--------------------------------------------------------------------- JJJJ ..2222.. JJJJ .22222222. W O N D E R JJJJ 222" "2222 P R O J E C T ---------------- JJJJ "2 .222" ------------------- Wonder Project J 2 JJJJ .222" Corlo no mori no Josette JJJJ .222" JJJ JJJJJ 2222" JJJJJJJJJJ 222222222 "JJJJJ" 2222222222 Walkthrough and FAQ (Text only version) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0 By Eve Chauviré (feena@ifrance.com, formerly feena@worldnet.fr) May 7th 1999 This is the text only version of an illustrated walkthrough. To see it, go to : *********************************************** * * * http://www.multimania.com/wonderproject * * * *********************************************** If this link doesn't work, you can mail me ^_^ Please do not distribute this text without asking. The illustrated version has pictures and lots of things ^_^. Looking for the game but don't know where to find it ? mail me, I can help you. Contents : -------- - Changes in the versions & Author's note - About Wonder project J and Pinocchio - Characters : - main characters - other characters - Map of Blueland - Item list - Mini beginners' FAQ - Walthrough for CHAPTER ONE : - Achievements list - About Blueland history / Introduction - The 25 achievements - 100%... So what ? - The end of the days of Blueland - Miscellaneous information - Josette's jobs - Movies list - Game over ? - Josette's dresses - Josette's questions - Favorite quotes - Staff information - Wonder project J Links - Special thanks Changes in the versions : ----------------------- Version 2.0 : Added achievements 21 and 23. The FAQ reached 100% !!!! Added 100% information Version 1.0 (Not available online) : Fixed lots of mistakes, Added achievements 9, 13, 14, 25 Last update on : May 7th 1999 Author's note : ------------- When I saw so many people liked WPJ2 but couldn't understand it, I decided to make this FAQ. It is now complete to 100%. I also want to tell you readers that I'm french, so some of my ways of saying are likely to sound a bit strange, sometimes. This is my first FAQ. Don't hesitate to e-mail me any (good or bad) comments, (especially) corrections, requests, etc, at feena@ifrance.com If you want to put my walkthrough on your page, at least please let me know. And if you do put it on your page, don't change anything in the text please. If something seems wrong to you, please e-mail me. Feel free to link the page where you found this. IF YOU MAIL ME, PLEASE INCLUDE " WONDER " IN THE SUBJECT. Thanks. About Wonder Project J and Pinocchio ------------------------------------ Wonder project J is an exceptionnal game as it is one of the very few RPG inspired by a world masterpiece, Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio. Moreover, it's made by Enix (Dragon quest). WPJ is kind of a modernized version of Pinocchio. In Wonder project J : Kikai no shounen Pino, Pr Geppetto had made Pino the little Gijin (robot), but was abducted before he could give him a decent education. Only Tinker the little fairy, an interface robot, was remaining to accomplish this task, that's why she summoned someone from another world to help Pino on his way. Pino would have been able to become a real boy, like in Pinocchio, once he would have awakened his 7 hearts (by accomplishing 7 achievements). Of course, it's not so obvious in WPJ2, because you don't have so many names from Pinocchio. Characters : ---------- Translator notes : I tried to translate the names as well as I could. Most of the characters' names sound english or french, so I tried to write them that way. For example Josette is a french first name which is actually not very common (and a bit ridiculous). Oh, maybe that name exists also in other languages... Well... I don't know, anyway. Other names are french such as " Elegant ". And the name of the chef sounds a lot like the french word " gourmet ", so I wrote it " Gourmen ". The family names appear only in the ending credits of the game. Of course some names might sound a bit strange and fitting too well to the characters, like Gante Worker, Geppetto Lamarck, Karen Honest... Main characters : --------------- Josette : Pr Geppetto's model 5984 android is a young girl. (Pino was model 4649). Like Pino, she was given the " J " which could help her become humain Geppetto Lamarck : Geppetto's dream was to build a Gijin who would look exactly like a human in every ways. But, he was old, and had had trouble with Corlo's former government (in WPJ 1). He had to put Josette in a safe place before he died : on Blueland. Bird : Aka Interface robot model 5980... This robot is the only way to communicate with Josette. It's your cursor... Pino : The hero of Wonder Project J. Although he doesn't appear in Wonder Project J 2, he's often mentionned. Also made by Pr Geppetto, he sadly died before becoming a human, as we see in the introduction. Pokko : Doesn't he remind you of someone ? Not only he is queen Tiffany's son but he's also the... reincarnation of Pino ! He's the spittin' image of Pino, and somehow has the same temper. Other characters : ---------------- Arnold : A popular, handsome young man. Clara : A nice blind girl. Doro & Bou : Those two are former thieves from Wonder project J. They became honest. Notice that " dorobou " means " thief ". Fam Wizard : aka Old Fam in WPJ1. He's the last survivor of the ancient race, the Dinosaur-men. Fater Harben : Harben's father ('s ghost), who was a martial arts master. Fisher : An experienced fisherman, with a typical fisherman's way of talking ! Fraken : Siliconian's mean scientist. Galon Honest : Karen's husband, who abandoned his family and entered the army for some reasons... Gante Worker : The grumpy boat & plane repairer. He just looks like one of Miyazaki's characters. Gedo : This hooded man is looking for young girls to beat... Gourmen : the world number 1 chef. Harben : One of the army's leader. Is he as kind as he seems to be ? Horus, Rostam, Lidal : Three regular customers of Karen's restaurant. We soon learn they belong to the Revolution Army. Jichael : A trendy dancer that appears in the movie " sound of dance ". Karen Honest : Formerly the leader of the Yamaneko thief band in Wonder Project J, she now runs a restaurant on the Megafloat Noah. Katze the cat : Karen's friend ; it's a actually a she. Kurohige ("black beard") : The doctor who will try to cure Clara. Movie director Lumiere & Alan : A movie maker and his assistant. They will be expelled from Blueland because their movies do not praise the Siliconian army... "Medusa" Siliconian 13th : the mysterious cruel emperor. You only get to see his face in the ending... Messala the 3rd : WPJ1's bad guy, a Gijin just like Josette. In WPJ1, he was Corlo's tyrannic leader, and abducted Pr Geppetto because he wanted the " J ". Pearl Elegant : The posh daughter of the mayor. You'd better be her friend... Paul : The townhall employee, who soon gets a crush on Josette ! Rosa, Hilda and Sally : Three friends of Pearl's. Sapphire Honest : Karen's rebellious daughter, who could never accept her father's betrayal. Zampagne : A strong man who breaks chains on the plazza. Map of Blueland --------------- These numbers are referring to the map of the Blueland in the booklet (p12-13). This is translation of the booklet. Artificial Island Megafloat Noah 1. Megafloat Noah dock #1 2. Megafloat Noah dock #2 3. Karen's pub (which is a restaurant, actually) 4. Artificial island's park 5. Succalla Movie theater 6. Pipe way (to Blueland) 7. Garbage dump 8. Gante's boat repairing shop 9. Suspicious street 10. Goddess Sedona Blue entrance 11. Artificial island's plaza 12. Artificial island's hospital 13. To Home island Blueland Home island Blueland : 14. Plaza in front of the public office 15. Blueland's public office and business registration office 16. Siliconian movie studio 17. Proton mine 18. Siliconian Airforce training district 19. Siliconian Airforce fighting place (execution site ??) 