This document Copyright © 2000-2001 Nemesis™. All rights reserved. _______.___________. ___ .______ / | | / \ | _ \ | (----`---| |----` / ^ \ | |_) | \ \ | | / /_\ \ | / .----) | | | / _____ \ | |\ \----. |_______/ |__| /__/ \__\ | _| `._____| ____ __ ____ ___ .______ _______. \ \ / \ / / / \ | _ \ / |™ \ \/ \/ / / ^ \ | |_) | | (----` \ / / /_\ \ | / \ \ \ /\ / / _____ \ | |\ \----.----) | \__/ \__/ /__/ \__\ | _| `._____|_______/ E P I S O D E I: ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ | _ ) __ _| |_| |_| |___ / _|___ _ _ | \| |__ _| |__ ___ ___ ™ | _ \/ _` | _| _| / -_) | _/ _ \ '_| | .` / _` | '_ \/ _ \/ _ \ |___/\__,_|\__|\__|_\___| |_| \___/_| |_|\_\__,_|_.__/\___/\___/ Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo™ {FAQ/Walkthrough} Platform: Nintendo 64™ Version: Final Brett "Nemesis" Franklin E-Mail: My website: +=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=-+ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S +=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=-+ 01. Introduction 06. Craft Information 02. Legal Stuff 07. Trade Federation Forces 03. Updates / Revision History 08. Secrets 04. Controls & Game Basics 09. Frequently Asked Questions 05. Walkthrough 10. Tips & Strategies ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01. Introduction ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo™ is a sleeper hit. I mean, until last week, I haven't heard A THING about this game. But when I got it for Christmas, I expected a semi-good shooter with a Star Wars™ tag slapped on it. Well, I was wrong. Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo™ is a sweet ass shooter with many different elements placed together in a beautiful game with solid gameplay. If you've played Star Wars: Rogue Squadron™, then you know what to expect. Battle for Naboo™ is like Rogue Squadron™, only better. The graphics have been boosted (with an Expansion Pak, this game looks like a Dreamcast game, I swear), and LucasArts™ and Factor 5™ has done a fantastic job with the game overall. The game DOES get hard as you progress, and it may cause frustration among gamers, but if you can be patient with the later levels, you will be rewarded handsomely. By the way, if you get all Golds in the game, you will be pleasantly suprised... +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | N O T I C E: | | If you have any questions abou Star Wars EI: BfN™, check the | | Walkthrough first (use Crtl + F to help you...), and then please | | check the FAQ Section, because maybe your question can be answered | | there. If then you STILL cannot find the answer to your question, | | then e-mail me. But a word of warning: If your question CAN be found| | somewhere in this document, then I will NOT respond to you. Please | | try to help yourself before you come to me. I get over 30 e-mails a | | day, and I do not have time to respond to e-mails asking me | | questions that can be found in this FAQ. Thank you. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 02. Legal Stuff ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• This FAQ can only appear on the following sites (w/out having to ask me): • GameFAQS • Cheat Code Central • GameSages • • • FAQ Domain • Happy Puppy • ZDNet/ _____________________________NOT WWW.MEGAGAMES.COM_____________________________ If anyone finds it on any other site or, please inform me ASAP. E-Mail Address: Copyright: © Copyright 2000-2001 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical, electronical, or otherwise) aside from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in it's original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling it) or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction. It cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited. Furthermore, this FAQ cannot be used by the publishers, editors, employees or associates, etc. of any company, group, business, or association, etc., nor can it be used by game sites and the like. It cannot be used in magazines, guides, books, etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media (including mediums not specifically mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference or inclusion), without the express written permission of the author, myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Brett Franklin. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. This FAQ was written for GameFAQs ( only. I don't want it to be put up on any other web site and am not above explaining this to your ad banner guys or whoever else I can get ahold of if you decide to violate this disclaimer. To continue, this FAQ and everything included herein is protected by the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976, not to mention International Copyright Law. Remember that plagiarism is a crime, and that this is a copyrighted work--stealing from this guide is putting yourself at risk, plain and simple, because the law is on my side. If you would like to contribute to this FAQ (you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as well as any questions, comments, or corrections, to the address above. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 03. Updates / Revision History ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: Final (07/02/01) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Updated the format a bit, fixed some errors, and changed the site at the top of the FAQ, and removed my review of the game from the guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.02 (01/14/01) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • I fixed a few things and errors in this FAQ, thanks to tons of reader e-mail I've got in the past few weeks. ^_^ • Added the "Frequently Asked Questions" section (09). • Added the "Tips & Strategies" section (10). • Changed my website at the top of the FAQ from "" to "", since the FAQDomain one has been terminated for reasons unknown, so I created the new site, "The Resource". Enjoy. -80KB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.01 (01/13/01) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Updated the Gold Requirements for "Liberation of Camp 4" and "Panaka's Diversion", thanks to snoozer from the Star Wars Episode 1: Battle for Naboo message board on Also updated the Gold Requirements for several missions, mostly the secret ones, and the last few missions in the game, thanks to CyricZ. -73KB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.00 (01/10/01) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Added the last 3 secret Missions (Trade Federation Secrets, Coruscant Encounter, and The Dark Side). The walkthrough is now fully complete. • Updated the Craft Information section (added the Sith Infiltrator). • Updated the Secrets Section with a new cheat, and updated the Easter Eggs as well. • Updated the Trade Federation Forces section, too. -73KB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 00.91 (01/05/01) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Quickie update: Added the last 2 secret missions in the Secrets Section (how to get them). • For my next revision, expect the 3 secret mission walkthroughs that will make the walkthrough fully complete... -62KB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 00.90 (01/02/01) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Added 3 more missions to the walkthrough (The Queen's Gambit, Panaka's Diversion, and Battle for Naboo), and therefore completing the standard mission walkthrough for Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo™. • Updated the Crafts Information section with the addition of the Naboo Bomber. • Updated the Secrets Section with some Easter Eggs that I noticed throughout the game... -61KB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 00.59 (01/01/01) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • A HUGE thanks goes out to "Clarke Davis" , for providing me with the Gold Medal Requirements that I was missing, giving me the locations of the Level Bonuses, correcting me on many occasions, as well as other stuff too. Thanks a lot. • I fixed some errors in the FAQ, I added the Bonus Locations for the missions that contain Bonuses, and added many more Gold Medal Requirements that I needed. • Updated the Secrets section, and renamed it "Secrets", instead of "Passcodes" as it was previously known. • Added a Passcode to the Secrets section that gives you Infinite Lives, but there is a certain "catch" to the code, it seems. Read the "Infinite Lives" Passcode part towards the end of the Secrets Section for more details on this "catch". -50KB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 00.55 (01/01/01) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • First update of the OFFICAL MILLENIUM! *Dances* • Added one more mission to the walkthrough (Liberation of Camp 4), and added the layout for the next mission, The Queen's Gambit. I also added "How to get a Gold Medal" for mission 1, Escape from Theed. • Updated the Crafts Information section -45KB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 00.50 (12/31/00) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Added 3 more Missions to the walkthrough (Sanctuary, Search for Captain Kael, and Borvo the Hutt) • Updated the Trade Federation Forces section -40KB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 00.39 (12/30/00) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Updated the walkthrough: Added The Andrever River mission, and the layout for the Sanctuary mission -32KB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 00.35 (12/29/00) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Added the Gold Requirements for Neimoidian Plunder, brought to you by "gjdsj" from the Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo Message Board on Thanks! • Added the Passcodes section (08), with codes from (notice the given credit). ^_^ -29KB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 00.30 (12/28/00) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • First released version. -26KB ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 04. Controls & Game Basics ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Controls: Brakes - Slow down your vehicle with the touch of a button. Very useful. Tight Turn - Allows your vehicle to make very sharp turns when needed in flight. Secondary Fire - When pressed, deploys your craft's secondary weapon, which is usually a consumable weapon which is also stronger than your Primary Weapon. Fire Blasters - Duh. It lets you let loose on some lasers and blasters which are unlimited in use. Roll - Allows your craft to do a barrel roll, which is very handy during dog- fights, because it allows you to dodge most fire, and to lower the damage you receive from enemy-fire. - TYPE A - Up: First Person View Down: Standard View Left: Empty Right: Close View Z Trigger: Brakes L Button: Switch View R Button: Tight Turn C-Up: Empty C-Down: Roll C-Left: Fire Secondary C-Right: Empty A Button: Thrust B Button: Fire Blasters - TYPE B - Up: First Person View Down: Standard View Left: Empty Right: Close View Z Trigger: Brakes L Button: Roll R Button: Tight Turn C-Up: Switch View C-Down: Empty C-Left: Fire Secondary C-Right: Empty A Button: Thrust B Button: Fire Blasters - TYPE C - Up: First Person View Down: Standard View Left: Empty Right: Close View Z Trigger: Brakes L Button: Empty R Button: Tight Turn C-Up: Switch View C-Down: Roll C-Left: Fire Secondary C-Right: Empty A Button: Thrust B Button: Fire Blasters - GAME BASICS - Radar - This is the circle-thing at the top right of your screen, and it shows everything that you will need to know and to see to beat each level. It shows the terrain you are on, it shows enemies and allies, as well as the direction you need to go: - Green Dots: Allies - Red Dots: Enemies - Other Dots: Your goal - Orange Cone: Direction you need to fly in to complete your objective. Damage Gauge - This is the little icon of your ship at the top-left part of your screen, and it shows how much damage your ship has taken. The gauge moves from green to dark red, then you blow up. - Green: Fine condition - Yellow: 25%-49% damage - Orange: 50%-74% damage - Red: 75%-95% damage - Flashing Red: 96%-100% damage (100% equals death) Crosshairs - Use this to aim at your enemy/goal target with. It's the little, center circle, so place your target within that circle to get some accurate shots. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 05. Walkthrough ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• =============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ESCAPE FROM THEED :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: The Trade Federation has invaded Theed and you must escape. You are ordered to aid your fellow officiers as necessary abd follow Captain Kael's commands. Engage the the enemy when appropriate but do not endanger the civilians! Mission Goals: - Rescue your commander Ships Available: - Flash Speeder Walkthrough: Start off by blowing up all of the puny battle droids in the city streets, then following your Orange sight-of-range on your radar to find Captain Kael, who is in need of your assistance in one of the city squares. Head through a dark tunnel to find him being attacked by some rolling-droids, so blow them up before they can do any damage to Captain Kael. There are about 4 of them, all with light shields. Destroy them, then follow Captain Kael into the next part of town, where he needs more help. Destroy the droids who are attacking him on the street, then continue to follow him into the next main area of town, where there are 4 rolling droids surrounding you, and one large tank. Blow all of these guys up to end the level. Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 2:15 Enemies Destroyed - 41 Accuracy - 63% Friendly Saves - 07 Bonus Collected - Yes Lives Remaining - 03 How to get a Gold Medal: This is the easiest level in the game to get a Gold Medal on, since it's the first level in the game, and works basically like a training-level of sorts. All you have to do to get a Gold Medal on this level is to fly fast throughout the level, but to make sure you can take out as many battle droids on the streets as you can with the least amount of shots (it only takes 1 shot to take down a Battle Droid). When you reach the rolling Droids, simply fire at them continuously until they have been destroyed. Try to ignore any AATs until you reach the last one in the level, in which case, just use your missiles to blow it up quickly, and to end the level in 2:15 or less. Bonus Location: On the first mission, the second time Kael gets stopped, there is a tank at the end of the street. It is to your right as you enter the T-intersection. If you destroy it and go into the little courtyard behind, you can find the advanced shield bonus item. The advanced shield adds another shield level to all vehicles. =============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEIMOIDIAN PLUNDER :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: The Trade Federation has taken control of the planet, and only the swamps appear safe. Follow Captain Kael through the Naboo Farmlands until you reach the swamps. Protect any civilians and settlements threatened by Trade Federation forces. Mission Goals: - Protect and escort the Captain to the Swamp - Protect the main farm house Ships Available: - Heavy Stap - Police Cruiser (Midway through level) Walkthrough: You'll begin this part in the plains, in a farm area. Your main goal here is to watch the back of Captain Kael until you reach the swamp, but you will have to also do some other stuff, like protect the farmlands of the civilians. Start off by protecting your captain right off, but be sure not to fire at him. Follow him and protect him throughout this level. Eventually you'll reach the point where you will have to protect the farm houses, so do so by cutting off the droids as they come around the perimeter of the farm. After you've finished protecting the farm houses, follow your captain once more to the bridge, where some AAT's await. Use your Missiles to blow them up. After crossing the bridge, you can trade in your Heavy Stap for a Police Cruiser. Trade it in, and continue protecting the Captain, and flying towards the swamp. Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 5:00 Enemies Destroyed - 32 Accuracy - 40% Friendly Saves - 46 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 03 =============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NABOO BAYOU ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: A trader village is hidden deep in the heart of the swamp. Locate the village before it can be destroyed. The traders may provide valuable information and allies to the resistance. Mission Goals: - Protect Rohan's Houseboats - Rescue Officer Vedd Ships available: - Police Cruiser Walkthrough: You start off by protecting the houseboats from the Trade Federation boats, so do so (there are about 3 boats to protect), then you'll have to fend off about 2 Droid Fighters, then another slew of about 4 Fighters. When you go to save Officer Vedd, you'll have to fend off around 6-7 Star Fighters, and Vedd will offer to help you, and you will complete this mission. Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 5:45 Enemies Destroyed - 17 Accuracy - 16% Friendly Saves - 06 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 02 Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 4:15 Enemies Destroyed - 19 Accuracy - 30% Friendly Saves - 07 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 03 =============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SMUGGLER ALLIANCE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: Enter the mountains in search of the mysterious smuggler, who could become a powerful ally in the fight against the trade federation. Clear the area of Trade Federation forces and assist any civilians in need. Mission Goals: - Locate Smuggler in the mountains - Save Homestead from attack Ships Available: - Flash Speeder Walkthrough: You start off by having to rescue a homestead from the battle droids, and if you can destroy them all within reasonable time, another ally will emerge from the homestead, and lead you to a powerup in a shed. After getting this, follow the orange cone on your radar to continue to find the smuggler. When you find him in his cargo vessel under attack, protect him by destroying every tank and AAT that get in it's way. There are several tanks and AATs that come along, as well as plenty of droids, so try to conserve your missiles for the AATs and Tanks, and try not to take too much damage. After you take care of the last AAT on the bridge, your mission will end, and the smuggler will be appreciative of your help. If you got the Bonus, you will have found out that you have discovered Advanced Missile Technology! Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 8:15 Enemies Destroyed - 22 Accuracy - 26% Friendly Saves - 01 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 01 Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 6:30 Enemies Destroyed - 31 Accuracy - 37% Friendly Saves - 02 Bonus Collected - Yes Lives Remaining - 03 Bonus Location: The bonus on Smuggler Alliance is advanced missile technology. At the start of the mission, you defend a homestead. After you defeat the first wave of battle droids, two more will approach the homestead from a ridge and chase a civilian who is driving a blue speeder. If you kill the two droids before the speeder is destroyed, the driver will lead you to a walled-in area and open the gate. This allows you to go in and grab the bonus item. Advanced missiles is an upgrade for the Heavy STAP and Flash Speeder. Note that the Police Cruiser and the N-1 Starfighter use torpedoes, not missiles; so they don't benefit from this bonus. =============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: HUTT'S RETREAT :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: Now that Borvo the Hutt has joined the resistance, you must protect his vessel until he reaches his hidden outpost. Once at the base, Borvo's own pilots will join the fight against the Trade Federation. Mission Goals: - Protect and escort smuggler to his base - Prevent destruction of smuggler's base - Free the captured Naboo Pilots Ships Available: - Flash Speeder - Police Cruiser (During level) Walkthrough: This level is another "protect" level, because you have to protect Borvo the Hutt's ship as he makes his way to his hidden base. Right away, you can trade in your Speeder for a Cruiser, or choose to keep the Speeder. I usually go with the Cruiser, since I enjoy flying than staying on the ground. :) You will be forced to deal with Droid Star Fighters, ground turrets, air mines and ground mines. Blow everything up that lies ahead of the Smuggler's ship, and you should do alright. Once you get near the base, you'll have to fight off some more AATs on the ground. At the end of the level, you'll have to fight off some ATTs and some more turrets, so take out the turrets first, then the AATs. Bronze Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 9:00 Enemies Destroyed - 20 Accuracy - 17% Friendly Saves - 09 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 01 Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - ??? Enemies Destroyed - ??? Accuracy - ??? Friendly Saves - ??? Bonus Collected - ??? Lives Remaining - ??? Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 5:45 Enemies Destroyed - 28 Accuracy - 40% Friendly Saves - 14 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 03 =============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::::: DISRUPTION OF COMM 4 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: Borvo and Captain Kael plan to assault the Trade Federation Base on Naboo. However, before the attack can take place, you must disable the communications web controlling the target base. Pinpoint and destroy the central comm satellite to disable the web. Mission Goals: - Disable all shield generators - Knock out the Communications Satellite Ships Available: - Naboo Starfighter Walkthrough: Your main goal in this mission is to locate the 3 slave satellites to bring down the main shield protecting the central comm satellite, then to destroy the central comm satellite. The 3 slave satellites are scattered throughout space, but are not hard to find, just as long as you fly in the direction your orange cone on the radar shows you, and towards the large enemy-filled areas are. Try not to take too much damage, so take out some Droid Starfighters and mines in the mine-field first, then concentrate on the satellite. This mission is tough, since there are tons of mines that can kill you fast. Once you reach the actual Central Comm Satellite, you must take out the missile turrets that are on it, then focus on the main satellite itself. This isn't very hard, if you saved up some missiles. Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 8:30 Enemies Destroyed - 20 Accuracy - 40% Friendly Saves - 04 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 01 Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 7:15 Enemies Destroyed - 30 Accuracy - 65% Friendly Saves - 04 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 03 =============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: GLACIAL GRAVE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: The Comm Satellite has been destroyed, temporarily disabling at least one Trade Federation base. Attack the sleeping base and destroy all Trade Federation weapons, and capture a gunboat for the Resistance. Mission Goals: - Destroy all Trade Federation Bases - Steal a Trade Federation Gunboat Ships Available: - Naboo Starfighter - Trade Federation Gunboat Walkthrough: For this mission, you are given orders to destroy everything that attacks you, and that belongs to the Trade Federation. This means turrets, mines, Starfighters, whatever gets in your way. Be sure to fly around (by using your radar as a guide), and destroy all turrets that are in this area. Also remember to follow your radar, and to give protection to your fellow pilots when needed. Eventually, you will reach the hanger containing the Gunboat, so enter it and take it. Head towards the the large fence blocking the river, blow up the turrets, then blow up the fence itself to exit this mission. Bronze Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 15:00 Enemies Destroyed - 35 Accuracy - 17% Friendly Saves - 04 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 01 Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - ??? Enemies Destroyed - ??? Accuracy - ??? Friendly Saves - ??? Bonus Collected - ??? Lives Remaining - ??? Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 8:00 Enemies Destroyed - 63 Accuracy - 55% Friendly Saves - 04 Bonus Collected - Yes Lives Remaining - 03 Bonus Location: The bonus on Glacial Grave is advanced bombs. Near the end of the level, there is a domed building guarded by three blaster turrets. If you go upstream from here, you end up at the base where you steal the gunboat. If you go downstream, you find a little base with another domed building. It's a defended cove with four blaster turrets and a missile turret on a tower. Blow-up the domed building here and grab the bonus. Advanced bombs upgrade the projectiles on the gunboat. =============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: THE ANDREVER RIVER :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: The Trade Federation has established labor camps on the banks of the Naboo River. Liberate these camps and defeat the Neimoidian slave drivers. Mission Goals: - Free all prisoners in detention camps Ships Available: - Trade Federation Gunboat Walkthrough: You'll begin this mission on the river all alone in your Trade Federation Gunboat. At first, there are tons of proximity mines that lie ahead of you in the water, so you'll have to blow them up from afar with your blasters before attempting to move on past them. A good idea is to approach the mines so that you can view them and aim your crosshairs over them, then press the brakes button to stop in the water, and take your time aiming and blowing them up. There are also blaster turrets along the banks of the river, so you'll also have to take care of these as well. After you've made your way past about 4 blaster turrets, some Trade Federation Patrol ships will fly by you, so shoot the first one down, and follow your radar. Now continue to shoot down all Trade Federation Ships until you reach the first part of the camp, and you'll have to free the prisoners. To do this, simply destroy the 2 main power supply areas around the camp (they look like small huts. The radar will point them out). After this is finished, some ships will sail off towards the other part of the camp to warn them, so it's your job to destroy them before they can get there. As soon as you get to the camp, you'll have to blow up any blaster turrets and air ships that are in the area to clear room for your air backup forces that are coming soon. If you do this, your mission will be finished. Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 10:00 Enemies Destroyed - 40 Accuracy - 27% Friendly Saves - 00 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 01 Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 7:19 Enemies Destroyed - 49 Accuracy - 50% Friendly Saves - 00 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 03 =============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SANCTUARY :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: The rescued civilians are now in your care. Escort them to the rendezvous point in the norther ruins. Destroy any Trade Federation forces that threaten your mission. Mission Goals: - Protect and Escort Convoy to the Ruins Ships Available: - Trade Federation Gunboat - Police Cruiser (Midway) - Naboo Starfighter (Midway) Walkthrough: At the beginning of the mission, you will learn what you must do: Protect the convoy until you reach the ruins, all with your Trade Federation Gunboat (still...). Also at the beginning, a large bridge leading to the ruins is destroyed, blocking your path, so you'll have to find an alternate way to get to the ruins. It's a good idea to take care of the tanks, turrets, and AATs around the convoy to protect them, then heading to the hanger and trade in your Gunboat for a Naboo Starfighter. Use the Starfighter to then blow up the large tunnel where the AATs are coming from, then fly past the hanger where you got your Starfighter, and fly through the valley until you reach your convoy, then protect them at all costs. There are Droid Starfighters and AATs here as well. Now all you have to do is defend the Convoy from Droid Starfighters until they reach the Ruins, which lie towards the end of the long valley. Bronze Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 10:00 Enemies Destroyed - 18 Accuracy - 18% Friendly Saves - 02 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 01 Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - ??? Enemies Destroyed - ??? Accuracy - ??? Friendly Saves - ??? Bonus Collected - ??? Lives Remaining - ??? Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 7:30 Enemies Destroyed - 30 Accuracy - 45% Friendly Saves - 05 Bonus Collected - Yes Lives Remaining - 03 Bonus Location: The bonus is rapid fire laser technology. As you get close to the ruins at the end of the valley, there is another narrow valley off to one side. Follow it to find a roughly circular, open area with a plateau in the middle. There is a landing strip behind it, and you will find the bonus item in the open near one end of the strip. There is also a funky little gold glowing thing flying around in this area. I don't know what it is. The rapid fire lasers should increase the blaster fire rate on all vehicles. =============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::: SEARCH FOR CAPTAIN KAEL ::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: Captain Kael has disappeared. Locate his downed Starfighter and protect it at all costs. The Trade Federation must not be allowed to capture Captain Kael. Mission Goals: - Locate Commander's downed fighter - Stop Federation attack on Mining Operation - Destroy Hutt's Mining Operation - Destroy Droid Bombers and AAT before they reach crash site Ships Available: - Flash Speeder Walkthrough: Your main goal throughout this mission is to basically find Captain Kael, then protect him from the Trade Federation Forces. When you start out, there will be a slew of Battle Droids, so take out as many as you can, but don't concentrate on them soley. Just kill 'em if you can, then move on until you reach the bridge, where there are 2 tanks. Blow them up, then head left to find an area under attack. There are some tanks attacking a base. Defend the base by destroying the tanks. After you save the operation, you'll then have to destroy it for being illegal, so blow up all of the turrets as well as the mining carriers that fly around the base. Afterwards, you'll get word that they've found Captain Kael's ship. Follow your radar until you find him. Once you find out where he is, you will see that AATs and Droid Bombers are also after Captain Kael, so blow up the 2 AATs, and around 3-4 Droid Bombers before they can reach Kael's ship, then you'll find Kael, and learn that the Hutt has betrayed you, and taken the freed prisoners as slaves, and has killed Captain Kael. It's your job to rescue them, and avenge Kael's death. Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 5:30 Enemies Destroyed - 23 Accuracy - 50% Friendly Saves - 00 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 03 =============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: BORVO THE HUTT :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: Borvo has betrayed you. He has killed Captain Kael, and now plans to sell your people into slavery. Pursue the Hutt and rescue the captive civilians. Protecting the Naboo is your primary objective. Mission Goals: - Locate and free prisoners - Defeat Borvo the Hutt and free his prisoners!! Ships Available: - Naboo Starfighter Walkthrough: At the outstart of the mission, you'll be facing Borvo's Starfighters in a dog-fight. There several blaster turrets around the area, and they are very potent, so it's a good idea to destroy these first, so they don't get in your way. The turrets do more damage than the actual Starfighters, because the Starfighters don't really attack, they just fly away from you, but they have strong shields, so it takes a while to take one of them down. Once everything has been destroyed, there is a narrow valley with some mines in it, so destroy the mines before entering it. You will find a fellow anti-Hutt ship, whom will lead you to Borvo's ship. Follow him. Defend his ship from the turrets that are in the sea, and he'll successfully lead you to Borvo's ship. Once you find him, his Starfighters and turrets will attack, so blow up the turrets first, and then fend off the Starfighters until a good friend shows up to help. Once he and his comrads join the fray, focus your blasters and torpedos on Borvo's ship, until it blows up, and he's on the run. Bronze Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 12:00 Enemies Destroyed - 16 Accuracy - 17% Friendly Saves - 04 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 01 Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - ??? Enemies Destroyed - ??? Accuracy - ??? Friendly Saves - ??? Bonus Collected - ??? Lives Remaining - ??? Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 5:30 Enemies Destroyed - 35 Accuracy - 42% Friendly Saves - 04 Bonus Collected - Yes Lives Remaining - 03 =============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::::: LIBERATION OF CAMP 4 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: The Trade Federation has imprisoned Naboo's most important leaders in the notorious Camp Four. Reach the camp, take out the Trade Federation forces, and free the captives before reienforcements can arrive. Mission Goals: - Find and free the prisoners from Camp 4 - Protect the prisoners as they escape Ships Available: - Naboo Starfighter - Heavy STAP (Midway) - Gian Speeder (Midway) Walkthrough: Your first main goal of this level is to locate Camp 4. This isn't that hard, since all you have to do is follow the orange cone on your radar, but before you can do this, you must take out every blaster turret and Droid Starfighter around you, which are also attacking a homestead. Fly around and blow up the blaster turrets on the mountains first, then take care of the Droid Starfighters. After you've destroyed them all, the orange cone will show up on your screen, so follow it. You'll eventually find a hanger and some more Droid Starfighters, so blow up the turrets on the hangar, then the Droid Starfighters. If done correctly, you will automatically enter the hanger, and take a Heavy STAP from it to cover the ground. Follow the transport carriers that are ahead of you to get through the red gate, then head left, and up the mountain side to find a AAT. Blow it up, and follow the path into the camp. Protect the first prisoner as he tries to escape from the first camp ground, then head up the hill to the left, and take out the large turrets surrounding the camp grounds. You can find a hanger up here where you can trade in your Heavy STAP for a Gian Speeder, and it is recommended. A good idea for this level is to trade in your Heavy STAP for the speeder when your STAP's shields run low, that way, you get a fresh craft with untouched shields. Blow open the sides of the camp gates, then fly inside and blow open the camp holding cells to free the prisoners. Once you've freed them all, follow your radar to see a path up a hill that leads to the shield generators, so blow them up, and protect the prisoners from the blaster turrets and AATs as they make their escape. In the second part of the escape, there will be tons more AATs, but then you get some air support. Follow your radar again to find another shield generator near a blaster turret high up on a cliff, but in order to get there, you must first blow open the side of the camp fences. Blow that one up to get rid of the last set of shields, then drive through the last set of gates to finally end this bitch of a level. Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 8:30 Enemies Destroyed - 60 Accuracy - 29% Friendly Saves - 12 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 01 Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 7:00 Enemies Destroyed - 67 Accuracy - 50% Friendly Saves - 17 Bonus Collected - Yes Lives Remaining - 02 =============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: THE QUEEN'S GAMBIT :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: Captain Panaka and the Queen have returned to Naboo. Rendezvous with Panaka and follow him to the Queen, where you'll learn Amidala's grand plan for freeing Naboo. Mission Goals: - Find and rescue Panaka - Find the Naboo Airbase and take a Bomber - Stop the Federation Convoy Ships Available: - Gian Speeder - Naboo Bomber (Midway) Walkthrough: At the beginning of this mission, you'll get a call from Captain Panaka, who is in need of your help. He's stranded, and he needs you to find and rescue him. To find him, simply follow the orange cone on your radar, all while destroying any Trade Federation Forces that are in your way (mainly droids) that are attacking a small farm, so protect it, then you'll automatically find Panaka. Once your meeting is over, you'll spot a large convoy of AATs and other enemies from the Trade Federation, and its your job to stop them. As you try to follow the first set of AATs, the mountain will collapse, blocking your path, so back up, and head to the right to find a few blaster turrets which are blocking your way, so just blow them up. Once past them, you will find 2 AATs attacking a base near a hangar, so destroy them, then head into the Hangar to get a Naboo Bomber. After taking the Bomber, follow the orange cone on your radar once more to find a lot of Droid Starfighters and air mines. Try to take out as many of them as you can, but focus on the convoy itself, because that's your main goal, stopping the convoy. To do this, follow it until it reaches the small air base, and bomb the base, then fly ahead of the base, and into the valley. Someone will tell you to watch the high peaks in the valley because they are unstable, so slow down and blast them until they fall over. This will slow down the convoy enough so the resistance can get to the bridge up ahead, and plant some explosives on the bridge to stop the convoy. Bomb all of the peaks on the sides of the valley, then turn around, and bomb the large, light-brown tanks. Once the detonation has been placed on the bridge, bomb the purple detonation device on the bridge to blow it up, and to stop the convoy. Bronze Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 10:00 Enemies Destroyed - 20 Accuracy - 22% Friendly Saves - 07 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 01 Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - ??? Enemies Destroyed - ??? Accuracy - ??? Friendly Saves - ??? Bonus Collected - ??? Lives Remaining - ??? Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 7:30 Enemies Destroyed - 34 Accuracy - 48% Friendly Saves - 10 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 03 =============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PANAKA'S DIVERSION :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: The Queen plans to enter Theed in a bold attempt to capture Nute Gunray. You must create a diversion to distract the Trade Federation's forces guarding Theed. Once Panaka and Amidala are within the city limits, travel to the Theed hanger and join the attack. Mission Goals: - Help Panaka create a diversion at the Hangar - Rescue Group 2 from the ambush - Rendezvous with and protect the commandos Ships Available: - Gian Speeder Walkthrough: Right off the bat, you'll find out that you must direct attention away from Panaka, and onto yourself or something else, while Panaka and Queen Amidala attempt to enter Theed. You will also get the go-ahead to destroy any Trade Federation force or enemy that you see. So, right away, destroy any Droids that are in your way. All you'll have to do for the main part of this mission is to follow the orange cone on your radar through the Theed city streets, all while disposing of any rolling droids, droids, or AATs that get in your way. Along the way you will have to save Group 2 from some droids and AATs, so do this, then follow Panaka as he leads you to the hangar. They will blow up the door leading to the hangar, so watch their back as they do this (if you cleared the area beforehand, you shouldn't have to worry about protecting them, since there are no enemies around). Once you get through the door leading to the hangar, go slowly and wait for Panaka's command before heading into enemy territory, where about 3-4 AATs wait, and a lot of droids are too. Wait until they are all present, then attack. Blow up the tanks first, then if you have time, destroy the droids, but all you have to do is get rid of the AATs to allow your allies enter the hangar, and to end the level. Bronze Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 8:00 Enemies Destroyed - 42 Accuracy - 25% Friendly Saves - 02 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 01 Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - ??? Enemies Destroyed - ??? Accuracy - ??? Friendly Saves - ??? Bonus Collected - ??? Lives Remaining - ??? Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 5:00 Enemies Destroyed - 68 Accuracy - 50% Friendly Saves - 04 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 03 =============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: BATTLE FOR NABOO ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: Bravo Flight has been ordered to destroy the mammoth droid Control Ship in orbit around Naboo. You must target the Control Ship's weakest areas. Use your N-1 to disable the control ship's tractor beams and shield generator. Mission Goals: - Decimate the Droid Fighter Fleet - Destroy the Control Ship's tractor beam generators - Target the ship's defensive shield generator - Destroy the Control Ship! Ships Available: - Naboo Starfighter Walkthrough: This is the last "standard" level in the game, and boy, is it tough. There are more objectives/goals in this mission than any other, so be prepared for this mission. As you watch the opening sequence to this mission, you will spot _several_ (and I mean SEVERAL) Droid Starfighters emerge from the Control Ship, so your first goal is to destroy them all before focusing on the ship itself. Once you have destroyed enough of the Droid Starfighters, you will watch a short cut-scene showing one of your fellow pilots destroying a tractor beam generator, then getting sucked into the beam itself. Now it's your job to destroy the other 3 remaining tractor beam generators. They are easy to spot, since they have flashing red lights around them, and they are near the "front" of the Control Ship. There are TONS of sentry guns surrounding the entire Control Ship, so fly fast and destroy as many of them as you can, unless you wish to die fast and young. ^_^ Once you've taken