_____________________________________ ////////////=/||||||||||||||\=\\\\\\\\\ ////////////=/||------------||\=\\\\\\\\\ ////////////=/||-++++++++++++-||\=\\\\\\\\\ |-----------=/||-+-TONY HAWK:-+-||\=--------| |\\\\\\\\\\=|+|-+-PRO SKATER 3-+-|+|=///////| \\\\\\\\\\\=\||-++++++++++++++-||/=//////// \\\\\\\\\\\=\||--------------||/=//////// \_____________________________________/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + This file is Copyright (c)2002 Syrax + +'Tsutashi' Black. All rights reserved.+ + E-Mail : Syrax_jk@yahoo.com + + AIM : Tsutashi + + GameFAQs : Syrax + + Web-Site : + + (Later) + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 + + System : Gameboy Advance + + Version 1.0 + + Last Update : June 25, 2002 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ==================================================== =1.----------------------------------------Contents= ==================================================== -1. Contents -2. Update History ---a. Version 1.0 -3. Pro Career Mode ---a. Foundry ---b. Suburbia ---c. Rio ---d. Airport ---e. L.A. ---f. Tokyo -4. Sponsored Career Mode ---a. Foundry ---b. Suburbia ---c. Rio ---d. Airport ---e. L.A. ---f. Tokyo -5. Notes -6. Credits ==================================================== =2.----------------------------------Update History= ==================================================== -Version 1.0 Initial Release. Did as much as I could. I will make things much more understandable next update, which should be very soon. I was really lucky I had almost finished it right before the bounty of it came out. I'm probabaly gonna add more sections later. Uh, my Message Board name is Syrax, my Contributer name is Syrax, the game is Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 for the system Gameboy Advance, my e-mail is Syrax_JK@yahoo.com, and this is my first contribution and not my last. ==================================================== =3.---------------------------------Pro Career Mode= ==================================================== =a. Foundry =------------------------------= Goals = ============= ========= HIGH SCORE - 10,000 PRO SCORE - 30,000 SICK SCORE! - 60,000 FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE COLLECT S-K-A-T-E 50-50 TC'S RAIL (Street Skaters) MELON OVER THE HALFPIPE (Vert Skaters) UN-JAM 5 VALVES DRAIN THE MOLTEN POOLS WALLRIDE THE MAGMA FALLS 5 STAT POINTS DECK --- HIGH SCORE - 10,000 PRO SCORE - 30,000 SICK SCORE! - 60,000 Well, these are pretty easy. I reccomend just doing whatever grinds. One thing that is effective is that if you do a Flip trick, your score is multiplied. So if you do a 10,000 grind on the top level, and do 6 kickflips, you just got a Sick Score. Besides, you will have to do so much grinding in this level, you probabaly don't need to try. Just remember to flip after every single grind. FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE After you UN-JAM 5 VALVES, go up the elevator. Follow the railed path until you reach the rise. Ollie on it (You will have to 'Charge', meaning hold down the button) over the Gap and you will land on a platform. Ollie (Hold down the button again, but start holding the button before you even land) off it to the back. You land in a pool. Here you can DRAIN THE MOLTEN POOLS. There is another lift on the platform. See the tape? Go fetch. It's down the exact center. Once again, you will have to charge the Ollie first. COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Street Skaters) S - From where you start, go northeast, until you reach the wall. Go northwest. You should see a door (closed, unless you have already done UN-JAM 5 VALVES) labeled elevator. The S is in front of it, on a ledge. Grind the ledge in the direction of the letter from your current spot. For score, be sure to do a flip trick when you ollie off (Default L and R). K - From the S, go northwest, until you see a ramp going up, with a yellow rail in the center. Hold down the ollie button. Go up the ramp until you are three-quaters done. At the end of the rail, Ollie off. A - Past the K, there is a curve going into a straight line. Go past it, and ollie onto the next one. Grind it. T - From the A, go follow the southwest wall, going southeast. Grind on any yellow rails that touch the southwest wall. On the second, there is a T. E - After the T, just go southeast. You will run into the Halfpipe, which has an E. Just Flip (Ollie when jumping off a Halfpipe) to get the E. COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Vert Skaters) S - Jump over the halfpipe towards