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Venice Beach 10. Skatestreet 11. Philadelphia 12. Bullring 13. Chopper Drop 14. Skate Heaven 15. Verirfied High Scores 15. Thanks 16. Notes -----------------------------------------------------------------------About this FAQ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is property of Mike Truitt mat2810@cs.com the lines that are used are ideas of mine or ideas of various other people mentioned in the Thanks section. If I used your line and you do not want me to post it here, just send me an e- mail and I will take it off on my next update. The same is true if you would like to have one of your lines posted here to help out any reader just send me an e-mail and I will try to post it. Note: All of the lines that are listed are simply a basic idea changing them a little bit does not matter. Note: These scores are just a rough estimites, it all depends on what grind that you use and how long you can hold it, but it does give you a goal to reach for each combo, Good Luck! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Version History ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0- Started FAQ most of the main courses have some lines. 1.1- Added Tips section 1.2- Added a few tips and the art at the top; all main courses have some lines 1.3- Working on getting some for pre-made parks as well as Skate Heaven fixed a couple of typos, no real change 1.4- Added some more lines for the main courses. 1.5- Added a little bit onto the All around high scores section. 1.6- Fixed a few mistakes and and added lines in Skate Heaven, Venice Beach, Skatestreet, and Marselle. 1.7- Added a line in Chopper Drop 1.8- Added the Verified High Scores section 1.9- Added a line for Venice Beach 2.0- Added all 5 lines for Skate Heaven 2.1- Added new Line for Skatestreet; Fixed a mistake; Added a new tip. 2.2- Added new lines for School II, Venice Beach, Skatestreet, and Philly. Last Updated: Monday, October 15, 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tips ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There are quite a few tips that you will need that will help you out to complete most of the lines. Here, I will try to get most of them in here. 1. Always, skate around and figure out what exactly you will need to do to get the whole line. 2. Try to get at least one of your skaters stats up to the max that they can be 3. Manualing is the key to everything, you can not get most of the lines with out being able to manual very well. 4. You should get used to the level that you are going to try the combo on, if you don't you will have to go through a lot of needless frustration. 5. Try not to go too fast or too slow, both can destroy the attempt. 6. Try the lines in free skate mode, it would be pointless to do in anything other that free skate. 7. Don't give up too easily, some off the combos are frustrating at first, and will even take a few hours to do them correctly (not the trick itself, but to finally do it right) 8. Look for a shortcut, some times you think that you have to do the combo on way but instead, you can do it another, and it makes it extremely easier. 9. Learn how to balance yourself well on grinds, even if it is not a part of the combo, it will help you rack up you point totals. 10. When ever you are loosing you balance on a manual or a grind to a point when you know that you will fall, jump, pull of a trick, and land in a manual or a grind again, sometimes you will fall, but others, for some reason, will balance you out perfectly. 11. Use a skater that you are used to, this way you know how to balance him or her on manuals, and you know just how they will react. 12. If you are not good at performing quick tricks, turn on the slow- nic code, it will slow down time while you are performing tricks. This will allow you to pull off tricks that you normally would have the reaction time for. 13. Wall ridding also helps, it can get you to some hard to get places like on top of buildings, or it can get you huge air if you jump at the right time, you can even pull of "The 900" if you jump at the right time 14. If you are trying to get your multiplyer up, equip the Japan Air Madonna or Airwalk. You will be able to pull off 2 Japan Airs in between two manuals, and you will be able to get at least 6 in each vert trick. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- All Around High Scores ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a few ways to get high scores. There are two parts of your score, a base score and a multiplier. The base score is the score before the multiplication sign and the multiplier is the number after the multiplication sign. If this is confusing here is a diagram ....... 