WWF WWF WWF WWF WWFWWFWWFWWFWWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWFWWFWWFWWFWWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWFWWFWWFWWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWFWWFWWFWWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWF WWFWWFWWFWWFWWF WWFWWFWWFWWFWWF WWF WWFWWFWWFWWFWWF WWFWWFWWFWWFWWF WWF ____ ___ ___________ | \ | | / \ | \ | | / _______ \ | \ | | | / \ | | \ | | | | | | | |\ \ | | | | | | | | \ \| | | | | | | | \ | | | | | | | \ | | \_______/ | | | \ | \ / |___| \____| \___________/ ____ ____ __________ __________ _________ ____ ____ | \ / | | | | \ | | \ \ / / | \ / | | ______| | _____ \ | ______| \ \ / / | \ / | | | | | \ | | | \ \/ / | \ / | | |_____ | |_____/ | | | \ / | \/ | | | | / | | \ / | | | _____| | _/ | | | | | |\ /| | | | | |\ \ | | | | | | \ / | | | |______ | | \ \ | |______ | | | | \ / | | | | | | \ \ | | | | |____| \/ |____| |__________| |___| \___\ |_________| |__| ____ | | | | | | | | | | |____| | |___ ___ ___ __|__ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___| | | | | | |___| |___ | | _______________ _______________ _______________ |\ \ |\ \ |\ \ | \ \ | \ \ | \ \ | \______________\ | \______________\ | \______________\ | | | | | | | | | | | __________| | | ______ | | | ______ | | | |_______ | | |___| | | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | |________\ | | |_____\| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___| | | | | ________| | | ______ | | | |\ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \__\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_| |_| | \ | | \ | | \ | | \ | | \|___| \|___| \|___| \|_____ _____| \ | | \|__| WWF No Mercy Albert FAQ by MTRodaba2468 a.k.a. Matt Rodabaugh jrodabau@nycap.rr.com ======================== Version History: v1.01 - Fixed up some of the above ASCII art. v1.0 - First Version!! ======================== Introduction A while ago, I wrote an FAQ for Test, and just recently, I worte one for Trish Stratus. So, I decided to write one for Albert. Albert entered the WWF in 1999 as "Prince Albert". He joined up with Droz, and tagged with him in a feud with The Godfather and Val Venis. Droz was crippled in a ring accident, and Albert wrestled for himself for a while. He then joined up with Big Boss Man and had a feud with The Big Show. Eventually, he and Boss Man would start fighting, and he ended up screwing Boss Man out of the hardcore title. Eventually, he shortened his name to Albert, joined up with Test, and formed the team "T & A" with Trish Stratus. They teamed up to around the end of 2000/start of 2001, when Albert turned on Test. Since then, he's dropped Trish as his manager, and wrestles alone. Maybe, someday, he'll get some Federation gold. -MTRodaba2468 ======================== Table of Contents 1. Specials 2. Move List 3. Alternate Costumes 4. Ally/Enemy 5. Fighting Style/Parameter 6. Credits ======================== Specials Front Grapple: Double Chokelift Slam Back Grapple: Walking Side Slam Counter Punch Special: Double Chokelift Slam Counter Kick Special: Walking Side Slam Upper Body Facing Up Submission: None Upper Body Facing Down Submission: None Lower Body Facing Up Submission: None Lower Body Facing Down Submission: None Front Turnbuckle Grapple: Samoan Drop Back Turnbuckle Grapple: Super Back Drop Aerial Special (Opponent Standing): None Aerial Special (Opponent Down): None Ringside Grapple: None Apron Grapple: None Flying Attack To Ring Special: None Irish Whip Special: Double Chokelift Slam ======================== Move List * - Favorite Move ALL CAPS - Special Move ____________________________________________________________________________ | Situation | Move Name | Button Combo | |____________________________|________________________________|______________| |Grappling | | | | Front | | | | Weak |Overhand Punch | A | | |Club To Neck |Left/Right + A| | |Head Butt 02 | Up + A | | |Scoop Slam | Down + A | | |Headlock Takedown | B | | |Double Underhook