20. Blueland forest 21. To Megafloat Noah Item list --------- They're in the same order as in the booklet. This is both comments of my own and translations of the booklet. - Language Book : You need to read this before reading any other book. - Encyclopedia : You can learn about everything in this book. - Book of planes : A book about planes, and especially the Seaba plane. - Book of ships : You'll want to know more about the Dolphin... - Mechanic manual : Josette should read this if she wants to work in a garage. - Medical book : all the secrets of the human body. - Cook Book : I think it's clear enough ! - Bad book : A forbidden book (?) - actually a roleplaying book. - Legend of Magiteka : About the legend of Magiteka. - Legend of Corlo : About the legend of Corlo - Red dress : An offensive-looking red dress. - Green dress : A sporty-looking green dress. - Blue dress : A smart-looking blue dress. - Health oil : have Josette eat this and she'll recover HP - Mental oil : have Josette eat this and she'll recover MP - Stuffed cat : A cute stuffed cat with which you can play and enjoy yourself. - Pickaxe : Used in mines - Tray : Used in waitressing - Dumbbell : It'll strengthen her up - Groom : Use this to clean up - Wrench : use this to learn mechanical - Treasure box : With a little training with this, Josette'll be able to open any chest. - Seasoning : This really have taste. - Fry pan : used to learn to cook - Bouquet of flowers : It smells good, doesn't it ? - Crystal ball : Used to tell the fortune - Fake cockroach : It looks like a real one - Flan : Gijins' favorite food. - Music box : doesn't it make you feel like dancing ? - Treasure map (how come they sell this in a shop ?) : Map of the treasures of Magiteka. - Proton stone : A stone like the one found in the mine. - Corlo nut : This reminds Josette of Corlo... Mini FAQ -------- - What is a Gijin ? Gijin is the word used to call robots in the game. Most Gijins come from Corlo island. The gijins respect Asimov's Robots' Three essential rules, which means they must not hurt humans. - How do I teach Josette something ?? With the bird, you point at the object. She'll react in a certain way, and then you have to praise her or to scold her. When she has understood, she should say " Wakatta wa ! " (I got it !) - Josette is very angry/very sad, and won't do anything. What should I do ? Give her a flan, it should cheer her up. - Josette refuses to read a book. What should I do ? She probably doesn't have enough MP anymore. Have her rest or drink oil. - Oh my ! I don't have any more Oil, and the shop won't sell me any. Why ? It's because you're carrying too many bottles. Sell the empty bottles first. - How do you open the door under water ? You need to enter a secret code that you can guess when you have the fisher's license (there's a clue on it). It's B, B, B, A. - Oh no ! Josette's eaten an object... Is it bad ? No. Don't worry. She should only eat objects that you can buy from the shop, and it's not bad for her health. - How do I pilot the Dolphin ? Go faster with A, slow down/stop with B. Go up with Down, go down with Up. To give up piloting and go back, push R then A. To catch fish and treasures, use Z. ****************** * * * Walkthrough * * * ****************** Let's get started. First, I have to tell that Wonder project J 2 is NOT linear. There are 25 " achievements " (or " goals ") you must accomplish, but you are not obliged to do them in one particular order. Of course, some must be done before others. Each of them give you 4%. To check which ones you've got, go with the bird on the toolbar and press A over the bird's head. You'll access to the Achievements Memo, where all of those you have are listed. I listed here the achievements as they are in the memo : The 25 achievements : ------------------- 1. Learned how to greet people 2. Learned how to cook 3. Learned how to clean 4. Learned how to wash oneself 5. Mastered the piloting of the Dolphin 6. Mastered the piloting of the Seaba 7. Learned how to get fishermen's qualification 8. Received initiation (about fighting) 9. Got the title of "fisher king" 10. Was recognized as an accomplished barehand fighter 11. Got Miss Goddess Contest Second Prize 12. Became an actress 13. Got the title of "plane shooter king" 14. Won the submarine race 15. Learned how to sing well 16. Learned how to dance well 17. Made up a story 18. Learned how to tell the fortune 19. Had a "dream" 20. Found the "past" 21. Found the "future" 22. Understood Life and Death 23. Understood "happiness" 24. Understood Love 25. Found a treasure in the mine ...And this is the order I did them in : 1, 15, 2, 5, 20, 16, 22, 3 & 4, 11, 24, 12, 8, 6, 10, 7, 19, 18, 17, ... Of course doing them in the " right " order can surely do no bad... I tried to, once, but I didn't manage to get achievement 4 after achievement 3, neither to get 8 right after 7... Nevermind. Some events can only occurr after others did. If you get stuck because something "won't happen", go everywhere (several times) and some encounters may trigger new things. I did my best to try to know which things went before which ones, but it's hard to tell. ************************************** * * * Chapter 1 : The days of Blueland * * * ************************************** About Blueland history : ---------------------- Juste like Corlo, Blueland used to be a peaceful island until the Siliconian Empire, led by Siliconian the 13th invaded it to use its important mineral resource, the mines of Proton, and chased its inhabitants to an artificial steel island, the Megafloat Noah. This is where our story begins. All the characters met by Josette are former inhabitants of Blueland that were forced to leave the island, now mainly occupied by Siliconian soldiers, who... aren't kidding... Introduction ------------ Wonder Project J 2 is one of those rare sequels that take place exactly after the first episode. Or should I say, exactly 15 years after the first game. This means you'll meet quite a lot of characters from Wonder project J. In the introduction of the game, you'll see a short summary of what happened at the end of Wonder Project J (although I'm not 100% sure about that, since I haven't finished WPJ ^_^ ;). After Pino died fighting Messala the 3rd, the tyrannic king of Corlo, Pr Geppetto decided to build another Gijin like Pino. But this time, it's a girl whose name is Josette, accompanied by a new interface robot : Bird. After living peacefully and happily, Pr Geppetto finally dies. Meanwhile, queen Tiffany, 5 years after Pino's death, gave birth to a boy looking exactly like Pino... But a flesh boy this time... On Corlo island... Josette and her creator, Pr Geppetto, live peacefully with other gijins. But once, Geppetto announces to Josette that she must leave for Blueland island... and he passes out ! He manages to tell Josette she will now be looked after by a reliable person from another world... You. Then