the S. It's in the preview. K - Southeast of Valve #2, Flip (Ollie when jumping off a Halfpipe) to reach it. A - Do the same with K, except with the next quaterpipe over. T - Past the Molten Pool and TC's Rail, going northwest, is 3 pipes and two quaterpipes. Flip the quaterpipe to the southwest of the pipes. E - Go back to the halfpipe. South of it is a quaterpipe that has an E above it. Somehow go straight up and Flip to get it. 50-50 TC'S RAIL (Street Skaters) From where you start, go over the Halfpipe. In the center is a ramp going up with a yellow rail. Just get on that, the grind does not matter. However, depending on your skill and speed, you have to land by ollie onto the next rail in front of it. If you were going straight, you do a 50-50, and it's TC's Rail, so it is 50-50 TC's Rail. MELON OVER THE HALFPIPE (Vert Skaters) Get speed and charge an Ollie. Let go of Ollie over the half pipe that is just in front of you, and hit Left + Grab (Default R). UN-JAM 5 VALVES Okay, from the start, you go northeast. You should see a pipe. Aim a slight angle northwest, and ollie onto the pipe (be sure to charge) and grind immediately (1). Go foward some and on the northwest wall, there is a quater pipe. Flip on the quaterpipe and hit the grind button until you are grinding on the pipe. You grind over the valve (2). Don't fall off. When you reach the end, ollie on to the next pipe over. Don't fall off. When you reach the end, ollie off. You land on the next pipe and valve (3). Go to the center of the northwest wall. Skate into the south side of the lava. You end up on the Western Corner. See the valve? Ollie and grind it (4). Go southeast along the southwest wall. You pass two yellow rails. Then the rail with the T. Turn northeast and you see the rail before TC's rail. Grind it, TC's rail, and then onto a pipe with a valve (5). DRAIN THE MOLTEN POOLS To do this, you must have already done UN-JAM THE 5 VALVES. Follow the FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE instructions, until it says you can drain the molten pools. The pool you landed in has a switch at the back. To pull it down, ollie up the quarterpipe until you get up to the switch. Do a lip trick on it. It may take a few tries. WALLRIDE THE MAGMA FALLS On the northwest wall is the magma falls. Skate into it to get to the third layer. You will have to wallride (ollie at a 45 degree angle onto a wall and grind it) most of the grating between the two platforms. It might be kinda tricky, but you will learn. 5 STAT POINTS 1 - On the northeast end of the halfpipe, above it a few yards, is a stat point. Straight up ollie the half pipe to get it. 2 - In front of the pit that is southeast of the Magma falls is a pair of quaterpipes with three pipes in between them. Just Ollie over the pipes high enough to grab the stat point. 3 - In the pit in front of the magma falls on the northwest wall is another miniature magma falls. Just Ollie over it and grab the point. 4 - It's in the northeast molten pool. You can't get it until DRAIN THE MOLTEN POOLS. 5 - You need to UN-JAM THE FIVE VALVES. Go up the elevator lift. Between the two quaterpipes is that path and a yellow rail between them. Grind the rail. Hold Ollie. Let go at the very end and you grab it. This is also a very good way to reach the other platform earlier. DECK This is easier than it looks. On the two quaterpipes on the northeast wall there is that second valve. However, to the southeast of that valve is another pipe. Grind on it and Ollie off at the end. ==================================================== =b. Suburbia =-----------------------------= Goals = ============== ========= HIGH SCORE - 35,000 PRO SCORE - 70,000 SICK SCORE! - 120,000 FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE COLLECT S-K-A-T-E HEELFLIP THE PICKUP HOP (Street Skaters) NOSEGRAB 'TWEEN THE RAMPS (Vert Skaters) SMASH 5 PUMPKINS HELP THE THIN MAN FEED THE HUNGRY HOBO 5 STAT POINTS DECK --- HIGH SCORE - 35,000 PRO SCORE - 70,000 SICK SCORE! - 120,000 A good way to start is to grind the quater pipe to the northwest of the start point. Make sure to end with flip tricks. You can also grind the rope that connects the trailer to the UTOPIA sign. Another way is to go to the Red house's pool or the construction pool and grind around those for a while, but if you flip off, you are very likely to mess up. It can be really frustrating. Overall, it is still pretty easy. FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE To do this, you must first HELP THE THIN MAN. Go into his backyard. Spin from the quaterpipe into