Star Wars Episode 1: Battle for Naboo (N64) walkthrough. Walkthrough by N64_Gamer. Contact via email at CONTENTS: 1- Prologue 2- Updates 3- Controls 4- Walkthrough 5- Cheats 6- FAQ 7. Info/ Legal Stuff 8. Contributes/References 1. PROLOGUE Star Wars Episode 1: Battle for Naboo is FANTASTIC. Brilliant. Astounding. But it’s also mercilessly difficult, which is why it’s more than likely you’re going to need just a little bit of help. And this is where you get it- in my first game faq/walkthrough ever. Battle for Naboo (BFN) is the sort of game that requires practice. It’s like a sport; you need to play and play BFN until you’ve got that elusive gold medal. A warning before we start, then: this game is NOT for the casual gamer. Everyone ready, then? Here we go! 2. UPDATES 19/5/01- (No, that’s not a mistake. I live in Australia, and that’s how we write it. If you live in America, etc., simply swap the first two parts around). Finished Prologue, Controls section and started the walkthrough. Mission 1 completed. * 20/5/01- Finished walkthroughs for Missions 2 and 3. * 22/5/01- Completed walkthroughs for Missions 4 and 5. * 24/5/01- Completed walkthroughs for Missions 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Whoa! * 27/5/01- Completed the annoying walkthrough for Liberation of Camp IV (mission 12) and mission 13. * 28/5/01- Completed the walkthrough for mission 14. * 29/5/01- Completed the walkthrough for mission 15. * 30/5/01- Completed the walkthrough for bonus mission #1 (mission 16) and #2 (mission 17). * 31/5/01- Completed the walkthrough for bonus mission #3 (mission 18). Finished walkthrough! Also finished the Cheats, FAQ, and Info sections. In other words? Finished everything! * 8/6/01- Or so I thought. I am sending an updated version back to Game FAQs. The difference between the old version and this new one is simply some corrections and also some info that a kind e-mailer sent me. * 1/7/01- And it’s still not over! I’ve just made a HUGE update, which includes all the new cheats sent in by JaydeWizard and Phantasmagoria as well as a new ‘Recommended craft’ segment for each mission (again, thanks to Phantasmagoria)! * 4/7/01- Made the last few spelling and grammar corrections. Have posted my updated walkthrough! * 5/7/01- And no sooner had I done that than JaydeWizard decided my job wasn’t yet over! He has posted me the Platinum Medal requirements for EVERY mission! Say thanks to him! 3. CONTROLS The controlling for BFN is great. Developers Factor 5 went to real trouble making sure that everything felt right, which it does. Anyway, this is what every button does on that lovely N64 control pad: Joystick- Steers your craft and allows you to aim. A button- Activate thrusters. B button- Fire lasers. C-left- Fires your secondary weapon (missiles, bombs) R button- Allows you to turn sharply. ENORMOUSLY helpful. L button- Cycles through camera views. D-pad- Allows you to specifically select your preferred camera view. Z- Brake. It either slows down or completely stops your craft. It depends on which you’re using. 4. WALKTHROUGH Well, here it is. The main attraction! Here’s my walkthrough to Battle for Naboo’s missions! Mission 1- Escape from Theed. Objectives- Rescue your commander. Recommended craft- Gian Speeder, since it has 2 rapid-fire lasers and a chargeable Heavy laser. There's no better choice! First things first: your Captain (Captain Kael) is a blundering idiot. Now that you’re prepared, you can start the mission! Simply drive forward at the start (I favour ploughing through most of the droids instead of shooting them, it’s great fun) and follow the path. You will eventually come to a section where your Captain is being attacked by some Destroyer Droids. Shoot them down, you may even want to use one or two of your Speeder’s secondary weapon missiles on them. Once you’ve mangled all four of them, Captain Kael will begin to move and he’ll tell you to follow him, so do it. Just keep driving along until you come to a section where Captain Kael starts being attacked by 3 more Destroyer Droids. Punish the fools, and once again, Captain Kael will take off. Follow him and after shooting through a few groups of droids, you will come to a circular section with MORE Destroyer Droids. Your Captain will stop again, so start destroying the Droids until you hear Kael say, “Watch out!” Spin around and shoot the AAT (aka tank) and if there’s any more Destroyer Droids left, get rid of them. Once you’ve done it, there’ll be a short cut-scene and…MISSION COMPLETE! ADVANCED SHIELDS: You can get a craft upgrade (or a bonus) in this level. When you reach the part where Captain Kael stops for the second time, go to the right and you’ll see an AAT. Demolish him and you’ll find he was protecting a small little area- which has the Advanced Shields upgrade inside! Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 1:38 Kills: 49 Accuracy: 84% Friendly Saves: 7 Bonuses: 1 Lives remaining: 3 Mission 2- Neimodian Plunder Objectives- Protect and escort the Captain to the swamp. Recommended craft- Believe it or not, the Heavy STAP is the best for this mission because it has superior maneuverability and 8 Missiles (more than the Flash Speeder). Use the N-1 (Naboo Starfighter) after you get to the hangar. You actually have a choice of whether to use the Heavy STAP or the Speeder. As soon as you start the mission, you’ll see a few droids on bikes. Destroy them and any other bad guys on your radar until you hear Captain Kael sat that a droid is on his tail. Help him and shoot the droid that’s following him. Now follow behind Captain Kael, shooting any droids you see as you go. Soon, three droids will appear as you turn a corner. Shoot them all, and then head up the mountains ahead. After the cut-scene, zip a bit to the left if you can’t already see the droids. Blow away all three of them, and then wait for a few seconds. You will notice some droids in the distance, who are slowly coming towards you, shooting at the houses. Circle the block of houses, as the droids come from all sides, and shoot them when they appear. When you’ve shot them all, you’ll hear the Captain say, “Excellent!” After the next cut-scene, follow Captain Kael again down the path. Shoot the droids as you go (but don’t go out of your way to get them if you miss) and for some amusement you can even shoot the two Droid Starfighters that pass overhead. I advise you to go a bit slower from here though, as there’s an AAT who can easily kill you if you’re already damaged and are not careful. You might want to use a missile or two on him, then cross the bridge and kill the next AAT. Finally, go down the small hill at the end and shoot (or avoid) the last AAT. Go into the hangar and get the police cruiser. Fly to the right and you’ll soon see a big patch of ground where it is a strange dark green colour. Fly towards there and the mission is complete! Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 4:01 Kills: 34 Accuracy: 64% Friendly saves: 65 Bonuses: 0 Lives remaining: 3 Mission 3- Naboo Bayou. Objectives- Protect Rowan’s houseboats. Recommended craft- The best vehicle for this mission is easily the N-1 Starfighter because of it's superior speed and power. Easy! From the start of this mission, fly forward and shoot down the three Trade Federation Gunboats (those big grey boats) that are attacking the small houseboats. Once that’s done, your Captain will tell you that there are Droid Starfighters approaching- simply fly to the left and destroy the two Droid Starfighters. Now go forward (if you’re feeling disorientated, just go the way the houseboats are) and you’ll see four more Droid Starfighters, flying in a diamond formation. Take them all out. Once the cut-scene is finished, follow Captain Kael. Before long, the lucky Captain will have Droid Starfighters on his tail, so help him out. Now turn to the left around the huge hill and you should see a small house on a tiny island in the middle of the area. It’s being attacked by lots of Droid Starfighters! Strangely enough, this man’s house is far stronger than everyone else’s in the entire level. Shoot down all the Droid Starfighters, and you’ve finished this mission! Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 2:43 Kills: 21 Accuracy: 59% Friendly saves: 7 Bonuses: 0 Lives remaining: 3 Mission 4- Smuggler Alliance Objectives- Locate Smuggler in the mountains. - Save homestead from attack. - Protect smuggler from attack. Recommended craft- The Flash Speeder is great for this mission for its better accuracy and superior speed. With that said, if you’re confident of your ability to not get shot too much by the droids, the Gian Speeder might be a good craft to use. The Gian Speeder’s heavy laser is very handy against those AATs. Drive forward, and you’ll soon see a few houses being shot at by some droids on bikes. Dispose of them and follow the path onwards. I strongly advise you to not drive on the actual path however (as there iare HEAPS of droids) so stray to the side of the path and you should be okay. After the cut-scene, race in front of the huge ship and take out the AAT. Now keep driving forward, sticking to the left of the path, shooting ALL of the AATs as you go. Make sure you don’t fall down the side of the cliff though, or you will die straight away. Use the radar to ensure you don’t miss a single AAT. Providing that ship doesn’t get shot at too much and go down, you’ll complete the mission! ADVANCED MISSILES: To obtain the advanced missiles upgrade, protect those houses at the very start of the mission like normal but, just as you shoot the last droid, look for another green dot on the radar (which signifies good guys). Go to where the dot is and you’ll see that it is a man being shot at by two droids. Destroy them both and the man will get into a speeder and tell you to follow him. Do this and he’ll lead you to his house. He’ll unlock the gates in front so you can pick up the upgrade! Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 5:24 Kills: 43 Accuracy: 58% Friendly saves: 2 Bonuses: 1 Lives remaining: 3 Mission 5- Hutt’s Retreat Objectives- Protect and escort smuggler to his base. - Prevent destruction of smuggler’s base. - Free the captured Naboo pilots. Recommended craft- The recomended path for this mission is by taking the air, so at the beginning you should use your Flash Speeder to get to the Hangar quicker and then select the Naboo Starfighter. Right at the start, you’ll see some droids on bikes. Destroy them then turn the corner. You will see a hangar here, and you have the choice of whether to stay as a ground force vehicle or change to an aircraft. Personally, I recommend the aircraft. Once you are in the Police Cruiser, continue going forward. You will come up against waves of mines and Droid Starfighters. Simply shoot down the Droid Starfighters to stop them attacking Borvo’s ship and then shoot the mines to continue onwards. Eventually, you will reach an area where you are warned of upcoming AATs. Shoot them both, and continue a little further and you will see an area that looks different to the others. One reason is because there is houses and other buildings there; another is because there are lots of Starfighters and AATs. Still, destroy them all and, after the cut scene, turn around and do the same again. After all Trade Federation forces are eliminated, you will have completed the mission. Platinum Medal requirements: Time to beat: 3:38 Kills: 38 Accuracy: 56% Friendly saves: 15 Bonuses: 0 Lives remaining: 3 Mission 6- Disruption of Comm 4 Objectives- Disable all Shield Generators. - Knock out the Communications Satellite. Recommended craft- I don’t think I even need to say this, but the N-1 is the craft to use! As you start, you’ll see a huge contraption in front of you. This is the Communications Satellite, and although you have to destroy it, there’s no point trying now- it has shields. Instead, look on your radar. That familiar orange wedge should appear, so use it to find which way you should be flying. Just keep flying forward when you’re heading the right way. Eventually, you should either a) see a Satellite, or b) see the orange wedge suddenly swing behind you on your radar. This means you’ve passed the satellite, so wrench the joystick back and your ship should do a loop. Once you’ve come back down, you should be able to see it somewhere. Now, start shooting at it with your blasters. Use only two missiles on it. Once it’s destroyed, look at the radar. Again, an orange wedge will have come back to tell you where to fly. Fly that way and repeat what you did for the first satellite. A good tactic to defeat them is to fly away from the satellite for a while, then turn around sharply and start blasting it as you fly towards it. A very important thing- do not so much as scrape the satellites, as you’ll instantly die. Again, use only two missiles. Now the radar will show the last satellite- do what you did for the previous two. Remember- when you hear that strange ‘whoosh’ sound, that means that a mine is following you. A good idea is to turn around and put your thrusters on. Then, after a couple of seconds, spin around. You should see it in the distance flying towards you, so destroy it quick! After you’ve defeated the last satellite, go to where the radar tells you for the last time. The Communications Satellites’ shield is gone, so my advice is to fly at the top of it (ignore the missile turrets). Now, quickly shoot all the missiles you have left (3 should destroy it instantly) at the fat, bulbous part at the top of the Satellite. Done! Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 4:50 Kills: 49 Accuracy: 84% Friendly saves: 4 Bonuses: 0 Lives remaining: 3 Mission 7- Glacial Grave Objectives- Destroy all Trade Federation Bases. - Steal a Trade Federation Gunboat. Recommended craft- Again , the N-1 is best for its speed and power. One of the most important things in this mission is to stay with your wingmen. Help them to take out the turrets on all of the platforms at the start. Then shoot the mines from afar. Follow the other pilots and you will come to an area heavily guarded with turrets. Destroy them all with your fellow pilots, then follow them when you hear Captain Kael say, “Good job.” You will need to shoot some Droid Starfighters on the way, but then you will arrive at another section with a platform defended by turrets, mines and Trade Federation Gunboats. Help get rid of them until you hear Captain Kael say, “Move on!” and “Back in formation!” Follow them and shoot the turrets that you meet in the next section. Then continue through the narrow passageway. You will come to a new area. Shoot out the turrets then swoop into the grey hangar (with the lights in front of it). Get the Trade Federation Gunboat and then turn left. Shoot down the large gateway and go forward. Next mission! ADVANCED BOMBS: At the section defended by the turrets, mines and Gunboats, wait until Captain Kael says, “Move on!” Now, follow the other ships but, instead of taking the left fork that all the other ships take, go to the right. Shoot out the couple of turrets ahead of you and then head left around that corner. Quickly destroy the missile launcher on top of the tall building and then destroy all the other turrets. Finally, shoot the small house- inside is the upgrade. Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 6:03 Kills: 77 Accuracy: 89% Friendly saves: 4 Bonuses: 1 Lives remaining: 3 Mission 8- The Andrever River Objectives- Free all prisoners in detention camps. Recommended craft- Any cheaters out there? Thought so. If you are in a cheating mood, use the RHUBARB! cheat to get the Swamp Speeder. Otherwise, the Trade Federation Gunboat is your only choice. So much for making a decision. Be warned: this is one of the harder missions of the first half of the game. Go forward along the river, shooting the mines as you go. A good idea is to brake and look in the distance every couple of seconds and shoot any mines in the distance you can see. Make sure you also shoot the turrets as you go along- you’ll be able to hear them firing before you see them if you go slowly. After the cut-scene, DO NOT destroy the Droid Starfighters that fly overhead. If you do, more Starfighters will come and start shooting at you. If you don’t shoot any of them, they won’t shoot you. Eventually, you’ll reach a new, large area. It’s probably best not to waste time shooting the turrets. Just go to the left and shoot the grey circular building on the bank. This is one of the power sources- there’s two of them. Once you’ve destroyed that one, head to the bank on the right and shoot the other. After the next cut-scene, race after the Trade Federation Gunboat you see and start shooting it. While you follow it, also look out for mines. Try desperately to destroy all the Gunboats you see, as if you let any make it to the camp, they’ll alert it. Still, you don’t have to shoot the Gunboats, so if one makes it, life will just be slightly tougher. You must speed around the area, shooting down all the air turrets (the turrets mounted on grey blocks). It is most likely that you will die if you don’t shoot the normal turrets too, so also try to take them out. Once you’ve shot down all the air turrets though, you’ve completed the mission. Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 5:18 Kills: 54 Accuracy: 83% Friendly saves: 0 Bonuses: 0 Lives remaining: 3 Mission 9- Sanctuary Objectives- Protect and escort convoy to the ruins. Recommended craft- The N-1 is again recommended but a great strategy is to take the Police Cruiser to destroy all threats and then go back to get the N-1. It is a bit risky, though. You will start this mission still as the Trade Federation Gunboat. Luckily, you won’t need it for too long. First, head forward and a bit to the right until you’re near the end- you should see a strange yellow and grey building on the shore. Fire two bombs at it and it will explode. Now quickly zoom around the lake, shooting all the AATs that are shooting at the boats you have to protect. You may even want to use your bombs. Once all the AATs that were shooting the boats are gone, you can go into the hangar on the left at the end of the lake. I advise that you choose the Naboo Starfighter. Now, shoot the AAT that’s in front of the hangar. Once it’s gone, just wait around until the houseboats come out. They will be in speeders, and you must protect them at all cost. As you go up the path, groups of (usually four) Droid Starfighters will come and start shooting at you and the Speeders. Try and shoot a few of them down as the pass by, but never follow them- you must stay with the Speeders because many more groups will come. When they do, also try to shoot them. Eventually, you’ll reach a section with six AATs. Take them out as quick as you can, and the best way to do it is to go behind them and shoot at them. Once they’re all destroyed, continue to escort and protect the Speeders up the path. Finally, you’ll reach an area with some strange looking statues etc. This is the ruins- shoot any remaining Droid Starfighters while the Speeders go in, and once you hear the sound signify they’ve made it, follow where they went to complete the mission. RAPID FIRE BLASTERS: When you reach the end and are about to go to the ruins, turn to the right and you should find a path leading you through the mountains. Once through, you should see a volcano-like structure. This is Devil’s Tower (use the TALKTOME cheat for more information). Turn to the right and you should see a runway lined with lights. At the end of it is the upgrade. Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 6:12 Kills: 49 Accuracy: 62% Friendly saves: 6 Bonuses: 0 Lives remaining: 3 Mission 10- Search for Captain Kael Objectives- Locate Commander’s downed Starfighter. - Stop Federation attack on Mining Operation. - Destroy Hutt’s Mining Operation. - Destroy Droid Bombers and AATs before they reach crash site. Recommended craft- I would recommend the Flash Speeder if you want accuracy and speed, but if you are good at aiming and want a bit of extra power, give the Gian Speeder a whirl. Hooray! Captain Kael’s gone! If it was me, I wouldn’t go looking for him…Anyway, from the start, follow the radar. Don’t stick directly to the path, as there are simply too many droids. Don’t go too quick though, or you might accidentally fall off the side of the cliff, which means instant death. Shoot the two AATs as you cross the bridge- you might want to use a missile or two here. Once you’re across the bridge, continue forward until you reach the area where the ground is a big brown patch. Ignore the turrets here, they’re not firing at you…yet! Oh, whoops. What a give-away. Destroy the three AATs first and do try to do it quickly. After the cut-scene, zoom around the area, firing at the turrets (that will now be firing at you). When your shield gets low, go in that strange blue-coloured dome in the middle- I have no idea what it is, but if you stay in there, it slowly replenishes your shield. Great! Keep an eye on your radar, as it will tell you when one of Borvo’s mining vehicles have come. There are three of them to destroy, and you cannot let them get away. You would almost have to let them get away though, as they are enormously slow. Once you have destroyed all three of them, look at the radar. One of your co-pilots has sighted Captain Kael. Follow the radar and get out of the mining pit. You will soon see some Droid Bombers and AATs. Shoot them ALL. Take the first left turn that comes up and head forward down there. Eventually, a ‘tear-jerking’ (note the sarcasm) cut-scene will come up, which is when you’ve completed the mission. Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 4:35 Kills: 26 Accuracy: 63% Friendly saves: 0 Bonuses: 0 Lives remaining: 3 Mission 11- Borvo the Hutt Objectives- Locate and free prisoners. - Defeat Borvo the Hutt and free his prisoners! Recommended craft- Without a doubt, the N-1. With the terrible news that Borvo has betrayed you and has killed Captain Kael, Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes is going on an explosive quest for revenge! Naturally, this is one of my favourite levels in the game. You start out in this circular area with ships going around you and turrets in front. Go for the turrets first- fly around the small section, taking out all the turrets on the tiny mounds. NOW we whomp those planes. Unfortunately, the other ships are actually quite good. They are more agile than the Naboo Starfighter you’re piloting and they are very good shots too. Still, even with the odds stacked against you, some good old-fashioned dog-fighting (not literally) will see you through. Once you’ve destroyed all the other ships, shoot through the mines and go forward. After the cut-scene, follow Kol Kotha. Unlike Borvo, he doesn’t betray you. Protect Kol on the way by shooting the turrets that start shooting at him. Eventually, he’ll lead you to where a gap is. You can see Borvo’s ship through there. If you’re skilled, you can actually take out 2 or 3 of the turrets before the cut-scene. After the cut-scene however, I suggest you go for the turrets first. Go in a circle around Borvo’s ship, shooting all the turrets you come up against as you go. Then, once you’ve destroyed all 8 of the turrets, take out the last 2 missile turrets on the central platform. Now we aim for Borvo’s ship. I’m not sure if it matters, but shooting at the side of Borvo’s ship is certainly the least dangerous way of destroying him, so use your last missiles on him. Then make runs from one side to the other, turning around and then shooting at Borvo as you fly towards him (like you did in the sixth mission for the Satellites). Eventually, half of his ship will break off- revenge has been had! HOMING MISSILES: One of the best upgrades! At the part when you have to follow Kol, start flying to the left instead of following him. Keep looking at the islands your flying over- you should eventually fly over a smaller island that has for trees clustered together on one side. In the middle of the trees is the upgrade, but I suggest you shoot the trees first so you don’t crash into them! Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 3:39 Kills: 42 Accuracy: 74% Friendly saves: 4 Bonuses: 1 Lives remaining: 3 Mission 12- Liberation of Camp IV Objectives- Find and free the prisoners from Camp IV. - Protect the prisoners as they escape. Recommended craft- Start with the N-1.You will then be forced to go to the Heavy STAP. Once you get to the 2nd hangar with the Speeders, wait until you are badly damaged before you get the Gian Speeder. Once you finished destroying all the shield generators and freeing all the prisoners , grab a Flash Speeder from that 2nd hanger and finish the mission. This is the hardest mission in the game, as well as the longest. In fact, it was originally designed to be two missions! (You can see this from the brief pause in the middle of the mission). Anyway, onto the walkthrough. At the start, follow the other pilots- shoot down any turrets you see, then fly back out of the cove and turn right. Now continue forward and then turn right and follow the lake. Keep flying through the little passage and you will eventually come out into a large area. There will be a hangar in the distance, shoot the turrets on the