geppetto dies... Thus Josette leaves for Blueland, a place where she knows nobody, without having really understood what happened to Geppetto... [Translation of the letter from Josette to the Professor, from game introduction] "Dear Pr. Geppetto... The island you told me about, Blueland, is a floating steel island. There are so many people I don't know around here, and my home, now, is that old ship... I don't know this "Player" person yet, either. But, even if I'm anxious and lonely, I still believe in what you told me, professor, and from tomorrow on, I'll keep in mind to do all my possible to hang in there. Your daughter, Josette." Achievement 1 : Learning how to greet people -------------------------------------------- Items required : Language book, Encyclopedia. When Josette first comes on the island, she wonders where she should go first, and asks you to take her to the #1 dock of the Megafloat (her ship is in the #2 dock). Do so. You'll meet a guy there called Fisher who is... yeah, a fisher. He'll greet Josette but she won't answer from not knowing how to greet people. Back home, she'll ask you what is greeting, and will try to greet. Approve her every time. Now, you can go back to Fisher and Josette'll greet him the way he did (in a very familiar way - fisher's language !). Now you've got your first 4% and your first achievement acquired on the Memo : " Learned how to great people ". Now, you may explore the city as you wish. If you return to dock #1, you'll meet Pokko the naughty boy. Also go to Karen's restaurant (place number 3). You'll rush into Sapphire, and then Karen won't let you in because Josette forgot to greet her. But Karen, who used to know Pr Geppetto, recognized Josette and knows she's a Gijin. When you go back to Karen's, she'll be friendly this time, and will teach Josette a more regular way to greet. When you go home, have Josette read the Language book, and the Encyclopedia. Make sure she inputs them (see mini beginner's FAQ). Approve everything she asks you and make her rest between the 2 books. More greeting learning : Even if it's not worth %, you should also teach Josette a nice way of greeting. When you make her sleep, when she wakes up, she greets you. The first time, she'll say " Ussu " (Hey there !). Disapprove. The 2nd time, she'll say " Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu " (Happy new year). Press B. She may also say " Komban wa " (Good evening)... Approve her only when she says " Ohayou " (Good morning) and, later in the game, " Gokigen'you " (Good morning in a very polite way) and makes a reverence. She says it loud so you can get it even if you don't know Japanese. I don't know if this does something to the rest of the game, but, it can't be bad. ^_^ Achievement 2 : Learning how to cook ------------------------------------ Items required : Tray, Fry pan, Cook book, several Seasonings Now go to Karen's again. She'll tell you that if you want to work for her, you have to go the Business registration office. Do so. You'll meet Pearl there. Once back, approve Josette when she says " Pearl is beautiful ! ". Go again. Now, you can registrate Josette for 6 jobs (From left to right : Waitress, Customer caller, Flyers ditributer, Fisher, Proton miner, Repairing / mending factory employee) You'll have to suscribe to many of them, but for now, waitress will be fine (cost 300 c). Going back to Karen's, she'll give you work. Josette may not know how to be a waitress. If not, go to the ship, buy a tray and teach her. Now you can work at Karen's and earn 500 corlo each time. Don't forget to make Josette rest when she's tired. Work there as much as you want, then do the next step (but you won't be able to work as a waitress anymore after you get achievement 2 !). If you work there often you'll notice that Karen always asks Josette if she'd like to try to cook, to which Josette answers " Eh ?? ". It's now time to teach her how to cook. Buy tons of seasonings, the cook book, and the fry pan. First, try to make Josette read the book and input it. She may not have enough MP, so have her rest before imputing the book. Then have her eat the seasoning. She'll describe the taste she has in mouth. Say yes. And read the book, and eat seasoning, again and again... until she asks you if " taste " is linked to " the different sensations you have in the mouth ", and stuff like that. Just keep answering yes. Now, time to practice. Take Josette to the basement of the ship. Try to make her cook. She'll ask "Is taste important in cooking ?". Yes, of course. Just have her try to cook at the kitchen, read the book, eat seasoning several times. After some time, go to Karen's. She'll love Josette's cooking. (If she doesn't... then you haven't practiced enough !). Go back again and again to Karen's. You'll meet Gourmen, the n°1 Chef, who'll accept to taste your cooking !! He'll find it good, although " something's missing... ". Now, take Josette back to the Dolphin's kitchen, and make her cook. After several attempts, she'll wonder what's missing, and ask you if, maybe, she should put all heart into her cooking (that's what's missing). Answer yes ! And go back to Karen's. Now Gourmen will really like it, saying "that dish tastes like it hasn't been cooked by a human" !! Gourmen will even ask Josette if she wants to go with him and become the best cook of the world ! But she will refuse, saying she has somewhere she must go back to, before... Back to Karen's, the 3 customers and Karen will thank Josette for being nice and cheering them up... And also give her 10 000 corlo ! Achievements 3 & 4 : Learning how to clean & to wash oneself ------------------------------------------------------------ Items required : Mop Go to the studio twice. Go see a lot of movies (about 5 or 6). Go to the Studio again. Josette will fail her audition from not knowing what cleaning is. Teach Josette how use a mop. Show her the sink. Answer Yes. Have her use the mop. Now she has understood Cleaning. (Achievement 3). Now show her the shower. She'll try to take a shower but won't like it : it's cold. Try to have her take a shower but she won't. Have her look at the washing machine. Have her look at the shower. Have her look at the washing machine again. She'll start twirling and ask : " Say, if I twirl will I look clean ? ". Answer no. Then she should ask you if water is the thing that makes things clean : say yes. Show her the sink : she'll clean her face. Answer yes. Have her take a shower, answer yes. She's understood " washing oneself ". Achievement 5 : Learning mechanical & Piloting the Dolphin ---------------------------------------------------------- Items required : Mecha manual, ships book (and maybe wrench...?) Have Josette read/Input the mecha manual and read/Input Ships book, entirely (it may take several times). That's all... Now you can pilot the Dolphin : Just check the engine panel then sit in the cockpit. Achievement 6 : Piloting the Seaba ---------------------------------- Items required : Mecha manual, Planes book In order to learn how to pilot the seaba (the plane), have Josette read and input the Mecha manual if it's not already done. Go see Fisher. He'll say " So, you like mechanic ? Then why don't you go see Gante the machanician ? ". Go register for the last job on the list (Factory Employee), and go see Gante (place #8). Also, have Josette read/input the Planes book entirely. Go see Gante. Gante is quite grumpy. But go see