the pit over the gate to the northwest. Exit the pool going southwest. Exit going up northwest. Ollie onto that rail. Gain some speed on it and stay on it. You will land on the shed. Ollie of it going in the same direction. You grab the tape. Finish with a grind, if you want. COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Street Skaters) S - The S is on the rope that connects the UTOPIA sign to the trailer. K - Grind the qauterpipe past the UTOPIA sign. Ollie of it to the next qauterpipe. Ollie of that and grab the K. A - In the construction site above the qauterpipe pointing towards UTOPIA, the A is a distance above it. T - The T is on the red brick path northwest of the Red House. Grind that planter thing in the direction of the T and Ollie to get it. E - On the southwest side of the Red House towards the bottom is a couple of planks that make an entrance. In between them is an E. Just grind 'em. COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Vert Skaters) S - Directly east of where you start. Simply flip up to it on the quaterpipe. K - Go northeast from the S to the house that is being built. The K is on the boards that line the center of the house foundation. A - Head north from there until you reach a fence. Follow the fence northwest until you see a drop in it with two boards hanging through the drop. Go through it, and head northeast. Go straight until you see a quaterpipe. Go up into the air (flip it) and get the A. T - LOOK north of the UTOPIA sign. You should see it. Flip between the two quaterpipes it is in between. E - Head north. Go to the Thin Man's house. To the northwest of the door is a quaterpipe, flip up to get the E. HEELFLIP THE PICKUP HOP Ollie with the front off the lift in front of the truck in UTOPIA. Hold right and press Flip. Pretty Simple. NOSEGRAB 'TWEEN THE RAMPS Go to the vertical picnic table quaterpipes. Nosegrab is up + grab (Default R). Flip over the gap between the picnic table and the trailer to the northwest. Then nosegrab in air. SMASH 5 PUMPKINS First you jump grab the one on the quaterpipe right next to your start (1). The second one is southeast of the letter K (2). Along the street next to the Red House, you pass the pumpkin (3). The next pumpkin is northwest of the Guy with the Grill in the Red House Back Yard (4). The last pumpkin is southeast of the thin man, on his porch (5). HELP THE THIN MAN Somehow, I can't remember how, I got him to tell me I needed to find his keys. He's locked out of the spooky mansion. Well, you don't find his keys, you get him an Axe to cut his fence open. The Axe is on the pile of wood on the foundation of the construction site. So go to the spooky mansion and give him the Axe. FEED THE HUNGRY HOBO Go into the Red House's backyard. Get the hotdog off the grill and knock over the griller. The Hobo is in the western corner of the Trailer Park. 5 STAT POINTS 1 - One of them is above the quaterpipe the connects to the trailer the hobo lives against. 2 - Another one is in the pool of of the construction yard. 3 - Look along the road on the northeast side of the Trailer Park. It is above a quaterpipe. 4 - It is above one of the quaterpipes on the northeastern corner of the Red House's backyard. 5 - You can't do this until you HELP THE THIN MAN. It is on the quaterpipe that leads you into his backyard. DECK In the side alley with all the trash bins at the very end is a quaterpipe. Above it is the deck. Easy. ==================================================== =c. Rio =----------------------------------= Goals = ========= ========= WINNING Competitions are EASY. I don't know everything that makes you win, but I still know how to win. Just get alot of points doing your specials. If you get 200,000+ points, you are almost assured of winning a gold. Just do special grinds. Try for a gold on your first try. When you get a gold, you gain a new trick slot. Put in The Human Dart. It's easy, looks good, and gives MAJOR POINTS. Try to do the Planters. Also attempt to loop around the park. And always remember: Ollie, Grind, Flip. 4 STAT POINTS 1 - Grind the rail that is next to where you start, go in the direction northeast on the rail. It's easy. 2 - Near the east planter is the stat point in the air. Spin from the quaterpipe right next to it to get it. You will get hurt, but it is not like you haven't already lost alot of teeth. 3 - In the center of the park a couple of quaterpipes are connected via ropes. One of the gaps with a rope is called Bai. Spin between the two quaterpipes and grab the stat point. 