Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 FAQ and Walkthrough. By Nick (Emperor)( And Kris (ex)( Version 1.3 Last Updated 10/02/2000 If you want to come talk to us on irc, /server then /join #finalfantasy. (This is not a monitored channel, people can be assholes). ========================================================================================================================================== Table of contents 1. Updates 2. Walkthrough 3. 100% on the competitions 4. Emails, tips and tricks, etc.. 5. Misc. Crap and Questions that haven't been answered 6. Special thanks? ========================================================================================================================================== Updates Version 1.3 (10/02/00) I'm about to add some frequently-notfound-money to the money sections of each level! Actually, only New York and Philly are the only levels people are clueless about where the cash is. Version 1.2 (9/28/00) I added an email from Andrew Nichols with some secrets he gave me. Thanks a lot man! And an email from Matthew Imregi. If you find any errors in my faq email me please! Version 1.11 (9/26/00) I added a little part about my highest score to the misc. crap section. Version 1.1 (9/26/00) I added to the secrets section, and the misc. crap section. Version 1.0 (9/25/00) I finally got the whole walkthrough part done! Yay! Version .1 (9/25/00) I updated the misc. crap section with a bit and I'm about to work on the last level that I haven't written the walkthrough for! Version .01 (9/24/00) I updated the secrets and ill begin to work on the Philly, if I have time or care, because the ign game guides has everything, but still if you have problems, just get on irc and talk to me, or email me!!!! Version .00001 (9/22/00) I finally beat the game completely! wee! Version .000001 (9/22/00) I changed a bunch of errors and stuff, not much, plus i worked on the ===== part to make it look better, me and Kris will add a lot tonight, hopefully. Version .0000000001 (9/21/00) I added the first 2 level's walkthroughs and the tips and tricks part, expect this faq to be finished soon! ========================================================================================================================================== The Hanger Mullet Falls MT: By Kris Hanger Checklist Cash High score - 10,000 $100 Pro Score - 25,000 $200 SICK Score! - 75,000 $500 Collect S-K-A-T-E $150 Barrel Hunt $150 Collect 5 Pilot Wings $250 Nosegrind Over The Pipe $150 Hit 3 Hangtime Gaps $150 Find the Secret Tape $150 100% Goals and Cash $200 High Score - Not really that hard, just get use to the game and it will be very easy. Pro Score - Sick Score - Collect S-K-A-T-E - Ok, this objective is pretty; here is how to go about it... For the S, just hold down X and keep going straight, don't let go anywhere just keep going. For the K, just go to the back wall and get it. The A is just on the crashed plane around the outside of the pipe. The T is where you start off coming down that little hill, go to your left when you get in the opening and just and break the window, and finally, the E is in the room you came into to get the T, just jump on the ramp and go get it. Barrel Hunt - First go down the little hill at the beginning and go left, there's a barrel there. Next, head into the half pipe. The next one is just on the far side of the pipe by the back wall. Another barrel is where you get the T, just land the ramp to ramp and you should hit it. The last one is by the E, just hold up and go over the ramp. Collect 5 Pilot Wings - The first one is easy to get, just bypass the half pipe to the left and jump through the window. The next one over there is near the window, you have to take a jump off that ramp in front of the helicopter to get it. You should also hold up and jump through the window to get the next one you should land around/near it. The next one to get would be the one on the far end of the half pipe, resting on the propellers on the wall, just skate along the wall and grind it. The last one is right over where you start, just get some speed and jump the gap. Nosegrind Over The Pipe - This is the easiest objective ever. When you start, just hold up and triangle, that's it. You will go right over the pipe while nosegrinding. Hit 3 Hangtime Gaps - The first one to get is just over the halfpipe. The next one is over that crashed airplane beside the half pipe. The last one is in the other room, just jump over the helicopter and land it, not hard. Find the Secret Tape - This is also a very easy objective, just grind on the helicopter's little wings or whatever you want to call them. This will open a "door" to the far end of the room which leads outside. Just get some air on the ramp outside and blam. 100% Goals and Cash - For this objective you just have to complete