him several times. Answer yes to Josette's questions. Go again to Gante's. You'll now have to work for him several times. " You're not bad for a girl... " Eventually, you'll get a 5000 c pay. Back again to Gante's, while working, Josette will plug in the wrong plug... She faints, and Gante rushes to help her. While unconscious, she sees Pr Geppetto. " Is this you, Pr ? Why are you here ? " " You must go back Josette... And trust Gante ! " After that, Gante has found out about Josette being a Gijin. This was supposed to be a secret, Pr Geppetto had told Josette never to tell anyone that she was a Gijin, so Josette is annoyed about that. But Gante says it won't change anything. Going to Gante's later, Josette will see he's in trouble with the soldiers. "I'm just a repairer ! I know nothing about the Seaba !", he says. Have her read/Input Planes book, if it's not already done. Now Gante will show you his secret : the Seaba plane, that you can pilot in a 3D sequence !! The plane will be used for achievement #13 Achievement 7 : Learned how to get fishermen's qualification ------------------------------------------------------------ Items required : None Go see Fisher. He'll ask you, maybe, if you feel like becoming a fisher too. For this to go on, you'll need achievement #5. Go registrate for the job " fisher " (4th one). Go see fisher again. He'll tell you about the fishermen needing to find " a proof " of their abilities, in order to get accepted by the other fishermen... The " proof " is a tiny shell hidden under the sea. To find it, go straight from the beginning and go into the hole you'll encounter. The yellow shell can then be caught with Z-button. Go see fisher again. He'll give you the Fisher's licence. Looking at it, you'll see a clue for the secret code. It's : " Wrong ! Nope ! bad ! Yup ! " in fisherman's language. This means : B, B, B, A. That's the code letting you access the Fisherman's Submarine Race (see #14). From now on, you can go to the sea and catch some fish to gain money. Achievement 8 : Getting "initiation" -------------------------------------- Items required : Stuffed cat This one's pretty long, because you have to get friends with Sapphire first. You'll need to get Achievement 6 to get this one. Go to the garbage dump. You'll meet Katze the cat. Go see the Goddess' statue... Go to the plazza (#11) twice. You'll meet Sapphire. Go to to the garbage dump again. Then go see Fisher. He'll tell you about that cat stealing his fish. Go back to the garbage dump Now, go to the dolphin and buy the stuffed cat. Teach Josette to kick the cat (!), then go back to the garbage dump twice. Now, Josette will shout at the cat. Go see Fisher : he'll give you money to thank you. But going to see sapphire again, she'll scold you, saying she hates " people who harm the weaker ". Josette will then ask you if she has done something wrong : answer yes... Now teach Josette to hug the stuffed cat, and go see Katze again. You'll discover why it's been stealing fish. Go back to Sapphire, who'll be your friend now on. See Katze again to see a funny scene ! Next time you see Sapphire she'll say she wants to have a bird's wings, to fly/be free, like the birds, because she has never left Blueland since she was born... Josette'll tell you : " Sapphire wants to have a bird's wings... Do you think I should give her Bird's wings ? Oh ! He's listening ! ...Bird ? No, it's nothing... " If you don't have achievement #6, go get it. Going to see Sapphire again, Josette will take her to the Seaba and let her fulfill her dream, flying... Later on, go several times to the spooky street. Josette will find a man lying on the ground and will come to his rescue. Another time, Josette will get attacked by spooky men, but Sapphire will come to her rescue. Going back again there, she will this time manage to defend herself. Later, she'll get the Initiation (an object) from Fater Harben - the man that was lying... Achievement 9 : Got the title of "fisher king" ---------------------------------------------- To get this one, just go underwater with the Seaba and catch about 30 fishes. When you've got enough, you'll hear a sound hinting you that you got the achievement. That's all ! I recommend you do this one while looking for the Magiteka treasures (19 and all). Also, note that each caught fish will give you 1000 corlo ! A few more things about fish : There are two types of fish : grey ones ("dolphins") and yellow/grey ones ("sharks"). They give you the same money. However, while grey ones will ignore you, sharks will run after you and hit your ship. After a few hits, your alarm light will flash meaning you should go back really fast (R button) ! So be carefull about sharks - they often attack you in your back ! Achievement 10 : Getting recognized as an accomplished barehand fighter ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Items required : Dumbbells I think you have to have #8 for this one. I'm not quite sure about how to get this one. If I remember well, you have to go to the army's fighting place (#18) several times and to the Artmy's districts. At one point, Josette will challenge Battler (a soldier). To beat him, you got to train Josette a lot with the dumbbells, and by seeing the movie Battle of Siliconian. Eventually, after you beat Battler you'll run into Harben and later on, have to fight him too. Next time you go see him, you'll fight. If Josette has trained enough, she'll win - but it takes quite some time to train her. I guess this is there you get achievement #10. Achievement 11 : Getting Miss Goddess Contest Second Prize ---------------------------------------------------------- Achievement 24 : Understanding Love ----------------------------------- Items required : none Those are accomplished one after another, or so I think. Going to the park and other places (including the statue of the Goddess) several times, you'll meet Arnold, a young handsome man, about who all the girls of Blueland are crazy. Josette will get friends with him. At a point you'll be told about a beauty contest, the Miss Goddess contest. Josette will participate in the contest thanks to Arnold's encouragements, and win the 2nd place, after Pearl. After that Josette will start asking questions about her feelings for Arnold. Approve her. At one point she'll understand that this is love, but I can't remember exactly how. I'll complete this later. Achievement 12 : Becoming an actress ------------------------------------- Items required : None You need achievement 2 to get this one. Go back to the Studio, and you'll get to participate in the audition again. Josette'll have to sweep. Then she has to play a love scene. If she can't do it, take her see " Meoro & Lijuet " at the movies several times. Then, she should be able to play it, but the Director still feels something's wrong. He guesses that Josette has never felt love before. You'll only be able to get that achievement after you get achievement #24. Then Josette will play it correctly, and she'll get the role. The movie will be done, but the movie director and Alan will sadly be expelled from Blueland by the soldiers... Too bad. Achievement 13 : Got the title of "plane shooter king" ------------------------------------------------------ In order to get this one, you have to go with the Seaba (see 6) and shoot down about 40 planes (you'll have to go there several times). Achievement 14 : Won the submarine race --------------------------------------- For this achievement, you'll need achievement #6. Get the Fisher's license and look at the clue on it. It's : " Wrong ! Nope ! bad ! Yup ! " in fisherman's language. This means : B, B, B, A. That's the code letting you access the Fisherman's Submarine Race. To enter the race, go underwater and just go straight from where you start, until you see a grey door on your left. Approach it and type the code when you're asked. Then you will enter the race. To win the race, you'll simply have to train Josette to pilot the Seaba. I suggest you first go get achivements 9, 19, 20, 21, 23 and then try the race : at that point, you should win easily the race. Achievement 15 : Learning how to sing well ------------------------------------------ Items required : None Pretty easy one. Just go to the forest a lot of times. Josette likes this forest because it reminds her of Corlo. When she goes there, she feels like singing, and does so. Once, after singing, she'll hear a strange voice calling for help. Scared, she'll run away. Later, she'll meet Clara, a nice little girl, who is soon revealed to be blind. She loves Josette's songs, and tells her about the forest's voice - the voice Josette once heard. After this, you have achievement 15. As Clara asked you to, you should go see her at the hospital. Achievement 16 : Learning how to dance well ------------------------------------------- Items required : Dumbbells, music box Remember the guy on the plazza in Blueland, breaking his chains ? Josette wanted to be as strong as him...After you do the Flyers' distribution job (see Josette's jobs section), buy her the dumbbells and teach her how to use it, if not already done. Have her train with it a few times, then go to the plazza. You'll see a funny scene where Josette will be challenging the man, breaking her chains ! But the people around will think there was a trick in the show, and Josette will have ruined Zampagne's show. He will then go on a depression and will be replaced by Jichael. Now take Josette to the movies and have her see " Sound of dance " (starring Jichael). Take her back to the ship and buy her a music box (aka orgel). Teach her how to use it : she'll ask you if the music from the box can let her dance like in the movie. Answer yes. She'll start dancing ! Now, go back see the dancer on the plaza several times. Eventually, he and the chain-breaker man will thank Josette for helping them... And Jichael will even ask Josette if she wants to go and make a duo with him ! She'll refuse, because she has many things to do in Blueland... Achievement 17 : A role-playing adventure ----------------------------------------- Item required : Bad book That's a game in the game... Have Josette read the book (it's a role-playing book). She'll start miming the story. You'll have to tell her what to do. Okay ! I listed here what you have to do to win. If you don't do it like that, you'll probably be " game over " (virtually... Not really !) and will have to do it all over again... But this can be a way to make easy money, too. Here's what Josette says : " Player-san is in a deep forest, walking... He follows a spooky path. In front of him there's a huge house. Enter the house ? NO Player-san goes around the house.... Behind the house there's a small doghouse. Look into it ? YES There's a key ! Take it ? YES Open the door with the key ? YES It works ! The inside of the house is spooky... Go on ? NO Player-san goes back. There's a strange old man outside. He says : " Feel... Feel it ! It's up to you to feel you're a hero ! You can beat the " last boss " this way ! I'll tell you how to become strong. You have to use Oyakusoku's sword (the promised sword) ! " Go on ? YES Inside the house there's a cage. Inside the cage there's a beautiful woman. She talks to Player. " You, please... I am princess Orange from Iimon (good ones) kingdom. As you can see, I was captured by the " last boss " of Warumon (bad ones) kingdom. Please save me ! " - No way !! (says Josette)... would be a stupid thing to say cause the story wouldn't go further then. - All right ! Player goes in search of the last boss. In front of him there are two doors. Take the left door ? NO Take the right door ? YES Really ? YES Really really ? YES I had told you so ! THERE'S A MONSTER ! It's Oyakusoku !! Fight it ? YES Player killed the monster ! Found 1000 corlo ! (NB : You ACTUALLY get this money !!) Found Oyakusoku's sword Player runs away... Oh ! There's a middle-boss !!! How come there's a middle boss here all of a sudden ? Fight it ? YES Player killed the middle boss ! Found 3000 corlo ! Player runs away... oh ! It's huge ! WEEEEEEEN, SOB, SOB... No ! It's not time to cry ! THE LAST BOSS SHOWS UP ! " Who are you ?? Do you want to beat the last boss, too ? " Fight it ? YES Player killed the last boss. Thus, the inhabitants of the country lived happily ever after... But how come the forest became all of sudden a country ? " That's all ! Now you've got 4% and achievement 17 ! I think this is funny (especially when Josette mimes the monsters...) Achievement 18 : Learning how to tell the fortune. --------------------------------------------------- Items required : Crystal Ball This one's pretty easy. Just earn enough money to buy the crystal Ball. Then teach Josette how to use it and to tell fortune. That's it ! You got 4 more %. Achievement 19 : Had a "dream" ------------------------------ Achievement 20 : Found the "past" --------------------------------- Achievement 21 : Found the "future" ----------------------------------- Achievement 23 : Understood "Happiness" --------------------------------------- Items required : Magiteka legend, Magiteka map (?) Those four are actually the fact of finding the four Magiteka treasures : If you buy the treasure map from the computer shop and have Josette read it, you'll hear about the four Magiteka treasures. The 4 treasures are buried into the sea. They're known as "the heart of dreaming", "the heart of the past", "the heart of the future", and "the heart of happiness". The four of them form the "treasure of the heart". If you want to know more about that, you should buy and read the book of the Magiteka legend : it explains that the " treasure of the heart " enabled the robots from Magiteka to be better than humans. Anyway, the map gives you four clues to find the treasures : "The dream is... at the north of the 10-signs mark..." "The past is... beyond the red pillar" "Happiness is... at the middle of the four signs..." "The future seems to be... in the direction of the four fallen pillars" The treasures are in the sea. Go find them with the Dolphin. When you find one, you can catch it with the Z trigger. - To find the Dream, go backwards from where you start and as deep as you can. Eventually you'll find it in a hole. - The Past is tricky, it's hidden in a small cave inside a hole you find going straight from where you start. In the cave is a red pillar, the treasure is behind it. - Here's how to find Happiness : go straight from the start. In a place quite far, you'll find a valley, go deep inside it (still going straight). At one point, you won't be able to go further because of a rock wall : at this point, turn right. You'll see a yellow pillar and soon, the "4 marks" (same marks a when you found the Dream treasure). In the hole there is the Happiness treasure. - Go further in the same direction, you'll find the Future treasure. There's actually