Suplex |Left/Right + B| | |Suplex | Up + B | | |Piledriver 02 | Down + B | | Strong |Headlock | A | | |Russian Leg Sweep |Left/Right + A| | |Fireman Carry To Pancake* | Up + A | | |Jawbreaker | Down + A | | |Manhattan Drop | B | | |Bearhug |Left/Right + B| | |Military Press | Up + B | | |Front Powerslam | Down + B | | |DOUBLE CHOKELIFT SLAM* | Control Stick| |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Back | | | | Weak |Back Drop | A/D-Pad + A | | |Back Rake | B/D-Pad + B | | Strong |Sideslam | A/D-Pad + A | | |Atomic Drop | B/D-Pad + B | | |WALKING SIDE SLAM* | Control Stick| |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Reversals | | | | Back Weak Grapple |Counter Elbow Strike | R | | Back Strong Grapple |Counter Groin Kick | R | |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| |Standing | | | | Weak Striking | | | | Arm |Hook Punch 01 | B | | |Elbow Strike | D-Pad + B | | Leg |Front Kick 01 | B | | |Front Kick 05 | D-Pad + B | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Strong Striking |Throat Thrust 02 | B | | |Standing Clothesline 01 | D-Pad + B | | |Jumping Karate Kick* | A + B | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Recovering Attack |Low Blow | B | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Counter Attack | | | | Counter Punch |Throat Thrust 02 | R | | |DOUBLE CHOKELIFT SLAM | R | | Counter Kick |Back Kick Sweep Counter | A | | |Elbow Crush Counter | B | | |WALKING SIDE SLAM | R | |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| |Running | | | | Attack | | | | Weak |Shoulder Block | B | | |Back Elbow Smash 01 | A + B | | Strong |Clothesline R 01 | D-Pad + B | | |Kitchen Sink 01 | D-Pad + A + B| |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Grapple | | | | Front |Swinging Neck Breaker | A | | Back |Bulldog | A | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Ground Attack | | | | Facing Up |Elbow Drop 01 | B | | Facing Down |Stomp | B | | Sitting Up |Stomp | B | | Sitting Down |Stomp | B | |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| |Ground | | | | Submission | | | | Upper Body | | | | Facing Up |Choke Hold | A | | Facing Down |Sitting Reverse Armbar | A | | Sitting Up |Surfboard Stretch | A | | Sitting Down |Camel Clutch | A | | Lower Body | | | | Facing Up |Groin Knee Drop | A | | Facing Down |Single Crab | A | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Attack | | | | Facing Up |Elbow Drop 06* | B | | Facing Down |Stomp 01 | B | | Sitting Up |Kick | B | | Sitting Down |Double Axe Handle | B | |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| |Turnbuckle | | | | Attack | | | | Stationary |Front Kick 05 | B | | |Punch 01 | D-Pad + B | | Running |Body Avalanche | B | | |Clothesline R 01 | A + B | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Corner Counter |Boot To Face | R | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Tree of Woe | | | | Stationary |Front Kick 05 | B/D-Pad + B | | Running |Shoulder Block | B | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Front Grapple | | | | Weak |Shoulder Thrusts | A | | |10 Punch | B | | Strong |Foot Choke | A | | |Multiple Clothesline* | B | | |SAMOAN DROP | Control Stick| |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Back Grapple | | | | Weak |Forearm Smash | A/B | | Strong |Super Back Drop | A/B | | |SUPER BACK DROP | Control Stick| |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Counter Grapple | | | | Front |Throw | A | | Back |Super Back Drop | A | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Flying Attack | | | | Standing Opp. | | | | Inside |Double Axe Handle |C-Down near TB| | Outside |Double Axe Handle |C-Down near TB| | Laying Opp. | | | | Inside |Back Elbow Drop |C-Down near TB| | Outside |Back Elbow Drop |C-Down near TB| |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Inside Attack |Jumping Leg Drop | D-Pad + A | |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| |Ringside | | | | Grapple to Apron | | | | Weak |Club to Chest | A/B | | Strong |Suplex to Inside | A/B | | Counter |Suplex Reversal to Inside | R | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Rope Inside Attack |None | -------- | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Flying Attack to Outside | | | | Flying Attack |None | -------- | | Running Diving Attack |Baseball Slide | A/D-Pad + A | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Rebound Flying Attack |None | -------- | |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| |Apron | | | | Attack | | | | To Inside |Middle Kick | B | | To Outside |Weak Kick | B | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Grapple | | | | Weak |Arm Breaker | A/B | | Strong |Guillotine | A/B | | Counter |Suplex Reverse | R | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Flying Attack | | | | From Apron | | | | Normal |Dropping Elbow | D-Pad + A | | Running |None | -------- | | To Ring | | | | Standing Opp. |None | -------- | | Laying Opp. |None | -------- | |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| |Irish Whip | | | | Attack |Back Elbow | B | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Grapple | | | | Weak |Back Toss 01 | Tap A | | |Powerslam 01 | Hold A | | Strong |Samoan Drop 02 | Tap A | | |Double Handed Choke Lift* | Hold A | | |DOUBLE CHOKELIFT SLAM | Control Stick| |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| |Double Team | | | | Grapple | | | | Front |Double Powerbomb Drop | A | | Back |Neck Breaker Backdrop | A | | Sandwich |Double Powerbomb | A | | Irish Whip |Double Arm Drag | A | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Attack | | | | Double Team Attack |Doomsday Device | -------- | | To Outside |Doomsday Device | -------- | | To Ring |None | -------- | |----------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------| | Reversals |Punching Reversal | R | |____________________________|________________________________|______________| ======================== Alternate Costumes 1: Black Shirt & Black Pants 2: 1 w/ White Shirt 3: 1 w/ Referee Shirt & Sunglasses 4: 1 w/ Sunglasses ======================== Allies/Enemies 50%: Matt Hardy 30%: Jeff Hardy 20%: Grand Master Sexay Accompanied by Trish Stratus ======================== Fighting Styles/Parameters ____________________________________________________________________________ |Stance: Wrestling | Offense Defense | |Ring Entry: Normal |Head 2 3 | |Counter/Reversals: Heavy |Body 2 2 | |Speed: Normal |Arms 3 2 | |Submission Skills: Novice |Legs 1 1 | |Irish Whip Evasion: Yes |Flying 4 4 | |Recovery Rate: Slow | | |Bleeding: Rarely | | |Reaction To Blood: Panic | | |Endurance: Weak | | |Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing | | |Jumping Distance: Longest | | |Weapon: Random | | |_______________________________________|____________________________________| ======================== Credits: Me, for writing this up. THQ, for releasing this kick-ass game. AKI, for making this kick-ass game. WWF, for giving them the liscense so they could make this kick-ass game. And finally, you, for reading this FAQ. The only sites that have permission to use this FAQ are: 1: GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) 2: Game Advice (www.gameadvide.com OR vgstrategies.about.com) 3: www.psxcodez.com 4: www.neoseeker.com If any other site has this FAQ, it is an illegal copy. If you do see this FAQ on another site, e-mail me and let me know. This FAQ is copyright by me, MTRodaba2468. All rights reserved. ___________________________________________________________________________ ( ) ) MMMMM TTTTT RRRR d b 22222 4 4 66666 88888 ( ( M M M T R R d b 2 4 4 6 8 8 ) ) M M M T RRRR d b 2 4 4 6 8 8 ( ( M M M T R R ooo dddd aaa bbbb aaa 22222 44444 66666 88888 ) ) M M M T R R o o d d a a b b a a 2 4 6 6 8 8 ( ( M M M T R R o o d d a a b b a a 2 4 6 6 8 8 ) ) M M T R R ooo dddd aa a bbbb aa a 22222 4 66666 88888 ( (___________________________________________________________________________) ========================