green shield satellite. -Follow your indicator to the next area. Same as before, destroy the shield satellite. It's hard to find, but this time it's lower and below you. -The last shileld satellite. Same as the last two battles, destroy the last one. I highly recommend that you go straight for the satelliet, becuase with fighting your going to endure the same damage(even more). MISSION GOAL NUMBER TWO: KNOCK OUT THE COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE -Head back to the main satellite at the beginning of the level. -Now here comes the difficult part. The main satellite is well guarded by missile launchers and air fighters. Go right for the satellite, the enemies take large amounts of damage. -The satellite can sure take a beating indeed. Use all your torpedoes and go back and forth with a quick attack. Be very careful and watch for the missiles, they will lock on and fire. ---------------------------- Level Seven: Glacial Grave(11) ---------------------------- MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE: DESTROY ALL TRADE FEDERATION BASES -Immediatley when you begin, you come across the first base. It does not take long until your team proceeds up to the second base. Follow. -This base is well defended, so the first thing to do is to destroy the missile launchers. -Your team seems to rush, so once your indicator changes, move on. When you encounter the round like building defeat all enemies within the area. MISSION GOAL NUMBER TWO: STEAL TRADE FEDERATION GUNBOAT -One of the bases has a shield barrier that banns you from getting in. Defeat all the missiles, gunboats, and air fighters(your team helps too). This will drain the barrier, leaving you to fly inside and take control of a gunboat. -Once you have control of the gunboat, follow the indicator. Simply destroy the Dam that blocks your way(shoot the center part). Go through and take out the mines. Mission accomplished. --------------------------------- Level Eight: The Andrevea River(12) --------------------------------- MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE: FREE ALL PRISONERS IN DETENTION CAMP -Once you start off, youll encounter proximity mines. The gunboat can come to a complete stop, so use your brakes and shoot the mines that block your way. Move slow and be careful. -Watch out for the hard to see gunshooters, which are found behind the mountains when you go by. Either quickly take them out or avoid them. -After the cinema, you have to watch your back(and your radar) for the air fighters. -When you reach the camp, you'll have to destroy the power source. It is located left of the camp. It is more of a lighter white color square building. After, follow your indicator. -When you arrive at the second camp on the west side of the mountains, you'll see another light white colored building. Once again, shoot it and destroy it. -Now is the time when you need to be careful. Keep an eye out for the magnut proximity mines. Get hit by one, you'll probably die from one. They cost alot of damage. -Navigate through the river and follow your indicator. -If you keep distance, and you have good aiming, then you can destroy the laser shooters and missile launchers from far away. -When you get to the main area base, what you must do is destroy the laser shooters and missiles. Doing this will let your team will allow your team to throw down the attack. ------------------------ Level Nine: Sanctuary(13) ------------------------ *Mission #1 is accomplished when you complete the level. MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE: PROTECT AND ESCORT CONVOY TO THE RUINS -Immediatley your faced with a problem. Head over to the land on the right first. Take down the tank fighters and proceed and enter the Craft Select building to get control of the Naboo Fighter. -Enter the mountain valley and fly through until you see your teamates on the ground(in Flash Speeders). Now you must protect them from the air and tank fighters. Once you take care of them, your ready to head for the ruins. -Look to find a narrow valley with boulders up against the side of a mountain. Head there which brings you to the ruins, where you must escort your men there. Do NOT let the air fighters get to them first. ----------------------------------- Level 10: Search for Captain Kail(14) ----------------------------------- *Like level nine, Mission #1 is accomplished when you have completed the level. MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE: LOCATE COMMANDER'S DOWNED FIGHTER -Lead yourself by the indicator to the bridge. When you arrive, shoot down the tank fighters. Proceed to Mission Goal Number Two from this point. MISSION GOAL NUMBER TWO: STOP THE FEDERATION ATTACK ON MINING OPERATION -When you approach a weird "temple" like building sorrounded by tall crystal structures, head left of it to find tank fighters attacking the mine. Eliminate all of them and MAKE SURE to use your secondary weapon for a quicker kill. MISSION GOAL NUMBER THREE: DESTROY HUTT'S MINING OPERATION -After the cinema, you need to destroy the shipment transport vehicles(they look like trucks) that collect the mine crystals. The indicator locates and displays them on your radar. Once the transporters are defeated, destroy all the laser shooters that keep fire at you(around the temple). -Make your way to the large field. You'll be faced with another battle. Destroy all the air fighters in the air and few fighters on the ground. Mission complete, you found the commander. -------------------------- Level 11: Borvo The Hutt(15) -------------------------- MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE: LOCATE AND FREE PRISONERS -Your first goal is to defeat all of Bolvo's air fighters around the area. They are tough, and very difficult to take down. -Make sure to attack from behind, and also be aware to watch your back. KEEP MOVING. -Once all of the air fighters are defeated, follow the indicator. Destroy all the mines and proceed through. -Now you must follow the air fighter who seems to want to help you. Follow him and make sure he does not go down from the laser shooters. -Arrive at the base where Borvo is waiting. MISSION GOAL NUMBER TWO: DEFEAT BORVO THE HUTT AND FREE HIS PRISONERS -Unless you're going for a medal, go right directly after Borvo. If you have more than one life left, you can defeat him easily. -Once you have good aim, fire as fast as you can. Use all of your secondary weapons straight at him. Do not miss. -Fortunatly, when you lose a life you come back stocked up with ten secondary weapon ammunition. Repeat the process as mentioned above and he should go down(atleast part of his ship). -------------------------------- Level 12: Liberation of Camp 4(16) -------------------------------- MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE: FIND AND FREE THE PRISONERS FROM CAMP 4 -Follow your team to the enemy area. After taking all of the eniemies down, follow your team to the farm field(the indicator is not displayed yet, so keep an eye on the green dots for your allies). -Help your team destroy the air fighters that are attacking the farm. When this battle is over, find a mountain alley where a river streches through. Follow it North and your indicator will finally be displayed on radar. -As usually, take down the air fighters scattered around. Be aware of the laser shooters. -After the cinema, you'll be in control of the Speeder. Head straight to the entry way of the camp. Do not attack any enemy yet. -Stay behind one of the transporters that look like trucks. Wait for them to enter the camp. Stay behind them and enter quickly. The barracade will close soon. -When you're spotted, defeat the enemy speeders and proceed up the dirt hill(left of the entrance inside the base). -Beware of the laser shooter and take it out fast. When you see a building with a dark red door blocking the way in, shoot it until it explodes. This will free part of the slaves. MISSION GOAL NUMBER TWO: PROTECT THE PRISONERS AS THEY ESCAPE -Let the the prisoners stay behind you while you take out the laser shooters. You can work ahead if you like. -Now heres the tricky part. To break the barracades power, you need to first find two soilders standing in front of a stack of blocks. They are behind the fence of the left camp on the right side(Northwest). Shoot the soilders and then the blocks. This will cuase them to explode and break a portion of the fence. Enter the Western camp and destroy the shield generator on front of the fence inside. -If you're going for a gold a silver medal, free the slaves in the Western and Eastern camps. -Follow your indicator. When you arrive, the enemies show that you're not going to escape that easily. First things first, take out the tank fighters. Then shoot the laser shooters. Now, wait for one of your teamates to blow up the fence guarding the way up to the shield generator. Once the fence is destroyed, enter and go up the dirt hill. From a good distance, destroy the laser shooter then speed up to the top. Eliminate the sheild generator and proceed back down and through the exit(keep an eye on the indicator). ------------------------------ Level 13: The Queen's Gambit(17) ------------------------------ MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE: FIND AND RESCUE PANAKA -Simple mission. Head straight ahead in the battle at the little town. Meet