8564 is the base score and 12 is the Base Score multiplier. To figure out the score of 8564 * 12 your combo the game figures out 8564*12 Multiplier If this was the score of your combo then you would get a score of 102,768. Some people have a hard time getting the base score while others have a hard time getting the multiplier up. If you have trouble with one then you can still get decent combos, but if you have problems with both then you will not get anything over 100,000 with the average combo. To get a high base score is hard to do at first until you figure out the secrets of it (You don't think that it is just the line that you take did you?). The first thing that you will need is a long rail or quarter pipe to grind. But just grinding will not help, you need to have your skater equipped with an expensive special grind that you can balance easily, most people find that Heelflip Darkslide is the easiest. Instead of just using a special grind to a huge spin into the grind, and here is why... The more that you spin, Degree of Spin Times your score is higher the more the trick will 180 1.5 be worth. The increase 360 2 is shown on the left. So 540 3 if you do a 360 Heelflip 720 4 Darkslide for 5 seconds 900 6 it will be 2x the score 1080 8 if you did just Heelflip 1260 10 Darkslide. So the more spinning you do the higher the base score will be. Often times people ask "How do you get such huge spins into a grind?" Well it is hard, I can only do the 1260 once every blue moon and the 1080 is still a freak the 900 is easier to do. To do them you will need to do one of three things: do a quick wall ride then a spin into a grind, or jump off of a building into a grind, or jump off of the side of a quarter pipe into a rail. This is one of the hardest part of getting the huge score is the spinning. Instead of just spinning while you are going into a grind, do a special grab that is quick to pull off and also easy to spin with, the best one to do this with is the Pogo Air. Once you get this down you will have a huge base score. Getting your multiplier up is a little bit easier once you know what to do. After your grind you won't have much grinding balance so you will have to get your multiplier up another way. This way is easy. The easiest way and most obvious way to do it is jump kick trick then manual the repeat as much as necessary. The other way will get your multiplier up faster but you have to be a little bit more careful. You have to wall ride and jump off, while you are in the air you can pull off two to three kickflips before you land into another manual, and if you wallride in a corner you can get some serious air, while doing this it is easier to do a grab trick and get a little bit higher. Be careful when going into the corner because often times you will get a Big Drop and you could fall. Once you have a high base score and a high multiplyer (the highest possible is 28.5 so try to be at around 20-25) you need to do something to finish it off. The easiest way to do this is by jumping off of a quarter pipe. While you are in the air you have to options to finish it off, one is to do one long grab trick while spinning to get the base score a little bit higher, and the other one is to do a few fast grab tricks to get you multiplier up a bit more. When you land there is only one way to land and that is perfect. There are quite a few people who have problems with this, the easiest trick to do that helps you land perfect is the Benihanna, it pretty much just points the direction in which you are going to land. Landing perfect will in some cases over double your score. When you start to use the same move multiple times in one move (or one run if you are in Career Mode or single Sesson) the score you will get for that trick will go down. As you can tell from the chart that I made the first time that you do the trick you will get 100% what the 1st time- 100% trick is worth, then the second time that you do 2nd time- 75% the same trick you will get 75%, then the third 3rd time- 50% time you do that same trick you will get 50% of 4th time- 25% what the trick is worth, and the fourt time you 5th + time- 10% will get 25% of what the trick is worth, and every after that you will get 10% of what the original trick was worth. If you use this corectly, espesially in a run where you are trying to get in the 10 million range this will help you out. If you know the first time you do a special grind it will be worth a certain amount, then after you use it again it is worth less, you might want to find a couple of special grinds that you are good at to get a huge run, instead of using the same one over and over again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mullet Falls, Montana ----------------------------------------------------------------------- An abandoned military base hidden in the deep forest of Montana, it has been known to have such celebrities of Ted Kazinski (The Unibomber) to make cameos. If you build the combos they will come. Line #1 Difficulty 6/10 Score ~ 2 000 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level wall ride the wall to your right and do a couple kickflips then land. When you get to the half pipe do a 360 or 540 special grab and land in a manual. When you get to the quarter pipe jump up and grind the top rail when you get to the end jump off and do a 540 Pogo Air and land in a special grind, right as you are about to fall off jump off and land in a manual, jump and manual to where the wall that separates the two rooms jump up and grind the rail and quickly jump off or else you will fall, then jump off and land in a manual continue to manual and jump until you get to the quarter pipe on the furthest wall and jump off and land perfect. Line #2 Difficulty 6/10 Score ~ 2 000 000 What you need to do- Get you special up and go into the room with the helicopter. Jump off of the wood quarter pipe with the rails above it. Grind the top rail to the right, and at the end jump off to a 540 Pogo Air and land in a special grind, right as you are about to fall jump off land in a