Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Script By KFHEWUI 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 !Warning! All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2022 KFHEWUI. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you have any questions or you found a mistake then see the section Final Word on how to contact me at MAJOR WARNING!!!!!!!!!!! THIS FOLLOWING GUIDE IS FOR USE ON AND ONLY ON If you see this guide on any website that is NOT mentioned above then please contact me immediately and tell me. CONTENT 1. Intro. 2. Script A. Battle of Hoth (SWHOTH) B. Escape from Echo Base (SWECHO) C. The Asteroid Field (SWASTERIOD) D. Ord Mantell Junkyard (SWJUNKYARD) E. Gall Spaceport (SWPORT) F. Mos Eisley and Beggar's Canyon (SWCANYON) G. Imperial Freighter Suprosa (SWFREIGHTER) H. Sewers of Imperial City (SWSEWERS) I. Xizor's Palace (SWPALACE) J. Skyhook Battle (SWSKYHOOK) 3. Final Word 1. Intro. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... STAR WARS SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE PART I THE BATTLE OF HOTH It is a time of crisis. Imperial probes, scouring the galaxy for the hidden Rebel base, have discovered their hidden outpost on the remote ice world of Hoth. Darth Vader, obsessed with finding Luke Skywalker has sent his forces to engage the Rebels in Battle. With the dreaded Imperial Starfleet approaching, a lone freighter has entered the Hoth system.... Leebo: Outrider to Echo Base... Please respond... Sir, we've made contact with the Rebels. Dash: This is Dash Rendar. I have a supply shipment for Echo Base. Transmitting clearance code now... Person: Clearance granted. WE are lowering the energy field. You may land at Bay 3. (In the landing bay) Dash: Han Solo! I thought you were still on Ord Mantell. Bounty Hunter trouble bring you here? Han: Yeah... I see you still fly the Outrider. I hear she's almost as fast as the Falcon now. Dash: Last time we raced, I let you win, Han. You and that pile of bolts wouldn't stand a chance now. Han: Right... You'll get your chance to show off, Ace. The Empire's headed this way. If I put in a good word for you, Luke may let you join Rogue Squadron. ...As for me. I've gotta get off this ice cube and pay off Jabba. Maybe I'll take you up on that race someday. 2. Game Script A. Battle of Hoth (SWHOTH) Luke: Rogue Group: Take out those Imperial Probe Droids. Be careful not to shoot our own turrets! Stage 2 Luke: Rogue Squadron: These At-STs should be no problem for our Blasters! Stage 3 Luke: Rogue Group: Trying using your harpoons and tow cables on the AT-AT. Stage 4 Luke: Good job, Rogue Group. We still need to buy more time for our transports to escape. Keep at them! (Stage completed) Luke: The Imperial forces have destroyed the Shield Generator! Let's get out of here! B. Escape from Echo Base (SWECHO) Leebo: The Empire has destroyed the main generators! The shield door to Bay 3 is closed, and we can't take off. You must activate the emergency generators on the lower level to open the door. Hurry! (After activating back-up generators) Leebo: The power has been restored. Hurry up and get to the ship! (At the ship) Leebo: Head for the cockpit so we can get out of here! C. The Asteroid Field (SWASTERIOD) Leebo: Sir, you'll have to fight off the TIEs so we can get far enough away from these asteroids to make the jump to lightspeed. I'll try to avoid the asteroids while you're busy in the gun turret. D. Ord Mantell Junkyard (SWJUNKYARD) PART II IN SEARCH OF BOBA FETT A rival bounty hunter has forced Boba Fett into hiding before he could deliver his prize, the frozen Han Solo, to the vile gangster, Jabba the Hutt. As Luke Skywalker and rogue mercenary DASH RENDAR search for Boba Fett, a sinister new figure emerges from the underworld. This cunning and ruthless head of the powerful crime syndicate BLACK SUN plots to ensnare the young Skywalker and replace Darth Vader at the Emperor's right hand.... Imperial City Not far from the Emperor's palace... ???: Your meeting with the Emperor went as planned, Prince Xizor? Xizor: Of course, Guri. I promised him three hundred ships for the construction project on Endor. He couldn't have found a more agreeable business partner... Guri: ...Or a more dangerous enemy. Xizor: You've informed Jabba's bounty hunters the order to capture Skywalker has now changed? Guri: Yes, and no one will know that the new order to kill Skywalker came from you. Xizor: Excellent. Vader will suffer the Emperor's wrath after he fails to turn Skywalker to the dark side. With them out of the way, and the Emperor's need for Black Sun's infinite resources, my grip on the galaxy will be supreme! (Ord Mantell) Leebo: You were correct, Captain. IG-88 is down in the salvage yard outside the city of Ord Mantell. Dash: I told you Princess Leia hired the right guy, Leebo. IG-88's ship was destroyed in a battle with Boba Fett. I'll bet he's looking for spare parts... ...and if I'm right, he'll lead me straight to Boba Fett. (Outside the ship) Dash: How am I going to find IG-88 in this pile of junk? Leebo, did the scopes find IG-88's exact location? Leebo: Yes, Sir. In a salvage plant at the far end of the junkyard. A hovertrain runs through the junkyard and leads right to the loading door. The door is closed, but if you reach the last hovertrain's engine. I can shut off the auto-brakes and you'll crash through the door. (Beginning of level) Leebo: Be careful when jumping the train is turning! (Front of the first hovertrain) Leebo: Jump to the next hovertrain! (At front of the hovertrain) Leebo: Okay, Sir! I've taken care of the auto-brakes. Prepare for impact! (Salvage Plant) IG-88: I've been monitoring you, Captain Rendar. I have tracked Boba Fett to the Zhar system where he will soon lose Solo to me. And no one will stop me. E. Gall Spaceport (SWPORT) Dash: Before I fried his circuits, IG-88 said Boba Fett was in the Zhar system. He must be on the Imperial moon