MM MMMMMMMM MM MMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMM MMMMMMM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Super B-Daman MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Battle Phoenix MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 64 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM A guide to Super B-Daman Battle Phoenix 64 for the N64 Written by Adam King (aka Terotrous) Version 1.0 This FAQ is intended for personal use only. You are free to save or print this guide for your own use in playing the game, but it is not to be reproduced or redistributed without the express permission of Adam King. This guide is best viewed using a fixed-width font, with at least 79 characters per row. The most up to date version of this guide may always be found at =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Table of Contents: You can search using the code listed before the titles to jump right to that section. Just press Ctrl-F and type in the code. F-00 FAQ information F-01 Version History F-02 Preface G-00 Game Basics G-01 About B-Daman Battle Phoenix 64 G-02 Starting Up and File Select G-03 The Main Menu G-04 B-Da Mode G-05 Character Select G-06 B-Da Items G-07 Options M-00 Minigames M-01 Trolley Shooting M-02 Hungry Dinosaurs M-03 Billiard Battle M-04 Power Clash M-05 Whack-A-Mole M-06 Gate Clear Battle M-07 Air Ball Battle M-08 Panda Darts Battle M-09 B-Daman Rally M-10 Robot Battle B-00 Battle Mode B-01 Battle Mode Basics and Items B-02 Battle Mode Characters B-03 Battle Mode Stages I-00 B-Da Item Listing Z-00 Contact and Credits Z-01 Contacting Me Z-02 Credits Z-03 Closing Information =============================================================================== =============================================================================== F-00 FAQ Information: ############################################################################### F-01 Version History: 1.0 - Mar 29, 2021 First draft. Covers the entire game. ############################################################################### F-02 Preface: It should be obvious, but this is a guide for a game that was never released in America, which is designed to help people who don't speak Japanese to play the game. Due to the simplicity of the game and its UI, with the aid of this guide you should probably be able to play the game with no issues even if you can't read a lick of Japanese. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== G-00 Game Basics: This sections goes over the basics of the game. ############################################################################### G-01 About B-Daman Battle Phoenix 64: If you haven't heard of B-Daman, you're probably not alone. It's a toy line from Japan consisting of little figurines with a hole in the chest where you can insert a marble, which you can fire by pressing a button on the back. The name is a pun on the japanese word for "marble", "biidama", making the Japanese name essentially "marble man", though one assumes the similarity to the english phrase "Be 'da man" isn't unintentional. The toys are made by Takara Tomy, who you might recognize for also creating Choro Q and Zoids. Given Takara Tomy's penchant for creating multimedia franchises out of their toy lines it should come as no real surprise that there's been a number of games and animes featuring B-Daman. In particular, the game covered in this guide is based on the Super B-Daman anime series. As far as the B-Daman games are concerned, most of them have been focused on a strange interpretation of bowling, where a B-Daman figure is used to shoot bombs at moving pins (which are also bombs), with the intention being to time the shots to cause chain reactions and thus take out all pins in as few shots as possible. If this sounds a little bit reminiscent of Bomberman, you're not wrong, as the first game of this type was a Bomberman crossover called Bomberman B-Daman. This game has a sister game with which it features Transfer Pak compatibility called Super B-Daman Fighting Phoenix, which also plays like this. As time went on the series gradually diversified in terms of gameplay, but of all their efforts I feel that the N64 game is perhaps the most interesting. Super B-Daman Battle Phoenix 64 is essentially a minigame compilation with a twist. All of the minigames are based around B-Daman figures, so they all involve aiming and shooting in some way. Even relatively simple activities like Whack-A-Mole feel very different given this type of control interface, and I think it does a good job standing out in what can otherwise be a somewhat crowded genre. Another unique mechanic to this game is that there are multiple playable characters who have different stats, and you can unlock powerups that you can use against the AI during games that essentially allow you to cheat, which is hilarious (and necessary because the AI is very strong). It feels like a pretty fresh take on the formula and I think it could be a solid addition to the library of any party-game fan. ############################################################################### G-02 Starting Up and File Select: Upon starting the game and watching or skipping the intro, you'll reach the title screen. Press Start to get to file select. The game allows for 3 profiles, all of which are backed up to the game, so no controller pak is needed here. If you bought the game used, your game might have profiles already. If 3 lines are displayed, the profile has data. If only one is displayed, the profile is empty. The 3 lines shown for a profile with data are as follows: Profile Name B-Da Item Count Battle B Count The line at the bottom below the profile windows is very important too, this is used for deleting files. If the first word is coloured orange, you're selecting a profile to begin or load. If you press Right to highlight the second word, you instead move to deleting files. If you select to delete a profile, you'll be asked to confirm the delete. The right option, which is the default, is no, while the left option is yes. Upon selecting a profile that lacks data, you'll be asked to name it. You can press L and R to select different alphabets, including english, though profile names can only have up to four characters. When you're done, select the word highlighted in yellow near the bottom right to finish. If you select this without entering any name at all, the game will give you a default name. You'll then return to the profile select, where you can select your new profile. After selecting a profile, you'll move onto the main menu. ############################################################################### G-03 The Main Menu: The main menu has four options, displayed as four boxes. Here's a