every objective and get all the little cash bonuses in the level. There are 4 cash bonuses in the secret room (when you grind on the propeller on the wall). There are 2 cash bonuses in the main room you start off in. One is sort of a secret, you have to go to the other side of the room (through the window) and take that ramp in front of the helicopter where you get a pilot wing, jump through the window (get tons of air) and grind the beam. There's 1 in the left room. ======================================================================================================================================== School II Southern Cali: By Nick Hangar checklist Cash High score 45,000 $200 Pro score 40,000 $350 SICK score 100,000 $500 Collect S-K-A-T-E $400 Wallride 5 Bells $500 Collect 5 Hall Passes $400 Kickflip TC's Roof Gap $400 Grind 3 Roll Call Rails $500 Find the Secret Tape $500 100% Goals and Cash $500 High score, Pro score, and SICK score - This is kind if hard, if you don't know where to go. I usually go for the grinds to rack up the massive multipliers, plus get different gaps. A great place to start is in the big open area, the center of the school, where there are lockers, and there are brick ledges. I like to grind off those ledges, do kickflips, special grinds, and get a gap or 2. Once you get the hang of THPS2, you shouldn't have a problem getting 100,000 points here. Collect S-K-A-T-E - To get the S, turn right and go down the rail as soon as you start. The K is located in the center part of the school, where it's like a park, and there's a ramp there with it, just jump off the ramp to get it. The A is on a rail, which goes down, from the center part of the school to the lower part by the buildings. After you get the A going down the rail, turn right and keep heading that way till you see a ramp that's on the side of a big wall. Go off that ramp to get the T. After you get the T, turn right as you come off the ramp you were just on to get the T and follow the side of the building till you get to the E, which is off of a small ramp. This was a very easy 400 bux eh? Wallride 5 bells - This one is kind of hard, if you don't know where the bells are. The first bell is immediately to your right when you first start, to Wallride, use triangle while you bank off the wall. After you hit the first bell, go straight, down the rail and after you ride a bit, there's a bell on your right. After you hit that one, keep going straight and follow the bike racks to the next bell on the wall. After you hit that one, follow the wall to your left and keep going till you see a light post, and after that there's a trashcan, and behind the trashcan is the next bell. To get to the final bell, go back to where the bike racks were and follow them to some stairs. Go up the stairs and follow the wall on your left, and at the end of that stretch is the final bell! Collect 5 hall passes - This one is so easy. The first hall pass you can see as soon as you start, go down that ramp and go to your left. Jump to get the next hall pass. Keep following the wall to your left and there are some rails. Grind up the rails and jump off them to get the 3rd hall pass. The 4th one is to your left as soon as you get off the rails, to get it just ramp off one the ramp on your left that has the hall pass on it. The last one you see as soon as you ramp off the ramp that you just came off of. Jump up on the ledge to get it. Damn that was hard. Kickflip TC's roof gap - The gap is located in between 2 small buildings. To get to them, just keep going straight from where you start, down the stairs, and the 2 buildings are there that you have to ramp onto, and from one of the roofs to the other, kickflip! Much skill needed to do this one. Grind 3 Roll Call Rails - The first roll call rail is right ahead of you when you start, you have to go completely down it. Keep going straight and kind of to the left to find the next one. It starts up high, and goes down from there. It's in a corner, and there are stairs by it. Go back by the bike rack to find the 3rd one, which is the one that leads to the center of the school. Find the Secret Tape - This tape was really hard for me to get the first time. To get it, go to the center of the school where there is a ramp and some rails on a platform. Ramp off the ramp to build up your specials, and then grind on the rail to your immediate right. Do a kickflip, and a special grind on the next rail to get the gap that is right there called the "stage rail to rail" then right after you do that trick, look for black skid marks on the ground. Follow them to a very small flower ramp that gets you up on the roof. Jump to get the secret tape! (You also get 50 bux by doing this because there's a bill on the way up to the roof) If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! 