base, Gall. Now that we are on the Empire's hit list, the only way in there without being blasted out of the sky is to hide the ship in Smuggler's Gorge. Then I'll have to sneak in the hard way... (Landing) Dash: So far so good, Leebo. Looks like I go in on foot from here. If I can reach the observation tower, I can plug into the central computer and find Boba Fett's hangar bay. (On the surface) I'll watch the ship. Get out there and find Boba Fett! (Observation Tower) Leebo: The spaceport computer is in the observation tower. Activate it, and we'll know where Boba Fett is docked. (After activating the computer) Leebo: Boba Fett is across the Canyon in the second tower. You'll need a jetpack to reach him. F. Mos Eisley and Beggar's Canyon (SWCANYON) PART III HUNTING THE ASSASSINS The Rebels locate Boba Fett, but with help from an Imperial escort, the bounty Hunter escapes from Gall. Above the planet, an assassin nearly kills Luke. Princess Leia, fearing for his safety, asks Dash to follow him to Tatooine. There at the abandoned home of Obi-Wen Kenobi, Luke refines his Jedi skills while Dash keeps an eye out for trouble in the familiar Mos Eisley cantina.... Assassin 1: Skywalker is hiding at Kenobi's old place. Jabba will pay extra to the one who BLASTS his bones! Dash: I've got to stop these swoop jockeys before they reach Luke. He can't handle all of them! Leebo: Stop those swoop jockeys before they reach Luke! (End of level) Dash: Princess Leia asked me to watch your back, Luke. Good thing she did `cause it looks like everyone wants your head, even Jabba. Luke: Yes, but who's pulling Jabba's strings? Dash: Leia's trying to find answers, Luke. She thinks Black Sun's spy network may provide them. Luke: Black Sun? Their agents just gave us the time and route of a freighter carrying secret Imperial construction plans. Dash: I wouldn't trust those gangsters if I were you. Luke: I don't trust them, but we can't afford not to check it out. It may be vital to the Alliance... ...want to come along, Dash? Dash: Why not? Gotta earn my pay. G. Imperial Freighter Suprosa (SWFREIGHTER) Luke: Dash, this is Luke. You board the Imperial freighter and find that super computer. I'll cover you out here. Leebo: Make your way through the ship, and find the Imperial super computer. My scanners show that it is near the main cargo hangar. (After boss fight) Leebo: You found the super computer! Now take the lift back to the control room, and switch off the hangar force field so that I can pick you up. Emperor: I allowed the computer carrying the plans for the new Death Star to fall into Rebel hands on your advice, Lord Xizor. You had best be right. Xizor: Rest assured, Your Highness. Their struggle was enough to convince them that their prize is genuine. Once the Rebels find out exactly what I have given them, their trust in me will be complete. I will do what Vader cannot. I will deliver the Rebels to you... crush at your pleasure, my Emperor. H. Sewers of Imperial City (SWSEWERS) PART IV LAIR OF THE DARK PRINCE Princess Leia has met with the mysterious Dark Prince Xizor. When she discovers his plans, she is held captive deep within his lair beneath Imperial City. Xizor is unaware that both Darth Vader and the rebels have learned of his treachery and race to confront him. Determined to rescue Leia and destroy Black Sun, Luke and Dash slip into the depths of Imperial City's underworld.... Luke: These sewer tunnels lead to Xizor's palace. Land, Chewie and I will search for Leia. Dash, see if you can find a way to cover our escape. We'll meet back here. Dash: Sure, Luke. I'll just plant a few pulse bombs and blow this foul- smelling place sky-high. Luke: Just be sure to make it back in one piece. Leebo: Find your way through the sewers to get to the entrance of Xizor's lair. (After getting the security key) Leebo: You found the security key that will access the main sewage gate. (After find force field deactivator) Leebo: It's a force field deactivator! I. Xizor's Palace (SWPALACE) Leebo: Sir, there are several service panels to the space elevator that connects Xizor's palace to his skyhook in orbit. If you place the pulse bombs on each of these three service panels, the fortress will be destroyed and the skyhook will be cut off. (After setting the pulse bombs) Leebo: The pulse bombs are set and Luke has found Princess Leia. Just find a way out! J. Skyhook Battle (SWSKYHOOK) Dash: Xizor's headed for his skyhook. Leebo, keep us on course while I take the guns and blast his fighters into space dust! Leebo: I'll fly us to the skyhook while you fight off Xizor's fighters from the gun turret. (At Skyhook) Leebo: Sir, you'd better take over the ship... We've reached the Skyhook! Luke: The Empire is attacking Xizor's base and us! Destroy the turrets at the end of each arm of the station. (After destroy all turrets) Luke: That does it for the turrets. Now fly inside and destroy the power core! (After destroy the power core) Luke: Let's get out of here! Luke: Wait... Where's Dash? He must not have made it out of the skyhook before it blew... (The ending) Rendezvous point on Tatooine Near the palace of Jabba the Hutt Luke: I can't believe Dash didn't make it out of that explosion, Leia. He was such a great pilot. Leia: I know, Luke. But he didn't die in vain. Thanks to him, the Alliance no longer has anything to fear from Black Sun, and the Imperial computer he captured is being decoded right now. It may well contain information worth the price Dash paid with his life. 3. Final Word !Warning! This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you have any questions or you found a mistake then see the section Final Word on how to contact me at Credits I would like to thank Lucasarts for making this great game Nintendo for making the N64. My friends and class mates And I would like to give a big thanks to CJayC for creating Gamefaqs. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2022 KFHEWUI.