manual and jump and manual until you get to the quarter pipe, jump off of the ramp and pull off a couple of tricks, land in a manual and go over to the area where the wall meets the quarter pipe, at the top quickly grind and jump off and land in a manual, get to the quarter pipe where you started and jump off and land perfect Line #3 Difficulty 8/10 Score ~ 3 000 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level get your special up and turn right. To the right is a quarter pipe with two sets of rails above it. Jump up to the top one and grind it to the right, at the end jump off and do a 540 Pogo Air into a special grind, keep on grinding as far as you can, then jump off to the left and manual and then do a wall ride and do a few kickflips and manual keep on going until you get into the room with the half pipe, jump over the halfpipe doing a few tricks then land in a manual and go over to the area where the wall meets the quarter pipe, at the top quickly grind and jump off and land in a manual, get to the quarter pipe where you started and jump off and land perfect. -----------------------------------------------------------------------School II, Southern California ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The School has come back with a vengeance, huge combos open space, a wall riders heaven. Tear it up. Line #1 Difficulty 7/10 Score ~ 1 500 000 What you need to do- Get your limit up, and do a 360 special grind on the long end of the planter that is in front of you, when you get off manual to the left and wall ride the wall, jump off the wall doing a 900 Pogo Air and land in a manual, go over to the tables and special grind one, jump off and special grind the other, jump off and manual over to the furthest building, wall ride and grind the top edge of the building, land and do a couple of tricks then land in a manual then jump off the quarter pipe on the wall and land perfect. Line #2 Difficulty 6/10 Score ~ 1 250 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level go forward and turn to the right and go through the hallway that is on the right. When you come out wall ride the far right wall and land on the awning. Wall ride the right wall and do a 540 Pogo Air and land in a special grind, go as far as you can the jump off of the awning, land in a manual and go over to the Opensezme Rail, wall ride the wall to the right of it, then manual down to the building and grind the building, quickly jump off and land in a manual, go over to the quarter pipe by the wall and land perfect. Line #3 Difficulty 10/10 Score ~ 4 000 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level go forward and turn to the right and go through the hallway that is on the right. When you come out wall ride the far right wall and land on the awning, then skate to the other end of the awning, to the left is a little corridor. Go into the corridor, there will be a ramp on one end, jump off of the ramp and wall ride the wall, then do a 720 Pogo Air and land in a special grind on the awning. Grind until you cannot stop and jump off to the left, manual and jump all the way around the raised area, and through the hallway, go up the ramp and wall ride the wall, do a few tricks, and land in a manual go all the way down to the building and wall ride that, go all the way to the quarter pipe and land perfect. Line #4 Difficulty 5/10 Score ~ 1 000 000 What you need to do- Use the Skip to Restart option and go to the Roof Gaps. Get your special up then jump out of the roof and do a few tricks, land in a manual, then jump off of the ramp that is in front of you and do a 720 Pogo Air and land in a special grind, jump off at the end and land a manual, go to the next roof and do tricks through it, then jump off of the roof and land in a manual, jump off of the quarter pipe and land perfect. Line #5 Difficulty 7/10 Score ~ 2 000 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level, skate down until you get to the eterance of the gym. Once you are in there, turn to your left and get into the pool. You should see three diving boards. Jump off of the pool and do a 180 to a special grind on the top board. Then jump off of it and do a 540 Pogo Air and land in a special grind. Continue to grind all the way around the pool until you get to the starting blocks. Once there, jump off and manual all around the gym getting your multiplyer up a bit. It helps out very much if you do wall rides and tricks off of them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Marselle, France ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Marselle is a rough course if you are trying to get huge scores, with high combo only in the upper hundred thousands, it has been killing egos and destroying high score boards and has been accused of breaking hundreds off controllers. Line #1 Difficulty 4/10 Score ~ 750 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level go forward, there will be a large quarter pipe next to a regular one, grind the top one and do a 360 special grind the lower one, keep on going until you get to the rounded part of that quarter pipe, then jump off and land in a manual, go through the gate and to one of the back bowls and do a few tricks and land perfect. Line #1 Difficulty 9/10 Score ~ 3 500 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level skate forward, and turn a little to the left, you should see three pools in the back of the level, get in the one that is in the front left as you are looking at the bowls from the start of the level. Jump off of the edge that is by the opening to the left and do a 900 Pogo Air and land in a special grind on the edge of the bowl on the other side. Continue to grind for as long as you can, then jump off to the right and manual. Keep on manualing and jumping all across the level and make your way around until you start to loose your balance, then jump off of a quarter pipe and do a couple of tricks and land special. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- New York, New York ----------------------------------------------------------------------- New York is a haven of high scores, you can pull off thousands of huge combos faster than a New York minute. All around one of the most fun courses in the game. Line # 1 Difficulty 7/10 Score ~ 1 500 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level get up to subway, this part is a bit difficult but you will need to get above the entrance, (you will need to come UP the subway rails and jump off to the left. From there jump off and do a 540 Pogo Air and land in a special grind on the subway rails, keep grinding for as long as you can, once you can not go any longer, jump off and manual keep on going until you get into the Brooklyn Banks, from here keep on going until you get to the very end of that area, and jump off of the furthest quarter pipe and land perfect. Line #2 Difficulty 7/10 Score ~ 3 000 000 What you need to do- Use the Skip to Restart option and go to the Subway South. Once there get your special up and then grind the wall forward as you were looking at it when you first started. At the end of the wall jump off while doing a 720 Pogo Air into a special grind on the wall at the bottom, keep on going until you can not go any more then jump off and land in a manual, keep going and jump off of the kicker ramp and do a couple of tricks and land in a manual, keep on going along the out side of the park area, go past the giant quarter pipe wall and across the street, keep on going over the platform that is next to the area by Joey's Sculpture, at the other end of that area is a quarter pipe, jump off of that quarter pipe and land perfect. Line #3 Difficulty 6/10 Score ~ 2 000 000 What you need to do- Get up to the subway area, get your special up, grind the wall that is right next to you when you get out, near the end of the wall jump off to your left while doing a 720 Pogo Air and then land in a special grind on the yellow tape, keep on grinding it until you get to the end of the rail and jump off to the left, keep on manualing and jumping along the street, when you get to the intersection turn left and keep on going until you get to the quarter pipe on the wall, jump off of the quarter pipe and land perfect. Line #4 Difficulty 7.5/10 Score ~ 2 500 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level go through the park entrance, turn to the right and there will be a large quarter pipe as a wall. Get your special up and jump off of the right part of the wall while doing a 900 Pogo Air, then land in a grind on the wall that surrounds the park, keep on grinding the wall until you get to the end of it, jump off the wall to the right, follow the path, and at the intersection go right, keep on going until you meet the street, across the street is a quarter pipe, jump off of the pipe and land perfect. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Venice Beach, California ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, good old Venice Beach, wide open for your pleasure. Many believe that this is with out a doubt one of the most average courses. However, there are quite a few lines that make this level pretty fun. Line #1 Difficulty 6.5/10 Score ~ 1 250 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level get your special up. Right in front of you is a rock, do a 540 Pogo Air off of the rock and land in a special grind on the fence, keep on grinding until you get to the end, then jump off to the right, manual around the corner to the left, keep on going until you get to an area where there is two quarter pipes that are separated by a gap, jump off either one of these quarter pipes and pull off a couple of tricks and land perfect. Line #2 Difficulty 8/10 Score ~ 3 000 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level there will be a building to your left, get on top of the building, then build your special up, from there jump off of the building while doing a 540 Pogo Air and land in a grind along the long wooden quarter pipe, keep on grinding for as long as possible, then jump off and manual, go back up to the area where you started and jump off the first planter and pull off a few tricks, then do the same until you get to the end of the planter series, there will be a quarter pipe in front of you, jump off of the quarter pipe, do a couple of tricks and land perfect. Line #3 Difficulty 9.5/10 Score ~ 4 000 000 What you need to do- Use the skip to restart option and go to West Side Roof, grind along the vent to get your special up, then go towards the area where the bum is the first time that you ollie him (or her), jump off of the quarter pipe where you get the Fatty Transfer while doing a 900 Pogo Air and land in a grind between the two quarter pipes, keep on grinding until you can not any more, then jump off of the vent