visual breakdown of the way the menu is organized. B-DA MODE BATTLE MODE B-DAMA ITEMS OPTIONS Battle Mode has its own separate section later in the guide. The rest of this section will cover B-Da Mode and the related menu options. ############################################################################### G-04 B-Da Mode: B-Da Mode is the game's "main mode", where you'll select your character and play through a gauntlet of minigames against the AI to unlock new characters and B-Da Items. The first menu upon selecting B-Da Mode is as follows: B-Da Battle Royale Tag Match Tournament Free Mode Tag Match Tournament is initially locked. A breakdown of the modes follows. B-Da Battle Royale ------------------ B-Da Battle Royale is where most of the game's progression takes place. Upon picking B-Da Battle Royale, you'll then need to pick the cup you will challenge, which are as follows: Rookie B-Da Cup Super B-Da Cup King of B-Da Cup Each character progresses through the cups individually, so if you win the first cup with Tamago, only Tamago can play the second cup until you go back and beat the first cup with more characters. Once a cup is challenged, you'll face the opponents in a random order, though for the Rookie Cup, only the first 5 characters are available, for the Super Cup, it's the first 7 plus Master Koryaku, and the King Cup has everyone. Speaking of which, clearing the cups for the first time will also unlock new characters, once you've cleared King Cup, you'll have them all. A unique mechanic to this game is that each opponent has their own game, for example Tamago is always challenged to Trolley Shooting. For the Rookie Cup, this means you can essentially ban your own game by picking it (since mirror matches aren't allowed), but from the Super Cup onwards, Master Koryaku will challenge you to your own game, and he has the best AI in the game, so it actually means that whatever game your character specializes in will be the hardest. Here's a full list of the characters and the games they play. If you're not familiar with the characters yet, see the next section. Tamago plays Trolley Shooting Gunma plays Hungry Dinosaurs Sarah plays Billiard Battle Yen plays Power Clash Nekomaru plays Whack-A-Mole Atsumasa plays Gate Clear Battle Akari plays Air Ball Battle Yukki plays Panda Darts Battle Goose plays B-Daman Rally Itta plays Robot Battle Master Koryaku plays your character's game Takoppi plays Robot Battle Tag Match Tournament -------------------- Tag Match Tournament isn't available until you've beaten the King Cup in B-Da Battle Royale at least once. Here, you'll select two characters and play a series of matches against other teams. You can choose which character will compete before each match, and you can even play this mode with a second human player on your team. There's not too much else to say about it, it's generally a little easier than the B-Da Battle Royale. Free Mode --------- Free Mode lets you play any unlocked minigame, against either the AI or another player. You can still unlock any game specific unlockables this way. ############################################################################### G-05 Character Select: After selecting a cup or game to play, you'll be taken to the character select screen. Characters are rated in four attributes, which are as follows. These stats also apply to Battle Mode, even though they aren't shown there. Power Defense Speed Rapid Fire I don't know if Defense actually does anything in B-Da mode, but it's very important in Battle Mode. In B-Da mode, the Speed stat affects the movement speed of your cursor, rather than your B-Daman itself. In B-Da Battle Royale, Rank is displayed above the four stats. It is equivalent to the highest tournament that character has won. So if you've won the Super B-Da Cup with Tamago, it will show Super B-Da for his rank. There are 12 characters in the game, but only the first 5 are unlocked initially. Strangely, their names aren't even shown on the character select screen, only the name of their B-Daman is. However, here are the character names and B-Daman Names, from left to right. Their stats are listed in brackets, in the order given above. Tamago and Fighting Phoenix (4422) Gunma and Wild Wyvern (2244) Sarah and Stag Sphinx (3333) Yen and Bursting Countess (5331) Nekomaru and Nyankoro Fighter (2253) Atsumasa and Konig Cerberus (4422) Akari and Junker Unicorn (2244) Yukke and Pandako Panda (3333) Goose and Cool Gunner (4242) Itta and Hagane (2154) Master Koryaku and Master Koryaku Special 2 (4444) Takoppi and Chuchu Tako Kaiser (1155) ############################################################################### G-06: B-Da Items This section allows you to manage your B-Da Items, which are essentially the game's main progression mechanic. As you accomplish various tasks in the game, you'll earn B-Da items, some of which can be used in battle, while others unlock various options and minigames. It's also how you save the game. The options in the menu are as follows: View B-Da Items Load B-Da Items Save Data The first option displays your B-Da Items. For more about them, see section I. The second option lets you load B-Da Items from the Transfer Pak or a Controller Pak. The game has transfer pak compatibility with Super B-Daman Fighting Phoenix on Gameboy, which also has B-Da Items. If you have unlocked them in that game, you can transfer them here. You can also load saved data from a Controller Pak, though if you copy B-Da Items this way, they'll be red to denote that you didn't unlock them yourself. The third option lets you save your data to the cart, or to a controller pak. Note that this game does not save automatically so you must save manually after making progress. ############################################################################### G-07: Options: Nothing tremendously important here, beyond the sound test. The menu options are as follows: Controls Message Speed (Normal / Slow / Fast) Sound Mode (Stereo / Mono) Music Test Sound Effect Test Exit The only submenu is for controls. You can't change much here, but you can invert the aiming for the cursor if you prefer that, or change the button mappings around. This guide will assume you left it at the default. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== M-00 Minigames: Here's a breakdown of how to play the minigames in the B-Da Mode. ############################################################################### M-01 Trolley Shooting: Controls: --------- Stick - Aim A / B - Shoot Z (hold) - Slow cursor R - Use B-Da Item Trolley Shooting is a fairly simple target shooting game. The trolley moves along a set course and you need to shoot the targets that appear. The targets each have their point values listed on them, and they are also colour coded. Dark Blue: -2 points Light Blue: -1 point Yellow: 1 point Red: 2 points There are also two special targets that appear in the sky at different points, a red balloon worth 5 points, and a UFO worth 10 points. Finally, there are switches along the course that you can hit to change the trolley's path. Generally, one path will have a lot of high value targets, and one will have low-value targets, though which is which is randomized each time so you'll have to keep your eyes peeled to pick the path with the good targets. The player with the most points at the end of the course wins. Beating Tamago here is fairly easy, but Master Koryaku is another story, this is easily one of his best games, and Tamago himself isn't very adept at it. You'll want to save your B-Da items to disable Master Koryaku at key moments, such as after the track switch if you got the path with all the good targets, and at the end of the course. Some great B-Items to use here are Reverse, Dokusoi, Reverse Kiss, Paralysis, Doppelganger, and of course, Time Stop. ############################################################################### M-02 Hungry Dinosaurs: Controls: --------- Stick - Aim Cursor A / B - Shoot Z (Hold) - Power shot R - Use B-Da Item Hungry Dinosaurs is a bit like Trolley Shooting, but in reverse. In this one, you're aiming out of the back of the cart at some rampaging dinosaurs. The goal is to shoot marbles into their mouths to slow them down so you don't get bit. You get one point for shooting a marble into a dinosaur's mouth, but lose 5 points if you get chomped. Every now and then the cart will go over a jump and a pterodactyl will appear, and you can shoot marbles into its mouth for 2 points each. The one other point of nuance to this game is that you can actually feed either dinosaur. Feeding your own dinosaur slows it down, but feeding the rival's dinosaur speeds it up. I usually prefer to feed my own dino, but shooting the opponent's from time to time can be fun. Gunma is very aggressive when he plays this game, generally preferring to feed your dinosaur a lot to try to take your points away. However, this causes him to get chomped by his own dino quite a bit, so he rarely has many points. As long as you can keep from getting chomped too much you should be ok. Master Koryaku is as always a little better, but disabling him with items like Reverse, Reverse Kiss, Dokusoi, or Time Stop and letting him get chomped should easily hand you victory. ############################################################################### M-03 Billiard Battle: Controls: --------- Stick - Aim Cursor A / B - Shoot Z (Hold) - Power Shot R - Use B-Da Item C Buttons - Move Camera Billiard Battle is Billiards (Pool) with a twist. Besides shooting balls with your B-Daman to pocket them and score points, your B-Daman also acts as a ball and can be pocketed by the other players to earn a special Chance Shot. The game begins with a coin toss, which decides who will control the break shot and take the first shot. Balls cannot be pocketed on the break shot, it's merely there to break up the balls from their initial formation. On your turn, line up your shot with the stick and aim at a ball of your choice. Note that there is a maximum distance your marble can travel, and you'll take your next shot from wherever you first contact a ball, becoming a ball yourself when it's not your turn. If you fail to hit any ball on your shot, you lose a point. You can hold Z to do a stronger shot that travels further and hits balls further, you'll probably want to do this most of the time. Obviously, the goal is to pocket the other balls. Pocketing a white ball is worth 1 point, and an orange ball is worth 3 points. If you pocket the rival's ball, you get to take a chance shot, which temporarily makes all balls count as orange balls. You also get a point multiplier if you pocket a ball by hitting it with another ball first, for example if you sunk a ball with a chain reaction where you struck two other balls first, it'd be worth triple points. This is extremely hard to pull off, but if you ever get a great shot lined up, go for it, because it can almost instantly give you the win. The game will only play for a certain amount of turns, displayed in the top middle of the screen. When either all balls have been pocketed or the number of turns elapses, the game is over and the player with the most points wins. Sarah is incredibly inconsistent at this game. Sometimes she's a goddess and sinks every shot, other times she can barely hit anything and fouls most of the game. Master Koryaku actually might be worse than she is at this game, it's generally one of the easiest games to win against him. Very few B-Da Items are eligible here, and the best one by far is Cannon Shot, which allows you to do a ludicrously powerful shot that sends balls flying. If multiple balls are grouped together, you can try a cannon shot to see if you can pocket a couple and earn a boatload of points, but it's mostly luck. ############################################################################### M-04 Power Clash Controls: --------- Stick - Aim A / B - Shoot Z (hold) - Slow cursor R - Use B-Da Item Power Clash is arguably the simplest of the minigames. The screen is divided in half vertically, with each player having their own side. A series of objects will be displayed, and the goal is to shoot each of them enough times for them to be destroyed. The objects each have some degree of motion, though some are harder to hit than others. The first one to destroy all of the targets wins. There is one aspect of nuance to this game, which is that each of the targets has a weakpoint, which, if hit, destroys it instantly. Knowing when to go for the rapid fire vs the weakpoint can be an important strategy. Here are the weakpoints, though note that the targets appear in a random order. Coin - The heads side Venus Flytrap - The pot Milk Bottle - The cap Tank - The lights on the front Rocket - The Hatch Moai Head - The name plate on the base Stars - One of the stars on the outside ring Helicopter - The top propeller Giant Robot - The head Dinosaur - The eye Wind up Crocodile - The wind-up key Gyroid - The mouth Pirate Ship - The skull on the flag RC Car - The license plate Crown - The red gem on the front Yen is actually pretty good at this game, so you'll probably want some B-Da Items to turn the tide in your favour. Luckily, there are tons of items here that can be useful. You can try using B-Da items like Cannon Shot and Doppelganger to destroy your own targets faster, or impede your opponent with things like Reverse, Dokusoi, and Time Stop. Master Koryaku can be beaten much the same way, and thankfully