Rainbow 6 FAQ By Kodos86 Version 3.6 1/07/02 This guide is copyright of Kodos86, 2001- 2003, all rights reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C O N T E N T S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Contents 1. Updates 2. Introduction 3. Tactics 4. Weapons 5. Gear 6. Uniforms 7. Recruit Walkthrough 8. Mission Planning 8. Characters Groups, etc. 9. Story 10. Passwords 11. Credits 12. Legal Information/ Contacting Me ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to my guide to Rainbow Six, one of the best N64 shooters. For those of you who don’t know yet, you play as sort of a SWAT team group, and must complete various missions, mainly hostage rescues. For each mission, there are several ways to complete it (usually either completing the objective, or killing all terrorists). For the walkthroughs, I will concentrate on the easiest way to beat the level. I’ve put in a walkthrough for the recruit level and a walkthrough for the veteran and elite difficulties will be coming soon. By the way, keep in mind that this guide is for the N64 version, not the PC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. U P D A T E S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.6: Fixed a typo in the legal section. Version 3.5: I got and added a reader hint about how to kill the guards in Deep Magic, without failing. Version 3.0: Added the mission planning section. Added a few bits of information to the weapons, uniforms, and characters section. New legal/contact info. Version 2.5: Slight change in setup. Added the characters section. Added the story section. Version 2.1: Added a reader tip about the heartbeat sensor. Version 2.0: attempted to fix the ASII maps for Deep Magic Version 1.0: initial update. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. T A C T I C S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the tactics, I’ll break this into a few sections. Automatics 101 -------------- As in all games, full auto weapons can be so much fun. Unfortunately, the “spray and pray” method won’t work very well. Throughout the game, you really need to avoid using full auto. It wastes ammo, and it’ll attract more guards. And you need to conserve ammo, as you can’t pick up the guard’s weapons. Stealth Counts -------------- Believe me, the quieter you are, the easier the game is. If you use a loud weapon, like the shotgun or M16, you’ll attract far more guards then if you use a silenced weapon. Go for head shots ----------------- You’ll do far more damage depending on where you shoot the enemies. Head shots drop them almost instantly. A chest will kill an enemy with a few hits. Limb shots will take forever. DON’T GET HIT! -------------- Unlike in other shooter games, it will only take a few of the enemies shots to kill you. The solution: don’t expose yourself to enemy fire. Pick your team members wisely ----------------------------- Each team member has different stats, which should be considered when choosing team members. Aggression determines how likely an operative is to snap. Leadership determines how good of a leader they are. Self-control determines if they will panic and run away. Stamina shows how strong they are. Teamwork decides how well they get along with others. Demolitions and electronics have to do with how good they are in those areas. Firearms is how Accurate they are. Grenades determine how far they can throw grenades, and stealth is how quiet they are. “To fail to plan is to plan to fail” (that was in the manual) ----------------------------------- Although it doesn’t matter that much in the easy mode, in the harder difficulties it is much easier if you plan the mission. Resist the urge to blast the hostages ------------------------------------- All it takes is one dead hostage to fail your mission, and those hostages are extremely weak. So What’s Different in the other difficulties? ---------------------------------------------- The basic layout for the stage remains the same in each difficulty. However, there are much more guards, along with more hostages. The enemy AI is also given a big boost (better reaction time, accuracy, etc.). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. W E A P O N S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Primary Weapons --------------- HK MP5A2 -------- This submachine gun has good stopping power, range and accuracy. This is one of the most common SWAT and Special Forces weapons. HK MP5SD5 --------- The silenced version of the MP5, you’ll get to know this weapon very well, as it is probably the best weapon for covert ops. HK MP5K-PDW ----------- A compact version of the MP5. I can’t find much difference between this and the MP5. CAR-15 ------ A compacted version of the M-16. This has great firepower and range. M-16A2 ------ The M16 gives you great range, and firepower that can pierce Level II body armor. Benelli M1 ---------- Basically, a tactical shotgun. This has a small clip size, and does less damage over long ranges, because the shells will scatter. ----------------- Secondary Weapons ----------------- The secondary weapons are used if you run out of ammo for your primary weapon. I haven’t found many differences between them are as follows: Beretta 92FS Beretta 92FSSD (silenced) HK .40 USP HK .40 USPSD (silenced) HK .45 Mark 23 HK .45 MarkSD (silenced) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. G E A R ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Mags: Extra clips for your primary weapon. Secondary Mags: Extra clips for your secondary weapon. Frag Grenades: Grenades that can be used to blow up terrorists. Flashbangs: Stun grenades that disorient enemies (and yourself if you see the blast). Heartbeat Sensor: This doesn’t do anything. Lockpick Kit: Use to pick locks faster. Electronics Kit: This speeds up placing bugs and rewiring electrical tasks, etc. Demolitions Kit: This speeds up placing and disarming bombs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. U N I F O R M S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desert: Desert camo, like what was used in Desert Storm and is being used in Afghanistan. I don’t think you need it for this game. Black: Black SOG fatigues for night operations. This is similar to what many SWAT teams use. Tan: A tan colored uniform for desert operations. Jungle Camo: Jungle camo, which is like what was used in Vietnam. HRT: SWAT team uniform for urban operations. Street: Alternative urban camo, which uses “ghetto-flage”. Wood: Standard woodland camo. This is the uniform used by the US Army. Here’s how the body armor works: Light: Contains body armor that can stop pistol rounds. Medium: Waist-length body armor capable of stopping pistol rounds, and some submachine gun fire. Heavy: Level III body armor with a faceplate; capable of stopping all but high- powered rounds. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. R E C R U I T W A L K T H R O U G H ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operation Cold Thunder ---------------------- Objective: Rescue all Hostages Terrorists: 9 (armed with AK-47 Assault Rifles) Hostages: 1 For this mission, you should have jungle camouflage and MP5SD’s. From the start, turn on your night vision, and head down the path. Once you get close to the barn thing, stop. Take out the terrorist walking back and forth. Now sidestep out and blast the terrorist next to the barn. Finally, shoot the guy by the tent. Once you’ve killed them, head into the building. Find and kill the one guy on the ground floor. Head upstairs. First, shoot the guy by himself in one of the rooms (the map helps for seeing where he is). Now, go to the room with the hostage. Shoot the terrorist guarding her before he can kill her (the hostage). Go over to the hostage, and switch to escort on the pause screen, and take the hostage back to the start. MISSION COMPLETE. Operation Red Wolf ------------------ Objective: Rescue all Hostages Terrorists: 10 (armed with AK-47 Assault Rifles) Hostages: 3 For this mission, use your choice of uniform and MP5SD’s. At the start, head to the front door (there’s a banner by it). Stand to the left side of the door, and pick the lock. After picking it, be ready to fire immediately, or sidestep away immediately, as your auto-aim will immediately jump to a terrorist directly in your line of fire. After eliminating him, shoot the guys to the left and right of the door. After eliminating them, go up the stairs on the left. As you move right after coming up them, you should soon see another enemy. Shoot him. Then go forwards to where he was. Go past the door by the bars, and sidestep out to the door the your right. Shoot the guy in front of you, and then aim down to get the terrorist on the lower level (you can see through the floor). Now, sidestep out to your right and shoot the guard. Now, go back to the door you entered the room from. Straight-ahead is another room. Race across to it, BUT DON’T GO IN! Slowly side step in and shoot the guy guarding the hostages. Go to the hostages, select escort, and take the hostages back to where you started the mission. MISSION COMPLETE. Operation Sun Devil ------------------- Objective: Rescue Workers. Terrorists: 9 (armed with AK-47 Assault Rifles) Hostages: 2 You should use Jungle Camo and CAR-15’s for this mission. From the start, dash over to the big walls near the start. Slowly side step out and shoot the guard on top of the big building. Now side step out some more and shoot the guard on the left who should be running over. Once those two are taken care of, dash to the left side of the house, and go through the door. Head straight through the room, and down the hallway. On your right should be some stairs. Step