100% Goals and Cash - There is a ton of cash all over this level, so I'm not going to go into detail on each and every one, but I'll tell you how to get the hard ones. When you first start, go to your right where you did a wallride to get the bell. Do a wallride up to the ledge and jump off the ledge to your right. Then go straight and jump out the window, and make sure you have enough speed to get across from this building to the next one! Another place to go is by where you got the secret tape. Get up on that building and jump from there onto the flagpole and grind to a secret part of the level where there is a bunch of cash. If you have any other problems finding cash, email me (nick) and I'll help. ===================================================================================================================================== NY City: By Kris NY City Checklist Cash High score - 20,000 $750 Pro score - 50,000 $1000 SICK score - 150,000 $1250 Collect S-K-A-T-E $800 Ollie the Hydrants $700 5 Subway Tokens $800 50-50 Joey's Sculpture $900 Grind the Subway Rails $1100 Find the Secret Tape $1200 100% Goals and Cash $500 High, Pro, SICK score - Just get huge multipliers and grind and kickflip grind and kickflip. For the SICK score you may have to use manuals (up down before you hit the ground). These allow you to continue a grind while on the ground and you can search for another place to grind. Collect S-K-A-T-E - The S is just right when you start, just make sure you have some speed attributes and you should have no problem grinding that wall. The K is pretty close to where the S is, just keep grinding (or you can get off and just skate there. Jump down near that statue and just take the ramp and get the K. The A may take a couple tries to get, it's also down where the K is. Get some speed off the jump where the K is, go up (out that little bridge hole), turn around and jump up when you see that ledge. Remember, this may take a couple tries. After this, just leave this area by going under the bridge. When you get out, go left, grind the fence, get the T and you should see the E in front of you (when grinding). Ollie the Hydrants - The first hydrant is easy to get too, just go straight from where you start, turn left at the end of the street and you will see the hydrant to your right. The next one is just down the street (you have to cross the intersection) at the end. The last one is behind where you start, just head back to where you start and keep following the road. It's to your left. 5 Subway Tokens - Three tokens are around where the 1st hydrant was (read above). One of them is high in the air, just get some speed off the little ramp on the building and take the jump over that little wall. The next one is just on the bridge. The last one is near the water (where the T and E were). Get some speed off that ramp on the building and take a jump off that big rock. 50-50 Joey's Sculpture - I thought this was that statue where the A is for the longest time, heh, it's not. Right when you start, go to your left, you'll see a small railing blocking off a big drop, there's a rail in the middle of this little section, 50-50 that. It looks like a big triangle thing, and it leads down to the bottom part of the level, where Joey's café is! Grind the Subway Rails - To open up that cage, you need to get the 5 subway tokens first. Go up that escalator, jump on the tracks, get some speed going down, hold triangle, move slowly to one side of the narrow track and grind for a bit. Find the Secret Tape - Go up to where you grind the subway rails, skate/grind down them. Jump off before you get to the end and go up that little road. When you get up there you will see 3 rails, grind the middle one (it's more to the right). Around the middle jump off and grind on that other rail to your left. At the end, jump off and snag the tape. 100% Cash and Goals - Hum, there's a lot of cash in this level. If you have any problems finding any specific one, email Nick, he likes people asking him questions :o. (Nick) I got many emails about not being able to get $50 in this level on top of the big overhang, I believe. What you have to do is get up on the subway part, by going up the escalator looking thing, then keep going straight and jump down onto the overhang! Another 50 bucks that people miss a lot, is in the secret area you get to from the subway. You need to get on the subway rails, and when you jump off to get to the secret area, keep following the wall on the left, and there is a small nook that you need to go into and go off the ramp to get 50 bucks there. ===================================================================================================================================== Venice Beach, Cali: by Nick Venice Beach checklist Cash High score 40,000 $1500 Pro score 100,000 $1750 SICK score 200,000 $2000 