Yen is good at his own game, so it shouldn't be too much of a struggle. ############################################################################### M-05 Whack-a-Mole: Controls: --------- Stick - Aim Cursor A / B - Shoot Z (Hold) - Power shot R - Use B-Da Item You probably already know how to play Whack-a-Mole, you hit the moles as they come out of the holes to score points. Of course, this being B-Daman, you have to shoot the moles with marbles instead, which adds an aiming component to the action. You and your rival will be playing at the same time, so it's important to be fast, but shots can bounce off walls and hit targets you don't intend, particularly the one that costs you points, so accuracy is also important. The different colours of moles are worth different points, as shown below. Blue Mole - 1 point Brown Mole with Sunglasses - 2 points Hard Hat Mole - 5 points Pink Mole with Bow - -5 points So obviously, you'll want to target the Hard Hats and avoid the Pinks as best you can, but the opponent will be doing the same, so it can get quite intense. Whomever has the highest score when time runs out is the winner. Nekomaru is actually really good at this game on higher difficulties, and Master Koryaku is even worse, so you're going to want to cheat as much as possible using B-Items. Reverse, Reverse Kiss, Paralysis, Dokusoi, and Time Stop are all fantastic here. You may also want to hold down Z to make your shots go faster, particularly if you're playing someone with low shot power. ############################################################################### M-06 Gate Clear Battle: Controls: --------- Stick - Aim A / B - Shoot Z (hold) - Slow cursor R - Use B-Da Item Gate Clear Battle challenges you to clear a series of gates by shooting various targets, but the types of gates vary so you'll have to adapt quickly. There are 4 types of gates: Number Gate - The gate will display the numbers 1 through 5 in a number pattern, and you have to shoot them in order. If you get it wrong, you have to start again from 1. 3 Panel Gate - This gate displays 3 symbols vertically. Periodically, they will open to reveal either a key or a skull. Shooting the key opens the gate, but shooting the skull takes you back one gate. 12 Panel Gate - This gate displays 12 panels, in 3 rows of 4. Your goal is to shoot one of the 18 panels, but which one is correct is random. The panels light up as you shoot them. Padlock Gate - This gate simply displays a giant padlock, which you must shoot a few times until it breaks. At the very end, you'll have to shoot one of the targets from Power Clash. You can still use weakpoints to destroy them, so refer to Power Clash above to learn about those. Atsumasa is decent at this game, though he's very susceptible to B-Da items like Dokusoi and Reverse, which can easily give you a lead of several gates. This same strategy should work just fine against Master Koryaku. You could try Doppelganger B here if you get frustrated by the 12 Panel Gates. ############################################################################### M-07 Air Ball Battle: Controls: --------- Stick - Aim Cursor A / B - Shoot Z (Hold) - Power shot R - Use B-Da Item Air Ball Battle is like Pong mixed with Volleyball. A giant ball begins in the middle of the stage, and the players have to shoot the ball to push it towards the opponent. If it touches the bottom of the stage, it will break the panels there, revealing spikes underneath. If the ball touches the spikes, it breaks, and whoever's side it was on is the loser. The ball responds to the point at which it is hit, so hitting the top makes it move downwards, while hitting the bottom moves it up, and so on. From time to time, various effects will occur, indicated by the arrows shown on the columns on the side of the stage and a box on the bottom right. Either the gravity can go up or down, or the ball can become small or big. Regardless of the effect, though, the general strategy is to try to shoot the top of the ball if it's on the opponent's side, or the bottom of the ball if it's on your side, and keep it on their side as much as possible. Whether you're against Akari or Master Koryaku, Air Ball Battle can be an extremely chaotic game. Sometimes matches go on for ages, other times they can end almost as soon as they begin. Time Stop is ridiculously powerful here, you can often just activate time stop and win the entire game before the opponent gets to move again, but anything that impairs the opponent's ability to aim, like Reverse, Reverse Kiss, and Dokusoi can be very useful when the ball is on their side. ############################################################################### M-08 Panda Darts Battle: Controls: --------- Stick - Aim A / B - Shoot Z (hold) - Slow cursor R - Use B-Da Item This game is quite similar to Trolley Shooting, but it moves left to right instead of into the screen. Throughout the course, pandas will appear in all sorts of locations, usually holding targets. There are more targets in this one compared to Trolley Shooting, but none that make you lose points this time. Green - 1 point Orange - 2 points Red - 5 points Gold Panda Coin - 10 points However, you need to make sure not to shoot the Pandas themselves, because that would be unethical and makes you lose 1 point. Sometimes Pandas hold Baby Pandas instead of targets, which make you lose 5 points if they are shot. Much like Trolley Shooting, beating Akari isn't too bad, but Master Koryaku can be quite a different story, he's extremely fast and accurate and can take most targets before you even get a chance to fire. One good way to rack up points is to take advantage of the panda houses. The targets always appear in the same spot and you never get faked out by baby pandas, so you can just shoot the location over and potentially get a lot of points. The swimming section is generally the least lucrative, so you may not want to bother using B-Da Items against the opponent here. As usual, items that mess with the opponent's cursor are strong, like Revenge, Revenge Kiss, Dokusoi, Paralysis, and Time Stop, though you could also try Split if you've got it, due to the length of this game you can just play the first half normally and then split if you're not way ahead, then stall out the rest with B-Da Items for an easy win. ############################################################################### M-09 B-Daman Rally: Controls: --------- Stick - Aim Cursor A / B - Shoot Z (Hold) - Power Shot R - Use B-Da Item B-Daman Rally is probably the most unique game in the set. It's kind of like Golf, the ultimate goal is to reach the goal ring at the end of the stage, which you accomplish by shooting marbles with the cursor. After shooting, you then