hangar. Now help your friends destroy ALL the Droid Starfighters. You should have had a lot of practice as this from all the other missions. Once they’re all destroyed, a cut-scene will show you flying into the hangar. The mission isn’t over yet! I warned you about that brief pause, didn’t I? You will have noticed that you are now in the dodgy and quite frail Heavy STAP. Still, you need to get into Camp IV. So, try and shoot the turrets out from a distance. Do not shoot those grey crafts next to you, because if you follow them, you can pass the laser gates. Once through, security will be alerted in the form of two droids on STAPs. Blow them both away and then go up the mountainside to your left. Don’t fall off the side, because you’ll die instantly if you do. Shoot the AAT as you go up. Now is where the whole ‘saving people’ thing starts. Do you see the buildings enclosed by the grey walls? Don’t try and go through the laser gates, because you’ll lose health- and you can’t get through anyway. Instead, look to the right of the laser gate- you should see a shield generator. It’s a white, circular thing (which you might recognise from mission 8, The Andrever River) and you should blow it up immediately. This will de-activate the laser gates so you can go through. Once you’re in the small area, you should see a building that looks a little bit like a hangar, except with a red door. There are quite a few buildings that look like this in this mission because these buildings house the captured prisoners. Anyway, keep shooting at the door until it breaks. Now just leave- I wouldn’t bother looking after the civilians, as they always seemed to survive without my help, so don’t worry about them. Turn to the right and take out the turrets on both sides of the gate from a distance, then go through the gate way. See that hangar? Don’t go into it until your STAP is really damaged, because you might as well make use of the STAP you’ve got. Still, if your STAP is already about to crumple, drive into the hangar to get the awesome Gian Speeder. If you just came out of the hangar, turn right, if you haven’t gone into the hangar yet, turn left. Shoot the turrets at the end of the area, but you can’t exit this area yet because you need to de-activate the laser gate. You should see another area enclosed with a grey gate to your left. There’s no way in, though- or is there? Behind the gate at the back you should see something that looks like green boxes. Back away, then shoot at them. It turns out that they’re actually explosives, and it’ll break a hole through the fencing for you to get in. Shoot the droids first, then shoot the doors of the prisoners’ buildings again. Once they’ve all been broken through, look around and you should see a shield generator that looks like the first one you saw. Destroy it, then go back out of this enclosed area and go through the gate just opposite from where you just were. Head up the mountain- carefully, because if you fall off, it’s instant death- and you should reach the top, where there is two shield generators. Cripple them both and then go back down the mountain slowly. Now you can go through the gateway I first told you about (to your right). Now follow the radar- you will fall down a hill (but won’t die) into a new area filled with turrets and AATs. Shoot some of the AATs (you might want to use the Gian Speeder’s secondary laser, which can be charged up by holding left-C) and also shoot some of the turrets, try to do this from a distance. Finally, you should see another area enclosed by that familiar grey fence, but that doesn’t matter. Go to the back of it and start blasting away at the fence. You should destroy it before too long. Now quickly speed up this mountain and shoot the last shield generator (and turret). Go back down- once again, DON’T FALL OFF- and, when you’re at the bottom, follow the radar and go through the last gateway to finally escape Camp IV! ADVANCED BLASTERS: When you’re on the last mountain and have just destroyed the last shield generator, don’t go back down yet. Continue up the mountain- a bit to the left, or you might fall off- and, once you’re up, you’ll see the bonus! Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 4:44 Kills: 77 Accuracy: 75% Friendly saves: 19 Bonuses: 1 Lives remaining: 3 Mission 13- The Queen’s Gambit Objectives- Find and rescue Panaka. - Find the Naboo airbase and take a Bomber. - Stop the Federation Convoy. Recommended craft- Start with the Flash Speeder , and when you get to the Airbase , take out an N-1. It is MUCH better (not to mention faster…) than the Bomber. Try taking out all the ATT's to complete the mission earlier (if you have all golds , do some damage with the N-1 and then go back to the Hangar and grab an Infiltrator). Go straight forward and you’ll see a few houses being attacked by droids on bikes. Luckily, you’re in the mighty Gian Speeder, so race around blasting all the droids you see. Once they’re all gone, go to the right and you should see another house. Destroy the last three droids there. After the cut-scene, head forward, but don’t follow the AAT to the left, instead, keep going ahead. Cross the bridge and start charging up one of the Gian Speeder’s secondary lasers. Let it rip at one of the AAT’s you see here, and shoot the other one until it is destroyed too. Now go into the hangar just to the left of what the AAT’s were shooting at. You’ll now emerge in the Naboo Bomber. The first thing you’ll notice about the Naboo Bomber is that it couldn’t out-fly a dead snail. The second thing you’ll notice is that its blasters aren’t anything even approaching rapid-fire. Still, you’ll have to make do with it, because you aren’t getting anything else! So fly out and into the corner on the right-hand side, and then take the right path from here. Start shooting the mines in the air as you go. Eventually you will come up to some buildings with turrets. It’s not necessary to destroy the turrets, but try to shoot them as you go anyway because they don’t find it to hard to hit you with the speed you’re at. Once you’re past the buildings, you will see a huge column ahead. It’s definitely not part of the scenery, and you’ll discover this when you keep shooting at it, because it will break and then topple over. You need to do this to three columns which you’ll see as you fly along, because the columns partially obstruct the road, therefore slowing the Trade Federation convoy down. Once you’ve given the last column a pasting, keep flying forward and you’ll see a bridge. Just wait around here until the Trade Federation arrives. Once they arrive, a craft will come from the opposite side of the bridge and it will carry a red box after it. It then stops, and puts the red box in the middle of the bridge. You have to be fairly quick here, so quickly press left-C and an aimer will appear on the ground. Keep flying until the target is approximately over that red box, then press left-C again. Your Bomber will- appropriately enough- launch a bomb. The cut-scene now starts, to show the red box explode and the bridge collapse. Hooray! Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 4:06 Kills: 55 Accuracy: 56% Friendly saves: 11 Bonuses: 0 Lives remaining: 3 Mission 14- Panaka’s Diversion Objectives- Help Panaka create a diversion at the hangar. - Rescue Group 2 from the ambush. - Rendezvous with and protect the commandos. Recommended craft- Use the beloved Gian Speeder on this one. It has great armor and excellent weapons. Okay, this is another great level! It’s in the same sort of style as mission 1, except larger and harder. Oh, and you also get to utilise the might of the Gian Speeder. Top stuff! Anyway, blast away the three droids in front of you as you start, then go to the left and shoot the other two droids. Turn left at the end and turn right around the following corner. Blast all the droids on the left, then stop and charge up a secondary laser. Now go into the middle and fire it at the AAT in front of you. Go forward and blast the AAT on the left that is facing away from you, then go slightly right and continue forward. Now you can maul the AAT on the opposite side of the lake if you want, then turn left and speed to the next wall where you’ll be covered from the enemy fire. After the cut-scene, protect your friend (also in a Gian Speeder) while he shoots through the metal bars crossing the streets by shooting the droids. Every time he breaks through a bar, follow him through to the next one. You’ll soon come to a part where you must go over a flight of stairs. Shoot the AAT right next to you and the droid there. Now follow your friend across the bridge, although I advise the more health-conscious of you to destroy the AATs to your left and right so they don’t shoot you. Once across, you’ll be led to a new area- it’s time to save your friends that were in trouble in the cut-scene! Destroy the AATs and Destroyer Droids to the right, and then shoot the two remaining Destroyer Droids to your left. Now hang back while your friends go forward- two AATs will come, and if you were following the other Speeders, you would have got pumped full of lead (or should I say lasers?). Once you see the AAT’s turn around with their back to you, speed forward and put them both out of their misery. Then go to the left and turn left again. You’ll see a new area with Destroyer Droids and AATs. Shoot the two Destroyer Droids that are near you when you start, then shoot the AAT in the corner to your right. Now go to the other end and shoot the other two Destroyer Droids and the AAT. A good idea here is to go up on the ramp to your right so you can shoot the Destroyer Droids and the AAT from a vantage point. Anyway, once they’re all destroyed, move forward through the next archway. Turn right and shoot the droids to your right, and then turn right again. You will be in an area with lots of droids. Shoot them all, starting with the ones on the floor and at the large metal door and all the ones on the higher areas. Once they’ve all been shot, wait. A large green ship will come as well as the other Speeders. Some commandos will come out of it and they will run up to the grey door. They will then set explosives on it. When you see them start to run away, the door should blow open a few seconds later. Now zoom through the blown-open doorway and down the stairs until you reach an archway. You should see a strange-looking object to the right of the archway- this is Captain Panaka, but don’t shoot him, because you’ll fail the mission. Instead, go through the archway and shoot all the AATs. Once they are all destroyed, you’ll have completed the mission! Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 3:41 Kills: 96 Accuracy: 67% Friendly saves: 5 Bonuses: 0 Lives remaining: 3 Mission 15- Battle for Naboo Objectives- Decimate the Droid Fighter Fleet. - Destroy the Control Ship’s tractor beam generators. - Target the ship’s defensive shield generator. - Destroy the Control Ship. Recommended craft- Definitely the Naboo Starfighter. Truth is, some people find this level extremely difficult. Others find it so easy that they can complete it blindfolded with their hands tied behind their back and with the television turned off, reacting only to the sounds of laser fire- just like me. Err, maybe. Anyway, you’ll have to be very good at dog-fighting for the first part of this level. You are warned as you fly ahead that there is some Droid Starfighters coming. How many Droid Starfighters might that be, I wonder? Let me just say that, if you don’t swoop down as soon as you see the squadron of Droid Starfighters approaching, you will have about fifty thousand lasers pumped into you in the space of three seconds. If you didn’t lose your cool and you swerved down, then you should have avoided most- if not all- of the enemies’ fire. Great! But that’s only the beginning. Now you have to swerve around and start destroying them. There really isn’t many hints I can give you here, although one piece of advice is that you should look around until you find a Starfighter on its lonesome, and then concentrate on taking it out. Keep looking on your radar to find more Droid Starfighters, but when you’ve shot enough of them, a cut-scene will start. Okay, the cut-scene shows you that there is a tractor beam covering the front of the huge Control Ship. If you didn’t see your friend take it out in the cut-scene, what you’ve got to do is shoot the areas with the red lights around them in front of you. There are three of them, as one of your pals (as I just said) took one out in the cut-scene. Fly toward each area, shooting it with you laser. Once it explodes, turn around and fly away from