4 - North, very close to point 3, is another one. The jump is called Big Righty. ==================================================== =d. Airport =------------------------------= Goals = ============= ========= HIGH SCORE - 55,000 PRO SCORE - 110,000 SICK SCORE! - 200,000 FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE COLLECT S-K-A-T-E CROOKED GRIND SOUTH BENCH (Street Skaters) AIRWALK OVER THE X-RAY MACHINE (Vert Skaters) FIND THE LOST SKATEBOARD BRING TICKETS TO THE FAMILY GRIND OVER THE AIRPLANE 4 STAT POINTS DECK --- HIGH SCORE - 55,000 PRO SCORE - 110,000 SICK SCORE! - 200,000 Grind around the benches and the two suitcase machines. Try to grind down the bench near the start, onto the stair rail, off onto the round bench, down another rail, onto the bench, and onto the suitcase machine. If you are a good enough street skater, try to get S-K-A-T-E in a single combo. Yes, it can be done. If you got the Human Dart, it should be really easy. FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE You see the two quaterpipes right behind where you start? Spin up onto the ledge. As soon as you get high enough, grind it. Go in the northeast direction. When the ledge takes a 90 degree turn, still grind it. When it ends, Ollie and grab the tape. COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Street Skaters) NOTE: This says how to do it in a single combo. You don't have to do it in a combo. If you do it in a single, you get a 2 Million Point base, and then you can do flip trick multipliers. S - It's on a rail directly southeast of where you start. K - After you get the S, grind down the rail and Ollie off it and onto the bench grind around it. Ollie off it, and grind this bench. The K is on it. A - Ollie off the bench going exactly southwest, onto the white stairway rail, the most southeastern one. You should get the A. T - Ollie off the white rail onto the next bench. Grind, Ollie onto the northeastern rail the is to the southeastern of the bench. Grind down it, grab the T. E - This one is trickier. From the T, grind onto the Baggage Machine. Grind ALL the way around it and onto the bench that is southwest of the machine. Then, grind the next bench to the southwest. Do a long Ollie onto the next baggage machine to the southwest. Ollie off it southwest, land a manual and Ollie onto the straight bench. When on the bench, you have to do a charged ollie to grab the E. It's quite annoying. COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Vert Skaters) S - Behind where you start. Flip between the two quaterpipes. K - Go down a floor. Go to the northeast quaterpipe, flip up to the K. A - Go down to the next floor. Go past the circle bench and to a console quaterpipe. The A is up high. T - Head northeast, past the escalator, and grind the rail along the edge of the east corner. E - Jump to the bottom floor. Go to the east corner, to a quaterpipe. Go to the next quaterpipe to the northwest of it, and flip up to it. CROOKED GRIND THE SOUTH BENCH (Street Skaters) Just crouch Ollie onto it while holding Up + Left or Up + Right and Grind. Do it for most of the Bench. AIRWALK OVER THE X-RAY MACHINE (Vert Skaters) Down + Down + Grab (Default R) is airwalk. The X-Ray machine is on the second floor. Jump on either end of it, Ollie off the lift, airwalk, and land safely. FIND THE LOST SKATEBOARD DECK Easy as hell. Y'know those baggage machines? Yes. Y'know the baggage? Good. Just open all five. There are 3 on the machine towards the northeast on the most eastern corner and 2 on the machine in the southwestern near the southern corner. BRING TICKETS TO THE FAMILY On the counter northeast of where you start, there are tickets. Grind the ledge and grab them. On the very bottom floor northeast of the south bench is a mom, dad, and kid. Bring the tickets to them. GRIND OVER THE AIRPLANE Okay, go to the X Ray Machine on the second floor. Gain Speed. Hold Ollie. Hold up out of the quaterpipe on the machine. Let go of Ollie when you are pretty high up. You will break through the window if you are high enough. See the airplane? Grind one of the wings in the direction of the airplane. Ollie at the end over the airplane and land a grind on the other end. 4 STAT POINTS 1 - If you grind the airplane, this is really easy to find. Just spin to reach the point that is above the X-Ray Machine. 