move to where the marble landed. If it falls off the stage, you get set back on the stage near where you went off and lose time, though no points are deducted. Besides the goal ring, there are various coloured rings hovering in the air that you can shoot through along the way to earn extra points. The colour of the ring tells you how many points it gives. Red - 1 point Blue - 2 points Gold - 3 points Shooting multiple rings in one shot multiplies the point total for each subsequent ring hit, so if you shot a Red and a Blue ring in that order, you'd get 5 points, since the second would be doubled. The goal ring is worth 5 points, and it is also eligible for bonus points if another ring is hit first. Additionally, whomever hit the goal ring also gets 1 additional bonus point for every 10 seconds left on the clock. B-Daman Rally is maybe the easiest game to win against the AI. Rushing the goal ring is such an overpowered strategy that there's almost no way to counter it, so just delay the AI with almost any B-Da item whatsoever and make a beeline for it. Even Master Koryaku has no real answer to this. ############################################################################### M-10 Robot Battle: Controls: --------- Stick - Aim A / B - Shoot Z (hold) - Slow cursor R - Use B-Da Item Robot Battle is another fairly quirky one. This one sort of resembles a fighting game, each character has their own robot, displayed in the top half of the screen, with a lifebar at the top, and whoever's lifebar is depleted first is the loser. The robots are controlled using the panel at the bottom of the screen. It is filled with various icons, that represent different attacks the robot can do. There are 5 types of icons representing 5 types of attacks. In order of strength, they are a fist, a foot, a green energy ball, a blue energy ball, and a red power wave. However, in order to actually do these attacks, the robot must first build up power, which is done by shooting the center panel. As enough power is built up to launch attacks, the attacks will light up, allowing them to be shot to launch the attack. When one robot attacks, the defender has the chance to guard or counter the attack. The way this works is that for a while, only the center panel will be displayed, which can be shot to build up power. Just before the attack hits, certain panels will light up. The middle panel is always guard, so you can shoot that one to reduce damage, but some of the other attack panels will light up too, and if you can shoot them fast enough, you can perform a counter attack that will damage the opponent instead. Countering the opponent's attacks is a great strategy, but some attacks, have short counter windows and are thus hard to defend against. Itta, Master Koryaku, and Takoppi all play the game somewhat similarly. They're quite good at countering, especially Takoppi, so you shouldn't launch attacks too much unless you're going to disable them with a B-Da Item, like Reverse, Dokusoi, or Time Stop. Instead, focusing on countering their attacks is a sound strategy if you're low on B-Da Items. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== B-00 Battle Mode: Battle Mode is a totally different game mode from B-Da Mode, and little carries over in terms of mechanics between them. Battle Mode essentially resembles a mixture of the Bumper Balls game from Mario Party with a little bit of Bomberman tossed in. It supports up to four players, which can be any combination of human and computer players, and the goal is to knock the other players off the stage by shooting marbles at them. Here's a translation of the menus for this mode: The first menu asks you to choose who's playing. This menu is mostly in English, except for the AI difficulties. From left to right, they're hard, normal, and easy. The second menu has the options for the game. From top to bottom: Rounds needed to win 1 3 5 Stage selection Choose Random Round Time 45 60 90 Items On Off The third menu is stage select. There are 5 stages, one of which must be unlocked. If you chose random stages, this menu is skipped. The fourth menu is character selection. The character stats are not shown here, but they are the same as B-Da Mode. The characters are listed in the same order as the B-Da mode character select, though Battle Phoenix is also listed at the end. For more on the characters, see the following section. ############################################################################### B-01 Battle Mode Gameplay and Items: Controls: --------- Stick - Moves your B-Daman A - Shoots Z - Hold for Charge Shot The basics of Battle mode are very simple. Move around the screen while mashing A to fire shots and push enemies off the stage. You can hold Z for a charge shot, but it's not much more powerful than a regular shot so it's not usually recommended, rapid fire is the way to go most of the time. There is also a special shot mechanic. Every time you get shot, you portrait shakes a little bit. After a number of shots, it will turn red, during which time you have a little bit of time to pull off your special shot, though if you wait too long it will be wasted. Every B-Daman has a different special shot, which will be listed in the next section. There is a time limit to each round, which will often come into play because when people play well they can live a long time. As time starts running out, the edges of the stage will fall off, gradually reducing the size of the playing field. Obviously, being in the middle during this time is most ideal. There are also items, which appear randomly in the form of coloured marbles, assuming items are turned on. The items and their effects are as follows: Blue - Increase Shot Power Green - Rapid Shot Purple - Increases Speed Grey - Increases Defense White - Invisibility Yellow - Reduces shot power Red - Reduces speed Pink - Backwards controls Generally, Blue and Green are the ones you particularly want. Pink is incredibly deadly, so avoid that one like the plague. ############################################################################### B-02 Battle Mode Characters: All of the characters from B-Da Mode can be used in Battle Mode, though they play a bit differently here. Here's a breakdown of each character, from left to right, top to bottom. Fighting Phoenix: ----------------- Has very good defense and power. A pretty strong choice overall. His power shot is a 3-shot spread attack. Wild Wyvern: ------------ Is fast, but not as powerful as Fighting Phoenix. Its power shot is quick 3-shot burst which is good for getting eliminations. Stag Sphinx: ------------ A good all-rounder with good stats in pretty much every area. Its power shot is a double shot that curves, which is probably one of the weakest