out and kill the guy there. In the room to your left, you may or may not have to take out the guy there. Go down the stairs. Turn on your night vision, and head through the door. There should be a terrorist standing there the greet you. Put a bullet in his gray matter, and continue down. There should be one more terrorist to the right, guarding the hostages. Shoot him before he shoots you. Then go to the two workers, and escort them to the beginning of the stage. MISSION COMPLETE. Operation Eagle Watch --------------------- Objective: Rescue all Hostages Terrorists: 11 (armed with AK-47 Assault Rifles) Hostages: 2 Ha! A stage in the US Capitol building! Anyway, you should use MP5SD’s for this mission. There’s a lot of guards in this stage, but most of them, you won’t have to deal with. Head straight down the hallway from where you start. As you go through the circle thing, kill the guard in the room near it. Keep going forwards until you see a doorway leading to a hall with yellowish walls. Do not go in there, but turn right, shoot the guard, and go up the stairs. After going up the stairs move straight and take a right to the next door. Now this is probably where most people will mess up and get themselves shot. In the hostage room (which is where that door leads to) is 1 guard on the same level as you, and 4 on some sort of balcony. Get to the side of the door and open it. SLOWLY sidestep into the opening. As soon ass you see a guard, or your auto-aim jumps up, say hello by letting off a burst from your weapon. Carefully eliminate the terrorists in the room, and then go in, select escort from the pause screen, and take the hostages back to the start. MISSION COMPLETE. Operation Ghost Dance --------------------- Objective: Rescue all Hostages Terrorists: 10 (armed with AK-47 Assault Rifles) Hostages: 3 You should have MP-5SD’s for this mission. This one can be a bit harder, as there are terrorists on catwalks that can shoot at you from above. Begin by going onto the platform. Go past the first door there, and go to the second door (at the end of the platform). Lock pick the door and go in. Go to the left, and forwards, until you see a passageway. Go through it and shoot the guard there. Keep going forward (you should go right by a ship) down the hallway. You’ll come to a big room with the hostages, and 2 more ships. Shoot the guards, and try to see if there are any guards on the catwalks. Since there usually seems to be a guard you can’t see, put on escort, and step in a bit, so that the hostages follow you. Take them back to the start. MISSION COMPLETED. Operation Fire Walk ------------------- Objective: Kill terrorist leaders. Terrorists: 12 (with M16 assault rifles) Leaders: 2 This one is going to end up being an all-out firefight, as there are no hostages, and you have to kill every guard. Remember that eliminating the leaders has to be your first priority, or you’ll fail. Be sure to bring flash- bangs, grenades, and the CAR-15. At the start, run past the 2 cabins to the big building. Go past the first door (on the side) to the opening near the jeep parked outside. Do not go in, but wait for the 2 leaders to run out (they don’t have weapons). Shoot them. If they get to the jeep, you’ll fail the mission. Once you’ve killed them, sidestep so you’re facing the entrance (the one the leaders came out of). There are usually 2 guards in there, and one in the hall that can also see you. Once they’re dead, head straight to the hallway. You’ll come to something like a crossroad. Turn left, and blast the guard (if he isn’t there, he’s behind one of those glass things). Then go the opposite way (right). Head to a sort of locker room. Toss a flash-bang, and blast the guy in there, as well as the guard in the hallway next to the showers. Head forward into the locker room, and take a left to the hallway. Head forwards. You should see 2 mini-rooms (sort of like offices) inside this room. Shoot out the glass on the 1st one, toss a grenade, and kill the terrorist in there if he survived. Repeat that for the other glass enclosed room. Now head forwards through another locker room, and kill the guard in the hallway to the right of it. Keep heading forwards and blast the last guy in the big building. Now that you’ve killed the leaders and the 10 guys in this building, it’s time to pay a visit to the guys in the cabin. This will probably be quicker if you switch to your other team. There’s one guy in each cabin. Kill them both. MISSION COMPLETED. Operation Lion’s Den -------------------- Objective: Rescue all Hostages Terrorists: 14 (armed with M16 assault rifles) Hostages: 2 You should have the MP5SD for this mission, along with plenty of ammo. From the start, turn to the right and head down the stairs to a sort of lower hallway (level 1) until you get to a flight of stairs. Go up the first