that can be used as a kicker ramp to a higher roof, once there, jump off of that roof towards where you first started, land in a manual and make your way over to the left where the three quarter pipes are, jump off of the one on the far right and land perfect. Line #4 Difficulty 8.5/10 Score ~ 3 000 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level turn right and build your speed up until you get to the three quarter pipes. When you get there jump off of the right edge of the far right one and pull a 900 Pogo Air and land on a grind on the wall on the out side of the level. Grind the wall until you get to the fence, then jump off of the wall to the right, manual and jump over the fence that is in front of you when you start the level, and make your way to the cove area in the back of the main area. Jump into the wall to slow down, then turn around and get to the Up!, Up!!!, and Away!!!!! gaps and land perfect. Line #5 Difficulty 7/10 Score ~ 2 000 000 What you need to do- When you first start off the level, you should see a planter just to the right of you. Get on the other side of that planter. Then get into the grass behind it and look at the planter. You will want to have the area just left of the tree lined up with the wall that is on the outside of the course, adjacent to the steps. Then build up your speed and special going towards the planter and jump off of the slope. While in the air do a 540 Pogo Air to a special grind. Grind the wall for a bit until you get to the wooded quarter pipe, once there jump off of the wall to the right and do a 360 and land in a special grind on the wooden quarter pipe. Keep on grinding until you get the "Around the Horn" gap, then jump off and manual towards the wall in front of you. Wall ride the wall and pull off a few tricks and manual, keep on manualing and jumping until you get to the three quarter pipes. Jump off of the far right one and land perfect. Line #6 Difficulty 6/10 Score ~ 2 500 000 What you need to do- Use the Skip to Restart option then go to West Side Roof. Once there, turn to your right and you should see a quarter pipe on the roof. Jump off of the quarter pipe to the left while doing a 900 Pogo Air and land in a grind on the vent where you get the "Candy Cane" gap. At the end of the vent, jump off to the right and there should be a large kicker ramp. Jump off it and do a 540 Pogo Air and land in a grind on the roof. Keep on grinding until you get to the end of the roof. Then from there, just go to the right and make your way down to the left where the three quarter pipes are. Jump off of the far right one and land perfect. Line #7 Difficulty 7/10 Score ~ 3 000 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level skate down the steps and skate down to where the large 20 set is. At the bottom of that area is a quarter pipe. Jump off of the quarter pipe to the left and do a 720 Pogo Air and land in a grind on the top of the quarter pipe that goes around the roof. Continue to grind until you get to the end. Then jump off to the left and manual until you get to the end of the roof. Then jump off to the next roof. Keep on going until you get to the end of that roof. There should be a half pipe in front of you. Jump off of one of the quarter pipes on either side and land perfect. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Skatestreet, Ventura ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Skatestreet is a purely vert skaters land, few rails and many quarter pipes, perfecting the art of big air as well as crashing a restaurant, can all be yours if ..... The Price is Right!!!!! Line #1 Difficulty 6/10 Score ~ 2 250 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level go down the rollin and turn left, you will see two quarter pipes with a rail between them, build you special up and be sure to get some speed and do a 1080 or 900 Pogo Air into a special grind on the rail that is in between them, keep on grinding until the end at which time you should jump off to the right and land in a manual, keep on going into the secret area, in the back left of this area is a quarter pipe, jump off of this quarter pipe and land perfect. Line #2 Difficulty 7/10 Score ~ 2 000 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level go down the rollin and go torwards the door to the secret area with the van. There is a slope to the left of the door. Jump off of the slope to the right and pull off a 540 Pogo Air and land in a grind on the long rail that is by the wall. Grind the rail until it gets neer the end. If you did this right you should have been going slow and have started to go back on the rail that you just went up. At the end of the rail, jump off and pull a couple of tricks, then keep on manualing and jumping until you get into the large half pipe. Jump off of one of the quarter pipes and land perfect. Line #3 Difficulty 7/10 Score ~ 3 500 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level turn to your left and skate into the large half pipe. On the outside of the half pipe is a rail connecting either side of it. Jump off of the open side while doing a 900 or 1080 Pogo Air and land in a grind on the rail (Note: You will need to come at a steep angle otherwise you will hit the ground and bail). Continue to grind the rail until you start to come back down it. Once you can not grind any more jump off and manual. Keep on manualling and jumping around