the Control Ship, then turn around and begin firing at the next lighted point. Once you’ve shot all three, you can fly through. But what now? Well, swerve up and a bit to the right until you are flying over the Control Ship’s right wall. Once you fly closer to the back, you’ll see three gun turrets there. Try to approach them from the side, and even try blasting them from far-away. A good idea might be to use a missile or two on them. Once all three are destroyed, the easy part begins. See the section if front of the huge satellite at the back of the Control Ship? You should see a grey block which has- suspiciously enough- the same sort of lights that the tractor beam points you were shooting at before had! Begin blasting it, and use ALL your remaining missiles on it. This is the ship’s defensive shield generator! You’ll know if you’re shooting at the right thing because, if you are, ‘green spots’ should appear on the block wherever you shoot it. Use the same tactic as before, when you get close to it, turn right around, fly away from it for a bit, then turn around and fly towards it, shooting as you go. When you’ve finally shot it enough, it’ll explode- and you’ll have finished Star Wars Episode 1: Battle for Naboo! Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 3:51 Kills: 41 Accuracy: 78% Friendly saves: 3 Bonuses: 0 Lives remaining: 3 Or have you finished? (Course you haven’t! Read on!) Bonus mission #1. Obtained by earning bronze medal or above on all previous missions. Mission 16- Trade Federation Secrets Objectives- Protect the base from attack. - Protect the escaping transport. Recommended craft- Some people don’t realise that there is a hanger on a small island to the left of where you start. You can make use of it by grabbing a Police Cruiser and when you are out of missiles or you are almost dead, get the N-1. Your objective for the main part of this mission is to protect the base from hordes of Trade Federation forces. As you start, you’ll hear that there is Droid Starfighters dead ahead. It’s true- it won’t be long before you’re set upon by several of them. Shoot them all down turn back until you’re facing the same way that you were at the start. Now you’ll see lots of droids on bikes coming- these are actually much more difficult to take out than the Starfighters. My advice is to fly very low to the ground, as it’s easier to destroy them from there. There are turrets on the base, but DO NOT destroy them- they’re on your side, and are actually quite helpful. Before long, you’ll see six AATs in the distance slowly approaching. First, fly past behind them and you should see a big yellow craft. Destroy it, then spin quickly back round. It’s time to teach those AATs the what-for, so attack them from behind. Continue in this vein, destroying all the Trade Federation forces until a huge red craft appears. Leave it alone, it’s on your side. It should stop and hover over the base- a couple of seconds later, it will take off. Now is when you can leave the base. You need to follow the red ship, shooting all the Droid Starfighters that are attacking it. Use your homing missiles here, if you’ve got them. Eventually, the craft will make its way out into the sea- as soon as it flies up into the clouds, you’ve completed this mission! Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 5:27 Kills: 68 Accuracy: 50% Friendly saves: 5 Bonuses: 0 Lives remaining: 3 Bonus mission #2. Obtained by earning silver medal or above on all previous missions. Mission 17- Coruscant Encounter Objectives- Destroy Darth Maul’s ship. - Protect civilian targets. Recommended craft- All together now: “Get the N-1!” I actually really like this mission. When I first played it, I was in awe of the amazing level design- Coruscant really was like I had always imagined it. Another reason I really like this mission is because it is home to the BEST UPGRADE IN THE GAME! (But more on that later.) As soon as you start, you’ll see Darth Maul’s Sith Infiltrator in front of you. You almost NEED homing-missiles for this mission. If you don’t have them, just start aiming at him and begin trying to blast him, if you do, then hit left-c and wait for the lock-on. Keep following him- be warned, he is very agile. Still, when you lose him (and it’s not hard to do) simply look on the radar. Search around again until you find him. Stick with it, keep shooting him/locking-on (if you can) and you’ll prevail! CLUSTER SEEKING MISSILES: Amazing! You won’t find a better upgrade in this mission anywhere, and it’s not hard to see why. To get it, turn around 180 degrees at the start and go a bit down into a tunnel. Go forward a bit through the tunnel then turn around. You should see the upgrade hovering innocently in a small cave, a little to the right. The reason this upgrade is so good is because when you fire one missile, it splits up into SEVEN (you read right), and each missile locks on to an individual target. If there is more than one target, that is. Believe me, it’s jaw-dropping stuff. Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 0:23 Kills: 1 Accuracy: 68% Friendly saves: 30 Bonuses: 1 Lives remaining: 3 Bonus mission #3. Obtained by earning gold medal on every previous mission. Mission 18- The Dark Side Objectives- Protect Trade Federation Forces. - Destroy all Naboo Forces. Recommended craft- Sith Infiltrator! This mission is one of the most amazingly good ideas I have seen in a videogame, EVER. And believe me, that’s a lot of games. The reason for this is- as you’ll be able to see from the ‘objectives’ section above- you are on the Dark Side of the force. All Darth Maul fans rejoice, as you’ll be able to play as the red-faced meanie himself! In his Sith Infiltrator, that is. Get ready for an absolutely mind –blowingly fun mission. Straight off, you’ll see the normally dreaded (they’re on your side, remember?) AATs being blown away by some savage Gian Speeders. Blast the Speeders and you’ll see that there’s a few more coming from in front of you, so aim well and take em’ down. Accuracy is essential for this mission. Now follow the radar and you’ll see some Gunboats and Droid Starfighters being ‘cruelly’ attacked by some Naboo Starfighters and Police Cruisers. Get rid of the Naboo planes and then take out all the enormously weak Gungan Transports. Now go to the big island in the middle- there