flight. Next, sidestep out in view of the second flight, and blast the 2 guys there. Repeat this for the third flight (2 more guys) and the fourth flight (1 guy). Now comes the tricky part. SLOWLY head into the bell tower area (the big room at the end of the 4th flight of stairs). There should be about 3 guys on your level. After blasting them, slowly head up the stairs, killing anyone you see. Take out the two guys on this level of the belltower. Now, you have to kill the three guys on the top level. Hopefully, your team member will take out the first two guys. Once they are dead, get the last guy, by looking at where the hostages are, and then sidestep out until you can get a shot off on him. After they’re dead, you should have eliminated all the enemies in the stage, but if not, escort the hostages back to the start. MISSION COMPLETED. Operation Deep Magic -------------------- Objective: Download Computer Files Terrorists: 4 (armed with pistols) For this stage, you’ll have to get through the entire stage without being seen by anyone, and without killing anyone. :-( Most guides say to kill all your other team members at the start, instead just be sure to have only 1 operative for this mission (I prefer to use one of the Reconnaissance members) by selecting it at the planning screen. Use the light body armor, as you’ll go faster that way, and be sure to bring an electronics kit. Because you really need to know where you’re going, I’m going to end up torturing you with my attempts at maps. ***************************************************************************** I've recieved a reader hint, explaining how to kill the guards without failing the mission. Thanks to Pat Wyatt for the information. "I have found that you can kill the people there, but they cannot see you. If you wait in the staircase, by the door, you'll see their red emblem walk past. What I do is simply pop out and pop them with the silenced pistol in the back of the head. He'll drop, and you can move on. However, their AI seems to let them detect opened doors. I do not know if they can detect fallen comrades, but I have beated this level by killing them. In fact, until reading your FAQ, that is the only way I beat it! Hope this is usefull to you." ***************************************************************************** Birds eye view of starting point: ___________________________ | | At the start, head to the area I’ve marked | | 1rst stair. That should take you down a | start | short set of stairs, leading to an area |____________ | with a ladder. Go all the way down the |2nd stair | | ladder and head over to the door. DO NOT |____________| | open it yet! Now, you should refer to my | _______ | second map (birds eye view of security | |1rst | | system area). |__|_stair_|___| ___________________________________ LEGEND: | X S = security system | _________ ___________ L = ladder | | S** | | L | D = door | | * | | * | X = guard | |______*D_| | * | * = your path (roughly) | | | ******** | * | | | __| ____ * | * | |X | | | | * | * | | | | |____| *|D**** | As you can see on the map, wait by the door first. Be sure you have your map on! Once you see the 2 patrolling guards go past the area, get ready! I think that they 2 X’s on the map are about where they are when you open the door. Go through the door, close it or you’ll be detected, and follow the path to the security system room. Go in, close the door, and disarm the security system (use the same button you open a door with). Now go by the door, and wait for the guards to be in a similar position on the map. RUN for the door leading to the ladder room (be sure to close both doors). Head back up the ladder, to the beginning platform. Now go to the area marked 2nd stair, on the map, and go down the stairs until you come to a door. Now, you have to reference my third map (marked computer area). Birds eye view of computer area: (not to scale) Legend: X = enemy (remember that they do move around) D = door C = computer * = path 1 # = path 2 H = hiding spot __________________________________________________________________ | * * * * * * * X * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | | * ____________ ____D__ ___________________________ * _______| _________| * | | | | | *| | * | | | | H | *| _________D** | | X | |_D_| *| | # | | | | *| | # | | | |____ *| | # | | | | H |*| |___D__|____________|___D___|_______________________|__D_|*|_____ | # |* | | # X # #D*# _| | # ____________________________________________ # |*_D__| \ #\ /#____|* # |___ \ # \ /#| | * # | \ # \_______________________________________/ #| | C## | \_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#X#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_| |____________| Once again, your map is essential. Go up to the door (the one mentioned above), and wait for the guard to stroll past. If he heads