Date: Sat, 02 Jan 99 15:27:34 PST ñññññññññññññññññññññññññññ ñ Rogue Squadron Faq ñ ñ Version 1.0 ñ ñ By: Josh Thomas ñ ñ ñ ñññññññññññññññññññññññññññ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revision History Version 1.0 -Hot off the presses -Still need most of the Walkthrough. Any contributions would be greatly appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ '`'`'`'`'`'Table of Contents'`'`'`'`'`' I.Introduction II. Basics a)Controls b)Rebel Ships c)Imperial Craft & Defences d)Tips e)Tricks III. Walkthrough (under constuction) IV. Codes V. Secrets VI. Credits VII. Disclaimer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. INTRODUCTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to my first FAQ. I hope it helps you on your quest. Anyway... Rogue Squadron is based on the popular level, Battle of Hoth, from Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. You get become Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight and co-founder of the famous Rogue Squadron(Wedge Antilles is other founder).Rogue Squadron is the first of three games that Lucas Arts plans to make in the next couple years about Star Wars, the others being about the upcoming prequel to the Star Wars trilogy, Episode One: The Phantom Menace. But Rogue Squadron takes place during the time period between Star Wars: A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II. BASICS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: Most of what's in this section is in the game's Instruction Booklet. You can choose to look at this or the Instuction Booklet. If you choose the Instruction Booklet than skip down to E) Tricks--in this section. ---------- A) Controls ---------- There are four settings of Controller Settings: Luke's Settings Wedge's Settings Janson's Settings Hobbie's Settings There are subtle differences among them. They are all basicly like Luke's Settings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luke's Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Control Stick - _Craft Movement_ Controls the craft's direction A Button - _Thrust_ Accelerates craft. Tap button to speed up in short bursts. Hold button down for continuous acceleration. B Button - _Fire Blasters_ Fires blaster cannons. Hold button down to fire continuously. C Up - _Look Around_ Use Control Stick to look side-to-side C Down - _Fire Mode_ Links blaster cannons to fire more shots at once. Press to cycle through linking settings for each craft. C Left - _Fire Secondary_ Fires secondary weapon assigned to each craft (like missiles). C Right - _Special_ Activates special craft features (not available in all craft). + Control Pad - _Camera Shortcuts_ Up - Cockpit view Right - Close Outside View Down - Standard View Left - Drop Camera: Operates the drop camera, for a fixed view in midair. Z Button - _Brakes/Speeder's Left Brake_ Tap button to slow down. Hold Brake Button down to drop to minimum speed. L Button - _Switch View_ Cycle the camera between five views. R Button - _Roll/Speeder's Right Brake_ Rolls X-wing, Y-wing, and A wing and is the right brake for air speeder. It is not not used in V-wing. Press the Roll Button while using the Control Stick to roll craft. Continue rolling to fly upside down. Let go of the Roll Button to fly level again. Start - _Pause_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wedge's Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Control Stick - Craft Movement A Button - Thrust B Button - Fire Blasters C Up - Switch View C Down - Look Around C Left - Fire Secondary C Right - Special + Control Pad - Camera Shortcuts Z Button - Brakes/Speeder's Left Brake L Button - Fire Mode R Button - Roll/Speeder's Right Brake Start - Pause ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Janson's Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Control Stick - Craft Movement A Button - Thrust B Button - Fire Blasters C Up - Switch View C Down - Look Around C Left - Fire Secondary C Right - Special + Control Pad - Camera Shortcuts Z Button - Brakes L Button - Fire Mode R Button - Roll Start - Pause ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hobbie's Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Control Stick - Craft Movement A Button - Brakes B Button - Thrust C Up - Look Around C Down - Fire Secondary C Left - Fire Mode C Right - Special + Control Pad - Camera Shortcuts Z Button - Fire Buttons L Button - Switch View R Button - Roll Start - Pause ---------- B) Rebel Ships ---------- Below are desciptions of five of the crafts available in Rogue Squadron. There are two secret crafts that I will add in future updates. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X-Wing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Named for its unique double-layered wings, or S-Foils, the Incom T-65 X-wing is the primary starfighter of both the Rebel Alliance and Rogue Squadron. These S- Foils are closed during normal flight, so it can fly faster. To open the S-Foils if closed, you can tap the brake or tap the special button, which closes them if open. It strikes a near-perfect balance between speed, maneuverability, and firepower, which makes it the default ship for most of the missions. Primary Weapon: Four Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Proton Torpedoes Special: Open/Close S-Foils ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A-Wing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Named for its resemblence to a capital A, this is the fastest starfighter in the Rebel Alliance, matching the Empire's TIE Interceptor in speed and maneuverability. It's powerful armament include includes twin wing-mounted pivoting blaster cannons and concussion missiles, which lack the punch of proton torpedoes, but it can carry up to eight of them. Though ray-shielded, the A-wing is still relatively fragile and must rely on its speed and agility for protection. Primary Weapon: Twin Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Concussion Missiles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Airspeeder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another Incom product, the T-47 is not a starfighter but an Airspeeder, which is much easier to control in an atmosphere than some other ships. It is limited to low altitudes and is unable to perform elaborate acrobatic maneuvers such as rolls. The Airspeeder is not shielded, but it is heavily armored for protection. Primary Weapon: Twin Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Tow Cable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y-Wing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A cross between a fighter and a bomber, the Y-Wing formed the backbone of the Rebel Alliance starfighter fleet proir to the introduction of the X-Wing. The Y- Wing is now used primarily as a bomber. The workhorse Y-Wing is larger, slower, and less maneuverable than the X-Wing, and has difficulty against the more agile Imperial craft. On the flip side, the Y-Wing is equiped with heavy armor, beefed-up shields, and a ship-disabling ion cannon, which is used by pressing the special button. Primary Weapon: Twin Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Bombs Special: Ion Cannon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ V-Wing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The V-Wing is more unstable than the T-47 but is faster at higher altitudes. It has rapid-firing (to turn it on, press the special button) and regular-firing blaster cannons, but the cannons can overheat in rapid-fire mode. If the lasers overheat and shut down, wait a few seconds before trying them again, but be careful that you don't burn them out completely.It features a scram jet and a huge booster. Use the scram jet and weapons sparingly. If aimed right, the Cluster missiles will take out five TIEs or Probe Droids. Primary Weapon: Twin Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Cluster Missiles Special: Boosters ---------- C) Imperial Craft & Defences ---------- In this section I will describe the craft that the Empire will throw at you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Armored Hover Train ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With cars heavily defended by numerous gun emplacements and missile turrets, strafing guns against this mobile target are difficult at best. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AT-AT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Short for All Terrain Armored Transport, the four-legged Imperial walker strikes terror in the heart of any defender. This mechanized beast is armed with blaster cannons underneath its "chin" and medium blasters on each sides of each side of its "head", and has thick armor plating to protect it from most types of artillery fire. Try to wrap a tow cable around the "legs" of an AT-AT with a speeder to bring this behemoth down. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AT-PT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Short for All Terrain Personal Transport, this small, two-legged weapons system has the ability to climb up 45-degree mountains and hills. The AT-PT houses one or two soldiers, surrounding them with thick, heavy armor in its central command pod. It is armed with a twin-blaster cannon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AT-ST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Short for All Terrain Scout Transport, this chicken-like walker is used to support Imperial ground troops and protect the vulnerable underbelly of the AT- AT walkers. Since it balances on two legs, the two person AT-ST is more unstable than the AT-AT, but its superior speed and formidable firepower more than make up for this weakness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Imperial Probe Droid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This reconnaissance device was used by Darth Vader to locate the Rebel base on Hoth. It can move quickly across planet surfaces, andis programmed to defect life forms and signs of hibitation. An Imperial probe droid is armed with a blaster device. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Imperial Landing Craft ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This heavily armored assault ship devotes two-thirds of its power to its shields, making it extremely difficult to destroy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tank Droid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Designed to stop civil unrest on Imperial worlds, this fully automated combat vehicle driven by a droid brain is a brutal urban assault machine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TIE Fighter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Powered by twin ion engines, a TIE fighter's advatages are its excellant maneuverablity and its small profile, which makes it difficult target to hit. However, these advantages come at a steep price, since it has no shields, no hyperdrive systems, and no other weapons besides forward-mounted blaster cannons. A direct hit on one can usually destroy it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TIE Bomber ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A TIE bomber is armed with two front-firing blaster cannons, and can drop a varity of payloads, including bombs, guided concussion missiles, orbital mines, and thermal detonators. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TIE Interceptor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This dagger-shaped starfighter is more than a match for the Rebel craft, since it's nearly as fast as an A-Wing and more maneuverable than an X-Wing. The TIE interceptor's weapons include four blaster cannons with advandced targeting software for greater accuracy. Since the TIE interceptor has little armor and no shield generators, it can easily be destroyed with a few hits. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Waveskimmer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like its name impliees, this attack hydrofoil was designed to operate above the water's surface at high speeds. Originally built around the frame of an AT-AT, a waveskimmer is far more maneuverable than its land-bound counterpart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shield Generator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A device that produces the power needed to create and maintain deflector shields and to focus thos shields around a given object. Whenever there is a shield that cannot be breached, there is sure to be a shield generator nearby. Destroying the generator is a sure way to take out the shield. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Radar Dish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A rotating dish that alerts the Empire to incoming enemies. Destroying radar dishes can limit the Imperials' ability to track your craft. Radar dishes can also function as general communications devices. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Turbolaser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Turbolasers are the backbone of the Imperial planetary defenses throughout the galaxy. These stationary cannons fire twin blasters strong enough to take out any fighter or infantry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Missile Turret ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Advanced ground-based defensive weaponry used to protect important Imperial facilites. These turrets fire powerful missiles that home in on their targets and rarely miss. The destructive capacity of these missiles should not be underestimated. ---------- D) Tips ---------- -For a more effective attack, line up your targets by making long, straight runs. Avoid the temptation to make quick turns in pursuit of your targets. Instead, fly far away, then turn around and fly toward your targets from a distance, using your brakes. You'll be able to keep them in your sights longer-and score more hits. But you'll also be in enemy sights... -Use a loop-the-loop move to bear down on enemy that has passed you by. -Find the Contoller configuration and camera views best suited to your flying style. -For more control in turns, use the right or left brake to tighten your turn in either direction(Speeder and V-wing). -Use the Thrust and Brake Buttons to match the enemy's speed or to more easily attack a ground target. -When in doubt, follow your wingmates to mission goals. -Pay close attention to directions from General Rieekan and your wingmates. -Be on the lookout for enemy bombers, and attack them before attacking fighters. Bombers do more damage to critical Rebel installations. ---------- E) Tricks ---------- --If you own a gameshark, here is a trick: First enter the following code:80130b4d007e and as its description as: All Levels / Ships. Turn it on then star the game. When it fully loads you can play the game for as long as you want. Then the next time you play it, don't use the gameshark and you'll have all the levels/ships without the gameshark! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ III. WALKTHROUGH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: My walkthrough is under construction. As you can see I only have the first stage. ****************** Chapter 1 ****************** ---------- Ambush at Mos Eisley ---------- Since this is the first level, it is the easiest. Just kill all the probe droids. Look at the radar to find the probe droids to goto next. After the cinema, close the S-Foils and head toward Mos Eisley. When you get there open them and slow down. Then choose a group of bombers and go after them. They are pretty predicible. After you kill one group go after the other one. I recommend beating it first, then later go after the medals. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IV. CODES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enter these codes st the Options menu. Choose Passcodes. When you enter a code correctly, you will hear R2. TOUGHGUY - All Powerups FARMBOY - Access the Millenium Falcon. Only available in certain levels. It is the fastest, most powerful, & most maneuverable fighter in the game. MAESTRO - Music Menu & Ship Gallery CREDITS - Guess RADAR - Makes your radar like a real one. Higher ships are brighter, and lower ships are dimmer. CHICKEN - Bonus level with AT-ST. ACE - Increases difficulty IGIVEUP - Infinite Lives DIRECTOR - Watch all cut scenes in order. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ V. SECRETS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Advanced Shield Technology: Go to "The Jademoon." Fly through the canyon rifts, sooner or later you'll spot a a building guarded by a Missile Turret. Shoot the building and a small, yellow object will appear. Collect it! This will add another color to your Deflector Shields, allowing you to survive under heavy fire for a lot longer. Seeker Proton Torpedos: Go to "Raid On Sullest." One of the bunkers on the far side of your starting point has this, it's up against a wall. The Seeker Torpedos are very useful. When you press the Secondary Weapon Button a yellow cursor will appear, get this over an enemy for a few seconds and it will turn red. Fire at will! However, you must keep the lock. Seeker Cluster Missiles: Go to "Prisons of Kessel." Near the SECOND prison is a ledge with a Missile Launcher. It's very well hidden, so you may have to search around. In front of the Turret (still on the ledge) is a building, blow it up! Now when a Cluster Missile breaks into five smaller missiles, each missile will automatically target something and go there! Very useful against multiple oppenents. Smart Bombs: Go to the "Imperial Construction Yards." As soon as you get out of the canyon with the sensor arrays turn right toward the AT-AT. Behind the walker is a small installment with a bunch of tie-bombers. On the hill above the platform is a laser turret. Take it out and fly through the canyon to your left. I try to hug the ground in this canyon because 3 TIE's will be coming at you head on and take can take you out pretty easy immediately on the other side of the canyon is another platform, this one has a carrier on it instead of ties. On the hill above is a missile turret kill it and then the carrier, on the other side of the platform is a laser turret (he's kinda low) kill him and do a quick U- turn back to the installment. There is a variety of buildings, the one to focus on is at the back and to the left corner. (Right below the former missile turret) The round dome shaped building. Blow it up and collect your reward!! The explosions of the Smart Bomb are bigger. I tried a normal bomb on two Turrets, it hit one, then I tried the Smart Bomb (same targets same place) and the both blew up and I think, THINK it does more damage, but probably not. Seeker Missiles: Go to "Escape from Fest." Fly towards the Lab, but keep going and you'll find a ledge with Laser Turrets. Blow the building away, behold! Seeker Missiles for the A-Wing! Advanced Proton Torpedos: Go to "Defection at Corellia." After the Millenium Falcon cut-scene, when going toward the yellow thingy cone on your radar, the first sub- city you see you should see a yelllow thing. Hold down brake, navigate toward it, and fly through it. Advanced Lasers: Go to "Battle Above Taloraan" This one is pretty simple, fly through the level achieving all objectives. When you get to the last platform of imperial tanks, there will be a city floating in front of it. Carefully navigate through the buildings on top, behind one of them is an upgrade of your lasers. Don't worry about destroying buildings this one is in the open. I didn't have time to verify their locations, but each of the above levels does have a Bonus, and the location of it is exact, I'm just not sure what goes where. Secret Levels: Level How to get it ================================================== Beggar's Canyon Get Bronze on all Stages Death Star Trench Get Silvers on all Stages Battle of Hoth Get Gold on all Stages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VI. CREDITS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Josh Thomas(me)------for writing this FAQ marshmallow------for leting use Secret section from his FAQ --John Brady --David ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VII. DISCLAIMER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ © 1999 All Rights Reserved. All information in this FAQ is my own. If you want to use any part of this FAQ, get permission from me first, then credit me. If there's anything wrong contact me( and I'll credit you in the next revision.or Shields, allowing you to survive under heavy fire for a€urvive under heavy fire for a€ÄPÄPPwwwÄPÄPÄPÄPPBB