2 - Break through the window to the airplane. Right behind the Right Wing of the airplane is a quaterpipe. Spin it. 3 - On the very bottom floor on the eastern corner is a quaterpipe. Spin it. 4 - The baggage machine on the northeast side has a stat point above it. Just hold up the front of the machine and do an Air Ollie. Takes practice. ==================================================== =e. L.A. =---------------------------------= Goals = ========== ========= HIGH SCORE - 75,000 PRO SCORE - 150,000 SICK SCORE! - 300,000 FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Different for Skater Types) BLUNTSLIDE THE MONSTER (Street Skaters Only) TAILGRAB OVER THE DIVIDER (Vert Skaters Only) FIND 4 EARTHQUAKE GAPS LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! STOP THE PICKPOCKETS 4 STAT POINTS DECK --- HIGH SCORE - 75,000 PRO SCORE -150,000 SICK SCORE! - 300,000 This might be tricky. My best strategy is to do a good grind like the human dart on the pool in the car wash area. Just keep the same one until you get 100,000 points and do 3 flip tricks before hitting the ground. You can also land a manual, and do it twice, giving many more points. FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE First, you must FIND 4 EARTHQUAKE GAPS. Get enough spin to go high enough to grind the Highway. Ollie off the rail onto the highway. Then jump over the rail on the northeast end on highway. Skate until you turn the corner. Grind the rail. Ollie off it onto the next rail. Grind along the wire and make sure you are going fast enough. Ollie of the DANCING KITTEN, and land on a tower in the art park with a tape on it. COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Street Skaters) S - From the start, go southeast to the second white rail from the northwest side. Grind it. Ollie in the T's direction when you are right next to it, as it is not directly on the Rail. K - Head southeast. You should see a rail perpendicular of another rail. One of the rails has newspaper holders and cracks. The cracks represent earthquake gaps. Just grab the K for now. A - Now follow the street northeast. When a road going southeast appears, follow it. Grind the sidewalk sides and Ollie between the gaps. The A is right on one of 'em. T - Head towards the eastern corner and go southwest. When you see a Brown Rail, Grind it. It is past the Hollywood stars. The Rail will drop in elevation. Jump off at the end in the direction of the T. E - Land on the food table, outer side. Ollie of and land on the southwest rail. Ollie off in the direction of the T when the rail ends. COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Vert Skaters) S - Go to the park area, and head northwest from the pond. Flip up the quaterpipe. K - Head southwest to the carwash, onto the far southwest of the map, and flip between the two quaterpipes. A - Go southeast from the K. Simple. T - Get on top of the carwash. Flip up from the southwest quaterpipe. E - At the center of the park, go straight southeast. Ollie off the sign. BLUNTSLIDE THE MONSTER (Street Skaters) I reccomend you do this when you do the ACTION part of LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! Just ride up the Hollywood prop in the Movie set, hit Up + Up + Grind, and you bluntslide the monster. TAILGRAB OVER THE DIVIDER (Vert Skaters) Go to the purple thing in the Art Park. There is a halfpipe, a divider, and over the divider is a small quaterpipe. Flip over the divider, while doing a tailgrab (Down + Grab (Default R)). FIND 4 EARTHQUAKE GAPS 1 - Go southeast of the starting point. Go to the rail with newspaper holders and cracks. Grind a large part of it. 2 - Now, follow the street going northeast. Follow the next street going southeast. On the quaterpipe right before you reach the DANCING KITTEN, there is a crack. Just do a lip trick. Watch out for punk stereotypes. 3 - Head to the movie set. In the northern corner of the pit is some cracks. Wallride them. It's tricky to get it to accept it, but try doing it right in between them without doing a Wallie. 4 - Go to the carwash. On the southwest side of the building is a pair of quaterpipes with an extension between them. Just spin over the extension. Trick is, you can mess it up. LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! This is harder than it looks. After you've learned to do it, it is extremely easy. Go to the movie set. Get your special meter up. There is a group of rails on the northeast side of the pit. Grind the most southwestern rail, direction southeast. Ollie off it right before the drop in the rail, and land on the LIGHTS. Ollie of them right before they end. Land a manual and grind up the CAMERA. Continue through the trailer and Ollie off the door and grind the monster for ACTION! If you are a street skater and still need to BLUNTSLIDE THE MONSTER, hit Up + Up before you grind. STOP THE PICKPOCKETS 1 - Right where you start. 