ones. Blazing Countess: ----------------- Has decent power and speed, but a very slow spot speed. Immensely powerful with the Green item. Its charge shot is a single powerful shot. Nyankoro Fighter: ----------------- Has immense speed and can shoot fast, but basically does no damage. Instead, you have to use your speed to tackle others off the stage, which is fun, but risky. His charge shot is a homing shot that also doesn't do much. Konig Cerberus: --------------- Very similar to Fighting Phoenix, very slow and powerful, but its special shot fires three shots in a row rather than in a spread, which is probably even better. Junker Unicorn: --------------- Similar to Wild Wyvern, has good speed and shot speed, but low defense, except has the Spread Shot for its special instead, which is probably a downgrade. Pandako Panda: -------------- Another all-rounder, but possesses an interesting wave shot for its special shot. Probably one of the best choices after Fighting Phoenix and Konig Cerberus. Cool Gunner: ------------ Has Speed and Power, but no defense, a total glass cannon. Strangely, his special shot seems not to do anything at all. Hagane: ------- Hagane is even more of a glass cannon than Cool Gunner, having the worst defense of any character. However, he has a very unique special shot, when his portrait turns red he disappears entirely, and firing the shot makes him reappear. Master Koryaku Special 2: ------------------------- As usual, Master Koryaku pretty much has it all, speed, power, defense, you name it. His special shot is a single immensely powerful shot. Chuchu Tako Kaiser: ------------------- On the other hand, Chuchu Tako Kaiser is easily the worst character. He's fast, but he has no power, and when his portrait turns red the AI takes over and suicidally tries to ram another player off the stage, usually killing itself in the process. It takes a miracle to win with this guy. Battle Phoenix: --------------- Battle Phoenix is basically a slightly upgraded version of Fighting Phoenix who gains a little extra speed in exchange for a worse special shot, with it basically just being a normal shot. Still, definitely a viable option. ############################################################################### B-03 Battle Mode Stages: Battle mode has 5 stages, one of which is initially locked. They are listed in order of the stage select screen, from left to right, though be aware that the menu loops around. Luckily there are also pictures. Normal Stage: ------------- As the name implies, this is a perfectly average stage with no gimmicks. Try to stay toward the middle of the stage for safety and to stay alive if the time gets low. Dokkan Stage: ------------- Easily the most annoying stage. Throughout the battle, various tiles will light up at random. Blue panels are safe, red and green panels blow you up and send you somewhere else, and yellow panels create a bunch of red panels around them. It's so chaotic that people will spend almost the entire game being launched around the board, rather than the stage really having any strategy. Biribiri Stage: --------------- Lightning periodically strikes the big lightning rod in the middle, shocking anyone who touches it and disabling them for a few seconds. If no one touches it, the lightning is shot out as a wave instead, which has the same effect if people are caught by it. This stage is a bit more interesting, it does a decent job of encouraging you to move around the stage rather than just camping the middle. Tsurutsuru Stage: ----------------- The entire stage is covered in ice, which means your movement will be a bit slippery. This generally has the effect of making shots much more powerful, since you can't stop moving as fast. Probably the best stage overall as it feels a bit more skill-based than the others, but matches here often end fast. Takoppi Stage: -------------- There's a lot going on here. For starters, rockets are periodically fired at the stage, which have a similar stun effect to the lightning from Biribiri Stage. The tiles around the center also move up and down in a wave pattern, which can create walls around the stage, and during the countdown sequence metal pans fall that have a similar effect to the rockets. I guess this one is okay, but if feels quite random. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== I-00 B-Da Item Listing: Here's a list of all B-Da Items in the game, what they do, and how to unlock them. Note that when you start the game, you are given 2 B-Da Items, at random. It seems like there's only a handful of possibilities, though, so don't bother resetting hundreds of times to try to get Laughing B or something. 0 - Parameter B --------------- Utility B How to unlock: Obtain all other B Items. Effect: Lets you add up to 3 extra points to the statistics of 1P's character. The values still can't go over 5, though. This is very cool, but it's a nightmare to actually unlock it. 1 - Cuckoo B ------------ Utility B How to unlock: Beat Survival Mode. This is perhaps the only unlockable that requires specific instructions. It's not actually that hard if you pick someone with good defense like Fighting Phoenix and just focus on staying in the middle, but it takes absolutely forever, probably 20+ minutes or so. Effect: Displays a message to the player in the game's splash screen, upon booting up the game. 2 - Takoppi B ------------- Utility B How to unlock: Beat Takoppi in the King B Cup Effect: Unlocks Takoppi in B-Da Mode and Battle Mode. 3 - Master B ------------ Utility B How to unlock: Beat Master Koryaku in the Super B Cup Effect: Unlocks Master Koryaku in B-Da Mode and Battle Mode. 4 - Mekakushi B (Blindfold B) ----------------------------- Battle B How to Unlock: Beat the Super Cup as Itta Effect: Hides the opponent's crosshairs. 5 - Zudadada B -------------- Utility B How to unlock: Play the Fortune-Telling game until it unlocks. Effect: Allows you to play a button mashing game. You have 10 seconds to hit A and B as many times as you can. 6 - Gomou B (False B) --------------------- Utility B How to unlock: Beat the Super Cup without continuing. Effect: Adds your name to the credits. 7 - Mirror B ------------ Utility B How to Unlock Play B-Da Mode as every character. Effect: Lets you view all the models in the game. C left and C right can be used to rotate. 8 - Guruguru B (Spinning B) --------------------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Play the Fortune-Telling game until it unlocks. Effect: Lets you play a stick rotation minigame. You have 10 seconds to rotate the stick as many times as possible. 9 - Kanashibari B (Paralysis B) ------------------------------- Battle B How to Unlock: Beat the Super Cup as Akari Effect: Prevents the opponent from moving their cursor, though they can still shoot. 