care of the tractor beam generators, your next job will be to destroy the defensive shield generator on the ship. This is the toughest part yet, since you must navigate past Droid Starfighters, and plenty of blaster turrets and sentry guns, and around the back of the large "ball" in the center of the Control Ship, and to the large rectangle defense generator that has small red lights surrounding it, just like the tractor beam generators from before. There are TONS of heavy sentry guns around it, so it's best to blow as many of them as you can before focusing on the generator itself. Once you get enough time to fire at it, blast it as much as you can with your blaster, then turn around, do a 180, and return to the generator and blast it some more. Save your torpedoes for when your ship is close to being destroyed, then fire as many torpedoes as you can before you die. After enough damage from your blasters and torpedoes, the defensive generator will collapse, causing the entire Control Ship to blow up from inside, and therefore destroying any and all Trade Federation offensive and defensive armies. Congratulations, you have just freed Naboo! Now sit back, and watch the ending and credits roll! Bronze Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 9:45 Enemies Destroyed - 13 Accuracy - 14% Friendly Saves - 03 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 01 Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - ??? Enemies Destroyed - ??? Accuracy - ??? Friendly Saves - ??? Bonus Collected - ??? Lives Remaining - ??? Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 6:15 Enemies Destroyed - 22 Accuracy - 40% Friendly Saves - 03 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 02 =============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::: TRADE FEDERATION SECRETS ::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: Naboo Commandos have taken over a Trade Federation Research Facility. A Droid army has been despatched to destroy the base before it's secrets are exposed. Protect the base until the commandos can be airlifted to safety! Mission Goals: - Protect the base from attack - Protect the escaping transport Ships Available: - Naboo Starfighter Walkthrough: This mission is very, VERY straightforward, since all you have to do is protect the base as long as you can from the many battle droids, tanks, AAT, and Trade Federation Starfighters and Bombers until the Republic Cruiser arrives to the scene. The Republic Cruiser is a large, red ship that slowly flies it's way into the area, then into the base itself. Once the transport has been used to escort the commandos inside, it will fly off, and attempt to escape, so it's your job to protect it (only Droid Starfighters will more tanks and AATs, thank God. It's a good idea to stay back from the ship, so you can intercept any incoming Droid Starfighters that might try to fly behind the transport and attack it from there. After the transport enters the ocean area, it will fly off into space, and escape safely, if you protected it. Mission Complete Info: The Commandos uncovered evidence of new advanced battle droid technologies. We must monitor this new development vigilantly... Bronze Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 5:45 Enemies Destroyed - 21 Accuracy - 17% Friendly Saves - 02 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 01 Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - ??? Enemies Destroyed - ??? Accuracy - ??? Friendly Saves - ??? Bonus Collected - ??? Lives Remaining - ??? Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 5:45 Enemies Destroyed - 35 Accuracy - 31% Friendly Saves - 04 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 03 =============================================================================== = ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CORUSCANT ENCOUNTER ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: Darth Maul has attacked a Naboo Delegation upon arrival at Coruscant. Destroy the Sith Infiltrator before Darth Maul causes more damage. Mission Goals: - Destroy Darth Maul's ship - Protect Civilian targets Ships Available: - Naboo Starfighter (Recommended) - Police Cruiser Walkthrough: This is an interesting mission, to say the least. It has you chasing down Darth Maul in his Sith Infiltrator, throughout a Coruscant city of sorts (this level also reminds me of the Death Star in Star Wars the movie, and in Rogue Squadron...). This mission can become incredibly difficult, since Darth Maul's AI is very high, and he's a sly-one he is...he can stop and change directions in seconds, and go anywhere he wants. He'll be flying up and down, side to side, just to avoid your fire, and he does it well. He'll also blast civilians, and fly near them, so you'll hit them with your lasers while trying to hit him. Here's a tip: Right when the mission starts, hit your boosters to get close to him right away, and to get some good pot-shots in before he can get away from you. Maul basically takes you on "laps" around the city of Coruscant, and he goes in the same path everytime. If you can memorize this path, or at least know the city well, you'll be able to keep up with him. If you get really close to him, just launch as many proton torpedos as you can before he gets away. After TONS of damage, Maul's ship will "be destroyed" (yet it looks fine after the mission ends...), and the mission will officially end. Bronze Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 5:45 Enemies Destroyed - 01 Accuracy - 18% Friendly Saves - 05 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 02 Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - ??? Enemies Destroyed - ??? Accuracy - ??? Friendly Saves - ??? Bonus Collected - ??? Lives Remaining - ??? Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 1:30 Enemies Destroyed - 01 Accuracy - 43% Friendly Saves - 15 Bonus Collected - Yes Lives Remaining - 03 =============================================================================== = :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: THE DARK SIDE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = =============================================================================== Mission Briefing: Decimate all Naboo Forces. Take the controls of the Infiltrator and obey your master! Mission Goals: - Protect Trade Federation Forces - Destroy all Naboo Forces Ships Available: - Sith Infiltrator Walkthrough: Wow. Here's a strange turn of events. Instead of protecting the Naboo Forces and fightinging the "good-fight", you take over the role as Darth Maul himself, and join the Dark Side. Your goals are to protect your Trade Federation Forces, as well as destroy all Naboo Forces in your shiny-new Sith Infiltrator. This mission is INCREDIBLY fun to play, and isn't difficult at all. You'll have no idea how stupid your fellow Naboo Starfighters and Police Cruisers are until you begin this mission, because they are like sitting ducks in this mission. Your Infiltrator rocks, since it fires 2 sets of lasers at the same time, therefore increasing your firepower, and allowing you to mow-down anything in your way. To defeat this level, simply destroy all Naboo Starfighters, Police Cruisers, houses on the hills, and the little water-bases or houses in the water. All Naboo Forces are marked with red on your radar, so no need to fear: You won't have the Trade Federation forces as red on your radar anymore, so you'll be able to focus on the right people (Naboo Forces). Oh yeah, and you'll also have to protect your fellow Droid Starfighters and Gunboats, but this isn't hard, just as long as you destroy anything that is eithe blue or yellow in the sky. :P This level gives you a sick, twisted sense of fun when you're chasing down "your own kind", then blasting them from existance with your Infiltrator, all while hearing them scream out in agony and pain, as one of the Dark Side takes them down. Oh, and one more thing: There is a house at the top of one of the hills that contains Jar-Jar Binks. He'll be the little-red dot on your radar, and when you blow up his house, you'll hear his infamous, "Aaaaiiiiee!" scream, then you'll see his bitch-ass running around aimlessly. Take good aim, and blow that bastard to hell. I'm not sure about this, but I believe he's the last thing you must destroy before ending the mission, but I could be wrong (Jar-Jar was the last thing/person I had to destroy before I could end this awesome mission. The joy.) ^_^ Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 10:00 Enemies Destroyed - 20 Accuracy - 10% Friendly Saves - 03 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 02 