2 - Southwest right between the four planters in the car wash park and the fountain. 3 - On the southwest wall of the carwash area. 4 - The very western corner of the movie set pit. 5 - He is in the pit in the Art Park, towards the northeast. 4 STAT POINTS 1 - Right behind where you start. On the wall of the library between a pair of quaterpipes northeast of where you start. 2 - Southwest of the main intersection is a rail. Grind it. Ollie over the sign, grind the rail. Grab the Stat Point. 3 - It's on the northeast rail area. It should easy easy enough to find and get. 4 - The last one is at the Art Park. It's above the quaterpipe southwest of the C used in getting the deck. DECK The Deck might be slightly hard. Go to the Art Park. See the woman inside the C like statue? Ride up the C and Ollie off it in the direction of the beam higher up. Grind the southwest edge of it. ==================================================== =e. Tokyo =--------------------------------= Goals = =========== ========= WINNING Try the Human Dart around where you start, on the platform. You can get the first stat point and a couple of Gaps. Grind around the hollograhic pools. Remember, doing a trick multiple times gives less points and judges love specials. 4 STAT POINTS 1 - In front of where you start. Grind around to get it. 2 - Outside of the pit far to the north corner, to the south east. It's on the northeastern wall. 3 - Go straight northwestern from where you start. You should see it. Just spin the quaterpipes it is under. 4 - Head straight northwest from start. At the very end wall, you should see the stat point. Skate off at the curve, holding up. Air Ollie it. Takes practice. ==================================================== =4.---------------------------Sponsored Career Mode= ==================================================== =a. Foundry =--------------------------= New Goals = ============= ============= HIGH SCORE - 20,000 PRO SCORE - 55,000 SICK SCORE! - 85,000 FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE COLLECT S-K-A-T-E 4 STAT POINTS DECK --- FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE First DRAIN THE MOLTEN POOLS. Then go to them. Gain some speed in 'em, and then exit them, and do an air Ollie. I don't know why, but it is just hard to grab. The aiming is hard. COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Street Skaters) S - Head to the two quaterpipes on the northeast wall, with the valve inbetween them. The pipe to the northeast of the valve has the S. Ollie off as soon as you are about to point northwest, while you are still pointing southwest. K - The K is between the two platforms next to the Magma Falls. Grind the curve and Ollie grab it. A - Go to the pipe near the starting point. Grind to the middle. Ollie up and get it. T - You need to UN-JAM 5 VALVES. It is in Stat Point #5 from Pro Mode's spot. E - Go to the pit with the switch. Right outside of the south corner is the E. Grind the quaterpipes in the direction of the E. Ollie off at the end and grab it. COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Vert Skaters) S - In the halfpipe. K - Southeast of TC's Rail. Flip up over the Magma pool entrance to get it. A - Southwest of where you start. It's hard to get. T - Same as before. E - Above the valve in the pipe trio. Flip to get it, using the back of the 4 STAT POINTS 1 - Southwest of the starting point. Do an Air Ollie after exiting the quaterpipe under it. 2 - Behind the molten pools, right above the triplet of pipes with the valve in the center. Flip over the pipes high enough to grab the point. 3 - Go up the elevator. Above the gap in the middle of the northwest side of the halfpipe. Flip up and get it. 4 - Up the Elevator, down the path, and over the gap into the next platform. Now, STOP. Throw you skateboard, stop, just don't move when you land. Get on the northeast pipe and head northwest. Charged Ollie up and grab the point. It's slightly difficult, but not very. DECK Ok... Go up the elevator. Go to the southwest end of the halfpipe. Fall off by fliping ever so slighty off so that you grab it. ==================================================== =b. Suburbia =-------------------------= New Goals = ============== ============= HIGH SCORE - 70,000 PRO SCORE - 125,000 SICK SCORE! - 175,000 FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE COLLECT S-K-A-T-E SMASH 5 PUMPKINS HELP THE THIN MAN 3 STAT POINTS DECK --- FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE First, HELP THE THIN MAN. Go