along path 1 on the map, go along path 2. If he heads along path 2, go along path 1. Either way, make sure you close any door you open, once you go through it. The enemy positions on the map give an idea as to where they are, they will move around. Be careful not to be seen, and you can use one of the hiding spots to hide from the guards if necessary. Once you get to the computer, download the files. If you did not disarm the security system like I told you to, an alarm will be tripped, and you will fail the mission. Once you’ve downloaded your files, head back to the beginning of the level. You will still fail if you are spotted. MISSION COMPLETED. Congratulations, the hardest part of the game is over! :-) Operation Lone Fox ------------------ Objective: Extract Hendriksen Terrorists: For this mission, use M16’s and Woodland Camo. Right at the start, go up the hill to the road. DON’T go on the road, or some jeeps will reduce you to road-kill. Wait for the jeeps to start. A bunch of terrorists, along with Hendriksen, will come out of the jeeps. Aim, and pick off the terrorists; be sure NOT to shoot Hendriksen. Once the guards are dead, go over to Hendriksen, select escort, and go back to the beginning of the stage. MISSION COMPLETED. Operation Black Star -------------------- Objective: Rescue all Hostages Terrorists: 11 (armed with AK-47 Assault Rifles) Hostages: 1 Head up the ladder right at the beginning of the stage. Then, go down the path from the top of the ladder, at the end you should see 3 guards. Once you’re done blowing their brains out, sidestep out, and blast the guy on top of one of the buildings. Now, you should see on one of the buildings, something that looks like a garage door. Go through the door to the right of it. Once in, go into the room to the right. Kill the 2 guards in there. Select escort, and take the hostage back to the beginning of the stage. MISSION COMPLETED. Operation Wild Arrow -------------------- Objective: Defuse Bomb Terrorists: 10 (armed with M16 assault rifles) Since this stage is a bit hard to explain where to go, I’ll try to do my best job of it, but you might want to find the security system and bomb on the planning map, and plan from there. Go all the way down the tunnel to the right of where you start. Go up the 2 flights of stairs at the end, and go through the door at the end of the second one. Go straight from the door into a big room; kill the guard in there. From that room, go right, through another doorway. Go down the hallway from there, and turn left at the end of it. Go forwards, take another left, and go straight into another big room. Kill the guard in there, and go straight to an area of the room that appears to fence in. Go through the door in there, and disarm the security system in the next room (it’s a small computer on the right). Go back through the door and fenced in area, and straight through the door, and go left. Go through a doorway, and follow the hall it leads to. Take a left when it ends. You should be in a big room with pillars. Go through the doorway in the middle of its left side. Go through the door at the right end of it, and disarm the bomb in the next room (it’s right in the center of the room). If you haven’t disarmed the security system by now, you’ll trip an alarm, and fail. Otherwise, MISSION COMPLETED. Operation Mystic Tiger ---------------------- Objective: Capture Brightling Terrorists: 16 (armed with M16 assault rifles) Be sure to bring a CAR-15, flash bangs, and grenades. Go through the door at the start, and down the path on the right. Kill the guy along the path. Go through the door at the end of the path, straight through another one, and down 2 more halls. At the end of the hall, you’ll come to the first of 2 rooms that I refer to as the kill-rooms (as these are where you will most likely mess up). Slowly step up the door, and blast anyone you can see in the room. Then, go back up to the door, and toss a grenade by the little enclosed thing to the left. After it blows, kill the 2 guards by the enclosed thing (if they survived) and the guy on the balcony to the right. Go up the stairs on the right, to the balcony. Then go through the door there. Go up a few flights of stairs to another door. Open the door, and blast whatever guys you see (there are 2 guys on each side), and then sidestep out and shoot the guy to the right of your door. Go through the door in the middle of the room, and the one it leads to. Go down (to the left) the series of ramps it leads to, until you come to a door. Go through it and the door it leads to. Carefully go up to the next door (it leads to the next kill-room) and repeat the above procedures for the first one (there are 2 enemies on the ground, and 2 on the balcony). Go straight through the door, straight through the labs, to John Brightling. Go up to him, and MISSION