Panaka there. -Following the indicator, when you arrive at the point, destroy all the speeder fighters within the area. Once all enemies are defeated, this mission is completed. MISSION GOAL NUMBER TWO: FIND THE NABOO AIRBASE AND TAKE A BOMBER -After the cinema, take out the tank and follow. Eventually a pillar will collapse and block your way, so go around on the right. -Take out the laser shooters and proceed to the airbase ahead. Defeat both tank fighters there and you'll will recieve the Naboo Bomber. -Navigate with your indicator to the next area. Watch out for proximity mines on the way. -This is one of the toughest missions in the game. It may seem impossible at first(as I thought), but if you keep trying, you can do it. Instead of attacking the marched forces, work ahead and destroy all the gun shooters and depose the magnut mines to the bridge itself. From there, head back to where the marched forces are and begin attacking. Use your secondary weapon bombs for more damage. If you have three lives, and if you lose one, you get a refill of bombs(the maximum is six). -*Key technique- When the march forces are moving next to the large grey building, by the building until it explodes( a portion of it). This, as far as I know, does extra damage. --------------------------------------------------------- Level 14: Help Panaka Create a diversion at the Hanger(18) --------------------------------------------------------- MISSION GOAL #1: HELP PANAKA CREATE A DIVERSION AT THE HANGAR -This mission is completed at the end of the level. Proceed to mission two and three. MISSION GOAL NUMBER TWO: -This level is pretty straight forward as long as you keep an eye on the indicator. Follow your team through the allies while eliminating tanks and soilders. When you come across the water area, go left into the alley to activate a cinema. -Following your indicator, destroy the tanks, ground, and soilder fighters in the area. Follow your team. MISSION GOAL NUMBER THREE: RENDEVOUS WITH AND PROTECT THE COMMANDERS -When you arrive at the court house, eliminate the enemies and tanks. Wait until the commanders arrive and destroy all fighters that attack. Make sure they don't the commandos. MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE(continued) -Once Mission two and three are completed, follow the commandos(and your indicator) to an open wall which leads to the end of the level. There are several tanks and soilders awaiting your arrival, so get ready for a heated battle. First, take care of the four tanks lined up together next to eachother. Then, continue to attack the soilders and ground fighters. Once this is accomplished, the mission(and level) are completed. ----------------------------- Level 15: Battle for Naboo(19) ----------------------------- MISSION GOAL NUMBER ONE: DECIMATE THE DROID FIGHTER FLEET -Self explanatory mission, yet difficult. Once you begin the level, almost immediatley your attacked by numerous amounts of air fighters. You MUST move quick and take them all down. Again, do not feel bad, becuase your team helps you out. Focus on atleast one or two at a time, and once they are all defeated, a cinema will take place. MISSION GOAL NUMBER TWO: DESTROY THE CONTROL SHIP'S TRACTOR BEAM GENERATORS -Watch the cinema to realize what you need to do. There are a total of four(one already destroyed) tractor beam generators. There are one above and below eachother. It does not take too much effort to take them out, so use your regular beams to destroy them. MISSION GOAL NUMBER THREE: TARGET THE SHIPS DEFENSIVE SHEILD GENERATOR -First take out the machine laser shooters which eventually get just to damn annoying. After that, go for the shield generator itself and blast it away with missiles and give your best effort(not too much effort). Eventually it will break, and you can finally go for the maun goal of the last mission. MISSION GOAL NUMBER FOUR: DESTROY THE CONTROL SHIP -This is it, so get ready and this time give your greatest effort that you can. Your secondary weapon is a big help, especial if your about to crash. Keep trying and shooting. DO NOT CRASH into the ship, especially if you have one life remaining. If you take it down, then congradualations. Now I don't want to spoil anything, so sit back and relax............... ------------------------------ One Last Thing ------------------------------ Thank you to Game Faqs, and to all of you people who I hope find this strategy useful. Even if your not a Star Wars fan, you can still enjoy this game(it will kinda remind you of Star Fox 64). Now if you have a PS2, or your planning to buy one, you can wait for the next STARFIGHTER game. Be sure to check that out. -snk202-