WWF No Mercy Character Guide: ________ ( ( ) ) __ __ _____ _ ___ _ ___ _____ _ ___ ______ | | |_| ( | | ) | ____) ( V__ \ ( V__ \ | ____) ( V__ \ ( ____ ) | | ____ || || || || \/ || \/ || || \/ |( )| | | (__ | || || ||--| || || ||--| || || || | | | | || || ||____ || || ||____ || |(____)| (_(_____)_) ((___)) |_____) (__) (__) |_____) (__) (______) Version 1.5 Date: 8/24/2001 Written By: Nomad Z 2000 System: Nintendo 64 E-mail: joshuamccammon@hotmail.com -Version 1.5- Fixed some things like spelling and grammar. ----------------------- I. Eddie Guerrero's Bio ----------------------- Eddie Guerrero's athleticism has never been doubted, and rightfully so. However, when Eddie first entered the World Wrestling Federation alongside Chris Beboit, Perry Saturn, and Dean Malenko, fans questioned whether he would have the charisma needed to be a WWF Superstar. It didn't take long enough for Eddie to prove to the fans that he could compete in the charismatic world for the WWF. Soon after his debut, Eddie adapted the "Latino Heat" persona and his stock hasn't stopped rising. Each week on RAW IS WAR and SmackDown!, Eddie's "Latino Heat" character entertains fans to no end. However, one can't forget that Eddie is an exceptional Competitor, as well. Just like his fellow Radical-Beniot, Saturn, and Malenko-Guerrero is no stranger to gold. He's already captured the Intercontinental Championship, defeating his Mamacita, Chyna, in addition to grabbing the European Championship. Is there WWF Championship gold in Eddie's future? If he continues to rise, there's no reason why Eddie Guerrero shouldn't be WWF Champion in the near future. ---------------- II. Eddie's Moves ---------------- ************ *GRAPPELING* ************ -Weak Front Grapple- A: European Uppercut A+L/R: Eye Rake A+Up: Headlock and Punch A+Down: Snapmare B: Headlock Takedown B+L/R: Arm Wrench/Elbow Smash B+Up: Snap Suplex B+Down: Shoulder Breaker -Strong Front Grapple- A: Arm Dragon Screw (F) A+L/R: Northern Lights Suplex 02 A+Up: Hopping Sunset Flip Pin A+Down: Small Package B: BTB Suplex 02 B+L/R: Sambo Suplex B+Up: Brainbuster B+Down: Snap Powerbomb 03 Special: Powerbomb Pin 03 -Weak Rear Grapple- A: Side Suplex A+D-pad: Side Suplex B: Pendulum Backbreaker B+D-pad: Pendulum Backbreaker -Strong Rear Grapple- A: School Boy Pin A+D-pad: School Boy Pin B: Pump Handle Suplex B+D-pad: Pump Handle Suplex Special: German Suplex/Roll Pin -Reversals- Back Weak Grapple Counter: Counter Backflip Back Strong Grapple Counter: Counter Grapple ********** *STANDING* ********** -Weak Striking- B (Arm): Elbow Strike B+D-pad (Arm): Chop 02 B (Leg): Front Kick 01 B+D-pad (Leg): Front Kick 05 -Strong Striking- B: Punch 01 B+D-pad: Flipping Dropkick A+B: Dropkick to Knee 01 (F) -Reversals- Ducking Attack: High Flipping Dropkick -Counter Attacks- Counter Punch: Strong Attack [B] Special Counter Punch: Front Special Grapple Counter Kick [A]: Manhattan Drop Counter Counter Kick [B]: Elbow Crush Counter Special Counter Kick: Special Back Grapple -Walking Moves- Walking Moves: Generic 01 ********* *RUNNING* ********* -Running Attacks- Down-C+[B]: Shoulder Block Down-C+[A+B]: High Flipping Dropkick D-Pad + Down-C + [B]: Jumping Back Elbow Smash (F) D-pad + Down-C + [A+B]: Jumping Elbow Smash -Running Grapple- Down-C + A (Front): Head Scissor Takedown 01 Down-C + A (Back): Release German Suplex -Running Ground Attack- Facing Up: Senton Splash 02 Facing Down: Stomp Sitting Up: Stomp Sitting Down: Stomp -Evasion- Evasion: Roll ******** *GROUND* ******** -Upper Body Submission- Facing Up: Face Twist (F) Facing Down: Mahistrol Cradle Sitting Up: Sleeper Hold Sitting Down: Camel Clutch Facing Up (Special): None Facing Down (Special): None -Lower Body Submission- Facing Up: Knee Smash Facing Down: Single Crab Facing Up (Special): None Facing Down (Special): None -Ground Attack- Facing Up: Elbow Drop 02 Facing Down: Stomp 01 Sitting Up: Dropkick to Knee Sitting Down: Double Axe Handle ************ *TURNBUCKLE* ************ -Turnbuckle Attack- B: Front Kick 05 D-Pad + B: Chop 02 Down-C + B: Jumping Back Elbow Smash Down-C + A + B: Jumping Elbow Smash -Corner Counter- Irish whip to Corner Counter: Sling Over Opponent -Tree of woe Attack- B: Dropkick to Knee 01 D-Pad + B: Front Kick 05 Down-C + B: Dropkick to Knee -Front Turnbuckle Grapple- A (Weak): Shoulder