COMPLETE, RECRUIT LEVEL COMPLETE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. M I S S I O N P L A N N I N G ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section covers the mission planning section, which can make the stages much easier to beat. Briefing -------------------------------------- This section will give you the background information about your mission and the objectives that must be met. You can also see information from John Clark and, at times, other advisors. Intel -------------------------------------- This section gives you more background information about the people, groups, etc that are involved in the mission. Roster ---------------------------------------- This is where you select the 4 team members you will use for the mission. For operative, there is a list of bar graphs showing how good the operative is at a certain trait. The traits are as follows: Agression: This comes into play with computer controlled players. A member with high agression may use extreme force and injure a hostage. Someone with low agression may panic and run away. Leadership: This trait should be considered when choosing a team leader. Self Control: The higher the self control level, the less likely the operative will "snap". If he does snap, the agression meter determines his reaction. Stamina: Some of the team-members are stronger then others. A member with more stamina can take more wounds before dying. Teamwork: This has to do with how well a member works in a team, and follows directions. This is influenced by the team leader's leadership. Demolitions: The higher this skill, the faster someone can defuse bombs, place explosives, and breach doors with a shotgun. Electronics: This has to do with how fast the member can pick locks, place bugs, and bypass security systems. Firearms: This skill determines an operative's overall accuracy, as well as response to being shot at. Grenades: This determines how far grenades and flash bangs can be thrown, and wheter or not they bounce off of walls. Stealth: The higher the skill, the less noise a member will make while moving. This is especially important in Mission Deep Magic. Kit -------------------------------------- Once you've decided what operatives to use, you can select the gear, weapons, and uniforms they will use. Team ------------------------------------- You divide the operatives into teams here, with a maximum of 2 operatives to a team. It is best to use 2 teams with 2 members each. Planning -------------------------------------- Now you can plan out where to have the teams go during the mission. You can set a go code, which makes a team stop until told to move on. You can also switch them to a few possible modes: Engage: A team will move on while stopping to kill any enemies in the way. They will not chase moving targets. Advance: The team will move to the way point, without stopping to return fire. Escort: This mode is used to have a hostage follow the team to safety. Special: You can have a team use grenades or flashbangs at a certain point with this option. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. C H A R A C T E R S, G R O U P S, E T C. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (None of the people or groups listed are real) John Clark: The commander of Rainbow. He has worked for the CIA since 1970. John Brightling: The head of Horizon Corp. and the Phoenix group. He is eventually captured by Rainbow. Rainbow: A multinational counter-terrorist organization, formed in 1999. Horizon Corp.: An American biotech company. It is working with Phoenix. Hutu Rebels: A rival African ethnic group, along with the Tutsis. Phoenix: A European and North American anarchist group. Anne Lang: The US Presidential Science Advisor. Ramon Calderon: A drug dealer, located in Brazil. Global Security: International security firm, working with Phoenix. Force 10-18: German Neo-Marxist group, formed in the 1970s. This seems to be a fictional version of the Red Army Faction/Badaar-Meinhoff Gang. NOMAR: National Organization of Military Armed Resistance, formed in 1989 for Irish Independence. This is basically a fictional version of the IRA (Irish Republican Army). William Hendrickson: The Global Security Operations Manager. He has had ties to Phoenix since the 1990s. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. S T O R Y ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow is a multi-national counter-terrorist team, formed to combat the rise of terrorist free agents, resulting from the collapse of the Soviet Union. John Clark, AKA Rainbow Six, heads it. Their first test comes when they must rescue a research scientist from Hutu Rebels. They are later called to rescue hostages in Brussels, being held by terrorists working for Phoenix. They are then required to rescue workers from a drug cartel. After the operation, the Phoenix group attacks the United States Capitol. Both operations are successful. Next, they are called to rescue hostages at World Park. This is followed by an attack on a hideout for Phoenix, and rescuing hostages in Big Ben. The team is then sent to infiltrate Horizon Corp., which is working with the terrorists, and download key files. Afterwards, they extract a key operative, Hendrickson. The information reveals that John Brightling and the terrorists plan to attack the Sydney Olympics. After rescuing more hostages, they are sent to stop the attack on the games. Their plan foiled, the remaining terrorists retreat to a base in Brazil. The team kills the remaining terrorists, and extracts John Brightling. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. P A S S W O R D S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recruit Level ------------- Red Wolf- 1ZB1S2Q22MQQ Sun Devil- BJBBC392255Q Eagle Watch- BZBBSMQ2288QQ Ghost Dance- CJBCCSQ2F2QQ Fire Walk- CZBCS5Q2FMYQ Lion’s Den- DJBDCYQ2F5QQ Deep Magic- DZBDS8Q2F8F9 Lone Fox- 2JB2D1Q26S5Q Black Star- 2ZB2T2Q2GMQQ Wild Arrow- FJBFD3Q265YQ Mystic Tiger- FZBFT4Q2G8QQ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. C R E D I T S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nintendo, Saffire, and Tom Clancy: They were responsible for the game, so I have to give them some credit. tmanning: He submitted the information about the heartbeat sensor. Pat Wyatt: He gave me the information on how to kill the guards in Deep Magic without failing. Hub130: Pointed out the typo in the legal section. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. L E G A L I N F O / C O N T A C T I N G M E ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide is copyright 2001- 2003 of Kodos86, all rights reserved. This guide may not be reproduced in part or whole by any means, except as a file or printoff for personal use. This guide may not: appear in any magazine, be used in any CD-ROM (except for private, personal use), be sold with or be given away with any game, be used for any kind of promotional use, or appear with any kind of add banners. You may not profit of off this guide in any whatsoever. Use of this guide without my express permission is a violation of US and International copyright. Using this guide ---------------- This guide is officially licensed to appear on the following sites: GameFAQS (www.gamefaqs.com) Neoseeker (www.neoseeker.com) If anyone else wishes to use this guide on their site, they must e-mail me (Kodos86@aol.com) to recieve permission. I will probably allow you to use this guide, provided you obey the following guidelines: 1. You MUST give me the sole credit for this guide. 2. You must keep the guide intact, and cannot change anything without permission. 3. You must try to keep this guide updated (the most current version will always be found at the official sites). 4. You cannot profit from this guide IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER, and it must remain in it's original form (text document). 5. I will still retain full ownership of the guide, and retain the right to ask you to remove it if the terms are not met. If you believe anyone has ripped me off, please contact me immediately. Contacting Me ------------- Feel free to contact me at kodos86@adelphia.net. Below is my policy regarding the various kinds of messages I may recieve. Questions: I will try to answer questions you send me to the best of my ability. Please remember that I am not affiliated with Nintendo or any other video game company. Before asking me something, READ THROUGH THE GUIDE to see if your question is already answered. If your question is already answered in the guide, I will ignore it. Comments: Any comments on the guide or how it could be made better are appreciated. Valid complaints about the guide are also appreciated. Information about my guides being ripped off: If you ever see one of my guides being used illegally, please contact me immediately. Also, it helps if you have the word "plagiarism" somewhere in the subject of the e-mail. Flames: Don't waste my time with these. I will post the message on the GameFAQs boards so we can make fun of your stupidity, and then I will delete the message. The same goes for messages with horrendous grammar (ex: "hey, sup dawg. ah got a q"). Chain Letters: No, I don't believe that I will recieve large amounts of money if I forwards a stupid e-mail to several people. Neither do I believe that not sending an e-mail will give me bad luck or cause me to have unsuccesful relationships, or that I will mysteriously die because of it. Honestly, chain letters are cute for about 20 seconds, after which they become plain STUPID. Yes, I will delete them. Spam Letters: Not only is it illegal, but I have spam blocking software; don't waste your time. ~End of document~