Silver Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - ??? Enemies Destroyed - ??? Accuracy - ??? Friendly Saves - ??? Bonus Collected - ??? Lives Remaining - ??? Gold Medal Requirements: ----------------------------- Completion Time - 7:25 Enemies Destroyed - 39 Accuracy - 24% Friendly Saves - 11 Bonus Collected - No Lives Remaining - 03 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 06. Craft Information ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Flash Speeder: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Blasters Secondary Weapon: Missiles Fast, agile, and moderately armed, the Flash Speeder is the RSS Primary Ground Patrol vehicle. Well suited in covering Theed city streets, the Speeder is assigned to protecting Theed from all threats. The vechicle's single pursuit, Defense Blaster, is designed to destroy obsticles, and lightly armored targets, such as battle droids. Heavy STAP (Single Trooper Aerial Platform.): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Blasters Secondary Weapon: Missiles The modified version of the standard recon STAP, the Heavy STAP supports laser cannons and powerful missiles. The lightly armored vehicle is typically used to explore dangerous areas, or mop up retreating enemy forces. Less agile than the generic STAP, the Heavy STAP has difficulty traveling over some terrian, including rivers. Police Cruiser: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Blasters Secondary Weapon: Proton Torpedoes The Naboo RSS Cruiser functions as a training vehicle for potential N1 pilots. It's weapons, shields, and other equipment are significantly less-powerful than those of Orbian one. However, the Cruiser is still among the most formiddable vehicles in the Naboo arsenal. Naboo Starfighter: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Blasters Secondary Weapon: Proton Torpedoes The N1 Starfighter represents the pinnacle in Naboo military technology. Armed with twin laser cannons and proton torpedoes, the agile N1 is designed for patrol and escort missions. Deflector shields protect the pilot, while an onboard astroment aids in navigation and repair. Trade Federation Gunboat: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Blasters Secondary Weapon: Projectiles The Trade Federation Gunboat has been designed to explore and conquer the dense swamps of Naboo. The vehicle's powerful engines propel it through the dangerous waterways while the twin laser cannons and rotating turret destroy any opposition. The boat's thick armor protects it against underwater obsticles and enemy fire. Gian Speeder: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Blasters Secondary Weapon: Heavy Laser A well-armored land speeder, the Gian Speeder is used chiefly for crowd control, and other non-combat situations. Although fairly slow, the Gian Speeder is sturdy and reliable. Naboo Bomber: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Blasters Secondary Weapon: Bombs A prototype vehicle, seldom used by the RSF, the Naboo Bomber combines deadly Nobian technology with Naboo's space-frame design. The heavily armed vehicle carries devestating energy bombs for air-to-ground combat, while standard laser cannons allow the pilot to engage airborn threats. A rare sight in the skies above Naboo, the Bomber is nonetheless an important component in the Naboo's fight against the Trade Federation. Sith Infiltrator: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Blasters Secondary Weapon: Missiles A deadly, and frightening vehicle, the Sith Infiltrator imploys advanced cloaking technology to ambush it's prey. The starship's laser cannons can rip apart most enemy vessels, while deflector shields protect the Infiltrator from retaliation. Part of the terrifying Sith-legacy, the Infiltrator is among the most dangerous vehicles in the galaxy. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 07. Trade Federation Forces ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Battle Droids: These are the most generic type of ground-enemy in the game. The Battle Droids come in packs, and can be heard yelling "Roger-Roger" at one another, and at you. It can become annoying, but luckily, you can blow these bastards up with one to two shots from your blasters. Destroyer Droids: The Rolling Droids were first seen in Star Wars: Episode I and are just like Battle Droids, only they roll around to dodge your fire, and have light shields that protect them briefly. You can penetrate their shields, but it takes time (very little time, mind you, but still takes time). AAT's: The AATs are just like the Tanks, only the AATs can move around at will, and fire at you while moving, and seem stronger than the Tanks. They are slow, but are still potent in many ways (armor, blasters, etc.) Blast at them from afar for best results, and use missiles if necessary. Tanks (Non-moving AATs): The Tanks are just like the AATs, only the Tanks are not able to move around freely; they are not-mobile. They can also only aim at one target, and cannot switch targets, so they are easier to defeat, since you can move out of their range of fire, and then attack. Their armor seems a bit weaker than the AAT armor, but their blasters do the same amount of damage. Turrets: The turrets are non-mobile, and they fire normal laser blasts at you from their position. Most turrets can move around in a circle like a gattling gun, but they are slow at doing so, and easy to blow up when given the chance to. Air Mines: Air mines seem like Droid Starfighters, in the sense that they are able to fly around and blast at you, only the Air Mines are much slower, and they blow up upon ANY laser contact. Try to stay far away from the Air Mines when they blow up. Ground Mines: Ground mines do not shoot at you, nor can they move. They are very easy to defeat, since all you have to do is to shoot at them once with your laser or blaster, and they explode. Once more, try not to be too close to them when they do explode. Droid Starfighters: The most common type of air-enemies, the Droid Starfighters look just like the Tie Fighters from previous Star Wars films and videogames. The Starfighters have most of the same characteristics of the Tie Fighters, in that they are fast, agile, are semi-hard to destroy, and have semi-strong blasters which can do some decent amount of damage to you. Droid Starfighters are also smarter than most other enemies, so watch out. Droid Bombers: These Trade Federation ships look almost exactly like Droid Starfighters, only their shields are weaker, their AI is lower (they're stupid), and their main focus is on destroying one target by dropping bombs onto it. These ships are also slower than normal, making them easy targets. Borvo's Starfighters: Borvo the Hutt's main defense, these Starfighters resemble the Y-Wings of Star Wars' past. They are pretty fast, and their AI is pretty high, since they can dodge your fire, and avoid you for a long time. They're main aspect is based on defense, since they don't attack you much unless they have a solid shot at your ship. The shields on the Starfighters are strong, and this combined with a narrow-ship (which means a narrow target), makes this ship one of the tougher enemies to take down mid-air. Darth Maul/Sith Infiltrator: Darth Maul is a bitch in this game, since he can out-manuever you in any way with his wicked Sith Infiltrator. His ship can stop on a dime, and then turn around and blast you if he wants to. His AI (artifical intelligence) is awesome, so don't expect an easy fight with Maul. His twin laser cannons are very powerful, and he can even drop missiles while he's in FRONT of you, and drop mines that will damage your craft if you are following closely behind him. Beware the Dark Side... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 08. Secrets ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Expert mode: Enter "NASTYMDE" as a passcode. Pink ship: Enter "RUAGIRL?" as a passcode. Unlock showroom art: Enter "KOOLSTUF" as a passcode. Note: The music is not unlocked with this code. View development team Enter "LOVEHUTT" as a passcode. Advanced shields Enter "DROIDEKA" as a passcode. Alternately, advanced shields can be found in level 1, behind an arch that is behind an AAT. -From: Something Mysterious: Enter "OVERLOAD" as a passcode, and the chime will sound. I have no idea what this code does so far, but I think there is another part to it that I am unaware of... Infinite Lives: Enter "PATHETIC" as a passcode to get infinite lives, but there's a catch. Unlike Rogue Squadron where you can advance ahead and earn medals using the infinite lives code, with Battle For Naboo you still have to maintain three lives to earn a gold medal. If you die once the computer still records you as having died once even though you have three lives. The code just basically lets you beat a level without getting a gameover if you die. It won't help to earn medals if you die. You can fulfill all the requirements for a level to get a gold medal but if you die once you'll only get a silver medal and not a gold. -From: Hear Developer's Commentary: Enter "TALKTOME" as a passcode, and the chime will sound, and you will now be able to listen to the Commentary by the developers of this great game. Secret Level ("Trade Federation Secrets"): If you beat the game with all bronze you unlock the "Trade Federation Secrets" level where you have to protect a base from an attack. - From: (Scott Alan Lewis) Secret Level ("Couruscant Encounter"): If you beat the game with all Silver Medals on each mission, you will unlock the "Couruscant Encounter" mission. Secret Level ("Dark Side"): If you beat the game with all Gold Medals on each mission, you will open up the Dark Side mission. Easter Eggs: - While the Credits roll after you've beat the game, towards the end of the credits, in the "Very Special Thanks" section, there is a thank you that goes out to "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". Odd... - Another thing that's odd in the credits after you've beat the game, is also in the "Very Special Thanks" section, right after "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" thank you, there is the word "lovehutt", which leads to the Passcode "LOVEHUTT", which gives the player access to the Development Team's Photo when entered in the Passcodes screen. - At the beginning of the game, during the game intro, the always-hated Jar-Jar Binks is crushed by the Nintendo 64™ logo. Ahh...the smell of fresh blood. Gotta love it. :P - I'm not sure about this one, because I'm not sure if this occurs before or after you beat the game, but I noticed it after I beat the game. Anywho, if you let the main menu screen sit for a bit, parts of the in-game missions will play for you, and this will happen every-other time, because the game intro will play too. They show scenes from Escape from Theed, Battle for Naboo, as well as other missions from the actual game. Pretty cool. - In the mission, "Panaka's Diversion", towards the end of the level where you must destroy some AATs to allow your allies to enter the hangar and get some Naboo Starfighters, Captain Panaka is just standing near the end of the allyway leading to the AATs, and he never moves, and won't die if you drive your speeder into him or blast him. It's funny to watch him stand there while you ram your Gian Speeder into the guy. :P - In "The Dark Side" secret mission, you can blow up any houses, farms, or actual people who are in the mission, since it's your job to destroy any and all Naboo Forces in the level. This is really fun to do, in a sick way, because the people can't do a damn thing but scream out for help, like "Help us!", "We're dying here!", and, "Ahhhhh!!!!", or, "Please stop!", "Daddy!!!!", etc. Incredibly fun stuff. - Also in "The Dark Side" secret level, you can find the infamous Jar-Jar Binks. There is a house at the top of one of the hills that contains Jar-Jar Binks. He'll be the little-red dot on your radar, and when you blow up his house, you'll hear his infamous, "Aaaaiiiiee!" scream, then you'll see his bitch-ass running around aimlessly. Take good aim, and blow that bastard to hell. I'm not sure about this, but I believe he's the last thing you must destroy before ending the mission, but I could be wrong (Jar-Jar was the last thing/person I had to destroy before I could end this awesome mission. The joy.) ^_^ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 09. Frequently Asked Questions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1. Q: Are AATs and Tanks the same thing? A: Yes, AATs and Tanks are the same thing (they are both AATs), but the Tanks are not able to move, while AATs can move around, and aim for you or any other target they wish to. 2. Q: What does the "OVERLOAD" code do? A: The "OVERLOAD" passcode opens up every bonus add-on for your ship in the game (Advanced Shields, Advanced Blasters, Advanced Missiles, etc.) It was tough to find out exactly what it did at first, since the game doesn't tell you what it opened up when you enter it. 3. Q: Are there Platinum Medals in the game? A: Yes. Platinum Medals are a step-up from Gold Medals in each mission. 4. Q: Why aren't you going to post the Platinum Medal Requirements in this FAQ? A: Why? Because I can't seem to get Platinum Medals on a lot of the missions, since they are so difficult to get. Maybe I'll add them in the future, or if someone sends them to me, but until then, you'll have to settle for the Gold Medal Requirements. :P 5. Q: What do I get if I earn all Platinum Medals? A: A cookie, a pony, and a cheap calculator. Seriously though, I really have no clue. You could get a new ship, a new mission, or just nothing. I haven't found out yet, and neither has anyone else (that I know of). ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10. Tips & Strategies ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Use the Tight-Turn button A LOT. Just by holding this miricle of a button down while flying your craft will drastically make it more responsive, and will help you avoid incoming enemy fire faster and more efficiently than before. It will also allow you to turn back around and locate your target quicker, and therefore increase your chances on getting that Gold Medal you've been working oh-so-hard at lately. • It's a good idea to save your missiles or proton torpedos until the end of a mission, or for the "larger" enemies, like AATs. This is a good plan, because you don't want to waste your stronger missiles on Battle Droids, then have to face 3 AATs with just your blasters... • Use your blasters for smaller enemies, and large groups of enemies, and use your missiles or proton torpedos on the larger enemies, like AATs, large targets/ships, and even Darth Maul in one of the bonus missions. It's good to conserve your larger ammo for the larger foe. • Using the Barrel Roll button can save your life, or be a complete waste of time. Sometimes when using the Roll button, a player will not get any results because he/she is not doing it right. What you have to do is hold down your analog stick to the left/right _while_ holding the roll button in order for the roll to take effect. Using the Barrel Roll ability correctly will save you hits from enemy fire, and will conserve your health. Use it whenever it is required. • When focusing on a large target, like a ship or a base, it's a good idea to try to do as much damage with your blasters from afar first, then slowly move in towards it, and once you've done enough damage with your blasters, either finish it off with the blasters, or use your missiles/torpedos to destroy it completely. • To find Bonuses, search EVERYWHERE. Sometimes a Bonus can only be unlocked by performing a specific action, like saving some residents or a farm, or sometimes you'll just have to find the Bonus when it's hidden somewhere. In this case, search everywhere, including places that are blocked off by enemies, since they're probably guarding that secret place for a good reason. • Listen to your commander or your fellow pilot's radio transmissions. Sometimes your fellow pilots will be morons, and scream and shout at you, in which case you'll want to hit the "Mute" button as fast as your little (or big) fingers can move. But sometimes your partners will give out extremely good clues as to what your next mission is, where to go, or how to complete one of your objectives in your mission. A good example of this would be the level, "The Queen's Gambit", where you'll enter a valley, and you must stop the Trade Federation Convoy. In this case, one of your fellow pilots tells you to watch the high peaks on the sides of the valley, because they are "unstable". This is a clue on what you should do to stop the convoy below you: Knock over the peaks, since they are unstable, and will fall easily, therefore slowing down the convoy below. • DO NOT constantly hold down the "fire" button while in combat if you are trying to earn a Silver, Bronze, or Gold Medal in a mission. Why? Well because it drastically drops your accuracy % down, silly. Sure, it may be easier to destroy more enemies in a faster time, but it REALLY, REALLY drops your accuracy % in the mission, and will cause you to lose any chance you ever had on getting a Silver, Bronze, Gold, or even a Platinum Medal. Trust me, I know from experience. ^_^ This document Copyright © 2000-2001 Nemesis™. All rights reserved. -EOF-