Thrusts B (Weak): 10-Punch A (Strong): Frankensteiner B (Strong): Tornado DDT (F) Control Stick: Super Hurricane Rana (F) -Back Turnbuckle Grapple- A (Weak): Forearm Smash B (Weak): Forearm Smash A (Strong): Super Back Drop B (Strong): Super Back Drop Control Stick: Reverse Frankensteiner -Counter Grapple- Front Counter: Rack Em Up Back Counter: Super Back Drop -Flying Attack- Standing Opponent: Missile Dropkick Standing Opponent to outside: Flying Body Press Standing Opponent (Special): None Laying Opponent: Frog Splash (F) Laying Opponent to outside: Frog Splash Laying Opponent (Special): None -Turnbuckle Inside Attack- Turnbuckle Inside Attack: Diving Elbow -Turnbuckle Taunt- Corner Taunt: Guerrero Turnbuckle Taunt: Taunt 002 ********** *RINGSIDE* ********** -Grapple to apron- Weak Grapple: Club to Chest Strong Grapple: Suplex to Inside Special Grapple: None Counter Grapple: Suplex Reversal to Inside -Rope Inside Attack- Rope Inside Attack: None -Flying Attack to outside- A: Vaulting Body Press Down-C + [A]: Baseball Slide Down-C + D-Pad + [A]: Diving Elbow -Running Diving Taunt- Control Stick: None -Rebound Flying Attack- A: Back Elbow Attack ******* *APRON* ******* -Apron Attack- To Inside: Middle Kick To Outside: Strong Kick -Grapple from apron- Grapple (Weak): Arm Breaker Grapple (Strong): Sunset Flip Over Ropes Grapple (Special): None Counter Grapple: Suplex Reverse -Flying Attack from apron- A: Dropping Elbow Down-C + [A]: Dropkick -Flying Attack to ring- Standing Opponent: Missile Dropkick Laying Opponent: Slingshot Body Splash (F) Standing Opponent (Special): None -Apron Taunt- Taunt: Taunt 012 ************ *IRISH WHIP* ************ -Irish whip Attack- B: Dropkick to Knee 01 -Irish whip Grapple- Tap A (Weak): Monkey Toss Hold A (Weak): Body Press Drop Tap A (Strong): Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker Hold A (Strong): Hurracanrana Control Stick (Strong): Front Special Grapple ******** *TAUNTS* ******** -Taunt- Up + Control Stick: Taunt 110 Left + Control Stick: Taunt 014 Right + Control Stick: Taunt 014 -Special Taunt- Control Stick: Guerrero -Ducking Taunt- Control Stick: Guerrero 01 -Celebration Taunt- Celebration: Guerrero -Entry Way Taunt- Taunt: Guerrero ************* *DOUBLE TEAM* ************* -Double Team Grapple- Front Grapple: Wishbone Split Back Grapple: Face Crusher Sandwich Grapple: Double Powerbomb Irish whip Grapple: Double Arm Drag -Double Team Attack- Double Team Attack: Doomsday Device Attack to outside: Doomsday Device Attack to ring: Missile Dropkick -Reversals- Counter Attack: Pinning Reversal ---------------------------------------- III. Appearance/Fighting Style/Parameter ---------------------------------------- ************ *APPEARANCE* ************ Name: Eddie Guerrero Short Name: Guerrero Alias: None Picture: Guerrero Height: 5'8" Weight: 220 lbs. Music: Guerrero Titantron: Guerrero Body: Skinny 01 (4th Color) Head: Male 02 Face: Male 14 Hair: Middle 01 (6th Color) Front Hair: 12 Facial Hair: 11 Masks/Etc.: None Hats/Caps: None Ring Attire: Eddie 2 (4th, 11th) Upper Body: None Tattoo: None Gloves: None Wristbands: Wristband 01 (Default) Elbow Pad L: Elbow Brace Elbow Pad R: Supporter Knee Pad: None Feet: Boots 14 (Default, Default) Entrance Attire: None Weapons/Props: Roses **************** *FIGHTING STYLE* **************** Stance: Wrestling Ring Entry: Normal Counter/Reversals: Light-Heavy Speed: Fast Submission Skills: Normal Irish Whip Evasion: Yes Recovery Rate: Slow Bleeding: Normal Reaction to Blood: Panic Endurance: Weak Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Longest Specific Weapon: Random *********** *PARAMETER* *********** -Offense- Head: 1 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 3 Flying: 4 -Defense- Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 1 Legs: 2 Flying: 4 ************** *ALLYS/ENEMYS* ************** 50%: Malenko 30%: Random 20%: Random Ally: Chyna ------------------------------------ IV. Credit and Copyright Information ------------------------------------ This was an original work by Nomad Z 2000. Please do not use this on your website unless you ask me. If you ask me, and give full credit, and don't alter this document in any way, I will let you use it. If you want to use the format for your own Character Guides, please give proper credit. Thanks. End of FAQ