Collect S-K-A-T-E $1250 Ollie Over The Magic Bum 5 times $1500 Collect 5 spray cans $1250 Tailslide the Venice Ledge $1000 Hit 4 VB Transfers $1500 Find the Hidden Tape $1250 100% Goals and Cash $500 High, Pro, and SICK score - Right when you start, use the ledge on the right to rack up massive grind points. Just keep grinding, jumping, kick flipping, special grinding, etc... Collect S-K-A-T-E - Right when you start, grind on the fence to your left up to the top of the building to get the S. Turn left, and keep going until you get to a gap where you have to jump to get the K. Keep going around the building and jump the next gap to get the A. Right by where you got the A, there should be a ramp to get up to the higher roof, where there is a ramp to get the T. Turn right and go down to the lower roof straight ahead and ramp off the ramp to get the E. Ollie Over The Magic Bum 5 Times - Turn left when you first start and keep going straight till you find the first bum behind the wall. To find the next bum, turn around out of the place where the first bum was, and keep going straight and on the right there should be some stairs and a rail, the bum is down in that area. Go back to where you first start and go all the way down that straightaway until you see the next bum on your left. The 4th bum is below the banner thing that's right by the 3rd bum. The 5th bum is right by where you first start in the level. Collect 5 spray cans - The first spray can is right behind where you start in the back part, behind the buildings. The next one is on the other side of the fence you see when you first start. The next one is down where you found the 2nd bum, off that ramp. The next one is back in the opposite corner from where you start, in between 2 ramps that you have to ramp from one to the other to get. The 5th can is at the end of the straightaway right when you first start the level. Tailslide the Venice Ledge - The Venice Ledge is located right behind the first building on your immediate left when you start, to get there, you have many different choices. Just go by where the 2nd bum is located and jump over that ramp. The ledge has graffiti on it that says "THE LEDGE" so it's kind of hard to miss, if you still can't find it, its by the rails that go down. Use right + triangle to tailslide, or use a special tailslide. Hit 4 VB transfers - This one is kind of hard to do, because one of the VB transfers is difficult to hit. Go down the first straightaway you see when you start, and you should see 3 different ramps. You have to hit the one on the right, go completely over the one in the middle, and land on the one on the left for the first VB transfer. If you hit this, you will have no problems with the other VB transfers. After you hit that one, keep following the wall on your right to 2 ramps facing you and 1 ramp not facing you. Hit the one not facing you and go over the wall to another ramp. 2 VB transfers down. The third VB transfer is by the first bum, just go over the real skinny wall. The 4th VB transfer is right by the Venice Ledge. One ramp is on a higher platform than the other one, once you hit that transfer, you are done! Find the Hidden Tape - Get to the roof of the highest building, and go off the ramp that is opposite the tape, do a trick to build up speed, then right after you come off the ramp, there's a ramp that will launch you up to get the secret tape! 100% Goals and Cash - All the cash in this level isn't terribly difficult, just use your eyes to find it, and its easily gotten, if you can't find one, email me! ===================================================================================================================================== Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: By Nick Philly Tape Checklist Cash High Score $2500 Pro Score $3000 SICK Score $4000 Collect S-K-A-T-E $2000 Drain the Fountain $2500 Collect 5 Bells $2000 Bluntslide the Awning $2000 Liptrick 4 Skate park Lips $2000 Find The Secret Tape $2500 100% Goals and Cash $500 High, Pro, and SICK score - This one is kind of hard to do, it usually takes me a few tries to get 250k on this level. If i get lucky, what I do is grind on the thing that is to your right when you first start, and hit all 3 gaps (there are benches in between where you need to grind/jump) then if you get REAL lucky, or are just skilled, land on the edge of the grass thing for another gap and go to the end of that stretch, jump off and do a manual, then find somewhere else to grind. If done correctly, you should get around 100k for that trick. Next thing I do is go to the secret area. You get there by going up the stairs that are kind of in the corner, by the telephone polls. Grind up the pole by the stairs, and then grind up the telephone cord until the telephone lines fall down (This area is right by where the E is when