into his backyard. Ride the quaterpipe to the northwest up to a higher one southwest of it. Exit that one, and ride the roof up to a halfpipe. It's in the northern corner. --- COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Street Skaters) S - This one is just annoying. Watch the goal list at the beginning. Ok, so you go into the Red House backyard, and the second you enter from that gate indent, go up that quaterpipe northwest and exit it. Exit the next quaterpipe. Grind along the roof going northwest (NOT southwest) and Ollie to get it. K - Go into the Thin Man's front yard. The K is right above where the stairs end. Grind, Ollie, Collect. A - Go to the area with the vertical picnic table. Grind the trailer northwest of that going northwest. The A is on the rope. T - Go to the construction area. Towards the northwest, that quaterpipe? Grind it going southwest, and get the T. E - Garbage Alley. Pass two dumpsters. Get on the third, on the northwest side of it. Easier said that done. Wall Ride, Ollie, Wallie, just get on it. Ollie off at the end. --- COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Vert Skaters) S - From start, enter the red house. Head north from where you come in, and find a quaterpipe, flip it. For help, watch the preview. K - Behind the hotdog is a few quaterpipes, and above one is the K. A - This was the hardest thing for me to find in the game. Wallride off the southeast end of the small house that holds the quaterpipe to the backyard. Be sure you are in the red house backyard. So Wallride the mini house thing, and Wallie off and land on the fence, and grind down it. GET READY TO OLLIE. Ollie when it breaks and land further down the fence, and when it stops, Ollie into the A. T - Go to the NOSEGRAB 'TWEEN THE RAMPS Ramps. Flip between them. E - Go to the construction area. Towards the northwest, that quaterpipe? Flip it to get the E. --- SMASH 5 PUMPKINS 1 - Turn around from the start. Go to the garbage alley. Go the back with the quaterpipe. Flip off it going east, and land a Grind ASAP. Keep going down until you get it. 2 - Head to the Red House. Get on the Red House roof by going into the backyard by the entrance near start point, and exit the two quaterpipes to the northwest. Now, Grind the east wall. Pumpkin. 3 - Northwest of that vertical picnic table, near the street intersection. 4 - Across the street from the garbage lane. It is on a beam. Don't be fooled. To get it, Ollie off the rise to the southeast of the pumpkin, right before it goes down. 5 - HELP THE THIN MAN. Get on his first roof. Slow down, barely get off the quaterpipe to the southeast, and get the pumpkin. --- HELP THE THIN MAN New ax. Go to the new house being built in the construction area. Northeast of the west corner is a plank of wood that leads to the second story. Get on it. Now, on the second story, ride up the quaterpipe. Don't crash, or you drop the ax. Bring it to the Thin Man. --- 3 STAT POINTS 1 - Follow the Street Skater Collect S instructions, but where it says to NOT go southwest, do. 2 - Grind the southwest side of the most southwestern trailer. Quick, someone call Pro Skater Mode, an easy stat point is loose. 3 - HELP THE THIN MAN. Right between the quaterpipe that leads to the backyard and the pit in the backyard is a stat point. --- DECK Thin Man's backyard. On his first level roof. Flip the southeast quaterpipe high enough to get it. ==================================================== =c. Rio =------------------------------= New Goals = ========= ============= 3 STAT POINTS 1 - Go to the quater pipes with the wire gaps in 'em. To the northeast of them is the stat point. Flip it. 2 - It's above the platform you start out in when doing pro skater mode. Flip it. 3 - Fun scoreness. Move to the bottom (southeast) of where you start. Ride up the starting platform on the rail and Ollie of to the northeast as far as you can, and land on that wooden platform. Ollie off the rise, and land in a Grind on the wire. Ride a while to the Stat Point. ==================================================== =d. Airport =--------------------------= New Goals = ============= ============= HIGH SCORE - 100,000 PRO SCORE - 225,000 SICK SCORE! - 300,000 FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE COLLECT S-K-A-T-E 3 STAT POINTS --- FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE Break the glass to the airplane. Go inside the airplane. Flip up to the tape. --- COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Street Skaters) S - It's in the Hidden Tape in Pro Mode's place. K - The