a fifth treasure : the Money treasure ! I don't remember exactly where it is, but it just gives you 5000 corlo and no %.... Note that after you found the treasures, Josette will say new sentences. If you found the dream, after you make her sleep, she'll say she had a dream, etc. Achievement 22 : Understanding life and death --------------------------------------------- Items required : Medical book From the very beginning of the game, Josette has been asking you : " Shinutte... Nani ? " (Dying... What is it ?), starting with the death of Pr Geppetto that she couldn't understand... Now, the time has come for you to teach her what is death. Buy the Medical book. Have Josette read it. She may refuse ; if so, have her read the encyclopedia. She should accept to read it. Once she has finished, she should cry a lot. Try to console her with flan. Achievement 23 : Found the magiteka treasure "Happiness" -------------------------------------------------------- See Achievement 19. Achievement 24 : Understanding Love ----------------------------------- See 11. Achievement 25 : Found a treasure in the mine --------------------------------------------- Strangely enough, this goal really doesn't have much to do with all the very serious other last ones. For this, you have to go work at the mine. I remind you that you first have to register for this job and learn how to use a (pioche). Then teach her how to open the chest you can buy from the Computer shop. It's coded in basis 2, so Josette will ask you if using this code, 1 + 1 = 10. You actually HAVE to answer yes, since this is basis 2 code. After this, she should be able to open the chest anytime. Once this is done, head to the mine. Take the elevator to basement 3. Go straight until you can't anymore, then go right. Same, then right again. Go straight again and when you can't anymore, turn left. You will find a new lift. Enter it and go to basement 4. Go straight once more, then turn right and then left. You'll have a big hole to jump, then you'll see three monsters. Bring the pickaxe to Josette (with R button) and hit the monsters with it. You have to kill all 3. In the next screen, you'll have to have Josette walk on a wooden trunk : don't worry, she shouldn't fall. Go straight after and then right : you'll find another yet two bat-monsters you'll have to kill with the pickaxe. In the next screen, there's another HUGE monster. You have to run under him this time : to make Josette run, click on the exit -- that is, where bird says "to next room". If you do so with the right timing (when the monster is going up), you'll dodge him and escape. Whew. In the newt screen, there's a treasure box : just open it, and there you get 5000 corlo and achievement 25. Go back to the lift and select 1F, you'll get out directly. Note : I was told that you can get rid of the big monster by hitting him twice with the pickaxe. However I never managed myself to do so - I always get killed. I think it's much easier to just avoid him, but, if you wanna feel trying... Thanks to CHIN who helped me finding this information. 100% !!!!! ---------- Okay ! You've reached 100%... So what ? Well, when you have the hard-to-get 100%, you'll see Josette getting a present from Geppetto : a new dress. I don't understand what the name of the dress means, sorry ^^; It's the pink dress Josette is wearing on the game cover (wow, this cover REALLY is spoilful !). Josette will thank you for raising her so well and kiss you ^_^. When she will be wearing the new dress, she'll be much more joyful ^_^ Now, the real question : do you get anything more in the ending if you got 100% ? ....NO. Sorry. But, hey, it's still nice to have 100%, right ? *************************************************** * * * The End of the Days of Blueland - * * Curing little Clara and what follows... * * * *************************************************** Items required : Medical book, Proton stone, Encyclopedia. When you've come to a certain part of the game, if you go see Clara at the hospital, you'll learn that she's caught an unknown illness. A pure japanese-XIXth century style-dressed guy will show up. It's Kurohige (Blackbeard) the doctor... But he won't be able to cure Clara from not knowing the source of her illness, a stimulation due to something... but what ? Have Josette read the Medical book, then eat the proton stone... She'll say that it's a stimulation, but a strange one. Now have her read the Encyclopedia about Proton. She'll ask you : " Clara went to play to the forest, right ? And beyond it there's a proton power plant... " YES "I think Clara's illness has something to do with the Proton ?" YES " I got it ! So the source of her illness is the Proton ! Then the forest was calling for help, too ! So maybe Clara will be... Thank you ! Player-san ! " (she kisses you). Now you go back to the hospital and watch. Kurohige will take Clara to his country to cure her. When she is cured she'll come back. If you go to the forest now, you'll see Clara in the sky... Back to the ship, you'll meet Pokko. Josette will ask : " Say, how do you know about Pr ? " Pokko will say he can't tell her. Then Josette will show him the inside of the ship. Pokko will ask her if she would join with him the revolution group. If so, she'd have to go to the entrance of the pipeway... OKAY ! Now careful ! If you go on, you're going to trigger the events that will close Chapter 1. So don't go unless you're really sure you want to put an end to chapter 1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! SPOILER ALERT !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't read this unless you have reached this part of the game or I'll kill you !! Go to the pipeway. See Pokko. Now go to the Goddess Sedona Blue entrance... There'll be no soldier, you can come in. The inside is a maze with ladders and stairs. I suggest you try to go always up, or right. You may encounter monsters : kill them with the pickaxe. Eventually, when you can't go any upper, go to the left and find a big door with bats in front of it. Kill them and go. You've reached the Revolution group's headquarters. (familiar faces there...) You'll meet their chief : Galon. But he won't let Josette join, saying this isn't a game... Now go to the dock where you used to see Sapphire. Josette will tell her she met her dad. But Sapphire will still end up saying: " I'm not her daughter anymore. I hate him. " Go back to your ship. Pokko and Karen will be there waiting for you. They'll tell Josette they know she's a gijin, but that's OK with them. Also, Pokko has a secret to tell you : his real name is Pino Corlo, prince of Corlo... Remember Queen Tiffany, from WPJ1 ? That's her mom (though the booklet had spoilt that part...). Now, I can't remember exactly, but I think Pokko then explains his parents are dead. And he knew he would have to meet, someday, a Gijin girl with a blue Ocarina. Karen ends the conversation saying that this must stay between the 3 of them... And yet it won't !!! Pearl was listening to them. Remember, she's been mad at Josette ever since she got the part in the movie AND got Arnold who Pearl had a crush on. Go to the park and you'll find Pearl telling her comrades about Josette being a Gijin (" Look at that GIJIN !! She even has fake tears ! How strange ! "). Actually she told it to the whole island ! From now on, Josette will be chased from everywhere. If you go see your friends (Fisher, the doctor, Karen...) they'll