until you start to loose your balance. Then find the nearest quarter pipes and pull off a few tricks and land perfect. Line #4 Difficutly 6/10 Score ~ 3 000 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level, skate down the rollin and go to the large quarter pipe. Jump off of the left side of it and do a 900 Pogo Air and land in a special grind on the hanging rail. At the end of that rail do a quick 360 special and land in a grind on the rail on the ground. Then at the end of that, jump off to the left and make your way back to the large quarter pipe. Jump off of it again and repeat the same process. When you are done, keep on manualing and jumping until your multiplier up to a good number, then get to a quarter pipe and land perfect. Line #5 Difficulty 7.5/10 Score ~ 3 750 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level go down the rollin and make your way down to the small half pipe. Make your way to the side furthest from the wall. Then do a 1080 Pogo Air and land in a special grind on the top of the quarter pipe to the right side of it. At the end of that, jump off to the left and wall ride the wall next to the steps. Do a quick 540 special and land in a grind on the rial that connects the top of the large half pipe. When you get to the point where the rail slopes upwards jump off to the left. Then jump over the railing doing a 360 quick special and land in a grind on the top of the bowl. Grind for as long as you can then make your way to a near quarter pipe and land perfect. Line #6 Difficulty 7/10 Score ~ 3 000 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level go down the rollin then turn around. You should see a quarter pipe to the left of the two rollins. Then jump off of it while doing a 720 Pogo Air. Land in a grind on the top of the bowl. Grind until you get to the end of it. Jump off to the left and wallride the wall next to you and do a 540 Pogo Air and land in a manual. If you can do this twice then do it. Then continue to go forward and make your way around the course getting your multiplier up then jump off of a quarter pipe and land perfect. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The City of Brotherly Love has thrown it all at you, a vert park, a street park, a truly magnificent skating palace. Huge Combos await thee. Line #1 Difficulty 5.5/10 Score ~ 1 000 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level build your special up, then jump off of the kicker ramp while doing a 540 Pogo Air, after landing in a manual go over to the huge planter type thing and do a 180 special grind along the left side, once you are at the end jump off and land in a manual, go over to the left and across the street, keep on building your multiplier up then go into the half pipe, pull off a couple of tricks and land perfect. Line #2 Difficulty 7.5/10 Score ~ 2 500 000 What you need to do- Skate down to the area here the fountain once was, near the awning will be two kicker ramps, jump off the end, (not the front and not the back) while doing a 540 Pogo Air, and land in a special grind on the inside of the fountain, keep on grinding until you get all the way around the fountain, then jump off of the rail and manual, keep on building your multiplier by going across the street again and finishing in the half pipe and don't forget to land perfect. Line #3 Difficulty 7/10 Score ~ 1 750 000 What you need to do- Turn around when you first start the level, follow the road down to the corner, there will be a rail that goes all the way around the corner, wall ride the wall before the rail, do a 540 Pogo Air and land in a special grind, grind until the end of the rail, once you are there wall ride the wall and pull off a few kickflips, land in a manual and do the same, keep on doing this until you get to a gap between two planter type things, go through there and keep on going until you get to the end of the building, turn right and there will be a quarter pipe in the corner, pull off a couple of tricks and land perfect. Line #4 Difficulty 7.5/10 Score ~ 2 500 000 What you need to do- In front of you when you start the level is a kicker ramp, grind the top of that ramp to the right, jump off of the next kicker ramp and land in a manual, go down the steps, land then get on top off the balcony, when you are on the balcony, wall ride the wall and grind the top of the building, then jump onto the roof, stop then grind the roof to the left, lump off of the roof while doing a 540 Pogo Air and land in a special grind along the end of the planter, jump off of the planter at the end, turn to the right and wall ride the wall, you should still have some special left, so wall ride and do a 360 special grab, for as long as you still have some special left, once you run out, just build up your multiplier, and go around the corner, go on the right side of the wall and to the end of the planter, wall ride that then quickly grind the top then jump off to the right, land in a manual and go over to the kicker ramp where you first started jump off and land perfect. Line #5 Difficulty 8.5/10 Score ~ 3 250 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level turn to the right and get your speed up and get on the balcony. From there get onto the roof. Grind the back edge of the roof to the left, then jump off and do a 720 Pogo Air and land in a grind. At the end of the planter jump off to your left and make your way over to the kicker ramps. Jump off of the kicker ramp and do a 720 Pogo Air. From here keep on manualing and jumping your way around the level until you get to a quarter pipe, jump off of it and land perfect. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bullring, Mexico ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlike some Raging Bulls, you don't need to gain 50 pounds to get in here. Not too good for getting huge scores, it still can be a fun course if you like that sort of thing. Line #1 Difficulty 7/10 Score ~ 2 000 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level build your special up on each side of the half pipe, then jump off of the quarter pipe that is across from the loop to the right and do a 900 Pogo Air and land on the rail in a special grind, at the end of the rail jump off to the right and go around the quarter pipe and do the same thing as you just did, when you jump off this time, go to the quarter pipe that surrounds the track, pull off a few tricks and land perfect. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chopper Drop ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Line #1 Difficulty 7/10 Score ~ 1 250 000 What you need to do- Get your special up and then go off of the giant rollin. As you are going up the rollin, jump off to the right doing a 900 Pogo Air, and land in a special grind on the back edge of the half pipe. Keep on grinding until you get near the end of the half pipe. Then jump into the half pipe and ride back towards the rollin. Jump off of the rollin, at a pretty low angle and land in a manual on the top of the quarter pipe. Continue manaualling and jumping in this same circle until you are loosing balance, then jump off of the half pipe and land special. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Skate Heaven ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mecca of all that is good in skating. Only the best of the best will be able to get here. Line #1 Difficulty 9/10 Score ~ 4 500 000 What you need to do- Using the Skip to Restart option, go to Tony's Ramp. When you start out, turn to your right, and go towards the edge. Face the building that was to your left when you started, you should see one part of the roof sticking out. Get your special up and jump up to that part. Then jump off of the roof and do a 720 or a 900 Pogo Air and land on the outside edge of the Sadlands area. Grind until you get past the set of trees. Jump off and manual to the left, follow the trail all the way around, past the Bench Gap Series, and back to the area where the steps lead to Tony's Island. Jump up those steps (You may need to do a FAST grind) and land in a manual, keep going, through the full pipe and into the snake run. Jump off of the quarter pipe and do a few tricks and land perfect. Line #2 Difficulty 7/10 Score ~ 2 750 000 What you need to do- Using the Skip to Restart option go to Tony's Ramp. In front of you when you start is a quarter pipe. Get some air off of the right side as well as your special up, then jump off of the side that is by the building to the right. Do a 720 Pogo Air and land in a grind on the rail that connects the building and the full pipe. Grind this rail until you get to the area with the steps, then jump down and go down the steps. When you get out go to the left, and follow the path until you get to the big blue half pipe. Jump off of one end, do a few tricks and land perfect. Line #3 Difficulty 7/10 Score ~ 3 750 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level turn around and follow the path down the hill, when the path splits go left. Follow this path past the Bench Gap Series, until you get to where it splits and there is a wooden quarter pipe box. Get to the back end of the box and you should see a wooden quarter pipe in the middle of the path. Jump off of the side of the box that is parallel to the other quarter pipe and get your special up, then jump off of the wooden quarter pipe to the right. While in the air do a 720 Pogo Air and land in a special grind on the outside of the course. Grind until you can not grind any more, then jump off and get onto the path. Follow that path until you get to the area where the path split for the first time (the entrence of the Sadlands area) then go left up the path. Keep going until you get to the blue half pipe. Jump off of one side, do a few tricks and then land perfect. Line #4 Difficulty 6/10 Score ~ 2 250 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level there should be a large blue half pipe in front of you. Get some air off of the left side and get your special up. Then jump off of the left side of the other one at a steep angle. While in the air do a 900 or 1080 Pogo Air and land in a special grind on the bench. At the end of that bench, jump to the next, then the next, and then the rail leading to the snake run. You should start to fall back down, then jump and grind the bench series again. At the end, jump off and manual through the blue half pipe and down the path. When the path splits, go strait over the jungle gym, and land in the pit type area (not the crater) all around you should be dirt hills that are used as quarter pipes. Jump off of the nearest one and do a few tricks and then land perfect. Line #5 Difficulty 7.5/10 Score ~ 3 250 000 What you need to do- At the start of the level turn around and follow the path down the hill, when the path