level under the top one. The top escalator going towards northeast, at the top. A - Flip over the X-Ray machine quaterpipe. T - On the south bench, see CROOKED GRIND THE SOUTH BENCH. E - Ollie the east rail on the floor above the last. You should get it. --- COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Vert Skaters) S - Right behind where you start. K - Head straight southeast, and when the floor becomes even, so south and Ollie. A - Same as in Pro Mode, except the next console over. T - Now go southwest and to the bench. Grind the southwest end of it going southeast, and fall of it. Ollie over the rail and get the T. E - Go to the faaar east corner. Flip between the two closest quaterpipes. --- 3 STAT POINTS 1 - Go to the next to the bottom floor, in the south corner. Head north from the south corner to the bench. Grind the southwestern edge, going southeast. Ollie off the end, go over the fence, and get the point. 2 - Go down a floor from start. Flip the only quaterpipe on this floor. 3 - It's in the west corner of the airplane area. ==================================================== =e. L.A. =-----------------------------= New Goals = ========== ============= HIGH SCORE - 150,000 PRO SCORE - 275,000 SICK SCORE! - 450,000 FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE COLLECT S-K-A-T-E STOP THE PICKPOCKETS 3 STAT POINTS DECK --- FIND THE HIDDEN TAPE Go to the park quaterpipe, the one northwest of the plants and fountain. Flip off the northeast side of it, going straight up, and landing a grind on the window washer thing above it, and get the tape. --- COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Street Skaters) S - Skate down the northwest rail in the library area. K - Continue from the S, going southwest, grinding the obstacles, until you reach the west corner of the map. A - Go to the rail to the east of the car wash building. Ollie over the sign and get the A. T - Go to the far east of the map. Head southwest, and grind the rail. Ollie off the last one to get the T. E - Get your special bar up. Grind onto the background behind the Monster. Ollie off at the end. If you are going fast enough, you should get it. --- COLLECT S-K-A-T-E (Vert Skaters) S - Same as Pro. K - Southeast of the one from before. A - On top of the carwash, you need to Exit and Air Ollie to get it. T - In the Art Park, flip up the northeast purple quaterpipe, and flip over the divider and get the T. E - In the Art Park, Flip up the southwest purple quaterpipe. --- STOP THE PICKPOCKETS First, FIND FOUR EARTHQUAKE GAPS. Two pickpockets are in that area. 1 - He is on the east side of the Buffet Table in the movie set, head to it from the north. 2 - Exit onto the top of the carwash, he is on top. Grab the Stat point there too. 3 - Enter the Art Park from the west end, going northeast, and he should appear. 4 - Go up to the library roof. He's in the preview. 5 - On top of the building northwest of the DANCING KITTEN. --- 3 STAT POINTS First, FIND FOUR EARTHQUAKE GAPS. 1 - Get on the roof of the car wash. Flip up to reach the stat point on the northeast quaterpipe. 2 - In the place of the DECK from Pro Tour Mode. 3 - Go up onto the highway from the Earthquake quaterpipe, and head southwest. Grind the rail going there, and the point is towards the end. --- DECK It's on the wire that leads to the DANCING KITTEN. It's a little further from Pickpocket 5. Head to the Tape in Pro Mode to find it. ==================================================== =f. Tokyo=-----------------------------= New Goals = ========== ============= 3 STAT POINTS 1 - Head backwards from the start locale. Use the exit the quaterpipe and Air Ollie strategy. 2 - Go northeast from point 1. You need to flip between two wall quaterpipes. 3 - Exit and Air Ollie the most Northern Pool, it's on the east corner of the area. Congrats. You win. Woohoo. ==================================================== =5.-------------------------------------------Notes= ==================================================== This is currently only being hosted at GameFAQs, but contact me, and we can talk. Don't steal, just ask me. Remember, you can E-Mail/IM me with Questions and comments. ==================================================== =6.-----------------------------------------Credits= ==================================================== Thanks to: GameFAQs and CJayC for helping me beat countless games with the many wonderful FAQs, and for the fun Social Boards The ZSB, the DSSB (You Know Who You Are), and the rest -----------------------------------------------------