10 - Battle Nunfue B -------------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Mash the Start button really fast on the mode select screen. This is actually intended to be done using a Hudson-made turbo controller, but it can be done manually as well. Effect: Unlocks the Takoppi Stage for Battle Mode. This cheat is identical to a cheat from Super Bomberman 5 which also unlocks hidden battle mode stages. 11 - Yoroko B (Joyful B) ------------------------ Utility B How to Unlock: Win the Super Cup as Yukke Effect: Causes the title screen to display your profile name. 12 - Mirror Course B -------------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Win matches in B-Da mode. Effect: Mirrors the course for Trolley Shooting. 13 - Dosukoi B -------------- Battle B How to Unlock: Win matches in B-Da mode. Effect: Weighs down the opponent's cursor, forcing them to hold up on the stick for a long time to aim up. Very potent against the AI. 14 - Uchinari B --------------- Utility B How to unlock: Win matches in B-Da mode. Effect: Displays a fortune telling game. 15 - Ushiro Tokkae B (Background Change B) ------------------------------------------ Visual B How to Unlock: Choose all 4 options from the main menu. Effect: Changes the main menu background to be pandas and Takoppis. 16 - Tako Serif B ----------------- Visual B How to Unlock: Beat the Super Cup as Takoppi. Effect: Translates Takoppi's dialogue. 17 - Okaeshi B (Revenge B) -------------------------- Battle B How to Unlock: Win matches in B-Da mode. Effect: While this is in effect, if the opponent uses a B item on you, it also gets used on them. 18 - Uchibbanashi B (Concrete B) -------------------------------- Battle B How to Unlock: Shoot a fair number of negative point targets in Trolley Shooting. Effect: Forces the opponent to shoot constantly. Note that this is a good thing in some games, so be careful when you use it. 19 - Boot B ----------- Battle B How to Unlock: Win matches in B-Da mode. Effect: Makes the opponent's cursor move much faster. Note that for characters whose cursor is slow, this helps more than it hurts. 20 - Point Get B ---------------- Sound B How to Unlock: Listen to all the sound effects in the options menu. Effect: Changes some of the scoring sound effects. For example, making a big combo in Billiards makes a rooster sound. 21 - Chuugyaku B (Reverse Kiss B) --------------------------------- Battle B How to Unlock: Beat the Super cup with Sarah Effect: Takes over the opponent's cursor, forcing them to mirror your actions. They can still control when they shoot. Generally pretty powerful. 22 - Giant B ------------ Battle B How to Unlock: Beat the Super Cup with Yen Effect: Causes you to shoot extremely large marbles for a while. 23 - Gyaku B (Reverse B) ------------------------ Battle B How to Unlock: Win matches in B-Da mode. Effect: Reverses the opponent's controls. This is quite potent against the AI. 24 - Heater B ------------- How to Unlock: Leave the game idle on the main menu for about a minute until you hear a sound. Effect: Changes the title screen 25 - Cannon Shot B ------------------ Battle B How to Unlock: Beat the super cup as Tamago. Effect: Lets you take a single, very powerful shot. This is great for creating combos in Billiards. 26 - Kachimake B (Victory and Defeat B) --------------------------------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Play a number of matches in Free Battle mode. Effect: Displays game statistics 27 - Kakegoe Tokkae B (Announcer Change B) ------------------------------------------ Visual B How to Unlock: Play a lot of matches in Free Battle mode. Effect: Changes the announcer voice. 28 - Power B ------------ Battle B How to Unlock: Beat the Super Cup with Goose Effect: Increases your shot power for a while. 29 - Unchi B (Poop B) --------------------- Visual B How to Unlock: Spin the stick a few times on the title screen. Effect: Changes the shot graphic to be little coloured poops instead of marbles. 30 - Tsubuyaki B (Mutter B) --------------------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Play the Fortune Telling Minigame until it unlocks. Effect: Displays a message, 1 character at a time. The full message is: Bi - Da Ma Ha 6 5 Ko A (Sokuon) Ta Yo U Na ... ? Or, Bi-Dama Ha 65 Ko Atta Youna...? Which is a hint that there's actually a 65th B-Da Item, unlocked by getting all of the others. 31 - Furafura B (Shaky B) ------------------------- Battle B How to Unlock: Beat the Super Cup with Yukke Effect: Causes the opponent's cursor to slide a bit, as though it was on ice. 32 - Window Tokkae B (Window Change B) -------------------------------------- Visual B How to Unlock: Win matches in B-Da mode. Effect: Changes the window pattern in menus. 33 - Shimeshime B (Alright B) ----------------------------- Battle B How to Unlock: Win matches in B-Da mode. Effect: Increases your shot power for a while. Very similar to, but seemingly a little stronger than Power B. 34 - Melo B ----------- Sound B How to Unlock: Listen to all the music tracks in the sound test, after getting Studio B. Effect: Changes the title screen and intro cutscene music. 35 - Bunshin B (Doppleganger B) ------------------------------- Battle B How to Unlock: Beat Super Cup with Gunma Effect Causes afterimages to follow your cursor, which also count as shots when you fire. Very strong for Gate Battle when you need to find the random panel. 36 - Geragera B (Laughing B) ---------------------------- Battle B How to Unlock: Get a score of at least 50 in the stick rotation game. This is essentially impossible without cheating. Setting memory location 0027A5BB to 3F while playing the stick rotation game will unlock it. Effect: Shakes the opponents cursor around, making it difficult to aim properly. This is actually pretty good, but it's basically impossible to get. 37 - Warikan B (Split B) ------------------------ Battle B How to Unlock: Beat King Cup with Takoppi. Effect: Equalizes scores between the players. Obviously, this is immensely powerful if you're losing, but don't use it when you're ahead! 38 - Slow B ----------- Battle B How to Unlock: Get a score of at least 160 in the button mashing game. This is essentially impossible without cheating. Setting memory location 00279CFB to A6 while playing the button mshing game will unlock it. Effect: Slows the opponent's cursor. Decent, but not for the amount of work needed to unlock it. 39 - Rennyan B -------------- Sound B How to Unlock: Beat Super Cup as Nekomaru Effect: Changes the sounds that players make when shooting 40 - Osuwowake B (Sharing B) ---------------------------- Battle B How to Unlock: Beat Super Cup as Master Koryaku Effect: Gains free points equal to half the number of points the opponent earns while it's in effect, rounded down. Its duration is very short, however. 