are four Gungans there. Simply pretend they’re all Jar-Jar and you should have the ‘heart’ to put them out of their misery. Soon, a bunch of Naboo Starfighters will start flying in. Begin dog-fighting, but don’t worry, they’re not too difficult. Once they’re all gone, this brilliant misison will have come to end, and you’ll have finished Star Wars Episode 1: Battle for Naboo! Platinum Medal Requirements: Time to beat: 7:15 Kills: 40 Accuracy: 25% Friendly saves: 13 Bonuses: 0 Lives remaining: 3 5. CHEATS There are many cheats in Battle for Naboo, ranging from the run-of-the-mill to the weird and wonderful. Still, I advise you try them all (but wait till’ you’ve finished the game before you use some of them). DROIDEKA- Gives you Advanced Shields. TALKTOME- One of the best codes I’ve seen in a game, ever. This code allows you to hear the developers of this game talk about how the made the particular level you’re on. Listen carefully- they make a lot of great jokes! WAKEUP- You can now access the ‘Concert Hall’ in the Option menu. You can listen to all the different songs in the game! Great. NASTYMDE- Makes the game harder. I can still beat it with a strait-jacket on, mind. PATHETIC- Gives you infinite lives, but a warning- this cheat won’t work for medals. It still remembers if you’ve died before. OVERLOAD- All the stats for your craft will be maximised. Better firepower, faster, etc. EWERDEAD- One hit kills, but it affects you AND your opponents, so be careful. It’s practically impossible to beat the 15th level without losing a life with this cheat on, but if anyone manages, let me know (via email- look before the prologue). RUAGIRL?- Entering this code will turn a part of the craft you are using pink. Strange…. LOVEHUTT- View a photo of the team that made this game. DRJEKYLL- Play a mission with water in it and you will notice that the water surface is very rough. Interesting… LEC&FIVE- This cheat allows you to access all levels up to and including the first bonus mission (Trade Federation Secrets). CHEATER! KOOLSTUF- You can view some fantastic art by the team who made this game in the Options menu. Wow. RHUBARB!- A new cheat here, thanks to Phantasmagoria! (See ‘Contribute’ section). This cheat unlocks the Swamp Speeder, a craft sails on water, like the Trade Federation Gunboat (although better, in my opinion!) Huge thanks to my new e-mailer, JaydeWizard and, of course, Phantasmagoria! BYENABOO- Unlocks bonus mission 1. BADTEMPR- All of you who haven’t made it to the very last bonus mission (and arguably the most enjoyable mission in the game) are going to love this one: it unlocks the very last bonus mission, The Dark Side! WAKAWAH!- Unlocks all crafts. Yep. LCK&LOAD- Gives you double the amount of ammo of your craft’s secondary weapon. CANTMISS- Activates the homing missiles upgrade! &OVRKILL- Activates the homing cluster missiles upgrade. Have fun with this one! ?NUNAPWR- Activates the advanced missiles upgrade! BOOM!?- Activates the advanced bombs upgrade. TOOWEAK?-Unlocks all the normal levels. &&A!AT- Enables you to play as an AAT on some missions. Great! SIENAR&!- Allows you to use the Sith Infiltrator! EOCOAROS- Turns the Gian Speeder into a 1969 Buick Convertible. Looks like those boys at Factor 5 are having a bit of fun. Now that I thinks of it, this cheat’s a bit like the one that was in Rogue Squadron (which allowed you to pilot a flying car)! 6. FAQ Q. I’ve heard that you can achieve something called ‘Platinum’ in missions. Is this true? A. Yes, it’s true enough. The Platinum medal is the medal after Gold. You can claim a Platinum medal on every mission, but be warned- they’re very, very hard to get. Also, I recently acclaimed some information from a Jedi Knight known as Phantasmagoria, who has told me that earning Platinum medal on EVERY mission will unlock a secret craft for you to use- the AAT! Cool. Q. I’ve heard tell of some cheats that allow you to get the Sith Infiltrator and more. Tell me the cheats! A. I’ve lately found out that you CAN unlock the Sith Infiltrator. See the ‘Cheats’ section. It’s also true you can unlock some other crafts that you can’t get otherwise. Just go to the cheats section, do you hear? Q. You fool! You told me before that there wasn’t a cheat for the Sith Infiltrator! A. You want to start a fight, huh? Q. Alright, alright! Keep your hair on. Can you tell me if Battle for Naboo is made by the same people who made Rogue Squadron? A. It says so on the back of the box. Q. Oh. So it does. A. Yes. Q. Is this better than that recent Star Wars game on PS2? A. Absolutely. For the PS2 game, you have to use two joysticks and press a button to shoot- all at the same time! Hardly ideal- unless you have three arms. Q. Is Factor 5 making another Star Wars game for Nintendo? A. Not for the Nintendo 64, but they are making one for the GameCube. It’s going to be wondrous, that much is certain. Q. Oh, and I have to bring it up again- you’re a loser! You didn’t know that Sith Infiltrator cheat! A. YOU’RE GOING TO DIE! (Distant sound of machine gun bullets and police sirens.) 7. INFO/LEGAL STUFF Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed reading and utilising my first walkthrough/FAQ as much as I have enjoyed making it for you. I am looking forward to hearing your comments- please make them good ones- through email. Bye everyone- for now! This game FAQ was made by N64_Gamer, and cannot be copied to another site or sold without my permission. Should you want to use my spectacular walkthrough or FAQ on your site, simply contact me at The web sites that currently have permission to display this walkthrough/FAQ are: 8. CONTRIBUTES/REFERENCES I used the Australian N64 Gamer magazine which supplied me with the cheats. Thanks! Thanks to Phantasmagoria, who supplied me with the new ‘RHUBARB!’ cheat, the Platinum/AAT info and helped me with the ‘Recommended craft’ section. Top stuff! Also, a HUGE thanks to JaydeWizard and Phantasmagoria for sending in all of the new cheats that are in the cheats section. Good work! JaydeWizard has ALSO sent me all the Platinum Medal Requirements for each mission! Lastly, another thanks to all the people who email me with corrections, queries and congratulations on the walkthrough/FAQ. Keep sending them in, as you can be sure I will continue reading them all with an idiotic grin on my face.