you are trying to get S-K-A-T-E). Go into that secret area, and grind off the rails there to get tons of points, use manuals and find more grind places to get lots of multipliers. Another good spot is grinding off the side of the road. This is kind of risky because it's not guaranteed that you will hit the edge each time you jump, kickflip, and special grind. You just have to get lucky, but if you are, you will get lots of multipliers! Collect S-K-A-T-E - Jump over the wooden thing in front of you when you start, and grind off the left side of the big concrete looking thing and get good enough speed so when you jump off, you can reach the S. To get the K, jump off of the small 1/4 circle ramp that is below the blue overhang. (Note, if you have Bluntslide, you can bluntslide the blue overhang to get that tape done and over with) Right after that you see the A. Go up the stairs rail and jump off to the left to get the T. Go up the other stairs and grind off the ledge that leads to the E, and jump right at the end to reach the E. Drain The Fountain - This one is kind of hard to do, but possible. You need to build up enough speed, to go down a small rail, and get up to the top of a building. When you first start, go on that small wooden thing that you first see, then hit the "most obvious gap" and grind down that rail after the gap. After you grind down the rail, jump when you hit the small ramp, and keep holding down triangle so you can grind off the edge of the fence up there, and jump off of the rail to drain the fountain! (You might need full stats to do this, or you can do a boneless which gives you a higher jump. Press up twice before you jump to do a boneless.) Collect 5 Bells - This tape I thought was quite an annoying one since the bells are all spread around the entire level, but this is how you go about getting them. Get on the first wooden thing you see when you start and the first one is where the "most obvious gap" is. Go down the stairs and turn left, the next bell is up high so you might need to boneless to get it, or just jump. I can get it just by jumping. The next bell is where you find the 2-1/4 circles, next to the blue overhang, which is the awning, or whatever it's called. Get up to the high part, where the big line that goes over the fountain starts, that's where the 4th bell is. The 5th bell is kind of by where you found the E, on the adjacent ledge to the one you had to grind off of to get the E. Bluntslide the Awning - I don't know if it's called an awning or what, but it's the blue overhang by the fountain. To get on it, ramp off one of the 1/4 circle ramps, and do a bluntslide. I think you have to buy the bluntslide as one of your grind specials but I'm not for sure. Liptrick 4 Skatepark Lips - This one is real easy, just hit up and triangle to Liptrick an edge in the skatepark. 3 of the edges are the in the skatepark part. If you think of the skatepark as a box, 3 sides of it has edges you can Liptrick off of. The 4th one is the half-pipe edge! If you still can't find the 4 lips, Liptrick each and every lip that is in the skatepark, and I promise you will find all 4, there are 4 sides to the main skatepark, and there is also a halfpipe. 3 OF THE 4 SIDES OF THE SKATEPARK ARE LIPS THAT YOU NEED TO LIPTRICK, NOT 2 THERE ARE ACTUALLY 3 YES IM NOT LYING OK? Don't email me saying you can only find 3 because I'm sick of getting 230452309480239839024 emails from dumbasses that can't find the 4th one, use your brain, and keep looking!!!!! Find the Secret Tape - This is really easy. When you first start the level, go left and jump on the higher level, where you found one of the bells, and there is a big wire that leads up to the hidden tape. 100% goals and cash - Commonly missed money, are the ones when you get up to drain the fountain, you grind off each side of the fence, jump off, and get the cash. On one side you have to jump off and grind off the telephone wire to get the cash. ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ END OF WALKTHROUGH ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ Emails, tips, tricks, etc... A guy by the name of replicant sent me this big email on how to get 100% on the competitions and ill post it here "Contest 1: Marseille, France 80% = Win the contest with 1st place 20% = Cash Icons (8 of them to get.) Park Area: (2 Icons) 1. Look on the crossbar with the "Bienvenue Le Marseille" on it. 2. To the left of start on top of the Building. You need a lot of speed to grind the rail on top of the building and get it. Launch off of one of the boxes below it. Hidden Area: (6 Icons) ***Go straight from the beginning and get up on the large planter area and look for the blue tree with a board leaning against it. Run into the board and break it. The tree will fall and crash into the fence and a hole will open it. Drop in it. 