41 - Kamidano B (Godlike B) --------------------------- Battle B How to Unlock: Win Tag Match Tournament Effect: Gives you the effect of any of the other B Items, chosen at random. 42 - Studio B ------------- Sound B How to Unlock Listen to all of the music in the game's sound test under options. Effect: Adds extra tracks to the music selection. 43 - W Item B ------------- Special Battle B How to Unlock Win matches in B-Da mode. Effect: Allows you to pick the same Battle B twice. Good when first obtained, but when you have more B-Da Items Double B is much better. 44 - Hint B ----------- Utility B How to Unlock: Enter and exit the B Dama Items menu (from the main menu) about 20 times. Effect: Displays hints about how to get the other B items. 45 - Survival B --------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Play Battle Mode about 30 times. Effect: Lets you play a single-player survival version of Battle Mode. 46 - Yareyare B (Grief B) ------------------------- Special Battle B How to Unlock: Play B-Da Mode using many different characters. Effect: Increases the power of the B Items you choose. This usually makes them last longer. Purely inferior to Double B, though. 47 - Bye B ---------- Utility B How to Unlock: After beating the King Cup, wait on the photograph screen until it goes away, rather than skipping it. Effect: Changes the ending picture and also plays a special message upon beating the King Cup. 48 - Fuuin B (Seal B) --------------------- Battle B How to Unlock: Win matches in B-Da mode. Effect: Prevents the opponent from using B Items. 49 - Baizou B (Double B) ------------------------ Special Battle B How to Unlock: Win matches in B-Da mode. Effect: Doubles the duration of all Battle Bs. Ludicrously powerful, there's no reason not to choose this every time once you get it. 50 - Battle Phoenix B --------------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Beat King Cup with Tamago Effect: Changes Tamago's B-Daman from Fighting Phoenix to Battle Phoenix, which has 5433 as its stats. A massive upgrade and fair compensation for how hard it is to beat the game with him, though be aware that if you leave this turned on when not playing as him, the AI will get it too! This also unlocks Battle Phoenix for Battle Mode. 51 - Time Stop B ---------------- Battle B How to Unlock: Beat King Cup several times Effect: Completely immobilizes the opponent for a while, preventing them from doing anything. The most powerful Battle B. Once you have this, you are unstoppable. 52 - Tako Robo B ---------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Beat King Cup with Master Koryaku Effect: Gives you Takoppi's special robot in Robot Battle, even if you aren't playing as him. 53 - Omake no Panda B --------------------- Utility B How to Unlock Obtain B items 54-63. Effect: Lets you play a completely new game, somewhat based on Panda Darts Battle, but the Panda run towards the screen instead. 54 - Susume! Torokko B ----------------------- Utility B How to Unlock Obtain at least 50 points in Trolley Shooting. Effect: Lets you play a single player version of Trolley Shooting. 55 - Hashire! Panda B ---------------------- Utility B How to Unlock Obtain at least 200 points in Panda Darts Battle. Effect: Lets you play a single player version of Panda Darts Battle. 56 - Hirake! Gate B -------------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Beat Gate Clear Battle with more than 20 seconds left. Effect: Lets you play a single player version of Gate Clear Battle. 57 - Tatake! Robot B --------------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Beat Robot Battle without taking any damage. Effect: Lets you play a single player version of Robot Battle 58 - Kowesa! Power B --------------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Beat Power Clash with more than 20 seconds left. Effect: Lets you play a single player version of Power Clash. 59 - Otose! Billiards B! ------------------------- Utility B How to Unlock Sink the opponent's ball in Billiard Battle. Effect: Lets you play a single player version of Billiard Battle 60 - Ukapi! Air Ball B ----------------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Win Air Ball with more than 80 seconds left. Effect: Lets you play a single player version of Air Ball. 61 - Tatake! Mogura B ---------------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Get at least 35 points in Whack a Mole. Effect: Lets you play a single player version of Whack a Mole. 62 - Irero! Dinosaur B ----------------------- Utility B How to Unlock Get at least 50 points in Hungry Dinosaurs Effect: Lets you play a single player version of Hungry Dinosaurs 63 - Isoge! Rally B! --------------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Get at least 25 points in B-Daman Rally Effect: Lets you play a single player version of B-Daman Rally 64 - Level Up B --------------- Utility B How to Unlock: Beat King Cup without continuing Effect: Allows the CPU characters to use B-Da Items. This has no benefit to you, but it does add another layer of strategy to the game and I'd recommend trying it out once you have most of the Battle Bs. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Z-00 Contact and Credits: ############################################################################### Z-01 Contacting Me: You can reach me via email at terotrous at yahoo dot com. Include B-Daman or Battle Phoenix 64 in the topic title so I know it isn't spam. If you find out anything I add to the guide, you'll be appropriately credited. What to contact me about: If there's anything in the guide that's wrong, or if you find a good way to cheese that awful stick rotation minigame. ############################################################################### Z-02 Special Thanks: Hudson Soft - For making this game. Takara Tomy - For creating B-Daman, and Choro Q, and also Zoids. I feel like I'm probably Takara Tomy's #1 North American fan. Ascgen - This program helped me create that ascii logo I used here. JDIC - JDIC is a fantastic translation resource, with which this guide could not possibly exist. That's it for now. If you submit information, your name could be here! ############################################################################### Z-03 Closing Information: Thanks for reading this guide. I hope you found it helpful. Tero out. Super B-Daman Battle Phoenix 64 Guide copyright Adam King, 2021. Do not reproduce or redistribute. Super B-Daman Battle Phoenix 64 the game, and all related copyrights and trademarks are held by their original owners. This guide is not intended to infringe upon said copyrights in any way.