splits go into the jungle gym area. Jump off of the right side using the dirt hill as a kicker ramp. While in the air do a 720 Pogo Air and land in a special grind on the outer circle of the crater. Grind this rail until the end, then jump off to your left and manual up the path that you came down, keep on manualing and jumping until you get to the blue half pipe. Jump off of one side, do a few tricks and then land perfect. There is one really good spot that is not hard to pull off high scores. There is an area with sex benches in a row by the Sadlands area. In between each one of the benches is a gap that is worth 5000 points. Just go back and forth one time then make your way to a quarter pipe and land perfect. These can get you up to 4 000 000 before you actually start LOOSING points. WARNING!!!!!!!!! Read this to help you out! If you do not beleive me about the loosing points, put on perfect balance and go back and forth until you get your multiplier up to 28.5, then jump off and manual around the more you jump the lower your base score will be, so be careful when doing these lines. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Verified High Scores ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================================== BEST RUN ==================================== RANK - SCORE - PLAYER COUNTRY 1 - 10,703,896 Zabed Mahmood - US 2 - 10,584,105 Sean Fontenot - US 3 - 6,921,055 Markus Mrugalla - Germany 4 - 6,816,071 Jerod Rentfrow - US 5 - 6,701,572 Richard Hurst - US 6 - 5,993,934 Blake Piepho - US 7 - 5,862,630 Sam Myhre - US 8 - 5,058,682 Josh Mertzig - US 9 - 4,851,224 Brian Hardin - US 10 - 4,565,793 Paz Derham - US 11 - 4,518,456 Adam Dunstone - US 12 - 4,516,949 Erik Arden - US 13 - 3,837,785 Tim Wright - US 14 - 3,296,567 Tyler Ricks - US 15 - 3,295,002 Zachary Lark - US 16 - 3,111,390 Jason Mead - US 17 - 3,026,368 Pavan Sadarangani - US 18 - 2,836,188 Chris Callaway - US 19 - 2,827,212 Mike McKim - US 20 - 2,755,395 Robert Richardson - US 21 - 2,747,275 John Tarwater - US 22 - 2,713,858 Jamieson Pye - Canada 23 - 2,340,067 Todd Bean - US 24 - 2,310,900 Keith Berry - US 25 - 2,308,521 Michelle Oliveri - US 26 - 1,985,937 Ryan McDonald - US 27 - 1,406,754 John Jay Cummings - US 28 - 1,329,221 Graham Francois - US 29 - 1,285,947 Richard Hopper - US 30 - 887,653 Matt Tholen - US 31 - 736,538 Joe Hunter - US 32 - 711,462 Jeff DeToffol - US 33 - 409,501 Carmelo Cabezo - US 34 - 327,346 Brandon Burns - US 35 - 322,863 Kyle Saravsky - US 36 - 180,819 Jim Lang - US 37 - 160,387 Brad Warman - Austrailia 38 - 151,510 Edwin Martin - US 39 - 134,481 Richard Boroskie Jr. - US 40 - 120,577 Tom Frost - US 41 - 89,606 Jessica Jones - US ==================================== BEST COMBO ==================================== RANK SCORE PLAYER COUNTRY 1 DC - Marseille - 2,492,407 - Hector Rodriguez - US 1 DC - Skatestreet - 3,564,382 - Hector Rodriguez - US 1 DC - Philadelphia - 3,236,586 - Hector Rodriguez - US 1 DC - Hangar - 5,128,476 - Hector Rodriguez - US 1 PS - Hangar - 4,665,926 - Aaron Clark - U.K. 2 PS - Hangar - 2,276,660 - Sam Myhre - US 3 PS - Hangar - 1,181,312 - Mike McKim - US 4 PS - Hangar - 732,530 - Noe Valladolid - USA 1 PS - Marseille - 3,753,459 - Hector Rodriguez - US 2 PS - Marseille - 507,600 - Andrew Cayen - Canada 1 PS - Philadelphia - 4,620,841 - Blake Piepho - US 2 PS - Philadelphia - 3,407,993 - Hector Rodriguez - US 3 PS - Philadelphia - 1,260,136 - Cameron Daigle - US 4 PS - Philadelphia - 390,805 - Andrew Cayen - Canada 1 PS - Skatestreet - 3,970,069 - Hector Rodriguez - US 2 PS - Skatestreet - 374,505 - Andrew Cayen - Canada 1 PC - Hangar - 2,973,052 - Cameron Daigle - US 2 PC - Hangar - 1,874,124 - Blake Piepho - US 1 PC - Philadelphia - 1,851,080 - Blake Piepho - US 1 PC - Skatestreet - 1,877,623 - Cameron Daigle - US 2 PC - Skatestreet - 1,812,930 - Blake Piepho - US 1 PC - Marseille - 1,500,986 - Cameron Daige - US All Scores Verified by Twin Galaxies (www.twingalaxies.com) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THANKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First off I got this idea from the gamefaqs.com message board. There were many people asking how to get high scores so I decided to write this to help them. I also would like to thank _Jed_ for having the best Tony Hawk Website (planettonyhawk.com/jedsvideos) as well as everyone whos lines I used on this site. If you don't want your line on my FAQ, then send me an e-mail at mat2810@cs.com and I will take it off, if you would like to help by sending in a good line then send me an e-mail and I will be more than happy to post it. I would also like to thank CJayC the webmaster at gamefaqs.com for posting my faqs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a copywrited work for Mike Truitt , any usage of this faq not noted by its author is banned, if you want to have it on you site, just e-mail me at mat2810@cs.com and I'll be more than happy to allow you to have it on your site, but you MUST ask. If you like this FAQ, please check out my Challenges FAQ for Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2. I hope I could help some one in some way. Some of the combod might not be well described, if you have any questions of comments on any of the combo or of the faq itself, please e-mail me, and if you have any ideas for combos, e-mail me and I'll try to post them on my next update. (c)2001 Mike Truitt