3. After dropping into the hole grind the rail in front of you and get this icon. 4. Immediately launch over the fountain and get the icon above it. 5. Directly after is a 1/4 pipe with an icon floating over it. 6-7: Look left and right from the 1/4 pipe and you will see an icon floating over each rail on either side. 8. Ride back up the ramp way you came down from in the hidden area and you will see the last icon on the end of the path, You now have France at 100% Contest 2: Skate park Ventura 80% = Get 1st place in the contest 20% = Cash Icons (8 icons to get) Park Area: 1. Go left at start and ride up 1/4 pipe to get first icon. 2. Ride back up the hump you came down and get the icon that is on the half-circle rail to your right. ***This open hidden area #2 which is on the far back right corner from where you start at.*** 3. Ride from the rail slightly to the right and jump over the pathway rail to get the 3rd icon. 4. Go to the BIG Wave ramp directly across from where you start the level at and cruise up the right side to get the icon floating there. 5. Now grind across the left side of the ramp and transfer to the rail hanging from the ceiling. The icon is in between the transfer and when you grind the hanging rail you will open Hidden Area #1. 6. After landing from the rail turn right and go through where the fence was and look for 2 1/4 pipes on the back wall. In between them and high in the air is icon 6. You need a lot of speed to reach this one. This is hidden Area # 1. 7. Go back to the starting area and ride to the back left side of the park. You will see a large hump ramp in the corner with an icon floating over it. Launch up and get the icon. 8. Directly beside the hump area is a now open doorway leading to another outside area. Go outside into Hidden Area #2 and jump from the ramp facing the van over it and get the icon floating above it. You now have Ventura 100%. Contest 3: The Bullring 80% = You need 1st place in the contest 20% = Cash Icons (10 Icons) A walkthrough for these would be tough to describe, so I will tell you where they are and some ways to get them. *In the ring area where the bull is running you see piles of shit. Look for the bright green ones and run over them and money will pop up into the air about head level with you. Jump up and get it.(4 Down) **From the start look back and to the left and forward to the right. You will see large Red, White, and Green banners hanging over the stands. In the very center of each banner is a floating icon. You need a full special meter and alot of speed to reach them, They are very high. You can launch up the orange 1/4 pipe walls at the base of the bullring to get to the bars. You will then need to grind the bars and jump up to get the icons. It is a little tough, until you get the hang of this. (2 Down - 6 Total) ***From the start look left, right, back, and in front of you and you will see on the second level of the bullring stands 4 ramps. Directly above these ramps connecting left to right and front to back are 2 long cables. You have to grind each of these cables by launching from either ramp and grinding all the way across collecting the icons attached to them. Each of the 2 cables has 2 icons on it. A full special meter and some speed help alot in reaching the wires. Get to 2nd level of the stands and ride up the 1/4 pipe that is in front of the prospective ramp you want to launch off of to the cables. This takes practice and timing, so good luck. Some ramps seem short and require you to Boneless up to the cable. Get these 4 icons. You now have The Bullring 100%." ======================================================================================================================== 1. When you first click level select, it says "not available in demo" for a split second, try it! (kris found this one) 2. To open the gym in the school level, grind off a rail-call-rail (i use the one that leads down to the bike racks, but I don't think it matters which one you use) at EXACTLY 1:41, which is right before the school bell rings, then the pool and gym will be open! 3. Just for the record, many people have emailed me then email me back saying that they found what they were looking for, thanks anyway. If you can't find something try to find it by yourself before emailing me!!!!!! That is the whole fun of the game! ======================================================================================================================== I got an email from Andrew Nichols giving me some tricks he knew about and some info on the game, thanks Andrew! " Here of some of the codes for THPS2 for Playstation. x=x, c=circle, t=triangle, s=square, l=left, r=right, u=up, and d=down. (All codes you need to hold L1) Fatter skaters-XXXLXXXXLXXXXL (This can be used repeatedly). Thin skaters-XXXXSXXXXSXXXXS (This can also be used repeatedly). Toggle blood on and off RUST. Stats all at 10's-XTCSTUD (to turn off you have to enter the code again). Special meter always blinking-XTCCULTS (to turn off you have to enter the code again and it will start going down). Super Speed Mode. Skater go 25% faster- DSTRUCDSSTRUC (to turn off you have to enter the code again) . Spider Man Specials- Beat the game with a create skater. Spidey Grind L,R +T Spidey Flip U,D+C Spidey Varial R,D+S After you beat the game with Spider Man it opens a Spider Man skating video (turn up the volume for this one!) You can't buy Spider Man's moves in Career mode either. 