all tell you that the army's looking for you and that you must RUN AWAY ! Quickly ! If you go back to the park, Pearl will say, laughing : " Soldiers ! The gijin is here ! " If you go see Paul, you'll see him getting shot not denouncing you, and screaming " Josette, I loved you ! ". If you go anywhere else, you'll see tons of soldiers running after you. Peaceful days are over now. Go back to the ship. You'll see Arnold, telling you that he doesn't mind Josette being a Gijin, and that he's been looking for the " J ". Go see many people and to the ship again. Pokko's there. He'll tell you something terrible's happening : the mine is collapsing. But the Siliconians don't want to try to save anyone. When they're about to shoot the miners who are rebelling themselves and want to go save their comrades, the Revolution group show up with Nausicaa-like dressed soldiers. They start fighting the soldiers. Now it's time for Josette and Pokko to run away. They decide to follow the revolution ship, which has gone to fight the Siliconian ship with the dolphin... Chapter 1 : The days of Blueland - End -------------------------------------- Note from programmers : We hope you enjoyed playing chapter 1... Now it's time for chapter 2. [At this point you can SAVE your game] ************************************************ * * * Chapter 2 : At the end of the blue stream * * (Aoki nagare no hate ni...) * * * ************************************************ Translator note : The characters' quotes in this section aren't always exact because I couldn't pause the game at this part, so I just wrote down what I remembered. Farewell, Blueland... --------------------- Pokko & Josette are on the Dolphin. They get rescued by the revolution group. But enemy ships attack. The two ships fight, and the revolution group come aboard the enemy ship. Galon and Messala face each other, and Galon is about to shoot Messala when Pokko shows up saying he want to fight too. Messala takes advantage of that and shoots Galon. Then Messala says : " Heehee, thank you, kid... you've helped me... But... BUT... PINO ? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ? YOU ARE DEAD ! " Josette shows up and kicks Messala. Pokko & Josette run away... The Siliconian ship explodes. But then a big flying robot shows up, with Messala inside it ! Josette : " Who...? I feel... I feel a Corlo gijin's heart ! " The Gijin is number 46. Yes, the number 46 that used to give Pino advice in WPJ1... He gets his memory back slowly, and explains that all the Gijins from Corlo have been turned into killing machines. Then Messala gives number 46 the order to destroy Blueland, which he refuses to do, saying he doesn't want to hurt anyone anymore... Josette, knowing what is going to happen, tells the inhabitants to get the Megafloat away from Blueland. Gijin number 46 then self-destructs and destroys the island. Josette and Pokko, still on the ship, are blown off the by the explosion. [SAVE] The lost memories ----------------- Pokko and Josette awake on a desert island (looks like Miyazaki's Laputa a lot !! ^_^). Josette says : " WHERE IS HERE ? WHY AM I HERE ? " Pokko : " Oh ! You're alive ! I'm so relieved ! " Josette : " WHO ARE YOU ? WHO AM I ? WHAT AM I DOING HERE ? " Pokko : " Oh no ! Josette's become weird ! " Josette : " SOMEBODY'S CALLING ME... " Pokko : " Eh ! Where are you going ? " Josette then enters a wall... A strange voice : " Player ! Josette has lost her memories in the shock ! Please help her. " Pokko : " Josette ! Waiiit ! " Now a you controll a transparent Josette in a 3D maze. The music and the place are spooky, and you can hear Josette's laughs from time to time. You must find 20 pieces of Josette's memories by answering questions. If you don't answer well, you'll have to do it all over again. To find her memories and to get the questions, you have to look for Josettes in the maze. Each time you see a Josette she'll ask you something. But the questions aren't easy ! The answer depend on what you have done or not (that's where I put a ?) in the game. Be careful ! I also put the number (A??) of the achievement it refers to. If you fail, you'll have to do it all over again... Here are the 20 questions : First floor ----------- 1. Josette is a girl that doesn't greet... NO 2. Josette won the first price at the Miss Goddess contest ! NO 3. Josette knows how to cook ! YES 4. Josette likes player-san very much ! YES 5. Josette got the title of Fisher king ! (A9) ? 6. Josette was recognized as a fighter (A8?) and beat Siliconian soldiers ! (A10?) ? 7. Josette participated in the Submarine race ! And she won ! (A14) ? 8. Josette has finished the role playing adventure (A17) ! ? 9. Josette knows how to tell the fortune (A18) ! ? 10. Josette found the Magiteka treasure "Dream" (A19) ! ? Second floor ------------ 11. Josette found the Magiteka treasure "Past" (A20) ! ? 12. Josette found the Magiteka treasure "Future" ! (A21) ? 13. Josette found the Magiteka treasure "Happiness" ! (A23) ? 14. Josette found a treasure in the Proton mine ! (A25) ? 15. Josette attracted a lot of people to the movies, on her job ! NO 16. Josette understood love (A24) ! YES 17. Josette knows how to take a shower ! (A4) ? 18. Josette loves Arnold ! YES 19. Josette likes Pokko ! YES 20. Josette's body is a machine's, but her heart is a human's ! YES The last question is tricky since you don't know if they mean : physically, or morally. But the right answer IS yes. The power of the J ------------------ When you awake, you're in a palace. You meet Old Fam (from WPJ 1) who's not only a Magitekan but also the keeper of this island where the secrets of Magiteka are kept. Then you meet " the eye of the J ", who tells you about the power of the J and how it was used by humans. Actually, you get the introduction's images explained by Fam. He explains how the Humans and the Dragon-men (people with great knowledge and civilization) once lived peacefully... But the humans rebelled themselves, and started fighting the dragon-men. The remaining few dragon-men had to hide the J to prevent the cruel humans to put their hands on it. Fam, the last dragon-man, decided to give it to trustable man, Pr Geppetto, so that he could use it for the good of humanity. Thus, Pino was born. But he fell against Messala. Gepetto, wiping his tears, decided to make another robot with the " J ". 