80's Tony Specials- to select 80's Tony (after you unlock him by beating career mode with Tony, you select style C) Pogo Air U,D+S Layback Grind U,D+T After beating the game with 80's Tony it opens up a video into Tony's beginning years of skating. Officer Dick Specials - to unlock beat the game with a pro skater. Assume the Position L,D+C Lazy A. Grind D,U+T Salute!! L,R+C After beating the Game with Dick it unlocks a Neversoft Bails video. Private Carrera Specials - to unlock get ever gap in the game. Fifty 5Ho Slide L,R+T Double Splits R,L+C Ho Ho Handplant U,D,T After beating the game with the Carrera you unlock a Neversoft Makes Video. Cheat Menu (cheats in order as follows) Officer Dick - first hidden character Skip to restart - Pause the game on a level and choose between starting points in the level Kid Mode - Increased stats, harder to bail trick, and kid size skaters Perfect Balance - Grinds and Mannuals go on and on... Always Special - Special meter always yellow STUD cheat - Stats maxed out, it won't show on the buy stats mode but it's there Weight Cheat - Purely cosmetic ; Similar to the weight choice in create a skater Wireframe - Run the game in wire frame mode Slow-Nic - Tricks happen in slow motion, but you have added spin ability Big Head Cheat - Skater have big heads Sim Mode - The game plays more Realistically Smooth Mode - Look ma, no textures Moon Physics - Super jumps and massive hangtime Disco Mode - Blinking Lights Level Flip - Levels are mirrored right to left, changing lines and how the levels are played." ========================================================================================================================== I also got an email from Matthew Imregi about THPS2 that I thought I should post here, I'll always post emails that I get that are intresting to read! "just thought i'd drop you a quick line to let you know that in order to open the gym on the school 2 level, you HAVE TO grind the rail taht leads down to the bike racks (not just any roll call rail- this one is called the "opunsezme"... get it? open sesame, or open says me... hardy har har). Hope this helps. Some other stuff... -Is the hanging speaker in skatestreet grind/plantable? -is there still a handplant in the game? -any suggestions for getting to the highwire in venice beach? -try this: in venice beach, you described how you got your high score, try this to add to it, start with a wall ride over the double five set leading down to the horseshoe, land in a manual, roll up the ramp and grind to your left and down the ramp, ollie off and land in a manual, leap up the two inclines heading back to the start (manualing the flat in between or even gringing the divider if you have enough speed), then manual over to the wall, grind it all the way down, as you described and hit the ramp. the point possibility is huge. -also, i did this once, but i usually don't try because its iffy, but when you hit the quarter at the end of that long wall in VB (as described above), if you air slightly to the right and get it just right, you can actuall land grinding that wall heading back the other way (even off something like a kickflip mctwist, which is how it happened to me the first time), all the way down the wall, wall ride/ollie over the double five and either up or around the horseshoe for another big special. The first time i did ths it was an accident, but I have pulled it off once or twice on purpose (the Casper and darkslide and kickflip mctwist were all used multiple times, it was ridiculous). Try it. -The best line I have found in skatestreet starts at the wavewall, hitting a big special (kickflip mctwist or backflip or something) and landing on the rail taht opens the secret room, ollie down, bust a couple of flip tricks (or a special like a triple kickflip or christ or something) land in a special grind on the short rail, land in a manual (or casper or something) and hit the ramp go over the wall in a big trick. there are three or four gaps in this series in addition to the number tricks- great multiplier. -I haven't landed one, but I suspect that it is possible to do as described above, but head further down the final ramp to land in a grind on the rails on the upper