15 years later, Josette was born... Josette and Pokko are astonished by what they hear, even though they don't really understand everything. But once outside, Arnold comes to Josette and they get captured by the Siliconians. Josette, inside the Siliconian HQ, threatens that she will " use the power of the J " if they don't let them free. Josette and Arnold start escaping, but soon get chased by soldiers. Now, it's the beginning of a boring 3D sequence where you have to escape the building, being chased by soldiers. You run faster than them, but if you get caught, you have to start all over again. There are 6 floors, in the last ones you have to trick the soldiers by attracting them somewhere. Sometimes soldiers will come from both sides, too. Be careful ! On the top of the building, Josette, surrounded by soldiers, finds no other solution to escape than to jump off the building. She then diverts slowly, to the Megafloat... (how come she floats if she's a robot ? ^_^) [SAVE] Now, prepare for a 45 minute very moving ending ! Okay ! From now on, I think I'm going to stop telling you about the story because I don't want to spoil it too much. If I ha ve requests, I may add a special spoiler section with translations of the ending. On the one hand, the action isn't hard to understand, but on the other hand the very last part of the ending is just sooo great that I'd really like to translate it... Well, I'll see this later. Just one thing to let you understand : Josette's question to Siliconian the 13th : " Tell me... Do you really care about peace in the world ? " Siliconian : " Well... That's a good question... You know humans can't get peace by themselves. Even if a lot of them truly want peace, they just can't help fighting each others. That is why we want to let the peace rule. But it won't come itself, so we have to impose it ourselves, by force if needed, using our own rules. " THE END. Miscellaneous Information ------------------------- Josette's jobs -------------- As you have noticed, there are 6 jobs Josette can do. Here's some more explanations about them : If you want to work, you have to go the Business registration office to registrate Josette for 6 jobs. They are, from left to right : - Waitress (registration cost : 300) : this can be only done while accomplishing achievement 2. You gain 500c per waitressing. - Customer caller (registration cost : 0) : Do this job by talking to the ticket lady of the movies. You'll get 200c each time. - Flyers distribution (registration cost : 0) : To do this one, go to the plazza and talk to Zampagne. You can only do this before achievement #16. You get 200 each time. - Fisher (registration cost : 500): This can be done after you get Achievement 7. The money you earn depends on the number of fish you catch. - Proton miner (registration cost : 300) : To do this one, you must teach Josette how to use a pickaxe, then go to the mine. The money you earn depends on the number of times you pickaxe (about 100c/hit). You just have to go into the mine, find a place with a pickaxe and hit the stones as many times as you want. The mine is a dangerous place, however. There are dragons-bats in it : you can kill the small ones with the pickaxe, but the big ones can only be overpassed by running under them. Also, beware of the holes. Eating proton stones will restore some of Josette's energy. - Repairing/mending factory employee (registration cost : 300) : This the job you do at Gante's while achievement #6. Just like waitressing, you can only do this job a few times. You get 500 each time. Movies list : ------------ - Battle of Siliconian - Sound of dance - The 11 commandments - Meoro and Lijuet (!) - The determinate worker (this must be a famous movie, too, but I don't know which one...) Game Over ? ----------- You get Game over under one of the following circumstances : - Josette has no more HP or MP (her gauges turn from blue to yellow, then from yellow to red. If the gauge is red, Josette is almost dead ! Do something quickly !) - The Dolphin is hit by too many fish, or crashes. - The Seaba is shot down or crashes in an explosion. - Josette falls in a hole in the mine. - Josette is killed by the dragon-bats in the mine. Etc... Being game over isn't terrible, it'll just cost you 3 days and 3000c. Of course, you can reset the game, too. Josette's dresses ----------------- As you have noticed, Josette starts he game with 3 dresses. Check the dresses' description in the Item list. You can have her change and make comments about the dresses' colors, but I don't think changing her will do anything special to the game - it's just for your pleasure. Josette's questions ------------------- From times to times, Josette asks you questions... There's one that I particularly enjoy : " Say, Player, are you clever ? " (YES) " Really ? " There Josette starts asking you questions. I listed the questions & answers : " The aproval of the opposite of the opposite of the aproval of the opposite of the aproval... Is the opposite, right ? " YES. " Yeees ! " " The earth was born 3 500 000 years ago, right ? " NO " You're right ! It's 4 600 000 years ago ! " " 100 kg of steel, 100 kg of feathers... The heavier must be the steel, right ? " NO " You're right ! They're the same ! " " The child of my parents... It can only be me, right ? " NO " You're right ! It can be my brother ! " " ...... Wow.... You're really great, Player-san ! " This does nothing to the rest of the story, but it's nice to get Josette's admiration... Favorite Quotes --------------- " Those babies... Where d'they come from ? " (After eating a stuffed cat) " Meeeeeeooooww " " Player-san, although I don't know your face, I like you ! " " Player-san is from another world. Why didn't Professor choose someone from our world ?... Oops, sorry, Player-san, are you angry ? " (After asking you if you're a girl, if you like sport) " Player- san is a sportswoman ! " (After seeing Sound of dance) : ...Hey ! I feel like singing and dancing ! Player, are you good at singing and dancing ? [YES] Really ? Then, dance and sing for me please ! [She watches you] ... ... I couldn’t hear or see, but it must’ve been amazing ! Links ----- Wonder project J 2 : Sfran's Wonder project J 2 page : http://www.azstarnet.com/~sfran/nintendo/wpj2/wpj2main.htm Very good site with a simple presentation, but with some good translations for the beginning of the game. Don't miss it ! NEZHA's Wonder project j 2 Fanatics Homepage : http://www.iris.dti.ne.jp/~nezha/contents/wpj2.html A really great site about WPJ2 with game help and goods information ! Unfortunately, it's in Japanese. Shoujo Station and Wonder project J 2 project http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Towers/2779/index.html A few information and a petition for the US release of WPJ2. Enix's Wonder project J 2 page http://www.marinet.or.jp/com/enix/news/wpj/wpj_1.html Beautiful page made by the editor of the game, Enix. Do I have to say it's in japanese ? Bingo's Wonder project J 2 page http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Harbor/5764/ A good page, long to download though. Still under construction when I'm writing this. The Wonder project j 2 ring http://www.webring.com/cgi-bin/webring?ring=wpj2&list WPJ 2 Soundtrack & Movie : http://shiningarc.simplenet.com/game/reviews/wpj2ost.htm Review of the soundtrack. http://video.gamespot.com/n64/advrpg/wondproj/media.html I downloaded the movie from here. Wonder project J : http://shadow.dragonfire.net/wonder.htm A review page about Wonder project J... Currently down. http://www.readysoft.es/manga/games/wpj/wpj.html Another review of Wonder project J, in spanish this time. Wonder project J ROM http://teresas-ceramics.simplenet.com/AU/Emu/Superior/ROMs/SNES/w.html Download the ROM there if you want to enjoy it for 24 hours. Staff Information : ------------------- Produced by : Enix Character-designer : Akehiko Yamashita (Giant Robot) Mecha-design : Keiichi Satou Josette's voice : Noriko Hidaka (Pino in Wonder prokect J, Akane in Ranma 1/2, Jean in Nadia, Noriko in Gunbuster... And Feena in Grandia !) Fine arts : Jun'ichi Taniguchi Musics by : Shouichi Mori ***Special thanks*** -------------------- - Sebastien Ruchet ruchet@worldnet.net for translator help and letting me use his Nintendo 64 (and other stuff, too... ^_^ ;) - Francis Shawn for game help. - Chin for game help - NEZHA-san for a LOT of game help. ^_^ ¤Û¤ó¤È¤¦¤Ë¤¢¤ê¤¬¤È¤¦¡ª¡ª¡ú All text of this FAQ is (c) Eve Chauviré. Please do not reproduce without asking.