level... just a thought. have fun, skate hard." ====================================================================================================================== This is part of an email from Cameltoe (you can find him on the message board) "cheats so far: 1st charactor you beat it as: get Officer Dick then skip to restart kid mode perfect balance always special stud (others have said : weight wireframe slow big head Also i've gotten beat as Officer Dick - Moon Physics beat as custom charactor - Spiderman beat as Tony Hawk 80s tony hawk style beat as Spiderman - level flip. there are gonna have to be one more secret charactor and 2 hidden levels 'cause of the way the cheat menu is layed out and because i have seen the 2 movies for the hidden stages using my game enhancer..." =================================================================================================================== some guy by the name of drew squire somehow got 2 million from a bug in the game? he emailed me this information... "the hanger i did the usual jump over the gap land with a manual and grind the right side of the rail and i jumped off and and a kickflip and it added 13,000 points to my score for some reason and i landed with a manual and did some more kickflips. weird huh?" ===================================================================================================================================== Misc. Crap Put points into speed first, then air and hangtime since you need those to get the tapes, and make the gaps etc... Then, if you want big points, put them into the grind specials. To get tons of multipliers with grinds, get your special up then grind off something, jump, kick flip, then do a special grind and repeat that until you get massive multipliers. By that time you will have enough speed to probably hit a gap of some kind, almost every level has a great spot to grind and get tons of multipliers. Manuals after you do these big grinds help a ton; I like the school level to use this. I build up my specials right when you start, and then do a kickflip and special grind on the flowerbed at the start, off of that, hit the roll-call-rail with a special grind. Off of that try to land on the first picnic table and grind off that to the next one with kickflips, then do a manual till you get to the gate in front of the gym and grind off that, then keep going till you get to the bend and just grind off everything you see! With manuals, the possibilities are endless! I don't know if you already have a bluntslide as a character, or if you have to buy bluntslide every time you need to do the "Bluntslide The Awning" tape thing...actually some guy just emailed me saying that any character can bluntslide by pressing down, down, triangle. Thanks dave I know you have to get all gold's to get the Chopper drop: Hawaii level, but what about the Heaven level? I heard you had to get 100% with every character to get it, but I'm not sure, if you have any idea, email me! Kris lent his thps2 game out to his friend, he has betrayed us :o My personal record for a score is somewhere around 1,027,353 or something (I know for sure it was 1 million 20 some thousand points) in the level with the beach level with spider man, and this is how I did it. I grinded off the right side of the level when you first start out (I have infinite special meter) and kept jumping kickfliping and doing the "spidey grind", and I jumped down a little bit before the ramp at the end of the stretch and did a manual, I had enough speed to ramp off the ramp and do a special in the air while spinning, which gave me like 300 thousand points. I could've probably had a few more million if I tried hard enough, but the KEY to getting lots of points is doing a manual off of a grind, then trying to get enough speed to ramp and spin and do a kickflip or other special because it will add ~5000 to your total multiplied score! ====================================================================================================================================== Special Thanks We have done this all by ourselves, but I (nick) would like to thank neversoft for making another great skating game and putting good music on it! (ska sux) And thank Tony Hawk for being the cause of this great game. Replicant, Erik Ferris (aka cameltoe), Andrew Nichols, and all the other people that emailed me with some information about the game. =========================================================================================================================================== Copyright 2000 (Nick C. and Kris K.) don't copy this faq or reproduce it or put it in a magazine, or on a cd, or sell it to the idiot at your school that can't afford a computer without our permission or we will kill you kthx! (just email kris or nick to get permisssion, we're notassholes.. much)